Southern post. (Macon, Ga.) 1837-18??, June 22, 1839, Image 4

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APOTHECARIES’ HALL, Mulberry sired, Macon, Georgia. Dr. WILLIAM J. HOBBY, Jr. Proprietor of the above e«:ahli*hme: rwpectfolly informs the citizens of aco- XfeT'iJ' ana the public at large, that he haa or hand, and will he constantly receiving, a general and complete assortment 'if sr: clc* in the Apothecary business, which h< •an recommend at of the beat quality—and which h< will depose of on aa moderate ana accommodating term ae anv other house in the city. Country JMerchants. Physicians, and citizens eener allr, are invited to call and examine h a Stock, before euroftaaing eiaewhe-re, which consists (in part) ot the fol ewiug arr.ctes, to wit : Drugs, Medicines, Btc. Acetate .Y<rphme, Jpdina Acetate Acid, Citric Acid. Acid. Tartaric Acid, Ammonia, do. Armo: Pc». \aamoniak Pair.. Verahne, Srtvchnine, Emn me. Rnubirikite. Croten Tiguum. Secu’e Comutum.* O. Smtptne, Ofl Canthiriline. Hvrolvgneoua Acid! H "dnora'e Possa, Peperine, 0.1 black Pepper. Ins; Ywl Vi*t. Chkv-le Chlonde Lime, Citrato. hi.... Or in Dsnare nosed. Cyanuret Potassium, com T.»arc prepared, comp. Ext Spige se. b ae Msss. P-/r;pllt ract Bark. Peruvian do.,Cat wsvi j v. Tota do-. Rsi d.v, Camjmile Flowers, Sen M,Ore Ursi. Hoorno-md. Sage, Africa Cayenne, Bav- Serrv Bark p i’.rer., Biood Root, Colchicum pulv., Go! den S ai. S ppery Eiim powdered, Q laasta, Gentian b ,-w ierei, Cwt A-ant powdered. Lobelia and Seed. Hts '-k. Skunk Cabbage, Squills, Camboge. Meter iam. How. A kan net Root. Cort Cuscurilla. Sassafras Seed, ladies' Supper, Golden Thread, Saffr n, Cinna mot Ha*k. pulv Ginger, race Ginger. Curcuma, J/us tard Seed, Anniseed, Arrow Root, Aoua Fertis, Hoff man's Anodyne. Borax, black Lead, Brimstone, blur Stone, Juniper berries, Cubebs, Oxide Bismuto, Beer Wax, Burgundy Pitch, Balsam Copiva, do. Tolu. do. Peru, black Drop, Gantharines, Cobalt, Colocynth, j Court Plaster. Cocolns Indiacus, Corosive Sublimate. ] fresh Castor Oil, do. Sweet Oil, Charcoaf pulv.. Corks Velvet, Galomel, Antimony, Aloes, Rheubarb, Jalap. Digitalis, Opium, prepared Chalk, Acitate Lead, do. Cunri, do. Zinc, Arsenate Potasaee, Phesphate Soda, Ether Sulphuricuw, do. Nitre, Nitrate Silver, do. Potas* aae, Phosphate Iron, sulphate do., do. Potaah, do. Soda, do. .Magnesia, borate Soda, Phosphorus, manna Flake, Ointment Hvde Potassa, Ointment lodyne, do. Vera trine, do. Itcn, Oxvde ercury, ext. Jolap, do. Butter nut, do. Hyogcyamus, do. Gentian, do. Belladona, do. Taraxici, do. Rhubarb, Nuxvomica, do. Rhatania, do Cicuta, do. Glycyrrhiza, Gum Arabic. do. Camphor, do. Scamony, do. Myrrh, and». Assafoetida, Guiac, pearl Bariev, Honey, Otto Roses, Lucifer and other Match es, Magnesia calc'd, do. Carb, Isinglass, Quick Silver, Seidltz Powders, Saratoga do., Soda do., Tamarinds. Sponge, Wafers, Sarsaparilla, red Precipitate-, white do black do., Pearlash, Spanish Fl oat Indigo, Sp’ts Tur pentine, Venice do., salts Tart, Salmonia, Glue, Rosin Jujube Paste, Starch, Ac. fcT Dr- Hdbbv ia Agent for the following, among other celebrated and useful Medicines. Innumerable certificates can be shown to prove the wonderful and astonishing cures each separate article has produced: Brandrelh's Pitts. Lift Preserving Cordial —a certain cure for Diarrhma, Dysentary, and preventive of Indian Cholera. Fitch't Mian Vegetable Elixir-A sure and safe cure for Rheumatism, acute and chronic Gout, and all chro-, nic pains of bones, joints and muscles, arising from a too free use of mercury, or other causes. Oldridge't Balm of Columbia. —This balm seldom fails to produce Whiskers or Eye-brows in eight weeks, though there were none on the face before. It prevents Baldness- the hair from turning grey—makes it look j bright and glossy, and frees it from scurf. Rawson's Itch Ointment. Dr. He tee's Rheumatic, Nerve and Bone Linament. —lt gives relief in the swelling of the glands of the throat, and relieves the numbness and contractions of the limbs, and will take swellings down, and inflammations out of the flesh, rheumatism, bruises and sprains: it gives immediate relief; it strengthens weak limbs, ana ex tends the cords when contracted. A few drops on sheep’s wool applied to the ear of deaf persons, will, by constant application, cause them to hear in two months time. Rev. Dr. Barthomew's Pink Erpcctorant Syrup —An agreeable cordial, and effective remedy for coughs hoartness, colds, pains in the breast, Influenza, hard breathing, and difficult expectoration. Dr. Meethe'i Anti-Consumption Specific Syrup, (ap proved of by the officers of the Medical Society of the eity and county of New-York.) for the cure arid pre vention of those dreadful Internal diseases where the lungs and chest are supposed to be affected. Dr. Spohn'i Remedy for the Headache —sick or ner vous. Hay's Linament, used with the greatest possible sue cese (externally,) in the following complaints: piles, dropsy, swellings of the extremeties, acute and chronic rheumai m, lumbago and sciatic, tender feet, corns, white swellings, sore throat by cancers or ulcers, croup, whooping cough, tightness of th* chest, bruises and •prains, scald head, scorfula, foul ulcers of the legs or! other fungous sores, fresh wounds, chilblains, Ac. Dr. Wevaer's Celebrated I Form Tea and Salve. —The action of the medicine is not only to expel worms, but, by its Tame powers to prevent a return of them, by re moving the weak state of the digestive organs, on which heir production mainly depends. Dr. Kkne's Tooth-ache Drops —An important chemi cal discovery, and the only never failing cure for the toothache ever offered to the public; also the cheapest, as the contents of one bottle will stop the pain of fifty teeth, if carefully used. It being a German invention hits