Southern post. (Macon, Ga.) 1837-18??, October 26, 1839, Image 4

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Ai’CmiEl’AUlKS’ HALL, Mulberry-street, Macon. (icorgifi. Dr. WILLIAM J. IKIBIIY, Jr. 0> Prop! <■ "or <>t the above cstahlisiiieni, B respectfully inform# tbecuizensoi .Macon, •and ‘lie public at urge. timt lie has an hand, ami will be Constantly receiving a General and complete assortment ot arli "clesiathe Apotliccarybusiiitss, which he inn recommend as <»t the be*: quali;y-»-aiiri which -lie will Jisp me of on a 1 m.j U nii- and aclounu stating term -11.1 IV I her house in :L civ- Coun'n Merc am.. Pin-:ctan«. nod cinzeq.* srenrr ally, arc invited to call and cxami) t it * --"fK. ‘ »'M« au.' Jiaoing ‘isewlitre; which coiisis.s ‘• t* parii oi the lot iWiAg arac es, t«> wit Brag*. JEcaicinos. fitc. \cetite .1/irpinni, I >Jine Acetate A -id, Curie 1 Mi Prise,- \ -id, V td, Ammnma, do. Arjrnm Sos.' \ i’i .lo.ii ih Pdlv., Ver.itii.e, Srtyehmne, Ema larliim , ten Tigu'.iiii, be do C .niutunV 0.1 8 i pine, I'.fi cha.M ee, H> ro'vgt-.c ws Aenlli H lnotitc Pot s . P.peri <»d InaeU I epper, Insp .4/.as, V/jsk, ihi -ri-‘ 8 .. I blond- lame. Curated Kai, Op an l) ta.c •’!).-• .1, t.' .u'rurct P .'.a-Mumr-om- T ~n ■ Extra •t,Gui i ;".k< i prepared, cvuip. Ext hpge , la a.ue M i-s, Prectp Gxhuct B irk, Peruvian do.. < aj ,!a\- ,dI . V iXI <1 > , iiej-d Ou nr untie [ lowers, Sen aa, Uva Ursi, 11 -urn >uad. Sage, Mrn-a Cayenne. But - II irk 1“ v«r„ Woo.l Root, Colchicum pnlv., G>l del, -S.ipporv t'.lrn phied, Qua*-iu, Gentian i pi.vlered, fort A rant ;> v.vrit.v !. Lobelia and yhl, H oil tea, Skunk C.ab'>v.'e, -Quills Caiiihoge. -Ve’/'-r --iu i. Host, \|< liint-t Ro tt, U>it Cnscnnlla, bassttiias ; b td, liidi -’ SI pber, G Meil Threa -Saflf -n, Cinna mon oark. piiJvGiug.r, race Ling'r.-Curcuma, -Vus- j tir.i A iiiisff-ii, A/s' »'v K'jo!, Aqun r«*rns, H"L* min's Aiio.lvnt. H irax, black Lead, Brimstone, blue - St l it, Juniper berries. Cubel*. Oxide Bismuto, Bees Wax, Burgundy Pitch. Balaam C tpiva, do. loin, do. Peril, black Drop, Cantharwrs, Cobail, Ldiieynt,!, C mi l Plaster, Cjchlijs Indi tene, Coroeive Sublimate, tre<h Castor Oi, d‘vß*> et Oil, Charcoal pulv., ( orks Velvet,"Calomel, A itilumiv. U* «, HI barb, Jalap, Diaita.ivOpium, i.-reiwreu Chalk, Acttatc Ifead, do. Cltnri, do. Zinc, Art, ta'e Potass . , Ph>-spliatr s ala, Elv r tip i irit ia,d - N he, Nitrate Stiver,do.. I plijs sae, Pll Hpli He Iron, sulphate do., do. Potash, do. Soda, ‘ do. M ignt-si I, borate 8-ala, Phosphorus, tiianini rlaka, Ointment llvde Puass.i, Ointment I- dyne, d". A . i r time, do. Itch, Oxvde erenry, ex-. Jolnp, do. Butt- e nnt, do- II igevnmus, do-Genlmn, do B< lladnmt, do. Tnraxici, dm-Rhubarb, Niixvotnica, do. Hiiatimin, <lo. C.euta, do. lily y riti/.a, Gum Arabic,do.i'-inipli >r, Scmio tv, ill*. A1 rill, di Xssalij-iKltt, (miae, Birlev. li III.V, Otto R <e,s, Lu-il'r r and o’her '1 itcli e<, »/ag t sia ca.cM, do. Curli, isinglass. Quick Sijvcr, 8e l /Po - tiers, Saratoca do., Soda do., Tamarinds, ■ Soonye, \Vafi-rs, Sarsapanllti, r« and Pri eipiiate..white do b’ack -10. Pen l:ish, Spanish l'l >at llldli’o. Sp’la Ttir; penrtne, V. iie-e do., s.tos 1 jrt, b.ilmoma, Gl ic, fv s.n . J.tjuite'e. 8 arch, Arc. <Or Dk llocuv is. Ayr nt for the fohnyving, tirno-i --otlter celebrated anti .useful diediemes. limuincrahlt cer ifi-ate-s can he shown to prove the wonderful and ustuoishitig cures each separate article has produced : ifruiulrelli'n Fills. Dya iturv.a id prevemive of I idian Cholera. Fih h's Indian 'Vegetable Elifir- A sure and sati- cure for Rhetiiiia'ism, nc ■:* ,1 -itr o- (imp, and nit chro nic pains of li itti-s, joi-i-a ao l tnasclek, arising Irom a too frt-e-nse of nierenrv, or'other car,see Gllrilgt's llnlm qf Columbia —This Ijalm seldbut tails to produce Wniskers or G.\e-hrows iiieltfht week,-, though there .wete noneon flat face befonu It'prevents fetidness- the liair tnmi turn,iia nrey—makes it look bright ami -glirsav, and frees it from scurf. Kiliusori *'ltch (Untintnt. Dr. 10 irc'f Kheuniiilic, Xrruc and Dime f.ianmtnl.—h gives relief i,i the s-vellin,: of>he glands of the throat, and relieves the numb ness and contrm.-iions of tlu* limbs, h i I will t.ike-s.velfinus.down, and iniiinthiittioiis out of the flesii, rhifiln-atisiyi, bruises ami sprains: it gives inim-diate relief;" it strengthens weak limbs, and < \- teuds the cords when contracted. A-lew drops on sheep's wool applied to rite ear-ot deni persons, « til, by e i.-isaiiit application, cause them to heuriji t«o months • time. R"v. Dr. Birlhia.icw’s Pink Kcpcctumni Sfrup —An a tuneable c •rJtul, and ytf -live retnedv for eongli- It tars less, c ids, i... ij in .the bread, liiilucnza. hard sns"t!t-i'’, , uTl 'Tin] ration. Dr, l/.:-Mr'- A.i/Ott'onsuaipfimi Sm-rifir S'/rup, lap. proved of by.tbo officers of flic’ J/<-di,:al Sin-iety of the city ami county of Neo-York,) for the cure and pre ventiun ->f th tse .lroa.lful Lu. innl .lirrasrs where tile lung* nnd.ehrs 1 . uiu * tap tsiaf to be tdll'cted. Dr..Spohiit Remedy fur [he IFadache —sick or ner vous. Hay’s Linam nt, used with the create?t pnpsilde sue c«ss (exter'i i l l vv) i t 'he till.i -mr co uplnitt s pi es dr ,p*y, swolit t 2“ .it" he eVrenietics, a-ipc and chronic rhea n n in. |,u nbag > and' sciatic, tender feet, corns, white swellings, sue thr mt by-cancers >r ulcers, eroup. wh iaping e 11 -it, tightne-s of the cliesr, bruises and sprain*; sc’il'Miea 1-, s.