Southern post. (Macon, Ga.) 1837-18??, July 14, 1838, Image 4

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j. n. & w. ». Cotton-Avenue, Miron, Georgia, HAVE jus; received the following, which they oifer for sale on accommodating terms : Superior English ground M-is-ard, tor tabic or Med ical use Carpenter’s Extract Liver worth Do. S irsapar.ila Cububs and Capaiva Du. Extract Pink Root l)o. do. Boneset Do. Tonic Extract l)o. Remedy for Scalds, Bums, &e. Do. P.sinfectin? L' ;aid C:il >ride <>t o xla, for **ick mom*, and keepiig.M it untainted in hot weather. U illag'na Vs Vege able Fever and Ague Piiuq Siperi >r Red Peruvian B irk id iCa lfhirldln, Ol Black Pepper Stomach T ibes, D: ins '* larerumente Go;o 1 Oi, Salaemtus, Pearlush Gr 'Und Spices, Starch Indigo, be*' Spanish, S.dt-pe're t Silsoda, fir washing, superior Appie vinegar Be?’ L in In i Walnut Catsup Sultana Raisins, for cooking. Also, a general Stock of Frcsn DRUGS, M c-. U CINES, &c September 23 * iUorton'a Pulmonic Expectorant Cough Sera;), For Cough*. Colls, A*thm i*, Consumptions and ll hoop ing CnU'h*. . . VMON'G the numerous complaints with which tin human fomriy are athvied, 1 me areuuie coiinn .11 than coughs' col.!*, Sec. and none 111 tc iatali 1 their re sults, unless timely care is taken to stop iio.r progress before they become too firmly seated upon the lungs.— Notwithstanding the many remedies that have l*een of fered tj the public, not any have heretofore pr yed sue ccessful in pnenr. lg a certain and 'peedy react. The proprieter ii ivmgbcen an eye witness (I ,r sever al years) of the astonishing virtues of this ex rn irdinary Medicine, at length deems it his duty to ofTer it to the public, in a wav that it may receive a more exensive circulation: and at a price that the poor may receive the benefit of it as well a? the ri h. Tins syrup is particularly etfientious in retmvin:/ coughs arising colds, attended \vi*li hoarseness and sore ness about the windpipe; likewise sli irtnessot breath ing, tight less arr •« ’lie breaht, accompanied with u tickling cough: and in all eons itnptive ca«cs its iw s uarticudarJy recommended, like w is >p.tig cough js {ready relieved by its use—children laboring under this lis ressing disease, in innumerable i istanct s have be< n astonishingly beneiitted in afe w days: the plertsentncss Vs it is a great advantage, as children will take it with as much p'easure as they will preserves. N. B.—Tne dir -c’i ms'a • mipa ivmgeach bottle will be signed by Win. L. Perkin, the sole proprie’or.— Idadi bottle is sealed with the impression of morton’s poi.moXic expectorant cocoa syrup, plainly st .taped on it. For certificates, see the dirce'i ns. WM L. PERKINS. We have just received a fresh supply of the above,* and can safely recommend if as a very excellent'medi ’ cine. H. &. J. SHOT WELL, Agents, December 16 h. 8_ SANDS’ REMEDY For silt Rheum, Rug Worm, f 'tiers, Sculu fir id. 13 irhrr \ licit, 6-c. 7 ?MIIS refticdy is a comb nation heretofore unknown i in he annals of medicine. Lis file production of much experience, deep research, a id great expensi, aid is offered to die public i 1 die fullest confine:.ce of i’s being an effectual, safe and speedy cure for the Suit ,R'i mm, a id all other diseases f he skin, such as Tetcr, R : n% IVornn, Scald Had. Dali rs or Jackson lick, ijr. T i,i.*c diseases arc known to be die mjst obstinate f aly I *. 1 he 1. . ein is subject, and can ly in thorn tghly eradieu 0.1 by perseverance in the right course ot trc.i niciit, and by ii.-mg iie right uieuici..e Such a inedi-i c has lice., d.s '.ere! in this re me y, and we speak from our own knowledge expene.e t 'when vve say, that in forty-nine cases out of fit y it will effect a perm meat and rapid cure by attending to die accompanying Uircctions for use. Sold by J. 11. <s• IT. S. PLUS, Cotton-A venue. March 21 22 rATHN'T MAPIIINIJ SPREAD STRENGTHENING PL VSTER. IN the preparation id' these very Superior and Ele gant Plasters, no cost or trouble .s spared to ensure possible degree <>i perfection, in pointed' utility, e'iegttnce and cotnf irt. They arc spread of various sizes on kid, of the best quality, by Machinery, invented erprexslyfor the purpose, (w hich gives them ttu advau age over every ' plaster heretof ire offered to the | üblic) as by this in ‘.a is they can be made of a uniform thickness, and free j from the inequality of surface which frequently pueven s 1 others from adhering, or renders them irrifaiing and ; uncomfortable, an objection, which it is impossible to ’ avoid by the usual method of spre iding'Plas