Southern post. (Macon, Ga.) 1837-18??, July 07, 1838, Image 4

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”*s Pu*:aoaic Co-igh 'For Cbugh', Cell-, A#lt>mWcZnsam>>lioM and Whoop ing Cugfh*. ~ . . * MONO the numeru is complaints win wnioh the dia. human fam.iv arc sthc r.knone nrein-’Tv comm it t'na - b.i ! 's uni- -•> iiiitlv care is taken to Map their progress lungs.— , , . - - iat bavi been f , ub , . : avc lx ■' ■: ire pn wad sue I p tearing a oer mi and speedy rehefi , , pr. ic'-er having lx tan eye wmesstfarsercr a’ w-y- %ii the vir cs of tins extraorainary ~f"; •..»!;», at'*!••!!; h deems it ius duty to offer it to the * i ireuiui'.oti: and a: a pitot in;.: ilie poor may receive die lit u ii’ e* well as the rich. . '. Ti t ■■r.ip is partieul.iiiv chieatious in removin'' I . , ’ “< - i ri.-ijpip' ; sk< ■■ breit'ii in r, t j:. ' aeros ;he breahf, a ■eouipaiue'i with a ti. .ili.i/ rough: and in all C‘*tvs iiiiptiva cases its tire earth ularjv re 'onunenjed, l;!.o>'> - cough ire idy r< it. wed by its u -c —iiiUu laboring under tins ji.-irr'-".ny disease, in innumerable instances nave been ; . V ! hi or li"i din a io\v days; thspk S OtMM (,x jf :> i 1 ;I,! ».' 11 ' . ft> r!lihir».‘ ’1 V%;ii t..vL it »lh us nut ii • V ‘Sarc as t. y wiil pr< t rves. ... |j_ •]' ■. . -;-1 ;v ".reach bo tic tvul bo signed by Wat. L. Pi -kins, the s le propri U r.— 1I& ;h !i Ittic is sealed with till' I'mo sstult Oi MORTON S r a : JNIC expectorant cotva syrup, plainly Stamped on •>. For certificates, see the direcdons. WM L. PERKINS. Wo have riri received afresh supply ot the above, and can safely recommend it as avi ry excellent medi - cine. li. &J. SiiOTVV ELL, Agents, December loth. PATENT MACHINE SPREAD STRESG INI VIVIAN PLANTER. fN : >• in of these very Superior and Ele jJ front Pin ters, no cost or trouble is spared to ensure j.Ofiille degree ai perfection, in point of utility, el< traue. I comfort. They are spread ofyanoa? sizes on-kid, if the best quality, by Mnhinery, i..tented expressly for the jar-pose, (which gives ’hem an auvaniiu'e over cve ry plaster heretofore offered to the | uhi.c) us by this nv a u they can he made of a thickness, adl ei from the inequality of surfaci wliich irequemiy pievcn • other.' from adhering, or renders them irritating am; uncomfortable, an objection, which it is impossible to nvoid by the usual method of spreading Piasters The composition used in tht se Plasters, is careful!) prepared at a lower temperaturr, from a combination <> valuable Resinous Gums, with the a i-rnixmre <4 si ver nl choice aromatics, entirely separated from a.l extra neous and irritaiing particles; and from its jiecuiiar combination of highly slnnglhrnn:', and rHtr/itlif- stimulating jtruprrtii.* i ■ .'it plea-ant an ejfett iil rw If, ill all ea-cs of ]<■ i in the ride and ffrrast, irrnkni sor oppression of the il"t; jJain or week lies* of the hack or loins { Al .in tht < iso of sinking and faitiiess at the pii of the stomach, accompanying ; Fwp ;iiian lEu r < ■ '. i>. G nti•.or pH - ful atfections of the lilll’is or j ‘ill's, tiieir Anodyne and \ .S' imulating propi rfit = render th, in panicuiriily lieneii | cial. In Cohh, Cough*, or .h’.'/nrw'io Ajiir'init-i, ihcy i will be found to give imincili iie na 1 permanent relci. | Persons who from sedentary habhs, ort.’iier eausr••, ar. j predisposed to affections of the la or-, vrill !i id tl.e-o | Plasters an clfeetnal security agau-.s; t;i >-e pulmonary j a t ieks which prove but two fre -,<• mly, fwh mi n< fleet- J od) the precursory sjunploms of Comumptiim; and in-; deed in a climate like ours, where c ilds snd coughs an an almost unfailing rotisequeue of the sudden change to wnich nil arc subject, every one at all liable t > suffer from the influence of those cmi. r v. mid fi id 'he great er! po sible security in liavi.ig hi hurt and lungs pro teevd by one of the'-e i lvaluu’jle P ! vers. To children safli-riag from Wltooninr Cough, or | Colds afTicttiur the chert or lung , he uniat ire ami one- | dj/nn propertii .>• of tin se Plasrer.', aiihrd • uoul rel.ef. These Pias’ers being spread much more rapidly, as well us better, by Al i. him ry, are s >ij much lower than j ‘Plasters spread in the usual me’hod. For she by J. 11. & TF. S. ELLIS. ‘ • Jane ■’ 3 1 SANDS’ RETIEDY For s ill Rheum, Ring Worm, Viters, Scald Head, Barber's Itch, Si c. F£” IIIS remedy is n combination lu remfore unknown •I- in the nmmla of medicine. It is the production of 1 n ; h experience, deep research, and great expense, l and is offered to the public in tin: Flit s’ e.mfidenee < I is being an e ffectual, safe and speody cure tor the .Sail j Rheum, and all other diseases of the skin, such as Tetter, i Rim; Worm*, Scald Head. Ear!' r> or J-udaum It eh, if.