Fitzgerald enterprise. (Fitzgerald, Ga.) 1895-1912, November 26, 1910, Image 1

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VOLUME XIV. Ohio’s Population. Washington, Nov. 23.—The pop ulation of the state of Ohio is 4,767, 121, according to statistics of the 13th census, made public by Direct or Durand today. Thisis an increase . of 609,576, or 14.7 per cent over 4157545 in 1900. The increase from 1890 to 1900 was 485,229, or 12.2 per cent. PRIZES FOR EVERYBODY! The Enterprise Piano Con . test is Growing. The merchants like it, also the contest ants enjoy it. The merchants are put ting up so many prizes that the capital prize; the Fine Upright Banner Piano, will look like 30 cents in comparison. T O PP e o o T REReL Aoo 7 YA g | % 28 ...,‘,.“.:.:».:j‘» e e—— e S S { ;Py b Toy B . B R RPR T Rt D B L RN s e ey o£ S T & gt a 3 AN N B T ave 3 e R A R & PEE Tt 2 % FUCEcLrat g S | % DA Fal S ¢ e S e R e & + 5 - IIN & v - 4 PRV A i & R gy > i e 3 2 { " B A ABER L T ~—'~—-—..‘,.k_, & N ee Sy 3 > 2 ot o g . AT i sy ST i ¥ i ‘,« 3% .»wmm»‘mmmflmw‘fl;mmmx:r;u SR e DIR T T RN 2 v3B s . b mfim%~w»¢-—mwwm~.www#_——¢¥—-f A e et e e eßs B R e e v B PRETRS SNERA gSk AT ARECR ) A 2 AN ¥ RO v U - Sg R D e s aricat ¥acWA SO XTEE L ; Sil e v R bR i Nl LSRR B R S % ¥ BKoR7 57 e e s iTR LA G T el b e / 5 %M*wmm—w.—w—‘ e IO : e : R gD oz X SRS : B SR BN sl RS S S LR . bW, oRS B i N _l_,:-,“ SR LS At pignbied ',,.r. o 3 e L " ¢ R : 3 s Rsteßt £% R R ST oAT Y s SRR Ot e ' B ea 4 ~~*“‘,“‘"T;”«'j4:;\.,7,f~<..:.-.:r.;:;-rg—fyrs——wflv;‘—*“_. ey BELR % R *’:}.Am””""f", Tpn do SRS LTS e SRR iRI iR A X ¥ - P AR e, e s ’ e e R e VAN % AR T 4;‘ i 8 Re R T SRR (R R YOO S TTe B T PO, 59 P T fidrs | ‘¢ 4 IV R G e RA DS Aty WO gSke A ey TR i o USSR fvdie N O I Syl s SR R e ¥ 4 i pßifly AN SR £Y: ¥y R ke et SRoßty i ok T RGN Ay BInCrRUL SIS Yo : ¥ Lly P ? N T h 018 e X 3 BAA S Ry s i } 342 ol -." e i BYRECE Ll Lotk A ¢ AL 2 ‘ - My o . Yite e sEEUR R e ST TA I GSB % ST _,%\}ihl/ A Y (B 0 Gih e, AN RAR Lo AR RUS 3 2 PR RV OA AT Bl e R RETNE - T e s f & RS SRR Vi 3 «PR i ogy’T bl ' AR T T ARG AR e e RS ) 437, & IR /;rfi‘."u gTMRb, 4 R S A A e R 8y Gt P G R e ‘ e !Q,.‘,l.’}{ k\.w'fl,m RRS PR ee B IR ek GR A ;S M : I TR SR T A R R RO aet el (SRR K 0 = [ 1 SRRSO Tet ¢ THEE NS N g P e SRR DGR R<o R il [ O 1) eSR e S . 1 SN b YRR oiyßB ST s o ST R S ® g g 1 Vs, i T ¥ 3 N, < ; >b iy = A AR T I -,‘.,.'.,»,".‘{. S Bgg Gl Rt S i e &ll S R Nee SR ] 75 = T e 3 5 G L Y SRR a 4 ’ » R R e D RO T 8 00 £ PSR A 2 . &4 o b B ) < < & R AR TREER ‘ B TIR B |g R L ARy el AR e T IR 1 & ; AN e Bo) e CA B ~' e R !‘54 o e R e N T 2 % Sty B 2 ST PrLs 5 - [ S Te e S ——— -~ A There are almost as many prizes really offered as there are contestants in the field. The Miller Furniture Co. has put up a + Solid Leather Morris Chair, valued at $20.00. : Russell Bros., Ladies Gold Watch. Johnson Hardware Co., a steel beam Oliver Chilled Plow. - ' R. I. Maffett, a Buggy. | Hussey & Parrott, a Bicycle. Empire Mercantile Co., Ladies’ Tailor ed Suit, to order. Watt-Holmes Co., a Cook Stove. All of these prizes, and more, will be on display at the various stores where the contestants and their friends can see them. : - Ask for the coupons at the stores, every dollars worth counts one hundred votes in deciding who shall have the piano and other prizes. Save the Coupons, they will be worth 10 votes in deciding who shall have the Grand Banner Piano and other prizes. VOTING COUPON Enterprise Piano Contest. For Miss G Mt oaaTs D Void after December Ist. TE B E,< D=+ =+ N VOTE szl 08 S -~ = 2 R I @ e P e 8 . ! g:—i D - Q' B = S = a ; v - © 3 ! o @ w :D,i ] O - pe S LS G e e ° i o m > i N g {7 1 =allm RTT am 255 2 PpnsE LBE _cagpomall to e : e oos e = Lon =O=DO=Qo el R - . o |2 <l 5% 58 225 m 220 SECICENY o 5 |5 S lE- =% 3 E of c oS on B = o o A S e e s @ - = wn = - cures) Z o | G AR ; s el s = l—a | 3 | P | PRSEE S v o N 5 o | - -y Bl I 01l 67| 28 s 0 <=B = o 28 WO = o . pes B e e A s =g | EFLES2ERE v o= -Q.»oa0D&oo= £ ey ™5 Q = e 1":" Sial Wé—i—{%n— e="@«- w; 5 B Rad SRE < e - oglQ7|&e==sS3Ta e o © D Th 0 | R R L posient £® g cwals 23 S @ @oyo-@2@ ot ¢ <D Q - p—e N jab) ™SSit ¢ P e SRR @= ] »soo.;.somgngg = ' ® T w - = @ | GiEET S 2 L S sy = = = | c2B&9ug 3 3 2 =S | - : :3€§ Be -t O!