Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, September 06, 1873, Image 3

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FIRST NATIONAL BANK ofMACON rmi» icim no iftorevrifp. naff with tho 'htf k»o li loll i n k'lj fciltfr. *<r JiliiUnto. Tin*uit*n wHu played the a*a viol was driven* senseless into a pile f pea brush* and the flute-player, with w month full of blood and splinters, iiijp*-l over the fonoe and fie. i. ^Vhat •*c.*r..o of the • tlidhi Mr. F'oreeps does ot know, he beta# too busily engaged in TIAHMB A OSBAl BAM BISHKS. L C. PLANT. D. FLANDERS, H* L. JEWETT, W. B. DIXSMOP.K. H. B. PLANT. D. S. LITTLE. G. H. HAttEHUBST. I. C. PLANT. Pre-M*T.t. W. W. Wciolet. C«-«hrar. nalQ-tilnovl* S. G. Bonn. President. B. F. Lawton, Cashier. EXCHANGE BANK OF MACON. Office In HnfFft Heir Bulldlnjc. Receives Deposits, BUTS AND sells exchange. Mike, Advance* on Stocks TVjixL.. Co: ten In Store. Abo on Shipment, ot Cotton. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. E^tting on his feat and into the hotue to make a critical examination of the field. It is prommed the bass viol died on the spot, and was surreptitiomly removed and buriral fay bis companions, as there was nr. sijxn of him abont the rr- taises in the n>or:iins». I T RUNS TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. LIGHTER than any other Gear made. It is made without a mortise, tenon, or a key to work loose. Every part bolted to iron. Over twenty in use. AH have proven good. Affairs In Tnylor County. Ron.nr, Ga., September 3,1873, 'Mon Tdcjraph and Mtnmycr i After KcnJ imjuiiy I find that the farmers lathis co mty have gene/aUy escaped the boll-worm and caterpillar thus far. A few have made their appearance in acme sections, hot their depredations have bepi •very Hmitrfr-The cotton crop in more premising than last;year, and the corn project is bettrt than it has; been since I. C. PLANT & SON, the mode of construction of wheels suspended on Anti-Friction Balls, Extended Arm to carry the Pulley and Pinion Shafts. All persons using or making any part of my patent will be prosecuted to the ex tent of the law. MACON, GA. Buy and Sell Exchange, Gold. Silvor.Stock* aud Bonds. ** •>* jjtr! Deposit a Received, On YYhlrli Interest will be Allowed, as Aoaxro epos. PAYABLE ON CALL. Advance* made on Cotton and Pro. dure In Mtorr. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO GRISWOLD GIN Butler <1« !* rvdft, I think, a word of rouitmu'lation through your columns. lliroughu6 public spirit and enterprise •if her leading citizens aho has ln*en fur- nh h'"i this Sumner with one of the most handsome ? ihool LuOdings in the State. The building him boon completed and for- nish*nl but two weeks and it hi already fill' d with f-t id.'nts from eight different countic*— :d»uut• no hundred in alL Three art hero IVcm Broil, and others have writ ten Yot hdaM. Took to your laurels. The Hchor»l U con trolled by IVofeasor Jium*s IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT Manufactured by Farmers and Merchants. P. C. SAWYER, Macon, Ga. AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST -OFFERED BY AND CIGAR MANUFACTURER, Hake’s Block, ----- Poplar st., Macon, Ga. —OP TIIE- THIS BIN TOOK THREE PREMIUMS LAST YEAR. ESTABLISHED A. D. 1805. mm mm Specially Reinsured with the FACTORS & TRADERS’ INSURANCE COMPANY. —AND THE— r /• LOUISIANA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, ALL OF NEW ORLEANS. LOUISIANA. TIIE SAWYER ECLIPSE COTTON GIN it* iinpruTcmmt* ban won it* any, ii|w»i it* merits t« the my first rank «if furor. It rtaudutu-duy WITHOUT a cowritor in all the point* ami qualitin d.^irab!.* «ir attainable in a PERFECT COTTON GIN. Our l’urtalile or Arijit«tabk* R .1! Ho* |i!a.r» it in the nomer of ereiy planter to regiihb* the pirkimr of the *ed to roit himself, mil i* tie* only <•»»«• made that dm*#. Prou-rfy mnnasr.tl. SAWYER'S ECLIPSE GIN will maintain the full natural length *4 the Atopic. atal Ira u»nde to U« as rapid work *»* anv nmrhinr in tm\ The<J,| t,R!SWOLD GIN—o genuine pnttero— /hmLIw^I — I..—-. — 1 — « • TQ It^NT. rpwo TENEMENT! HOUSES. X room Houm* for rent. Apply to jtdjssu OLIVER. DOUGLAS k. CO. FOR RENT. S TORE-HOUSE recently oeni piedliy Johnson A Smith, in the Planters* Warehouse. Pus**- aion riwn immediately. Ainu. one four-room DWELLING and six two room HOUSES. Apply to nurteodlm n. T. JOHNSON. other a dij Pair at Got nn. AR». the tirat premium at tlsc lun>’, North Carolina. INSURES AGAINST FIRE. Adjusted with Liberality, and Paid Promptly. Over 1,200 Building Lots, O ^BN and in front of the height* south of Macon. (an now be void on easy terms to early appli cant*. Extending as thee lots do from opiaxite the >1 mvr Univerrity to the old Race Tnu-k. ami being mostly higher than any others Iu Moron's rieirnty, many of then preaem splfipdid view* of tin* rity and surrounding country for many miles, and U ing high above tin* exumnou region of mias ma. ii: i*t be comuaRUivelv lnilthT InUtfftperttd is already a me industrial jiopuls- tiun of several hundred families, and new build- ing* ar » eunstantly being ewrted. Choice lot* ran now be serum! cheap for rash or on long time, and where partie* desire it. ami call furnish the means to puixtaso material*, lota may be imp*mil ns agreed on. and tlic balance )*ud by easy instal- ntent*. Now ia the time for Dakoai>s. Who* wcmsl want to pav rent what lions,-* cm be ao ca»" silyluMl? Titles indispuiaM.