Southern post. (Macon, Ga.) 1837-18??, October 26, 1839, Image 1

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TUI! Is published in the city of Maco t ewry Saturday Morning, at three dmum in adt>* , OCR after three months-rivo mi,labs for six and mailed to country sobacribers the earliest mails enveloped by "ood strong wrappers, wjlh iegib | c direc f ions. No subscription for a less period ,han six months—and no paper continued, until all arrears arc paid. Advertisement* not cxceet%vre[^ p .g Knos will be in-' aerted at SI 00for the lint each continuance—larger ones in Persons wishing to advertise by the year mils** T ca || at ffie office and make an agreement to that oflte—t. 83-Advertise ments not limited when handed in, v*.—jj[ b c inserted till | forbid, and charged accordingly Mr Any person forwarding a W imr bill, (post pai 1,1 shall receive four copies, for tear, to be sen! to different persons, as directed, ar ratters, Oil business, cither u* ,h e Publisher or Editor, must come poit paid attention. MACON IRON FOUNDRY, AM) MACHINES* , ol >. rpHE former proprietors us ills Eslalilishineiit 1 hiive now associated with thmW" Mr /.Wr fW loi, (late of Philslclphh,) wliise t K yi,!,* ils „ mill wright and General Mmiiiwi, regi* ires no emninenl here. Iho c nicer i wiU IterMflgr l>r«. conducted under the firm of Fin.H-.Spl.hA H .|:irm. who will vurrvimthe MII.LWKIGHI and MACH IYU BU SINESS' in all its various branches,, ' via: all kinds of tv >rk in .their line fir S'eim Dials—— f, r mills and Factories of every description, up t g „ IM , r „veti plans, either by steamor water r _„l.„ Saw and Grist Mills expressly urrangud for pi*. _ pllrp o^,' &r., bv horse power, in which, case a Thrashing Ma- 'Co ton (.111 may he driven r* |, ms with the oth er work, or sepnruelv, a< mnv he ; m | Ti, , v will and > all kmds of BLACK-SMITH AND C.tPPER SMIT VINC. in a siinkrmr maniii _ r; which will he Mill S.undies, (.udgcuiu, tie*—i n j Bales— also, G ii'l. II iad«, Siii+nps, and Ji* l r ll , s , & c . & c ., fir 6iw Mills. They will make of m. 'upper, 8 ills and Worms, of any sue; iiila Foiling* |) V( . Kettles, Force Pumps, Steam Slid Wiitcr Pig. »,. s n , l( j ~v (. n . oth er artiide in 'heir line. They have . 01 , hand, a lot of Siw Mill Pundies, of their own in -and a g ipcrior article. The subseribcrsTeei aitthorixcd, P% —„ n ilieir long ex perience in the ulioyo business, In w —» r *mi fficir work, in point of quality, equal to any in t United Hint, s : mi I hopits, by s'rirt tUlenlioii lo by m «mcrs, t 0 merit a share of public patronage. The highest prices will lie given f. , r ()I,D COPPER, Ell AS A LEAD, or CAST-IRON _ rmt subscribers will fnriiidi,io «*- ,1,-r, when retpdr e i, Steam Engines, Mill 4c., ut the best Northern in inufoctare. I tr All comnimiicutinisi reist pa * ,], wi.l niect with prompt attention ROliEllT’ FIN 1)1, \Y, . Jj.™ TNIBI. SMITH, WM Me— hi,ROY. Refrrenci-s—Uew. I, 1* (.rilfin, * • ,|. \y m . fl. Par- , ker. Ju Ige II dr. Moj. Fredtuick Siix x , Mnj. IHifniltun, J.uiies find lard, E*|. .Macon, Oct I, KU 40 Mvcnsive Jewelry lis mal)lis!i ill. ■kvC- —/JIH* s *_ llerrilici-s rirc re ; \ c ''™gliis «nil and wintersup //' t Veit plyihGood .whichconstitutes 111 ■ ( h a sleek in t Kxeir line superior to / |di 10 P. rlj) t*uyuser I* -»j;.ft.d in ibis inar s’®, 'l'fnd •»— ■■ teriorto none for : *1 iftwlnos < i|iiality, superior , wiirkinaiisf up, or variety or stylo in the United States.’ ■ ID* STOCK CONSISTS I*' l ' and gentlemen’s gold,pate* a i lever Watches, of (he approve,l makers, AAI. Tobias -*■», r,,„ Robert Ih**- • ell. Joseph .1 iluis in, John J/mcns - , m | Lirlu rlrind Da vis ,V G>. ; gold English anchor rsc— apcmriit Waiclies, •hat were nude t, order mid adjust.-*! insult the soiiili •nl climate ; gold licnine Watiilies • silver (intent lo ver I, pine, K iglishCyliinlerand V - t . r „c VVaidics; In dies' Curb, guard, basket and enl w i,. Chains; Wuteli. I I toks S,* ihs, Kevsa I is.viv,'.|s; Fn «.jjemd En IE Igs; l> uroes .Mill t:iulUn It's li 1011, :* nd Wires ; gciltk •n-'ti's 'guard, t-nrli and linked Chai* .Sols, K*w and ,S viva's; liosoin,-s|wveiuijcollar /j ,n, m s; |'i eos .pins, it I M I i!i . is; pearl and gel(', •- : golil mid silver 111 kies ; (Told, silver anil mri Saw** HI) j.ves; wold and .iiver Ever-p limed Pencil Ciisys; JJlniamre"Cases ilrieelets; gib,silver,plredlildshe-- il (Jdinhs: ..oldfid Silver I',utilities; g.iltl, silver and ste— .] leiiniled’’,Spe«a ides, with glasses in sail even age, fllM | near-sighted; Ia id large .Ciral; Until Nee tehees; I,end llagt", illiaitwaipd Ptoses; a vnrietvofßtj * d-; % amlQuiz /log (.! test; .t/i ■ rose s;Spar*; * —oitn: f,. a ('oil,lies; I icaui'-B igtks; lii'iellible Ipk; Em t ,ryf ishious; Ra' - •It o 'V,i,sties nnj I’uethiiijrßings' r archildren i Corset II ags ; 5*,.,.