Southern post. (Macon, Ga.) 1837-18??, August 11, 1838, Image 4

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ai <cos CLorrrmm rrour. On Mulberry Strut /writing c often Avenue. Y y FITCH has constantly uti oacd, sad is receiving LA, at abova»ita!. -ffv at :U- loaauiac ■- Xj w i_. ...... -ji, Jo. a —go oi c.j-m ... Sjj i.j u a.x~s a .a o jaa and Coatee*. Iju clottr over Cos.*. l„jp a etc: , .u'Lc, trrce.i aid red Breaker Cos*. ... uj .’taxi it J cauijxi w.o.—t. jj ..r c.j a a.-! casaiii ru laa *■ 4jj - so. v. ami corn l rnt c . _ 6juc.ut , f.i: ia/o Veite', vale tens w.r cn velvet rj; , -nabt...’i aadfigasaan Vest. 3 L .:.- r’» M .r. l . cloth aid Circassian G i r.e .*c cio.u, camblct Wrappers. ?5 nine?, Beav#rreen and J.-an* huau.igcoa*. jjdoz. ' igaara aad cabcuSinr®. . . Id jj.. friii*i aid p ere i L i.teo aiu ca..or, L.rvv#n Slurs, red and while Fiannel i*e.t r . *a id Drawers, Buckskin shir*. Vtj jr" slain and twilled cotton Drawer*, »x *—rt , G‘-'v l H ier. S ock*, B >.o;ns,o<da>,b **P«anem tr, Cravat*. Puree*. Rj##mim Bel e, P,r tls an- >1 ottcy Sola, Snk and cotton Usnorcna*. ALSO, S5 --.pcs Far and silk Hate, cb’h Fur and Hair iec caps, which will be *old very cheap. 15 1 -*u. « coarse i6g.-> do-h, See. Sec- . T ~ jl •.•hi-jg i* manufactured in the ’■« man a>r •• -rood nut«rinli, and is offered at reduced for CiA-*S ° G-'-a le.nan wishing ’heir cloths made at tne North, %y’j tv caving heir name® with inc* thenn in t\. best !nwTir s and m*t fiahijaab!e «*yk, and wor ri.i*d to please. Dec. 2. c “• F LEVI ECKLEY, t .i: .V; An ftrTicnary Sore and Cordial Distillery, Nor 5 4' 6 C •nmerce-BovL', J/icon, Georgia,) T7:'A3 for sale a t extensive supply of Goads ia his Li n .o. A.l »ngthem are : 1 :es SanuishCgais ldd.OoO F. r. .a oo 100 barrels Bitter ) nd co Sana > Csacksrs. SO do See ) IF - , e aad Fdot Bread 75 gr >8 Tar' e Salt Ijo ooxas Hao’s paten' lij do vanegated ) 6j do Fane,’ S 3) barrel*sof:shell I 30 co Jordan S ALyt3xm ‘ So do Brat.i Nu f. 20 do Filberts 4 cases Amer'cau oI.i« ard 25 pipes beat Madeira W. e SJ ~r. casks London particular Teneruie* 10 1 do Lsbon 1 15 do Muscat j 4 do Fort VV, Brrvn and pale Sberrv J WINES IN GLASS, Madeira. S lerr , Par, Clare’, and Burgnndr. Wines of the ani Moselle, C -Isontcd Cabinet of liii I tlochheimer, 1031 nj :e belter ever imp r*e • | Jjhpn iitberger* i ’-l Sstcviberi'er vintage of 1124 1 Rucesheimer, ltrs Mhi ,tain,ll22 |>l ircobruausr, 1J25 Cogmac and C a nprg ie Brandy Jamaica Rum, H ■!!" n > G.a I-.oh and 3 o*ch Whiskey F ->rry and Rasplierry Brandy 60 baske s C.mmpagne 2XM lbs. Lmf a.n i L imp Sugar Black and Hyson Ti-a B uni H meydew Tobacco C it Tobaccr, for smoking and chewing S 'eerrea* of event var.cty C irran' 1- , R a sm*, Mace and Ground Spices A iargs s polv of fresh Pickles C ) barrel* Irish Potatoes, Northern Apples Span sh, Frencha.nd American Candies Bardine*, Aachoviee, Olives and Capers S) dazer Lemon aid Raspberry Cordials F-iyiOg and C inversntionjC.ird*. ALSO. EXPECTED I.V A FEW DATS. 31 .c uere . P.ckled Sa’m m, .i/j-e Beef, P ikied Pork, pickled Tongue*, P naked Beef and Tongues, White Beans, G .shea Butter and Chec3e. IV'‘ember 1. 6:f ROiiIXSO *, WRIGHT & CO. VTAVGjast received, and offer for sale law for cash LL a spleudid ass -mneut of S aple and Fancy DRY-GOODS, rrltedto the season; coasisdng, in part, of the follow, tag ar' cles, vu : 8,9 ';d 10-4 Diifße B'iankc’B 10. 12 and 11-4 R se Blanke e, very superior 9, loa id 12-4 Whitney Blanker Heavy Kerseys and Lindseys 3■ 1 brown anil bleached S urdngs 7- ) .a ad 4-4 L > .veil Cottons 3-4 Virginia Oauaburgs i! re, black ad gree l Broad-cloths Si iit Casi:ne r c«, Flannels, Bombizeti*, and Clo hs, Fr.enc.i and G lglisn Priu’s, M islins, Linnefts, Rtah figured and Dlain Silks aad Sattias, Hosiery, Gloves, Set. Bh >?*, of every desormu an B aleaiid F'ench C >lf Boots Saddler,’, C iiaa, Ghss and Croskery Wars Hardware a a i Cutlery, A l '}, 1J setts of Blacks nith’s Tea’s eomple’e, T igetiier with an excellent assortment of Groctp'es. December 1 6 ICE Ilorsih TUB citizens of Macon, and vicinity, nre mfirtuen that Ice ca l be had a' all time* for F tmilie*, by rnnica ia i at the 3ir of he Central H .tel for iekets N- Sp r.tujus L. ;a rs of any desorption will be kept a. .lie T’P H mse. Persjus from a distance may ob'a n it ii .a--;e quart: ies by application either at the Cen tral H re', or a - the I e Hause. vOT ICE*CRE V?ld w'll be kep’ st all times nr the Ice .1 a use, far the uccommada ion of Ladies and Ge> ilemca. p' ace will be conveniently fitted up for pleasure and re’irement. ST Fue lee House n Mncnn, will be kept open from 9A. M-, uatd fialf-past 12; from 2P. M, unt.l 5. 