Southern post. (Macon, Ga.) 1837-18??, February 09, 1839, Image 4

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patent machine spread STRESGTHEJfI?i« PLASTER. IN the preparation of these very Superior and EJe rant Plasters, no cost or trouble i* spared to ensure possible degree ot perfection, in point ot utility, eiegance ancfcornforu*They are spread of of the best quality, by Machinery, invented expressly for he purpose. ; which gives them an advantage over every plaater heriMore olfcred to the public) as by this means thev can be made of a umtorni thickness and free from the iiK-quality of surface which frequentiy prevenis others from adhering, or renders them >mtaung and uncomfortable, an objection, which it is impc«ible to •▼old by the usual method ot spreading Piasters TV composition used in these Piasters, is carefully prepared at a lower temperature, from a combination o nlutble Resinous Gums, with the ad-mixture ot sever •1 choice aromatics, entirely separated from all extra neous and irritating panicles: and from us peculiar combination of *ur hfy strength*.,ng, slightly stimulating property it affords a pleasant and rfcctual remedy, in all cases of pa in m the side and breast , weakness or oppression o f the chest; pain or weak ness of the bach or loins; Also, in the sense of sinking and fairness at the pit of the stomach, accompanying Dutpcusul and Liter Complaint. In pain ful artecuons of the iimbs or joints their .laodw arid Stimulating properties render them particularly benen rial. In Colds, Coughs, or Asthmatic Auctions, they j will he found to give immediate and permanent relief. Persons »ho from sedentary habits, or other causes, an j predisposed toartecrions ot the lungs, will find these i.ntcfi an effectual security against those pulmonary j attacks which prove but two frequently, (* **en neglee* , ed) the precursory svmptonis ot Consumption; andm , deed in a climate like ours, where colds snd coughs air j an almost unfailing consequence of the sudden changes to wnich all are subject, every one at all name to suffer from the influence of' these causes would find the great-, cm possible security in having his chest and lungs pro- ( tected by one of these invaluable Plasters. To children suffering from Jlaoopaz tough, or Colds affecting the chest or lungs, the sedative and ano dyne properties of these Plasters, afford signal relief. These Plasters being spread much more rapidly, as well as befrer, by Maihuiery, are sold much lower than Plasters spread in the usual method. For sale by J H & » • s - ELLIS. June 8 34 Morton’s Pulmonic Expectorant Cough Syrup, For Coughs, Colds, Asthmas. Consumptions and II hoop ing Coughs. 4 MONG the numerous complaints with which the human family are articled, none are more common chan coughs' colds, Slc. and none more fatajin their rc* suits, unless timely care is taken to stop their progress hefore they become too firmly seated upon the lungs.— Notwithstanding the many remedies that have been of fered to the public, not any have heretofore proved sue cccssful in procuring a certain and speedy relief. The proprieter having been an eye witness (for sever al years) of the astonishing virtues of this extraordinary Medicine, at length deems it his duty to offer it to the public, in a wav that it may receive a more extensive circulation : and at a price that the poor may receive the benefit of it as well as the rich. This syrup is particularly effieatious in removing coughs arising colds, attended with lioarsenessand sore ness abont the windpipe ; likewise shortness ot breath ing. tightness acros tne breaht, accompanied with a tickling cough: and in all consumptive cases its use is oarticularlv recommended, likewise whooping cough is {really relieved by its use—children laboring under this distressing disease, in innumerable instances have been astonishingly benefitted in a few days: the pleasentness of it is a great advantage, as children will take it with as much pleasure as they will preserves. N. B. —The directionsaccompanyingeach bottle will be signed by Wm. L. Perkins, the sole proprietor Each bottle is sealed with the impression of morton’s pulmonic expectorant cough svRiT, plainly stamped on it. * For certificates, see the direction®. \VM L. FF.RKINS. We have Just received a fresh supply of the above, and can safely recommend it as a very excellent medi cine. H. St. J. SHOTW ELL, Agents, December 16th. 6 SANDS’ REMEDY For salt Rheum , Ring Worm, Tetters, Scald Head, Barber's Itch, 4*c. THIS remedy is a combination heretofore unknown in the annals of medicine. It is the production of much experience, deep research, and great expense, and is offered to the public in the fullest confidence of its being an effectual, safe and speedy cure for the Salt Rhrum, and all other disenses of the skin, such as Tetter, Ping Worm*, Scald Head. Barber's or Jackson Itch, <J-c. These diseases are known to be the most obstinate of anr to which the human svstem is subject, and can on ly be thoroughly eradicated by perseverance in the right course of treatment, and by using the right medicine Such a medicine has been discovered in this remedy, and we speak from our own knowledge and experience when we say, that in forty-nine cases out of fifty it will effect a permanent and rapid cure by attending to the accompanying directions for use. Sold by J.H. 4 W. S. ELLIS, Cotton-Avenue. March 24 23 Dr. Stt rliltt t Cslebrated Eye Water for In. flamatioM anti Weakness of the Eyes. riTHE great advantages of this infalible remedy places A it as a general appendage to families, ami a con stant radc-mn um to the traveller. This Eye Water is prepared with the greatest care, and has never been Known to fail in effecting a speedy arid