ers Th'- composition used in these Plas.ers, is carefully prepared at a lower temperature, from a combination o valuable Resinous Gums, wish the ad-mixture of sever al choice aromatics, entirely separated from ail extra-; neons and irritating particles; and from its peculiar combination of highly strengthening, anodyne und slightly stimulating properties'll it/Fiid? a pleasant and efei tml remedy, in nil cases of pain in the side and breast, tr*akne** or oppression of the t hest; pain or weak ness of the back or loins ; Also, in the sense of sinking and lititiiess a’ die pit of the stomach, accompanying Drpejiei 1 and Liver Complaint. I 1 Rhematir, or pa 11- ful .iflee ions of the limbs or j‘i its, llie.r A tod 'tne and Stimulating nr render them pnrticu arlv benefi cin' I 1 Colds, Caught, or Aslhtnitic Afie.tiims, they w-ii be-found .ogive immediate and pe I’ers ms wh 1 from sedentary habits, or other cn .ses, an predisposed to affections of the In ay, will fi and ti Plasters an effectual security against those pulmonary n’tacks which prove but two fre merely, (w h ■ 1 ucg'ec - *'d) the precursory symptoms of Consumption; and in deed in a climate like ours, where coldssnd coughs are an almost unfailing consequence of die sudden changes to w li b all are subjee’, every one at all liable to suffer from the influence of these causes vvouid find the great est possible security m having his chest an 1 lungs pro tee'ed by one of these luvinuaole Plas ers. To children suffering from Whooping Cough, or Golds affecting the chest or lungs, the sedative a id ano dyne properties of these Plas’ers, afford signal relief. These P.'as ers being spread much more rapidly, as ! well as liefer, by Muhinery, are sold much lower than I 1 lusters spread in the usual tin hod. For safe by J. H. & IF. 8. ELLIS. June 2 . . 32 Mr»tc!i°s, Su’ifT, Ac. OECKWITH’S Pills, I! Iret ' IMls, Camomile Pills, for heart-burn, dyspepsia, .1 otlet Powders, superior S laps, Loc >foco, Lucifer, and Friction Matches, Blank and blue writing Ink, Snuff of various kinds—for «i!e hv J-H-dr W. S. ELLIS, Cotton-Avenue March 10 *2O Dr. Suildti till. Lrated Eye Water ft»r In tiamutiob and Weakness of the Eyes. riIHE great advantages ot this inialiblc remedy places X it as a general appendage to families, ariif ft con ptant vadc-mei um to the traveller. This Eye VVater is prepared with the greatest care, and has never been Known to tad in etiectinaf a speedy and safe restoration of the diseased organs. It is useless to afach any cep* tificates by way of praise or recommendation. The reputation and immense sale that has attended Dr. Hcudders Eye Wa er, is the iairest of its utility and beneficial tendency ; it has been the means of preserving sight to many of the aftlimed, from the help less infant to the aged parent Thousands of letters have been received by Ur. S. within these few years, containing flattering remarks relative to this liv e W.i ter —and the cures effected by it, have been set forth us wonderful beyond precedent.' l) r . Scudder confidently rccommenciS th;s Eye Water as a safe ard \aluabre remedy—and be trust that Ins experience as an Occu- Iwt, to weigh against the gross impositions which are daily practised on the puhl c by advenisements of dif ferent kinds of Eye \\ a'.er, tnanv of which are unsafe to use. Prepared by Dr. John Sitdder, Occulikt and inserter oi Artificial Human Eyes. A s.opn 1 " ~f the a bove Eye Water, for sale by ' 11. SuOTWELL. iPik' in the country supplied at the Pro prietors price. March 10 20 ' Carivciiter’s Umbrocation for Ilors-s. die cure of Swellings, S'rain* Bruises, Galls • S'ltmrss of Ti nd our and Joints, &c. Ac. Tnis Embrocation is recommended to Farriers and O’-here who wish a remedy for diseases above nien’ion cd- For sale by J. H- & IF. S. ELI-18. Sep ember 23 4:f G* c. MeNIELL IS now receiving, at the store in Messrs. Rea &. Cot ton’s Fire Proof buildings, Coimnercc-Row, an ex tensive and carefully tel. evd Sock of Fancy and Sta ple Dry Goods, Ready-Made Clothing, &,c. Among other thirtgs will be found, S Iks, Satins and Bain Reps, E v’i'h, French nn l Grjdennp Merinos ; French and E ...•Lsh, S-vi.