| Masks; l’oriaMe Ini;— mis and Writiujg tl"sks: card ai,;l«ignrcasesj vißitl> m „Cartls; imitation Four; • L it'iler -Vutehes; BatWJfc Tors,Slluith"C«fks a idCraees; fencing Foils, Masks ; an I (iloven; Ro gers & S tn’.s Razors, pen ami poet. _. Knives ; C. Em erson's Rug ir .Strap); Scissor*; IE ac-p*; Ghaaer’* Wo rn inds;, lit boards, Du'-t'i D tniinncs; steel Pons; Fife ’mulcts. And Irons, Shovels and ’l'n'ngufshept•Brass, Mtrass Wire, Scales and Weight* ; Surveyor's and Matteuiati «ai instruments; Astrelnn'd Urge •== unpindihg Lamps; lauip (ilasses aad Candle Slmdes Lwking Glasses ; I lutes ami T’lierinvmeters; iug Canes; Grnia, Pistols, pistol Bell«, Powder Flasks, s—shot Pouches, game lings; gold and silver Leaf; Dimta V- hutrunients; gold am tin Foil; Whigs, 'i'linpeitj, of Hair, Rolls end Curls ; (ho of Rises, Lavender ami FI O ruin W.-rer; Blriulnghnip and Shfe, tfield Silver plated Castors, liquor Siantls, Candle Stir- Branches, 'Mai. ters, Tea Travs, Fruit IhiaknU, K. nnUhn and Hnflflbr "rays, «ilv'-*rCups,Pitelierß,Table, ——Tea,Utis?rt,(’r»mm rvilr .'iritl.-lZi-.tnrd Sp ume, Soup In*, dies, sugar Tongs, I'Ut’rr Kiiives, pickle Knives and P , r ks. sugar Sfiutps ; .ifmilc an j \ eiffl^*4 a 3 CLOCKS ; M isicnl Inatniawnts, y -—insisting of Bass nnd Kettle Drums, Fifes, Flageletts, Claronetls, Accordi«»ii«, ' Shell Music Hums, and Music Baxes, to play Uianes«. A UflOD STOCK l> * MILITARY iV MILITARY TRIMMINGS t )l new style, such as arc now by llic Army >' n dtr a recent regulation, ALSO— Watchmaker's Tools am. -*1 Materials. tesiiies m«oy other articles—ail of wliieli they willse’t cvwv.low for cash or approved pa|-fci.i *• r, . fney.invite citizens, Anil pruntx =s mn'ernllv visiting tie city, to callat-their'Storp.jeast —sideof Mulberry-»t.) ■ilia examine their Rack, wherelhe* v are over renily arul t'appy to attend to those wliu niav themwith their . Lalls. WM. 11. JDt I.NNTON k CO. N. 11. Particular sttmlionpaid re- Wathi Uemirinu 11 ivins in qinploy anproved and cjc perionoed workmen, and bong pwp&tea in niinnfic* wire nil the ports ot uinyement of n Watch, will ware- ant every piece they make ns perfect ns the original, rid their'YVntclms to Perforin well. \V, |!. j. & CO. o chmulgeest eaM’Bo a n^y IXOURrOBATEO BV IDE tWhmR T OF ULI*g(,IA,IX 183A l-or the transpariaium ml linsurance oJ'Mer clt utilise and Product, l* tween Savanam tnii Dahiiw, and Darib r s ond Macon: — touching til HawUimille, wind the principal Landings. f |MilS Oompany will ran iliclr —Meani-boan n« liiiali ■ ,»P ns Macon n? long iis ilic s-«tole of the River wilt cdmil; and for low stages nf the limy have pro veled, ati'l are now rnniiim* l'«l«—-Inmt* ofmieli liuli i li'-'* wa,( ' r .'! *ill ttlniit thorn «r n rim nl any singe o mid River, which urelowed up t —-v their Sloam-hoata two-tlurris of (lie distinct*, iherel* yrently expediting tlie trnnsp irlntion of during the Hunmicr anil rail seasons; mil IhcirSlere -ours will In* in coin plea* repair, and icady forbusiuetae ", os early us the Ri ver will iulnui. ’ TUlillt BOATS HF.: - i, Cuptuin Drantly, Kieu|ii.lm(| \ln n iiiii ha, Captain Htonm.lmiu oi;b ssi ii Iu c <■, Coptuiu Uluiiltinahip; And • Ume number of TOW— IKJATS, which wiU U* in oofsinlste repsir, o frl 1 * infiirmaiion apply t »oj » RKAA COTTON, i'll a i llnwklL .villc, lA*. *• VONOU 4* HON. aK Is M. 1 * *' H *Hiintli* A t'lM li» l iir l *ii, I.HllAm;il4Mt A>»llHLLl,,N»sYoik. llpttifet. Bfoof© BY P. C. PENDLETON. VOL. 11. AIISCELLANYL From the Metropolitan Magazine. TUB BLIND KEEFER ADRIFT. BV EDWARD HOWARD. War hns an apetito that is universal, and a nttiw to which nothing-comes amiss. “ Food fur powder,” as honest Jack hath said, “ food forpowder,” not only includes those ilLdressed wrefehes, witlnvhom we would not ivillingly “ march through Coventry,” but too often, also, a part of the gentlest, ami the bed, and the most bpautiful of the creation. And, then, some of this food is so young— so tender ! Ido not now speak of those bnr h.'U'inn general massacres in which the devil rides astride upon ihc human heart, and a sort of rational madness mocks hninnnitv, at which after-thought sickens, notwithstanding every opiate that may Iw administered to the mur tic rers, unde.' tlir* imposing titles of the vic tims lieing termed thp spawn of heresy, reliels to their king, or a God-accursed race ; -when, with tlie aged, the women and the children at Die bi est are slaim I only speak of