Southern post. (Macon, Ga.) 1837-18??, July 28, 1838, Image 4

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LETT ECHXET, [At hU (kmftctkmrnry Store and Cordial DiOiUtry, .Vo#. 5 6 Commerce-liinc, Jlucoti, Lit o giu,) rS"A3 fur -aie a:i extensive supply ot Goods in hj L u,ie. A along them are •• lio.JOO bes - Spanish Cigar* 100,009 FCriia do 100 barrels Batter ) 20 do Soda > Ckacsess -20 do S veet ) Water and PJo. Bread 75 gross Table Salt 100 boxes Hall's patent Candle* 30 do variegated l a,.. 60 do Fancy { * OAF ' s b r b /^r l j 20 do Braz lNu°.2o do Filbert* 4 cases A nerica.i Mus'ard 20 pipes best Madeira Wt te 30 qr. casks L >nd in parueuiar Tenerifle* 10 do Lisbon "I 15 do Maac&t 1 4 do Port !> Wim Brown and pale Sherry J WINES IN GLASS, Madeira. Sherry, Port, Clare’, and Burgundy. Wines of the Rhine and .Moselle, Celebrated Cabinet of 1 i'22, I Hochheimer, 1331 none better ever imported, | J ihnn lieberger, 1322 Peteiuberger vintage of 1322 I Rudesheimtr, 13t!5 Rudechenner M ju;itain,l322 | Murcobrunncr, 1325 C igniac and Champagne Brandy Jamaica Rum, Hyland Gin Iri.oh and Scotch Whiskey Sherry and Raspberry. Brandy 65 baskets Champagne 2900 lbs. Loaf ana Lump Sugar Black and Hyson Tea Brown Honcydew Tobacco Cut Tobacco, for smoking and chewing Sweetmeats ofeverv variety Currants, Raisins, Mace and Ground Spicea A large supply of fresh Pickles fit) barrels Irish Potatoes, Northern Apple* Sparish, French and American Cannes Sardines, Anchovies, Olives and Capers 50 dozen Lemon and Raspberry Cordial* 3’iaying and Conversation Cards. ALSO, EXPECTED IN A FEW DATS. Af.tcfterel, Pickied Salmon, Mass Beef, Pickled Pork, pickled Tongues, Smoked Beef and Tongues, White Beans, G is'ien Batter and Cheese. DocetuberL 6tf ICE HOUSE. r|MIF, citizens of Macon, and vicinity, are informed A that Ice can be had at all tunes for Families, by • pl cvion at the Bar of the Central Hotel for tickets Sp rituoue Liquors of any description will be kept - Ice House. Persons from a distance may obtain arge quantifies by application either at the Cen- Hotel, or at the Ice House. •JCr ICE-CREAMS will be kept at all times at the ■ te House, for the accommodation of Ladies and Gen •leme.i. The place will be conveniently fitted up for ‘ensure and retirement £2T The Ice House in Macon, will be kept open from ‘ A. M., until half-past 12; from 2 P. M-, until 5. 11. R. WARD. JAMES LEWIS. April 14 25tf ROBINSON, WRIGHT & CO. ts ? AVK just received, and offer for sale law for cash *• a splendid a*.?' rtment of Staple and Fancy DRY -GOODS, suited to the season ; consisting, in part, of the follow ing articles, viz : 3, 9 and 10-4 Duffle Blankets 10. 12 and 14-4 Rose Blankets, verv superior 9,10 and 12-4 Whitney Blanket* Heavy Kerseys and Lindseys 3-4 brown and bleached Shirtings 7-3 and 4-4 Lowell Cottons 3-4 Virginia Osuaburgs Blue, black and green Broad-eloth* Sitinetts, Casimcn s, Flannels, Bombazetts, and Merino Clo'hs, French and English Prim?, Muslins, Linnens, Rich figured and plain Siiks and Sattins, I’j*;cr>, Gloves, Ac. ALSO—— Shoes, of every description Splendid Frerich Calf Boots Saddlery, China, Glass and Crockery War* Hardware and Cutlery, Ac. A sn, 13 setts of Blacksmith’s Tools complete, T 'gfcther with an excellent assortment of Groct He*. December 1 6 MACON CLOTHING STOR E. On Mai erry Street front : ng Cotton Avenue. 1? r FITCH has constantly o:i hand, and is receiving *■ . «t the above establishment from the manufacto ry of L. Fitch i Cos. a large assortment of seasonable ; <■! 'thing, consisting in part of 309 cloth dress and frock Coats and Coatees. 1» cloth over Con's. 103 p-lo* cloth, duffle, green and red Blanket C-onts. j 3 igieltlemcn’s goat’s hair & English cambist Cloaks.? 599 pair cloth and cassimere Pants. 490 “ satinet Beaverteen and cord Pants. 699 cloth, plain St, fig'd Velve*, Valencia, woolen velvet toiline’, bombazine, plain and fig’d *,vin Vests. 30 Ladies’ fig’d Marino, cloth and Circassian Cloaks. Gentlemen’s cloth cloaks, eamblet Wrapper*. 75 satinet, Beaverteen and Jeans hunting coats. 10 -J >z. gingham and calico Shirts. 13 lot. frill’ l and ple'ed L.nneo and cotton, Linnen B*jm Sltirts, red and white Flannel shirts. Nett shirts and Drawers, Buckskin shirts. 15 • pair plain and twilled cotton Drawer®, silk shirs, Gove*, Hosiery, Snicks, B Moms, Collars, Suspenders. Handkerchiefs, Crava's, Purses, Russians Belts, Pis tois and Money Belts, Silk ami cotton Umbrella*. ALSO, 25 cases Fur and silk Hats, cloh Fur and Hair seel | caps, which will be sold very cheap. 