Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, September 09, 1873, Image 3

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THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER: TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER ()Cl873. BY TELEGRAPH Sl'XTLVY DISPATCHES. ■ oro Ilisaitrou- Tilling from Ujr Gale. Hxz.tr xx. Otytambm 7.—All of t'ie i I.iTeqwwl. (N- S’) LoLrudor fleet have arriTtil except tw schooner Nora Scotia, who*.- safety anxiety ia manifinted. I Additional j.irti' iliri of thpdi.Mtroo, j on the court hare route to hand, i It i« eiti*nated that thirty reateU, with ftUhuuK w !o-,t in North liny. Of thix number thu only tiireo | American achoonara hare liven aaoer- t lined. They are thu J. G. Starr, Chaa. C. I>onne and Came E. Rich. Tbclomef property on ehmv ia ire- menee. In Capo Breton those ntmen who hare loet their baraa will here diffi culty in raring their cropa. It in feared there rrill lei atarr.VJon among th • fi.di- .Ttncn. It is probable that even among the farmriw who hare anatained hoary Horton Knee*. B -j. *. Sop'eoiier 7.— In the trfor >1^. 1 1 between Jmigo EnUarba ami Scn- MBon. CSBreri Ftfilarf.in won three heatj. Tim.-, 22n,'225. 221. Sensation won the ■noond heat. It. n. Flagler bent Blanco in a Sfi.OJO niatrh. Fire In Albany, New York. Albxht, September 7.—Palmer, New. t' J U A Co.’a S.-lain tinier hrebriol: works in t his dtp, were dc-rtroyod by fire to-night. Loss, 130,000. Headstones for the Federal Dead. Lowe.1t bid for h.::uldtonc, f. r the Fed eral grar.-i w.u i»,yxw. Them are orer 250,000 identified "rare*. METROPOLITAN^- R. A Georgian’s View. Lebanon, Kt., Sept. A, 1873. K'liton Telcyraph and Meztmjer: Hav. ing happened to come acroaa an old and familiar friend, the Te LEO HAITI asd Mexsencee, which, by some hap, had I . strayod this way, we acixed and read it limrn by the gale then will lie suffering. | with the usual greed of persona in like The country will not get orer this dria- circuniotaaoua to our own, and feel to Straits n Port curried ter for. On the Nora Scotia aide of th. of Canso, all the wharrea, bctvc Ml igrnTe and land IV. nt. away, ill /. ■ * 1 T Mfll About six hundred barrels <>f mack..-. 1 were lost off the whanres at I’ .rt JIul- giare. The wreclr of two re«<. at Black Rock light _(C. B.) are aapjjosed to lx- those of a brig and a schooner—the latter prohably the Eureka, of New York, 1 ..fore reported. No account of the crew of either revel has lecn received. A child’s driwH—a voumiii’s shawl uiad n minder of other articles have Lecn iiubed aahorc. Fifty-six Yoeoela are report*-1 H*h**-. at Arichnt, some of which hare hoi'll con demned and aold. Kiricre. Bourgeoae, C. II.. al*o suffered severely by the ^ale. Of tho fleet of eighteen fishing vc-dseln owned in that vilfckgi- seven were disinunthd and six Uam»p-I, and two (the Pink and Union,) lortt with all hands. Both v<-8*eLi had fall fares of fi*h. ScY.-r.tjr thou.nand dol lars will not repair the loss in that parish. Some thirty building*, principally lams and out-houses, were destroyed. The schooner Bennie Jean, lost on the north side of PrinooEdward’s Island dur ing the gale, with all hands, sailed from Port Midway about three months ago on a tidiing voyage. Her cpjw consisted of ten persons—all young men and tho only Mijiports of widowed mothers. and aged parents. Four young men In-longing to Antigon- i«!i harbor were drowned in an American flrhwmcr on tho north aide of Prince Ed- wurd’i Inland. The schooner was lost with all bands, several of whom were shipped at the Strait of Canso and Capo Breton ports. Report* have been received of ]Hissing nuinlxT* of wrecked and upturned ves sels within the pm.t few days. A large whitel*oat t«ottom up, ntij»i> >s. d to be tho cutter of steamer Saltwell, was seen on the 30th ult. Several abandoned vessels have also lieen seen. The gale was very heavy at Sable Island. Important from Spain - Castellar lo bo Elected Chief Executive. Madrid, September 7.—Tho Cortes, on Saturday, discusjed the appointment of a chief executive power. Pi y Marg&l mado a sjwech defending his administration. Late in the afternoon tho sitting wra aiw- jiendtd and won resnmod at 11 r. m. It lasted all night, and the House is still in session. The election of Senor Cajtellur is eon- sidend certain. He is looked ujxin in the Cortes a« tho savior of tho country. In acceding to power he will probably ujipoint Espaitoro, Gem-roliaaimo and Marshal .Seruno Oo:mnander-iD-cliiof of tho forces in tho North, ami General Con cha Captain General of Catalonia. The ■ • • • ;» !’•' >►:•*. '•«■.■»«• ig. 1 by the Cn:I- ists threaten to evacuate the town mftess supplies arrive soon. Fmucc-Flnal Kviu-nation by the Gor mans. Paris, September 7.—Tho French Gov ernment lias received notification from Berlin that France, having fulfilled all her agreements, the occupation of her territory by the German forces is legally ended. The evacuation of Verdun by the Germans h;u began. Ireland—Fenian Meeting. Jh'M.lN. September 7.