11. K. WARD. JAMES LSWIS. * _ Apn[ 14 25 f Bibb Count) . 5 Administrator’s Xotice. A LL persons indeb’ed to the esta’e of James Lewis, Aift. late of said County, deceased, are reques ed to make immeditre payment, and all those having de rnaads against the same will present them in terms of the law, to H. R. WARD, Administrn'or. . July ? 371 A BL per«ons having accounts against the firm of J* Look & Cowles, and J. Cowles, are requested to p-e«ent them at the Cnundn> Room of thesuherriter. January 27 lits J COWLES. 5? VCOV AND PURE LEAF LARD. ~t AHA LBS. choice Bacon, most of which Jt. C" 5." r\* V, has been cured here, on themes approve 1 principles. 4,030 L'jf Lard, put up in neat covered tin cans, •unable lor families. A—-: -to . „ W.M. B. TARKSR & CO. __February 21 ]3 t f HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, CONMECTiCCT, Incorporated i , HlO •ri'h a CipiU nf 3150,000, end power to i ere is-’ the same to 8250,000. b> tg cs’abl.s led 1 is itu’ion has for more than . a auar er of a century, 'ransac ed its cx’ensive buti ions on the m ;s' iu*t an 1 1 feral principles—paying i s 1 jsces \; h lie mast honorable promptness; and the pre»en* Banrd of.) rec’nrs pledge »he:n*e'vcß in th> pnr- Uc i,ar, tun,' to maintain ; e high repu ation of the Cmi an tv. It in* ares on 'he mas f v .rab'e ’erms, ev- P" - dev-’rip'bti of proper v again#: bes arid damage by Fir nit • ‘.-:e« n> m irine ris is. App'i :ati >n far Ins ira ice may be made either per- Bonahy, or !e' e r , 'cits A rent in 'his citv: and all re :e vais : ■-- sks nov running fv this Company on p” >per'v in this nr be ’-mV b»‘ app'i ration to the \ -e a*. Wflf. B. JOHNSTON, A vent. _Maeon, April 21,1433. 26.f O-rjs’ Torth XVn«h. A Si PFIiIOR ar i-'p f r he Tee'h and Gum*.— - Tne o ncu—e it ‘w'cioriv of the mos' etniret" Bent's * and -n*'ib"n> of V me faculty, are united i.i favor of this ari V. - *-V pv J. H. 4 IV. S ELMS, A gen's, March 10 2) Colton-Avenue. t ,F’ t ON svrup. rFV VA DOZ ’N Lem on Svrup, verv super*or —- us D O A’s \ 53 1 i7en Sought on'* Biftsn, for sale by HARVEY SH r TWGLL, DrugcV, Opposite the Cetrrai Hotel. _Jnne 16 31 POTASH. ‘ )«’ rsce’ved and fa - «aV bv JL X & W. 8. HLLI3, Gotwu-Avemi* iLanuM 20 Twrrrr-rrrt: dollaro rettar^. STRAYED or B olen, from R.chard W. LT.t and abu, in Maeo., abvur the -5 noi January las, o e lita-ji; er, or " ' “—*■ .-pp*grey liOßbikab u. lt.>eur»o: , | ooiupacuy 0u.., ortve-.alit.. a..u a mme i„ me :hi ia ,eg, lay .as epav.a- Ir mo h-orw uas iict is oajii, I« Jl trte.ry do. are f r «ayp s. n 4 He .u.e., un. five i «r .he recovery of i.t- liuiii. A y i ri jj ; n-spec.n ig the same nu be Uia.ikfu - iy re e.vod by R. . Guus, i.. Mroon, or by the sub scriotr, m Ifi ...tot, C.iou.r- G u. : . JAJIwO M, CLLIS. A.ard 21 26 r CENTRAL HOTEL, MACON, GSJROIA. Am-\ Til™ su’oscr.oet rrpectfaily inf arm# his friends an 1 tne public 1.1 genera-, tha. ue uas taken ’Re ob ve aatiled Oatabtshaio.f, wh_ch having been .recently thorougluy repaired and e larged a' rrrea' ex pence—. 9 now -'pea t r the reetpiou of Truialiort, Est'd.r*, ij-c. Tie uro large air' tie eerrSits compete it a id a Hi# Taele siial! cons anl • be supplied with every uci.caov u.e rsonson and M ir<tr will nr- ash ILs Bar is ator-ked with the choices ID uas andLipsorr. Auu m order more etlec tually to inn v s jit a fi * ra’e II ■ s*, he has called to h e aid die services ot Mr. A. Liter, of Balimorc, whose long experience ?• Barauui’s City Hotel, ha# justlv e:> i’led him to 'he repu anon of a Cate rer for the public.— T e sabs ’r her, theref,r,, hopes by his unremitting ex orfion# to pie##t’, to receive a a'-era' share f pnTonagt. HORACa r. Ward. N. B. Good Stabling attached to the Hotel, "ifii faith ful and a ten^vs Ostlers. December 16 8f TO RENT. drrf, TH2 des’nih’e residence on the hil', built by jf-i-g Gc . Rob’. A Beal', and lately occup ed by D . Ran iolph, the enclosure contains an extensive'y of c.ho ce bearing nruit :rw.s sc-looted at die north, aad ornamental shrub! ery. ALSO some business h n.srs weil loca’ad on Cotton Ave .ue, for grocery and provision stores. FOR SALE.—Several valuable Ci-y lots, and 16 nrre* i npr ved land bounding on the city Commor' Tioup’e laid the Houstoa roail, (d.stan' or.e rni'e from the court house) wi'h an extensive elevation in frail’, alf rJmg a c unman iing view c f t ic City a id sur r m 1 li g c oumry, and well adapted f>r private reside • ce*. 