Southern post. (Macon, Ga.) 1837-18??, May 12, 1838, Image 4

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ROBINSON, WRIGHT & CO. HAVE just received, and offer for sale low for cash a splendid assortment of Staple and Fancy DRY-GOODS, suited to the season; consisting, in part, of the follow ing articles, viz : 8, y and 10-4 Duffle Blankets 10, 12 and 11-1 Rose Blankets, very superior 9,10 and 12-1 Whitney Blankets Heavy Kerseys and Lindseys 3-4 brown and bleached •shirtings 7-8 and 4-1 Lowell Cottons 3-4 Virginia Osnaburgs Blue, black and green Broad-cloths •Satinetts, Casimert s, Flannels, Bombazetis. and Merino Cloths, French and English Prints, Muslins, Linnens, Rich figured and plain Silks and Sattins, Hosiery, Gloves, eve. Shoes, of every description Splendid French Calf Boots Saddlery, China, Glass and Crockery Ware Hardware and Cutlery, &c. Also, 10 setts of Blacksmith's Tools complete, Together with an excellent assortment of Groceries. December 1 6 Dr. Scudder’s Celebrated Eye Water for In flamation and Weakness of the Eyes. F KXHE great advantages of this infalible remedy places -6 it as a general appendage to families, ansi a con stant vadt-mci urn to the traveller. This Eye Water is prepared with the greatest rare, and has never been known to fail in effecting a speedy and safe restoration •of the diseased organs. It is useless to attach any cer tificates by way of praise or recommendation. The reputation and immense sale that has attended Dr. •Sc adder's Eve Water, is the fairest proof of its utility and beneficial tendency; it lias been the means of preserving sight to many of the afflicted, from the help less infant to the aged parent Thousands of letters have been received by Dr. S. within these few years, containing Han ring remarks relative to this Eye Wa ter—and the cures«fleeted by it, have been set forth as wonderful bevond precedent. Dr. Scudder confidently recommends this Eye Water as a safe and valuable remedy—and he trust that his experience as an Occu liaf, to weigh against the gross impositions which are daily practised on tlm public by advertisements of dif ferent kinds of Eve Water, many of which are unsafe to use. Prepared by Dr, John Scudder, Occulist and inserter of Artificial’Human Eyes. A supply of the a bove Eve Watt r, for sale by H. SHOT WELL. &CT Merchants in the country supplied at thel’ro pri, , r ’s prici. March 10 20 SANDS’ REMEDY For salt Rheum Ring Worm, Tetters, ScaM Head, B trier's licit. 4*t*. F5 V IJIS remedy is a c nnliitiatioti iic rctofore unknown Jt in tiic annals of medicine. It is the production of much experience, deep research, and great expense, and is often (1 to the ptihlie in the fullest confidence of its being an effectual, safe and speedy cure for the Sail Rheum, and all other diseases of the skin, such as Teller, Ring Worms, St ill Head. Barber's or Jackson Itch, fyc. These diseases are known to he the most obstinate of anv to which the human system is subject, and can on ly be thoroughly eradicated by perseverance iri the rich course of treatment, and by using the right medicine a medicine has been discovered in this remedy, mid \vc speak from our own knowledge and when we say, that in fotty-nine cases out of fifty it will effect a permanent and rapid cure by attending to the accompanying directions for use. Sold by ’ ./• U. <s• IF. S. ELLIS, Cotton-Avenue. March 24 22 Morton’s Pulmonic Expectorant Cough Syrup, Ear Coughs, Colds , Asthmas, Consumptions and Whoop ing Coughs. A MONG flic numerous complaints with which the - * human family are aflicted, none are more common than coughs’ colds, &c. and none more fatal in their re sults, unless timely care is taken to stop their progress before they become too firmly seated upon the lungs.