Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, September 07, 1873, Image 3

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The British Crops, ntfitr XO CHANOR OP CARS F ETWEES AUGU! all crazed. l!uame»a there dj enninrr and raving. Wo- i the skirt* of the crowd. •ion none DYAK*TERY. CHOLERA XORBl’Si DIARRHEA, LOUISIANA CANE SYRUP Radway’s Ready Relief! THIS IS SOW THE ONLY Pure New Orleans Syrup Now in Market m epidemic, the Pre- nx^t wi— to adopt, rh should be kept fHidosr*. frill secure df Relief diluted in tumbler of water). taken a* a drink, three or four time* during the tiny, will diMntert th© malaria inhaled in the #rv letn. and neutralise all arid or unhealthy element* cauaed fay the romLinatkn of the malaria of the atTTxaybere with the fM* of the stomach. (which are often in thnr epidemic* acid), imtnrtimr wwnrt aaregy > the gya- U-m. and prevent!ns the reparation el the watery from other proper! i*** in tlv» blond. 1! safed with CHOLBBJL tb.- Bendy Relief W e "Will Sell at Low jPjrice; IJKAU IHCJOIAN DEAD, BOOSES & BONN. july 30 8m WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD CO. Or pick Ge.vkkal Paosenoes Agent, Atlanta, Gsl, J ul v 10,1873. O N and after this date— lightning express Tor New York. Eastern and Virginia Cities, .Leave* Macon, by Macon A Western Rail- Arrives at Atlanta. Leaves Atlanta. Arriveaaf Dalton. AUaSClTLIESu*ed ia COTTON and WOOLEN MILLS promptly furnished. D. C. BROWN. Pullman Palace Drawing-Room and Sleeping- Cars by this train from Atlanta toLynchburg and all intermediate points without change. The Only “Cast Steel Pinion Power” in the World, same evening. present to the Planters of the South the best and only suitable HORSE POWER for Ginning lotion. Grinding Com, or Threshing Grain, ever before offered to the public. We, the proprie- iving had a number of years’ experience in producing and preparing Cotton for mark«‘t % assert, t the fear of contradiction, that.in point of Simplicity, Durability, Speed and Lightness of DAT WESTERS EXPRESS. Leaves Macon at Leaves Atlanta at. Arrives at Chattanooga “L30 a x Close connection at Chattanooga for all points West. Pullman Palace Cars on all night trams. Tor farther particulrs oddness ,. n B. W. WRENN, jnlyllif - QewwlPMKnfffAtenL • 1 ollrei Diamond on account of their hardness and brilliancy. It ia well know* thai spertarlcM rut wont Braxilliai \ or Scotch prbl »le* are very iniu- | nous to the «jr because if their polarizing Rent. Having been tatted with the j-J*ri*rcjv. the diamond Ir:i*e* hare been found to admit fifteen rvr rent. k»« bcatod rays than any other pebble. They are groaal with great reientiOr arwrscy. ( are free frontchroutatkahcrndioiiA.and Mfifttoea dzrLretncwand dixti:»ctc^of virion not before»!« touwdtaswrta* V>. Manufactured Irr the Spencer Optical Manufac turing Company. New York. Fan ml't > rv-;«.iuib*e AraiU in . n rr city in i tfieCnkav- «• " E. J. JOHNSTON, i Jeweler and Optician,ia ante Astmx fur M*©ua.G&. ■ a whom they out otdjr bo obtained. No pr»l- dl.TS cmpl ..csl. The -r.-i dement for three SneetarVw ha in- , J i.wl unscrupulous dealare to pda off an inferior I and spuriotta article for the UauBond. Great rare - uU U taken to zm that the trade-mark (vi AcU ia pn :» * :• J by Ame rican Letter* Patent) 1 Sl (Ml .Ml Mi>n- Ml. ,wtll.liwli4 POET EOYAL EAILEOAD, Par Exceeds any other that has ever boon Used in the United States. We claim for it that two good mules will gilt three bales of cotton in a day on a forty saw gin, that four good mules mil gin on a fifty saw gni four and n half to fire boles of cotton; that tin ning will be continuous, not being liable to interruption from *3gaing of the machine house, as Power is self-adjusting, adapting itself readily to the upward or downward tendency of the floor, entire fixtures accompany tin; machine, except an ordinary Song-post anil a lever, so that itca placed in position fur sendee in a few hours after reaching the plantation. nr&t iMtes Only. A New York Tribnn, reporter tau been a;,: lti,1 ,TT>..n^. th, big dzj goods hones to find oat What stylos of goods the ladies arc to srear this winter, and here ia his re port: Awi KirU'r vfa- i H .it St< t Co,’* tw .'v.'rrthimrlHl* itwaon was running on worsted*, chiefly French. Heretofore the demand has been for English worsteds; there is now a complete change. The “French goods are cheaper, but there is not a huge supply in the market, and prices are therefore stiff. The styles which meet the most rc~*iy are dj- ag’.