Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, August 31, 1873, Image 4

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THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER: SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 31, 1873. I IE CITY. 1\1 MORMNf MT.rsT SI. 1-75. left Friday H will iy. ’Vest <.-rn Union tob av T. Coxser i at St. Puul'a < ontinn.-d one i: Abtulb C. Wi for a very bandm which he contc distant day. . has had plans dr Aloxbbax Coax* the Mayor and May. the judicial function yeaterday morning. Tin C< single it P"P« eting at no n, in the abeenc 1 pro tem., exerc of the {Mayoralty ity Court failed to develop a item yesterday. Caeaa are in ition, however, which will furniah aome news in the oourae of a few days. Col. John B. Cunning, bailiff of the Connty Court, who has been confined to his house by sirtmeea for several days, has recovered sufficiently to be able to be at his office as usual. BaaswxLL and Sweeney still continue to improve. Their condition was far more satisfactory yesterday than could reasonably have been hoped. It is now believed that both men will recover. Kkv. A. J. Battls/D. D., President of Mercer University, will preach in the First Street Methodist Church next Sun-, day. The congregation will begbd of an opportunity to hear the learned Doctor. Messes. Tbdvan ft Gauss hoisted a veiy handsome new sign upon the front of their building yesterday. That and their gold stove, which is perched upon the top of their place of business, ought to be sufficient to let the people know where they are. , Camp Meeting. The colored people of Macon have ar ranged for a special train to run down to Pony to-day. wherea camp meeting is to be held. The train will loavc the depot at an early hour this morning, and return at seven o’clock in the evening. This will give the pious colored folks (and they are all piously inclined) a full day of glorifi cation, at only a dollar a head. Handsome Hcsldenres. Wo observe two very handsome two- story residences in process of construc tion on Johnston street, near the hand some residence of Dr. O. E. Snssdorff. One of them is for Mr. T. D. Tinsley, of Seymour, Tinsley ft Co., and tho other is for his mother. The houses are of wood, and will bo twins as far as design and finish sro concerned. They will add ma terially to the appearance of that portion of tho city. ' _ A Macon I.ndy nt Fort SHI. Among tho ladies who are at Fort Sill is a daughter of Judge E. Bond, lato post master at this place. This lady is tho wife of on officer in tho Federal infantrry ser vice, and, of courso. her friends hero are very much alarmed on account of the ugly reports which have been owning thence for the post few days. We do not think, however, that they need feel any imdue alarm, as it is highly probable that the report of an attack upon the fort and the massacre of the women and chil dren is without foundation. lave and Wrlanchulj. tt lam Nnl-in . I..I To Irnd a hsn And when, in tbs old mother's hand fawn’s perfect, true Ideal Eeenn. etadfcwt to her wand, T aawiair »ahapriy mL Perl Miachirt, the doagnmg mad. In frolic or m lolly. Into Lc-.e’a bsmUm threw n shade Keserrad for MdmcMy. And an it is Uae tekk waad nndoiL And, sinen. tbs tight <J bone's pure sun Has had a shadow thronsfa it. And so ft Is, the muaea tell. Through wicked Mischief a folly. The twain are now inseparsbla ■ I Love walks with Melancholy. * The SVenfher. Yesterday was, a fino anti-caterpillar day, and a splendid cotton opener. If such weather continues for a few weeks, planters will have all they can do to pluck tho staple os fast as it opens. Wo are having plaosant mornings and ovenings, but about the noon of day it is hot enough to foreo tho people to sock tho thickest shado that is accessible, and tbs coolest ice water. Tho man who oh’d "for a lodge in tome vast wilderness" must have contracted tho obligation on just such a day os yesterday was. Out Again. Oar good-natured and ample friend, John Giles, has so far recovered from his late carving as to be able io be out on tho streets again. Ho is still bandaged up in a peculiar sort of way ; but is al most as well and stout as ho ever was. Ho has lost none of his flesh, nor any of his good humor sinco ho has been laid up; but still manages to draw his good two hundred and eighty-five avoirdupois pounds, and is as lively as over he was. Ho bears four scan upon his person, which aro likely to ding to him as long as he livos. Mayor's Court. For tho first time sinco Monday, there were a couple of eases on tho Mayor’s docket yesterday morning. Tho first name colled was Miss Lucy Quick. This lady has been before tho Mayor before. In fact, she has boon there several times. Indeed, there is barely a fortnight that passes without her appear ance K-foro his Honor. Sho was up yes terday on tho same did plea of drunk and disorderly, and was fined twenty dollars, or thirty dsys on the streets. Francos Barton, a lunatic, was put into tho horacks tor safe keeping. She discharged yesterday morning. Greer, Lake & Co. These Gentleman appear before the public this morning in a conspicuous ad vertisement, which gives only a faint idea of tho stock of fresh groceries that they are receiving. Mr. Grace lately re turned from Now York, where he select ed. in person, such groceries as he know would suit this market, and the goods are now coming in. It includes every thing that a first-class grocery house c.