-s and Scotch worked and embroidered Capes and Collars <>f various s’-. Ics; Mus .jiis, Lawns, Lin :i ns, Dii jiers, Carpetings, Prints, I!o --iscry, Shawls, llonue’ts. \ 1 i>. See., v idi other articles Usually kept in a Dry Gauds Smri—all of which will bn «o!d on good terms. December 9 7 f r3 r Land and Sheriff's Deeds. «(’ tutperiov i«r sakir at tlrin HATS! IIATS!! HATS!!! h. : K : W - GEORGE A. IMMEEREY nAS now on hand a very large assortment of Nats and C.trs, most of which are manufactured by himself expressly for retailing, and are warranted to be superior to any lie ever lief.rc ofli-red, and at pri ces oorresp mding with the times. A nong lfs assortment may be found super Black and Dr .b Beaver Ha’s, of the la est fashion ; suiter bln -k Hats, 11-ith wide and medium brims, of the latest fashion ; black and drab smooth Beaver lints of every variety of shape and style : satin heaver Hats of supe rior quality, v nrmn'eri extra fine for bodies. Youths’ «atin (waver Ha’s, c\»‘ra fine : You Ls' beaver Hats, a large assortment. Also, a large assortment of Fur Caps,some of which arc very fine, toge’her with every article usually kept in a regular Hut store —all of which are offered oil a? good terms as can be purchased of anv nnnfie’nrer in the'United States. HAT v.iil do well to calk. At Cost, a few ladies F r C -pcs, Pelerines, Muffs and Ruffs. December 9 SPEENT>I» FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. . Opposite Washington Hull Mul erry-street. ’ E'Tlli subscriber respectfully iitforbis lus friende and " the public hat lie is receiving and manufacturing 1 more splendid assortment of FURNITURE, than has ever been offered for sale in this city, tit the lowest prices for cash. The I' di) .viug comprise a part: Sideho: fd , with and f inin' marble 1 ip-. Secretary and Book eases, Sofas if the latest style,Coin-lies, Set'oes and Easy tfiair*, Di iag tables in r 1 •'« at ! c ';jg!c. Centre Tables with ant! vi'hou* marl tie Tops, pier Tables, petnliroke Tables, work Tables, toile’, dressing and french Bureaus, M;- bogaiiv,, M tple and Popular Bedsteads, Mantle,glasses, Dressing B ixes and G asses, Sociables, Ottomans, Car ■e’ and Chair Cushions, Piono Seats carious patterns, Mali lgauy, Curled M p'e and Fancy Chairs, Hair and ’ "too Mu ‘trasses, Feathers and Feather Beds, Blinds, •'I mr M its, W llow Wagons and Cradles, together with every ar’icle in his line. The proprietor is supplied, with the best of workmen, .’id well seasoned niti‘erials, so ’bathe is enabled ti t nanufaeture any artirle in his line, that may bpiNillcd ir. Or lersfrom the country ‘hall receive strict atten ti >n. Tiie public are invited to call "ml examine for themselves. THOMAS WOOD. JAMES TAYLOR, fgZiWl ‘if -r V ■ ralilne! Mar.ufaclurev anti Upholsterer. r HE proprietor respectfully informs the citizens o ” Macoii umf vieimty, that he has on hand ahi ro und full nssortmen: of CiLDINST 7URNITURJI. Consisting ■ f S.dcboards, with and without marble fops; Setts f Dniiiig Tallies ; single Dun. g Ttb.e.; Card; Tea, Work unci Writing Tables; Ccrnre Tallies, with and without marble tops ; Sofas, latest fashions ; Secre taries and Book Cases; Bureaus; Pianos, of the 1110s approved manufacturers, and the newest Music; Piano fi ools ; Maliognnr, Maple and Poplar Bedsteads ; dou ble and single Wash. S ands ; curled Hair and Moss Matrasses ; leather Beds, of the lies' quality. A large assortment of Mahogany, curled Maple and Fancy CII Ad its ; also. Looking Glasses, of every descr ption. Ail the above articles are of the lutes' styles, and wiil be warranted to stand the climate. The subscri ber invites the public to call and view for themselves, at bi= Ware-House, Second-street, three doors West of the Washington Hall. J. T. December 1 Ptf CABINET F RVITURE An£T CIIA iii VV A HE-HOUSE, Cotton-Avenue, (opposite the Washington Hall,) Macon, Georg 11. SPERRY & MEYER have If ft on hand, and are receiving, and V*■ constantly manifacturins —a li§ *’l/ splendid assortment of FURNI _ jj TURK—consisting, in part, of re-.fZUfyl/ fi 'fas, Sideboards, Secretaries, Dining Tables, in setts and sin -1 pA if it'e, Centre, Tea and Work Ta -1 l| 4a hies, and liurea'uS, of every des f-hr* if ‘ A crip ion; widi a full assor inent —of Beds cads, Ma'trasses, Feath ers and Feather Bed'—and a variety of W ndsor, Fa.icv and Bui iuior%Chairs. Ti e sutiscribers, h vi >g in their employ the best of worknieu, can inanuf -tore it ’he sli »r’tst notice every thing in their me, 1.1 us coo l stile as it can be done in tint spate, ad if the best materials. Persons wishing to purchase would do well to rail and examine for themselves, as they are offered on the lonest terms for cash. J. A. SPERRY, February 21 6m 11 F. MEYER. FIANOES, CkRRIAGUS AND FURNITURE, T UfiT received and for sale at reduce 1 pri es, bv ** JOHN H. OLDERSHA\V. _A.j)ril 7 24 f MACON tT.OTHIVG STORE. On Mufiern/ Street J.routing ( otton Avenue, H FITCH has constantly oti hand, and is receiving • a’ the above establishment from the manufacto rv of L. Fitch & Cos. a large assortment of seasonable clothing, consisting in part of 3<SO do’ll dress and frock Coats and Coatees, lot) el ah over Coats. 