been patronized by the most eminent physicians Europe. Dr. Bond’s Vermifuge. —This preparation is confi dently recommended to the public, as an effectual med cine for expelling worms from the system. BCr Dr. Hobby will continue to receive, and keep on hand a full and perfect assortment of all articles in his line of business—and hopes, by unremitting attention to hisetutomers, to receive a share ot the public patron age. He repeats, that those wishing to purchase wc ild do well to call and examine his stock. ■Sy Orders respectfully solicited May 11 99 SANDS’ REMEDY For salt Rheum. Ring Worm, Tetters, Scald Head, Barber's Itch, Spc. THIS remedy is a combination heretofore unknown in the annals of medicine. It is the production of much experience, deep research, and great expense, and is offered to the public in the fullest confidence of its being an effectual, safe and speedy cure for the Sail Rheum, and all other diseases of the skin, such as Tetter, Ring Worms, Scald Head. Barber's or Jackson Itch, f,-c. These diseases are known to be the most obstinate of any to which the human system is subject, and can on ly be thoroughly eradicated by perseverance in the right course of treatment, and by using the right medicine. Such a medicine has been discovered in this remedy, and we speak from our own knowledge and experience when we say, that in forty-nine cases out of fifty it will effect a permanent and rapid cure by attending to the accompanying directions for use. Sold by J. H. ts IF. S. ELLIS, „ . _ Cotton-A venue. March 24 22 .Horton’s Pulmonic Expectorant Cough Syrup, For Coughs, Colds, Asthmas, Consumptions and Whoop ing Coughs. AMONG the numerous complaints with which the human family are aflicted, none are more common than coughs’ colds, Ac. and none more fatal in their re sults, unless timely care is taken to stop their progress before they become too firmly seated upon the lungs.— Notwithstanding the many remedies that have been of-1 sered to the public, not any have heretofore proved sue i ceessful in procuring a certain and speedy relief. The proprieter having been an eye witness (for sever al years) of the astonishing virtues of this extraordinary Medicine, at length deems it his duty to offer it to the public, in a wav that it mav receive a more extensive circulation : and at a pnee that the poormay receive the benefit of it as well as the rich. This syrup is particularly effieatious in removing coughs arising colds, attended with hoarseness and sore ness abont the windpipe; likewise shortness of breath ing, tightness acres the breaht, accompanied with a tickling cough : and in all consumptive cases its use is oarticularly recommended, likewise whooping cough is ireally relieved byits use—children laboring under this Jistressing disease, in innumerable instances have been astonishingly benefited in a few days: the pleasentness of it is a great advantage, as children will take it with as much pleasure as they will preserves. N. B.—The directions accompanying each bottle will be signed by W / »| L- Perkins, (lie sole proprietor.— Ench bottle is sealed with the impression of morton's fdlmokic exmctorant cotton syri’P, plainly stamped on it. ... . bur certificates, see the directions. pRRKJNg We have tuat received afresh supply of the above, —-»* VhotS'eu: Iriwm 1 "* *** K 8 PROSPECTUS. UfILL be published in Augusta, Ga., on the first Saturday ol October, 1339, the first number of i weekiy journal, to be called “ THE SOUTHERN PIONEER,” )evoted ur the Literature, Institutions and Amuse lents of the South.— Charles Wyatt Rice, Editor The South is the natural home of Literature. She has ■ver been so Homer strolled and sung under the rays •t the fervid sun; lialyand Greece have, from their irs; wakening into being as civilized nations, afforded heir Potts and Orators. The Literary pilgrim ever "ends his step to the South of Europe, as his most fa vored shrine; while there, fond memories throng to his nind, of the epic strains of Homer, the soothing mea sures of the Mantuan Swan, the exulting odes of Ho race, and the biting sarcasms of Juvenal. While in Ver times reelings to the memory of the fearful strains if Dan’e, the epic measures of the madman Tasso. :he soft strains of Perrarch, and the pleasing images of Boccacio. And while thus fondly recalling to memory ill these, he remembers that thev drew their inspiration ■rom the fervid sun of Italy and Greece. He feels in •he balmy air he breathes, in the brilliant heavens that orm the canopy above him, in the brilliancyof thesun -ets that glow in the horizon, and in the tints that the iir and clime spread over the earth, the inspiration that formed and developed the genius of those whom he now so fondly regrets. _ Such food for inspiration does the Literary pilgrim find on the classic shores of Italy and Greece, and un der the fervid sun of the South. And is it possible that a kindred clime in the Western Hemisphere presents to parallel to this ? Do the same sun, the same bril liancv of the canopy of clouds, the same glorious sun sets, the same rich tint* upon the landscape, afford no inspiration here ? A wilder, a more abrupt scenery, than Italv or Greece can boast, speak in living tones to their beholders. While with these an Italian softness of landscape upon the Ashley, the Savannah, and oth er favorite streams, glorious waterfalls, and streaming cascades, are every where claiming their worshippers in those who dwell among them. And do all these af ford no inspiration 1 They do inspire; they have spo ken in the eloquent tones of the Rutledge and Pinck neys, of the Revoluuon ; they have spoken in the po lished pages of a Grintke; they are now speaking in the strains of a Charlton, a Gilman, Wilde, Sirnmes, Meek, Butt, Pendleton, Ticknor, Wittick, in the faith ful scenes of