-orfala, foul.til -»rs of the-legs or osier fo-o.itis -o ris, fresh »',tiiud«, i liilbltiins r ,Sfp. Dr. K'i is •" V'ljil’r-ar’i Drips V t important cliptni caf tliseovery, an I the. only never failing cure for the -tmtliafihe ever ofTert Tt.i the public* also the eheapest, as the > Heft's of one bottle •« ill.stop tlte pain ttf fifty fee'll, f carelußi u—il. It firm.; a German inicmion hits lie- iv patronized bythe w ist eminent i»hys!eiatis in Cur |e. ’ • Dr. land's FermiOnifc —This picp.artition'is oonfi dtui*lv reep n-nr nde l totlie public, as-nn eliectual tiled-, cine tor expelling worms from the system. ■ Dr. Hoasv will contimte to reerive, and keep op hand a full inn perfect ass,.rtntr tit of .h‘lar’ieiesill lii> liner#Hßsiness—ami hopes, by utirvmiitim; attention • to bis--fstomers, to re,-eice a share of tlu- pn l t!ic pntron nge. He r,.0..M rhlit those wishing to purchase we tld and i t veil c.iil"'ttiid examine his stotdi >vr <)• lets rr-tpeetlolly solicit! i Mae I! • " . " ‘ op PA l:\TL\ft. rrui’’. sirwcri'-er tenow prepareil tocxccut «!l kiud« j ■ us lloo.'i;, Sion, and ., Ghimno,' Gr.aztx-i, »»-i«l I’af'ir-Ma:; a.Nb H.yj~ Tamil a url bo d>w! by th<> yard, p mil, »r day. O-dcrs, cither ii I 4*.‘ city -tr country, i-im-fitiv rec, iwd and prompt];, tteilel to, til No. SI, Alalbcri)-strict, qppusite the oot-OLaec. • D. T. Kid A. ■ - I PLANTATION'FOR- SALE, CH).\ PAINING 'SO acres ot La id, mixed with oak ‘ -and pinei/tln-re arc 1 5 acres in a and stale ot cuhiviiti tn, a go id Dwelling H'.-c-m with all neco-sart out ll -tees, shiia’cd 2 mile* ir.,,n Rvro i, ti miles from Albany, and 2 miles Irom Pal iiyra. All uecc-sarv u.- t irms't m resile.-ing tltr and can in 'obtaiue I it’ tin pi a,-it at. oil . Per* ms .wishing fa purchs-, would do well to call. WASHINGTON WOOLBRIGIIT. ! . ikJ*. The. Editors of lire Sbu'kefa Spy vviilp.VaK- givi this two iuscrii iic. June ! Ks WliolCsalo and. Retail. EMUN jIVU assortment of II VVS AY f) CAPS. r|l IN < iSscriVr i- a • ina.itifaetnriiig, ami has on K. hail i, «i verv ex of#H aiviolcs ;o tn« . tiw liat and Cap business, 1 i.t Wit,i*h ho wo iid invtii Itic a’*i riou ol those wishing tj p ir.:',as . A.t : tis ms-ass >rluit u'iimv lie-found, T-*e li'n'-s'i >t a’l ie'll "iN Black Bever, Russia P.ntvcr, Plain Leavur, S a L\ .tv r and line Nutria lla'4 G -itlc.u -tV V/cy-l i Silk ll.its,’ of a superior qn;:r \V eaa.ti i> 1 i '■ tii ■ r ill i'.-i-i IP, ,va'l ishionn. bar u. Jiu.ti ati I' brat i k,n U au-r,.1l B, aver, aucj.tiiia.i utp.Kl Hit-, ai .cry l.m j, Pro niti.’i OIL-r Cup,, Gent I** n »L a.i ■ lit l 5... t() r-i' n,.. Di. . - di. . U-- a.-la O'er Co;.s. Ki lie Fur Seal (1 1:«. N fMi'n ' . ' M <tk. Mask, i- a i l . , ;:n > i Car AG-.o'.iUr-T- nil l':t a . <U. V- v• a „ <yi Kt C I >«, it the 1 1 11 c ~ e, I|,,i i■ - fcifly *,, ... ■ , , , JpMi article. M hr, I • • . " ,I; w I'.* a iro > I nrn.U. • 3>'tW do Ut t j . ... ifif.l article'. . ‘ *' s “I Caps, tevT-;'! J ; h;',; ! M v Hy a" I C ,’o !,* *;! V.wJSfcJ 4 V | : “ V | ' ,M! that 1m shall id able tj",,le if ‘ 11 > rl WeioUl Mft LAW \OTK K. rilHi; imdr rsigned will hereafter practice Law under I the firm and style of McDONALD, ROW HRS ,V RH AN Kld.N , ami w ill regularly attend the Courts heretofore abended by MclXtnald A Powers, Office over Rea A Cotton’s Store. c. j McDonald, A. P. POWERS, Kcb t r.-ts L. l-RANKI.IN. Auction and Com mission llnsiiiexs, fltllE nndrrsisned has commenced a regular bu.«i I ness in tiie aliove Imv, ami solicits the patronage o| -in public. Rc it rlo Mi ,-i:. Be i \ Cotton, Macon. Scott It Mora-11, V' w A ork. Win. Patterson Cos., Savannah. Air. ( hark s IlnrtridL’o, Ho » rt Collins, ("hcirlcbton. .MtEi.rrar Hates, “ Air. <1 Meldiiglilin, Augusta. A. R. McLAIGIM.IV V. li Salts may be expected on WEDNESDAY n each week, until turdu-r notice. Feb 1C 17 1 1 Tin: si iiscßjHEits SIAVING purchased 'if 'lf. Geo th McNeill bis H 9 , lifire -t •-k of (foods, have burnt and a copaitner* ship imdt r ti e firm and stv !e ol S. VMI, .1. RAY A CO., have taken tie stand recently occupied by Jiini, | w here they would be pleased u, s, t the eustomers of rhe la-* concern. The stock comprises a good selec- j finn, to wh eh they will la receiving additional sii|>pUcs , in a short nine. SAMUEL .1. RAY’, and. D. McNeill. Macon, May H . hi DIWIOLUTfIIIt. ‘ BAHE Copartnership heretofore existing between the uiltler die name ami stvfe of JAMES I. BISHOP -V CO. is this dav dissolved by mutual consent. AH persons having demands against said firm, and those indebted, will please make application to James M. Bishop, for a settlement of the same. JAMES 11. BISHOP, ALBERT 11. ROOT, Surviving Partuers. Macon, Alay loth, IS3‘J NOTH IN "IMTE Subscribers having disposed of their etttirr I Stock in Trade, Materials, iSte., to Air. CURTIS R. PARSONS, lieu leave to recommend him to.theil numerous friends and customers as a gentleman, ana i vein way uiiatilied. to conduct the business. J AS. 11. BISHOP CO Macon, M.n 15. h. 1833 3* HARTFC )RD I'lUi: INSURANCE COMPANY, HAKTKOJtL-. CONNECTICUT. Incorporated in ISIO trillt u Capital of 8 lab,lKK*, and /•oner la increase the same Jo S-S(),(K)U. f|MHS long established Institution lias for more than ■ a quarter of a century, transacted its extensive bitsuiessoH the most just and liberal principles—pavii g its losses with the most honorable promptness ; and ti e present Board nfDirectors pledge themselvt s in tliis par ticular. fully to maintain the high reputation of the Company. It insures on thr most favorable terms, r\- p.ry ill sepption.of property against loss and damage by Eire, but lakes no marine risks. Applic ion for Insurance may be made either per s iniilty, t by letter, to its Agent ill this city : and all reiiewa'a r risks now running by this Company cn property i this city, may be made In- applien'ien to the Agent W if. B. JO//NBTGN, Agent. Macon, -prilSl, lsh.--' ■' gfitl TO CAHPX2NTBUS AND 3tTII,DJJIIE. PLANING MACHINE. tit HE subscriber woiiMinftirm the planing comnmni- I tv that his-. Machine works plank equal to, if not i better, than any done by hand, and much cheaper ; and one hand can la v ns much flooring*, w orked by the Mn ! chine, as two can it worked by baud ; for as they are all worked to a thickness, there is no use tin- the Adz; 'and a., it is thougnt that I t itarge.