Southern post. (Macon, Ga.) 1837-18??, May 04, 1839, Image 4

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NOTICE. THE subscribe? having pur chased the Book S ore, Print. \«L~- '%• A\ ing Olfi'-e and B«k Bindery ra|S '/ofiv A <if Mr. F. J. Purse, in view of ff~ ' jq.a* *~ a\ pt ruianeitlli residing til Ma e«n, will continue the B «»k business in connect w. w* Putting a.vd Book Bind ing, in the same establishment a* here'- tore. Large additions will be made '0 hiss ock in pen era., in the course of a lew weeks H» c V dical an 1 Miscellaneous Book* in patne-da.. a.ll lie rendered eery eowpiete. A!! important amil me resting new paniicnfior.s wi>! be received by the earnest eon veyance, as thev are issued from the peers. A genera] assortment of Stationary Law-, and other Ranks; Maps. Cards, Pocket Books, Hn-er Colors, Ten Knives, Brushes, and;su<sk otuer articles as ha™ been usua'.tv kept by Mr Parse.and Messrs. Oritfin A Purse, will be constantly on hand, lo individuals making a large Mil of Books oa any one occasion, he subscriber will furms’a them as low as they could supjly themselves with them from New York. Having every convenience and taiilil} for Book * Printing and Publishing, an work done in the ofTkblishinent shall he equal in workmanship to any thin#that is done m the United &ta rs. Every effort will be made to merit the support of me citzens, and make the concern auditable coopFß Macon. Oct. 20 •’ >J PROSPECTUS OF THE FORSYTH lIERAID. A NEW PAPER, under the above title, is proposed J\ being published in the Town ot Forsyth, Monroe County, Georgia, to He devoted to Literature and Do mestic' Economy. The subscriber, believing that such a publication is essential to the welfare ot Forsyth and the surrounding country, hopts to meet with a ?hareof the public patronage. . , As politics seem to be intermixed with every thing m the shape of a public print, the undersigned is deter mined not to interfere, or have any thing t • do with them in his capacity of conductor of a new-spaper He is induced to pursue this course from a firm belief that the people have become satiated with political sub jects. Terms.— The Forsyth Herat.d will be primed on a medium sheet, in folio form, at Two Dollars per an nurn, in advance, or Three Dollars at the end ot the year. A. P. BURR. Forsyth, April 19, 1319. . Prospectus of the Second Volume. EMBELLISHED with splendid Engravings and cn-* t veloped in printed covers —THE VI 111 NT V MIRKOK, a semi-monthly journal, devoted to Polite Literature, Music, Ac.; by William T. Thompson.— The success which has attended the alsove p tblication, and the very liberal patronage which has been extend ed to the first volume, has induced the publisher to make every effort in his power to render the work still more worthy the patronage of a Southern public. With this view, arrangements have been made, by which he has secured the assistance of a numerous list of cor respondents with whose co-operation he hopes to be able to render ihe second volume almost entirely ori ginal in its contents, as well as S lutliern in character. While lie would avoid making promises which he might lack the ability to perf >rm, yet his confidence in his pre sent resources, enables him to assure those who have encouraged him by their patronage in the infancy of his undertaking, that if they have been satisfied with the past, they will not fail to be pleased with the second volume of the Mirror. The second volume, which will he published on the 11th of May, will he considerably improved til arrange ment and typographical appearance, and will lie printed on paper of an excellent and uniform quality, though no material change will be made in the plan of the work The ensuing volume will be enveloped in neatly primed covers, and will he embellished, quarterly, with splendid quarto lythgraphic views of Southern scenery, buildings, Ac. Terms—The Mirror is printed in royal quarto form, on good paper, and on fair tvpe, and is issued every other Saturday evening, at $3 in advance, or $1 at the end of the year. Each volume contains 26 numbers, or 203 royal quarto pages, including 26 favorite pieces of Music, arranged either for the prißO forte nr guitar ; eonmrising, in all, more reading niatteT than is contain ed in 2,000 common Atr’»4» cornr. ptvifoe. To Clubs— For a Current Ten Dflar hill, enclosed to the editor, post paid, four copies of the Mirror will be sent. Kr A liberal per centage allowed to agents. Augusta, April 20, 1839 PROSPECTUS OF the second volume of THE AMERICAN MU SEUM OF LITERATURE & THE ARTS, a monthly magazine, embellished with steel portraits.— Cn the first ol January, IS3J, was commenced the se cond volume of the American Museum of Literature and the Arts. This magazine is a depository of pa pers in the various departments of Literature, Science, and the Arts, calcula’ed alike to instruct, profit, and please the reader. As utility is the characteristic of the age, the Museum contains articles of solid interest up on Science, Literature, H story, Biography, and .Mo rals. Reviews and literary criticisms, so important in this publishing age, occupy a prominent place in the work. It, also, contains short reviews of the entire works ot distinguished American author- 1 , accompanied by portraits engraved on steel. The solidity of the work is relieved by lighter arti cles—such us graceful essays, interesting and amusing tales, criticisms upon ihe fine arts, legends, sketches of travel, litemrv and scientific intelligence, and poetry of a superior order. The very favorable reception which the work has met from the press and the public, has justified the pro prietors in making liberal arrangements for contribu tions to the second volume ; and they have according ly made large additions to their corps of regular con tributors. In the January number will he found ori ginal papers from the following