Southern post. (Macon, Ga.) 1837-18??, May 11, 1839, Image 4

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FOOD roa THE MIND. X3MW SODS S2Oll l rHE subscriber would respectfully unorin Ins Incnd and the community in generaLthat he has reinov -1 from Milledgeville, and permanently located hiinsel! . ’his place, iws doors fviutli ol the asbiitglati Mali. 1 Mulberry-street, at the stand formerly occupied by /,.i. If. Burdsall, ann latelv by A. MrArn, where lie tends carryi nil oa the BOOK and FA A( « hi St r ESS on the tnostres unable term ; and he nailers uise'f, if the peopleiw li call and t amine his stock at tl if will be convnt-ed that he can sell as low as in be. bought at anv house this side of New York., A mono his stock may he found a generalassortmen' ‘ lytic, Wdirnl, Miscellaneous and School BOOKS; LOBES. MA PS and CII. 1 RTS; MAh'mntical In -umrnis ,- It “cor t and Bank Books of all kinds, spar. Ink, Quills, Inkstands: Pntting, Vailing and Lying Cards ; S eel Pens, Fine Cutlery, Silver Pern !«, Purses, P.M-ke'-books. Bmker'sCases, Ladies' /ork-boxos; Indies'and gentlemen’* Dressing Cases: tnected Maos Spelling Puzzles, and a large ass->rt tent of TOYS f>r children : Fancy and Drawing Fa »r, Bnsmi boards. Paints, Varnish, India Ink, Brush i for Pai r ng ; Gentlemen s fine //air. Shaving, Nail. *,ioth, Whisker and Clothes Brushes : Writing and ravelling Desks; Wilson's Manifdd letter Writer, ith the art of despatching 1,2,3 or 4 letters with a sin e stroke of tlie pen—a very useful article for all busi- Cofogne, Florida, Lavender and fttv Waters; Milk f R ises. R iuge ; Ladies’Curls, Head Ornaments, Ac 'io ! ins. Accordiane, Music Boxes: the most celebrated VIUSIC for Pianos; Card and Cigar Cases ; Tobacco and Stuff B .ves, 4 c A c. f;(c AM New I*nh'ict»‘io!is will be received as eo ; .•» they arc issued from the press. n d, e above gx> Is have all been sc to ted fresh in New Y s’i this fall, and are of the hesi binding an ( tnnter ;istfe-i A liberal discount will lie made to gentlemen >jvi revellers bovine by theO'lan'ity. for their libraries a.: i -el/ools. By ael we application to business, and a de r/u a com nla'e, I Impe to merit a portion of the p&:i ..age of this liberal community. C. A. ELLS. November 17 Iyd PROSPECTUS OF THE FORSYTH HERA 1.1). VNEW PAPER, under the above title, is proposed being published in the Town of F >rsyth, Vlonr e C m tty, Georgia, to be devo’e I to L'erature and De mesne Economy. Top subscriber, believing that such a publication is essential to the welfare of Forsyth and the surrounding country, hopes to meet with a share of the public patronage. As politic t seem to be intermixed with every thingin the shape of a public print, the undersigned is deter mined not to interfere, or have any thing t > do with them in bis capacity of conductor of a newspaper He is induced to pursue this course from a firm belie! that the people have become satiated with political sub jects. Terms. —The Forsyth Herald will be printed on a medium sheet, in folio tirin, at Two D dlars per an num, in advance, or Three Dollars at the end if ’he year. A P. BURR. Forsyth, April 13, 1513. Prospectus of the Second Voimn". IJt MBSLLISHED with splendid Engravings and en- 1 4 vei.iped in printed covers —I'll tl AUGUSTA MIRROR, a semi-monthly journal, devoted to Poiite Literature, Music, Ac.; by William T. Thompson.— The success w hich has attended the above p ibhcation, and the very liberal patronage which has been extend ed to the first volume, lias induced the publisher to make every effort in ids power to render the w irk «ti!l m n e worthy the patronage of a S mthern pubiic. With this view, arrangements have been made, by which he has secured the assistance of a numerous list of cor respondents with whose co-operation he hopes to be able to render the sec md volume almost entirely ori ginal in its contents, as well as S mthern in character. \Vmle he windy nvo and making promises which he might lack the a!>.litj» pert -rni, yet l„s cmifi lence in Ills pre sent him to assure those who h ive encouraged their patronage in the infancy of his un if they have been satislie I wi'h the past, thee fad to be pleased with the second volume of the Wrffojf. The sc mud volume, which will be published on the 11th of M iy, will e cdiisiderably improved in arrange ment and tvpograpoical appearance, and will be printed 0.0 p iper of an excellent una uniform quality, though oo nuteiial change will be made in the plan of the Work Toe ensuing volume will be cnve'oped in neatlv printed covers, and will be em Lshc-', quarterly, with aple l lid quarto lythgraphic views Otnpoutliern scenery, building-', Ac. Terms—The Mirror is printed in royal quarto form, on good paper, and oil fair 1 vpe, and is issued every other S uurdat even'll?, at $3 in affiance, or $4 at the en lof tue year. Eicii volu nc con aiis 2.5 numbers, or 2B royal quarto pages, including 26 favorite p eces of Mildc, arranged either for the piano tur'c or guitar; comprisiii t, in all, m >re tea ling matter than is contain ed iu 2, O) con n m duo lecimo pages. To Cubs—F >r a Current Ten D > !ar bill, enclosed to tlie eluor, post paiJ, four cop.cs of the M.rror will be sent. Augusta, April 20, 1833 PROSPECTUS OF the second volume of THE AMERICAN MU SEUM OF LITERATURE & THE ARTS, a monthly magazine, embellished waits eel portiatts.