—An unusually Ihtro meeting at Cloutarf was held to day in favor of the release of the Fenian prisoners. . . .Spanish and American Claims. Washington, geptemlicr 7. — The American und Hp&xmh Commission has thus fur disposed of alioiit ten of the claims before it. Tho number pending i* one hundred und eighteen, tonw of which have been filed since May last. Several arc now Wore the umpire for his donation. It is said at the office of the Commis sion that the business would have been closed eighteen month* ago but for the difficulty of obtaining evidence outside the limits of Havana. * r t \ If the existing rule with reward to the fllirgof printed memorials and exhibits in both English nud Spanish, shall not be complied with hrfopu the first of No\ em- bjr. the case* to which they relate will be dismissed. slrrest and Escape. Mnmu. September 7.—Some days since J. E. White, a prominent citiren, was arrested on the charge of horsesteal ing, and within a few day* subsequent no ltws than a down specific charges for sim ilar ofTcuHCN were made public, ne was eenritted for trial without bail to-day. His wife called to sc© him, and after •pending about half an hour with him came to the gate and asked to be lot out. When the guard opened the gate White presented a cocked pistol at his head and cried, “let me ml or dio.” The guard •prang back and White darted out and mounted a horm'. which was in waiting, and dashed off before the alarm could be given. Pursuit was K'gun as early as possible, but up to dark he had not been recap tured. His wife had carried a pistol in her pannier to him and liad a horse in waiting. She was arrested. Shot by an Enraged Father. Drraorr. September 7.—Peter Jean nette, the father of tho little girl who was abused by Jamo* Carrovon, in Mus- kegan, on Monday night, went to the jail to-day, and obtaining permission to s»v tho priaoner, shot Carporan in the ht«A. Ji«nnott vras onvsU'd ami odmit- t«<t to laul. To-ni|;ht it u ft«r*d the rxcitot] . rowd will for.v an ontranco to the jail and finish Carrovan, who is .till liriti^. The Gorernor haaonlepeil a company of militia from Grand Rani*!., in rase of emergency. The little girl died on Tuesday morning. tarried lack to our native State that it haa created the mood for so doing, and we now Ik.-- leave to tpvua. Goor-iiui’a ■ ▼tews of Kentarky. r In tin- fir-t Uaort *c fin 1 the general ]<rjr.eiple 1 >v which she performs her part in the (freat work ot supplying the wants ofthe human family to be very different from that which we have been aeqnp» temod to observe in Georgia. Here we* see the cereals luxuriantly growing and abundant on every hand, and the finest of cattle and in great number*. There we saw scaroehr but the consumption of * jtnmoditirji. H r,- ve sue moet every gUnoe, the pretty little colt prancing playfully around. There we only saw the horse or mule oa he was brought into the market by the trader. This. Marion county, is not strictly in the blue-grass region where the finest Kentucky stock is raised, though it is in clotfAi proximity, and there is a great deal of stock and cattle rafted in this irnme- flection j yet it i* not the fineit. In reports from, that region, the section of which Kentuckians love to boast, of re cent sales, wc-see that a throe-year old horse, John Marders, sold for $20,000, thirty-five head of mules for $300 per head, and some of the celebrated cattle, tho Kentucky short-horns, for os much as $5,000 per head. The negroes here, though there are not so many of them, having more bold-faced white Radicals to sanction their attempts at social equality, do not deport them selves even so well as they do in Gcoigia. We have had the honor of meeting the ©x-Congre.Hsman, Hon. Proctor Knott, who made the - Duluth speech ” in Con gress several year* ago, and which at the tiuie went almost the entire round of tho press of the country. He was from this Congressional District. CHOLERA. Wc have had a siege of this terribly mortal disease. Siege ix certainly the word that expresses the idea, for, had the batteries of a !*c*icging army lieen enfil ading the city, the consternation could hardly have been much n-ore than it was on last Saturday afternoon—groups stand ing ut every corner talking of nothing but cholera, doctors dashing around, a porfest concourf j rushing to and from the drug «torei, and on Saturday night the light of burning tar in almost every quar ter. The ravage* of tho disease have al most subsided, and the wild excitement entirely so. A great many have fled from it. Judging from facts and observations, and taking a practical view of the sub ject, it seems to be epidemic, and will de velop itself in proportion to the amount of imprudence indulged in. There was only a death occasionally from it until Satunlay, when near a dozen occurred. J. W. C. The Crisis in France. It is now conceded that an attempt will bo made immediately upon the reas sembling of the National Assembly this month, to effect a Bourlxm restoration in France. This vras substantially settled at a meeting of the Council, held on tho 13th of August, i*t which the convocation of the Assembly was discussed, and it wax decided not to summon it until tho Germans had quitted Verdun, M. Buffet, who had just come from the eastern de partments, having reported that the Lib erals and the Germans were on the best of terms, and that'the Germans would easily find a reason for staying whore they were in case of a restoration under the Catholic influence. It is dear from tho latest reports that the Bona- parti*t* have deserted the fusbion and can no longer bo counted upon, and the prolwbility seems to be that they have offered to unite with tho Radical* to assist in making Mondial MocMohon president for the term of three years. As the Assembly now stands such a coalition would give an anti-royalist majority of four or five only, and as there are ten or twelve vacancies, it is very likely that the royalist* will make an effort to elect Con servatives enough to hold the casting vote. They claim, it is true, a working majority of forty-five as the Assembly is now constituted ; but there apjicara to be no doubt that the Casimir-Perier group of deputies and some twenty or thirty old- fashioned Orleanist*, whose doctrine* are opposed to the clerical regime, will vote against the Legitimists on the restoration question. 