Newspaper Page Text
Mr and ‘Mysi R W. Brown of
Waycross spent Thapksgiving holiday
with the latter’s mother Mrs, G, W,
Dykes and sister Mrs. P, G, Sutton,
Mrs. C, B. Teal leaves Friday ifor
Dallas, Texas, to make her home,
Mrs G, A, Daniel leaves Friday for
Macon where she will make her home
in the future,
See me before buying that new tire.
5“ H. Daniel, 215 East Central Ave, tf
Mr. Cyrus Broadhurst returncd this
morning from Atlanta where he spent
the week-end with h's Lrother Gibson
Broadhurst, \
PICKI.ES—DiII and sour in barrels
at J. C. Wilson's. Phone 322, tf
—_— |
For the common everyday ills of
mankind there is nothing to cquall
Tanlac, T J. Falie & Co, adv,
Mr, and Mrs. rew w, Paulk re-‘
turned home Friday from Albany
where they spent the holiday of
Thanksgiving with friends,
'We weld anything made
of metale, Crews Bicycle
Mr, H-urrv Dormana of Atlanta spent
“hanksgiving in tae city with relat'ves,
Mrs. Ja-k Patree «t South Cacslina
is visiting her parents Mr, and Mrs,
R V., Handley.
Tanlac is pu-ely vevetable and is
made from the mast beneficial roots
herbs and barks k:oan to science, T.
J. Haile & €6 adv,
e e |
See our battery man before buying
—Vesta Battery Service Station, 301
South Grant St. |
We repair Sewing Ma
chines, oil Stoves,
n everything. Crews
Bicycle Co.
Miss Dal:y Mcßae spen: Sunday in
Abhevil's with home folks,
Mr. and Mrs, James L, McCarty
have returned from Atlanta where
they spent Thanksgiving with their
daughter Miss Elizabeth,
Mrs, E. L. Wilder has gone to
Birmingham,Z Ala, on account of the
serious illness of her sister Mrs. D. S
Banish that awful msomnia that
worries you every night. Let your
sleep be restful and refreshing, Tan
lac does it, T. J| Haile & Co, adv,
PICKLES—DiII and sour in barrels
at J. C., Wilson's. Phone 322, tt.
If We Can Get It In
The Shop We Can Fix It
Miss Rosalee Patterson returned to
her school in Unadilla after spending
Thanksgiving at home.
Mrs, O, L. Bradshaw is visiting rel
atives in Columbus, Ga,
Fresh Lettuce reccived today, J. C.
Wilson, phone 322. tf
b i |
Pre-used Sewing Ma
chines for sales. Easy
termses Crews Bicycle Co
Miss Genevieve Spier returned Sun
day from Sandersville where she spent
the Thanksgiving holidays with Mrs.
C. G. Rawlins,
Miss Evelyn Breedlove of Ocilla,
was the gucst over Sunday of Mrs,
Grace Day,
Old tableware replated. wrop me a
card and will call, W, Harrison City,
Have your old battery repaired and
save the price of a new one, Vesta
Service Station, O, W. Fletcher's Ga
rage, tf,
Miss Karan Lester of Wesleyan Col
lege was the week-end guest of her
sister Mrs, Preston Seanor,
Misses Thelma Dorminey and Ka
ran Lester returned to Macon today
after spending the week-end with rel
atives in the city,
Phone 322, J. C. Wilson for fresh
lettuce, received today, tf,
Mrs, T. L, Lester spent Thanks
giving with her Mother Mrs. G, W,
OB ¢
ol ¥
QficePhone | D
Home Phone ______ls9
Battle Films, A complete pictorial
history of the American troops in
World War Battles.
Pictures are shown by permission of
the War Department,
Prices 17¢ and 33c,
A sensational Oriental Musical
Show, -
Prices 83¢ to $2.20,
Tickets at National Drug Store.
BANDS” Not one of those “message
movies’ but a drama of girlish trust
and wifely disillusionment,
A photoplay featuring an all star
cast including Anna Lehr and May
Rolin Comedy—Pathe Review and
Aesop Fables.