popular writers: Rev. Dr. Beasley, Rev. J. 0. Morris, Rev. J. H. Clinch, David Hoffman, Esq., VV. G. Simms, Charles West Thompson, T. R. Hofland, H. I’. Tuokerman, E. A. Poe, Professor Fisher of the University of Ma ryland, Professor Foreman, W. B. Tappan, II rs. Si gourney, Miss H. F. Gould, Mrs. Emma C. Embury. Besides these, many other writers of known ability have contributed to the work, and will continue to aid us. In the March number is the commencement of a se ries of “ Italian Sketches,” by a gentleman of taste and scholarship, who has been sojourning in that classic country. Besides these, the future numbers of the Mu seum will contain articles from and stinguished Europe an writers —although we are fir more anxious to re ceive assistance from, and encourage, native talent. Plates— Portraits, on steel, by a distinguished artist, similar to that of Washington Irving, in the Septem ber number, and of J. F. Cooper, in the January num ber, will continue to embellish the work. OCT Terms— The American Museum is printed on good paper, with new type, and makes two volumes a year, or more than 500 pages each. Price 85 per an num, payable in advance. F’our copies will be sent one year for 815. We shall he happy to receive applica tions, post paid, for travelling and local agencies, with references enclosed. All communications must he post paid, and directed to the editors. BROOKS Sc SNODGRASS. Baltimore, Md. Prospectus of the CORSAIK, 4 GAZETTE OF LITERATURE, DRAMAT iI IC NEWS and CRITICISM, FASHION and NOVELTY. —N. P. Willis and T. O. Porter propose to issue, weekly, in the city of New York, a paper of the above designation and character. It is their design to present as amusing a periodical as can he made from the current wit, humor, and literature of the times, to collect the spirit not only ol English, but of French and German belles letters : to give dramatic criticisms with vigilant impartiality and care: in short, to pieturb the sge in its literature and fashion, its eccentricities and amusements. As the practical law of copv right secures to them, free of expense, the labors of B.ilwer and B >z, Scribe and Balzac, with the whole arm of foreign writers, they cannot at present, (consistently with pocket wisdom so well understood by American publishers) offer any thing for American productions. Tiieir critical department, however, will be always on the alert for native litera ture, and to the best of their ability they will keep a running guage of the merits to compatriot authors. They see their way verv clearly without crowding upon the track of any weeklv periodical, and abstain ing from more particular profosei >n*. they take leave to assure their friends, that if the harvest of event, wit genius and poetry, fail not over the world, they can hardly fail to furnish them with an agree able paper. Terms. —Five dollars per annum, in advance Ad dress the Editors, by mail. • 'Phe CORBAIR will appear early in the mouth of March next. New York, Jan. 183 T JUST HEfKIVKO, 4 LARGE aweirtmeo* us NEW M AN’S COLORS in Cakes, Pencils, Drawing Paper, Fine Albums, Porcelain Hiate*. V.emng Cards, Superior Penknives, Porti kioa, &.C., for sale by C. A- LLLS April 6 __ 1 aOTAJjII, iu«t reeeivrd and for sale by I' J II * W H. i.LLlS.Cottou Avenue H HI Kbl *ra J»<l»'3naa ’hoobk SCOTJ „ etf ' ti<] njjsuuof gutpjinq syi tit pat, "Jtioff tyi iiisodita 'JJOfc Sru(J sj-sntoi/g Hsxifjl o) loop »t-< vo *1 ;i : eyi jyoinui i,uo(J 5 H3LI33XVH H 53133NJ103 •panotjos Aftiyioadsar srapro -C3 -spucii etq ut stio.w natp jsnnua ism oq.w pu assajd 01 ajqr aq pi.w aq—iiqqn pato pua ‘oouauadxo Suo| stq —so:;; -pocj pascojout juasaod aqi ipt.w *jcqi ajns sjaaj aaquo -qns aqi ‘uotjoujsijos [OSJOA'.un uoaiS ouaqttq Suucji ,/sUBd asaqj „ ut auop aq titio isq Strap itts 01 uoumOls puc ‘jauuuiu aqqumuqjo.w B u •oxix^iHd-aor jo AJJ.JBA .\H3.\3 amoaxa 01 su etqutta jp.w qotqw ~‘uoiqsnj puuo;.iis is--nq„ aqijo pi —suSisop sttoußA jo ‘gj. ij (naa.MAH our qtt.w Jaq -oSui— jiiamubssi! snouojd jro 01 ad.i j, jo ajnoj a a 3AU-Ai.v3.ui JO uoqtppß ue poAMOjj u>nf o.vuq 3 1\\ ajfdjo ox!x.v:nidttK*f USES TAVLOR, Miinufaclurer of Furniture nntl I'pholstcrer. Has rem’ivid his stock to the corner of Cotton A eenne and M ilbe'iy Streets, opposite the Washington Hall. FIMIE proprietor respectfully informs me citizens of I Macon and vicinity, that he has on hand a larg° and full assortment of CABINET rUHNITUBE. Consisting of Sideboards, with and without marble tops; setts of Dining Tables; single Dining Tr Mr.; Card; Tea, Work and Writing Tables; Centre Tables, with and without marhie tops ; Sofas, latest fashions : Secre taries and UtKik Cases; Bureaus; Pianos, of the most approved manufacturers, and the newest Mcstc; Piano Stools ; Mahogany, Maple and Poplar Bedsteads ; dou ble and single Wash Stands ; curled Hair and Moss Matrasses ; Feather Beds, of the best quality. A large assortment of Mahogany, curled Maple and Fancy CHAIRS ; also. Looking Glasses, of every description. ¥T All the above articles are of the latest styles, and will be warranted to stand the climate. The subscri ber invites the public to call and view for themselves, at his Ware-House. .1. T. December] 6tf PIANO FORTES, Ac. THE Subscribers are now re -111 ill °?