The Southern post and literary aspirant. (Macon, Ga.) 1837-1837, September 09, 1837, Image 3

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*tis madness to defer ! Your heart are like the pent up mountain lakes and heaping avalanche, col a, and solute and silent; little know ye of the joys of many spark ling streams that murmur in the vales around ; your sources of truest pleasure are frozen up, and beware ! when you do descend from isolation,else you may check ana overwhelm many a fountain and stream of pure delight, turn ing them to sorrow and sadness in your chill embrace. In whatever condition man is placed in this life, be it ever so well adapted to the enjoyment of rational and real happiness ; if he is alone in that condition,without “a minist’ring angel to iiis wants'” without ‘ a comforter,’ 4 heaven’s last best gift to man,’ in the shape of Woman, lovely Woman, hap piness exist but as a phantas magoria, “ the baseless fabric ot a visionlie may be surrounded with the fragile pomp of wealth ; Empire may place her sceptre in his willing grasp ; he may possess the high esteem and well earned plaudit-laurels of his country and the world ; no matter what his advantages may he to the parta king of a complete fruition ; it he is deprived of the society, of the approbative smiles and blan dishments of Woman ; if he has not to cheer him, the soft and rap turous voice of an amiable & in telligent wife, the companion of his bosom and sharer of his joys and griefs—a 11 u is pretended en joyments ar* vapid and spiritless, as transient and vanishing as the mist that rises from the bosom of the lakes at early dawn, and dis appeared! at the first advances of the morning sun: mere mushroom pleasures,ns much to be depended upon as Jonah’s gourd was for shelter from the east wind and noonday-sun of Nineveh. * * * *- * “ Ts lively woman were away, Whan were his life ? what could it be ? t A vapour on a shoreless sea ; A troubled cloud in darkness tossed, Amongst the waste of waters lost; A ship deserted in a pale, Without a steersman or a sail, A star, or beacon light before, Or hope of haven ever more ; A thing without a human tie, Unloved to live, unwept to die.”—Ett. Shep. Q. * Vide “ George Barnwell.” Vineville , September 7, 1837. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2.1837. 00“ Our Patrons will excuse the awk ward appearance of our paper to-dav.— We are so situated, at present, that we are ■under the necessity of continually chang ing our type, which we much regret, but cannot avoid. We shall shortly he able to present it in a much more regular and uniform manner. ' 00“ We neglected to mention in our last that all persons who subscribed to the 44 News Carrier,” will he considered sub scribers to the Post unlcs they order other wise, in the course of next week. OO* The Sexton reports four interments during the past week—two children—one black. It will be seen, by reference to our advertisng columns, that the Macon D? ba ing Society intend holding a public De late, at the Court House, on Tuesday next. Seats will be prepared, and the citizens, (the ladies particularly,) are invited to at tend. FLORIDA. There is, as yet, no hope of an immedi ate and successful termination of the war in Florida. All accounts from that quar ter but go still farther to confirm and esta blish the Indian character, for treachery and duplicity ; and that, their movements are directed by a master-spirit, a skillful and practised hand, no one can doubt ; able, at all times, to bring about a parley when convenience or necessity require it* and who has succeeded in baffling our most consummate Generals, w ith a skill and energy which cannot be entirely at tributed to the advantages of their local situation, which, are great, tis true ; yet, among all these advantages, we can easily discern a tact and cunning which reflects great credit upon their leader. We are sure, and have been heretofore, that it nev er was their object to emigrate to the W est until forced to do so at the point of t*:e bayonet. They have scarcely, as yet, been forced into an extremity that cost hem but little pains to extricate themsel ves from. We hope that the call, or rath er the invitation, made by the Governor o the volunteers, in this State, will prompt ly be attended to, and that enough be found to till up the lists without the neces sity of a draft. Georgia has ever been ready and prompt to assist her distressed neighbors, and she will not now be back ward in again rendering good service when ’tis most needed. 00“ We are gratified to see expressions of favor among the press, in various sec tions of the South, towards the proposed Convention of Southern and South-West ern Merchants, to he holden in (he Citv of Augusta, on the 3d Monday in Oct., prox imo, with the view to devise some mode to further and encourage the importation of foreign manufactures, and the exportation of our own produce, directly to and from Southern ports, thereby throwing off that that dependance on the Northern States which has so long been relied on for sup port, in this respect. It is an object with which the best interests of the South are closely connected, and one which all Southerners should take a deep and lively interest in advancing, that the resources of the South qre amply sufficient, if properly directed, to accomnli h this important change,none will deny; and if directed in their proper channels, bv the zealous co operation of all concerned, can scarcely fail of attaining the objecis sought, and bringing about a new stat° of things thro’- out the South, which W'fl olqr*e her in that exalted nosifion