Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, September 04, 1873, Image 4

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THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER: THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 4; 1873. THE CITY. Till RSI. u MoKN l.N'ft. SKKTEM BKR turn.sl Jo I the North. i .ru n citv aft*- Mr. J. H. Hib of Hertz, Virgin A Co., hi* rctnrnod from a somewhat. pro* tr» t il bitainnaa and plcaaura trip North. Bt o recent fire in Edgefield. S. C., Mrs. V. C. Reeve*, c! this city loses a house. She hid it insured for $l,2c’. Til* weather wit- hot again yest.*r»Iny; but there was some breeze stirring which modified the calorie toa great extent, and jnen who hod time to tit in the shade could keep comfortable. Tut T. B. Bloom residence on Mul*. berry street was sold at administrator’s sale on Tuesday to perfect title. Mr. Francis Lake, of Gre-r, Lake A Co., the purchaser at $11,GG0. Mb. Wai.txr M. H< ►do icixs, of tbo firm of Cooper, Hodgkins ft Co., New York, baa been apending a few days with his parent* in thia city. Home train. Mr. Benj. Burdick, Superintendent of the Macon Cotton Factory, who baa been making a bridal tour to tbo North, haa returned to the city. He haa been aa far na Newport, and tock in some of the faahionablo watering places on the way. Moat of his time, howerer, haa been spent in visiting hia relatives who reside in the North. oM rHhtu as any _,MTTnc*it - that tan mot n J upon the streets, in a half hour’s walk. The color of these uniforms w;i- origi- ! — ~~ : ( nally intendi^l t-- U> Mu**, but th* v M.v. I 1 la.lv have re* | failed |.. tw . • n c.^ru.* ■ ■■: tot. i , honeymoon In L.ttlc gr. en, which fcu wholly destroyed , . their beauty and rendered them, on that j account, less comfortable thin they j j ought to be. I The police force of is not oom- posea of a l»od looking .*et of fellows; but, when arrayed in these shabby uni forma, they cannot begin to look well. I They do n*/t even look formidable. The I fact of the business is, a man can’t work well unless be is decently dad. Ho don’t I feel right. He can’t feel as bold under a faded old jacket aa he can under a good, decent looking blouse. He don’t feel like going up and arresting a man when he is conscious that his garb is not fully aa genteel aa it ought to be. Hence, we think the police ought to lave new uniforms, that they may look and feel genteel and be better fitted for tb<* performance of their duty. Besides it does not look well to a stranger visit ing Macon, to see a posse of men in bottle green blouses of a rusty, indefinite hue, who would never bo taken for policemen were it not for the badges pinned to the lapel of their coats and tho batons which they hold in their hands. Jf the men are compelled to wear these uniforms until the weather is cool enough to put on winter clothes, there is no telling what color the clothing will have assumed by that time. to oprinjt struct, that tki Lawton might beacoami ferred to the Committal cmachmenta. Committee on Street made the following rej adopted: To tie Jl ay or and Covnrx Mt W\ J. : Kn- Ote CUf afl READING NOTICES. i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A Card. Ewls Exrr.A. and Eagle Family are ell known to all hou.sewiv^-«, and need : * W. -T. Lawt-jn. I Gcnmcxjr—Your committee towjiom . Eaole Choice Flock has never taken Attention, Floyd Rifles. troU no? hereby «nknd to oppenr at the arao* 1 ry TO-NIGHT, Sept 4,1*73, flpr basinets of j* 1 a; in -u in.J’C'rtaiH’e. Hr o4mn-ui>i. PHO>. HARDEMAN. JiuCaiS. I>.b Wt-d-Rrrr.CES. f »iUlt i referred the petition of Mrs. Mary any premiums. Why ? Harvey for an encroachment in front lot on Fourth street for the purpose of building on, respectfully recommend that the same be granted, to be removed at the option of CotwdL Respectfully submitUtli John J. Cornell. Thos. C. Dexpset. Committee. never been exhibited. Because it has | aug31tf WASTED. Eagle Choice Flour is pronounced by all who have tried it tie best. Manufac tured by W. J. Lawton ft Gx . augOltf Hare luvl » Address* HO El LOST. The following report of T. W. Mason, j chasing their flour of the Eagle Mills, city physician, was received and ordered i All grades goaraateed^ give satisfac- apread upon the minutes. Medical DrrAETXEXT, 'i Citt of Macon, September 1, 1873. j, To the iloaoi able Mayor a*d Council: Gents—I beg leave to submit my re- I jort for the moath of August* Baring the month“T have' given attention and medicine to 93 patients—39 adult* 1 and *3-1 children—their names I have entered on my register. I have sent to the . hos pital 29 patients. There have been two deaths—one adult and one child. I hare purchased during tho month medicines to the amount of §20 23, the bills for which will be presented, approv ed by me. Tbp a, ' _ 1J nunn. a r>*ll of m.'n.n. 'ninounttne to SB 40 1HE truue nil save money bv |>UT- [ ^ be liberiflr. rewarded hr fairing t:on : only best umber and white wheat wed. ia<r31tf Hcxt. Sircix & Lisa -T*ri« well known and rclialjfa film hare univl i lirp* toe <J Ur. Hood’, Eureka liver Medicine. U haa the,.raiv* el all who have tri *i it. In bottles at SO rents and fhoo. Macon- lee Company Ticket* can be had at G. Volger’a. Uosnlman. old core ner. aug30 5t Tub CnsursT xsv Best.—Ilpnlt’a Eureka liver Medicine rives universal satisfaction in the treatment of LiverDisease, Dsapepsia.Sick Head* The demands npon me for medicines i ache, Coslivcncaii, and all that class of diseases fru:u a disordered stale of tiss stomach er. 1 1 novJClv The First oftke Season. Mean*. Ells & Laney received last night the lint oysters of the season, and they propose to give their friends the full benefit of them by serving the whole lot in a stupendous bowl of oyster soup to day at eleven o'clock. They invite all their friends to come around and cele brate the arrival of the first oysters of the nanicrrously III. Mr. H. S. Feagin received on Tuesday a dispatch from hia wife, who is in Co- lnmbw, inf arming him that their child— their only one—a sprightly boy of sbont four yean of age—waa quite sick. Mr. Fengin went over to Columbus by tho first train, and yesterday ho telegraphed back that tho child could not recover. Wo earnestly hopo that tho cup may pass away, and that tho littlo one may yet livo to bo a bloasing to his parents. The County Court. Judgo Weems transacted aconsidcrablo amount of civil business yesterday, none of which wns of public interest. Kelson Thomas, colored, was tried on tho charge of malicious mischief nnd ac quitted. Several jury cases, which were to have been hoard, were continued on account of tbo indisposition of Colonel Wooten, counsel for tho defendants. Meeds Mrpalrlnw. Tho sidewalk on Soeond street about tho alley between Mulbeny and Walnut streets, is in a very bad condition, and