-. Apply to ►- cuirMeodkw )L THOMSON. _ JAMES H. LOW, (Formerly of Wood k Low. and late President La. Equitable Life Insnraneo Co. of X. O.) 3Ianagcr Southern Department. OiUee No. 10 Wliitelmll street, James' sank^Block, P. O. Box 106, ATLANTA, GA. S. M. FARRAR and H. L. BACKUS, Resident Agents. OiDce, Planters’ Banking Company. ?. A. N uftu. ftpklfH City Bank. It. 31. Bazemore. of Adams & Bazemore. J. K. JoiCh President Central Bank. John C. Curd, of Carhart k Cunl. I. C. Plant. PmBftnt Pir*t National Ban!;. If. L. Willinglmin, of Lawton k Willinglmro. W. J. Lawton. Pn‘sideiit Planters’ Banking Co. S. Waxelbi.mn, of Waxelbaum & Brc. & G. Bonn, Pnflnt Exchange Bank. J. W. Burke, of J. W. Burke k Co. W. S. HiJt. President 8outIiwesteni Railroad Co. • J. B. Ross, of Ross A Coleman. It. W. Cubb-xlce. of Cablxxlye, llaxkdmrst k Co. Joseph Dannenburg, of Nussbaum k Danncnburg. It. II. l’Untwuf I. C.Phuit k Son,'' A>her Ayres. Thomas lUnleman. of Hardeman & Sjurk*. Thomas C. Dempsey. <ung* lm;: Milch Cows For Sale. HAVE four 3Iilrii Coir* for talc at very rea-* .•mmMa nioak, TV*> <m#1«* J«9m>l in Viue- Ic.atMr. C. B. Cbliavvay's. '(Vll tun! examine •m. IL G. TERRY. VOLUNTARY TESTIMONIAL}* ! AYCHOE LINE STEAMERS, Sail from Pier 20, North River, New York, EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. ,p v’ K The i***eng«r aerom- p modal km* on bteaiu- y - L+'-jfSt&rv*; / era of thw line are un- sun*s.*LHl for elegance TTTTT->fjl7.' ,,:n * comfort. Cabin state rooms are all on «' i upper deck, thus se- curing good light and vcmihtioii. RATES OP PASSAGE TO GLASGOW. LIVERPOOL, on LONDONDERRY Sat. Stwum-rs. Wed.Sb'amers. ■# ' R Cunwnar- mmm Cabin return ticket* securinx licst ae- «'umuiodatk>!i.H S130 $130 Steerage, currency, $30. Certiflrate* for pMMCefrom anv seajwrt or rail way station in Great Britain, Ireland ur the Uon- tinent, at RAT£S AS LOW AS BT AXY OTHER FIRST-CLASS UXK. For passage apply to IILXDERSON BROTHERS. Or.fti 7 kWtiig Given. N. Y. T. II. llCXDEUSOX, Agent, flam, Ga./ DIAMOND SPECTACLES. Are fumbliod from variou* wrtinnsof tlie cotton growing State*, of the charmier fullnwing: Locnr Grovk. <Ja.. OrbJ».»r3o. IH72. Mr. P. (!. Sawtkr. Macon. Ga.: , Dear Sir—1’nrliMrd tiud draft «*n Griflin Ranking Commny fur $15u, aa jaiyiia-nl fur «atr gin, with whir)i wears well plvn>e«l. Youra truly, H. DICK IN A SON. Georgia Musical Festival. HHS um’.TWgned Cutmtutire take pl.u*ure in L announcing to IheriiMi* *4 Gcurgia tlwt rnantfoBi are bone aiwk* for a Grand fliuin) .1 I., l\.k li.ilil in II -n.iai alllMH. ll.t Crelia r of a m w OrphjkiOI»T gt^nunmc will lx* bk fulkr* > *L ier2nh. l*riiidpMl R.'U*une>t < e i ! «r3«th. Haydn’* (irand Oribuin. *‘H:e it-’* jDfSJ4, Grand S.u red L«4Mvrt. •ian* iuiu idde amabura u idim- to ixirtlc- the perfunnamv-. will |4ea*e apply to the ry. tUWboLl all coiJiumiiettti'gi* or Bunii- »fc>lwju.ldiv**.dJ» K. F. B1CHKL, 3Iu*ie Director and S- »yi tary. ( ? [ITTEX.—Rt. Rex-. Bishop (inw. T. C. rpiIKSE Spe< tarlcsarenianufocturctl frorn“3lin- X ute Crj'stal Pebbles ” mel UhI together, ui id are collsd Diamond on account of their hardness and brilliancy. It is well known that .spectacles cut front Bnizillnm or Scotrh pebbles are ver>* iniu- riot is to the eye, in'cause of their polarizing ligrt. fltviaf been tested with the pdteriscoiie. the diamond lenses have been found to admit fifteen per rent- less heated ray.* than may other jgbble. Tliey are ground with great scieiitiUc wruracy. arc i’n* from chromatic alx'rratioius, and produce a briahtuau and di>tin(*tni'«is of vision not ■■.•fini-Mt. upl. uddrdMcd to 31r. tifjvr, vu ; Taxtiwt Grove, ii t- Oet«W3ft. lHt We. the umle[»ig)t<*l. phuit.Ts lave vitirwl Hie Gp'ration of one of your K«ditiM) CuttonjGin*. wliiefi we think miprrinr to any other gin wd liave over seen umhI. It tea weft th<* scad t(y clean, and al tnc *ame time tunixont a beautirul sample, etc. II. T. DICK IN A SON. K. ALEX. CLBAV1XAXD. » M. L. HARRIS. • •foreat- , At^iuta Hesdil.iMiuimah New*. Ath- GRATES. ARTIES building will do well to buy their Grates npw, ami lad delay till cold u.wther. mat Xt TRUM AN A GRK8N. is the t>M. that 1 ftvrr *a\v run. It clean* the »et*l prri.f-tly. I have been rai«*sl in a gm humav and l believe I know all alaait what aliMukl be expert- Oil in »i r*t-Haa* L’«4:«m Gin. 1 can gin live bun- itntft puund* of liut ituide of sixty minute The first two bale* ginned aciclied 1100 (munds. from 3010 pounds seed cotton, logging aud tie* inrludixL SCHOOL NOTICE. Fares Grcasly oetlsdAwly* METROPOLITAN 1' WILL open a Private S.dmoI at St. Paul’* L Church, wn JIOXIUX. Septenila r l>t. to la* run tinned mo tnoptlV; ! LjflA. W amr31 It HENRY T- COXXKR- FOR RENT. A NEW four room IIouiw, «>m Firwt >trvs t.m*ar the Mulbeny btr.