— Notwithstanding the many remedies that have been of fered to the public, not any have heretofore proved sue ceessful in procuring a certain and speedy relief. The proprieter having been an eye witness (for sever al years) of the astonishing virtues of this extraordinary Medicine, at length deems it his duty to offer it. to the public, in a way that it may receive a more extensive circulation: and at a price that the poor may receive the benefit of it as well as the rich. This syrup is particularly efficatious in removing coughs arising colds, attended with hoarseness and sore ness about the windpipe; likewise shortness of breath ing, tightness acros the breaht, accompanied with a tickling cough: and in all consumptive cases its use is oarticularlv recommended, likewise whooping cough is (ready relieved by its use—children laboring under this distressing disease, in innumerable instances have been astonishingly benefittedin a few days: the pleasentness of it is a great advantage, as children will take it with as much pleasure as they will preserves. N. B.— I The directionsaccompanyingeach bottle will he signed by I Vtn. L. Perkins, the sole proprietor.— Each bottle is scaled with the impression of morton’s pulmonic expectorant coco ii syrup, plainly stamped on it. For certificates, see the directions. WM L. PERKINS. We have just received afresh supply of the above, and can safely recommend it as a very excellent medi cine. H. & J. SHOTWELL, Agents, December 16th. 8 J. 11. & W. S. ELLIS, Druggists, Cotton-Avenue, Macon, Georgia, HAVE just received the following, which they offer for sale on accommodating terms : Superior English ground Mustard, for table or Med ical use Carpenter’s Extract Liverworth Do. Sarsaparilla Cububs and Capaiva Do. Extract Pink Root Do. do. Boneset Do. Tonic Extract Do. Remedy for Scalds, Burns, &c. Do. Disinfecting Liquid Chloride of Soda, for sick rooms, and keeping Meat untainted in hot weather. Gallaghan’s Vegetable Fever and Ague Pills Superior Red Peruvian Bark Oil Cantharidin, < )il Black Pepper Stomach Tubes, Dentist’s Instruments Croton Oil, Salaeratus, Pearlush Ground Spices, Starch Indigo, best Spanish, Salt-petre Salsoda, for washing, superior Apple Vinegar Best London Walnut Catsup Sultana Raisins, for cooking. Also, a general Stock of Fresh DRUGS, MEDI CINES, &c September 23 4 Orris’ Tooth M ash. \ SUPERIOR article for the Teeth and Gums.— The concurrent testimony of the most eminent dentists and members of the medical faculty, are united in favor of this article. For sale bv J. 11. fr W. S. ELLIS, Agents, March 10 20 Cotton-Avenue. Carpenter’s Embrocation for Horses. IjjVlß the cure of Swellings, Strains, Bruises, Galls Stiffness .of Tendour and Joints, &c. &c. This Embrocation is recommended to Farriers and other* who wish a remedy for diseases above mention ed- For sale by J. IF &W. S. ELLIS. Eteptemter 23 4tf Evils'* Patent Bowie-Knife Pistols. ELGIN’S Patent Bowie-Knife Pistols, just rert • n**) ved and for sale bv ROBINSON, WRIGHT & CC_ I3OTASH, just received and for sale by J. H. & W. S. ELLIS, Colton-Avenue. Marela It) 20 A LL persons having accounts against tin firm of ».Co ok & Cowles, and .1. Cowles, are requested to present the in at tbc Counting Room of the subscriber. JftHMtyfr iw J. COWLK*. NEW CARRIAGE REPO6ITORT, ON SECOND-STREET. HE subscriber has on ha ; 1, nod will he receiving, A a ianre assortim* nt of ' 'll r:nge« ? Barouche*. Buggys,&e.