> v 'ng the most sp'endid PIA ever oflered in this part of the country, which they w ill sell ill upon the most reasonable terms, Sg/ for cash, or approved credit, at their Furniture Store, opposite 1 W \1 the Washington Hall, Cot'on Av -1 |1 AJA enue. They also have on hand, - I! are manufacturing and receiv ing. Furniture and Chairs of the very best quality, and every variety of pattern, which the public are invited to call and examine, before purchasing, as their terms will al ways be such as to suit purchaser*. JAMES P. BRADLEY & CO. March™ 21if SPLENDID FURNITURE ANI> CHAIRS. mm s.. 1 \ - tk&m Opposite Washington Hall, Mulberry-street. r |3HE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and M. the pubiie that he is receiving and manufacturing a more splendid assortment of FURNITURE, than has ever been oflered for sale ill this city, at the lowest prices FOR CASH. The following comprise a part: Sideboards, with and without marble tops. Secretary and Bookcases, Sofas of the latest style, Couches, Settees and Easy chairs, Di ning tables in setts and single. Centre Tables with and without marble Tops, pier Tables, Pembroke Tables, work Tables, toilet, dressing and french Bureaus, Ma hogany,, Maple and Popular Bedsteads, Mantle glasses, Dressing oxes and Glasses, Sociables, Ottomans, Car pet and Chair Cushions, Piono Seats various patterns, Mahogany, Curled Maple and Fancy Chairs, Hair and Cotton Mattrasses, Feathers and Feather Beds, Blinds, Floor Mats, Willow Wagons and Cradles, together with every article in his line. The proprietor is supplied with the best of workmc n, and well seasoned materials, so that he is enabled to manufacture any article in his line,that may becalled for. Orders from the country shall receive strict atten tion. The public are invited to call and examine for themselves. THOMAS WOOD. December 2 <j;s,6 Macon Carriage Depository, (On Second, near Mulberry.street, {opposite Corner to the • Washington Hall.) THE subscriber?*, grateful for past favors, would respect \rg fully solicit a continuance of Visa.rr* A the same, as they feel conti j * L/- dent that thev will he always , - - ■ _ ready to supply the most tas e ful customers in every variety " of Ca rr iaze3l anu Ike lory, c-- We mvi-e the citizens <n V»:i x ‘ con, and the public generally, to call and examine the work, quality, prices, &c., as we feel assured that all who wish to purchase, would find it to their interest to deal with us. S jnie of our Vehicles are light, and yet strong, being made of the best materials, and of superior work manship. They were manufactured expressly for this market, and we believe them equal, if not superior, to any ever offered in this city. Inasmuch as all who have purchased from us, and after trial, have found the work equal to our representations, we feel confident in re commending it, and beiicve that those who examine will be induced to purchase. From the extensive sales we have made, we have been encouraged to have every pains bestowed on our work, and offer it at a reduction from former prices. I he subscribers having made arrangements with some or the most extensive Carriage Manufactories in the Northern Cities, will have on hand, and l>e con stantly receiving, the coming season, an extensive as sortment of CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, BUGSYS, and vehicles of all descriptions ; which will he of the lieat workmanship and materinls.and which will be sold on as good terms as can be purchased in any city in the S mtln rn country. They have also a number of first rale northern workman constantly ’niployed, making and repairing Carriages in a superior style. SKT Orders for Carriages will be pr ntiptlv attended Ito1 t - ‘ WRIGLEY Sc HART. THEY ALSO RAVE ON HAND, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF v SADDLERY- W ARE /» StABUiaSS, 0r EVERV DESCRIPTION: V.jilJilJjy li st Ladies’ & Gentlemen’s Saddles, A Spanish, Columbia, Travellers, Fancy, v~' Qiiilic i,ol large and extra large sizes; Also. Race and Boy’s Saddles. English Bridles, Mountings, Whips of all kinds. Hard Leather Trunks, Car(iet Bags, Bear un<l Buffalo Shins, <J-c. t(r. All of which will bes >l4 a-low ns they can be bough n this city, or any part of the Southern country. Wr Repairs of all kindsof the above business done , n a superior style of workmanship. ! October 27 M PALYfIJXU. fpilE subscriber is now prepare I loexccnb nil kinds • ot llotat, Sion. Slid FaUCY Painti.N'o Gii.iwv,. > G latino, aid I’api r-Hanoiku. liouse-Paiinmg «j| ibe done by (lie yard, u mild, or dav. Oder*,e tier in ilwcity or eoun'ry, tb»nkfully received and promptly attended to, at No, *l. Mulberry-otter I, amamte tbr Foot Office 1> T. it LA aept |u THE SOUTHERN POST. Morton’s Pulmonic Expectorant Cougli Syrup, For Coughs, Colds, Asthmas, Consumptions and Whoop ing Coughs. V.MONG the numerous complaints with which the human family are atticted, none are more common ban coughs' colds, &c. and none more fatal in their re al’s, unless timely care is taken to stop their progress ■efore they become too firmly seated upon the lungs.— notwithstanding the many remedies that have been of ered to the public, not any have heretofore proved sue •eessful in procuring a certain and speedy relief. The proprieter having been an eye witness (tor sever d years) of the astonishing virtues of this extraordinary Medicine, at length deems it his duty to offer it to the public, in a wav that it mev receive a more extensive 1 I circulation : and at a price that the poor may receive the | benefit of it as well as the rich. This syrup is particularly efficatious in removing I coughs arising colds, attended with hoarsenessnnd sore ness abont the windpipe; likewise shortness of breath ing. tightness acr,»s the breaht, accompanied with a dekling cough: qnd in all consumptive cases i;s u*e is onrticularly recommended, likewise whooping cough is jreatly relieved by its use—children laboring under this iistressing disease, in innumerable instances have !, r en astonishingly benefitted in a tew days: the pleasentness of it is a great advantage, as children will take it with as much p ! easure as they will preserves. N. B.—The directionsaccompanyingeach bottle will be signed by IVm. L. Perkins, tile sole proprietor.— Each bottle is scaled with the impression of mortos's pulmonic expectorant cough syrup, plainly stamped on it. For certificates, see the directions. WM L. PERKINS. | We have just received a fresh supply of the above, and cun salely recommend it as a very excellent medi cine. li. & J. SHOTWELL, Agents, December 16th. 8 Dr. h i tfiln 1 I 1 1.