159 suits coarse negro cloth, A”. See. The above cl 'tiling is manufactured in the best man- | ner of good materials, and is offered at reduced prices for : cash Gentlemen wishing their cloths made at the North, 1 will by leaving their names with me, have them made in 1 the best manner, and most fashionable style, and war ranted to please. Dec. 2. 6 H. F. Orris’ Tooth Wash. \ SUPERIOR article for the Teeth and Gums.— The concurrent testimony of the most eminent dentists and members of the medical faculty, are united in favor of this article. For sale by J JJ- 4" IF. S. ELLIS, Agents, March 10 20 * Cotton-Avenue. Proejrectus of the Monitor. THE subscriber proposes to issue a monthly sheet, under the above title, to contain 16 pages octavo, on the following terms: One Dollar per annum or 12 Nos. for a Fiogle subscribe) ;or six copicufor $5 ;or 13 copies lor 810; or 30 copies for 815, payable in advance or on the receipt of the first No. The Monitor will be neatly executed on substantial paper witii fair tvpe, and will be 1. Aii Agricultural work. In this department, i he Monitor will labor to present such a system of 1 agriculture as will cause the worn out fields of Carolina i.'k: Georgia to groan beneath the weight of heavy crops ® measure, to wipe the sweat from the brow of tr.c 'anner. In many portions ot the country the peo* j pic must soon seek another country, starve or irnnnve ! tm ir iands. The last is undoubtedly best. The sooner ft is done the better. Several intelligent farmers will take a lively interest in this department. The Monitor " and not however give his whole labor to the Earth, but 2. Will be assiduous in hi? effiirts to assist the Parent nnd Teaeherin the Government and Training, or men tal discipline of children. Educatiod, considered in its most extensive sense, is to man, w hat Demosthenes said action is to Oratory. More depends upon, and more is meant by, education than parents genertilly are aware of. The civilized world i6 waking upon thissub je"t, kit the South then profit by the light already thrown upon this intesting and important subject, and labor to increase it 3. The South will be defended from the attacks of those politico-religious dragon?—the Aboli'ionists. As far aa our limits will permit, The Monitor will advise the South of the movements, designsand s rength of this fanatical party, so it may be opposed with unity, wis dom, energy and decision. Trite Publisher i* aware that either of these subjects i? sufficiently interesting and important to occupy 16 page* monthly, but he design* this work for the mass of the people, and wi*hcs to embody as roach in a small c .inpass and afford it ss cheap as possible, so that every fanner, parent and citizen may be profited. The Monitor will not touch the subject of Christiani ty further than to show that Abolition l* no part of it. Those to whom this Proep'-ctus is sent, and all who may *ee it, are authorized and requested to act a* Agcnta fi»r the Monitor. The returns should be made by the first of August next. Letters must he poei paid, and directed to the subscriber at Evergreen. Anderson lhtcrict, D C. Money transmitted fev mail at my risk, where a re ceipt ia taken from the Po*t-ms»ter where it is mailed. SAMUEL G EARLE gwarpreea, 8 C May, 1533 TO RENT, A—* THREE Fi c-proof STORES, fron'ing on 3 d J gj| St ec -• Three lit r-proof STUtijiS, /'renting On Cksrry-strev .. They are luge aad couitn fiou , and well calculated ■ fir any kind of business, a u be fi ed up, as to •helviiiT and counters, to suit e.:a;i *. Tn «e fronting on T urd-street (directly opposite Messrs. Rea 4k Ci* ‘ ton’s, and J Cowles, E-Kjr.’s range?) are now rtr.dv for I occupancy, and possess on immei i.itelv giver. Th *e ! on Cherry- street will be ready by the Ist of October ! nex . Re it will be reasonable, and commence from 1 Is* of October. Apply to DAVrD RALSTON. 1 N. B. Several very airy ROOMS on ‘he second floor °l" ;he above bui! .-ngs, auittibiu for Lawyers Offices, -ill also I e rc ,tej. D. R. July 7 37 TOR RENT. r pHH ore story 1J0U32, > i Cfierrv-?trce’, next door j ■ he c truer of Third sTre’, at present occupied j by M . M -Elroy, it contains fjtirrjo.n*. PoMeeaion 1 given Ist October. For terms apply to . . REA 4k COTTON. July 21 39tf TO RENT, ri’IWO large frrnt Room* on die second story of our ' -■ store', o.i Tii r l-strce’, su t Hie for s’ceping apart- ! menta or offices. Possession given Ist ofOctol er i ext. Fur terms apply to REA 4k COTTON. | July 21 3<j;f FOR RENT. brick Store on Third-street, adjoining the sub ■ scribers’(formerly occunieiPlry Williams Brad ley.) Poasessiou given Ist of October next For term* apply to REA 4k COTTON. July 21 33tf TO RENT. j THE desirable residence on the hill, built by I Gen. Robe A Beall, and lately occupied by Dr. i Randolph, the enclosure contains an extensive ' variety of choice bearing fruit tree* selected at the north, and ornamental shrubbery. ALSO some business houses well located on Cotton j Avenue, for grocery and provision stores. I FOR SALE.