'he whole, or a part of which will be sold on ac commodating terms by early acp'.ieati m to W.M. B. TARKER. March 17. 21 if FOR RENT. one story HOUSE, in Cherry-stree*, next doer S m'be car.ierof Third-s’ree’, et present occupied by M'. M E roy, it contains four rooms. Possession g.vs.r 1». October. For terms npply to UGA Si. COTTON. July 21 3J:f TO RENT, FIU WO large fnnt Roams on the second s’ory of otir Ji 6u.,-fc‘, >1 Til rd-s - ree’, suitable for s rep ng apar'- men’.s or office*. P..eet6e.on give 1 IstofO "idrer ext. F.,r erm* a; p y to liwA iSc. COTTON. July 21 3J f FOR RENT. FT HE brick 3 are on Third-vrce’, adjoining the sub # s T.bers* (i .rine ly occup eJ by Williams &. Brad- j lev.) Pjs.aeßß.oli given Ist ot O a'ober r ext F r enne , applv to RLA So COTTON, July »1 "33 f 1 For Sa e. v THE smxll House on co”cn A'-enue, at pres s i * cut occupied by C.G. St. John as a « slry c tort. x -*-*■ Alts for sale, ail experience cook Woman. Ap ply to JAM US A. NISBGT. December 2. 6 FOR SALE, /?*-). The cnmmodiou* HOUSE, now i.n the occu pancy of George W. Mufiary, eitua ed on the Federal R ad, about o.ic nil e from the city.— A”ncheii to the 1 >t are tour’cen acres of gaud Land, a fi .e ivtdl of wa er, gotal Orchard, and all 1 cm scary out buildings. For terms apply to D. A. BABER, or 1. G. SEYMOUR. July 7 37 f For Sa’°. Y'Yf OOD lo's of Ouk and Hickory Land, a few milt* V v irutn M icon. Also a FARM of one hundred acres in a good cor di'ion, far planting, three and a half miles from "awn Dec. 2. 6 Applvto JAS. A. NISBF.T. I Jt E S II GARDEN SEEDS. JUST received, a large aesi.rtr.ent of Cireen Seeds iitnj ig which are the fallowing: Early sugar loaf Cabbage Early June Teas Early Y-rk cio “ charlton do Large do do “ bishop prolific do Early drumhead do Large whi e marrowfat do Large do do D a ari blue imperial do Ureeti g’ared do Early china dwarf Btans Lug blood Beet •* mohawk do Eirly do. Turnip do “ six weeks do Early French sugar do : Duch • artknife do White O lion j L irgc L ma do Red 0 '.i n E irly «ug. r corn Scarlet Carrot I “ Tu*carjra do Orange do ! “ Du'ch or Fp’g Turnip Early clus’er Cucumber, , La-geE giith nerfoik do Lng green do Whu’e fiat do Early shir’green do Red top do Superior Water Melons ! Uu’a B '"a do Large musk do , S ;otch Kale Fire nu meg do ! Sea do Green CiTon do | C-'yenne Pepper Dutch » tmmer Squash I 801 ldo Bnab Cr jokr.ecki.ed do Parp’e Egg Plant I e Let’uce, ! Curled rees or pep’ grass Ire c is do j L rge Tomato Imperial sugar loaf do V"i»e?ob'e 0 *ter Lang scsr’et Radif h j C tr'ed Parsley Lng salmon 00 j Whi c "’ustsrd Cherrv tur -ip do •'g VVhi'e Okra Early Cauliflower -Gian’ Asparagus La's do Fco’ch Lee It, For sale by J. H. <Si W. S. ELLIS, Cjtton-A\e me. March 10 20 C O A C 11 WARE- i^^-^POCSE. mmmm T"?, r RIGLEY &. HART, (oppoei’e comer to Wash * v mgnjii Hah,) tiave on ha-.d a large aseonnient of Saddlery, Hakxess, Hardware, tire, 2kc. ALSO Carriage *, Barou hcr, Burcry*, Gig*, Tlluryr, Sul key-, and Fancy IVugon*. VemcitS 01 all Ai.iCS.of tfie best ma er.i.l-, manufactured tv orner. Muco a, December 0 7 HATS! HATS!! HATSi!T CLORGE A. KIMBERLY HAS now on hand a very large eesor lnent of Hats and Caps, most of vtnich are maiiufuctuieu by himself e.'.presety for retailirg, and art wanan'id to be superior to any he has ever before offirtd, and at pri ces corresponding with the times. Am mg h e a-sor merit may 1 e f. und super Black and Drub Beaver Hate, of the la'tsi fashion ; surer black Hats, wi h wide and medium brims, of the la t-st fashion ; black and drab smooth Beaver Hu's of every variety of ehape and style ; satin leaver )la:s of supe rior quality, war.rented ex ra fine fur bodies. Youths’ satin beaver Hair, ex’ra fine ; You'hs’ beaver Hats, a large assor men’. Also, a large assortment ot I«r ta, s, some of which are very li p,'ogether with even artic e usually kept in a regular lia> store—; 11 of whicli are otfi red on as good terms ns can be purchased U anv mnr.fac’urer in the United S'a’cs. OT Gen lcmen about treating themetlves to a NEW HAT "ill do well to call. At Cost, a few ladies’Fur Capps, Pelerines, Muff? and R'.ifik. Dceemter ‘J 7 Notice—Coq artnership. F¥"' HF, subscriber having associa’ed with hi—, Alltu. * L. Lvcr, they will ’rarrnct husir.ti-s '.1.1.., d.t name, style and firm 01 Wit. P. JoimsTON it Cos. ~ T , WW. b. JOHNS IGN. ’ kxtl««£L JtUUECtT 1, kLLi UgJ Extensive Jewelry EetabliFiimcnt. . THE suhfcrThe-re are re [f/t .•q’j.Vk CPmngbiS lair a-iawi.iitrsx.p ffly'A , "N.A piy u. Uooij-, >1 luch cousa-u cs ,7/.. *' V S Y; V a 81/ck m their u..e supera. rco f1! 