100 pi’o' cloth, dufHc. grr'en and red Blanket Coats. 3 ) getitlofffe fs goat’s hair &. English camblet Cloaks. 500 pair cloth and cassimere Pants. •100 “ satinet Beaverteen and cord Pants. C.K) cloth, plain & fig’d Velvet, Valencia, woolen velvet toiline’, bombazine, plain and fig’d satin Vests. 30 Ladies’ fig’d Marino, cloth arid Circassian Cloaks. Gentlemen’s plofb cloaks, camblet Wrappers. 75 sa’ine’, Beavcrtreji end Jeans hunting coats. 10 bv/. i; gham and calico Shirts. 10 !•>-. ’- !•’ ! and p’.efed Linneti and cotton, Linnen Bis m Rut’s, red and white Flannel shins. Nett shir's and Drawers, Buekskin shir's. 150 jiair plain and twilled cotton Drawers, silk shirts, Gloves, Hosiery, Socks, Bosoms, Collars, Suspenders. llundkcv<#.efs, Crava’s, Purses, Russians Belts, Pis tols and Money Belts, Silk and cotton Umbrellas. ALSO, 25 cases Fur and silk Hats, clo’h Finland Hair seel cap®, which will be sold very cheap. 150 tujis coarse negro cloth, & c. Sic. The above ol idling is manufactured in the best man ner of good materials, and is offered at reduced prices for cash Gentlemen wishing their cloths made at the North, will by leaving their names with me, have them made in the best manner, and most fashionable style, and war ! ranted to please. Dee. 2. 6 H. F CITY LICENSES. ITERRONS wishing any descripffon of l-icrinses;can * "brain the same bv eppllca'ion to me, at the Poat- Officc. JESSE L. OWEN, Clerk Council. 1 iry27 jj A I-L persons having accounts against the firm of 1 “ Cook &. Cow lfs, and J. Cowles, are requested to presell' tin tn at the C >unriug Room oftbesu* scrilier. January 27 14tf J COWLES. Gsnrsia Insurance and Trust Company. CAPITAL ONR MILLION DOLLARS ALL PAID IN. rfAHIS company continues to insure dwelling houses R stores merchandise, cotton in ware-houses, and urni’ure, agniiistlo'es by fire —and takes inland and m«- ri re n c ks on terms ns favorable as other responsible in s’itutions; Claims for losses are settled widi oromptness an’i liberr’ity. Apply to C. DAY, Agent. Dfcetni rr 9 ' 6m7 MR. JAULfI P, HKADLEY is mv nu'hor izi and A gent, during mv absence from Macon. June 16. 3-lp THOR WOOD. .MONTPELIER SPRINGS. THE Proprietor of the Montpelier Springs, liegs leave to notify the Public that a Carria :e and four Horses, with a careful Driver, wiil commence running from Macon on Tuesday vrxt, leaving the Centra! II >’rl, a: 4 o'clock 01 T.iesJav. Thursday, and Saturday—and return, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. June 9 33tf NEW LIVERY STABLE. I? 1? 4^ \W. BELT, would inform the citizens of Macon, • and its vacinity, that he has recently opened his new LIVERY st a in.e, on Third-street, near the corner of Waluu’,adjoining to Irving’s old Hotel; for the pur pose of accommodating Boarding H.irse«, either by the day, week, month, or year. And promises the best ac com datum, and attendance, at ail times. All board ing Horses that may lie put in hrs carp, w ill he 'veil at tended to in cases of disease, free of charge. lie also io'ends O 'rivg no five capacity of Farrier and Veterinary Sur ’r jtl. fir 1 : • “ed Horses. His longexperienee and practice in the cure of Horses, he flatters himself, will render Ikm competent to cure in most, if not all, cases. A!s i. II r c cs trained and hr >ke to the Saddle, single or double harness. All of which will be done on the most reas.mable terms. March 10 ’sotf m;w livui: abi.e. r I’lIE subscribers would respectfully inform theciti- A zensbf Macon, and the public generally, that they have oi'pned one ot the niosi plea'-tint Stables in the Svi’e, situa t'd nti tin bl n'k of the Central Hotel, two 1 l ire froin the Post-Office. And take pleasure in say .iic that they have some of the finest Saddle, Carriage and Sulkey Horses in the country;' and are ready at ail times to accommodate persons with Horses, Carriages, and Drivers. i-J. P. CAREY, C. L. HOWLAND. P. S The best attention shall be paid to transient Horses, and the same to Horses kept by the month. ! February 10 16tf TWFVrY-FlVfc DOLLARS It EWARD. yY —STRAYED or Stolen, from Richard i )JatLgA W. Elks’ Stable, in Macon, about the » lie 25'h of January las’, one flea-bitten, or’ dapple grey HORSE, about 14 years old, compactly built, cress-fallen, and is lame in his right iiind leg, occasioned by the spavin. If the liorse has been stolen, I will give twenty dollars Tor the apprehen si m