Southern post. (Macon, Ga.) 1837-18??, February 24, 1838, Image 1

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S7 ©» P2KI3J.27©*. VOL. I. 3>m3 Ii pablshe J in the city of M icon every S iturday, at tw’J djllxi», t.irle djllar> a: the e.iJ of the yea. - — dollar and rim* cE.xr.» tbr six month?. N > saoscr.puo.i received for a less pe/.oi— iad n> pa per disco lu.iueJ, until all arrears are paid, unless at the • o/jj t of the Pa'ousae*. A loerd <e/mnls vv,ll be i rise r e 1 at the usual rates of a vilh a reasonable deduction to yearly ad ver.iser?. SCT O;r A Ivertisiog friends are requested to mark the iu n >e.* of insertion*, o i the.r aiveruse mjV.s— i ho; .vise they will be pjbn&hjJ till forbid, a.iu -c't i?e 1 1 jo »r 1; i?’.y. lirli'io't •, Oiiluiry N jicet inserted frei •of c'i t 'e. OCT*er*, oib nines*, either to the Publisher o: E litor, nins. come port pail to i.isure attention. .SO jT IBTIY P34T M JboiV/' 3^'* 2® neon, Soa/jia. rinil ] xnJers'g ie lwotlliif »r n he citi'e nos M A c >:, iid t!ie puVic ge lernllv, hat the ah ive otK h ivi i r »ee i recen iy * ipp.ied with an entire new a i baa if and is- »rt:iie it of IJ.'afi in (9.Uttnilil jjrt 2To;e, lie is prepa *e J to reoe ve, a id exec ate, orders for Prin ii f, sjj!i as— M•*: i t ile, P • loss' >n!a i l 7.liti \* C iris, Pin file ®, C run nr®, 3i';!* nLili t *, B S If I;; 1 1 1 , r e, BIK C OH', J i Bii ;V i e J , 3 i Hi!*, T>ie p*, Orders, ill P » , 3•t‘i *, .*• >»-•■% l iv. it > is, C • liar. iil A”i ;iV; T •;e *, D'ij-ls' iil 0 m ■’* ii» i'* •'* L i'»e’«, M i ri x j.i L :e i :e, ? i ie: i! No ice*, tc. .A i 1 li os Y me' ’, (V » u the kl x v!e 'ja he ln c • ( the 1 1* ic-»,) he vill »e iVe » ;*v-i * t‘;v u*i >i to J wh » niz fivxrthe es’aYish ;in e vi h tV® »t-.r» a . | C. I !l VNh NT VI SCT )• 1 ts f* > n he ok] it.*/ r.h i I'ifilly rcJoi ve 1 u pronip 1/ a e i !ed to* t.'Vt/m r/?i j. a 311 V* ms vibe;* s n v inove I *"» «vx i i*e VI k? a. , ’ l> i <. «i- j i 1 J• ri ri"i 111 '* ii i* i a his 311 j, Mi hi ••/-* ee , >« >te i • P»s - ) i ai! iie l • ». J ie o v t’no oral .1 if-.t 1 1 .»i it. () • ie.*-*, e*h t * i the • ' ».* mi .*.*, 11 ia’■!y re • Ve liil p•» n »!y ieide and t>. DAhdlo T. .T l V FoV.ivy 1J 1.5 C i.ilrui H ii! il>al an 113 11 i; *C♦ *i 11" / »f l*n* : a Sivini’i , Tirti'i 11, UP. S i d’« W»y ?lven that a t n: dmentol t • per sh i e n die unit* >: t • *h.« i ny.ri . rei ire 1 >’>e pii I nor >e *•« he ii o i r*liv <’l - tie* —* >ie h i;f to be applic 1t» b i ik‘ i ', and one h f tO'Lll*, S lakh »’ le's n> ail ii the ne'*»Y» >rh >r> lof M ;co c.l l :n ike p i/m;t it at the 3*i iVi ’ > ha*-‘tv. 11. 11. CJ fL Tl. Ca*Yer. Ja unry 13. lii r J• »r ;ia hsaraar’ at l Trnst Cnmprt iy. CA* TVh ov S TV,n>J nv,u ; —Vh r . M n t\* i liitonnv tvjitinu°s to insure dwelling houses. A s* H*es tnoro'i il l so, -o *o ii i v i *r-h > i*e , ii ts it n ‘o, ir i iot.l »*s h" ’i e— 1 1 1 hike* inlan lat lai ri ia >-'sks o i *f»- n* o* *iv tr ib'e a* ■»‘he" "pen o isihle i-- Ph'it'oia. C it n* "*r 1 osses are se* e 1 'v'*hrrn‘"t , ' t al l liher Pity. App’y o C. DAY, A treat. Dece niher ’J 15 n7 CITY TJCEYSES. pE^^\ T S vj«hi vr 'my ni> 1 >f Li'’en®e > ®, "a - I oVai 1 ‘he ®* l i® by aopl"?v : m '■> m* 5 , *»' 'He P >«'- 0 JJS3E L. OWEN, C'erk C mri!. ■h '•u'v27 II NOTICE. A I/, pr>~co"'« Htv n ' nccou '■*« agiin®' 'be firm o? (kvvt »/_, Till. Cowt.f.s, 'we re-pie«*e 1 »o ti IP - n -tr tl )e C tin tins R )am of "He J'mnr->27 Iff J COWLE-’. tv«B«OT,TTTIO' v . 