10 {0 -; 1 a.iytver oliereu in Utts nta.s ■ma/ . ke, and it.tenor co noire mr ■ 1 5 gooui.ess or quaij-y, superior wonuua sh u or v„nt- y ot U—- - s.yle i.i the Gotten Sre.ts. nis stock cessisxs or LaUe« and ge ldcme ’sg ..pare.i .evcrM’arclics, of •he n,pr. ved maker, „\£ I. TjtuapdcC ~ R her U s kt-11, .1 -eph J nae a. , J ..t,. .V ncas anu L. lier.and Da vki-C .; g,-!d Eng. sh a.unor escapeinea’ Watches, that uere made to order and adjusted io fui: the south er lEna e ; gold Lepir.e Watches ; siiv, parent Li - ver L-pi. e, Cngtisu Cyliuttcr and Verge ; u.-’ Curb, guard, bn-ket end cable Chan.f t Watch Hookr, Sa:. *, Kevs a'd S -vix elf t F.nger a r.d E r R.. g*; Broaclic* a .and childte.,’* K mbs anu W.rts; get.tit nic ;’f guard, curb and h tbec Cliai is ; Eealf, Keys atid Swivels : bus an, sleeve and cola.' Buttons; Bites -pins, and Me ialu is ; pearl and jet Cr.isses ; gelu and tilvtr -Duckies ; gold, silver aid tieari Snuff B^xcs; gold and -dver Ever-poured Pencil Cases; M mia-ure-Caste ; Brace :p s; gil’.silve , pin at and shed Combe; g id aad •ilver Thimbles; go! , silver and steel .cmpled Spec a cle*, with p'.aefis -j sui: eve.'V, and r.tar-eigi. cd; Seed and Ixrce Cural; Cara! Necklaces; lead Bagr, Chains and Purse#; a varie yofßearre ; Spy and Q ~e-zi zi :g GI sees; Myr jscopcs ; Spur'o; Ten Caddies; PjcVe’-Book# ; I tdellili.p Ink ; Em* rx Cushions : Ru - le*, Whir!#* and Ttcthii g Rit gs, for cliildren; Corset Ring* ; s ee’ Buskf ; Por able Ink-stands and Writii g dpslre: card and Hgar cast* ; vi«i’ir.g Care's ; ui’iintjvn Fruit: Lucifer .Vrtht *; Ba be-Djors, Shuttle-Cocks and Grace* : Fencing Foils, Masks and G.oves ; Ro gers it Son’s Razors, pen and pocl e Knives ; C. Em erson's Razor S raps: Scissors; Diks ; Glazier's Wa rn rods; *c»lS.amps; Chers-men, Bac boar Jr, Dice, D* nin f*; steel Pens; Fire Fenders, And Irons, Shore!* aid Tongs ; sheet Brass, brass Wire, Scales and Weigh s ; Surveyor’s Coinpasecs anci Mathemati cal Itis-rume re ; A* rel and large suspending Lamp#; lamp G asses and Candle Share * ; Looki gGassc# . PI are* und Tbenmine’er* ; Walking Canes ; Gurs, Pistols, pis oil Bel’s, Po« der Flasks, Shot Pouche*, genre Bags: g-dd an' 4 silver Leaf; Dei lai Instruments; go’d ana tin Foil; Whips, Toupe t*, Brnihe of Hair, Rolls and Curl# ; 0"o of Roses, Cologne, Lavender and F'k rid# Water ; Birmingham and Sheffield silver p'atcd Caster*, lienor S ands, Candle S’ieke, Brandies, Wni 'e-s, Tea Tms, Fruit Baskets, Suffers and Snuffer Trevs, si'- e-Cttp*. Pi’chers, Tnl'lc, Tea, Descr .Cream, S.*lt and M e’ard Spoonr, soup Ladles, sugar Tongs, hu’ er Knives, pickle Knives and F rks, sugar Scoups and fi«h Kn ves : J/mtle and Mahogany eight-day CLOCKS ; Mreicnl I is’ruments, consisting of Bass and K"’ le Drums, F.fes, Flute*, FHrre’.e'-*, Chronei's, Accordiane, Shell M trie B cxe®, and Music Boxes, to play 12 tunes. A GOOD STOCK OF MILITARY & MILITARY TRIMMINGS Os new s’yle, such as are now used by the Army un der a recent regulation. - -■-.\T,S0 | — ■— Watclrranhcr’a hrocLa ar.d Materials, Besides many o'lier articles —all of which they will sell verv low for cash or appraved paper. They iuvi’e ci izer.s, and persons gene-ally v'r! |ng the city, to call at their Store, (east side of Mul’.erry-st.) aid examine heir .Stock, where they are ever ready and happv to attend to th >se who mav favor them wvh ’heir cans.' WM. B. JOHNSTON Sc CO. N.B. Particular attention paid to Watch Repairing. H iving in employ approved an:! experienced workmen, aid being prepared to manuf-icture all the pars ol movement of a Watch, will warrant every piece they make as perfect aa the original, and rheir Watches to perf >rm well, W. B. J. Si CO. March 17 <i LOOK AT 'TimiXti Watches, Jewelry, J3Jvor-Ware, &c. &c. J. A. &. S. S. VIRGIN ejAo WOULD inform then friends and t. e publ.c they st.ll contir.ue at t. e r M(" ' *JUf old stand on Cotton-Av- P TJjj erive, next door above the Ma a e Z/sAt *onic Hall, and have just re ■ ceived a fresh supply of G /ods, • ' - cons stiiig in par: of the follow - ing ar icles: Gentlemen and ladies’ Gold Lever, Anchor Escape men’, I ltlepcn'leui Secone, Lepnie &■ Vertical Waich -1 # 1 silver lever, plrnn and extra jewelled lepit.e anu ver tical Watcues—all of which were selected with choict, to suit tins marke’, and will be warranted to perform well. Ladies’ gold Neck Chains; gentlemen’s gotd and silver Guard and Fob Chains anu Keys ; Ear Knobs and Drops; Breast Pine and Finger Rings, ot all