—Several valuable city lots, and 1!> i acres improved land bounding on the city Common'. | Troup’* hill and the Houston road, (distant one mile | from the court house) with an extensive elevation in j fron>, aff'rdingn commanding view of the City and sur | rounding country, and well adapted for private reside) • j ces, the whole, or a part of which will be sold on ac ! commodating terms by early application to WM. B. PARKER. March 17. 21tf For Sale. AvA THE small House on cotton Avenue, at pres |4;, fl ent occupied by C.G. St. John as a jewelry store, j Also for sale, an experience cook Woman. Ap ply to JAMES A. NISBET. December 2. 6 FOR SALE, The commodious HOUSE, now in the occu gfgjg pauev of George W. Mallary, situated on the i “ Federal Road, about one mile from the city. — j Attached to the lot are fourteen acres of good Land, a file well of water, good Orchard, and all necessary out buildings. For terms apply to Dr. A BABER, or I.G. SEYMOUR. July 7 37if For Sale. 4Y/'OOD lots of Oak and Hickory Lind, a few mile* * * from M icon. Also a FARM of one hundred acres in a good coi> , dition, fir planting, three and a half miles from town ; De. .2. 6 Apply to JAS. A. NISBET. CENTRAL HOTEL, MACON, GEORGIA. a THE subscribe! respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he has taken the above named Establishment, which having been recently thoroughly repaired and enlarged at great ex- ! pence—is now open Or the reception of Travellers, Boarders, tJr. The chambers are large ami airy— lie servants competent and attentive. His Tabi.f. shall ! constantly be supplied with every delicacy the Season and Marker will furnish. Ha Bar is stocked with the choice*' IVincs and Liquors. And in order more effec tually to make it a sis: rate H mse, he has called to his aid the services of Mr. A. LI hr, of Baltimore, who-e ! long experience at B irnum’sCitv Hotel, has justly en tided him to the repu ation of a Caterer f,r the public.— T ie sub* Tiber, theres >re, hopes by his unremitting e - ertioas to please, to receive a libera 1 share of pa'r mage. HORACE R. WARD j N. B. Go>d Stabling attached to the Hotel, with faith ful and attentive Ostlers. December 16 Brf NEW LIVERY STABLE. iSL \W. BELL Would inform the citizens of Macon, • an i its vinnrv, 'hr. - he ha* reeendv < pe ed Ins new uverv stable, on T.iir ’.stree , near the cor .er : of W d.iu , .I'lj ji ulg to Irving’s old H cel; for 'lie pur p-jse of acc irnni dating B mrding II i?es, either by the day, week, month, or year. Ana promises the best at comm ida ior, and attendance, a’ ail rimes. A’l board ing H irses that may be put ii his err, will be nell at tended to i;» case* of di?ra°<, free of charge He also intends acting in the capacity of Farrier and Ve erinarv Surgeon, for diseased II irse«. His 1 mgexperienre and practice in the cure of II ire?, he Barer* himself, will render him cotnpe e i' to cure in mo.", if no' all, cases. Als-, llnrses’rained and hr ke to the Saddle, single or double harness. Ail of which will be done on the most reas mable terms. March 10 20;f NEW LIVERY STADLE~~ 4<% dm r J IIE subscri' iern would respectfully inform the citi- j -i- zens of Macon, and the public generally, that they have opened one of the most pleasant Stables in the State, situated on the block of the Central Hotel, two I doors from the Post-Office. And take pleasure in say- ; ing that they have some of the finest Saddle, Carriage j and Sttlkev Horses in the country ; and are ready at all ; times to accommodate persona with Horses, Carriages, i and Drivers. J. P. CAREY, . C. L. HOWLAND. P. S The best attention shall be paid to transient Horses, and the same to Horses kept by the month. February 10 16tf FRESH GARDEN I§|il SEEDS. JUST received, a large assortment of Garden Seeds among which are the following : Early June Peas “ charlton do “ bishop prolific do Large white marrow fat do Dwarf blue imperial do Early china dwarf l»eans ! “ mohawk do “ six weeks do Dutch caseknife do i Large Lima do ! Early sugar corn ! “ Tusearora do ! “ Dutch or sp’g Turnip j I Large English norlolk do ; White flat do j : Red top do j : Ruta Baga do i (Scotch Kale j