The Southern post and literary aspirant. (Macon, Ga.) 1837-1837, September 23, 1837, Image 4

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pgTlB T E 7. ** The world is full of Poetry—the air Is living with its spirit: and the waves Dance to the music of its melodies, And sparkle in its brightness.” For the Southern Post. Melancholy Breathing*. BY DR. E. M. FENDLETON. Though the rock of my hope is shivered And its fragments are sunk in the wave; Though my feelings have all been delievered To woe—l shall not be its slave.—byron. The gem that my hope had enkindled, With a lustre as bright as the noon ; Is changed and its glory has dwindled To a glimmering taint as the moon. The ray which at first was uncloudod. As skies in a clear summer day ; Is hid and its beauty enshrouded Beneath the dark gloom of dismay. The bud that was open at morning Is seared—and its charms have all fled, And the leaflets which were its adorning Has shrouded its form with the dead. Oh ! could I have saved it from dying Before it had sank to its rest, Pd raised it from where it was lying And clasped it again to my breast. But all my fond hopes have been blighted, By the cold and the merciless blast; And vows which were faithfully plighted Are shattered and broken at last. I am left with a vestage of sorrow, To prey on my desolate heart; Till the dawn of another to-morrow, Cause spirit and body to part. ’Tis this that cheers up my sad feelings, ’Mid the gloom of the pitiless night; It comes with the halm of its healings To shed on my pathway a light, f Though faint he the dawn of its gleamings, And feeble its power to save ; It tells me my sorrowful dreamings Shall be lost in the sleep of the grave. Warrenton, Georgia. LINES Suggested by a story entitled the “ Convict and his Wife.” Oh woman ! what were life but one Dark hour of withering toil and care, Did not thy smile the faded sun ()f hope relume, and gleam upon The else unblessed air. Some heavenly wanderer might rove At times across our joyless sphere ; But, oh ! the heart whose tremblings prove How ample is its weight to love, Would not be here l The world’s dread mockery, the scorn Os men upon thy idol poured Thou heed’st not; but wilt gladly turn Thy tender breast to blunt the thorn That scourges thy adored. Madness, and misery, and despair That tortures while it charms the will, Lose half their anguish when thy prayer Os faith, thy trusting eyes, thy care, Defy all ill. Dear woman ! God has given to thee A form of angel mould and bloom : A soul like stars above the sea, That share their light and purity With night’s appalling gloom. Well hast thou kept the impress, thou ! That hands immortal made thine own : Still, seated on thy gentle brow, The peace that holy thoughts bestow, Shines like a crown. EROS. [New-York Paper. BOLD WOMEN. A bold woman is, to me, one of the most offensive objects on earth. I have often felt disgust for such ; though it lias often been mitigated by recollecting in bow many instances their bus bands have been conducive to this fault, by their want of delicacv, or by the improper associations they have allowed them to form. But, when an unmarried woman emancipates herself from all the constraints that modesty and pro priety prescribe, my disgust is unmitigated by pity. lam one of the few who maintain that mo desty may survive the virtue it was meant to guard ; but that virtue rarely, and only then, by chance, or calculation, outlives modesty.— [Countess of Blessington , s Victims of Society. A GOOD STORY. It is said of a gentleman in Phi ladelphia, that lie has a passion for the purchase of second hand furniture at action, and that in making “ good bargains” he has filled his house with antiquated and almost useless articles. Up on one occasion his wife took the responsibility, without consulting or apprising her husband, to have a portion of the least useful truck removed to an auction room.— Great was her dismav, and ex treme her astonishment, when, on the evening of the day of the sale a majority of the articles came back to the house. The husband hud stumbled into the auction room, and, not knowing bis own furniture had purchased it at bet ter bargains than at the first. COMPOUND EPITHETS. The custom of using hard com pounds furnished Ben Johnson with an opportunity of showing his satire and his learning toge ther. lie presents us with a La tin translation by Joseph Scali ger, which may he thus rendered into English. Lofty hro wflourishers, N osei n bea rd vvallo wers, Bagandbcardnourishers, I) isha n dal lswallowers, Oldcioakinvestigators, Barefootlookfashioners, Nightprivatefeasters, Craftlucubrationers, Youthcheaters, vvordcatchers, vaingloryso phers— Such are your seekersofvirture philoso phers. A Parisian robber, who was seized in the act of stealing in the shop of a tobacconist, by way of excusing himself, said that he had never heard of a law which for bade a man to take snuff. IIOW TO COMMIT MURDER. Take a pretty lady—tell her she has a pretty foot—she will wear a small shoe—go out in wet wea ther—catch a cold—then a fever —and die in a month. This re ceipt never fails. AN INTOLERABLE NUISANCE. A man in creaking boots, who moves about in a slow, stately, and solemn manner—whether in dwelling-house, a hall of justice, a lecture room, or a church. SIXAKESPERE IMPROVED. A beligerent w ight threatened to kick a dry character who had offended him. 44 If you undertake it,” answered the challenged, “you will find yourself a man more shinned against than shinning .” COUSINING. A Mr. Purdon, of Dublin, has had to pay $12,000 damages, in a breach of marriage promise case with his cousin. lie said iiis fa ther forbid the match on his death bed, and he would obey his com mands at all hazards. CUFF AND SAMBO. Cuff—Look here, Sambo, you got dat quarter dollar you owes me ? Sambo—La, Cuff, no. Money so scace—so stoppages in Mo bile—-dere amt no money in cir culation. Cuff—O sho—Sambo what de nashun you got to do wid Mobile? nigger, pay up, pay up. Sambo—Well, look here, Cuff, me hear inassa tell more dan twenty men de same tale, and I aint seen no gemman treat him like you me. Act like a gemman if you is nigger. “ Come friend,” said a credi tor to his debtor,- “ I want that money.” 