Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, August 31, 1873, Image 3

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Tim MACON DAILY TTXLGftAPH AND MSSENGER: SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 31, 1873, Thu* th,* farnu-raLAv.* Coined till- cr»-ut I atrile of labor Aarmiupt drudgery, and it I “ will never t-nJ until it is fnllv rwognixcri I « that.-while oTery unprcdu.-tii -. life is » | Jl dishonorable life, ^radgoxy is no less tic— (Trading; than pure idleness. To be sore. the sagel in all times have taught that _ there was a time to sing and dance I et*it count, as well as a time to labor, bnt it it not I S^S3L e< i| fifty Jears since it was generally accepted I SnJcTveDsai by the maas.rs that a person might spend I Brown, ad mi (Tcleur.iph iiJ)lev,en$er NEW ADVERTISEMENT: NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, ECLIPSES OTHERS ARION COl NTT SnEKIFPS.VLKS.-W.ll | /''EORlil.V. WILKIffSOXCOCNTT.—Where- •a-wfld Mwe the Coort-hmse dour in the 1 VJ o, Nrl« n Stuckev applies to me for letters =r-“ L . V \..u.cf m«1 eunr,on tl.e Oct | cS admimstraticn oa 1 be.estate of William A. Toe Asy in Ortotr.r nett, hetweeu the lawful Stacker. Ute ol nid couSt deo»«L nainotsele: I Thru-are therefore to rite and admonish all fof ofland No. Ml. in the thirly-#r« district | and smeulsr the hr in and creditors at said cs- Jataad;. berried on and tole-soidma the I late to be and appear at a; office on or brfore the PMWVot the estate of Daniel PuwaO. decerned, lint Moods. rn*n*er«n.m.J .how vauw.tl •n-ryaft.fa. in my hands, ienwd Irom tfe I snr^why hud letun ch-ott not he ranted. Superior Conn at mid county ui tame of Aim E. I Witnrn my tend and o£nsl *oDatun-:h.r An- Brown. administratrix of Wm. M. Brown, de- I gnat tC. 1S7J. W. F7CANNON. rnarnd - - * ■ TI V - - - * » * - I — .a „ .7 * Tito Devil Outdone. NrchcmMip hr the earth .oe day. I into WaO.»T»^lon wmM hit wty, I hawnf «WRnr< tonaklor toll* GENERAL SUPERINTiNDENT’S OFFICE, Georgia Central Railroad, Savai.nah. Julyf., 1S7S. NN and after Sunday, t v Ctli inst.. Passenger ■J Trains on the Geonri i Central Railroad, its ranches and connect, ns. vill run us follows • DAY TIU.IXS GOING SOUTH AND WEb r. cave Savannah ... 1:00 p m WVUlMta 2:1.*. 1* M rrive at HiUfdgevflh* ii:04 r u [PATENTED FEBRUARY 21.1S71-] I I*SV. boAMmif and rlathM T RUNS TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. LIGHTER than any other Gear made. . It is made without a mortise, tenon, or a key to work loose. * Every part bolted iron. Over twenty in use. All have proven good. for Columbus. Arrive at At U Arrive at Columbi FINDLAY IRON WORKS W. F. CANNON. Atlanta and Columbus. SIGHT TRAINS G( Clayton. Leave Columlms Leave Atlanta Arrivo at Macon fra amp S iC(m Columbi Arnveat 31 aeon from Atlanta. >ING NORTH. MACON, GEORGIA. FASTER, MORE DURABLE, LIGHTER DRAFT AND CHEAPER THAN OLD WOOD SCREW EVEN. PACKS THE BALE IN TWELVE ROUNDS. JOHN J. SHEPHERD. Arrive at Millod^evilfe! I riety of muscular exercises from hour to I hour. It is no wonder, then, that the farmers' I rid of the terrible monotony I of farm-labor as now organized, find ped- i dling tin kettle on acceptable- substitute, or turning eomenete in n third-clam rir- cue a fortunate eaeape. The naacn why our country youths uo m impatient of I f irm-Ul<.r U not that they are lea, rirtn- on, than formerly, but that they are wieer i an.l the railroad haa opened a thoueand field, for their ambitious daring undreamed of a* possibilities in the olden time. Not even the combination of at tractions afforded by the grange*, with their libraries and reading-rooms, their I kfinpii—Hail picnics, the decoration of I grange lialls in company with the ladies I I of the onler, the worirfng of rlcijrws, the I music, social reunions, balls and concerts, I can keep young men on the farm unless I something is done to render the labor less [ monotonous and disagreeable. One of the Patrons during a late dis- I eussion of these questions predicted, from I the growing intelligence of the people, I and their better understanding of the I Arrive at Augusta -MilMMNhdfM ht wn liswl *n Trpw to if Ukrn* oniU not bo found In lb uatvapw a hour L-\. I Thoatbst Wlurfi i«<icrux.*d by tte devil! Mrstoiri. wa-fn..:.* *• l.yaraand land. Ti 1 ft — Amrrirmn Cisunv—ion. ettvuaal^i out in mortgage fi. fa. Alio, at the same time and place, one home and lot in said town. No. X7. where Mrs. Sarah Ann IV>p«* now lire*. Levied on as the property of Win. M. Sedon A Co, tn satisfy one fiTla. issued frwn the Superior Court of mid county, in favor of Ketchum A llartridze. Property pointed out V plaintiff* attorney. Levy made by the Sheriff. I Al *bal the tame time and place, one lot of land, the dwelling I number not known, in the second district of oriei- 1®* faff, I nally Wilkinson. now Laurens county, containing r, «Ka. .oh '«•'-!—I.