the voting, snerifieed on the altar ol legitimate warfare ; the mere boy, who wonders while lie fights,! and is swept otF in his fresh youth, evpn while lie wonders. It is One of these tender speei meiis of “ food for powder,” of which I am about to speak, who escaped the smoky tle vourer, with the iron throat, only through a misfortune hardly less horrible than being made a. mouthful for a lung fbur-aud-tvveiity ; polmder,. Henry Latimer was an orphabJ ; of father; or rnotiicr lie had no reiiiemhruiice. At a very'early ag6 the cross and slatternly nurse was exchanged for the schoolmaster—though; by no means so cross, yet almost as slattern-1. Iv. Hut Harry had an elastic spirit—press him to the earth otto moment, and be seemed, like tlii* fabled monster of antiquity, to gather i .strength from the contact,and to renew his; energies of life and soul and imagination. i And he ways beautiful to look upon.'' How; much I Venerate the unstained beauty of the ! young! What is the sublimity of the moun tain. the loveliness of the exipii.-rtely chiselled ; I’arian m n hie. or even the gorgeous magnifi cence of the monarch sun himself-—w hat arc Jbe/teaiitysjil all these compared- with-those liigh revealiiigs of tdie Divinity that mantleil over tlm cotiumuance, and flash forth from the ‘ eye of the young, who are really and truly I imaged ufic r their Maker ! (lountennnces such ns these are rare, hut they are less rare in England than in any! other country that lias yet been discovered. They now and then, to prove lo us, | tlint tlie impress of our first parents has not yet wholly disappeared; and they .seeiu tome! us n sort of pledge, that, when “we have shuffled- off this mortal coil”—and some of. us, it must he confessed, arc mortally ugly:,— that.our world-stamped, care-worn, features shall lighten into comeliness, and that we then shall all possess a m ire genuine and a keener sense of the beautiful.. This is a very pleas-1 ant speculation,' for the ifffavored especially hut, as it has but little to do with my tale, we j will take oiir leave of it. Hfriry Latiinei: was brio of tlios splendid creations. Did lie want.a well-wisher, he had but to turn the radiance of his countenance upon the person nearest to him, mid the ingo nioasness of his smile caused-friends to rise ticound him, in a manner almost as miraculous j as flowers springing beneath the feet of a gem I tie spirit. . . Living in the far North, Henry htjd a proud, j cold, and rich guardian, who had never seen him. This guardian’ of business, a so licitor of King’s Bench Walk, in the Temple, was the link of ewmmunication between the: guardian ami the ward ;.' aud he of the many years and musty deeds, although he saw Harry hut seldom, fell under the influence of tlie boy’s facinatiorl of manner and appearance. Lie loved him as a father would have loved his only son. lie thus lived, this Latimer, the centre of his circle, actually blessing and being blessed, ; until the age of fourteen, when the fiat j from Sir Charles Osborne, that Mr.Soutlieby, the lawer, was to fit him out for Iris Majesty’s naval service, and that he was forthwith to join the - Mohawk, a sixteen-gun brig, at that time erasing in the Channel. I his news was less -afflicting to Henry than to all those who knew him. His spirits wore as buoyant as Ins face wak beautiful—jet were those spirits j bore down to very melancholy, and the team , tv of that face not dimmed, but- its character made the more touching by tears, on the mgr ■ring of his departure from that school which had been to him almost the onlv - home that he could remember. His guardian had, in the promulgating of his orders, condescended to. acquaint him, lor the first time, that he held in trust for him a little properly in the fundsef something more than the annuul value of two hundred pounds. Ho was told lo draw to tlie amount of fifty pounds yoarlv on tlie good lawyer, until fur ther instructions, and then, with a frigid “Cod spued finn,” ho was consigned to tho “multi ! t millions wniors,” and the tender mercies of, the naval couimunder of u fir-built brig ol ; war. The solicitor siuv his charge not only down; *to Chulhum, hut idso sale on board tin) Mo- 1 hawk, burst into tesrs when Iw took Dave of! him, und immudlately be weal town, tlw »ot\- lieartod pud old buctelor pul him down til his urill for u !*um that 1 will not designate, lost | there of tte world siwuld suppose lum to Iw soft-Iwaded situ. Well, for aiw pleas,ait year tlw Mounting DEVOTED TO EITERATDHE, INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT. COMMERCE. AGRICULTURE. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC NEWS. AMUSEMENT, Ac. Ac. TERMS. THREE DOLLARS, IN ADVANCE FOI'R DOLLARS. AFTER THREE MONTHS. MACON, (Ga.) SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1839. boy ran the same course of trmmphnnt friend ship that had made him so happy at school. I he rough North-country skipper, who seem ed to be rnA.le for hard fighting, loved and pet ted the lad ; the two lieutenants pettod him, and excused him from his duty when the wind was keen and the nights very dismal; the gun ner [Kitted him. and him all about wind age of shot, despart sight, and point-blank firing ; the boatswain petted him, and taught him to make I urks-lieads, gammon, nnd drink giog -the last with a reservation ; the carpen ter potted him, and taught him, among other accomplishments, how to shoot with the long how ; and his brother middies petted him more than all, for they took an especial care of his liealth, by drinking his allowance of wine It nd spirits, and exercised him in the virtues that made Martin a saint, for they wore his cloan shuts, parted his garments among them, and wound up the climax of their benevolence by that most certain test of friendship—borrow ing his money. I lie rougii seaman looked upon him as a lieing cast in another mould, from himself.— His brilliant complection, his clear ruddy cheeks, and the soul-iul. rmed expression of liis countenance, puzzled the tars amazingly; and yet, with all these rare endowments, Hairy had not the least appearance of effemi nacy. His laugh was hearty and loud, and bis bearing bold and frank. ’ Jem'. Styles, the captain of the forecastle of the larboard watch, once broke out in the following ejaculation, when he saw Harry Latimer looking down from the foretop-mast rigging. “Eyas!” said Jem, “ now, shipmates, l knows what the words iu the song means, w he i it says, ’•‘There's a sweet little chelTib that’s stuck up alofi,* " for there it is, sure enough.” * Now tuese halcyon days (halcyon is a pret ty wal'd, and, as the boatswain assures me, de rived from halyard*) were soon tb be over clouded, and to close upon poor Henry with mental and physical darkness. The captain never fell himself -comtbrtalrlo ashore without Harry. The youth’s-stpend being liberal, and the captain having' private . directions always to keep him well supplied in the articles of dress, lie was as modi petted by the ladies on shore; as he was by his shipmates on fiottrd,». Invitations were constant whilst the ship was at anchor, and many a good dionur did the liard-a-weather captain attack, for the sake of his entertainers possessing, lor a few: hours, that •* little love of a midshipman.” How truly has it boon said, that our accom plishments', and even our virtues, sometimes turn traitors to us, and seduce us to our ruin. Henry Latimer proved, to a dreadful extent, the truth of the observation. On the 4th of June, 1809, lie had nearly attained his fifteenth birthday. Asa preliminary- io his over whelming misfortune, he received a letter from the lawyer’ in the King’s Bench Walk, that nis old friend, Mr. Sdthehv, had departed this life, and that the writer, a perfect stranger to. Henry, had succeeded him in hisrnultifari, ous business, and that the future bills that tlie young midshipman might have to draw were to be directed to film. The letter also men tioned that Mr. Sothehy had left him a con siderable sum of money, which his informant acquainted him had bnen invested, co forma, lily to' tfie orders of Iris, v ith Ij-ati mer’s other property, in the Consols. This event, little as it would appear to in fluence our hero’s happiness, had, however, a .groat effect iu aggravating his approaching misery. On this inauspicious 4th of June, Iris Ma jesty, George 111., -still held u palace at Wey mouth, arid, on of the sovereign, a ball there was given to ali the officers, naval as well as military, that-happened to ho in the vicinity. Os course, all tho principal mhab-, • itants, and the civil authorities, were present. Lilton of' the Mohawk could not go comfortably without Iris handsome pet. Henry; so they jiushed- off from the brig together ; ibout ten o’clock at night in very dreadful weather. Ttey were in tlie gig. The angry I gale swept along the hay, anti the waves trem bled over each other; like breathing monsters in clumsy ploy. The lightning mosked tte pale blaze of the illuminated town, whilst the echoes of the tlufmier bouideo along the wa ters, and rattled with lumhie dissonance among tlie roofs of tte houses. • • Tho close-reeled lug was set, and the lee j oars carefully olid yet, with the most I scientific seamanship, it seemed hardly possi ble to fetch the