1 At least M. Thiers is of that opinion, and his impression is entitled to considerable weight. At the council it was proposed to in voke the Assembly as soon after the 4tli of September as circumstances would justify—provided always that the evacu ation by the German* should have been completed. France i* free from German domination, and it is. hence very likely that stirring events will occur within the next ten davs. ELDER HOUSE, Indian Spring, Qa. ho viiit Uk* Spring for health or pleasure. lr m»ii’U«ii n. nr* : "i-nrnr Ti.n ■ »m .-th. r jiubljr In u*«\ ami i« *parioua nml cumforribl**. The table U supplied with the best the market Every attention is riven to invalids who resort to the water* of the Spring for health. SATSS OF BOARD. Per day $f0t ftrwvek W00 tarvaontb ------ 3500 Liberal deduction nwle fur larse families. W. A. ELDER * SON. snetf Wesleyan Female College, MACON. GEORGIA. Murder and Incendiarism. . Siv Y’obx. S. pU-mW 7 -Mr^Mcm- Tho Thirty-sixth Annual Session WILL BEGIN OCTOBER * 1S7S. gan i* reported t' have cunfesjod to tho police of William.-burg that she murdered Mr*. ILuuill on Wadneaday crvn&am la*t. M«:uy ’••..s' tlie lu^t.ve. lhe IhhIv wax \ - i .>;*>. ..nn,.,!* .t.n.:.-f..'.: :ni r.natKn. aii- placksi unite r a M and iWMBtel there I drew till i'iiur«•!»>’ treniug, w!i.-n Mu Mom- s. k. n. 31YKI1S. D. IX, Prw. >the roomm which the Uriy i ^ — ~ r - gan * Aed uni ar. the was aub-equ* ntly di*C0Wred ecorehod a- the police found it. Mrs. Irving, wifeof John T. Irvi -■ • \ .t-v. v pi: .• in the i of Nuth.ui hu-< arrived freui Georg Fatal Collision. The lug boat Vixen, Cept^iu Dinfll j Perkins, w.i* run into by gfeuinl-Oftt Gnoi- ite State, this morning, and cut into. Captain Perkins was drowned. The en- j Kinecr was pidrod up by another boat ami {, when he woe- found to be badly hurt alout the buad. The Mouster Balloou U Fittbhed. The boltexm for the iron*-Atlantic voy age is ready to *hiI on Monday, and was last night exhibited to the public. MircYCport (Quarantined-—A Malig nant Filer. NiwOblkans, September 7.—The fol- Vnriagwai received hero ywtcxday from Nirevi jM»rt Owing to the prevalent ma lignant fever here, an 1 eon»equcnt panic in the city, our city ha* been quarantined by interior jKiinls and trade, in ev use- quence, L paralysed* K. li. LlNUilT, Prcaiaant Beard of Trade, Shreveport. The California Election. SiNFflANCiaco, September 7.—The Aa- ti'MonopoUsts coaunue t«» gain. Booth’s veto iu tacNmalo for United State* Ss-n- •tor n-ill In) 12 to 15. Several Ropubli- twi holding over will rot« fo.- him. Booth will have 30 vote * in the Low v -r House. The proapect i« that Booth will hav* 45 rote* at the commencement or. j°int ballot- It will require fil vote* to eleot. Cholera in St. LoaU. C. \T. SxtT».tjU*rt>ry. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of MACON lo: TUNS ACTS A GKMBAL DAAK1XG N5BS. • DIXXCTCKl: I. C. PLANT. 1). FLANDERS, IL L. JBWhrr. W. B. D1NSM0RE. II. 15. PLANT. D. S. LITTLE. c. li HAZLi;ill R>r. I. C. PLANT. Prr a im it, W. W. Wriolxt. Cmdiier.. r roaie-tilnovi* S. G. Box, President. R. ¥. Lawto>\ Cashier. EXCHANGE BANK OF MACON. OOn Id Hair, Near lulMln,. Receives Deposits, BUI’S A5D SELLS EXCHANGE. M.kv. ou ftud. C f.jc i >L .-v AIjw on of Crtton. COLLECTIONS 1KOM1TLY ATTENDED TO. IrcTPLANT^& SON, : Bankers and Brokers, MACON, GA. Buy *3-1 Sc'.’ Exrhaure. GoH. >U'vr. St<vka and Boud»- Deposits; Rocoived, Hklck lairrm »U1 »e AltowcSI. is iuxiiii vrox. PAYABLE OIT C ALL. Mnam m*Me .a Csttw sN Prs. rtacc In Stare. , OOLLBCTIOXB 1’BOMITLT ATTENDED TO Sr. Loins. Svpt.mW 7 —^>ix cbolen. tow 1, ia t hi. city th© past vo©k IK0X & BRASS WORKS, Cana! strrrt, from 6th to Tth, RICHMOND, - - - VA WM. E. TANNEE & CO., ENGINEERS, MACHINISTS AND FOUNDERS, ENGINES OF ALL, KINDS. Send for Circular. H. R. BROWN, l« nl * | y A Rent. ONLY MANUFACTOBY In this country where Loom Reeds, Harnesses -ASP-f Patent Wire Heddles AIno. SUPPLIES used in COTTON and WOOLEN MILLS promptly furnished. jflfM 6in DIPEEISH&BLE EEASEAEOE FLORIDA WATER! The richest, raont lartinv. yet mort delicate of all perfume*, for um on the HANDKERCHIEF. At the TOILET. And in the BATH. A* there are imitation* anti counterfeit*, nlanys a*k for the Florida Water, which has on the bottle. «n thelabeL nrni on tlie {mrophlet. the name* i f Mb^RRAk A LAM MAN. without which none i* Por sale by all perfumers dnuprists. and d« lers in fancy good*. iulvRKt'lflm DIAMOND SPECTACLES. — fr>st*l Pebiili** ” lrieltrxl to^etlier.aiidare nilli^l Diamond on account of their hanliu>* and bnllwiiry. It i* well known that spectacle* cut from Bnazillirm or Scotch pehlile* are very inju- noo* to the ey»*. 