Pea do i Cayenne Pepper Bell «Fo ! Purple Egg Plant Curled cress or pep’ gras* Large Tomato 'Vegetable Oyster • Curled Parsley j White mustard long White Okra Gian’ A«p:irngus ■Scotch Leek, Early sugar loaf C..bbagc Early York do Large do do Early drumhead do Large do do Green glazed do Long blood Beet Early do. Turnip do Early French sugar do White Onion Red Onion Scarlet Carrot Orange do Early cluster Cucumber, Long green do I Early short green do i Superior VVatcr Melons j Large musk do | Fine nutmeg do | Green Citron do j Dutch summer Squash Rush Crookneckncd do Ice Lettuce, Ice cos do Imperial *ugnr loaf do Long scarlet Radish Long salmon do Cherry turnip do Early Cauliflower Late do For sale by J. H. A W. S. ELLIS, _ Cotton-Avenue. March 10 20 Notice—Copartnership. r*v jpg; subscriber having nsoociated with hi..., Allen X L. Luce, they will transact business unu*,. the name, style and firm of W«. R. Johnston A Cos. WM.B. JOHNSTON Maeo*, January 1,1838. lfkf 4 LL persons indebted to the subscriber, eiioerbj note z*. or open eccoun’, are verv respectfully iiviu*. to call and eeiffis ’he tame WM D JOHNSTON. January 20 ! JAMES TAYLOR, Cabinet .Manufacturer and Upholsterer. TH E proprietor respectfully informs the citizens o Macon and vicinity, that he has on hand a larg? and full assortment of CABINET FURNITURE, Consisting of Sideboards, with and witiiou’ marble tops; •e’ts of During Tables ; single Dining Tiblt. . Card; Tea, Work and Writing Tab‘es ; Centre Tables, with and without nimble tops ; Sofas, latest fashions; Secre taries and Book Cases ; Bureau* ; Pianos, of the moat approved manufacturers, and the new c." Music ; Piano 5! oote ; Mahoganv, Maple and Poplar Bedsteads ; dou ble and single Wash S antis ; curled Hair and Moss Matrasses ; Feather Beds, of the bes* quality. A large assortment of Mahogany, curled Maple and Fancy CHAIRS ; also, Looking Glasses, of every description. iKT All the above articles are of the latest styles, and will be warranted to stand the climate. subscri ber invites 'he public to call and view for themselves, at his Ware-House. Second-street, three doors West of the ICnJwngton Hall J. T. December 1 6if SPLENDID fi KMT I REAM) Clf AI US. Opjwsile Washington Hall, Mulbtrry- street. 714 HE subscriber respectfully informs his triends and I M. the public ’hat he is receiving and manufacturing a more splendid assortment of FURNITURE, than has ever been offered for sale in this city, at the lowest i prices for cash. The following comprise a part: Sideboard#, with and without marble tops, Secretary and Book cases, Sofas ; of the latest style, Couches, Settees and Easy chairs, Di ning tables in setts and single, Centre Tables with and without marble Tops, pier Tables, Pembroke Tables, work Tables, toilet, dressing nnd french Bureaus, Ma hogany,, Maple and Popular Bedsteads, Mantle glasses, Dressing Boxes and Glasses, Sociables, Ottomans, Car pet and Chair Cushions, Piono Seats various patterns, Mahogany, Curled Maple and Fancy Chairs, Hair and j Cotton Mattrasscs, Feathers and Feather Bed*, Blinds, Floor Mats, Willow Wagonsand Cradles, together with every article in his line. The proprietor is supplied with the best of workmen, and well seasoned materials, so that he is enabled to manufacture any article in his line, that may be called for. Order* from the country shall receive strict atten tion. The public are invited to call and examine for themselves. THOMAS WOOD. CABINET FURNITURE AND CHAIR WARE-HOUSE, Cotton-Avenue, (o;yoiife the T Vashington Hall,) Macon, Georgia. SPERRY 4k MEYER have id 111 on * lnn 'k aiic * arc receiving, and IlKK**-// constantly manufacturing —a splendid assortment if FURNI- jjj TURE—consisung, in part, of Sofas, Sideboards, Secretaries, Dining Tables, in setts and ain 't g!e, Centre, Tea and Work Ta il ® Dies, and Bureaus, of every des jt cription ; with a full assortment of Beds'eadf, Mattrasscs, Feath ers and Feather Beds—and a variety of Windsor, Fancy and Baltimore Chairs. Tim subscribers, having in their employ the best of workmen, con niunuf xture at the shortest notice every thing in their line, in as good *t\le as it can tic done in i the State, and of the best materials. Penons wishing to purchase would do well to call and examine for themselves, as they arc offered on the lowest terms for cash. J. A. SPERRY, February 24 6m 14 F. MEYER. HATS! HATS!! HATS!!! GEORGE A. KIMBERLY HAS now on hand n very large assortment of Hats and Caps, most of which are manufactured by himself expressly for retailing, and are warranted to be superior to any he has ever before offered, and at pri ces corresponding with the times. Among his assortment may be found super Black and Drab Beaver Hats, of the latest fashion ; super black Huts, with w ide and medium brims, of the latest fashion ; black and drab smooth Beaver Hats of every variety of shape and style ; satin beaver Hats of supe rior quality, war.