— Cn the first ol January. Id3-h was commenced the se cond volume of the American Museum of Literature and the Ana. This magazine is a depository of pa pers ii the various departmc its of Li'erasure, Science, and the Ar s, calculated alike to instruct, profr, and please the reader. As utility is the characteristic of the age, tne M laeuni contains articles of sotid interest up on Science, Literature, H story, Biography, and Mo rals. Reviews and literary criticism-, so important in this pumishing age, occupy a prominent place in the work. I', also, contains short reviews of the entire works ol distinguished American authors, accompanied by portraits engraved on steel. The solidity of the work is relieved by lighter arti cles—such as graceful essays, interesting mid amusing tales, criticisms upon the line arts, legends, sketches 01 travel, Itterarv and sciendtic intelligence, and poetry oi a superior order. Toe very favorable reception which the work has met from tne press and the puhlic, has justified the pro prietors in making liberal arrangements for contribn tions to tbe second volume ; and they have according ly made additions to their corps of regular con tributors. Li the January number will be found ori ginal papers frjm t ie following popular writers: Rev. Dr. Beasley, Rev. J. G. M irris. Rev. J. H Clinch. David Half nan, Esq., W. U. Simms, Charle- West Thompson, T. R. Holland, H. T. Tuckerotan, E. A. Poe, Professor Fisher of the University of Ma ryland, Professor Foreman, W B. Tappan, Mrs. Si- Sjurncy, Miss H. K. G >ul t, Mrs. Emma C. Emhtiry. 1 these, many other writers of known ability have contributed to the work, and will continue to aid us. In the March number is the commencement of a se ries of “ Italian Sketches,” by a gentleman of taste and scholarship, wh» has been sojourni g in that classic country. Besides these, the future numliers of the Mu seum will contain articles from and stiuguished Europe an writers —although we are far more anxious - o re ceive assistance from, and encourage, native talent. Plates— Portraits, on steel, bv a distinguished artist, similar to that of Washington Irving, in the Septem ber number, and of J. F. Cooper, in the January num ber, will continue to embellish the work. iKr Terms- The American Museum is prin'ed on goo i paper, with new type, and nittkes two volumt s a year, or more than 5>3 pages each. Price $5 per an num, payable in advance. Four copies will be sent one year for #ls. We shall be happy to receive applica tions, p .st paid, for travelling and local agencies, with references enclose i. Ail communications must be post paid, atiJ directed to the editors. BivOOKS A. SNODGRASS. Baltimore, M i ■ Prospectus of the CORSAIR, A GAZETTE OF LITERATURE, DR AM AT /A IC NEWS ami CRITICISM, FASHION and NOVELTY. —N. P. Willis and T. O. Porter propose to issue, weekly, in the city of New York, a paper of the above designa’ion and character It is their design to present as amusing a periodical as ean lie made fronv the cu-renl wit, humor, and literature of 'he tunes, ru collect the spirit not only ol English, but of French and German belles letters : to give dramatic criticisms With vigilant impartiality and care: in shor, to picture the age in its literature and fusliion, its and amusements. As the practical law of conv right secures to them, free of expense, the labors of Bul wer-Wnd B >z, Scribe and Balzac, with the whole arm of foreign writers, they cannot a' present, (consistently with pocke* wisdom «o well underst >od bv American rujMiahers) otferanv thing for American productions. Their eritieitl department, however, will be always on alert I'm native litera ture, and to the best of their ability tiiev wilt keep a running gunge of tile merita to compatriot authors. They see their way very clearly without crowding upon Uie track of any weekly periodical, and ribs oui- ( ing from inore par iculnr profeasyms, tiiev take h xttlii Manure, their friends, that if the. harvest of . vm»f, w u. |>e:ii'n Mod pnrtrr. fail not n'«l the w.frbi, (Jir . can hardly fad to lorn b them with en agraMHe pajier. Term-.—Five and .Ultra |«er auii'.iivstj advance Ad dross <te Editors, by mail JAMES TAYLOR, Manufacturer of I'urnilure ami Upholsterer, Has removed hi < slock to the comer of Cotton Avenue and M ilbe-iy Sint's, opposite the I Washington Hull. '■A HE proprietor respectfully informs me citizens of JL Macon and vicinity, that he has on hand a larg" md full assortment of CADI NET rUH N ITU HE. Consisting of Sideboards, with and without marble tops; reus of Dining Tables; single Dining T.'bln ; Card: Tea, Work and Writing Tables ; Centre Tables, with mid without marble tops ; Sofas, latest fashions ; Sicre 'aries and Book Cases; Bureaus; Pianos, of the most approved manufacturers, and the newest Mrsic; Piano Stools; Mahoganv, Maple and Poplar Bedsteads; dou ble and single Wash S nnds ; curled Hair and Moss Matrasses ; Feather Beds, of the lies- quality. A large assortment of Mahogany, eurled Maple and Fancy CHAIRS ; also. Looking Glasses, of every description. fcT* All the above articles are of the la'est styles, and will be warranted to stand the climate. The suliscri-i her invites 'be public to call and view for themselves, at his Ware-Hi use. J. T. December 1 <kf j PIANO FORTES, Ac. t, . THE S ibseribers are now re- Jr if eeii ng the most sp'etulid PIA jfjL~.