Mr, and Mrs. G. E. Ricker and
Mrs, J. H, Stalker returned this morn
ing from Atlanta where they spent
Thanksgiving with friends,
Mrs, E. J. Dorminey had as her
guest during Thanksgiving season,
her sister Mrs. Epsie Campbell of
Athens, Ga,
A two-year guaranteed battery at
a low price.—3ol South Grant St,
Fitzgerald Vulcanizing Co,, 215 E,
Central Avenue Tires and Tubes vul
canized, tf
Mrs, E. E. Sharpe is improving af
ter being confined to her room for
several months, :
Mrs, 1. Newman and little son Ben
nie are visiting her mother Mrs. B,
B. Watkins on south Grant St
Mr. Thos, J. Dickey, arrived in the
city from Asheville, N, C. where he
has been living for the past eighteen
months, and surprised his many friends
who were delighted to see him look
ing so well, Mr, Dickey is the guest
of his brother Lon Dickey and family
and will remain here for a few days,
Father Leo Kennon of Albany came
over Friday to officiate at the funeral
of Mrs. Josephine Kratzer.
Mr. Peter Hager and daughter Mrs,
Dina Sliffe of Dunbee, Ohio are the
guests of the former’s nephew, Mr,
Frank Hager and family for the wint
Mrs, Lyman Sanderson Osborne,
Mrs. Jake Eston Brewer and Miss
Helen Mary Osborn: hase tssued in
vitations to a reception on Tuesday
afternoon between the hours of four
and six o‘clock in honot of Mrs, Wil
liam Farrand Osborne of Westwood,
Mr. and Mrs, L. Aspinwall left re
cently for Atlanta accompanied by
their nephew Mr, Paul Alexander
Stephens of Savannah,
Mrs. Ada Lowther of Ocilla was in
the city Friday shopping,
Mrs. H, G. Powell and daughter,
Mrs, Modena Rogers are spending a
few days in Atlanta,
Friends of Rev, J. M, Glenn, a for
mer pastor of the Tifton Methodist
church, who is attending the confer
ence, will he pleased to know that he
has just completed 3 most successiul
yvear at® Dublin, His church raised
over $lB,OOO for all purposes, the
Educational fund was over-subscrib
ed- over 100 new members were re
ceived on profession of faith, and the
church is moving along in fine shape.
—Tifton Gazette,
Rev. Glenn was the first pastor of
‘the Central M. E, Church here, dur
‘ing the early colony days and has a
number of old friends here who will
L‘w glad to learn of his pastorial suc
Last Round
I will he at the following named
places for the purpose of collecting
state and county taxcs for the year of
Ashton, Monday, Nov, 28th 9:00 to
9:30 A, M,
Dickson's Mill, Monday, Nov. 28th,
10 to 10:30 A, M,
Bowen's Mill Tuesday, Nov. 29 9
to 9:30 A, M.
Vaughn, Tuesday Nov, 29th 10:00
to 10:30 A. M,
Williamson‘s Mill Wednesday, Nov,
30th, 10 to 10:30 A, M.
My office at the Court House is
open every day. Books close Decem
ber 20th,
F, M, Graham, Tax Collector.
Ben Hill County. Ga.
A beautiful party in compliment to
Miss Allic Mays whose marriage to
Mr, L A, Lewis which will be an
event of December was given by Miss
Corinne Womble on Friday afternoc
The rooms where the guests were
enterta ned, were lovely with decora
tions of yellow chrysanthemums, The
color scheme of yellow and white was
effectively carried out,
Rook was played at Tour tables and
each table was topped with a dish of
yvellow and white heart shaped mints.
Miss Mavis Paulk had charge of
the score cards and punched them as
the game progressed. Others assist
ing the hostess were her mother Mrs,
G, R. Womble, Misses Hazel Jolly,
Thelma Dorminey and Lucy Whitley
who presided at the piano, Mrs, H, A,
West, and Mrs, J. H. Magyes,
A delicious luncheon was served,
consisting of chicken salad, cheese
straws tied in yellow and white rib
bon, little cheese apples, olives, pick
les, heart shaped chicken sandwich
es, vellow gelatine and saltines, Hot
coffec was poured from a pretty urn
in the dining room by Mrs. J. H Mays.