safe resloration of the diseased organs. It is useless to attach any cer tificates by way of praise or recommendation. The reputation and immense sale that has attended Dr. Scudder's Eye Water, is the fairest proof of its utility and beneficial tendency ; it has teen the means of E reserving sight to many of the afflicted, from the help iss infant to the aged parent. Thousands of letters have been received by Dr. S. within these few years, containing flattering remarks relative to this Eye Wa ter —and the cures effected by it, have teen set forth as wonderful beyond precedent. I)r. Scudder confidently recommends this Eye Water as a safe and valuable remedy—and he trust that his experience as an Occu list, to weigh against the gross impositions which are daily practised on the public by advertisements of dif ferent kinds of Eye Water, many of which are unsafe to use. Prepared by Dr. John Scudder, Occulist and inserter of Artificial Human Eyes. A supply of the n bove Eye Water, for sale by II SHOTIVELL. Merchants in the country supplied at the Pro prietor's price. March 10 20 J. H. A W. S. ELLIS, Druggists, Cotton-Avenue, Macon, Georgia, HAVE just received the following, which they offer for sale on accommodating terms : Superior English grostid Mustard, for tabic or Med ical use Carpenter’s Extract Liverworth Do. Sarsaparilla Cububs and Capaiva Do. Extract Pink Root Do. do. Boneset Do. Tonic Extract Do. Remedy for Scalds, Burns, Ac. Do. Disinfecting Liquid Chloride of Soda, for sick rooms, and keeping Meat untainted in hot weather. Callaghan’s Vegetable Fever and Ague Pillsf Superior Red Peruvian Bark Oil Cantharidin, Oil Black Pepper Stomach Tubes, Dcn'ist’s Instruments Croton Oil, Salaeratus, Pearlash Ground Spices, Starch Indigo, best Spanish, Salt-petre Salsoda, for washing, superior Apple Vinegar! Best London Walnut Catsup Sultana Raisins, for cooking. Also, a general Stock of Fresh DRUGS, MEDI CJNES, Ac September 23 4 NEW MEDICINE WORTHY OF NOTICF. Dr. Phelps’ Compound Tomato Pills— En tirely Vegetable J ANEW and invaluable Medicine, for all diseases arising from impurities of the blood, morbid secre tions of the Liver and Stomach — Also, a Substitute for Calomel, as a Cathartic in Fevers, and all Bilious diseases. They have been abundantly and successfully tried, and have received universal approbation for Scro fula, Dyspepsia, Bilious diseases. Jaundice, Gravel, Rheumatism, Colds, Influenza, Catarrh, Nervous dis eases, Acid Siomachs. Glandular Swellings of all kinds, Costivencas, Colic, Headache, Ac. Sold by J. IL A IV, S. ELLIS, Cotton-Avenue. y<e-amber > 2 COMIC ALMANACS. A HEARTY laugh can be cheaply purchased hv calling at C .I. RIALS', two door. South of the Washington //all, and buying a supply of Almanacs for the vear 1639. They abound in amusing stories and facetious wood cuts. The People*’, the Cumi., and the Potty Crockett—the titles of three different publications, each abound with whim*, acraps and oddittes—adven tnres, exploits,sprees and scrapes, w ith *a mighty smart chance' of fun too multifarious to mention; besides a aai deal of information respecting the days of the r onth. the char/jf s oftha w aether, macs .Ac Wholesale and Retail. MBs* EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF HATS AND CAPS. IfNHE subscriber is now manufacturing, and has on A hand, a very extensive and complete assortment of all articles connected with the Hat and Cap business, to which he would invite the attention ot those wishing to purchase. Among his assortment mav be found, The latest style of gentlemen's Black Beyer, Russia Beaver, Plain Leaver, Saun Beaver and hne Nutria H Gentlemen* Moleskin Silk Hats, of a auperior ' wuh a good assortment of Men’sand Boys’ fashion*- ble medium and broad brim Br aver, Russia Beaver, and common napped Hats, at very low price*. ALSO, Superfine Premium Otter taps. Gentlemen’s superfine Sea Otter Caps. Do. do. Georgia Otter Capa. Fine Fur Seal Caps. Fine Fur Nutria Caps. Mink, Muskrat and common Fur Caps. Also, children’s and Infants’ fine Silk, Velvet and Cloth Caps, of the latest pa. terns and tash ons, particu lariy worthy the attention of those wanting a genteel, good article. ... ~ 50 doz. Men’sand Boy’s black and Drab W 00l Hats, a good article. , . _ 30 doz do. do. do. do. hair Seal Caps, a good article. All of which are offered at New V ;>rk prices. Mer chants and otters wishing to buy cheap, either at whole sale or retail, are respectfully invited to call and examine his assortment before purchasing From long experience and increased facilities in the Hat and Cap business, the subscriber feels confident that he shall be able to please all his old customers, and some new ones, either in quantity, quality, nr price. A general assortment of HAT TRIMMINGS, and all articles wanted by the trade GEO. A. KIMBERLY, Sign of the Big Hat, Mulberry -street. October 20 **- Hat and Shoo _ STORE! riAIIE subscribers respectfully inform the citizens of A Macon, and the public generally, that they have taken the store on Mulberry-street,oppisite the Hird wnre store of Sir; E. B.Weld. ari l atljuiung the Wn.iA ington Hall, and have on hand and arc constantly ma king additions to the same from New-York, Philadel phia, Boston and Baltimore, an extensive and general assortment of Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoos, of the most fashionable style Among which are— La ies’ French Kid Slippers “ Morocco do “ Walking Shoes “ Village Ties “ Gater and Morocco Boots “ Prunella Boots, thick and thin sole ** Prunel Slips and Il'alking Shoes Misses’ Seal and Goat skin Boots “ Walking Shoes and Slips “ and lad es' Calf and Seal-skin Boots. A large assortment ofChiidrcn's Shoes of all colors, Gentlemen’s fine