Southern post. (Macon, Ga.) 1837-18??, April 20, 1839, Image 4

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\\i‘ V \v ■ y p JOB-PRINTING OFFICE. YYfE have just received nn addition oUtwenty-tits * w fonts of Type to mtr previous assortment — l<»ge- ther with two hundred CUTS, of vnrioua designs — ail of tiie “ lairs' stv'r old fashion,” which will uuuVe t.s to execute EVERY variety of JOB- PRINTING. (n’a workmanlike maimer, and superior to an/tAing that can be done in “ these parts.” I laving lutherto given universal satisfaction, the sub scriber feel* cure that, with the pre enl increased flml ities —his lone experience, and tried ability —he w ill be able to please all who may entrust their work in his hands. 83“ Orders respectfully solicited. CORNELIUS U. HANLEITER. 83“ Don't mistake the Office : it is on Third-stm t, next door to Harvey Sholwell's Drug Store, o}asuiile the Central Hotel, and in the building formerly oeeupud by the “Clock-Makers." Macon, December 221, 1338. PHOSPIN TUS OF the second volume of THE AMERICAN MU SEUM OF LITERATI RE & THE ARTS, a monthly mats line, endieliislied with s'eel portraits.— Cn the first of January, ls3J, was commenced the se cond volume of die American Museum of Literature and the Ar's. This magazine Is a depository of pa pers in the various departments of Literature, Science, and the Arts, calculated alike to instruct, profit, and please the reader. As utility is the characteristic of the age, tiie Museum contains articles of solid interest up on Science, Literature, History, Biography, and Mo mis. Reviews and literary criticisms, so important in this pußlishmg age, occupy a prominent place in tiie work. It, also, contains short reviews of the entire works o( distinguished American authors, accompanied by portraits engraved on steel. Tiie solidity of the work is relieved by lighter arti cles —such as graceful essays, interesting and amusing tales, criticisms upon the tine arts, legends, sketches of travel, literary and scientific intelligence, and poetry of a superior order. The very favorable reception which the work has met from tiie press and the public, has justified the pro prietors in making liberal arrangements for contribu tions to die second volume ; and they have according ly made large additions to their corps of regular con tributors. Tn the January number will he found ori ginal papers from the tallowing popular writers: Rev. Dr. Beaslev, Rev. J. G. Morris, Rev. J. H. Clinch, David Hoffman, Esq., VV. <l. Sunnis, Charles West Thompson, T. R. Holland, 11. T. Tuckerman, E. A. Poe, Professor Fisher of the University of Ma ryland, Professor Foreman, W. 15. Tappan, Mrs. Si gourney, Miss H. F. Gould, .Mrs. Emma C. Embury, i Besides these, many other writers of known ability have contributed to the work, and will continue to aid us. In the March number is the commencement of a se ries of “ Italian Sketches,” by a gentleman of taste and scholarship, who hay hern sojourning in that classic country. Besides these, the future numbers of the Mu seum will contain articles from distinguished Europe an writers —although we are fiir more anxious to re ceive assistance from, and encourage, native talent. Plates —Portraits, on steel, by a distinguished artist, similar to that of Washington Irving, in the Septem ber number, and of J. F. Cooper, in the January num ber, will continue to embellish the work. 83“ Terms— The American Museum is printed on good paper, with new typo, and makes two volumes a year, or more than 300 pages each. Price $5 per an num, payable in advance. Four copies will he sent one year for sls. We shall he happy to receive applica tions, post paid, (or travelling and local agencies, with references enclosed. All communications must he post paid, and directed to tiie editors. BROOKS & SNODGRASS. Baltimore, Md. Prospectus of the CORSAIR, A GAZETTE OF LITERATURE, DRAMAT . 1C NEWS and CRITICISM, FASHION and NOVELTY. —N. P. Willis and T. O. Porter propose to issue, weekly, in the city of Now York, a paper of the above designation and character. It is their design to present as amusing a periodical as can he made from the current wit, humor, and literature of tiie times, to collect tiie spirit not only ol English, but of French and - German belles letters : to give dramatic criticisms with vigilant impartiality and care: in short, to picture the age in its literature and fashion, its eccentricities and amusements. As the practical law of.copy right secures to them, free of expense, tiie labors of Bulwer and Boz, Scribe and Balzac, with tiie whole arm of foreign writers, they cannot at present, (consistently with pocket wisdom so well understood by American publishers) offer any thing for American productions. Their critical department, however, will be always on the alert for native litera ture, ami to the best of their ability they will keep a running guage of the merits to compatriot authors. They see their way very clearly without crowding upon tiie track of any weekly periodical, and abstain ing from more particular professions, they take leave to assure their friends, that if the harvest of event, wit. genius and poetry, fail not over the world, they can hardly fail to furnish them with an agreeable paper. Terms.