-1 rated Eye Water lor In dnniatiait .ind Weakness of the Eyes. rt ’HE grea - advantages of this infalib!q_remedy places 1 it as a general appendage to families, and a con stant tsule-mei urn to the traveller. This Eye Wa'er is prepared with the greatest care, and has never been known to fail in effecting a speedy and safe restoration of the diseased organs. It is useless to attach any cer tificates by way of praise or recommendation. * The reputation and immense sale that has attended Dr. Seudder’s Eye Water, is the fairest proof of its utility and lieneficial tendency ; it has been the means of preserving sight to many of the afflicted, from the help less infant to the aged parent Thousands of letters have been received by Dr. S. within these few years, containing flattering remarks relative to thisE>e Wa ter —and the cures effected by it, have been set forth as wonderful beyond precedent. Dr. Scudder confidently recommends this Eve Water as a safe and valuable remedy—and he trust that his experience as an Oecu list, to weigh against the gross impositions which are daily practised on the public by advertisements of dif ferent kinds of Eve Water, many of which are unsafe to use. Prepared bv Dr. John Sccddlr, Occulist and inserter of Artificial Human Eyes. A supply of the a bove Eye Water, for sale by 11. SHOTWELL. OCT Merchants in the country supplied at the Pro prietor's price. March 10 20 SANDS’ REMEDY For salt Rheum, Ring Worm, Tetters, Scald Head, Barber's Itch, fyc. THIS remedy is a combination heretofore unknown in the annals of medicine. It is the production ot much experience, deep research, and great expense, and is ottered to the public in the fullest confidence of its lieing an effectual, safe and speedy uire for the Suit Rheum, and ali other diseases of the skin, such as Tetter, Ring Worms, Scald Head. Barber's or Jackson Itch, itja . These diseases are known to he the most obstinate of any to which the human svstem is subject, and can on ly be thoroughly eradicated by perseverance in the right course of treatment, and by using the right medicine. Such a medicine has been discovered in this remedy, and we speak from our own knowledge and experience when we say, that in forty-nine cases out of fifty it will effect a permanent and rapid cure by attending to the accompanying directions lor use. Sold by J. H. 4- TF. S. ELLIS, Cotton-Avenue. March 24 22 PATENT machine spread STRENGTHENING PI, ASTER. 2 N the preparation of these very Sa/>erior and Ele- M. gant Plasters , no cost or trouble is spared to ensure possible degree of perfection, in point of utility, elegance and comfort. They arc spread of various sizes on kids of the beet quality, by Machinery, invented expressly for he. purpose, 1, which gives them an advantage over every cluster heretofore offered to the public) as by this means il v can lie made of a uniform thickness, and free fro the inequality of surface which frequently preve n's olht s from adhering, or renders them irritating and uncomfortable, an objection, which it is impossible to avoiu by the usual method of spreading Plasters Th 0 composition used in these Plasters, is earefullv prepared at a lower temperature, from a combination o valuable Resinous Gums, with the ad-mixture of sever al choice aromatics, entirely separated from all extra neous and irritaring particles; and from its peculiar combination of highly strengthening, anodyne and slightly stimulating properties it afFirds a pleasant and effectual remedy, in ali cases of pain in the side, and breast, weakness or oppression of the chest; /min or u-eak ness of the back or loins ; Also, in the sense of sinking and fuitness at the pit of the stomach, accompanying Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. In Rkematic, or pain ful affections of the limbs or joints, their Anodyne and Stimulating properties render them particularly benefi einl. In Colds, Coughs, or Asthmatic Afectinns, they will he found to give immediate and permanent relief. Persons who from sedentary habits, or other causes, an predisposed to affections of the lungs, will find these I!'=ters an effectual security against those pulmonary attacks which prove but two frequently, (when neglec ed) the precursory symptoms of Consumption ; audio deed in a climate like ours, where colds sad coughs air an almost unfailing consequence of the sudden changes to wnich all are subject, every one at all liable to suflei from the influence of these causes would find the great est possible security in having his chest and lungs pro tected by one of these invaluable Plasters. To children suffering from IF7t oo/fing Cough, or Colds affecting the chest or lungs, the sedative and ano dyne properties of these Plasters, afford signal relief. These Plasters being spread much more rapidly, as well as better, by Machinery , are sold much lower than Plasters spread in the usual method. For sale by J. H. &. TV. S. ELLIS. June 2 32 NEW MEDICINE WORTHY OF NOTICK Dr. l’helps’ Compound Toronto Pills— En tirely Vegetable ! \NEW and invaluable Medicine, for all diseases arsing from impurities of the blood, morbid secre tions of the Liver and Stomach—Also, a Substitute for Calomel, as a Cathartic in Fevers, and all Bilious diseases. They have been abundantly and successfully tried, and have received universal approbation for Scro fula, Dyspepsia, Bilious diseases. Jaundice, Gravel, Rheumatism, Colds, Influenza. Catarrh, Nervous dis eases, Acid Stomachs. Glandular Swellings of all kinds, Costiveness, Colic, Headache, ,V c. Sold by J. H. &. v». S. ELLIS,Cotton-Avenue. F T ~~t T nFer 3 2 J, 11. & W. S. ELLIS, Druggists, Cotton-A venue, Macon, Georgia, OAVE just received the following, which they offer for sale on accommodating terms : Superior English ground Mustard, for table or