-nnte.l extra fine fur bodies. Youth*’ sarin beaver Hats, ex'ra fine ; Youths’ beaver Ilats, a large assortment. Also, a large assortment of Fur Caps,some of which are very ri ic, 'ogether with every article usually kept in a regular Hut store —all of which are offered on as good terms as enn be purchased of anv ma-ifac’urer in the United States. CT~ Gen leuien about 'reating themselves to a NEW HAT will do well to cal’. At Cost, a few ladies' Fur Capes, Pelerines, Muffs and Ruffs. at home m~ Mulberry-street, Macon, Georgia. 75411 E subscribers continue the Tinning Business A at their old stand, where they are prepared to fur- j nish Country Merchant* and Pedlar* on reasonable 1 term*. HOT Job work of all kinds done at short notice. ! JAMES H. BISHOP 4c CO. I June 1G , 31tf NEW CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, ON SECOND-STREET. THE subscriber has on hand, and will be receiving, a large assortment of Carriages, Barouches, Bn 7«ys, Ac. &c. Those wishing to purchase will j do well to call and examine for themselves. JOHN HUNT, Jr. December 2 6 C O A C II WARE- \'I7RIGLEY A HART, roppo«ite corner to Wa*h » * ingtou Hall,) have on hand a large assortment of Saddlery, Harness, Hardware, Carjuaue-Furni- TURE, A.C. —ALSO Carriers, Barouches, Buseys, Gigs, Titbvrys, Sul keys, and Fancy Wagons. QZr Vehicle* of all kind*, of the best materials, manufactured to order. Macon, December 9 7 Bibb*County. | Administrator’s Notice. ALL persons indebted to the estate of James Lrwis, late of said County, deceased, are requested to j make immediate payment, and ail those having de ; mauds against the eeme will present them in terms of the law, to H. R. WARD, Administrator. Jnly 7 37i j 4EL person* having accounts against the firm of I Coos A Cowles and J. Cowles, are requested to I present them a* fbe Counting Room of the subscriber. January 27 Uif j COWLES Macon Steam-boat Company^ fcSfer jfei&feg WOULD inform the merchant? and public, that they are now building a New Stern-uhccl Steam boat, and sit new Tow Boats, w hich will be added to the line early in September next ; at which time the Company's boa's w ill be in complete order for running, as soon as the River will admit. The Company wiil have next fall, in the line, fiveS'eam-boats and sixteen Tow-boa's, and with these facilities they wrili be able to have a Seam-boar, with two tow boats, leave Darien for Macon, regularly every three days, and they pledge themselves that despatch shall be given to goods ship ped by the line ; the Company, or Agents, have no in terest to serve but their patrons. _ J- GODDARD, President. July 21 3m31 OCHMULGEE STEAM-BOAT COMPANY, INCORPORATED BT THE LEGISLATURE OF GEORGIA, IN 1335, For the transportation and Insurance of Mer chandise and Produce, between Sayanah and Darien, and Darien and Macon— touching at Huwkinsville, and the principal Landings. THIS Company will ran their Sfenm-boaf? ns high up a? Macon ns long as the state of the River will admit; and Dr low stages of the waters they have pro vided, and are now running Pole-beats of such light draft of water as will admit them to run at any stage of the River, which ase towed up by their Beam-boats two-thirds of the distance, thereby greatly expediting the transportation of Merchandise during the Summer and Fall seasons; and their S'cnn ers will be in com plete repair, and ready for business, as early as the Ri ver will admit. THEIR BOATS ARE I Steam-boat Comet, Captain Brandy, Ala lama ha, Captain Steam-boat Ochmnlgce, Captain SeCSiKS: Blankinship; And a large number of TOW-BOATS, which will be in complete repair. For further information apply to REA A COTTON, Macon, J- W. LATHROP, Huwkinsville, I’ll. R. YONGE A SON, Darien, WM PATTERSON A CO., Savannah, McDOWELL. SHANNON A CO.,Charleston, SCOTT, SHAPTER A MORRELL, NewYork, Agents. July M » 83;f FOR THE INDIAN SPRINGS. ACCOMMODATION LINE. /ft tAp * ,-| THE Subscribers take pleasure in nn nouncing to the citizens of Macon, and the public generally, hat thev will run a regular Four Horse Cjach to the Ind av Springs, via Fi r-yth —leaving Macon Tuesdays and Saturdays, at 5 o'c.ock, A. M.; nnd the Spri gs, on Thursdays and Sundays, i t 6 o'clock. A. M. Every pains will be taken to render the passengers eomf.rtable. Passengers will be called for, and left at their respective residence? in anv par' of be city. Fare, * 6 - C. L. lIOWLAND A CO. £9 r Seats can be taken at the bar of the Central Ho tel, or with the subscribers. {Cf~ No seat secured until the money is paid. C- L. H. A CO. July 14 (Messenger and Tclegrapih.) 