Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, September 06, 1873, Image 4

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THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER: SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 6,1873. TFIK CITY. ,\irK!>\Y morning hkitbmbkrh, i«re M»:. Gin. B. Trnris I*'ft ln-t ni^ht for ew Tort Anothm nu relablc k phot on Third _ hich the umbrella nrW , w<kS one of the participant». Thk Macon Volunteer* will .1*30 mbit at their armory at 4 o’clock to-day, in full uniform, to attend the funeral of Mr. W. A. Ilopocm- Punt street, Ixjtwaen First and Second, has been provided with a good brick cr, and is now being put condition. A stoics gutter, similar to that on the northeast side of Cherry street, is being laid on Fourth "tract, in front of tl National Hotel* t _ Tnc colored people havo a Mason in Macon, called the Phcnix Lodge. They are now fitting t p their h n ii ( in tbo old skating rink, and are get tiUff ready for business. To-Day. Ells A Laney will this morning have a largo stock of oysters, shrimps, crabs and fresh fish, just received. They will have a terrapin stew to-day, in addition to their usual splendid lunch. They invite all their friends and the pub lic generally. The Patron** of Husbandry. All the granges of the cotton States— and their number is very large—will be invited to meet in Macon during the fair week. Wo learn this on the authority of Mr. T. J. Smith, Master of the Georgia State Grange. This will doubtloss brinj. to Macon a very large gathering of in fluential agriculturists—men who, more than any other class are representatives of the material interests of the South. A conference between such men cannot fail to be productive of good results through the dissemination of ideas and an inter change of experiences. It will greatly tend toward the unification of the pro ducing interests of the South. Ells A Laney'* Oyster*. The writer, though not too busy on Thursday to cot Ells A Looey's first oys ter stew of tho season—yet, "out of sight out of mind," he forgot to respond in the usual notice of tho courtesy. Wo have simply to say that, to our surprise, the oysters were in very good condition and wo have never eaten a soup with more relish, although wc are merely on the threshold of tho first month with an r in it. It is a consoling thought with the habitues of tho interior in tho season of tho sere and yellow leaf that the luxuries of tho seaboard, the fish, oyster*, crabs and game oro making their advent to re lieve the monotony of our table fare. The Cmmfy Court. Judge Wombs disposed of three crimi nal coses yesterday. Allan Ontlor, colored, charged with larceny, woa convicted, and scntcncod to a fine of $50 or six months in the chain- gang. Anderson Johnson, was tried for lar ceny, nnd plead guilty. IIo pays a hun dred dollars fine, or goes to tho cliain- gang for nine months. Scott Bryant was convicted of larceny. IIo pay* 3100 or goes to the chain-gang for ten months. COTTON. Krrrlpt* ami Mlifpiurnt* at Macon for 1 lie Pnst Two Year*. Messrs. Starr A Roan, cotton buyers of this city, have our thanks for tho sub joined statement: Stock on hand Sept. 1st, 1871 L.739 Receipts nt Macon from Sept. 1st, 1871 to Sept. 1st. 1872 54.199 Receipts nt East Macon from Sept. 1st, 1871 to Sept. 1st, 1872 1,835 Total receipts for Macon for year 1871-1872 50,333 Shipment* from Macon from Sept. 1st, 1871 to Sept. 1st, 1872 55,819 Shipment.; from East Moron from Sept. 1st, 1871 to Sept 1st. ’72 1,812 Total shipments for year 1871-’72....57,001 Stock on hand Sept. 1st, 1872 Receipt* nt Macon from Sept, let, 1872 to Sept, 1st, 1873 61,821 Receipts from East Macon from Sept. 1st, 1872 to Sent. 1st. 1873 2,216 Total receipts at Macon from Sept. Int, 1872 to Sept. 1st, 1873 64,067 Shipment* from Macau from Sept, 1st, 1872 to Sept, 1st, 1873 00,793 Shipments from East Macon from Sent. 1st. 1872 to Sept. 1st, *73.. 2,233 Total aatumants for year 187S—'73..63,026 St.vk on hand Sept. Ut. 1S73 1,399 First bole of now cotton was received last year on August 11th; this year tli find halo wna waived August 9th. AVIIVIL or NR. HOMA^IK RE* HAIRS. ArraaffaesUfbr Rt« •t»«rqnlea Ts. day. The train no the Varan and Augusta railroad, which arrived hew* at 8 o’clock yesterday evening, brought the remains of th»- late W in. A. Hopson. A large crowd of his friends gathered at the dc pot, and there were many nod eyes and sail words, as the coffin was lifted fro the car. Tho remains were enclosed in a splcn did iron casket, which was well I*oxed The box won removed, and the casket placed in the hearse and taken home to the family which, ten days before, he had loft, in good health and full of life and cheer. It was a sad coming home; and, in our blindness, we are almost led to complain at the inscrutable ways of Prov idence, in sending so great an affliction upon what was a happy family. The funeral will take place at half past four o'clock this afternoon, from Christ Church. The Macon Volunteers will turn cut in full uniform to pay the last tribute of respect to the memory of him who was their comrade informs during the war, and who, up to the time of his decease, was one of the most honored of the honorary members of tho company. The Masons will also turn out, and bury him with the beautiful ceremonies of their order. The Board of Trade will also turn out in a body, and will close their places of business while the funeral is going on. It is suggested that all the merchants follow their example, as a testimonial of respect to the memory of one of their number. Tho vestry of Christ Church held a meeting a dAy or two ago, and deter mined to attend the funeral in a body. Mr. Hopson was a member of the vestry of this church. From Capt. T. G. Holt, who was with Mr. Hopson during his illness, we learn what facts there were connected with his decease. Ho arrived in New York on Wednesday of last week. Ho had con tracted on shipboard a case of obstinate diarrhoea; but on the morning of his ar rival in New York, ho felt better, and determined to remain down town and do a day's work before going up to the hotel. Ho soon found, however, that he was too weak, and went up to the St. Nicholas, where Captain Holt