Southern post. (Macon, Ga.) 1837-18??, January 05, 1839, Image 1

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THE « « rvrc 'yrr is »«:«• tbj (M ars nw J >_>_ Jb Jo X Jr waw i* 1* published in the eitv of Macon every Saturday M 'mnf, at three collars i» udrunre, four boii.akn #i er three month*—Two dollars for six months— » id mailed to country the earliest tiutiis, enveloped by good strong w rappers, with legible direc tions. 9ST No subscription received for a less period than six months—and no paper discontinued, until al arrears are jwud. .Pberfiwstcsts not exceeding twelve lines will he in serted « ! Ott for the first insrnion, and 50 eon's for each continuance —larger ones in proportion Persons wishing to advertise hy the year must call at the ofiire and make an agreement to that efleet. JCrAdvertise imtrs not limited wlien handed in, will be inserted till forbid, and charged accordingly. W Anv person forwarding a ten collar hill, (|>ost p.vd.l shall receive tour copies, for one year, to be sen' j to dtflereul persons, as directed. XT’ I enters on business, either to the Publisher or Editor, must come pro/ paid toinstire attention. Monroe Rail Ron I and Ranking Cos.) Macon, Drr. 26. 1334. y IT i ordered by the Board that Bonks otsubserpion I be ■ pencil at ihi« Bank, on Wednesday, 'he 16 It of January rewand he kept « pen three tiny-, fertile snh si tiirg f,,r thir'v-f >ur hundred shares of cap: a I stock, whereupon. One Hundred Dollars per shore will he re quired on subscribing and when tn> en, said storkhol. deers w >ll I eon an equal 6 stung in every re pect as to t! e Bank and Hoar!, wilt the original stockholders, from Macon to Forsy th. A trite extract from the nvmi'e*. PETER SOLOMON, Casher. December 29 lOn Oomn'see Hank of the Xtnt» of bear >i , i Macon. 7th IV einhc, 1 333. S RESOLVED. That an Ins'alme t of Ten per cen’- um on the Capital Slock of this Institution l>e, and the same i- hereby requ id to be paid a’ flu Bink in - Home in tins ehv on or lieforc Friday, 15 h Febru ary next. Extract front the minutes. J. A. WHITE, A ss't Cashier. Deeemhcr 22 9c I’Ll .MIDSTREKT SEMIN \RY. THE above Sentmary has been opened by the sub -1 seriber. for the reception of s'u-ien'*, arid is now in active opera'ion. The course of studies pursued em braces the useful and solid branches of English, with the Latin and Greek Languages. Suffice it to say, that, ia the above institution, boys will be thud for business, or prepared for college. Owing to an increase of stu tlents, and the promise of others at the eommeucement the next year, he has engage I the services of one of Ins own echtdars, who has I wen regularly and thoroughly taught bv him tor the lust four years; he is a youth tit steady habit.*, good moral eomfuct. and, as a scholar, »• M qua).tied. The primary classes w ill be afended >o In him, inn under the s|>eeiai su|>ervision of tile princi pal hints. !f, who, hy his constant and unremitting excr t'ons in the discharge of his duties, ho|tc- to be always a'-ie to merit the approbation ami secure the favor of ail wh>t may coufide to his care tlic education of their chil dren. Terms a* usual, and the same as at the Academy. Decemberß9 he J. O'KEEFFE. nor ton Miilf niul Female Academy. r PH'ri subscriber begs leavi to inform the public, that 1 the ot tho-e schools,tor the ensuing year, will commenee on the first Monday in January. He w,ll l e ;e-."-ti and in the Female Department by Miss Were, "f Ma s., a lady well qttal lied to teach all the branches, E. erary. Scientific and Ornament >l. that are t > gin in Female Academic-: rtleti ,ee. Mias Grant, Pr tie pal of Ipswich Female Seminary, Mass. St :ulies of Femo/e I)< /ttirhurnl—first division. 1. mi and Go ek Lau.uiagi >, Phito«-|-hr, Chemistry, Botany, Astronomy, Algebra, Geometry, Rhetoric. Na te.-' Hi'torv an 1 Comptei ion ; price pi r quarer, $-3. S. > o ni Division —Anthmetie, Geography, Grammar an. r mil i-itstu —per quarter, rifi. To r-i Dive- >n —Reading, Writing and Orthography —is r quar er, SI. Extra sutilii s—Musie on Piano, jure quarter 8i2..30 Draw ing am! Ptiiu'ing, per quarer, 5; French, rid. In tlie Male Dt-pur ment. students will he pup red for Ii ranee ill nuv of die colle --- i.i l! eIi led S >«; i. V. Campbell, and E. A. Ni and i , !!■-.. AI c>> i (be i’result nt aud I'ro.e-'ors ol Ji if rson Coder e, IS Good board can le obtained on reasonable terms. S giied by order of the trus ees. JAMES WELLS, Principal. Petty, Houston county, December 2J. lOe AHDSNG HOUSE. A 3 R. an I MRS BIVINS have taken the house, f - inerivoccupied hv M ijar llarJaw:t .on thee r ner of Cli rrv and Seeon !-stree . w here they can r icsti ten or fifteen Geinlemen with hoard, at reasona li r itis. December I 6 f \ Select School for Voting Ladies. VIIIS and MISS SHELTON respectfully inform the public ilia tlunr Winter Session will com mence on Monday, the first October. A limited num ber ot pupils will be received. P: rtieulnr attention w.ll be paid to the van -us branches usually taught— both useful and ornamental An extra Drawing and Painting class vill be receiv ed on Saturdays. Terms f,-r English branches, from six to twelve ilol ar* S irisfaetory references ran be given, if required, (•■pt 22 48 HARTF< >11! t riR i: inker v\ rr com i» an y , HARTFORD. CONNECTICUT. Incorporated tn HlO with a Capital of 91!