-jnore lor working plank than it can lie done for by hand, 1 will State my prices of vh rk, per hundred ft *W superficial: Eor Ceiling 18 inehrs w ide, Mngut and -.V griHived, fi"2s l-’ii|* b'looriiig 7 do do do * do 1 25 Lor W-atliei boardnig, one side jointed, ' 1171 l'ei- all pinnK over V anil less Iltii-i 1 - milrs uli'f, 20 I No job of less than KHH> li-et will he done at the above prices. Flooring and Ceiling done by the Machine, can liu4>4H)n *»i tl»» ntw ul Mi. \l. li. \Vc«mI $ near the I-j male Coll,-ge. A. D. BROWN. M i. Jum ir> 31tf e'. ’ NEW f L / I Lit and Shoe li 4 srouLi A JIE sul't-Crilters respectfully inform the citizens of N Macon, and die public generally, that they have taken the store mi Mulht rry-striei, opposite the //aril ware stoic ul MA E. B.Wi .i.ii, aft.l adjoining the IPa.</t --mgtun lldi, and have on fin id and are c.instnntlv nia king additions to tin- same from New-Y"ork, ■-Philadel phia,'Boston a;.d Biiltiniori, an extensive and general assortment of Huts, Cupsx Boots and-Shoes,. of the most fashionable style Among .which arc— La it s’ French Kid Slippers “ Morocco do “ Walking Sliocs - - - 4 A’tllage Ties “ Outer and Morocco Boots Prunella Boots, thick and thin sole ** • Prt/nel-Slips and lf r nlking Shoes .Misses’Seal and Goat skin Boots “ IPiilking Sliocs and Slips “ a.nd hid es’Calf and Seal-skin Rtsgs. A large assortment ofChiidnen’s Shoes of all colors, <* •»«'• men’s li -, Calf, Kip and IFater-proof Boot.-,’ Youths’ anti ch,MrenV calf-and kip litsits, Gentlemen’s fineeall'Slmi sand Bootees B -vs’ line calf and kip .bootees. Gentlemen's fine Dhnciug Pumps line high vamp 7’umps, A general assortiiiciit of calf and kip Brogans. A—• 1 eases GentleiiH n’s line Beaver tIATS, latest ) New-Y’ork style, < 1 cast s Gcntleinen s broad brim Hats ] do-. “ black Russia/fats,broad brim * do white do do do 3 no Y ouths’ black Silk do 2 do children’s do do 12 do common Fur do white and black December 1 - g, ( - fi do Silk, and C cast's Moleoikin//ats. Gentlemen’s tine spa i l it r CAPS, * “ fine Fur and Nutre do “ tine Cloth do- Youths’ Furand Cloth do Cltildreu’eCloth do AJargoatss irtment of men and boys' //air seal Caps /•^coer-TTo' 1 "ssortmem of .lirie Silk and Cotton L M It h f. L uJ\_ •A hiriK' sjjppiy Brushes and Blacking. AM oft he-above articles have been manufaefured ex presJslN for this market, and will be xoi.n cheap For* ( ash. 1. (in haiers uUI find it to their advunta L re to give ( ,iIL , - 0 UKIDI\ ALDRICH &. CO. December 8 * 7 . Spring and Summer Clothing. H. XV. .MORRIS A CO, I I \}.|' i ll ' l received nit extensive assort merit of * ■ LI. VOV M ADE CLOTHING; adapted to the prcstin and approaching season, which will be sold iye up tor cash, Their stock consists, in part, of the. , follow I llg ! Boinh e/.iiie Frock and Dress Coats, •rape C'anihle! Frock and Dress t’oais, Cainbli t Cos llet s, \\ lute latu-ti Pivek and Dress Coats and Coatees, <•: - Linen | rock and Dress Coats and Coatees, W let. and Gfnss Linen Hound daeket.. Satin, Vlarseill. s *»ml Viilviicin Bomba/.ille and Cr:,|s- Camblel Pauls, Gras. Linen nqd Victoria Drill Pan's, \ c 1. ral a-- irtinent of VOI 'TII'S.CLOTIIING Si „ k» < o’lars. Su«|w ~,(, rs, (Jloves, Half Hose, » 1 i itiHla ISi fttfiitiu r.iiupf, I!,' "v 1 ■ *'“ 111 ul J.euthvr Trunks, Carpet V|T.I27 . g 7 notice. •.oil O, r. will | r , I ,|||.|(l in,Unly nu.lfsH’i. s.ed, ,, t.l" u ..r.iiii |i,r. ■ * " AH n!.. 'mlfebled to'lfa- .'.'.’au ' wHI 10 1 Ml \ H WII I.IAMH, . John i wili.l \mst ' r»h* \ vim. o wii i.uVtsi, j K> I I»* U 4t *#dm afij MFC m Citfii* 1 N> !*»**' 1 TII E SOUT HE R A POS T. New Carriage Repository. At t!f** junction oi Cotton .\\Time and Second-street I fF* su!)si‘ril)er is now fM>enirur a splendid a^sor'r S mint of CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, BCG GIES? &«•., warranted no' inferior, either in materials or workman- hip, to any in the market, to the contrary notw ithstiindin£r,nnd*vill be sold on as reasonable tenns as ran be bad at any other place. Call and see. Januarys Ivll R. BI RR &. CO. Macon ( Tirriasre a ’ury, (On Second, near Mulbcri y-street, (opposite Corner tu tl t Washington Hall.) THE subscribers, grateful .i-gT-g/Sfe fur past favors, wptild respect t jH Daily solicit » continuance nf the same, as they fcr-l ctmfi ! .yi*]/' iL/ dent that thrv will be always •f ■' kn 1 ff, ready to supply tlu-most tas't fill cilstomcrs in cverv variety f.ff. of Carriage Manufactory. We invite tin citizens of Mu * eon, and tint public generally, to call and examine the work, pialitv, prices. Sec., as wn feel assured that all who wish to purchase, w ould find it to their interest to deal w i tints. Sonic of our Vehicles are light, and yet strong, being made "t the best materials, ana of superior work mansliip. They were manufactured expressly for this market, and we believe them equal, il not superior, to any ever offered in this city. Inasmuch as all who have purchased from us,and after trial, have ffiund the work equal to our representations, wo feel confident in re commending it, and beiievc rhat those who examine will be induced to purchase. From the extensive sales we have made, we have been encouraged to have every pains bestowed on our work, and offer it at a reduction from former prices. The subscribers having made arrangements with some of the most extensive Carriage Manufactories in the Northern Cities, will have on hand, and he con stantly receiving, the coming season, an extensive as sortment of CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, BUGGYS, and vehicles of all descriptions ; which will be of the best workmanship and materials,and which w ill be sold on as good terms as can be purchased in any city in the i Southern country. They have also a number of first rate northern workman constantly employed,making and repairing Carriages in a superior style.