The guests included Miss Allie Mays
Mrs. Reppard Bennett of Jackson
ville la, Mrs, C: B, Watts, Mrs. F H
Farmer, Mrs, Jesse Grantham, Mrs,
H. A, Mathis, Mrs. C. B, Fellars, Mrs,
R. M. Proyr, Mrs, H. A, West, Mrs_
Preston Seanor, Mrs, W. M, Bryan,‘
Mies {€ €. Persons, Mys, R T Mnf"
fett, Mrs, W, M. Rawlins, Mrs. R.
M. Mann, Mrs, J. H, Mays, Misws‘
Hazel Jolly, Elvynne Alberson Lucyl
Whitley and Mavis Paulk ,
Miss Kathleen Frances Heide, the
daughter of Mr, and Mrs, George Al
exander Heide, became the bride of
Mr. Alvin Frederick Dichtenmuller at
Christ Episcopal church in Macon ves
terday noon. Rev. Oliver | Hart
periormed the ceremony,
Miss Mary K. Jeiome of Atlanta
sang an Indian Wedding song at the
opening of the marriage service, The
Christ Church choir, assisted by the
male chorus also rendered a musical
program before the entrance of the
wedding party, Mrs, Albert Jelks
played the wedding march and during
the service Miss Helen Goepp played
the Recessional being sung by the
The bride wore a coat suit of dark
brown, with trimmings of mole and
hat to match, She carried a bouquet
of white roses, showercd with Valley
Miss Agnes Heide, sister of the
bride, was maid of honor, She wore
a dress of pink satin and pale yel
low georgette with sash of Harding
blue and her flowers were orchid
Miss Fay Lockhart, bridesmaid,
wore blue satin with silver trimmings,
and Miss Mank Earle of Hartwell,
Ga_, the other bridesmaid, wore white
taffetta, Both wore picture hats and
carried large bouquets of chrysanthe
The groom was atterded by Mr. 5.
J. Saurez of Savannah, as best man,
Mr, Mettauer McManus and Mr, Rob
ert Quinlan were groomsmen,
Among the out of town guests were
Miss Mary K. Jerome of Atlanta; Mr,
and Mrs, William Kitchens, Mrs,
James Johnson and Mrs, Banks, of
Gough, Ga, Miss Bernice Echols of
Baxley: Ga.,, and Mr, E. J. Saurez of
Following the rchearsal at thvi
church Wednesday evening the bride |
was complimented with an informal
reception in the parish house of the
church, The guests included the wed
d'ng party and the choir, of which
she was a member,
After the wedding cercmony the
guests were entertained at the home
of the bride's parents 215 First St
following which the couple lcft on a
wedding trip to Petershurg and Key
West Florida and they also expect to
visit Cuba, They will make their home
in Augusta upon their return to this
state —Macon Telegraph, 1
‘ Mrs, Preston Seanor entertained
%\'vr_\' informally on Saturday evening
in honor of her sister Miss Karan Les
l(rr of Wesleyan College.
“ The evening was spent playing va
;rinns games very informally and at a
later hour delicious refreshments of
hot cofice with whipped cream. sand
wiches and salted nuts were served,
The guests included Misses Karan
Lester, Mavis Paulk, Margaret Wise,
Freddic Isler, Eulalic Dorminey, Ha
zel Jolly, Thelma Dorminey, and
Messrs Elmer Waites, Jimmie Hart,
Venable Anderson, Earnest Hanger,
I\Vi]bur and Needham Warren, and
Mr, and Mrs. CarlUß, . Fellars
Phone 359
For Better Than Average
Dry Cleaning,
We are equipped to do quick
Work That will last long.
Pressing Club
'W. ROY BRAGG, Proprietor
Public 1s Urged To
Upnd M 9 Winen!
. 49
Uppr mm’ e
arlßed ¥ ¢
Thousands of People Suffer Permanent Loss of Health Because
Of Neglect—Nature Has Set the Danger Signals for Us and We
Cannot Afford to Pass Unnoticed the Warning That She Gives
Us. ¥ 75,
Good digestion means good health: had digestion means bad
A sound stomach is worth a hundred times its weight in gold.