>0,000, and /tower to increase the fame to £*-’>o,ooo. f*»r more ilian ■ a quarter of a t » nrurv, transnerd its expensive busint***s on ibf most just and liber.;! principle?—paving in | * with flu* iii.isi honorable* promptness; and the present Hoard ofDirpcron* pledge themselves in this par ticular, fully to maintain the high reputation of die Company. It insures on the most favorable terms, ev ery description of property against loss and damage hy Fire, but takes no marine risks. Application for Insurance may he made either ner aon illy, or by letter, foils A'jrent in this city: and all renewals for risks now running hy this Company on property ii this city, mav he made hv npnlienoon to the \_rmt. VIM. H. JO//N\STON, Awns. Macon, April 21, 1833. iJCrF To Printers and P iMisfiers. npifE suh«cril>rrs have just rninf’V'rfi >ln r new Sne * ciiim’ii |i«M>k of light faced Rink and Job Printing Tvrts, Flowers and Ornaments — the contents of wlmdi are lienwii)i partially given : Diamond, Pearl, Nos. 1 and 2, Agate, Nos 1, -and 11, Agate on Nuipnriel body. Nonpar*! N I, 2,3 and 4, Mintonette, Nos. l and 2. Minion, Non 1,2, 3 and 5, Minion on Brevier body, Brevier on Minion body. Brevier, Nos. 1,2, Hand 4, Brevier on Bong Primer body, Bonrgeos on Brevier body. Bourgeon, No«. I, 3 and 4, Bonrgeos on lavng Primer o’e. Bong Primer, Nos. I. 2,3 and I. I/>ng Primer on Small Pjen laxly. Small Pier, Nos. I nnd 2, Sica on Knglisli body, Fngli-li, Nos 1, and 2, Great Primer, Paragon, Double English, Double Paragon, Cannon, 5 line Fica to 20 h line Pien (l 'tier Condensed to 25. 7 and 10 line Pien, ornamental, fi, 7,2, 12 and In lines Pien shaded, H, 10, Brand 1C lings Antique shaded. ALSO. A large ami tieatitiful colleetion of Flowers, from Pearl to seven line Piea, which are not to he found in other specimen ; anew assortment of Ornamental Dash* * ■ a variety of Card B irdersj near two thousand nn tal < tri aments : hrnss Bale ; l,eads of various thick tis t s ; as’roiionm a I and physical signs ; metal nnd brass dasla s, trout Inee to ill) enis long : great primer and double pica scripts on incli n'd bodies ; diamond an 1 nooparie! mtirie of various kinds; antique light aid heavy face two line letter; full faee roman and i’shc nnti| arie l ; minion, brevier, long primer and o'h erhl cks; nonparii I, minion and brevier Greek, He brew and Saxon. A large variety of Ornaments, ealcula'ed p r'icnlar- Iv for the Spanish and Sou'll-American markets ; Spa nnh. French nnd Portuguese aeeents fnrn ; «hed to or der, with ever- , ther kind made u«e of in the Printing 1 re*» Ah of w hich van he furnished at short n - ~f ns rvwl qindily and on as reasonable tortus* as other e» alilishnient. CONNER & COOK. for- er of Nassau and Ami-atrcets, Nfw-Vork Iktcember 15 8p Jj|§p fjwtt Hf UY I*. C. PENDLETON. VOL. 11. PATENT MACHINE SPREAD STRENGTHENING I* LA ST ER. IN the preparation of these very Su/wrior and £!*• ■ trant Plotters, no cos: or trouble m spared to ensure possible degree "i perfection, in point of u ili- v,elegance and eoinfort. Tliey are «pn ad of various sizes on kills of the best (pinlify, by Machinery, invented express!i/Jor the purpose, (which irives hem an huvuu age over every plus er heretofore oll’cred to the puUie) ;»s hy his menus they can be made of a uniform thickness and free fr mi the inequality of surface which frequently previ n s others from adhering, or renders them irritating and uncomfortable, an objection, which it is impossible to avoid by tlie usual method ot spreading Flavors Th* composition used iti these Pias ets, is earefuilyr prepared at a lower temperature, fr* m a ei.mhinatioii o • ahtahle Resinous Gums, \\ifh the ad-mixture of sever al clioice n r Hilaries,entirely m pnrated from all extra neous and irritatinir parti* les; and from i s peculiar eoTnhina*ion of highly strengthening, anodyne and slightly stimulating profterlits it aIF ids a pleasant ami effectual remedy, in all eases ( f /tain in the. side and breast, weakness nr oppression of the chest; /tain or weuk ness of the Imrk or loins; Also, in the sense of sinking a id fairness at :he pit of the stomach, accompanying Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. In I the mafic, or pain ful alli rtions of the limbs or joints, tlu ir Anodyne and Stimulating properties render them particularly benefi cial. In Cold*, Coughs, or Asthmatic Afietlions, they \n ill lie found to give immediate and permanent relief. Persons who from sedentary habits, or other causes, an predisposed to nfFec'ions of the lungs, w ill find these t" '«ters an effectual security against those puhnonyry attacks which prove huttwo frequently, (when neglee* ed) the precursory symptoms of Consum/tfion ; audio deed in a climate like ours, where colds srid coughs me an almost unfailing consequence of she sudden chances to wnich all are suhjee% every one a! all liable to sutler from she influence of these causes would find flic great est possible security in having his chest and lungs pro* tec ed by one of these invaluable Plns ers. 