—g Qo :1_ ioy-eggSEiR 15 e o s - CD _N; a < 3‘:“”89”5' :-_- i , Q':"_.t hgg'o‘n—g o o :-E o st d o (D Q‘t_‘ ':y"H:j = B ,;‘ -1‘ v }g faon '::"CD % . =N m i;':_’,ggw 8?; AR o' = 1 : o 2 o = . -~ b o AN e DR e jiad i & < ’ 3 ) < 3 s ® =ol B 2 3598 2gB£Bs= =B G 3 | SEEE L R 218 =22 @€A | SBr i:i7|T & ° 3 SR i N " b | » A ke g||© S S -ggf” %) ooDg o . : iisd 2 i pin. .85Oey@'asS LB g 2 | = < || ® Sl |vE.Yo, g. 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The Epworth League, of the First M. E. Church, has just finished re painting, tinting and varnishing the League and Sunday School room in preparation for the coming ses sion of the Conference. The money raised for this fund makes a total of over $200.00 raised by that body of young people for such purposes this year. THRICE-A-WEEK FITZGERALD, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1910. Coffee County Shows Herself On Peachtree A Splendid Exhibit Of Her Fine Products In A. B. & A. Show Windows Atlanta Journal of Nov. 24, 1910. If Coffee county’s bountiful pro ducts’ examples of which are on display this week in the Peachtree street window of the A. B. & A. Railroad typify thegeneral harvest of that section then south Georgia has indeed good cause for fervent Thanksgiving. The big window where the glorious golden fruits of Coffee county shine forth for the edification of the multitude looks as though the horn of plenty has just been dumped there, and to top off the heap of agriculture wonders there is a wiregrass 'possum almost as big as a fatted calf. The exhibit is the second to be placed in the window by General Passenger Agent W. H. Leahy, who arranged the series in-order to show Atlanta and her thousands of visi tors just what south Georgia coun ties are capable of raising. Thomas county’s fine exhibit attracted at tention all last week, and this of Coffee now on display will be follow ed probably by Colquitt next week. Some of Coffee’s products are real wonders. There is a Georgia yam weighing 12 pounds; a crimson bell pepper as big as a tea-cup; a stalk of cotton with so many bolls they cannot be readily counted; a water melon, California persimmons, a sheaf of golden wheat, a flock of peanuts on the vine, sugar cane, corn, oats, kershaws, a prodigious pumpkin, .and innumerable other fruits of the earth in fine form. It is said by many who have seen the display that more good will be done by this form of advertising than by the exhibits at a county fair, since the fairs reach mainly the home folk while' thousands cof outside people, many of them seek ing homes, look upon the show win dow in the heart of Peachtree street. The display has a big crowd in front of it all day and far into the night. It is high time for Fitzgerald and Ben Hill county to get busy and put an exhibit in the hands of Mr. Leahy. N. Y. Population 9,113,279 Gains Nine Congressmen Washington, Nov. 23.—The pop ulation of the state of New York is 9,113 279, according to statistics of the 13th census made public today by Director Durand. This is an in crease of 1,844,385, or 25.4 per cent over 7,268,984 in 1900. The increase from 1890 to 1900 was 1,265,257, or 21.1 per cent: On the present basis of apportion ment, New York state will gain eight or ninle representatives in the lower house of congress. . Aiter Big Thieves Chicago, Nov. 25—Frank B. Har riman, John M. Taylor and C. L. Ewing, former officers and employes of the Illinois Central railroad, and Joseph Bucker, were indicted today by the Cook county grand jury for conspiracy in connection with frauds ‘ said to have been practice against the railway. ‘ Two counts in the blanket indict ment also char3e operation of a‘ confidence game. Each defendant’s bond is fixed at $20,000. : A total of $4,825650, it is charg ed, was illegally taken from the Illinois Central by the four men named in conpany with the Oster mann Manufacturing company, the Blue Island Car and Equipment company, the Memphis Car com pany and the American Car and company, which are also mentioned in the indictment. = : Drunken Passegers = Must Be Put Off Trains Or the Railroad Companies Will Have to Pay Damages. New York, November 24—The state supreme court here has just decided that a railroad company must eject intoxicated passengers promptly from its cars or pay dam ages to passenengers whose feelings are hurt by the presence of the drunken persons. A verdict of $5OO is awarded to a passenger whose shins were kicked by an intoxicated man who 'sat across the aisle from him. Why Not Organize? The organization of a Poultry Club might prove to be of benefit to the local breeders. The question is up to those in