1 treatise of their jutlarizin^ liy!:t. Haviwr lieen tented with tlie poUriiicopc. the diamontl letinc* have lieen fiMind to admit fifteen percent, lew heated ray* than any other pebble. They are around with imwt ncientiflc accuracy, are free from chromatic alierrutions, ami produce a I irialitno* and distinctncwi of rteiou not before at tained m afiectarte*. Manufactured by the Spencer Optiral Mamifac- turime Coranony. New York. For rale by responsible A rent* in every cite: in the Union. fi. J. JOHNSTON. Jeweler and Optician, i* sole A cent for Macon. Ga^ from whom they can only be obtained. No ped dlers employed. The great demand for tbcae Speetaclai ha* in duced unaerupukxis dealer* to paliu oil an inferior and tpurma article for the Diamond. Great caro nbould he taken to *ee that the trade-mark i wliich i» protected by American Letter* I'uteut) »stamped on every pair.octlSdAwly* M and Blinds, turc*. JiuilJer*’ Funiidiinx B*nl- iware. Dnin Pipe. Kuur Tile*. W r. guards Torre Gotta Ware*. Marllc awl dilate Mantel Piece*. TYInclotv Clas* a Specialty. Cimilar* and Price List Sent free on apfdiration by P. P. TO ALE. 20 Hayrte and 33 Pinckney oct leod ly Cliarleston, S. C. »liife Pine t.umber tor ANCHOE LINE STEAMEES, Sail from Pier 20. North River, New York, EVERY WEDNESDAY’ AND SATURDAY. The paK*ensn*r aevom- modatioii* on steam er* of rhi* line are* un- vuniavs.xl for ele-oance and emufort. Cabin state n**m* are all on upper deck, thus ae- curiiur g»od lijrlit and ventilation. RATES OF PASSAGE TO GLASGOW, L1VEttPOOUoa LONDON DERRY Sat. Sbumm. Wed. Steamers. Gold. Currency. Cabin* $73 mid $65. $73 and $65. Cabin return tirki t* *erurin< bout me- remumdations . $l.n» $130 Steenua*, ciirrewy, $30. Cert i neats'* ft>r poiwnce from any mport or nil SATES A* LOW AS BY A XT OTIIXR NB9T-CLASS UXK. For pessayr apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS. Or to 7 Bowline Green. X. T. T. H. Hftdkksox. Ajrent, Macon. Ga. mayll 3m GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY FOR SEPTEMBER. FOR THE BENEFIT OF TnE nil DRAWINGS DAILY AT 5 P. M. CAPITAL* PRIZE, $7,000,00 30,310 PRIZES, AMOUNT ING TO $53,253 20. TICKETS $100, SHARES IN PROPORTION. TN the above •theme, termed hy the ternary l coenlWTWtion of 73 number*, making 7&U76 ticket^ and the drawing of 12 baDuU, there will be 23f> priw, cwch bavin? three of the <lnurn number* oo it; 4AM. each harinr twwof them ou; 23.74C*. each luiinc one only of them on; and al«o 43*70® tickets with ncithor of the drawn number* un them, teinar blauks To determine tbe-fate of these prises and blanks, 78 number** Iran 1 to 78 indumre. will be *evcr- ally plaml ina wboelen the day of the drawing, and 12 of them drawn out at random; and that ticket bavin* for ite combination the 1st. 2d and 3d drawn numbers, will be entitled to tho Capital Priaeof 57.000 W That ticket bavinr on it the 4th. 6th. and Slbdravu number*, to - 65000 That ticket bavin* on it the 7lli. 8th and •thdrowntuuuhcT*. to 63000 That ticket u-v. ;n*on it the 10th. lit hand l^h drawn number*.to 650 00 That tkket having on it the 3d. 3d and 4th drown numVre. to..—— 650 00 That ticket having on it the 3d. 4th and 8th drown number*, to 650 00 That ticket harm* on it the 5th. 6th and ah dmwrr number*, to L. 650 00 That ticket ka\ inq on it the 6th. 7lh and eta drawn number*, to... 65000 That tic act l«Yin?uiit the Mh. l*;h and tech dm wr. numbers lo 650 00 That ticket havrn* ou it the 9th. loth and t 4th drawnmnnbera,to 65000 That uckethaira*o«iiuh2 l»t,2dandath 3 It 1U>1 uxiah The question of the unroMtitatioDalitj "I the social evil haw goes to the Supreme C’oart. Toboitto, September 7.—Henry Coal- u‘ u .°® the single scull race and Evan Xoirit, of l*itt«burg, woo the second. HOIS T. A. XISBET, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Comer UL’LBLKKY ST. uiCOTTON AVB. (Over Paynt’s Dm* store). Jun»l»13m MACON, ga. Btest oateten _ j All irthor nckfti* ;nc 2t»7,w.th three of the drawn nuater^ or t a«-b 2000 TUcwr on : r and 3d nr-wriTBrnnhent rarh 1800 Tho»cesiick^i*t*'in?oe them the 5-1 and I KkdSSlMBteXCMfc 500 J . All other tickets ibetne t-n with two a the drawn t imbers on. esih .... ^ 2 (X- t And all those ticket* beiiu t't,7w» \rith OQOStejrcf thtrirR^ra muabers, each... 100 CAPITAL TLIZE. On Monday * Cij i'.'il ” -.1' '» '7 • On TuoMteya *ni FndafS Cat :tal will i> i (*• On Wednesdays Capital wi!’ !*■ C> . Xnarwiay* ax^i haturvlav» 5,060 o® Per further rartirulara *et.d !.-r schemes. No ticket wL*h >hai: hi'e drawn u j of a aupenor denom^at:jn iikii la? <ntilled to a?: i?:f - nor prise- Prjcs payalie k-ny tOOi^day, a^er the uiwwxn*. and aubjert to the usxxa\ deductmu xi 15 pi r reuu jUI priae* ol fey wnd under \».u jw*J imme diately •/tor the 'iraw^p Prut* caabrei at this odor. HOWARD & CO., Hxuxgm. AlUctx, Gs. CIOLKU, DYSENTERY. CHOLERA rtonm s. DI VRRIKEA, AND ALL ROWEL COMPLAINTS, crxxD axe mwaiEi) nr Radway’s Ready Relief! r CHOLERA prevafl* a* an epidemic, the Pre ventive measure* are the ratY,t wiv* to adopt. The Lirrt, Bowel* and Stomach should be kept recnlar. Rad war’« Pill*, in ncsll doses, will secure thu requisite. Rad way's Ready Relief diluted in wrier, (one teaspoonful to a tumbler of water). Ukcn a* • drink, throe or four time* during the day. will disinfect the malaria inhaled in the sys tem, and neutralize all arid or unhealthy element* mused by the rrmbinotion of the malaria of the atmoMibcre with tho paaes of the stomach, (which are often in theae