-'nals, stripes ana small checks; there is not much demand for plaids. They arc selling a good many soft-finish beaver- baeked goods f«.r Lines’ cloaking*. Ger- would ptrunl ray ever retting radically cured. I bad tried a number of physician*, and bad taken a burr quantity of medicine, hoth alupathir and fanmeupatiik; but had got no relief. I bad read of aKoomung cures ha vine teen made by your rem- reliea. and acme four month* ago read a notice in file Philadelphia Saturday Evening Fust rt a cure haring been effected on a perwa who liad long been wittering as I had been. I went rirfatoffand col some ef eieh—jour Saropariliian R-*olvent, Ready Relief and Retaliating PBL—and com menced taking them. In three days I was rnntij relieved, and now feel a> wr!! aa ever. *1 jf 3 C. W. JAMES, Cincinnati. O. slvo montlis. The otils Horne P ANCHOE LINE STEAMEES, S.ul fmm l‘.rr ati. North River. New York. EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. n The passenger arccan* d/j- n:-htionson steam- i/' 1/w “ r - li coeffo rt. Cabra TTfOULDtake this method of informing the public that hundreds arc now in use from Virginia to t v Texas. Wherever it bo* been introduced :t has prur-n s sucCBas, and becoming in general ure. For the information of these who base not swti the Gin in uae, would state that it runs light; gins fast, clears seed perfect 1 y, and makes a beautiful sample of cotton. Tbe roll box is so constructed that it is lmpueaihte to break tbo roll or choke the Gin by any fair meant, and a child Uu years old can Jned it os «v(( at amp one. All of which I ruaranu- •, and warrant fray Gin to give entire satis faction or no sale. One impeovemeut in my cotton or roll box is, that it is longer at the top than where the cotton is pulled between the rilw. ’ Parties purchasing Cotton Gins would do well to look to this before purchasing other XXKZd, as I am determined to protect my fatbxt frem any and ml! infringements. Parties wishing to pure has? CoU«i Gins wouW do well to examine the EXCELSIOR CXJTTON (t IN in :or»- purrhastng. Samples cat* b». seen at juiyitf PERFECT PUEGATIVE AND REGULATING PILLS. KATLS OK P-VSS46R T< GLASGOW, LIVE RPOOL.ck LOND Sat, Stcc-awa. Wt (ML Perfectly ta&teleas. eirw-uitlr coa^xl with swret . -n., rv^.:isu,'.pi:nr-.. vi*ti a<xi strength- -TuJwjv'* • r th-* cure f s’Idis* rrt- f the v : :u-»«-h. Livvr. H weS. Kidneys. iU>ider t Nurroua lJl»»*ev Hraviaeb*-. ’is’.ij*atk»n. tm-tawv Indigestion. lK»Drp*i*. jW ixjUsdo*. Fe- %cr. InfiaruisjUs zuA the Bowa-L. Pika and ull I»e- raucv3K nt* U t!>- Internal Ybaera. Warranted to eHect ^ ;».-vjtr.v cure. Pi:relr vrcrctabk. ern- Lurnug no memirx. taineraUnr dek u nfusdrugs. Obrerve the lolWrs :iur syinp-ucis resulting from Ih-crdm of the Duresinc Organs: Co 'jtipation. iuwaru iMe*. Fullncas of tbe n.^*i ir. tbe Head. Acsiity d (be Nomarb. Nau- *■ V. I tract burr.. lnagu.«t of F ami. Kulhv-sa or " e*ht in the Stomach. Sour Emctationa. Sinking or Hutuniix at the Heart. Chaims or suffering S.-V.N-:K'n» a hen in a living Posture. Dimneaz ol t i>K n. Dr»u or Welw beforr tbe Suht, Fever and Dull Pam tbe H-ad. Defici- ncv- of Perspiration. Yellowneas of the Skan ard Eyes, pair in the Si<le! CV»t. Leaks, and ytdden Flashes at Bent, Burn- inr iv. the Fleah. A few dnaaa of IsilrejPa PUlt will free tbe n> Cabin return lirketj utamod. -re ajrehi to buy axcopt for cash, while ^ ®ias on margin n^ raaaod akrw^y, was aadiUcd - lamenao l^d, et siock. an*! nt tl»* cS *8g Ex hanggof Friduy, hagg»."*i and *JY» olutlllofii' y >rt Waviu* Mill : l.hn.ily to'him. He ^toieQ,bfi ia MfiQ<iay'» evory- V Y ( to I 11 V r! Wayne, » f b* i an imu:* burden, drop- - • ' ’■ 11 - .* at the iiiorning l*ourd. TOO*. At half-|sM.t i !* »« -1 ;* " sad or-, ua* d tbe failure of **k Oa follcwcd not long * -** tten do not *»ull romemLer it ‘ thud i. nn ; «. Roadisg fell 10 per Huoson Hirer 23, Ihttaburg 17. J * tornado and the evening a / yniutr.. Sowidabad ^ccuktioM , fully had Mono been trusted CARHART & CURD’S, Agents, MACON, GEOIMilA. ■ifEXDEBSON BSOtHBj JAMES M. WIL80.V -DEALERS IX- 3000 CASES BOOTS & SHOES, r-'nrsM-miiCT AT LEAEY. W. RAILROAD.CALHOUN. COUNTY, GA. Ikixi u « man m Brown tsugLj, In diana, wlio is iar*it poilciiiioualv pater nal- Thrice ha<« ho led a Llmhing bride to toe altar. No. 1 brought him 10 pledges ; Ne. 2 brought him also 10; the prtwact incumlient. h. The grand total un U> XugUit 7. 1>73. is, therefore, 2k 0&U thb pa triarc b. u ambitious. He sighs for 30 | has rr.vt.-d v Store ll x.y r.J ! 1 Vwry.Go. ca tig mtsnwon rt the Sauth* I «<a*4rn Rfithttad-to FRjfif^.r.and tzkr» th»* meth od U annuMKaa* U> toe ricbLc Lha; be u prepared 1 f**rei»e ffitrstguuAcr.U ol gouds sszd pr dare rt j <P«ry deserptiua. which will be auid si wlxtaak ' ar retail as direclnL to the hot advanlag *. Str*ct j attrnttefr. will be gi‘cn to tbe huxinc^. aiai »axu- fc^tior. guaranteeu i:i rvtuy :u*:sn<t- ttT Consagnuicnt * marWdiawAwly . . , 1 HAYXK STKBET. CORXER OV CHVECH 9TMZBT .AMI EL A. NELSON. ruvMndau] JAMES 0ILMLL1N THE MACON DATLY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER: SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 7,1878. Kotrospcctlon. Og cn the §k:rb) of th | I curnni; with tho nwt, an,l the ni^-'nt that j (Me vm a of horror to hundred, of houiea. Next day stock, were ruing. ' | for the; had fallen too far. Combinations I were formed to Lull them, and Wall street . „ moo in nidl.-n e.lnt tic iu Wim: j » u del'.imped. Hu Lad m re tL.:\ m I himself; he had hoen a gigantic Lorree - I et; had held enormous sum, on depo-dt I from thoM who tnwtod him blindly. He I had been a king; but a day before. That I day men etmed him to his face. Th.-y j insulted him; struck him in the open street; made hint a fugitive. For a year j he was unknown, till disease struck fa- l tallydnte a life rofti o-it. On, :it- t i i lu-^’^arl ».an wsX f’ n l in a -ir ; I den risking pittane. 