the business, among them are the following well known citizens: J. P. Patterson, A. C. Justice, J. L. Pittman, E. P. Wightman, C. D. Seely, W. A. Hitchecock, J. H. Carpenter, Spiegel, C. M. Whitchard, —— Griffin, C. B. Gynn, C. B. Lee, O. D. Lee, W.R. Skirher, Wright Torrence. Elks Entertained A most delightful social event of this week was the entertainment given by the Elks in their home on the third floor of the Buice building Thanksgiving evening. The double parlors and reception hall were dec orated with potted plants and quan tities of Chrysanthemums. In the re ceiving line were Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McCarty, Mr. and -Mrs. Joseph Lig eour and Mr. and Mrs. D. P: Adams. Delicious artillery punch was served by Mrs. Drew Paulk and Mrs. G. C. Smith. A Buffet supper consisting of roast Turkey, cranberry jelly, cheese balls and salted almonds were serv ed by Mrs. E. S. Hurst, Mrs. Tom. Dickey, Miss Della Majors, Miss Carolyne Jenkins and Mrs. G. S. Flournoy. In the spacious lodge room Rickers orchestra furnished music during the evening. | . |oulet Restored In ' Mexico;, Rebels Crushed l El Paso, Texas, November 25. All was quiet between El Paso and Mexico City, according to passengers on a train which .reached El Paso from Mexico City today. All the telegraph wires were in operation and there was no fighting. Passengers who came from Parral ’declared there was no fighting there yesterday and the troops reported as lpassing through Torreon “to quell rioting at Parral,” were merely rein forcements anq were not for main taining order at Parral. These passengers brought the re port that an American, named Storey, was wounded in the Parral fighting Monday, at the same time ‘that Thomas Lawson, an American, was accidentally killed. Information to The El Paso Herald today from along the border of Senora was that Hermosilla, Guaya mas and Mazatlan were quiet. “The story that revolutionists at Cananea, furnished arms and am munition to Yaqui Indians was nothing but a hoax,” declared The Herald correspondent. | Henry Lane Wilson, United States ‘ ambassador at Mexico City, tele graphed the state department that complete calm prevailed in that city. ; Miss Nellie Tyler has resumed her duties as teacher of the second grade in the third ward school after an absence of about two months during which time . she. suffered - a severe attack of fever. During her absenge; Migs. Ona Powers taught her dass_zh‘r Se e o B M. E. Convention to Be Held in Fitzgerald The forty-fourth annual session of the Georgia Conference of the Methodis Episcopal Church will be held in the First M. E. Church of this city, December Ist, to 4th, Bishop William F. Anderson, of Chattanooga, Tenn., presiding. The term “Methodist” is applied to eighteen different denominations in the United States.. The chief difference between the various bod ies lie in name, color, or some mat- ters of church government. The Methodist Episcopal Church South and the Methodist Protestant in | America. Its first Society was or ganized in New York City in,, 1760. For nearly twenty years all the Methodist societies in America re mained attached to the English con nection. But after National Inde pendence was over, the church pre ferred to be independent also. Ac cordingly in 1784 the Methodist Episcopal Church was organized in the city of Baltimore. It then numbered 15,000 members. Today the parent church alone, which is the largest protestant denomination in the United States, enrolls 3,500,- 000 members, and the other seven teen bodies added make a grand total of 7,750,000 Methodists in this country alone. The great division in the history of the church was that which occurr ed in 1844 when the Southern,Con ference withdrew beginning the next year and completing in 1846, the organization of an independent church, the Methodist ,Episcopal Church South. This;body ; now numbers 1,750,000 members. & Its |only differences from tife Methodist Episcopal Church are in name and some matters of government. Both churches preach the Wesleyan con ception of scriptural salvation “re pentance toward God and faith to ward our Lord Jesus Christ,” recon ciliation with God thereby, and a change of heart and® life, together with liberty of conscience in receiv ing the ordinance of baptism and the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. To this broad but scriptual founda tion, and their unique organization is due their phenomenal