- (Kr Orders for Carriages w ill be promptly pt ended to. WHIG LEY’ 1 HART. THEY ALSO HAVE ON HAND, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF v s \ I) I) L i: It Y - YV A RE ,i ANT) /fipl atiiiakmasL m I iff O F I. VKK. Y DESCRIPTION: • Ik»8t La«lir\ Gvnili’mcn’s Saddles, A C-nluiubur,'riHvrlleii*, Fhimiv; Qnilb’ iyOl lurrre nnddxtra s /.o: Also, Rare and B »v*s S.iddb -, Kikglisii BridU'S. VI on urines, \Vb p« of all kii.cls, . Hard Leadier Trunks, Curpt: Bn^s t Hmr tind fiu/ulo Shins, 4' * fyc. All ot Yvbicb A'ill be sold a- low asHiuycaii be n this city, or any part of the Southern country* toCT’ Refuiir*-* of nil kiudsof the above business done n a superior style of workmanship. October 27 1 \* | PETERS 1 PILLS! I IV E 8 the e a man who may not be occasionally J benefitted by the u-e of’ Pills ?—No ! as-, \ sureily ti it; for the human frmrie, like any other struc* j • tut-.', will fall into ronfti ion an I ruin, and linglccted ba»l by tin- aidot me licjnojiitflcimslv applic . it is enabler j i to preset-veil Inal by even tone, and it i- lie fiat of well .: u- t".I pul, inn ilia- Dr tVn-rw’ Pills 19 the metli e-inc ot medicines 111 'lie (in-veiitiou or die cure of the ' iu nt-rul disease- w hich the minimi fenen t-nt isiucidm lial-to. • Do men in robust health ie<uiire medicine? Certain ly, lor tlie \i x v excesso tienlth begets certain diseases ; unless duly reguiuted. lithe i-100 1 is safiered to run riot without correcting laxatives, costiveness, megrim, biles, scitrv , spleen, pimples, furred tongue, of >fleu sive breath are ibr. inevitable consequences ;■ for e‘x uberanee of health, like over-rich soil becomes rank, and prone to the p oduction of weeds, if' cam is not taken to.have if judiciously-moderated. But lie ilfliy men have an antipathy to the nnmn of , meriteme ! \nd no wonder, I •riiinetcen-twenticthsof 1 all the.medicines in world commence opt ra ion j by making die people vcysick, was inteilde 1 tin y shoiifd m<;xe very well; ainj thus iu most cast s the cure is considered. rather worse than tltfe disease. But I)r- Pelt rs' Pills is the celebcatcil and particular exception to this aim >st universal rule In them there jis no gripe, no nausea, no s ckness of any kinjf; nay they tue.absolutely very"pleasant to tl«; taste, and rest' .as quietly on. the stomarcli as so many condo s orgreen [peas, evei.i when their operations arc as sudden, ami jas efleCtive, as if thev were as disagreeable, -and as ■sickening as tin old fashioned- bolus ’I bus the than who uses Pete.s’ Pills, (and win rt is the man that does • ti'ii use them ?) expels Ircadaclu-s, fevers, blotcht-s, pini pies, Ac Ac, .aiid makes liis blood coarse as limpid,, ami as gently through fltsvems as a mountain rivuet, without having (art himseli to any. more inconvenience 11 taking the medicine than lie would Jiave' done in swallowing so many bjaek currents. Should ladies tuliii Dr. !’■ ters’ Pills ? Doubtlessly .the should', fi-r they not only assure them til health, 1 cc.nplneeticy of spirits, and every bodily condor , but, j through their miraculous agency in the pm ideation of; the blood, speedily removes every thing partaiuing t-> < bursb ess, pimples, or casual scurvy, from the flesh,"an ! imules tt c eye, and gives an elasticity, aud it vigor to j the limbs, and die general carriage; and hence when ! ; you see a lady with a e|ieek o' velvet softness, a pure j lily and^car-uation -complexion, and an easy and grace ful beaitng, the general infcrenet> to be drawn is, that she is her own physician, and very particular iu the t-lioice.of her medicine, and dip especial one, that site j is a patron of Peters' Pdls. j j Leaving health out of the question, should posts, nov- I elisis.edi-ors, mechanics, a nd men of genius and science in general, patronise Peters’Pills? Unquestionably, j for the vii.'or which they impart to the fimne exercises Ia most who esoine influence - upon the intellect: and the wri'erol this feels justified in saying that an? person j about to carry out-au idea, whether of composition or 'invention, will have a more lucyl understanding of his -subject, and think beta r, and more to the point on it, ■ after he has vivified his system by a dose of from one to , four of Peters’ Pills.' Persohs in business, merchants, store kec|iers, clerks, speculators, Ac. wi'i derive great ad vantage from them on the same, principle ; for if tiie mind is not buoyant no man can li'tciid to the usual pursuits of life with due perspicuity, judgment and plea sure, and there is nothing in the world, at leas; that has ever been discovered, so efficient m brightening die fa- j cullies, and freeing them from participa ing in thwlan go ir, decay, and nnperlectibility ot their moral abode i as Dr Peters’ Pills. In "dial may lin attributed those singular and won berfm eflects ? Why, to their mysterious and inevita t b!e action upon the rWr,and that particular of the system whence the living fluid is j/euefnted, for I thus they do not only purify the blood but create pure blood, the issue of which is healthy veins, ar'erie , a id other functions, utiobscured vision, firm and pulpy flesh, I smooth ams clear skin, and the couse,ptetit futoyaiiey of heart, teclins and aetiett. In short, whether we tnlve them as a matter of h. alth, business, feeling, or per sonal appearance, theie is none of us sltould leave out housis without a regular supply ol Peers’ Pills. This popular medicine is fi„- sale by HARVEY SfIOTWtSLL. Retail price, 50 cents p.r box, with full dircctAn*. 1 | I « Ktvl \ IMII MV I ls VI t (ICS s V l.i;. 4 I .REEABLE to an order of the Inferior Court of , m Jones countv, when settmo f,r niduiary purp-H..-, will n»M, on flii* firpf I ije-*<lfiv in Nov»-mf»» r in-vs, «f tile respeetti, ( .drill 111 ill,. ( , mu,., , i -»i i \ uT.nth Dwtr,yt. I'll Niton: Is*' No*hl, 84l)t I) >it:ei 'tofit fe.t No lift. Sill f) strict, fi|, He, ion. N( , JI.. 'i District, 21 Kee .on—all fimv m .Cberukei win it san, .e,l. if,, die iVt.t <• mime. „„t now r.. ,Jl,e --< •«'.,« mil,, ti,,,, ~ re, *». J., .