Calf, Kip and Water-proof Boots, Youths' and children’s calf and kip hoots, Gentlemen's fine calf Shoes and Bootees Boys' fine calf and kip bootees, Gentlemen's fine Dancing Pumps “ fine high vnmp Bumps, A general assortment of calf and kip Brogans. ALSO 4 cases Gentlemen's fine Beaver HA TS, latest ) New-York style, ) 4 cases Gentlemen’s broad brim Hats 4 do “ black Russia /fats, broad brim 4 do “ white do do do 3 do Youths’ black Silk do 2 do children's do do 12 do common Fur do white and black December 1 6tf 6 do .Silk, and 6 cases Mole-skin /fats. Gentlemen's fine sea Otter CAPS, “ fine Fur and Nutre do “ fine Cloth do Youths’ Ftir and Cloth do Children's Cloth do A large assortment of men and boy®' J/air seal Caps. A'so, a general assortment of fine Silk and Cotton UMBRELLAS, A large supply ol Shoe Brushes and Blacking. All of the above articles have been manufactured ex pressly for this market, and will be sold cheap for cash. Purchasers will find it to their advantage to give us a call. HEIDT, ALDRICH & CO. December 8 7 New Carriage Repository. At the junction ot Cotton Avenue and Second-street. THE subscriber is now opening a splendid assort ment of CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, BUG GIES, Ac., warranted no' inferior, either in materials or workmanship, to any in the market, to the contrary notwithstanding, and will be sold on as reasonable terms is as can be had at any other place. Call and see. January 5 lvl l R. BURR A CO. NOTICE. TllEsubscriber havingpur chased the Book Store, rriut ing Office and Book Bindery of Mr. E J. Purse, in view o permanently residing in Ma , on. will continue the Book business in connection with Printing and Book Bind ing, in the same establishment as heretofore. Large additions will he made to his stock in general, in the course of a few weeks. His stock of Law, Me dical and Miscellaneous Books in particular, will be rendered very complete. All important and interesting new publications will be received by the earliest con veyance. as they are issued from the press. A general assortment of Stationnrv, Law, Notarial and other Blanks; Maps, Cards, Pocket Books, Water Colors, Pen Knives, Brushes, and such other articles as have i been usually kept by Mr. Purse,and Messrs. Griffin A Purse, will be constantly on hand. To individuals making a large bill of Books on any one occasion, he subscriber will furnish them as low as they could supjly ; themselves with them from New- York. Having every convenience and facility for Book Binding. Job Printing and Publishing, all work done in I the establishment shall be equal in workmanship to any i thing that is done in the United States. Every effort I will he made to merit the support of the citzens, and make the concern creditable to Macon. JOHN M. COOPER. Macon, Oct. 20 52 Ware-House nnd Commission Business. / <*b his friends the public generally, that he w~ii im i ifTHI h as taken the well known stand for ttov merly occupied by Lippitt A Higgins, as a Ware-House. The house is large, and as safe from Fire as any Ware-House in the city, and for close storage it excels any house in the city, al »o for safety and convenience. A share of public pat onage is respectfully solicited. C. L. HOWLAND. N. B. The AUCTION business will he kept up at he above stand, which is one of the best houses in the city for the above business. Strict attention will be paid to the sale of any goods that the public may see proper to confer upon him. Verv respectfully, C. L. HOWLAND. SOr Consignments respectfully solicited. December 1 6 The READING ROOM attaeh ' Vapwaf* ed to the Macon Lyceum and Library has been Removed to the front Room's -gr'Mßr over the Store of William B Parker A | Cos., »t tha corner of Third and M ulherry-strcet, open to subscribers and their distant friends alone. {Or AH persons having in then- possession anv of the , Periodicals or Newspaper:- lielongtng to the Society are Ir. quested to return them without delay Their abstrac tion, i* must be known to the subscribers, is a positive violation of the nice of the Society, and to other* an open theft. AMBROSE BABER, Ostohar f7 Its President. THE SOUTHERN POST. | a BY AUTHORITY. An Act to provide for the call of a Convention to re duce the number of the General Assembly of the i State of Georgia, and for other purposes" therein named. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Re presentatives o f the Slate of Georgia in General Assem bly met, md it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That the first Monday in April, eighteen hun dred and thirty-nine, be, and the same is hereby desig nated and set apart as the day on which the citizens of Georgia, qualified to vote for members of the Legisla ture, shall, at the several places presented by law for j holding such elections, vote for delegates to represent them in Convention, in number equal to their repre sentation in both branches of the General Assembly, according to the last census ; such election to lie con ducted, managed and certified under the same laws as are of force in respect to elections of members of the Genera l Assembly. Sec. 2. And lx it further enartrd, That it shall he the duty of such manager* to transmit to his Excellency the Governor, the result of 9aid elections under the laws now of force, conducting, managing and certifying elec tions of members of the General Assembly, as afore said. within ten days after such election ; whereupon it is made the duty of his excellency, the Governor, to is sue his Proclamation, declaring the result of such elec tion, by notifying the individuals severally elected to re present the good people of Georgia in Convention, as contemplated by this Act. Sec. 3. And lx it further enacted. That