Inildiug-place, at that time only , a small wooden jetty. If they did not. ns the tide was galloping down the Channel, instead | of dancing at the ball, a more boisterous dance awaited them with tte* demons of the storm, ! ami the fearful hall would nssurdly have been i'openod with a gullopudc through tte llace of Portland. Nestkid mi)} well cloaked, nnd hugged up to the side of tlie tough skipfier. sat Henry in i the steru-slicets of tho gig, whilst the slight and fragile bout nctuallj leaped from wave to wave. The rain fell in a ‘manner as if it ! strove to quell tho rebellion of the sea, whilst , the lightning quivered mound them, making ; every object inst uumu-ously brilliant with its blue and livid light. They were now within *u short quarter of a mile of the shore, wten 1 n tell of vivid fire de.v’endetl almost fier|ien I tliculurly over tte boat, and, wten apparently above it hut one hundred yards, it exploded hko a shell, und forked and arrowy flastes streamed from it •» owffy direition. Tho in slant crush of thundt'i was stunning, “■1 am bhixk f,” lid ll«tiry, trembling i throng!) every limb, nnd pressing his hand up ! on his agonized eye-halls. “Nonsense, my dear boy,” said the kind hearted captain ; “you will see directly. 1 am myself dazzled.” “ I cannot see now,” said the youth, icinov. ing his hands from Jiis eyes; “ 1 shall never see again.” i “Come, Harry, don’t alarm youisclf, and frighten me to death—hold up your head— | don’t you now see the illuminations ?” “ Thank God—thank God ! I believe Ido ; hut very dimly—hut very imperfectly. Yes, they are plainer now, hut my eyes ache and smart terribly.” .“Cheer up! A glass of grog, and all will he well : and see—we have got the jetty on the lee-beam—\ve shall not be driven to sea to-night. Hurrah .for the hall!” And the landing-place was fetched, arid the gig safely beached and drawn up high and dry, and the grog drunk, and the dress re adjusted, and to the hall the captain nnd the midship man went. That night Henry’s large hazel eyes were observed to be unusually brilliant, a; and wildly restless. With this entertainment we have but little to do.' It was enjoyed by the young reefer with all the zest of youthful and physical ex citement. The company separated at four o’clock, the sun then being several degrees above the horizon. The storm of the previ ous night had settled into a strong and steady .gale, dead upn the shore. The brig was riding in.tilt; offing, with two cables on end, and all idea of getting on hoard of her until the gale should have moderated was necessarily 'aban doned. Youth loves not sleep, excepting it Ik; in a middle watch—at least midshipman youth.— And yet -sleep, like death, though it may he sometimes defrauded, w ill at last’conquer. Henry strolled forth among the fields of new ly-mown liny, and being at length fairly born down by .fatigue, threw himself upon a hay cock, reeking with its own natural moistev, mid the deluge of rain of the preceding night. Tiius'l) ing .sheltered from the gale, w ith fne homing sun us-June above him, he slept till past mid-day. ’ By this time the gale had abated, and the Irw-wtiHi ItmWng discovered HcnryS-n//t—.tco conch, aroused him by telling him fflat the enptnin was waiting for him to go on hoard. W'he i the poor youth unclosed his eyes, the light of heaven was too.miich for them. At every attempt-to look about him, the scalding tears overflowed his bloodshot orbs, and D|is teied his ruddy cheeks. Lie was led to the gig, and no sooner were they on board than it was “ All hands up anchor,” and away they ■went fm the .Mohawk’s cruising ground. Now, there'were at this time some seven or eight French line-of-Lmltle ships blockaded in Cherbourg by five or six English vessels of the j same description. Frigates and small craft 1 ol) the part of’ the enemy were never taken into'the account. Jack looked upon captur ing them as a matter of course When the pieces de resistance, as the gastronomes call them, struck, the entremets followed in the na tural order of things. - It was-the duty of tlie Mohawk, at nightfall, when tho squadron stood off, to stand in, and remain as hear to - the harbour’s mouth ns was consistent .with the safety of the vessel, so that at'dajbreak the little craft was often found bobbing under tte guns of Fort Fulee. The patience and endurance of bravado by that monster, fort was remarkable. We must suppose that, like the stork in.the fable, which would not o|ien its beak for so small a mutter as a minnow, Felee never Condesci ndod to open her batteries upon so insignificant a thing as i look-out sixteen gun brig, which made the said