a Longstreet, and in the vivid sketches of Strong, Ware, Morrow, and Moragne. Aye, more, they are speaking in the thousand of the young, who' cast back to the mountains, the waterfalls and the streams their inspiration in living tones, and whose wild songs through rare publications, sometimes startle the public ear. They no speak in these thousand who with• a proper medium for communicating their thoughts to the public, would electrify the world by their eloquent tones Nor does the South lack for inspiration in her historic incidents. A brief reference in the mind of each individual to the striking incidents in the early history of each of the Southern States, will convince him that they afford rich materials from which the rea dy pen may draw for amusement and instruction. But more than ali these do the leisure and opportunities for mental cultivation that her domestic institutions afford her citizens, present strong grounds of belief that the South is destined to become the centre of Literary in terest. As this leisure and this opportunity for mental cultivation find no parallel in any other country, it is natural to believe that the South is destined to become to the world in anew era what Greece was to the world in the old. This is our profession of faith. We believe, in a word, that no part of the world has greater literary re sources within herself, or is better calculated from her natural scenery, the peculiarities of her climate, the leisure of her ci'izens, and her general advantages, to become an eminently literarv community than the Southern States of this confederacy. This is the plat form on which we intend to raise a Weekly Journal, to which Southern writers shall delight to contribute, and which the whole South shall be proud to claim as its own. Believing most firmly that success will crown our exertions, no effort will be spared to draw (rom ev-' erv portion of the South, contributions upon every sub ject, which, while they shall be of a nigh character, shall ever range From grave to gay, from lively to severe. We believe that the institutions of the South are founded in the immutable laws of the God of Nature. We believe that on them will he built a fabric of glory and greatness to the South. We believe especially that they afford to the Southern States the means of out stripping the rest of the world in their literary career, i And we know that these are times of peculiar danger to these institutions; we know that they are now at tacked by the insidious foe as well bv the open enemv. We shall therefore place our Journal as a sentinel on the watch-tower of Southern Institutions, ever watch ful for attacks, and ever ready to repel them. We delight in the amusements and holidays of the South. We glory in them as fit amusements for a peo ple generous and brave, quirk in their impulses, and shunning sluggishness We delight in the gun and chase. We hail merry old Christmas and its cheerful sports as old friends and true, setting the brow free from care, making the bosoms of men to glow with i cheerful and friendly emotions, calling friends to the festive board and to the exchange of kind thoughts and [ sentiments, and sending all away to run in joyfulness 1 their course of duty until the invitations to joy and 1 mirth are again renewed. The pages of the Journal will, therefore, be enlivened witn lively chronicles ot exploits in the sporls of the field, and with spirited sketches of the fun and frolic that merry old Chnstmas lets loose upon us We will also, in order to please all, give a weekly abstract of the most important news of trie day. And for the fair practisers upon the Pianoor Guitar, shall occasionslly embellish our pages with ori ginal and selected Music. It is a fortunate circumstance for the interest of a work of this nature, that the field of Literature at the South is, as yet, comparatively, untrodden. The Lit-; erary resources of the South, great as they are ac knowledged to be, are as yet, comparatively undevelo ped. Every grove, river,'dale and mountain, has yet its tale to tell. We ther fore send our Journal forth as a Pioneer to gather the riches of this new country.— From every hill, dale, river and mountain, he will re turn laden with rich stores. These stores, original and varied in their character, as they must be, he will be proud to display for the amusement and instruction of his readers. We ask for him a kind reception at the hands of all friends of the cause in which he has em barked. Having thus detailed the plan of our future opera- i tions, we commend our hebdomedal to (we trust,) the j favorable notice of the Southern public. We devote ourselves to the work as our profession. On the verge j of manhood, and of a liberal education, we had a pro fession to choose; after mature deliberation, we have chosen this, because we delightiu the employment,and are devoted to the cause for the furtherance of which I the work is established. No common obstacle, there-; fore, will turn us aside from our course. But having chosen the Editing of the PIONEER, and through ft the promotion of Southern Literature, as the work of our lives, we shall relinquish it only with our breath. And while we commend our sheet to the favor of the public generally, we commend it particularly to the kind charities of that band who have linked themselves together for the advancement of the cause to which we devote the work. They have acted with us in the past; we trust they will act with us in the future. No exer tions will be spared to make the work sueh an one as they will look upon with delight. It may be well to add that the intervening time be tween this date and the day of publication will be spent in collecting materials for the work. The PIONEER will be printed on an imperial sheet, | in quarto form, and will contain a greater quantity of reading matter than any work of the kind published in ; the South. Terms.