Southern post. (Macon, Ga.) 1837-18??, June 16, 1838, Image 4

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I.EYT ECKLEY, j (A/ lib Confectionary Store and Cordial DhtHlery, Mce*. 5 4' 6 Commerce-Row, Macon, Georgia,) HAS for sale an extensive supply of Goods in hi line. Among them are: 120,000 b st Spanish Cigars 100,000 Florida do 100 barrels Butter ) 20 do Soda ' Crackes*. 20 do Sweet J Water and Pilot Bread 75 gross Table Salt 100 boxes Hull's patent Candle* 30 do variegated ) 60 do Fancy $ p * , 30 barrels soft shell ) . 30 do Jordan \ Almoxds. 20 do Brazil Nu's, 20 do Filbert* 4 cases American Mustard 20 pipes best Madeira Wine 39 qr. casks London particular Tcnerifiee 10 do Lisbon "1 15 do Muscat j 4 do Port j- Wines. Brown and pale I Sherry J WINES IN GLASS, Madeira, Sherry, Port, Claret, and Burgundy. Wines of the Rhine and Moselle, Celebrated Cabinet of 1822, j Hochheirner, 1831 none better ever imported, | Johannisberger, 18212 Seteinberger vintage of 1822 | Rudesheimer, 1823 Rudcsheiiner Mountain,lß22 j Marcobrunner, 1823 Cogniae and Champagne Brandy Jamaica Rum, Holland Gin Irish and Scotch Whiskey Sherry and Raspberry Brandy 65 baskets Champagne 2oOU lbs. Loaf and Lump Sugar Black and Hvson Tea Brown Honeydew Tobacco Cut Tobacco, for smoking and chewing Sweetmeats ofeverv variety Currants, Raisins, .Mace and Ground Spices A large supply of fresh Pickles » 60 barrels Irish Potatoes, Northern Apple* Spanish, French and American Candies Sardines, Anchovies, Olives and Capers 50 dozen Lemou and Raspberry Cordial* Piaytng and Conversation Cards. ALSO, EXPECTED IN A FEW DAYS, Mackerel, Pickled Salmon, Mess Beef, Pickied Pork, pickled Tongues, Smoked Beef and Tongues, White Beans, Goshen Butter and Cheese. December 1 6tf COTTON GINN. FTIHE subscribers having taken the shop at the cor -1- ner of Fourth and Walnut-streets nearly oppo site the new Presbyterian Church, offer their service'** o their friends and the public, in the manufacture of Cotton Gins, Sash Doors, Blinds, Pailing for Grave Fen ces, &c. Turning done in all its varities; all of which will be done in the neatest manner, and at theshorest notice. BEDSTEADS, in abundance, forsalelow. They will make a few Cotton Gins with cast-steel saws ; also German steel and Iron saws, with steel breasts, which will be ready for the next crop—and which they will w arrant, in point of workmanship, ma terials and performance, equal if not superior to an v ever made in Georgia. All orders punctually attended to, and Gins sent to any part of the State on reasonable terms Planters wishing to purchase will do well to give us a call. They have also in their employment a first rate Black smith, who will attend to any kind of Iron work which may be offered them, either from town or country cus tomers. A. D. &, I. F. BROWN. Maeon, February 17 17nc MACON CLOTHING STORK, On Mulberry Street fronting Cotton Avenue. H FITCH has constantly on hand, and is receiving • at the above establishment from the manufacto ry of L. Fitch & Cos. a large assortment of seasonable clothing, consisting in part of 300 clotn dress and frock Coats and Coatees. 100 cloth over Coats. 100 pilot cloth, duffle, green and red' Blanket Coats. 30 gentlemen’s goat’s hair A English cainblet Cloaks. 500 pair cloth and cassirnere Pants. 400 “ satinet Benverfeen and cord Pants. 600 cloth, plain & fig’d Velvet, Valencia, woolen velvet toilinet, bombazine, plain and fig’d satin Vests. 30 Ladies’ fig’d Marino, cloth and Circassian Cloaks, Gentlemen’s cloth cloaks, camblet Wrappers. 75 satinet, Beaverteen and Jeans hunting coats. 10 doz. gingham and calico Shirts. 10 doz. frill'd and plefed Linnen and cotton, Linnen Bosom Shirts, red and white Flannel shirts. Nett shirts and Drawers, Buckskin shirts. 150 pair plain and twilled cotton Drawers, silk shirts, Gloves, Hosiery, Stocks, Bosoms, Collars, Suspenders. Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Purses, Russian? Belts, Pis tols and Money Belts, Silk and cotton Umbrellas. Also 25 cases Fur and silk Hats cloth Fur and Hair seel caps which will he sold very cheap. 