Med ical use Carpenter's Extract Liverworth Do. Sarsaparilla Cubuhs and Capaiva Do. Extract Pink Root Do. do. Boneset Do. Tonic Extract Do. Remedy for Scalds, Bums, &c. Do. Disinfecting Liquid Chloride of Soda, for sick rooms, and keeping Meat untainted in hot weather. Callaghan’s Vegetable Fever and Ague Pills Superior Red Peruvian Bark Oil Cntitbaridin, Oil Black Pepper Stomach Tubes, Dentist's Instruments Croton Oil, Salaeratus. Pearlash < >mund Spices, Starch Indigo, best Spanish, Salt-petre Saisoda, for washing, superior Apple Vinegar. Best London Walnut Catsup Sultana Raisins, for cooking. Also, a general Stock of Fresh DRUGS, MFDI CINES, Ac September 23 4 GOLD INK, Vbpnmifid article for Artists. School’, Private Fami lies, Bankers, Merchants. See. This Ink, whei written with, hns the appearance of Gold. It can b« used either w ith a quill, »'rll pen, or a fine hair brush Indies will fina it for Ornamen'al Painting, Wowo Cards, Sec., to he superior to any similar ar ele win ! has ever lieeu introduced to the nofire of the mihiie For -ale by J. H. A W. R I'LLIH, ban- W 14 Bjr appui.tment ■TILLS. JUST receive*! and for sale, a lot of Sulla, f f()m f, f,, to one hundred and twenty gallons. JAME» II BISHOP A CO. Fab 19 |Tt/ APOTHECARIES’ HALL, Mulberry street, Macon, Georgia. Dr. WILLIAM J. IIOBBY, Jr. Proprietor of the above establishment, respec.lully ml- nnaihecit.zeiiSof.Mucon, y arid 'he public ai large, that he Inis on Bfeg hand, and will be constantly receiving, a general and complete assortment of aru- m vies in the Apothecary business, which he can recommend us of the heat quality—and which he w ill dispose of on ns mod rate anil accommodating terms as any other house in die city. Country Merchants, Physicians, and citizens gener ally, arc invited to call and examine II s S oek, la-lore purchasing elsewhere, which consists (in par.) ol the fol owing articles, to wii : D.-ugs, Medicine?, die. M >rphine, I ali tie Aceta'e Aeid,Ci*rlc Acid, Prussic Acid, Tartaric Acid, Ammonia, do. Annoti Sp’s. Antiin minis Pulv., Vcratir.e, Snychnine, Klim tine. Iltiuhailitne, Cro’en Tiguluu. Se ule C irnutuin, 1 Oil Sitiapine, Oil Uanthnridine, Hyrolvgneous Acidh Hvdriotate Potssa, Peperine, Oil b ack Pepper, Irtsp M ‘ss, Mask, Chloride S ala, Chloride Lime, Citratad K di. Opium Don re itised, Cyanuret Potassium, com. Topic Extract, Carrageen prepared, comp. Ext Spigt lia, blue-Moss, Precip Extract Bark, Peruvian do., Cail isay, do., T >xa do., Red do., Camomile Flowers, Sen na, Uva Ursi, Hourliound, Sage, Africa Cayenne. Rav berry Bark nnlver.. Blood Root, Colehicum pulv., Gol den Seal. Slippery Elm powdered. Quassia, Gentian powdered, Cort Arant powdered. I, ihelia and Seed. Hemlock, Skunk Cabbage, Squills, Gamboge, Mezer ium. Hops, Alkannet Ron*. C■ »rt Cuscnrilln, Sassafras Seed, ladies’ Slipper, Golden Threa , Siffr n. Cinna mon bark, pulv Ginger, rare Ginger. Curcuma, Mus tard Seed, Aniliseed, Arrow Knot, Aqua Feriis, H iff. man’s Ano lvne. Bir ix, black Lead, Brimstone, him- S' nr. Juniper berries, Cubehs, Oxi-te Bi-opum, Bees Wax, Burgundy Pitch. Palsaiu C-iP’va, do. Tolu. do. Pern, black Drip, Can'ha Hues, Cuba)', Coloeymh. Court Plaster, Coculns Itidiarns, Corosive Siihlima e, fre«h Castor Oi , d>. S.vcetOi 1 , Chare ml pulv.. Corks Velvet. Calomel, Ant imony, Aloe-, Rheuhnrh, .lidnp. Digitalis, Opium, prepared Chalk, Aci'a'e Lead, do. Cunri, do. Zinc, Arsena’e Po'assee, Phesphate Soda, Ether - ulphuricnw, do. Nitre, Nitra e Silver, do. Po a=- sae. Phosphate Iron, snlpha'e do., do Potash, do. Soda, do. Magnesia, borate Soda, Phosphorus, manna Flake. Oin'ment Hvde Potnssn, Ointment Todyne, do. Vera trine, do. Itch, Oxyde Mercury, ext. Jolap, do. Butter nut, do. Hvngevnmiis, and '. Gentian, do. Bc'ladonn, do. Tnraxic', do. Rhubarb, Nuxvomica, do. Rhatania, do Cicnta, do. Glycvirhiza, Gum Arabic,do.Camphor, do. Scamonv, do. Mvrrh, di A«eafmtidn. Guiar. pearl Bariev, Honev, Otto Roses,Lucifer and other Match es, Magnesia calc’d, do. Carb, Isinglass, Quick Silver, Reid'tz Powders, Saratoga do.. Soda do . Tamarinds. Sponge, Wafers, S trsnparilln. red Precipitate, w hite do black do . Pea-lash, Spanish FI >at Indigo, Sp’tsTur nen'ine, Venice and salt* Tart, Snlinonia, G! ic. It jsin Jujube Paste, Starch. &c. Patent XRedicines, <kc. Dutch Pills, genimip, with nil directions ; Lee’s New London Bil’ioiis Pills; Dvott’s, Lyon’s, Watkins', An derson's, Lee's, Hunters, Ho.,pci’s, and Cnapinan's Pills; Spanish Ten, Worinseecl Oil, Wentz's Vermi fuge, Harlem Od, Judkiu’s Ointment, Let ’s Itch Oint ment, Opodeldoc, Balsam ot Life, Fever and Ague Pow ders, Godfrey’s C irdial, Ba ema i's Drops, Columhiau (>il, Thompsons Eve Water. Briiisli I hi. Salts Lcii: :ii, Worni'l’ca, /Jll tier’sAperen', Botanical Drops.S vaiiu’s Panacea, Indian’s «!•«., Ess. Iceland Mass, Cough M \ tore, F’iuid Extract S irsaparilla, enmpon ddo s Cul-ehs and Copavm, Syrup Livcrworth, comp, "uid ex'. Pink root, Dalby's Carminative, Bleeching Liquid. iVeud's Pills, Issue Plaisters, Elixir Life, Ginger, Beer Powders, Medicated Oil Silk, Digestive Elixir, 7’ile Remedy, Chloride Tooth Wash, Bay Rum, Balsam Money, Congh Lozenges, Ext. Coffee,Cullen’s Liquid Jiagne sia. Potter's Cntholican. Ruwand's Tonic Aftvtiire, Rt-IPs Vegetable Specific, Saratoga Powders, ext.Bone set, Tonic Extract, Ac. Brushes, Perfumery, £ic. Hair, flesh, nail comb, clothes, tooth, shoe, horse, Paint, Shaving, Varnish, Camel’s and Badger's hair, Coun-er, Mat, Crumb, and Paste Brushes ; Dopiln'ory Powder, Hair do.. Pearl do. Rouge, Af.ik Roses, Cold Cream, cream Almonds ; Florida, Cologne, Lavender, and Rose Water, Bear's Oil, fFiird's hair oil. Marrow Pomatum, Orange flower water. Macassar oil, spirit of R ise, Camphor Soap, Emulient soap, Windsor and do. brown do., wash hails, curling Fluid, Antique Oi l , L p salve, Persian Otto Rose, Tooth Powder, Era-five do , extract Bergamot, do. Rose, do. A/usk, Honey w a'er. Naples compound Shaving Table', shni ing Cakes, Al mond Paste, patent Feather an I other Brooms, pow der Puffs and boxes, Preston smelling Salts, small Bottles, ’Papers, Ac. —ALSO— Card and Cigar ense=. Pocket B nks, Purse*, 111 'e! ; Ide Ink,Cravo is, Lead Pencil* ; Thcrmome c-r--, lariv ! and small; Trusses, Sniff. Blacking ; gold and silve Leaf, B onze, Drawing Paper, Quills. Paint Boxes, In dian Rubber, Rulers, Ink and Inkstands, Bougluon’,- Bitters, Ac. Su.