-vuld ha expected to keep, and all the goods were 1 ought at low prices and will sold at low prices. This firm is composed of as live men as there are in Macon. The house is on old one, and since its establishment has been steadily growing in popularity among tho people. The secret of their popular ity consists in the fact that they keep good goods, soli at fair prices, and are as courteous as gentlemen know how to be. ANOTHER FRIGHTFUL FALL. A Nrntrnld at Mercer University Falls. About half-pest ono o'clock yesterday, the report was brought into the city that another scaffold had fallen at Mercer Uni versity, either killing or fatally injuring one of the workmen. On going out to tho University wo were glad to ascertain that the report was only partially correct. The scaffold had fallen, participating a workman about thirty feet to tho ground, but fortunately received no fatal or even dangerous injuries. The circumstances of this accident arc about os follows: Mr. Thomas Dick, of Philadelphia, who is superintending the erection of the iron work of the Universi ty, was at work upon a scaffold, suspend ed by ropes about thirty feet from the ground, who A one of the ropes broke, pro- cipitating him to the ground. Fortu nately tho fall was broken by his first lighting upon the roof of the porch at the cost end of the building. From the roof to the ground is about twonty feet. Sin gularly enough this fall did not hurt him so dangerously as might have been ex pected. Dr. G. E. Snssdorff was sent for and went immediately oat. He found that Mr. Dick hadsustained a severe injury in his left ankle, and had also suffered a dislocation of the hip. These, with somo contusions, were all the injuries sustain ed. Late yesterday evening he was do ing 1 very well, and the probability is that he will not be confined to his room for any considerable length of time. It is a marvel almost that ho should have fallen from so great a height and caped instant death. Fortunately his de scent was somewhat cased by the roof of the porch, and then tho ground where he fell was clear of timber or rocks, or other hard substances likely to produce fatal consequences. ■ Tlic Commonwealth Life Insurance Company. Mr. Thomas U. Conner, one of the best known and most popular young business men of Macon, has ac cepted the position as manager for the State of Georgia for the Commonwealth Life Insurance Company of New York. Mr. Conner is as perfect a gentleman os can be found anywhere, and is a careful and competent business man, and one who will make the interests of the com pany his chief consideration. The com' pony could not have selected a more ef ficient manager than he will be, or ono that will act more conscientiously be tween it and tho poople. The company is ono of tbo strongest and safest in tho country, and one whose interests Mr. Connor can present with the assurance that it is stable and rcliablo and worthy the patronage of his friends. Rev. Philip H. Lundy. The snbjoct of the following notice was at ono timo well known in this part of the State, and highly appreciated wherever known. Ho was a cousin of Judge Wm. Lundy, of this county: Editors TdcjrapX and Meucnger: A paragraph in your paper copied from the Montgomery Advertiser announces that "Kev. Mr. Lundy, a Baptist minister well known in Alabama, died of yellow fever at Pensacola last Monday.” Tho subject of tho above notice was the Bev. Philip II. Lundy, a native of Hancock county, Ga., who, thirty years ago, was widely known in this State as a distinguished and successful educator of youth—ho hav ing been from time to timo the principal of popular and flourishing schools in Han cock, Putnam and Harris counties. He was a vety strict disciplinarian, but wise ly blending the "raaviter in moda" with tho "fortiter in re," he nover locked for liberal patronage, and there were few va cant seats iu his school-room. A man of culture and an able writer, ho was warmly solicited in early life to take charge, as editor, of a leading polit ical journal in the city of MiUodgeville. But, eschewing politics, ho preferred rather to devote nis time and talents to the duties of his chosen association. Re moving from Georgia to Alabama, his reputation os a skillful teacher and pol ished and cultivated gentleman was well sustained. But for many years he has been more extensively known as a lead ing and useful minuter of tho Gospel, in the new and wide field of usefulness to which ho liad been recently called. Ho died “with the harness on.” He had nearly attained his three score years. Let us hope that tho great Master, in whoso service he has labored eo long, hath awarded unto him a crown of righteous ness eternal in the heavens. A Georgia Baptist. The Medical CoIICRe. Thu institution, it is announced, will be resurrected at an early day, as the • College of American Medicine and Sur gery.” In other words, judging from the announcement, it is to be an Bilcctie school of medicine, which differs from the old Thompsonian practice as formerly taught in this school. The following eon stitutes the faculty, as far as provided for; C. B. Galantine, M. D., of Cleveland. Ohio, Professor of Obstetrics and Dis eases of Women and Children; Jos. Adolphus. M. D., of St. Louis, Mo., Pro fessor of Surgery and Diseases of tho Ey. and Ear; J. T.Voxe, M. D., of Macon Ga., Professor of Physiology and Hithel- "gy ; w. C. Jones. M. D., of Macon, Ga. Professor of Chemistry, Pharmacy and lie Liny ; Washington Desoiu, A.M.B.L., of Macon, Ga., Attorney at Lav^ Profes sor of Medical Jurisp:udenco; A. L. Clinkscales, M. D., of Macon, Ga, Pro fessor of Anatomy; R. F. Lester, M. D., of ReidsviUe, Ga.. Demonstrator of Anatomy. • The chair of Theory and Practice and the choir of Mat.-rio Medieu and Thi-m- peutios are yet to la* filled. The next course of lectures will commence on the first Monday in October, and oontinue four months. A Card. Editort Telej'-aph and Messenger: Please allow mo to express publicly, through your columns, my grateful acknowledge ments to Dr. J. Mercer Green for his great skill in amputating a finger for and also for great kindness to me in ab solutely refusing to make any charge. Mrs. Earner D. Exxxxnr. Ir yon are suffering with chills and fe ver use Hunt’s louon tonic, a sure and safe remedy, prepared by Hunt, Rankin ft Lamar, Macon, Go. Price, $1 per bot tle. For sole by all druggists. Merchants passing through the city on their way to New York will find it to their interest to leave their orders with Truman ft Green for cutlery, wooden ware, tinware, etc., etc. Their stock is heavy and complete. The senior partner is now visiting tho markets. North and West, adding to a stock, which, even now, has few equals in this State. Eaglx Extra and Eagle Family are well known to all housewives, and need no recommendation. W. J. Lawton. Eagle Choict Flour has never taken any premiums. Why ? Because it has novtjr been