'P«» children stilFi ring frotn Whooping Cough, or Colds affecting the ches T or lungs, the sedative and ano dyne proper'iea of these Piasters, nffird signfd re! if. These rins ers being spread mueli more rapidly, ns well ns bet er, hy Mat hinenj, are sold much lower than Plasters spread in tlie usual method. For su e hy J. 11. & W. S. ELLIS. June 2 32 Morton’s Pulmonic Expectorant Cough Sy run, For Coughs, Colds, Asthmas, Consumptions and Whoop ing Coughs. A MONO the numerous complaints with which the i t human family are nflicted, none are more common than coughs* colds, &c. and none more fatal in their re sults, unless timely care »s taken to slop .heir progress before they become too firmly seated upon the lungs.— Not withstanding the many remedies that have be en of fered to the public, not am have heretofore proved sue c< * ssful in procuring a certain and speedy rel-es. 'l’;!*’ propricter htivingheen an eye witness(f *rsever «■ Mars) of the astonishing virtues of this extraordinary .Medicine, at length deems it his duty t» offer it to the public, in a wav that it niav reoeiie a more ex ensive circulation : and at a priee that the poor may receive tlie benefit of it ns well as the rich. This syrup is particularly eflicnrioiis in removing coughs arising colds, attended w ith hoarseness and sore ness about the windpipe; likewise shortness of breath ing, tightness acros tin* brealit, accompanied with a tickling cough : and in all consumptive cases is use is o irrii ularlv recormnended, likewise whooping cough is petitlv relieved lives ust —children laboring under this t:s're«sing disease, in innumerable instances have been astonishingly henefitted in a tew days: tlie pleasentness of it i« a great advantage, as children w ill take it with as much pleasure as they wii! preserves. N. li.—'Fhe Ireefinm-nccompanvingench bo'tle will he signed by Wm. L. Perkins, the sol* proprietor.— Each bottle is scaled with the impression of Norton's rut.monk expectorant couuii sviiup, plainly stamped on i*. For certificates, see the directions. VVIM L. PERKINS. We have i'tst rpcrivetl a fresh supply of the above, aud can safelv recoimuenti it a* a vi-rv excellent medi <>iue. ’ 11. & J. SiIOTWELL, Agents, December loth. 8 NEW MED! tVE —WORTHY OE NiTIOE. Dr. I’hclps’ ( otnpottitU Totim-o I’iiis—» liu lile ! 4 NEW and invaluable Me iici le, f>>r all ih-ca >-s - ’ arising fmi imp i r >tics nf;!n> bln>> ', in irbit) secre tions of the Liver an i Stomach—Al*o, a Si iistitcte for CsLomi t.. as a Cathartic, in Fevers, and all Bib .us diseases. They have been abundantly and sue cssfuily ir ed, an I have received universal approbation forS< r>>- ftda. Dyspepsia, Bilinti* diseases, Jttutidice, Gravel, Rb< iinintistii. Cold*, Ltiluettza. Catnrrli, Nervous ilis easf“, Aeid S- miacits. GlantluUtrSwt lit: e-of till kinds, Costivi nesr, C■>! e, flea htolte, '> e. Sold by .1. ft Si, ’>/. S. ELLIS, Cotton-Avenue. V- rnbr 3 2 Dr. v'i t tldttl t t ; I t rated I've M ater for In tlaniatiob am! Weakness of the Eyes. *g WIE great advantages of this infnlihln remedy places 2 it as a general appendage to families, ami a con stant vade-mn urn to the traveller. This Eye YVa er is I prepared with the greatest care, and has never been ! known to fail in effecting a speedy and safe restoration of the diseased organs. 1 is useless to at ach any c* r | silicates liv way of praise or recommendation. The I repntn'ion and immense sale that has attended Or. Scmlder’s Eye Wafer, is the fairest proof of its utility j and beneficial tendency ; it lias been the means of 1 preserving sight to many of the atil'cied, from the h*■! |»- j less infant to the aged parent Thousands of letters have been received by Dr. S. within these few years, containing fluttering remarks relative to this Eye Wa ter—and the cures effected by it, have been set forth as w onderful hevond precedent. Dr. Scudder confidently recommends this Eve Water as a safe and valuable remedy—and he trust that bis experience ns an Oceu list, to weigh against the gross impositions which tire daily practised on the public by advertisements of dit li-rent kinds of Eye Water, many of w liieb are unsaid to use. Prepared by Dr. John Scudder, Ooctilk' and itiserferof Ar'djyai Human Eyes. A «upn!v ot 'he a bove Eye Water, for sale by 11. SHOT W DLL. Off- Merchants in the country supplied at the Pro prietor’s price. March 10 20 J. 11. Ar W. S. ELLIS, Drug ists, Cotton-A venue, Huron, Georgia, nAVE just received the following, which they oiler ■ for sale on accommodating terms : Superior English ground Mustard, for table or .'Med ical use Carpenter’s Extract Biverworth Id i. Sarsaparilla Cububs and Capaiva Do. Extract Pink Root Do. do. Boneset Do. Tonic Extract I) i. Remedy tor Scalds, Burns, &e. Do. Disinfecting Biquid Chloride of Soda, for sick rooms, and keeping Meat untainted in hot weather. Callaghan's Vege'ahle Fever and Ague lMlsj Superior Red Peruvian Bark Oil Cantharidin, Oil Black Pepper Stomach Tubes, Dentis''s Instruments Croton Oil, Salaeratus, I’carlash Ground Spices, Starch Indigo, best Spanish, Salt-petn> Salsoda, fir washing, superior Apple Vinegar Best London Walnut Catsup i Sultana Raisins,for eistkinp. Also, a general Stoek of Fresh DRUGS, MEDI CINES, Ac September 23 4 Mutches, Snuff, Ac. BECKWITH'S P.IK Brandreth’s Pills, Evan'sCant'imile Pills, for heart-burn, dyspepsia. Toilet Powders, superior Soaps, Brn'o-foco, Bticifer, and Friction Matches, Black nnd blue writing Ink, Sliufl of various kinds—for “tde bv J. //. and IF. N. EI.US Cotton. Avenue LEMON sk ill I*. W | DOZEN Is tnon Svrup, verv superior.