tho people are complaining about it. A great many persons pass along there at night going to tho different churches, and tho wonder is that somo lady has not sprained hor ankle long ago. Besides a precipitous descent there, there arc any number of loose bricks lying abont, and a J go to make thia a very ugly place for people to hare to walk over. Miriam Montforil. Thia ia the title of a now novel, by the author of The Ifowarhotd of Awww, which has junt been received from Messrs. Brown A Co. Tho book is published by D. Appleton & Co., of New York, and that is a sufficient guaranty of its worth. The previous work by the same author was movt cordially received by the pub- lie, and a new novel from the same pen will be welcomed with pleasure. Messrs. Brown A Co. have tho only copy of The JfoutthoM of Itounrie in the eily. Flarrd 1'nder Bond. Gus Johnson, tlio negro who was arrest- ed in Columbus a few days ago and sent over here on a charge of decoying yonng negroes away and hiring them out in Alabama, was brought before Judge Weems forpreliminaiy examination Tues day evening. The Slate, owing to the absonco of on important witness, wns unable to proceed, and a hearing was postponed until -V o'clock next Tuesday afternoon. In the meantime tho prisoner is admitted to bail in the snm of five hundred dollars, and suoccedetl in giving bond to that amonnt. Johnson is repre sented by Han. Washington Poe,on.l the State by Mr. E. F. Boat. LOST CHILD. A Three Year Old Child Stray* Away and Is Lost. About 9 o’clock yesterday morning a little three year old son of Mr. Charles A. Kendall strayed away from home and up to 11 o’clock last night, bad not been found. The little fellow was in the yard at 9 o'clock, and soon thereafter his mother missed him and the strictest search, kept up throughout the day and until late at night, failed ntteriy to ob tain any tidings of him. The child, when he left, had on a black hat, light waist and dark pants. Mr. Kendall lives on First street, in the rear of the Stubblefield House. He not in the city, but has been telegraphed for to come home. Mrs. Kendall is, of course, almost distracted with apprehen sions in regard to her lost little one. Friends joined her in the search yester day. and the police were untiring in their efforts. They canvassed almost every part of tho city, and even went across the river to East Macon but could find no trace of the child. It is not believed that any accident could have befallen him. There is no place near the house into which he could lrnvo fallen, and the river is too faraway for him to have sttayed thither. » It is hoped that if any one in the city has intelligence of tho little wanderer, they will communicate it to Mrs. Kendall, at once, or to any of tho police. The mother is almost frantic with grief, and news of her boy, if any should be ob tained, should not bo withheld from her for a moment. If tho child is not foilnd by this morning, the whole city should turn out to look for it. If every neigh borhood were thoroughly searched, it would certainly bo found. and attention daring the month have been greater than any month since I took charge.- Veiy respectfully submitted. T. W. Masox, M. D, City Physician. On motion of Alderman Deitz. Resolved, That the application of W. J. Lawton, for an encroachment of six feet in front of his residence on Popular street, together with the report of the Committee on Street Encroachments, recommending the same, be referred back to said committee. Passed. On motion Council adjourned to {meet next Tuesday at 8 o’clock, p. k. J. A. McManus, Clerk. BAILEY’S --CELEBRATED- FEVMDAIE PILLS. * A CERTAIN CURE FOR CHILLS AMO FEVER. B ISHOP PIERCE m a fair trial trill amount to proof. Thousands more trill testify to tho same fact. Por sale by Hunt, Rankin A Lamar, of Macon; Green A Ro^isnoL Augusta. and druggist* and WHISENANT’S Caterpillar Destroyer! Grandest Scheme Erer Known! | FOURTH GRAND GIFT CONCERT! TOK THE MUlim OV THE PUBLIC LIBRARY of KENTUCKY. 12,000 Cash Gifts $1,500,000 Every Fiftk.Ticket Draws a Gift! $250,000 FOR $50! fJMlE Fourth Grand Gift Concert authorized by A •‘pecinl act o<.the Legislature for tho benefit tiffin* Pubth* Library of Kentucky trill take place ! in Public Library HhII. at Louisville, Ky., tv att & TrnTTBFirATTkTi WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER3. 1$<3. Kill A I j I 1 li H \lll\ P* I f Only sdxty thousand tickets trill lie sold, and At\7 AXAAJA X Xtl^XL'J I XJXr , , ne . ha K* these are intended for the European market, thus leaving only SO,000 for sale in the Vnited States, whore 100,000 were disposed of for Third Concert. Tin? tickets are divided into ten coupons or jiarts. nnd. have on their back tho scheme, with a full explanation of the mode of drawimr. ' At this concert, which will bethn grandest mu sical display ever witnessed in this country, the unprecedented sum of $1,500,000 Divided into 12.000 cash rifts, which will bo dis tributed by lot amons the ticket-holders. Th< . ... , WBi A rents wanted where chills rpi 3taw2wAwlm ■MM. E. B. LOYLESS. A.’-':'. TO MERCHANTS Southwestern Georgia! Get our prices for Financial and Commercial LATEST MARKETS BT TELEGRAPH Financial. New York—Noon—Storks quiet. Gold 15J. Money 6 bid. Exchange. Ion* 7|; short 8i. Gov ernment* dull. State bond* quiet. Kvcnin*—Money 7, currency co gold. Sterling lower at 71. Gold i&'TCJ. Governments dpi! and with downward tendency. State bonds dull and little doinjr. *81’s 10|; ’Cfs 162; *64*s 17; ’©V. 181; new 1C{; '67*al8t;’68'sl7i; new 5’*14t; 10-40*s.lS. TM-j, L ,. j ... v ,.i. . ... . j nessees **2l; new 81f; Yiirinis*4f ; new 50; coii- j most excellent medicine, and will always solidated ®]| { deferred if;_ Ixxiistonas 45_; new have it by me to resist any insidious ap- Eioht hundred boxes tobacco just re ceived and for sale at manufacturer s prices by Gxo. W. Head. sept3 3t Macon, Ga., 2Sth August, 1873. Messrs. J. H. Zeilix & Co.—Some years Ago I was seriously affected with chronic nervous dyspepsia to such an ex tent that my health was much impaired. So rapid was tho advance of this insidi ous complaint that I soon felt that my constitution was broken. After suffering for several years I was advised to try Simmons’ Liver Regulator, but declined, because I had conceived it to be "only patent medicine.” At length, believing it could do no harm, I yielded. In a few months I became not oiri(y relieved, but absolutely cured, and for two yeans past 11 FLOUItj FLOUR 3 have Wn thoroughly restored to health BAGGING, Aiul exam ini nr our seven and a half cent* a pound, advising the use of twenty ixvumls to the acre. This compound we have no hesitation in recommending as the most effectual, and of little or no injury to the plant. This price is about as cheap as any farmer can prepare it—to sav nothin* of the bail results which may follow the use of such poisonous com pounds when not properly or jierfectly mixed. To e o it in tho reach of all the owner of the patent ■ waiied the royalty. AlabxYoGa.. August 1,1873. “ TTm? 