7JTIE e' > -"»'Trtnp , "®b'n ire p'•>«*> *vr l^*-pni *bp X <><ihcoriH r% u ' ,} c~ ‘He firm of Dipk'V'sov t Wate wa® Hoc \'~p 1 on *Hp 30 b S’’ nri'inl eo"*pT: m ! Mr. T. D :ckin« >n is ,r au*h >r'7p 1 v> receive *»H ,JeV® {’ii" *Hp r oippr->, air? vbii®' a 1 ! p’svm® arm>no» 'h^ same. M*. T. H rUioeon i® '*» >i®e ‘He of sa.d firm in adjusting ' A ''° ° f TIMOTHV r»Tr\"TN<3ON t E. AUGUSTUS TVo* ?.Cn ~ a* - * o i~. fin HE «!ib«eriber having a«socia‘ed " ifh him, Ataev X L. Lttce, *hpv will "•n* ,c n''' HusVr« under the name, style and firm of Wm. Ht. t H ' 'o. WM. B. JOHNSTON. Macon, January 1,133*. 13tf *OTICE. A LL persons indebted to tHe eubacribe®, ei'her bv no‘e J* or open pc conn*, are ver" ® , '®r'e'*?fu'lv ; I to cql 1 andse ,l, e the same. WM. B. JOHNSTON. January 20 13T For Sale. TNTTOOD lo*s of Oak and Hickory Land, a few mile? * w from M'won. Also a FARM of one hundred acres in a good con dition, fjr planting, three and a half miles from 'own Dec.3. 6 ° Apply to JAS. A. NISBET. MACON, (Ga.) SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 24, 1838. MUNSON & MALDEN, At F. O'C llaghun’s old stand , on Cherry-street ■, third door from Cotton-Avenue, nAVE on hano, and are receiving— loo pieces Cotton Bagging 60 eoiis bale R pe lid baire assured, 30 iilids Sugar, assorted, and L/at a id Lump Sugar lo bhvis Sugar-house M lasses ltd barrels D>uies ic L 5i hhds Jamaica Rnm 2 p.pos H Jianu G.a 2 pipes C Brandy, of a superior quali'V* 10 quar e:-oasits Pirt ] f i o do M tdeira j j o | '» & [ Wtf,ES - \ U i 5 do S iferry j I*3 M do Malaga J [ ® 2j barrels Cordims 4 tibia Or.eans Rum 2 pipes Spanish Brandy 2 p pes A nencaa Brandy 13.003 lbs c, igiisti and A neriCan Casting To iron, assor ed, » 2,v)00 ibs B istered ) 2,03 dibs i » Steel 1J bunnies C ist } 13 do Nail Rod Iron lot) kegs N uis, a^sor.tJ, 1,003 heavy Trace Chains 1j bbis Soft-shell Almonds 103 chess a i*J caJ ims 'l’ea,SaSßor e!, 13 ciiests E iglisii Wai.iu s 1J do F.tCers 23 boxes S arch 103 do Bo.nsh Itfeins 5) do CJo jfg-?i C i tiles 2) tl t S term Cll lies, assorted sl2°e, 13 'o T»h tcco, assor ed, 33p300 Spanish C gars Sp.ce, I'epw r and G nger All of trie ahove ir icic* .ve will sc!! nn the nv' ct re l iable aid uc>»m u >d•»t i? cm®. T jgeth<>r w •'* ■ *ge a i ! genern! :i«« >r meat >f S'ttple and F.virv T}*- Hi'*, Bools. Shoes , JltrdvkifCi Crockery, China nre.\c.\c. M. &. M. De;c nber 13 8 Levi eg <c ley, 1' hit Confectionary Sore an l Cordial 3itfil’ery, of. 3 6Co n n jrce- Bow, MuCOti, Georgia,) TASforsr.eai ex’ens'ne supply of Goods in hi? 6- !i *e. An iti r : he ,n n*« : 11 ),3,h) ics Sp i lish C j_a s 130, >JJ F r. K .1 ♦ 133 barrels 3 urer ) 23 do Si la > CraceEtis. 2 3 !» S vect j \V i‘e •a ii PI it Bread 73 gr i?s T ib!e S dt t ' > ii ><es ii iii’< pn'.e’Y Cnn.ilei 3) and» vir eg.ved ) Q G > l i Fa n- ,* \ So vP ‘ 3) l>xr *el* ®of ®hcll 3 *, Wrt „__ 3) d> .firlm i A,mond,} 2 ) and > Brat INt«, 23 do Fdberta 4 casts A iwcni 31 us a 1 and 23 pipe® be*t M i le.r.i Wi if 3 ) r*. cn*k® L > id <n n irticulal* TcnerifTce “1) and i L®b >n h 13 1 » ’'l iscat I 4 do Port V Wines. B vn arid pale I Sherrv J IN GLA*'% M i le’n. Sherr *, Piif,r f , C are*, and Burgundy Winvs of thv R’liir® find dlu«*»l!e, !el ihrUed'Cnbinet of 1322, I 11 ie Le 'cr ever imp "* e | 1 ih*m i« ! u»rger, 14*2*3 v : u f nge of 112' | T’ldesheimer, 14*23 1 1 ner At un f ain,ll22 J M ireobrunner, 1323 C it line nnd C’a noag ie Brandy ,Ta mica Rum, Tl M-a 1 Gin Irish and Sm'ch W’ui«kev S'v'rrv ail Rayherrv Brandy . fi3 ba«ke ® Cbampa'faft 2D3 ! b®. Tjiaf