exhibited. aug31tf Eaglx Choice Flock is pronounced by mil who have tried it tke lest. Manufac tured by W. J. Lawton ft Co. ang31tf Tickets to New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore by the most desirable routes, at Brown ft Co-’s. julyddsunftthur tf Tax trade will rave money by p chasing their fiour of the Eagle Mills. All grades guaranteed to give satisfac tion; only best amber and white wheat used. aug31tf Tkuxax ft Green ore still offering their stoves at bottom figures. sug31 3t Me- Link, having been elected to a po sition in one of tho public schools, will not open his private school to-morrow as advertised. Parties building will do well to call on Truman ft Green and purchase their grati-s at once, and not delay until the inter is upon us. aug31 3t Tl sets to Ne Brown ft Co.' r York and Philadel- rlvania Air Line, at julySOsunthur tf MBOLULE TRADE OF MACOV The Great Dry CssSa Hmv at I. Ruelkua ft Res. It is with pleasure that we present oar reader; this morning a brief eleseri tion of the immense dry goods bouse S. Waiclbanm ft Bro. Taking into con sideration the time that has elapsed inee this bouse was first established, and viewing it now in all its immense propor tions. wearer lost in wonderment that such great results could have been pro duced in comparatively 90 short a space of time. Starting at a email beginning, the bouse has arisen to the dignity of be ing one of the first in the South—one that stands high in the central mark- and one that is gradually growing in fa vor with the people of this State and adjoining States. The people are aware of tho amount of store room they have been csingfor some time past—the spaoe of four of tho largest stores in Triangular block; but ample as it seemed, this space has been found to be inadequate, and on the first of October they will oc cupy Nos. 21,22, 21 and 26 on Cotton av enue, and 43, 45 and 47 on Second street. Let the reader follow us through this mammoth establishment and we will show them as find a display of dry goods os was ever seen in Macon. Wo enter from Cotton avenue and are at once con fronted by piles of boxes, bales and packages of all kinds strewn about the floor with a wonderful promiscuousness. We clamber over them, or among them as may bo most convenient, and finally find ourselves in a maze of goods that baffles our descriptive abilities. The first thing wo encounter is bales upon bales of sheeting and shirting, all of Southern manufacture. We climb over these and come to immense stacks of Eagle and Phenix plaids and stripes—the most popular goods of tho kind now sold. Wo also find here goods from the Macon, Muscogee, Waymanville, Augusta, Pu laski, Houston and other Georgia mills, all of which aro excellent and growing in public favor. A considerable item in this department are the Georgia chocks, man ufactured at Athens. This house, we be lieve, is the only one in this section deal ing in these goods, hence it is essential that their stock tf them should be very large. The fact that this house encourages only Southern manufacturers of domes tics entitles them the more especially to tho patronage of tho Southern people. But all tho above named goods wo find in the basement. After climbing over innumerable bales and duplicate packages of jeans, kerseys and linseys, we ascend to the first floor of tho establishment. Here wo find fifty or sixty cases of new calicoes, of all shades and colors, embrac ing tome of tho handsomest styles we ever saw printed on cotton. The30 are piled in rows twenty feet long and six feet high, and are artistically displayed by their efficient salesmen. The next thing we encounter is im mense heaps of bleached goods, in ten and fifteen bolt cases, and ranging in price from seven to twenty cents. Then, on our left, are arranged bright colored flannels and linseys, in an attractive and systematic manner, so that a buyer, at a glance, can select precisely -what he wonts without the troublo and labor of handling on infinite number of pieces. On each side are stacks of delaines, al- pac as, satins and numerous other goods, the names of which belong to the techni calities of tho trade into which we have not yet been initiated. We will not weary our readers with a recitation of all wo saw in this room. It was all interesting to us, os an agreeable surprise always is. Wo hod no idea that there wore so many goods under any sin gle roof this side of Now York. Next wo enter a room devoted exclu sively to jeans and cassimcres. We counted twenty-fivo cases of theso goods, and then ascending another flight of stain, found ourself in the midst of the largest stock of ready mftde clothing wc over saw. Their stock includes all tho latest styles of goods and fashion, and seem to bo wall made. Near at hand is tho notion room. In it wo find everything that properly be longs there— hosiery, handkerchiefs, gloves, buttons, pins, hooks and eyes, ribbons and trimmings—in fact, every thing necessary to make this department complete in every particular. Another room is devoted exclusively to blankets and other woolen goods. A per son can spend half an hour here, and still not ho tired of looking, and it is surpris ing to find how cheap these goods are. The department of shawls, alone, is a most interesting one, including, os it docs, hundreds of styles, ranging in price from one dollar to hundreds of dollars. To get to their boot, shoe and hat store wo have to go across Cotton Avenue. Here wo find a largo store devoted ex clusively to theso goods, and including every style from the commonest brogan to tho most genteel ladies’ or gent’s boot or shoe, and from the commonest wool or straw hat to the finest silk. The retail department, though fed by the wholesale department, is completely isolated from the latter. We find there in the handsomest and best of every thing in the wholesale houses, with po lite ana attentive salesmen to exhibit them. These young men seem never to get tired of showing goods, and no amount of oppression ever interferes with their courteous demeanor. They are gentle men of unlimited patience and any amount of endurance. In a snug corner of this department is twenty thousand dollars’ worth of silks. We only mention tins item to let the ladies know that they may discontinue their orders to New York for silk dresses. The low prices of these goods is not the least astonishing feature of the t&blishment—especially of Irish linens, bleached domestics, sheetings, and such other goods as they purchase by the case. Mr. Sol Waxelbaum has just returned from & six weeks* trip which has been spent in the selection of this stock. Ho entered the market with plenty of capital and an unlimited credit; hence ho was able to buy at the very lowest prices, and he aims to sell in tho same way. His good judgment, excellent taste, and well known liberality, constitute the secret of his success. He is a bom mer chant, and thoroughly educated in the dry goods business. We take pleasure in commending this house as one entirely worthy the patron age of the poople. Wa believo onr friend, can meet with as fair dealing and as rea sonable terms here as anywhere in the South, and we are glad that Macon has a house that can be so heartily commended. Macon, Ga.. 2Sth A Messrs. J. U. Zeiun years ago I w.13 - rio:lv chronic nervous dyspepsia to such an ex- j tent that my health was much impaired. I So rap; 1 wai the advance of thi; in idi-l ous complaint that I soon frit that my I constitution war broken. After differing I -r everal years I was advi-i to Dry j Ni;\Y ADVERTISEMENTS. I NEW VDVEKTISEA1 ENTS. »: Macot Lodge No. 5, F.&A.M B eS * I T>E«niVR Oommuniratian TO-BORROW K EVENING at 8 o'clock. J. 4. CORNELL IV. M. Milt* S- fogsttAS. S^ntirv- nnrtf It WANTED. Simmons’ Liver Regulator, but define), •■rnorFtr.-'pO Em because I had conceived it to be “only —-—-—' patent medicine.” At length, believing it could do *• Harm, I yielded. In a few months I became not only relieved, lost absolutely cured, and for two years past I have been thoroughly restored to health and the enjoyments of life. I look upon the " Regulator ” as a most excellent medicine, and will always have it by me to resist any insidious ap proaches of my old enemy. I write this in gratitude for the ben efit which I have received from the use of the Regulator. . - Respectfully, etc., W. B. Hall, Principal of Hall's Select School. augSMftwIw Macon, Ga. IIUXT. Rsvein ftJLAKAX.—This well known and reliable firm hare rccrired a Urge lot at Dr. Hood's Eureka Liver Medicine. It baa the praise at all who hare tried it. In bottlee at SO cents and $L0a Financial and Commercial LATEST MARKETS BT TELEGRAPH Financial. New Yoar—Noon—Stocks dull. Gold 15$. Money 4<£5- Exchange, km* 8; abort 8J. Gov ernments doll and steady. State bonds quirt. Erenin*—Money rosy at L Sterling dull at Gold 15l<*15}. Government* dull and steady. State liondx quiet and little dofor. Specie shipments to-day, $250000. 4 . . . . Bank Statement—Loan* decreased $UW$,800; '•j-fi'- <1--Greased flLOffi.OOO; leal tender* decreas ed $803,100; deposits decreased $7,301,000; circula tion increased $67*500. Nkw Orleans—Exchange* sterling 24}. New York sight I premium. Paris—Noon—Rentes &8£5e. Cotton. Xkw Youk—Noon—Cotton quiet; upland* 201 Orleans 20}. Futures opened: September 1815-32; October 1713-16; November 17 7-lfl; Doeember 17|. Evening—Cotton sales 927; net receipt* 28: gross ISIS; uplands 201; Orleans 20$. Futures dosed steady; sales 6500; September 18 13-1 18|; October 17*3171346; November 17 7-KX? 1714-32: December 17 U-39gl7|. Baltimore—Cotton, pros* receipts »: exports coastwise 1 SO; sale* 73; stock 1082: middlings 19} low middlings 18@1S}: ordinary 16}. New Okleaxs—Cotton, net receipts 62: gross 64: exports to Great Britain 2950; continent 1885; safes 10Q; last evening 200; stock 7177; middlings 181: demand limited. W’ilmixotox—Cotton, net receipts 34; safes stock 702; middlings 18; market firmer. Augusta—Cotton, receipts 33; safe* 127; mid dlings 17H317I; demand fair. Savaxxah—Cotton, net raeipt* 140; sales 3 stock 862; middlings 174; market dull. Chaelestox—Cotton, net receipts 205; greets 345; exports coastwise 194: sales 100; stock 4101 middlings 171; k>w middlings 17; ordinary 16 market quiet; good grades firm; Mobile—Cotton, net recei] coastwise 39; safes 100; stock 6227; middlings 17} e3fl§« market unchanged. Bostox—Cotton, gross receipts 300; stock 9500 muldlints 201^ 20}; market quiet ami steady. NOWOET—Cotton, net receipts 346; exports laatwiae 320; safes 100; stock 1251; middlings IS}: market firmer. Memphis—Cotton.no receipts; shipments502 502; stock 4803; middlings 18@18}; scarce. The receipts here this year are nearly 36400 bales in excess of last year. Galveston—Cotton, net receipts 159; stock Y \01'k6 MIlN toc'Jfck fiu JlifncorrStore. . iMn Mu-; rome well recommended} AddfLSfi 432. »u GRATES. aurtist TBL'MAX ft GREEN. FOR BENT. \ FIVE mom Dwelling, with three acres ground attached, on Tstnall Sqliare. near residence of Mr. E. Price, at $23 p»>r month. Apply to J. SKYM<IUR RODGERS. au*St tf At Seymour. Tinsley A Co/*. SCHOOL NOTICE. ,, luu v „„ JPrirat' School at St Paul’* Church, on MONDAY, September 1st. to be I WILL open Church, on —-v continued one monfU. HENRY T. CONNER. One Hundred Dollars best display of foie Groceries at the FOR RENT. For Sale or Rent. sixrooult PowKsdon pven immediateijr. Apply on the premises to augSltt* MRS. H. E. EXPERIENCE. NOTICE. .'G of tho Stockholm nix Iron and Cosl Company will be held the office of Ed. L. Stroh«x*ker, at 12 O'clock TUESDAY. September 2d, for the election erf Board of Directors for the ensuing year; WM. B. JOHNSTON. ED. L. STROHBCKKR, O. G. SPARKS, A majority uf Corf Ml COX. August 39, 1873. *iur31 2t MOULDERS. 'UX moil IRON MOULDERS want*! imme- 5 dmt.lv. at FINDLAY ICON WORKS. iiucXl lt~■■Mtom. (in 453; middlinsM 20. LirxacpoL—Noon—Cotton sales 12,000 bales speculation ami expprt 2000; market quiet and unchanewL Safes of upload*deliverable August, on a basis of good ordinary, 8 13-16; same, on a basis of few middlinss. S|; Orleans, deliverable August, on a basis of low middlidg*, 9; uplands, new crop, on a basis of good ordinary. 811-16. Later—Cotton. Orleans, soles on a basis of good ordinary, deliverable October and November, 8}. Produce. New York—Noon—Flour firm and less active. 