150 suits coarse negro cloth, Sic. See. The above clothing is manufactured in the best man ner of good materials, and ts offered at reduced prices for cash Gentlemen washing their cloths made at the North, will by leaving their names with me, have them made in the best manner, and most fashionable style, and war ranted to please. Dec. 2. 6 H. F. DISSOLUTION. THE Copartnership heretofore existing betwren tho subscribers under the firm of WTltjam Cooke & Cos. in the City of New York, and Cooke & Cowles. in Maeon,is,hy mutual consent, dissolved. The names of the firm will be used in settlement of the business, by either party. WILLIAM COOKE, J. COIFLES. Maeon, June 9 33 iKr The Telegraph, and Messenger will copy the above. II ACO N 03-AND PURE LEAF LARD. _£fi 4AIA HHA LBS. choice Bacon, most of which XvFvr xMM J has been cured here, on the mos approved principles. 4,000 Lea f Lard, put up in neat covered tin cans, suitable for families. Applv to WM. B. PARKER A CO. February 21 18tf Matches, Snuff, Ac. BECKWITH’S Pills. Brandreth’s Pills, Evan’s Camomile Pills, fir heart-burn, dyspepsia, Toilet Powders, superior Soaps, Loco-foco, Lucifer, and Friction Matches, Black and blue w riting Ink, Snuff of various kinds —for sale by J. 11. $ W. S ELLIS, Cotton-Avcnu* Mart* W * CABINET FURNITURE AND CIIAIIt WARE-HOUSE. Cotton-Avenue, ( opposite the Washington IlaU,) Macon, Georgia. s/fimrjy., SPERRY A MEYER have [fi //f on l jaru l’ auf l are receiving, ami ilfN l 'l/ constantly manufactcrim; IfHZEI splendid assortment of FURNI- J/M 111 TURK —consisting, in part, of ;S .fas, Sideboards, Secretaries, Dining Tables, in setts ands i’)- 1 VSiv»\l gle, Centre, Tea and Work Ta- I lS bles, and Bureaus, of every des -1 m cription; with a full assortment of Bedsteads, Mattrasses, Feath ers and Feather Beds—and a variety of Windsor, Fancy and Baltimore Chairs. The subscribers, having in their employ the best of workmen, can manufacture at the shortest notice every thing in their line, in as good style as it can be done in the State, and of the best materials. Persons wishing to purchase would do v eil to call and examine for themselves, as they are offered on the lowest terms for cash. J- A. SPERRY, February 24 6m14 F. MEYER. JAM US TAYLOR, Cabinet Jlnimfactnrrr and Upholsterer. * riMIE proprietor respectfully informs the citizens of J Macon and vicinity, that he has on hand a large and full assortment of CAX3XNOT rURNXTURS, Consisting of Sideboards, with and without marble tops; ! setts of Dining Tables ; single Dining T*bT<»; Card; Tea, Work and Writing Tables ; Centre Tables, with j and without marble tops ; Sofas, latest fashions; Secto jtariesand Book Cases; Bureaus; Pianos, of the most approved manufacturers, and the newest Music; Piano Stools; Mahogany, Maple and Poplar Bedsteads; dou ble and single Wash Stand? ; curled liair and Moss i Matrasses ; Feather Beds, of the besi quality. A lartre assortment of Mahogany, curled Maple and Fancy ; CHAIRS ; also, Looking Glasses, of every description. All the above articles are of the latest styles, and will be w arranted to stand the climate. The subscri ber invites the public to call and view for themselves, at his Ware-House, Second-street, three doors West of the Washington Hill. J. T. Decenibt r 1 6tf SPLENDID FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. Opposite Washington Hall, Mulberry-street. THE subscriber respectfully informs his fiends and the public that he is receiving and manufacturing a more splendid assortment of FURNITURE, than has ever been offered for sale in this city, at the lowest prices for cash. ! The following comprise a part: Sideboards, with and | without marble tops, Secretary and Book cases, Sofas of the latest style,Couches, Settees and Easy chairs, Di -1 ningtables in setts and single, Centre Tables with and without marble Tops, pier Tables, pembroke Tables, ! work Tables, toilet, dressing and french Bureaus, Ma hogany,, Maple and Popular Bedsteads, Mantle glasses, . Dressing