an ’ T/nxp Sugar n’ack and flv«nn Trn B-vvn IT nev'V v T ibneco Ci f T ba-co, f or s-uxki"i" and chewing S ' petmea*® o f ever** variety Cu-ran*?, sin®, M-'v* a**d Ground Spicc9 A large ®urm!v of f resh Pie ,j, V® fix barrp’® Tr’sh Po‘a f oe®, Northern Apples Snan : ®h, F *>nd A’nerican Candies Sar ’me®, \nchovie®, O’ivp® and Caper® 33 dozen L« nnn and Ra«ober-v Cordials Piaying and C nvpm'ion Car ’®. also, ETrrrTro in a ff.w da vs, Mac’ r*f\ Pickle-1 Mess Beef, Pick’ed F , r '-, pic' ’od T m«r>e®. P uo’- ed Reef and T >ngne®, White Beans, G x«heo Rut*er and Cheese. December 1 6tf COTTON GINS. THE subscriber® hnvr® rn’ en 'he sbrp at the cor ner of F nr h an J Wn'nu*-s*reeN npvlv oppi si‘e 'be r pw Pre«bcor ao CburcH, pfier •he i ’r .eprvifp® *n their fr'em’® a-S 'he nnhlic, in 'be of C itronGin* 1 . S i®b B'ind®, Pnilinnr for Grave Fe->- cp®, <tc. Timi'it done in all i'pvari*’p®; all of which will be d'V’p in ‘be ''<■■>>«' mnnr>e r , and at the ®h >rcS* no‘ : ce. BEDSTEADS, in nbunrl-mce, f >- «nle low. Thev will make a few Co'*(vt Gin® with cas*-«'eel saw® ; also German e‘eel and Iran saw®, with s‘pp' hrpac'e, which will he readv for 'be next erot> —and which thev wil' warran*, in pain' of workman«hip, ma terial* an 1 pe-f *rmance, emrd if no* ®uperior to an*’ ever made ii Georg a. AM orde-sn-iacmaMv a'*ende J I to, and Gins sent to anv part of the S‘ate on reasonable | terms Planters wishing to purchase will do well to give us a call. Thev have also in tbe'r emplovmen' a first fa‘e Bine’ smi'b, wbn v ill at'end to anv kind of Iran work which may be offered them, either from town o r eouvrr cus tomers. A- D. 6l I. F. BRDWN. Macon, February 17 17ac MISCELLANEOUS. OBSERVATIONS On E'ec’ricbv, Lximing, and Sjuikl? : trge’her with r. Tiieorvot TtiumiiT-btiywer?, and cl Wifi.aud Nor.L wtst VViiid?. BY CEORUE F. EOtKINS, ESQ. It is observable in idnlost every ope rat on of nature, t.iat all fluids j osi.ess stio..g aggie gating pid i eit es ; or in or. er words, j ower ful pto, e..s.t es to accumulate in laige mas ses or tact is so fam.iiur in t. e element of water* la> w ell as the extensive col o.‘ Vapor, ate soon embod.ed into clouds, that it is o.dy l.ecessaiy to make a mere ailus.oa to t..em. Taut ti.c same prin ciple governs in relation to the element if u.ectr.c.ty or file, 1 pieoutuo to le 1.0 .ess true I’.ie natu.fe and p.o, ert.fcs of ti.e sun itsetl j tar as tney aie URt'ersloj i, may be dec met on tins j onit. Tins migitty o!> ect ie instrument of ligut and life, is evidentl' .ii agg.egation of all t..e vital principle if ieat thut belongs to our system; though it i. iow weil understoni. that this “ocean of” is iiOt a mere collection o.’ sue, as ha; een supposed, but is co.met ed with inco.i oivablv large massei of materials of axer v>hd lii.tuit. Fiotn this vast mass, most co .o.tsstreams are incessantly joined iqont.i .ant's. T.iis is weil known ro Le inchspe. • ili.e to the very existence of animal and veg< .ir e hie. I’er.iaji.s, to r, it is as much a j)ii tary law in the government and movement, a’ t.te planets as in t e propaga inn and preservation of animal and vegetabh ix steiice. Without the constant exercise « f tis rrtO t pote t agency, the earth could nc tier b.