6 v.» 4:y. fe-.r I montlis cdor »1 he -a. lyiue dtud in is cheap hoarding hmse. His body held for debt. A friend paid his hut debt and j buried him. i the pi<>> I >«< rinc. lentbe it rtilL m'tvlFS'- * :a m! Lmr filings dimly, * Rise and Fall of n Wall Street Ugr-Anthony Home nnd His Tiro 1»n af I’ower. N'ew York World furnislies the .-grr of the tfreat klDRs of Wall dtrret, . j tV arcer of Home is amongrthem, .. D»t thriUimf' and sti rilingT Trice a kin?, and the senomi tfme I , juHr.t riot of fictitious riches this ;trT hu ewer known—a time when iriiol.' world went enuy amidst mil- M of money that were crying out for 4rn ; s time that wrecked the man I o 1,raided it up SO swiftly and SO utter- :b»t the same day saw him a .. ,a snathe ainor.it men — An* or.T w. Morse has left a history at one. . mn.t rsried sad most terrible of any ,. n t ,, Wall street traditions. A slen. f M from the eourtry, a mere adren- - 1. a. tines* u broker for his wife, and th no rndit ernept his membership of Rh. I hard of linkers, ho first appeared in WJI rtrert. in I HRS, pudrinj; «p'*te«k*A market that was rawly to his hnnd. j oonditinn of the market determined wh.de future course. He wns per- r.tlr s bull till a short two it* ended his career. By some bold .tea lie Rot raeital—$2.'i0.000 ut lent ,dy hi 1HR.1. He was little known—ly in wait for a irnuid chance. Pittsburg. . h hsd l«en through tyoat tribulation. - then quiet and selling at 6T> and 70. N thine wns more suitable for his first irr.tiire. The whole capital stock was I, -Jr M.mO.OtO; the earningpi were good, ■. 9.1 n.-.irly hnlf the irtoek was floating on B[ .-.tnet. lie l.-gHn totake it in. Money ,.. ..any nnd he borrowed on hi, pur- :.w»« to buy Benin. Tbe war news, hphjri dtoileUcBtrlr upon tlio pulse < the sfmet. «n mich. but wliyorhoiv l '..It knew, that gradually stock, rose. ) • ..rilling wont up and the hord of op- ,tlasurht indiseriminntely. Morse * muring Pittsburg. Ho sent it up •p by *tep. not spurt from but together th the rc..t. till it touched 10H. Timor- . ■ j.-nit.irs publiely Fold, fearing that mirkflt could ls> hnd at such a print, •et iirg fell a trifle. Suddenly, at the minf call, Mnfae fHTered IflB for the ,..le mpital stock, or any part, or 100 \cr nne jsar. This bluff bid stopped -t.rline until Morse hwl privately sold li‘ »1eek st prices ranging from 07 to ’ « lining *500.000. S r. U-gnn to talk alsnit this operator. I ugh rot knowing half his gains, only I -;..ting his method. IHttsburg had |. ■ n to its level again. Momo ilropwsl t men's mind for a moment. Then |--k blind went up. It had been at 107 mi or Ul. Morse took hold of it • th hi, clique (ought in the whole >1 .tork, .V.,500 shan-s. Then* wns a upward movement to 111, to 114. to | \ while the pool gradually picked the '■». He was urged to sell by Ms hut lie sold never a sliarv. I> left them out of his eoiitidija-.i. He waiting for an issue of JWn.t^ri.OOt | i! tenders. Of this, $20,000,000 rum the New York Istnks January 5, I8*M. » lieeame immediatoty hnoyant and "its en Knck Island douidiil to eoyur they lic,t might. Mors* wosJiutdyA • hunki-ra sdvnoeud on every hi* made the 1-enr*. nnd iitep by'step lifted Kock .uid to 1(6 and ISA. Two days after it •■l«->! I it?. Then nunc ••blue Monday,” 1 the »tre, tn wildly offered 140 for the ■ k. fhteh Morse held-for 140. Hut his I was ls'trsyed, sml final acttlemonts Uo and I IS came aw a compromise ' in February. The next day • ker sold ten thoiuand shares and l-ol was broken. Mors.' was : .-s ledged king on the regular Board. II lived oa the sidewalk Imfore his of- m William str.. t waiting for aword <ns plans, wmtc'iin^- him nnd Miiwgbwi tStm'Urnmtf iu* aiuuy In-gun a three months* delinuu.l ney from the whole country stonued ujsin the street, ami stocks had swept n uni further than the maddest bulls -' ilaied to dryam. Tlien they were 1 for a time—not finking, for crery- I : hud a prompt market—only wait* L- the bidding of the pools that were fining. Morse laid hold of Fort Wayne -1 Erie. At the evening exchange one L-bt in February he hid for ten thou- . i -hare, of End at th« market price— ltaniid Drew furnishe<l them. ft*> bid for twenty thonsmd more, 1 Prow furnished them. People were .ut at first, then joined the new king. m whole capital itoi'k UUMM Ungiul hands in two days, and Drew f .'red at a lom of $100,000. Morse laid - bund on Ohio and Mimissippi. and it ■st in two days from 56 to 60. He lift- Fort Wayne in on* day from 118 to f' and beyond. The whole ■ k* followed suit. The sneoest of] » set even the outer world ablate, aev was had for a song. Everybody ale’ it at the street. Women canght ft- mania. Old mining companies that M dragged for years at nothing,became V'gite sportii-g groud ferthem. Jiew •aw encneil on ev. ry side. Mywterious -g» were continually offering the hut fuoe in sham fated to ri*e from non- flilr to iacalcnlable value—that had so ka sad weo> further ruing, all rising • niTmons height without one actual U*r to back them, nothing bnt the fury There was the WooUh-Wooloh ’.'■h ilold Mining and Stamp,nr Com- en-, the Oultiviy Cuni .-n Gold and tail - • I*sd M-.r. ag ami Water alui.