'heat quiet and very firm. Com quiet. Pork juiet and weak; new 17 75. Lard dull and heavy; old western steam 8 7-16. Turpentine weak at 43}. Rosin firm at 315 for strained. Freisht»firm. Evening—Flour inactive and firm. Wheat in active; buyers hold off on account of an advance in price*. Corn doeed quiet. Fork quiet ami weak. Lard active and lower at Naval* quiet. Groceries firm. Freights active and firm. Louisville—Flour in good demand and ad vancing; extra family 6 75. Grain, unrlinnsed. Fork easy; mess 1650. Bacon firm; shoulder* 9if 9|s ctonr rib side* KHO10J; cfesr side* ldlf, 11, pocked. lard quiet; tierce keg 9}(?9!: steam 8. Whisky unsettled and declined at 98<?. 99. Direct receipts of tobacco durins August 3965 bombeads, at an agsrecatc value of $433,491. Cincinnati—Flour advanced ami in fair de mand at 6 85g7 00. Corn firm at 52^53. Provi sions in impyoved feeling and held firmly. Fork sold at 1612l(?16 23. Lard quiet; steam held firmly at 8; buyers offer 7} for round lot*; city kettle 8}. Bacon in fair demand at, shoulders 9} r# 91; clear rib sides 10}; dear sides 10}. Whisky firm at 95. New Orleans—Oats dull at fiSgits. Bran quiet at 87}. Hay firmer; prime 26 00. Whisky scarce and higher; Louisiana 1 04; Cincinnati 108. Cof fee active and higher; common 21}®21}; fair21} (£22}; good 22}; prime 22}. Others unchanged. Wilmivgtox—Spirits turpentine steady at 40. Rosin steady at 2 60'(or strainer!. LivEurooL—Noon—Cumberland cut 58s. Evening—Short ribs 4ts. London—Evening—Turpentine 31s3d£31s6d. Marino Wows. New York—Arrived, Calabria, Benefactor. Ar rived out. Scotia. Charleston:—Arrived, Sea GulL Sailed! Mer- ciditn. Champion. OBITUARY. At a regular meeting of Macon Division, No. 80, B. of L. E., August 27, the following preamble awl resolutions were adopted: Whereas, It has pleased the Almighty Ruler of the Universe, whose ways are mysterious, ami whoso wisdom is' above our comprehension, to take from our midst our much beloved brotlvcr, S. L. HrsKETH, who died at Conyers, Ga* August 1873: Resolved, That the members of Division No. 80 bow in bumble submission to an all wise Provi dence—acknowledging tliot unto God wc are in debted for every good and perfect gift. Resolved, That wc truly and affectionately sym pathize with the bereaved family of our deceased brother in this most sudden and unexpected be reavement. trusting that an all wise Power will be a friend to them in their hour of affliction. Resolved, That as a tribute of respect to the memory of our deceased brother, we drape our ball in mourning for the space of thirty days. Resolved, That the foregoing preamble and olutions be published in the Locomotive Engi neers* Journal, Atlanta Constitution and Macon Telegraph and Messenger. R. C. IIalei?, O. F. Lageequist, E. Vax Yalkexbpbg. Committee. Pickles and Sauces. Excursion Tickets to New York.— Tickets via Atlantic Coast Line for sale by Brown & Co- For xoond trip $43. This is the shortest,- quickest and most reliable route. Meal and berths fur nished between Portsmouth and New York. Information given on all routes. an£ru$t3~sunA tliur tf Tickets via Atlantic Coast Line, for sale by Brown A Co. First-class fare $27. julv208unAthur tf The popular route to New York is the Atlantic Coast Line. julySOsunAthur tf The Cheapest axd Best.—IL«k*» Karvk* :vcr Mudirtnr iutcn uniwmal 'aiisfartum in the treatment of Liver DU«ue„ DyspC|M&3.Slck arhr, Cottivcm-s*. and all that rla*. <f fruui a disordered state U the Ft«*iunh I j^e»ffcTr l*aleV^"rei As the season for put tin* up Pickles and Sauces is at hand, buyers will find a iu** ** articles at my store. I have a large number of empty Bottles suita ble for putting up Catsup, etc., which I will sell at 25 cents per dozen. Also, a quantity erf onj and two gallon Jugs, at 5 rents per gallon. ICE COLD]!SODA WATER! ROLAND B. HALL. •Corner Cherry street and Cotton Avenue. One of the most efficient and valuable of tho Mineral Springs, Virginia Made portable and easily transmissible, even by mail, in the form of a mass, which * has been entitled Alum and Iron If ass, roster, proprietor, by Uw pn- __ ____ and j.oo.-»in:r alF the wonderful virtues cl the water in a concentrated, cheap and convenient form. Tho M.twi is a fine tonic, alterative and algorb- rnt. and i- esqwially useful to hulk's. It has been univrrsuHy approved and Endorsed by tbc Medical Profc»don, ed. both Notice to Contractors B IDS Willi* n*ehM by tho undcr»iira«l up to tbo lath ol Scbtemlwr, for etwiin*_r “ Public School Brnhlins*’ in the Second Ward n tbo city of Uacon. | Plana and noeeitirntmii, ran ho had on tion to D. B. Woodruff. Architect, at Ilia tbo City Bank Building. Third atreet. Tlio city will furnish all the Stone. Bride, Lime and Sand. The Committee reserve to tbenudre* the right lo accept, or reject any, or all. bid, made. . W. A. HUFF. Mayor. might if Acting Chairman of Committee. * BROWN & CO.’S BOOK STORE ALL THE LATEST Papers and Magazines New and Popular Novels, Received soon as issued. EVERY NEW NOVELTY AS SOON AS IMPORTED For accommodation of our patrons: Orders for CARRIAGES promptly attended Auction Sale of Iron Ties, By Bell, Stortcvant & Co. 3 OF SAVANNAH. O N WEDNESDAY,3d September, at 11 o’clock, will be sold in front of our store, 170 Bay l5u0 bundles SWEDES IRON (COTTON) TIES, (10 feet Ties.) Samples can bo seen at our store. The pur chasers can let them remain in bonded ware house by transfer, mid pay storage from day safe. Term*. 3D days for lot* of 10 tons or more, for approved paper; under 10 tons cash. aug31 Z. B. WHEELER. Saloon and Restaurant, ing, but are on the “inside,” anil intend our Fourth Street, opposite Express Office, MACON. GEORGIA. Meals Served at all Hours, DAY OR NIGHT, A First Class Establishment STOCKED WITH FINEST WINES AND LIQUOES. Notice in Bankruptcy IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. Iu the matter of Nathaniel S. Walker, Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy, rpo whom it way concern.