33 MONTPELIER SPRINGS. THE Proprietor of the Montpelier Springs, begs leave to notify the Public that a C'nri intee and four Horse*, with a careful Driver, will commence running from Macon on Tuesday next, leaving the Central llo'el, at 4 o'clock on Tuesday. Thursday, and Saturday—and return, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. June 9 33tf WARE-HOUSE And Commission Business. * MR. MIDAS L. GRAYBILL has / ♦ Su i n ' vt ' n interest of M . John Jones, - .-I. -val ‘ n I® l ® firm of Hardeman, Jones A ■MuQHjgdRK' Cos., in the above busi >ess, which will M'V'fe liereut er be continued by the subscri bers, under the name and style of HARDEMAN, GRAYBILL & CO., at the old stand formerly occupied by Messr.-. Hamil ton, Hayes A Cos., the well known situation of which, both ns regards safety against fire an 1 the convenience of its close stores, needs no recommendation. T hey are now ready for the reception of Cotton, and for the receiving and forwarding the goods of their country friends, that may be shipped to their care. They are prepared to make liberal advances on (1 >t'on stored writh, or shipped by them, to S ivannab, Chariesto i, or New .York. Ana from t ie fact that they are pVdirei not to deal in Cot-on on their own account, thev h .pe to receive a liberal share of public patronage TTie sel ling of Cotton from the ware,-house or from wagons and all other business connected with their establishment will have the exclusive attention of Thomas Hardeman and Midas 1.. Graybill, who will spare no pains to serve and please its patrons. THOMAS HA EDEMA A M DAS L. GRAYBILL, . , J- GODDARD. J'uly 21 3in39 7 0 TICE. MR. JOHN JONES has withdrawn, by mu'ual consent, front the firms of Hardeman, Jones A Cos , and J. Goddvrd ACo The b atin- business w ill be conducted hereafter bv J. Goddard and Tit mas Hardeman, under the name and style of J. Goddard A Cos., and will be managed and directed by J Goddard ; and have associated with them Mr. Midas L. Graybill, j in the Ware-House and Commission Business, who takes the place of John Jones, in this branch nf iiic business, w hich will be managed and directed bvThos. Hardeman and Midas L. Gravbil), under the name and style of Hardeman, Gravbill A Cos. THOMAS HARDEMAN, J. GODDARD. July 21 3m39 lIMIE undcrs'gned has withdrawn from the fi’-m of JL J. Goddard A Co- and Hardeman, Jones A Cos. J. Goddard and Thomas Hardeman, are authorized to settle the unfinished business of the late firm of J. G >d dard A Cos., and Hardman, Gravbill A Cos. the unfin ished business of Hardeman, Jones A Cos. And he would respectfully solicit for the present establishment a continuation of that patronage, so liberally extended to the late firms during his connection with them. JOHN JONES. July 21 3m3 > Ware-House and Commission Business. a, THE subscriber begs leave to inform f his friends the public generally, that he U has taken the well known stand for / merlv occupied by Lippitt A Higgins, * as a Ware-House. The house is large, and ass fe from Fire as any Ware-House in the city, and for chose storage it excels any house in the city, n’l- i k> for safety and convenience. A share of public pat anage is respectfully solicited. . C. L. HOWLAND N. B. The AUCTION business will be kept up at he above stand, which is one of the best houses in the city for the above business. S'riet attention will be paid to the sale of any good*'hat the public may see proper to confer upon him. Verv respectfully, C. L. HOWLAND. s£r Consignments respectfully solicited. December 1 6 TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS REWARD. STRAYED or Stolen, from Richard JnVmAu W. Ellis’ Stable, in Macon, about the S if ,? 25ffi ot January last, one flea-bitten, or dapple grey HORSE, about 14 years old, compactly built, ere*s-fa!len, and is inme in his right j hind leg, occasioned by the spavin. If the horse has 1 been stolen, I will give twenty dollars for the npprehen- ! sion of the thief, and five for the recover*’ of the horse. Any information respecting the same will be thankful- j ly received by R. 4\ . Ellis, in Macon, or by the sub- i scriber, in Knoxville, Crawford Conn tv. . JAMES M. ELLIS. Apnl 21 26tf B AC O N (KrAND PURE LEAF LARD. "J AH nf|A LBS. choice IV con, most of which "Fx/nJ has been cured here, on tie mos approved principle*. 