kinds; gold, silver, gilt and pearl Belt Buckles and Slides; Bracelc * and Head Sods ; gold aad silver Everpointed Pencils ; S eel Pens, of the best qualities ; goic, silver aids ee’ Spectacles ; Quizzing Glasses* ; saver Table, Tea, Deestr , Sah and Mustard Spoons, Sor.pandCream Ladies, Sugar Tongs, Butter and Frui Knives, Cups, Thinibier, Castors, and Candlesticks ; silver, bras* and bronzed, coral, gilt nnd glass Beads : ladies’ Work Bag", of the lares fashions '; Parses and Pocket-Books. Ciarior e ‘r, F.ngeolcs, Flutes, F.fte, Accordions, Music Boxes, large and small, Druare, Organs, and Violins, Walking S inks, of various kinds : silver gi!’,shel\ horn and ivory Combs ; Tea and Coffee Po s ; Bread Bas ks ■«,®i!ver andjspancd ; fine painted Waiters ; Knives, Razors ; Saur.cer’s celebrated Razor S rajs, wi’l: si tes ; Pi* I*, of various kinds; Den’is’s Files, Gold Plate, W re, Fill, &c.; Tov Watches, Rattles end Whistler for children ; Snuffßoxes; rercus*ir.r. Cups; Pipes ; Cigar Tut rs; Pocket Com passes ; ca, lastrunter.ts, Slc. MILIT AR Y GOODS. S wen’s, Bt is, Epau'et’s, Plumes, Srsbcr, Buttens, Lace, S an , and < mart t nts too ru.n « roes -tc irei tieu, which will be sold cheep for cash, or r.pprovec city ac ctrreacc".’ We have a choice se’ecticn of niatera’s for re p-.i ing Watcher, and are qrepared to any t ew par - , which v,e will warrant to perform as well as the original. fcT J. A. & S. S. VIRGIN fee! prateful for pas’ r avjrs. and would still solicit 3 share cf the pub ic patronage, hoping to give satisfaction to all who may favor them m the.r Lne. Deceinner 1 6 f MONTPELIER SPRINGS. THE Proprietor cf the Mon'pelier Springs, begs leave *o notify the Puh'.c that a t'nrrin e and four Horses, with a careful Driver, will commence running from Macon en Tuc day rex', leaving the Central Hotel, at 4 o’clock on Tumi? , Thursdav, and Sfurday—and return, on Monday, Wednesday’, and b.r ay. June 3 33 f FOR TUI! INDIAN SPRINGS. ACCOMMODATION LINE. THE Subscribers take plrrsure in an pouncing to the ci'tze s ot Macon, and the public generally, ’ha' thev v.ill run a regular Four H r*c Coach to the Indian Ptrings, via F< rsv l:—leaving .Macon Tuesdays a; and Saturdays, at 5 o’clock, A. M.; and the Springs, on Thursday sand Sundays, at 6 o’clock, A. M. Every pains will he taken to render t’ e passengers comfortable. Passenger# wall be called for, and led at •heir respective residences in any par of the civ. Fare. S6 C. L. HOWLAND it CO. OT Sea's can he 'aken at the bar of the Central Ho or v.i'li ri e subscribers. OT No seat secured unril the mo-ey is paid C. L. H. & CO. July 14 (Me*senger anti Telegraph.) 34 NEW LIVERY STABLE. 11'HE subs'-riliers woxild respectfully inform t| e ei;j. zens oi Macon, and the public general:, that they have opened one of the must ideas ant Sables in the S a’e, si ua’ed on the hlcck of the Ccnrec! Ho e’, two doors from the P- is -Offer. And akc pleasure in say ing tha’ they have some of the fines'. Saddle, Carriage and Satkey Her*re in the country; s'd are readv at all times to accommodate persons wi'h Ilorrer, Carriages, and Drivers. J. P. t'ARi-.Y, _ _ _ t . C. L. IIOWLAND. F. S The best at entim shall be paid to transient Horses, and 'he same to Horses kept c-y the mon’h. February 10 jgf X LL persons indebted lb the subscribe r.ei'ner j note on. or open rcccrn-, are verv respectfuilx m/iL. to call and er trie ffi# gem*. WM.ik JOHNSTON. Jutfuido A) Lr\f WARE.norsE And Commission Business. j MR. MIDAS L. GRAYBILL has / a St: take.» the i.trertrec oi M . Jotm j,.>ns, -[> ‘he lau- firm of Haiioeman, Jo.xtstk Qi,.-. v pi Cos. in ire above bun..iLbt, « nxa w.u .icrtii’er i« contiaucd by fire #ub#vr.* bers u:ic#r die 1 ante and r \ i- of HARDEMAN. GRAYDILL & CO., a* the old erend formerly occup.eti by Meter.. Hamil ton, Hayes Si C ~ he well Kn wn tuuauoa of winch.. bo'h as regarfia s..fety agaitret fire and the c invemeuce of: s close stores, i.teus u.f rfCoinmer.da ton. 