|/ NOS ever offered in this part of ,^l< country, which thev w 11 «el' -// jj up >n'he most reasonable terms, fir cash, or approved rredi', at their Furniture Store, opposite 1 tJy| \l the VVashing’on Hall, Cot'on Av- X 1$ '\\\ enue. They also have on hand. j \ are manufacturing and receiv- 1 * ing. Fnrnitnre and Chairs ofo the very best quality, and everv varie’y of pattern, which the public are invited to call anti examine, before purchasing, as their terms will al ways be such as to suit purchase's. JAMES P. BRADLEY & CO. March 10 2l:f j SPLENDID FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. n : v. Opposite Washington Hall, Mulberry-street. ' | 'IIE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and j *. the public tiiat lie is receiving and manufacturing a more splendid assortment of FURNITURE, than has ever been offered for sale in this city, at the lowest prices to R CASH. Tile follow mg comprise a part: Sideboards, with and without marble tops. Secretary and Book cases, Sofas of the latest style, Couches. Settees and Easy chairs, Di ning tables in sett“ and single. Centre Tables with and without marble Tops, pier Tables, Pembroke TnSVe, work Tables, toilet, dressing and french Bureaus, Ma hogany,, Maple and P ipular Bedsteads, Mantle glasses, Dressing B >xcs nod Glasses, S iciables, Ottomans, Car pet and Chair Cushions, Piano Seats various patter ne. Mahogany, Curled Maple and Fancy Chairs, llair and Cotton Mattrasoes, Feathers and Feather Betip, Blinds, Floor .Mats, Willow \Vagous and Cradles, together with every article in his line. The proprietor is supplied with the best of worktn,' n, and we'l seasj'ied ma’crinls, so that he is enabled to manufacture any article in bis line, that may be called for. Or lers from tlie country shall receive strict alien-! ti m. The public are invited to call and examine for themselves. THOMAS WOOD. December 2 fi ofi PIANO EOKI I.S, From Hubert jYi. nn* 4* Ctork's,nnd Grib 4 Walkers Maiufadmits, at C. Bruno's Muse Store, In Aim on, (ieorpin. CA BRUNO is constandy receiving from the said / . maniifactuiie .superior Pianos, manufacture ! ex nressly for his es'abh-dimen',of various patterns of Rose I Wood and Mahogany, with the grand action, harp stop, ; metallic plates, patent tuning pins, Ac. Ac., embracing I the latest fashion of furniture, with tablet and hollow 1 corniced fronts, veneered legs, and Grecian scrolls: all of which is warranted to be made of such material and :so well seasoned, as to stand the test of even climate. A written guaranty entitles the person to exchange the ! instrument at any time within one year, if not satisfae i torv, (if relumed uninjured.) ; Also, constantly receiving, new and fashionable Mu sic, Instruction Book-, Guitars, > iolins. Flutes Flageu j letts, Ac. Guitar an t Violin S'rings, Ruled Music Pa* j t>« r, Brass lustrumen's for Bunds, such as Trombones, Bugles, Trumpets, Ac. I April 6 24y Macon Carriage Depository, {On Second, near Ma’herry-rtreet, ( opposite Corner to the „ I Vathingtou Hall.) THE subscribers, grateful for part favors, would respect- RS, rra tody solicit a continuance ol *l3 , the same, as they feel cunfi- J i jy | * A l J' dent that they will be always ready to supply the most tits e tul customers in every variety ofl'nrringe Matinluciory. We invi-c the citizens ol Ma •- * con, and the public generally, to call and examine the work. luahtv, prices, Ac., as we teel assured that all who ■visit to purchase, would find it to their interest lodeai vi tfi us. S >rne dr our Vehicles are light, and yet strong, oeing made of the best materials, and of superior work* nanship. They wore manufactured expressly for th.s uarket, and we believe them equal, il not superior, to | my ever offered m this city. Inasmuch ns all who have ; purchased Irotn us, and after trial, have found the work j equal to our representations, w e feel confident in re commending it, and lietieve that those who examine i will tie induced to purchase. From the extensive sales we have made, we have been encouraged to have every naiiis bestowed on our w ork, anti offer it at a reduction irom former prices. : The subscribers having made arrangements with 1 me of t lie most Carriage Manufactories in ihe Northern Cities, will have on hand, and lie con jstantly receiving, the coming season, an extensive as ' sou men t of CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, BUG SYS, nnd vehicles of a’l descriptions ; which will be of the heat workmanship and materials,and which will he s »id i >n «s gooti ienns as run he purchased in any city in the Southern country. have also a numlier of first Irate nor hern workman constantly employed, making and repairing Carriages in a superior style. 50" Orders for Carnages wl! t>e pr mintlv n f ended to- r WRIGLEY &, HART. TIIEV AtSO HAVE ON HAND, fXw A LARUE ASSORTMENT OF ; s A DOLE It Y - W A It E jiff * V •!' ■• 0f EVtRY DEtCftl PTION: i VilUjlapF Best Ladies' & Gentlemen's Saddles, /\ Spanish, Coluntb a. Traveller., Fancy, l-J ; QuilieJ.of large and extra large sizes; i Also, Race imd B >v's Sa Idles English Bridles, Mountitiga, Wh ps of all kinds, Hard Loath, r Trunks. Carpet Bags, Bar and Buffalo Ski nr, 4'c. tfr. AI of whi ■ i vill be a >ll a • low as ihev can be bough n this city, or any part of the SouTiern country. Sfc/* Re; nlr* ol all kindaof die above business done it a superior style of workmanship. *lcb’ber 27 Id PAIATI Y<«. B|' 11 E sitnserilier i* now prepare 1 toexecut' si! kind. 1 ■ of House, Sins, sod Fancy Paintino, Gildinu. Glazino, and I‘apfe.Hanoino. HoU' f, -Paintinr will lie done by file yard, p .nnd, ..r dav. O ders, enlier in ihe city or country, thankfully received snd promptly attended to, at No. til, Mulbern-atrett ppoeiie the Poet Office D. T REA aei-t 1* THE SOUTHERN POST. V- -SrWsSSSbtw j MO'ROP RAIL ROVD, I Macon, March 21, H3J riMIE following will he the hours for depar’ing and I. arriving of ihe Cars, after the first of April: Leave Macon 5 A. M.. and airive at F irsvth 63 A. M - Forsyth Ti A. M. “ Macon 31 A. M •• Macon 21 P. M. “ F rsyih 4J P. M “ Forsvth 4j P. M. “ Macon 6j V. M Freight Cars wdi be a"ached from Forsyth at 7j A. M., and from \'a on a - 2J P. M. N. GELLS, Agent of Transportation. March 23 2J_ i NOTICE. THE subscriber