- hundred and sixty-five acre*, mow or leas; | 1 joining lands of P. W. Dourlas and Sarah j — ■■ a •1’orthy,to satisfy two Justices’ Court ILfa*, in Court of said county. E. I favor c4 L. C. Perry A Co, and one in favor uf O. v simniMM i r;_ Beals. r Also, at the same time and place, one lot of land r« is i- ♦*- *—*i- District of mid count j. of W. K. Worien. to I fi. fa. in favor of Mn- f pTace.mSTcf I LesyrasdeairiwturoedD>“^b^LwUlIu\th?s distnet of originally I August 26th. 1873. ' J **- —I augltds WILLIAM JL KEEN. Sheriff. Temp, I GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.-Wb.*n^s. tlie | VX estate of WUliam K. deGmflriurid. late of said county, deceased, b u my presented. All i>er- j iw#-ii. .ao. inn known, inu ■ J 0 ®* interested are herrby cited and required to I <4 th- defendant. Levied I *» •*»! *PPthe Court of Ordinary af said I • ' ’ - * *—* !J - - 1 county, on the first Alonday in October next, tn I show cause why the administration should not Is* I vested in the Clerk of the Superior Court of said I I BUILD AND REPAIR Two to three Hands, or on8 Light Mule, Packs a Bale in 2 Minutes. • Baks of Cotton packed by this Prcas nnce from 5o0 to 800 pounds. a fi fa issued from the Superior Court of said county, in favor of X. L. Kevin vs William C. Harris, and other fi fas in my hands. A. W. DAVIS. Drpfy Sheriff. Also at the same time and place. t*“ bouse of the defendant, together with K* vm, mnw nr less, of lot nf land No. 2S in the 4th dis trict of originally Muscogee, now Marion county, as the property c4 the def—•—* - rt issued from the Suiirrior i , Bamanl A Co. ti John I. Also at the same time and place, lot of land No. 17fl in the 4th district originally Muscogee now Marion. LrrM on a*’ the property of the de- . femlant to satisfy a fl fa issued from tlie Superior I satisfy t Court of said county, Jett* Selic vs Wm. Shipy. 1 * :,J- ” Also at the same time and — “ ,l '' k*t of land No. 280 in the 4th «.^ Muscogee now Marion. L^%ied on ns the property ! of the defendant to satisfy a ft fa i«nnl from the | Superior Court of said county. Morgan I' administrator, etc., vs David J. Pud. Also at the same time and blare, one house and kit in the town of Taswell. No. not known, hut known as the property <Z .1.. .1. T. —L L.L. on as the property of the defendant t*» satisfy a 1 fi fa issued from the SuperiorCuurtof said county. A Stafford va L. B. Mason. Also at the same time and place, one house and lot in the town of Buena Vista, No. 29 in said town. Levied on aa the property of the defendant to satisfy 4 tax fl fas issued l»y theCoHi*lor of said county. If. N. Hamilton Tax Collector of said county vs Morgan Kemp. Also at the same time and place, one house and AT MY WORKS. WE GUARANTEE DAILY PASSENGER TRAIN TO AND FROM Macon, Brunswick, Savannah k Florida. f transportation) ANY PORTION OF PIVK WITHIN FOUR YEARS. TO MAKE GOOD. FREE OF COST <nr THE IRON WORK THAT MAY « ***-••-*• — AFTER PURCHASE. AND WARRANT AGAINST BREAKAGE WITHOUT LIMIT AS TO TIME. The “ECLIPSE* can he furnished all complete, or simply the Irons as parties may desire, arranged for steam or water jrower when required. Wo have TESTIMONIALS from many of. the Largest and Best Planters in Georgia (nn BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS MADE TO ORDER. Office Macon and Brunswick Railroad. Macon, Gn., July 22.1S73. O N and after Wed nr sday. July 2-‘U. l*n-wengpr Trains on this mail v.ill be run as follows: DAY PASSENGER, DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED FOR THE PRESENT. . 8:30 A X . <1:45 P M .10:15 F ML .10:50 1* M .10:12 A M .10:12 A M . 2:40 P M . 2:10 r M STEAM, WATER AND GAS PIPES, AND ALL THE IE FITTINGS FOE SALE. Call and see at my works, Fourth street, near the Brown Houso, Macon, Ga. Send for Circulars. E. CROCKETT. jnl3C-tf AND THOROIM Pamphlets couta IiOave Macon. possibilities of organization, that witliin a few years wo shall uo magnificent social palaces, something like the famous one at Gnise, in many places in this coun try ; and he went on to allow how social and industrial life might be organized so I as to secure the most complete liberty of the imliriilual or family, magnificent ed- I ucational advantages, remuneratire occu- 1 ana, he- I potion and rariod amusements Tor all. ire many othere who, 1 with perf.ict insurance against want for disposed to Uxik uito orphans, for the risk and the aged. Each rt * 1,im I ialnce was to be the centre if a great —— — — rw— a agricultural district exploited in the inoet I • , J®*" I scientific manner, and tlirough the varied <nr order is more char-1 economies resulting from combination all “ tnw than correctness 11 he luxuries of industry and all the con- I a Urge magazine arti- .Utions for high culture were to be sc-I that the organization I cured to all who wore willing to labor I H»tl*,ndry was I eTen one-lialf the hours that the farmer! ™ ^" ,n> *“ »ss<xnatiOD I now iloosT It was a glowing picture, and I oar* had maintain.