was stopping. A physician was called in and the next morning he was apparently better, and transacted some business on Thursday and Friday. On Saturday he was worse and had to take to his bed. Capt. Holt remained with him all the forenoon, and when dinner time came he seemed to be quite comfortable. The Captain wont down to *his dinner and when he returned he found Mr. Hopson un conscious. Physicians were called in at once, and they remained with him all night, and on Sunday morning the pa tient seemed some better. They were apprehensive, however, that his fever would again return, hence they continued to give him heroic doses of quinine. Bat it was in vain. Tho fever rose again about ten o'clock, and then the physi cians abandoned all hope. The patient •offered a great deal, his paroxyisms be ing very violent. About throe o’clock hia paroxyisms ceased, and ho grew more composed, but it was evident that he was sinking, and at five o’clock, without pain, hia spirit passed away. Capt. Holt and other Macon friends of Mr. Hopson's were with him to the last, and notihng was left undone that prom ised to better his condition, or even add one moment to his life. He had every attention that friendship could devise, but hia days were numbered, and ho went in the very bloom of manhood and almost in the exuberance of health and cheerful ness. The Jfajor'n Court. Alderman Cornell still held tho ribbons lndiind Justice* nags yesterday morning and drove through them cases that he found upon the docket. Georgo Perkins, a well known negro, who has liad some previous experience before the Mayor's Court, was up on the charge of disorderly conduct. George* as wo have said before, is never so happy as when he is at law with somebody, or aumolnxly is at law with him. 'When he has a case against some unlucky fellow who happens to have aroused his ire, ho swells with all tho dignity of a young turkey gobbler whose snout is about to make its first appearance; but when ho is thrown into tho attitude of a defend ant, all bis manhood is aroused and his knowledge of tho law leaks out like cider from a barrel from which the spigot has ben removed. When his name is called in court he demands the charge, with all tho innocence of a little black sheep, and ho then moves for a continuance, and if that fails, will attempt to prove and aW, and if I10 fails again will talk of a cer tiorari with as much fervor as though it wore an apple dumpling. George was up yesterday on a charge of disorderly conduct, and though he showed sign* of fight at first ho was com pletely floored by the testimony, and oouid not even interpose an objection, or cross-examine a witness; ami when the Court announced •’ten dollars or twenty days on the streets," he took his seat with tho melancholy air of oue who hod just stopped on a piece of orange pool, with tho usual result, just OR he was about to meet a couple of very handsome lady friends. George is impecunious, to a Large extent; therefore, ho will probably havo to help get the park ready for tho State Fair. P. t>imms has been in the habit of sleeping about on the streets at night, wherever he thought he was least likely to bo interrupted. The court was dis- pitsed to be lenient with him, and a* he intimated tlxat he would leave the city tli* morning, if permitted to do so, the icourt granted the permission, but en- 1 imraJ it upon him to leave. In this connection it may bo well to state that there are four or five well- known voung men who are on the down grade and rapidly approaching a fatal de clivity, who are accustomed to lodging :y*»n dry goods boxes on the sidewalks at night. The police are aware of this, and hsve mode up their mind* to break up tinThey will nut even bo per mitted to continue to lodge in the street .ir station houses. If they have no “ visible meauin of support," there is hut one •vurae that tile law cun take.j The young man who registered on the charge disorderly conduct and shooting in the city, was up for trial. The latter charge was dismissed for the want <4 proof. On the first named charge he »vo* fined five dollars. The charge of stealing, against the same party, luis been transferred to I lie County Court. I.O.G.T. New L«dgc Instituted on Windsor Hill. A large and enthusiastic audience as sembled at Windsor Chapel on Wednes day night, for tho purpose of forming a Good Templars Lodge. The meeting was called to order by Mr. J. D. Sullivan, who made an earnest and stirring appeal to the audience, par ticularly to the holies. Mr. Jordan was then introduced, and mode ono of his fervent and eloquent efforts, which was frequently cheered. He was followed by Mr. Lee Crockett in one of liis best efforts. Charier members for the new lodge were then solicited, and a respectable number of names having been obtained, the following officers were selected: W. C. T.—L. P. Ashby. W. V. T.—Mrs. S. C. Forrester. W. R. S.—Mr. Thomas Kilgore. W. W. C.—Mr. Wa:. Perkins. P. W. C. T.—Mr. John C. Wilder. W. T.—Miss Angeline Craven. W. S. G.—Miss Burnett. W. O. G.—Mr. Bert Wilder. W. M.—Mr. John Thurman. W. D. M.—Miss Emma Wesley. The officers having been installed, Rose Lodge was selected as the name of the w lodge. The W. C. then made ono of his hap piest effort*, urging the necessity of join ing the temperance ranks and helping to push on the great cause. A fsnl Anm JmAmt RTecta* The following cord from Judge Weems, of the County Court, fully explains itself, .md it is to lie hoped that all who hav itconsolion? to make will rank*' them |*roper form for investigation : Macox, September 6, 1873. Messrs. Editors: I have been informed that a rumor prevails in the city, to soni- extent, that certain persons claiming U bt appointees of the County Court, were going about hunting up cases for the court, and iu some losteoflos “ levyin; back-mail." I trust that I need not as Bttre my fellow citizen* that no such authority ha* boon conferred by me upon ary one, or that I Imre the least sym pathy with such prowlers and plunderers. If the proof can 1*? made that any officer of the court, or other person* represent ing themselves to be such, have acted in this manner, I trust that it will be nifhed me, that they may lx? brought to public justice. Very respectfully, John B. Weems, Judge Bibb County Court. Financial and Commercial LATEST XAKEETS BV TELEGRAPH Financial. New Yoke—Noon—Stocks stendj. Gold ltj. Money 7. Eirbnc* 1 , lotur 71: short 8}. Govern ment* dull. Slate lmnds quiet. Evening—Money 7, currency to gold. Sterling 7i. Gold 15}&15}. Government.