- ! These diseases are known to be ’lie m «: ohutin-iie any to •Which the human -vsh-tn I sn' a.-d ea i bu- I Ijt iie thor mghly eradii ate . ’ , eourae of trea'meiit, and by 1. ; y h rl.rot mt-i! . e l Sue t a medicine has 'lcn . in tills rt ■, ' an 1 we speak from our own ki. ov! ■ ! ... and experience ' whon we sayjthut iti forty-nine ca ' ou of ftf.v i w •dfec’ a permanent and rapid euro by attending to the ! aceo nriauyiag dirociious 1 r n.-e. Sold by ‘ J. H. IF. S. ELLTS, Cotton-Avenue. ] March 21 '22 .1. ii, tk IV- R. I" ’ ftrttyglsts, CoUon-Anenue, Mtcoi:,Gt >rgi 1, |TT AA'S just rec -ved the fh.i uv; which they offer ; L.S. f- sale on accommodating t -rms : 8 u erior English ground Musiard, for table or Med ical tue Carpen’er’s Extract I.ivcnvorth id). Sarsapar.'lf.t Cububs and Capaiva Id ). Extract Pink Root Ido. do. lioiieset Ido. Tonic Extract Id 1. H< olyl >r Scalds, R'irn=, Ih. Vl '.'liyc-in? L.quid Chloride of Sodn, for ,and >t wt idler. G. !! Ve-rc able Fever and Ague Pills 8 ip.n ior Po and Peruvian Bark 0.1 Can.’imridin, Oil Black Pepper S'ontach 'Pubes, Dentis ’s Instruments 0 ■ moil Oil, Salaeratus, Pearlash Gr. -und Spices, S arch In i"• ir *, lv at Spanish, Salt-pe*re S iL'.i In, J'.r wasiiin-r, superior Apple Vinegar Best 1, hklou Walnut Catsup Saliana Raisins, for cooking. Also, n general Stock of Fresh DRUGS, MEDI CINES, &,c September 23 4 dlntc.hns, Snuff, Ac, BECKWITH'S Pills, Brandreih’s Pdls, Evan s(_ amomile Pids, fir h. arl-burii, dyspepsia, Toilet Powders, superior Soaps, J.ico-foco, L a :ifer, and Friction Matches, Black and blue writing Ink, Snuirof various kinds—for sale bv • J. 11. IF. X ELLIS, Cotton-Avenue March 10 20 G. C. McXIELL "ffS now receiving, nt the store in Messrs*. Rea &, Cot- JL ton’s Fire Proof building , Commeree-Row. an ex tensive and carefully selected Stock of Fancy and Sta ple Dry Goods, R r ad.-Made Clothinm, Ote. Among other things will be found, Silks, Si'ins and Batin Reps, English, French and Crodenap Merinos ; French and English, Swiss and Scotch worked and embroidered Capes and Collars of various stvh s: Mus ine, Lawns, Linnet's, Diapers, Carpotin«v, Vrin»«, ffo iserj-. Shawls, Bonnetts, Veils, &c., with other articles usually kept in a Dry Goods Store—all of winch w ill be sold on good terms. December ‘J 7 Dr. i*t.t ddel t f'4 lei,rated Eye Water for la flaraatioK and Weakness of the Eyes. | fg\HE great advantages of this infalihle remedy places I i it as a general appendage to families, ami a con- ' Mant vaie-metum to the traveller. Tins Eye Wa’er is 1 prepared with the greatest care, and has*'never been ! kpown to fail in elfecting a speedv and safe res.oration <>f the diseased organs. It is useless to attach any cor- ■ titicates by way of praise or r: commendation. ’ The 1 reputation and immense sale that has attended Dr. I Soudder’s Eye Water, is the faire; proof of its milky and beneficial tendency ; it has been the means of preserving sight to many of the ailhcied, fmin the help less infant to die aged parent. Thousands of letters have been received by Dr. S. within these few years, containing flattering remarks relative to tins Eve \Va- I ter—and the cures effected by it, have been set forth us } wonderful beyond p * cedent. Dr. Scuddi 1 confidt ntly recommends this Eye Water as a sale and valuable 1 remedy—and he trust that his experience ns an O m li«t, to weigh against the gross impositions which are ! daily practised on the public by advertisements of dif ferent kinds of Eye AY ntcr, many of winch are unsafe louse. Prepared by Dr. John Bccrou.i!, Oeei.l'sr and inserter erf 1 Artifi ' l . 1 Eyes. A t j . if bove Eve Water, fur sale by 11. tSiIuTWLLL. Jffr Mi rchantß in llte country supplied at the Pro ptietars price. March 10 20 t fsruenter's Ibnbrocnli< -i for Ifors.--. II'OR the cure of Swellings, Strains, Bruises, Galls Stiffness of TVndour and Joints, &e. fee. l ies Embrocation is rec inimended to Farriers and others who wish a remedy fur » above m . ;m --- F->r sale by J. 11. ik, IF. S. ELLIS. September 23 4if Cf J~" Land and SlierifT’s Deiibs, of aujicrior for kultt at ilmt oifiev. caijivet rmxirmr and Cll A1 ii WAKi«: -i IO VS E, Cotton-Avcntc, {opposite the Washington Hali,) Alacon, i£?< orpin. . .. SPERRY A- MEYER have If !jt~ on hand, and are receiving, and constantly manuiacturiv; —a eplendid assoranent e f FURNI- L — / / jij TURE—confisting, in part, of -T”. ■’’ny/y Sofas, Sideboards, Secretaries, S'SkE FiJki'T Dihirg Tables, in setts and sin* I F\ \\ gle, Centre, Tea and Work Ta ,l -\ _\ hies, and Bureaus, of every des -2 crip’iou ; with a hill assortment W of Ifeds’eads, Man rushes. Feath ers and Fea her Beds—and a variety of Windsor, Fancy and Baltimore Chairs. The auhs-.