&r. Ti. re wishing to purchase will do well to call and examine for then-selves. JOHN HUNT, Jr. December 2 6 MARBLE AND STONE YARD. l© FipifE undersigned takes tins method of informing his friends and the public generally, that he has opened a Yard on Co*?on Avenue, in Macon, B<bb county, Geo., where he bason hand a large afoe-pnent of MA UTILE TOMBS. HEM) STONES. MAN TLE PIECES i MONUMENTS, HEARTHS, &c. Likewise he has opened a free Stone Quarrv, frem which he can furnish. TEPS TOMB PEDESTALS, TOMB BALLV DOOR and WIN DOW SILLS, POOR and WINDOW HEADS, HEARTHS, tic. Orders from the country thankfully received and punctuailv attended to. April 14 25p JAMES B. ARTOPE. SO" The Columbus Enquirer and Mil’ed e viile Re corder will give the above three insertions, and forward their accounts to this office for payment. LON (jJ MEASURE. JDtJL F |"HE thorough-hre 1 Lcno measure will stand the ensuing Spring reason, at the Montpelier Springs, iti Monroe County, on Mondays and Tues days; at my Stable, in Macon, on Wednesdays Thursdays, and cr Major Pearson’s, in Twiggs Coun ty, on the Manni road leading from this, on Fri t.ays and Saturdays—m the reduced price of Fifteen Dollars the season, and T’rciii-j-five Dollars the insur ance. Season to end on the Ist'of June. Payments to he punctually made at the expiration of the season. Lovo.measure ya beautiful dark brown, full sixteen hands one inch high, eight vears c!d this Spring. He was ssred by Old Bertrand, he by Sir Archie ; Long mensurc's dam was by the celebrated r.acp horse Timo leon, lie by Archie. Longmeasure’s dam is also tiie dam of the celebrated race horse Bill Austin. For re ference of family and blood, see Turf Register. A. W. BELL. April 7 TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS REWARD. STRAYED or Stolen, from Richard . W. Eiiis’ Stable, in Macon, about the A ti 25th of January las’. one ffea-bitten, or dapple grey HORSE, abtutt 14 years old, compactly built, cress-fallen, and is lame in his right hind leg, occasioned by the spavin. If the horse has been stolen, I will give twenty dollars for the apprehen sion of the thief, and five for tiie recovery of the horse. Any information respecting the same will be thankful ly received by R. W. Ellis, in Macon, or by the sub scriber, in Knoxville, Crawford County. JAMES M. ELLIS. April 21 2Stf NEW LIVERY STABLE. A sßt ISL rpHE subscribers would respectfully inform theciti- JL zens of Macon, rnd the public generally, that they liave opened one of the most pleasant S-iblesin the State, situated on tiie block of the Central Hotel, two doors from the Post-Ofli tte. And take pleasure in say ing that they have some of the finest Saddle, Carriage and Sulkey Horses in the country; and are-ready at all times to accommodate persons with Horses, Carriages, and Drivers. J. P. CAREY, C. L. HOWLAND. P. S. The best attention shall be paid to transient Horses, and the same to Ilorses-kept by tire month. February 10 16tf <:AV !.r. :H ,• I'AbLE. 4?f MM. A W. BELL would inform the citizens of Macon, i * • and its vacmity, that ho has reccndv opened his new livery stable, on Third-street, near tiie corner of Walnut, adjoining to Irving’s old Hotel; for the pur pose of accommodating Boarding Horses, either by the day, week, month, or year. And promises the best ac commodation, and attendance, at ail times. All board ing Horses that maybe put in his care, will be well at tended to in cases of disease, free of charge. He also intends acting in the capacity of Farrier and Veterinary Surgeon, for diseased Horses. His long experience and practice in the cure of Horses, lie Hatters himself, will render him competent to cure in most, if not all, cases. Also, Horses trained and broke to the Saddle, single or double harness. Ail of which will be done on the most reasonable terms. March 10 20tf F 11 E S II GARDEN m# SEEDS. J UST received, a large assortment of Garden Seeds among which are the following: Early sugar loaf Cabbage Early York do Large do do Early drumhead do Large do do Green