Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, September 10, 1873, Image 3

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1 jnlySOSm IJ. W. WRENN. General Passenger Agent. MAIiONE, WILLINGHAM & CO., MACON. fiEOEGtA. LAWTON & BATES LAND FOR SALE. ! UK mart desirable farm la Muon doontr. earned formerly by Jlinuu & TrouOuan,*Mkl l v u*. Iv.i-r on the a At bant i< Flint nv,r. Itre m(Vs Irluw tin* lieautlful and rK.nndnr.i-' It id Ke.vieMs. IS. IT. It Did aaitaininy 'Uahea tit. taut. After breakfast, which i oaten hastily, ami from a table that U amiahed with a bar of aoap, a package >f starch and a Mooing bog, he is aent [own cellar after the tuba, washboard, vneh. etc. He puts both tnb* togetherand the wash- card inside, with a view to arviid coining iown ataim again, although ho has been r,«r* giving practical demonstration that hose things can’t 1h‘ cnrrksl at ooc time. Hut be grasps the inside of the tubs with me arm and takes the wash-bendi in the <hsr and starts forthestaiT*. JJoonewho ias not tried it oan begin to nnd.-rai-in the amount of circumsj.vtion t\ spurs*; t.. ■ngineer a wash tub and wash-K>nch' up the same stairway at the same time. He HENRY T. JPEPAS. T. M MUON BRYAN. iw^. (wj JLNG TO $£3,2K5 20. New Xour. October IL1873. Dc. EadwaT: Dear Sir—I am induced by a ren*e of duty to the suffering to make a brief state ment of the working of war medicine on myself. Far aereral year* I had been affected with mme tnoWc in the bladder and urinary organ*, which wane twelve months ago culminated in a most Ur- riltlr alfiktina disease, whph the physicians all said was a spasmodic stricture in tha nretrv u also inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, and care it as their opimoa that my axe—73 year*— would prevent my evsr petting radically cured. I had tried a number of physicians, and had taken a lance quantity of medicine, both aVmathic mml homeopathic; but had cot no refief. 1 had nod of astonishing cures haring been made by your mn- ediea. and scene four months ago read a notice in TICKETS $100, SHARES IN PROPORTION. IX the above scheme, formed by the ternary JL combination of. 78 number*. making 76J>76 ticket* and the drawing of 12 ballots, there will he 22® prises, each haring three of the drawn numbers on U; 4J3A each harim; two of them oa; 23.7 w. each baring one only of them on; and also 43J7W ticket*, with neither of the drawn numbers on them, being blank*. To determine the fate of these prises and blank*. » numbers, from luTS iadmdre. will be sever* afly placed in a wheel on the day of the drawing. b Is .1 .1 • * .lT. HUMPHREY’S HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS H ave proved, from the moat ample expcrieno\ an entire atoms. Simple, Prompt, ££• esent and Refiahla. They an* the only mvdiriufca perfectly ailapt «t to > ;*ular u*e—so >huple that an^ukra caanaaho n*.-* uttuiaxthsm: »Wte- less a> to lie free from danger; and so efficient a> t l<e always reliable. They base the hifdwat aunmemlatkjn from all. and will ahravs render wuistsctMU Price, in huge throe-drachm rials, with dirocUom: „ _ \ v Cur - ^- ur.k *1. iWa Conpretiro. IwfiammariMm . .to - Wo-ma. U o-U IVn r. Utwm v *!