—Five dollars per annum, in advance. Ad dress the Editors, by mail. The CORSAIR will appear early in the month of March next. New York, Jan. 1833. PAPER ANI» STATIONARY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. TIIE subscribers have just opened their Fall and Winter Stock of fine and superfine Letter, Cap, and larger PAI’ERS, most of which has been pur chased direct from the manufacturers. Stationary, of every kind, Blank Books, for citv or country trade, Pocket-Books, Pen Knives, &.c. Which they will sell oil accommodating terms, for citv acceptances. Blank Books made to order. Pri iters supplied with Printing Paper, Ink, fee. o the best quality. BURGES & WALKER, Stationer’s Ilali, 85 East-Bay, Charleston, S.C. November 10 3omp GEO. C. McNEILL IS now receiving his fall and wintersupplies, of Fin'% and Staple British, French, Swiss, Italian, intua and American DRY GOODS. consisting in part of the following articles: fine and superfine wool d;°d, Blue, Black, Brown, Green, Ade. laide. Cadet, Fashionable and Biddle Mixed Cloths Single Double and Trebbled “lifed, Black, Fashiona ble, Mixed and Striped C«*sinnrs and Satinets; Sa’j-i Prussia and Genoa Velvet Vestings; Silk and Valencia do; Gros do Rhine, Gros de Soie, Gros de Naples, PoultdeSoi, Reps Brocade and Ipsola Silks; Victoria and Coronation Satins ; Shallevs ; “otiseltne dr Lnine and Taglionea ; French, English, CJernmn and llr.s de Nap Merinos; French Cambrics, Grodeodier ami De lisle Prints; English and American do. of every style ; Shalleys, Merino, Thibet, Brochelle and ChinealShawls; Fancy Damask, Demantine and Ipsola Dress Hdkfs; Victoriado; Tamliourd and Embroidered Scotch, Swiss English and French Worked Capes and Collars; Linen, Linen Cambric, Scotch, Long, and Bishop Lawns; Sacharilla Cambric; Nansook, Jaconet and Scotch Muslins; Cambric and Furniture Dimity; Russia and Birds Eye Daper; Victoria and Marseilles Skirts, Linen and Cotton Sheetings; Camhric, Swiss, Jaconet and Thread Inserting*; Muslin Culls; Pongee and India Koznn lldkfs; Victoria Cap, Bt't, and Garniture Ribbons: Sattin and Lustring do; Victoria leghorn. Straw and Cottage Bonnets; Artificial Flo vers • Wreaths; Black Lace lldkfs. and Veils; American', English, Welch, Cause and French Flannels; Ken tucky, Highland and Glenroe .leans; Mackinaw, Rose, Duffle, French and Point Blankets ; Brown and Bleech ed Sheetings; Linseys, Kerseys, Tickings, Checks and Drillings. Ladies’, Misses’, Gentlemen’s and Bovs’ Merino, Angola, Cotton and Silk Hoiscry of every description. CLOTHING. Cloth Dress and Frock Coats ; Overcoat*, Pantaloons Cloaks, Vests, Linen mid Cotton Shirts, Lamb’s Woo and Merino do; Drawers, Stocks, Cravats, Collars Suspenders, (.loves, Ac. 4r, with boost every other article kept in the Dry Goods line. October 20 jq T>OTARIL just received and for sale by ja 10 •* W Cotton Avenue PIANO FORTES, flRI| From Tnf-ert \unns <}' Clark's, and drib 4 I Valker s Manufactories, at C. Bruno's Music Store, In Macon, Georgia. C< BRUNO is constantly receiving from the said J . manufactories, superior Pianos, manufactured ex pressly fir his establishment,of various patterns of Rose Wood and Mahogany, with the grand action, harp stop, metallic pla'es, patent tuning pins, &.c. Ac., embracing the latest fashion of furniture, with tablet and hollow corniced trouts veneered legs,and Grecian scrolls; all of which is warranted to be made of such material and so well seasoned, as to stand the test of every climate. A written guaranty entitles the person to exchange the instrument at any time wirhin one year, if not satisfac tory, (if retimneif uninjured.) Also, constantly receiving, new and fashionable Mu sic, Instruction Books, Guitars, V iolins. Flutes, Flageo lotts, Ac. Guitar and Violin Strings, Ruled Music Pa per, Brass Instruments for Bands, such as Trombones, Bugles, Trumpets, Ac. April 6 2ly PIANO FORTES, Ac. P ft , THE Subscribers are now re f" reiving the most splendid PIA NOS ever offered in this part of the country, which they will sell ,« upon the most reasonable terms, | ■wspdmS their Furniture Store, opposite Ia the Washington Hall, Cotton Av- I II time. They also have on hand, J ***‘'\ are manufacturing and receiv *“ j n g, Furniture and Chairs of the very best quality, and everv variety oi pattern, which the public are invited to call and examine, before purchasing, as their terms will al ways be such as to suit, purchasers. JAMES P. BRADLEY A CO. March 16 21tf JAMES TAYLOR, ' - ■ A~~ Manufacturer of Furniture and Upholsterer. Has removed his slock to the corner of Cotton A venue and Mulberry Streets, opposite the Washington Hall. T J XHE proprietor respectfully informs inc citizens of fl Macon and vicinity, that he has on hand a large and full assortment of CABINET rUHNITURE, Consisting of Sideboards, with and without marble tops; setts of Dining Tables; single Dining Tables; Card; Tea, Work and Writing Tables ; Centre Tables, with and without marble tops ; Sofas, latest fashions ; Secre taries and Book Cases; Bureaus; Pianos, of the most approved manufacturers, and the newest Musrc; Piano Stools; Mnhogany, Maple and Poplar Bedsteads ; dou ble and single Wash Stands ; curled Hair and Moss Matrasses; Feather Beds, of the best quality. A large assortment of Mahogany, curled Maple and Fancy. CHAIRS ; also, Looking Glasses, of every description. 83" All the above articles are of the latest styles, and j will he warranted to stand the climate. The subscri- i her invites the public to call and view for themselves, at his Ware-House. J. T. December 1 Gif SPLENDID FURNITURE AND CIIAIRS. -H • ’ -:l gs ’ej < kv V/i p” ‘ i V'l V V . —tv*, y-j* M ::: j? Sg Opposite Washington Hull, Mulberry-street. fJMIE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public that he is receiving and manufacturing a more splendid assortment of FURNITURE, than has ever been offered for sale in this city, at tiie lowest prices for cash. Tiie following comprise a part: Sideboards, with and without marble tops. Secretary and Book cases, Sofas of the latest style, Courhes, Settees and Easy chairs, Di ning tallies in setts and single, Centre Tallies with and without marble Tops, pier Tables, pembn-ke Tables, work Tables, toilet, dressing and french Bureaus, Ma hogany,, Maple and Popular Bedsteads, Mantle glasses, Dressing Boxes and