glazed do hong blood Beet Early do. Turnip do Early French sugar do White Onion Red Onion Scarlet Carrot Orange do Early cluster Cucumber, Long green do Early short green do Superior Water Melons Large musk do Fine nutmeg do Green Citron do Dutch summer Squash Bush Crookneckncd do Ice Lettuce, Ice cos do Imperial sugar loaf do Long scarlet Radish Long salmon do Cherry turnip do Early Cauliflower Late do For sale by J. 11. & W. S. ELLIS, Cotton- Avenue. Matt* 10 an Early June Peas “ charlton do “ bishop prolific do Large white marrowfat do Dwarf blue imperial do Early china dwarf Beans “ mohawk do “ six weeks do Dutch caseknife do Large Lima do Early sugar corn “ Tuscarora do “ Dutch or sp’g Turnip Large English norfolk do White flat do Red top do lluta Baga do Scotch Kale Sea do Cayenne Pepper Bell do Curple Egg Plant Curled cress or pep’ grass Large Tomato Vegetable Oyster Curled Parsley White mustard Long White Okra Giant Asparagus Scotch Leek, EXTENSIVE jewelry establishment. tjQJx —THE subscribers are re l ccivinghis fall and winter sup- MfPjyt* . 2 ply °f Goods, which constitutes If f ll < 3 riv a stock in their line superior to JM'° P fi j any ever offered in tins niar i f frp. ket. and inferior to none for 8n goodness of quality, superior ' workmanship, _ or variety ol ” - style in the United States. HIS STOCSC CONSISTS OF Ladies and gentlemen’s gold patent lever Watches, of the approved makers, M. I. Tobins it Co-, Robert Ros kell. Joseph Johnson, John Moncas and Litherlnnd Da vis& Cos» ; gold English anchor escapement Watches, that Were made to order and adjusted to suit the south ern climate; gold liepine Watches; silver patent Le ver Lej iim, English Cylinder and Verge Watches; la dies’Curb; guard, basket and cable Chains; Watch Hooks. Seals, Keys and Swivels; Finger and Ear Rings; Broaches and children's Knobs and Wires; gentle rr n’a guard, curb ard linked Chains ; Seals, Keys and Swivels: horenn, sleeve and collar Buttons; Breast-pins an "Tedalions; perrl end jet Cresses; gold and silver Buckles ; gold, silver and nenri Snuff Boxes; gold and silver Ever-pointed Pencil Cas, ; Miniature Cases; Bracelets; gilt, silver, plated aad shell Combs; gold and silver Thimbles; gold, silver and steel templed Specta cl'-s, with glasses to suit everv ngc, and near-sighted; 8 '•! m and iarge Coral; Coral Necklaces; bead Chums and Purses; a variety of Beads ; Spy andQulz- Gl-sses: Micros -ones : Spar Grotto; Tea Caddies; Pot ct- W;s; lud.-iLble Ink ; Emon - Cushions; Rat :ky, iV ’.. vies and Teething Rings, for children; Corset Ri”gs; steel Busks; Portable Ink-stands and Writing ue ks; card and cigar eases; visiting Cards; imitation Fruit; Lucifer .(arches; Battle-Doors. Shuttle-Cocks and (traces ; Fencing Foils, Masks and Gloves ; Ro 8* r- ySo is Razors, j<en ;.r 1 pc< ket Knives ;C. Bin eraon's Razor Simps; Scuton; Dirks; Glazier’s Piv rnonds; at ■:!mps; Cheas-men,Backritnatoa >otu<dS, 1 :ce, iXtmmoes; steel Peas; Fire Fenders, An J Irons, Shovt ■ and Tongs : sheet Brass, brass Wire, Spates and Weights ; Surveyor's Compasses and Mathemati cal liD,tnmicn.s ; Astrel and large suspending Lamps; lamp Gla -s-s aad Candle Shades ; Looking Glasse-, : Plates and Thermometers ; Walking Cane3 ; Guns, Pistol.., pistol Eeits, Powder flasks, Shot Pouches, game Bags; gold and silver Leaf; Dent-.! instruments; gold and tin Foil; Whigs, Toupetts, Braids of Hair, Rolls ana Curls ; Otto of Roses, Cologt.e, Le.vender andFlo roa Water ; Birmingham and She. Held silver plated Cas.or®, lie nor Stands, Candle Sticks, Brant ht.v, Wtii- i tors, let 'l raj’s, l'ruit Baskets, Snuffcvs and Snufier : Tra.vs, silver C ups, Pitchers, Table, Tea, Desert, Cream, Suit ae. ’ I'l.