-gical Instruments, C:c. Amputating Case', Dissecting lastrimien-p, Trnpir ning Instruments, Pocket Cases, spring Lpncets, £v aim’s Thumb do.. Dentists’cases. Teeth Keys, pa e:r Scarificators Abscess L ineels, Tmir ique's, Cuppin; Glasses, Air Pumps Gain elastic Catclie-t rs, silver do Surreon's Needle-', Too h Claws, Gum Lancets,4/ed ieal Spoons, Neales and Weights, &e. &c. Paints, Dye-Stuffs, Skc. Whim Lead, Prussia iJiue, Eng. Chrome Yellow, chrome Green, C inline fr istiiig white, purple, blue do Lamp Black, red Lend, Venitian re- 1 . Sp Br iwn, Ker ri i de .Senna, stone Orbre, Under, Glue, Ro-e ; R ,sr Pink, No 1; blue Shiahs, distilled Verdigris, sps Tur pentine, Copal and Japan Varnish, Litharge, Cochineal, .l/'tdder, ground Cainwoo*l, do Fust e, <1 ~ Logwood, Brazil wood, Nicaragua, Cudbear, Anatto, See. Kr Dr. Ilobuy is Agent for the following, nmon - other celebrated and useful AA-dicmes. Innumerable certifi, tttes can be shown to prove the wonderful and astonishing cures each separate article has produced : Brandreth's Pills. Life Preserving Cordial —a ccrtai n cure for Diarrhoea, Dysentarv, and preventive of I idian Cholera. pitch's Indian Vegetable Elixir-A sure anti safe cure r Rheumatism, acute and chronic Gout, and all chro nic pains of bones, joints and ni!i«.de«, arising from a too free use of mercury, or other causes. Oldridge's Balm of Columbia. —This balm seldom tails to produce Whiskers or Eye-brows in eight weeks, though there we e noneon the face before. It prevents Baldness—the hair Irnin turning grey—makes it look bright anti glossy, and frees it from scutf. Bateson's Itch Ointment. Dr. [Teiee's Rheumatic, Nerve and Bone Linament. — It gives relief in the s-.ellingof the glands of the throat, and relieves the miiiihuessand contractions ofthe limbs, and will take swellings down, and inflammations out : of the flesh, -rheumatism, bruises and sprains: it gives immediate relief; it strengthens weak lie hs, ana ex tends the cords when contracted. A lew drops on sheep’s vvi«>l applied to the ear of deaf persons, w ill, by constant application, cause them to hear in two month.- time. Bev. Dr. Barthomew's Pink F.rpectoranl Syrup —A n agreeable cordial, and effective remedy For coughs hoarsness, colds, pains in the breast, Influenza, hard breathing, and difficult expectoration. Dr. Mesthe's Anti-Consumption Specific Siprup, (ap proved of by tile officers of the Medical Society ofthe city and county of Ncw-York,) for the cure and pre vention of those dreadful Itfernal diseases where the lungs and chest are supposed to be affected. Dr. Spohn’s Remedy for the Headache — sick or ner vous. Hay's Linament, used with the greatest possible sue cess (externally,) in the following complaints: pies, dropsy, swellings of he extremeties, acute and chronic rheumai m, lumbago and sciatic, tender feet, corns, w hite swellings, sore throat by cancers or ulcers, croup, whooping cough, tightness of the chest, bruises and sprains, scald head, Rcorfuln, foul ulcers of the legs or other fu-gous sores, fresh wounds, chilblains, &c. Dr. TVevaer's Celebrated Worm Tea and Salve. —The action ofthe medicine is not onlv to exiiel worms, bn', by its Tonic powers to prevent a return of them, bv re moving the w eak state of the digestive organs, on w hich heir production mainly depends. Dr Kline's Tooth-ache Drips —An itnporlr nt chemi cal discovery, and the onlv never failing cure li r the i toothache ever da red to the public; also the cheapest, 1 us the eonten’s of one Istttle w ill stop the pain of fifty ■eetb.if cnrcliilh used. It being a German intention j It. s been patronized bv the most emh.ent physicians Europe. Dr. Bond's Vermifuge. —Tins preparation is confi dently recommended to the public, ns an effectual tiled-’ cine for expelling worms from the system. Ks Dr Hobby will continue to receive, nnd keep on 1 hand a full ami perfect assortment of nil nr'icic* in bis haeof bn*int er—and lto|ies, bv umtemi'iing attetition i '<> hiscusiorners, to receive n share ol the public natron ;ge. lie r, pea's, that those wishing to purchase we tin io well in rail and examine In* atpek Orders respectfully aoliciusl November 24 PIANO FORTES, From Robert X nnr <J" Clark's, and Grib 4' Walker's M.nufucto, es, at C. Bruno's Music Store, In Macon, Georgia . C BRUNO is c mstandv receiving from the said • maiiiif.ic 1 ,ie .superior Piano--,innm.factured ex pressly lor his e- ab.ishinen’.of various par erns of Rose Wood and Mahogany, with the grand actio:', harp stop, me allic pla ev, patent tuning pins, Ae. <Ste., enihracing the latest fashion of furniture, with tablet an'l hollow corniced fronts, veneered legs, anJ Grecian scrolls; all of which is warranted lo he made of such material and so well seasoned, as o stand the te-t of everv climate. A written guaranty entitles the person to exchange the instrument at any tone within one year, if not satisfac tory, (if retu-ned uninjured.) Alsu, constantly ri ceiving, new and fashionable Mu sic, In traction Book-, G sitars. iolins. Flute--, Flageo letts, Ac. Guitar and Violin S'rinas, Ruled Music Pa per, Brass Instrumen's for Bands, such as Trombones, Bugles, Trumpets, Ac. April 6 2<y New Carriage Repository. At the junction ol Cotton Avenue and Second-street. f|A HE subscriber is no» opening a splend-d nssort- B ment of CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, BUG