every citizen of the United States shall be eligible to a seat in said Convention, who has attained the age of twenty-five years, and been an inhabitant of this state three years immediately preceding the day of election, and who shall have resided one year in the county for which he shall be elected. Sec. 4. And he it further enacted. That each member returned as duly elected, shall, previous to taking his seat in said Convention, take the following oath or af firmation, viz : 1 do solemnly swear that f will not at tempt to add to or take from the Constitution, or attempt to change or niter any other section, clause, or article of the Constitution of the State of Georgia, other than those touching the representation in the General As sembly thereof, and that I have been a citizen of this State for the last three years, so help me God. And any person elected to a seat in 9aid Convention, who shall refuse to take the oath aforesaid, shall not be al lowed to take his seat in said Convention. Sec. 5. And lx it further enacted, That the members of said Convention shall assemble on the first Monday in May, after their election, at Milledgeville, in the Re presentative Chamber of the State House, for the purpose of entering upon and consummating the great objects of their convention, to wit: a reduction and equalization of the General Assembly; shall have power to prescribe their own rules and forms of business, and to determine on the qualifications of their own j members; elect necessary officers, and make all orders which they may deem conducive to the furtherance of the object for which such Convention shall assemble. Sec. 6. And he it further enacted, That it shall be the duly of his Excellency the Governor to give publicity to the alterations and amendments made m the Consti tution in reference to the reduction of the number of tneniliers composing the Genernl Assembly ; and the first Monday in October next, after the rising of said Convention, he shall fix on for the ratification, by the people, of such amendments, alterations, or new arti cles, as they may make for the objects of reduction and equalization of the General Assembly onlv : and if rati fied by a majority of the voters who vote on the ques tion of “Ratification” or “ No Ratification," then, and in tliat event, the alterations so by them made and rati fied shall be binding on the people of this State, and not otherwise. Sec. 7. And lx it further enacted, That it shall be a fundamental article in the formation or amendments of the Convention, that each county of the state, now or ganized or laid out, or which may hereafter be created by law, shall be entitled to at least one representative in the Representative branch of the General Assembly. The Senate shall be composed of forty-six members onlv, from forty Senatorial Distrieis, composed of two contiguous Counties; and, in the event of the creation of any new County, it shall be added to some conti guous Senatorial District; and that the said Conven tion shall not disturb the Federal basis, in apportioning the representation in the General Assembly of the State of Georgia. Sec. 8. And he it further enacted. That so soon as this Act shall have passed, bis Excellency the Governor be, and he is hereby required to cause it to be publish ed in the Gazettes of this State once a week, until the day fixed on by this act for the election of Delegates to said Convention ; as well as the number to which each County shall be entitled in said Convention, according to the apportionment of members of the General As sembly, to be made under the late Census, taken and returned during the present year. Sec. 9. And lx it further enacted. That the Delegates to said Convention be paid at and after the same rates tliat the members of the Genernl Assembly now receive; and that his Excellency the Governor lie requested to draw his w arrant on the Treasurer for the same out of any money not otherwise appropriated; and all laws and parts of laws militating against this act be, and the same are hereby repealed. JOSEPH DAY, Speaker of the House of Representatives. CHARLES DOU6IIERTY, President of the Senate. Assented to 2f>tli December, 1838. GEORGE R. GILMER, Governor, j 5Cr All the newspapers in Georgia, will publish the above Act weekly, until th« first Monday in April next. Jan.lS 12ne TABLE Showing the Representation of the several Counties of this State by the late act of a/iportionment. Appling, 1 Gilmer, ' 1 Muscogee, 4 Baker, 1 Glynn, 1 Newton, 3 Baldwin, 2 Greene, 3 Oglethorpe, 3 Bibb, 3 Gwinett, 3 Paulding, 1 Bulloch, 1 H abend i an),3 Pike, 3 Butt«, 2 Hancock, 2 Pulaski, 2 Burke, 3 Heard, 2 Putnam, i Bryan, 1 Henry, 3 Rabun, 1 Campbell, 2 Houston, 3 Randolph. 2 Carroll, 2 Hall, 2 Richmond, 3 Cobb, 2 Harris 3 Seriven, 2 Cass, 2 Irwin, 1 Stewart, 3 Columbia, 3 Jones, 3 Sumpter, 2 Crawford, 2 Jasper, 3 Talbot, 3 Coweta, 3 Jefferson, 2 Taliaferro, 2 Chatham, I Jackson, 3 Tattnall, 1 Clark, 3 Laurens, 2 Telfair, 1 Cherokee, 2 Lee. 1 Thomas, 2 Camden, 2 Liberty, 2 Troup, 4 Dade, 1 Lincoln, 2 Twiggs, 2 Decatur, 2 Lowndes, 2 Union, DeKalb, 3 Lumpkin, 2 Upson, 3 Dooly, 3 Macon, 2 Walton, 3 Early, 2 Madison, 2 Walker, 2 Effingham, 1 Marion, 2 Ware, Elbert, 3 Mclntosh, 2 Washington, 3 Emanuel, 1 Merri wether,3 Wavne, 1 Fayette, 2 Monroe, 3 Wilkinson, 2 Floyd, 2 Montgomery, 1 Wilkes, 3 Forsyth, 2 Murray, 2 Warren, 3 Franklin, 3 Morgan, 3 Total, 207 All the newspapers in Georgia will publish the above Act and Table weekly, until the first Monday in j April next. January 19 13nr HARTFORD EIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. Incorporated in 1810 with a Capital of $150,000, and pouter to imrease the same to $250,000. IMIIS long established Institution has for more than a quarter of a century, transacted its extensive business on the most just and liberal principles—paying its losses with the most honorable promptness; ana the present Board of Directors pledge themselves in this par ticular. fully to maintain the high reputation of the Company. It insures on the most favorable terms, ev ery description of property against loss and damage by Fire, but takes no marine risks. Application for Insurance may be made either per sonally, or by letter, to its Agent in this city: and ail renewals for risks now running by this Company on property in this city, may he made by application to the Agent. WM. B. JOHNSTON, Agent. Macon, April 21, 1838. 