Newspaper Page Text
Miss ' Christine Hudson who has
beeen the 'charming guest of Miss
Efhelyn Fussell on South Lee street
returns to her home today in Mon
roe, ¢ .
Miss Bobra Reynolds returned to
Albany Sunday after a very pleasant
visit with friends in the city.
Mr, Howard Shirley of Macon was
a visitor in the city Sunday,
Mr. McLemore spent Sunday in
Albany with frieqds,
Mr, and Mrs. T, M Griffin have
returned from a short trip to Aibaay,
- ————— »
Phone 6ZO tor rresn ana Smoked
Meats. Two deliveries a day 9:30 and
4:30. tf
Mr, C. S. Bradshaw has returned
from a short trip to Atlanta.
, Mr, O. L. Bradshaw left Tuesday
for Atlanta on a business trip,
Miss Miriam Rogers of Albany is
the guest of her cousin. Miss Sarah
McDonald on South Main street.
sizes new pattern. Feinberg Furni
ture Store. tf
Don’t forget to get your orders in
before 9:30 and 4:30 for Fresh and
Smoked Meats Beauchamp’s Market.
Miss Ozella Bradshaw has re
_turned from a trip to Savannah and
Tybee, where she attended the B, Y,
P. U, Convention. -
Mr, Herbert Bradshaw has re
turned irom Savannah where at at
tended the B, Y. P, U. Convention.
"~ Mrs, Wiley Williams and son
Royce is in Atlanta this week where
they joined Senator Wiley Williams.
$4.75 Feinberg Furniture Store. tf
Now Buying:COW HIDES, Phone
306, Casper Hide & Skin Co. tf
Mr, and Mrs. W. A, Dowling are
spending the week in Atlanta attend
ing the Community Oil Convention.
Mr, D, W. M, Whitley is a visitor
» .ie Capital city this week.
Mr. Ralph Thornton has returned
to Atlanta Recruiting Station,
FOR SALE—2-months old Jersey
Heifer at a bargain. 615 W_ Oconee
recewved fresh stock of typewriter rib
bons for Oliver, L, C, Smith, Under
wood, Remington and Royal’s. Carbon
paper also—Leader Publishing Co,
CARD TABLES, the table you
can fold up. Feipberg Furniture
Store. . tf
Mr. and Mrs, G. A, Jolley who
have bgen spending a few days in
Savannah are expected to return
home today,
Mrs. Jake Dorminey has as her
guest her sister Miss Lucile Paulk
of Frank,
The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head
Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA
TIVE BROMO QUININE (Tablets) can be taken
B i S S e
Misses Virginia McDonald, Gene
and Jeanette Farmer will spend
sometime at Camp Laurel at Clayton
with friends. :
Mrs, Dan McKay and son Wright,
of Americus are the guests of Mr.
and Mrs, R. H McKay and Mr. and
Mrs, Rufus Smith.
Colds Cause Grip and Influenza
the cause. There is only one *‘Bromo Quinine."
E. W. GROVE'S signature on box. 30c.
Pants Pry Cleaned
50 cents
‘Coats Dry Cl=aned
78 cents
Palm Beach Suits
Dry Cleaned for
'Ladies Coat Suits $1.50
qi)t'y Cleaning & Pressing
" Dry Cleaning Co.
Phone 203 109 W. Central
Qffice Phone .____.__46o
. Home Ph0ne._........159
" Rolin Comedy “BUBBLING OV
ER” .
“KNOW YOUR MEN” Featuripg
PEARL WHITE, the queen of the
screen in a drama of emotional pow
er. A society drama, religiously
clean, but thoroughly gripping-in its
action and suspense. Iw tells the
story of a girl's heart, her disappoint
when her ideals are shattéred. The
scenes are laid in a suburb of New
York City'and many exquisite shots
of great scenic beauty are included
in the picture, Wilfred Lytell plays
opposite the star,
Prices 11 & 22 cents,
“LAHOMA” Featuring an All
Star Cast. The action of the story
revolves around Lahoma and Brick
Willock, a member of an outlaw
band, who saves the young girl from
the hands of the blood-thirsty vil
lains when they are about to take her
life. Tt is a story of the early days
in the territory now known as Okla
homa. :
Double Adventure “HAZARD
OUS HEIGHTS” Episode 12.