epidemic* arid), imticu" warmth, enersy and health throughout toe nv teri, and preventing the separation of the watery from other properties In tbr blood. If *eb<- l with CHOLERA, the Ready Relief should be riven a* stronc and often a* possible. Thu will mrurerest and bold the prrpcrtie* of the blood teretli *r. equalizing its crrculatiLU. pre vent I«r conararion. and prevent th* diminishing or V^ening of the pulse, r od stopping vumiting and puiving. The body shoold be rubbed with Ready Belief from bead to foot, and alone the spine. This vin impart new energy and vital, tv to the nervous system, stop craps, spasms, and induce free perspiration. A* iooo aa the stomach is qnieted. six to ei*ht of E.vlway’s Pill* (no danser of diarrhoea need be # ^irri) shoul J be riven. The Liv<*r. Stomach and Bos»(? will at once be restored to tbsir natural duties, aisl the ueutralizerl ele ments of disease be expelled from the system. This treatment has rescue,' thousand.' from death. Looseness. Diarrho**. Cholera Morbus, Cramps, Spasms, eto. and all painful discharge* from the bowel* are stopped in flfte. u or twenty minutes fay taking Railway's Ready Relief. No congestion or infiammatioa.no weaknevi or lassitude, will follow the use of the R. E. Relief. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER, INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS. CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS, SORE THROAT. DIFFICULT BREATHING. PALPITATION OF THE HEART HYSTERICS, CROUP, DIPTHERIA. CATARRH, INFLUENZA, HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE. NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, COLD CHILLS, AGUE CHILLS. The application of the Ready Relief to the part or part* where the pain or difficulty exists will af- fonl ease and comfort. Twenty drop* 1 in half a tumbler of water will in a few moments cure Cramps. Spasms. Sour Stom ach. Heartburn. Sick Heacliache. Colic, Wind in the Bowels, and all internal pains. Travelers should always cany a bottle of Rail way's Rwdv Relief with them. A few drops in water will prevent sickness or pains from change of water. It is better than French Brandv or Bit ter* as a stimulant. FEVER AND AG-TTE. Fever and Arne cured for fifty cents. There is not a remedial m^rent in the work! that will cure Fever and Acne, ami all other Malarious. Bilious, Starlet. Typhoid. Yellow nml other Fevers (aided l£-Rad way’s Pills) so quick as Rad way’s Ready Ready Relief 50 cents per liottlc, and Pills 25 cents a liox. Sold hy druggist*. HEALTH! BEAUTY! STRONG AND PURE RICH BLOOD-IN- CREASE OP FLESn AND WEIGHT- CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECUR ED TO ALL! DB. RADWAY’S Sarsaparillian Resolvent IIrs made the most astonishing cures. So quirk, so rapid are the changes the Inm1v undergoes, under tlie iiifiiiemt) of this truly wonderful medicine, tlivt SVKUY PAY AW iWCnSASX IS FLESH AM> WEIGHT I* SEEN ASP FELT. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every dropof tlie SARSAPARILLIAN RESOL- ' ENT rommunimtos through the blood, sweat, urine ami oIIi.t finirte nud juice* of tlie system, f he viptor cf life, for it repair* the waste* of the hisly with new and sound material. Scrofula. Syphilis. Consumption. Glandular Disenses. Ul cer* in tho Throat ami Mouth. Tumors. Nodes in tho Gland* and other jeirts of tlie system. Sore Eye*. StruuHiron* Discharee* from tlie Kars, and the w«irst form of Skin Disease*. Eruption. Fever Sores. Scald Howl, Ring Worm. Salt lUieum. Ery sipelas Arne. Black Spots Worms in the Flesh, Tumors. Cancer* in the Wonili. and all Weakeniirc ami Painful Disi lrtry.:*, Night Sweats I/na of Sperm, and all wastes of the life princijile. are within the curative range ef thi* wonder of Mod ern Chemi*tiy. and a few ilnya* use will wove to any person using it for either of these form* of disease it* potent power t.v cure them. If tlw patient, daily Is-onming reduced by the waste and decomposition that is continuallv pro- rr6*sing. Mxverds in arresting the*e wmstoa. and repair* tlie same with new material made from healthy ldood—and this the SARSAPARILLIAN will ami doe* secure—n cure i* certain; for wlien once this remedy commences it* work of purifica tion. and succeeds in diminishing the loss of wastes it* repair* will he rar-irl.andeverv dav the tntient will feel himself growiug better ami strong er. tho food digesting better, cpjietito improving, and flesh ami weight increasing. Nut onlv dr*** the SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT excel all known remedial agents in the cure of Chronic, Scrofulous. Constitutional and Skin Diwases, but it is the only positive cure for Kidney and Bladder Complaint*, Urinary and Womb Diseases. Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy. Stoppage of \\ ater. I ncontinenreof-Urine. Bright • m—ss Albuminuria, and in all cases where there are brick dust deposits or the water i* thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like the white of an ecx. or threads Uke white silk, or there is a morbid, dark. bilioii% appearanco and white bone du>t deposit, and when there is a pricking, burning sensation when passing water, and pain in the small of the hock and along the loins. Tumor of 12 Years’ Growth Cured by Radway’s Resolvent! _ _ UirrnnLT, lUsa. July 18. iser. Dk. Uil)\DT: I h.w Rid Oraffio Tumor in the atmnM and bowel.. All the Doctors said “there was no belli (or it." I tried everythin* that was reeoaontended. hut nothin* heipci w. I saw four Rwolvent. snd thouaht I wouM tty it; hut had do faith in it. herawrl had suBen-d lor twelve I h;<* MI tejltc ot the Resolvent, and one •“I'd U-uIway-s Pills.and two bottles of your Ready R.1 s f; and tk-re ia not a shot of tumor to he reen or felt, and I feel better, smarter and hap- f«r than I Imre for twelve yearn. The worst tu- morwashtthe left side <f the howels. over tho rroln. I ante this to you lor the benefit of others, too can publish it If you rhooar. HANNAH P. KNAPP. WORMS! Tho only safe and sure remedy for TAPE, PIN and WORMS of all kinds. PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE. An Important Letter Prom a prominent gentleman and resident of . uarnnatl, tor the part forty year, well known -o tho book publishers thiunaiont the United States: W NrwNOKE.OetoherIl.Isn. Dr. Radwat: Dear Sir—I am induced by a •“»«{ duty to the suflerin* to make a brief state ment of the working of your medicine on myselL For sereral year* I had been aflertcd with some trouble In the bladder and urinary emuns, which “* twelve months ago culminated ia a meet ter- f.hlv sfibctuiE disease, which the phyvicians all --—.rrxx , spasmodic stricture in the iireta.as aho inflammation of the kidney, and bladder, and pare it as thnr opinion tliat my are-nytare— weald jmerent my crew petting radically cured. I had tned a number cl phrsunans. andnad ukcn nhuge quantity of media ne. l*>th aiopathie ant V.but had rot no relief. I had read of — curia luring been made by your nan- fdicw. and s.sue four months ago rend a taotico in GENUINE LOUISIANA CANE SYRUP 50 BARRELS OINf HAND. THIS IS NOW THE ONLY Pure New Orleans Syrup Now in Market! And none even to be had in New Orleans. W e W ill Sell at Low JPrices ROGERS & BONJT. W_ HUFF AraOLESALE DEALER Ef eiucwanu>jmcmr months ago read aliolicoin the Ptrihdclphia Satnrday Evening Put cf a cure having been ejected on a person who had Lmg been raflmng Ml had been. I went right ofl and gdaotneof Meh-yonr Sarsaparillian Ke«hent. Reudy Rdhcf and RnrelaUn* Pill—and cota- •“‘hrcc-daya 1 was greatly XYbeval, aou now feci vUl as ever. C, tf. JAJIES, Cincinnati. O. DR. RADWAY’S PERFECT PURGATIVE AND REGULATING PILLS. sum, , ’ *- -»w uuc m* au uuuiucn oi the btomadi. Liver. Bosrls. Kklneyi, Bladder. Nei i’m* Disaxto*. Headache, Coostipatioa. CW nvesjcw. Indig&ticr, l»rspcji>i*, Biliousnes*. Fe ver. Ir.aammauocof the BosvU. Piles sod all De- qf the Internal Ylroora. Warranted >.c3ocS a pOBttiv cure. Purelv \cgeuble. con- rVi 1E ~ 110 tucre-ury, nstamlsoradctorkfusdruss. ' ty- i* n ' e *7^.restuticf from i Ilironlcrs of tne Duresui c Organ*: Inwrud Pi:.**, Fullness of the moon w tL; Urad-Aoditjof tho Mcsnach. Nan- i r t v J - 11-an’.urn. Dtagut of Food. FuHnraa or i " ^ Stomach. Socr EnK-tation*.Sinking _'^*^*’ 1 **^ a t tbe Heart. Choking or safienng v a Liin« Pcsture. Dimness of • rv^ii l !v f it co ? *5 lorL * Sirnt. IVrer and < v Vi, 1 U.Scw»fjfc( Perspiration. Skin a l EyeD.Pain latue Side, C swidtu. Flitehra oi Heat. Bunj- tng n the Fs»h. A t Msy*» Pdte will free tbe m- tcaa frem all .-i iU/’.t ihAmcddisordcra. Pnct 26 cvni> jicr box. sold L>nif^» IEAB “ FALSE AND TRUE r Send one letter U*l.(< to RAD WAY 4CO_ No 2 Warren, corner Church st r *t. New York. Inft-nnaticti worth thou-and* wiU te rent rou. ma)13todxwlj v PATENT ANTI-FRICTION GIN GEAR. I T RUNS TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. LIGHTER t’.um any other Gear made. It is made vrithoat a mortise, tenon, or a key to work loose. Every part bolted to iron. Over twenty in use. All have proven good. MY PA.TE2STT Is the mode of construction of wheels suspended on Anti-Friction Balls, Extended Arm to carry the Pulley and Pinion Shafts. All persons using or making any part of my patent will he prosecuted to the ex tent of the law. I BUILD AND REPAIR ALL KINDS MACHINERY AT MY WORKS. BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS MADE TO ORDER. STEAM, WATER AND GAS PIPES, AND ALL THEIR FITTINGS FOR SALE. Call and see at my works, Fourth street, near the Brown House, Macon, Ga. S5T Send for Circulars. E. CROCKETT. jul30tf THE D. PEATT GIN BUSINESS ESTABLISHED IN 1833. 1ILE offer to planters these well known gins, which arc sold wherever cotton is VY planted. OVER SEVENTEEN THOUSAND Have been sold since 1856. We ask parties wishing to bny to come and examine them, especially the IMPROVED GIN, having a linter attached. It will pay them for so doing. They are warranted to give satisfaction, and time given to test them before payment is required. . jnll02awtf JOHNSON & DUNLAP, No. ^2 THIRD STREET. CALL .A.T THOMAS WOOD’S, Next to Lanier House, Macon, Georgia, FURNITURE, CARPETS, Etc., LOWEST PRICES IN THE SOUTH. AGENCY -OF THE- New Orleans Mntnal Insurance Co. ESTABLISHED A. D. 1805. Specially Reinsured with the FACTORS & TRADERS’ INSURANCE COMPANY, —AND THE— LOUISIANA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, ALL OF NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA. COMBINED CASH ASSETS $2,773,672 63 PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS, OORN 3 bacon, FLOUR, BAGGING, TIES, STJGAE, COFFEE, LARD, MEAL, BULK MEATS, SALT, SYRUP, Etc. Corner Cherry and Third streets, Under Ralston Hall. MACON, GEORGIA. WRIGHTS Anti-Friction Horse Power. The Only “Cast Steel Pinion Power” in the World. resent to