wdiich. bv Nature, she was intended to attain. Sbe ought to hold the same position in a commercial, which she has so long enjoyed in a political sense. We do not sneak from prejudice or the little animosities w’hich are governed bv geogranbica l distinctions, hut from a con viction of <he follv we evince in paving o”r neighbors, at the North, to shin our produce and bring us what we want from abroad. M r h v may w r e not do that for ourselves, and save the amount we squan der hv such a process ? We extract the following from a foreign paper: SCIENCE—NEW \ND BEAUTIFUL INVENTION. An eminent and scientific gen tleman in London has invented an Electric Telegraph , the powers of which as muen isurpass those of the common instrument bearing that name, as the art of Printing surpasses the picture writing of the Mexicans. It is said that its motion is almost instantaneous, and that it will convey intelli gence with the speed of thought, and with such copiousness and ease, that a speech slowly spoken in London might be written down in Edinburgh, each sentence ap pearing on paper within a few minutes after it was uttered, four hundred miles oil ! ! WHAT WE CALL DUTIES. Every man ought to pay his debts—if he can. Every man ought to help his neighbor—if he can. Every man and woman ought to get married—if they can. Every representative in Con gress and in the Legislatures, ought to inform their constituents what thev arc about—if they can. Evejy man should do his work to please his customers—if he can. Every man should please his wife—if he can. Even* wife should rule her hus band—if she can. Every woman should some times hold her tongu ,j —if she can. Every lawyer should tell the truth—if he can. Every preacher of the Gospel should be a Christian—if he can. Every reader should add some thing to the above—if he can. [Petersburgh Constellation. [Every subscriber to a newspaper should pay for it—in advance—if he can. Every Physician should cure his pati ents —not kill them—if he can. Every old bachelor should get married— if he can. Every old maid do. do. do. — if she can. Every lover should pop the question— if he can. Every merchant should keep from break ing—if he can. Every voter should support a man of sound principles—if he can. Every young gentleman should he po lite to the ladies—and not be too oilicious —i** he can. Every young man should go to bed sober and not make more noise, at night, than any other drunken vagabond in the streets —if he can. Every dog in town should howl in con cert, say about midnight—if he can. Every citizen should keep a dog for that purpose—if he can. Everv Editor, and every genuine wit Ls he Should read this well arid something add to it, > ‘ And—not himself—-but all his neighbors tit— ) Eds. Post.] General Jessup, in a letter to a friend of his in this place, justly bestows the following handsome compliment upon General Gaines. He says : “ General Gaines is a pure patriot—he sent me the 6th Regiment of Infantry at a time when we had not spoken for more than ten years, by which I was enabled to assume the offensive ; without that timely aid, I should have been compelled tp remain on the defence. Few men would have with the magnanimity which distinguished his conduct on that occasion. I shall never lorgct the act, nor cease to feel grateful tor it.” Mobile Clmni le. A letter from one of our sub scribers in St. Marys, Geo., gives a most gloomy account of the de struen caused at that place by the late gale. lie informs us that his ow n house was blow n down; and every thing destroyed. All the vessels in the harbor driven on shore, and many of them Several merchants and other citi zens entirely ruined. The plan ters generally have suffered se verely—Gen. Clinch alone, will, it is supposed loose 15,000 dol lars. The writer is informed that his paper will be continued. He w ill understand our motive for not complying, with his request to Stop it. Charleston Courier. The charge against Paddy Can of heading a gang of marauding Indians near Mobile, and doing serious mischief to the whites, wc are glad to find, turns out to be a mistake. Paddy Scot/, says the Mobile Advertiser , was the right ful offender. We deem it noth ing but justice to aid in correct.* ing the error into which the first publishers of the account have fallen no doubt from a similarity of names. Paddy Carr was al ways considered, where he was known, entirely friendly to the whites, and is now on a volunteer expedition to aid in lighting their battles. Let justice be done him. Columbus Enquirer. State of the Thermometer , IN OUR OFFICE, DURING THE FAST WEEK. I)AVS. 6A. M. 2P. M. 0 I*. M. Mo min v, . . 76® 80®~ 79° r Tuesday,. . 77 82 79 Wednesday, 78 83 83 Thursday,’ . 89 84 83 Friday, . 77 88 85 Saturday,. . 79 89 IKARRIED, On the sth instant, by the Rev. Mr. Cassels, Mr. JOEL T. CHERRY, to Miss SUSAN C. McCALLUM, both of this city. DIED, At Vineville, on e 29th ultimo, VIR GINIA WOODSON STRONG, in her twelfth year, third daughter of Christopher B. Strong. At Clarksville, Habersham county, on the 28th ultimo, of Consumption, Mrs. MARTHA ELLIS, aged 21 years, a na tive of New-York, wife of Mr. William S. Ellis, of this city. Nrw Carriage Repository, ON SECOND-STREET. rp'lE subscriber bason hand and will be receiving a large assortment of C AR RIVGES, BARROUCHEB, BUGGIES, <Ac. &c. Those wishing to purchase will do well to call and examine for themsel ves. JOHN HUNT. Jr September 2 Hf Brand Pills. rpHE an cribers bav acce, ted ihe sole Agency of Brandreth’s Pills, for Ma con, and will keen a supply of the same constantly on hand. GRIFFIN At PURSE, At their Book Store. September 2 Iff