B, & H. tomedy .
Evans crchestra played for a de
lightful invitation dance at the Elks
Club last night for a congenial group
of Fitzgerald young people. Glenn
Waters and Robert Boney arranged
the dance. Mr. and Mrs, T, S. Wat
ers and Mr, and Mrs, Huvbert Roush
and Mrs. A. C, Johnson were chap
Among those present were Misses
Grace Crump of Abbeville, Annie
Mae Hargrove, Allie Mae Parsons,
Katie Mae Fletcher, Iva Burton, Ev
elyn Liles, Clyde King, Edith John
son, Florence Carney, Irene Archer;
Messrs. Mack Vaughn, Emmet
Brown, O, W, Fletcher, Raymond
Mathias, Earnest Herring, Virgil
Daniels, Randall Bryant, Charlie Lee
Rogers, Will Mashburn, Hollie Key,
Reason Paulk, Elbert Paulk, O, D.
Gorman of Mauk, Lee Malone, and
Justin Davenport and others.
Mrs. L, E. Rohrer entertained with
a dinner party o'clock Friday
last, entertaining in honor of Mrs,
Guy E, Hope of Birmingham, Ala.
The guests included Mrs. G, E.
Hope, Miss Charlotte Louise Smith,
Miss Helen Osborne, and‘, Mrs, Jake
Eston Brewer, and Mr. L, E. Rohrer,
Miss Julia Rodgers, Charming and
attractive 18-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. T, Rogers, and Mr,
Arthur Shaffer, foreman of the Lead
er Publishing Company’s shop, were
joined in marraige last night at Ocilla
by Judge Whitley, Ordinary of Ir
win county,
Miss Rogers has made her home
here with her parents for several
years and has a host of well wishers
in her matrimonial venture, Her
father is a popular ex-employee of
the A, B, & A, railway,
Mr. Shaffer has lived in Fitzger
ald since childhood except for sev
cral years spent in Chicago where
he held positions with large publish
ing houses. Mr. Shaffer has won
considerable prestige throughout the
state as a typographical artist during
the years he has been connected with
local publishing concerns, He has
a wide circle of friends who join The
Leader in congratulating him on his
Mr, and Mrs, Shafer will be at
home to their friends at 615 West
Oconee street. :
Mrs, U, ], Bennett and Mrs. F,
M. Powers have as their charming
guest this week Mrs. D, L. Perry
of Augusta, fro here she will go to
Auburn, Ala,
Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days
Druggists refund moneg if PAZO OINTMENT fails
to cure Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding
Piles. Instantly relieves Itching Piles, and you
cen get rostfnl <lanp afr o fret ar-agiion, gOc
, Miss Edna Tyson left Monday for
New York City where she will spend
the, summer attending Columbia Un
Mrs. D, L, Perry will be honor
guest at an Al Fresco party given by
Mesdames U, J. Bennett and F. M.
Pcwers Friday afternoon at 6:30 on
the lawn of Mrs, Bennett, Rook will
be the pastigge of the afternoon,
To Cure a Cold in One Day
swops the Coueh and Headache and works off the
‘old. E.W.GROVE'S sigoature on each box. 30c.
R é
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g YR
ol Y i OSSR
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’“’*« By
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<o \ ; sl
Being a U. S. District Attorncy
‘in these hectic days is a task for
the .ablest man lawyer—but to be
the first woman assigned to the job
and in the largest city in the land
1S a compliment to ability which
needs no added words, Mi<s Mary
I, Towne of New York was {worn
h s first U 8. district court law
THEorcer lash aNscl..