26tf An intelligent bov, of industrious bab ua,willba taksn a* in AppsnUcs (otht Pruinng bur ns** St An* APOTHECARIES’ HALL, Mulberry-street, Macon, Georgia. Dr. WILLIAM J. HOBBY, Jr. Proprietor of the above establishment, c-spec t fully in firms the citizens of Macon, and the public at large, that he has on hand, and will be constantly receiving, a general and complete assortment of arti cles in the Apothecary business, which he can recommend as of the best quality—and which he will dispose of Oil as moderate and accommodating terms as any other house in the city. Country Merchants, Physicians, and citizens gener ally, are invited to call and examine his Stock, before purchasing elsew here, which consieis(iu part) of the fol owing articles, to wit: Drugs, Medicines. Stc. Acetate Morphine, lodine Acetate Acid, Citric Acid, Prussic Acid, Tartaric Acid, Ammonia, do. Armon Spts. Antimonials Pulv., Veratir.e, Srtychnine, Ema tine. Rhubarbine, Croten Tigulim. Secule Cornutuni,* Oil Sinapine, Oil Cantharidine, Hyrolygneous Acidh Hydriotate Potssa, Peperine, Oil black Pepper, Irisp Moss, Musk, Chloride Soda, Chloride Lime, Citratad Kali, Opium Denarcotised, Cyanuret Potassium, com. Tonic Extract, Garragcen prepared, comp. Ext Spige ha, blue Moss, Precip Extract Bark, Peruvian do., Cal isay.i do., 'l'oxa do., Red do., Camomile Flowers, Sen na, Uva Ursi, Hourliound, Sage, Africa Cayenne. Bav berry Bark pulver.. Blood Root, Colchicum pulv., Gol den Seal, Slippery Elm powdered. Quassia, Gentian Kiwdered, Cort Aram powdered. Lobelia and Seed, emlock, Skunk Cabbage, Squills, Camhoge, Mezcr ium. Hops, Alkannet Root, Cort Cuscurilla, Sassafras Seed, ladies’ Slipper, Golden Thread, Saffr >n. Cinna mon hark, pulv Ginger, race Ginger. Curcuma, Mus tard Seed, Anniseed, Arrow Root, Aqua Fertis, Hoff man's Anodyne. Borax, black Lend, Brimstone, blue Stone, Juniper berries, Cubebs, Oxide Bismuto, Bees Wax, Burgundy Pitch, Balsam Coniva, do. Tolu. do. Peru, black Drop, Cantharines, Cobalt, Colocynth, Court Plaster, Coculii9 ludiacus, Coroaive Sublimate, fresh Castor Ob, do. Sweet Oil, Charcoal pulv., Corks Velvet, Calomel, Antimony, Aloes, Rheubarb, Jalap, Digitalis, Opium, prepared Chalk, Acitate Lead, do. Cunri, do. Zinc, Arsenate Potassee, Phesphate Soda, Ether -'ulphuricuw, do. Nitre, Nitrate Silver, do. Potas sae, Phosphate Iron, sulphate do., do. Potash, do. Soda, do. Magnesia, borate Soda, Phosphorus, manna Flake, Ointment Hvde Potnssn, Ointment lodyne, do. Vera trine, do. Itch, Oxyde Mercury, ext. Jolap, do. Butter nut, do. Hvogcvamus, do. Gentian, do. Belladona, do. Taraxici, do. Rhubarb, Nuxvomicn, do. Rhatania, do Cicuta, do. Glycvrrhiza, Gum Arabic,do.Camphor, do. Seamony. do. Myrrh, and i Assafcetida, Guiac, pearl Bariev, Honey, Otto Roses, Lucifer and other Match es, Magnesia ealc’d, do. Carb, Isinglass, Quick Silver, Seidltz Pow ders, Saratoga do.. Soda do., Tamarinds, Sponge, Wafers, Sarsaparilla, red Precipitate, white do black do., Pearlash, Spanish Float Indigo, Sp’ts Tur pentine, Venice do., saft9 Tart, Salmonia, Glue, Rosin Jujube Paste, Starch, &c. Patent Medicines, ftc. Dutch Pills, geniune, with all directions ; Lee’s New London Bil’toua Pills ; Dyott’s, Lyon’s, Watkins’, An derson’s, Lee’s, Hunter s, Hooper’s, and Chapman’s Pills; Spanish Tea, Wormseca Oil, Wentz's vermi fuge, Harlem Oil, Jiidkin's Ointment, Lee’s Itch Oint ment, Opodeldoc. .Balsam of Life, Fevcrand Ague Pow ders, Godfrey’s Cordial, ffaieniaifs Drops, Columbian Oil, Thompson's Eye Water, British Oil, Salts Lemon, Worm Tea, Butler’sAperient, Botanical Drops, Swaim’s Panacea, Indian's do., Ess. Iceland Moss, Cough Mix ture, Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, compound do., Cubebs and Copavia, Syrup Liverworth, comp, fluid ext. Pink root, Dalby's Carminative, Bleeching Liquid, Mend’s Pills, Issue Plaisters, Elixir Life, Ginger, Beer Powders, -Medicated Oil Silk, Digestive Elixir, Bile Remedy, Chloride Tooth Wash, Bay Rum, Balsam Honey, Congh Lozenges, Ext. Coffee. Cullen's Liquid Magne sia, Potter's Catholican. Ilowand’s Tonic -Mixture, Relfs Vegetable Specific, Saratoga Powders, ext.Bone set, Tonic Extract, &c. Brushes, Perfumery, lie. Hair, flesh, nail, comb, clothes, tooth, shoe, horse, Paint, Shaving, Varnish, Camel's and Badger’9 hair, Counter, Hat, Crumb, and Paste Brushes ; Depilatory Powder, Hair do.. Pearl do , Rouge, Milk Roses, Cold Cream, cream Almonds; Florida, Cologne, Lavender, and Rose Water, Bear’s Oil, IFiird's hair oil. Marrow Pomatum, Orange flower water, Macassar oil, spirit of Rose, Camphor Soap, Emolient soap, Windsor and do. brown do., wash balls, curling Fluid, Antique Oil, Lip salve, Persian Otto Rose, Tooth Powder, Erasivedo, extract Bergamot, do. Rose, do. Musk, Honey water, Naples compound Shaving Tablet, shaving Cakes, Al mond Paste, patent Feather and other Brooms, powder Puffs and boxes, Preston smelling .