-e Ocin ky- the Ftaleral Itepublic GoM Dust M SUtit Dirt Mining Company, the f i Digging and Gobi Washing Compa- f thc Gregory Consolidated Gold Mm- jr ' "mpany—anything with “gold” in R®i' was swallowed wholesale. C.er- f an talked riocks, d. ucons dirtrilintoi . r.e -t k .... a g, ‘. ■t*. ;;r. tlet lllni »t w-in -sall - '>•* next gte lily. Ami with the. *7 lay the vtrong men lost their head*. * who had built it wens erased with i -t'-ndor, and blandly believed that at- I *11 the f«nlsriwf that they w. re to i.*.- F »tns* had petrified into fact, a, ml It-* buying sad wiling in daily life—nn- f the crash came, and mad as the Mcea they ha<l made, th.'y top- e. in the gir. • J ruin. Chief of r- w*, Morse. Keen and cool as he Ktrailt was, the time was too much for ~ He sold nothing, bought evexy- Rg. usmg all his energy ami machinery. jaf> capital and influence to keep the • *» »L< foTer heat. Such was his B that the whole srorldimit.it. 1 hitu L'l* one ro.in. It..Dn-w sold I ** fast as tbo enermeu.-. d.-tnond P r He got a grunt for the ixrcrsase apiul stock, and new shea's by -*i» vers sem ’.nt. ti e street. Eariy M -kp'-i twiij lull, then another tnfi. toe week en-lutg batunlay. the The i:nd uf the Peuniylvnnln Are* nur fop -A Itrnii Rrunimrll nho*r An me Never wsi Known. iFqr more ; uuu ^msrter of e, .to. y, <iating '-cm nbrmtriKto, ong t# thl^gBn noticeable objects of interest in Wash- ington was—in varioun phases of pros- perityand adversity—a singular genius known as “Beau Hickman." During the whole of the period extending from the beginning of our troubles with Mexico tol hu death, he was as well known, not. only] to resident, bnt to visitors, as the Capitol itself; and it was his boast that be had been nn terms of intimacy with every re- ■portable member of Congress from Web- ster and Clay down to tbe time when re- .ipcctahility in Congnsw wan the exception I nnd not the rule. Hebert Singleton Hickman, as he was tausn,wu 1 .orpin Msrrl md about 1H13. Aft-.-r wil l and it• it—licarjl^ in all parfi ortnocountry. l.ut mainlyin the South. Hickman drifted to VVachington. and then: ho developed a most extraordi nary paasion for dress, hi., chief ambition being to AM a* the fop of the day. He became on adept in poracnal adornment, and being easy and graeefnl in manner*, and possessing some mean, which he dis-1 bupo-d with liberality, he. soon ocenpigd. the portion of the Ataerica,Bcau Itruci- tncl. and dumn&d that'worthy's title with all dnedignity. IIo hobnobts^ with all the great men of his day who were given to sensual pleasures—ur.d there were few up to twenty years ago who wore not—anil minils-red aumng his regular and occa- . lonnl companion.* in the debauch and at tlio gaming table some of the brightest '.i-ixnients of the Senate and the Housed But the time came when he could no] longer shine bnt in liorrowcd plumage, sad Beau became .the walking adver- thi-muntof thn f.i-hionablSjjallorr nnd the stool pigeon of the gambler*. Little by little he went down in the scale, and when old ago began to creep upon him ho was frequently dependent for the n*-ce**aries of life upon the maid servant of the hotels and upon the e’-rritv of strangers whom hp leyiml upon wit’- n *wl impudence that was always irresistilde. Beau Hickman is dead. A week ago the poor wreck, the victim of a wasted [life, was stricken, with poxilysis. Ou iiturd.ivhe w.i removed to t ic liospitai, ah<r jrotirT<Uy morfling He nreatned ms hut. ■Hisreal name was unknown, his family, supposed to have been one of the wealthi est in Maryland or Virginia, liaving sent Ito him a stipulated sum every year on condition that ho should koep their M-cret. I Ho never told anybody even the nauio of the place where he was lorn, and nobody ever know kkoi lie iiv.-d in Washington until one nighi in fin aMnoma Bri t urnnl him into tho street, with his wanl- nsloinhisanns. FnHincntly at the Wash ington bars, while tipping glassos with the politicians, ho said it was a poor city that couldn’t support him like a gentleman, land it was his intention to make Wash- ington support him ; and hu did, even to the oxtent of levying 25 cents from each of the young bucks of tho town, and lurger sums from thu larger animals. For the last tow years of hi* life, having been af- flirted with' inflammatory rheumatism, ho wade no use whatever of intoxicating liquors.—New York San. TWO WOMEN REHEADED. Y»' ,-Iillul Xcrnroit n Urrntsiii Xcatrulil j-sBItroiis A pjiral for Mercy. 1th of July, A ..and Frederic wenty- rioBt* farms in wide-apart districts, and shaking on average, and then assimilat ing tie-,-: average, from districts ranging trean 56 to 100 mile* sotit:!, north, east, and west of London. I hare come to the following com lttstun: 1. Tout we have not more tlsm 3.300,- 000 .a-rrs under wheat in th. United 1 Kingilom, ie-ittg about 500,000 acres lea, thin das* ye.ir. j. That the yiei 1 -irit! be two beshcl, mideran average crop, or say twenty- (Eght bushel* sa.acrc.. This tSMdl by ®x bushels an.afere lay ostimuto in the Times of last year's crop, and would yield an aggregate produH of 11 ^50,000 quar ter,. Deducting 1,000,000 quarter.-: for need required for home use. 10.500,000 quarters repain t, »e*.