Laurens Farmer :
.Beats Boil Weevil
Discovers New Poison of Syrup and
Arsenate that Saves Crop
DUBLIN, June 29, A formula
that will kill the boll weeyil and keep
a field clear of them until August,
when the migratory weevils are in
action, is being used this yecar by Dr,
W. B. Taylor, of Dexter, Laurens
county, who has been growing cot
ton in Laurens for the past threc
vears in spite of the boll weevil Last
vear he made 139 bales off 150 acrcs,
in spite of the wecevil, the hot weath
er and other hindrances.
Dr, Taylor lives about 14 miles
from Dublin, where his farm is lo
cated, and he has become the recog
nized boll weevil expert of the coun
ty, who was determined to grow cot
ton in spite of the weevil, and has
succeeded. Saturday a friend in
Dublin asked him about the weevil
on his farm, “Why, the boll weevii
is a joke with me,” he said, “I laugh
every time I think about him. I can
rid any field of the boll wevil for 25
cents per acre if I'm given just two
successive days of sunshine.” He
was immediately asked for an ex
planation and when he replied that
he had workel out a formula for
poisoning the weevil, and was using
’t, he was asked forr that formula,
Here it is just as he gave it, and it
has been indorsed by County Agent
J. B, Tye, who was present at the
Take molasses, 2 gallons, 1 ounce
of saccharine, 2 packages of ice
cream powder, 10 pounds of calcium
arsenate and 8 gallons of water.
Mix the ice cream powder and the
saccharine both in a little avater be
fore adding to the other ingredients,
When you have it all mixed well to
gether be sure it is kept agitated so
that the poison does not settle to the
bottom, .
Make a mop by taking a small
stick, and tying a roll of cheesecloth
around one end ahout two inches
wide. Get -you an old tin can, fill it
with the solution, keep it stirred and
walk down the row and put a few
drops on the leaves near the bud of
the plant. Be sure the mixture is
kept well stirred while you are put
ting it on, Only a small amount is
required for each plant, and with the
above amount of the mixture scien
tifically applied it should cover 20
acres, Sonle, however, apply a little
thicker than needed and it may not
cover more than 10 acres. A few
drops to each plant is just as effec
tive as a gallon,
Only one application lis needed,
provided two sunshiny days follow
its placing on the plant, With *his
solution in use and all the square
picked up, the cotton plant pushed
just as fast as possible, the farmer
should have a full crop of cotton
made by August when the migratory
weevils began to swarm, and when
it is useless to fight any longer, 1i
vou have made the crop by that time,
however, you are safe.
In explaining his formula, Dr. Tay
lor made the following points clear,
He has found by two years of spe
cial experimental work that the wee
vil are attracted by a sweet mix
ture, and easily fall prey to poisoned
sweets, Syrup, calcium arsenate and
water will kill the weevil, but he
adds the saccharine to make the
mixture sweeter than just plain syr
up, and more enticing to the wee
vil, The ice cream powders are
added for the purpose of giving the
mixture a “body” makes it foamy and
mucillagenous, therefore, hard to wash
off by the rain, and sticking longer on
the pant while it requires less agita
tion. Any kind of syrup, corn syrup
molasses, or any like sweetening will
Dr, Taylor has proved his ability to
fight the weevil by growing a splend
id crop of cotton for three years in
succession, while the Laurens County
farmers all around him have not made
one-third of a crop during that time.
He is recognized 'in his home county
as an expert on the weevil, and has
earncd his leadership by checking the
Mr, and Mrs, F, E. Hamp have
moved into thé Crawley home on S.