the Planters of the South the best and only suitable HOttSfi POWER for Ginning IV cSTi tor*, hai without Draft, the WRIGHT’S IMPROVED POWER Far Exceeds any other that has ever boen Used in the United States. Wc claim for it that two good mules will gin three bale* of cotton in a ilay on a forty raw gin, and that four good males will gm on a fifty saw pin four and a half to five hales of cotton; that the prin- mn« will be continuous, not being liable to interruption from Kirpnnjr of the machine lion*;, as this Power is self-odjustinr, adapting it*df readily to the upward or downward tendency of the floor. Tho entire lixtares accompany the machine, except an or.'tinary kinjr-jKct and a lever, so that it can bo placed in position for service in a few hours after reaching the plantation These Powers are Manufactured of the Very Best Material, And will lie warranted for twelve months. The only part of Horse Power most liable to wear is the small pinion which roves meud to tho “ Power.” This we havcroinediedby having it (at a great cost) made of the very best Cast Steel. Price $115, or $150 delivered at purchaser's station. WE ASK ONLY A TRIAL. Eor farther particulars, address MALONE, WILLINGHAM & CO., anrt lm MACON. GEORGIA. INSURES AGAINST FIRE. Losses Adjusted with Liberality, and Paid Promptly. JAMES H. LOW, (Parmer.y oi Wood ± Loir, and law PreskUst La. Ecuitabk Lite Ir jm nce Co. of N. O.) Manorer Southern Department. Ofice No. 10 AVhitriu 1 .) streef, Jni.t Block. P. O. Bo* UOtf, ATLANTA. GA. S. M. FARBAB and II- la BACKUS, Rreitter.t Area ts. Office, Plan Un.’ Banking Comply- MACON BOARD OF EEFEEEXCE—(By reraiss ion) i C. A. Xuttinr, President City Bank. J. E. Jooi*, Pii iurtit Csatial Bank. I. C. Plant. Presidsfrt First National Brow. W. J. Lawton. Presidecft Planter*’ Col. S- G. Bonn. President Exchanro Bank. ^ W. d. Holt. President Southwestern BaJrnad Co R. W. Cabbodee. oi Cubbedrs, liazleburrt ± fte IL H. PlantTcsL C. Plant* Son. ^ Tboma* Hardetrao, ol Hantemaa A Sparkv toil la R. M. Baacmore . of Aitom* A Baxemttv. .John O. Curd, of Curfeowt A Curd. B. L. M'llbnebaro, of Lawton A ilhnsham. S. Wiutelbaum. Of Mfaxelbratm k Bro. J. W. Burk *. tA J. W. Burke A Co. J. B. oi Ru*» A Coleman. Jcvph Da nnenburar. of Naws^uru A DaniKol-.i"?* Asher Ayi Thomas C. Vcxo&ey. LAWTON & BATES, WHOLESALE —DEALER* IN- CORN, OATS, HAY, BACON, CARD, FLOUR, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Bagging, Ties, Etc. FOURTH STREET, MACON, GA, CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. GEXnit VL arl>8HI XTKNDKNT S OFFICE. Gsobdia Cehtsal Railroad. Savannah, July 5,1S73. O N and after Sunday, tho nth insU PiMWgr Trr.in* on t’u' Georgia Central Railroad, its branches and connection-., will run as follows; DAY TRAINS GOING S OCT If AND WEST. Leave Savannah. l’OO r x Lwve Augusta ’ 2:15 r X Arrivent Milletl^viHe HHH P x Arrive at Katonton 12:52 a X Arrive at Maron 10:45 pm Arrive at Savannah .. . 9:13 p x Leave Macon toe Atlanta UM p m Leave Macon for Kufaula 11:13 P X Leave Macon for Columbus 10:55 P x Arrive at Atbnta 5:50 ax Arrive at Eufaula 12:10 p x Arrive at Columbus 4AS) a m Making dose connection with trains leaving Atlanta and Columbus. NIGHT TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Clayton 7:20 a X Leave Columbus 2:30 a X Leave Atlanta....; 1:30 r x Arrive at Macon from Clayton 5:25 r X Arrive at Macon from Columbus 7:30 P M Arrive at Macon from Atlanta. 7:20 r M JraivcMscon.... . 7*40 p x L«vo Savannah «=40 P * Arriieat MiUcdm'vilto .. 11:04 P X Amveat Kfttouton 12:32 a X Arrive at Augusta 4n» a x Arrive at Savannah. .. 6.00 ax Making perfect comKvtk n with trains leaving . Augusta. Passengers going over the Mniedflovfllo and Ea- tonton Binnch'will take nicht train from Colum- bn*. Atlanta and Macon, day trains from Augusta anil Savannah, which connect »lail\' at Gordon (Nun.’ays excepted) with the Miiledgcville and Latonton tram*. &\\Vln* *locnimr car on all night trains. I HROUill TICKETS TO ALL POINTS can l^hadat the Central Railroad Ticket Oflice at Pulaski House, corner of Bull and Bryan streets. Office open from 8 am to 1 r >t,anil from 3tod p M. *ickets can also be had at De»mt Office. . . WILLIAM ilOGKUS. July S tf General Sup»'rintemlent. SUMMER SOHEDTJLE. DAILY PASSENGER TRAIN TO AND PRO* Macon, Crunsvick, Savannahi Florida. OWICE Macon and BnrNavncK Railroad. Macon. Ga, July 2J, this. O N and after Wednesday, July 23d. Passenger Trains on this rood will be run a* follows.- DAY rASSENGER, DAILY, SUNDAYS KXCKTTKD TOR 111* rKKSKST. Leave Macon &9D a x Arrive at Jcsup 6:4$ r M Arrive at Brunswick 10:15 P M Arrive at Savannah 10:50 p M Arrive atTallaliassei' 10:12 a x Arrive at Jacksnovilie 10:12 a X Leave Jacksonville 2:40 p x Leave Tallahassee.. 2:40 P x Leave Savannah 5:20 a x Leave Brunsw ick 0:<H> a x Leave Jesup MM) a m Arrive at Macvu 8.-00 a X Passengers from Savannah will take the V.30 r x train for Brunswick, and 5:20 a m train for Macon. nivxmrau ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, DAILY, (SrNDAYS EXCEPTED). • Leave Macon 3:50 P X Arriie at Unwkinsvillc 7:30 p m Leave llawkinsville 6i30 a X Arrive at Macon 9M a m \V. J. JARVIS. July30tf Master Transoortatkm. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE. Central Railroad. Atlanta Di vision. Atlanta, July 5,1873. N and after Snnday. July Ctli. Passing or Trains on this Road will run os follow-: DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Macon . .11:00A X Arrive at Atlanta ., 5-JSO A M Leave Atlanta ... 