4,000 Leaf Lard, put up in neat covered tin cans, suitable for families. Arpfv to WM. B. PARKER A CO. Tebruory 24 I3ef I Morton’s Pulmonic Expectorant Cough i For Coughs, Colds, Asthmas, Consumptions and WTkexw. ing Cough.-. 4 MONO the numerous complaints with which the ( t~ hum t n . fa ’’ lu i y a / e alllc ei ’ uo;le mor* common than cougas colds, Ac. anJ none more ik-iai , n t | er ~“ suits, unless timely care is taken to stop before they become too firmly eeaicd wteumi”! Notwithstanding the many remedies that have bemi of sered to the public, not any have heretofore proved su ~ ceessful in procuring a certain and speedy relief, T tie propiieter having been a.i eve* wiuie*suor**Mr al years) of the astonishing virtues of this txtrxordinarr Medicine, at length deems it h,s duty to clft rit to th. public, in a way that it may receive a more extertsiv. circulation: and at a pace that the poor may receive m» benyfn of it as well as the neh. c tU9 syrup is particularly efncatioua in removin. co jgns arising colas, attended with hoarseness and sor. ness about the windpipe; likewise shortness of breath ing, tightness acros the breaht, accompanied with a tickling cough: and in ail consumptive cases its use ia oiraculariy recommended, likewise whooping cough « (ready reheyeo by ns use—children laboring under this Jistressing disease, in innumerable instances liave been astonishingly bencfittedin a few davs: the pleascntiifs. ot it is a great advantage, as children will take it with as much p'e isure as they will preserve?. N- B.—The directions accompanying each bottle will be signed by II in. L. Terkins, the sole proprietor.— Each bottle is sealed with the impression of morton's pulmonic ExrECTORANT cough svrup, plainly stamped For certificates, see the directions. ..... . , w:vi E- PERKINS We have just received a fresh supply of the above and can safety recommend it as a very medi* C ”Sc„nb,,l &h . H.HJ.SHOtJ'eLL.A^ J. 11. AW. S. FI.LIS, Druggists!" “ Cotton-Avenue. Macon, Georgia, HA\ E just received Hie following, wiiich they offer for sale on accommodating terms : Superior English ground Mustard, for table or Med icai use Carpenter's Extract Liverworth Do. Sarsaparilla Cububs and Capaiva Do. Extract l’ink Hoot Do. do. Boneset Do. Tonic Extract D). Remedy for Scalds, Burns, tk.<\ . , D). Disinfecting Liquid Chloride of Sods, for s.i'ic rooms, and keeping Meat untainted in hot weather. G illighau s Vegetable Fever and Ague lriila, Superior Red Peruvian Bark Oil Cantlioridin, Ori Black Pepper S'omach I nhes, Dentist’s Instruments Groton 0.1, Salaeratus, Pcarlash Ground Spice?, Starch Indigo, best Spanish, Salt-pe're Salsoda, for washing, superior Apple Vinegar Best London \V alnut Catsup Sultana Raisins, for cooking. A!';b a genera l Stock of Fresh DRUGS, MEDI. GIN Lb, Ac September 23 PATENT MACHINE SPREAD ST Ri: NOT HEM NG I* I, VSTE R. fN the preparation of these very Superior and Ele pant Plasters, no cost or trouble is spared to ensuro possible degree of perfection, in point of utility, elegance and comfort. Tlicv air spread of various sizes on kid, of the best quality, by Machinery, invented expressly for the. purpose, (which gives them au advan age over every plaster hcrctofirc offered to the public) as by this means they can be made of a uniform thickness, and free from the inequality of surface which frequently proven a others from adhering, or renders them irritu’mg and uncomfortable, an objection, which it is impassible to avoid by the usual method of spreading Pin*.ers Tii” composition used in these Plasters, is carefully prepared a; a lower temperature, from a combination o valuable Resinous Gum?, with the nd-mixture of sever al eh lice aromatics, entirely separated from all extra ncous and irritating parades; and from it? peculiar coinbina’ion of highly strengthening, anodyne and shuhtly stimulating properties it nffirds a peasant and effectual rane-ly, in all eases of pain in th: side and breast, weakness or oppression of the chest; pain or weak ness of the back or loins ; Also, in the sense of sinking and fait ness a’ the pit of the stomach, accompanying Dyspepsia and Liver Compluint. In Rhematic, or pa ii fid iiffec ions of the limbs or j lints, their Anodyne and Simulating prjpcrrie? render them particularly benefi cial 11 Colds, Cough*, or Asthmatic AJiections, they will be to give immediate and permanent relef. Per3jus who from sedentary habits, or other causes, are predisposed to affections of the lungs, will