— -wA7 v / \|s,i,so dozen Stnuehtv i'.i Fitters, fi,r side by HARVEY SIICTWELL, Druggwt, S.UVOT2D TO 3uITBHATU2X!, TUfBUHt XHI72IOVII3IS3IT, ACJ-TtlC IJXjTUHB, A.v3 SXRBSTZO NiiWa, Ac. ate. TERMS: THREE DOLLARS, l.\ ADVANCE —FOLK DOLLARS, AFTER THREE MONTHS. MACON, (Ga.) SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 5, IBJ9. Perfectly' in Town ! JOB-PRINTiNG OFFICE. |r~r m r-f-.-f m , l .P'tita. J JJtCTf f -J, 1. A IV E have ;u*t re>'e ! v» dan addit-on of twf.nty-five * » fonts of Type >o our previous —toge ther with rxvo HCNnRED CCTS, of various designs— all of ttic “ latest s’y e and fasluou,” which will enable us to execute EVERY variety of JOB-PRINTING, in a worhmnnlil e manner, nil I superior to any tiling that can be done in “ these parts.” Having h'tbetto given universal satisfaction, the sub scriber feels sute that, with the present increased fucil tic-—bis long experience, and tried ah lity—he will he tilde to please all who may entries tlic.r work in his hands. SfCf Orders respe tfully solici cd. CORNELIUS II HANLEITER. JO” Don't mistake the Offire ■> it is on Third-street , urj t door to Ilurrey ShnltneTs Drug Stoie, njtjioHle thf Central Ho'el. and in the luildnijf farmtrly (HCUj.itd hy th *• Clock- Makers.” Macon, Deecmber 22:1, 1833. S{ lcndid Pianos of Grand Action, AT NEW-YORK PRICES ! fTHj i] ritflE subscriber would respectfully inform the citi * -/.pits of and the community in general, that he has her appointed he Agent of die New York Plano Forte Manufacturing Company, f r the sale of the r instruments. Tots Company is a chartered asso einri >tt of Frai licul Viatio l'orte Makers, many of whom have oe< ttpted I >r years pas-, the first situations irt the principal mtimiLct. rit s in this country, and all of whom iiavt b< en bred to the business. All einploved in the esialiltsliineiit are s'ockholders, ami are alike inipres ed in the success anil re;>uta ioti of the Company. No appre itteis or bovs are unpluyed in a>:v p r' of their iliam:factory ; and they do, with the iitm -.s c iitidence, warrant th. ir Piatt > F >r es in regard >o w« rbmattsh p, tom- an I etip ni \ to sand a ty amt all e'intates. The alnne Cootpa v. in c non > hi fore tin p dtlic in com pe-i'io.i ' 'th nr min tir-rso s bashed fame, arc re solved to It id tit ir r unit si t the excellence of their instr otii nts and It. t/lr ess o pric, *. They are o at ist 11 a it to li nsb, and ui t tie, t.xei 1. and hy none. I’t r-o ,s st.ngtop r a-e wdld .w t Ito call al the Neir Tool Store, two do rs South of the Washington Hail, and examine their excellencies C. A. ELL?. Docemlier 15 8 NOTH E. TJ • THEstihscrilier havingpttr \i'-. \xri.i~yi-\\ chased the Boon B>ore, I’rnit y _jL\>y . iri v\ ing Office anti Book Bindery IrjJri ; of Mr. /-.’ J. Curse, in view of fj '>rs.*rV—.tAV'- - ri\ iiermaneiitly residing in Ma- Jr-*t..iyAaV-• '>■• on. will lontinue the B ok business in connection well Printing and B-iok Bind ing, it the same establishment a* lit retof. re. Large additions will be made to his stock in genera], in-he c-.ur-e of a few wet Us. Ilia stock of Law, Me dical and Mi-ecllatteous Books in particula-. w.ll he rendered ven c.iuiplete. All impor ant and interesting new publications wi>l he received hy the p. r est eon veyance, as they are issued from the pre.s. A general assortment of Stationary, Law, Notarial and other Blanks; Maps, Cards, Pocaet Books, Hater Colors, Pen Knives, Blushes, and such other articles as have ’■cell usually kept hy Mr. Purse, and Messrs. Gridin &. Puree, v?ill he constantly on hand. To individuals making a large hill of Books on any c,„e occasion, lie stihst ri >• r will famish'hem as low as they could sup >ly tli> mselvcs with them front New \ »rk. Having every convenience and tueihty for Beck Binding, J .b Printing and Publishing, all work done in the estithlishntent shall he equal in workmanship to any tiling-hat is donein the United Sta’es. Every effirt will be made to merit-he support of the eitzeus, aud make the concern creditable t" Macon. JOHN M. COOPER. Macon, Oct. 20 52 CENTRAB HOTEL, MACON, GEORGIA. JtvrA. THE subscriltet respectfully informs his Trends |- _ | an I the public in general, that he has taken the above named Establishment, which having been recently thoroughly repaired am! enlarged at great ex , pence—is uovv ouen t a the reeeption of TrottHers, Dan, li rs, sc. The.chambers are large and airy—'he stivants competent and attentive. His Tahle shall constantly lie supplied with every delicacy the Season ami Market w ill furnish. His Bar is socked with »hc choices' Wines and J.vpwrs. And in order more effec tunlty M make it a iirs rate House, he has called o his aid the services of Mr. A. Elder, "J Dullimore, whose long experience at Barman's City Hotel, has justly cu .it'i and him to the reputation ol a Cate rer fur tlieptthlie.