success. Both churches use the same order of service, the same catechism, and the same hymnal. - They have also working articles of federation by the terms of which neither invades a field where the other is located and lis adequateé for the work of Metho dism. In both bodies there is a strong sentiment for reunion, which ‘when consummated, will doubtless result in the consolidation of all white bodies of Methodist into one. The First M. E. Church in this city was organized in a tent in Dec ember, 1895. There existed previ ously a society of the M. E. Church South in the territory, but the large influx of settler made other churches necessary, so a number-organized a society of the M. E. Church to which they had previously belonged. The first building used by the congregation for worship was erect ed on North Jackson street between Central Avenue and ,Ocmulgee in 1396. The edifice in present use was erected in 1905. The last in debtedness on this bullding was paid in 1908, and the last note on the church was met this year. The coming session of conference will be the first held in this city in nine years. - The morning sessions will be devoted to business. The afternoon to cabinet and committee meetings. The evening sessions will bqof greatest importance and a strong program is being prepared. Although the attendance of Confer ence men will not be large, because this is one of the smallest confer ences in numbers though the larg est in territory in ‘the church, the representation: from the Connection al Boards will be éxcellent. - Among 2O P ,& rdo \\% s [ NATIDNAI =} S gy \ '\\ A ) Q.o ke Y DEPOSITS INSURED. A Certificate of Deposit issued by the Third National Bank, guaranteed against loss by The Fidelity and Causalty Company of New York, the strongest bonding company in America, affords protection to the deposi tor without extra cost, the usu al rate of interest being paid on Savings Deposits. RESOURCES $300.000.00 the visitors expected are Dr. Walter Agness Dean of the University of Chattonooga; Dr. Joseph B. Hingley, Corresponding Secretary of the Board of Conference Claimants and Secretary of the last general con ference; Dr. David G. Downey Corres ponding Secretary of the Board of Sunday Schools; Dr. Edwin M. Ran dall, General Secretary of the Ep worth League; and Dr. E. B. Cald well representative of the Board of Foreign Missions. Addresses by these men and others, a lecture - by Bishop Anderson, and special music will be featuresiof the evening ses sions to all of which the public is most cordially invited, and a pro gram of which will appear in Tues day’s Enterprise. Services at the Churches. Presbyterian Church There will be services on the first and third Sundays of each month; ‘in the morning, at 11:00 o'clock, in the evening at half past seven. Sunday school’ will meet every Sunday at 10:00 o'clock in the morn ing, Mr. Z. V. Barden Supt. All are cordially invited. Avsert, W. Pierce Pastor. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH At the First M. E. Church next Sabbath the morning theme will be: “What Constitutes a Christian Edu cation?” The evening theme will be, “Turning Back.” Sunday School and Epworth League as usual. On Wednesday, evening of next week the Special Service in connection with the Annual Session of confer ence will begin. The complete pro gram will appear in Tuesday’s En terprise. The general public will find a cordial welcome at every service. ' ‘E. J. Hammond, Pastor. CENTRAL CHRISTAIN CHURCH Pastor Everett Hollingworth an nounces the services for the week as follows: The sermon themes on Sunday will be “Fleeing form God” at 10:45 a. m., and “The Music of the Sanctuary” at 7:30 p. m. The Bible School meets at 9:30 a. m. The topic for the Y.P. S. C. E. prayer meeting, at 6:30, will be “My Favor ite Missionary—Who and Why?” Miss Flora Belle Stearns will lead the meeting. There will be good music at all services. The Bible Study class will discuss “The Lord’s Supper” on Tuesday at 730 p. m, A new course will be commenced December 6th. The monthly social will occur on Wednesday evening. A good program and refreshments. It is especially desired that every member of the church be present, as a matter of vital importance will be presented. Everybody welcome at all ser vices; only once a stranger here. Miss Ella McLendon had as her guest Thanksgiving Day her cousins Miss Jane McLendon and Messrs Tom and Brown NcLendon from Americus. S s NUMBER 100