—Five Dollars per annum, payable on the is- ! suing of the first number. Persons sending ns ten sub scribers, inclosing Fifty Dollars, will be entitled to a co py gratis. SCr Agents will be allowed the usual per centage. BItOWNE, CCSHNEY k m’cAFFERTY, Publishers. Augusta, Oa., May 1,1839. PLANING MACHINE. fTIHE Subscribers respectfully inform the public that their PLANING MACHINE is now in full ope ration, and that they are prepared to plane, tongue and groove any thinkness, from J to 2{ inches, as well as weather-boarding, and other plank, from 2 to 18 inch es in width. SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, See. made to order, at the shortest notice. A. D & I. F. BROWN, March 9 20tf Near the Baptist Church. Choice Madeira Wine. ?? A BOXES White, imported into Savannah in 1631 and 1832, for sale by REA A COTTON April 20 2*5 S'r We are authorized to announce NA THANIEL HELLS as Candidate for Clerk of the Inferior Cocrt, at the election in January next. • ICrlVe are authorized to announce JOHN If, OFFITTT as a Candidate for Clerkship of the Inferior Court of Bibb county, at the election in Janu i ary next. 30 Wr THOM AS J. SAIXNIII RY, it a Can didate for Clerk of the Inferior Court of Bibb county at theeMoing eiesto-, 31 THE SOUTHERN POST. NOTICE. THE subscriber having pur chased the Book Store, Print, in* Office and Book Bindery - riysSaX of Mr. E J. Purse, in view of ' permanently residing in Ma eon, will continue the 800k 1 business in connection with Printing and Book Bind ing, in the same establishment as heretofore. Large additions wilt be made to his stock in general, in the course of a few weeks. His stock of Law, Me dical and Miscellaneous Books in particular, will l»e rendered verv complete. All important and interesting new publications will be received by the earliest con veyance, as they are issued from the press. A general assortment of Stationary-, Law, Notarial and other Blanks; Maps, Cards, Pocket Books. Water Colors,: Pen Knives, Brushes, and such other articles as have been usually kept by Mr. Purse, and Messrs. Griffin Sc Purse, will be constantly on hand. To individuals making a large bill of Books on any one occasion, he subscriber w-ill furnish them as low as they could supply themselves with them from New York. Having every convenience and facility for Book j Binding, Job Printing and Publishing, all work done in ! the establishment shall be equal in workmanship to anv thing that is done in the United States. Every effort will he made to merit the support of the citzens, and make the concern creditable to Macon. JOHN M. COOPER. Macon, Oct. 20 52 SPLENDID FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. Opposite Washington Hall, Mulberry-street, r 14HE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and A the public that he is receiving and manufacturing a more splendid assortment of FURNITURE, than has ever been offered for sale in this city, at the lowest prices for cash. The following comprise a part: Sideboards, with and without marble tops, Secretary and Book cases. Sofas of the latest style, Couches, Settees and Easy chairs, Di ning tables in setts and single, Centre Tables with and without marble Tops, pier Tables, Pembroke Tables, work Tables, toilet, dressing and french Bureaus, Ma hogany,, Maple and Popular Bedsteads, Mantle glasses, Dressing Boxes and Glasses, Sociables, Ottomans, Car pet and Chair Cushions, Piono Seats various patterns, Mahogany, Curled Maple and Fancy Chairs, Hair and Cotton Mattrasses, Feathers and Feather Beds, Blinds, Floor Mats, Willow Wagons and Cradles, together with every article in his line. The proprietor is supplied with the best of workmen, and well seasoned materials, so that he is enabled to manufacture any article in his line, that may be called for. Orders from the country shall receive strict atten tion. The public are invited to call and examine for themselves. THOMAS WOOD. December 2 6m6 J AMES TAYLOR, Manufacturer of Furniture and Upholsterer. Has removed his stock to the comer of Cotton Avenue and Mulberry Streets, opposite the Washington Hall. *¥* HE proprietor respectfully informs me citizens of A Macon and vicinity, that he has on hand a large and full assortment of CABXNBT FURNITURE, Consisting of Sideboards, with and without marblctops; setts of Dining Tables ; single Dining Tablet; Card; Tea, Work and Writing Tables ; Centre Tables, with and without marble tops ; Sofas, latest fashions ; Secre taries and Book Cases ; Bureaus ; Pianos, of the most approved manufacturers, and the newest Music; Piano Stools; Mahogany, Maple and Poplar Bedsteads ; dou ble and single Wash Stands ; curled Hair and Moss Matrasses ; Feather Beds, of the best quality. A large assortment of Mahogany, curled Maple and Fancy CHAIRS ; also, L-xiking Glasses, of every description. OCT All the above articles are of the latest styles, and will be warranted to stand the climate. The subscri ber invites the public to call and view for themselves, at his Ware-House. J. T. December 1 6tf New Carriage Repository. At the junction of Cotton Avenue and Second-street, riIHE subscriber is now opening a splendid assort- J ment of CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, BUG GIES, &c., warranted not inferior, either in materials or workmanship, to anv in the market, to the contrary notwithstanding, and will be sold on as reasonable terms is as can be had at any other place. Call and See. January 5 lyll R. BURR Se CO. Macon Carriage Depository, (On Second, near Mulberry-street, (opposite Corner to the Washington Hall .) THE subscribers, grateful for past favors, would respect fvj&JSa SB solicit a continuance of • A the same, as they feel confi dent that they