— The subscriber, therefor*', hopes by his unremitting ex ; ertions to please, to receive a libera' sto re of tia ronage. HORACE R. WARD. N. B Good Stabling attached to the Hotel, with faith ful and attentive Ostlers. I December lf> q, < TO RENT, / - * THREE Fire-proof STORES, fronting on 3 d , I Hirer' ; Three Eire-proof STORES, fronting on Cherry-street. They are large and commodious, and well calculated for any kind of business, and will be fi"ed up, as to shelving nnd counters, to suit tenants. Those fronting on Third-street (directly opposite Messrs. Ren & Cot ton’s, and .1 Cowles, E-qr.’s ranges) are now ready fur occupancy, and possession immediately given. Those on Cherry-street will be ready by the Ist of October tiex. Rent will be reasonable, and commence from Ist of October. Applv to DAVID RALSTON. N. B, Several verv airy ROOMS on the second fl, or c» 'he ah ive buildings, suitable for Lawyers Offices, will also be rented. D. R. July 7 ___ 37tf Twenty Dollars Rewards. . STOLEN from the stalde of Robet- I, Jm, * V. A leu, lit miles below Augusta, n *6 S ? Hu iduv night last, a large lron-gim HORSE, about 15 or lfi hands high, ! with a flxxrn tail. I* is probable that the In r e lire ! hern hr night in this direction. Any person who w-il , deliver the said Imr-e to Mr. J. C. Edwards, ill Macon. ! w ul receive the above rewurd. November 17 4tf PI WOES. CARRIAGES AND FURNITURE, k US’l received and for sale a’ reduced pruev, bv .1 JOU.N 11. OLDERSHAVV. H Aptjl ! The READING ROOM attach-[j , ’riL'FVtJgijy* -d 'othe Macon Lyceum and Library has been Re voted to the front Rooms - ”**tß>r over the Store ifWillia nB Parker A ! C ‘.,«t the corner of Third and Mulberry-street, open to isuSscihers and their distant friend* •■of.e. %r All persons having i.i their possession any of tlie ‘ t'er od.ieals or Newspapers Monging to the S,n tety are i requested to return them w ithout delay. Their nhsirac j j tin t, j> must he known to the subscribers, is a positive j v; ila't m of tiw , ties of the Society, and to others an - open thefu AMBROSE BABER, Oet i'-er 27 Its _ Bfesiilcnt. i Disso'tttioii. rjMIE firm of CAREY <s■ lIOWI.A YD, in the S L very Stable Business, is dissolved this day by mutual consent. C. L. How land i» authorized utcollecr all deb's due the concern, an 1 will «ettV all demands I agains’the same- JAMES C CAREY, Member 10 52 C. L. HOWLAND. The LIVERY STABLE, BUSINESS will la-con ttnued bv the subscriber, oil the Court /false square. JAMES r CAREY. I ir. Sai.e—A first-rate pair of well broke match HORSES, -nterior to none in the State. Oetola-r 20 52 New Clothing Store. R. AY. MORRIS A CO n A VINO loea ed themselves in the store formerly occupied hy Win. ii. Johnson &. Cos. 'east side Mulla-rry street,) are now opening an extensive assort | nient of Rendy-Mu le Clothing, of the latest fashion*, and of superior w irkmacship. which will he SOLD CHEAP I'OR CASH. Their stock consists in part of the following, viz : i Super blue Cloth Cloaks, G tat’* hair Camlet Wrappers, Brown and mixed Cloth Overcoats, Invisible Green do. Molt air and Beaver Cloth do. Pilot Cloth do. Blanket Hunting Coats, Kemnekv Jeans I rock and Dress Coats Beaver Clo'h Frock do. ril-it Cloth Hunting Coats, Suiter blue Clo'h Frock and Dre«s Coats, I)--, black do. do do. do, D.t invisible green and brown do 35il Vests, cotrtpr sing all styles and descriptions, Victoria and Coronation ' Cassimere Pants, Black and Blue Ca-simere do, Fancy Striped and Ribbed do. Satinet and Kentucky Jeans do. ALSO, A general assor'ment of Stock*, Collars, Suspenders, Gloves, Hoisery, Ltntn Shirts, Cotton do. with Linen! Bosoms, A genera! assortment of Boots, Shoes and Pumps. i Super Silk and Cotton Umbrellas, ' Leather Trunks and Carpet Bags, Ptirehtreers are invited to call and examine onr*toek. October 27 3tnl NOTICE. 7|s|[E snbscri'trrs having purchased the entire Stock B of Fort, //ajiiltox & Cos., w ill continue the bus iness at the old stand, under the name and style of FORT, BOND & SINCLAIR, where they will keep a constant supply of all articles belonging to the DRY GOODS business. They hope I to realize a continuation of the liberal patronage which' has been extended to their predecessors, and to give ' general satisfaction to all who may favor them with their custom. I. E. FORT, t L. A BOND, E. SINCLAIR. July 21 3'Jtf I NOTICE. rig’HE Co-partnerships heretofore existing under the -H firm of Hamilton, Haves A Cos., and Fort, Ham-j ilton & Cos. are this day dissolved. Either member of the late firms will Ik- authorized to receive any moneys due to either concern, and to sign the name of either j concern, for the purpose of making or receiving notes, j ei'ht-r a* principal or endorsers, for the purpose of clos ing the business of said concerns. R. . FORT, E. HAMILTON, J. R. //AYES, IRA E. FORT. Jniy 21 3'Jtj NOTICE. mHE subscribers have purchased 1.. A. HOXD'S in -1 tere t in the firm of Fort, Bond & Sinclair, and dissolved that firm hr mutual consent. They have associated with them R . VV: FORT, and w ill continue trite business under the name and style of Fort, Sinc’air At Cos. Tliey have on hand a large and well selected stock ui Goods, w hich they oiler on libera terms. ALSO, Shoes, /fats, Ready-made Clothing, &c. /. E. FORT. E. SINCLAIR: 11. IF. FORT. October 20 51 NOTICE. stiliscribers