\ t JLtl.^list Chunh. In- Ihwixtox. Ga, October 7,137A Mr. P. C. SAtmut—Dear Sir: The Cotton Gin we got from yon. we an* plaued to ray. meets our fullest expectation*, and doe* all you procniard it ahould do. We have *rir,m>i one hundml and *ix- teen hole* on U. and it fee* never rkakrd nw bro ke* the r M. It the seed dean and makes lint. We have had romiderable experieooa with various kind* of cotton gin*, and ran. with safety, ray your* is the U**t we have ever wren run. THOMAS HOOKS. ELIJAH LINGO. (except wbeh tboar date* fall on Sunday.' *31 then on the pawling Satunlay) fur ASPIXWALL m via 1’iram Bail.y, with on-ot tlw •Vamnnv'. Sb.nuhip from ISnama f.a ».AN All .V. aarftim rwiilri jg F ui»inai*li >tvun- cr» lor SautU *«Up ao.i OMW AfcreVra* p. rla. Fur Jaian and (.’Wna.atr.nrr, k,vr San Firn- riaro fires <4 wry laonth. *hsn it fall, on Sunday, ihm on lb.' day praredina. , (>nr luindred paind* << Maarare ailrarel t. nulladul:. Bantam iwnredua drrk thr .!« Vfure relBrer. fnau Mreunlcat,. nulruui. nnd paaanutrea *80 ,irrfrr tu arret dirm «^rlv. An rsprrtwayd Sunrron un ln.nL Mallnnt and allmdanrr frea. _ For Freieht nr IWiwr Tirk.-t«. or furth« in- tarnation. „.lv al thr Oj«F«nr> TJrkrt rtlLr. .ail. Wkarf.f.H<afCaua]Krret, North Binr. Jt.trW ■ OKO. U. BRADBVRY. lYnidrtit. II. J. Briisv, SupL au*SJy L C. HUNT. CANDLES, SOAPS, IRON & BRASS WORKS. Canal Street, from 6th to Ttb, RICHMOND, - - - VA H OUSE and LOT «toated on Pine street, be tween Secoml and ThM *trpet«. containing *ix room*. Pc«s«uk>n given immediately. Apply ou the MffthS to t * 1 dlds 1 auWlif C. T. EYFFFfKNCR. The Only “Cast Steel Pinion Power” In the World, OqL Nathan Ba**, of Rome. Ga^ ray* be has u*od Griawold’*. Massey's ami Ta.rior** Gina, and that ha as mv maaif a D. Piatt Gin in, Lea county, Ga-and an Eagle and a Carver Gin in Ar- kansa*.and a "Sawyer E* iip-'Gin ** in Rome.Gw. and rcrardk the last named a* WriUTO to any U the others. It picks RASTER and cleaner than any other gin with which he is acquainted. Ho ray* he ha* ginned eighty-six bales with it without breaking the nolL ritahle HORSE POWER for Ginning f-r*d to the public. We, tue pn^prie- I preparing Cotton for market, inert. Durability, Speed and Ligbtnen of Notice to Contractors. B IDS will b* received by the undersigned up I to the 15th of September, for en* ting a " Public School Building r ’ in the Second Ward in a ax . m • Plan* ami sT*ecificauori* ou: be hod on applicn- tion to D. B. w'ooWll Arehitcct.at Ms efuv in the City Bank Building. Third airo-t. • Th«* citr will furnish all thi' Stone, Brick, Lime and Sami. The Committee reserve to themselves the right to accept, or reject any, or all. bid* made. W. A. HUM Mayor. auc31 tl Acting Chairman of Committee. WM. E. TANNER & 00., ENGINEERS, MACHINISTS AND FOUNDERS. ESGDfES OFAILKENDS. Send for Circular. Qlficn, No 14 West Main nv.ee*. between First Second. r. Nos. 73. 73, 77. 79 and $1 Maiden Lane, between Ohio and Adams Streets, B. W. WRENN. General Passenger Agent. H. R. BROWN. POET KOYAL EAILROAD, Aytnt. LOUISVILLE, KY. ONLY MANUFACTORY In this country where Loom Reeds, Harnesses —AND— Patent Wire Heddles Are made under one management. Also, SUPPLIES used in COTTON and WOOLEN MILLS promptly fumhhed. WyflCto UeSS., BARLOW HOUSE, AMTTRTCUS, GA., WILEY JONES & CO., Propr’s. U fint-cLu. and in busineu renter. UainljKrdayii. Lodging or single mo.1, Met, Inay9 -m Brnucs', Statiox. M. A B. B. K. damuor SO. 1ST*. Mr. P. C. Sauna. Macon. G»—I>ir Sir—The Cotton Gin you repaired tor me. with your im- prernd box. irivtw utwhrfM]. end I take rxnr owl pvwaniw in tmenmendina your cinx to the public. W. O DAX1EU M. D. OFrics o? E.voixeeb axn SonBBarehJMUii. A co car a. Ga- J uoe is, 1S73. O X and after Mondav, June ». trains on this ltoad will run as follow,: dowx nax rasssxoxE mu. Vl» learo Angusta at 6: M a sc Arrive at Fort Ifuyslat... -:1U p x Arrive atChlirlestoaat Ltipx Far Exceeds aiiy other that has ever been Used in the United States. Auction Sale of .Iron Ties, Bj Bel!, StnrteTant 4 Co., ' ' OF SAVAXXAIL O N WE DN F.SD A Y. 3d St'ptcmbcr, a til o'clock, will be sold in front of our store* 170 Bay street. 1.5*0 bundles SWEDES IRON (COTTON) WMMte) (I l '1 |1 franplra can i«e wn si r,»:r shoe. The cha*rr> -^n let them remain in bonded warr- bouse by trra-^*v. and pay sturare from day of sale. Terms. SO days for lots of !* tow or more, for SHIRTS! SHIRTS! We claim for it tluit two good rauk*s will gin three half* of cotton In a day f*n n forty raw gin,and that four good mules will gin on * fifty saw gm four and a half to live bales of cotton; that the g.n- ning will bo continuous, not being liable to mterraptioa from wringing <*f thd machine house, as this Power is self-adjusting, adapting itself readilj to the upward or downward tendency of the flf>or. The entire fixtures accompany tne machine, except an ordinary kin ar-[¥»•.