* doll and lower. 8Ute bonds quiet and nominal. The Government *old $1,500,000 gold at 105 to 15A. Bids tor nearly 1 JjOOjOOO city stork to-day ap’d 3 i»cr cent premium. Nzw Orleans.—Exchnnc-—Sterling, 24J. New York Sight 2 premium. Gold ISA. London—Noon,— 1 There Us holiday to-roomnr, Tl»e weather is unfavorable. Paris—Noon—I^nle* 5*f. Wk\ Cotton. New York—Noon—Cotton firmer; sales 878; uplands. 20J; Orleans, 20J. • PutureH rqicned: Scpteml*-r IS}; October IS 1-16*3181! November IS 18 IS-il"}; January 1" JWi Evening;—Cotton, net receipts 506; pros* 1210; . * 17 15-16; December 17 13-16&17I. Compartivc Cotton Statement —Net rcoei|>ts at all United States ports during the week 11.636; saroe week last yenr 15,(01; total receipts to-date since September 1st, 10,428 to same dato ia»t year 35.086. ■ Baltimore—Cotton llrm; net receipts li gross 378; export* CBSlluiSB 50; sales 38; stock fltff); weeklo net receipts 151; grass 722; exports coastwise 531; to Great Britain 323; sales 1425 middlings 18,' -* l*'.} New Orleans—Cotton, quiet; net receipts 276, gross 330; sale* 575; stock 88311 weekly receipts 1108; pros* 1441; exports—to Great Britain 2950; coHMtwihC 1885; sales 2600; middling 18). Wilmi>gtox—Cotton firm; net receipts 11 ■ate 2; stock 160; weekly net receipts 66; * ports coastwise 545; sales 36*; middlings IS}. Augusta—Cotton in fair demand ; net receipts 132; Miles 80 ; stock 1872.1225; 1873.1225; weckl; net receipts 36; shipments 780; sales 600. Savann An—Cotton offerings light; net receipts 235; exports coastwise’338; sales 195; stock 1636: weekly net receipt* 1313; exdorts coastwise 1018 sales 337; middhmrs IS. Charliston—Cotton, net receipts 155; pros* 155; exdoits coastwise 692: sales 2U0; stork 3P15; weekly net receipts 2546; gross 21*01; exports coast wise 3086; sales 1200; middlings, 17}; good onli narv 16}. Mobile—Cotton firm; net receipt* 264; exports [coastwise 394; sales 200; stork 5635; weekly net rtceipU 815; exports coastwUo 867; sales 1209; middlings 18. Boston—Cotton steady; net receipts 01; gross 1388; said-1750; stock 9500; weekly net receipts 338; gross 2963; sales 17; middlings 20}. Norpolx—Cotton firmer; net receipts 375; -xporta oxiatwisc 180; sale* 100; stock 1089; weekly net receipts 2029; exports coastwise 1165 sales 565; bw middling 18}. MEMrnis—Cotton ffnn; net raeefala 153; ship ments 207; stock 1872. 1545; 1873, 3156; weekly net receipts 709; shipments 1465; sales2520; mid dlings 18}. l*nILAi»i:LPnia—Cotton firm; net receipts40; gross 281; weekly net receipts 474; gross 1721; middlings 20J; low middlings 19}; strict good or dinary 17}. Galveston—Cotton, demand good and holders firm: net receipts 130; sales 50; stork 5947; weekly net rovipts. M5; expert' dwedwise 4>; sales 585; pood oniinsry 15}. Selma—Weekly receipts 88; shipments 0i; stock 1872, 361; 1873 270. Nasiiviile—Cotton, rccceipt* fo September 1st 147; shipments 1060; stock 2711; receipt* from Srptcmlier lat 220 ; shipments 1039; stork 1882; a discrepancy of 10 Jmlcs was caused by recount of stock; stocf 1872,214. Columbus—Cot ton quiet; weekly net receipts 72 ; shipments 121; sales 1S5; stock 1S72,221; 1873 104: low middlings 171. Montgomery—Cotton, ofierinsr* light; weekly net receipts 103; shipments 134; stock 1872, 024; 1873.14.089; low Middlings 17}. Providence—Cotton, weekly net receipt* 74 ;| soles 3500, mostly for consumption; stock sooo. CITY Pginu—Cotton, weekly net receipt*, 20.L Lives tool—Noon—Cotton.* *njes basis good ordinary deiivtred September 8 13-16; law mid dlings ueliverod Novcralier SJ ;• wiles of tho week 76000; export 6000; speculation 7000; stock 775000; American 2760U0; receipts 84000; American 17000; receipts 840)0; American 17000; actual export 4000. Later—Cotton firmer; upUiuls 8J; Orleans 9}; sales 15000; afloat 281000; American 41000. Later—Uplands basis pood ordinary tlelivered November and December 8J; do. now crop 8}. Evening—Cotton, sales include 8300 American, Produce. New York—Noon—Flour firm. Wheel strong at $1 6&iil68 for new No. 2 Milwaukee. Com linn; steam Western mixed 62 - 65. Pork quirt Tie (iNnrti a nia. During the “alack" time of the Burn er months, Messrs. Burr A Flanders have found opportunity to make some im provement* upon their already fine cull, which experience had taught them were essentially lU'coasary to enable them to meet the demand for their flour. They have put in another run of burrs, have added two new bolting reels, have in creased the speed of their packing ma chines, and made other substantial im provement* which had been found to bo necessary, The capacity of their mill now averages three hundred barrels of flour a day. One day last week the yield was three hundred and fifteen barrels. With the grain in good condition they can readily make an average of three hundred, which is a large amount of flour for one mill to turn out. This mill is now about as complete as any in the Souin. All of its machinery is of tho very In st description. It runs with loss noise and less jar than any mill we ever saw, and its work is done with an exactness which renders the mill business a comparatively easy job. It gives employment steadily to about twen ty-five hands, which is equivalent to the support of about a hundred of the popu lation of the city. The mill can make flour enough to fur nish bread for a population twice as large a« the whole population of Macon, and tiiat is doing a smart thing toward help ing to feed the world. These gentlemen have as immense trade from Southwestern Georgia. They have also as much of Florida as they w.xnt, and have had to reject the offer of a large trade from Alabama. The pos session of this immense field is due alike to the activity and enterprise of Messrs. : B irr A Flanders, and to the excellence of I their several brands of flour. Their Wiley's XXXX has grown to be so popu lar that they are unable to supply the de mand for it. Orders are pouring in every day