-t a oonsumption of v-JjOO/jOa Tho deficit is 1U500.000 quarterr. which it 500,000 qmuters more dun I anticipated in the Times on the 21st of April last. Last year I estimated the aggregate product from a larger area Ot leas, and the foreign supply required at 13/00,000 quartern; it hes already rieacbed twelve and a half millions, and there are sixteen (kyy* to run to complete the agricultural year. Thu exceeds by three millions of quar ters. or £9.000,000 of money, the average imports for-the pxevious four yiun. ! Fortunately, the great wheat-field* of Buasia. and America, each with an area six times greater- than our own, are fa vorably reported ou; tiio fine South Aus tralian wheat eft are now receiving comes opportunely to our shores, and our own un.-ii.-.-todly early honrest is likewise as great ft bom to the country as a timely remittance is to an individual when a bill is due. The hurley crap of this year covers an extra area, nnd is good in quantity and {air hi quality. The latter is a more os- sential clement in it* value than in rela tion to any other ceres I. as no foreign produce equals it for malting purpose*. Oats occupy about the same width as last year, and promise an average. Hama are well podded, and will bo an I average crop, and pea* above. The hay harvest, which was late this year, and 1* not yet finished in northern district*, -was not very satisfactory, a* the crop; though better tlian anticipated in early spring, is not above three-fourths of an average, and is coarse in quality. Except in hay district*, this crop is not token into account: bet a* it occupies 5,000,000 acre* in the United Kingdom, and yields a* many ton* of produce on- anally, worth X 20.000,0(<1, and as the health of much stock and thu rent of much land depend* upon it, it is of more importance than many are accustomed to think. Our artificial grasses, clovers and forage plants have not yielded well this year, because many of the plants were retted oat during the winter by the wet. Potatoes occupy about three-fourth* of the breadth of last year, and look ex tremely well. There will bo a groat bulk of produce if they escape the disease. Swodo nnd all othur turnip crops are good, and kohl rabi, which bavu often been pressed upon the attention of ajpd- culturirt, a* a substitute tor the Swede for «licep-keep on heavy lands, is extending at the rate of 10,000acres per annum, and KADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS. CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS. SORE THROAT. DIFFICULT BREATHING. PALPITATION OF THE HEART HYSTERICS, CROUP. DIPTHERIA. CATARRH. INFLUENZA. HEADACHE. TOOTHACHE. NEURALGIA. RHEUMATISM. COLD CHILLS. AGUE CHILLS. The application ot tbe Ready Relief to tbe mrt or | a rtf where the pain or difficulty exists will af ford eare and comfort. Twenty drops in half a tumbler of water will in a few moments cure Cramps Spawn*. Sour Stom ach. Heartburn, Sick Htwcharhe, Colie. Wind in the Rowel*, and all internal pain*. Traveler* ahoald nlwwvs carry a fapttle of Rail way’s Ready Relief with them. A few drop* in water will prevent nirknena or pain* from rlianre of water. It U better than French Brandy or Bit ten as a stimulant. FEVER AND AGEE. Pet er and Axue cured for fifty Cent*. There not n remedial arent In tbe world that will cur* i A«ue. end all other Malaruius.'Biltou*. ANTI-FRICTION GIN GEAR. I T RUNS TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. LIGHTER than any other Gear made. It is made without a mortise, tenon, or a key to work loose. Every part bolted to iron. Over twentv in use. All have proven good. MY PA.TJEJSTT la the mode os construction of wheel* suspended on Anti-Friction Ball*, Extended Arm to carry the Pulley and Pinion Shaft*. All persons using or making any part of my patent will be prosecuted to tho ex tent of tho law. I BUILD AND REPAIR WHOLESALE DEALER IN PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS, GENERAL M PERINTKNDENTS OFFICE, Gr.or.Giv Centrai. Railroad, Savannah, July 5. 1>73. 7 ood after Sunday, the 6th inst.. l’.a.ssengnr Trains on the Georgia Central Railroad, Its dies and connections, will run as follows: DAY TEAiys GOING SOUTH AND WEST. 0 Savannah l.-OO r m: oAuffosta I’llSrX eat Millodeeville 11$(4PV O OOFRISI^ BAOON-, FLOUR, BAGGING, TIES SUGAR, COFFEE, ALL KINDS MACHINERY now occupies from 40,000 to 50,000 acres. ! TyiihnW. Yellow *nd other Fevers (sited j hv ILsilway * Pill*) so quirk as Railway .* Ready Ie-liff. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of MACON TRANSACTS A CESBAl BANKING Bl'SRESS. •01tnfftem*/: I. C. PLANT. J>. FLAXDKKS. II. U JKWKTT. W. B. DIN8MORB. H. «. PLANT. I>. 8. LITTLE. «. 11. HAZLKHURST. I. C. PLANT, President. W. W. Wnmi.Kr. 0»Wi r, - l TOlQ-tilnml* 8. ti. Doss, President. 