Main street. -
Jurors Drawn For
July Term Court
Ben Hill Superior Court Slated to
Convene Monday July 13th
Thirty-one names have been drawn
from the grand jury box and 116
names from the petit jury box from
which the grand and peut juries for
the july term of Ben !ill Superior
Court will be empanelled, The cal
endar for the .term was published
Monday in- The Leader and contains
several intéresting cases. A heavy
session of court is anticipated,
The jurors are: '
Perry Fitzgerald D. D. Lovett
Geo. W. Rogers Albert Sherrett
G. W. Williams- HM, Paulk
J. ‘H. Spence* F. L. Peeples
S. B, Bowers C. S. Isler
S. B, Tomberhn D D, Gteen
Geo. McMillan M. W, Garbutt
J. O Bond B, T. Bussey
Wright Tomberlin H. A, Burkhart
W. M. Watkins N. M. Jordan
Harold Beall «Geo, F, Gray
D. Z. Luke B H. Farmer
C. A. Renara Warren Gibbs
W, O, Durren I € Smith
H. A, Owens J. N. Swearingen
¢, C. BParker
: Petit Jurors for First Week
W. Raine J. B. Luke
D, A. Bragg W. T. Watson
Elmer F, Martin R. B. Fletcher
;C, L. Prescott G, F. P. Dickson
‘Wellborne Fuller R. R. Dorminey
J. T, Hendricks W. G, Broadhurst
'H. A, Powell . W. R. Paulk
W. O. Durden J. B E Dixon
l_l. F. Hartley W. H. Pickens
Robert Luke W. S, Minshew
Norman Dorminey A. C. Stephens
Jesse Thompson M. R. Bowers
}B_ H. Dorminey = H, L. Batton
J. M. Roberts W. R. Stokes
W. K Bryan = A, Pewch
C. F. Brewer W. W. Wilson
W. A. Dowling G. E, McCook
B 1 Grifftim A. Cleghorn
.. 1 Harrell H, L. Manon
Burr Stckoe W, T. Mashburn
IC. T. Owens Tom Bush
‘Guo. P, Morris =]. S. Ellington
G. E, Ricker Earl Warren
Ray Ratcliffe S G Pryor Jr
O: 1. Bradshaw = W A Dowling
Petit Jurors for Second Week
. E Britt A. Bs C. Dorminy
J. £ Smith J. H, Brown
J. . Mathis H, Lambert
G. R, Womble A, C: Jones
C. E, Gafney L. L Gtiner
A E Ennis Geo McMillan
J. O, Lesley H, P. McCormick
W. A, Hunter H, P. Waters
W P. Hyatt B. F, Mercer
R, E. Smith J. A. Mead
R. B Drake Charlie L, Rodgers
D. R. Rakestraw E. G. Brown
W. R, Bowen W, R. McLendon
J. H, Benton D. W, Tyson
WH. Ellington C. F. Bradshaw
W. K, Edwards Chas. Benton
| L. Robitzsch W. M. Roberts
John H, Mayes W. M. Martin
4. E Turner A F, McCali
L B Davis T I Luke S
F. A. Jackson H. H. James
J H. Dorminy J. L; Petry
R. I, Maffett M. E. Mathis
E. L. Dornminy R. L Hyde
T. W. Gaines H. Milton
H L Griffin W. R, Dykes
F. H James - J. B. Davenport
| T O Tivingston T M Magser
| J.H. King C. H. Sherriii
';M, M. Lowery G, W. Luke
|W. E. Adams Wiley Garrison
!E, C. Hogan D G. McCormick
| E. R. Bragg Wilev McMilian
Mr and Mrs. Jack B. Petree and
son, Jack B. Jr. of Florence, S. C.
are the guests of their parents, Mr,
and Mrs. R. V. Handley.
Mrs. George Willis Cole and little
daughter Carolyn of Macon are the
guests of Mrs. S. S. Persons,
Leader Want Ads bring results -
Try one Phone 228
N (T 2
// ( 1‘..5,4&_? :/
| v ‘3l
5 © " ™
o SA 2 \NORD :
- o MARE
=223 gt Nov \
§—— B favous
e LTV R |AR ¥
For Liver, ils-1-23¢ Box
T. J. Haile and Company, Druggists
Miss Allie 'Belle Huber of Moul-.
tric the charniing guest of Miss Ma- |
vis Paulk is bemng entertained withl
a series of parties Ly her {riends in
the aity. |
After the Katcha-Koo play on!