-tard Spoons, soup Ladles, sugar Tongs, butter Knives, pickle Knives and Forks, sugar Scoops and firii Knives ; ddaiitic and Mahoganv eight-day j CLOv tS ; Musical instruments, consisting of Bass and Kefde Drums, Fifes, Flutes, Fkgolctts, tharondts, Accordions, Siteil Music Boxes, and Music Boxes, to play 12 tunes. A GOOD STOCK OF MILITARY (L MILITARY TRIMMINGS Os new style, such as are now used by the Army un der a recent regulation. also Watcrimakors ToMs and ITlatcrials, Besides many other articles—all of which they will sell very low for cash or approved paper. They invite citizens, and perrons generallv visiting the city, to cal! at their Store, (east side of Mulherry-stJ ard examine their Stock, where they are ever ready and happy to attend to those who may favor them with their calls. WM. B. JOHNSTON & CO. N. B. Particular attention paid to Watch Repairing. Having in employ approved and experienced workmen, and being prepared to manufacture ail the parts of movement of a Watch, will warrant every piece they make as perfect as the original, and their Watches to perform well. ~ W. B. J. & CO. March 17 6 ~l3* LOOK AT THIS! Watches. Jewo'ry. £i ; vcr-Ware, 6tc. &c. J. A. & S. H. VIRGIN WOULD inform their friends and the public that they still continue at their Jw‘‘ \ old stand on Cotton-Av /L :\ i0 P 7IJ enue, next door above the Ma • sonic Hall, and have just re o’civerl a fresh supply of Goods, v - \ - consisting in part of the follow —ing articles: Gentlemen and ladies’ Gold Lever, Anchor Escape ment, Independent Second, Lcpine & Vertical Watch es ; silver lever, plain and extra jewelled lepine and ver tical Watches —all of which were selected with choice, to suit this market, and will be warranted to perform well. Ladies’ gold Neck Chains; gentlemen’s gold and silver Guard and Fob Chains and Keys ; Ear Knobs and Drops; Breast Pins and Finger Rings, of all kinds; gold, silver, gilt and pearl Belt Buckles and Slides; Bracelets and II«ad Belts ; gold and silver Everpointed Pencils; Steel Pens, of the best qualities ; gold, silver and steel Spectacles ; Quizzing Glassess ; silver Table, Tea, Dessert, Sait and Mustard Spoons, Soup andCream Ladles, Sugar Tongs, Butter and Fruit Knives; Cups, Thimbles, Casters, and Candlesticks ; silver, brass and bronzed, coral, gilt and glass Beads ; ladies’ Work Bags, of the latest fashions ; Purses and Pocket-Books. Clarionetts, Flageoietts, Flutes, Fifes, Accordions, Music Boxes, large and small, Drums, Organs, and Violins. Waiking Sticks, of various kinds; silver gilt, shell, horn and ivory Combs; Tea and CoffcePots; Bread Bas kets, silver and japaned; fine painted Waiters; Knives, Razors ; Saunder’s celebrated Razor Straps, with tab lets; Pistols, of various kinds; Dentist’s Files, Gold Plate, Wire, Foil, &c. ; Toy Watches, Ratties and Whistles for children ; Snuff Boxes; Percussion Caps; Pipes ;• Cigar Tubes; Pocket Compasses ; Mathemat c al Instruments, &o. MILITARY GOODS. Swords, Belts, Epauletts, Plumes, Sashes, Battens, Lace, Stars, and ornaments too numerous to mention, which will be sold cheap for cash, or approved city ac ceptances. N. B. We have a choice selection of materials for re pairing Watches, and are prepared to make any new part, which we will warrant to perform as well as the original. (Lt* L A. & S. S. VIRGIN feel grateful for past favors, and would still solicit a share of the pub lic patronage, hoping to give satisfaction to all who may favor them tn their line. December 1 6tf Ware-llouse ami Commission Business. q, — TIIE subscriber begs leave to inform T ll| iiis friends the public generally, that he MDil’’jiiiL :jK * ias fa^cn 'h° well known stand for lnerlv occupied by Lippitt & Higgins, ag a Ware-House. The house is large, and as safe from Fire as any Ware-House in the