Probably eighty per cent of all diseascs originate n the digestive
organs. 'l)_\'spvpsi:t‘ or what is more commonly known as indiges
ton, is not only one of the most prevalent, but is one of the most
difficult to treat of all present day discases, and has for years bat
fled the skill of leading specialists everyvwhere
Stomach trouble is almost always
followed by a complication of d.s
cases, One of the first being an over
worked liver, with all the symptoms
of billiousness, followed in tarn with
headaches, pain in th eback, palpi
tation of the lieart and other distress
ing symptoms, Sooner or later the
kidneys will bzcome fnvolved and that
is just why these danger signals should
be heeded in time, A wise man puts
out the fire before there is too much
destruction; the same theory should
apply to stomach trouble,
Gas in the stomach means fermen
tation instead of digestion; decay in
stead of nutrition for fermentation pro
duces poison, and which frequently
bring os the condition known as auto
intoxication or sclf-poisoning. This
is also why we develop acidosis, which
brings on so many complications such
as rln-nm:nf&m. hardening of the art
eries, high blood pressure and other
conditions, which may mean pvrm:vi
nent loss of health, Acidosis is one of
the main forerunners of Bright‘s dis—:
case and diabetes, hence it is cvident
that if we have stomach trouble, hnw-i
ever slight, we are foolish indeed it
we do not take prompt steps to cnr—l
rectit |
If we are not as fit as a fiddle in thc‘
morning. if we don't feel better th;m“
when we went to bed: if our breath
is offensive; and we have that bad tas'i
te in the mouth; nature has set the
danger signals for us and we cannot‘
afford to neglect the warning that‘
she gives us, That is just why the
demand for Tanlac, the great stom
achic, Systemic and Reconstructive
tonic has broken all Worfld's records.
The American people have learncd
The Missionary Society of the Cen
tral Christian Church w!ll have a
Chinese tea on Thursday afternoon
from 3 to 6 o'clock and the Young
People’s Circle will have a tea from
7:3 oto 10 o'clock in the evening in the
parlors of the Bradshaw Music Com
pany. Mrs_ Jennie Shallenherger who
has been visiting her sister in San
Francisco, Cal,, brought with her a
real Chinese silver service and every
thing will be rcal Chinese style. The
cakes and candies will come fresh
from Chinatown in San Francisco,
Fitcgerald Leader WaANT-ADS
Quick Results. Phone 328.
received fresh stock of typewriter rib
bons for Oliver, L, C, Smith, Under
wood, Remington and Royal’s. Carbon
paper also—Leader Publishing Co,
e THE _ * : THE :
EmPIRE Dresses and Suits EMPIRE
2570 Discount - ONE-FOURTH OFF - 25% Discount
A Very Unusual Reduction---So Early in the Season
Unseasonable weather is responsible for this great reduction sale which affords an or por
tunity to select a DRESS or SUIT from «ne of the largest and most superior assortments in
Georgie; at prices never qucted at this season of the year by us.
Buy Your Dress and Suit Now While the Special Discount Is On!
% D
% Dresses
: , ¢ DONE
v ‘ Reduced Every DRESS in the
"’w House Twenty-Five Per Cent;
N Silk, Wool, Cotton Makes no dif
’s ference, they all go at
aw One-Fourt
'. Y ""':%w | Satin, Crepe de Chine, Crepe Sat
pLil ,W“\‘ in, Charmeuse, Canton Crepe,
&‘ " {0 Serges, Tricotine, Poret twill, Ve
imn NN \ ] lours and Jerseys all
seo 2 Q TN
neemepmon (Jne-Fourth Off
PATTEN Brgaon urth U
pvernear® | EMPIRE MERCANTILE €O. | Promptis Filled
Grocery Phono 153“LEADEROPQUMJTY AND LOW PRICES” Dry Goods & Clothing Phone 18 ‘
that it probably provides the surest,
safest, and quickest remedy for all
such troubles, and millions upon mil
lions have taken it with the most as
tonishing and gratifying results
Tens of thousands of men and wo.-
men of all ages and in all walks of
life afflicted with stomach, liver and
'l\i(lnry disorders, some of them of a
long standing as well as thousands of
weak, thin, nervous men and women
apparently on the verge of collapse,
have testified publicly that they have
‘hoc—n fully restored to their normal
health, strength and weicht by its use,
:St:ll others whe seemed firly well,
vet who suffered with indigestion,
headaches, shortness of breath dizzy
spells, sour, gassy stomach, coated
tongues, foulness of hreath constipa
tion, bad complexion loss of appetite,
sleeplessness at night and terr’bly de
jected, depressed feelings state that
they have bheen entirely relicved of
these distressing symptoms and re
stored™ to health and happiness by
NOTE: Tanlac Vegetable Pills are
an ¢ssential and vitally important part
of th eTanlac "Freatinent wherever
constipation is present,
You cannot hope to.get satisfactory
results from the Tanfflc\ Treatment
without first establishing a 2 free and
regular movement of the bowels, Tt
stands to reason that no treatment can
do the greatest amount of good when
you are suffering from constipation or
billiousness or when your system is
clofged up with waste products and
Tanlac and Vegetable Pills are sold
by T, J, Haile & Co,, and by lcading
druggists everywhere, adv.