1:50 P M NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Macon .,11:10 P M Arrive at Atlanta , 6:50 A X Leavo Atlanta ... l-ooam Making close connection ut Mneon with Control Railroad for Savannah and Augusta, and with Southwestern Railroad for Columbus nml point* in Southwest.ni Geo .via. At Atlanta, with West ern and Atlantic Bailway for points West. julyCtf ii. 1, FQRKACRL. Sup’L CHANGE OF SCHEDULE SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE. So ut u west k r n Railroad Company. Macon. Ga., July 4.1873. O N and after Sunday, tho Ctli hut., Pnroengcr Trains ou this Read will run as follows: DAY EUFAULA PASSENGER TBAIN. Leavo Blacon 8:00 a x Arrivo at Kufuula 4:4® I* M Arriro at Clayton 0:20 P x Arrivo at Aliiany 2:45 p m. Arrivo at Arlington 0:00 p M Arrivo at Fort Gaines 4:40 p x Leavo Clayton 7:20 a X Leave Kufaula 8:00 a m Leave Fort (iaine* 8UW a X Leave Albany 10:33 a m Arrive at Macon 545 P x Connects with, tlio A tinny Train at Smitliville, and tho Fort Gaines Train at Cuthbert daily, ex cept Sunday. Albany Train connects dally with Atlantic and GuU Railroad Trains at Aliiany, and will run to Arlingtcm on Blakely Extension Monday, \\ cdues- day and Friday, returning following days. OORUMEL'S DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Maoon 10:55 r x Arrive at Columbus 4:00 a m Leavo Columbus 2:30 p m Arrivo at Macon - 7:30 P X EL’FAULA NIGHT FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Macon 1 11:15 P M Arrive at Kufaula 12:10 p M Arrive at Albany 7:57 a x Leave Kufaula 10:20 I’ M Lca\'e Alb iny H:S0 P m Arrive at Macon 10:30 A M Trains will leavo Macon and Kufaula on tlio schedule Sunday, Tuesday and Thurelay nights, and connect at Smithville with Albany trains. VIRGIL POWERS, julyCly Engineer and Superintendent. CHANCE OF SCHEDULE OS llACOS AS 1> AUGUSTA R\\LIU)A1>. Forty-one Miles Saved in Distance OFFICE MACOXAS'DAUGUSTA RAILROAD. Maco»', May 1*. 1873. O N and after Sunday, May 19,1872, und until further notice, the trains ou this Read will runs a follows: DAT TRAIN—DAILY (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). Leave Macon f»:30 a m Arrive at Augsuta 1:15 i*m LenvoAugusta 1:50 pm Arrive at 3lacon 8:16 P X Passenger* leaving Mneon at 6:30 a m make dose connections at Canale with day passenger trains on Georgia Railroad for Atlanta and all, I joints West; also, for Augusta, with trains going North, and with trains for Charleston; also, for Athens. Washington, and all stations on tbe Geor gia Railroad. Tickets sold and baggage checked to all points North, both by rail and by steamships from Charleston. aug7tf S. K. JOHNSTON, Sup’t. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WESTERN* AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD CO, Office General Passenger Agent, Atlanta. Ga, July 10.1873. O N and after this date— LIGHTNING EXPRES3 For New York. Eastern awl Virginia Cities, Leaves Macon, ny Macon X Western Rail road ....11:90 A M Arrives at Atlanta 6:30 P X Leaves Atlanta. fl-.oo p M Arrivcsnt Dalton 10:30 P M Arrives at Chattanooga 1:10 AM Pullman Palace Drawing-Room and Sleeping- Cars by this train from Atlanta to Lynchburg and all intermediate points wrniorT CHANGE. Passenger* leaving by thi* train arrive in New York the second afternoon, at 4:44 r x, over thir teen hours earlier than jjos*engeri by any other route can with safety reach New York,leaving the same evening. DAY WESTERN EXPRESS. Leaves Macon at ,...11:10 p M Leaves Atbnta at tfc$0 A X Arrives at Clu*tfanooga.v* 4^0 a M Close connection at Chattanooga for .nil points Pullman Palace Car* on all night trains. For further particulrs sddracvj July 11 tf POET EOYAL BAHROAD. Office of Engineer and .Superintendent, Augusta# G a, June 28,1873. O N and after Monday, Juno 30, train* ou this Road will ran as follows: DOWN DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Wifi leave Augusta at., a.,, 6:45 A M Arrive at Port Royal at 2:16 r x A .rive at Charleston at 4:13 p m Arrive at Savannah 3£0 r m UP DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Win leavo Port Royal at fct5 A M J.eavo Charleston at,,, 8:10 A M Leave Sofmnnahat M0 a M Arrive at Augusta ut fc38 P M DOWN NIOHT PAS8ENOSE' TRAIN. Will leave Augnotn at fclV P X Arrive at Port Royal at ,,11:35 P x arrive at Charleston at...;,,: 5KX) A X Arrive at aavaniiah at — 1M0 P M UP NIGHT PASSENGER TEAIN. Will leave Port Royal at,,.. Leave Charleston at .1030 P X | __ . 6iOO P X Leave Savannah at p X Arrive at Au-Tiita at - 8.-00 A X Passenvers leaving Macon by tbo 6*0 a m train on Macon and Yuguit» Baflroid,amTe at Augus ta in time to inaku cloae connection with the down niy'it naasonger train on this rood ly Port Royal aSflarannah. JAMES O. MOORE, j u j v j tf Er.yinc-.T and Superintendent. ^tiuctj^y COMMISSION HOUSE R. M. WATERS A CO., SO Broad St., »w York. BANKERS —AND— Cotton Commission Merchants. PUNTERS’ I/I I, FOHT VALLEY. GA. R ECEIVES Deposits.di-wait. Purer. bu.vs ami sells ETi'harae; also. Gold and Ml.er. Collections made at all accessible points. Interest paid on Deposits when made for n specified time. Wm. J. Anderson, Pres't. H • E. Brown, Cash i DIRECTORS: Wm. J. Anderson, Col Huah L. Denson! Col. L. M. Felton, l»r. W. A, ^athews. - Dr. Wm. a HoUmshrad. dslStfft