having sold their entire stock of fi GOODS to Messrs. Fort, Bond & Sinclair, feci pleasure in recommending them to their former custo mers and fricr.ds ns worthy of their highest confidence, land would respectfully solicit for them a continuance jof that kind and liberal pa nnage which has hitherto | been so generously extended to them; and for which they beg leave to tender their most grateful acknowl edgements. U ) % P, . I V IL’i'ON vV CO. i July 21 33.1 NOTICE fj T HE subscribers have sold their entire stoek of J. Goods to Fort, Bond Sl Sinclair, with a view of I closing up the business of the concern with as little de lay as possible. They would therefore earnestly re qiits' from those indebted to them an early settlement, and especially from those w hose deles fell due on and after the Ist of January las’. FORT, HAMILTON &. CO. July 21 33tf SCHOOL. !t| X R. PIERCE would inform (heei’izensof Macon. if.h and us vicinity, diat lie has, agreeably with the consent and w is es of the Trustees, taken charge of the Macon Male Academe, formerly under the charge of Ylr. M Itfyre. His School, which has just closed its last annular terni.w iil be resumed upon the first Monday in January nex*. The selinlas’ic vear will consist ot ten nionilis. Tnene will be three classes formed, and j the jvecutitir to each .tlass spec tied, as t l!*oys; First Clas-, erubru'i s Rending. Spell. >g. Writing Arithmetie. English Grammar, Modern Geography— | Tuition, per quarter, £6. Secott ! Class, A icieut arid modern History, Butler’s Ancient Geography, til irnl and Na'ural Plnlosophy, onversa'ions upon Chemistry and A o, rouoniy, Logie, i (Hedge.) Rhetoric (Bimr,) anti Algebra (Day’s,) toaf een and Quadratic Equation. Tuition, $7 |kt quarter. Third Class —Bntin and Gr- elt, in the following or ier : Roman Hts'orv, in Batin Veri Rotmr, C.nsar(four lx>)kf,) Virgil, Bunches, Georgies and Six Ae Neids, !Cl<e'o’s si lei't Orations,Ovid (eiitht books.' Annals ot Tin itns,Cicero »!«• OfieciK Horace, w hole ; Greek Rea (r ; four gospels ot the Greek Testament; Greea Mi - ora, nd Mtjorn, including Isocrates, Demosthenes, Ixeerpta ex Poßbin. Xenophon. Xen-iplmn Anabases mb Homer (six Iliards). Tuition, $8 per quarter. Translation will be required of mem Iters of the third lass—Comp isitiun and Declainn'ionof all of n suitable ■ gi. A’ules for dietrilm'i m, will tie etiibodie*l in pam lie form. Pur tits desirous to lx* inf r e<l ns to tin upr.ivcment of their sons, can at anytime attend nrivate examination. Tho ewho if sign to patronts* ie reqnes i'd to send immediately at the c. mmencc nent, upon the first Monday in January- Dec.B dt Telvgraph—twice j_ 7o L >, R . HANLEITER, PRINTER. FOOD FOR THE MIND. a 23©OK SffO ®Ml THE subscriber would respectfully infirm his friends and rite community i-t general,that he has remov ed Irotit Milledgcvtl e, and p- rmaneutly located himself tn his place, two doors South ot the Washington Halt, on Mu Jerry-street, at tite s-and fotmerly occupied hy YV i,t. H. BurdraU, ann lately hy A M Am, where lie -n-mds ct frying on the BOOR and FANC F BVSI NESS on the ntos'ree enable term- ; and he flatters tiim.*e'f it the pcopleiw ll call and < .amine his stock that tl y will he counted that he can sell as low ns can Ik bought at nnv h -ttse this side of New Y-irk., Among hi* suck may be fnitiH a eeneralassortment of Isne, Midi,i t, JJiscil'fmrvus and School BOOKS; GLOBES. MAPs and CHARTS; M'thrmaU.ol In struments ; Record and Hack Books of all kinds; Pup- "-, Ink, Quills, loks'nnds; Printing, V r si-ing and Pl .ying Cards ; S't elPens, Ft-eCurierv. S Ivor Pen cils, Purses, Pool e'-hooks, Bank- r's Cases, Ladies’ Work-hoxos; lad-es’and geotlomea’s Dressing Cases; Dissected Map-*, Speiltng Puzzles, and a large ass.-rt ment -f TOYB f--r children : Fancy and Drawing Pa per, Bristol />’■-an'-. Pain's. Var tish, India Ink, Brush es for Piti i'ing; Gentlemen's line //air, Shtuine, Nail, h. Wh'skcr and Ci-irites B.tishes: Writing and Travelling Desks; Wilson’s Manifold Tetter Writer, with the art of despatching 1,8,3 -r 4 'triers with a sin trie stroke of the pen—a very useful article for all bust ss nrmcn. Cologne, Florida, Lavender and Bay Wa’ers ; Milk of Roses, R litre ; l.a-'ie-’ Cti' ls, Head Ornaments, ttc Violins. Acco dinns, Music Boxes; the m-istcelebrated MUSIC f.f Pianos; Card and Cigar Cases; Tobacco and Snuff Boxes, ife &c. 80“ All N-xv I’uht'ications will he received as so n as they are issued from lie press. The above tro ids h ive al' been se'eeted fresh in New York this fall, and are of the l est binding and mater ials. A liberal discount will be tint 'e tn gentlemen and teachers leu i g hy tlie quan'ity. for their librar'i s and schools. By ael *e application to business, and a desire to acom-ida'e, 1 hope to merit a portion of tin. patronage of this liberal community. C. A. ELLS. November 17 1 4 White an ! B'ack Satin S'ippers, &e. JUST received, a good assortment of w hi e and black Snti-t Slippers, Ltilie-' M'-roccoand Kid Walking Shies, La-'V-' f-ti-'op Slt-tes, lined with flannel. La '>«' In-iia Rubbers, do do. Ladies’ vclve'-top do do do. 2 X) pa'r L-i-'i.