-,! a I certainly very entertaining, where a poesi-1 a community of Scotch I hility of this, or, as one of the company I l iurtilinn.. "hu Untn. .... I i.j « . J I Arrive nt Jcmip. R. FINDLAY’S SONS, • FINDLAY IRON WORKS. MAOOX. GA. Arrive at Brunswick. Arrive nt Sevsniwh. It was s quiet, rainy evening, and I devoted the whole of it to answering her queries, reading documents from our Uvulquariere, and quoting Mr. Adams’ Imtia «a the Unit mat HytUmt and oth- cr authfwitirs to explain the pi let,*m (indiuvrs iuul carriers lu ting that there l Ur lii) friend, are Oil. ••grange husim tin- sulij«, l of <.nr conversation. •I.-,I of tliat which lias four * y lh«p Arrive ntTallaluuwrf Arrive at Jnoksnovillo. Leave Jaeksonville. G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.-Whereas. Sam uel R. Jaqoe*. Administrator on the estate or Josephine I. Lightfootf deceased, applies to me for letters of dismimon. These are therefore to rite and admonish all and singular, the kindred And creditors of nud deceased, to be and appear at the Court of Oniln- I aiy on the first Monday in December next, to show reuse, if any they hare, why letters should not be granted. , Given under my hand officially. 3™ C.T. WARD. Ordinary. Leave Savannah. I scare Brunswick. .Leave J(“nut CRAIG PATENT HORSE POWER FOB DRIVING COTTON GINS. Recently Strengthened and Improved, now Perfect MANUFACTURKI) SOLELY BY R, Findlay’s Sons, Findlay Iron Works, MACON, GEOBGIA. Arrive at s-<r* a m l*asseny?rs from Savannah will take the 4:S0 i» v twin for. Urunnwick, and 5:20 a u train for Mmou. 1LVWKIXSVILLK ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, DAILY. (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). Leave Maeon...... Arrive at llawkiiisville. Izeavo Hawkinsvilh' Aureal 3:50 P M 7:30 P M <l:3l> A M 9:55 a X W. J. JARVIS. 3In*tor Transport••tixMi. of land No. <S5 in th«* f<*irth district, lot of land No. CA in tlie 4th district, l«it of land No.»in the 11th district nf originallv Mim-ogec *- * —’ * “*• »rty of the defend- AND CIGAR MANUFACTURER No. 4 Blake’s Block, ..... ... now Marion county. Levied on as tlie p-o»i.Tty of the defend ant to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Superior Court f4 mil county. Isaac Ilnrt vs J. W. Wir- | GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY, vT ter the date hereof, appliretj to the Court of Onlinaty of said < to srH all the real and personal me to tlie estate of Tliomas J. I said county, deceased. SARAH L. I au*31 4t Arrive at Macon. Poplar st., Macon, Ga. j illy 30 if Court <4 fnid rounty. Isaac nart v« j. W. Wir- gins, adminiitrator on tlie cstah- of Wra. Wells, dwnurd. Also at the same time and plaep, lot* of bind and lenvls of land No. 207. 211. 212 &r-t half of CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, w. M wwvreita «.» «... .... ... and half of Jot of land No. S. all in the 4th district of original ly Mtisivwro now Marion county. Levied on to satisfy sundry fi fa* in my hands issued from the Suiicrior Court of said county. Charles II. Me- ■ Call. Jettn r<elig and others ts L. O. Davis. | Also at the same time ami place, lot of land No. I 1*.«h in tlie 4th district of originally Museora* n<*w I v — ... . ccar.ty. levied on ns the property of the trmu. it ia certain that they have work | iWcmtont in witWy Ihror 0 lu ren.vl fnrai iIk- j! at a « a _ _ j n i I Dunenor Court of said countv. Jesepll T. Bilk. •II. and TlM»mas SUFK III NTKNDK XT’S OFFICR. Centeal Uailkoad, Atlanta Division. Atlanta. July ft, 1873. O N nmlnfUr Sunday, July <Uli. Passenger Trains on this Rend will run as follows: DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Macon 11:00 a m ri K°JW 1 A B 1 HB.OOL-.VTY.-Wicr™^ Fran- XI m M. Palmer. Adrainivtratrix on the eatatc n( B. Palmer. deenuaaL appliea to mu lur letters of dismission. The. are therefore, to riteandadmonidi allatul ammikirthe kindreaandeTuJitonuraaiddueni4u,l. to la< and appear at tlie Court o( Onliiaiy on tla- liret Monde)- in IX-crmUr, next, to ahow rauau. i( anr .they hare, why letter. ahonMnot he *rauU«l. Given under my hand offieialtv. i the old ipINsl in The superiority of tliis machine over all others intended for s un * iairiiose nd “new f.ishion” Gin Gear) woGUAR1XTKU. OR \SK NO MONEY. T ne piece, as it were; requires no mechanic to put it up; sets on th» gomml; ) anv portion of the h*nis.*; and is indepdBidcnt of tl-sir “ sagging.” etc.; can L »P HOUSE (one nr two story), or both the Power and Gin can be rim on ia not thu outgrowth ^Urectly, or even Bnt whatever dream* for the fnt-ire d imhMrttf. << liny r-nwxwtmg orgmmza- may lx, unterUincd by some of the IV Mariin^unty ti,m. It« the ri-ault. w> fir aa it la pea-1, - -■ *- ■ • •• • - ■_ • aihlu to trare inipulow to their aource. of I directly at land. Ltd that they IUV gra^l I S'ES?, the oigguatron of a lady, commumcatjal pling it with a will. The Iowa grange^! aaue yuan ago, to Mr. O. H. Kelly, j through agent, appointed from among I " all ™ o. s. T, e wv ^ 'i:- ir mom v!r r "/ no - w purc, r o al tlntagi", all.I the ]>enon who naa I chinory ahd forming implement -i direct I now Marion na, ■k«e nnaw than any oth.