GIES, Ac., warranted no' inferior, either in materials or workman-hip, to any in the marke'. to the contrary notwithstanding, and will he sold on as reasonable terms is as can he had at any other place. Cell and see. Januahys lyll R. BURR A CO. AT HOME !!! \ Usmi li »T i Mu-Ferry-street, Macon, Georgia. FRAME subscribers continue the Tinning Business A at their old s'and, where they are prepared to fur nish. Country Me.chants and Pedlars on reasonable terms. &CT Job work of all kinds done at short notice. JAMES 11. BISHOP A- CO. June 16 34T OCHMULGEE STEAM-BOAT COMPANY, IXCORrORATED BV THE I.E. ISI.ATURE OF GEORGIA. IN 1335 For Ihe transportation and Insurance oj Mer and Produce, between Savanah and Darien, and Darien and Macon— touching at Huwkinsville, and the principal Landings. ,r a lIIS C unpany w ill run their S’cnm boa's ns high ■ up as Mac.ui as lung as the state of the River w ill admit; and tor low stages of die waiers they have pro vide!, and are now running Uo'e-bt ats ol sue high Iruft of w a'er ns will admit the m to run at any stage o he River, w hich are towe'd up by their Seam-boats wu-thirds of the distance, thereby greatly expediting he transportation of Merchandise during die Simmer ind Fall seasons ; and their S cun ers will he in coin ilc'c repair, a id ready for business, as early as the Ri ver will admit. THEIR BOATS ARE 1 * ecr~-7l Steam-boat Comet, Captain Brandy, Steam-boat Alatamalin, Captain .sSSSESa. Tayl ir, . VV-.-7A p S eam-boa' Oeliinlilgcc, Captain Blaukinship; An 1 a large number of TOW-BOATS, which will ie in eomple’e repair. For fur her information apply to REA efe COTTON, Macon, J. W. LAT HR OP, Ha vkinsville, PH R. YONGW A SON, Darien, WM PATTERSON A CO., Savannah, McDOYVELL, SH ANNON a CO..Charleston, SCOTT, SHAPTER A MORRELL, New York, Agents. July 14 33T / Hat and Shoe ff] STOKE 1 FB4JIE .subscribers respectfully inform the citizens ol w Macon, and the public generally, that they have taken the store on Mulberry-street,opposite the -Hard ware store of Mr. E. B.W eeu. and adjoining the Wash ington Hall, and have oil hand and are constantly ma king additions to the same from New-York, Philadel phia, Boston a: and Baltimore, an extensive and general ass. rttneut of Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, ofthe ntost fashionable style Among which are— La it s’ French Kid Slippers “ Morocco do “ Walking Shoes “ Village Ties “ Outer and Morocco Boots “ Prunella Boots, thick and thin sole “ Prttnel Sips nnd IPiilking Shoes Miss s’ Seal and Goat skin B iota “ TFulking Shoes and Slips “ and lad cs" Calf and Seal-skin Boots. A large assortment ofCluldren’s Shoes of all colors, Gcnt'einen’* fire Call, Kqtand IPater-proof Boots, Youths’nnd children's calf und kip boots, Gentlemen’s fine calf Shoes nnd Bootees Boys’ fine calf and kip bootees. Gentlemen’s fine Dancing Pumps fine high vamp Bumps, A general assortment ot calf and kip Brogans. Als— o-4 cases Gentlemen’s fine Beaver HATS, latest! Ncw-York style, l 4 cases Gentlemen’s broad brim Hats 4 l J° “ black Russia flats, broad brim and do “ white do do do 3 do Youths’ black Silk do 2 do children’s do do 12 do common Fur do white and black Decemher 1 g t f 6 do Bilk, and 6 cases Mole-skin//ats. Gentlemen’s fine sea Otter CAPS, “ fine Fur and Nutre do “ fine Cloth do Youths’ Fur and Cloth do Children’s Cloth and„ A large assortment of men anti boy’ H air seal Caps UViTre/lTs' 1 I,ssorlment o( fine Sllk “I'd Cotton A large supply „f Shoe Brushes nnd Blacking. A I ofthe above articles have been manufactured ex prf'w»|v for fhi« mnr* rs, nur] will hr soi.p cheap f«»r c »sh. Purchasers mil h,dii to their adoantu/ eto nive urn call 11E1DT, ALDRICH Sc CO. December M j. I .lu»t Drai-t in to See You All ! IPST RECEIVED. United States Screamer, Shin , J"’"'' o' ’ R, . HlMntr N't’'-"'' Roarer, containing all tic Ntggt r Songs el er wur writ; Drenm Books ; a Inrge nssoruneiit of Pin vs, m pamphlet form, suitable for I nespiun Societies, for sale at the Book S'ore of . ... C. A. ELIA April u __ 24 JEST RECEIVED^ si ’OWNS’ NFAV SPELLING BOOKS, and n ■ large assortment of ccliool Bojk*, at wholt snle, at Charle-toti prices, by C. A. FILLS April A M Extensive Jewelry Establishment. THE subscribers are re \ ceiving Install and wintersun W/ff '■ ! ich ‘tonsiituies /'/;/ ‘ j. \Y a stock in their line supen.r in /M 10 A 7i] any ever offered in th,s „iar ke, ’, and “ fcri *,!o none to r ' -•^ V J 1 goodness of quality, superi " r J? workmanship, or variety ni style , n the United States.* ° BIS STOCK CONSISTS OF Ladies and gentlemen's sold patent lever / the approved makers, M. 1. Tobias A Cos., Row. lU ° f keH, Joseph Johnson, John -Voneas and LitherVnd I(S' V!* &. Cos. ; gold Lngl sh anchor escapement WatchS that were made to order and adjusted to suit the 5,,„7c ern climate; gold Lcpme Watches; silver patent il! ver Leptne, English Cylinder and Verge Watches - it* dies Curb, guard, basket and cable Chains; witek Hooks, beals. Keys and Swivels ; Fingerand Ear Ringi- Broaches and children’s Knobs and Wires; genSl men s guard, curb and linked Chains; Sal» Kevs «mT Swivids; eve and collar Buttons ; Breast-rfil Hunbut and . a Ta S 1 P Carl "T 1 g e, prt*ses; gold andsilv£ Buckles ; gold, sJver and pearl Snuff Boxes; goldaml silver Ever-pointed Pencil Cases; Miniature Bracelets; gilt,silver plated and shell Combs; gnld'and silver Humbles; gold, stiver and steel templed Sneeta dcs with glasses to suit every age, and near-sighted- Sod and large Coral; Coral Necklaces; bead Base Chains and I urses ; a variety of Beads ; Spy and Quiz! zing Glasses; Microscopes; Spar Grotto; Ti n Caddies- Pocket-Books; Indellitile Ink ; Emory Cushions; ILu' tie., \V n sties and 1 eeqhing Rings, for children ; Corset Rings ; steel Busks ; Portable Ink-stands and Writing, desks; card and cigar cases ; visiting Cards ; imitation l'ruit; Lucifer