* cot ed with verdure, nor could tlieit >e support for the name e s *.r;bej of 1 heiugi that inhabit it. As we approach the summer sols’.ice, w< ihd t.te cart.i ptoij e.y ci). r o ed wit i heat ijt it boco.rtt*) much more intense af erward, t co of the great To ounte. act an influence so universally predom hant and stro tg that, were it to continue vo ild soon prove overw ielming, some ener getic reacting principle or agent in the system -vas required, in order to produce a salutary oo.Tectiv#; for it was both a wise and indis cusable provision in nature, to ordain a per naneut law that sliould afford the requisite re ef from its enervating and pernicious pres s ire. Without the help of some active prin cipleof this kind, it were scarcely necessary to say, there could be no duration of life or healtii. Animal and vegetable cx would ,oj:i be extinguished. Every thing, in short, would perish; and in place of tiiat sp'endor md be tuty which every where present tr.em ielves to the enchanted eye, ti e face of crea. ho i would be parched, withered, and cot. sumed. T.iat incomprehensible w‘sdo-n wM< h guides and balances on, of which we arc lestir ed to know nothing but its effects, 'eaves no part of its works imperfect or un (inished. T.iC same creative power has there. n e o daired, taut thesupembunda ice of that element which, without some different dispoa t on, would lead to the annihilation of all life and of every vegetative germ, shall be made the great means of pic erving both. And the mo ewe e iter into an examinat on of tl o c laws and opera! ons of nature which appear so wo iderful, .and whch in many paits aie so inscrutable, the mo e are we astonished and channel in co itemplating their well adjusted harmony and surprising beauty. immense portion of heat which per vades t e carta in the warm season is, from its inherent properties, constantly aggregating in numberless masses of varons dimens'ons, there does not remain in my mind the smal'e it doubt* And what e’se is the e’ectricitv that is pro luced bv art, and made to issue from a macuire but a simple co’lectio i or multipFca t’on of that sustaining or animating principle, drawn suddenly to a point by some strong at tractive property ? To this inherent princple alone. I conceive, mav be traced the origin and existence of those bodies of unusual heat, of which Mr. Jeffer son, in his celebrated Notes on Virginia,” | * “ Going out info the open nir, in the tempera'e anH iin the warm months of the year, we often meet with (Da ?SUW , u , 3!3 & PUEIQSMSE. makes met t o:i, and which ate ro fiequei.tly felt by curious oh?ci vers in tl esumn ei n ontl.s* Tnat enlightened j Inio. opl er did i ot attar] t to explain e ther the cau.*e of tl eir lo niat on» or what le su; po ed to ti eir ultnnate end and use. I p.o; oc. but wth all Leeomit g, to osier niv s in lelat.on to loth. Ai.d since l.othii g is ki own to exist that does i ot bear the impiess of unequ \oenl resign, and with a manifest ter.dei cv to e.uful ness, it cannot be deemed tui irrational sj ecu lat.on to trace to .-on c imj ortant end, t! e ori gin, des gn, and puipojeof their fonnation. 1 have witi cssed tl.esc worm moving todies in almost r.umbctless instances. They were familiar to me in my early 1 fe, my then being i ear tie foot of a of vciy onsii'eiubie elevation in the eastern pa it of Dutchess county ; and t! c supj osition lollows that ti cy aie familiar to many others. At the same time, I am led to believe, that tho e who in elevated situations, have few oppor tunities of meeting with them; while thooe who are much cmjtloycd in smooth giounds n a valley, will of on remoik them, rOr this, 1 think a very satisfactory icanon may he giv m. Ti er sj Ocific gravity must necessarily ;arry them to the lower giour.ds, even