'Whisenant Compound has been experi mented with by a pood many of our planters, and very thoroughly. It has answered every expecta tion. and without injury to the plant when applied as directed. N. A A. F. TIFT A CO.” Our Terms are Cash or proved Acceptance. Ap- Address all orders to Hunt, Kankin & Lamar, junclSeodAwfon Druggists. Macon. Gn. and the enjoyments of life. I look upon the u Regulator * Hr. Hopson’* Remain*. A dispatch haa been received from Capt. T. G. Holt announcing that tho remains of tho late NY. A. Hopson left New York on Tuesday evening, and if no delay . occurs on tho route they will reach here at 8 o’clock this evening, by the Macon and Augusta road. It haa not yet been decided when the funeral will take place, but it is probable that the solemn ceremony will be post poned until Sunday. Tho deceased having been a Mason, his obsequies w*U be conducted according to tho forms of that order. The Board of Trade will turn out in a body as on escort. A committee from tho Board of Trade will meet the train this evening and es cort tho remains to the residence on "Walnut street. Nothing has yet boon loused of the sick ness which so speedily resulted in the death of Mr. Hopson; but it must have been a sudden and violent disease, as invoices have been received of goods that ho bought on Saturday, and he died Sunday evening at 5 o’clock. Thai Bear Again. Benner’s bear seems born to an ad venturous life. Though ho ia now se curely caged behind iron bars, between which he can be poked at with a six foot pole, still his life is not barren of adven ture. True he is debarred the privilege of getting loose and roaming the street at will; still he sits behind his bars, as grave os a judge and waits patiently for any littlo diversion that may offer. Two days ago ho hod a splendid op- portunity for enjoyment. A gentleman from the country was in Benner’s sa loon, with two or three slugs of Benner’s whisky in him. Tho bear became the subjoct of conversation, and the gentle man from the country rather boastingly remarked that lio could whip any l>car the world ever saw* Benner remarked that ho hod a twenty dollar gold piece to present to the man who could whip that bear, and it at once became apparent that there would be a fight l>earJforth- with. »*.v, as a general thing, a bear enjoys himself in a fight, and this bear Is no ex ception to the rule. But nothing daun ted by the shaggy appearance of the Ursine party to the combat, the gentle-* man from the country entered the cage with the fortitude of a gladiator, and .im mediately there began u fight, the like of which would have aroused the admira tion of a Norwegian. The fight did not last long, us in the short space of half a minute the country gentleman had passed through a worse threshing-machine than was ever encountered at a cross-roads country drunker/. He went in like a man. but it took two siout men to fetch him out. He owned up like a little man that he had lieen whipped, but said he'd l* damned if he didn't [have two bull dog*g at home which could whip that bar quick- erin’ lightning could strike a Jones county mule. At; Wee Cn 55; 8s 55; Alabama 8's 70; 5s 40; Gcoiyia 6*s 60; 7’fl 00; North Carolina* 27; new 16; special tax 10; South Carolina* S2|;newl4; * j»ril and October 23. Loxdox—Noon—Consols Oil. Paris—Noon—Rentes 55f. 5k*. Evening—Rentes 57f.SO*- PNew Orucaxs.—Exchange— Sterling. S3. New lYork Sight | premium. Gold 15b Cotton. New York—Noon—Cotton firmer; sales 301; uplands 2t*i; Orleans. 20). Futures opened; September lllHltfi October 17 15-16^18; November 17|; December 17 0-14. J Evening—Cotton ffrra; sales 4272; net receipts 660; proas 123; uplands 20i<<20|. Futures closed quiet; sales 10000; September IS 21-32&1H 23-32; October 18; November 179-16 @1711-16; December 17 9-10-^1751 January 17|g 171; February 18; March 181-16&183-16. -r I J Baltimore—Cotton quiet; exports coastwise 30; to Great Britain. 323; sales 450; stock 551; middlings 1»1; low middlings 181; strict good ordinary 16}. New Orleans—Cotton, supply light nnd in good demand; net receipts 8Sfc gro*« ls3; sales 400; ►lock 7095; middling 18);low raddling 17J; strict good ordinary 15}. WiLMixaro.v—Cotton steady; net receipts S; exports cooitwi.se. 515; stock 104; Arorrra—Cotton steady; receipts 60; ship ment* 300; aHUJnii 17|<gl7f. Savaxxah—Cotton, demand fair; net receipts 172; exports coastwise 276; sales 70; stock 1436; middlings 17}. Charleston—^Cotton steady, net receipts 4U; gross 647: exports coastwise. 988; sales 206; stock 4318; middling!. 18; low middlings 17i; strict septltf before buying SEYMOUR. TINSLEY A CO. BHL. Ethridge applies for letters of administral tion, de bonis non, on the estate of John Ethridge, late of said county deceased*; This is therefore to cite all person* concerned, to fa and appear at five | I Court of Ordinary of said county, on the first Monday in October next, to show’ cause, if any, rhy such letters should not be granted. J Given under my hand and official signature this the 1st day of September. 1873. sej>4 4t JNO. 31. GREER, Ordinary. MouiLE-Cotton ffrm; net receipts 70: exports coastwise 30; sales 200; stock 50Mj middling* 18; knr middlings 16}; strict good ordinary 14. Boston—Cotton ffrtn, fair and active; receipts 35; gross IS; sales300; stock 9S0U;rakldlings Sot- Norfolk—Cotton >teiuly; net receipt* 450; experts coastwise 490; sales 70; stock 1058; mid dling* 18. , >} . j • ; 1 Mkmhi!*—Cotton active ami m good demand; net n-o-i. it> 761; shipment* 273; stock 3229; mid dlings 18}. Galveston—Cotton, demand good ami holders firm; net receipt* 130; soles 126; stork. 5312; good onlinary 15}; Texa* ordinary 12}. FniLADELrniA—Cotton firm; net reerfot*. 138; proas 5SS; middling* 20}; low middling* 19}; strict good ordinary 171. Liverpool—Noon—Cotton} sale* inclnde 8,000 \v . r: :u.' ; >:»1 •«. Orl.-u:> I '• 1 .l i-ililio delivery September Ojooo Produce. Nin Vi> 1:w Ska n '.rflim. WMtsW. (Inn.T at 51 60 lor Xo. i Milwsukcr. Curn ad- inixrd. Kklfil. Purk llrra: new mpn *17 7S^17 >71. Lant (Inner: ttnun »|. Turpentinr .troclyat 4L Rosin .toulj- st*SS0Ior stnuiexl. MtUsta. Eronin,.—Southern flour shade firmer and in fair demand; miiunon to fair extraJSIfaftS IS; s-f«l to rltoire *811^.10 7X. 'iniiikjr dsll: burer. f 1 65: Hilte. *106. Whrot Sjr * bett<a- lor spot [or,els; l^i better tor wtnjsi light anivlj umiernsl wsnU'WS Cffl* Corn in gocsi deninml nnd Igfl higher! white irestem 0.V.70; yellow westeni ,i7, ■ *V*7. IUpo quiet nnd st.