will be always ready to supply the most tas'e "7 i ful customers in every variety ".hz :Carriage Manufactory. We invite the citizens ofMa * "s ll con, and the public generally, to call and examine the work, quality, prices, Ac., as we feel assured that all who wish to purchase, would find it to their interest to deal with us. Some of our Vehicles are light, and yet strong, being made, of the best materials, and of superior work manship. They were manufactured expressly for this market, and we believe them equal, if not superior, to any ever offered in this city. Inasmuch as all who have purchased from us, and after trial, have found the work equal to our representations, we feel confident in re commending it, and beiieve that those who examine will be induced to purchase. From the extensive sales we have made, we have been encouraged to have every pains bestowed on our work, and offer it at a reduction from former prices. The subscribers having made arrangements with some of the most extensive Carriage Manufactories in the Northern Cities, will have on hand, and be con stantly receiving, the coming season, an extensive as sortment of CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, BUGGYS, and vehicles of all descriptions ; w hich will be of the best workmanship and materials, and which will be sold on as good terms as can be purchased in any city in the Southern country. They have also a number of first rate northern workman constantly employed, making and repairing Carriages in a superior style. iOr Orders for Carriages will be promptly attended “>• WRIGLEY A HART. THEY ALSO HAVE ON HAND, r\. A large assortment of SADDLERY -WARE /■fl 3liUaX?a33 9 \!r ’ilm IBuliJ F EVERY DESCRIPTION: Best Ladies’ & Gentlemen's Saddles, A Spanish, Columbia, Travellers, Fancy, „ 1J Quilted, of large and extra large sizes: Also, Race and Boy's Saddles, English Bridles, Mountings, Whips of all kinds. Hard Leather Trunks, Carpet Bags, Bear and Buffalo Skins, fc. tyc. All of which will be sold as low as they can be bough n this city, or any part of the Southern country. {Or Repairs of all kinds of the above business done n s superior style of workmanship. October 37 |yj GOLD INK, ~ \ beautiful article for Artiata, Schools, Private Fami lies, Bankers, Merchants, 4c Tine Ink, when , written with, has the appearance of Gold It can be ' used cither with a quill, well pen, or ■ fine hair brush, j Indies will find it for Ornamental Painting, Visiting Cards, Ac., to be superior to any similar article which has ever been introduced to dm notice of the public t tut sale by J H 4 W B EIXIS. '•» ■ M *v eifmlsii PIANO FORTES, See. THE Subscribers are now re fr ft ceiving the most splendid PIA IICHS ,/f NOS ever offered in this part of lit II the country, which they will sell | JH upon the most reasonable terms, : vt// for cash, or approved credit, at their Furniture Store, opposite ■ VA \l the Washington Hall, Cotton Av-. I 11 MA\ enue. They also have on hand, A, if are manufacturing and receiv ing. Furniture and Chairs of, the very best quality, and every variety of pattern, which the public are invited to call and examine, before purchasing, as their terms will al ways be such as to suit purchasers. JAMES P. BRADLEY Sc CO. March 16 21tf j PIANO FORTES, From Robert .Vunnj <J Clark's, and Geib \ Walker's Manufactories, at C. Bruno's Music Store, In Macon, Georgia. C BRUNO is constantly receiving from the said • manufactories,superior Pianos,manufactured ex pressly for his establishment, of various patterns of Rose j Wood and Mahogany, with the grand action, harp stop, 1 metallic plates, patent tuning pins. See. See., embracing the latest fashion of furniture, with tablet and hollow corniced fronts, veneered legs, and Grecian scrolls; all of which is warranted to be made of such material and so well seasoned, as to stand the test of every climate. A written guaranty entitles the person to exchange the instrument at any time within one year, if not satisfac tory, (if returned uninjured.) Also, constantly receiving, new and fashionable Mu sic, Instruction Books, Guitars, v iolins. Flutes, Flagp'i letts, &c. Guitar and Violin Strings, Ruled Music Pa per, Brass Instruments for Bands, such as Trombones, Bugles, Trumpets, Sec. April 6 24y SPRING FASHIONS SUMMER HATS. THE subscriber respectfully informs his customers Se friends that he has now on hand, and in process of manufacture, the finest assortment of Black and White Summer Hats ever before offered in this city, consisting in part of the following: 8 dozen super Drab Beaver Hats, broad brims 10 do do do do do medium brims 10 do do do Beaver Naps, wide & medium 20 do do White Russia Naps, do do 25 do do do plain Russia Hats, broad 25 do do do do do medium 25 do do do do do fashionable 20 do second quality plain White Hats, with wide brims, warranted all fur, at three dollars 20 do fine Black Moleskin Silk Hats, warranted fur bodies, a! less than New York prices With a large assor mant of Gentlemens, Youths and Childrens fine Leghorn, Manilla & Palin Leaf HATS Together with a fine assortment of Youths and In fants Cloth and Velvet CAPS, of the latest styles, all of which are offered on the very lowest terms for cash or good pay customers. Purchasers are respectfully invited to call and examine before purchasing. GEORGE A. KIMBERLY, Sign of the Big Hat, Mulberry street. March 16 21 / Hat anti Shoe STORE! ■'MIR subscribers respectfully inform the citizens ol Macon, ami the public generally, that they have taken the store on Muiberry -street,opp«»site the //artl ware store of Mr. E. B.Weed. and adjviung the Wafh »npton Hall , and have on hand and are constantly ma king additions to the same from New-York, Philadel phia, Boston and Baltimore, an extensive and general asst rtment of Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, of