which they cannot till, though their mill doe* nca stop from Monday morning to Saturday night. Taken altogether this i*oO* of the most important industries of Macyq, and we Wlievc- that it is not yet deveW]k>4 to half the extent that it will reach in time. They are not men who will suffer business to L*rowd them, and if they find that they have not facilities for filling their orders thty wiU in* r«mr» their facilities nnci lirftcr; common to fair extra 87 10g$8 35; KOOK to choice 88 4u»«10 75. Whisky lower; buy- era f»5; seller* 96. wheat dosed dull for s|iots nnd futures; for winter red western 70&72. Com cloud heavy 1@2 mils lower; yellow western 66 1*69}* Coffee active and firm"; rio 20p£21}. Rice ami pork quiet nml imchufured. Gird, triple easier. Ngyals quiet ami uuchniircd. Freights quiet. Grain, strum 12« 12J. Louisville—Flour Anns extra family 55 75® , »76.; No. 187; fancy 87 75. com in #**1 de mand 56; oadutl 00. I'rovision- flrin&ri pork 81C 50. Iwon. shoulder* 9} ; clo.-r rib loJ®K>:; cltur side* 16}; iwcketl lard, choice tierce 9}; keg 10. Whisky unnettled and nominal. Cincinnati.—Flour linn nnd higher $7®7 25. Com lirm at &:!. I'na isi*ms tinner 516 12} 816 25; lord quiet, steam held at 8; kettle 8). Ba con firmer, v'minc with improved demand: shoulder* 6®9|; cUuir rib Hide s 10}; clear sides 10}. Whisky steady Ml. Wilmington-Spirit* turpentine lower, clos ing quiet at 30}. Rosin sbsuly, 52 «o for steameil crude turpentine quiet; 92 oo for hard; 3 30 for yellow dip. Vi rein tar steady 82 85’ 8t. Ix)cia—l'lour ffrm Imt uotquotahly higher; Coni, No. 2 mixed 47 in elevator; 45f Septemlier; 48 October; 48} November. Whisky lower at 95. Pork quiet at 516 75. Bacon ffmier; small lots 9}; shoulders l('i&10i : clear rib 10|<?ln}i clear ofrtiona b«*ld tinner: 10} clear rib clear Septem ber. Ijird quid at 8}. refined. London—Xot-n.—Smrrnr. snot 29s; afloat 26*6*1. Liverpool—Noon—Breanstufi*firm. Com 31s. Evening—Vans and fabric* ffrm. with upuanl tendency. Turjentine 3s. Marine News. New Yore—Arrive*!, Metropolis. Jas. Adjre Charleston —Arrived, Manhattan. Sailed, READING NOTICES. Feom thia date wc a ill not hell tolcuxu or cigars in l&sf quantities than original pevekage*. Gra. W. Heap. sop6-3t O. E. Rescue will sell a lot of Feathers, Mattrasses, Furniture, etc., this morning. It NEW ADVERTI8EMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CALL ON A Card. Eagle Extra 'had Eagle Fatally are well known to all housewives, pn-l need no recommendation. W. J. Lawton. Eagle Choice Flour has never taken any premiums. Why ? Because it has never been exhibit»?d. aug31tf Eagle Choice Flour is pronounced all who have tried it the best. Manufac tured by W. J. Lawton A Co. aug31tf The trade will gave money by pur chasing their flour of the Eagle Mills, All grades guaranteed to give satisfac tion ; only best amber and white whea used. aug31tf Northern Cabbages and Bell Peppers for Pickling at S. T. Walker’s. It Hunt, Ear kin A Lamar.—This well known and reliable firm hare received a larrc lot of Dr. Hood’s Eureka Liver Medicine, it has thepraiso of all who have tried it In bottles at 50 cents nnd £1.00. X Fresh lot* Fancy Candice at It of Maillard unrivaled S. T. Walker’s. The Cheapest and Best.—Hoik's Eureka Liver Medicine rives universal satisfaction in the treatment of Liver Disease, Dyspepsia. Sick Head he. Oostiveness. and tdl that class of diseases arising from a disordered state of the stomach and liver. novSOly Eight hundred boxc3 tobacco just re ceived and for sale at manufacturer’ prices by .Geo. W. Head. scpt3 3t Macon, Ga., 28th August, 1873. Messrs. J. H. Zezlin & Co.—Some years ago I was seriously affected with chronic nervous dyspepsia to such an ex tent that my health was much impaired. So rapid was the advance of this insidi ous complaint that I soon felt that my constitution was broken. After sufferinj for several years I was advised to try Simmons’ Liver Regulator, but declined, because I had conceived it to be "only patent medicine." At length, believing it could do no harm, I yielded. In a few months I became not only relieved, but cOtsolutely aired, and for two years past I havo been thoroughly restored to health and the enjoyments of life. I look upon the “Regulator" as a most excellent medicine, and will always have it by me to resist any insidious ap proaches of my old enemy. I write this in gratitude for the ben efit which I have received from the use of the Regulator. Respectfully, etc., W. B. Hall, Principal of Hall’s Select School. aug29d«twlw Macon, Ga. Gold Dust Whisky and fresh Cheese at It S. T. Walker’s. Excursion Tickets to New York.— Tickets via Atlantic Coast Line for sale by Brown & Co. For round trip $43. This is the shortest, quickest and most reliable route. Meal and berths fur nished between Portsmouth and New York. Information given on all routes. august3-sun&thur tf DIED, In New York city, August 31st, Wai. A. Hor- son, cd this city, n*txl 37 years. The friends and acquaintances of Mrs. Hopson and of Mrs. Z. T. Conner and her family ai rited to attend his funeral from Christ (Episco pal) Church THIS AFTERNOON at 4} o’clock, TO RENT. A GOOD STORE. 100 fret drep; dry cellar, freed businim location on Third street. Ap ia OLIVER, DOUGLASS A CO. MEDICAL CARD* r*ROM this dale DR. WM. R. BURGESS r lie found, clay and nifht. at his office c. _ Raukin. Mossenlrarg A Ca’s Drusr Store, comer Mulberry and Wid streets. Macon, April 28.1873.oprtSeodtf RUST PROOF OATS. Rust Proof Oats. 1 have planted tbei ber of years and record them as certain a crop i com. Price $i 50 per bushel. auc2S tf» J. R. PRICE. NEW BOARDING HOUSE. = J- 1 -pposit House. (Granite Hall) formeny kept by X. Bitiswsnger. Board $£5 jier UH*nlh. and the table supplied with the V't toe market affords. Rooms con he had either mth or without fumiturv. auert tm E. M. BROWN. Airent. Coal. Coal. nuanip A ‘s, Sttirv. or of A. G. Butt’s Ksq^ will mdro i*n>iu;4 afioul^oii. Yard opposite ILck MilL sepf tf BUTTS A ROSS. DWELLING TO RENT, A COMFORTABLE DWELLING in Vim nil- tA. toiniiyr eicht noms, with fro*si rxrden, well f water, etc. Tenui very moderate. Apple to arortS tf L. W. RASDAL. DENTISTRY. once, at his Dental Romis, sOtulb*-rr\ street. ■cpt it Eight hundred boxes tobacco just re ceived and for sale at manufacturer’s prices by Geo. W. Head. septn 3t Eight hundred boxes tobacco just re ceived and for sale at manufacturer's prices by Geo. W. Head. scpt3 3t Nature’s Appeals for Help.