- < .tits- t* -Id for tls bet,Hit *d ts« l.eir. I I ME. um% 1.l MIC. a « T . NOTICE. TIIE subscriber having pm chased the Book Stoic, Prin ■ k\k-p~ V yt ing Office and Book Binder' /8a Bk: . C-A'cy. v\ of Air. KJ. Purse, in view of permanently residing to Ma J a ,-nn. will continue (lie Book business in connection with Printing and Boolx Bind ng, in the same establishment as heretofore. Large additions will be made to bis stock in general, in the course of a few weeks. His stock of Law, Me dical and Miscellaneous Books in particular, will lie rendered very complete. All importantandinti-resung new publications will be received by the earliest .con veyance, as they are issued from ’he pre.-s. A general assortment of Stationary-, Law, Notarial and other Blanks; Maps, Cards, Pocket Books, Hater Colors, Pen Knives, Brushes, and such oilier articles as have Veil.usu.-illv kept by Mr. Purse,and Messrs. Griffin A Purse, will be constantly On hand. To individuals making a large bill of Boohs on any one occasion, be subscriber wilt furnish hem ns low as they could sup.dy th-mselvt-s with them from New York. Having every convenience and facility for Book Binding. J dt Printing and Publishing, all work done n the establishment shall be equal in workniarNhtp to any thingthatis done in the United States. Every efibrt will be made to merit the support of the uitzens, and make the concern creditable to Macon. JOHN M. COOPER. Maoen.Oct 20 >? FOOD FOR TUB MINS. i\ (,\f M W DOCK (VM 5 'T' HE subscriber would respectfully inform his friends I tin I Die f innnu.iity in general, that he has rein iv ed fren MilleJgev Ut-, an I perniancntlv located himself tn this .ilace, two ilotors Sautli of the Washington Hall, on M.i'Jierrv-street, at the stand formerly occupied by Wt.i. 11. B irdsall, aim lately bv A. M--Arn, yvhere he nte ids carrying on the BOOK and FA NC F BUSI NESS o i the in's-rea onable term .; and he Hatters •itnise'y. if the ;>e.>;>let v II call ari l t amine his stock tint ti ; v will becotvuv!:’ I that he can sell as low as can lx, bought at any house this Side of New York., An >ig his stick may be found a generalassirtment of L'lir, Hcliral, Miseellmenus and School BOOKS; GLOBES. MAPS im l CHARTS; Mathematical In slrjimen's : Uncord and ll'.aiik Books of all kind-. Pape>-, Ink, Quills, Inkstanls; Priming, Visiting ami j {’Lying Cards ; Steel Pens, Fine Cutlery, Silver Pen cils Purses, Po-kot-b i >ks, Banker's Cases, Lathes’; W trk-box is; ladies’and gtmtl omen's Dressing Cases; I -Dissected Yd im, Spelling Puzzles, and a large assort-j ment of TOYS for children : Fancy tvn 1 Drawing Pa- 1 per, Bristol B >ard“. Paints, Var fish, India Ink, 8. -nsli- 1 es for Painting ; Gatl'lemen's fine //air, Sh i t i is.*. Noil, Tooth, Whisker and Clothes Brushes ; Writing nnd Travelling l> -aks ; VVilsm’s M inifold L ter hV titer, with thr- art nf despatching 1,2, 3or and l»tn rs with a sin gle stroke of the pen—a very useful article for ail busi ness men. Cologne, Florida, Lavim let-and 7> iv W a'ers ; .Y/dk of R >ses. Rouge; Ladies'Curls, Ilt-a'l Ornaments, &c Vioans, Accor lians, Music Boxes; the m >st celcbratetl MUSIC fir Pianos ; Card and CgarCases ; Tobacco and Snuff" Boxes, Ac Ac. {fr All Now P ib'ica’ia ia will be received as soon as they are issued front ’he press. The a I mve g >o Is have all fen selected fresh in New York tills fall, and are of tile best binding and mater ials. A liberal discount w ill be made to gentlemen and teachers haying !>v the’ity, bir tlieir libraries and'seliools. By ad we applic lfion to business, and a desire to ae >m idate. ( hope to merit a portion of tiie i) itronagi; of this liberal comma tit?. C. A. Ef,LB. November 17 If P/AN’O FORTES, Ac. r ’"■**»-! THE Subscribers are now re st Il reiving tlte most splendid PIA /ffWSw'// ever offered in this part of AV*4BKjl the country, w hich they will well Jjj upon tiie most reasonable terms, lor cash, or approved credit, tit InTaSmT tl-eir Furniture Store, opposite Iwov \l l * lp Hall, Cott tn Av |S' w enue. They also have on hand, jl "’X are manufacturing and receiv -■‘jL.. — ing. Furniture and Chairs of the .very best quality, anti pverv variety of pattern, which the public are invited to call ■uiml examine, before purchasing, as their terms will al ways be such as to suit purchasers. JAMES IV BRADLEY A CO. plNftrch It'i 21-1 J AMl’s TAYLOR, Manufacturer of Furniture anti ( ..Roisterer. 1 Has removed liis stock lathe corner at Cotton Avenue and M Merry Streets, op/msile die Washington Ilall. 'INHE proprietor rcspeetlully informs tne citizens"of A Macon.and vicinity, that he has on hand a large and full assortment of CABIN2T PURWITUaS, Ciutsisting of .Sideboards, with mid without marble tops setts of Dinino Tables ; siiigic HiTting Ttblrs; Card; Tea, Work and Writing Talus ; Centre Tables, with and without marble tops t Sofa-, latest fashions ; .Secre taries and Book Cases; Bureaus ; Pianos, of the mol approved manufacturersjnud the newest Music i Piano Stools; Mahogany, Midi ami Poplar Bedsteads; dou ble and single Wash Spuds : curled Hair and Moss Matrasses ; Feather ISels, of the lies' quality. A large assortment of M ahoirabv, called Maple and Fancy J CHAIRS ; also, Looking Glasses, of every description <KT All the above afti/'leS an of the latest' styles, and ; will be warranted to stand tilt climate. The subscii-. her-invites the public tuleall ui.i l view for themselves, at I bis Ware-House. • ’ .1, ’l’, December 1 . Cif SPLENDID n :;mti RE AND CHAIRS. Ojtjiosile W ashington Halt, Mulberry-street. ' JNIIE subscriber respcctfitlly informs his friends and A the public-that he is receiving and manufacturing a more splendid assortment of FURNITURE, than has ever been offered for -ale in this citv, at the lowest prices for cash. The following comprise a part Sideboards, with and ’ without marble tops, Secreltry mid Book cases, Sofas of the latest style, Couches, Si t'O. sand Easy chairs, Di liing tables in setts and single; Centre Tables with and ; without ,marble Tops, pier Tabls, Pembroke Tables, ! work Tables, toilet, dressing and french Bureaus, Ma hogany,, Maple and Popular B. Ist.ails. M antle glasses, j Dressing Boxes ami Glasses,Bm-iildcs, Ottomans, Car pet and Cliair Cushions, Pioiio Seats various patterns, Mahogany, Curled Maple and Far cv Chairs, Hair arid i Cotton Mattrasses, Feathers and Feather Beds, Blinds,! floor Mats, Willow Wngutts and Cradles, together with I i every article in his line. The proprietor is supplied with the best of workmen, I and well seasoned materials.s.. tharhe is enabled to j manufacture any article in hit- line, that may he called for. Orders-troin thircou l itry" shall receive strict a tie a tion. Ibe public are inwted t. l call and examine for! themselves. THOMAS \\T)OD. Deeeinher 2 . 