-alts, small Bottles, Tapers, &c. —also — Card and Cigar cases. Pocket Books, Purses, Indel ble Ink, Crayons, Lead Pencils ; Thermometers, large and small; Trusses, Snuff, Blacking; gold and silver Leaf, Bronze, Drawing Paper, Quills, Paint Boxes, In dian Rubber, Rulers, Ink and Inkstands, Stoughton's Bitters, See. Surgical Instruments, Ate. Amputating Cases, Dissecting Instruments, Trepan ning Instruments, Pocket Cases, spring Lpncets, Ev anti’s Thumb do., Dentists’ cases, Teeth Keys, patent .Scarificators Abscess Lancets, Tourniquets, Cupping Glasses, Air Pumps. Gum elastic Catcheters, silver do. Surgeon's Needles, Tooth Claws, Gunt Lancets,Med ical S'poons, .Scales and Weights, Ac. Ac. Paints, Dye-Stuffs, Ate. White Lead, Prussia Blue, Eng. Chrome Yellow, chrome Green,Carmine frosting white, purple, blue do. Lamp Black, red Lead, Venitian red, S’p. Brown, Fer ra de Senna, stone Orbre, Umber, Glue, Rose ; Rose Pink, No 1; blue Smalts, distilled Verdigris, sps. Tur pentine, Copal and Japan Varnish, Litharge, Cochineal, Madder, ground Camwood, do. Fustic, do. Logwood, Brazil wood, Nicaragua, Cudbear, Anatto, Ac. SCr Dr. Hobby is Agent for the following, among other celebrated and useful Medicines. Innumerable certificates can he shown to prove the wonderful and astonishing cures each separate article has produced: Brandreth's Pills. Life Preserving Cordial —a certain cure for Diarrhata, Dysemary, and preventive of Indian Cholera. Fitch's Indian Vegetable Elixir-A sure and safe cure for Rheumatism, acute and chronic Gout, and all chro nic pains of bones, joints and muscles, arising from a too free use of mercury, or other causes. Oldridge's Halm of Columbia. —This balm seldom tails to produce Whiskers or Eye-brows in eight weeks, though there were noneon the face before. It prevents Baldness —the hair Iront turning grey—makes it look bright and glossy, and frees it from scurf. Rawtson's Itch Ointment. Dr. Heine's Rheumatic, Nerve and Bone Linament. —lt gives relief in the swelling of the glands of the throat, and relieves the numbnessand contractions of the limbs, and will take swellings down, and inflammations out of the flesh, rheumatism, bruises and sprains : it gives immediate relief; it strengthens weak limbs, and ex tends the cords when contracted. A few drops on sheep’s wool applied to the ear of deaf persons, will, by constant application, cause '.hem to hear in two months time. Rev. Dr. Barthomew's Pink Expectorant Syrup —An agreeable cordial, and effective remedy for coughs, hoarsness, colds, pains in the breast, Influenza, hard breathing, and difficult expectoration. Dr. Mesthe's Anti-Consumption Specific Syrup, (ap proved of by the officers of the Medical Society of the city and county of New-York,) for the cure and pre vention of those dreadful Internal diseases where the lungs and chest are supposed to be affected. Dr. Spohn's Remedy for the Headache —sick or ner vous. Hay's Linament, used with the greatest possible sue cess (externally,) in the following complaints:, dropsy, swellings of he extreineties, acute and chronic rheutnai m, lumbago and sciatic, tender feet, corns, white swellings, sore throat by cancers or ulcers, croup, I whooping cough, tightness of the chest, bruises and ; sprains, scald head, scorfula, foul ulcers of the legs or ( other fungous sores, fresh wounds, chilblains, Ac. | Dr. Wevaer's Celebrated I form Tea and Salve. —The i action of the medicine is not onlt to expel w orm*, but, . by it* Tonic power* to prevent a return of them, by re | moving the weak state of the digestive organs, on which their production mainly depends. Dr. Kline’s Tooth-ache Deeps —An important chemi cal discovery, and the only never failing cure for the toothache ever offered to the public; also the cheapest, as the content* of one bottle w ill sum the pain of fifty teeth, if carefullv used. It being a German invention, has been patronized by the must eminent physician* of Europe. Dr. Bond's Vermifuge. —This preparation is confi dently recommended to the public,as an effectual med icine tor expelling worm* from the system. ftj" Dr. Bobby will continue to receive, and keep on hand a full and perfect assortment of all articles in his line of business—and hopes, by unremitting attention to hiscustomers, to receive a share ot the public patron, age. He repeats, that those wishing to purchase wc tld do well to call and examine his stock Orders respec’iully solicited Nor washer SI OCHMULGEE STEAM-BOAT COMPANY, IXOOEFORATSD BY THE LEGISLATURE 0? GEORGIA, IN 1835 For the transportation and Insurance of Mer. j chandise and Produce, between Savanah and Darien, and Darien and Macon— touching at Hawkinsville, and the principal Landings. THIS Company will run their Steam boats as high up as Macon as long as the state of the River w ill admit; and for low stages of the w aters they have pro vided, and are now running Pole-boats of such light draft of wa'er as will admit them to run at any stage of the River, which are towed up by their Steam-boats two-thirds of the distance, thereby greatly expediting the transportation of Merchandise during the Summer and Fall seasons; and their Steamers will be in com plete repair, and ready for business, as early as the Ri ver will admit. THEIR BOATS ARE: Steam-boat Comet, Captain Brandy, Steam-boat A'latamaha, Captain Taylor, Steam-boat Oc h m u Igee , Captain Rlankinship; And a large number of TOW-BOATS, which will be in complete repair. For further information apply to REA & COTTON. Macon, J. W. LATIIROP, Hawkinsville, PH R. YONGE & SON, Darien, WM. PATTERSON &, CO., Savannah, McDOVVELL, SHANNON & CO..Charleston, 1 SCOTT, SH APTER & MORRELL, New York, Agents. j . July 14 38tf SPLENDID PI KMr, HE IM» CHAIRS. Opjwsite Washington Hall, Mulberry.street. f|'HE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and A the public that he is receiving and manufacturing a more splendid