Thursday evening last, Miss Huber |
was the honor guest at a delightful
dinner party at the New York Cafe,
The guests included at this time
Misses Allie Belle Huber, M;z\'is‘
Paulk, Lucy Whitley, Hazel Dean |
Jolley, and Messrs. Hubert \'oung,!
Hiram -Riggins, Earnest Hanger, |
Ben Strozier of Moultrie, George
Wilson and Nicholson. \
Miss Lois Malcolm entertained
with a dinner party for Miss Huber
and was a very pretty affair. A
three course dinner was served to
the following guests Misses Allie
Belle Huber, Mavis Paulk, = Eulalie,
Dorminey, Iris Lee Malcolm, Lucy‘
Whitley, Thelma Dorminey and Lois
Miss Hazel Jolley entertained with
a swimming ‘party at Sans Suci
Park on Tuesday evening in honor
of Miss Huber and after the swim
ming a delicious lunch was served at
the park, Among those present \\'vn;
Misses Allié Belle Huber of Moul
trie, Julia Frances Wooten of Shell- |
man, Christine Hudson of Monroc,f
Mavis Paulk, Lucy Whitley, Clare |
Mashburn, Grace Bcntqn, lilizabcth:
McCarty, Mary Wilson of Leslie,
Thelma and Eulalie Dorminey, Sarah
Farmer, Sarah McDonald, Quinette
Prentiss, Lois Malcohn, E\'clynl
Shcwn'xake, Estelle Waites, Julia‘
j\\'ideman,_‘ Hattic Wideman, Athlem.;
{l')ickcy, Dorothy Cass, Hazel Mayes,
Ethelyn Fussell, Jimmie Wasscrman
of Tallapoosa, Martha Turner, Eliz
abeth Smith of Brunswick, :\Hic}
Mayes, Cleo Swearingin, Lucy I'hil-{
lips of Reidsville, Leila Hall, _l:micc'
Singleton, Virginia McPhail; Hazel!
Jolley, Mis | € Little, guest of
Mrs. J. C. Fussell, Messrs, Jimmie
Hart, J. L. Pittman Jr, Roy Bowles,
Sam Story, Wm, Tuttle, Jarratt Pry
or, Robert Frazer, Mark Mayes,
‘chry Morris, J, M. Carter, Elmer
| Waites, - Cecil McLaughlin, Earl
!\\'.'u'rcn, Elton Weaver Flemming
{Shc\\'make, Teddie Justice, Hiram
!Riggins, Hubert Young, Derrigh
iJ(mcS, Ernest Hanger, Wilford Bark-
Ihart, Wilbur Warren, Barry7Clare,
Arthur Benton, Jimmie Wideman,
Roy Bragg Arthur Daniels,#Bill Mash
|hurn, Loren Parrot, Carlysle McDon
{ald, and Dr. W. A, Newsome.
Deputy Putnam arrested Maose
Walker and Will Brown for burglar
izing the store of Oliver Graham or
East Pine, $30,00 in gold and a
quantity of merchandise taken from
the store were recovered,
ors. Feinberg Furniture Stere. i
ors. Get one of these on easy pay
ments. Feinberg Furn'ture Store. tf
Mr. and®Mrs. J. W. Waters have
recently moved into the Crawley flats
on south Main street.