6m fi PIANO FORTES, /•Vom Robert Nunn* \ < t„ r k'e, mid Geih -V Walken M inu tm turn e, at I Jlruiii 'i Mimic vV'.re, In M<l< >n, Gatruiu. # i BRUNO is constantly r. a ivmg from the said ' • manufactories,supi ri.q-Pign ... maun fa. 1 urod ex I.r Jiise-tafili.lmu if,of van-Hi- pattern. ~f »V.s,i| aril M ilioganv, wits, the gri. -d aetion, h'-rp stop, metallic plates, paten' tm,mg puts * Ac.. im,b f ~ei ,g "•** ! «H-I fa-h.oii --I fun,lure, with '.l,let at, l„di.,w : eoriilee, trouts, Mil.,. le..s, till IG • eiat, all •" “ ''V '' * Hrn " rt * '• •" t« mads of -uelt mat, rial and i 7 11 •* 1 1!.» t. -t „) even Im.aie 1 \ written guaraiKy entitle, ft,*. |a rsoi to. xefumge tfu KHRfllllM'ltt Hi MOV Um* U rflni| oi* y t uf# |< 'll r**u r fu‘«i uiiiiijtiftii * HIMHIIfU f» i **iVilli/, IttW *»H«J (Maili.KfibUt# If li ■■■•- lii-tmvt„iti B.wks, - u,l,u, f-W J Uo PATENT MACHINE SPREAD STRENGTHENING PLASTER. IN the preparation of these very Superior and Ele ■ gaiit Plasters , no cost or troulJe is spored to cusure possible degree of perfection, in point of utility, elegance ’ and comfort. They are spread of various sizes on kids if the best quality, by Machinery, invented expressly far he purpose, (which gives Uiem ail advantage oyer every nlaster heretofore offered to the public) as by this means tl. v can be made of a uniform thickness, and tree frr, the inequality of surface which frequently preve n's otht s from adhering, or renders them irritating. and | uncomfortable, an objection, which it is impossible to avoid by the usual metliod of spreading Plasters Th- composition used in these Plasters, is carefully prepared at a lower temperature, from a combination o valuable Resinous Gums, with tiie ad-mixture of sever al elioi-e aromatics,entirely separated from all extra neous and irritating particles; and from its (wculiar ! eoaibinn-Kin of highlit strengthening, nnoelyne and slightly stimulating properties it affinals n pleasant and effectual remedy, in all cases of fnin in the side ami hreast, weakness or oppression o f the chest , /sun or weak nsss nf the hack or loins ; Also, in the sense of sinking and fairness at the pit of the stomach, nectwnpanying Dyspepsia and JJver-Complaint. 11l /thematic, or pain ful affiectioris of tile limbs or joints, tlieir Anmlyne and Stimulating oropertjes -e lder them particularly benefi cial. In CuhLs, Coughs, nr Asthmatic Alice lions, they will be found ft) give immediate and permanent relief. Pers ms who from sedentarv habits, or other causes, an predrip wed to affections of the lungs, will find these I'l’sters a a effit-ftual security against those pulmonary attacks which prove hot two frequently, (when neglec . od) tiie precunsory syiiiploms oi Consumption; and in deed in a climate like ours, whjjre colds snd coughs ate an almost unfailing consequence of the sudden changes to w-nicli all are subject, every one at all liable to suffer from the influence ot" these causes would find the great est possible security in having his chest and lungs pro tected In- one nf these invaluable Plasters. To children suffering from II7iooy)oig Cough, or j Colds affis-ting the chest or lungs, the s&lntive and ano dyne properties of these Plasters, afford" signal relief. Tliese Plasters being spread much more rapidly, ns well as I rotter,- by MaiMnery, are sold much lower than Plasters spread in tiie usual inethod. For sale by J. 11. A IF S. ELLIS. June 2 32 .Morton’s Pulmonic Expectorant Cough Syrup, For Coughs, Colds, Asthnns, Consumptions aniVhoop ing Coughs. VMONG the numerous complaints t.ith which the human family are atlicted, none are more common than coughs’ colds, Ac. and none more fatal in their re sults, unless timely care is taken to stop their progress before they become too firmly seated upon the lungs.— No-withstanding the many remedies that have been of fered t i the public, n >t any have heretofore proved sue i eoessful in procuring a certain and speedy relief. The proprieter Having been an eye witness (for sever | al years) of the astonishing virtues of this extraordinary Medicine, at length deeths it his duty td offer it to the | public, in a wav that it may receive a more extensive cirealatiou .- and at a price that file poor may receive the j benefit of it as well as the rich. Tliis svr ip is particularly oflieatioos in removing I coughs arising colds, attende I with hoarseness and sore ness ah ant the windpipe; likewise shortness of breath ing, tightness acros the breaht, accompanied with a ■tickling c i igh : and in all <• vtsumptive cases its use is li irtictilarlv recommended, likewise whooping cough is [really relieved by its use—children laboring under this ; stressing disease, in innumerable instances have been astonishingly benefitted in a tew days; the pleasentness if it is a great advantage, as children will take it wilt -is much pleasure as they will preserves. N. B. —The lirrcti ms iccnmp invingeat-li bottle will be signed by \Vm. /.. Perkins, the sole proprietor. -- j Each bottle is scaled with the impression of Morton's PULMONIC EXPECTORANT COUGH SYRUP, plainly StitlnOCll in it. | I-’or certificates, see the directions. VV.M L. I’ERKINr’ We have just received afresh supply of the abote, i and can s d'ely recommend it as a verv excellent incdi j cine. 