Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, September 10, 1873, Image 2

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TJIE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER: WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 10, 1873. (T'tltqrnpli AJfltswtger W 1 I A'! * I' \ > Ml ti:' IN ,; -' 1 ’ ■ I ..-1 " ' A JIadman* I had i s I.ovc. tb I mi most in- ii'-ociaUxl with Edwin dc Give, n r known the date intimney of Iinitht rh - <1, 1 ^in j an only child, and he, to a great extent, had taken a brother'* place in my heart. We had attended day and grammar schools together, and oar college life waa pawed at Yale in the ■une friendly relation we had always en- joy.d. Daring oi. ■ of onr vacation..— that intervening between onr junior and senior terms—ire concluded to moke a walking tour through one or two of the Eastern States, returning only in timo for the commencement of the last session of our - bool days. Most delightfully did we pass the time—wandering through Talleys, climbing mountains, resting in the farm-houses by tho way, many times sleeping out in the open air, feeling that security from danger which only comes to us in earth’s silent places. In one of the villages where we preposed spendings day or two.having token letters of introduction from one of our professors to a friend .Edwin become so fascinated by the beauty and charms of a young Southern girl he met with difficulty I per- thcre, that it auaded him to continue our travels. From the hour ho met her. his whole nature seemed changed. From a cold, repul. sire rather than engaging manner, be becamo animate.). brilliant and attrac tive. Quiet in his deportment usually, he' now plungi<f into every gaiety that presented itself, and from his almost wonderful conversational gift*, handsome person and evident efforts to please, be came remarkably popular among the old oa well aa the young memliera of society. I had been so accustomed to receiving confidential communications from my fellow-student* as regarded their lore af fairs, having heard them pledge them- aelvea to constancy aa often as they found a now face that' provod attractive for the moment, that I had but little doubt I should soon sritneos a similar change in him. After our vacation was post, wo re turned to our duties and as ail thedaysand a good portion of each night were given to hard study, hut little time was left to do- veto to the romance of life. Edwin se& dom mentioned the namonf his loved one, and I never knew, save by on increased desire for solitude which occasionally j><,» sesaed him, whan her letters came. lie shared tho lion, ws of hia class at the < I".-o of Io.m rnivonot.i ■ ■ r • . in.I I ic .or Iuvid my friend so well as the day an which ho delivered hi* valedictory ad- , dress, for then I felt that my pride as well as my loro was gratified, and I gloried in the honors lumped upon him, for J felt and knew they were well Ixj- ! stowed. Freto os we will about the purity of friendship, no man or woman ever 1 Joyed friend or lover the less for tho poi- | session of those faculties that; inspire a i fueling of admiration ami pride in other liodoins than one’s own. We were to re- ' turn to Georgia by way of tho Virginia beauty's home, and Edwin was all impa tience till we had turned our faces south ward. On our arrival at tho homo of his lovod one, he became engaged, with the consent of her guardian, and his early marriage was considered an established fact. After lingering a week, nil of which timo was passed by my friend in acts of devotion to his betrothed, wo resumed our travels, I. with a feeling of ocstacy nt tho thought of soon joining those ho dear to me, and ns wo neared our heme my spirits rose in proportion as tho down- east looks and sighs of sorrow, which it secured impossible for Edwin to shako off, increased. Our lost day’s journey was’spent by hint ill almost entire silence, nnd tlm only remark f remember his having volun teered to make, was, that olthongh Ids love had prospered, been returned, nnd there was apparently no reason why a speedy consummation should not take placo, he feltn conviction he in vain tried to shake off, that some unforeseen event would occur by which ho would never claim os his own, the woman ho loved. Tho joy of reaching home, the warm wel come ertendod by his family and friends foiled to remove this burden of fear ful presentiment which he indulg.sl. nnd by indulging increased, till I scarcely re cognized in tho morose, brooding, restless mult, my friend who only a short while ugo had boon so full of hope and antici pations of a brilliant life and a happy one. lie novor spoke to me of any misunder standing that had taken place lretwoen them, and I have never known how the change came about. I was called away from home unexpect edly. nnd my stay w as prolonged by a stto- cession of emnimstaneiw which rendered my return impracticable. At tho expira tion of three months I wont back to C' , and on my jlrriv.il received fearful ac counts of tho efforts a disappointment in love bad had upon my friend. I went the licit day to «oo him, ami such n wroek of manhood I pmy.Qod