assortment of FURNITURE, than ; has ever been offered for sale in this city, at the low est; prices for cash. The following comprise a part: Sideboards, with and | without marble tops. Secretary and Book cases, Sofas j of the latest style, Couches, Settees and Easy chairs, Di-j ning tables in setts and single. Centre Tables with and without marble Tops, pier Tables, Pembroke Tables, work Tables, toilet, dressing and french Bureaus, Ma hogany,, Maple and Popular Bedsteads, Mantle glasses, Dressing Boxes and Glasses, Sociables, Ottomans, Car pet and Chair Cushions, Piono Seats various patterns, Mahogany, Curled Maple and Fancy Chairs, Hair and Cotton Mat trasses, Feathers and Feather Beds, Blinds, Floor Mats, Willow Wagons and Cradles, together with every article in his line. The proprietor is supplied with the best of workmen, nnd well seasoned materials, so that lie is enabled to manufacture any article in his line, that may be called for. Orders from the country shall receive strict atten tion. The public are invited to call and examine for themselves. THOMAS WOOD. December 2 6m6 JAMES TAYLOR, Mannfnetiirer of Furniture anil Upholsterer. Ilas removed his stock to the comer of Cotton Avenue and Mulberry Streets, o/iposite the fyashington Hall. FJVHE proprietor respectfully informs me citizens of A Macon and vicinity, that he has on hand a large and full assortment of CABINET FURNITURE, Consisting of Sideboards, with and without marble tops; setts of Dining Tables; single Dining Tablet; Card; Tea, Work and Writing Tables ; Centre Tables, with and without marble tops ; Sofas, latest fashions ; Secre taries and Book Cases ; Bureaus ; Pianos, of the most approved manufacturers, and the newest Music; Piano Stools; Mahogany, Maple and Poplar Bedsteads ; dou ble and single Wash Stands ; curled Hair and Moss Matrasses ; Feather Beds, of the best quality. A large assortment of Mahogany, curled Maple and Fancy CHAIRS ; also, Looking Glasses, of every description. iCT All the above articles are of the latest styles, and will be warranted to stand the climate. The snbscri !>er invites the public to call and view for themselves, at his Ware-House. J. T. December 1 6tf Macon Carriage Depository, (On Second, near Mulberry-street, (opposite Corner to the Washington Hall.) THE subscribers, grateful ijV* *■** for past favors, would respect- P 0 iisS fi*fi>' ®ofi c *t a continuance of - J3*“r ■?* t the same, as they feel confi j * !jLfJr dent that they will be always wafcATj ready to supply the most tas c r’AJt ful customers in every variety “IT of Carriage Manufactory. We invite the citizen* of Ma *•*-*---■*"con, all( j the public generally, to call and examine the work, i quality, prices, Ac., as we feel assured that all who wish to purchase, would find it to their interest to deal with us. Some of our Vehicles are light, and yet strong, being made of the best materials, ana of superior work manship. They were manufactured expressly for this market, and we believe them equal, if not superior, to any ever offered in this city. Inasmuch as all who have purchased from us, and after trial, have found the work equal to our representations, we feel confident in re commending it, and beiieve that those who examine will be induced to purchase. From the extensive sales we have made, we have been encouraged to h tve every pains bestowed on our work, and offer it at a reduction i from former prices. The subscribers having made arrangements with ’ some of the most extensive Carriage Manuiactories in the Northern Cities, will have on hand, and be con stantly receiving, the coming season, an extensive as sortment of CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, BUGGYS, . and vrhicles of all descriptions ; which will be of the beet workmanship and materials, and which will be sold on as good terms as can he purchased in any city in the ' Southern country. They have also a number of first j rate norhern workman constantly employed, making ; and repairing Carriages in a superior style. DO" Orders for Carriages will be promptly attended to. WRIGLEY A HART. THEY ALSO HAVE ON HAND, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BADDL ER Y . W A R E /fife! i |Bp or EVERY description: 'wllllillllijw Best Ladies’ A Gentlemen's Saddles, A Spanish, Columbia, Trevellers. Fancy, CJ QuilteJ.of large and extra large sizes; Also, Race and Boy’s Saddle", English Bridles, Mountings, Whips of all kinds, Hard Leather Trunks, Carpet Bags, Bear and Buffalo Skins, ij-r. All of which will he sold a- low as they can be bough in this city, or any part of the Southern country. {CT Repair* of ail kinds of the above business done in a superior style of workmanship. October 27 lyl C’ RIER’S GEORGIA ALMANACS, bv I zen or gross, for sale by C. A- ELLS. Ij November 17 8 Twenty Dollars Rewards. STOLEN from the stable of Robert ! JriJoofJ, A- Alien, 10 miles below Augusta, on It? Sunday night last, a large Iron-grey 4 ' * HORSE, about 15 or Ifi handa high, with a flaxen tail. It ta probable that the horse has j been brought in this direction. Any person who will ! deliver the said horse to Mr. J. C. Edwards, in Macon, i will receive the abov e reward ' N ember IT 4rf FOOD FOR TIIE MIND. 2OTW 13DOS i HE subscriber would respectfully inform his friend i T nn, .: jni,y « enera| t he has retnov ed from MilledgeviUe, and permanently located him«»ir in this place, two doors South of the Washington Hall on Mulberry-street, at the stand formerly occupied by Win 11. Burdsall, ann lately by A. MrArn, where h« intends carrying on the BOOH and FANCV firo VESS on the mostrea enable term’ ; nnd he S "’■< , !* I Pf°P kiw N call and t .amine 'hat tl .V will be convn.