*- a: I a 1-m s., that it can b; placed in position for service in a few hours after reaching the plantation. Arrive at Sertonah THOMAS U. CONNER 1 >r. J. W. Summers, of Orangeburg. R,writes: All your Gius solu L: this season are doing well and git mg entire sathdsetion. I r«l be abka fo sail a great cuoj aext season. Only 50 Cents per Bottle. It ,r.,rt—ClinlVTII. ntEri KEYES the COLOK. e.a the Vlcvr and BE.VUTY of the IlAIlt. f Cm TttTTSiSu The bio* W dsncM JrVTc* thapupc- li^. “r«TSii5'Ar dross* lisgzsr l«,ira8. IlrrereoretM J. k~p. tee breJcoot. oJ gkraqr apprarane^ It » »C*3C- CP DAT PASSENGER XRAtg. Will leave Port Royal st Leave Charleston at 1.. Has just received a lot of lb-autiful Pull Bosoms and Ptslted Bobuins. fn*n 13 to 19 indies in the neck. The Full Bosoms are the coolest Shirt* worn. These Powers are Manufactured of the Very' Best Material, And will be warranted far twelve month.*. Tlie only port of Horse Power ino^t liable to wear is the small pinion which *]«eed to the “ Power.” This w» hsveremediedby having it (at a tfn-ul cost) made of the wry best Cast Steel. 1'rice §145, or $100 delivered at purchaserti station. Arrive at Augusta at DOWN MGnT PASSENGER TRAIN. Will leave An-uita at Arrive at Port Royal at Arrive at Charleston at........ Arrive st Savannah at illT PASSENGER TRAIN- approved psp»~-f; under 10 tong WE ASK ONLY A TRIAL. Dried Peaches ! Dried Peaches • "ITTE wiD pay the Ligls*: Cft&h.J^foe for Dried DRAWERS! DRAWERS! THOMAS. H. CONNER UP Will leave Port Royal at.. Leave Charleston nt Leave Savannah at ...; .10:30 P M . ticOft P M . 9:50 P SC . 8*0 AM Macon by the CJ0 a xi train ta Rrilroad. arrive st Angus- ose connection with the down > on this road for Port Royal JAMBS O. MOORE. For furilior particulars, address MALONE, WILLINGHAM & CO., MACON', fiKOKGIA. Pickles and Sances. K. PRICE X SONS. * Macon. Ga. Arrive at Augusta at. Has a spVndid fi tting Summer Drawer, from 2»> to On inriu-» wa:d, ami all lengths of in- A LLSFICE, White 3fu»tard Seed, Ginrer, Celery Sc*<l, Clove*. Anhe Seed, Pepper, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, Tumeric, Mace, Miutard. As the- season for putting up Pickles and Sauces is at hard, buyers will find a full lineof the abu\e articles at my store. I have a large number of empty Bottles suita ble for patting up Catsup, etc., which 1 will sell at J5 cents per dozen. Abo, a quantity of one and two gallon Jugs at 5 cents i» *r gallon. on Uaai8 and Aogmt ta in time to make ck> night passenger train < and Savannah, julyltf Kn^ E nglish. French sial (>t nuaa Board!; jt and Pay SchociL for Ycsimr Ladle* and Little Girls. 94 Ca:h»viral ftnftt Uaituumv, HtL ■ Miss ChsflBft aud Mi*> Hanxwgr, hlDmak assisted by able Frof^vii-s. Next Jv*«.s»jn ope n* Septem ber ISth. Oourw of studie* extensive, comprising .1.1 brandy* of * i«oMte edncatioi;. French tlv- language ci the schooL Qfai honors awarded at the close of the yoar. Circular* on application r Woman's (Ht-rj is Her Hair. TStom's ATHAIHON _ ^ Cochran, Ga- January 7 Mr. ?. C. Sawtex. Macon. Ga.: - - -Tijr- 0><to!H;tn wv l» urh: of ' ; after a fair tmX. lira given us atrafad ixakrs good lint and cleans the seed well. Yotn appftMfi Neck-Wear! Neck-Wear! THOMAS U. CONNER Received yesterlav a new stock of trammer Seck-wear, in ail colors. Lavender and white for evening wear. Linen julyfft t/ Collar* of all styles stx! site*. COMMISSION HOUSE AT LEAST S. W. R.ULBOAD. CALHOUN'. COl'N'TY', Gi. Market Garden For Sale, r r , HE Finest Market Garden in the vicinityo 1 Macon, adjoininr Judge KnutUv phire. is"<*[ : reel ftc «ik't»r r»:.t. 1: ha> an ares* «..| iwt-nty isw acre*, in high rultiTatioc. On it is a lr-JC' buikUng <x inai:»u g five roouu. ami unr it ail rv- orarary outhvXiNe* and a Cue w*-H of jfiae’r. Fa term*, etc- apply %u EDW.VEJ5 LONG. 1 ran be jound at the m-.'kel -vc rj d.v unti nine in the monaug and on the pthe re maiTKlc- of tl** day. auai lm* «ud* "They would’itf be Lokiiti: up on tbe roof, would they T* Mr. Vorcepe thought a moment, and tbon fldftftlnded no could M-t? him, :> the XHOOSl hud jjv>nc »i|to.. l ..nk of clomb, Mid L*bj»>ct* wvre tpiite dun. And thf*t V* sufUy ^Jp^tusd tl« blind und ■ crept out 08 the *lun- Rio*, completely oncsund in red flannel un- wakothtM, and anight-capaf the «ainc rich • ** r..i! The uui.'-ic still continued,ooin- up through the m^ht Mir in *»f •cstatit* Jmnnony. Mr. For cep* sat down ontl. WaiuiUliorioualy worked bis way toth. caves. Than he lifted hnnaflf up to Aaitt OT«*r and look down, anil jurt then ’••• stepped u n something soft and yield* felt his feef Rive, made a desperate clutch at the shingles, was too lai*-'. £•*▼«* a pramiag shn«k, and shot off (be axfl »eut revolvintf and howling in among the h*nd. followed by the tomatoes, and mad ly ileaviug the air with hid red-fla one led ICE COLD. SODA: WATER UK, WOODUKIDGFS IPAIH LINIMENT (IIHS REPAIRED PEOMPTLY With delicious Fruit SYRUPS, is dispensed dailj from Tuft's .Arctic Uuuutaiu. ROLAND B. H ALL. C< Airier Cherry street aud Lai tun Avenue. rjiHE undcrei/Rtil ha* creeled a Store House at X Luarv, Ga.. un «»s extendon of the South western Baiivaul to Biakeiy.and take* this meth od of announcing to the pubiie that he is prepared reoetve *v»nxismin£ nt» cl gotXi and pr.duce of even- dr*mntK»i. which will lw soid at wholerale ig retail as directed, to the br*l advxiuagc. Strict attention will Y*r given to the t*u*h»r*a. *r4 taction guarenteed in every instance. •^Oonsifmment* *obcitcd- marlfc.il*whuly P- W. IVEY. -DEALERS IN HALE OF House and Lot in Vineville Special attention called to the well known numbers. 