44 1 haven’t got it.”— 44 But 1 must have it now.” 44 We11, if you get it before 1 do, just let mo know, wiM you ?” THE NATIONAL swrri»it (On the corner of Cherry <s• Second-streets,) ILL be opened for the reception of BOARDERS on Monday next, the 25th instant. The Bar and Table will contain the choice of the land. T. B. CLARK, Proprietor. September 23 4tf J. fifl. & W. S. ELLIS, DRUGGISTS, Cotton. Avenue, M 8 GEORGIA, Bp / Have just received the jffjt-A following, which they of fer for sale on accommo dating terms : Superior English Ground Mustard, for table or Medical use Carpenter’s Extract Liverworth Do. Sarsaparilla Cububs and Capaiva Do. Extract rink-root Do. do Boneset Do. Tonic Extract Do. Remedy for Scalds, Bums, &c. Do Disinfecting Liquid Chloride of Soda, for sick rooms, and keeping Meat untainted in hot weather. Gallaghan’s Vegetable Fever and Ague Pills Superior Red Peruvian Bark Oil Cantharidin, Oil Black Pepper Stomach Tubes, Dentist’s Instruments Croton Oil, Salaeratus, Pearlash Ground Spices, Starch Indigo, best Spanish, Salt-petre Salsoda, for washing, Superior Apple Vinegar Best London Walnut Catsup Sultana Raisins, for cooking. ALSO, A general Stock of Fresh Drugs, Medicines, Confectionaries, &c. September 23 4tf —ip Carpenter’* Embrocation for Hor ses. TpOR the cure of Swellings, Strains, Bruises, Galls' A Stiffness of Tendour and joints, <fec Ac. This Embrocation is recommended to Farriers and others who wish a remedy for diseases above men tioned. For sale by J.H &W. S. ELLIS. September 23 4tf II rami refill Pills. T« E subscril>ers have accepted the sole Agency of Brundreth’s Pills, for Mu con, and will keep a supply of the same constantly on hand. GRIFFIN & PURSE, At, their Book Store. September 2 , ltf HUH bakery. r TUIE subscriber has established, in this citv A BAKERY, for supplying the public with ’ ’ Bread, Crackers, Biscuit, Rusk, Cakes, . He has secured the services of a first rate work man, brought up to the business, and warrant to his customers that the articles manufactured shall al ways be of the best materials. FRESH BREAD will be delivered every morn ing (and every evening, provided sufficient encour agement is given,) at 7 o’clock, at the Bake-house and at the houses of such in the city as may request Fresh Rolls, Rusk and Tea Cakes can be had at the Bake-house every evening at 4 o'clock. Fresh Crackers and Biscuit, Water and Butter will be constantly kept on hand bv the pound, keg or barrel, which, as to (juality, shall be equal to any lmported. Country merchants can be supplied in any quantity, by sending tlieir orders. FLOUR Os the best brands of Canal, Philadelphia, Balti more and Richmond, new and fresh, can alwavs be had by the barrel, half-barrel, or retail, at the Bake house. ’1 he subsciber solicits the patronage of Ids friends ar ?d the public, assuring them his personal attention will be given in superintending:the establishment that they may obtain the “ staff of life” of the best materials, in a pure, cleanly and wholesome state. C. A. HIGGINS. *»* The Bake-house is in the rear of the Central Hotel —open daily, (Sundays excepted,) from 6 o’- clock, A. M to 7 o’clock, P. M. tpt Persons wishing to be supplied daily, are re. quested to call at. the Bake-house and obtain Tickets, as none will be left without them. Macon, September 16, 1837. 3tf Robert Wheeler, (Late IV heeler Townsend ,) DEALER in Staple Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries, Hard & Hollow Ware, Crockery and Glass Ware, Iron and Steel, Cotton Bagging, &c. &c. &c.— Third-Street, Macon. September 16 3tf Dickinson & Ware Have got at their store , under the Central Hotel , Cl UGARS, Coffee and Teas Salt, Iron and Nails Rum, Gin and Whiskey Holland Gin and Coniae Brandy, An assortment of Cordials, A superior article of Molasses, Madeira, Sicily Madeira & Port Wines Sugar and Butter Crackers Hard-ware, Crockery-ware and Stone ware. Hemp Bagging Gunney Bagging, anew article, 43 in ches wide With every article usually kept in a GROCERY STORE. A general assortment of Dry Goods. Also, just received, 8 hhds. Sugar 30 bags Coflee 12 boxes Lemon Syrup 4 do Honey-Dew Tobacco, Which are offered favorably for casit. September 2 ltf New Carriage Repository, ON SECOND-STREET. rpHE subscriber has on hand and will be receiving a large assortment of CAR RIAGES, BARROUCHES, BUGGIES, &c. dec. Those wishing to purchase will do well to call and examine for themsel ves. JOHN HUNT, Jr. September 2 ltf We are authorized to announce Benjamin R. Warner as a candidate for Clerk of the Superior Court of Bibb County, at the ensuing election in January next. July 22 Btd TERMS OF THE POST AND ASPIRANT. (£5” The Post and Aspirant will be is sued every Saturday Afternoon, in the City of Macon, at $2 per annum, in advance, or $3 at the end of the year-—sl 25 for 0 months. Single copies 12 1-2 cents. Advertisements inserted at the usual rates, with a reasonable deduction to those who advertise by the y'car. o^7"Small Religious Notices, Marringes. and Obituary Notices, will be published GRATIS. Letters, &c. from a distance, oo business, must bo post paid to insure at tention.