Boxes and Glasses, Sociables, Ottomans, Car net and Chair Cushions, Piono Seats various patterns, i Mahogany, Curled Map’e and Fancy Chairs, Hair and Cotton Ma*trasses, Feat hers and Feather Beds, Blinds, ; Floor Mats, Willow Wagons and Cradles, together witli I every article in his line. Tne proprietor is supplied with the best of workmen, t and well seasoned materials, so that he is enabled to j manufacture any article in his line, that may be called ; for. Orders from the country shall receive strict atten tion. The public are invited to call and examine for j themselves. THOM AS WOOD. NEW CARRIAGE RErOSITOUY~ ON SEC ON D-STREET. subscriber lias on hand, am! will be receiving, l a large assortment of Carriages, Barouches, Rugyvs, Ac. Ac. Those wishing to purchase will do well to call and examine fur themselves. JOHN HUNT, Jr. December 2 6 C O A C II WARE- M I / T RIGI,EY & HART, Opposite corner to Wash » v ington Hall,) have on nand a large assortment of Saddlery, Harness, Hardware, Carriage-Furni ture, &c. ALSO — Carriages, Barouches, Buggys, Gigs, Tilbury *, Sul key.?, and Fancy Wagons. OCT Vehicles of all kinds, of the best materials, manufactured to order. _Macon, December 9 _ 7 , For Ba!e. THE small House on cotton Avenue, at pres jijj ent occupied by C. G. St. John as a jewelry store. Also for sale, an experience cook Woman. Ap ply to JAMES A. NISBET. December 2. 6 For Sate. Wl BOD lots of Oak and Hickory Land, a few miles ll from Macon. Also a FARM of one hundred acres in a good con dition, for planting, three and a half mile# from town Dec.3. C Apply to JAS. A. NISBET. HATS! HATS!! IIATS!!! fill ■fjissr fHi GEORGE A. KIMBERLY FT AS now on hand a very large assortment of Hats IX and Caps, most of w hich are manufactured by himself expressly for retailing, and are warranted to be superior to any he has ever before offered, and at pri ces corresponding with the times. Among his assortment may he found super Black and l)rab Beaver Hats, of the latest fashion ; super black Hats, with wide and medium brims, of the latest fashion ; black and drab smooth Beaver Hats of every variety of shape and style : satin beaver Hats of supe rior quality, warranted ex*ra fine fur bodies. Youths’ ! satin beaver Hats, extra fine ; Youths’ beaver Hats, a j large assortment. Also, a large assortment of Fur It’nps, some of which are very fine, together with every I article usually kept in a regular Hat store —all of which are offered on as good terms as can be purchased o anv manfacturer in the United States. Gentlemen about treating themselves to a NEW HAT will do well to call. , At Cost, a few ladies’ Fur Capes, Pelerines, Muffs and Ruffs. December 9 7 riANOES, CARRIAGES AND FURNITURE, JUST received and for sale at reduced prices, bv JOHN H. OLDERSH AW. April 7 24tf NEW LIVERY STABLE. friHE subscriber# would respectfully inform the citi * zens of Macon, and the public generally, that they have opened one ot the most pleasant Stables in the State, sifua’ed on the block of the Central Hofei, two doors from the Post-Office. And take pleasure in say ing that they have some of the finest Saddle, Carriage and Sulkey Horses in the country; and are ready at all tiling to accommodate persons with Horses, Carriages, and Driver*. J. P. CAREY, C. L. HOWLAND. P. S. The best attention shall be paid to transient Horses, and the same to Horses kept by the month. February 10 IST NEW LIVERY’ STABLE. IS? 4 W. BELL would inform the citizens of Macon, . * . and its vacinity, tliai he has recently opened his new Liverv stable, on Third-street, near the corner of Walnut, adjoining to Irving's old Hotel: for the pur ; pose of accommodating Boarding Horses, either by the | day, week, month, or year. And promises the best ac ' commodation, and attendance, at all times. All board | ing Horses that may he put in his care, will be well at | tended to in cases of disease, free of charge. He also | intends acting in the capacity of Farrier and Veterinary I Surgeon, for diseased Horses. His long experience and | practice