-rihers. h wing in their employ the best of ■ ; kinen, can mam f ...Mure at the sh ir esi notice every king in their tine, in as good style as i. can he done in la S ate, and oi the beit eir.teria's. Persons w ishing > purchase veulJ do t ell to call and examine fur itcmselves, a3 they are offered on the lovest terms for J. A. SPERRY, February 21 6m14 Ik MEYER. PI A NO EE, V _ j' -r* -y; ■ ■ 4 j if ' ' jl jl i 'i l i '1 CARRIAGES AND FERNITT HE, FUST received and for sale r.t reduce;! prirc° by ’* JOHN 11. OLDERStHA V. April 7 u 4 f .1 AMr# TAYLOR, X ■ ■ Crtbinet Mnr.t’fiicftircr and Upholsterer. HE proprietor 1 espectfully informs the citizens o *- Macon and vicinity, that he has on hand a larg® and full assortment of CAmNBT ruEniTunß, C insisting ofSidt 1 ards,witliand without marble tops; sf Dining Tables; : .'<• Dining Tablet; Card; Pea, Work and XV riling Tables ; Centre Tables, with and without marble tops; Sofas, latest fashions; Secre aries and Bo k Casts; Barents; Pianos, of the most approved manufacturers, and the newest Music; Piano S ooks: M thogn ny, Maple and Poplar Bedsteads ; dou le and single Wash B’ands ;. curksi flair and Moss Matrasses; Feather Teds, of the bes quality. A large or!meat of MahtMjm-e, curled Maple and Fancy .5; 1, Looking Glasses, of every description. CFf All the above iti-ticli s are • I llie latest styles, and inted to s;a.i ! r!:e climate. The subscri . r Invite be public to call and view for themselves, at ; - W:iit-!Io wo, Sicund-s'.rcil, three dams West of the Washington Hall. J. T. Off S FLENDIT) FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. ( opposite Washington Hall, Mulberry, street, '■ 'Spill? 'ii -; -riber respectfully informs b : - friends and *• the pi; 1 ii-; hat he is receiving mid manufacturing a more splendid assortment of FURNITURE, than Ins ever bmu offered for sale in this city, at the lowest prices TOP. CASH. The f il i.ving comprise a part: Sideboards, witli and wi’h nt marble tops, Secretary and Book eases, Sofas of the burst style, CouHu s. Settees and Easy chairs, Di ning tables in setts and single, ( entro Tables with and without marble Tops, pier Tables, Pembroke Tables, w >rk Tables, toilet, dressing and french Bureaus, Ma hogany,, Maple and Popular Bedsteads, Mantle glasses, ! Dm t> ).\es and Glasses, Sociables Oitomapf), Car -11 - 1 and Chair Cushions, Piono Seats various patterns, i Yloli gany, Curled Maple and Fancy Chairs, Hair and C ‘to t Mattraf-es, Foatlters and Feather Beds, Blinds, | Fl oor M ,■ . W.Hmv Wagons and Cradles, together with ; everv arlicle in his line. The proprietor is supplied with the best of workmen, ; and well seasoned materials, so that he is enabled to 1 manufacture any article in his line, that may he called 1 fur. O tcrs from the country shall receive strict alien- I tion. The public arc invited to call mod examine for < o THOMAS WOOD. ! HATS! HATS!I HATS!! Y~ f mi GEORGE A. KIMBERLY .T AS nutv (Hi hand a very large assortment of llats ! A :::td Cats, most of which arc manufactured by himself exprof -.v for retailing, and are warranted to l.e sup- nor in u.r, he lias ever before offered, and at pri ces corresponding with the times. Among his a .- r’meut may be found super Black and D. ab Beaver llats, of the latest fashion ; super Mad: 1J" , wi.h wide and medium brims, of the latest fashion : black and drab sm ioih Beater If its of every variety of shape a'tid s jie : satin b< aver Hats of supe rior quality, warranted extra fine fur bodies. Youths’ satin beat er Hats, extra line ; Youths’ beaver Hats, a large assortment. Also, a large assortment of Fur Caps, some of which are very fine, together with every article usually kept in a regular I tat store —all of which are offered oil as good terms as can be purchased of any manfaeturer in the United States. (Krtleiiih'inon about treating themselves to a NEYV HAT v ill do well to call. At Cost, a few ladies’ Fur Capes, Pelerines, Muffs and Rails. December 9 7 ,LI GE _ It EPOS IT oli y7~ N ON SECOND-STREET. t[j (IIE subscriber has on hand, and will be receiving, B a large osnirtinent of Cafringes, Barouches, llu rgys, ,ve. At. Those wishing to purchase will do wefl to call and examine for themselves. JOHN HUNT, Jr. December 2 6 C O A«. II fi . rv* ®a » WARE- HOUSE. AST’ UIG LEY iN HART, corner to Wash- j V g ing'on Hall,) have on hand a large assortment ! of Saddi.kry, Harness, Hardware, TURE, &,C. —-ALSO Oarrhtpe*, liaroiiclo s, Bmtav*, Gigs, Till-urns, Sul keys, and Fonty Wagons. itCF" Vehicles of all kinds, of this best material*, manufactured to order. Macon; December ’J 