505—75—28—20 and 22. Faetary, fat. Verrat; OBee ft, John SPRAINS OF TUI- JOINTS . o GLil-RolUa NRRVOLs JlIA iudodrac tb«— •’mill- l*n« Iwer and ,\. iwu.m frer.i «*n. C<»lic. Rliu* \\ n:„l Mr!:. 'f 1 "ILL he sold, co the first Tuesday in SepG*m- 11 her next, be.lora thr Court House duor xu the city of Macun. .luncg the legal housed wde, tLe House and Lot vu which C. K. Hobs* now h\e*. in Yiaevilie. uxt he resai leading by and near the M*»v.n arid Western Railread; the land* of Geo. W. Scmttgrpuod or. the auuth. and W. M. Mc Gee m the north. The lot otmtain* two sere*, aoror Iwa. frwiuxft on lira n«*l ana vumuag bark to the rail res* 1. S>Jd for distribution tv joint owner*. Termsvf xilrca*h. on dehreryd nroj- - rt v. E. V. HriLMKS. au«JS Jw % JAb R. TUTOR. Idiblnt Brxre Impairing Bru»a ROB’T. A. NISBET, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Corner MULBERRY ST. and COTTON AVE. (Over ftjTK's Drug More), ,uitcI4d^m MACON. GA. Brush FOR KENT. faulting Gin - * VO Can fumi»b M different jmttero* of rib* to the t rath* »l »*ral» earli. at diort notu,*-. ng-dit> of tlj. muscle* ,4 rack. l!S*ular*Ojr.taiuu»grert|t.4aU »«if iL- \irtu*** •oat wliAluaa an-lu.ai ; Drsr <<f I.ALL. Mac.n. an. B F 1I MKR Katan- bo ha»c it lor h:»J. |.. DR D (• WOODKRllN.E. jsuiwtf Bram«HX. c* \ FIVK rx»m Dwelling, with three acres ground attached, on Ts»c?U Square*, near residence of Mr. K. Pncr. at 525 per mcreth. Apply to J. SEYMOUR RODGfcRg. surfAI if At Scymoua Tindey A Co.’s. FOURTH i.utotr P. C. SAWYER THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER: SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 6,1873. /il ch'^niffl tf;r,eni\cf I sat I inirMORNn* : . f e ptxm h Kit» IIIK >! I’LDDON LETT I! 4 Cslnrrft Ineldrnt. HiadQCABTXsi IIkivt Anrru.uT,) Hoarrsoss, Pa. j Xm fht KdUnr mf ih* VWftl: Sm—Taylor 1 « loy U a wl.it,- boy. He ie rather Uiye for hi* Mfe, which nnmbera the brat j*rt of tcD mmmma and nine iiir t-jra. ftr be fiendii r>n Iiit tw<, nak-.i f.^t amid tho brhuw and roclr.’of Penn- ,.Irani* nieb unto fire feet lii^h. An,I rither old for hi* age it Tuvlor'e loy, for he know* how to imhanfr tf»t. fiu-t, n tin ketUra to dofe’ tail*, end nick egg* let ter. more eecurely end more orpeditious- j- then any toy in thi*—the etu.np- imirtkcra'—brood lend. ■ 1%ylor'» bojrV figure ie like onto a long tplit stick nt raw end and thrust into a short pair of t-ow.-rus T.ylor. t.y*. father any, the eotloa fu, tori, - running on ehr-rt time ran't make cloth fieri enoe^h to keep hi* boy in trowiejr.. The truth of which a.^rtion ie plainly apparot:t to „K/ one from etwiac r~ rT juptc- .uof Tnjlor'a toy’, trowaert. which on week days reach just below hi* knees, and if he hath Sun day trowaern of a longer j*attorB Taylor'* hoy never vr^.tr* them. Taylor’s Lot's entirff warbroU: -*cms to consist of ono pair <v trowis r.-b^'fi^ pair of leather mti«- pen ? rs ami one .^tniw lmt. T:*Tier's l-oy wr nr . th** crown of his -tra • hat on th?» I site k <»f his hf-'vl, tho front trait of tho brim, which i- detached free, the . ,—t ,>f hi. hat, ‘M.L-illv rout-, on Tsylor* now. Taylor'. I«y’» head ii uhap«d like tile head of the Artec rt.il- who uaoii to eshibit in the aidc- .howi ,f the n 'rral eire.ie— it run,, rather pieiiouaiy to the rear. John.ij.tr, iu* hi. fond mother call. St, “ a oolong 1 -,> Pet,-rather ,.mi.U frr I.i. aue. whi- li i, all tl.,- »ay from one year to fiTe. oi.t ... Mr.. John.ino hap pen* to ircolIcctU * Pete ii just about the wire of a hand- oiyan monkey. Pete i* rather youn» for hie yaari, unwi{>butjcat«<l, and innocent- like. Pete ,pen<L most of his time-catching at the hind part of wagon., play ini; in wind puddle in the road, and in climbing ■pout*. The airility with which Pete will mount tbe umnotheit spout maker me think of Darwin. Like Taylor's boy, Pete run* a grout dral to trowrar*; but Pet.,’. trow*er. are a* much too Urge us Taylor'* boy'* troWi- em are too unall. Tbe arcrage of tnrwuer. between them i. all right, Imt tho iadiwidual fit i* aw ful. Pete'* trowser* reach up, to hi* neck, ■ml tnul ten or twelve inebe. in the rear. Pete'* mother i« economical in hat; r«t* ha* no hat exoepting hi* hair. A few day. nince, while I was drown tag out the ily,pepsin with the «went of . tey lirowSn mv fit her’* garden. Tnylor’. t.iy krpud over the wall like a young giraffe, and wished to know if I would allow hint to pick some of tho nuipber- rie*. A. Taylor'* hojr looked a* if raspber ries wonid help him *ome I consented. H>wn after Pete John.ing cun.o oyer and uuule the name request; mid on I am not Ute man to make any invidious dis tinction* on account of color os to anoth er train', raspberries I consented to IVter'* picking. In toy father', garden there iu a large citricrn, used to catch min-wntm- f^rcr.rri.ige washing tuid*veg- rt.ilde inviguratiou. Near the opening in tin- top of thi. ei.tcrn—raid aperture l.