1L F. Lawto.v, Cashier. EXCHANGE BANK OF MACON. Ofnrc In Ilufr* Xpw ISiitldlug. Rceeivos Deposits*. BUYS AND SK1.I.S KXCII AXGE. Makes Advaiiees ou Sturks. lfc««k Cotton iu Store. AIm on Shipment k rt Cotton. coujiirrioNs it-omptly .vttkmikdto. (ehmy I. C. PLANT & SON, Bankers and Brokers, thiriy-isTo.nnd Frederica Hi were. licheaded al uui Dachy uf Iwil^ Sotli iod, and ffinspiduoa/nmung Ul crown* that witmsised their last mo ments were their husbands. Anna Pries- ter anil Frederica Rupper had paid a visit to the a0*1 wi'low Garnig on the 12th of April. Tho old lsdy had shown them a Lore eiiekrt tUI<*l with precions stones, and after they had left her they determ ined to return and appropriate her valu able.. They fonnd the widow in bed and smothered her to death by preming a pillow upon her head. They obtained the pr>s-',>u**tono^andot " 1 ■:* on thcf!llo«ingi.i'tj»itig they ^ 1*-.!, and ki-'ti ifterj-onvict,.-. ter and snTOncuirto »T,-:ifh. life in prison was an almost unbroken | aeries of sickening scenes of f, or and despair. On thn morning of t.ie day of their death, executioner Pritrier egtereff the cell. After tying their hands to their I metre and coniieCting their feet with a short leather strap, ho cut off the upper part of their dresses, exposing their mvkr. During this operation they begged the headsman piteonsly to have mercy on tham. The exeentiooer trifd tol them, but-whon they left; criesY'f angnirh and disti hear.1 all over the prison. When they ar rived on the scaffold, the executioner's assistants had to support them. The death-a urraats were read, and the heads- twin motioned Anna Pri ester to advance. The wretched woman threw herself on her knees and cried in a piercing tone. “Mercy! mercy P* She had to be dragged up to' the block, when her head was world of I quickly fastened. The headsman took his ‘ 1 axe from a leather case. He tried the edge SIACt»N, Ci.V. Huy si*! (All Kjhiiraica Hold Siln-r. Starts msl J - 1 ' ■ Bands. Deposits Received, On Which Imprest n 111 l>r Allan ril, as Ancrxn rros. PAYABLE ON CA.LL. Artvnnrrs mndr on Cotton amf Prn- llnec In MSIT. COLLECTION’S PROMPTLY ATTKXBKIt TO ]_ Maly METROPOLITAN HEALTH! BEAUTY! STRONG AND PURE RICH BLOOD-IN CREASE OF FLESH AND WEIGHT- CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECUR ED TO ALL! DR. RADWAY’S Sarsaparillian Resolvent !!:•* mule the im»t oxtonLhinr cures. So quick, so ntpul ore tl»e rlnnsn the body undergoes under Dm* iiiflnenee of thi* tmly wonderful medicine, that EVURV DAT AX IVCBEASK IX FLCSH AXV weight ia sr.nx ami felt. TIIE CHEAT nUMHI PURIFIER. Rrevjdrepof theRA RKA 1»A RI LLIAN RESOL VENT communicate* tlinnarh tlie Itfood, >wcat, urine and <4her fluid* mimI jiikvN of tlw system, IRON & BRASS WORKS Canal JHrrrr, from Gtb to ?tb, RICHMOND, - - - VA, J llitt r Bicrej Oil Med to emnf'irt t thcroell Ithcn- ,truss drstld Be WM. E. TANNES & CO., ENGINEERS, MACHINISTS AND FOUNDERS. EXOIXBS OF Alai* KINDS. H. R. BROWN, .’•nitty Agent. ONLY .MANUFACTORY In Uu* flvurtf iy whore Loom Heeds, Harnesses to iho ■ Parent Wire Heddles moment at the white neck of the woman. tin* visor af life, fur it n»*ir* the wastes c-f the Imily with new and miUin! material. Scrofula. Syphilis. Conxumptkwi. (tUiMlular Dinea*et<. Ul- rent in tbo Throat and Month. Tumor*. Node* in tbe Gland* and other |*irt* of the nystem. Sore Eye*. Strumorous ISM-banrea from the Ear*, and the worst form of Skin Hi'***, Knij»tion, Fever Sore*. Scald niwd. Rintr Worm, Salt Rh*utm. Erv- ripela*. Artie. Black Si*4*. Worms in the Flesh. Tumor*.Cancer* in tho IVianH. ami all Weakenimr and Painful Di*riiann>. Niriit Sweat*. I/Mt of Hnmn,and all ua>U> of th** Ulo priucijde.are within t!»e curative mute of tiii% womler of Mod em Chemi*t»y.^iu«l a f«*w <la.t s’ use will prove to any person umu* it for citiMT «»f tliese form* of diM-ase it* potent power to cure them. If tbe patient, daily henauin* reduced by the waste ana deromporitioti that i* continually rn >*iiyr. wtcoveiU in antatius Uie* w»t»*s. n pairs the same with near material made 1 healthy blood—wad thi* the SARSAPARILLIAN win and doc* secure—a care 1< certain; for when or cc this remedy commences its work of jmrifica- ti<i”. and uncreeds in diminisiui.v the km of WM-te*. it*repair* will H.* raj i-l.aml every day the p trie nt will frel hhuarif erowin* Udferainl *trmnt- er. tlw food iliKMtiiw trdter. appetite improrimr. a.rt fl*t»h and writrht Inerewdrur. N<»t only d«**N tin* SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT -^rrt *R , known remedial a»*nt«* In the cure of Chronic, 9 j S *rofoknt«. Coustitati >ttal awl Skhi Diseases, but j it is the only poritiro <ure for Kiclnry and ISIaddrr CompIaSiiU, : Urinary and Womb Pimswv. Gravel, Diahete* I I)n p-y. Stoppage of Wafer. In<'(<cttnenreof Urine, l Bri,rht’* Disease. Alhaminuria. awl in all case* J w here tlwre aro brick And the water ia thick, cloudy, mixed with ‘ulxtnnre* like the v wldte* of an ere. orthr «•! like white *ilk, orthr-re I is a morbid, dork. Hlion* app*strance awl white l>w* dust deposit, awl when there I* a prirkinv. f baminr sensation when jwreinx water, and pain * ia ti»e small of tbe hock and alone tbe loin*. Tumor of 12 Years’ Growth Cured by Eadway’s Resolvent! BovratT. M iw. July 16.1<«7. Da. Radwav: I have had Ovarian Tumor in tike ovaries and bowels. aII the Doctor* ssid “there wm no help for it.** I tried eti ryUduc tint woa recommended, but not hi nr helped me. I saw tout Ri'solv.-nt, and thewetit I would try it; but had no faith in it, berau*rf ha.