in the cure of Horses, he Hatters himself, will j render him competent to cure in most, if not all, cases, j Also, Horses trained and broke to the Saddle, single or double harness. All of w hich will be done on the most reasonable terms. March 10 *otf TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS REWARD. STRAYED or Stolen, from Richard AmC\ W. Ellis’ Stable, in Macon, about the r"f l/') 25th of January last, one flea-bitten, or ~ ik ——* dapple grey HORSE, about 11 years old, ! compactly built, cress-fallen, and is lame in his right bind leg, occasioned by the spavin. If the horse has been stolen, I will give twenty dollars for the apprehen sion of the thief, and five for the recovery of the horse. I Any information respecting the same will he thankful ly received by R. \V. Ei.lis, in Macon, or by the sub scriber, in Knoxville, Crawford County. JAMES M. ELLIS. April 21 26 f CENTRAL IIOTELj MACON, GEORGIA. m THE subscribei respectfully inform# his friends Inland the public in general, that he has taken the * - above named Establishment, which having been recently thoroughly repaired and enlarged at ere at ex pence—is now open for the reception of Travellers, Boarders, ,\c. Tne chambers are lanre and airy—the servants competent and attentive. His Table shall constantly lie supplied with every delicacy the Season and Market will furnish. His Bar is stocked with the choicest lllnes and Liquors. And in order more effec tually to make it a first rate House, he has called to his aid the services of Mr. A. Eller, of Baltimore, whose loiiir experience at Bamum’s City Hotel, has justly en ti ‘led him to die reputation of a Caterer for the public. — The subscriber, therefore, hones by his unremitting ex ertions to please, to receive a Ida ml share of patronage. HORACE R. WARD. N. B. Good Stabling attached to the Hotel, w ith faith ful and attentive Ostlers. December 16 Btf TO Rf:\T. Jkm/L THE desirable residence on the hill, built by pp| Gen. Robt. A Beall, and lately occupied by Dr. Randolph, the enclosure contains an extensive variety of choice bearing fruit trees selected at the north, and ornamental shrubbery. ALSO some business houses well located on Cotton Avenue, for grocery and provision stores. FOR SALE.—Several valuable city lots, and I(*> acres improved land bounding on the city Common.. Troup’s nill and the Houston road, (distant one mile from the court house) with an extensive elevation in front, affording a commanding view of the City and sur rounding country, and well adapted for private residen ces, the whole, or a part of which will be sold on ac commodating terms by early application to YVM. B. PARKER. March 17. 21tf A LL persons indebted to the subscriber, either by note Im. or open account, are verv respectfully invitoa to call and settle the same. YVM. il. JOIINB'i'ON. January 30 v FS. LEWIS, having taken the store lately oecn ITI. pied by Dr. Loomis, in the Central Hotel buildinT near the Post-Office, is now prepared to furnish Ladidl and Gentlemen w ith Ice-Cream, daily, from 3 to 101/ clock, P. M. 0 * An apartment is reserved for Ladies and their attendants. Partus and Families will be furnished with Ice-Cream at any hour, on short notice. June 2 32i THE subscriber is now prepared to execute all kind# of House, Sign ami Ornamental Painting at his Shop, Mulberry-street, opposite the Post-OfficjT and one door below the Central Kail-Road Bank. Orders, either in the city or country', thankfully rec«j. ved and promptly attended to. DANIEL T. REA. February 10 jg COPARTNERSHIP. ROBERT WHEELER, having associated with him Mr. Calvin G. Wheeler, will continu# business in iuture under the firm of 11. WHEELER & CO. June 2 32if Notice—Copartnership. riMIE subscriber having associated with hi..., X L. Luce, they will transact business uno«i th# name, style and firm of Wm. B. Johnston & Cos. W.M. B. JOHNSTON. Macon, January 1,1838. 