14. A J. SHOT WELL, Agents, ! December Kith. 8 l)r. Scitlder’s t i It I rated Eye M ater lor In (lttnnitick and Y\ eakness of the Eyes. IMlEgrea- advantages of this infalible remedy places it as a general appendage to families, and a coll tram vaile-nm am tu the trivyik’r- - Tins Eye Wa'er is prepare*) with the greatest care, and has neur been : xnowu to fail in ellecfing a spi ed> and safe restontlion i.if the dis< used organs. It is useless to attach any cer., "ideates by way of praise or recomnicndation. fat; reputation and immense sale that has attended Dr. ■riciidder’s Eye Water, is the fairest proof of its utility and- Iteneficial tendency ; it has been tin- means ■ f preserving (fight to many-of the afflicted, front the-help »a-ss infant to the av'et! parent Thousands of letters have been received by Dr. S. within these few rears, containing flattering remarks relative to this E e Wa 'er —mid the cures effected by it, have been set forth ns :wo iricit'ul beyond preaedent. Dr. Scudi'er co fidently j-'econiineHds tliis Eye Water as a safe and valuable | remedy—and .lie trust that his experience as an Occii | ist, to weigh against the gross impositions which are lady practised on the public by advertisements of dif ferent kinds of Eye Water, many of which are unsafe to "use. Prepared by Dr, Joti.v Bcudder. Oeottlist and inserter of Artificial Human Eyes. A supple ofthe a hove Eye Water; for sale by 11. SHOTWELT.. Moreliants in the country supplied at the Pro. j prictor’s price. March 10 20 SANDS’ REMEDY : For sail Rheum, Rinjf Worm, T-lters-, Scald Head, Barber’s licit 4-f. r|IHIS remedy i> a combination hi retofore nnknown * in tin- annals of medicine. It is the production ot .much dxporieuce, tleep research, and great"expense, and is offered to the public in the fullest confidence ol its being an eliectual, safe and speedv tore for the Salt Rheum, find all other diseases of rile skin, such as Tetter, Ring Worms, Scald Head. Barber’s or Jackson Itch, (J-e. "niese diseases are to be the most obstinate 1 4 any to which the human system is subject, and can on ly lie thoroughly eradicated by perseverance in the "right 'course of treatment, and by using the right medicine [Such a medicine has been discovered ill this remedy, ; and we speak from o.r own knowledge and experience j when we say, that in forty-nine oases out of fitly it will effect a permanent and rapid cure by attending to the accompanying directions lor use. Sold by ' J. 11. <f- IF. A ELLIS, Cotton-Avenue. March 24 «2 I . NEW MEDICINE-—WORTHY OK N’OTICK. Dr. Phelps’ Compound Tomato Pills... En. tirely Vegetable ! 4 NEW and invaluable Medicine,-for nil diseases arising from impurities of the blood, morbid secre uons of the I.iver and Stomach—Also, a Svbxtitpte for Calomej,, as a Cathartic in Fevers, and all Bilious diseases. They have been abundantly and successfully tried, and have received universal approbation for Scro fula, Dyspepsia, Bilious diseases, Juundice, Gravel, Rheumatism, Colds, Influenza, Catarrh, Nervous dis eases, Acid Stomachs. Glandular Swellings of all kinds | Costiveness, Colic, Headache, Ac, Sold by J-H. &. W. S. ELLIS, Cotton-Avenue. Nartsmber 23 .1. 11. & W. S. ELLIS. Druggists, Colton-A oenue, Macon, Georgia, HAVE just received the following, which they offer for sale on gceonrmodHting terms : | Superior English ground Mustard, for table or Met’- |ical use I Carpenter’s Extract Liverworth D". Sarsaparilla Cububs and Capaiva D>. Extract Pink Root Do. do. Boucset. Do. Tonic Extract * Do. Remedy for Scalds, Burns, Ac. Do. Disinfecting Liquid Chloride of Soda, for strk r, Kims, and keeping Moat untainted in hot w eather Callaghan's Vegetable Fever and Ague Pills Superior Red Peruvian Bark Oil Cmitharidin, Oil Black Pepper Stomach Tulk-s, Dentist'g fnstrumenta Croton Oil, Salaeratus, Pearlusb Ground Spices, .Starch Indigo, last Spaniah, Halt-petm Salsoda. for washing, superior Apple Vinegar - Best London Walnut Cuotup * Sultana Raisins, for c-Htkmg. n AI-- —I Hl 'S’k of Fix-ah DRUGS, MHDI 1 # • | GOLD INN, 4 b, auttful artude for A mat*, s. 1,-sd. #*,,» *( r F»ma . * Jim, Hunkers, Men bstti*. 4, Tig* Ink, wtw-i --w-rttii-n with. hu. tfu Ks.„, e ,rs Gold. ll r an In tawsfe,tl M ,w,tka,, I ,dl.«iell|an, or a Kin hail 1n,,m1, C4* h'O ** *"T Ortiatnenlal Pstutmg, Visitmg kor tlfe by “"" ‘"' ,< j U '|L A*“w' « “* I’nexampled Mammoth Scheme. rpilE Pillowing details of a Scheme of a Lottery to. i be drawn in December next, warrants us in J. daring h to be UNPARALLELED m the historyVf Lotlenes. rnzes tu int* amount hate, never before been< offered to the public It is true, there are many blanks but on the other hand, tlte extremely low chanre of ait Delia s per Ticket-the Value and the Capitals, and the revival of the good old custom of war ranting that every prize shall be drawn and sold will we are sure, give universal satisfaction, and especially tu rhe o«x Hundred Prize Holders. 3 To those disptteed to adventure, we recommend ear ly.application being inode to us for Tickets—when the prizes arc all sold, blanks only remain—the first buy ers have the best chanee We, therefore, emphaticaj- Iv “ay—DELAY NOT! big at once re.init amt trans mit to us your orders, which si vail always receive our immediate attention. Letters to be addressed, and au plicationg made, to SYLVESTER A CO, lati Broadway, New York VT Observe tho Numlier, 156. 9700,009 ♦ S ! A.VKt.OOO J I *25,000 t 6 Prizes ol *20,000. 2 Prizes of *15,000. 3 Piizcs of *IO,OOO. GRAND REAL ESTATE AND BANK STOCK It. OTT i: R V, Os Property situate and in New Orleans. OCT The ricfiest and most magnificent Scheme ever presented to the public in this oi an v other country TICKETS ONLY S2O. Authorized by an Act of the Legislative Assembly of Florida, and under the Directions of file Commis sioners, acting under, the same, TO. BE DRAWN AT JACKSONVILLE, FLORI DA, December Ist, I M3). SCHMIDT A HAMILTON. Managers. SY LY Est 1 ER A CO., 156 Broadway, New York, Sole Agents. No Combination Numbers.’