-r to eatal,- I fmm the manufacturer and hy wlielu-iale. I d.-t. ndant to mi li»li the order aa it exiata U«lay. Thd Tho State anrod half a million during | auRgmUMt waa in aulmUnee thia: Why 1S 72 in thia way. and Miaaouri, through | Al»".tthuS _ osanuC toe funuers protect themsolTeii I the exeentire committee of her State | of hnd No. 195sml lot of land > hy a national larganiration. aa do other grange, haa juat completed a contract in ttadoa^^ofearicmaf Mr. Kelleywbed «. Lomk ^r the mtmo purpoee. AH UStTCiK ths Mm with i nthusuumi, worked out the I mombers of the grange* ore thus enabled I Wsnnsrk vs A*s J. TyPr. (d a aernt aoctety. and traveled over I to aecure theae articles at greatly reduced I. »* “IT ,h 3 r »« l I* rr : y'tjz• root< t hnn - toorpuiia for tin ir mutual advantage. I dred and fifty granges, with a larger I ss tlie jiropcrty <4 defendMit to * He met with constant disappointment at I aaemberahip than in many other State*, I y ! , frp f n gM^npjriorConrt m M.m»d his faulty and frioiuU imnlorad this ia a very im^rtant item. «hSm£^Vnd d1 him to uUinthtn a project which threat- I Now, in regard to the railroads, with I lot of land No. 41. in th.< fisirth msd to ftTworb every rent he possessed, os I which it ia generally supposed the Pa- I nsllr Mnsrom-e. now Msrsm ro conflict, pcncvcrixiagain.t every ilmcooragement, I Certainly, to tho ouUide obaerver. the I F. R Stohlanl k (fo. v« Bmtli i and to-day he may well lie prend of tho I agriculturutz of the South and North , *!?!■ •‘.'I*' o'* «mdU of hi. devotion. I zeen to have porno grievous Imnlcna to I _ n >e J* r,t wazorgonirod in St. | bear. It eoata the price of three lmahela I u th.- property <r drfmdant to , niul, Minnesota, and calleil the “North I of corn to carry ono to the grain-marts I w ^l fo>m the Snprrior Court of 8Ur Grange,” and it ia ono of tho moit j by raU. and the whole world know, that I J °^* vOmriro gmtta.. ^cwnt .ulK.rdinate grange in the coun- they have heen Inuning their throo-yeor MrfU.“t No.T?i. inX7«mI, toj to thw day. Another waa orgamzel 0 M crop, aa fncl in nearly all the Weatcm ><*llv Mimroima. ngw.lUrina cm ta IVMhington, one in Fredonla. New I State... Meanwhile, it aeema clear that Ycrk, one in Ohio, another in Illinois, I there is not too much corn raised, since I Ann e. Brown vs^oiimt 3fnrrit. sad a few others during the same year I a great famine has Inst swept over Per-1 Also, nt tho same time and pint ■a different place,. Thi. wm very nearly rta. and other, are threatening in differ- I mi rear. ago. Since that time they L„t porta of the world. -fSfv a'lf fo i« h»vc l.vn cr. tantly tncrftvung—at firet I The preoent high rote of tronaporta-1 periar Court of Marion rounty. Stwly, then with a rapidity unheard of tion were never anUdpated by tho farm- v * u JV ia the hwtoiy of aecret or any other or- or. If in the lieginning aomo great rente ” f P y MA1 Mltivatuvna in lliia o.niitinr ap ♦ Ka wai>1(1 I J f r a • a* I "1 1TII.M\S()\ KIH-.IHI-V S Arrive nl Atlanta. ESTABLISHED A. D. 1805. Specially Reinsured with tho FACTORS & TRADERS’ INSURANCE COMPANY. -AND TUE— LOUISIANA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, ALL OP NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA. Lsnw Atlanta. Arrive at Malum. J'. T \U \IHi. Orilin irx'. NIGHT FASSENGKS TRAIN. Leave Maeon. SHIRTS! SHIRTS! Arrive at Atlanta. Irt-nvo Atlanta. Arrive nt Macon Making dose connection at Macon with Central Railroad for Savannah anti Aiqnista, anti with Southwestern Railroad for Columbus ami points in .Southwestern Georgia. At Atlanta, with West ern ami Atlantic Railway for points West. julyCtf G. I. FORKACRK, Sup’t. THOMAS U. CONNER Send for Descriptivo Circular, Testimonials, and Prico CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, $2,773,072 03 SUPRRIXTRNDENT\S OFFICE. South wkstkuk Railko.id Com van v, Macon. Ga., July 4,1873. |X and after Sunday, tho 6th inst., Fassemrer ' Trains on this Rond will run as follows: DAY EUFAULA PASSENGER TRAIN. N. B.—l\nrties preferring the “old.fashion** Gin Gear or “now fashion” ditto, with centre Support can l»e acvommodnted at very reasonable fiyures. DRAWERS! DRAWERS! THOMAS. U. CONNER Has a splendid fitting Summer Drawer, from 20 to 50 inches waist, and all lengths of in-, INSURES AGAINST FIRE. FINDLAY IRON WORKS. MACON, GA. Leave Maeon. Arrive at Kufmila. Arrive at Clayton. Arrive at Albany. Arrive at Ariin Arrive at Fort Adjusted with Liberality, and Paid Promptly. MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES, BOILES, SAW & GRIST MILLS, WATER WHEELS, AND ALD KINDS OF MACHINERY AND CASTINGS, ETC., ETC. R. FINDLAY’S SONS, l,eavc leave Fort Guinea. Neck-Wear! Neck-Wear! THOMAS U. CONNER Received yesterday a new stock of Summer Neck-wear, in all colors. Lavender and . , white for evening wear. Linen jnlylotf Collara of all styles and sizes. Leave Allnny. Arrive at 31aoon. JAMES H. LOW, (Pormerljr of Wootl S. Ix»w. and lato lVcsident La. Equitable Life Insurance Co. of N.