-tuly; South Cnrulinn 8li£M. l’ork st'-ndj; new 171. jf* (Inner nt s|. Xntnl Sloren etendy. P iiwetive. l . . IiOl'IsnLU—'Flour netivo nnd in ndnmcuig tendency: family extra *6^7; fancy *7 75: ns proaclies of my old enemy. I write thu'in (rnititude for,the ben efit which I have received from the use of theRecfulator. 4 Respectfully, etc., IV. B. Hall, Principal of Hall’s Select School. aug29diwlw Macon, Gn. Ex-otranto* ro N^T Yonn.- I W’ifSKSSh Tickets vis Atlantia Coastline for sole >ho town of Irwinton in said rounty. on;the first I Tiicstlflv in October next, within lira usual hour by Brown & Co.. For round trip $43. Lf rale, tho flowing de**bed land to-wit: rpj,• • oisft-fd.f- TT«;/.Vnce ranrt TY>«ef Forty acres of lotNa 118 in the 5th district of This in the shortest, 'quickest and most county, adjoining lands of Charles. Ivy and reliable route. Monl and berths fur- I Jtsoph Youngblood. Levied on by virtue of a . , . , . _ . „ inort^ige ft fa in favor of Ira Cliambcrs vs Wilson mshed between Portsmouth and >iew ] Gallawav. Property described in saal ULl augustS-sun&thur tf 158. all lying in the 2»ith district of said county, a* the property of 11. S. Story, to satisfy one * m * - ' * nr of Ellis Harold mm . ■■■■■■ Superior Court ll fa. in favor of Ellis ■■■■ Eight HUNDRED boxes tobacco'just re- J T.N. Bead, executor, and Richard L. Story. AliABM Till or Money Drawer ! MILES’ AEAEM TILE -OR— SAFETY MONEY DRAWER, A Sure Protection Against Thieves. or any Fitted With Compartments for Bills, Currency ami Specie, or NlekeL*. lleaily to attach to any coun ter In a few minutes* time. -SOLD AT- Fairbank’s Scale Warehouses, 311 Broadway, New York. 2 Milk Street, Boston, And by the Hardware Trade generally. sep22awlm number* 4»/tbe tickets to be drawn from one wheel by blind children, and the gifts from another. LIST OF GIFTS; ONE GRAND CASH GIFT - - $250,000 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT - - - 100.000 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT - - 30,000 ONK GRAND CASH GIFT - - - 23.000 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT - - 17.500 10 CASH GIFTS $iu.iioo each - 100,000 30 CASH GIFTS 5.000 each - 130.000 1,000 each • 50,000 500 each - 40,000 400 each - 40,000 31*0 each - 43,000 200 each • 50,000 100 each - 32.500 50 tech - 550,000 FALL TRADE, 1873 50 CASU GIFTS 80 DASH GIFTS ItfrCASH GIFTS 150 CASH GIFTS 250CASH GIFTS 325 CASH GIFTS 11,000 CASH GIFTS amounting to - 81*500.000 The distribution will be positive, whether all the tickets are sold or not, oz» the 12.000 gift* all paid in proportion to the tickots sold—all unsold tickets being destroyed, a* at. tho First and Sec ond Concerto, and not represented in tho drawing. PRICES OF TICKETS: Whole tickets 850; Halves $23; Tenth*, or each Coupons, $5; Eleven WSwVe Ticket* for $500; 22i Tickets forfl.OUt; 115 Wliole Tickets for $5,000 • 227 Whole Tickets for $Uu«o. No discount on less than $500 worth of Ticket* at a time. Tho unporauslett success <<t the Third Gift C-oci- cert, as well as the satisfaction given by tlie First and Second, makes it only n^w-sary to announce tho Fourth to insure tin* prompt sale of every Ticket. The Fourth Gift Concert will be con ducted in all it* details like tho Third, and full particulars may be learned from circulars, which will lie sent free from this office to all who apply for them. Tickets now ready for sale, ami all orders ac companied by tlie mom^ promptly tilled. Liberal terms given to tlmso wl»o may buy to sell again. THOS. E. BRAMLETTK. Agt. PuIl Libr. Ky„ and Manager Gift Concert. Public Library Building, Louisville. Kv. Capt. T. L. MASSENBURG, Agent. Macon. Ga. HERTZ, VIRGIN & CO. WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTENTION OP WtLolesale Buyej, To their lanre and well assorted Stock erf Clothing for the country traflr OUR STOCK OF Mecklenburg County, N. C, Thoroughly equi|)pcd. Sev.-n piofcssorslii;**. Ex pense low. Session -begins Sej*. 25th, 1873. S»*ik1 for catalogue. J. R. BLAKE. . * ; ;; Cha[nq:ni of the Faculty. WOOD. AV E will linve a fine lot of Black Jock Wood at our yard to-day. 1,000 corrls argying nnd arriving nr ! A* ROSS. prices by sept3 3t Geo. W. Head. ity No. known—boundetl on the cast by F. S. Barclay, the north by Webb’s lot. on the west bv Frank Hyl's lotT-as the property of J. B. Carroll, to sat isfy one Superior Court it fa in favor of A. Me- Tickets via Atlantic Coast Wne. for I sale by Brown & Co. First-class fare I Terms of salescash. $27.* july20sunAthur tf I J * K - BRANAN. Dept .v Sheriff. Atlantic Coast Line. july20sun&thur tf The Mayor’s Court. His pro tern Honor, Alderman Cornell, still preside* over tho Msyor’s Court in the absence of Mayor Huff and Alderman J. TV. Burke. Business has not been particularly lively with him, but such as has come up, ho has transacted 94 with neatness and dispatch.” Emma Richardson, the colored proprie- tros, of a small boy, was up for disorderly conduct. Another boy threw a brick at her boy and she choked the other boy and cuffed him about smartly, and when an other woman interfered, she called that other woman hard mmee, and otherwise abused her, and so they got a whole crowd of them—ranging in age from six to sixty years, into court, as principalan 1 witnesses. After a full and impartial hearing of the'case, in which some pro miscuous swearing was don <! ; -*miased the who!o pcw*\ dently despaired of getting at the truth c*f tho case. Fnncis Barton was again brought into eour*. She is a whi:c woman evidently I of uaaound mind# -ur. > waLderinw J ou*. | the streets and annoying the people very j much. U'hence she aamo no one knows, | cor does the. She uuys, however, that I wonts to go to Atlanta, where then* j i 1 * a doctor who has pioinacdl to cure her. She i* a young wotnrai. and appears to nave good plain clothes. She was taken the iVninty Commissioners yester day. and they h^i jx> authority to do anything in the ease. The city authori ties can do nothing, uxeept to turn the unfortujuiU’ creature loose to stiil l*c annoyance to the people. 4'ouncil Frorerilip. Rr.iur.AR MrrriKG, Council Chamber ■) September 2. 1S73. » Present, Alderman '.Tohn~J. Cornell, Mayor pro tem, Aldermen C. Burke, Deitz, Dempsey, Hasdai, Shone man and Light Absent. Aldermen J. W. Burke, Bur dick, Kalm, Ellis and Durrett. The minutes of the last regular meet ing were read. On motion to confirm, Alderman Doitr. moved that they be con firmed, except that portion that related to the granting of the encroachment* to TV. J. Lawton, on Popular street. The motion then prevailed and the minutes were confirmed. The minutes of the last call} mooting were read and confirmed. citv brand* held higher. Loro steady at 54t«5S. sacked, delivered nt depot Pork stead at $16 50. Hacun in fair demand; shoulder* 9}; clear rib 10}; dear side* 101. packed. Lanl steady at 8!