7 Ware-House and Commission Business. q. T'lEs 1! ' riber begs leave to inform J Ap xr. Ills friends the public generally, that he llr-xm '*] has taken the well known sinnd for* . ~jr -Fi dm I’*' ’u Lb pin \ il ■ ils a YVare-Huwy. Tike house isbnyre, and as safe fmm Fire as any YVare-llouse in the city, and for close st >rnge it excels any house in the city, r.l --•u Iht safety and c< invenii n< e. A share of public pat »nugc is rcspeelfully solicited. C. L. HOWLAND N. B. The AUCTION business will be kept up nt lie above stand, which is one of the best houses in the city for the above bii»iri<p«. Strict attention will be | paid to the sale of any goods that (lie public may sec proper to confer upon him. Y'erv rcspeetfiiUv, ; (\ L. HOWLAND. \ IFr Consignments respectfully solicited. December 1 6 “ SOUTHERN POST” f r r :ji K3iw mm oiFwmm, nSalberry-strect, Blacor., Georgia. NOTHER addition of some ten founts of new -’A ami f.shiciiahlc type, having just been made to tb’s es , '.kb‘-hinpnr, the undersigned is fully prepared to execute orders for all kinds of U t i IT ft, either from the country or in the city; and flatters him self, he will hr able to do his work as cheap, and, (he i 1 confiden%) as well ami in as good taste, as can he d.,ne in the 8 av. He respectfully solicits orders for all kinds of job-printing, such as— Mercantile, Prnfessipnal and Visiting Cards, ■Pnmphie’s. Civeul.vrs, Biills of Lading, Btiis of Exchange, Binnk Checks, Drafts, Bank Notices. Bid Heads, Receipts, Orders, Hat Tips, Badges, Protests, Invitations, Concert and Assembly Tickets, Druggists’ and Confectioner’s Labels, Horse, Auction, and Hand &c. &c. fCT~ U’ar>ics of various kinds are kept constant! 1 / on hand, fur sale, at this office. Clerks of the several Courts can be supplied with Blanks of all descriptions, neatly lyin’'J or. n >d paper, .at short notice. Distant Nota ries, ( .’erks, arid others, would do well to send their orders to this office, as they are assured no pains will be spared to please and suit them. C. R. hanjleiter. tFr Entrance to die office, through the Reading- Room o{ the i.lacon Library Socieiv, under the Cen tral Hotel. ' April 7 MONTPELIER SPRINGS. Proprietor of the Montpelier Springs, begs A leave to notify the Public that a Onn iatte and t'onr Horses, with a careful Driver, will commence running from Macon on Tuesday neat, leaving the Central-Hotel, at 1 o’clock 011 Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday—and return, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. June 9 33:f NEW LIVERY STABLE. illL UnL J&L A YV. BELL would inform the citizens of Macon, - A . and its vacmity, that he has recently opened his nf.vv livery stable, on Tiiird-s!reef, near the corner of YValiiu’, adjoining to li ving’s old Hotel; for the pur pose of nccotnmodatii g Boarding_Horses, either by the day, week, rr. >nt!i, or tear, the best ne commodatiorti and attend*nc#,at alltipies. AH ing Horses that may he put in his care, v iil be well at tended to i:i cases of disease, free of charge. Ho also intends acting in the capacity of Farrier and Y’c’erinarv Surgeon, for diseased Horses.’ His long experience and practice in the cure of Horses, he flatters himself, will render him competent to cure in most, if not all, cases. Also, Horses, trained and broke to the Saddle, single or double harness. All of which w ill be done on the most reasonable terms. March 10 VOif NEW LIVERY STABLE. 4?“^ rpHE sttbserihers Would respectfully inform tlieciti i zens ot Macon, and die public generally, that they have opened one of die must pleasant Stiililes in the State, si mated on the block of the Central Hotel, two doors from the Post-Office. And take pleasure in say ing that they have some of the finest Saddle, Carriage and Sulkcr Horses in the country; and are ready at all times to accommodate persons w ith Horace, Carriages, and Drivers. J. P, CAREY, C. L. HOWLAND. r. S The best attention shall be ]mid to transient Horses, anc! the same to Horses kept by the month. February 10 lGtf TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS REWARD. STRAYED or Stolen, from Richard J**uf\.