-ingal.out four feet square—a Itox is .j..tally kept o»tenaib]y to cover the open ing, but really to enable any night tres- |o--, r to trip over the same, with a live ly chancy of pitching into the cistern; and titers have been for two year* past lying near the cistern tho relic* of a pump—one of those patent pump, which won’t pump and never would, such a* lu natic. invent anil disingenuous pump- peddler. beguile honest folk with. When they bail eaten tbeir till of nuplierrie. Taylor's hoy suggested that they have a And. without consulting me. Taylor’s lioy selected tho top of tho cistern, near the box and patent pump, as a suitable place for his gymnasticperfonnancea. It is proper for me to state in this connec tion that, knowing something of Taylor’, bnv's idiosyncrasy lor getting kitten, and entered boys into trouble. I should ltave .elected some other place had f been con sulted. Nor had I any idea there was a circus exhibiting in the reighlmrhood until I wa. .tattled ler tho loud shouting of Tay lor's Imv—•• Nigger in the well; nigger in tbe well." Taylor’, boy's presence of mind did not draert him. r, TTf~7* r e T" Kivliiig th.it .. fellow-,-r. it lire's life w.i. in ,lnngiT. fin,t. Taylor’. l.iy threw into the cistern a piece of plonk, and then a pick-axe. ami he wu. tugging away at the intent pump os if to trirow that iu when I aeooeted him. “WHiit are you about there, Taylor’s boy V "Nigger hi the well, mister! nim.-er in the well i I'm giving 1dm something to ki-ep him ira." •Keep him upri I r.'.nurk,.! i "how long do y.at .tipjev.. a Idckaio wlll Up the hoy all<«t F" Taylor's boy mode no reply, but vocif- .raU>l vehemently, "Nigger in the well! Bigger in the well!” Tar lor', hoy', shoutinip brought BIra. John.ing to the door. Mrs. John.ing be ing engaged just then at our family w;v*!i tub Mim. John.ing took in tho .itu.ition »t en.v and .tarii.l lor tV.O cistern; just *« «he re.e 1...1 It her foot ennght in some of the gearing of the {intent pmnp i alio tripped, and went headlong Into the cis tern. "Two nigger* in the well!” cried Tay lor'* Imy. •'The well is full of nigger.!” And up Om street he started, shouting at the top of hU volee: "Hie well is full of nig ger* ! the well i. full of nigger.!” Au y.m may vr*»ll ruppono, tiling w<*tv ratlu-r lively in that neiffhlHvbood for a t+w uriimt* >. Taylnr'a noy'ft of llw condition of tho wt.jl nlormcil all tho uoifchbon. who. nffffff into* tho •itrretj, and hearing Mr». John^lnj^a and lVto*« ftavniu* for help, and not lx?in£ m!>W |o lakcato Uurae, ran madly to and fn» and okaIiuR each other, in quest of the imm**rsnd folk*. At length wf flshod th«nu out. Mrs. Jolnwin^, aa ravin ns sht» nmM dry land, getting her wu iui«l h« ir in th»» pr>*j«rr |H»situ*n, ud- »ninLt<*r» , kl t«» Id* pofton » y tiara* of idkra; nntl lVt*\ rnoued from ths mau r* nal mnhtncv, observed to Taylor's boy, who had assembled optin: •• See yore Jim Taylor! Did yoo frow my mother into dat weiir VcieDoov, Major Heavy Artillery. S.T-1860-X? -W~_ -A-_ HUFF AVHOLESALE DEALER IN T8 TURELY A VEGETABLE PREPARATION, 1 ccuporod riir.Tjj of wcU-lrotTrn ROOTS, HER3S anil FR U ITS, combined with other rroprruov, which in tfirlr nature are Calhartlo, Aperient, NatriUoon, I'inretir. Aliereilvo and Anti'BJioua. Tba wlitJa ia prr jrrv«l in a auffl- r.mt quautity of Bplrii from the SUGAR CAVE to keep them la aay dlzn&tc, which LANTATION XUTTEBS one of the noet dedrehle Tonic* ami Ca- tbartic. in the world- They sro mtended etrt-tlt as i P onfc of titan etrirtlj _ ^ Teinpcraiicc Bitters only to bo n.wd ta n medldne, end always ao- cor.Uns to directions. Tl.?y aro tho afceet-ancbor of the feab.oand d-bi.itatr J. 1 her act n:- a n dfeftifftfl liver, and rmn-.i’-ita to t.ncii... . . <tlj..ir. hfalthy a.'tion U ai once RoigBialiout. Maremedy to which Women are ccpoclaliy subject it la saper- •csling every other alirnuUnt. As a Spring and Slimmer Tonic they havonoeouaL They are a mild and c*ntlc Parsativo as wall as Tame. They purify tha Wood. They aro a splendid Appetizer. They mako the weak siren*. Th**y ruriry and invigorato. They cr^o Dys pepsia. Constipation and Ilt adacho. They art M A sp<s.'ifio in all spcrieaof disordsni which uuJeru.lL>' tb» b xl^y utrcacth tod break dm thfttairvl sidrlts. ^ Dinot, 53 Park Place. Haw York. ( liiiiurc of Snilinir Buys. Pacific Mail Steamship Co.’s Tltnorcill LINK TO CALIFORNIA. CHINA AND JAPAN. Touching at Mexican Ports, AND. CARRYING THE U. S. MAIL. i. i f * l-r* * v Reduced. \NE «-f tin* Jarra* sr*- x vploadid ■y/ht, f S-uramship* of Ihi^ lin*» r,- . ,'rea >» ill IraVF l’icr No. 42 *r N*»rtl» Uivt r, U »—> S t.. r .t 12 o'* fork ■« »- Mh - ^ .Music mill Tuiimtoes ami Mr. Korcops. Fraai the niuihaiy N'ra Those of our rea«lerj aoquainti.1 on Mouaon street will rvmimbor that the roof of Mr. Kotxvps' raloon adi.un.-hi. house, and i* sninsu-hiJ by two »in.hiwi. One of those wlmlaws is i:i Mr. I’evem* 1 -.vlrwm. On this roe! Mr*, Pul'oops Ira-, -i rmri hesitating tomst.sis, with » view j to ho. t .