'l'hey arc now ready for the rccep jon of Cottoi, ana for the receiving ana forwarding the goo*,#of ibeircountry frie .and", that may Le shipped to tiretr care. They are prepared to make liberal advances uji G .t’ot. stored wi-h, or shippe I bv be 11, to S tvannah, Cuaries'on, or Now-York. Aid from he fact that they are please not to deal t C t;on on heir own accoun - , :h, vh pc to receive a liberal share of public pa’roc age The h - ling oi C 'ttor. fr m the wnrt- luu-e r from weg.ine and an o her busi i#«s eonnee ed w ith their enalikshinent w ill have ’h<’ exi'l isve a on ion of Ti.omxx I ! AR'TMAV and Midas L. Graybill, who xvi l spare no pain# to serve anti pi. axe ire »an ns. THOMAS HARD UMAX, M DAS 1.. G iA YBiLL, J- GoDDAED. July 21 3u3J ’’OTiCE, J^| r R. JOHN .TONES has withdraw, bv mu’ttal con«e t. from -he firms of Hardlma.v. Jones Si Cos « and J. Goddard Si Cos. Tie b. a‘mg b..a:ne*s will t e eouduc ed hueafer by J. Goddard i ‘d Tn »:.vs Hardemav, under the name and sw le J. Goddard &. Cos.. and will be managed and direcred hv J G durd ; and have associated with them M . M.d’as L. Graybill, m the Wart-House and C •mmc-sion Bu-iucss, who takes the nk ce of J dm J mes, in this branch of’l:# httaines", which will be n anaged and directed by T 109. Hardeman a-id Midrs L, Gray bill, under die name and style of Hardeman, G.rey i 1 Si O-o. THOMAS IT A EDE3IAX, J. GOIWAEV- July 21 3a133 r JT’ HE unders’gned lies wrl drawn from the fi-m of - J. G iddard & Go., and Hardeman, Jones Sc Cos. J. G iddnrd and Th nnas Hardeman, are au liori/e ' ’o settle 'be unfinished business nf the late fi-m of J. G ul dard At Cos., and Han!nr n. Gravbill &C . the unfi i ished business of II r iem in, Jones &,Co. And he would respectfully s licit fur the prcsentrestablishnient a continua'ion of that parronapre. so Überallv ex ended to the late firms during his connection wi'h 'hem. JOILV JO.VES. _Ju;y 21 3 3' Ware-llous - ' an l Commis-ion IJnsiness. THE subscriber begs leave to inform p his friends the public generally, tha: he has taken the well known stand for nierh- occupied by Lippitt &, Ilitrgins, P? , a Ware-II >u*e. The hou*e islarge, and r.s safe from Fire ns any Ware-House in the city, and for close storage i’ excels a iy house in the city, al ’o fir safety and convenience. A share of public pnt -5 a age is rcsucctfully solicited. C. L. HOWLAND N. B. The AUCTION business will be kep' up at be above stand, which is one of the bes' houses in the city for he above busim s*. S rict at'en'ion xvili he pal'd to the sale of any goods 'hat the public may see proper to confer upon him. Verv re-pctf’dlv, C. L. HOWLAND. OT Consignments respectfully solicited. December 1 6 OCHMUL3EE STEAM - 30A F COWANyT INCORFORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF GEORGIA,TN 1535, For the transportation t ivi Insurance of Ker ch ndise and Produce, letrveen Saxakaii end Darien, and Darien and Macon— touching al Hawkinsville, and the principal Landings . F|*HIS Company will run their S cam-hoa's ns high A up* as Macon as long ns the sta'e of the River will admit; and fir low stages of the wa ers they have pro vide ', nnd are now running Foie-b< ats of such light draft of wa eras w ill admit them to run at any stage of the River, which are towed up by their Si am-boats two-thirds of the dis'arce, thereby greatly expediting the transportation of Merchandise during the Summer and Fall season* ; and their S eau ers will be in com ple e repair, and ready for business, as early as the Ri ver will admit. TIIEIk BOATS are: Steam-boat Ccroet, Captain Brantlv, j Steam-host Alatamaha, Captain Seam-hoat Oehmufgee, Captain Blankinship; I , Aid a large number of TOW-BOATS, which will ue in comp.e'e repair. For fur her lnf>rma'i<on applv to REA Sc COTTON. Macon, J. W. LATHROP, Hawkinsville, I’ll R. YONG3 & SON, Darien, M M PATTEPSON &. t'O., Sivannah, Mo DOW iILL, SH AN NON & (10., C'mr es’on, SCOTT, SH AFTER A MORRELL, Ne .*. Y rk, Agents. J M 33 t Macon Steam-boat Com} any, feiihr \\ OULD inform the n:ercban*« and public, 'bat' \ 7 thev are n r building a New S'ern-wkeel S'c.m loat, and *i c new T w Boats, which will be added to the hue. eariv in September next: a- which time he 0 -injjaav’p !>oa‘® wjii beiii comp e c t. er f»r rumiiu/r# fis«>on as the River will admi. Te C mpan.v will have next {. ii, in t!*e, fr.eS eim-hoat? nnd si.\t» e i Tow-boa s, a,i<’ w. h lic-e facia ics they v-.ill ' c able to have a Steam-bor. , with two tow I oat*, 'cave Dar en for Macon, regular y every three dn%«, and they pledge themselves tint despatch shall he given to s «• s slrp ped by the line ; the Companv, or Asente, have no iu crcst to serve but their pa r T , J. GODDARD, Pres’denf. July 21 3...31 AT IIO3IE ! ii 0/' : f S ; i: -' MuPerry street Macon Georgia. rrriE subscribers continue the Tinning Business re at their old sand, where they are prepared to fur nish Coun’ry Merchants and Pedlars on reasonable terms. OT work of all kinds done at shor no*i e JAMES II BISHOP Si CO. June 16 3J t iNEW CAIIEIAuE UEEOSiTOiIVr ON SECOND - STREET. rpHE subscriber has on hand, and w ill be receiving, re- a large ass cmev of Carriages, Borf-ncho*, B’tvgys, A--.