\ VV. Elks’ S’able, in Ylacon, about the j/ r 25th of January last, one flea-bitten, or dapple grey HORSE, about 14 years old, compactly built, cress-fallen, and is lame in his right hind leg, occasioned by the spavin. If the horse ins been stolen, I will give twenty dollars for the apprehen sion of the thief, and five for the recovery of the horse. Any information respecting the same will be thankful* ly received by R. YV. Eli.;?, .in Macon, or by the sub scriber, in Knoxville, Crawford Countv. JAMES M. ELLIS. April 21 26 f F R E S II GARDEN Igfjp SEEDS. "RUST received, a large assortment of Garden Seeds among which are die following : Early sugar loaf C.Jibage Early June Peas Early York do “ chai'ltori do Large do do “ bishop prolific do Early drumhead do Large white marrowfat do Large do do Dwarf blue imperial do Green glazed do Early china dwarf Beans Long blood Beet “ mohaw k do Eariy do. Turnip do “ six weeks do Early French sugar do Dutch caseknife do YVliite Onion Large Lima do Red Onion j Early sugar corn Scarlet Carrot “ Tuscarora do Orange do I “ Dutch or sp’g Turnip Early cluster Cucumber, Large English norlblk do Long green do White flat do Early short green do Red lop ; do Superior Water Melons jßutn Baga do Large musk do Scotch Kale Fine nutmeg do Sea do Green Citron do Cayenne Pepper Dutch summer Squash Bell do Bush Ctpokneckned do Purple Egg Plant Ice Lettuce, Curled cress or pep’ grass Ice cos do Large Tomato Imperial sugar loaf do 1 Vegetable Oyster Long scarlet Radish ] Curled Parsley liong salmon do YVhite mustnrd Cherry turnip do | Long YVhite Okra Early Cauliflower | Giant Asparagus Late do ! Scotch Leek, For sale by J. H. A YV. S. ELLTS, Cotton-Avenue. March 10 20 COPARTNERSHIP. r3 OBFRT YY’HEELER, having associated with A him Mr. Calvin G. Wheeleh, will continue business in future under the firm of R. YV HEELER A CO. ■Tune 2 32if DISSOLI TION. F3YHE copartnership heretofore existing between the * undersigned, is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. AH persons indebted to us, will please make pay ment to Mr. E. J. Purse, who will in future continue the business on his own account. 6. F. GRIFFIN, E. J. PURSE. Macon, June 56, 34p YJOTASH, just received and f'l «a!e by » J. H. A. YV. S. ELLIS, Cotton-Avenue. March 10 20 CITY LICENSES. fJERSONS w ishing any descrip'ion of Licenses, can - obtain the same by applicati mto me, at the Post- Office. JESSE L. OWEN, Clerk Council. January 27 14 A LT. persons having accounts against the firm of J* Cook &, miff J. Cowles, are requested to present them nt the Counting Room of the subscriber. January 27 Utf J. COWLES. AT HOME !!! Mulberry -street., Macon, Georgia. f JMIE subscribers continue the Tinning R:;.-ii>e«vs -fi- nt their old stand, where they are prepared to fur nish Country Merchants ad Pedlars on reasonable terms. SCf~ Job work of all kinds done at short notice. JAMES H. BISHOP & CO. June 16 34tf Extensive JeYvelry Establishment. THE subscribers are re 'A . reiving his fa!! and winter sup- Wi/W K * ply of Goods, which crjnstituti s f( j l L "V j a s.ock in tin ir line superior to. /j;V® P TANARUS:/ J any e ver oflcieu in this inar m<\*/ . */Vc3L he', ami inferior to none for S-’-hml.msss oi quality, superio: .. - w i nat hip, or vark: y ol - T; ’ r - ' style in the United States. , ins STOCK CONSISTS OF Ladie.s and gentlemen’s gold patent lever YY’atehes, of the approved makers, M. 1. Tobias &. Cos., Robert Ros- K? 11, Joseph Johnson, John Moncas and Litherland Da . vis & Cos.; gold English anchor escapement Watches, that were made to order and adjusted to suit the south ern climate; gold Lupine Watches; silver patent Le ver Lrpine, English Cylinder and Verge Watches; In dies’Cui-b, guard, basket and cable Chains ; YVateh [looks, ricals Keys and Swivels ; Finger.and Ear Rings: Broaches and children's Knobs and YY’ires; gentle-’ men's guard, curb :nd linked Chains : Seals, Keys and Swivt i-: . - ■ . .■ u ar Buttons: Brt ast-pios, tord Medali met; pearl and jet Crosses; gold and silvei Buckles; geld, silvi r and ptari Snuff Boxes; gold and suv'er Ever-pointed Pencil Cases; Miniatuh Cases ; Bracelets; gilt, silver, plated and shell Combs; 2 Id am. silver Thimbles ; gold, silver and steel templed Specta cles, with glasses to suit every age, and near-sighted ;i Seed and large Coral; Coral Necklaces; beau Bag*, Chains and Puvses; a variety of Beads ; Spy and Quiz zing Glasses; Microscopes; Spur Grotto: Tea Caddies; Pocket-Books; Indellible Ink ; Emory Cushions; Rat tles, Whistles and Teething Rings, for children ; Corset: Rings ; steel Busks ; Portable Ink-stands and YV’riiing.' desks; card and cigar cases ; visinng Cards ; imitatii n Fruit; Lucifer Mutches; Bauie-Doors, Shuttle-Cocks and Graces ; Fencing Foils, Masks and Gloves ; Ro gers A Sun’s Razors, pen and poeke' Knives ; C. Em eitsoiv’s Razor Straps; Scissors; D’rks ; Glazier’s Dia monds , seal Si amps: Chc- sunen, Backgammon boards, Dice, Dominoes; steel Pens ; Fire Fenders, And Irons, ’ Shovt Is and Tongs ; sheet Brass, brass Wire, Scales and YVeights ; Surveyor’s Compasses and Ma'hemati cal Astrci and large suspending Lamps; lamp Glasses and Candle Shad< s : Looking Glasses ; Plates add Tfiefmometets : Walking Canes ; Guns, Pistols, pis’ol