havingpur chased the Bihik S ore. Print* j k'Ajri.vsß®\ ing Office and B ajk Binder! fifov© M of Mr. E J. I’ view of £&r~~Vr Ifffk permanently residing in Ma business iu connection with Printing and B *ok Bind ing, in the same establishment as heretofore. Large additions will be made'o hiss’oek in general, in the e<Hir«e of a lew weeks 11 is stock ol Law, Me dical and Miscellaneous Bis’ks in particular, wdl lie rendered veri complete. All important and interesting new publications wid he received by the earliest con . veyance, as'hcv are issued front the pre.s. Ageoeral assortment of B’aiionarv, Law, Noiarial and other Blanks; Maps, Cards, Pocket B oks, Hater Colors, Pen Knives, Brush*s, and such other articles as have been usually kept by Mr. Purse,and Messrs. Griffin A Purse, veil! he constantly on hand. To individuals i making a large bill of Books on any one occasion, he subscriber w ill furnish them as low as they could sup ily themselves with them from New York. Having every convenience and facility for B<«ok Binding, J .h Printing and Publishing, all work done in the establishment shall be equal in workmanship to any ihing'hatis clone m the United States. Every effort! will be made to merit ilte support of the citzens, and make the concern creditable to Macon. JOHN M. COOPER. Macon. Oct 20 _ 5/ Extensive Jewelry listablisbment THE subscribers are re t reiving his fall and winter sup ffi'i* , f kv'X plyofG tods, which constitutes Jji 3 a stock in their line super. • r to /jpyi® P Ts J any ever offered in this mar r. ! yhr ket, and inferior to none for ■ “■a! *1 '■ goodness ol quality, superior -MF iti- workmanship, or variety ol ' style in the United Slates. HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF Ladies and gentle n c ids gold patent lever Watches, ol the approved maker , M. LTobias A Cos., Robert Ros kell, Joseph Johnson, John J/.mcas and Li herlami Da vis A Cos. ; gold Engl sh anchor escapement Watches,, that were made to order ami adjusted to suit the south ern climate; {(old Li pine Watches; silver patent Le ver Lupine, English Cylinder and Verge Watches; la dies’ Curb, guard, basket and cable Chains ; Watch 1 Hooks, Seals, Ki ys and Swivels ; Fingerand Ear Rings; Broaches and children's Knobs and Wires; gentle men’s guard, curb and linked Cha ns; Sals, Keys and Swiva's; bosom,sleeve and collar ZZnt'otis ; Breast-pins, and Medalimis; pearl anti get Crosses; gold and silver Buckles; gold, silver and iktari Snuff Boxes ; gold and silver Ever-pointed Pencil Casts; 3/.mature Cases ; Bracelets ; gib, silver, pla ed and shell Combs; gold and s iver Thimbles ; gold, stiver ands eel templed Specta clt-s, with glasses to suit every eg., and near-sighed; Seed and large Coral; Coral Necklaces; head Bags, Chains and Purses ; a variety of Beads ; Spy and Quiz zing Glasses: 3/ eroscopcs ; Spar Grotto: Tt a Caddu s; Pocket-Books; Indellihlc Ink ; Emery Cushions ; Rat tler, Wh hoi sand Tcethi. g Rings, for children ; Corset Rings; steel Busks ; Por’ahle Ink-stands and Writing desks; card and cigar cases ; visiting Cards; imitation Fruit; Lnciter 3/atches ; Ba tle-Doors, Shuttle-Cocks and Graces: Fencing Foils, Masks an ! Gloves ; Ro ger-' A Son’s Razors, pen and pocke Knives ; C. Em | ersouV Razor STaps; Scissors; Dirks; Glazier’s Dia monds ; sett!Stamps; Chess-men, Backgammon hoards. Dice, Dominoes; steel Pens; Fire Fenders. And Irons, Shovels and Tongs ; sheet Brass, brass Wi e, Scales and Weights ; Surveyor’s Compasses and Mathemati cal liis’niments ; A?-rel and large suspending Lamps; lamp Glasses and Candle Shades ; Looking G asses ; Plvt.s and Thermomc'ers ; Walking Canes ; Guns, Pistol#, pis’ol Belts. Pov der Flasks,Shot Pouch* s, gan e Bugs; gold and silver Leaf; Den’al Instruments; gold and tin Foil ; Whips, Toupeils, Braids of Hair, Roils and Curls ; Otto of Roses, Cologne, Lavender and Fio rida Water ; Birmingham and Sheffield silver plated Castor-, linii >r Stands, Candle Sticks, Branches, Wni ! lers, Tea Trnvs, Fruit Baskets, Snuffers and Snuffer Trays. sfiverCnps, Pitchers, Table, Tea, Desert,Cream, j Salt and 3/ustard Spoons, soup Ladles, sugar, t butter Knives, pickle Knives and Forks, sugar Semins j and fish Knives ; 3/antle and Mahogany eight-da} j CLOCKS ; Mnsirnl Instruments, consisting ot I Bass and Ke' le Drums, Fifes, Flutes, Flngeletts, Claronetts, Accordians, Shell Music Boxes, and Music Boxes, to play 12 tunes. A GOOD STOCK OF MILITARY A MILITARY TRIMMINGS Os new style, such as are now used by the Army in der a recent regulation. Watchmaker's Tools and materials. Besides many other articles—all of which they will sell •. erv low for cash or approved paper. They invite citizens, and persons generally v-siing •he city, to call at their Store, (east side of Mulhei i v-M.) tttd examine their Stock, where they are ever ready nnd tappy to attend to those who mav favor them with riieir calls. WM. B. JOHNSTON A CO. N. B. Particular attention paid to Watch Repairing. Having in employ approved and experienced workmen, and being prepared to manuf -cture all the parts oi movement of a Watch, will warrant every piece fhrv make ns perfect as the original, anti their Watches lo perform well. W. B. J. A CO. SPRING FASHIONS. SUMMER HATS. i'lIE subscriber respectfully informs Ins customers A trends that lie has now on hand, and in process of manufacture, the finest assortment of Black anti White Summer Ha's ever before offered in this city, consisting in part of thp following; H dozen super Drab Beaver H its, broad brims 10 do do do do do medium brims 10 do do do Beaver Naps, wide A medium 20 do do White Russia Naps, do do 25 do do do plain Russia Hats, broad £5 do