(i) Manager Soutlicm IX‘jwrtment. Office No. 1U Wliitelull street, James’ BanklBlock, P. O. Box 106, ATLANTA. GA. S. M. FABRAR and H. I». BACKUS, Resident Agents. Office, Planters’ Banking Conijnny. Connects with tlw A litany Train at Smithville, and the Fort Gaines Train nt Cuihbert daily, ex cept Sumlnj*. Allmn.v Train connects daily with Atlantic and Gulf Railroad Trains nt Alluny. ami will run to Arlington on Blakely Extension .Monday, Wednes day and Friday, returning following tiny s. COLUMBUS DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. PM FINDLAY IRON WORKS, MACON. GA. jul27€od1y Leave Maeon. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of MACON Arrive at Columbus. Leave Columbus. Arrivo at Maeon. EUFAULA NIGHT FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Maeon ll:lfi P M C. A. Nuttinr. President City Bank. R. M. Bazemore. of Adams A Bazemore. J. K. Jones. President Central Bank. John C. Cunl. of Car hart A Curd. I.U. Plant. Provident Piret National Bank. B. L. Williii^ham, of Lawton i WlliiiRl: w - J-Lawton. I’n^ident Planters* Banking Co. S. Waxelbaum. of Waxelbaum A Bro. R. G. Bonn. PresMlmt Exchange Bank. J. V. Burke, of J. W. Burke A Co. })•«: Holt. PnwidcntSouthircstem Railroatl Co. J. B. R«w. of Ross & Coleman. 5* S• Cubbedge, Haxiehurst A Co. Joseph Dannenburg. of Nu&sbaum A Du IL II. Plant, of I. C. Plant A Son. Asher Ayrea Thomas I lardernan. of Hardeman A Sparks. Tliomas C. Dempsoy. Arrive nt Kufaula. DIRECTORS: I. C. PLANT. 1). FLANDERS. H. U JEWETT, W. B. DINSMORE. H. B. PLANT. I>. S. LITTLE. O. H. HAZLEHURST. L C. PLANT. President W. W. W.lnLZT, Caahier. Arriveot Albany. „ t T.jrirw i 11 haadnd and eizhtj—wen am of lan.1 I rates would Ik? lowered. The sequel I ^ j,, t| M 4th district of said county. Levied I generally proved that the rates went up I on m the j»roj*‘rty of Low Herndon to wtiify inaf.^1 of ifow'taml Iho -till imgrier ^22^SSMa^ f#T ^17 a3 OR<U ^. I Ahn m aen'i nf land No. lot No. Ml and SI in liy a now hope : a great competing nul- I tho 4tk dbtrirt of aakl rounty. Lruied on a. tlie rood uno was projects'll, and finally fin- I property of Lovc*lIenidon to satisfy one Sujs-rior ished. ConjjH'tition would certainly bring I fa in fovortif Abner Abbot and wife vs i it- qiuj A I Love Herndon, and ono Superior Court fi fa in | down the pmi«. Thia vnui the reanon- I te Tnr of John W. Fean vs Love Herndon, andone able way to expect relief. Competition I Superior Court fl fa in favor of Man- Ann Mr- alwaya had that effect. Alan for the I CuW bv her next fri. ml for use Mary nick* •_ *» , TT- 4. A vs- I r * bove Herndon. Also IS? acres <4 land, lot No. . producer! He had liorne b 18 I &8 in the 4lh district of said counl.V. 1 iff rdena long and put lenUy only to learn Alao %t lbo time and pine,*, tho eaat half the truth of George Stevenson a pithy I of lot of land Nafi» in the 2d district of said apothegm, that “ where combination ia I county, to satisfy two Superior t3ourt ti fas. one in j^ihlo o.nqa.tition U impo-iMe ” Tho two great companion oombinod. liooame I Counly Court fl f* in fovnrof Jovl c. Sfanlvy v. 1 coiwolidatod into one, ami, having their I Eawn Gnvno and Broj. C. Uroono. victim completely in their power, awin- I Aim at the mine time and idaro. 1.10 aw. nf dlcl him without Pity and divided tho ri££ spoils u*tween them. I one Countv Court fl fa in favor of Henry Temples I The characteristic of the day is the I vs Jame.« Ihvin. Land now in pr—inn of Dan- I tendency to cenaolhLation. But nothing {££ l, ^ uok - ,,ro ^ rtJ ' > loi " u ' 1 «*» ptaimi<r ‘ can prevent the people from fearing the A , M at me timc , nd Ilbw . one |ot hnd results or great monopolies and Tings, I Xa ss runtainime 1S7 acres, more or loss, ill tla* I or from organixing to circumvent their I 4th district of mid county, in favor of c. Cum- I achemea. Thooe who make no calcula- | < " ■ Hemdcm iHerndon. | tion for the growing intelligence of in- *’ 41 “ ““ "* Leave Eufaulu. Iaavc Albany. . V M , — j-, , - 10:30 A M Trains will leave Macon ami Kufaula on the schedule Sunday, Tuesday and Thunlay niriits, and connect at SmiLhvUlo with Albany trains. I VIRGIL BOWERS. | julyCly Engineer and Snptwinten >nt. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON MACON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD. Forty-one Miles Saved in Distance OFFICE MACON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD. Macon, May 18. lftTS. O N and after Sunday. May 19,1K72, and until further notice. th<; trains on thia Rood will runs a follows: DAY TRAIN—DAILY (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). malP-tiliiovr ANCHOR LINE STEAMERS, Sail from Pier 20. North River. New York. EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. w The passenper accom- _ /j modal ions on steam- I. cm of this line are un- j/Z'' m'' . I UfTTk surpassed forcleeanco and comfort. Ckbm curini? irood liglit and S. G. Bonn. President. R. f; Lawton. Cashier. EXCHANGE BANK OF MACON. - Office in nu;r. New Building. Receives Deposits, BUYS AND SELLS EXCHANGE. Makes Advances on Stocks. Bonds. Cotton in Store. Also on Shipments of Cotton. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. feblftly "■! T. • 1 ■ .| J. MONROE OGDEN, Sec. and Treas. DIRECTORS: SAMUEL F. DICKINSON. 1 w- JOHN C. CURD. SAMUEL T. COLEMAN. SOLOMON WAXELBAUM. ALBERT MIX. ■ prepared*to isstifi policies' of Insurance upon DyvellinffS, Stores, Stork Cotton, of Mcrchan- L Household Furniture. f»4i23trd GEORGE B. TURPIN, J. RANDOLPH WHITEHEAD, BASIL A. WISE, ^ ADDISON R. TINSLEY. rjAHESE Spe.'‘taclesaremanufacture»lfrora“3Iin- 1 ute Crystal Pebbles ” melted toeeth-f, and are called Diamond on account of their ltardncss ami brilliancy. It is well known that spectacles rut from Brazillianor Scotch lobbies are reiy iniu- rkma to tho eye, because of their polarizing liyht. Haviiur been tested with tho ijolarlscope, tlie diamond lenses have been found to admit fifteen per cent, less lieated rays tluui any other pebble. They are yround with preat scientific accuracy, are free from chromatic aberrations, and produce a brightness and distinctness of vision not before at tained in spectacles. Manufactured by the Spencer Optical Manufac turing Company, New York. j ' For sale by responsible Airents in every city in The Union. E. J. JOHNSTON, Jeweler and Optiri.nn.is sole Agent for 3Iacon, Ga.. . rentilation. RATES OF PASSAGE TO GLASGOW. LIVERPOOL, or LONDONDERRY Sat. Steamers. Wed. Steamers. Gold. Currency. Calkins .$75 and $65. $75 and$G5. Cabin return tickets securing best ac- Stcerage, currency, $30. Certificate* for passage from any seaport or rail way station in Great Britain, Ireland or the Con- dise, »ud House hold Furniture. Arrivo at Augsuta. I. 0. PLANT & SON, Lea ve Augusta. Arrive at Macon. Passengers leaving Macon at 6:30 a m make rion coanrotiaiui at Comak with day iwswnwr trains on Georgia Ihiilnsul for Atlanta and all point* West; also, for Amnista. with train* fnanc North, and with trains for Charleston; alw*. for Athens, Washington, ami all stations on theGeor- gia Railroad. Tickets sokl and baggage checked to all |K*nts North, both by rail and by steamship* from Charleston. aug7tf S. K. JOHNSTON. Sup t. , MACON, GA. Buy and Sell Exchange. Gold. Silver, Storks ami of land No. 142 in tlx^ 4th district of said county. „ j. - | adjoining land* of J. T. Smith and the place the people so conscious of their power— I where David Herndon now live*, to satisfy one nevor no folly a ware that in thi. country 1 ♦bra mank.'nnnr C-,- ^ I nnni«tr»tnr. vi Griffin Jliller. Lawson .Lrnwcll the machmerj for cocrectmg alms<« Dm I aiK , Juhn wi^vUt. securities. ] Also st the same time and place. 107 acres of laml. more or less. No. 91. in il»e 5tli district of I said county, in favor of Joel Butler vs Wiley Wearer. Also atlheasme timcaml plac»\ 300of seres land, more or leas, ss the property of the estate of E. J. Roxar in the 2Sd district of said county, to satisfy one Superior Court fi fa in favor of John Smith vs ! K. J. Rtizar. and R. F. Ihasr. and one County Court It fs in favor of G. W. Butler, executor, vs K.J.Rosar. Also at the same time and place, ono lot of land No. 01 in the 5th district of sakl county, a* J.W. Brennan: also 300 acres <* land, more or less, in I the 5th district of said county. Now not known, lying on the north side of Commissioner Creek, and on both sides nf tbeMiUedgeville road, as the I property of C. H. Brannon, one of the defendant*. I Property pointed oat by both the defondsnt* to mtisfy one Supers* Court fi fs in favor of Rich- I aril W. Bonner, guardian, etc* vs. James W. I Brannsn and Cbswed H. Brannaiu principals, and I David Solomons, security. Also at the same time and place, the reversion-1 ary interest of the estate of Thomas H. Parker. I -a - a I.mJ - - - * 11m V.roro I Deposits Received., On XVIiIcIi Interest will lie Allmrcd, as xr.Kxxii reoy. PAYABLE Off CALL. Advanees made on Cotton and Pro. dure In store. COLLECTION'S PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO fehaiy K. W. CrBBZDOK. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. iery pair. octlSdAwly* IMPERISHABLE FRAGRANCE WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD IX), Office Genera i. Passr.vokr Ad ext. Atlanta. Ga, July 1ft, 1873. O N and after thia date— LIOHTXIXO EXPRESS Fur New York, Eastern and Virginia Citic*. Leav**s3Iacon, 1 »y MaconL Wsatern Rail road....' : .' ...'..'