the most fashionable style Among which are — La ies’ French Kid Slippers “ Morocco do “ Walking Shoes “ Village Ties “ Gater and Morocco Boots “ Prunella Boots, thick and thin sole “ Prunel Slips and Walking Shoes Misses’ Seal and Goat skin Boots “ Walking Shoes and Slips “ and ladies' Calf and Seal-skin Boots. A large assortment of Children’s Shoes of all colors, Gentlemen's fine Calf, Kip and Water-proof Boots, Youths’ and children’s calf and kip boots, Gentlemen's fine calf Shoes and Bootees Boys’ fine calf and kip bootees, Gentlemen’s fine Dancing Pumps “ fine high vatnp Pumps, A general assortment of calf and kip Brogans. ALSO — 4 cases Gentlemen’s fine Beaver HATS, latest) New-York style, ) 4 cases Gentlemen’s broad brim Hats 4 do “ black Russia Hals, broad brim 4 do “ white do do do 3 do Youths’ black Silk do 2 do children's do do 12 do common Fur do white and black December 1 6tf 6 do Silk, and 6 cases Mole-ski n Hals. Gentlemen's fine sea Otter CAPS, “ fine Fur and Nutre do “ fine Cloth do Youths' Fur and Cloth do Children’s Cloth do A large assortment of men and boy»’ flair seal Caps. UMBRE aßSortment °* *' ne Silk and Cotton Alarge supply ol Shoe Brushes and Blacking. All of the above articles have been manufactured ex pressly for this market, and will be sold cheap for cash. Purchasers u-ill find it to their advantage to give us a call. HEIDT, ALDRICH & CO. December 8 7 PATENT MACHINE SPREAD STRENGTHENING PLASTER. I N the preparation of these very Superior and EXe gant Plasters, no cost or trouble is spared to ensure possible degree of perfection, in point of utility, elegance and comfort. They are spread of various sizes on kids of the best quality, by Machinery, invented expressly for he purpose, (which gives them an advantage over every ulaster heretofore offered to the public) as by this means tl. v can be made of a uniform thickness, and free fit. the inequality of surface which frequently prevents oth> sfrom adhering, or renders them irritating and uncomfortable, an objection, which it is impossible to avoid by the usual method of spreading Plasters The composition used in these Plasters, is carefully prepared at a lower temperature, from a combination o valuable Resinous Gums, with the ad-mixture of sever al choice aromatics, entirely separated from all extra neous and irritating particles; and from its peculiar combination of highly strengthening, anodyne and Ehtly stimulating properties it affords a pleasant and •dual remedy, in all cases of pain in the side and ist, weakness or oppressitm of the chest; pain or weak ness of the back or loins ; Also, in the sense of sinking and fairness at the pit of the stomach, accompanying Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. In Rhematic, or pain ful affections of the limbs or joints, their Anodyne and Stimulating properties render them particularly benefi cial. In Colds, Coughs, or Asthmatic Afecliims, they will be found to give immediate and permanent relief. Persons who from sedentary habits, or other causes, an gredisposed to affections of the lungs, will find tiiesc i .-«ters an effectual security against those pulmonary attacks which prove but two frequently, (when neglec ed) the precursory symptoms of Consumption ,- and in deed in a climate like ours, where colds and coughs arc an almost unfailing consequence of the sudden changes to wnich all are subject, every one at all liable to suffer from the influence of theae causes would find the great est possible security in having Ins chest and lungs pro tected by one of these invaluable Plasters To e ™ W » n suffering from Cough, or Colds affecting the chest or lungs, tig- sedative arid ano dv*e properties of these Plasters, afford signal relief. These Plasters being spread much more rapidly, as well as beuer, by Machinery, see sold much low*, than Plasters spread in (he Usual method. For safe by J H 4 W H PT.I IO June 3 ] OCHMUL6EE STEAM-BOAT COMPANY, INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF GEORGIA, IN 1835 For the transportation and Insurance of Mer clumdise and Produce, between Savanah and Darien, and Darien and Macon— touching at Hawkinsville, and the principal Landings, Company will run their Sream-boats as high up as Macon as long as the state of the Rive* will admit; and for low stages of the waters they have pro vided, and are now running Pole>boats of such ugh | draft of wa'er as will admit them to run at any stage o j >he River, which are towed up by their Steam-boats two-thirds of the distance, thereby greatly expediting the transportation of Merchandise during the Summer and Fall seasons; and their Steamers will be in com plete repair, and ready for business, as early as the Ri ver will admit. THEIR BOATS ARE: Steam-boat Comet, Captain Brandy, Steam-boat Alatamahn, Captain Steam-boat Ochmulgee, Captain i Blankinship; And a large number of TOW-BOATS, which will be in complete repair. For further information apply to a REA & COTTON. Macon, J. W. LATHROP, Hawkinsville, PH. R. YONGE & SON, Darien, WM. PATTERSON A CO., Savannah, McDOWELL. SHANNON A CO..Charleston, SCOTT, SIIAPTER A MORRELL, NewYork, Agents. j July 14 38tf FOOD FOR TIIE MIND. i\ WHW I T HE subscriber w ould respectfully inform his friends • and the community in general, that he has remov. eri rom Milledgev lie, and permanently located himself .11 his place, tw o doors South of the Washington Hall, on Mulberry-street, at the stand formerly occupied by Win. 11. Burdsall, ann lately by A. McArn, where he intends carrying on the BOOR and FANCY BUSI NESS on the mostrea tjnable termr ; and he flatters tiimse'f it the peopleiw II call and * .amine his stock that tl y will be convneed that he can sell as low as can bu bought at any house this side of New York., Among bis stock may be found a