—The undersigned X hereby gives notice of his appointment os Assignee of Nathaniel S. Walker, of the county of Putnam and State of Georgia, within said district, who lias been ad judged a bankrupt upon his o petition, by tbc District Court of said District. ROBERT A. NISBET. aug31 lawSt Assignee. WANTED. ply to J. M. BOARD3IAN. FOR RENT. iulyUtl diriblv locate It. F. LAWThN, At Kxchawre Bank, or to Dk. A. P. COLLINS. At Collins’ A Heath’s. DWELLING TO RENT. A COMFORTABLE DWELLING in VincvilJe taining eight rooms, with good garden, well a ter. etc. Terms very moderate. * * * Dried Peaches ! Dried Peaches Yy E will pay the highest Cash Price for Dried NEW BOARDING HOUSE, QWTHB FIRST OF AUGUST I will oj*n the VJ House on Mulberry street, opnosite the La nier House, (Granite Hall) formerly kept by N. Binswanger. Board $25 per month, and the table supplied with the best the market affords. Rooms can be had either with or without furniture. *0*6 lm E. M. BROWN, Agent. TO RENT. or one eight thirir materia, and as th.'U'st j-nlar rem.'dycver offered, and has never failed to efee satisfaction. For safe by . ^ ,, i JOHN INGALLS, na*ntf ’ * ' Sole Atent. FOR RENT CHEAP. Cjeny VJK two commodious STORES B street, at present occupied by Coletnta k for rent from first day of October J. VALENTINO, fi* Cherry street. T Newsom. n**xt. Apply to juneStd ■■ COAL CREEK Anthracite Coal and Wood l 7E will sell Coal dorin* the month of August t at ndured r»L-s. Send in your order-* now : avoid last winters troubl***. Term*, ra-h. irldSm BI TTS A ROSA. ff. A. BANKS & For tho next Twenty Days, will offer- GREAT INDUCEMENTS To all who are in search of MAT OKA SAT8 j CHEAP GOODS! And rapeeulljr to Guh Buyers, | YV. A. BANKS & SONS. surest tf - . rery re wtwhk prffl. Thsqr ran In- found in Tin Title, at Mr. C. B. Call anil < dl and examine . G. TERRY. Georgia Musical Festival. fTiHE undersigned Committee take pleasure in X aunrsuneinx to theeitbens of Goorrin that preparations are being mode for a Grand Musical Festival, to be hrjd in Macon during tqa State air. t!*e of which are* intended ft r the uildm* of a Iicrr Orphan House. Tlie programme will tie an fellows: October 29th. Principal ReuearsaL cSo"?^ Urdu's Grand Orstorkv ~ The tk-udic rSlrt. Grand Sacred Concert. Musician* and able ansUeurs wiahim: to pnrtic- ow in the performance*. wiU pica-- sppjy v> tho •Vi-r-tary, to wham all communications otBnqui- W» have to be addressed. E. F- RICH BL, Mu5»c l>irwtor and Secrete rv. CojiailT7EE.—RL Rev. Jbsiwp Gn*-. T.‘ C. rv. ii.jr*. y, 41ligM G. Burke, Alderman. R, piu- erlad, ex-AM* rxnan. D- Daly, ex-Alderman, J. T. STATE FAIR. ■ PALM AM QVI MEP.V1T FIT AT.” “1XTE enter with all mr former Catalogues, ar.d >> aro negotiating for the entire list of KEW GOODIES That tho world ran produce. Have SPREAD OUT to bo twted by the whole Committee: BRANDS OF FLOUR, (that need no puffing.) HA-MS, PIG AND BRE AKFAST BACON, DRIED BEEF TONGUES. F. H. BEEF. EXTRA MESS “BLOATER,” WHITE COD FISH. MACKEKEL. GOLD EDGED BUTTER, NEW CREAM CnESE, COFFEE and TEA, (the best.) 8UGARS and SYRUPS. (Bncst( English nnd American CRACKERS, (fresh.) NUTS, RAISINS, CITRON. CURRANTS, (near.) CANNED FRUITS and VEGETABLES. PICKLES, JELLIES. SAUCES and CATSUPS. SARDINES. “SPRATTS,” DEVILLED HAM. TONGUE. TURKEY, Etc. _ LOBSTERS, SALMONS, OYSTERS, and DUTCH HERRINGS. Pure French, North Carolina, and Georgia PEACH BRANDIES. AVo only mention, “HARDEMAN’S SILVER WEDDING RYE,” MOUNT VERNON, PETER HAUGERS, (old Vi -ginia.) LAKE’S MAGNOLIA, and J. F. GREER S CHOICE RYE WHISKIES. JAMAICA nnd NEW ENGLAND RUM. HOLLAND AND RYE GIN. McEwan’s and Bass’ ALE, (no extra tax.) Havana ami M our own” country SEGARS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE DOG-DAYS —AND— THE DOG STAR! TAYERY year we have to pass throwdi the dog- J It dnv*. 'The star M whose burning breath.” os Homer sun*, •'taints the red Mr with fevers, plagues s nd dealh,” shine* in August, and this {*». of all seasons, the time to try the mhrvelous power of that great anti-bilious medicine, Simmons* Liver Regulator! . Y.* wlio pine upon the brirJc of tho grave hasten to trv the efficacv of this Favorite Home Remedy. You will not revret it. Those who try it will find immediate relief ami a permanent cure. Invalids have discovered that in this wonderful vegetable compound they have a rentfe Cathartic, a thorough Alterative, an excellent Tonic,a certain Corrective of *11 Impurities of the Body. No Preventive Medicine has ever been offered to the public equal to or as efficacious as SIM MONS’ LIVER REGULATOR. A course of the Regulator commenced now. will purify and regu late the whole system—placing it in an attitude of complete defence—fortified nnd guarded against the unwholesome miasmatic influence of the dog- dnvs. REGULATE YOUR LIVER ami prevent Dyspepsia, Chill* and Fever. Constipation, Sour Stomach. Sick Headache, Chronic Diarrhoea, Bilious Attacks Ao. Simmons* Liver Regulator, the Great Family Medicine, Is manufactured only by J. H. ZKIL1N A CO* Macon. Ga^ and Philadelplun rarfl dftawAw GRASS SEED. ■\ttE are receiving in store the following GRASS- V V ES, fresh and clean: RED CLOVER. SAPLING CXOVER. ORCHARD GRASS, BLUE GRASS. RED TOP GRASS, HUNGARIAN GRASS, LUCEEX SEED, Orders solicited. Hunt, Rankin & Lamar, GEORGIA FOB SEPTEMBEB. FOB THE BENEFIT OF THE DEALINGS DAILY AT 5 P. SI. CAPITAL PRIZE, $7,000.00 30,310 PRIZES, ’AMOUNT ING TO $53,353 30. TICKETS $100, SHARES IN PROPORTION, THE COMMONWEALTH LIFE INSURANCE Co »tp4j r I OF NEW YORK CITY, D°Sl tieSZ’SSSSt- * haa that ,,w po “*H — ** « li« Binhaua , The '* Commonwealth ” is Safe, Popular and Pr 0mm I WITH A PKACTICAL AND ECONOMICAL management. I thoaias v. Conner Macon. Gtiacfu. Manager at the G.-or-i, n * •| Examine tile Savings Bank Plan. BOOKS AND J. W. STATIONEBY|i & BURKE NO. OO SECOND STREET, MACON, GA. A NNOUNCE to their many friend* and customers, a* well aatlienublfe two, A. TEB PRBPABED TlfAN EVER to supply them will, all IlKynMatathe^ BOOK AK» STATIOSEBY H N P We-rillkeen » good stock of RELIGIOUS. MISCELLANEOUS AND STtvnm.