■■ling th. ir ripone... Irat Wein.*- • .lay *he {>ut live more with their fellows, making thirty in all. Tho Forceps have , u Bii>v living with them—» Jouug l*ay , a*mod Kali, of Thmastevp. 1*1.0 had : m«*t« the ao^naiotano* of monv of our . iv.'j’l,,. ami on Wodnes.Ly n.gli! , severai of them gvri together to give her 1 a serenade. 1 Vo riding themselves witl. t all the rvquUiU* instruments, j people took up a ptfikon noor this ad«ii* . tk»a wo »po«»k of. and struck up on the'' imflrameiit*. Mrs. Fazxvrra was first awakentxl hr the mwic, and liodgftd her • hnsband. He also woke. The mnfic | was ^rand—not loud or hut ; low, and harmonious. Mr. Forceps was ^ vary much pleased, and got up to the win dow to hear it. Then Mr>. Forceps got up 1 also, and retying her nijrht cap, stood bo- : >i>ie Mr. Fovotp^* ••Tbey’rv bcrenodii^ , Ntid **l know :t.” soitl For- j Crpm. ‘'Who Cun they l*o?” ’■'tit askevl. - T <V*n’t linjow, Tm sure.” sai.l h *; "but I I suppose J could soon find out if I could | ftfft out on the rcof and look over.** : i^Wof dju’t you r said »ho, her curiosity i Jr.^rt^auiK’ ‘ l'mafxaulUioy uji^ht »h>uie, • ad. "I don’t think they would,” *b UNTIE"W QI3STS Will Ira iMivwtl on ImsM the our* at the follow- Inf prices: Thlrty-flrs Saws 30 Forty Saw* 12U 00 Forty-fl vo Saws J08 73 Fifty 8aws 1>*7 30 Sixty Saar* 223 on Seventy Saws * ffrtcf 20 Eighty Sav*.„ S»0 00 To prevent (Irby. onl.*r* and old ftini slioaM bo •rnt immediately. Time riven to responsible parties. , A. 15. SMALL, No. 10 Hollinuworth Blork. One of tbe mast efUrient and valuable uf the Mineral Springs, Virginia Made frortable aiul «<j'i.y trsnsmLs>ible. men l.y moil, in the form oi a mara, wltieli lias Irani entitled Alum and Iron Mass, A product obtained from the exccll-nt Alum U'» U*. in Waehinjrtoii cnunQ*. Yircii.is, Dr. l*n- «a-fi r. pn jiri' lor. by lira ’process of >vft|ioratii*ii. and |K>vi»‘SMrur sll lira wonderful virtue tlra water in a concentrated, cheap end conyenietit form. Tlie Mass is a fine tonic, alterative ami alwnrtv ent. and is n|eriall>' uorful to (adit's. It lia<« 1 universally approved and , | Endorsed by fbc flcdirnl Profcsslcn', Wherever introdurol. Iioth as a deaitleratum in their materia, and as t la* (test j->|mlar remedy ever altered, aud lias never fiuktl tojtive satii>f»ctiuu. For sale by JOHN INGALtS. ruxlTtf Sole Ajr-nt. I BUILD AND KEPAIK ALL KINDS MACHIKEKYl AT ITT WORKS. BRASS AND IRON .CASTINGS MADE TO ORDER. STEAM, WATER AND GAS PIPES, AND ALL THEIR FITTINGS FOR SALE. Call and see at my works. Fourth street, near the Brown House, Macon, Ga. tRi" Send for Circulars. E. CROCKETT. julHOtf • ' PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS, OOFRISL bacon. flo.uk, baggustg, ties, LARD, MEAL, BULK. MEATS, SALT, SYRUP, Etc. Corner Cherry and Third streets, Under Ralston Hall. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, Georgia Central Railroad, Savannah. July fi. 1873. branches and connc.-tions, will run as follows: DAT TRAINS GOING 80CT1I AND WEST. Leave Savannah 1:00 p M Leave Aufuate ; 2:15 p m Arrive at MiHedceville llH)ft *• M Arrive at Eaton ton 12:52 a m Arrive fit Macon 10:15 p m Arrive at Savannah . i»:l5 p m Leave Macon for Atlanta...' ..*11:10 p m Leave Macon for Kufaula 11:15 p m Leavo AlaconforColumbua lfe£S P M Arrive at Atlonfa. 5:50 A it Arrive nt Eufaula 12:10 p u Arrive at Cohimbus 4KK) a m Making close connection with trains leaving Atlanta and Columbus. NIGHT TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Clayton L 7:20 a m Irara ColumlMjs 2-.S0 a m. Leave AUantm.,,,^ 1:50 p M Areire at Macon from Layton 5:25 P M -Jmve at Macon from Columbus 7:*o P * Amve at Macon from Atlanta. ; 7:20 P M Leave Macon 7:40 P X Leave Savannah ... .* .... 8:40 P M Arrive at Milledjcevflio ll.-Gt P m ArrivcatEatonton ...V 12:52 AM Arrive at Aumuta...U.r.'!! 4KX) a m Arrive at Savannah 0:00 A M Making pm connection witiv tzaina leaving -\U-Ust:i. Passetigers going;over tho MUledgeville and F*a- tonton Lranch will take night train from Colum bus. Atlanta and Macon, day trains from August* and Savannah, which contract daily at Gord6n (Sundays exeept<y* v •«- —-» Eatontou trains. (Sundays excepted) with tho MilledgcviUo and v atonton trains. .in ckwant sleeping rot on all night trains. TH ROUGH TICKETS TO AI L POINTS can lie liad at the Central Railroad Ticket Office at PuLnski House, comer of Bull and Bryan streets. Office open from 81 a x to 1 p it. and from S to 6 P M. Tickets can also lie had at Depot Offire*. WILLIAM ROGERS. July 8 tf General Superintendent. SUMMER SCHEDULE. DAILY PASSENGER TRAIN TO AND FROM Macon, Brunswick, Savannah fi Florida. Office Macon and Brunswick Railroad. Macon. Ga., July 22.1873. O N and after Wednesday. July 23d, Passenger Trains on this road will be nut as follows: DAT PASSENGER. DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEITED FOR TUK PRESENT. Loavo Macon ..j 8:30 a m Arrive at Jesuji , 0:45 r m Arrive at Brunswick .10:15 r m Arrive at Savannah 10:50 P u Arrive ntTnllahassee 10:12 a u Arrivo at Jaeksnmilfo 10:12 a u LfSavo Jacksonville 2:40 P X Leave Tallahassee 2:40 P x Leaurffltlftimah'. 