I may never witness again. He knew mo at once, nnd in the ■pilot of despair handed me a letter, tell ing in,- ’twas the last he had received, and asked me to road to lu’m what I sliall hero make public os well ns I ennremem ber the wonts, after tho lapse of so many years. W V*., May. 1840. Just before leaving my native Land, f steal a moment from tho leave-taking of the dear ones nround me. to bid good-hvo to you, my friend—a long, loot good bye. In an hour I shall have loft the horn*Of childhood, and before this reaches you, I shall bo on the ocean withFmncis, my husband, eldest son of Lord Henry Ormon l. of norsetshire, England, who - ^ we shall make onr home. The little e p ’j; code in my life, in which for a short ‘ our fancied ndinimtion for each .ithcr forms such n delightful picture, si ,„n j x , one of my plea uuitost recollection * of the land I leave behind me. Hoping. long line of per- | .,n average man | .« " in th* wv*r, | ntlv ight found hi.- window s. n* in front of it. Now.« would hare taken lit- pis and wsit.'d hi- turn as pot !-■. but n,.l--ly - ■! i dr. sin - f . - doing tliut, and, of course, she did noth ing of t he sort, not she. She matched firmly up to tb" window, and in tones not more than half as dnleet a* those she had used on entering the lank, asked for the money oa that check. Now, if she hod l*.,-n a man, she would have been snubbed by the t Her, shoved by the men, laughed nt by the boys, and generally badly treated; but. 1 sting a woman, she was let alone, partly from politeness, bat more because it would take more time to rea son with her than to let her have her own way—to say nothing of the chances of her having it anyhow. So the paying teller took the check, glanced at it after tho manner of his class, and politely in- qnired. “ Large or small bills, madam w* lint by this time madam had lieoome lost in meditation on the question of how she would trim that new walking suit, and it was some timo before she could be arous- en—in fact, the question had to be re- peatod, not quite so politely. “ What ? Oh! yeas, let me see. Large, I guess.” Three or four of those marvellous flashes of the hands and the bills are before her Of course die had to count them, and you know how a woman counts money. First she takes one bill off the pile and looks _ A fa . f..’ .* le f, isrl 1 -i ■ i* ,1 — a EXTRACTS FROM at it suspiciously and lays it down a little ways off; then she takes the next one and then the next, counting out loud all tho time, and then she mislays a bill, and finally she looks up and says it ain’t right, and then sho counts it locks again and guesses she may Ire right after all. All that this woman did, and that paying- teller and those men and beys looked on and called her blessed—only they spoiled it the other way, and then that blessed woman rolled up that money and put it in that Bussia-leathcr portemonnie, and then she bit her lip and looked thought ful, and then sho said in “velvet voice “Couldn’t yon give me small MUs for half of this f" The paying-teller intimated that it was in the resources of the hank, whereupon she unrolled tho bills and c.irefnlly counted off half, which sho can tiously handed over, getting tho small bills in rctnrn. Then she rolled these up and put them in the portmonnaic, but they filled it so full it wouldn’t clasp, and of course she couldn't go up Brvndwwy with it gaping open. So, after she had tried tosbntita few times, she said: “Oh, dear! they’re in sueha wad.eonldn't you give me about twenty-fivo dollars in small bills and the rest in large ?’’ Silently that teller took those bills; his heart was too full for utterance; mournfully he made the ex change nnd solemnly he handed lock the money. Ho didn’t swear out loud, lint liia lips were moving, and if that record ing angel who blot till Uncle Toby’s «tth with a tear was on duty that day he must hare had a severe crying spell just then. At last, at half-past two, sho rolled up those bills, put them in that portmonnaie, picked up her parasol nnd gloves, which she lis/1 laid on tho shelf, and smiled sweetly and said: “There! They said I couldn’t get a cheek cashod; but I told ’em I knew I could;and I have.” Tlion that teller op.**! hif. mouth and Raid, "Madame, you have—V And sho had. Ah to what all those Vuitinjj men and lfoys said, our reporter says he*can’t very w«*ll vmtre it <lowu, "oecause it*a mostly represented by do&tju*. And that wom? n still lives nnd brags on how easy it ir, to get money at a bank, if you only kn-ow how. PREMIUM LIST GEORGIA STATE FATR. COMMENCING OCTOBER 27TH, 1873, Bargains in Millinery MIIaLIITEHY & FANCY GOODS LADIES* HATH AMD BONNETS, Hover*. Ribbons. Lane Goods, Hair Good*. Col lars. Cuffs, Zephyr Worsted, and in fart. Everything Usually Kept In My Line. Call and examine my Goods, and bay them st ^’rag-re"”' MBS. L. F. HENDRIX. CENTRAL CITY PARK, MACON, GEORGIA. Mammotli Sale. NINETY-SIX CITY LOTS. TERMS EA8Y. -TTTII.L be roll, at public sate, on TUESDAY. : • -jm : • ' • insr city lota. Tix: Lot-i 3 and 6. hkxrk SS: lot* l andS. block —; JoU «.7 and 8, block 48; lota2.4 anti 41, block 52; lota 4.5.6 and 3. block 50; lot 6. block 49; lot «. Work SO; lot-* 3.4.7 anti ft. block 71; lota 1.2 and 3. Work 74; lot 5. Work 75; lota 1. 