-ed that he can sell as low can bt, bought at any house this side of New York Among his stock may be found a generalassomnent of Medical, Miscellaneous and School Finn m GLOBES. MAPS and CHARTS; Struments , Record mid Illauk Hooks of nil k i„j , Paper, Ink, Quills, Inkstands; Priming Playing Cards; Steel Pens, Fine Cuthfry efls. Purses. Pocket-books, Bar.ker’sCasee, LadSf Work-bozos; ladies’ and gentlomen’s Dressing Ca«t Dissected Maps, Spelling Puzzles, and a large al,*’ ment of TOYS for children ; Fancy and Drawing P a " P er ' Boards, Paints, Varnish, India Ink, Brush m otri,PiuLn? 0 t r i, P iuL n ? : Gentlemen’s fine //air, Shaving, Naif Tooth Whisker and Clothe* Brushes: Writing and Travelling Desks ; Wilson’s Manifold Letter Writer with the art of despatching 1,2,3 or 4 letters with a sin’ gle stroke of the pen—a very useful article for all busi ness men. 1 Cologne, Florida, Lavender and Bay Waters ; Milk of Roses, Rouge ; Ladies’Curia, Head Ornament, &c MIT««r A r C . CO p dl " nS ’ B ?. UBi S £o ;^ ; ,he mo9 ' celebrated Ia C n”n Plan °i : 9" rd and CtgarCases; Tobacco and Snuff Boxes, <frc &c. ° Hr All New Publications will be received as soon as they are issued from the press. The above goods have all been selected fresh in New i" r k 'i 11 rf 11 ’ , an , d are 'h. e best binding and mater lals. A liberal discount will be made to gentlemen and teachers buying by the quantity, for their libraries and schools. Ay a close application to business, and a desire to acoinodate, I hope to merit a portion of the patronage of this liberal community. M „ C. A. ELLS. November 17 j V 4 LEVI ECKLEY, ~~ 1S just receiving at his Store, Nos. 3 and 4 Commerce Row, an extensive variety of superior WINES LIQUORS, &c.—viz : 12 pipes best Maderia 1 2 pipes Pale Sherry 2 pipes Brown Sherry 1 pipe Gold Sherry 4 pipes Teneriffe curve a 2 pipes Sicilt Maderia 12 barrels L r. Madeira 10 barrels Muscat 2 barrels Liston 2 pipes Port 15 casks Porter 4 casks Scotch Ale Best Coniac Brandy, Holland Gin, And Jamaica Rum. WINES IN GLASS, 200 baskets Champaigne, Also, a large quantity of Madeira, Sherry, Port, Claret, See. See. Johanesburg Hock, 1822. The Maderia, Port, Sherry, and Champaigne Wines are all of my own importation, and warranted to be pure. —also— -8 cases Sardines 16 do Pine Apples and Lemons 6 do Cantou Ging r 18 do Citron and C ange Preserves 16 do Guava and Currants Jellies 2 chests York Pouchong Tea 2 do Hvson do 12 boxes tfry Dates, Citron do 50 do fresh Raisins 5000 lbs soft shelled Almonds 3000 IhsLunip Sugar 1000 lbs Loaf do 15 boxes white Havana Sugar 6 do Maecronies 4 do Vermillion 50 do Sperm Candles 2do patent do 4 baskets Sweet Oil 25 dozen American Mustard 4 do French do 2000 lbs Cheese 500 lbs Sopesaga Cheese 4 cases Heron-paste —alsc— Ground Ginger, Pepper, All-spice, Cloves, Cinnamon, Mace and Nutmeg, 12 dozen Blacking 30 do Shaker’s Brooms 50 boxes Common Soap Also, Shaving, Fancy and Castile Soap 10 boxes Starch 50 dozen assorted Pickle* 10 do Lobsters 10 and i Clams 30 barrels Butter Crackers 10 do Pilot Bread 4 tierces White Beans —also— -80,000 liest Spanish j 5,000 best Principe } CIGARS. 25,000 best Florida ) Smoking and Chewing Tobacco. _ Together with a large lot of fine cut and common GLASS-WARE, and a great variety of other articles usually kept in his line. November 17 4tf Commission House, in Hnltimore. Md. fflHB undersiged respectfully announce to their friends and acquaintances, and public generally, in Georgia, and in the other Southern States, that tliev have opened a COMMISSION HOI’SF., in Balti more, under the firm of Rutherford & Ilurlbut, for the transaction of a General Commission Business. They w ill be prepared to fill orders, and do business ac cording to die most liberal customs of the place. They will take occasion to inform all who may feel interested, that there are regular lines of vessels running bptween Baltimore and Charleston, Savannah. St. Marks, Apalachicola, and St. Josephs, Mobile, and New Orleans ; and that trancient vessels can always be had for other places w here, as yet, there are not regular lines from Baltimore. Their store is No. 11, Bowly’s Wharf. JOHN RUTHERFORD. SAM L. HURLBUT. Baltimore, Oct. 1, 1838. 52 C. B. Strong & S. M. Strong HAVING formed a partnership under the name and style of C. B. A S. M. Strong ; will hereafter prac tice in all the courts of the Flint circuit, Wilkinson ofthc Ucinulgee, Twiggs and Pulaski of the Southern, and Sumpter and Marion of the Chattahoochee circutts. — Office No. 3, second storv ol Wilson’s Range, Colton Avenue. C. B. STRONG, S. M. STRONG. January 12 12 _____ Law Notice, THE partnership heretofore existing between S. M- Strong A P. C. Pendleton, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. S. M. STRONG, January 12 12 P. C- PENDLETON. BRASS CLOCKS. A FEW Eight Days Brass Clo,k.\ may beparchnsed of C. A. EUs, at half price, and warranted to ke«p the best of time. January 12 Dissolution. THE firm of CAREY ts HOWLAND, in the Livery Stable Business, is dissolved this day by mutual consent. C. L. Howland is authorized to colic c all debts due the concern, and w ill settle all demand* against the same- JAMES P. CAREY, October 10 52 C. L. HOWLAND The LIVERY STABLE BVSIAESS wiII beco n tinued by the subscriber, on the Court House square. JAMES P. CAREY. For Sale—A first-rate pair of well broke mate HORSES, inferior to none in the State. October 20 •*“ POTASH, just received and for sale by J. H. A W. S. ELLIS, Cotton Avenue M 10 Molasses, t offee, Bagging, Ac. PIECES Hemp Bagging, OUU 120 hhds. Molasses, ° 60 bags Cuba Coffee, 12 boxes brown Havana Sugar, 10 bbls Portland Rum, 46 boxes Tobacco, (various qualities) 10 boxes Georgia mould Canales, 10 baskets Champagne Wine, For sale an accommodating by COTTr ,s,' October 6