city, and for close storage it excels any house in tiie city, al so for safety and convenience. A share of public pat onage is respectfully solicited. C. L. HOWLAND. N. B. The AUCTION business will he kept tip at he above stand, which is one of the best houses in the city for the above business. Strict attention will be paid to the sale of any goods that the public may see proper to confer upon him. Very respectfully, U. L. HOWLAND. {Ft Consicrnments respectfully solicited. December 1 6 CITY LICENSES. PIRSONS wishing any description of Licenses, can obtain the same bv application to me, at the Post- Office. JEBUE L. OWEN, Clerk ComuM!. Awnar v « CABINET ri’RNTTL’RE ,VTD CHAIR WARE-IIOUSE, Cottotv-Avenue, (opposite the Washington Hill,) Miuon, Georgia. SPERRY & MEYI.It have Isl ffs on hand* and are receiving, and constantiv manufacturing— a splendid assortment of FURNI rJjI ill TI RE—concrsung, in part, of Sofas, Sideboards, Secretaries, Dining Tables, in set's and sin 'll \kTnT \1 file, Centre, Tea and Work Ta- J \| files, and of every des if cription; with -a full assortment of Bedstettus, hlattra rs, Feath ers and Frathcr Ik is- mid a variety of Windsor, Fancy and Baltimore Chairs: The Subscribers, having in thUr employ the best of workmen, can manufacture at the sb'»rtest notice every thing in their line, in as g.Hid style as it can he done in the State, and of the best materials. Persons wishing to purcliaee would do well to call and examine for themselves, as thrv are offered on tiie k> • est tenns for ersh: J. A. SP.riR tY, Frbniarv 24 6m14 F. MEYER: SPLENDID FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. Opposite JVushington Hall, Mulberry-street . TIIK subscriber respectfully informs his friends anil the public d»at he is receiving and manufacturing a more splendid assortment of FURNiTU iE, than &vs?f bee t offered for sale in this cirv, a.‘ the lowest priors For. cash. The following comprise a part: Bu ! ebouras, -,vi:h and without marble tops, Secretary and B>>ok '-ares, Sofcs of tiw latc. t style, Conches, Settees an ! Easy chairs, Di ning tables in eetts and si agio, CVdtre Tables* with and vvitnonf marble Tops, pier Tables, pr nbrokr Tabic' work Tables, toilet, dros-unt; and french Btirkans, Mct hegany,, 1 is.pic and Popular ik dshuads, Maulle r.i.usres, Dressing Boxes a id Glasses, S..ciahle*. Ottomans, Car pet and Chair Cushions. Pionn Sca.s a irioti: patterns Mahogany, Ci'ried Maple ar.u Fancy C'taits, f.aic and Cotton ?xai trasses, Feathers and Feather Be '-. Blinds, Flour Mats, W Jaw Wagons and Cradles, togeihir v. ith every article in ids line. Tne proprietor is su; plied with *hc K«Cof workmen, and well seasoned in.-rials, so . at k. kt enabled to manufacture any article in bis „ne, bat t: av be called for. Orders from the country slsail icseive strict ot’c.t tion. The public are invited to < ill ajid examine far themselves. THOMAS WOOD. Dec. 2 G JAMES TAYLOR, ri ■; ,-X' • •• A. J .-V v - W- - ri. * Cabinet Manufactnrrr anti Uj ’-olstercr. IE proprietor respectfully informs the citizens of Jb Macon and vicinity, that he has on iiar.d a huge and fail assortment of CABIN ET rtfRNiTbT.E, Consisting of Sideboards, with and without marble tops; setts of Dining Tables; single Dinirtg T;-l let $ Card; Tea, Work and Writing Tables; Centre Tables, with and without marble tops : Sofas, latest fashions ; Secre taries and Book Cases; Bureaus; Pianos, of the most approved manufacturers, and the newest Music ; Piano S'ools; Mahoganv, Maple and Poplar Bedsteads ; dou ble and single Wash Stands ; curled Hair and Moss Matrasses; Feather Beds, of the best quality. A large assortment of Mahogany, curled Maple and Fancy CHAIRS ; also, Looking Glasses, of every description. Oriy All the