—Evety indica tion of debility nnd exhaustion is a unite appeal Nature for medicinal aid to arrest the progress decay. How are these silent appeals of pbysic- weakness to tho resources of tlxe healing art usually met ? Too often, unfortunately, the drugs prescribed aggravate tl»c symptoms. Whoever recommends drastic purgatives, or mineral sali- nnts, or poisonous alkaloids, under such circum stances. is on ally of tlw ailment and an enemy of tho patient. Whoever, on tlic contrary, advises the broken down and dcsjionding sufferer to re sort to that peerless vegetable invigorant, Hostet ler’s Stomach Bitters, for aid and comfort, is a true philanthropist. It is safo to say that there never was an instance to which such advice was given and accepted without tho happiest results. From tlw very depths of weakness and despon dency thousands hare been restored to vigor, health and cheerfulness by tho renovating opera tion of this wholesome stimulant and alterative. All its medicinal ingredients are remarkable for their sanative properties, and in combination form an absolute specific for indigestion, liver com plaint, nervous affections, rheumatism, intermit tent fevers, general and local. weakness, and every species of disorder incident to change of season or climate. The stimulative element of this invalu able protective and restorative is not an impure excitant, but the thoroughly rectified essence of sound nv. admitted by all good chemists to bo the most healthful of cxhilarants. Attention, Macon Volunteers. V EM RLE at your Armory in full uniform prompty at 4 o'clock THIS (Satunla\) AF- Macon Lodge No. 5, F.&A.M \\E'H’.ERSof this I»bre nfil meet at th* Ldr.-room THIS (Saturday) EVENING at 4} o’dork. to jmy the last md tribute of respect to our bt- brother. W. A. Hopson. AH brethren in good standi** are fraternally invited to attend. By order J. J. CORNELL, W. M. MiloS. Freeman. Secretary.sepfiit all whom /GEORGIA DOOLY COUXTY.-To U it mo>’ osicem. Waohington H»U. proper form applied to me for jienuin*. I of adm nistration on the estate of John late of <ai«l county, dec’ll. Tliis is to cite all and Ninruktr. tie- cnnlitorsand j next of kin to John B. Rich, to he an*f appear at , my oflii'e within the time allo\re*l by law atnl i show rutue. if any they can, why permanent ad- | niini>tritk)ii slKHtl«l not be granted to Washing ton llall on J. B. Rich’s estate Witness my hand and official sicnatnro. this Septooilier 1,1S73. J. R. HOL3IES, cp6*tw. Ordinary. W. A. JOHAN & CO One Hundred Dollars i 50 pieces Colored Alpacas ’ at 25 cents. Knights Pythias. ^I^HE charter members of the new Lodge (N<_ X 11) who have not recviivd the First and Str- on*l will apr^wr promptly at Odd Fel lows' Hall TO-NIGHT at 7} o’clock, when the same will be conferred. aep61t D. B. WOODRUFF. U. G. g Dissolution. ^piI E firm of L J. Traywick A Co. b this day dis- I solved tor mutual consent. J. W. Orr. agent, retiring. I. J. Traywick continues in the busi ness at the old stand. No. 40 Third street. As sumes all liabilities and outstanding debts of the late firm, collects all debts due th*? same, and i alone authorized to sign in liquidation. I. J. TRAYWICK. J. W. ORR. Agent. Mortal. Ga-. S.»pteml«er 1,1S73.sep6 3t j Is offered for the best display of fine Groccri^ at the STATE FAIR. - PALlClir QUI MERUIT FITAT.’’ are Mgoteflng for the entire list of NEW GOODIES That the world con produce. Have SPREAD 1 Bankrupt Sale of Beal Estate. IX THE DISTEILTCOIT.T OP THE EXITED STATES FOR THE XORTHERX DIS TRICT OF GEORGIA. In the matter of Isaac T. Wyatt—Bankrupt. "DY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER from A. G. I OCT to bo ti«ted by the whole Committee: J.A MURRAY, Register in Bankruptey. 1 will I sell, at public outcry. l*efore the Cottrt-liAusc j BR.4NDS OF FLOUR, (that need no puffing.) door, in Mouticcllo. Jas pop county. Ga^ on Tucs- dav, tlie 7th day of October, A. D„ 1S73, at 11 o’clock A, M„ the real estate of Isaac T. Wyatt. Bankrupt, consisting of one-sixth interest in 600 arrea of land situated partly in Morgan and part ly In Ja<j*«r county, it heing the life estate of Nancy Wyatt, widow of Thomas Wyatt, dcrcascd. nml to bo enjoyed after tlw dentil of said Nancy Wyatt. The same having been surrendered in Bankruptcy by the said Bankrupt, as his assets. j 4-4 Bl’ch. Homespun, at 10 and 121-2 cents. 110-4 Bed Spreads, at $1.50. | And qu ie a variety of other Goods, which they are selling AT BARGAINS To make room for their FALL STOCK Now on the way D03IESTICS, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. the same will be sold under a decree iu Bank- raptor for the benefit of his creditors. AUGUSTUS L. SLUDER. sepGtd* . . Assignee. I. J. TRAYWICK, DEALER IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, XO. 10 TniRD STREET. j^PECLAL attention is called to my large stock FLOUR AND WATER-GROUND MEAL. MY SPECIALTY. HOSIERY, GLOVES. nnJ WHITE GOOD*. S. T. Coleman's Old Stand, and? tf TRIANGULAR BLOCK. THE Administrator’s Sale. I will sell at public outcry, before tlie Court-houoe door, in said county, within the legal hours of sale, on tho first Tuesday in October, 1873, two half aero lot* in said countv, on tho new’ Houston rood, near Windsor Hill, about half a mile from the city limits known as tho property lately owned by C. W. Gruber. On one lot there are two houses, each with two rooms; on the other lot one house with three rooms, good double kitchen, etc- and good well of water. The im provements in fair order, in a good neighborhood, - car churches and schools. Terras—One-tliird cash, one-third at six and one-third at twelve months. The credit pay ments to bear ten i— ’ ‘ * HAMS. PIG AND BREAKFAST BACON. DRIED BEEF TONGUES. P. M. BEEF, EXTRA MESS “BLOATER MACKEREL, | to tho tastes and purse of all, at WHITE COD FISH. • GOLD EDGED BUTTER. NEW CREAM CHEESE. COFFEE and TEA, (the best.) SUGARS and SYRUPS, (fincstf English and American CRACKERS, (fresh.) NUTS, EAISIXS.CITROX, CURRANTS, (new.) CANNED FRUITS and