do do do do medium j 25 do do do do do fashionable 20 do second quality plain White Ha's, with wide brims, warranted ail fur, at three dollar* 20 do fi e Black Moeskin Silk Huts, warranted fur bodies, at less than New York prices With a large assortment of Gentlemens. Youths and Children- fine Leghorn, Manilla A Palm Leaf HATS Toge'her with a fine assortment of You'hs and In fants Cloth and Velvet CAPS, of the latest styles, all of which are offered on the very lowest terms fir cash or p -od pav customers. Purchasers are respectfully invited to call and examine before purchasing. GEORGE A. KIMBERLY, Sign of the Big Hat, Mulberry street. March 15 21 Spring and Simmer Clothing. It. W. MORRIS Ar co, HAVE just received an pxen« ve assortment of READY M ADE CLOTHING, adapted t. th, preen' and approaching season, which wi'l lie sol. cheap for cash. Their stock consists, in part, of the follow in/: Bombazine Frock and Dress Coats, Crape Cnuiblet Frock and Dress Cos's, Crape Cambist Cos itre«, White Linen Fr ek and Dri es Coats nnd Coatees, Grass Linen Frock and Dro-n (foals and Coatees, Win e and G. ua Linen R mod Jacket *, Satie, Marseilles and Va'ruria Vests, lionibazii e and Crqte Ca'oMc* Pan's, (•rat*. L t en and Vic’or a Drill Pan's, Ape eral assort of YOUTH'S Cl OTHING Fuck*. C 11 ar-. Bu-esndeif, Gl tves, Half H %e, Prunella B scs and Pump-, A gen. rul assortment ol Leather Trunks. Carpi Baps, Ac. April 82 »7 New Carriage Repository. At the junction ol Cotton Avenue and Second-strec f I 'HE subscriber i‘ now opening a «plend and assur. I ment of CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, BUG GIES, Ac., warranted no 1 inferior, either in material or workman.h ; p, to any in the market, to the contrary notwithstanding, and will he sold on as riasonahle terms is as can he had at any other place. Cell and sve. January 5 ly 11 R. BURR A CO. AT HOME!!! Mulberry-street, Macon, Georgia. f|'HE subscribers continue the Tinning Hnsitiess A at their old stand, where they are pit pared to fur nish Country Me.chants and Pedlars on reasonable terms. DO* Job work of all kinds done at shon notice. JAMES H. BISHOP A CO. June 16 31 I OCHMULBEE STEAM-BOAT COMPANY, I INCORPORATED BV THE LE. IS I A TUBE or GEORGIA. IN 1535 For the transportation * ml Insurance oj Mer- , chm’lise and Produce, between Savanaii; and Dakien, and Darien and Macon —] touching at Htiw!:insvil/e,avd the principal Landings. HIS C mipany will run their S’eam boats as high A uji as Macon as long as the state of tlie River will admit; and lor low stages of die w aters they have pro video, and are now running Po e-b< nts ot such I gh draft of ua eras will admit them to run at any stage o the River, which are towed up by iheir Seam-boats wo-thirds of the distance, thereby greatly expediting he transportation of Merchandise during the Summer and Fall seasons ; and their S can ers will he in com plete repair, a id ready for business, as early as the Ri ver will admit. THEIR BOATS ARE; * Steam-boat Comet, Captain Brandy, Steam-boat Alfttamaha, Captain I.Vo 1 A. llmL. Faylor, S'eam-boat Oohmillgee, Cnp'ain Biaitkinship; And a large.number of TO A’-BOATS, w.hich will he in complete repair. For fur her information npplv to REA A COTTON, Matfon, J. W. LATIIROP, Ha vkinsville, * PH R. YONGE A SON, Darien, WM. PATTEBSON A CO., Savannah, McDOWELL, SH ..\NNON A CO..Charleston, SCOTT, SIIAPTER A MORRELL, New York, Al'cnts. \ 14 38tf NEW r=n f|VIE su hacrihers respectfully inform the citizens of A Macon, and the public generally, that they have | taken the store on Mtilhcrry-smei.upp isi'e the //ird j w are store ot Mr. E. B.VVeed. an l aijui imp the IVa*li ' tnplon Hull, and have on ha id and are cotistamlv nin j kmg additions to the same from New-York, Philadel phia, Bosion ad Baltimore, an extensive and general ass ilinent of Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoos, lof the ni ist fashionable style Among which are— ! La ns’ Flench Kid Slippers “ Morocco do “ Walkin'' Shoes “ ViPage Tie® “ Oarer and Morocco Boots “ Prunella Boots, thick and thin sole “ Pru-el Slips and IPalking Shoes ! Miss s’ Sea! and Goat skin Boots “ IFalking Shoes and Slips “ and lad es' Call and Seal-skin Roots. | A large assortment of Chi Id "en’s Shoes of all colors, I Gentlemen’s fie Calf, Kip and IFa'er-proof Boots, I Youths’and children's calf and kip boo s, I Gentlemen's fi ie calf Shoes and Bootees i Bovs’ fine calf and kip hoo'ces, ! Gentlemen's fine Dancing Pumps fine high vamp Pumps, ; A general assortment of calf and kip Brogans. 4 cases Gentlemen’s fine Beaver HATS, latest) New-York style, t 4 cases Gentlemen's hr >ad brim Hats •1 do “ black Russia//a is, broad brim 4 do “ whi'e do do do 3 do Youths’ black Silk do 2 do children’s do do 12 do common Fur do w hite and black December 1 • g ; f 6 do Aik. and 6 cases M i'e-skin //ats. Gentlemen’s fine sea Ot-er I'AI‘S, “ fine Fur and Nutre do “ fioeCio'h do Youths’ Fur and Cloth do Children's Cloth do A large assortment of men and boy-’ /foi- seal Caps. rvr/VV/Tv' 11 8880rtn,e,,, **" e and Cotton A large supply ol Sh to Broshes a id Blacking. A'l of the above articles have been manufactured ex pressly for this mar' <■', and will he soi.d cheap for c.sii. Purchasers will li di‘ to their udvant i-e in erne us a call HEIDT, ALDRICH A CO. December 8 7 C ASTINGS, BT, VCKSMITH!NO, A c. ALL kinds of CASTINGS, MILL INKS, GUD. t*. GEONS, Ac, of Iron or C nupositi > , $• m order, at short notice, P uterus will lie fur.nst.ej, if necessarv. All kinds of MACHINERY made or repaired. fcr The highest price will be given for O and Copper, Brass, and Cast Iron. A. D. A I. F. BROWN. March 9 20 f Near the Baptist Cbur. h. t>Cr We nr- a itlmri-re I to attnon-use NA THANIEL EELLS a- Candidate for Cllrs or the Interior Uocrt, at the election in Januaiy i.ext. April 13 25e JOB Pit 1 NTS AG OF FICE. "lit7"E have tmt received an addition of twextv-uve * * fonts of Type to our previous assortment—t.