-. Sis. Those wishing to purchase will do wed to call and examine for ’hemselves. n , „ JOHN HUNT, .Tr. D ccm’-er 2 I' IA N O LI- , C—JSSF If m'i ftRRIARES AND FBRMTITRE, - T recoi td and for «a’e at reduced nri re®, bv A nr’l v JOiiN li- OLDHRSH AW. few PATENT KACSINS STEEAB STRIIAOTUt Na.xG FLATTER. if L tile p.iparation o, Ui.s* very t>u;n.,u>r and FV 1 guM A nutters, ,i«, ccw or trouUe re -yatea iut Z possible litfeiee . f jeri 0u0.,, mpo.m at u m i, * aad com! -r:. Tut> are sprtred of various sizes ire® ot tue Lux.;., j, MAMuc.y, ,„u.uaA ta * the . jo ' p.AuA-r lA, K- t J.t- alie CU to .i.t- . U--..c) as l>y 111 . nf he, can be ui-ue W | a uuform thickness male'* ir -in tire i.iequaluy of surtace w ;uch fiequeuny « , re * otners-irom sauermg, or renders U*m irni*in» tn ? uncoutt stable, uam.jectioc, it is avo oby the u-ual method oi spre ding P: a J trs o ‘ e w Ta composition used in these Purerere, h „ prepared hi a lower unpera ur», xr, n E i.nt . V.ffi ale Resmutre G mis, wi b tire a!- nivure al ch ace a-,un me*, entirely scpaiated from ail . eons anu trn'a t:;g Par u les; anu from ire. .A*,™* cqmb.rmion of hiihlf strengthening, ano-liZZ s shxnJly uimuLrt ig properties , ati'-rfs „ p ~J£ i cpJetual remely, i I all care H ol vain j , the *H, weJrnes or oppression of t hi Just ; an * nes ot th hatko-lUts; As U aint il nc*s n he pi -it ne somath, accoio,,.'.. Djrpcp. i t and Liver Complaint. I , Bhasuti f .ulf lie iiiiibs ur j'inis, their it i.ntua tng p- per t* re -,der them parttculariv k V c-.ii, I . or A'dtnvk AfZ'iZJrt will be Fund to give mitne na.e a.iO pc relief- Persons who tr im sc lei arv li.’bi s, or other causes . predisposed to uffec nns of he lungs, wifi f, l( j i *-ers a-i effectual security against those nu.V ® k 1 which pr ive but two frequently, (when uc,-/ <d) he precursory symptoms ot Corvumption; a.Td, cte lii a china e like ours, where coics sud Coughs / un aim os' unfailing consequence of the sudden ciian! to winch all are subjec , ever,- one at al. liable to stiff., tram ne influence ot 'hose causes would fi id >h e „ rca , est p.ossihle security in having his chest and liii ic , Dr i" leered by o te of the«e i ivaluabie P a«rers. " * T i children suffering from Whooping Cowh C il ls affecting tl-.e ches or lung , Hie sedative a Jjj aak dyne pr iper'iis of'hese Bias ers, aff.rd signal relief. These Fas ers bring spread much more rnpuiV m w-fill as better, by 31 u Itiuery, are S lid much lower than I’l" * ers *pread in the usuai ine’hod. 0 Fir safe by J. 11. i W. S. ELLIS _Ju :e 2 jz Morton's Pu’inonic Expoctoraut CourU~” Syrn ■, For Cough*, Colds, Asthma*, Consumptions and UTioop. ing Coughi. “ 4 MONG the numerous co liplaints wiih wluch the J*- humaii family are aflicred, io.;e are mire coinm.m than coughs' colds, &c. and none more fata, ii tlie.r ru salts, u dees timely care .s taken to stop iie.r before they become too firmly seated upon the lungs,— Not withstanding the many remedies that have lieetiof tcred to the pubLc, ao any huve iieretof »re proved sue ceeysful iti procuri.-g a certain and speedy relief. Tne proprie er having been aa eye witness (Ersever al yoat>) ot the astonishing virtues of this ex raordinary .Medicine, at lcngfii deems it his duty to offer it to the public, ii a way tha’ it may receiye’a more ex ens v« circukt-oa : and at a price that the poor may receive tit# benefit ot it as well as the rich. Tus syrup is particularly etfica'ious in removing coughs ar.sing couls. attended with hoarsenessandt n ness aho it the windpipe; likewise shortness of brerti ‘FV}<. t'o'ht ie*s acros the breaht, accompanied with a ti :ku i.' cough : atid in tdi consumptive casis its use t u ir i ulany recommended, likew se w-hooptiig ciiughri rreatlv relieved by is use—chil-Iren labon.ig under this iis ressing disease, in i luuinerable instances have been astonishingly benefit ed in a few days: the pleasentnejs of it is a great advantage, as children wilt take it with as much p'eosure as they will preserves. N. B.—Tne lirecrionsaci-ompa lytugeach bo’tle will be «.g led by Hbit. L. Perkin*, the so.e proprietor.