4.5 and «. block 72; lot 1. Work Cft;k>tf. block SO; lot 6, Work 31; part of lot 5. nquai-e 73; lota 1,2.3. 4 5.6.7 and ft. block 36; lot* 1.2.3. 4. 5.6.7 and block 37 ; lot* 1.2.3,4.5.«. 7 and ft. Work 33; ts A. 7 and 8. Work 39; lots 1.2.3,5. 7 and ft, block 40; lot* 1. 6.7 and ft, block 41; loU and part of 7. block 42; lot* 1.2.3, 4. 7. 8 and port of 0. block 43; lot 6, block 6ft. TERMS OF SALE.—One-fourth cash, the ha! ancc to be paid within fifteen months, monthly instalment*. Notes to lie given on the ground*. Bond for titles riven by the city. AH lumlter. brick and stnue on the lot* known u the “Armory Property** will be reserved for the use of the city. •Sale will commence at 10 o’clock a. on Tat- nall square, and continue from day to day until all the lot* are sold. L. W. BASDAL. * F. A. 8HONEMAN, C. BURKE. aug2Std*Committee. . °ptur. that in jourm irriago hereafter. y«u ’^y bgas luipny an I um in the loco of ir .viusbanj, I um rours. t rubr, Xttu .jb- ATorris. Not a wan! of regret. r.ot a ayiublo of oxpb.natton. ami for aueb. a woman ho was rum,'ll. Ho held out 'afeh*H with the sauu* oilmxuws with which bo had given it to me. to receive n£uin the letter Unit ha i • 1 In. hope wrecked hia life. ’ , but in tin* wild roekleaa tumir.*? «f t u. int.-imod btlh, the quicY, hrnivy htvaUuni? shook hi.t frame. I reml his donui, ;md knew that in a mad-Jious**. with the curee of insanity upon him, my U-inI (ni'iiil wotild soon be imprisontvL And Uun* amid the cursing* and r.vilin-r» of tho frenued. thrown with tho torturi-d wr.‘tA'hes upon whom Um hands of thorr 3uikwr luvo Ihvu hi'ftvily laid, the Gc«b like intelleeta of His nob!,>st, best cnxs- tion destixmHl. ir. a nuuii.u>*g cell, mj boyhcKxl s friend, in spc»'chlc6s silence, with a crushe i letter in Kis hand, his days, an afjed, wrin> jod man, the rio- timofahiirli and noble ^ontiment, insyvirvd bv a false bul beaut*woman. 1 shall not atteir moralise, or £ivr wanuiu: to the v ^ of ^ciety who re- ^ai\l the winmr • an honest heart only as atnimnnh f or ,.. 0 n'VA'lof anliour. But from an old • aian w ho will pass away soon, . Y 0 ™ to aoso drift who an? just entering into wor * j' j. jviken in all lovo charity for youthful foUiox. not o. .mo .units. hVmemher that in , j woh of life that U woven hy the K» • aVs hand in which every human life forms a cord, be that cord a golden ono or dn><s, woman’s influence that heljk> to jrild it. and woman’* band that pLu\?s it in His keeping to await llis sententx? and receive His reward. A Q;«ccr Retribution. flow au Old Lady Foiled Two Til lain a In LoiilNiann. Tlio 0]»elousa*, La., Jonrnal. of tho loth, is responsible for the following: “Down in the Parish of St. Martin, an old widow lady, whose children had all married off and left Jujr alone, had been persuaded to sell her littl o placo and livo with them. She sold her land, building?* and improvementsono day for $2,000, and received tho money in cash on the spot, in her own honse, where the act of salo was passed Indore two witne «es, the num ber n»quLre<l by law, and wlio witnessed also the pay in" of tho money. In a short time she was to pive ]»oss«*H.sion, but sho remained in the house the ni^ht following tho sale, all alone, or with no masculine adult inmatur, as was her custom. That night, two nc£ro burglars broke into the hwwo and demanded her money or her life. She Rave it- to them, but them to lot her have $100 ol* it. as «ho oworl that rjnount and wanted tA nay the ilrbt, when sho would be satis fied. They finally consented to let her keep tho $700. They then ordered her to mako soma coffee for them to drink. In doinp; bo. she l>cthought herself of ftotnu stryelmino she had in tho house, andquicUy dropped It in tho pot of st-.sunin^ coffee, and placed it on the ta ble, with cups, spoons and supar forthom to pour out suid sweeten to their taste. This they ddd, and drank in a jolly mood, each ono hnvin" nine hundred and fifty dollars in bis pocket. But in a few min utes Uie tables were turned. One gavo up the jjho it where he sat at the table in liis chair, and tho other pot up, stop pered off a few feet, and tumbled over into eternity. Tho pood old lady recov ered her money, and on oxamininp tho persons of the black lmrplarious robbers, they turned ont to bo the two witnesses to tho act of the sale, both white men blackened for tho occasion—both her neighbors, and ono was her cousin. Newspaper for Sale. A GREAT BARGAIN! Southern Times & Planter. Published at Sparta, Georgia. TERMS REASONABLE. For particulars, address nuirfl lm LITTLE. JORDAN A CO. For best aero of clover hny............~~ SO | For best acre lnocme hay....—.. For l»cst acre of native grass Var best ncro j«ea vino hay...