of the thief, and five for tlie recovery of tlie horse. Any information respecting the same will he thankful ly received by R. \V. Ellis, in Macon, or by the sub scriber, in Knoxville, Crawford County. JAMES M. ELLIS. April 21 26 f Tew cauiuage ke^usitouv, • ON SECOND-STREET. HpHE subscriber has on hand, and will be receiving. " a large assortment of Farriases, Barouches, liasgys, &r. Arc. Those wishing to purchase will do well to call and examine for themselves. JOHN HUNT, Jr. December 2 6 t O A C II WARE- J|O^^UOIJSE. "ANFTRIGLEY Sc HART, (opposite comer to Wnsh » * ing'on Hall,) have on hand a large assortment of SadPlerv, Harness, II are ware, Carriaue-Fuß.ni ture, &.C. —AT.SO— Carriages, Barouches, Buggo ». Gigs, Tilburys, Sul keye, und Fancy Wagons. {Kr Vehicles of all kinds, of the best materials, manufactured to order. Macon, December 9 7 Ware-House and Commission Business. cv- THE subscriber begs leave to inform / <3> H' *'' 9 f^ en< l s t ' le public generally, that lie has taken the well known stand for- RtA-v-j'.itir-a Vv merlv occupied by Lippitt \. Higgins, as a Ware-House. The hon«e islargr, and as safe from Fire as any Ware-House in the city, and for close storage it excels any house in the city, al ’o for safety and convenience. A share of public pat onage is respectfully solicited. C. L. HOWLAND N. B. The AUCTION business wiil be kept up at he above stand, which is otic of the best houses in the city for the above business. Strict attention will be paid to the sale of any goods that the public may see proper to confer upon him. Very respectfully’, C. L. HOWLAND. {ttr Consignments respectfully solicited. December 1 , 6 FRESH GARDEN i|fil SEEDS. 2C!. I k ? r received, a large assortment of Garden Seeds among • Inch are the following: Early June Teas “ charlton do “ bishop prolific do Large wliire marrowfat do Dwarf blue imperial do Early china dwarf Beans “ mohawk do “ six weeks do Dutch easeknife do Large Lima do Early sugar corn “ Tuscarora do • “ Dutch or sp’g Turnip Large English norfolk do White flat do Red top do Rutu Bags do Scotch Kale Sea do Cayenne Pepper Bell do Purple Egg Plant Curled cress or pep’ grass Lame Tomato Vegetable Oyster Curled Parsley White mustard .Long White Okra Giant Asparagus 'Scotch I-eek, Early sugar loaf C..bbage Early York do Large do do Early drumhead do Large do do Green glazed do Long blood Beet Early do. Turnip do Early French sugar do Wlii’e Onion Rerl Onion Scarlet Carrot "Orange do . Early cluster Cucumber, Long green do Early short green do Superior Water Melons I-arge musk do Fine nutmeg do Green Citron do. Dutch summer Squash Bush Crookneckned do Ice Lettuee, lee cos do Imperial sugar loaf do Long scarlet Radish Long salmon do Cherry turnip do Early Cauliflower Ln'c do For sale by J. H. & W. S. ELLIS, Cotton-Avenue. March 10 20 NEW SPRING GOODS. ’ EO. C. McNEILL is now receiving a', lus stand ■ * in Messrs. Rea &, Cotton’s fire-proof buildings, Commerce Row, bis Spring nnd Summer supplies of Fa 'ey and S'npie DRY-GOODS. Among which will he found Some desirable selections, adapted to the pre sent. and npproacbmgseasons. Purchasers are invited to call and examine for themselves. April 14 25tf Orris’ Tooth Wash. \ SUPERIOR article f .r’lie Teeth and Gums.— The concurrent testimony of the mst eminent dent sand members of the medical faculty, are united in favor of this article. For sale bv J. H. and IF. S. ELLIS, Agents, March Iff 20 Cotton-Avenue. BACON Ktr AND PURE LEAF LARD. | I* A DAA LES. choice Bacon, most of which ■ *has been cured here, on the mos approved principles. I 4.000 Jjeaf Lord, put un in neat covered tin cans, I suitable for families. Applv to y WM B rARKER X- CO. February “M JBtf 03* LOOK AT THIS! XD Watches. Jewelry, Silver-Ware, &c. file. J. A. A S, S. VIRGIN WOULD inform their friends and the public that they still continue at their M" ( old stand on Cotton-Av pF ) enue, next door above the Ma .