..ll:ftft A M MUEEAY Wm. IIazlchurst. J. W. Lockett. OUBBEDGE, HAZLEHUBST & 00., Bankers and Brokers, ffACOX, GA., TJECEIVR DEPOSITS. BUY and SELL Xy KNI IIANGR GOLD. SILVEB. STOCKS. (Yinflictinjt opinions cvciywhere ilissom- inatod. and the oonaeqncnt difficulty of agreeing upon meazniv., and uniting a Arrives nt Atizirita. (Treat mimlAir of people in their adoption for the accomplishment of certain ends. If we limy rely upon tho promise of tho order of the Patrons of lliutmndiy, now .lowly and surely sweeping toward the 1-a.U'rn shores of tho country, and yet still widening and extending in the West, where it ros,'. we may hope that this is eople so w out the Toxed prohlems of labor and capital by a LANJIASI’S &N5£ c J!i l ££ STOL '“- Collections .Made on nil Accessible Points. oaky open st all hours of the day. FLORIDA WATER! Tho richest, most lsrtinr, yet most delicate of all perfumes, for use on tho HANDKERCHIEF. At tho TOILET. And in the BATn. As there are imitations ami counterfeits, always zak for the Florida Water, which has on the bottle, on thi* laliel. and on tlie pamphlet, the names of MURRAY 4 LANMAN, without which none is For sale by all perf imen. druggists, and dealer, in fancy roods.juIySeodGcl Leaves klaeon at. I kmfr waited for. which is to worl sodden lmt pooci'fnl revolution. The record of the vast work that the wiler of the Patrons has accomplished for its members exists at present in a de- tachrol and scattered form among the different granges, and in piles of yet un* iiseii documents at the national head- qnarterr. The full History of tho move ment is promised, and in good time will donbtloss appear. Since the drat part of this paper was written the Iowa granges have increased to over one thousand seven hundred and fifty. Twenty-nine new ones were or ganized during the week ending July 2 (. Over om -third of all the grain elevators of the State are owned op epptrollod by j the granges, which had. up to December last, shipped over five million bnzhels of grain to Chicago, besides cattle and hogs in vast quantities; and the reports I received from these shipments show an increased profit to the producers of from ten to forty per cent, over that of the old! ••middlemen” system; and hy the Oum- plete buying arrangements which the I Western granges have effected it i* cal* cuUtod that thf members save oa an areragv one hundred dollars a year | each. Large families find their expeasee | reduced by throe or four hundred dollar* Leaves Athintn at • Arrive* at ChnlUnooga... 4 Clos.; connection at ChaUanooga for all West. . Fullman I’alace Cora on all night train*. Fur further jsirtirolm Mdmro. OUBBEDGE, HAZLEHUBST & OO.’S Savings Institution. INTEREST PAID ON ALL SUMS FROM $1 TO $5000. •jlfOrLDINGS. Bracket*. Stair Fix- i-vX tureu Builder*’ Furnishing Ilani- ware, DnJn Pipe. Floor Tile*. Wire Guards. Terra Cotta Ware, Marble ami s!:;tr Maril.-l l'i> ••■•>. Window Class a Specialty. Circulars and Prico List Sent free on application by ■ B TA4IC POET EOYAL EAILEOAD, •' -ir.ir.^lt'.-xs ri^am.mdcs, conackwa of be> ^ majpai uu le of, and pnaantal •«S«r temper tuily by the most ftKO&OQI Office op Eaoixsn asp ScrnusTtifin’s AUOCTTa. Ga^ June 28,1873. \N and after Monday. June 33. trains on th / lb<ul will run os follow** DOWN DAY PAS8KXOBB TBAJX. 6:15 a usio and aoo£, the expression of 1 sentiment.-,' eervmom.n xvpleto. it except km, with aignificanc- and riioo. together with fruits and and fi,-., rs amt simple feasts. - ntal ohl-.-'ts of the i.rgani- arv - ial mid intelWvtural cul- Tbe « : lespivud fAnalimaVion of the anco of those auioni* th»» pcopk* is it mat <fik‘p t. >wardaecudng them, c first uamLtokabh^ sil’D that such u alrva*ly brnmoi taken is tho xvWll- wart pure drugorj. Said the M&a- Ihe National Granff«, Mr. Dudley ami, ijt a Ute j »»H ^ dl •m Jbo a matter of M|M to (tvHtora. lawyer*, politician*, etc.,) m that hiMn may possibly en- 1 fci me wish to vejoy life, ami have fher object in living besides ever-1 ' hard w ork ami aecuniulating a I Itiy dollars by coining them from wn life-bkvxl and stamping them ••»* Kighs of weary children and dvr*. What we want in a^rieul- a iu w lbv Lira lion of ln«iepond- W# murit do munethinc to dispel ju lii.•> raid U ut xiown old notiozni. be fanner is a mere animal to la- ui ia.*rninij till eve, and into the i-' ui ;u»* i. nt but alsuninalde hero- ■ • ' . ” We have heard enougn, »»•* endu^'h. al>out tb«* ‘hanleued f honest toil/ the supreme rioty of Will I^avo Augusta at.. Arrive at Port Royal at. jrrive at Charleston at. i IYER a Hirer of T E Melody and JL4 Beauty—Abounding tn bright, taking, sing able mac which Hu Sabbath-school children ul l»on:e boy* aial girl* wiD not 1 much drilling to learn and ap- to. As in our unequalled Church WAvek- / icax Tux*Book* a thi* we V_/-T have drawn on y well known writers of Sabbath .bool Music, the very brat in the country, to whose united ef forts we owe this new and popular Sabbath School Book edit ed by Messrs. Perkins A Bent- STAR AND TALLOW CANDLES, SOAPS, UP DAT PABgtSGSZ Ttt UX. Will leave Port Royal METROPOLITAN Tlie Only “Cast Steel Pinion Power” in the World. the best and only Suitable HORSE POWER for Ginning •rain, over before offered to tho iKiblie. We. tlie proj.rii-, icein nraroeinr and nreparingCfotbm f**r a^*rt. joint of SimpHeity, Dorability, Speed and Li.^htnens of Yl'E present to thePIantersoftlie South > T Gmfttn. Grinding Corn, or ThresLtxw i tor*. li»\ ing lirui a number ot years’ experk without tlr; fear cf contradiction, that in Diaft, the Will leave Port Royal *t„ J* J LroraChvirotaa at .