^. For ltest acre of cornfarnge For largest yield of Southern cane, ono acre... 50 For l>e*t ami Inrgest display rnmlen vegetables 25 I For buyest yield upland fotton. one acre 200 | Forliest crop lot upland short staple cotton, not less tlum livo Imle* —600 For lievt one halo upland short staple cotton, 100 (and 25 cents per pound for the bale) For best bale upland long staplo cotton 100 (and 25 cents per j■ »und for tho bale) For the best oil imintimr. l».v a Georgia lady.. For tho bcBtdisplayoffmintiii|rft,dmwings,etc. by tlio pupils of ono school or college 100 For the best made silk dress, done by a lady of Georgia not a dress-maker For tho l>es<t home-spun dress, ilono by a lady of Georgia not a dress-maker. 50 For best niece of tapestry in wonted and floss, by a ladyof Georgia For 1>est furnished baby basket and complete set of infant clothes, by a lady of Georgia... 50 For handsomest set of Mourhoir-cnsc. clove Inx jitul pin-cushion, made by a lady ol Georgia For best ludf d«wcn pairs of cotton socks, knit i • ff » vi\ 1YFT1T3 -pv/ITVnn 1 j.' ';"- r mi' w lu.-"(in r. A HAM) FIRE LMxIXE For litwt half docen pair* of cotton sneka. knit I 1 liy a girl under ten years of age (in gold)... 25 I For tlio finest and largest display of female ha nil irndt.etnl waring needlework, embrokl- ery. knitting, erw heting, raised work, etc^ liy one Iady...„...^ 100 I For tho hMt coinlMitalion horse 100 I For tlio licst saddle horse 100 I j- ’f :::: i For lln* liest .tallicm. aith ten of Ills volts by to examine this one. Itiaa lus side 250 1 For llichestgeUipg 250 For the l>est six-nude team For thelicst single mule For tho l»est milrh cow 100 For the bast bull 100 Fort lie best ox team —. For the brat sow with pig* ............ For the largest nnd finest collection oi domes tic fowls For the lw*t bushel of com For tis*1iest lmslM‘l of pesa 25 FOR SALE. AND APPARATUS. Second-Class Smith Engine FALL TRADE, 1873 IEKTZ, VIRGIN & CG. WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTENTION OF Wholesale Buyers To their large and wdl assorted Stock of Clothing for tho country trade. OUR STOCK OF FINE CLOTHING Is now complete and comprises everything new and nobby in Diagonal, Basket, Tricot, Wesleyan Female College, MACON. GEORGIA. Tho Thirty-sixth Animal Sossion WILL BEGIN OCTOBER C. JSTS. Tor Catalogues, containing (nil information, ad- dress ELDER HOUSE, Indian Spring, Ga. FpflIS well lniown house is now open to tlK*e .1 who visit tl>? Spron: for health or pleasure. It b nit tinted iwwrer tha Sprint than any other public house, nnd is spacious and ♦■omfortable. The table is supplied witli tho best the market afford*. Kvcry attention is given to invalid* who resort to the waters of the Spring Ivfl* health. SATIS OP HOARD. Frrday ------ 5200 1\ r week •• • - - -10 00 IV* month - - - - • - - 5500 liberal deduction xnvde for larva families. W. A. JfLDER H SON. wtf htjjinrtnrx For the liect boshei of wheat 25 For tlm lH*t lMidiel of sweet potatoes 25 For the bent bushel of Irish potatoes 25 For the 1x*t fifty stalk* of suKar cane 50 For the licst result on one aero in any forairo For the lanr.*>t yield of corn on one acre ... For tlie brpest yield of wheat on one aere. For the largest yield of oats on one acre ... F..r th.* h.r-'.M .u-lil .1 r\ • «-n am- For the best result on one acre, in any cereal ■ cn»p.^^ 200 For tlm best display made on the grounds, by any dry poods merchant 100 For the best display made by any grocery mer- ■■ I’hKJ 1 * 100 For the largest and best display of green-house In perfect order, and warranted to give entire sat 100 isfaction. Sold for no fault, but to make room for “ a steamer. For further particular*, apply to the Secretary of Ocmulgce Fire Company No. 2 or committee. C. MACHOLD. Foreman, If. P. WESTCOTT. F. A. SHONEMAN, V. KAHN. JNO. VALENTINO, augS lm Macon. Ga. Beaver and Cassimere Suits Overcoats, Robes, Buggy Blankets, Etc., Etc We also ask an examination of our large stock of Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Which embraces everything new and popular i: UNDERWEAR AND NECKWEAR 0? ALL THE FASHIONABLE STYLES. A SPECIALTY—SIIIRTS made to order and a fit guaranteed. i save both time and money by buying HERTZ, VIRGIN & CO., 00 CHERRY STREET. MACON. GA. Notice in Bankruptcy. F-A.Ij1Lj TJR-A-DE. IN THE DISTRICT COTRT OP THE UNI TED STATES FOR THE NORTHERN DIS TRICT OF GEORGIA. awns i* to giro notice, oner a week for three ~ pl«nt«. by opo pmxaii iTV Vi,nV. .I .' 100 I A weeks, that I have been appointed Assignee band, not lei»s than ten per- j of t j, e c ,tate of Charles G. Campbell, of Jasper 7s ^i^dnv for their petition. V the District Hew Goods, Hew Styles. Court for said District. (and $50 extra jier dov for t heir music)... For t In IickI Georgia plow stock _ For the l»est Georgia made wagon (two horse) 60 For tlm best Geonria made cart. 25 For lgat stallion four yens old or more 50 For lmst preaamid horse over 20 years old 25 For liesit AMerney bull .... so For lmst Devon Inill For best collection of tabic apples grown in I North Gcnnrin » allopuidwjl For l«t rollMlion ol txble xppie. prown ill | mi ' ha_| loop HENRY T. SMITH, TAX NOTICE. T HE TAX BOOKS of Bibb county are now i ■ 1 ' '^ PRICES LOWER THAN EYER! Mil Idle Georgia... time in which to collect ail the I taxes. 3Iy office is on Cherry street, at my old I place of business. 1 r.m also required to receire, under oath, re ports of farm crops raised in the county, together I with other infonuatkm relative to th.