*., I and all orders will meet with prompt and rarrful attention. OurSutulav Scheie. and complete, and wo particularly solicit this dun of order*. * ‘ wi; TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS We would rax that we have a new and well assorted stock of BLANK ROOK* s - u FULL BOUND ltKCOliDS. LEDGEILS. JOURNALS. v - DAY BOOKS, MEMORANDUM AND PASS HOOKS, F.tc INK, WRAPPING, PAPER. NOTE PAPER. MUCILAGE. FOOLSCAP PAPER, TISSUE PAPER, and all kinds of STATIONKtM’^raTIONS wiYsmall^’o’ We will aha* keep on hand a rood asaortnu-nt of Printers’ Supplies, such a, K Book ami Nows Ink, Coloretl Inks, AU kinds of PaPe *f* Cllr<lS * ^“ Cr ^ 111,1 Hca.l Book and Job Printing Neatly anti Promptly Eyp I BINDING—OLD BOOKS AND NEW—IN BEST STYLE Add”, " J. W. BtTtKE * r ( , aue3l law."m «. v ' '•» i ■ ~ 1 " j ■■ CLOTHIHGtI FALL TRADE, 1873. HERTZ, YTRGTN & CO.,, WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL TtlE ATTENTION OF Wlaolesale Buyers To their lnrpro and well assorted Start of dothinjr for the country trade. OUR STOCK OF Tottex is in North Carolina and Virginia, writes he has BOUGHT SEVERALof the lowest manufartories. and means that all shall have bacco. U you do not want to pay “high" come to THE CORNER. Demonstrations speak louder titan works at GREEK, LAKE & CO.’S, CALL ON W. A. JOHAN & 0 50 pieces Colored Alpacas, at 25 cents. 4-4 Bl’eli. Homespun, at 10 • and 121-2 cents. 10-4 Bed Spreads, at $1.50 luito a variety of other Goods, which they arc selling AT BARGAINS To make room for their FALL STOCK Now on tho way DOMESTICS, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. HOSIERY, GLOVES, and • WHITE GOODS, ? 0R (jl^y I^NTY’ BAYS the purse of all, at S. T. Coleman’s Old Stand, au*27 tf TRIANGULAR BLGCX. Reopening of the Public Schools, rnilB City Pnblic Schools will be reopened A WEDN ESDAY, October 1,1873, as follows: In East Macon, at the Central Railroad Build ing. and one'room at the Catholic Church—Mr. W. Smith, Principal. In North Moron, at Mr. E. H.* Link’s school house, and at one or two other rooms in that sec tion, to be provided—Mr. E. H. Link, Principal. In South Macon, at St. Paul’s Parish school house—^Mr. n. T. Conner, PrincipaL . A Central High School, in some convenient loca tion (room yet to be provided)—Mr. J. H. Roberts, Principal. In the High School, a small charge will he made to defray the expenses of rentiuga suitable re on. All applications for admission must be made to the Superintendent, who will be at his office on Cherry street, every clay (Saturday and Sunday d) from if to IS o’clock, for the purpose of cards of admission. auaSOlw n EORGIA: BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas. Julia VJ E. Smith applies to the undersigned for let ter* of administration upon the estate of Robert C. Smith, late of said county, deceased. All per sons interested are required to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary, on the first Alondsy in Oc tober next, to show cause, if any they have, why lettenCsboukl not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand officially. Milch Cows For Said. o-t-wArd.™^, PLANTERS’ HOTEL, Opposite Huff’s New Building, Cherry St., between ^hlrd and Fourth MACON, GA. „IS well-known bouse being how suitably _ . fitted up. the undersigned is prepared to ac commodate Boarders—Permanent, Transient and Day. Guests will rereivo the best attention, and the Table supplied with t' july tot/*-. i the finest the market of* J. H. BREMER. Market Garden For Sale. f T , HB Rncsi Wdkin-on. T Tl. • foUt/win? pa; rand tali u> u Clm»nirK*. Allanir. «*!.» Watchiimn. iU plra. copy i Ne ~ LClfe OUT GAPITAUST. and liv T3D] r Mjlcon Ice Company Tickets can W b-o/l at G. Vols^cr’s, Bounlman’s old cor ner. aug3o fit ket Garden in th«* riri; ur Judce Knott’s plve. b uf- ! it. It hss an atra <f twenty- •' f AM off Tine f*»r hirh robivatkm. f>n it i< a!^in;c 5 i a •■onurr ior:,: t umi Mir ri\Y» and iktir it all n»- th^ciri'. mit-nd* f. -r dw^liim -.--.ry '•utbwn-*-* and a of Mut«-r. __ For t Lii.-mi l rui- os to jiriee and fru>. etc-aj.ply to EDWARD LONG. cajly ajj{.lintiuii t.» 1 ntn hr >«m<i «t tbc uarict every »la.v ami] XV. T. MoBG-tV, or tw in the luoroins a k nl on the premu«ri* tlie re- | CUBBEDGE. HAZLEUURSX X CO. tf the day. aug5 lm* | auz21 law4w j lauUling < ■ » Tahrah!** ‘the por:. i be made t Homes for the People! nPHREE of the most ELIGIBLE LOTS for pri- 1 vate rttddenees, for sale at low down figur&f. XciThborhood the best in the city. Terms as rea sonable ond accoazmodatmtr as can he exported. Apply to JOHN 7 D. McKELLAR. No. fit S*?ccnd sL, :iott J. W. Bux'ic & Co/a. •tccllff New York and Brunswick PACKET LINE rPIIE attention of tlie merrantile public is re- -I ipodfilr calkhl to tlio abovo Packet Lino bc- twcr*n N*-w York and Brunswick, Go. T!w* wfaoonrr S. P. Hall will be ready to receive freight hi New York on or about th* Ittth c.f Au- niit, and the G. L. Bradley about tho 20th Au- \Ve hare everr facility for re^ivinr storing nnd forward iiur freicht, and’ all frcisriit ahtpjied by this line will receive j*rt>un»t attention. 1 warren ray.az’z n>w York, ifo Mali st. S. C. LITTLEFIELD X CO, aug3wtl Brunsu ick, Gt, tickets ami tho drawing of 12 lmllots, there will hi 220 prizes, each having three of tlio drawn nuniliers on it; esu*li liavimr two of them on; 25,710. cm h baviier one only of them on; and also 45,7«u» tickets, with neither of tho drawn numbers on thorn, hiing blanks. To determine the fato of tliese prizes and blanks, 7S numbers, from l to 78 inclusive, will bo sever ally plmvd in a wlied on the day of the drawing, anil 12of them drawn out at random; and that ticket luivinif for its combination tho 1st, 2d and nd drawn numlicra, will ha entitled to the Capital Prize of $7,000 00 That ticket having on it the 4th, 5th, and fith drawn numbers, to C50 00 That ticket having on it the 7th, 8th and 9th drawn’ numbers, to 650 (Hi That ticket having on it the 10th, 11th and 12th drawn umnliers.to : 650 00 Tliat ticket liaving on it the 2d, 3d and 4tli drawn numbers, to.... 650 00 Tint ticket having on it tlie 3d. 4tU and 5th drawn manlier*, to....