--•• *? Z J Iraw Skivanrohat *£ J * Arrive at Augusta at..... . Pa-sKVigi-rs leaving Mscr*n hy tbo&WAM tram on Macrm and Augusts Rii!rr<w.»mre A la in time to make cl0He€v*inL«t»*'uiwiin ine«io . niri.t ia-wnror Intta «n tw« '..r riun K-, ,1 and Savannah. JAM ■» ^ \ •/ ;. WRIGHT’S IMPROVED PmVEE IRON & BRASS WORKS, Canal fllrert, fruui Gtb XaTth, RICHMOND, - - - VA Fartorx. Nca. ra. 7\ 57. 79 and SI Maiden Lane, between Ohio and Adams Street*. LOUISVILLE, KY. Cash pM for Tallow, Lanl and Grease. Par Exceeds any other that has over been Used in tho United States. Its Sucresa Cannot Ire Doubted. SEND ORDERS EARLY. . PRICE $30 per 100. Soapte copies 30 rents each. Sent post-paid. CHAU. IL DITSON A CO, 7T1 Broadway. New Ycck- OLIVER DITSON A CO, ansi 7«l2>w±wtf TBraton. sewing-machines, pianos, onran-. reap ers, mowew, com-shellers ana a hundred other costly articles; all of winch any member of any gnuige can ol»tain to day at a saving of from twenty-five to forty per cent. They are orderod in quantity from the manufacturers by the agonti of the State jjrantjes of the West, and a ain»rle order even from a meml*er >>f u new-filmed grange iu Vermont will be incorporated in the general State or der. The granges of the Eastern and Middle Stat«*s are a yet mostly entragyd in the wxu-k of orj^aiiizin^, and have not Jet realized the pecuniary advantap:*s accruing to older cran^i^. By this vast co-operative and »-ntireiv cash'svstem all partis are well K-dUfied except eertiun unfortunate middlemen, who find th. ir ‘Mceupsluin and tbcUqSa.Kes fibbed t.| Ikqcqaie pp^ducots ur U> enter into the sale of th«« numerous small and low-priced articles not yet aff*«ctod by tho movement. Marik Howland. sthictlv COMMISSION HOUSE R. )L WATERS & CO., iO Broad St., New YorL. BANKERS Cotton Commission Merchant:’. WM. E. TANNER & GC, Abo at th. EMIKERS, MACHINISTS AID FOUNDERS. ENGIXES OP ALL KINDS. Send for Circular. H. R. BROWN, janlt ly Axent. IKATALYSINE WATKR—T«ivC.beatMedi- Lixk cf NiTCXL Indorsed bv the Hwhesi [Mediral Authuritira. R^tore* MiiwularPow- L*r to i’aralvtir. Youthful Vucor to ihe Aired, and IDt^vlops the Younrat a Critical Peried; L)L*- krJve* I'alculi and -Chalk>-” IVptKits; Cud- liout. RlH-imiauttm, l > y«i*‘r r ' U1 '. >»*uTalria. ■ •rav^l. Lhahk-tU. ih.- Knlrv-yv Ijv- l r and Skin, AUiismim! lhvp.r, Clirauc Ilmr- CUnthrition, A.thatx Jtrnuw. l lVbOity. »nci i«rli tv. f rv <-bu» ot Chronic i>i«*■»*•■- P»znpnWt <%,n- taming llMorv< J lh»* Spring and TratimoniaL« from Medical Journal*, Eminent rhiniciam bn.1 di«tmrui»hcd riiixcns, w*nt free bj* nun] khv WHITNEY BW>S..G*-*ri A«**nt*.2f7h»*ith |Frrmt Philadelphia. For wh; by all dru*. LykTa. MUrtfOdlm TT’OR all who are willing to work. Any perm. -A- « kl or yesmr. of either make from ftH to $SU a wrek. at huso, day or eveninr. Wanu-d by ale J*uiub|e to Filter city or country, and any wajsonce tte year. TbU Ls a rare op|>jrtunity I Jr U>ra.> who are i*u of work, tnd out at mooiy.ta ®a*° an indept-jhlent livir.r. No cautal beinr re- )■#*• -HOW to maki: a Ll> gmnr fan mUnwynt,^ on receipt at AJOren A. BUBTON A CO. Mum,- u nix \\ otetester county, N. Y. OKXiY MAITUFACTOBY In this country where Loom Reeds, Harnesses —AND— Patent Wire Heddles Are made under one ■SMgBMPi • , Also. SUPPLIES uswl in (X)TTON am! \\ OOLEN MILLS proniptiy fitmisted. D.d BROWN. __julyiVCm Lowell. Mas*. C. S. BARLOW HOUSE,. ameeicus, oa., WILEY JONES & CO., Propr’s. Is Sintfi buiff and in business renter. Board par day $2. Ix*l?ing vr single meal* W cts nxay98in| Pot further imrticubrs, addi rs.irir«i}o^5.w* i !:im and OB ia th. « du- rounty, ooa County Court fl 2a in C. Inker v*. B. Cummin* and Joa 1 v* R. Cummin* and John jf. Gu- Mart wnd otw in favor of K. Cam- LM. Gmrran, admistraU-T vs Julius Id ni»ir*i-r. wane time and plare. 32* acre*« ■ k^s bekmgfag to tte estate of iHn- «ouri, whmmm AshWy MTiite. lives urrskiv ining lands i4 Rufu^ McNaiv Le and otters. S-ld to *ati*fy one of c.mxm' ]u4i.t»f>uii which covers a l<ent with «^verwi»rk.** . . . **I ^ l ^ pr ' vorkHI ^ roOi * if .toir.etljqfr worth living focr l*'- JjHdd A*. v rk. \Ye have hi^anl enough ’4 prkJurirawuJ Idju-ucy. Xm*1 ^ its*-If ,-ss^rify ^lorioiu. To toil lik*' ““M nuroo 1 At sL*tsrs. cultivate broad j‘ r '1pil,- up treasure* of Ikomls and ph'tftnd hcr»L, and at tiie same time i>Wv«' the (iod-likc form, hard«*n h* iridx. dwarf tin* imiuortal mind and the. hildrt-n fn-m the homeote^d. • di*tfr.ue to any man, faul MACON. GEORGIA. anr8 li PLANTERS’ BANK, rnu BECKWITH iru PORTABLE FAMILY 1 SEWING MACHINE, on today** trial; many adrantar«*s over alL Satidaction ruannlraxl. or Ml n fninisi tent fttEpk-lr, with full dimumu. iW-ku .iu tewing Machine Co, s« Broadway. N.T. (FOHMKRLY Spx-ctal attention called to tte well known l Th* djin* words of a Dulawan* w o man were* : “Henry, if you marry attain, remember that it \»nly tak«*s a cupful o! ■ttftf to fwoeton a quart of tpxwebcr* i. Col. Huvh L. IVnnan Dr. W. A. Mathews, H.HulIinshead. deist! aurltf J. T. bMITU.&ffy Shcnff.