Belts, Powder Flasks, Shot-Pouches, game Bags; gold ant! silver Leaf; Den'al Instruments; gold’ and Un Foil ; Whigs, Toupetts, Braids of flair, Rolls and Curls ; Otto of Roses, Cologne, Lavender and Flo rida YY'atcr ; Birtninghn<,t and Fheiliild silver plated Castors, liquor Stands, Candle Slicks, Branches, Wai ters, Tea Travs, Fruit Baskets, Snuffers and Snuffer Trays, sixer Cups, Pilchers, Table, Tea, Desert, Cream, Sail and Mustard Spoons, soup Indies, sugar Tongs, buffer ltnivi s, pickle Knives and Forks, sugar Scoops and fish Knives ; Mantle and Mahogany eight-day CLOCKS ; Musical Instruments, consisting of Bass -iml K■' 1c Drums, Fifes, Flutes, FI igeletts, Clnronctts, Accordians, Sin-! Music Boxes, and Mu: Boxes, to play 12 tunes. a good stock OF MILITARY & MILITARY TRIMMINGS Os new style, such as arc now used by the Army un der a recent regulation. Watchmaker's Tools and materials. Besides many oilier . nicies—all of which they will sell very low for cash or approved paper. They invite oilizetts, and persons generallv visiting the city, to call at their Store, (east side nf Mulben-y-st.) and examine their Stock, w here they ore ever ready anil happy to attend to those who mav favor them with' rheir calls. YVM. I? JOHNSTON &, CO. N. B. Particular attention paid to Watch Repairing. Having in employ approved and experienced workmen, and being prepared to manufacture all the parts of movement of a YVateh,'will warrant every piece they make as perfect as the original, and their YVatches to perform well. YV. 13. J. &. CO. March 17 f, LOOK AT Watches, Jewelry, Cilver-Ware, dcz. St. c. J. A. A S. S. VIRGIN WOULD inform their friends and the public that Ass /yz they still continue at their if O' [ old stand on Cotton-A v 'YlV° / r)i e nue, next door above the Ma ' \5/ 6 sonic Hall, and have just re 't ’/'A c( ivtd n fresh sttpply oftfoods, ... , Miwisting in part of the toflow* ing articles: Gcnflenten and ladies’ Gold Lever, Anchor Escape ment, Ini' jx nlint Se n .L< pine & Vertical Wat< h •: silver lever, plain and t xtra j< tveDed h-pinc and ver tical y.'ATCHKs: —all of which w i re selected with ebrice, to suit Uiis murker, itnd trill lie warranted to perform well. Ladies gold Neck Chains ;g( ntlemen’s gold and silver Guard and Fob Chains and Kevs ; Ear Knobs and Drops; Breast Fins and Finger Rings, of all kinds; gold, silver, gilt and pearl Belt Buckles and Slides ; Bracelets and Head Belts ; gold and silver Everpointed Pencils; Steel Pens, of the best qualities ; gold, silver and steel Spectacles ; Quizzing Gfassess; silver Table, Tea, Dessert, Salt ami Mustard Sjxkius, Soup an it're::tu Ladies, Sugar Tongs, Butter and Frith Knives, Cups, Thimbles, Castors, and Cnndlcstn Its ; silver, brass and bronzed, coral, gil’ and glass Beads : ladit s’ YVorlt Bugs, of the latest fashions'; Purses and Pocket-Books. CJarionetLs, Hagrulct's, Finks, Fifes. Accordions, Music Boxes,large and small, Drums. Organs, and Ylolins. YValking Sticks, of virions kinds; silver gilt, shell, horn and ivpry Corn's ; Tin and Coffee Rms ; Bread Bas kets, silvery od japaned; fine painted Waik.Ts ; Knives, Razors; Saunder’s celebrated Razor Straps, with tab lets ; Pistols, of various kinds ; Dentist’s Files, (mid Plate, Wire, Foil, Ac.; Toy Watches, Rattles and YV histles for children ; Snuff Boxes ; Percussion Gaps; Pipes; Cigar Tubes; Pocket Compasses ; Mathemat cal Instruments, Ac. MILITARY GOODS’. Swords, Belts, Epanletts, Plumes, Sashes, Buttens, Lace, Stars, and ornaments too numerous to mention, which will be sold cheap for cash, or approved city ac ceptances. N. B. YVe have: a choice salcction of materials for re pairing Wahltes, and are prepared to make any new parr, tvhic-h we will w arrant to perform as well as the original. Off?” J. A. At S. S. VIRGIN feel gmteful for past favors, and would still solie-it a share of the pub lic patronage, hoping to give satisfaction to all who mat favor them in their line. December I 6tf ROBINSON, WRIGIIT A CO. nAVE just received, and offer for sale law for cash u splendid ass riment of Staple and Fancy D RY - GOODS, suited to the season; consisting, in part, of the follow ing articles, viz : H, 9 and 10-1 Duffle Blankets 10. 