-ee- I cr w ith TWO hundred CUTS, of various des gns— all of the " ta.r«t s'vie and fashion," which w ill enable us to execute EVERY variety of JOB-PRINTING. ti a workmanlike manner, and ru/jerwr u> anv tiling ha» can br tlnitM'l “these parts," Having hitherto given iiniycrtn] sntisfacdon, h, sub enlier feels «ure thn*, with the present inetes-ed fiicil e« —his long experience, and tried ah lily—lie w ill l-e •ble to pkoite "II who i, av rntrii»> ilie.r work in Ina laud*. .f„l|v solicited. CORNELIUS II IIANI.KITER. ter Oitn’f mirlakr Ike O Her ■ It „ nn Third.rtreet ~rs door to Ifamv .VWuv '/'. Drun Store, ojnnri'e the yil'o' norland ttu . fuiWisg formerly ouujned 6y the “Cute* M*rer» " ‘ *\ Macon, December ttj, idM TO KENT, * THREE Fire-proof STORES, fronting on 3 d , j street; Three Fire-proof STORES, fronting on Cherry-street. They are lame and commodious, and well calculated >r any kind of business, and will be fined up, as to helving and counters, to suit tenants. Those fronting t Third-street (directly opposite Messrs. Rea A. Col in’s, and J Cowles, Esqr.’s ranges) are now ready for •ecupanev, and possession immediately given. Those n Cherry -street will lie ready bv the Ist of Octoher ex'. Rem will he reasonable, and commence from si of October. Apply to DAVID RALSTON. N. B Several very airy ROOMS on the second fl x>r . the above buildings, suitable for Lawyers Oificcs . 11 also he rented. D. R. July 7 37if ICE!” ICE!! RECEIVED and for sale a large supply of ICE, which can be had at any time from sun-rise till nine-at nigh’, hy applying at the store. A large Re frigerator will lie kept filled in the su re, and delivered ii anv quantit es wuhout a moments detention Price eight cents per pound HARVEY SHOTWELL, Druggls*. Opposite Central Ho’el. N. B.—When warned to go in the country, it will be put up in 'he most careful manner. _Apr 1 6 24 HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL FAINTING. GILDING. &c. THE subscriber, grateful for past favors in the above -1 line, begs leave most respectfully to re urn his in >st sincere ilianks to the citizenso* Macon and Vine viile, and theit vicim v, and takes this opportunity to inf-rin them and the public generally, hat he has as sociat’d wi’h him, in co-partnership, CHARLES L. SMITH, (h e of Wall s’ree*, New Y irk, i gent'ema ', a iu second to none in his ine >f Painting in 'he Uni ted S a’es) for 'he purp ise of conduciing the Painting business in till its variou.- departments. THOMAS B CLARKE, Ti e business, in futu r e, will !>e conduced under 'he firm and style of ULARKU A SMITH, No. 1 'lull errv street, nex' door b it one belo »• William B. Parker A Cos., and directly opposi'e the Cen’ral II i'el. Feb 2 15-1 v MOTE NEW GOODS. 1 UST R ICEIVED at the NEW SHOE A HAT *» -TORE, 2 :ru iks gent'eneu’s Boots, of superior quality l do line Bootees, 1 dj Shoes 6 cases mens and hoys L'.St Boots - 2)J pair Da icing Pumps 2'.W do Walkinr Pumps 100 do Youths Pumps 200 do Ladies French Slips 100 do M «ses <lo do MO do Walking Siloes 100 do B io's 200 do Childrens M tocco and Leather B lo'ees Also, a large assortment of Mens and B ysCa and Kip Brogans 10 cases Negro Sloes of good quality 4 do gentlemens fine Beaver Hats 4 do whi'e Russia H its 4 go you'hs White Hats 4 do von h« Black H its 8 do fi"e "oleskin Ha's 30 do men and boys white A black Woo! Hats: AM of which will be “"Id very low for ca«h, whole ale or re 01. lIEIDT, ALDRICH A CO. March 16 21 W holesale and lietail. EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF HYPS AND CAPS. #I^HE subscriber is now manufacturing, and bason 1 hand, a very extensive and complete assortment of all articles connected wit the Hat and Cap business, to w h« li he would invite the attention of those wishing to purchase. Among Ids assortment may be found, The bites' siyle of genie men’s Black Bcver, Russia iieaver. Plain eaver, Satin Beaver and line Nutria Hn s. | Gentlemen’s Moleskin Silk Hats, of a superior | quality. With a good assor'ment ofMen’snnd Boys’foshionn i hie medium and broad hrini B< aver, Rus-ia Beaver, and common napped Hats, at very low prices. ALSO, Superfine Premium Otter Caps. Gentlemen’s superfine Sea Oner Caps. D >. do. Georgia Ouer Caps. Fine Fur Sen! Capa. Fine Fur Nutria Caps. Mink, Mu'krtu and common Fur Cat s. Also, children’s and Infants’ fine Silk, Velvet and Cloth Caps, of the la'est p i terns and fa«h otis, particu larly worthy the attention of those wanting a genteel, good article. 50 doz Men’s and Bov’s black and Drab Wool Hats, a good ur ide. 30 doz do. do- do. do. hair Seal Caps, a good article. All of which are offered at New York prices. Mpr j chants and other- wishing to buy cheap, ei’herat w hole “ale or retail,are respectfully invited to cull and examine Jhis assortment before purchasing From long experience and increased facilities in the Hat and Ctsp bu-inrss, the subscriber feels confident that he shall lie able to phase alHiia old customers, and some new ones, either in qpt'ne'v, qunli'v,or pr ee. A general nssor'men' of HAT TRIMMINGS, and all articles wanted by the trade GEO. A. KIMBERLY, Sign of the Big Hat, Muib* rrv-str* et O -'-hcr 20 ' 52 New Spring and Summer Goods. L. A W. COWLES 4 RE now receiving at their S ore. No. 4 Commerce tl Row, adjoining Mr. Levi Eckley. a general assort ment of Spring an:l Summer G aids, selee ed w ith care from the New York, Philadelphia