* <‘>5000 That ticket having on it the Stli, 6tli and 7th drawn numbers, to 650 00 Tlmt ticket having on it tlio 6th, 7th and 8th drawn number*, to 630 00 Tluit ticket having on it the 8th, 9th and 10th drawn numbers, to 650 00 Tliat ticket having on it the 9th, loth ami 11 tli drawn numbers, to C50 00 Tluit ticket having on it tlio 1st, 2d and 4th drawn numbers, to 650 00 That ticket having on it the 1st, 2d and 5th drawn numbers, to w 217 60 That ticket havingon it the 1st, 2d and 6tn drawn numbers, to 217 60 All otlicr tickets (being B07, with three of the drawn numbers on), each 20 00 Those 66 tickets having on them the 1st and 2d drawn numliers, «peh 10 00 Those G6 tickets having on them the 3d and 4th drawn nuniliers, each 5 00 All other tickets (being 4244) with two of tbc drawn numbers on. each 2 00 And all those tickets (being 25,740) with one only of the drawn numbers, each... 100 CAPITAL PRIZE. On Mondays Capital will lie $7,000 00 “ Tuesdays an«LFridays Capital will be. 4,500 00 .... Wednesdays Capital will bo 6,00000 On Tharsdays and Saturdays... 5,000 00 For further particulars send for schemes. No ticket which shall have drawn a prize of a superior denomination can be entitled to an infe rior prize. Prizes payable forty (40) days after the drawing, and subject to tlie usual deduction of 15 per cent. All prizes of $20 and under will bo paid imme diately after the drawing. 1 • Prizes cashed at this office. auz31*tf HOWARD & CO., Managers, Atlanta, Ga. Notice in Bankruptcy. IN THE DISTRICT COTRT OP THE UNI TED STATES FOR THE NORTHERN DIS TRICT OF GEORGLV. In tho matter of Charles G. Campbell—In Bank ruptcy. ... v— .. v* ..Mice, on „ _ weeks, that 1 have been appointed Assignee of tho estate erf Charles G., Campbell, of Jasper connty, upon his own petition, by the District Court for said District. HENRY T. SMITH, anr27 law3w Assignee. FINE CLOTHING I, now complete ana comprua everythin;: new and nobby In Diagonal, Basket, Tricale, Notice in Bankruptcy. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNI TED STATES FOR THE NORTHERN DIS TRICT OF GEORGIA. I11 the matter of John ff. Wyatt—In Bankruptcy IS is to pvo notice, onco a week for three reeks, that I have been appointed Assignee of the estate of John W. Wyatt, of Jasper county, upon his own petition, lt.v the District Court for said District. HENRY T. SMITH. auc271aw3w Assignee. DE. WOODBRIDGE’S PAIN LINIMENT E MO YES in from five to twenty minutes the JV most violent pains tf NEURALGi/ CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, curing very revere forms of there diseases in from one to fire days; also the STIFFNESS OF THE JOINTS which sometimes arromponira tlie loot. It also cures SPRAINS OF THE JOINTS in twelve hour* GUM-BOILS, NERVOUS HEADACHES, including those which follow Intermittent Fevers and Tooth Aches.in from one to five minutes;also Colic, Hint Worm and Meningitis. The second .was cured in Brunswick, relieving in the last few minutes, the pain in the head and neck, and the rigidity of the muscle* tf the neck. See rircuUi’srontainifigoPrtiflratesof it* virtues from tho.-*? who have used it, at tlie Drug Stores tf It. B. HALL. Macon, and B. P. ULMER, Savan nah, who have it for sale. Address orders to • UL D. G. WOOVBR1DGB. meli5 2nrftwtf Brunowfek, Go. OOO ! Missouri Stats Lottery Legalized by State Authority and Drawn lit Public at St. Lonb. Grand Single Number Scheme 60,000 NUMBERS. CLASS I TO BE DRAWN SEPTR. ». 1S7S. 5,830 PRIZES, AMOUNTING TO $300,000. prize of $50,000 prize of 13.43d prize of. 10,000 prize of......... 7,500 4 prizes of....:.... 5,000 4 prizes of. &300 SOprijauf. MM -procof too 1000 prizes of 6100 9 prises of. 1000 9 prizes of.... 9 prizes of.... ■ of.... 2.71 36 prireserf. - 36 prizes of. 150 ISO prises of.., it) prize of *50 54)00 prizes,/. Ticket,¥10. HsHTfckeUSS- „Jcet*$5. Quarters $2£0. Oot lSteriti chartered br tT* State, sre al- W>T, drown ut the tnue luuut-j, and all drowinss arc under the nipcnxnon of sworn commissioners. The official drawing will bo publi>b.jd in the St. Louis papers, and a copy of drawing sent to pur- chareratf tickets. We will draw a similar scheme the last day of ererv month during tbo rear 1873. Eemit at oar rbk by IVjstoiaoc, Money Orders. E,-*gi<tered Letter. Draft or Express. Send for a circular. Address MURRAY, MILLER & CO- Fbstofflcc Box 2415. S'. Louis, Mo. E. B. POTTER, M, D. HOMCEOPATHIST ResUfonce Lanier Hou^ july!5 U Beaver and Cassimere Suits! Overcoats, Robes, Buggy Blankets, Etc., Etc, Wo also ask an examination of our largo stock of Gents* Furnishing G-oOds Which embraces everything new ami popular in UNDERWEAR AND NECKWEAH OF ALL THE FASHIONABLE STYLES. A SPECIALTY—SHIRTS made to order and a (It guaranlcod. ■ by W I HERTZ, VIRGIN & CO., 90 CnERRY STREET. MACONjj. STILL TRIUMPHAL O. W. MASSEY EXCELSIOE COTTON GIN. PATENTED JULY, 1871. '1'ITOULD take this method of informing the public that hundreds arc vowut^t^h^e. \ \ Texas. Wherever it has been introduced it has woven a sccceso, aad boron.W For the information of those who have not wjen the Gin in use, 'vouU state tbat« r “ o i.ptfg fast, deans seed perfectly, awl makra a Wutiful sample tf cotton- The w ix«x tliat it is impossible to break the roll or choke, tlie Gin by any fair me—A rive c* 8 ***** can yt”i it as trcll as any one. All of which I guarantee, and warrant every urn ^ Qaa inipStmsnSnt ip my cotton or roll box is, that it is Jomrcr at tho top than wb:re tk ^ ^ ^ Partin* purtSasing Cotton Gins would do well to look to this before purchasing oJier am detenaiiKd to protect ray patent from any and all fafajnzeipcnto. vYrFL>I0F 7TI ^ I'arties vktiw to purchase Cotton Gins would do well to examine ttfS EAC* OaSaET & CDKD’S, Agent^ inlSeodSm FOR RENT. Rogers, deceased; The eight-room house on Orlethorpo stnvt where Mrs. Rogers formerly lived. One five-room dwelling house on Oglethorpe; now occupied by Dr. T. W. Mason. . One store-house on corner of Ocfef horp* ana Third streets, opposite Findlay's Iron Works. Third atreet, Third Two five-room dwel! jiosite Findlay’s Iron Works. One storehouse on the comer tf Arch streets* now occupied by H. M. Behr. Also a number of other small bouses. Fur term, of rent, etc., ir^mu m aug?4 dlw sutu3'? Executor. Pen Lucy School for3oy s ' AT WAVBRtr, c** TWO MILES NORTH OF BALTD u ~^ The next Session will begxn on September. \{^\ TN th<- idiscncoof Ultl 1 inEuropuwithfoiMOfroJK'IIJJ'ji.Ja 13 I for places should be mado to^.^ ^ sum, E»l.. 51 Su F»ul stre^. j 0B jf<C>- y,-, Pen Luev. near Warorly, “.jfijlis July ». 1875. *•'**