above articles are of the latest styles, and will be warranted to stand the climate. Tiie subscri ber invites die public to call and view for themselves, at his Ware-House, Second-street, three doors West of the Washington Hall. J. T. December 1 dtf PI ANDES, CARRIAGES AND FURNITURE, J’UST received and for c a!e at reduced prices, by JOHN H. OLDERSHAW. April 7 24tf 1 iATS! IIATS!! HATS!!! -yr : ■/'*'*'* • ’ 4P GEORGE A. KIMBERLY MAS now on hand a very large assortment of Hats and Cats, most of which are manufactured hy himself expressly for retailing, and are w arranted to he superior to any ho has ever before offered, and at pri ces corresponding with the times. Among his assortment may he found super Black and Drab Beaver Hats, of tno latest fashion ; super black Hats, with wide ar.d medium brims, of the latest fashion ; black and drab smooth Beaver flats of every variety of shape and style ; satin beaver Ilats of supe rior quality, warranted extra fine fur bodies. Youths’ satin beaver Hats, extra fine ; Youths’ beaver Hats, a large assortment. Also, a large assortment, of Fur Caps, some of which are very fine, together with every article usually kept in a regular Hat store—all of which are offered on as good terms as can be purchased o anv manfacturer in the United States. 53" Gentlemen about treating themselves to a NEW HAT will do well to call. At Cost, a few ladies’ Far Capes, Pelerines, Muffs and Ruffs. December 9 7 C O A C II psl »p \ W A R E - ROUSE. - trSdSfcS b Y J-gf "®jS7RIGLEY & II ART, (opposite corner to Wasli » w ington Hall,) have on hand a large assortment of ,Saddlery*,, Hardware, Caiirlage-Flrm- TL’KE, &C. ALSO Carriages, Barouches, Bugays, Gigs t Tilburyr, Sal leys, and Fancy IVagmis. HOT Vehicles of all kinds, of the best materials, manufactured to order. Macon, December 9 7 NOTICE. \LT. persons indebted to the estate of J. T. Lewcllen, . deceased, are requested to make immediate pay ment; and all claims against the estate must, be handed in, in time, and according to the forms of law. or they will he barred payment. 1). RUSSELL, March ft) *otf Administrator. " SOUTHERN POST» ~~~ J MIIW J©® ©FFjRDI, Mulbci-ry-straei, Iff .con, Georgia, - 4 NOTHF.R addition of some ten founts of n . f*■ t* n< i fashionable type, having just been made" tins establishment, the undersigned is fully Dren*«rii. execute orders for a!! kinds of • P dto either from the country or in the city; and flatterst,;... seif, he wifi !>e alile to do ill? work as cheap, and lh' is confident.) as well and in as good taste, ’as can u done in the Btate. He respectfully solicits order* fi! all kinds of job-printing, such as— or Mercantile, Profession til and Visiting Cards Pamphlets, Circulars: Billls of Lading, Bills of Exchange, Blank Checks, Drafts, Faff; Notices, Bill Heads, Receipts, Orders Hat Tips, Badges, Protests, Invitations, ’ Concert ard Assembly Tickets, Druggists’ and Confectioner’s Labels, Horse, Auction, and Hand Bills, &c. &c. riilnnks of various kinds are kept constantly nn hand, f>r sate, at this office. Clerks of the several Courts can be supplied with Blanks of all descriptions, neatly jr.inted on good paper, at short notice. Distant Nuta ? rios, Clerks. Magistrates, and others, would do well to send their orders to this office, as they are assured no paints will be spared to please and suit them. C. R, HANLEITER. Kr Entrance to tiie office, through the Readme- Loom of the Macon Library Society, under the Cen tral Hotel. ' ' April 7 MACON < IOTHING STORE, O.i 71 ftfberry Sired fronting Cotton Avenue. • FITCH ins constantly on hand, and is receiving AN. at the above establishment from the manufacto ry of L. Fitch & Cos. a large assortment of seasonable clothing, consisting in part of 300 doth dress and frock Coats and Coatees. 