a id Charleston mar ke s, ’u which they respectfully invite the attention of their friends and tlie public generally—in their stock will he found— Light Summer Sdk', plain and figured, Handsome French Muslins, Printed Lawns, French Cambrics, Britisli and American Prints, French W irked C ilia sand Cuffs, Fancy Handkerchiefs, Silk Nett Shawls and Scarf", Bonne s Ribbons, Artificial Flowers, Curls, Laces, Hosier*', Printed Suttee is fir Children’s Dresses, with Coron anon and Victoria Braids to suit, Irish L' te i". Table Damask and Diaper, Linen Slice tings. Bombazines, Linen Drillings, Ves’ings, C, avals, Socks and Co'lars, Gentlemen and Ladies Umbrellas and Parasols A large supply of Domestics ol all kinds. Macon, April 13 25 GEO. C. McNEII.I, $ S nr»\v recpiviny \ fall and winterof Fnr § X nil S.'ijtU British . French, Swiss, Jtnhut, Jnt»n and A.nteri<un DRY GOODS. consisting in par of the following article: fine min superfi e.v ml -He , Bine, Black, B own, Gn e Ad,-. :atd<, Cutlet, Faslito: nbk nn- Biddle .M.\ed Cloths S.'lgle Double ait Tiebbk-d “i ted, B ark. Fashioiia i-le, M xe.l a i I Striped Cas-iniers ami S itniteis: Satin Prussia and Genoa Velvet Vestings; S Ik and Valencia do; Gr-is de Rhine, Gr is de S >ie, Gr-s de Naples, Poult tie Soi, Rep. Brocade and Ips.-la Silk-; Victoria and Coro ta ton S pins ; S talleys ; “mseliiie de L one and Tug in cu ; French, English, German ami Gros de Nap Merinos; Fre ich Cambric., (Jeodeodter and D.- lis'e Prims; and American do. of . verv style; Blialleys. Merino,Thit>e', Brochelle nnd Chineal Shaw Is; Fancy Damask, Detniintine nnd Ipsoia Dress Hdkfs; Victoria do; Tun mur.l and Eubroidered Scotch, Swiss, E iglish anil French Worked Capes and Collars ; Linen, Litien Cambric, Scoleli, Long, and Bishop Lawns; Sacharilla Cambric; Vmisook, Jaconet a id Scotch Muslin-; Cambric and Furniture Dimity, Russia and Birds Eve IDnpor: Victoria and Marseilles Skir's, Linen and Cotton Shee'ilips; Cand-ric. Swiss, Jaconet and Thread Insertings; Muslin Cuffs; Pongee and India K zuji Ii lkfs; Victoria Cap, Belt, and Garniture Ribbons: Satii-i and Losinng do: Vie’orin I e 'horn, S'raw nnd Co'tngc Botnets; Artificial Hovers; Wreaths: Black Lace Hdkfs. and Veils; American, English. Welch, Guise am French Flannels; Ken tuckv, H-ghlaml nn-1 Glennie Jeans; Mackinaw,, Durtle, French and Point Blankets; B own and Rleeoh ed Sheetings: Liuaeys, Kersevs,Tickings, Check* and Drillings j Lad'es', Jhne*', Gentlemen's and Bovs’ Merino, Angola, Cos lon and SHk Hojsery of every description CLOTHING. Cloth Dr--** and Frock Coats ; Overcoats, Pae'al'sms iCI .aks, V. nI», L'nen anti Cnt'ort Shir's, I.andt's Woo snd Merino dot Drawers, Stocks, Cravats, Collars Suspend, i*. Gloves, Ar. Ac. w ith almost every other article ki pi pi the Dry Goods hue October to m J. 11. & SV, S. ELLIS, Druggists, Cotton-A venue, Maeon, Georgia, TI AVE just received the following, which thev offer " * for sale on accommodating terms : er ic Superior English ground Mustard, for table or Med. Carpenter’s Extract Liverworth Da. Sarsaparilla Cubuhs and Caoaiv* Dr. Extract Pink Root Do. do. B oneset Do. Tonic Extract Ifo. Remedy for Scalds, Burns, & c Do. Disinfecting Liquid Chloride ot Soda so, sick rooms, and keeping Meat untainted in hot weather Gallaghan's Vegetable Fever and Ague Pills *" Superior Red Peruvian Bark Oil Cantharidin, Oil Black Pepper Stomach Tubes, Dentist's Instruments Croton Oil, Salueratus, Pcarlash Ground Spices, Starch Indigo, best Spanish, Salt-petre Salsoda, for washing, superior Apple Vinegar Best L mdon W alnat Catsup ’ Sultana Raisins, tor c njking. dNEs a tc Cneral Su,ck of Fresh drugs, medi September 23 Morton's Pulmonic Expectorant ComMi Syru •, For Coughs, Colds, Asthmas, Consumptions and BTloop. ing Coughs. • r 4 MONG the numerous complaints with which the rm. human family are atticted, none are more common than coughs colds, Ac. and none more fatal in their re subs, unless timely care is taken to stop their progress t'efore they become too firmly seated upon the lungs.— Notwithstanding the many remedies that have been of. sered to the public, not anv have heretofore proved sue cecssful in procuring a certain and speedy relief. The proprieter having been an eye witness (for sever, al years) ol the astonishing virnics of this extraordinary Medicine, at length deems it his duty to offer it to the public, in a way that it may recciyea more ex tens, vs circulat.on : and at a price that the poor may receive the benefit of it as well as the rich. This syrup is particularly cfficaiioue in removing coughs arising colds, attended with hoarseness and sore, ness about the windpipe; likewise shortness of breath ing, tightness acros the breaht, accompanied with a ticKling cough : and in all consumptive cases is use is uirticularlv recommended,likewise whooping coimhis jreatlv relieved by its use—children laboring undeAhis j.stressing disease, in innumerable instances have been astonishingly henefitted in a lew days: the pleasemness of it is a great advantage, as children will take it with as much p'r asure as they will preserves. N. B.