Glasses, Sociables, Ottomans, Car pet and Chair Cushions, Piono Seats various patterns, Mahogany, Curled Maple and Fancy Chairs, flair ami Cotton Mattresses, Feathers and Feather Beds, Blinds, Floor Mats, Willow Wagons and Cradles, together with every artiele in iiis line. Tiie proprietor is supplied with the best of workmen, and well seasoned materials, so that he is enabled to manufacture any article in his line, that may he called for. Orders from the country shall receive strict atten- 1 tion. The public arc invited to call and examine fur themselves. THOMAS WOOD. December 2 6mG NOTICE—CENTRAL HOTEL. AtA ON and after the first day of April next, the L (JJ.CENTRAL HOTEL will be conducted solely by the subscriber. He would respectfully inform the public that he has made additional preparations for accommodating those who may think proper to call on him. Among other things, tie has provided a French Cook, wiio lias had long experience in his business. JOHN WILLIAMS. Macon, March 30 23u M aeon Carriage Depository, (On Second, near Mulberry-street, (opposite Corner to the \ Washington Hall.) THE subscribers, grateful! for past favors, would respect ex* fully solicit a continuance of Suiv ■ aws v the same, ns they feel confi !_ ip' (fpgr dun l that they will be always ■0 rea<| y to supply the most tas’e- U u '• lilt- ful customers in evuw variety oi t tirringe ManiiWctory. -'r. M c invite the citizens of Ma ' con, and the public generally, to call and examine the work, quality, prices, Ac., as we feel assured that all who wish to purchase, would find it to their interest to deal jvm us. Some of our Vehicles are light, and yet strong, .M'ini? made of the best materials, and of superior work manship. 1 hey were manufactured expressly for this market, and we believe them equal, if not superior, to any ever offered in this city. Inasmuch as all who have purchased from us, and after trial, have found the work equal to our representations, we feel confident in re- I commending it, and believe that those who examine will be induced to purchase. From the extensive sales we have made, we have been encouraged to have every pains bestowed on our work, and offer it at a reduction from former prices. llie subscribers having made arrangements with some ot the most extensive Carriage Manufactories in the Northern Cities, will have on hand, and be con stoutly receiving, the Cuming season, an extensive as sortment of CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, BUGGYS, and vehicles of all descriptions ; which will be of the best workmanship and materials, and w hieh will be sold on as good terms as can be purchased in any citv in the j Southern country. They have also a number of first rate northern workman constantly employed, making ! and repairing Carriages in a superior style. DCr Orders for Carriages will he promptly attended «>■ WRIGLEY L HART. TBEV also have on hand, f\. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SADDLERY-WARE J|§M auiiasfißaas, OF EVERY description: Fuilies’ & Gentlemen's Saddles, A Spanish, Columbia, Travellers, Fancy, Vi Quilte.l,ot' larijc and e xtra large sizes • Race and Hoy’s Saddle-, i Knglish Bridles, Mountings, VV'hipsof all kinds, j Hard Leather Trunks, Carpet Bags, j ]i<ar and Buffalo Skins, (pc. tfr. i All of which will be told as low as they can be bough ti this city, or any part of the Southern country. fcr Repairs of nil kinds of the above huimeu done n a superior style of workmanship. October J 7 j y j TIIE SOUTHERN POST. Morton’s Pulmonic Expectorant Cough Syrup, For Coughs, Colds, Asthmas, Consumptions and IFfcoqp ing Coughs. 4 MONG the numerous complaints with which the i»- human family are articled, none are more common than coughs’ colds, Ac. and none more fatal in their re sults, unless timely care is taken to stop their progress before they become too firmly seated upon the lungs.— Notwithstanding the many remedies that have been of fered to the pubEc, not any have heretofore proved sue , ceessful in procuring a certain and speedy relief. The proprietor having been an eye witness (for sever al years) of the astonishing virtues of this extraordinary Medicine, at length deems it his duty to oiler it to the public, in a vav that it tnav receiye a more extensive circulation : anil at a price that the poor may receive the benefit of it as well as the rich. This syrup is particularly erticatious in removing coughs arising colds, attended with hoarseness and sort ness about the windpipe; likewise shortness of breath ing, tightness acros the breaht, accompanied with a tickling cough: and in all consumptive cases its u«e is oarticularlv recommended, likewise whooping cough is jreatly relieved by its use—children laboring under this iistressing disease, in innumerable instances have been astonishingly benefilted in a few days: the plcasentne«s of it is a great advantage, as children will take it w fill as much pleasure as they will preserves. N. 11. —The directions accompanying each Louie will be signed by lUtn. l'erkins, the sole proprietor.— Each bottle is sealed with the impression of morto.v’s pulmonic expectorant coutiii svruf, plainly stami>ed on it. For certificates, sec the directions. VVM L. PERKINS. VVc have just received a fresh supply of the above, and can safely recommend it as a very excellent niedi -1 cine. H. & J. SIIOTW ELL, Agents, December 16th. ~ 8 Dr. !Jtt iLit I t t e 1.