generalassortmrnt of Law, Medical, Miscellaneous and School BOOKS; GLOBES. MAPS and CHARTS; Mathematical In struments ; Record and Rlank Books of all kinds, Paper, Ink, Quills, Inkstands ; Printing, Visiting and Playing Cards ; Steel Pens, Fine Cutlery, Silver Pen cils, Purses, Pocket-books, Banker’s Cases, Ladies’ Work-boxos; ladies’ and gentlomen’s Dressing Cases; Dissected Maps, Spelling Puzzles, and a large assort ment of TOYS for children ; Fancy and Drawing Pa per, Bristol Boards, Paints, Varnish, India Ink, Brush es for Painting ; Gentlemen’s fine J/air, Shaving, Nail, Tooth, Whisker and Clothes Brushes; Writing and Travelling Desks ; Wilson's Manifold Letter Writer, with the art of despatching 1,2,3 or 4 letters with a sin : gle stroke of the pen—a very useful article for all busi ness men. Cologne, Florida, Lavender and Bay Waters ; Milk of Roses. Rouge ; Ladies’Curls, Head Ornaments, Ac. j Violins. Accordians, Music Boxes; the most celebrated MUSIC for Pianos; Card and Cigar Cases; Tobacco and Snuff' Boxes, <|-c Ac. IKT" All New Publications will be received as i soon as they are issued from the press. The above goods have all been selected fresh in New York this fall, and are of the best binding and mater ials. A liberal discount will be made to gentlemen and teachers buying by the Quantity, for their libraries and schools. By a close application to business, and a i desire to acninodate, I hope to merit a portion of the patronage of this liberal community. C. A. ELLS. j November 17 ly4 LOST NOTE. F |’!EN DAYS AFTER DATE, I promise to pay to ’ VV C. Parramore, or bearer, three hundred dol ; lars, for value received, this 10th April, 1839. G. H. SIMMS. GEORGIA, Bibb County. Before me, personally appeared Lemuel Wilkinson, who being sworn, saith that he was in possession of : the original Note, of which the altove is a copy in sub stance —that he traded for the said Note from said Parramore, and that he has lost said Note—that said Note has not been paid, nor has it been negotiated by this deponent in any manner whatever, to anv person whomsoever. LEMUEL WILKINSON. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 6th May, 1839. WM. CUMMING, J. P. May 6 3m28 HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT, Incorporated in 1810 with a Capital of $150,000, and power to increase the same to $250,000. long established Institution has for more than i a quarter of a century, transacted its extensive business on the most just and liberal principles—paying its losses with the most honorable promptness ; and the present Board of Directors pledge themselves in this par ticular, fully to maintain the high reputation of the Company. It insures on the most favorable terms, ev ery description of property against less and damage by Fire, but takes no marine risks. Applic i ion for Insurance may be made either per sonally, < by letter, to its Agent in this city: and all renewals r risks now running by this Company on property i this city, may be made by application to the Agent wil. B. JOHNSTON, Agent. Macon, pril 21, 1838. 26tf PIANOS ! PIANOS ! I JUST received and for sale, four elegant PIANO FORTES, manufactured expressly for the south ern climate, and are warranted. The public are invi ted to call and examine them. THOMAS WOOD. December 8 7 PAPER AND STATIONARY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 18HE subscribers have just opened their Fall and Winter Stock of fine and superfine Letter, Cap, and larger PAPERS, most of which has been pur chased direct from the manufacturers. Stationary, of every kind, Blank Books, for city or country trade, Pocket-Books, Pen Knives, See. Which they will sell on accommodating terms, for city acceptances. Blank Books made to order. Pri iters supplied with Printing Paper, Ink, Ac. o the best quality. BURGES A WALKER, Stationer’s Hall, 85 East-Bay, Charleston, S.C. November 10 Siomp CASTINGS, BLACKSMITHING, Ac. ALL kinds of CASTINGS, MILL INKS, GUD GEONS, Ac , of Iron or Composition, cast to | order, at short notice. Patterns will be furnished, if necessary. | All kinds of MACHINERY made or repaired. Kr The highest price will be given for Old Copper, Brass, and Cast Iron. w . A. D. AI. F. BROWN, March 9 20tf Near the Baptist Chur ch. HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. GILDING, 4c. fTMIE subscriber, grateful for past favors in the above A line, begs leave most respectfully to return his most sincere thanks to the citizens of Macon and Vine villr, and then vicinity, and takes this opportunity to inform them and the public generally, that he has as- with him in co-partnership, CHARLES L. SMIIH, (late of Wall street, New York, a gentleman, and second to none in his line of Paimitig in the Uni ted States.) for the purpose of conducting the Painting business in aJI its various departments, m, , . . , THOMAS B. CLARKE, I he busmens, in future, will be conducted under the firm and style of CLARKE & SMITH, No 1 Mulberry street, next door but one below William B Parker A Cos., and directly opposite the Central Hotel l ' eb2 15-ly NEW MEDICINE—WORTHY OF NOTICE. Dr. Phelps* Compound Tomato Pill. Ell tirwly Vegetable t A NEW and invaluable Medicine, for all disrate* arising from impurities of the blood, morbid secre tions of tlie Liver and Stomach—Also, s Scbstitltf for Csurnu, as • Cathartic in Fevers, and all Bilious ; diseases They have been abundantly and sucremfully tried, and have received universal approbation for Sene fu a, Dysprpns, Bilious diseases, Jaundice, Gravel, Rheumatism, Colds, Influenza. Catarrh. Nervous die etm*, Acid HioniMt (iltnduUr H* Him#* of tl] kinda, Cottiveness. Colie, Headache, Ac. Sola by J- IL Aw.» ELLIS, Coti«a-A venue ■enaurl g pbhewhn©. books, PAMPHLETS and Posting and Shmr Bilig BUSINESS AND VISITING CARDS ' A*f » JOB WORK, XN OBMBRa* EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, ’ At the Office of the “ Southern Post," AT.