— Ea-h bottle is «e-led with the impression of jiorto.n’s pulmonic expectorant cough syrup, plainly Stamped on it. r For certifica’cp, see the directions. , WM L. PERKINS. \\ e have just received a fresh supply ol the above, and can safely recommend if us a verv excellent medi cine. li. &, J. SHOT WELL, Agents, December 16th. 8 Dr. ItnMci t !il I rated Bye Water fir in. ffanmtio* ntid Weakness of the Eyes. r | : 'HE grea- advantages of this infalible remedy places it as a general appendage to families, and a con slant vatL'-met urn to the traveller. Tu.s Eye Water is prepared with the grea cs. care, and has never been known to fail in etlcctitig a speedy a id safe restoralum of the diseased organs. It is useless to atiach any cer tificates by way ot praise or recommendation. The reputation and immense sale that has attended Dr. | Scudder’s Eye Wiper, is the fairest of its utility ; and beneficial tendency ; it has been the mea .sos l preserving sight to many of he affiic ed, from the help i less infant to the aged parent Thousands of letters have been received by D.% S. within these few years, containing flattering remarks relative to this Eye Wa ter—und the cures effected by i», have been set forth aa wonderful beyond precedent." Dr. Scudder confidently recommends this Eye kVa eras a safe and valuable remedy—and he trust that his experience as an Oocu | lis’, to weigh against the gross impositions which an ; daily practised on the public by advertisements of dif | ferent kinds of Eye Wa’er, many of which are unsafe i to use. Prepared by Dr. John Scudder, and inserer of Artificial Humati Eyes. A supplv of 'he a bove Eye Wa’er, for sale by " H. SHOT'WELL. fsT Merchants in the country supplied at the Pro pruun’s pneet March 10 20 SANDS’ REMEDY For slit Rheum. R-ng Worm, Tetters, Scald He id Barber' * Itch , <s-c. i remedy is a c ombiuation hrrr ofure unknown M- iu die an.tals of medicine. I is he pr-iductionof much experience, deep research, and great expeiw, i amt is offered m die public in the fullest confideace of j its being an effectual, safe and snee ’y cure fir tire Salt Rheum, and all offier -bsessf-s of 'he s .in, such as Tetter, \ King I Form.*, Sai l Head. Barber's or Jackson ltch,i(C. Tntse utseutts are kn • i to I e the most übstina eof any to which he human svstenTis sub ; ec ,a .and can on ly ire th oroughly erruiic t ed by pprseveratu e in the right course of Lea rne r, 91 id by using the right medicine Such a ntedici e has been discovered in this remedy, and we speak from o tr own knowledge and expeneme when we say, hat in forty-nine cases out ol my it will effect a permanent and rapid cure by a; e lding to the accompanying directions fur ••*#*. 5 rid by J. H- 4 W. S. ELL Cottou-Ave .'me. March 21 22 Matches, Snuff, Ac. BECKWITH’S P.lir, 8.-audret'ii’s Tills, Eva *’s Cam mu e Put*, for hegrt-b urn, dy-peptre, Trile’ Powders, superior S -aps, L >ou-focc, L icd’er, arid Friction Matches, Black and l»,ue writing Ink, Snuff of various ki ob—- sole by - J. 11. 4' tV. S. ELLIS, Cotton-Aveme _M irch 10 20 Cnrrenters Embrocation for Horses. fJOR 'he cure of S vclii-igs, Strains, Bruises, Gw* S .llhcss cl Tcndjur atid Joints, See. Sic. This Embrocation is recommended to Farriers and o hc'-s who wash a remedy for diseases nb -ve mention ed. For S lip by J. H- Si W. S. ELLIS. Sep'em! rr 23 4 t J. 11. «V yv. s. ELLIS, Dniggists, Colton-A venue, Macon, Georgia, OAVE just received the following, which they oner tor sale oti accommoda'ing terms : , S iperior Eogli-h ground Mustard, for table or Med ical u*e Cnrpcn er's Ex'ract Liverworth * D). Sarsaparlla C'lbube and C.apaiva Do. Ex ract Pi ok Root Do. do. 8,;f% Do. T inic Extract Do. Remedy fur Scald®, Burrs, &e* , D>. Disinfectin" Liquid Chloride of Sod?, f- 1 ? sick rooms, ar.d J.eepi ig Metp untain'ed in hot weather. G .11 igha Vegcahle Fever and Ague Pills Superior Red Peruvian Burk Ou Cat-'hcriilin, Od Black Pepper S onmcb Tu’res, Dentis ’s Instrument# C ■ jton O ', Salaerutiis, Pearlash G-oitnd Spices, S'arch I-: !igo, best Spanish, Sal'-pc're Snl«od->, fir washing, superior Apple Vinegar Be- London Walnut Ca’sup P il'ano Raisins, fer ccokir g. A'* , a general Stock of Fresh DRUGS, MEDI- C'INES, &e. St- n’emlier 23 4 C. M-riELL , _ . fS now i-rrrvi’-g, at '! e store in Messrs. Ren Si Co.* •on’s Fre Pro- f buildit c% Comnierre-Row, B, ’ ex " en* \p an-’ cen-fulb- se cc-pd S'oek of Fancy and Sta ple Dry Goon*, Ready- ?>lade Clothing, Sc. , Am >’2 other '* . ill bes nor'. Silks, Sf : n* sn<| Sri-- Rc-p-, E"or'i«h, French and Gr -dc- ?p Merino* • French nnd E i r r ' *h, Si ® and Scotch verl-ed'D® pm' r lidere.d Crpc® and Collars cf various s M Vs; M-j f * ins. Lawn®, Linnens, D 'rer*, Carperii gs, Print*, He iser-, Shn-.vls, Bo ine’‘s. Veil®. Sec., v i b other aryrW usually kep' in a Dry Goods Store—all of whichxvfil k* soM on mod 'rmis. December 9 T Cti7” Lantl nr.fl Sheriff’s Deeds, of priat-Ajf, Per sum at tte ttfu co,