-heated Eye Wnter tor I«- fiamatiou a:ul Weakness of the Eyes. fjIHIE great advantages of this infalib'e remedy places a it us a general appendage to families, and a con stant vade-mei am to the traveller. This Eye Water is prepared with the greatest care, and has never been known to fail in effecting a speedy and safe restoration of the diseased organs. It is useless to attach any cer tificates by way of praise or recommendation. The reputation and immense sale that has attended Dr. Scudder’s Eye Water, is tiie fairest proof of its utility and beneficial tendency ; it lias been the means of preserving sight to many of the alflicted, from the help less infnnt to the aged parent. Thousands of letters have been received by Dr. S. within these few years, containing flattering remarks relative to this Eye Wa ter—and the cures effected by it, have been set forth as wonderful beyond precedent. Dr. Scudder confidently recommends this Eye Water as a safe and valuable remedy—and he trust thiit his experience as an Occu list, to weigh against tiie gross impositions which are daily practised on the public by advertisements of dif ferent kinds of Eye Water, many of which are unsafe to use. Prepared by Dr. John Scudder, Occulist and inserter of Artificial Human Eyes. A supply of the n bove Eve Water, for sale by 11. SHOtWELL. 83* Merchants in the country supplied at the Pro prietor’s price. March 10 20 SANDS’ REMEDY For sail Ixhcum, Ring Worm, Tetters, Scald Head, Barber's Itch, fyc. fSMITS remedy is a combination heretofore unknown S in the annals of medicine. It is the production of much experience, deep research, and great expense, and i.s offered to the public in the fullest confidence of its being an effectual, safe and speedy cure for the Salt Rheum, and nil other diseases of the skin, such as Titter, Ring Worms, Scald Head. Barber's or Jackson lli h, 4'c. These diseases are known to be the most obstinate of any to which the human system is subject, and can on ly l>e thoroughly eradicated by perseverance in the right course of treatment, and by using the right medicine. Such a medicine has been discovered in this remedy, and we speak from our own knowledge and experience when we say, that in forty-nine cases out of fifty it will effect a permanent and rapid cure by attending to the accompanying directions for use. Sold by J. 11. «}- IF. S’. ELLIS, Cotton-Avenue. March 21 22 PATENT MACHINE SPREAD STRENGTHENING PLASTER. 8 N the preparation of these very Superior and Ele " gant Plasters, no cost or trouble is spared to ensure possible degree of perfection, in point of utility, elegance and comfort. They are spread of various on kids of the best quality, by Machinery, invented expressly for he purpose, ;w!ucti gives them an advantage over every olaster heretofore offered to the public) ns by this means il v can be made of a uniform thickness, and free fro the inequality of surface which frequently prevents otlu s from adhering, or renders them irritating and uncomfortable, an objection, which it is impossible to avoid by the usual method of spreading Piasters Th'* composition used in these Plasters, is carefully prepared at a lower temperature, from a combination o valuable Resinous Gums, with the ad-mixture of sever al choice aromatics, entirely separated from all extra neous and irritating particles; and from ins peculiar combination of highly strengthening, anodyne and slightly stimulating properties it affords a pleasant anti effectual remedy, in all cases of pain in the side and breast, weakness or oppression of the chest; pain or weak ness of the back or loins; Also, in the sense of sinking and faitness at the pit of the stomach, accompanying Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. In Rhematic, or pain ful affections of the limbs or joints, their Anodyne and Stimulating properties render them particularly hem li cial. In Cold *, Coughs, or Asthmatic Affections, they will be found to give immediate and pcrpianent relief. Persons who from sedentary habits, or other causes, art predisposed to affections of the lungs, will find these iTsters an effectual security against those pulmonary attacks which prove but two frequently, (when neglect ed) the precursory symptoms of Consumption; and in deed in a climate like ours, where colds sntl coughs are an almost unfailing consequence of the sudden changes to wnich all are subject, every one at all liable to sutler from the influence of these causes would find the great est possible security in having his chest and lungs pro tected by one of these invaluable Plasters. To children suffering from Whooping Cough, or Colds affecting the chest or lungs, the sedative and ano dyne properties of these Plasters, afford signal relief. These Plasters being spread much more rapidly, as well as better, by Matkinery, are sold much lower than Plasters spread in the usual method. For sale by J. 11. A IF S. ELLIS. June 2 32 NEW MEDICINE WORTHY OF NOTICF . Dr. Phelps’ Compound Tomato Pills— En tirely Vegetable ! \ NEW and invaluable Medicine, for all diseases •f®. arising from impurities of the blood, morbid secre tions ot the Liver and Stomach—Also, a Substitute for Calomel, ns a Cathartic in Fevers, nnd all Bilious diseases. They have been abundantly and successfully tried, and have received universal approbation for Scro fula, Dyspepsia, Bilious diseases, Jaundice, Gravel, Rheumatism, Colds, Influenza, Catarrh, Nervous dis eases, Acid Stomach*, Glandular Swellings of all kinds, Costiveness, Colic, Headache, Ac. Sold by J. II- & W. S. ELLIS, Cotton-Avenue. Novembers a J. 11. & W. S. ELLIS, Druggists, Cotton-Avenue, Alacon, Georgia, HAVE just received the following, which they oiler for sale on accommodating terms : Superior English ground Mustard, for table or Med ical use Carpenter’s Extract Liverworth Do. Sarsaparilla Cububs and Capaiva Do. Extract Pink Root Do. do. Boneset I)o. Tonic Extract Do. Remedy for Scalds, Burns, Ac. Do. Disinfecting Liquid Chloride of Soda, for sick rooms, nnd keeping Meat untainted in hot weather. Callaghan's Vegetable Fever and Ague Pills Superior Red Peruvian Bark Oil Cantharidin, Oil Black Pepper Stomach Tubes, Dentist’s Instruments Croton