(V\9/ , j /,Z, sonic Hall, and have just re m C ‘ V < <1 a fresh supply oi Goods, ' Sr consisting in part of the follow ------ ’ ing articles: Gentlemen and lailics’ Gold Lover, Anchor Escape ment, Independent Second, I/cpiiic & Vertical Watch es ; silver lever, plain and extra jewelled iepine and ver tical Watches—nil of which w ere selected with choice, to suit this market, and will be warranted to perform well. Ladies’gold Neck Chains; gentlemen’s gold and silver Guard and Fob Chains and Keys ; Ear Knobs and Drops; Breast Pins and Finger Rings, of all kinds; gold, silver, gilt and pearl Belt Buckles and Slides; Bracelets and Head Belts ; gold and silver Everpoiated Pencils; Steel Pens, of the best qualities; gold, silver and s’ecl Spee'aclcs ; Quizzing,Glasses*; silver Table, Tea, Dessert, Salt and M isiaruSpo ins. Soup andCream Ladles, Sugar Tongs, But e r and Fruit Knives, Cups, Thimbles, Castors, and Candlesticks ; silver, brass nnti bronzed, coral, gilt and glass Beads ; ladies' Work Bags, of the lutes* fashions ; Purses and Pocket-Books. Clarioiietts, Flageolet!?, Fluti ?, Flics, Accordions, Music Boxes, large and small. Drums, Organs, and Violins. Walking Sticks, of various kinds; silver gilt, shell, horn and ivory Ccmbs; Tea and Coffee Pots; Bread Bas kets, silver and iapaned; fine painted Waiters ; Knives, Razors; Ssiinder’s celebrated Razor Straps, with tab lets; Poo's, T various kinds; Dentis’s Files, Gold Plate, Wire, Foil, &.C. ; Toy Watches, Rattles an. Whistles for children ; Snuff Boxes ; Pcrcussh n Caps . Pipes ; Cigar Tubes; Pocket Compasses ; Mathemat cal Instruments, Sec. . MILITARY GOODS. Swords, Belts, Epauletts, Plumes, Sashes, Buttens, Lace, Stars, an ornaments too numerous .toYn'ention, whieh w ill be sold cheap for cash, or approved city ac cep'ances. N. B. V» T e have a choice selection of materials for re piiiring Watches, and are prepared to make any new part, which vve will w arrant to perform as well as the iriginal. (&- J. A. & S. S. VIRGIN feel grateful for past favors, and would still solicit a share of the pub lic patronage, hoping to give satisfaction to all who may favor them in their line. December 1 6 f Cxtcnsive Jewelry Kstabiisiinionl. THE subscribers are re cciving his fall and winter sup yp/f}' t ** ijyu ply of Giiods, which constitutes [VM 11 ( H a stock in their line superior to m* ‘Tj/ j any ever offered in this mar- TO?/ , 'VM&Z ket, and interior to none for Y s 1 goodness ot quality, superior ~ workmanship, or variety ol •^sga=? > style in the United States. ins STOCK CONSISTS OF Ladies and gentlemen’s gold patent lever Watches, of the approved makers, M. I. Tobias & Cos., Robert Ros kt'll, Joseph Johns in, John M uicasaud Lttherland Da vis i!C Cos.; gidd English anchor escapement Watches, that were made to order and adjus’ed to suit the south ern climate; fp'ld Lepir.e Watches; silver patent Le ver Lupine, English Cvlinder and Verge Watches; la dies’ Curb, guard, basket and ruble Chains ; Watch Hooks,Seats, Keys and Swivels; Finger and Ear Rings; Broaches and children's Knobs and Wires; irende mon's guard, curb and linked Chat >s ; Sea;?, Keys and S A’ivels; bosom, sleeve and collar Buttons; Breast-pine, oid Medalions ; pearl and jet Crossc->; gold and stiver Buckles ; gold, silver and pearl Snuff Boxes.; gold and “liver Ever-p'in’ed Pencil Cass; Miniature C is; Bracelets; g\!‘, stiver, pla’ed and shell Combs; g Id and •stiver Thimbles ; gold, silver and steel templed Spccia ides, with glasses to suit every age, and near-sighted ; Seed and large Coral; Coral Necklaces; bead Bags, Chains and Purses; a variety of Beads ; Spy’and Quiz zing Glasses; Microscopes; Spar Grotto; Tea Caddies; Pocket-Books ; Luie'lilile Ink ; Emory Cushions; Rat tles, Whistles and Teething Rings, for children : Corset Rings; steel Busks ; Portable Ink-stands and Writing desks; card and cigar cases; visiting Cards; imitation Fruit; Lucifer Matches ; Ba’tle-Doors, Shuttle-Cocks and Graces; Fencing Foils, Masks anil Gloves ; Ro gers & Son’s Razors, pen and pockc’ Knives ; C. Em erson's Razor Straps; Scissors; Dirks ; Glazier’s Dia monds; seal Stamps; Chess-men, Backgammon boards, Dice, Dominoes; steel Pens; Fire Fenders, And Irons, Shovels and Tongs ; sheet Brass, brass Wire, Scales and Weights ; Surveyor’s Compasses and Mathemati cal Instruments ; Asfrel and large suspending Lamps; lamp Glasses and Candle Shades ; Looking G'gsscs ; Plates and Thermometers ; Walking Canes ; Guns, Pistols, pistol Belts, Pow de r Flasks, Shot Pouches, game Bags ; gold and silver Leaf; Dental Instruments; gold and tin Foil; Whigs, Toupctts, Brnids off lair, Rolls and ( 1 iris ; Otto of Roses, Colog e, Lavender and Flo ri’tft Water ; Birmingham and Sheffield silver plated Castors, liquor Stands, Candle Sticks, Branches, Wai ters, Tea Trays, Fruit Baskets, S niffers.and-Snuffer Trays, silver Cups, Pitchers, Table, Tea, Deser. Cream, Sal; and Mustard Spoons, soup Ladles, sugar Tongs, butter Knives, pickle Knives and Forks, sugar Scoups and ff<di Knives ; Mantle and Mahogany eight-day CLOCKS ; Mu-ical I nstrutneots, consisting of Buss and Ket’le Drums, Fifes, Flutes, Flageletts, CJnrone’ts, Accordians, Shell Music Boxes, and Music Boxes, to play 