*— BY C R. HANLEITER. ’ Kr If desired, different kinds of Bronze andr™ ” a '* "“ d ' ■—** P°RTRAiT^AI^Ti^~~ open to visiters from 10 A. M. to 4P. M ’ m Macon. April 20. 1839 COMPA RET, Arti« fce ! -at First Cost iJ T f |icwifo C ,hi l r : . r ' anxious the pub nc with this luxury, is willing to sell the same the original cost which he paid on the delivery at IVU SIX CFNTS^ 11 h her p t,er , *■', the rpd uce/price l of May ,1 JOHN VILLI AMS. 9Zr The Telegraph and Messenger will publish tha above 8 times : each of the M.lledgeville pa£rs are £ quested to give it two insertions. j ICE! ICE!! Jit Six Cents Per Pound. RECEIVED and for sale a large supply of ICF which can be had at any time from sun-rise tilt nine at night, by applying at the store. A large Re. fngeratnr will be kept filled in the store, and delivered jii any quantities without a moments detention Price six cents per pound. ' e HARVEY SHOTWELL, Druggist. Opposite Central Hotel. R—When wanted to go in the country, it will he caretully packed with a material prepared for the nnr pose, that will preserve it front melting almost entirely. i*iuy io * sOIP .1 IIM TP 11. C. A. ELLS II AS the pleasure of informing the Ladies and Gen -11 * le i ne , n 9[ Macon, that he has established a Foun tain of Soda Water at his Book Store, under the man agement of a very experienced person. The Soda will be prepared in the best and most healthy manner, and supplied with Syrups, which will render it pleasant to the taste, and invigorating to health and spirits. Cus tomers will he served from early in the morning until ten in the evening, Sundays excepted. - ,unc 1 32 SODA WATER. H SHOTWELL has the pleasure of informinethi • Ladies and Gentlemen, that his Soda Fountain is now up, and that the Soda Water will be constantly prepared in the most approved manner, with the best Apring Water, and supplied with the most choice and healthy Syrups, and constant attendance from early in the morning till 10 in the evening. April 20 26 LAW NOTICE. *¥*IIE undersigned will hereafter practice Law tinder M the firm and style of McDONALD, POWERS & r RANKLIN, and will regularly attend the Courts heretofore attended by McDonald Se Powers. Office over the Ocmulgee Bank. c. J McDonald, „ , „ A. P. POWERS, Feb 2 15-ts L. FRANKLIN. Auction and Commission Business. 'T'Ht undersigned has commenced a regular busi * neBS i, n the above bus, and solicits the patronage of the public. Refer to Messrs. Rea Se Cotton, Macon. “ Scott Se Morrell, New York. “ Wm. Patterson Se Cos., Savannah. Mr. Charles Hartridge, “ “ Robert Collins, Charleston. Messrs. Farrar Se Hayes, “ Mr. G. McLaughlin, Augusta. a. r. McLaughlin. N. B. Sales may be expected on WEDNESDAY in each week, until further notice. Fe h 16 17tf DISSOLUTION. ¥*IIE Copartnership heretofore existing between tha * subscribers, under the name and style of JAMES .4. BISHOP Se CO. is this dav dissolved bv mutual consent. All persons having demands against said firm, and those indebted, will please make application to James H. Bishop, for a settlement of the same. JAMES H. BISHOP, ALBERT H. ROOT, „ Surviving Partner!. Macon, May 15th, 18$9 NOTICE. THE Subscribers having disposed of their entire Stock in Trade, Materials, Sec., to Mr. CURTIS R. PARSONS, beg leave to recommend him to their numerous friends and customers as a gentleman, and every way qualified to conduct the business. JAS. H. BISHOP & CO. Macon. May 15th, 1839 30 Tin Plate, Copper and Sheet Iron MANUFACTORY. THE undersigned having purchased of Messrs. J. H. Bishop A 00. their entire stock of TIN WARE, Ac., takes this method to inform the citizen* of Macon, and surrounding country, that he has es tablished himself at the old stand, (occupied by his pre decessors,) on the east side of Mulberry-street, three doors above the Darien Bank, where he will furnish all kinds of TIN WARE, by wholesale or retail, at mo derate prices, and in every variety. SPOUTING and ROOFING HOUSES will be it tended to at short notice. All orders promptly attended to. ~ CURTIS R. PARSONS, Successor, Ac. Macon, May 15th, 1839 30 DR. JOHN R. BOON HAS removed to, and permanently settled in Ms con, where he can be found at all times ready to attend the calls of Ins friends. His residence is on the corner of Thiid and Poplar streets, formerly occupied by Mr. Levi Eckley. May 25 311 THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING purchased of Mr. Geo. C. McNeill his entire stock of Goods, have formed a copartner ship under the firm and style of SAML J. RAY 4 CO., have taken the stand recently occupied by him, where they would be pleased to see the customers of the late concern. The stock comprises a good selec tion, to which they will be receiving additional eupphti in a short time. SAMUEL J. RAY. D. D. McNEILL. Macon, May 11 •* THOSE PERSONS WHO have BOOKS belonging to the subseribsN will please return them. P. C. PENDLETON. E. L. STROHECKER May 35 » AG ENTL EMA dL ADY are de.i mu» mining Board in a private family, in Macon nr Vineville. Address A. B. at this office. May 35 21 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. WII.L be sold on THURSDAY, the Hth dy«* JULY next, at the reaidence of Thomas Zorn, late of Twiggs county, deceased, al' the perishable pro perty belonging to said deceased, consisting of S’ o **' • Hogs, Horses and Household Furniture, and suoofv other articles, too numerous to mention. , , CHARLES C WHITEHEAD. Adm r. June 1 ™ FOUR months after dsre, application will he ■•J 1 to the Honorable Inferior Court til Twiggs ty, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for lesve » •* the Negro belonging to the estate of Thorns* Z«r®- hue of said roomy, derraaed. . ~ CIIaRILH c. WHITEHEAD, A4mr June I