Oil, Salaeratus, Pearlash Ground Spices, Starch Indigo, best Spanish, Salt-petre Salsoda, for w ashing, superior Apple Vinegari Best London Walnut Catsup Sultana Raisins, for cooking. Also, a general Stock of Fresh DRUGS, MEDI CINES, &c Septcmlicr 23 4 GOLD INK, i A beautiful article for Artists, Schools, Private Fami xV lies. Bankers, Merchants. Ac. This Ink, when written with, has the appearance of Gold. It can lie used either with a quill, gtell pen, or a fine hair brush i Ladies w ill find it for Ornamental Painting, Visiting j Cnrds, Ac., to be superior to any similar article which has ever been introduced to the notice of the nubhe _ For sale by J. H. A W. S. ELLIS, (an. 26 14 By appoiawient. STILLS. JUST received and for sale, a lot of Stills, from fifty to one hundred and twenty gallons. ’ i _ . JAMES if BISHOP A CO. 1 1« ,7,f I APOTHECARIES’ IIALL, Mulberry-street, Macon, Georgia. I>r. WILLIAM J. HOBBY, Jr. & Proprietor of the above establishment, respectfully inf inns the citizens of Macon, Yfc; ’*/ and the public at large, that he lias on Kgyi hand, and will he constantly receiving, a uK- A general and complete assortment of arti- cles in the Apothecary business, which he can recommend as of the best quality—and which he will dispose of on as moderate and accommodating terms as any other house in the city. Country Merchants, Physicians, and citizens gener ally. are invited to call and examine h:s Stock, before purchasing elsewhere, which consists (ill part) of the fid owing articles, to w it : Dregs. Medicines, file. Acetate Morphine, lodine Acetate Acid, Citric Acid, Prussic Acid, Tartaric Acid, Ammonia, do. Anuou Spts. Antimoniuls Pulv., Veratine, Srtychnine, Ema Rhubarbine, Crotcn Tigulim, Serule Comutnm,* Oil Smapinr, Oil Uaniharidme, fUrolygneous Acidh Hvdnolate Potssa, Ptpcrute, Oil b ack Pepper, Insp M -s Musk, Chloride Soda, Chloride Lime, Citratad . K i!i. Opium Dennrcotised, Cyannret Potassium, com. i Tin: ■■ Extract, Garrageen prepared, comp. Ext Spige lia, blue Moss, Prccip Extract Bark, Peruvian do., C’al isay i do., Toxa d.e. Red do.. Camomile Flowers, Sen ! ua, Uva Ursi, Hoiirhound, Sage, Africa Cayenne. Bay i berry Bark pulver.. Blood Root. Colchicum pulv., Gol i den Seal. Slippery Elm powdered. Quassia, Gentian Fowi'ercd, Cor* Arant powdered. Lobelia and Seed, lemlcck, Skunk Cabbage, Squills, Camhoge, Mezer ium. Hops, Ail annet Root, Cort Cuscurilla, Sassafras Seed, la,he3' Slipper, Golden Thread, Saffron, Cinna mon bark, pulv Ginger, rare Ginger.Curcuma, Mus tard Seed, Annisecd, Arrow Root, Aqua Ferns. Hofi'- man’s Anodyne. Borax, black Lead, Brimstone, blue Stone, Juniper lu rries, Cube!is. Oxide Be'tii'On, tVe* Wax, Burgundy Pitch, ftr.lsam Coniva, do. Tolu, do. Pern, black Drop, Cantharines, Cobalt, Colocynlh, Court Plaster, Cociilns Iml incus, Corosive Sublimate, fresh Caster Ob, do. Sweet Oil, Charcoal pulv.. Corks Velvet, Calomel, Antimony, Aloes, Rheuiiarb, Jalap, Digitalis, Opium, prepared Chalk, Acitate Lead, do. Cunri, do. Zinc, Arsenate Potassee, Phesphate Soda, Ether -ulphuricuw, do. Nitre, Nitrate Silver,do. Potas sae. Phosphate Iron, sulphate do., do. Potash, do. Soda, do. Magnesia, borate Soda, Phosphorus, manna Flake, Ointment Hvde Potassn, Ointment lodyne, do. Vera trine, d->. Itch, Oxyde Mercury, ext. Joltip. do. Butter nut, do. Hvogcvamus, do. Gentian, do. Belladona, do. Taraxici, do. Rhubarb, Nuxvomiea, do. Rhatania, do. Cicuta, do. Glycvrrhiza, Gum, do. Seamonv, do. Myrrh, and i Assafoptida, Guiae, pear! Bariev, Honey, Otto Roses, Lucifer and other Match es, Magnesia ealc’d, do. Carb, lsingbiss. Quick Silver, Seidltz Powders, Saratoga do.. Soda do., Tamarinds, Sponge, Wafers, Sarsaparilla, red Precipitate, w hite do black do., Pcarlash, Spanish'Float Indigo, Sp’ts Tur pentine, Vpnice do., safes Tart, Salmonia, Glue, Rosin Jujube Paste, Starch, Ac. Patent EfXedicines, Sic. Dutch Pills, genuine, with all directions: Lee’s New Loudon Bii’ioua Pills; Dvott’s, Lyon’s, Watkins’, An derson’s, Lee's, Hunter's, Hooper's, and Chapman's Pills; Spanish Tea, Wormseed Oil, Wentz’s Vermi fuge, Harlem Oil, Judkin's Ointment, Lee’s Itch Oint ment, Opodeldoc, Balsam of Life, Fever and Ague Pow ders, Godfrey’s Cordial, Bateman’s Drops, Columbian Oil, Thompson’s Eye Water, British Oil, Salts I .onion, Worm Tea, Butler’sAperient, Botanical Drops,Swaini’s Panacea, Indian’s do.. Ess. Iceland 3/oss, Cough .Mix hire. Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, compound do , Cuhebs and Copaviß, Syrup Livcrworth, comp, fluid ext. Pink root, Dalhy’s Carminative, Bleeching Liquid, Mend's Pills, Issue Piaisters, Elixir Life, Ginger, Beer Powders, .Medicated Oi! Silk, Digestive Elixir, Bile Remedy, Chloride Tooth Wash. Buy Rum, Balaam Honey, Cough Lozenges, Ext. Coffee, Cullen’s Liquid .Magne sia, Potter’s Gatholican. R iwand's Tonic -Mixture, Kelt's Vegetable Sjiecific, Saratoga Bow ders, e.xt.Bone set, Tonic Extract, &c. ■Brushes, Perfumery, Ike. Hair, flesh, nati. comb, clothes, tooth, shoe, horsp, Paint, Shaving, Varnish, Camel’s ami Badger’s hair, Conn er, Hat, Crumb, and Baste Brushes ; IX pilatorv Powder, Hair do.. Pearl do , Rouge, Muk Roses, Cold Cream, cream Almonds; Florida, Cologne, Lavender, ami Rose Water, Bear’s Oil, (Card's hair oil. Marrow Pomatum, Orange flower water, Macassar oil, spirit of Rose, Camphor Soap, Einolientsuap, Windsor and do. brown do., wash halls, curling Fluid, Antique Oil, Lip salve, Persian Otto Rose, Tooth Powder, Erasive do , extract Bergamot, do. Rose, do. .Musk, Honey water, Naples compound Shaving Tablet, shaving Cakes, Al mond Paste, patent Feather and other Brooms, powder Puffs and boxes, Preston smelling Salts, small Bottles, Tapers, &c. —also — Card and Cigar cases. Pocket Books, Purses, Indel hie Ink, Cravons, Lead Pencils ; Thermometers, large