13tf LAW NOTICE. S. M. STRONG AND P. C. PENDLETON HAVING formed a co-partnership in the practice of the Law, will attend the several Courts of tha i Flint Circuit, and those of Twiggs and Wilkerson, of I the Oehmulgee. BCT Office in the west end of Cow les’ brick building, Commerce-Row. March 31 23 Georgia Insurance and Trust Company. CAPITAL ONE MILLION DOLLARS ALL PAID IN, f| X HIS company continues to insure dwelling houses X store* merchandise, cotton in ware-houses, and urniture, again#* loss by fire —and takes inland and ma rine risks on terms as favorable as other responsible in etitutions. Claims for losses are settled w-ith promptness and liberality. Apply to C. DAY, Agent. December 9 6m7 ICE HOUSE. rTMIE citizens of Macon, and vicinity, are informed X that Ice can be had at all times ’for Families, by application at the Bar of the Central Hotel for tickets- No Spirituous Liquors of any description will be kept at the Ice House. Persons from a distance may obtain it in large quantises by application either at the Cen tral Hotel, or at the Ice House. yy ICE-CRE AMS will he kept at all times at th* lee House, for the accommodation of Ladies and Gen tlemen. The place will be conveniently fitted up for pleasure and retirement &y The Ice House in Macon, will be kept open from 9A. M., until half-past 12; from 2P. M., until 5. 11. R-WARD. JAMES LEWIS. April 14 25tf NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the e?ta f e of J. T. I/ewellen, deceased, are requested to make immediate pay ment ; and all claims against the estate must be handed in. ia time, and according to the forms of law\ or they v. 11 be barred payment E. RUSSELL, March 10 20 ts Administrator. NEW STRING GOODS. GEO. C. McNEILL is now receiving at his stand in Messrs. Rea & Cotton’s fire-proof buildings, Commerce Row, his Spring and Summer suppliesuf Fancy and Staple DRY-GOODS. Among which will I • found some desirable selections, adapted to thepre- . senq and approaching seasons. Purchasers are invited 1 to call and examine for themselves. April 14 SfHf - NOTICE. THE undersigned having purchased of Mr. Geo.P. Wagnon, his entire Stock of GOODS, and hav ing removed to the Store formerly occupied by Hum phries Sc Moore, w here he may be found, and happy » j wait on those who may favor him with a call. H® '* i now receiving a fresh supply of Dry Goods and Groce ries, all of w hich will be sold low for cash. 14 25tf C. \ AFGHAN, HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HARTFOKD, CONNECTICUT, Incorporated in 1810 with a Capital of 8150,000, ani power to increase the same to $250,000. riIHIS long established Institution has for more than X a quarter of a century, transacted its extensive business on the most jus»f and liberal principles its losses with the most honorable promptness; andine I present Board of Directors pledge themselves in this par ticular, fully to maintain the high reputation ot tne I Company. If insures on the most favorable terms, «• i cry description of property against loss and damage ny ; Fire, but takes no marine risks. . ! Application for Insurance may be made either P sonallv, or by letter, to its Agent in this city: ana renewals for risks now running by this Company on property in this city, may be riim]c bv nppl>e ntlun the Agent. WM. B. JOHNSTON, Agent. Macon, April 21, 1838. i ROBINSON, W RIGIIT A CO. HAVE just received, and offer for sale low for a splendid assortment of Staple and Fancy DRY .GOODS, suited to the season ; consisting, in part, of th* folio**# ing articles, viz : 8,9 and 10-4 Duffle Blankets 10, 12 and 14-4 Rose Blankets, very superior 9,10 and 12-4 Whitney Blankets Heavy Kerseys and Lindseys 3-4 brown anti bleached Shirtings 7-8 nnd 4-4 Lowell Cottons 3-4 Virginia Osnaburgs Blue, black and green Broad-cloths Satinetts, Casimeros, Flannels, Bombazetts, and Merino Cloths, French and English Prints, Muslins, LinnenN Rich figured and plain Silks and Sattins, Hosiery, Gloves, Ac. Shoes, of every description Splendid French Calf Boots Saddlery, China, Glass and Crockery W ar« Hardware and Cutlery, &c. Also, 10 setts of Blacksmith’s Tools complete, Together with an excellent assortment of Groe*o<» December 1 m