VEGETABLES, PICKLES. JELLIES. SAUCES and CATSUPS, SARDINES AND “SPRATTS,” DEVILLED HAM, TONGUE. TURKEY. Etc. LOBSTERS. SALMONS, OYSTERS, and DUTCH HERRINGS. GEN U I IN IS LOUISIANA CANE SYRUp 50 BARRELS OUST HARD Tins IS NOW THE ONLY Pure New Orleans Syrup Now in Market! Anil none even to lie hiul in New Orleans. YV'e'Will Sell nt Low LP-rice* ROGERS &b mg, THE D. PRATT G~iy LOGAN FERTILIZER i per cent, interest. ELBERT M. CALHOUN. Administrator of Talbott Combs. JUST RECEIVED! Pure French. North Carolina, and Georgia PEACH BRANDIES. We only mention, “HARDEMAN’S SILVER WEDDING RYE,’ MOUNT VERNON. PETER HAUGERS, (old Virginia.) LAKE’S MAGNOLIA, and J.F. GREER’S CHOICE ROGERS & LEMAN, General Agents for the | above now justly celebrated Fertilizing Com pound, would respectfully inform the public | that they have a supply now ready for immediate delivery. It is just tlie article needed for Wheat and Tumijis. It is no longer an experiment. In no one in- [ stance has it failed to give satisfaction. Price 515 | for quantity to compost a ton of 2,000 pounds. ROGERS & LEMAN, General Agents, Hollingsworth Block, Maeon, Go. nusfiGtf Avenne Store to Rent. 25 Boxes Extra Cream Cheese. 40 Half Barrels Mackerel. |RYE WHISKIES. 20 Barrels do. 300 Boxes Tobacco, All Grades, | JAMAICA and NEW ENGLAND HUM. HOLLAND AND EYE GIN. McEwan’s and Bass* ALE. (no extra tax.) JAQUBS & JOHNSON’?. # TmT % tef III M ■'Win Havana and “our own” country SEGARS. Totten is in North Carolina nnd Virginia, and writes lie has BOUGHT SEVERALof tho largest manufactories, and means that all shall have to bacco. If you do not want to pay “high” for it, come to THE CORNER. Wo do not intimate that we will work for noth ing, but are on tho “inside,” and intend our cus tomers sliall have "all” the advantages. “A hint [ to the wise” etc. Demonstrations speak louder than works nt &REER, LAKE & CO.’S, Also, the FLINT HOUSE, containing twenty- I five rooms, with garden and outbuildings. Onoo“ the best stands for a lxnriling-house in tho city. Apply to nnirttf G. B. ROBERTS. THE DOG-DAYS —AND— THE DOG STAR![ R.Y year we have to pass through the dog- I ays. Tho star “whose burning breath,” as I Homer sung, “taints the red air with fevers, I plagues, and death,” shines in August, and this j is, of all seasons, the time to try the marvelous f power of tiiat great anti-bilious medicine, Simmons’ Inver Itesrulator! I lio pine u;K»n the brink of tho grave hasten t<* try the efficacy of this Favorite Home Remedy. You will not regret it. Those who try it will find immediate relief anti a permanent cure. Invalids I have discovered tlmt in this wonderful vegetable compound* they have a gentle Cathartic, a thorough Alterative, an excellent Tonic, a certain Corrective j of all Impurities of the Body. ' No Preventive Medicine has ever been offered j to the public equal to or as efficacious ns SIM MONS' LIVER REGULATOR. A course of the Regulator commenced now, will purify and regu late the whole system—placing it in on attitude of complete defence—fortified and guarded against the unwholesome miasmatic influence of tlie dog- days. REGULATE YOUR LIVER and prevent Dyspepsia, Chills and Fever, Constipation. Sour Stomach. Sick Headache, Chronic Diarrhoea, Bilious Attacks, &c. Simmons’ Liver Regulator, the Great Family Medicine, Is manufactured only by J. H. ZEILIN & CO.. 3Iacon, Ga., and Philadelphia. fjfll riStnw&w ^ LAND FOR SALE. BUSINESS ESTABLISHED IN 183.3. W E offer to planters these well known gins, which are sold wherever cott w planted. OVER SEVENTEEN TIIOfSAXI> Have been sold since ISofi. We ask parties wishing to buy to come and examine* them, especially the IMPROVED GIN, having a lintcr attached. It will pay them for so doing.. They are warranted to giro satisfaction, and time given to teat them before payment is required. ju!102awtf- JOHNSON & DUNLAP, No. 72 THIRD STREET. BOSS & COLEMAN, JOIIHIOKS OF JDFL1T GOODS BOOTS .A3STID SHOES Ha,t.s and. N otions, Macon, Georgia. THE ATTENTION OP WHOLESALE BUYERS, [Trade mark regitercd.3 HOWARD HOUSE. BROAD STREET. | Nearly opposite Montgomery and Eufaula Rail* read Depot | EUFAULA. ALABAMA. | J. W. HOWARD. - - Pitoi Only a short walk to and from the Southwest- A Dowy-xowx merchant recent ly sued his drug- gift for attempt to defraud. He was suffering from inflamed kidneys and asked for Dr. Helm- bold’s Bncbfc Tlws druggist gave him another kind, upon which the profit was greater. Instead of relieving the patient as the genuine prepara- preparation hod always done, the imitation com pound aggravated the disease and a long and dis tressing illness followed. Tlie court, after full hearing, gave judgment for the plaintiff with costs. Moral, buy only tho genuine. Window Glass.—Great attention is how de servedly paid to the kinds of Window Glass used in dwellings, stores and churches. All qualities of American and French Window,. Photograph, Cut, Ground, Enameled and lecture, Colored Glass, wholesale and retail, from Mr.P. P. Taalc, No. 20 Hayne street, Charleston, S. C. Send for priocnml. sept2dlm OBSTACLES TO MAltKIACE. HAPPY RELIEF FOR YOUNG MEN from the efforts of Errors and Abuses in early lifo Manhood restored. Impediments to Marriage re ed. New met hod of treatment. New and re markable remedies. Books and circulars sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth street, Pliila dt-lphia. Pa., an institution haring a high repute a.Cost if $4 50 per Am, Broadcast. | ^^” roa ‘ 1 - ^ vc,lt - v ' llvcre,ltsKivct l i ,', 1 ,-°'£' l li - FOR RENT CHEAP. for the Kail and Winter Crops. The Com- Kossession given 1st «* Mote. Ap- pound is made up of tlie same chemicals as our W »al.jsa in>v. Cotton and Com Fertilizer, but in different pro- j nagu WANTED. SITUATION, as Salesman or Book-keeper ir , some wholsale house in Macon or Atlanta Have had some five or aix years’ experience. Address T. R., Macon, Ga. sept4 2t FOR RENT. r by us, lying on tho west Iwnk of Flint I just five miles lielow the beautiful and flourishing ] town of Reynolds, (S. \V. R. It.) a d containing [ One Thoitsand (1,000) acres, is no FOR SAIiE. ( ment. There are seventeen cabins for laliorers, all with good brick chimneys. A great deal of the eleared bind fresh. Any one desiring such a farm