Matches; Battle-Doors, Shuttle-Cocks and Graces ; 1-encing Foils, Masks and Gloves ; Ro. gers A Bnn s Razors, pen and poeke Knives ; C. Em erson s Razor Straps; Scissors; Dirks; Glazier’s Dm nionds ; sonl Stamps; Chess-men, Backgammon boards I?, 1 * ( Pens; Fire Fenders, And Irons’ bhoyHs and I ongs ; sheet Brass, brass Wire, Scales and Weights; Surveyor’s Compasses and Mathemati cal Instruments ; Astrel and large suspending Lamps lamp Glasses and Candle Shntfcs ; Looking Glares ■ I U.tcs and Thermometers ; Walking Canes ; Guns’ l istols, pistol Belts, Pow der Flasks, Shot Pouches, na,,* Bags ; gold and silver Leaf; Dental Instruments Tgitlil and tin Foil; Whigs, Toupetts, Braids of Hair, Rolls and Curls ; Otto of Roses, Cologne, Lavender and Flo rid a Water ; Birmingham and Sheffield silver plated Castors, honor Stands, Candle Sticks, Branches, Wai ters, Tea Trnvs, Fruit Baskets, Snuffers and Snuffer Trays, silver Cups, Pitchers, Table, Tea, Desert,Cream Salt and Mustard Spoons, soup Ladles, sugar Tongs’ butter Knives, pickle Knives and Forks, sugar Scoups ntu! fish Knives ; Mantle and Mahogany eight-din CLOCKS ; Musical Instruments, consisting of Bass and K< ’le Drums, Fifes, Flutes, Flagelet's, Claronctts, Accordions, Shell Music Boxes, and Music Boxes, to play 12 tunes. A GOOD STOCK OF MILITARY A MILITARY TRIMMINGS Os new style, such ns arc now used by the Army un der a recent regulation. AVatchmaher's Tools ar.d materials. Besides many other articles—all of which they will sell very low for cash or approved paper. 1 hey invite citizens, and person? generally vision” the city, to call at their Store, (east side of Mulberry-st.) and examine their Stock, where they are ever ready and happy to attend to those who inav favor them with their calls. WM. B. JOHNSTON A €O. N. B. Particular attention paid to Watch Repairing. Having in employ approved and experienced workmen, and being prepared to manufacture all the pans ol movement of a Watch, will w arrant every niece they make ns perfect as the original, and their Watches to perform well. W. B. J. A CO. Wholesale arid (detail. EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF n ATS AND CAPS. r|A IfEsubscriber is now manufacturing, and has on ■ hand, a very extensive and complete assortment of all articles connected wit the Hat and Cap business, to w liieh he would invite the attention of tlu-se w ishmg to purchase. Among his assortment niuv he found, The latest style of gentlemen’s Black tie ver, llus.ia i’eaver, Plain leaver, Satin Beaver and fine Nutria [firs. Gentlemen’s Moleskin Silk Hats, of a superior quality. Wiili a good assortment oflMen’sand Boys’fashiona ble medium and broad brim Beaver, Rus-in Beaver, and common napped Hats, at very low prices. ALSO, Superfine Premium Otter Caps. Gentlemen’s superfine Sea Otter Caps. D a do. Georgia Otter Caps. Fine Fur Nutria Caps. Mink, Muskrat and common Fur Caps. Also, children’s and Infants’ fine Silk, Velvet nrd Cloth Caps, of the latest pa trrnsund sash ons, partitu llarly worthy the attention of those w anting a genteel, j good article. ! sft- tloz Men’s and Boy’s black and Drab Wool IJnts, : a good ar ie!e. 30 doz do. do. do. do. hair Seal Cap?, a good article. All of which are offered nt New York prices. Mer chants and others wishing to buy cheap, either a t whole sale or retail, a re respect fully invited to call and examine hi? assortment before purchasing From long experience and increased facilities in the flat and Cap business, the subscriber feels confident that he shall be able to please nil his old eus'oniers, and some new ones, either in qunntbv, mtnlitv, or pr ee. A general assortment of HAT TRIMMINGS, and all articles wanted by the trade GEO. A. KIMBERLY, Sign of the Big Hat, Mulbcrry-street. October 20 ’ 52 PIANOS! PIANOS!! JUST received and for sale, four elegant PIANO FORTES, manufactured expressly for the south ern climate, and are warranted. The public are invi ted to call and examine them. THOMAS WOOD. Decemher 8 .7 PAPER AND STATIONARY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, f|3I!E subscribers have just opened their Fall and 3 Winter Snick of fine anti superfine Letter, Cap, and laraer PAPERS, most of which has been pur chased direct from the manufacturers. Stationary, of every kind, Blank Books, for city or country trade, Pocket-Books, Pen Knives, &e. Which they will sell oil accommodating terms, for eitv ncccn'anccs. iflcnk Books made to order. Pn iters supplied with Printing Paper, Ink, tkc. 0 the best quality. BURGES & WALKER, Stationer’s Ha 11,85 East-Bay, Charleston, SC. November 10 3otnp Fresh Flour ! Rfil \ BBLS. fresh South-Carolina ground Flour t/v' 20 do do Canal Flour, For sale by A. R. McLAUGLIN- April 20 2fip GEORGIA COURT CALENDAR. Our Georgia Court Calendar, for 1833, is now ready for delivery. It contains the correct time for holding the Superior and Inferior Courts in the different Coun ties of the State—the days of the month—and the Re turn Days for each Court. It will he found very useful to Attorneys, Corporate Institutions, Clerks, and others having much business with any of our Courts. The following is the opinion of several gentlemen (members of the Bar) in this city, who hav# examined the Calendar : Macon, March 21,1839. To C. R. Hanleiter : We have examined your “Georgia Court Calendar, for the year 1839,'' nnd find it generally very correct, and recommend it to the patronage of the Bar most particularly. It is the most complete relerence sheet ol the same character printed in the State,nnd w e earnest y hn|te that your Calendar ntay be profitable to you in proportion to its very high merit as a Court Index. McDonald, Powers & Fbankli*, Poe & Nisbet, Tracy & Gresham, James Smith, John Lamar, I. G. Seymour SET Single copies, 91—or 98 per dozen. Older* fro® l a distance, enclosing the cash, and post paid, re»p*o' fully solicited and promptly attended to.