12 tunes. A GOOD STOCK OF MILITARY eV MILITARY TRIMMINGS Os new style, such as are now used by the Army un der a recent regulation. Watchmaker's Tools and XVZaterials, Besides many other articles--nil of which they will sell very low for cash or approved paper. They tnvi’e citizens, and persons generally’ visi'ing the city, to call at their Store, (east side of Mulberry-; t.) and examine 'heir Stock, where they arccvcrready and liappv to attend to those who mav favor them with their calls. WiM. B. JOHNSTON & CO. N. B. Particular attention paid to Watch Repairing. Having in employ approved and experienced workmen, and being prepared to manufacture all the parts oi movement of a Watch, will warrant every piece they make as perfect r.s the original, and their Watches to perform well. W. B. J. & CO. March 17 r, AT HOME !!! Mullerry sired, Macon, Georgia. TSTFIE subscribers continue the Tinning Ilusiuess " at their old stand, where they are prepared to fur nish Country Merchants and Pedlars on reasonable i terms. SfU Job work of aII kinds done at short notice. JAMES 11 BISHOP & CO. June 16 34tf HOHINSOY, W'RIGHT & cb. HAVEjust received, and offer for sale low for cash a splendid ass' rtment of Staple and Fancy DRY-G O O D S, suited to the. season ; consisting, in part, of the follow ing art-ides, viz : 8, 9 and 10-4 Duffle Blankets JO. 12 and 14-4 Rose Blankets, very superior 9,10 and 12-4 Whitney Blankets Heavy Kerseys and Lindseys 3-4 brown and bleached Shirtings 7-8 and 4-4 Lowell Cottons 3-4 Virginia Osnabnrgs Blue, black and green Broad-cloths fiaunetfe, C asimeres, Flannels, B-mihazetts, and Merino Cloths, F rem'h and English Prints, Muslins, Linnens, kicn figured and plain Silks’find Sattins, Hustery, Gloves, Ac. ALSC fihois, of every description fif'l’ ndid French Calf Boo's Saddlery, Chinn, Glass and Crockery Ware Hardware and Cutlery, &,c. A'so, 10 setts of Blacksmith’s Tools complete, Together with an excellent assortment of Grocrries. Hecemher 1 6 A I/L persons indebted to the subscriber, either by note or open account, ore verv respccifullr invito- to call and ecu U- threame WM B. JOHNBTON. Jaeirnrt gtl TO RENT, M On Ch rry-street. J on ‘*<y They are large and commodious, and well calculi fe.r any kind oi business, and will he fi tle and „„ 7 1 snelvnur and counter?, to suit tenants. Thn*® & ■ to on Third-street (directly opposite Messrs. KL & fV? ton s, and J Cowles, Esqr.'s range.-) are now render occupancy, and possession immediately given re! for on Cherry-street will be readv bv the Ist of n! 'I <9e next.. Rent will be reasonable, dnd 1-st ol October. Apply to front David Ralston ofV,e will also lie rented. )Lr s Offices; July 7 1> R. FOR SALE, “ ~—• TnE commodious HOUSE, now in the «« I nancy of George W. Malta J nt^d^’ t..„i R , iiad ’ :, l one mile from the ere At.ached to the lot are fourteen acres of nood f nt ,j" fi ie wed of water, good Orchard, and all uece“sarv ' buildings. lor terms apply m Dr. A. BABER™ ° Ut July 7 i-g. seymou’r!’ —. — 37 ts TO RENT. fJL T% r , TUB desirable residence on the hill hnl. u I il-Gcn. Beal J and lately ocefil | Ran.oijr , th- enclosure contains an extensiwl vanety .1 choree t.eanng!ruit trees selected at theS and ornamental ?hruobery. ioru *i ALSO some business houses well located on Cotton Aietiue, lor grocery and provision stores. °uon FOR SALE.—Several valuable citv lots ~ acres improved land bounding on the citv Con.m fi Troup’s hill and the Houston road?Sntorr°Y Iroin the cour' house) with an extc .sive eleva*so?ta roii, at t mig a commanding view of theCilva ° ro.mi.i.ig cremtry, and well adapted for pnvatt rasidcT < es, the whole, or a part of which will be sold An .!' comaiodatuig terms by early application to ' c ‘ March 17. _ WM ’ B ' PAR^ f R - For Sale. CENTRAL HOTEL, WACO.V, GEORGIA. .tT’% „ T , r !, E sul ?;: nbel respectfully informs his fnonde idul“ * d the Pwbhc in general, that he has taken tl* O'erufk- 't! " ur »« d Lstablishmem, which having been eccnfly thoroughly repaired and enlarged at crear ex -13 r nV reV 111 i lur dle rece pfi°n of Travellers Wifere, Spc. The chambers are large and airv-d.e tenants competent and attentive. Ilis Tapie shill constanffy be supplied with every delicacy the SeaS nd Market will furnish. IBs Bar is stocked wuh the f l *t*and Liquors. And in order moreeffec uallv to make it a first rate House, he has called to his .ltd the services of Mr. A. Elder, of Baltimore, whose ontrexpenenee at Birnum’sCity Hotel, has justly en re Cd him to the reputatton of a Caterer for thepubfid The subscriber, therefore, hones