Office Phone 511
Res, Phone 545
Rooms 201-202
Farmer-Garbutt Bldg.
Office Hours 9:30 to 12; 1:30 to 5
Other Hours By Appointment
Fitzgerald :-: Georgia
We Make Old
Furniture New
Picture Framing
Our Specialty
Phone 49
i 4“.7
A !
- - o
This will fix .
my cold
l ALWAYS keep Dr. King’s New
Discovery handy. It breaks up
hard, stubborn colds and stops the
paroxysms of coughing. No harmful
drugs, but just good medicine. All
druggists, 60c.
3 9
Dr. Kiz fi.g S
New Discovery
For Colds and Coughs
b LI T I SS, T
Stubborn Bowels Tamed. Lcave
ing the bowels unmoved results in
health destruction. Let ‘the gently
stimulating Dr. King's Pills bring to
vou a regular, normal bowel function
ing. 25 cents. All druggists.
. o - | =
i I\.mg s Pills
.m“‘ RIS IR R
o .
Musician Qut of Tune
“(as pressure in my stomach some
times distressed me so that I could
not think, I played out of tune and
twice lost my position. No medicine
helped me and T became disheartened,
Another musician advised me to try
Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy, and T am
now cnjoying th§ best of health,” It
is a simple, harmiess preparation that
removes the cnt:n‘r\)nl mucus from the
intestinal tract :m(l\ull;lys the inflam
mation which c:msvs‘\ practically all
stomach_ liver and intestinal atllments,
including appendicitis | One dose will
convince or money refunded —MeTe
more and National Dh\ug Cos. and
leading druggists everywhere ady,
All persons are hereby warned
against hunting or fishing or other
wise trespassing on mv lands in any
‘anncr whatever. This means one
and all alike, J. W. Morris, D2op
We Yiish To A
€ "/ISh 10 Announce
Fhe opening of a Family Washing Department in
cur laundry. It has always been our aim to give
the public the best service and work possible and
in placing this Family Washing Service to the
public our aim is to give a grade of work and ser
vice that will be out of the ordinary:
The rate for this service will be b)\the pound.
ifteen cents per pound for everything\ironed.
Seven cents per pound rough dry (t\%\@eans
Bed and Table linen ironed, wearing apparel wash
ed and starched ready to iron.)
These rates do not include shirts or collars.
We will aporeciate your patronage.
S ——————
White Swan Laund
Launderers, Dry Cleaners, Dyers ;
One-fourth Off |%‘
This includes every COAT SUIT < l
in stock— :
One-Fourth OFf (Yo /)
R e S
Styles that can be worn into the !‘? i)
Spring. . H i
Styles that are conservative and ‘
Serge, Tricotine, Duve de Laine, s
Velour, Moussyne, Veldyne and !
Pollyanna are the up-to-date ma
terials you wll find in this vast
collection of Coat Suits. Fur trim- i
med and plainly tailored, smart
in every detail. J
One-Fourth Off A}
Eyes Examined, Glasses Furnished,
We CGrind Our Own Glasses.
Drs. Holtzendorf
and Turner
Upstairs, Next Door to the National
Drug Company
tzgerald Tod
Fitzgerald Teilors
We'll Make them like new
208 E, Pine St Phone 266
& Wood
Kentucky Black Beauty
Bloele . 1.0 2y 81000
Kentucky Egg Nut .. 850
It's all good and burns good,
Georgia Pine and Oak Wood
any Length, When in need
Figure with Us,
Prompt Service. Terms Cash,
Phone 250-L
Opposite Ocilla Southern