12 ; nd 14-4 Rose Blankets, verv superior 9, 10 and l"2-t YV hi’ney Blankets Heavy K< rseys and Ltndsevs 3-4 brown and blem bed Shirtings 7-8 and 4-4 Lowell Cottons 3-1 Virginia Osuabtirgs Blue, black and green Broad-cloths Satinet's, Ges'mrris, Flannels, " RombazctA. and .Yfi rino Cloths, Frcn [t mil r.i i:sh Prints, Muslins, Linncns, Ri h kg ir< and and plain Silks and Sattins, Iloactj, Glows, Ac. Shoes, of everv dr-seri ntion Splendid French Calf Boots Saddlery, China, Claes and Crockerv VVare Hardware and Cutlery, Ac. Are, 10 sert-io. Blacks oath’s Tools complere, I g, :1 er wo'lt an sxcellent assortment of Groct rips. Decetnbcr 1 g 4 PI, persons indebted to the subseriber. ritherbv note „ °r open acfvmnt. ere verv respeCtfiilh invvou to crU and settle. tli« same. WM. B. JOHNSTON. Joßuart 2D f3tf cr*rrn \l hotfl, MACON, GEORGIA. f ~lr T . H | F ' fml f? ribc ' inform* Ids friend. I' ■ 3 a [> d lt >e public in general, that he has take,? u ! above named Establishment, which Itavum recently thorougmy repaired and enlarged ar BT n penee—is now oih n tor the reception of TV,,,' boarders, Ihe chambers are large and airv X servants competent and attentive. His Tarik constat, ]y be 'implied with every delicacy the SeS ;n 1 Market will lurntsh. His Bar is stocked wbh rh» cho rest if m sand Liquors. And in order moreefW u illy to make it a first rate H utse, he has called m 1.?.* aid the services of Mr. A. Elder, of Baltimore, In igexpt -new eat Barn uni’s City ft otP |, 1 .ed h.m to the reputation ofa Gnnrer tor Iho subs i-jlier, therefore, hopes by his unrenuuiufe erhons to please, to receive a liberal share of t,arrnnar, X ' .. _ „ , HORACE R. WAHi'U N.B. Good Stabling attached to the Hotel, with fifei, ful and attentive Ostlers. * lai,b ’ December 16 UNITED STATES IIOTEL~ " GAINKSVILLK, GEORGIA. "A subscriber informs his friends and the il pub. 10, that he has taken charge of the iarke avd r * vitioptois house situated on the N. r h W* fj r !i cr V s tne I übhc Sfu are .recently occupied by • Hull md, and having conutderablv improved the pretntses he is prepared to ae C »mmodate company ns comfortably anti in as good style ns any other Public House ,n the up-country. His Table will be furnished tth the best the country an .rds ; his Bar supplied wifi! ' hot: e Liquors n and VVtnes ; and his Stable wul be a ! tended to and provided fir in such a manner asti p.ea:e the lovers of fine horses. In short, no trouble or expense, will ho spared to make all comfortable who may see proper to patronize the establishment J me 23 WILEY Jail TO Ri:\T. dcslrnb'e residence on the hill, built bv . L.J A 4 kealJ, and lately occupied bv Tfr . Kan aapn, the; enclosure contains an extensive variety of choice bearmgfru.t trees selected at the north md ornamental ALSO some business houses w ell located on Cotton Avenue, for grocery am! provision stores. ! FOB PALE.—Several valunble citv lots, and If, ■ ’ : -'■ ! n the city dotnnwnk lioiip s hill and the Hotr-on road, (distant one mile , rum the court house) wtm tu, extensive elevation so Ir int, affording a commanding view of the-City and sur round,ng country, and well adap-r and for private residen ccs, the whole, or a part of which w ill be sold on ac commodating terms by early application to March 17. ' W-M- B. PARKER. FOR SALE, ~ fSMIE DWELT,ING HOUSE and Lot on Walnut A Btrer h occupied by the subscriber. Possession given at short nouce. Apply to C DAY June 16 ’ _ ' * 34p ' For Safe. House on cotton Avenue, at pres . jjj_cnt occupied by C.G.St. John as a jewelry store. Also for sale, an experience cook Woman An. P‘U° . 0 JAMES A. NI3BET. December 2. g THE FIRST NUMBER OF THE SIXTEENTH VOLUME OF THE NEW- YOU K M UvßOii, Will he issued on the thirteenth day of June, ri T wdl contain a Portrait of Charles Sprague, the a American Poet engraved by Parker, from a Paint ing by Harding, and a vignette title-page. These will be succeeded by Three Ctnttyand Magnificent En gramngs ou Sts-1, by the best Artists, designed and En graved ir, m Origin il Paintings expressly for the work. Etchings on wood, 1* Adams, Johnson, and others Wil also embellish the tor ii coining Volume; besides J-j I >/pieces oj rare, beautiful, and popular MUSIC, ar ian ed f r the riinqforte, Guitar, Harp, r t,>. .The New Volume will contain articles from the pens of well known and distinguished writers, upon every subject that cau pr »ve intrii ,sting to the general reader, including Oiigtnal Poetry—Tales and Essays, humorous and pathetic—Critical Notices—Early and choice seko tions from the best new publications, both American and Eng i'll—Scientific and Literary Intelligence— Copious Not cesof Foreign Count!'- «, by Correspond ents engaged ( xpressly and exchisit, for this Journal —Strictures upon the various productions in the Fine Arts, that arc presented for the notice and approbation of the pubkic and beautiful specimens of Art, Engravings, itfitsic, etc.—Notices of the acted Drama and other amusements—Translations from the best new works in other languages, French, German, Italian, Spanish, etc.