brig took in tho harbour the fort was placed to protect, the more pryingly and the more, impudently. ' We have now arrived at a point in our little history which we scarcely know how to tran dle so as to procure for ourselves credence. The surgeon on board the small vessel, was so .little versed Ln general professional knowledge, that any di ,erect barter could have mo-re suc cessfully undertaken a common case than this person, to whom.the preservation ol the health of nearely one hundred persons were entrust ed. As an oculist, he was totally ignorant. So great was the paucity of men of tahmt and science in the medical profession-in the height of the war. But the man was honest, and said at once that he did not know what treat ment to adopt to meet a case so alarming as that of Henry’s eyes. Such was the case, on board the Mohawk. Rapidly, and with excruciating pains, was in. Ilammation followed by absolute blindness to tlie eyes of poor little Harry Latimor. Not u soul in tlie little vessel but would have for feited a year’s [my and a week’s grog to have relieved tlie poor bov ; yet no one lor a mo moot thought of saying to him, “ Go fur relief to the ignorant surgeon.” • And the honest old captain, what did he do ? In tte fulness of Iris kindness he did tho very worst tiring possible. He loved him and pitied him with an intesitv that continually brought the unwonted tears into his eves ; and us, with his Inrgo nnd tanned forefi igcr te rubbed them off* his russet brown cheek, te would look ut the damp digit, and shaking Iris head sorrow tlilly exclaim, “ I)—u tte boy. lie’s making a fool of old Lilton at Jast. Never mind, I’ll hung thut villain of a ’pothecurv ; so there’s some comfort leit vet.” Os course, m Henry’s afflict ion, lie was domesticated m the cabin. Tte captain aban doned to him hi* own col, end ted u hammock . lung fm himself. They ate together, und C. R. IIAMI.LTER, PRINTER. sorry am I to say. they also drank together, j After supper, old Litton, conscious only tlu.t I lie heard the sweet voice of the boy. foigot I that the poor fellow could no longer see, and ! that a course of half-and-half brandy grog was not the lies! medical treatment for an : acute inflammation of tlto eyes. At length the poor little lad’s once brilliant blue orbs became reticulated with a close, net work of bloodshot veins, ■ the larger vessels lieing distinctly marked by nobs of angry red, and the pupil of the oyus became dull and; clouded. Nothing, now was distinguishable lo him but the difference between light and darkness, and scarcely.that. When lie held j up Ins hand between the sun and his blighted vision, the slmdiTwy outline of his fingers was ! barely visible, magnified enormously, and seen | as it were through the thickest of conceivable fogs. The pain -also became daily .mure in- 1 tolerable. , .[ Old Lilton, who could not eortceive that in a subject so healthy and so young, this state of | things would not mend,led himself w ith a false hope, and procrastinated. At length, Henry himself began to serious ly ponder upon the misery of blindness to orto so young, and to whom God’s beautiful erea-: tion offered so many pure sources of enjoy-1 meat, through the medium ot' the most useful j or the senses. He was not wanting in oner-! gy, and finding that morning alter morning, instead of bringing him amendment, Trough! j to him only increased darkness, he told his too kind captain of his exceeding misery, and demanded relief. Lilton did what lie should .hat e done long before—made the signal for leave to' spoak tof the commodore, which lieing obtained, he ran down io tlii! squadron. Henry Was led on j boa id the Venerable, and Iris eyes submitted to the inspection of the surgeon and his as | sistants. This gentleman fonund the case so! alarming, that he requested a consultation with ' the other medical officers; they came on board. Henry was conducted into the cabin, and, af ter many learned tilings.bad been said on the subject, they all decided to have nothing to do with the patient, and that his only chance of even a partial restoration of sight, was'being placed.-oii shore immediately, and under tlie • es)K*i4««ee<Lc«»fCM)l' tlm»tno>»eTnirierrt' f jowbw - oculist. . So Henry Latimer was, like damaged goods, returned ( ou board ite tnisornMe a’nd wot little, i Mohawk, nnd to all the horrors of lespair. He notv became fully sensible of Iris dreadful' state, and, no longer .able to tear up against his misery, iris assumed manhood forsook him, and the tears of grief mingled with those of inflammation, and actually, as they continually ran down Iris face, scalded off the skin from his ruddy and beautiful cln eks. We must now suppose ourselves well ad-! vancea in July, and about two hours before sunset, a thick, and, for the time of Ihe year, an unusual'fog. upon the face of the Waters, The.opportunity vv‘,ns not to be neglected—-the temptation not to be resisted. Instead of, drawing in close to Cherbourg, old Lilton up \ with the helm, clapped qn studding sails alow ’and aloft, and, with a spanking breeze, desert ing his post, ran slap over for Weymouth.