100 cloth over Coats. 100 , dot cjoth, duflie, green and red’ Blanket Coats. 30 gentlemen’s goat’shair & English eamblet Cloaks. 500 pair cloth and cassimere Pants. 400 “ satinet Beaverteen and cord Pants. 600 cloth, plain & fig’d Velvet, Valencia, woolen velvet toifinet, bombazine, plain and fig’d satin Vests. 30 Ladies’ fig’d Marino, doth and Circassian Cloake, Gendemen’s cloth cloaks, eamblet Wrappers. 75 satinet, Beaverteen and Jeans hunting coats. 10 do/., gingham and calico Shirts. 10 doz. frill’d and pleted Linnen and cotton, Linnen Bosom .Sliirts, red and white Flannel shirts. Nett shirts and Drawers, Buckskin shirts. 150 nair plain and twilled cotton Drawers, silk shirts, (doves, Hosiery, Stocks, Bosoms, Collars, Suspenders. Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Purses, Russians Belts, Pis tols and Money Belts, Silk and cotton Umbrellas. Also 25 cases Fur and silk Hats, cloth Fur and Hair seel caps, which will lie sold very cheap. 150 suits coarse negro cloth, &.c. dtc. The above clothing is manufactured in the best man ner of good materials, and is offered at reduced prices fur casli Gentlemen wishing their cloths made at the North, will by leaving their names with me, have them made in the best manner, and most fashionable style, and wor rauted to please. Dec. 2. 6 H. F. LEVI ECKLEY, (/It his Confectionary Store and Cordial Distillery, No*. 5 fr 6 Commerce-Row, Macon , Georgia,) HAS for sale an extensive supply of Goods in his line. Among them are : 120,000 best Spanish Cigars 160,000 Florida do 100 barrels Butter ) 20 do Sofia > Crackers. 20 do Sweet ) Water and Pilot Bread 75 gross Table Salt 100 boxes Hull’s patent. Candles 30 do variegated l a 60 do Fancy \ SoAP ‘ 30 barrels soft shell ) . 30 do Jordan < Almonds ’ 20 do Brazil Nuts, 20 do Filberts 4 cases American Mustard 20 pipes best Madeira Wine 39 qr. casks London particular Teneriffes 10 do Lisbon J 15 do Muscat | 4 do Port j- Wines. Brown and pale ] Sherry J WINES IN GLASS, Madeira, Sherry, Port, Claret, and Burgundy* Wines of the Rhine and Moselle, Celebrated Cabinet of 1822, I Ilochheimer, 1831 none better ever imported, | Johannisberger, I®® Seteinberger vintage of 1822 I Rudesheimer, 1825 Rudesheimer Mountain,lß22 | Marcobrunner, 1825 Cogninc and Champagne Brandy Jamaica Rum, Holland Gin Irish and Scotch Whiskey Sherry and Raspberry Brandy 65 baskets Champagne 2000 lbs. Loaf and Lump Sugar Black and Hyson Tea Brown Honeydew Tobacco Cut Tobacco, for smoking and chewring Sweetmeats of every variety Currants, Raisins, Mace and Ground Spices A large supply of fresh Pickles 60 barrels Irish Potatoes, Northern Apples Spanish, French and American Candies Sardines, Anchovies, Olives and Capers 50 dozen Lemon and Raspberry Cordials Playing and Conversation Cards. ALSO, EXPECTED IN A FEW DAYS, Mackerel, Pickled Salmon, Mess Beef, Pickled Pork, pickled Tongues, Smoked Beef and Tongues, White Beans, Goshen Butter and Cheese. December 1 6tf IIISSOLUT ION. FINITE firm heretofore existing between Wagnos w “ Vaughan is this day dissolved, by mutual consent' All debts due the firm will he paid to George P- Wap non. and all against it will he presented to him, whoi* duly authorized to settle the same. March 10 20tf FORGE P. WAGNON will continue the ® R Goods and Grocery business, at the stand t™* merly occupied by Wagnon & Vaughan, and solicit* the patronage heretofore extended to them. March 10 20tf , Matches, Snuff, Ac. O ECKWITH’S Pills, Brandreth’s Pills, Evan’s Camomile Pills, for heart-burn, dyspep® 18 ' Toilet Powders, superior Soaps, Loco-toco, Lucifer, and Friction Matches, Black and blue writing Ink, Snuff of various kinds —for sale by J. H. -V W. S. ELLIS, Cotlon-Avenp*