—and an infinite variety of mis cellaneous reading relating to passing events, remarka ble indivi unis, discoveries and improvement in Sek cnee, Art. Me lianics, and a series unoriginal papers front American wri’ers of distinction. As only a limited number of copies will be issued, those desirous of commencing their subsbriptions with b n- c nnnie.iccincnt of the sixteenth volume can he sup t! 1,;< b by directing their cstninttnications, postpaid, to the Editors, end tsittu t ie subscription pnee, five dol tnr°, j aya >;e in all ra-es i t advance. T it- Eit 'ornil conduct of the new volume will beun der the charge of Ert. - Sargent, and will contain, as l/essrs. fffuris, Fav, Cos , Captain J/i ryatt, Sheridan Knowles, Inman, ’> -Ut-S and a list i , two hundred others, well known to tac n idi -gcomni in'ty. In the vari* ty,interest, amuse ment aa! iastru- n its literary department, and the sp’e 11! ur ot' 1 : ein Si lliikmeuts, 'he lieauty of its ntu si:-, a id tie-.- mce ..f its typography, it is'intended to r. 1u t i e new v hr .in all re-pects, equal, if not su ‘ niv.'rsa ly admit ted ihat no work extant furnishes such v 1 table enutva .e it- ior .h-- : ‘-ig a maun: at which *t is afforded per annum, as the jlf rr r. I 1 a " adv. -ti-emen’ like the present, it is not poss:- be tjs a < ur plans for the new volume; a-d, if it were, it w- I ! not be ticca i'.ra jcurnnl that is so u tit I known, not only throughout the U. States a id Gr. a Bn on, bu; wherever the English language is spoken. Suffice it to say, that neither pains, labour, .talent, industry, nor expense, shall he spared to render i a !i"ht, graceful, ana agreeable melage of polite and elegant li’eratttre, as well ns an ornament to the period r i pre-reofth ; United States—intended alike for the pcrti'il of our fair and gentle countrywomen, the sc c iu< ands udent, the trinn of and all of both si :r, p '.-'(.wing a parade of tas'e or refinement—and " •‘dc rs pages 1 over will co i'nin a single vvoMl or sen tence that would v’ltra'e nripli a- antlv upon the ear of , ive daughter cf Eve, they wiil be render eti not 1 lie less accc ptalile to the opposite sex. . 1 'o tTio::...- —l’:ie ff/.rror is published every Satur day, at >. 1, Barelay-sire t, next dor to Broad way. It i- < / r'l.nlty print nl in the ex’ra super-royal quarto torm, \s: h brevier, -iiiiiii i . and nonpareil tvpe. It is eni’a i. s.te l.orce rv »r thne month?, wi-'h a Splendid b’tpt r-Loyal Quarto /-, igniting, and every week with a popular piece oi M t 1 arra igcd f»r the Pianoforte, lla p, t urar, e'c. F r each vo'uine nn exquisitely hugrat ed I ten lie Tib-page, and a copious Index are turn shed. Ibe tern fl a -e five dollars jicr annum, jxiya* Ml ill all cases, i n ad>anee. I ,-f . r «aide 1 bv he ear- ' N «t trails to sul.S ril'ers residing out of die City of New-Yore. Conimunfeatons, past paid, must be ad dressed to the Editor. No sul'scriptions received for a less period than <ne yea*. New subscribers may ba snppl id Ir un the beginning of the present volume. June 30 35 M Vt ON CLOTHING STOIIK, On Mulberry Street fronting Cotton Avenue. S 111 Cl I has cons'antly on hand, and is receiving *■ x *» ‘ s,^,oV^ '*jiiHliment from ihe manufacto rol L. r Lch vV Cos. alar?/? 1 assortment of seasonable c lothing, consisting in part of 3im) cloth dress and Iruck Coats and Coatees. 100 elo'h over Con's. 100 pilot cloth, duffle, green and red Blanket Coats. 30 gentlemen sgoet slciir & English catnblet Cloaks. 5'K) ;>air cloth and cassimc-re Pants. 4i)o “ satinet Bcayertri-ii and eord Pantsi • GiiO cloth, plaiu & tig and \ eivet, Valencia, woolen velvet toilioet, bortiliczi ie. plain and satin Vests. 3*> Ladas fig'ti Marino, cloth and Circassian Cloaks, cloth cloaks, catnblet VY r rap|>ers. 75 satinet, Ik sverteen arid Jeans hunting coats. lO -hiz. giugliain and calico Shiite. 0 I<) - 1 and p'e.ied Irinnen and cotton, Linncn B ■un S-iif's, red and white Flannel shirts. Nett shir':- and Drawers, Buckskin slurL®. . 15-l piir p l and tw: >-(i cotton Drawers, silk shirts, <» *ves, I loser -. S i-kr, Bosuns, Collars, Suspenders. llindk‘ ie -.< H-vr 's. Purses, Russians-Belts, Pis ton and .doney Belts, ri.jk and cotton Umbrellas. ALSO, : 25 cases Far and silk Hats, c!o‘h Fmfand Hair seel caps, which willin' sold verv cheap. 15 ’ si. < coarse negro d--.*h, tie. &e. 'i ■ ecl ithir’2 is I.laniifaetured in the best man ner 1 >t good materials, and is offered at reduced prices for cash < Ic-.’Vmrn wishinrr tltcir cloths made at tltc North, will by iruTinpr iheir names with me, have them niadetn the !•(«• manner, and most feshionable style, and wor ranred toplnse. Dec. 2. 6 H. F Fain’s Potent Bowie-Kr.ife Pistols. O ELGIN r* Patent Bowie-Knife lhstols, just ref6i-> (WU vt-J an J for safe bv ROBINSON, WRIGIIT & CO