— All that I can.say to any animadversions tip ou the probability of this daring - violation of; duty is, that it is a fact. What lam relating; is true. A little after midnight, the Mohawk short ened sail, and hove-to off’ Wepmouth. Hen ry, with his chest, and a fifty-pound hill en dorsed by Iris good captain, was lauded oil the ! jetty—the "boat shoved Off —was hoisted in,'l |and, before day broke, the Mohawk was again ;on her station, or very, nearly so, apparently jj in chase of strange sail, ami her slipping J away had not been noticed. But let us tui’i to lienrj - . Blind, and ai- I i most alone, once more upon Iris native shores, j heca.lied'to the first passer-by, and caused j j himself to be conducted up to one of the* principal inns, kept, as will afterwards lie seen, | | by one of the most unprincipled rascals of tlie! not very reverend race of Bonifaces, - " j This fellow, imposing upon the supposed; simplicity, and- taking advantage of the ex- jj jtreme youth of Henrj’, under pretence .of not | lieing able to get Iris bill discounted, kept him for days, to Henry’s great expense, and still'; more to the "detriment of his sight, in his ex tortionate clutches. This fattening on a poor boy’s misery was the more disgraceful, ! for in Weymouth. Lat mer, -with tho rest ofji the Mohawks, had always Used his house. At length Henry decided upon something. One morning, after breakfast, declining the. !officious hand of the well-fed waiter, he grop led his way down stairs and reached the stable j yard. When there, he stretched forth his hand, und seized the first person within Iris! reach. Ile felt that he had laid hold of some- * * thing ext ran mely greasy; this, however, in his I then excited state of. mind, made no difference to him. “I am Henry Latimer, a blind rcef- j er;” said the poor youth ; “ tear what I have got to you.” A The }»er ami ■ stopped — indeed he could, do no otherwise, for Hurry held him wuth tin grasp of desperation. When our blind hero had finished Iris tale, tho unseen of Henry 1 vented forth his indignation at the landlord in ja very sincere oath ; after which very uuces-: Usury relief, changing his voice into a must re spectful tone, te thus addressed the midship . mull■“ Du me the kindness to cornu- with j mu. lit'uvy me to settle with th.ft bio>Jd*ut'k- . er. lam not a'liiuu us words—but come, mv * dear sir, come." 1 And Harry weal, nod us te was tel forth 'from thu den of extortion, he fuel live ftes*. lire of listening tea sort -of fugue from his '; eoudurtor—execrations IbdoVvmg, in a. low voice, his eiiiiciTuj ntt -mpts at consolation of his adopted guest. And very soon Henry tumid himself on a co;iifortah!c sola, in a com. , lor able . room; ami soft nnd gent'e voices were iTitrf'mm iiig aiiruui! him, and cool and deliea’e hands were upon his heated forehead, and refreshing lotions a[ plied tenderly to his Mood-surcharged e< es—l e was in tlie care of women, God b’ess them! And there were ; conveyed to his lips tlie most refresh ng and refrigerating summer fi nits; and the room was cool—how delK’iouslv cool! And one, ■bv him unseen, sat.down* U> her instrument, amt-sang him a sea-song in a low and sweet 'nice—for they would not allow him to talk . much~-not much : and Henry,-blind and till then deserted as iiu was, felt himself happy, and unhidden, but rapturous, tears were in his eyes. At a a ivy eirlv hour tlie fragrant breath, ings of those young feina es were upon his brow, and their coui kisses, as tliev wished hi n “ God’s blessing nnd a good night,” were inexpressibly grateful to lus still heated face ; and one of tliese kisses—it was the last —lin- gered a little longer, and was-pressed a litt'o— only a little—more earnestly than'tlie others,, and on the spot where the young lips had been wad left a tear not Ins own. How fervently, then, Henry longed for his sight! lie. retired to rest, and enjoyed the most refreshing slumbers." Early tho next moaning Iris kind host was at Iris bedside. “ I should not lie your true friend,” said lie, in blunt, but still respectful manner, “if I kept you with me. The coach will start for-London in an hour ;- so get your