by his unremitting ex ertions to please, to receive a liberal share of patronage Horace r. ward N.B. Good Stabling attached to the Hotel, with faith ul and attentive Ostlers. December 16 g t p UNITED ST ATKB HOiySL, ’ GAINESVILLE, GEORGIA. *tn% THE subscriber informs his friends and the i D public, that lie has taken charge of the larsx and c MUODIOt’s HOUSE situated on the N ir’h west corner ot the Public S ptare, recently occupied by Mrs. Holland, and having considerably improved the premises, he is prepared to accommodate company as comfortably nnd in a? arood .sfvlc as anv other Public Itpuse in the tip-country. ILs'Tahle will be furnished ", u . ta V H ' l “ e country affords ; his Bar supplied with shf h u j L, ‘i uor ? and .Wines ; and his Stable will be at .ended to and provided fir in such a manner as to p cate the lovers ot fine horses. In short, no trouble ox expense will be spared to make all comfortable who may see proper to patronize tlie-es’ablishment. T • WILEY SLEDOE. J unc 23 35u A CARD. TI 0 ? ANDERSON informs the puhlie ■ , th : lt , he has located himself in Macon, and will at. tend strictly to practice of his profession in the citv, and country adjoining Macon. His office wiil be found oyer tne 1) mem Bank, and he will be found at night at Mr. I homas King's. * April 14 25tf DR. L. A. BOND TIAS taken an Office on Cotton-Avenue, over the A store of !• ort, Hamilton & Cos. where he can be t mod during the day ; and at night, at his residence, Vlne vi I.e. He will devote, his time exclusively to his profession. June 9 33;f O. IS. LOOMIS,. Portrait Painter, \%7 D'-L leave Macon about the first of July, and . * therefore requests any who may desire his wr vices to take the earliest opportunity of calling. June 9 33 LAW NOTICE. S. M. STRONG AND P. C. PENDLETON fTAVING formed a co-partnership in the prncticeof ®. *; le Law, will attend the several Courts of the flint Circuit, and those of Twiggs and Wilkcrson, of the Ochrniilgee. Kr Office in the west end of Cow les bricK fuulding, Commerce-Row. March 31 23 NOTICE. ~ Dv. & NIfiBET will hereafter attend regularly the a. __ settings of the Circuit Court U. S. for the District ..• June 16 34 * Ino city papers will copy the above until Fall. . NOTICE. DU subscriber has ten or twelve lots on the hill in M the vicinity of the College, w hieh lie will seller fi miange fer Stock in either the Monroe or Central Rail Road am* Banking Company. T lIS J. COWLES. Juno Ife 3<p GEORGIV, ) .... ~~ “ Bibb Comity.) Admuustrator’s Notice. A LL persons indebted to the estate of James Lewis, * “ latp of ?aid County, deceased, are requested to linke immediate payment, and all those havingde* mands against the same wiil present them in terms of the, law, to 11. R. WARD, Administrator. July < 371 NOTICE* A LL persons indebted to the estate of J. T. Lewellen, dereased, are requested to make immediate pa>> mept; and all claims against the estate must be handed m, in time, nnd nccoreing to the forms <;f law, or they wh be 1; .rred payment. E. RUSSELL, March 10 20tf Administrator. For Sale. XA/"DOD Jot's of Oak and Hickory Land, a fe w mile* » » lrum Macon. Aiso a I ARM of one hundred acres in a good con dition, fir planting, three and a half miles from town Dec. 2. 6 Apply to JAS. A. NISBET. Notice—Copartnership. subscriber having associated with hi..., Alias L. Luce, they will transact business unoo. the name, style and hnn ot Wm. B. Johnston & Cos. „ WM.B. JOHNSTON. iUacon, January 1, 1338. _ I3tf DISSOLUTION. 1111 IE Copartnership heretofore existing licfween the subscribers under the firm of Bteeiam Cooke A Cos. in the City of New York, and Cooke &, Cowles, m Macon,is, by mutual consent,dissolved. The named of the firm will he used in settlement of the business, by either party. TFILLIAM COOKE, „ _ J. COIFLES. Macon, June 9 33 Tce house. riAII E citizens of Macon, and vicinity, are informed •*- u ,al ’ , r can be had at all times for Families, by application at the Bar of the Central Hotel for tickets.— No .Spirituous Liquors of any description w ill, be kept at the Ice House. Persons from a distance may obtain it in large quanti'ies by application cither at the Cen tral Hotel, or at the Ice House. &TTC 1.-( REAMS will he kept at all times at tbs lee House, for the accommodation of Ladies and Gen tlemen. The place w ill be conveniently fitted up for pleasure and retirement. {Ft The lee J louse in Macon, will be kept open front 9A. M., until halt-past 12; from 2P. M., until .1 hr. ward ..... JAMES LEWIS. Apni 11 25, f jj >OTASH, just received and for sale hv March 17.