@9|;i tierre keie 7(*7b rternu. Whisky lower at 95. | Nkw Orlba>*. -Coro in fair demand and sup ply faht; white and yellow, 09&70. Bran OOSMT at l&igHX. Lard ui fair demand forexitort trade; tierce, ftif **}; kev lob* 11. Supar Mock small, with good local demand; common 9; fair 91^9}; fifadtoftiliy fair JOi^lOj; choice 11 h 4 H}- Afo- lav-t-s. no movement; Louisiana quoted at $1; Cincinnati $1 Cofleo in demand at fl}£22}. Others unchanged. CiscixsATi.-Flour steady at $6S2&7. Corn ffrra at 52^53. Purk steady at $1A?1G 25; sales 10. Lard dull and nominal at 7w7i: summer 7, 7b 8. steam: 8} kettle. Bacon quiet at 9}: shoul ders 10}^ 10i; dear rib 10}iiol. ek'ar. wkUy stead/ at 93. $t, Lon*.—Flour ffimcr and in improved de mand; superffn-- winter. $3 50^4 25. Corn slow for No. 2 mixed a\ cast side on track nnd in ele vator. Whisky lower at $101. Pork quiet; small lot* $16 75. Bacon dull; only limited job- bin* demand. Don! unchanged. Wilmivotox—Spirit* turpentine stca»lv nt 39. Rosin steady at |C 65 for straintid; 4 05 for pale. Crude turpentine steady at $2 for hard; $S 35 for yellow dip and virgin. Tar quiet at v$. Lmirooi— Xoon —Laid 38a. Pork 70. Karine New*. Nkw Took—Arrived. Victoria, Rising Star, Java. Fusia. Atlas. Poland. Arrival out, Maine. Andalusia, California. ESypt. Oceanic. Harmonia. Trial Trip. TT'OR FIFTY CENTS you can try that excel- i 1 lent local paper. THE HOl’rfTOX HOME JOURNAL for four months. It is full irf local news of Hbustow and Macon counties. Circula tion rapidly increasing. Try it. Address before the Court-lioaso door, in the town of The popular route to ^ T ew York IS the Oglethorpe. Macon county, within the legal hours HuTitie Linn I of sale, on the first Tuesday in October next, the jllowin* property, to-wit: Lot of land No. 101, in the 2d district of origi- nally Musoovee. now Macon county. Levied on as x>i :i i Uxt.:. tl,a property of the estate of (icorjre t. Shtaly, de- liulaaelpmal ceased, to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Superior 1st .WraUfi I Court oS taid Jfacon county, in favorol Tomes XV. Armstrong vs. M. Lhhealv, \\ m.Js.iealvnm' LA. •J*. Shealy, administrators • ( Geo. C. Sheal.v, do- ceiLvsl, an<l William Slierlv. security, and trans ferred to W. J. Collins ami \Vm. Shealy. l*roperty l»int<xl out by said Collins. Also. CO acres of Land, more or ltN*,lvinaall that jart of lot No. 250. in the 2d district of originally .Muscocw, now 3Iacon. except 50 acres in tlie northeast comer, ami92} acres on the west line of said lot, covensl by willow's ilowt r. Levied on as the property of the estate of David S. Mabry, de- Tickets to Now York, ruid Baltimore by the most desirable routes, at Brown & Co/s! jaly20sun&thur tf Tickets to New York and Philadel phia, via Pennsylvania Air Line, at Brown &. Co/s. july20sunthur tf Eight iiukdiucd boxes tobacco ceived and for sale at xnaxrofacturefs prices by Geo. W. Head. sopt3 3t _ infit re- I ceased, to satisfy a fi fa issued from the County •. . I Court of said county in favor of Elizabeth WaJ- tctuicra j loctfTs. u xiahrv. excnitrix ot said D. S. Mabrv’, deceased. Also, lot of land No. 14C, in the 28th district of ori#rinally Lee. now Macon county. Levied on a* the property of defendant to satisfy a fi fa issued Expresiiing.—If you feel oppressed by I M.™ the beat and dust, just step into Loh’s, in the Lanier House building, and take a end of lot No. 100, and 50 acre* of lot No. loo, all , e , . . , hi tho 15th district of originally Houston, now cof-1 refreshing bath for only twenty-five I 3i acou countv, containing in tho as^srezaic 29U cents. Shavintr, hair cutting, etc., by acrra moroorlcw.- Levied un to ratisly afl fa issued from the .Superior Court of said county, in the most skillful tonsorial artists, and at favor of Lyon Jt Irwin, Phil Cook and T. P. Lloyd i . . , A I va. »aid lands, now in possession of B. B. Odom. tho coolest establishment in the city. J Tiittrtn 1 J. C. HUNTER, sheriff. Stnuigers visiting Macon should remem- ber this—tlio people hero all know it. julyl2eodtf Stood tiik Test.-The only Baking l’owdcr that has stood the test for years, and been found free from adulteration, healthy, and reliable is Dr. Prire’s Cream. Try it, and sco how decidedly superior it is to the cheap kinds in the market. At the same time try Dr. Price’s Special Flavorings, Ila, Lemon, etc., and see how superior in strength and excellence they are to all others. Find them at grocers. scp2-codAwl w sold, on tho first Tuesday in October next \»ith!n lh*M.>u:il hour* «>f vil--. te furt- th- i nrt- 1 icuse door, in the town of Irwinton, the following described lands, to-wit: Three hundred and fifty-five acres of lam more or less, being 202} acres of lot No. 99, and 152} acres of lot No. 98, in the 25d district of said county. Sold as tho property of John Allen to satisfy one Superior Court fi fa in favor of Sarah AUen, executrix on the estate of Willis Allen, deceased, Vo. John Alien. Purchasers to pay for deeds, etc, * J. T. SMITH, septtds•Deputy Sheriff. Tirors.ixDS of mothers have placed on record their belief, tliat for all complaint* of the stomach and bowels to which children are subject*. ZTARBAST’S EFrURVESCEXT 8EI.TZGR APERIENT is the most unexceptionable of correctives and nl teratives. The reasons for this belief are obvii It forms a delicious and most refreshing draught, relieves tho bowels of all acrid matter without pain, alleys fever, induces sleep, strengthens the digestion, neutralizes acid in the stomach, cures flatulence, acts a* a gentle stimulant, tone* the tender nerves, and never gripe* the patient. What family can afford to bo without such a resource in sickness? Sold by all druggists, septa 2awAw2w. Mess Pork. Mess Pork, BARRELS full weight 3IESS PORK, just rccecivcd and for sale by p2-3 JONES A BAXTER. Cooking Butter. sep2 3t JONES & BAXTER Corn, Oats, Hay, lnUfa BRAN and COW PEAS, for sale very -IxL cheap to close consignment, by sep23t JONES A BAXTER. Homes for the People 1 aiREE of tin* most ELIGIBLE LOTS*for pri- Neighborbood the fast in I he city. Terms a* ren- *-ui table ond accommodating a* can be expected. Apply to JOHN D. McKELLAR. Na 06 Second st, next J. W. Burke A Ca’s. marts tf -j. S1X.I4 REFRRED. Jone*s ft Baxter, P. H. Ward, R. B. Hall, A. McCallie. W. W. Johnson, J. H. Zcilin A Co. mixs passed. J. S. Schofidd & &>n, $02 08; Jones ft Baxter, $iV* 02; D. C. Hodkins ft Son, $1S 00; G. K. Barker. $4 40; J. H. ZeOin ft Co., $14 40; W. ft E. P. Tuvlor, $4 50; W. S. Clarke, $310 00; J. H. Zeilin ft Co., $13 k>; K. X. M •< troth. $75 00; J. C. Whtvlt-r, 815 25; W. A. Hojwi-n Co., $77 75; G. J. Blale, $17 50; J. H. Zcilin ft Co.. $f> 35. Petition of_C. Jai^tetter, to bo exempt from paying tho kilanee of Ei* city tax for this year, and for the city to refund the mmonnt-Alxuadjr paid, as his property has been greatly damaged by reason of the street near his property not being worked, was referred to the Committee on Streets. Petition of W. W. WrigSpyJ Canfe of i the Krst Natii'nai Bank of Skeen, for FOR RENT. P SOM the 14 of Octolicr next the foiloMi property, brloneinr to the estate of Mrs. Jane Kcccrs, deceased: The eiirht-room house on Oddborpe street where Mrs. Rogers formerly lived. One fivo-n> tn tlwelling hou-*e on Oglethorpe; now occupied by Dr. T. W. Mason. One store-house on corner erf Oglctkorpo am Third street*, opposite Findlay's liton Work*. Two live-room dtetUni homc» on Tliird street, opposite Findlay* Iron Work*. ~ *’ One storehouse on tlw corner of Arch andThinl streets, now ocrupird hy H. M. Im-Lt. Also a nnmht r <*f other small For term* erf rent, etc., inquire of rETER HARRIS, aug24 dlwsutuSw goe—Igr. Nature’s Appeals tor IlELr.