* f.-inniiu? in- I tervsts. • W. T. NELSON. 1 ang9 tnovlS Tax Collector. SPECIAL* Ibsce ono mile down stream on Ocmulgce IUvcr | \atipp fa Tov PilYAlSl t under tho rules of the Regatta «Nvoriation of WUtU lU AtlA A cl J * In accordance with tho Tax Ordinance, ."I-' «> I The Third Quarterly Tax Will bo due on or before September 10th, alterl ahich timo I will bo found to issue For the Tautest four-oared canoe boat, race open «^--i^ri"-tart"fiSS-sSS-a kS i EXECUTIONS A6AINST All DEFAULTERS. wit hunt wn^h-boards or other additions.) ! The usual entry fee of ten per cent, will be I The dty requiring funds. I am instructed to j A Hit or Cynicism—How site dot that Chock Cashed. A reporter i I t • toll tho follow- ing ttoxy. First sho got in front of tho discount clork’.-- wind or. and oat of all oxotavlinoly Kuteia-hritli.-r ]k rtm.'linaii i ll, extrai-Unl a ebook, which sho saiovitlio.1 uif. hviVi-d at ii wifh a remarkable ban- neat-like air. and punhod it through the window with a most charm:n- style, which mi^ht have softenrf the heart of any man but a discount clerk. 1 his par ticular clerk vm not hard -heart ed, so^he took the time, though bu=y, to say: "You must £0 to the paying toller,** _ at the same time jn;*i:iting towards tliat iudivzd- ual. Away went the L.dy a little difOOBOffUd but not diemajed. *• AuyK*dy might have madotluU mistake,” she argued. So ■he walked to the next de&kwith renewed ctmfidenoe. Now dm must beright, :vnd R. W. & S. H. JEMISON. ATTORNEYS AND C0UNSE1L0RS AT LAW. Office 52 Second it, M. icon, Georgia. "1171LL practice in the ran *t* of Macon and ad- * V konl circuits, ami ii l the Supreme and Federal Uourta of Georgia. S) e«al attention given to matter* in Bankrapt«y. Having H>-ocijib-d with me my aon. Samuel 1L Jcsnison. 1 beg leave to dire rt attention to the above oanL Additional facili ties ararrant me in assuring prompt and careful a. itentmn to all bu*i nea* cntrusteil to u*. MSB R . W. JEMISON. GirU.su i'lathxxlral BtrwL Ba Itimore. Md. Miss Chaffiva'tt! Mtvs Hameasdor. i htnopoU. assisted by able Profcmn Next Ses* km opens Scptcm- Ut ISth. Course of studies ext entire, comprising nil Imn.hix.-: T■ * it«- i-lnr».t on. French > th.* Uncuagu of the school. CUvs honors r.wardcil at the do>e ol the year. Cirrular* on application. nqfiOlB F. LABEL, *iu: rosolvt* 1 to l business like. " The money vdcXMf.” *• Fortv-ei^hl oh .’ < >ii ! cheek ■ four”—and the over the column Finally, it stru the pay'in^-tell, perrun U see, uni afU- • exo»n*vliugly manly and on ri.is check if you fifty-four hiity-one— 1‘ayinc teller, aixty- rlerk’s head was Unt »f fii»ur»*s he was milling, k the lady that jn^isibly might in* the projer short setirch *be kiTviicnn or STAR AND TALLOW CANDLES, SOAPS, LARD OIL.- Office, No 14 Wot Main Street, between Fi/»t and Second. Factory, N<*. 73, 75. 77. 79 and SI Maiuan Lane, between Ohio and Adam* Street*. LOUISVILLE, £Y. t';u^h paid for Tallow, Lard ami Groaac. *rr25ftm HARRISON, BRADFORD St CO’S STEEL PENS. S|nuU XI tendon railed to the wdl known mini here - 505—75—28—20 and 22. Factory, XL \ermmm: 0«ee 7ft. Ml at., Xew Yprftu charged for the Regatta premiums. MILITARY COMPANY. For the best drilled voluntary military compa ny of not les« than forty members, rank and file, open to the world. (No entrance fee)...$750 At least five entries required. RACES- ITKSK OXE—$300. For Trotting Horse*—Georgia raised; mile heat*, best two in three. 1st horse to receive gang 3d horse to receive 3d horse to reoave TCBSE TWO—$450. For Trotting Homes that have never beaten 2:40 mile heat*, best two in three. $300 rrRSE TIIKEE—$650. For Trotting Homes—open to the world; mile I heat*, best throe in five. 1st norae to revive yam j rrsas roni—$350. For Rtmninff Honrs—open to the world; two- milo 1 K:it>, bca»t two in three. 1st horse to receive....^.,.. $250 2d borne to receive „ , • ioq rctsE rirr-$3oa. For Runaing Horses open to the world; two-mile ItoaLs. beat two in three, to recrivr $300 ri'ESE SIX—$500. For Running lloras open to the world; three- mile brats, beat two in three. 1st horse to receive * > n ^ .$500 rrESK sxvrx—$I50l For Running or Trotting Homos—thr* jeanokL First borne to receive - ^ - • $100 Second horse to receive • • .' Three to enter and two to start. rVESE EIGHT—$100 For Rmini?nr or Trotting Hotm»—twx> years old First bon-' to receive - - - Scc\md borv' to nvci>o - - - • Thrt\: to enter and two to start. TTXSE XIXE—$100. Mule race—Mile Heat*, best two in three First mule to reevire - Second mule to receive .... Four to enter and three to start. The above Premiums will be contested for under ei\a ii<. Furtlicr Time to any One. I therefore ask all tax payer* to come forward | without delay, in order tliat they may avoid hav ing their names published, and save trouble and expense. All • will be dealt with after September 10th as the Ordinance direct*. O. P. ADAMS. srpfSt City Aa*e*aor and Col lector. Fair Ground Privileges! GEORGIA STATE FAIR | BAR-ROOM, SEGAR STAND, FRUIT, ETC. TERMS—Note* of equal amount*. Calling due I each day during the Fair, with security, acccpta- 1 Ole to tne committee. No