| d Dev '] e |
e %e 2 : Ly 9 |
4 P ,/,/4/ 77 ~/ ;‘/ 7 / //7//////
W 7 e S 8
7% 7 e/
[ g 2y, | O
), 4 ooés c | 7
7/ & 7
7 4/ th k ' 7
/7 G 2 7 y,/,,/
7 G 272 7
< e work! = A
A 7 7 7 j
. Y Washday Use Red Devil Lye to make hardes: water % ;:'3
///// ——eete. 28 soft as rainwater. Then rub the soiled % 2 )
7 clothes with a little.soap, and just soak th ight i t _ s
Y/ . D, Just soak them overnight in water /// 23
%%, thus softened. Dirt drops out. Grime and grease dissolve. G
b, G 4 You get the clothes cleaner with far less rubbing, when you let /// B
7 7/// Red Devil Lye help do the washing. 7 ]
70070 7/‘/‘/' % :“A
7Z /% Anyday Dissolve a linle Red Devil Lye in hot )
7 === water. Then soak the pots, pans and ZZH
7 skillets clean—instead of scouring them! A
7, ’\ Removes grease and baked-on crust. Loos- 77
Z 5 ens soot and grime. Gets tinware shining. A 4
a 7 Makes glass and silver fairly gleam! 24 ..
a This sifter-top . v
P ntt Jpn. DS Scrub or mop with Red Devil A
2 {:‘{:x“t ..E_‘z..)_er___m Lye in the water. Then you ,//f
: e\ eny waste. get two chores done at once, because Z 4 :
; A R e e Red Devil Lye disinfects while it /25 .
O = cleans. Purify toilet or outhouse &ZZ7B 4
% W=P 3 SERE e - ~ with Red Devil Lye. It dries u 7 i
v 2P > 8 A filth, destroys germs, kills bad smellg :
Z rp > oy N and prevents flies from hatching.
7 = = EASY YO NS 2 Y
v . ; T Makes Better Soap 7
7 /
\////’é # Just save your grease and meat-scraps, ;
/’/] save all your kitchen fats usually 7
7 : thrown away and wasted. Itisan easy 2
4 {:b to make good soap with Red Devil s
, S ye. Quickly done—very economical. '
, v One Can of Red Devil Lye - % i
Makes ten pounds of Soap! / ¢
y : R —and it will be just as good soap as // ;
[ e PO G - . § you ever bought! Save money! Full 74 }
,[ y ; E _ directions on the can, Try it and seet /4/4 4
A o d b )
1Y = N Demand Red Devil Lye! 7 &
\ h‘ /0 ; ; /I":f(' r
W 7 & &
. 1\ ®7 ‘W' % , ey ; /s ‘
< | \‘\ u /,'é,'/'; .
0 9P
I / 57 ]
7%- A 7 !
SRI T T N 7 %ur 17,° 7
0~/ g /
, LTI oils ;
ST.Louls, MO.U.S™ J 7
: e Yy - .
ade !
Just Arrived Shipment of
the Famous Auto Vacuum
“No crank to turn---Ice Cream
easlly made.” 1, 2 and 4 qt. sizes.
These freezers may be seen at
the Fitzgerald Furniture Co.
50c Bcok of Recives Free. :
Manon Grocery Comyany
“Where Quality Tells and
Prices Sell”
Prompt Delivery
Octagon Soap, Bar - - - 5¢
Arbuckles Coffee = 5 . U
White House Coffee - - - 40¢
Charmer Coffee, Ib. - - - 25¢
French Market Coffee, Ib. -30 c
Luzianne Coffee,lb. - - - 25¢
Best Green Coffee, Ib. - - 14¢
Compound Lard, Ib. - - -12%c
4 lbs. Vegetole - - - - - 65¢
Sugar,perpound - - - - Te
Best whole grain Rice, lb. - T7e
Dry Salt Meat,lb. - - -15%c
Smoked Meat, Ib. - - .- - 19¢
Best Selt-rising Flour - - $1.25
Scratch Feed, pound - - 3%e¢
Kerosene, gallon, -- - - 20¢
Green Cabbage.head - - se¢
New Irish Potatoes - - - 5e
All 5¢ Soap, 7Tbars - - - 25¢
Don’t Forget The Place!
Manon Grocery Company
Phone 520 226 East Pine St.