—Every indica tion of debility and exhaustion is a mute appeal of Nature for medicinal aid to arrest the progress of decay. How are these silent appeals of physic al weakness to tho resources of the healing art usually met r Too often, unfortunately, tho drugs prescribed aggravate the symptoms. Whoever mends drastic purgatives, or mineral sali- vanto, or poisonous alkaloids, under such circum stances, is an ally of the ailment and an enemy of tho patient. Whoever, on tho contrary, advises the broken down and desponding sufferer to re sort to that peerless vegetable invigorant, Hostot tar’s Stomach Bitters, for aid and comfort, is a true philanthropist. It is safe to say that there never was an instance in which such advice was given and accepted without the happiest results. the very depths of weakness and despon dency thousands have b&D restored to vigor, health and cheerfulness by the renovating opera tion <rf this wholesome stimulant and altera the. AU its medicinal ingredients are remarkable for tbeir sanative properties, and in combination form j and from first hands. For sale by flute specific f-»r indigestion, ln.-r iuk- "t T, ‘ vv< pbint, nenutis idfeetii-n*, rlicmnatiMn. iiit«rmi$> | DiSD i»rv<r tent .'ever*, irenera! and local weakness, and every I fUK lilSilT *pe< ie* of disorder incident to change of season or I „ * , r , cfinniti*. The stimulative element of this invalu- I XT , ^* ie * irs ^ °f October, the store on Mul- able protective and restorative is not aa impure j -f* berry street.at present occupied byB.Lowcn- o-xcitant, but the-thoroughly rectified essence of j thall as a bar-room. Apply to Flour, Flour, Flour, P Barrel*. Quarter. Half and Whole Sacks good and as cheap as any in market. For sale by JONES & BAXTER. aep2St'' Whisky. C /-<HEST.\*UT GROVE," “Arm.'." “Oramra \ alley." and “Genuine Duncan,- all pure JONES Jt BAXTER. septS Iw* P. PEYTON. a eowic-towx roerdiant recently sued hi* drug gist 1st attempt to- defraud. - He was suffering from inflamed kidneyj and asked for Dj*. Helm- bold’i; Buchn. The drurcint gave him another kind, upon which the profit was greater. Instead (4 rvicvinir the patient as the genuine prepara- preparation had always done, the imitation com pound agrrarated the disease and a long and dis tressing illness followed. The court, after full bearing, cave judgment for the plaintiff with cost*. Moral, buy only the genuine. For Sale. Bppflt* ■se rhrtal. Imt little ew. Will l*e sold very ■ W. A COLLINS*;;. * At Flanders JL Uuguenin’s Warenoute. WtjUgVi Glass.—Great attention is now de- son oc ty paid to the kinds of Window Glass mod in dwellings Mores and churches. All qualities of American awl French Window, pfatograph. Cut, Ground. Enameled and Picture Colored Glass, wiiolesale and retail, from Mr.P. P. Toele, N**. 29 Hayne street. Chariest on, S. C. Send for mflurai bc|>t2idlm HOWARD HOUSE BROAD STREET. Xrarly opporitc ilontgomory nnil Eufaula Rlil- road IVjjot, EUPAULA, ALABAMA. J. V. HOWARD. - . pitoptuETOE*. Only n short walk to and from the Southwest ern Railroad. Seventy-live cents saved in omni- bns fare- sept* 6m Mark your Clothing, Books, Pa per Visiting Cards, Etc., THE DOG-DAYS —AND— THE DOG STAR! pav» lhrccrii thedoft? - *o homftr bre-nlH.” as the ml air Vsiih foe . anmCU8 t« makhik.k. 1L\FPY RELIEF FOR YOUNG'MEN frera ifa -'fflct.-r erf' Error.’ aad AbfaU in early life Jlanhoul re>tu r:-d. Imj^UiDiWito to Maartagen - ’moved; New lOtfluiJirf treatment. XOrhanli markaltL. remedies. IiouLs and circulars sent lav. in* mailed ondsk dllou HOWARD MBoCUtlWXd*5Wth%nlfc «»•!. Phils- J <Mphia. i*x. an institution ha\i»x a hfafli rrytei j tire* ftw honorahlo conduct ”’rl prc$c*.*k>ral skin, j jnlyslSm Kuatf , , . - ,, i noiuur nr i-mik - tun • . • —•—— - r.'inif.jvnoo taivs l'-i-'t :■ r years j -h - - :• t ..-..-t. •• ■ t - TTf>uspkpprw>rs- Situnvinn W.moH 1S7-. t::.tt .--.ii.1 lout's. . > ~ : .■ i - AlouseReepcrs attufitiou wanted SALE OF usrcT.ATirED FREIGHT. Macox axd Brunswick Railroad, Macon, August 29th, 1873. rpilK following article* of UNCLAIMED J- FREIGHT, if not called for before date of sale, will be sokl to the highest bidder at tlio depot of tlio Mucon and Brunswick Railroad, on 24TH DAY SEI*TEMBER, 1873,' sale fo begin nt 19 o’clock, a. m. S Waxelhaum & Bpj, i box fun*. 1* ft G, I box glassware. S Moreland, 2 hale* iiedding. Jno Falo Jt Co 1 ]>ckg, 2 boxes mdse. H Camithers, 1 sack jx>t ware. W J Ilotlges, 1 sack empti * D W Lewis 1 rack cotton T J Davis. 1 1k)x hardware. Ordinary Telfair County, 2 boxes books. W P Eastman, I box, (2) cam oik Jim Saltmarsh, 1 box muse. F F Reed. 1 box mdse. L M Gardner, 1 trunk. A S Goodbread, 1 trunk. H Powell, 1 bos. Ordiuuiy Pulaski County, 1 box. V, 1 box pickles. 11,4 boxes brandy peaches. 31 Keaton, 1 box books. B J Bgertou, 38 water buckets. “ 4 lulls barrel covers. Geo F Stevens 1 box fireworks. No mark. 7 sacks guano. “ ** 11 empty racks. 44 “ 1 grain cradle. 44 44 1 sack cotton. 44 44 1 old pot. 44 44 1 sack harness. 44 44 I box sundries. 44 44 1 box circular saws. 44 44 1 roll bogging. 4 ‘ 1 spinning wheel. 44 44 1 tin boiler. “ ** 1 ix-kg, (2) glazed sasli. 44 44 1 axle, yoke and bows, 44 “ 15 pieces bedstead, M ” 1 mill hopper. 44 44 t table. 44 44 2 sacks seed cotton. 44 “ 1 wagon wheel. 44 4 ‘ 1 carrinrrr- pole. 44 44 bundle wythes. 44 44 4 pieces tar iron. J. F. KIBBEE. aiuriodtautel General Freight Agent. Kenmore University High School, Amherst, C. »!., Va. Pn-fKiratory to the University of Vn. II. A. Strode (Math. 3!cdallist U. \ a.). Principal nnd instructor in .Mathematics. 