-s' A| -ro-eo B si's, 100 pair ChM-eu’s Village-ti#s, 100 pa r Ancle-'‘p«, 200 pair Misses’Bo its, 1 trunk Fr* r h Si p--, of a superior quality, 3 trunk gentlemen’s B >ot-, latest s'yie, 100 pair do. Over-shoes, with soles, 10 cases Negro Slits *. of tr md quali-v, Al«", 4 case* fine Beaver HATS, of ihe latest New York style, F-r stile hv iIEIDT, ALDRICH &. CO. December 2!) 10 PAIi\TII\G. 78'HE sntiscrihcr is now prepared toeXecut ■ nil kind* 8 of House, Sion, and Fancy Paintino,, Glazing, a-ul Pad r-Hanging. House-Pninli tg will he done by the j aid, u-.utid, or day. Ciders, either in the city or coun'rv, thankfully received and promptlv attended to, at No. 21, Mullieny-street, t-np -i-e the Post Office. D. T. REA. sept 13 PAPER AND STATIONARY* WHOLESALE and retail. r3511E subscribers have just opened the r Fall and a Winter S- ek of fine and superfine Letter, Cup. nnd larger PAPERS, ni -st of which hu9 been pur chased direct from the manufacturers. Stationary, of every kind, Blank Books, for eitvor coui'rv trade, Pocke -Books, Pen K live-, &,e. Which they will sell on accommodating terms, fur citv acceptances. ilh-ttk Books made to order. Prt iters supplied with Printing Paper, It k, Ac. of the best quality. BURGES & WALKER, S ntioiier's Hall, 85 East-Bay,, S C. November 10 3uir:p Ladies’ Philadelphia Slippers, Ac. JUST received, 1 trunk JM rocco, and 2 trunks Kid Ladies’ Pltilu-le-phia Slippers, 2 trunks Fhiladi ph-u B - us, of superior quality, 200 pair' arid Gentlemen’s Indian Rubber Over Shoes, al*o, 30 doz. men and hoy's YVoo! Hats, whi’e and black, for -ale hy ' HEIDI’, ALDRIC/i A CO. December 15 8 Just Received, *r TIERCES fresh RlCE, and f-r sale bv O LEVi ECKLEY. November 21 5-f DISSOLUTION. 7|'illECe-partners!iipherr tofun existing in he LIVE ■ liY STABI.ES between Ward & Wn nun, is this day dissolved hy mutual consent. All persons in debted to the concern will make immediate payment to either of the subscribers, and those having demands against the concern w ill present them to H R. Ward, who will settle the same. H. R- WARD W V. WAGNON. Macon, Octoher‘34;h. ftoT The subscriber wdi continue the Stables on his own account. H R. WARD. Oeiobi r 27 FRESH FRUITS I I) AISINS. Z.BNTE CURRANTS. Ci I'RON, and ABMUNDS, Just received nnd for snt t , by ./ II IF. S. ELLIS, Cotton-Avenue December 4 6.i Notice—Copartnership. PI”IIE subscriber having associated with Allen -I- L. Li ce, they will tra isaet business u.,. t. the name, atvle and firm of Win. B. Johnston & -y<. 13. JOHNSxuix Macon, January 1,1335. s's 4 BL persons indebted o ' he°ubscrilK o. no e /i or open account, r i verv resnecttiillv lnvu, to call and settlr hertt*.* VVM.iI. JOHI,SIX)i.t January 2t l«hf SANDS’ REMEDY For salt Rheum. It mg Worm, Titers, Scald Hend, Bar. cr's Itch, fyc. r I'IIIS remedy is a combination heretofore unknown .6 m die annals of medicine. It is the production of much experience, deep research, and great expense, and is offered to the public in the fullest confidence of us being an effectual, safe and speedy cure for the Silt Rheum, and all other diseases of the skin, such as Tetter, Ring IF nr ms. Scull H nd. Darin r's or Jackson Itih, .pc. These diseasts are known to he the most olistinute ot any to which the human system is aubjeet.and can on ly lie thoroughly eradjea’ed by perseverance in the right course oftrentmen’, and by using the right medicine Siicb a medicine lias been discovered in tins remedy, and we speak rout our own knowledge and experience when wesav, that in forty-nine cases out offiry it will effect a permanent and rapidcure by attending to the accompanying directions for ttn . Sold by J- H i IV. S. ELIJS, Cotton-Avenue. March 21 22 j JOTASH, just received nnd for sale by if. .1. fc -V. i. ELLI-i, J i t.t:i-Avanae March W OCT An intdliffent hoy. of industrious lmh jts, will tie taken as aa Appentiee to tho Printing busi ■sws, M iW-ntUac- LEVI ECKLEY, 1 S just receiving at his Store, Nos. 3 and 4 Commerce i Row, an extensive variety of *opernor YYINL.S, LIQUORS, &.c. —viz : 12 pipes liest Maderia 1 2 pipes Pale Sheri y 2 pipes Brown Sherry I 1 G fid St'erry I w »“ 12 barrels L P. Madeira 10 barrels Muscat 2»n 2 pipes Port 15 casks Porter 4 casks Scotch Ale- Be st trio-ti c Brandy, 7/uliaad Oio, And Jamaica Ruui \VINES IN C;LA«B, SCO baskets Chnmpaigne, Also, a large quantity of Madeira, Shcrfy, Port, Ciaret. S.r. &.C Johancsburg ll ick, 1522. The Maderia, Port, Sherry, and Champnigre Wine* are all of my own tinportaaon, and warraux-d to h* pure. —also — 8 case - Sardines 16 do Apples and Lcmo t* 6 do Canton Gins r H no Citron and C a tig- Pf'-crvcs 16 do Gaava and Co.-rat ts Jellies 2 eltes's Y -rk Pouchong • a 2 do Hyson and > 12 boxes ur> t>rtte«. Citron , C 50 do fresh Raisins 50110 Ihs soft shelled Almonte 3000 Ihs Lump Sgar LKiO Ihs Loaf do 15 t-oxes white Havana Sugar 6 do M acero> lies 4 do Vermillion 50 do Sperm Caudles 2 do patent do 4 baskets Sweet 0.l 23 dozen Amencau Mustard 4 do French do 2000 Ihs Cheese 500 lbs S -pi saga Cheese 4 eases Heron-paste —alsc — Ground Ginger, Pepp. r, All-? pice, C! >vt-.*. Cinnamon, Mace a.iu Nutmeg, 12 dozen Blacking 3.) do Soaker’s Brooms 50 boxes Common S -ap A s , Siiavt -g. Fancy and Castile Soap 10 laixes S'ureh 50 liozen assor ed Pickles i 10 do Lobster* 10 and • Clams 30 barrels Butter Crackers 10 d-> Pilot B ead 4 Lercoj hite Bm h —ALSO— -80,000 best Spanish i 5,0j0 nest Principe [ CIGARS. 