.'! 100,000 Tickets from No. 1 upwards, in succession. The Deeds of Property and tlie,Stock transferred in trust to the Commissioners appointed by the said Act of the Legislature us Florida, for the security of the Prize Holders? sPZiSaNOXD schema::; 1 Prize—The Arcade—236 feet, 5 inches, 4 lines, on Magazine street ; 101 feet, il in cuts, on Nu-chez street; 126 feet, 6 inch es, oil Gruvier street—Rented at about 837,000 per atiiiuui —Valued at $700,000i 1 Prize—City Hotel—l 62 feet cm Common street, 146 feet 6 inches on Camp street— Rented at $25,000 —Valued at 500,000 l Pnzt—Dwellin'; House (adjoining the Ar cade! No. 16, 21 feet 7 inches front on Natchez stree —Rented at sl2oo—Vu -1 "etl at 20,000 1 Prize—D.tto (adjoining the Arcade) No. 18, 24 feet Iront on Natchez street —Rent- ed at $ 1 20.)—Valued at 20,000 1 Prize" —Ditto (adj tming the Arcade) No. 2D. 23 leet front oil Natchez street —Rein- ed at $ 1200—Valui .1 at 20,000 1 Prize—Ditto—No "23. Northeast corner of Basin an’d Custom House street; 40 feet front on H isiti, and 40 leet on -Franklin slree', b I-'7 feet deep in Custom House street—R, nted at slsoo—Vulued at 2<\o<'o 1 Prize—D no—No. 21, S mihwest corner of Bn“in and Custom House street, 22 leet 7 • inches on Bit-in, 32feet 7inchcson Frank lin, 127 hi t 101 inches deep in front of /: Custom Home street —Rented in slsoo * Valued at 20,000 1 Prizi—Ditto—No. 83.). 20 feet H inches on Royal street, by 127 leet )1 inches deep— Rented a.t sl4t)0 —Valued at 15.000 1 Prize—2so shares Canal Bank Stock, SIOO each 25,000 l Ditto—2o) ditto Com. do. do. 20,000 1 Ditto—lsu ditto .Meeliunics’ami Traders’ do. do. 15,00(1 I 1) Ho— 100 till. City Bank and t. do. 10,000 1 Ditto-—IOO uo. do. do. do. do.. 10,0M> 1 IXltt It.K) do! do", do. do. do. 10.0(0 1 Dat —SO do. Exchange Bank t'o. do. S:M) 1- Ditto—so do. do. tlu. do. Jo. 5000 I Ditto—2s dti. Gtis Light Bank do. do. 2500 1 Ditto—2s. do. do. do. do. do. do. 23tS> I -Ditto—ls do. Mechanics’ and Traders' do. do. 1500 I Ditto—l.» do. t'o. do. do. ■ 150(1 20 Ditto—each It) shares of the la>ui“iana State-Bank, 8100 eat h, each prize SlOOn, 20,000 10 Ditto—each 2 shtires ot SIOO each, each prize s2o(', of the Gas L glil Bank, 2000 200 Ditto —eaidi 1 share ot SIOO, ofthe Dank - 01. Louisiana, _ 20,000 200 I);tfo—each 1 share of SIOO, ofibe New Orleans Bank, 20,0tX) 150 Ditto—each I slia.'eof SIOO, ofthe Union Bank of Florida, 15,000 600 Prizes. *1,500,000 The whole nf the Ta ke's, with their Numbers, as also those containing the Prizes, will be examined and sealed by the Commissioners appointed under the Act, previously to their being ptP into the wheels! One wheel will eqmnit) the «liole of the Numbers, the.other will con'ain the Six Hundred Prizes, and the first 600 Nlim bi rs that shall lie drawn out, will be entitled to such Prize as may be drawn to its number, and the fortunate holders of such Prizes will have such property transfer red-to them immediately after the drawing, unincum bered, am! without any Deduction! Itt” Editor-of ever Paper in tl e United States, in the West Indies, in Canada, and other of the British Provinces, are reques ed to insert the above, nsastnnd ing advertisement, until (lie Ist of December next,and to send their account lo us, togeillcr with a paper con ’ainitig the advert'sement. • . SYLVESTOR A CO., 156 Broadway, New Y ork, June 15 3( V— " ' " the eure of "Vo'e N’u’e//-»g.e, Srrofulou - nnit 1 other Tumors, IJtcvrs. So t T.i’g-e, aid and f r esh Wounds, S/inuns and tint, set. Stool lings and Inflow, lions. Stud t Ibad, Womens Sore It, ends, Khenmteic Pains, 7. O' rs, Eruptions, Chilblains, Whitlows, Bites Corns, and External Diseases generally. It is likewise greatly-superior to any medicine heretofore discovered for the chafted backs and limbs of horses—for ring worms, chapped-lips,—and in short for every external bodily evil that may full to the lot of man or breast. The following certificate was received .by Dr Harri son, in answer to u letter addressed to his excellency Andrew Jackson. Washington, April hh, 183fi. Dear Sir—.l dislike giving certificates, as owing to the position in which l am placed, it might leave me open to nil Unpleasant numlter of applications Never theless mv thankfulness in the present ingtanee com i pals me to say that my -errant has used your ointment upon' the hurt vou referred to, with the most manifest advantage, and has discarded all other remedies in its favor. Your ointment has been for some time most favora* j lily known, to -te ili Htgh t e thought never struck me jto apply it in the above case My first knowledge <>t its virtues, commenced with a very complete cure that I it-pci formed on the back of one of my horses, w hich I had been sadly chafed by-harness, and since then 1 | have frequently tes ed tts efficacy in matters of the san e nature. On the whole I think it a very excellent I preparation,’ Yours, Ax. ANDREW JACKSON- Boston, Jan 7, 1d37. I Dear Hir—l have to request of you to forward me I iwoliuudied boxes of ointment, by the most immediate conveyance and wiihout regard to the expense of ear. riugc, us lam quite out, and tnueh in want of it. nu ! know my eaiiuatiiHi id your invaluable discovery, and ! therefore I shall only and, tbai further experience Has increased my enthu«iawn. and esiuMiaheH me in uie opimoi.. ifillt it is superior to any remedy extent ’*r external dtaeuM- Kespectfuily yotir« ClfAßlikS r emmerson. M-D. Aft-way. July !# K Tn Doctor Ham*--— J ir, I us.- ynnr Hte-e H'- Dtnt* neut mmy practicr atul eordtally r«**t'ti»*iid d!•* • ui-wt -lli' iM,. t, au-tit lor Tumun, I'ieefs. Wild*- Bwell,tig,. 8, rAdu. Illieuiiwiut P .,u», i .Lapped F«c<i 1-ips smt Hand*; end f-a ue-,-*r#i exiennd wsuikwtx I wn,u- tins at die rispiwM ~l y.wj) «j.-ie burs. v»H-i fur inmlom me with tfi« eitiHo and ate ;H- syod w hare it tn lit) p.,we( O, u Wet J t,<K.-n line l'• , it* ITS « lIEAt.H. 4 V 1 HARVEY siIoTVFELI-