sup osing some of than to have Iren fofmed in ligher parts; ti ouglt I think it very doubtful f any aie pro ’uced in such places. I sup. ose the fact to he, t.iat aggiegation t;d.cs pint o nore easily nnd tnoie rapidly in an o; encoun ry, or at the fool of high hills, where the land s level and well cleared, owing to the inciear jd quantity off eat that is presumed to lie de losited there, and the giea!er equality of the ground. Exjertnco suflir'eiitly shows, tint an intense degree of heat will prevail in a val ley, or over a jiltun, w hen the tops of high ridges are found to be* comparatively r 001. Os the truth of t wt fact that t! etc mysteri ous bod es are most y so ired in low mounds* l Icel thotoughly jer uadtd } ftiras often ns i iavc ascended the side of the ridge iust n en tioued, wh;c!i was in almo t numlicrless ir stances after the sun had disaj peoted, I have no reco!lJect;o:i that 1 ever cr.rrc in contact with or:c of them. They are mo3t commonly felt in a warm evening alter a sulti v day* about sunset, as Mr. Ji'fterson states, or coon alter, and invariably when the Wind is fom the south or south-west. The j ovver of ti e sun being then withdrawn, and ti e air heir g somewhat coo’ed, these warm moving bod es makes more sensible impresss’o.i ujon the observer wiien he meets with t’ cm, 1 have sometimes eneouiitc cd several in the course of an af erroon and early in the evening ; but * mo e fiequei.tly in a rredow than in any other place. They appear to me to be infallible precursors of a thunder-storm, which usually happens on the succeeding af.ernoon or even ing- | From the frequency of these bodes, during the most oppressive part of tie .summer, (and I belove they are seldom met with in any oth er seasou.) 1 am led to believe that if a li c of men were placed across a piece of low* and (level groatid, for the extc: t of a quarter or ihalf a mile, supposing it to have a north and 'south direction, with instructions to notice tie state of the atmosphere, imagining n rerii’c current of air f om t c south, t’ cv would find them ve y nutne ous. It s rottobesuppo cd l ey are til of equal magi itude ; 1 prcst n e they rre of various s>.cs; though it has al ways appe ued to me. that tho e wdiich seemed largest, seemed aLo to co..tJn the highest bod e® of wanri nr, which pa®?inirby us in*woorthro<? ppcondr, do not afford tin eto the Dios* ®cn? 1!e ther m"rnc‘er *o ®p.7e their *pmpera s ure. .Tudg'ng from my fee’iog® only, I think 'hey approach the ordinary heat of •heliumim body. S >rreof th.em li*’le hevond i‘. Thev are of ahoir t« en*v or thirty feet di ame erh rizon*B'lv. Os theirheeht ve have n< expe’*:'- bu» probahlv *hev are globular v< hr* e®, waf'ed or r filed along kv *he winr 1 . Put whence take**, w f rme ', or ho - .'* ge**ern*ed ? They are no* tr > be nscr.b ed *o v lcano«®, because we have nonr. Thev do not happen in the w’in'p-, when the far n, ers kindle large fires in clearing up their grounds. They a®e not co"- fined to the ®nring Feasor, w hen we have fires which traverec whole cotint'e®, consurring s he l«*aves which have falVn from the'r« c®. And their cause mu®t be paught for in ’he atm sphere i f ®clf; to aid us in w hich, T know but of these consent circumst«rce* ; a dry air, a ’emperature a.« warm at least as f l a* ft the sprinp nr au*unm : nnd a- njodera'r w ird. Thpv are most fre nueu* about sunpc*: rare in the middle par* of *he dav j and I do not recollect ever havieg met with them in tl* morning.” -Y*m on Virginia. NO. 18^