and small; Trusses, Snuff, Blacking : gold and silver Leaf, Bronze, Drawing Paper, Quills, Paint Boxes, In dian Rubber, Rulers, Ink and Inkstands, Stoughton’s Bitters, &c. Gurglcal Instruments, &c. Amputating Cases, Dissecting Instruments, Trepan ning Instruments, Pocket Cases, spring Lpneets, Ev ann's Thumb do., Dentists’ cases, Teeth Keys, patent -Scarificators Abscess Lancers, Tourniquets, Cupping Glasses, Air Pumps, Gum elastic Catcheiers, silver do. Nurt-eon’s Needles, Tooth Claws, Gum Lancets,Med ical -Spoons, Beales and Weights, Ac. &.c. Paints, Dye-Stuffs, Sic. White Lead, Prussia Bine, Eng. Chrome Yellow, chrome Green, Carmine frosting white, purple, blue do. Lamp Black, red Lead, Venitian red, Bp. Brown, Fcr ra de Senna, stone Orhre, Umber, Glue, Rose ; Rose Pink, No 1; blue Smalts, distilled Verdigris, spa. Tur pentine, Copal and Japan Varnish, Litharge, Cochineal, Madder, ground Camwood, do. Fustic, do. Logwood, Brazil wood, Nicaragua, Cudbear, Anatto, &c. 83“ Dr. Hobby is Agent for the following, among other celebrated and useful -Medicines. Innumerable certificates can he shown to prove the wonderful and astonishing cures each separate article has produced : Brandreth's rills. Life Preserving Cordial —a certain cure for Diarrhcea, Dyscntary, and preventive of Indian Cholera. Fitch's Indian Vegetable Elixir-A sure and safe cure r Rheumatism, acute and chronic Gout, and all chro nic pains of bones, joints and muscles, arising from a too free use of mercury, or other causes. Oldridae's Balm of Columbia. —This balm seldom fails to produce Whiskers or Eye-brows in eight weeks, though there were none on the face before. It prevents \ Baldness —the hair from turning grey—makes it look j bright and glossy, and frees it from scurf. Rawson’s Itch Ointment. Dr. Ueice’s Rheumatic, jVerre and Bone Linament. —lt gives relief in the swelling of the glands of the throat, and relieves the nuttibnessand contractions ofthe limbs, and will take swellings down, and inflammations out of the flesh, rheumatism, bruises and sprains : it gives immediate relief; it strengthens weak limbs, anti ex tends the cords when contracted. A few drops on sheep’s wool applied to the ear of deaf persons, will, by constant application, cause them to hear in two month? time. Rev. Dr. Barthomew's Pink F.xpectarant Syrup —An agreeable cordial, and effective remedy for coughs’ hoarsness, colds, pains in the breast, Influenza, hard breathing, and difficult expectoration. Dr. Mesthe’s Anti-Consumption Specific Syrup, (ap proved of by the officers of tne Medical Society of the city and county of New-York,) for the cure and pre vention of those dreadful Internal diseases where the lungs and chest are supposed to be affected. Dr. Spohn's Remedy for the Headache —sick or ner vous. Hoy's Linumcnt, used with the greatest possible sue cess (externally,) in the following complaints: piles, dropsy, swellings of the extremeties, acute and chronic rheumai m, lumbago and sciatic, tender feet, corns, w hite swellings, sore throat by cancers or ulcers, croup, whooping cough, tightness of the chest, bruises and sprains, scald head, scorfula, foul ulcers of the legs or other fungous sores, fresh wounds, chilblains, Ac. Dr. Werner's Celebrated Worm Tea and Sal tv. —The action of the medicine is not only to expel worms, but, by its Tonic powers to prevent a return of them, by re moving the weak state of the digestive organs, on which heir production mainly depends. Dr. Kline's Tooth-ache Drcps —An important chemi cal discovery, and the only never failing cure for the toothache ever offered to the public; also the cheapest, as the contents of one bottle will stop the pain of fifty teeth, if carelullv used. It being a German invention bus been patronized by the most eminent physicians o Europe. Dr. BonFs Vermifuge. —This preparation is confi dently recommended to the public, as an effectual med eine for expelling worms from the system. {FT Dr. Hobby will continue to receive, and keen on hand a full and perfect assortment of all articles in his line of business—and hopes, by unremitting attention to hiwusiomers, to receive a share of the public patron age. He repeats, that those wishing to purchase wc ild do trell to call and examine hits steak J r Orders respectfully solieauxh Novsmfcsr U NOTICE. TIIE subscriber having pur vDSSyVteg-yui chased the Hook fvorr. Print ir. tflfiec and Hook Bindery JPjfijgLrcVW.'- Vt "f Mr. E J. Purse, in view of f- ypermanently residing in Ma -aw —a , on. will continue the lfimk business in connection wtiili Printing ami Hook Hind ing, in the same establishment a« heretofore. I-arge additions will be made to liis stock in general, in the course of a few weeks. His stock of Law, Me dical and Miscellaneous Books in particular, will be rendered very complete- AU important and interesting new publications will be received by the earliest eon veyance, as they are issued from the pro;a. A general assortment of Stationary, Law, Notarial ami other Blanks; Maps, Cards, Pocket Books, Haler Colors, Pen Knives, Brushes, and such other articles as have been usually kept by Mr. Purse,and Messrs. Griffin & Purse, will be constantly on hand. To individuals making a large bill of Books on any one occasion, :he subscriber will furnish them as low as they could supply themselves w ith them from New York. Having every convenience and facility for Book Binding, Job Printing and Publishing, all work done in the establishment shall lie equal in w orktnanship to any thing that is done in the United States. Every effort will be made to merit the support of the citterns and make the concern creditable t<> Macon. JOHN M. COOPF.R. Macon, Oct. 20 52 New Carriage Repository. -: ' At the junction of Cotton Avenue and Second-strce’. IBM IE subscriber is now opening a splendid assort * ment of CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, BUG GIES, Ar., warranted no’, inferior, either in materials or workmanship, to any in the market, to the contrary notwithstanding, and w ill he sold on as reasonable terms is as can hr had at anv other place. Call and see. Januarys lyll R. BURR A CO. ~AT HOME ! !! Mulberry-street, Macon, Georgia. rS3IIE subscribers continue the Tinning Husiticss !! at their old stand, where they are prepared to fur nish Country Me.chants and Pedlars on reasonable terms. 