fi id these Plasters an effectual security against those pulmonary n’t v k? which prove but two tie piently, (when neglect cd) he precursory symptoms of Consumption; and in died in a clitn i'e like oars, where c >lc»snd coughs are a t aim ;?t unfailing consequence of the sudden changes t > wnidi all are subject, every one at all liable to suffer from he influence of these causes would find the great est pissible security in having his chc»t anJ lungs pro tected bv one of tlie?e invaluable Posers. T > children suffering from Whooping Cough, ot Cos) Is affecting the chest or lung?, the sedative a id ano dyne priper ies of these Plasters, afford signal re! es. These P;as ers being ?pread much more rap.dly, as well ti? better, by Mu hi icry, are sold much lo ver than Pi * er- ?prcad in the usual method. For sale by J. 14. A 17. S. ELLIS. June 2 32 SANDS’ REMEDY For suit Rheum, ling Worm, T tiers, Scald He ld. Barber's hch .j-c. f jj'IJIS remedy ha combi mfore unknown *- in lie ati nils of medicine. I ri the : rounction of much experience, deep research, nnd great expense, a id is offered te> the public iu 'he fullcs o ifideuce of its being an effectual, sale a:;.i epee ly cure for me .boll Bheum, a id all other disease? f the skin, stick as Tetter, Ring Worms, Scald Head. B irl'rr's or Jackson Itch, S(C. These diseases are knjr. n to be the most obstinate of any to which the human system is subject, and can on ly be thoroughly eradicated by perseverance in tiie right course of irea.iiient, arid by using the right medicine Such a medicine has been discovered in this remedy, an I we speak from our own knowledge and experience when we say, 'hat in forty-nine cases out of fifiy it will effect n permanent and rapid cure by attending to lbs accompanying directions for use. Sold by' J. 11. ,}• W. S. ELLIS, Cotton-Avenue. March 24 22 Dr. ftt tftlei i ( i l.l.rated Eye Water for In? flantitfiok ami Weakness of the Eyes ritHE great advantages of this infaliblc remedy places -B- it us a general appendage to families, a net a con stant vade-mei uni to the traveller. This Eye Water is prepared wall the greatest care, and has never been known to fail in effecting a speedy and safe restoration of the diseased organs. It is useless to attach any cer tificates I)}’ way of praise or recommendation. Th* reputation and immense sale that has attended Dr. Seudder’s Eye Water, is the fairest proof of its utility nnd beneficial tendency ; it has been the means of preserving sight to many of (he afflicted, from the help less infant to the aged parent Thousands of letters have been received by Dr. S. within these few yean, containing flattering remarks relative to this Eye Wa ter —and the cures effected by it, have been set forth >» wonderful beyond precedent. Dr. Scudder confidently recommends this Eye Water as a safe and valuable remedy—and he trust that his experience as an Occu list, to weigh against the gross impositions which are daily practised on the public by advertisements of da* ferent kinds of Eve Water, many of which are unsafe to use. Prepared by Dr. John Scudder, Occults! and inserter of Artificial Human Eyes. A supplv of the a bove Eye Water, for sale by 11. SHOT WELL £Cr Merchants in the country supplied at the Pro pru*tor’s price. March 10 20 _ Matches, Snuff, &c. BECKWITH’S Piiis, Urandreth’s Pills, Evan’s Carn unite Piiis, for heari-burn, dyspepsia. Toilet Powders, superior Saps, Loco-foeo, Lucifer, nnd Friction Matches, Black and blue writing Ink, Snuff of various kinds—for ss.le by J. 11. 4- W. S. ELLIS, Cotton-Avenue March 10 20 Carpenter's Embrocation for Horses. Ijj'Oß the cure of Swellings, Strains, Bruises, Gall* S iffness of Ten Jour and Joints, Ac. Ac. , This Embrocation is recommended to Farriers an o here w ho wish a remedy for diseases above mention ed. For sale !.y J. H. A W. S. ELLIS- September 23 4tf G. C. McNIELL . _ . IS now receiving, at the store in Messrs. Rea & '- pt * ton’s Fire Proof building?, Commerce-Row, an e*' tensive and carefully selected P’ock of Fancy and Sta ple Dry Goons, Ready-Made Clothing, Ac. , Among other thing? will l»e found, Silk*, Satins * na Satir. Re is, English, P’rench and Grodenap Merino* j Fren h a id English, S«i?* and Scotch worked *n* einbroiaercd Capes and Collars of various styles; M 'j*’ ins, Lawn*. Linnens, Diapers, Carpetings, Prints, H®* iserv, Shaw ls, Bonnetts, Veils, Ac., with other article* usually kept in a Dry Goods Store—ail of which will b* sold on good terms. December 9 7 __ OCT" Land and Sheriff’s Deeds, of superkrf piloting, for sato at thi3 offioe.