—Tile lirectious ice enpanying each bo'tlewill be signed hy Hon. L. l’erkins, the sole proprietor Each bottle is scaled with the impression of .worto.Vm pulmonic expectorant cocoa svrl'p, plainly stamp*d on it. For certificates, see the directions. WM L. PERKINS. We have just received a fresh supply of the above, and can safely recommend it as a vi rv excellent niedn cine. 11. A J. SHOTWELL Agents, December lG;h. 8 PATENT MACHINE SPREAD STRENGTHENING PL INTER. IN tlie preparation of these very Sujieriur and Ele gant Plasters, no cost or trouble is spared to ensure possible degree ”t perfection, in point of uuliiy, elegance and comfort. They are spread of va lot’s sizes on kids ol the best quality, by Machinery, invented expressly for he puipost, r winch gives them an ad van age over every olastcr heretofore offered to the public) as by this means li v can be made of a uniform thickness, and free foe the inequality of surface which frequently prevt n s otSi s from adhering, or renders them irritating and uncomfortable, an objection, which it is imp issihle to avoid by the usual method of spreading Plas.ers Tu composition used in these Plas ers, is carefully prepared at a lower temperature, from a combination o valuable Resinous Gums, wi'h the ad-mixture of sever al choice aromatics, entirely separated from all extra neous and irritating particles; and from its peculiar combination ol highly strengthening, anodyne utnl slightly stimulating projierties it affords a pleasant and effectual remedy, in nil cases of pain in the sole and breast, veal ness or oppression of the; pain orveuk ness of the back or loins ; Also, iu the sense of sinking and faitness at the pit of the stomach, accompanying Dyspepsia and Liver Comiiluint. In Rhematic, or pain fulaffections ol the limbs or joints, their Anodyne and Stimulating properties render them particularly beneti eial In Colds, Coughs, or Asthmatic Afiedions, they will lie found to give immediate and permanent relief. Persons who from sedentary habits, or other causes, sn predisposed to affections of the lungs, will find these *\’ 'stirs an effectual security against those pulmonary attacks which prove but two frequently, (when negle*" ed) the precursory symptoms of Consumption; audio deed in n climate like ours, wdiere colds soil coughs ate an almost unfailing consequence of the sudden change! to wnich all are subject, every one at all liable to suffer from the influence of these causes would find the great, est possible security in having his cheat and lungs pro tee’ed by of these invaluable Plasters. To children suffering from Whooping Cough, or Colds affecting tile chest or lungs, ’he sedative and ano dyne properties of these Plasters, afford signal relief. These Plasters being spread much more rapidly, a* well as bet er, hy Mm hinery, are s ild much lower than Plas'erssnread in the usual method. For sale by J. 11. A W. S. ELMS. June 2 32 Dr. •'* t title l i it I. I rated Eye Water for In. ftamiitjok and Weakness of the Eyes. r i 'HE great advantages of this infalible remedy places A it ns a general appendage to families, and a con stant vadc-mn um to the traveller. This Eye Water is prepared with the greatest care, and has never been known to fail in effecting a speedy and safe restoration of the diseased organs. It is useless to attach any cer lificates hy way of praise or recommendation. The reputation and immense sale that has attended Dr. Scudder’s Eye Water, is the fairest proof of its utility and beneficial tendency ; it has been the means of preserving sight to many of the afflicted, from the help less infant to the aged parent Thousands of letters have been received by Dr. 8. within these few years, containing battering remarks relative to this Eve Wa ter— and the cures effected by it, have been set forth ns wonderful beyond precedent. Dr. Scudder confidently recommends this Eye Water as a safe and valuable remedy—and he trust that his experience as an Occu list, to weigh against the gross impositions which are daily practised on the public by advertisements of dif ferent kinds of Eye Wa’er, many of which are unsafe to use. Prepared hy Dr. John Scudder, Occulist and inserter of Artificial Human Eyes. A supply of the a hove Eve Water, for sale by H. SHOTWELL. iKr Merchants in the country supplied at the Pro prietor's price. March 10 20 NEW MEDICINE—WORTHY OF NOTICK Dr. Phelps’ Compound Tomato Pills—En tirety Vegetnb'e ! 4 NEW and invaluable Medicine, for all diseases ar.smg from impurities of the blood, morbid secre tions of the Liver and Su-murli—Also, a SubsTITUTI for Colomi L, as ti Cathartic in Fevers, and ail Bdi.iu# ili-ease-. J’liev have been abundantly and successfully tried, and have received universal approbation fir S 'ri ll 11 a, Dyspeps'n, Bill ms diseases. Jaundice, Gravel, Rneumatisin, Colds, l iffuenzn. Ca'arrh, Nervmis dis eases, Acid St”iimehs. Glandular Swellings of all kinds, Costivcncss, Colie, Headache, Ac. Sola hy J F A W. S. ELLIS, Cotton-Avenue. F "e-nhc ? 2 GOLD INK, \ beautiful article f>r Artists, Schools, Private Fami lies, Bankers, Merchants. Ac. This Ink, written with, has the appearance of G .Id. It can h* used either w i'h a quill, s ell pen, or a fii e hair brush. Ladies will fino it for Ornamental Painting, Visiting Cards, Ac,, to l-c superior to any similar ancle wh’cn has ever been introduced to the not-ce of 'he puhlic. - F..r sale by J. 11. & W. S. ELLIS, 'an 26 14 Bv annoi.tment. NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES. Fit I BKLS. in prime order, just received per Ocmul gee Company's boat, ands -r sale bv REA A COTTON- March 2 [£_ S'l rnr, M y'nsses, Coffee. Ac. U'l A IIHDS. S'. Croix and Porto Rico Sugars, v 116 hhds. Cuba Mo lasses, 275 hag- Green Cuba C ffee, 40,(N)0 Spanish Segars, best quality, 600 boxes T -liacc •, 6 boxes Havana Sugar, for sale by REA A COTTON April 23 Uhttice Mil'leini Wine. . ~,. .*T f \ BOXES Wlii'r, imported in'oSavan'tah"' 31 01/ nnd 1432, for sale by REA A COTTON April 20 SweeltH Iron. . •/') TONS Iron, uasoried, from IJ to 8 inch -wO (,v REA A COTTON. April 20 *•_ tCeltun Ilaigintt nnd Twiuc. 1 FF( I PIECES heavy Hemp Bagging. < hak* / *J*JvJ Bagging Twine, for aale bv .. REA A COTTOV April» u