83* Job work of all kinds done at short notice. JAMES 11. BISHOP & CO. June lfi 34tf i OCHMUL6EE STEAM-BOAT COMPANY, INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF GEORGIA, !X 1835 For the transportation and Insurance of Mer chandise and Produce, between Savanah and Darien, and Darien and Macon— touching at Hawkinsvtile, and the principal Landings. rjjlHIS Company will run their Steam boats as high s up as Macon as long as the state of the River will admit; and for low stages of the waters they hove pro vided, and are now running Pole-boats of such sigh draft ofvva'eras will admit them to run at any stage o the River, which are towed up by their Steam-boats two-thirds of the distance, thereby greatly expediting the transportation of Merchandise during the Summer and Fall seasons ; and their Steamers will lie in com plete repair, and ready for business, as early as the Ri ver w ill admit. THEIR BOATS ARE: ji C " I **l Steam-boat Comet, Captain Brandy, r Steam-boat Alatamaha, Captain Tnvlor, j 4 vVrsa«fl rb. *'Vf’ii* Steam-boat Ochnittlgee, Captain Blankinship; And a large number of TOW-BOATS, which will be in complete repair. For fnrtner information apply to REA & COTTON. Macon, J. W. LATHROP, Hawkinavillc, PH. R. YONGE & SON, Darien, V 31. PATTERSON -L CO., Savannah, McDOWELL, SHANNON & CO..Charleston, SCOTT, SHAPTER & MORRELL, .New York, r , A e'en Is. July H 3-91 f fyS / Hat and Slioe UJ STORE! IIIHE subscribers respectfully inform the citizens of H. Macon, and the public generally, that they have taken the store on Mulberry-street,opposite the Jf.ini ! w are store of Mr. E. B.VVeed, arul adjoining the Wash ington Ilali, and have on hand nnd are constantly ma king additions to the same from New-York, Philadel phia, Boston and Baltimore, an extensive and genera! assortment of I lats, Caps, Roots and Shoes, of the most fashionable style. Among w hich are— La ies’ French Kid Slippers ** Morocco do “ Walking Shoes “ Village Ties n Gater and Morocco Boots “ Prunella Boots, thick and thin sole “ Prunel Slips and Walking Shoes Misses’ Seal and Goat skin Boots “ (Talking Shoes and Slips “ and ladies’ Calf and Seal-skin Boots. A large assortment of Children's Shoes of all colors, Gentlemen’* fine Calf, Kip and IFater-proof Boots, Youths’ and children's calf nnd kip boots, Gentlemen’s fine calf Shoes and Bootees Boys’ fine calf and kip bootees. Gentlemen's tine Dancing Pumps fine high vamp Pumps, A general assortment of calf and kip Brogans. ALSO 4 cases Gentlemen’s fine Beaver HA TS, latest } New-York style, l 4 cases Gentlemen’s broad brim Hats 4 do “ black Russia Hum, broad brim 4 do white do do do 3 do Youths* Mack Silk do 2 do children’s do do 12 do common Fur do white and black December 1 6 do -Silk, and 6 cases Mole-skin /fats Gentlemen’s fine sea Otter CA PS, “ fine Fur and Nutre do “ fine doth do Youths’ Fur and Cloth do Children’s Cloth do A large assortment of men and boys’ Hair seal Cans UMBREjTaS* 1 assorl,nent of fi,,e Sdk and Cotton A large supp'y’of Shoe Brushes and Blacking j All of the above articles have been manufactured ex pressly for this market, and will be sold cheap for Cash. Purchasers will find it to their advantage to give “’December 8 ALDRICH A I Just Dropt in to See Yon AH I TUST RECEIVED, United States Screamer, Shin , J ,one R«u?mg Nigger Roarer, containing all de Nigger Songs eber wur wnt; Dream Books ; a large assortment of Plays, namphlet form, suitable for Thespian Societies, for safe at the Book Store of April 6 C ’ A ’ ELI f. JUST RECEIVED, riIOWNS’ NEW SPELLING BOOKS, and a * lsr £ p a **‘' r,,n,nt of School Hooks, nt wholesale at Charleston prices, by C. A. ELLS 1 April 6 u Extensive Jewelry J&tabl* THE subscrito; —. [fit r'VV-'X ceivmghis (all . ,re ts •/ » 2 ply of Good#, t *-r «up n f ll fa stock ill their ** coMOtatea TV 0 P -f) anyrvor otlrred B , u - |lenort ® /mj/ - •‘viit feet, and inferior * nlh “ mar -8 goodness ol quato i? 1 non * f or \ workmanship, •*P»tior ' - - style in the ol BIS STOCK CONSISTS OF Ladies and gentlemen’s gold patent levew , the approved makers, M. i. Tobias & Cos. '' ® tc hes, ol keli, Joseph J»hnso!i, John J/oncasand !; j n k"«- v.sA Cos. ; goid English anchor Da tliat were made to order nntl adjusted to j, nl **che»; ern climate ; gold Leninc Watches; ulvA.*" ™ soul, >’' w r Lepine, fcnglish Cylinder and Verw 2*,P»teat L«-' da s’ Curb, gunrd, basket ami cable' Cli-T la- Hooks. Seals, Keys and Swivels; Finger ai4~J l i ,, e’ "*•**' Broaches and children's Knolw and Ewßing*; men’s guard, curb and linked Chains; S- ,*"?•' S Pn «’ Swivals; bosom,sleeve and collar /Lttons —n ys and and Medahons; pearl am] gel Crosses; ~, as .'’P |n8 i Buckles ; gold, silver and pearl Snuff Bow - *'“ " nd , ,llv e r silver Ever-painted Pencil Cases; .Vini^^A 8 ' g , dand Bracelets: gilt, silver, plated ami shell Con^Y“ re siiv.r I hunhles; gold, silver and steel tela “'T a,,d cits, with gia«ses 'osnit everv age, and (>-tf ‘ , P ect »' Se.i and large Coral; Coral Necklace* To ed ’ Chains and Purses; a variety offend. • zing G 1 treses; .Vi,• roseopes; Spur Grotto; l.K.'ke;-Bulks; Indeiiihlelnk; EmonrC. _ Y sC,ddle *i ties. IV ii sties anti Teething Rings, f„ r t . h^S^ n .'is ßlll ; liur.s; Steel Busks; Portable Ink-stands* u- si ,s ; card and cigar eases; visiting (■.