pajer taken but such as can be Used in any J bonk in the city. Notes to be given cm the day of J SINGLETON HIT & CC. Rjtum thanks to their numerous Merchant customers for tho very liberal pat- [ ronage and confidence extended to them in tho past. They also announce that their Fall and Winter stock of BOOTS! SHOES! Ills, HUMS, umeus, u For 1873, complete in every respect, has been received, to which especial attention is invited. Increased facilities, with more extended storage room, and a determination not to he undersold, enable them to guarantee prices as low, at all times, as obtain in New York City. ORDERS SOLICITED AND PROMPTLY FILLED. Address SINGLETON, HUNT & CO WHOLESALE DEALERS, 149 SECOND STREET AND 28 COTTON AVENUE, MACON, G A. PUBLIC SALE BRUNSWICK & ALBANY RAILROAD. 2A0 MILES LONG. | ECLIPSES ALL OTHERS The Great “Eclipse” Screw CoitonPress [PATENTED FEBRUARY a. lWIJ MANTTFACTURED SOLELY BY BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, R. FINDLAY’S SONS 15tli Day of October, 1873. FINDLAY IRON WORKS, MACON, GEORGIA. FASTER, MORE DURABLE, LIGHTER DRAFT ADD CHEAP': THAN OLD WOOD SCREW EVEN. PACKS THE BALE IN TWELVE HOUNDS. X TNDER and by virtue of a verdict an l decree ) of the Superior Court of GlynnS county. Georgia, rendered in the Bill in Equity, filed in said court at tlie instance of Rufus B. Bullock. Governor. John T. Broun Jfc Co^ M. I. Atkins A Ox, Lyon. McLendon & Co. et at^ complainants, vs. Jacob E. Dart, the Brunswick and Albany Railroad Company, ft al* respondents, the under signed Commissioner*, appointed in said Decree for that purpose, will, on the i3th ».iY of octobeh, 1873,1 Two to three Hands, or one Light Mule, Packs a Bale in 2 Minn*; offer, and exptise to sale, before the Court-house J SwtVcrf ftroSS. U-tw«-n S TovS!‘A. M.^amU | Bale3 01 CoUon P=«*cd by tins Press rsnye from too to 800 iwunj,. 4 o’clock, p. m., to the liigliest and best bidder, the BRUNSWICK AND ALBANY RAILROAD, extemling from the harbor of Brunswick, at point known ns Dennis’ Folly, to the line of the State of Alalnma. near the citv of Kufnnla, in said State—a distance of two huiulred and forty miles, as well as that part of the same now finished, that ~ rail*, ins*, erections,* structures, depots, stations, fix tures. real e^•tate and appurtenances thereto, be longing to said eorjioRftioii. together with all tho liN'oniotives. tenders, airs, mn iagos, equipment*, t«s*Kimplements.machinery aiwi tvraonal prop- ■ ... . Mty of every .l. M ri|.lion owned l.y said rorborn- ''e luve Th&TlMONIAU> from m.ny of the Lrnwst ami H-vt 11»nters in Otond, (nnd - way lad,main* to or »,.pertaimV to 0 * 1, YT SS* n *y* »re/s “ fain,liar » hnnelnM n onk" • •• *• 1 visiting Macon are earnestly ailvLsed not to purchase a Cotton Pres* until they EXAM 1\Ki'Ij2" AND THOROUGHLY tho “ECLIPSE,” and JUDGE FOR THEMSELVES. Send for lw? U l*amphlets containing testimonials and prices. WE GUARANTEE wharves, piers, walls, fences, brfclpw. build- AraiE wHro 1 BREAKAGE WITHOUT LIMIT AS TO TIME. tures. real o-tate and appurtenances thereto, be- I , . ... „ , . ’ . . ., . longing to Maid corporatkfti. together with all tho 1 ECLI1*SK can be furnished all complete, or aunply the Irons, as parties may desire, loammtive*. tenders, airs, airmgus, eQuinawnt*. urranswl for steam or water iunver when required. ^ FRANCHISES AND RIGHTS tiiMler its charter now belonging to said con •ora tion. The rowl is completed and in good running order I from Brunswick to Allnny, a distance of one hun- ' drgd aiul seventy miles, or thorealKnits, with en gines. enra. and otlu a r noc’cssaiy equipments, to gether with about fifty miles nearly completed nnd ready for the track, between Albany nnd Ku- fnub, with nliout three miles of iron laid. The | track from Bnmswick to Allmny is laid with first- class new and heavy “T” rail, (mostly English.) the greater f>ortin:i Fish-Bar. The iron supposed to lie worth ftl.70n.ooo. Under sai«l decree the Commissioners are re quired to make nnd execute good and sufficient ti tles to tlie unrrhacer. in FEE SIMPLE, free from all claims, debts, demands, liens, bonds, mortgages or incumbrances whatsoever. ■■■■ R. FINDLAY’S SONS, FINDLAY IRON WORKS, MACON, 01 TERMS OF SALE: One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollar* CASH to lie (mid oil the day of sale, ami Indore the legal hours of sale expires, and tin* balance as Uie same may be called in by the said Commissioner*. The purchaser to l»e placed in possession of the prop erty on the payment * * " ‘ * * to receive title* on th CRAIG PATENT HORSE POWER FOR DRIVING COTTON GINS. ; Recently Strengthened and Improved, now Perfect MANUFACTURED SOLELY BY R. Findlay’s Sons, Findlay Iron Works MACON, GEORGIA. u nay , _. the purchase money. Tlie first payment to be for feited on failure therein. Also, at the same time and place, will bo sold TELEGRAPH LINE non the right of way of said Railroad, now <. letcd from Brunswick to Albany, with all the poles, wire, and property of tlie said Telegraph Line. Terms—Cash. O. A. LOCH RANK, A. HOOD. R. K. HINES. A. O. BACON. JOHN C. NICHOLL. J. J. HARRIS. Coininmissioners. Tlie superiority of this macliino over all other* intended for same purpose (includingboth thr.ri iu , id “new fashion” Gin Gear) we GUARANTEE. OR ASK V n «.