5:20 am Leave Brunswick «HX> a m Ix'avo Jesup..,. OHM) A X Arrive at Macon 8HW a x Passengers from Savannah will taka tho 4:30 P x train for Brunswick,and 5:20 a m train for Macon. HAWKINSVILLE ACCOMMODATION TRAIN; DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED/. Leave Macon 3:50 P x Arrivo at Hawkinsvillo 7:30 p m Leave Hawkinsvillo 0:80 a X sVrriveat 3Iaei>n 0:55 a x \V. J. JARVIS. july3fltf Master Trausportation. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, Central Railroad, Atlanta Division, Atlanta, July 5.1873. /^\N andnftcr Suntlny, July 6th, Passenger Trains U on this Road will run as follows: DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Macon ;... j...11:00 a x Arrive at Atlanta 5:30 a x L wo Atlanta 150pm t nt 3Iaeon. 7--J P X NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Macon 11:10 P X Arrive at Atlanta 5:50 A X Leave Atlanta 1HX) A X Arrive at Macon. 7:00 A x Slaking close connection at 3(aeon with Central Railroad for Savannah and Augusta, and with Southwestern Railroad for Columbus and points i S juthwestem Georgia. At Atlanta, with \Vest- ■n xnd Atlantic Railwny forjraiiits \N est. jniyCtf O. I. FOREACRE, 8up’t. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE. Southwestern Railroad Company, Macon, Ga-, July 4.1873. O N and after Sunday, the Cth inst.. Passenger Trains on this Rood will run as follows: DAY EUFAULA PASSENGER TAAIN. Leave Mncon...’... J. 8.-00 a X Arrivc at Eufaula 4:401* X Arrive nt Clayton...' .:.V. *820 p x Arrive at Albany SriT P X Arrive at Arlington c.-oo p x Arrivo at Fort Gaines 4:40 p M Leave Clayton * 7:20 a x Leave Eufaula 8:30 a X Leave Fort Gaines 8:35 a x Leave Albany 10:33 a x Arrive at Macon 5:23 fx Connects with the Albany Train at Smithville,* and the Fort Gaines Train at Cuthbert doily, ex cept Sunday. Albany Train connects daily with Atlantic and Gulf Railroad Trains at Albany, and will run to Arlington on Blakely Extension Monday, Wednes day and Friday, returning following days. COLUMBUS DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Macon......... 10:55 p x Arrive at Columbus 4:00 a X Leave Columbus..... 2:30 r U Arrivo nt Mneon 740 P X EUFAULA NIOIIT FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Macon : 11:15 p x Arrivo at Eufaula 12:10 P x Arrivo nt AUiany 7:57 A X Leave Eufaula 10:20 p x Leave Albany ..u". 8:30 p X Arrivo at Macon 10:30 a X Trains will leave Macon and Eufaula on tho schedule Sunday, Tuesday and Thu relay nights, and connect at Smithville with Albany trains. VIRGIL POWERS. julyfily Engineer and Superintendent. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON MACON'AND AUGUST V KAILROAI>. Forty-one Miles Saved in Distance OFFICE MACON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD, Macon, May 18, 1873. O N and after Sunday, May 19.1872. and until further notice, the trains ou this Road will runs a follows:. DAY TRAIN—DAILY (SUNDAYS KYCEPTED). Leave Macon ——.L..... IfcSOA u Arrivo nt AugsutA 1:15 P X Leave Augusta 1:50 p x Arrivo nt Mnpon - 8:15 P x Pwsengers leaving Macon at W# a x*niako UV) connection'* at Camnk with day passenger trains on Georgia Railroad fur Atlanta and all point* West; also, for Augusta, with trains going North, and with trains for ^harkston; also, for Athens, Washington, and all stations on thcGeor- gia Kailn<a<i. Tickets »jld and baggage cheeked to all points North, both by rail and by fctoim-hips from Charlrston. £ S. K. JOHNSTON, Sup’t. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD CO, office General Passenger Agent. Atlanta. Go., July 10^ 1873. AX and after this dato— LIGHTNING EXPRESS For New York, Eastern tuid Virginia Cities, Leaves Macon, by Macon & Western Rail road llrftft a x Arrives at Atlanta 5^> P x Leaves Atlanta...?..!:...;:. <Mm» p x Arrives at Dal ton ; HfcSop X Arrives at Chattanooga 1:10 AX Pullman Palicc Drawing-Room and Sloping- Cars by this train from Atlanta toLynchbtuv and all intermediate points WITHOUT CiUSflE. P.a-wnrers leaving by this train arrire in New York the second afternoon, at 4:14 P x, over thir teen hours earlier than passengers by any other route can with safety reach New YortfcariiK tbe same evening. DAY WESTERN EXNttSS. Leaves JIacon at iw : ** u Leaves Atlanta at 8:30 a x Arrives at Chattanooga. 4:30 a X Close connection at Chattanooga for all points Pullman Palace Cars on all night trains. For further jjortirulra addracM. July 11 tf CORN, OATS, HAY, BACON, BARD, FLOUR, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Bagging, Ties, Etc. STREET, MACON, GA. 0TBI GITA COMMISSION HOUSE R. 31. WATERS & CO., SB Broad .sr.. >ew York. BANKERS —AND— Cotton Commission Merchants. Buy and aellcontr." ts Tor future dviiv.-r.’. i cot ton. Deposit acrcunts of h-murrs me,chants :i:i.t others are especially solieiutL juliffdSm FLANTERS’ IA Mi, FORT VALLEY, C l. dirtvimts paper, i. M) , Gold and Sib *t .2*- point?*. specified tima, Wx.J.Anderson, Pres’t. W. 1.’ B«“ DIBECTOKS: Wm. J. Andersc Co!. L. M. FeJtrn Dr. Wm