|«uffereil for twelve rear*. I took rix battle*of the Resolvent, and one box of Railway’* Hk and twn bottles of ytmr Ready Relief; and th^re ia not a sim of tumor to bo aoen or Mt. and I frel better, smarter and kip- pier than I have for twelve years. The worst tu mor woa In the 1-ft aide of tlie bowel*, over the rroin. I write this to yon for the benefit of others. Yon can publish it If you choose. HANNAH P. KNAPP. BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS MADE TO ORDER. STEAM, WATER AND GAS PIPES, AND ALL THEIR FITTINGS FOR SALE. Call and see at my works, Fonrth street, near the Brown House, Macon, Ga. tR}" Send for Circulars. E. CROCKETT. ju!30tf GEORGE W. HEAD, EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALER, AND CIGAR MANUFACTURER, . . • • Poplar st., Macon, Ga No. 4 Blako’s Block, may ly WORMS! The tolr safe and sure remedy for TAPE. PIN and WORMS of all kinds. PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE. An Important Letter From a prominent gentleman and resident of Cindr mli.O. for th-' past forty year* well known to tbo book j ublisbcra tfcrourbon: tbe United State*: Next Nock. October 11.1S7X I>B. Rap WAV: Dear Sir—I am induced by .a aenae of duty to the suffering to makeabrief atato- meutof the workir.cof your medirina on myrelf. For ierend year* I had been affected with «me trouble ia the bladder and urinary ocpuw, which aome twelve months aro culminated in a moat ter ribly affiirtim: diware, which tbe {ihysiciana all arid wi« » »!•**» die strirtnre in the nreta, a* •kidney* and bladder.and Tin AG-EN C Y -OF THE- iv Orleans Mutual Insurance Go. ESTABLISHED A. D. 1805. Specially Reinsured with tho FACTORS & TRADERS’ INSURANCE COMPANY, —AND TUE- LOUISIANA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, . nil Mill (7 . j f r ,’t r, .rh) Irnixi- • *4 .,'1 J, !•*.■: i ALL OV NEW ORLEANS. LOUISIANA. COMBINED CASH ASSETS $2,773,872 03 INSURES AGAINST FIRE. Losses Adjusted" with Liberality, and Paid Promptly. JAMES H. BOW, (Formerly of Wood A Low. and late President La. Equitable Life Insurance Co. of N. O.) . tHcufirirtff hnn Manager Southern Deportment. Office No. 10 Whitehall street, James* Bank Block. P. O. Box 104, ATLANTA. GA. S. M. FARRAR and H. L. BACKUS, R-srtb-nt Att'Tit.N. O.Tkv, rinrit^rs* Daukinr Company. MACON BOARD OF REFERENCE—(By Permission): C. A. Nnttlmc Pre*itl»mt CSty Bnnk.Ul J. K. Jones. MMvm Central Dank. I. V. Plant. Prreident Firet National Bank. W. J. Lawton. Preaklent Ihftrf Daukim; Co. s. It*-mt. l*n >;i. nt Kn Ir.miri* Hhi;'-.. R, M- Baxemore, of Adam* A Bazemore. John C. Curd, of Carbart A Cnnl. B. L. Willingham, ol Lawton A Willingham. 8. Waxf Ibamn. of Waxelbaum A lira J. W. Burke, of J. W. Burke A Co. W. 8. Holt. President Southwestern liiilrond Co. J. B. Rom of Rons & Coleman. R. W. CoUMfliof t 'ubbodjeft Haxleliur>t a Co. Joseph Dannenburir> of Nusxbaum A Datmenburg. R. II. Plant, of L C. Plant X Sen. Asher Ayres. Thomas Hardeman, of Hardeman k Sparks. Thomas C. Dempsey, amrt lm» * STILLTRIUIPHAIT! O. W. MASSET COTTON GIN PATENTED JULY, 1S71. LARiD, MEAL, BULK MEATS, SALT, SYRUP, Etc. Comer Cherry and Third streets, Under Ralston Hall. Ehtonton ts^SaX Arrive nt Macon - f..lO:« P 31 Arrive at S:iYannoli this r M Leave Macon for Atlanta 11:101» \£ Leave Macxm for Kufaula 11:15 r M Leave Ma<v:i for Columbus 10:33 r 31 Arrive at A ibmtn 5:30 A Vi Arrive at Kufaula .....12:10 r af Amvont C« Iambus 4SX> A V .Making close ccnmvtiou with trains leaving Atlanta ami Columbus. ^10ITT TE.V1XS GOING NORTH. Leave Clayton™ 7:20 A 3f Leave Columbus 2:S0a« Leave Atlanta... 1:50 P X Arrive at Macon from Clayton ;... fkA» r M Arrive at Macon from Columbus 7:30 P 5£ Arrive at Macon from Atlanta. 7:20 PM Leave Macon 7 ; jo « yi jA-aveSavnminh s- io i* 'X Arrive at MiUcdgexillc IliM P M Arrive at Eatonton "in's* v it Arrive at Augusta l t\) v kr Arrive at S:tvannali " 6SK) a m Making perfect omnection with trains leaving Aucusto. Passexigers going over tho Milledgeville ami Ea- tonton Branch will tako night train from Colum bus, Atlanta and Macon, day trains from Augusta and Sratnoh. which connect daily nt Gordon (Sundays excepted) with the MtUodflcvUle and Eatonton trams. An elmrant sleeping ear on nil nisht train*. THROUGH TICKETS TO AJ.l, POINTS can l>e had at the Central Railroad Ticket Ortlre at lhilaski House, comer of Bull and Bryan streets. Office open from 8 a m to 1 r M. ami from 3 to 0 r M. Tickets can also ls> had nt Depot om«v. WILLI AM ROGERS. july 8 tf General Superintendent. SUMMER SCHEDULE. DAILY PASSEMEK TRAIN TO AND FROM Macon, Brunsirick, Savannah k Florida. Office Macon and Brunswick Railroad, Macon. Ga., July 22.1873. ' iniMilv as follows: DAY PASSENGER, DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED FOR TIIE PRESENT. Leave Macon 8:30 A M jArrivo at Jcsup...... ft46 p .u Arrive at Brunswick.... Arrive at Savannalt Arriro atTaHohasseo Arrive at Jacksnovillc Leave Jacksonville. Leavo Tallahassee Leave 8a\unnah... Leave limns wick.. Leave Jcsup Arrive at Macon 8^)0 a m Passengers from Savannah will take the 4:30 P M train for Bmuswick, and 5:20 a m train for Macon. HAWXTOTlUl ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). Leave 3Iaoon ; ! ’. 3:50 P M .Viriro at Hawkinsrillc 7:30 p X Leave Hawkinsvillc... 0:30 ax Arrivo at Macon 9:55 a x W. J. JARVIS, july30 tf Master Transportation. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, Central Railroad. Atlanta Division, Atlanta, July 5. IS73. O N and after Sunday, July Cth. Passenger Trains on this Road will mu as follows: DAY TASSENGSR TRAIN. Lfeav©Macon 11:00a X Arrive at Atlanta 6d0 a m. Leave Atlanta....; 1:60 p x Arrive at Macon 7:20 p x NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Macon ....;. U:io P x Arrivo nt Atlanta 6:60 a x Lea vo Atlanta LCO * x Arrive at Macon 7.-00 a x Making oloso connection at Macon with Central Railroad for Savannah and Augusta, and with Southwestern Railroad for Columbus and notnts in Southwestern Georgia. At Atlanta, with West* em and Atlantic Railway for points West, julyfftf “ lilway for points West. G. I. FOREACRE. Kup*t. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, Southwestern Railroad Company, Macon, Ga., July 4,1873. AN and after Sundny, tho Cth inst.. Passenger \J Trains on this Road will run as follows: DAY EUFAULA PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Macon 8:00 A x Arrive at Eulaula 4:40 p x Arrivu at Clayton C:20 P X Arrive atAlfiany 2:45 n x Arrivo at Arlington G:00 p x Arrivo at Fort Gaines 1.. 4:4© p x Clayton 7:20 ax Eumula ; 8:60 a x Ijcavo Fort Gaines 8:35 a x Leave Albany 10:33 a X Arrivo at Macon 5:25 r x Connects with the Albany Train at SinithviUe, and the Fort Gaines Train at Cuthbcrt daily, ex cept Sunday. Albany Train connects daily with Atlantic anti Gulf Railroad Trains at Albany, and will run to Arlington on Blakely Extension Monday, Wednes day and Friday, returning following days. COLUXBUS DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Macon 10:55 r x Arrive at Columbus 4:00 a x Loavo Columbus 2:30 p X Arrivo at Macon 7:30 P x EUIW.CLA NIGHT FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Macon...-. 11:15 P x Arrive at Eufaula 12:10 p x .Vrrive at Albany 7:57 A x Leave Eufaula 10:20 P X Leave Albvny 8:30 px Arrive at Macon .10:30 AX Trains will leave Macon and Eufaula on the schedule Sunday, Tuesday nnd Thurdny nights, and connect at Smithville with Albany trains. VIRGIL POWERS. julyOly Engineer and Superintendent. Opfice or Engineer and Superintendent, Augusta, Ga., Juno 28,1S73. anil sdtor Monday. Juno 30. train, on this v/ Road will ran as follows: DOWN DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Will leave Angnata at A Arrive at Port Royal at p M Arrive at Charleston at p M Arrive at Savajiaah... E 31 UP day passenger train. r f wm leave Port Royal at. These Powers are Manufactured of the Very Best Material, Ul,v And will be warranted for t( small pinion which gives speed to the “ Power.” This we haverernediedby liaving it (at a great cost) made of the very best Cast Steel. Price $145. or $150 delivered at purthuser’s station. WE ASK ONLY A TRIAL. for further particuUrti. address MALONE, WILLINGHAM & CO., surf! Ito MACOS. GEORGIA. WHOLESALE CHANGE OF SCHEDULE OX iLVCOX’ AX'D AUGUSTA EAILEOAD. Forty-one Miles Saved in Distanco Ol-iqCE M ACOX AND AUGUSTA RAI LROAD, .Macon. May 18,1873. N and after Sunday, May 19,1872, and until , ^ further notice, the train* on thi* Rood will runs a follows:. DAY TRAIN—DAILY (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). Leave Macon <*:30 a X Arrive at Augsuta L15 r x l^eave Augusta ..\.... k . 1:60 p x Ahivo at Macon 8:15 r x Passenger* leaving Macon nt G:30 A X make close connections at Camak with day passenger trains on Georgia Railroad for Atlanta mid all points “West; al.«vo, for Augusta, with trains going North, and with trains for L'harieston; also, for Athens Washington, and all stations on theGeor- gin Railroad. Tickets sold and lmggnge cltecked to all points Xorth. both by rail and by steamship* from Charleston. ^ug7tf 8. K. jOHXSTOy. Sup'L CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. m CORN, OATS, HAY, BACON, LARD, FLOUR, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Bagging, Ties, Etc. FOURTH janSOU STREET, MACON, OA. Mix >i Charleston at ^ : I 0am Leave Savannah at - —« A X j\rrivc at Augusta at ‘ 5^8 px DOWN NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Will leave Augusta at E x Arrive at Port Royal ot. 11^35 p X Arrive at CUarlesten 5^J0 x X Arrive at Savannah at 1230 P X UP NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Will leave Port Royal at..-., Mk30 T X Leave Cliorleston at &00 r X Leave Savannah at 9J0 p X Arrive at Augusta ut Passengers leaving Macon by the 6:30 A X trstiii on 3Iacon and Augu-ta Railroad, arrive at Augoa- tu in time Vy make close connection with the down n.^ht P—«V«r train r and 8 ■STItlCTUV COMMISSION HOUSE E. 31. WATERS & CO., 30 Broad Nt- New York. BANKERS Cotton Commission Merchants. Buy and sell contracts for future delivery of o»t- t<-»n. iX^posit awwints«4 bankers, merchants and Others are especially •*olint«'d. july»ai3iu PLANTERS' PANE, foit valley, ga. *p ECEIYES Deposits, discounts Paper, buy XV Hells Rxchanee; also. Gold and Silver. Collectiona made at nil accessible point ». Interest paid on Deposits when made for a specifle-i time. Wm. J. Andrrson, Pre^'t. W. E. Brown. C directors• Wm. J. Anderson, Col. Hugh L. Pen Col. L. M- Felton. Dr. W. A. Matbjw Dr. Wm. H. acklhrwhead. de