11. C. Brock, B. I it. U. Va. (re cently Ass t Prof. Latin, U. Va.) Instructor in Greek, Latin. French, German and Botany. This is one of the leading high schools of Virginia, and present* many a (vantage* incomparable >vith those of others. Students also received for tho Summer. New session begins September 15th, 1873. For Catalogue, address tho Principal. Agents Wanted tUo New Book. Eliflemic ui Contagions Diseases with the newest and best treatment for all cases. The only thorouuli work of the kind in tho world. Embrace* Small-pox. Yellow Fever. Cholera anti all analogous diseases. No family safe without it, and all buy it. llna 24 chromatic illustrations. The biggest chance of tlw season for agents. Ad- II. S. (innlNl'MKll A- ( (V .".7 Write for a Price List to J. II. JOHNSTpX. ^ GREAT WESTERN GUN ¥0RE, 170 Smithficld St.. Pittsburg. Pa. Brooch-Loading Shot Guns, $40 to $100. Double Shot Guns, $8 to $150. Single Guns, S3 to $20. Rifles, $8 to $75. Revolvers, $5 to $25. Pistol*. $1 $8. Gun Material, Fishing Tackle, etc. Large dist'onnts to ditilers or chOts. Army Guns. Re volver*. i tc.. bought or traded for. Goods sent by express C. O. D„ to lie examined before paid for. (D X xndkOA per <lay 1 Agents wanted! rprj U All classes or working peo ple, of citlicr sex, young or old, make more money at work for us in their spare moment*, or ail the time, than nt anything else. Particulars free. Address G. STINSON A CO., Portland, Maine. . Dr?, Greene, imilley & Beniluy’b GREAT FAMILY MEDICINES! Their success attest* their merits. Tlio afflicted who have tries 1 them say that DR. GREENE’S FIT CURE will stop at once all kinds of Fits, Spasms and Convulsions. Epilepsy, Cholera and Nervous Wakefulness arc completely under its control. That Comp. Ext. Cory dal is is the great est ALTERATIVE and BLOOD PURIFIER known. That Medicatkd Hoxey lias no equal as a remedy in Bronchitis, Asthma and Coughs. That Neuralgia Specific is just what its mono implies. They are for sale by all Druggists. Pre pared only by Drs. GREENE. L1NDLEY & BENTLEY, Charlotte. N. C. FINE CLOTHING Is now complete and comprises everything new and nobby in Diagonal, Basket, Tricot, Beaver and Cassiniere Suits] Overcoats, Bokes, Buggy Blankets, Etc., Etc] We also ask an examination of our huge stock of Gents’ Furnishing Goods,j f J ; • Which embraces everything new and popular in UNDERWEAR AND NECKWEAhI OF ALL THE FASHIONABLE STYLES. A SPECIALTY—SHIRTS made to order and a fit guaranteed. careful inspection of our good* is invited. Merchants can save both time and money hv I HERTZ, VIKCilA ft CO., 60 CHERRY STREET. MAPOYGl Notice in Bankruptcy. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNI TED STATES FOR THE NORTHERN DIS TRICT OF GE0RGL\. In the matter of John W. Wyatt—In Bankruptcy T HIS is to give notice, once n week for three weeks, that I have"been appointed Assignee of the estate of John W. Wyatt, of Jasper county, upon his own petition, by the District Court for said District. HENRY T. S3IITII, aug27 law3w Araigitey. IT TT TT The greatest compound known JLi» IT* JLL* for man or beast. There is no 31E DICIN E. pain or swellingit win not re lieve. Stiff and lamo joints are made supple. Cures more rheumatism, neuralgia, lame back, headache, toothache, sore throat and bad sprains Ion man, and sore shoulder, stiff joints, sprains, ringbone, sjavin, etc., on animals, than all other remedies, in same time. Wholesale agents, SOLO MON & CO., Savannah. Agents wanted in every county. FRANCIS A KLDItIDGE, Proprietors, 92<» N. Front St.. Phil.-vh-lphin. Pa. BEST AND OLDEST FAMILY MEDICINE. SANFORD’S LIVER INVIGORATOR A purely Vegetable Cathartic and Tonic, for Dys pepsia, Constipation. DehiUty> Sick Headache, Bilious attack*, and all derangements of liver, stomach and bowels. Ask your druggists for it. Beware of imitation. EOSS & COLEMAN] JOBBERS OF IDRT GOODS BOOTS AND Hats and. SHOES N otionsj We cure the habit permanently, cheap, quick, without suffering or inconvenience. Describe EATERS. | your case. Address S.G. ARM STRONG, M. D., Berrien Springs, Michigan. aturl4dlawlt FOB SALE CHEAP. S half-acre lot with a six-room dwelling, kitchen, outhouse*, etc., situated on Second street between Oak and Arch. Is within a few minute* walk of the business part of the city, de pot end workshops, and has proven to be a healthy place. Apply to D. D. CRAIG. auglO eodtf R. A. MORRIS. Coal. Coal. TY7B will sell Coal at summer rate until first of > > October. Orders left at Messrs. Winship ft Callaway’s store. Post Office, or office of A. Q. Butt's Esq., will receive prompt attention. Yard opposite Rock Mill. £p2 tf BUTTS A ROSS. WANTED. J.M. BOARDMAN ALL NIGHT LONG! —Prom this date my— Saloon and Restaurant Best Wines and Liquors, And my Restaurant is supplied with all the deli- iciesof the season. OYSTERS, Beaten her 4th. sep2tl JOHN VALENTINO. 1871 and his Honor by oversight, gave in and paid taxes to ■tivin" cri- tie city on the capital stock of agUnk I rower erf that greet anti-bilious i Siaimoiis 9 Liver Kesrulator! With the Star Linen Marker! .'gWSSWMgg -t SbgrttMriyj tehOOP ; -r,E nl , * P^cjin , SUr Lin, „ Mnrk^r It fa ££2=3* i : SwaEviSSSBSKsas tty it will Ui>d f t r> Saccr Luitor of tnc Telegraph. raueaatf , for all your fiuailj, tenfher with a bottle of Tn- delible Ink. Inking Ibd and box to keep wnAfr in. Person.- who have no family can git their * —’* of type. the city on the capital amounting to one hundred tbooauia dol- Un- and abo gave in and paid taxes to said city, on the hanking house owned l»v said l*ank as real estate, when the said one hundred thousand dollars is in f;vc 4 rnitelo up in jvixt of the value of said banki-g fa use building and lot. waa rc- fia-rwi to tlu Finum e Ccianiittee. Petition of J. AN*. Truman, trust tee for >«r- x/ a fin.-r f.tr rednct&m nfiMmi Regulator cmnucnreu uc«. w punAr ‘r 4 ***: i Miss M. A. King, lor a miucuon «afbe^ lhe whote ^.-t^-pL-v-Inc it inan ntt.nd- k mont on loU / nnd i>, square lo, was re- eoanMa defence—fortified and gu*rdt\l azz: ^ ___ _ . . , . _ furred ti# the PinOOt Committee. - the m:whoic^ome miasmaticinfiocnre4f iheiL*^- . /TkhE.QR T"0 fine-. ./* : raGii: .dairrr'. rTtitioa Of Trvww.l G»*n. tfakin* I Mq Hi *T E YOUai*nrK^^ Council to remit a jx-rf-ut! of the Iiovusl' j s:orSL r ?AsvL Hca-fa-hr. Chraor |utrUt« jevid by them. huvin.r purchased the stock BilwuJUteI.lv- ; vit-'Dlf th’.* fate Jt. A- ’iVvsr, »nd to Sitnittoii>'Ljv or lionuliitor, flic, i jGroat Family M««licine t Is manuljetured only by J. If. ZEILIN ft CO. Ye who jane upon ll* brink of the grave ha*;- I to try the efficacy uf this Favorite H " 1 I You will not regret it. Tbae whugft J i' u:reclectic institute, j ‘ i-b Stnalwel PnpiU |uo:>l to f jrty. V.»« I Nd Prerjirir M«-duu.e 1 as « rcrleen offered culars a^p.v toihe^rahn.-jpcl. f a* • tf. vk.-i aa SIM- Sirv* 14 the rogu- tc the pa'Ac •* 1> ’ S-- MONS r LIVER REGl’L-VTOR. | now. will parity j :sar ;o »a»idn afllroll and *h< - the The Star Linen 3Iark- .taimg when? tn.jy can |je r it to them. WANTED AT ONCE. dassprartica s lhe lu-'b- y. C. SAWRER. 