23,000 best Florida J Smoking nnd Chew ing Tobacdo. Together with a large lot of line cut and common ; GLASS-WARE, aud u great variety ot other articles usually kept i Ins line. November 17 4tf NO. 11 COMIC ALMANACS. 4 HEARTY laugh ran he cheaply purchased by calling tit C. A. ELLS', two door- .South of the Washington //ah, and buying a supply of Almanacs for tie tear 18311. They abound tit amusing stories and laretious wood cuts. The TeojiUs', t e Comic , and the Davy Crockett —the titles of three difli-ivn- pubhea on-', each abnu'i I with w b in-, scraps and odd! ies—adve - tures,exploits, sprees and scrapes, will* ‘a tnigh ) .--mart chance’ of fun nm multifarious to mention; besieisa vast deal of infurmation respecting the drys of the nt - ith. 'he changes of the we ither, moon Slv. *»tt Docemher 1 MACON CLOTHING STORE. On Mttl'rrry Street fronting Colton Avenue. j | FITCH has constantly on hand, arid is receiving Mi. nt the above establishment from the manu&eto rv of 1,. Fitch & Cos. q large assortment of seasonable clothing, consisting in part of 3.K) cloth dress and frock Coats and Coatees. Hki cloth over Coats. 100 pilot cloth, duffle, >*rcen and red Blanket Coats. 30 geiitlemeti’s goat’s hair &• E iglish caiublet Cloaks. 500 pair cloth aud cassimere Pants. 400 “ sa'ine' Bcnverteen and cord Pants. 6JO 01-ith, plain & lig’d Velvet, Valencia, woolen velvet toilinet, bombazine, plain and fig’d satin Vests. 3t) Ladies’fig’d .Marino, cloth and Circassian Cloaks, (i ■ tilctii.'ii's cloth cloaks, camblct Wrappers. 75 satinet, Beaverteen and Jeans hunting coats. 10 tloz. gingham nnd calico Shirrs. lOduz. frill’d and pleted Liaacn and cotton, Li mien B -s.iui Shirts, red and white ITannel shirts. Nett shirts and Drawers, Buckskin shirts. *SO pair plain and 'willed cotton Drawers, silk shirts. Gloves, Hosiery, Stocks, Bosoms,Collars,Suspender*. Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Purses, Russians Belts, Pis tols and Money Belts, and cotton Umbrellas. ALSO, 25 cases Fur and silk II its, cloth Fur and Hair seel crips, which will he sold very cheap. 150-ui s coarse negro cloth. Sic. See. The above clothing is manufactured in the best man ner ot good materials, and is utlered at reduced prices for cash Gentlemen wishing their cloths made at the North, w |! hv leaving their names w ith me, have them maricon the best manner, and most fashionable style, and wbr- to please. Dec. 2. 6 If. F A CARD. DOCT. WM. J. ANDERSON informs the public that he has located himself in Macon, and willat end s'ricdy to practice of h,s profession in the city, and coun ry ndjouiing Macon. tit- office is over the Darien Bank : and, nt night he will he found at his room iu the Washington Hull April 14 25tf MI SIC ! MUSIC ! ! TU3T received, an assortment of Piano Music; Crn • " mer’a Instructor fir In.; H liter’s do.; Burrows’ Pri u r 1 >. ; Ttmroug i Base, and C imp isition to do., f r sale by C. A. ELLS. D 't'ln >cr 15 If Molasses, Coff-e, Bagging, &c. £ \ 4 \ PIECES Hemp Bagging, HIPU 120 Molasses, GO lings Cuba C.iil'ce, 12 b ixes Hr ll ivana Sugar, 10 bids Portland Rum, 4G boxes Tobacco, (various qualities) 10 h >xcs Georgia in gild Candles, 10 baskets Champagne Wine, For sale an accommodating terms bv REA & COTTON. O sober 6 50 Coinmis-ion House, in Un’timoro, Mil. PJAIIE undersized respectfully announce to their Jl friends and acquuinlancits, and public generally, in Georgia, and in the other Southern Suites, that they | have opened a COMMISSION HOUSE, in Bnitt- re, under the firm of Rutherford A Ilnrlbnt, for the transaction of a General Commission Business. Th« v will be prepared to fill orders, and do business ae | cording to he most liberal customs of the place. They will take occasion to inform all who may fee! interested, that 'her*- are regularlinea of vessels running between Baltimore and Charleston, Savannah. S'. Marks, Apalachicola,and S*. Josephs, M ilnle.a ni New Orleans ; and that 'rancient ves els can always he had fir other places where, as yet, there are not regular lines from Baltimore. Their store is No. 11, Bowlv’s Wharf. JOHN RUTHERFORD. SAM L HURLBUT. Baltimore, Oct. B 1333. 52 Carpenter’s Embrocation for Horses. 570 R *he cure of Swellings, Strains, Bruises, GaEs £' S illness of Tendour and Joints, &c. vtc. This Embrocation is recommended to Farriers and others who wish a remedy for diseases above mention ed For sale !»v J. II- IF. S. ELLIS. Sep ember 23 4tf C. BRUNO, Professor of Music uni Tuner of rianos, nAS arrived in this city with a handsome assort ment of I'i mos, Musi , Fio’t.-i*, Etute*, EUgolels, Vio’ii Dows, Strings, a variety of Fan cy Are les. Ad the Pianos are of superior workmanship, and will be Warran ed ad kept in tune one year. All Orders will be thankfully received and pronrp'lv attended to, at the Music Store next door to J. H. Okl ershaw’sCarriage and Furniture Ware-House. Dect'int'er 15 SI FI VXDS I PIANOS! I JUST received and for sale, four elegant PIANO FORTES, manufactured expres-ly for the suuth- I ern climate, and arc warranted. The public are invi ' ed to call ami examine them. THOMAS WOO?>. I Deoemhei H t