—JL ment of tlie balance of I 0,10 Piw**’ a . s ^ were ^requires no mechanic to jait it up; nuts tho grtmnd; is nttoched in H hi used in ANY KIMi i the ground WITiiol | ANY HOUSE; drive* a Gin from 275 to 800 revolutions per minute. FULLY WARRANTED IN EVERY RESPECT. Send for Descriptive Circular, Testimonials, and Price List. J. A. DUGAN. DUGAN & STILZ, J. D. STILZ. DEALERS IN Corn, Oats, Wheat and Hay, EXCLUSIVELY, No. 20 Second street, between Main and River. LOUISVILLE, KY. AMPLE STORAGE. Will fill orders for Com from points in Illinois, parties making purchase accepting through Bill of | Lading from shipping points. apr25 flm R. FINDLAY’S SONS, FINDLAY IRON WORKS, MAC0X, G.l MANUFACTURERS OF | STEAM ENGINES, BOILES, SAW & GRIST MILLS, WATER WHEELS, AND ALD KINDS OF MACHINERY AND CASTINGS. ETC. ETC. R. FINDLAY’S SONS, jnlS7eo<Hy t FINDLAY IRON WORKS. MACON, 01 SCHOFIELD’S IROiN WORKS Adjoining Passenger Depot, Macon, Georgia. Celebrated Cotton Presses. ROB’T. A. NISBET, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Comer MULBERRY ST. and COTTON AVE. (Over Fayne’s Drug Store), jnnnljdSm MACON. OA. Wrought All acknowledge its su]x:riority to any mndo anywhere or by anybody. Steam Engines and. Boilers, Saw Mills, Sugar Mills and Kettles. Iron Bailing, Mill Machinery, Castings, and Machinery of all Kinds. I Faught’s Patent Gin Gearing. FLAOTAGAN, ABELL & 00., j COTTOJf FACTORS —AND — General Commission Merchants, 1S3 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. and liberal cash advances made on consignment* for sale in Savannah, or on shipment* to our cor respondent* in Northern, Eastern or European ts. aturl 6ra A.3C.SLOXN. ARTHUR N.SOLLF.K. G.V.WYLLY, JR | A. M. SLOAN & CO., COTTON FACTORS —AND— General Commission Merchants, Claghom X Cunningham** Range, liny Street, Savannah, Ga. AGGIXG and Ties advanced on crop*. Liberal I 1 cash advances made on consignments for sale Savannah, or on tihipment* to reliable corres pondent* in Liverpool, New York, Philadelphia, Boston or Baltimore. aucl 6m Aj i JOHNSON <5c‘ SMITH, WHOLESALE GROCERS, VALUABLE LAND POB SALE. ‘ I-Produce Dealers and Commission Merchants, mng28td Dt’NCAN. J. H. JOHX8TOX. M. MACLBAX. DUNCAIT, JOHNSTON & CO., COTTON FACTORS -Axil- General Commission Merchants, 02 liny Street, Savannah, Ga. nngl 6m L. J. GCILMARTIN. JOHN VLANNSBY. L. J. GUIXiMARTIN & CO., COTTON FACTORS —AXI>— General Commission Merchants, Hay Street, Savannah, Ga. A GENTS for Bradley’s Super-PhoKphato of I Lime. Jewell’s Mills Yams and Domestics, etc. Bagging, Rope and Iron Ties always on hand. Usual facilities extended to customers, augl dw&swBm WARKEN A. RANSOM. AARON P. RANSOM. DARIUSW.GEER. ROBERT II. BOYD. W. A. BAMSOM & CO., Manufacturers and Jobbers of T3LANTERS are requested to call nround and *ce it. It is not nencMUj that you buy now* th » X ono power to run your gin a lifetime. Many buy Horse Power* ami have to buy a C»m - rear. This Gin Gear hn* an IRON CENTRAL SUPPORT to prevent settling of P«» **"**•' IRON KING POST AND IRON BAND WHEEL SHAFT. Hade only by J. S. SCHOFIELD & SON" NOTICE.—Havinff made arramreraenta witli Messrs. SCHOFIELD Jl SON for tlie “kJUwsti ture of mr PATENT GIN GEAR, with CENTRAL IRON SUI’l’OBT. all others »w —» p , MAKEiuSE, or SELL tho same, as I shall prosceute to the extent of the law all paronim-ij infrinxinr on my intent. L. ft rAt * ’ May 1*. 1X~3. - I J. H. DOBBS. I (Late of Wise, Dohh» A Ca) WALKER & DOBBS lion, one-third cfeonu and fti cultivation, the bal< once wcll-timl*ered land with oak, oral hickory and pine. This body of land i* all level and well adapted to the production of com. cotton, wheat, cat* ami all farm product* of Middle Georgia. So situated that it may be divided into two farms of 40M acres cadi, or four form* of 2*t acre* each, and giving each division a portion of the cleared land. This land i* a port of the real estate drawn by Mi- Henry I*. Everett from the estate of the laU Jamc* A. Everett. This land will l»e offered at private sale until the first Mondiy in October, when, if not disposed of. will be sold at public sale, to the highest bidder, in the town of rat Valley. Apply for information to Wm. A. Anderson. Jan** A. Everett, or to the undendgned. at Fort \ alley. I will also sdl a well improved house and lot of 40 acre* of land attached. This is one of the be-t imnrov ed lot* in the town and eligibly situated. J sell on very favorable term*. anglOtd* WM. L GREENE. I Keopcnmg of the Public Schools. T HE City Public Schools will be MMMd WEDN ESDAY. October 1.1S7S, aa follows: In Ko»t Msccn. at the Control Railroad Build* ing. and one ro*m at the Catholic Church—Mr. W. G. Smith. Principal. In North Karon, at Mr. E. H-’ Link’s school bouse, and at one or two other mans in that MASONIC TEMPLE, MULBERRY STREET, FRESH A.RRIVA.ES! to CAR LOADS BABOX, 100 TIERCES LARD tlv mka of the Tnrf. The u-mxl rh*rve of 10 pee non, jo be profiled-Sr. E. H. Link. FrintiinL cent, on the .mount of the pur* «il! be chanced j n Wst Miron, at St. Haul's Parish srfio COUNTY EXHIBITIONS 1. To th*- rountv w!iich (through itv Sr« icty orQMri ahali fumtoh the Unrest and tnest dbiploy. in mt-nt and variety, of irttyk. produrU and result* oi Is >me in- di->trvs. all nu^od. pn^iuird or iconu- facttimi in the county ...... $ 2. bcro7oi lw%t do * _ . - - - - — T i. Tbml U*»t do . , , 4. Fourth l«rat do ... 