31EL)iCAL CAItl). LOOK OUT CAPITALIST. AM efferinr for sale a valuable bouse and lot. TiMSPHHPH . JL a corner locatim. in the business portion of j chaser* of ticket*, the citJ* suitable for dwelliires or b~asraj^igft~ — Lilienu terms as to price and time early application to W. T. MORGAN, or CUBBEDGE, HAZLEHURST ft CO. aag241 aw4vr $300,000 1 Missouri State’Lottery! Legalized by State Authority and Drawn In PubUc at St. Loui.<i. Grand Single Number Scheme! 50,000 NUMBERS. CLASS I TO BE DRAWN SEPTTL 30. 1873. 5,880 PRIZES, AM0UNTIK8 TO $300,000; 1 prise of. $50,000 1 5000 prises of....:. $100 1 prize of 13,450 9 prizes of. 1000 1 prize of 10,000 J 0 prizes of. 500 2 prize erf 7,500 ! 9 prizes of...!.. 500 •4prizes of ... 'SkOOO 9 prizes of. 250 4 prizes of. ...*..: 2.5001“ SO prizesof. 200 20 prizes of 1,000 , 30 prizes of..—. 150 20prizes of......:.. 500 180 prizesof. 40prizes of 250 1 5,000 prizesof. __ Tickets $10. Hall Tickets $5, Quarters $2.50. Our lotteries nro clmrtered bv the State, are al ways drawn at the time named, and all drawings are under tblfflijPa'ihkn of sworn commissioners. The official drawing wfiTbo pul>!L-»hcd in the St. Louis papers, and a copy of drawing sent to pur- Macon, Georgia. THE ATTENTION OP WHOLESALE BUYERS, Is earnestly called to the fact that we are how prejiared to save them both tirni and purchase of their FALL AND WINTER STOCKl E. B. POTTER, M. D. HOMCEOPATHIST paid wholMtde aod rottul lioenM—tji^" j nopr laivin>t only one place of justness | upon which two license* have been paid, was referriHl to the Finance Committee. Comtnanicatii'n of B. . Iverson, J. L. aurtt UitawJtw ^ Sanlsbniy, and others, protesting acoinit the city ^rantinp of an enc-atachment on j l’oploi' street in front of W. J. Lawton’s Una, it I residence as the street now stands; but { O a ho«* convtnnriit | surest in g that if the city wodcf haae the residence of Mrs. J. B • Lamer House. jolylS tf .and Philadrtphix —t —; . thS dat- DR. W3L R. BURGEsS !ns v X tec ft'UiK*. «i-v uiui night, ax hr offiaxoviV iLuikiu, MsM^nl'iinr A Co. 4 * !>ni: St-jr*-. tvni-r •'"‘ ,Vrr> onrru^tf ; «or.- -a l.-l.- BOARDING. Thr Pallrr l atlform,. 1-he uniforms now worn bv the Macon , T — ■, , |.,~r Room, in, .. ... suircestmir that if the city wouJIjmr- -Jo >• »<■ .> ihh.-m m jKJicetire anythin- but tint.*, of U-auty. ch ^ fhe " «ddenee of Mm. J. B. .V , jZSfigrSig 0 n ~"* They prenent a« much the apjH-ar.iuco of strong and open Washington avenue u» • ,•>»;■ CUT V. 0. BcX tf. Avenue Store to Rent. ' , UB blORE on Colton Avenue, row xvu*... uy Mrs. Ucadrii. FOR RENT CHEAP. K More ou Clierej- sUuei, wixtto Gr*-» r, „ ; *t present •erupted by Cel ol:. Difr '-fion given l»f Vf Ortdrfr. A DE. WOODBEIDGE’S PAINLINIMENT K EMOVES in from five to twenty minute* the most violent jsiia* of NEURALGLl and CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, curing very severe forms of the>e disoosea in from one to five days; also the STIFFNESS OF THE JOINTS which sometime* accompanies the last. It also cures SPRAINS OF THE JOINTS in twelve hours; GUM-BOILS. NERVOUS HEADACHES. fudinstlM wjiich follow Intermittent Fevers Tofth Ache-*, in from one to five minute**;also Colic, Ilnr- Worm and Meningitis. The second rase wiis cored in Brunswick, relieving in the la.st m a few miRutes, the pain in the head and neck, am the rigidity of the muscles of tho neck. ■ nitnhireo ntainimreertificatesof its virtues “H® y fao have used it, at the Drug Store* of It- B. HALL. Macon, ari l U. F. ULMER. Savan- uah, who have it for **!*•_ AHdrrc; orders to " VB~p. G. WOODBBIDGE. ^ inch. Sawlytf Urun^wirk. Go. New York and Brunswick PACKET LINE r PHE attention of the mercantile pulllie >* t«- l spectfullv ckIIhI te- *.!>* :dx>ve Bucket. r1873. . - Remit at our risk by Fostofficc, | ; Registered Letter, Draft or Express. Send for i circular. Address, | . MURRAY, MILLER ft CO- Postoffiec Box_2i-Uj. St. Louis, Mo. WAGES TX)R all who arc willing to work. Any rorson, Jj old or young, cf either sex. can make from $10 to $30 a week, at home, day or evening. ‘Wanted by alL Suitable to either city or country, and any seamen of the year. This is a rare opportunity for thotewboamout of work, and out of money, to make an independent fixing. No capital bstag re quired. Our BUphli t, “HOW TO MAKE A LIVING,” giving fofl matrnstionStfspttiB receipt of 10 cents. Address A. BURTON ft CO^Morrw- •i. V- • - < ci.ujit.v, N. Y. WE SELL AT WHOLESALE OISTLY- OUR STOREROOM BEING ADEQUATE. ENADLES US TO KEEP T1IE LARGEST AED MOST COMPLETE STOCK) TO BE FOUND IN ANT MARKET IUST THE SOUTH. With ample means to take advantage of %11 DISCOUNTS and DRIVES, and with expen* ' half, than any house doing the same amount of business, we feel warranted in saying that « make Prices and Terms Equal to any Market in the Union-j A heavy stock of FACTORY GOODS always on land at Factory Prices- BOSS & COMMAS. rflt: ’ MACO.V.GEOKQ^. J. H. DOBBS. (UtconVue.Dobta* 1 " 1 npu£ BBCKtVITUi.il PORT.TtKB FAMILY X SLWINGMAOHINE.miSuaay.'tmltimmy advanta--, ■» . $2U refuhiksl. ocu, tvu.j Beckwith Sewing Mach N.Y. an Satisfaction I-uaranteed, mt compkte. with full directions. .. Broadway, MIK NEW ELASTIC TRCS L inven and unde: An important ipoi illti the hard* -t cicemseor severest strain. It u wont With comfort, and if kept on nfaht and dnv.c.-Tect-ta permanent ntre m a few wwkip hold rh.\n on.l ^-nt bv mail when requeated. Cirrulara f-r,. Vi/ipn ordered by letter sent to the Elastic Truss Co., No. 6*3 Broadway, N. Y. rity. Nolody Metal Sprinif Trusses: too painful; they slip off too frequently-mayl2eodfteowly Nt | ply to i J. VALENTIN, Whcw .■ 1'o.br j .tita Ike ELiNT HOISE. ivuliini^ twvntv- l^-.l ond uninniK'j.-J, Da ' * vo _!*■»■>* *itb do r lvn and atuettuUin». (Jar d tliC b —I 'UtiMi' L" Appb to uuftH ! TO KENT. • kkNE COTTAGE HOUSE on r.rept.rn- 1 \.r nrvlv nevr. Also, on^ DWKLIJXG oppont** 1 th- S. I*. IU8 will l)e r--ady to'. York mi or about the 121 h of An- ' . L. Bradley a'tom the 2tnb Au- i Kentucky University. G. b. ROBERT*. i and Old Transylvania. Six colleges in opei£ We h:ir • e-vrrr facilirv for recehinar -o rirr »nd r.. with professor* and 600 student* from forwarding freight. anii*sll freight >hip;* ,J by this 2- St ites. Entire f«- for college yea:, 320. except Hue will r>«-ivt prompt attention. * i.j tn-* Law, Medical and Omnnereial Colleges. WARREN RAY. Air't New York. 120 Wall st. lto-irdin.- from $2 to $5per week. For Catalogue. s. C. LITTLEFIELD ft CO, : address J. B. BOWMAN, Reger.r, Ix-xiTurtoru Ky. aogSwtf Brunswick, (iz. aurlMlawlm WALKER & D0BBS| Successors to Wise, Dobbs ft Co., IMPORTERS OF AND WHOLESALE DEALERS Vi | CHINA, CKOCKEKT and GLASSWARE, S1L7IEPLATID WA2I, POCKET AND TABLE COTLIBt COAL OIL, LAMPS, BURNERS, WICKS, CHIMNEYS, ETC. GHAHDXLISS8, GAS AM KEROSENE FlXTTJfiSS He would can the attention of Merchant, to wtr i feeling tlut we can give entire satisfaction also complete. and varied Mock of the aho*^ n^arl to qualit}' and price. Otr r.’t’ti d>P WAZBEB At DOBBS. ,