breakfast, and let me see you off.” Thbngh il was not Inter than eight, the la dies were up, and were as kind and gentle, and considerate to Henry, as thy had been on tho previous evening. Tlie imrting with them was sad,, for Henry had no other course but, when In: arrived in town,to repar lo the strar go lawyer, who had succeeded to his old friend Solhcby. We must now suppose Henry safely stow ed in the best place of the coach, with a has kef of fiuit in Iris hand, tlie farewell gift of the unknown ladies. “ I know not who they are,” was Henry’s soliloquy, “hut I’ll keep this basket as long as I live, or till I return it to the giver.” •’ . ... “Now, Mr Larimer,” said the man in tho greasy vest, “ you have nothing to do but to get up to your friends as fast as you can. I have cashed your hill for you, and you shall pay me the discount at the next meeting- Those'are ten,and those five pound notes; don’t inuke a mistake, but put them in different pockets. That s right. Here is some silver, and this the account—hone you may be soon able to see to read it. 1 have settled with tho coachman and guard ; they’ll lake special care of you. Keep up your heart, sir—good-bye —God bless you—ah 1 my name! why, it’s Bullen—Tom Buflen, and I am butcher hero at Weymouth.” “All refill” Tlie coach-door was slam. n*r wwd-off it stiiried-tbr Londort. We most now pass over eight years. A present had teen forwarded to Tom Bullen,- w ith a letter of thanks from Harry’s guardi. an; and the whole transaction seemed to have been forgotten; but the, ex-midshipman still kept the*basket. In ihcr.interim, Mr. Ward, the most excellent oculist of the day, had, us. ter a long'time, and unremitting attention, cured Ileary, and restord Iris sight completely. The naval service had been abandoned, tie ro. paired to college, and several deaths had made him 'lie fieir to Iris morose guardian, who in due time was himself On tombed, and Henry Latimer, ut the age of tvvo-and-twenty, was Sir Henry Osborne, (having taken Jiis guar dian’s name,) and a great landed proprietor. One day-, Sir Henry fancied, by a shriek that ho heard, that somehting extraordinary bad »akqn place in the steward’s room. Ho sends to inquire, tie is told that a family which bad been ejected from their house under the late steward, was endeavoring to procure some favor from the present one, too e.xhorbi tant to be granted. As Henry was tlien young in tho possession of Ins pro|)erty, and riches had not yet spoiled his naturally good dispo sition, he ordered the whole p Tty up into his library. It consisied of a shockhended, burly, but kindly featured man, a little beyond the middle age, and iliree re;;fly handsome though very poorly attired daughters. , The case.was stated. The steward was quite in the right, as, for the house from which the man had teen ejected, three years’ rent had been over-due- . During the discussion, the -youngest daughter seemed very intent in ■ter took upon tlie basket, which Sir Henry still prized, and liad used for a receptacle of cards and papers of minor consequence. During the altercation between the steward and the ejected tenant, Sir Henry preserved a. profound silence, but. busied, himself in.empty, ing she basket of its multifarious contents. At length he asked for the title-deeds of the house nnd premises', and, as it appeared, fit, mere absence of mind, he placed them in the basket ; then,-with the strangest inadvertancy in'the world, for he was a young gentleman of very regulated habits, lie placed r. bank note of the value of one hundred pounds upon tlm deed, but still preserved Iris silence. “ You perceive, Sir Henry,” said the stew ard, “that this poor fellow’s request is rath er too much to be granted ; yet I wish we could do something tor* him. 1 think him a very honest person.” •“ So do I,” was the brief- reply. “ Well, Sir Henry, perhaps you may not I think it too much to give him a release for the over-due rent.” “ l don’t indeed ; sit down and write hint gut live necessary document.” Whilst this was performing, nnd the tenant I was endeavoring to express hi; thanks, Brr , Hemy kept’sway ing ateiut the' basket in tho most whimsical Way,—-so much so as to ex (ile even armies on the tearful countenance of tlie daughters. At-length the receipt was placed in tlie man’s grateful hand, and ite steward said, ** There, mv giKid Icilow', tliauk Sir 11, mv. I wish wo Could tio something nxire for you.” . ** Stop,” said Sir Henry: din, roung lady xetuns to te strtn kby tins basket, i'nrruit ita., sw, to nrosMtt it to her, I now know ttet von are me T-m >,*t<-krr, tiler* ut Wryauuth, and !-» was Harry, the NO. 16.