2W Ki.tncs to be mode at the August Convention Athena. Article* contributed to the County Exbibitiona ran also outupt-lr for specific premium* in the Pre mium I.i*t: lor m»Ui«r, a former mav contnlute to the Exhibition c4 hit rountT o Bread tom, h.* isn thro ciiVr it. nidi voiuoUy, for pre lum:* 144. juiictac*4^i hcbool A Central High SrixwL in scoria conrctiient loca tion (rc^myct to be provided*—Mr. J. 11. Roberts, Principal. In t he High School a >mall charge will be made to defray the expenses of renting a >uiud>le room. All application* fer odin^oioii must lw motle to the Sui**rintendciit, who will !*• at hi* offiev* on Cherry »trv» t, eicrv day iSitnniay and Sundai excrptrtdi from 9 to 13 o’clock, for the purjose of [ issuing cards of admi**ion. angVtlw B. M. 7ETTLER. Sup’t. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE. be U-st litliabi - SI if l in>lantalM<ulu; ment; no ndi- ul RctZM-dlr* tb»* ill t-ff-a- Product-* immcdiat« iy Brown. iu»d l»-3»i»** 11*-- ttful. The genuine sit by oil l>ruirw'i*i4- "nov lievxily tint* or uopkw-ant tutor, t-f bed dm on l wa*b*». » >operb Block «*r Natural mir Clean, tioft and Bcmi- — I W. A. B» t.-he lor. Sold HAS. BATCH FLnR, Proprietor New Vork. 250 BARRELS COMMON MOLASSES, 21 TIERCES COMMON MOL.kSSES. 50 BARRELS SYRUPS, ALL GRADES $00 BARRELS SUGAR, ALL GRADES, to TIERCES DUFFIELD HAMS, » TIERCES MARTIN’S HAMS 1 CAR LOAD SEED RIE. 1 CAR LOAD SEED BARLET. « CAR LOADS FRESH WATER GROUND MEA L 15 CARS WHITE CORN 5 CARS MIXED CORN. 5 CARS LIVERPOOL SALT 1 CAR VIRGINIA SALT. «00 ROLLS KENTUCKY BAGGING, » TONS ARROW TIES . to COILS HEMP GREEN LEAF ROPE, to BALES 1-OTTER’S OSXABURGS. m BALES PORTER'S SHIRTING 10 BALES MACON SHEETING, to CASES SARDINES, loo BOXES CANDLES to half boxes candles, to QUARTER BOXES CANDLES. joo BOXES BLUE RIVER STARCH 100 BOXES SOAP, ALL GRADES, to BARRELS VINEGAR. Ii5 BOXES CANDY 100 BARRELS WHITE CORN WHISKY, And th<- larst.t ,t«k of FINE WHISKY to be found in tho State. Call and examine, lto SACKS COFFEE to HALF BOXES "NELLIE BLY” TOBACCO WOODEN WARE. SHOT, and full .ujiplita of everything kept in our line. WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE MIAMI POWDER CO. togxitf Successors to Wise, Dobbs & Co., BOOTS AND SHOES, |IMPORTERS OF AND WHOLESALE DEALERS I?»* CHINA, CROCKERY and GLASSWARE, ohas, counselman & co., I SILVER-PLATED WARE POCKET AND TABLE CUM®, lonoral flnmmiooinn Wornliontfl I * COAL OIL, LAMPS, BURNERS, WICKS, CHIMNEYS, ETC. CHAffDXLISRS, ©AS AND KEROSENE FIXTURES. General Commission Merchants, Boom 14, Oriental Building, CHICAGO. Befer to \V. A. Hull, Macon. mayi Cm BLOCJfT, HAKDE Jf AX & HARDEMAN I (mU ^° and OnMeteadtjS'W® 1 “ ATTORNEYS AT LAW, | — WALKER & DOBBS. MACON, Gal. Office, Cherry street, over S. T. Walker’s. truYlV. GEOR^IV- Cliange of Sailing Days. Pacific Mail Steamship Co.’s I THROUGH LINE TO CALIFORNIA, CHINA | AND JAPAN. Touching at Mexican Ports, AND CARRYING THE G, S. MAIL, j Fares Greasly Reduced. - . /^NE ol the lame sf,. yT ^ and •splendid t of thi i this line — Pier 42 North Kiven frot of ERNEST PESCHKE’S Macon Standard Mean Tim 0 - ISfiT Steamship*/' a will lei North — - , . , , . Canal SU at 12 o’clock the 5th, and Vr^ningol ■ Myth of every month TYAVING perfected my arrangement* to correct thu slightest error m the lN> (except wheh tlune data fallon Jl lbwulator. hy the erection of an ol**ervatory and one - able the preceding Saturday) for AS FIN W ALL, MKNTS, for the purpose of obaerving the mendian parage of the sun and i«« no ting, via Panama Railway, with one of the exact Macon mean time to within a fraction of a second. , M ^ aO&*. i Comynny’s St-’amship from Panama^ for SAN I in*, n.rul tn tkc Rroairiua aud Rati no of Mmb wCtflrti os tet • *— ** t out s OKHHBUip * .7 , X"/ IV’ITin FBAN’ClSCO. touching at MANZA3U14AA i All dejiariun s connect at Fanania vutfi 8t€ rs for South Pacific and Central American ports. For Japan and China/U.-amers l^ve teniran- sco first of even’ month, except when it fall* on unday. then on the cL-jy preceding. One hundred poonda of Baggage allowed to .ach adult. Baggage received on deck the day b*-fore sailing, from steamboats, railroads and passengers who prefer to send down early. An experienced Surgeon on board. Medicine incl attendance free. For Freight or Passenger Ticket*, or further in formation. apply at the Company’* Ticket Office, on the Wharf, foot of Canal street. North River, \«*w York. GEO. H. BRADBURY, Prerident. J. Bcllat, SJupt. au*2 ly w . , T . i fraction of a second. m m *Sp0cial attention paid to the Repairing aud Rating of fin I neto icork made to order. hotsl E VOl- NATIONAL (FOBMERLY (JPOTTSWOODJ NSABLY OPPOSITE THB PASSENGER Thi, House ha. been THOROUGHLY RENOVATED from lament to att:c. board UR r EB DAV ’ P. WHELAN, Prop uicttt