and on the most enticing terms, had Vxt apply at once to HENRY T. JORDAN. T. MARION BRYAN, angl92m , Reynold*. Ga. ALAK31 Till or Money Drawer ! MILES’ ALARM TILL —OB— SAFETY MONEY DRAWER, | A Sure Protection Against Thieves. Adtnlra- Is earnestly railed to tho fact that wo ; how prepared to s; purrhase of their i them both tlmo and money in th® , pro- iion ions, as winter crops will bear more stimu lating than those grown in summer. The Compound Contains all the Elements of Peruvian Guano, And will, we think, prove as rapid a forcer a best grades. The Wheat Crop is such on impor tant one to our country that we are anxious to have our planters use this Compound. It will lie seen that it is even cheaper than Cotton Seed, xuul is of great permanent improvement to tlie soil. These chemicals not only last ono season, but we know of instances in which they have been very plainly perceptible on the THIRD CROP. ^ C it^T™^ro^ h «n°™«teir F?rbl!^!M ti H'TT : .Ai'!? ,cn ? D J V f I ' I ' IXGoi ’ posite r for BUls ’ Currency and Specie, or I O.W «m™ue»n excel ent Kcrt.I.xer ! MouoiPulasV, Holt's. Apply to Wlefceta. Ready toattach toanjr conn. FALL AND WINTER STOCK Diy &oods, Boots, Slioes, Hats and Notions. berry street, at present occupied by B. Lowcn- thnll as a liar-room. Apply to sept3 lw*P. PEYTON. FOR RENT, tlie lit of October next the Mloumx property, hetongint to ttocolate of Mrv. Jain* SLoaera deceased: The eight-room haa«e on Oglethorpe street irhere Mn*. Roaer» former!' lived. One flre-rctfim dwellng bouse on Oglethorpe; now occupied by Dr. T. W. Major. One store-bou>e on corner of Oglethorpe and Third xirerla. opposite Findlay » Iron Won*. Two nsornAATi dwellirdf hrsix-s on Third street, < profit** Findlay's Iron Works. One storehouse on the > titreets. now occupied by ^ Also a number of other .Mnoll basses. For terms of rent, etc., inquire *s' PETER aug24 41 w mu tu3w . HARR RRl*. LAWFABD, B. W. & S. H. JEMISON, Jot to tub World ! Womji>* is Free !—Ainon; tho many modem discoveries looking to the hap- j lines* and amelioration of the ht man race, none entitled to higher consideration than the re nowned remedy—Dr. J. Bradtield’a Female Regu later. Woman’s Best Friend. By it woman is emaneijated from numberless ills peculiar to her Before, its magic power all irregularities of the womb vanish. It cures whites. It cures sup pression of tlie menses. It removes uterine ob- ttructions. It cures constitution and strengthen: stem. It braces the nerves and purifies the blood. It never fails, as thousands of women will testify. This valualile modirine is prejared ami sold by L. H. Bradfield. Druggist, Atlanta, Ga. Price f 180 per bottle. All iteMtoftAa «lnur men keep it. Ttonptson; A la, in». Me. 1|. IlCAPFiKLi*—Sir: Plca>*c forward us, mmediately, another supply of E54 OffELfi’s Fe male Rkgulatoe. We find it to Ve all that is claimed for it, arid uc hat e witnessed tliemostde- **W aisl liajejir effevts pruducid bv it. Very respectfuMy. Hr>rxK a Alexander. We, (Ik undersu.-r.ri Druggists't&kc pleasure eommemlinr to tlve tra*Ie De. J. BeaDFIELD’s Female Regvlatoe—believing it to be ageed and reliable reined v for tlie fUfefoea for which he monnntofia it. W. A. La>si»ELL, Atlanta, Ga. I’lfkargioy, Wil»o\, Tavlok J: Co, Repwiti a Fox. Atlanta Ga. W. C. Lawshe. Atlanta, (in. W. Root a Sox. Marietta, go. twine uicuie STATE OF GEORGLt—Teoup CocjttT: This is to certify that 1 have examiised the I>r. J. Bradfield. of tlii> ecu my, and a» a man promxnut: it a com in nation of medknnes great merit iu the treatment of all the div*a'»•> of females tor which he recouiniends it. This I>rem«»er 21,1868. Wm. r. Beaslet. m. d. Hcanr. Rsi.ki.v a Umax, Wholesale lauU, Macon, Ga. may loifo w Aw 1 y tor Wh*.:»t, Bariev, Oats or Grasses. FORMULA NO. 1. Take 3iixed Chemicals 800 lbs. Stable or Lot Manure (moderately dry)...1600 “ Mix well and keep under cover two weeks, and put tho whole on six (6) acres, broadcast or in the drill as may be desired. FORMULA NO. 1 Take Mixed Chemicals 800 lbs Stable or Lot Manure (moderately dry)16oO “ Cotton Seed (green) 50 bushels Dampen the cotton seed and mix all well together and keep under shelter two weeks, and put the keeper in afaniilv whole on nine (9) acres. The chemicals are all finely pulverized and well mixed. 1 taring been ran through a fine seive, and will readily jiermcate through the mass. If it is not convenient to get dry stable or lot manure, you ran use ashes which have been leached, or dry mack or rich loam. Sand should not he mixed with the chemicals. Whatever is used should be moderately dry. The chemicals are put up in good tight barrels, well coopered, and three (3) barrels bohl 800 pounds net weight. The price is 825 50, delivered in the depot at Ma con. for tlie 800 pounds of chemical*, cash. Sixty day drafts will lie taken as cosh. Orders may bo sent to us direct, or through any of our agents. In our Fertiliser business we have associated with us DR. P. R. HOLT, of Fort Valiev. Ga.. awl parties can be supplied with Ills Fertilizer or ours, as they may desire. Hunt, Rankin & tamar, Wholesale Drug and Chemical Warehouse. 82 and 81 Cherry street, Macon, Ga. ep6tf Notice in Bankruptcy. T HISistogivclnotioe tiiat on the 1st day of Septemlier, A- D-, 1873, a warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of John W. Bonner, of MfUedgeville, county of Baldwin, and State of Georgia, *u6 lias been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition, and that the pay ment (J any drills, and delivery of any property lieJangfng to said Bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and the transfer (*f any property by him. are for bidden bv law; that a meeting of the creditor! of tlie said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be hold at r. Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Macon. Georgia, at tlie office of Robert A. N is bet. Esq., before Alexander G. Murray. Esq, Register, on the 25tli day of September. J'<73, at 10 o’clock A. m. w. H. SMYTH, sep6 It - U. S. Marriial. as Mcooenger. TO RENT. O NE COTTAGE HOUSE on Bond street, en- loloncl Pulaski Holt’s. App.. aug26tf GEO. S. OBEAR. WANTED ONCK O NE OR TWO first-class practical Gin Makers, (B reester) to whom the Highest wages will t paid, by the day or piece. julylltf P. C. SAWRER. Housekeepers’ Situation Wanted WIDOW LADY, aged about thirty, with one .. .... . . . situation as house- nuMic institution. Is I willing to make herself useful, and will bring tin- I doubted testimonials of good character. Apply to J to arrive. the Senior Editor erf the Telegraph. nug26 tf j sop2 tf WE HELL AT Fitted With Compartments any 1 ter In a few minutes’ time. —SOLD AT— Fairbanks Scale Warehouses, | 311 Broadway, New York. 2 Milk Street, Boston, j And by the Hardware Trade generally. ncp22nwlin. WHOLESALE OTSTi.Y. OUR STOREROOM BEING ADEQUATE, ENABLES l\S TO KERB THK WOOD. LAMEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK BUTTS & ROSS. FOR TWENTY DAYS ALL NIGHT 10NG! TO BE FOUND IN ANY MARKET Notice in Bankrnptcy. itryjinufissuod against tlie estate of William L. ms. of Irwin ton, county of Wilkinson and State it Georgia, who Has been adjudged a bankrupt on ilia owu !*etitioi!, an*l that the payment of any delKs, and delirerr of any property belonging to raid bankrujrf, to nim. or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him. are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of said bank rupt to prora their debts, and choose one or more araitrtiees of bis estate, will lie bekl at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be boklen at Macon, Ga., at the Ottke ot R-»i<t-rt A4 Nbbet, Esq, before Alexander G. Murray, Esq^ Register, on the 24th day of Sep tember, A. D. 1“73. at three o’clock, f. m. W. H. SMITH, tepfrlt V. S. Marshal, me Messenger. V. i BANKS & For the next Twenty Days, will offer GREAT INDUCEMENTS To all who are in search of CHEAP GOODS, And eopecUliy to Cash Buyers. W. A. BANKS & SONS. augSl tf —From this date my— Saloon and Restaurant j Will be OPEN ALL NIGHT. MEALS served ! at any hour. I keep only the Best Wines and Liquors, | And r idee scp2 tf IN' THE SOUTH. With ample means to take advantage of all DISCOUNTS and DRIVES, nnd with Z. B. WHEELER. half, than any houso doing the same amount of bmines make c feel warranted ia aajin* tint <*” MotHifcs. JJotbkib. :Motukxs. lkjr. i j /MKORGIA. TWIGGS COITY.—On the fin* pro*.tire Ms*, w syy>Titix*» Sykct Sr- . VX. Monday in October next, applicatimi will he Ei r tor all diaeasc* incident to |ieri(d c4 ! to the Court of Ordinary of said county for u^llnrx in .-tuidr.,,. It rolie*v. tl» chik| from ! t?.-!! the Und. brk,iiaii« to the wute ot ATTaWKYS AMO COUNSELLORS AT LAW, j ^ Office 52 hevtjod it, Macon. (*rorgia. \iriLL practice in tbc (tuurts erf Msami and »*1- Tf joewut cirruita, and in the Supreme and r aderoi Courts of (kvoca Snrcul att«*ntiO!i pvci: u ia Bankrupt?}. 1 uiad* , reculaua the t*owri>, and made I leave to __ ,_ n _.. x|T w nTr ^ Uriah Maxwell, of vaki county dcceared. for the Harttig a—*»laiml with uw my nun. Hoiuurl H. J 'tnuon. I lag low* 4o *iitv<rt attmtiLfi to the aliure coni. Additional tenlitaw warrant roe it; aiiauring prompt and ran ful atienta*n ttall lorn- 10 entruutrd to MS- |.W. limiNV. by ri) mg nrfjr# aod brakJi te the clkld. *rive* rest jo the n*j|h.t. Be iuim to «aul tof J4|ta. - uwv£ •ocT*J^brte'^• , ' I Fur sale by ail uragJPri*- uuurfm. WILLIAM G. KENNINGTO!^ Adm’r, * FOB SALE. Portable Steam Saw Mill "Vf ADE by Owen, Lane A Dyer, Hamilton,Ohio. It is a No. 1 Mill, a ad in rood ureter; has ? >vernors to the engine; al »o wocxl arxi lath saws. erms—half cash; balance 12 months, w ith good security, Also, one of Fay’s Planing Machines. Saloon and Restaurant, Prices and Terms Equal to any Market in the Union. Fourth Street, opposite Express Office, ' * MACON, GEORGIA. , . . .... pLjt A heavy stock of FAUfORY GOODS always on hand at Fac-torj’ Prices. Meals Served at all Hours, DAY OR NIGHT, A First Class Establishment. STOCKED WITH FINEST WINES AND LIQUORS. nuxSl 2m BOSS & COLEMAN. JIACON. GEOKC.IA.^ DE. WEIGHT, 1ST CALL AT FOR SALE CHEAP. street between Oak and Arch. Is within a few minutes walk of tlie business part of the city, de parts 22 inches, match 12 :nches, with moulding j*ot and workshops, and has proven to be a healthy bits attached for all the latest styles of moulding*, j Pke Apply to seporete. ir via Will be sold with the mill, A. IC FISHER, Montezuma, Macon co.. Ga. augl6 lm" auclO eodtf E. B. P0TTEB,3C D. HOMCEOPATHIST O FFICE *’«|| Bt-jck. SwwkI .trvrt. tliml door iriu* Johnston jewrfn twtabluhrond. Rrvidriuv Lauk-r House. July 13 tl . ' - rilira BepT apfrfies to roe for the adminia- I ^be estate *d Nathan Berry, deceased, j These are therefore to cite and odutaiLuh all I torraouH to ohow cause. if any they bare, to the : coalran-, aft tins wiuv, on or by the 6m Mutalav I m Or tober next Given under rov lumd officially. . C. A. SOLOMON. H<4* Ordiaar. treated will please tike notice that I shall apply to the Ordinary 0/ Bibb county, at tlie Oc tober term, 1873, of sakj Cou rt for leave to sell all tlie real and personal property of William M.Kilv. late of said county, dreeaoec!. for the purpose of paying his debts, uid for distribution among his beira. JOHN H. BARNES, Administrator of W. M. Rilv, deceased. •epSdlawtd. Monday in October next application will lie made to the Court at Ordinary of Twiggs county for leave to aell the lands be onging to the estate erf James Balkrom. deevased late of said (ounty. for the benefit of and distribution among tlie hen* of said deceased. J. F. BAI.KCOM, LAFAYETTE BALKCOM. aug7 tod* Administrate aw of Jas. Balkcoro. LOOK OUT CAPITALIST. T AM offering for sale a valuable house and lot, a corner location, in the business portion of the city, suitable for dwellingsor business houses, liberal terms as to price and time can be made on earlv application to W. T. MORGAN, or cubbedge, HAZLEHUEST & CO. ang241 aw4w Kentucky University. L OCATED St Ashland, the home ol Henry Clay aiid Old Transylvania. Six colleges in opei£ at ion, with SO professors and 000 students from 28 State*'- Entire fee for college year, $20, except in tbo Lsw, Medical and Commercial Collugra. Boarding from $2 to $5 per week. For Catalogue, atfdre—•* J- B. BOWMAN. Regent, Islington, Ky. aug!9dlawlm THOMAS WOOD’S, Next to Lanier House, Maeon, Georgia, FOR FINE F0M1E, CABPETS, ft —AT— LOWEST PRICES IN THE SOUTH. STOCK COW8TAWTI.Y