-_, . Wntl ng' Iru t: Lueifer Miches ; Battle-Dfem, fITT T and Graces ; Fencing Foils, Masks gerv A .'SOI s ILizors, pen nnd pocket Kiw Vm Bazar Strops; Scissors; Dirks; • n? I '' mends; seeds amps; ,ller . s V." °, hKninnoes; s'eel Pens; FireFeiMl«N~JiTn #rd,r Snovt Is and Tongs ; sheet Brass, brass d J r T' aim W eigh’s ; Surveyor’s Compasses arw eal Instruments ; As'rel and largo 0 ' lamp Glasses Candle Shies; Lta^2*" ? cV UD|) ' J and Thenuometera; WalkiniC^lYte 5 listens, insteil Belts, Pow tier Flasks, Bhotfe J’ t,un *' Bags; J..| ! nru! silver Leaf; Drnnd W hi im. Toupcts, Braid™ and ( urls ; Otto of R.ires,G«l.nie, I,;r, w if’ Jn mla Water ; Birmingham ami Slu-flirld "tcr nli'tid Cast. re. liquor Stands, Cnn.lle Sticks, tere. Tea Tray., Fruit Bask, ts, S,mile 3!" Ire v*. st'vt-rC u,.s. P:tehe r s t TnHf,Tt-a, )( . sfrt f .Gilt nnd .*/qsr»ru soup LmTlos, *«! " \* bunrr K:»iv< >\ jiiVklf Knivw nml Fork«« 9Uf J <,n^f and fob Kill As ; Muit'e a ' CLOCK-’* ; Mu-.: -al In3:ranien.s,r„nsi2S n „ u ?ht ' <J,; ailfl Kof’lr Drums. Fifru. ‘ Flarrletts, Clnronetis, Accordiana, ’ Shell Music Boxes, ami Music Boxes, to piny 12 tunes. A GOOD STOCK OF MILITARI A: MlLi’i’AKY Oi' new style, sm-li as are now used Ik. .i... a'* der a recent regulation. tin. Army in- Watchmaker’s hods and IHty^terials Rest.Vs many other nrticles—all of t. t |... v Wl n w ii verv low lor easn or approved pn|ier. ' H w Tlit v invite citizens, ;-nd utiwnt itew- -i ■ ... flic city, to call at their Store, (eastaide c~ — Mulhe-rvrtl tred exanutie their S' ,ek, where they t:reJ“ and haptiy n. attend to those w-ho may favor h.'iwiThtheir cail". VV.M. li.JOil.N'S’V'Uhl cO N. B. Particular attention paid to Wa - j. CH R, r . IRm „ lluv ing in employ nm.ruvedandesperie« Kor kf fn and being prepared to manufacture n ,| lrnar s „ movement of a Watch, wdl warrant c -^-en-piece they t as the original, and tlw perform well. w. B.J 4CO. Vv r ho!c*sale and a j|, EXTENSIVE of HATS AND C r 3 M { E S! ' hvri,vr is teinnnfaeturi „ (| hon A liami, a very extensive mid compt _„«,t ol nl. articles u.t! the Hat an -rs Upborinn to whu h lie would mvite the attention tg, ,|iose wishing to pnrehnse. Among his assortment in —n-1* train'd t;»- latest St) ie of gentbnien'a B.-ver, Rum* Reaver, Plain reaver, Satin Beaver u line Nutria quai!ty. 1< ‘ lnen ’ S ■ Mulefki " S ‘ lk lhl *’ of » superior Wit h a good assortment of Mcn’snml «w i. e medium nnd broad brim Braver, *{„;.»',le.ver, and common napped Hats, at very low- , jrlCMi A LSI I, Superfine Premium Cap*. Gentlemen’s superfine Sea Otter On - .. D•• do. Georgia One- r.-. Fine Fur Seal Cups. JUp, ‘ Fine Fur Nutria Caps. M uik, Mu.*krai and common Fur ri|B Also, children’s and Infants'fine it-' Va!v.» .ml do'll Calls, of the latest pa; terns and f-*.’nns mrtiri,. Igli'-d nr','"!:': " ,e U,,eim " n K a -K,d i Z ni'!r'’ San ' J B °J* Mwk « rf C3*nbWoolHats, d °' dn ' d<x — hair Seal Caps, ,AH of which are off-red at New Yor-3, prices xt,. r . chants and others wishing to buy cheap- _ eLai whole r;;'al1 ’ a T **■!*«% to C=- all and examine his nßNsirtment before purchasing. From long experience and increased facilities in the I la. and Cop biiAiur*?, the subscriber f PP u mnfirlcnt that he shall he able to please all his air » customers, and some new ones, cither in quantity, quaf nr : ' 1 "F Tltr —vmb's, and all articles wanted by the trade CEO. A. Ks TYMBERLY October 20 ’ "Uhe Big Hat, M ™lberry-str*'ct. PIANOS! PIANOS 31 J T PfTßmrjr l an,, r f<ir w f’ fuur l«nint PIANO «-» FORI r.S, manttfaettired 3y £, r )he w ,„,h. ern climate, and are warranted. public are invi ted ,0 call and examine them. Decembers THOMAS WOOD. NEW BOOKS. T T ’? T "wived. Cap,. Kyd, or the Wizinrd of the , ’ ' n * author ol Burton, 4c. or Bniiph Lumijcniie ry. IVr. 'i s Book of Reality, fur IH3J ;h e engraving* nt;d binding is very exquisite. Fur ss= *,| e , t tfe. Rook ■"d Music store °f C. A. El, IA March -0 jj HEADY MADE CLOT J UST received at my Auction R.n« -^ m , on consign. *. “r"';* general assortment of (U LADY MADE K . * lILN V> f “ r v iT f * r ’ CH, V assisting of Coats, Pantaloons, Round Jackets, Vests, Six. L fee., all of w htch wtll be sold low f„r CASH. Lovers of sen. tcel and fashionable Clothing, at a re t =*„ccd price, will do well to call and examine lor thei]is=r fives. mdl B ' Tflo above Guol!a will heaolc^M f L pr'y!re Salt March 23 NEAT ORLEANS MOL- fxf ) BRLS. m prime order, just per Ocmul v / gee Company’s boat, and for i e W March 2 REA COTTON. PAINTIN' Mi. r l'' H ? t s r ubscrib f, r ’’ now prepared tc»_ execute all kinds °* llou s E ' nnd Fancy P« w .iNTWt;,Git,m.vo. Glazing, and rAPEn-IlANoiNtt. Hos. ssc-Painting will be done by the yard, pound, or dny. Orders, either in the city or country, thankfully receiv— and promptly Ffeßt n Offic , °’ 81 S1 ’ Mulk, rry' str ~-^‘( - ti opposite the 'sept 18 D ' * REA ’ HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE OMPANV, HARTFORD, CONNECT*: CRT, Incorporated in 1810 with a Capita? 0/1150,000, and power to increase the tame to UiNHIS long established Institution R—jas for more than a quarter of a century, ted its extensive business on the most just nnd liberal rirtcinles—paving its losses with the most honorable pro-^^nptnrfw ; present Bonn! of Directors pledge tnrr^~ — in this P®r« hcular, fully to maintain the high gepuntion of the Company. It insures on the most terms, ev ery description of property against ' — m 1 and dnmogf bf r ire, but takes no marine risks. Apnlica ion for Insurance maybe made eitherper sonally, t by letter, to its Agent in this city: and all renewals r risks now running by w his Company mi property 1 , this eity, may he made hy application I# the Agent wA.D.JO®ar STON.Aetnl. Macon, April I), 1838