^». . to 5 Cry;:sr-Oulii cr Troihmitaf Tr.fants. . . to 4. Durrhona. c< Children or Adult*. ... to A Dvsentcry. Grapine. Riiioua Cofir. . . . to A Cholera MortHw. Vomiting. to 7. Cooghv Coki*. liroucli ...... to Tt. Ten il] i». Ti. th i dyi Poontrnrt .. . • • to Hem !■»*-!>•. Sif V. Hca.lache.Vcrti®a ... I® to. Dyspepsia. hliHrt.s St^narh. to 11. Saw»rva»«d. or 1 Vi?i. >1 I*er:ods, .... I® 12. WuiMi Uv Profu^ lVriod*. I® IS. Cn ■«»:'. Cough. 1* tfienlt Breathing, ... to 1%. Salt Uhecra, Kryapcbus.Eruptions . . . to 15. Blx-umsti&m. Kta-iunatic Hum, .•••{* 1A Vtrtr and Aruck Chill Ybtar. Agues. . . to the stein the tuba slide around and the board alii* out- Ha thinks first that he ’■ill put his heel on it and split it in two. but carnages hi* mind, sate down the thing*, sad replaces the bund, llu n he »texte again, and when he ha* got as far up the stairway as ha can with out proceeding sideways, he turn* the tuba to the treat, but as hi* hold on them ha* been gradually yielding all tho whilo, he finds t-.oy are - *low they .-trike the •teir. and in an effort to raise them the Wadi gives, and to *ave that he loses in part bis hold on the tub'. and before he • « r .: t!:< U ir>l.~lij*s out and£ *• Uck into the cellar two step* At h jump. He rim*- round and look* orer the tuW .• tho Kv.: !. «h: Ii h.-.-vr. w.:i:l.n intsr-'.iy th- s appein to 1» no odl for, ■ ! ..^'.on nit. n.i!...• ,u~-. ut Ho -ol ios bench I-Uirtej ahead, but the *1 ill the toj. step, an.l having 01- w rtsd Itti sndnmn nnd w Aa getting it that f.ir. find- himself c nipJeU-lr — 1 a. isaa j* **-•- -* -r: 1 «. KPrtwsr** Pin* far the euro «f all disorders of the Stcmsrti, Liver. Bowel*. Kidneys. Bladder. Xerrous Dnsjcs Heodach . Cor>tir*tion. C<j*- tireness. Infisotion. Dy>pcp'ia. B:liuu«iww. Fe ver. lnftsmm*tk<« of the Bcwt-K Pile* sad s!l D*- nngemesits of the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effort a po~.:ire euro. Pnrriv Terctabk*. eou- tAimiig no mercury, mineral*or deleterious drugs. Obrorro thetofiowing symptoms resuhins from Dwirdcrs cl the Disestiro Organs: Imnl Pile*. Fullness of tl» “•"•l in the Bpl. Acidity of the St<-rasrfc. Xau- — l> • f \ -.1. r - : --- >: ■ -i • s^rEri -• a. > »-. it r;. r -. • - .e Vi.;,.- in. r JVeii- t-imtli Sirtt. Feier sr'j MD Psin the Hen.!. Brtrwwyd ivr>; iniioa. \eUowTke»sof ti*Skin and lyes,Pain intbr- Side. Ch-^t. Lixchs, aafi sutldflB Hn*hn of Heat. Burn ing in the Kl— h. A lew do~— ef Rad wav’< w.ll L’re ti>e «v,- teai fn..ra ;a21 the i ^ named di-oreU rs. l*rice 25 cent* per box. Eoid by Dru-.-i»t ? . BEAD “FALSE AND TRUE r* Send one Mi. r "tamp t.» RADWAY iCO. Xo. 2 Warren. f*rtik»-r I'hurrh -tr*--:. N-w York. Information s«r!i »dl U: M.uty^u may 13 eudlwly IBl tktat hmiagonitUi. Ut.id»nds«h drawn numbanw*-. Thst tkkrt bSTtagcsi it thelrt.U and Mi drawn nembera. to. axui Sk K| it. Sr.-ims. S: \ it-e* - lh.n >*. lhpluttrria. t'kvrtbsl S>n Tlmad, • ■ *■ 35. ChruoirCoiHeiibonahnd Bruptions. . . ' . V FAMILY CASES. Caso < Morucrui wuh above 35 Urge >ials and Mwi .ido(bir«ti(«>. .... - flO *► Urf(Momm.i rolirwr Yiai, kj.<1 B- k. **.«»■ Trv««’ **x- t• \ ih - rr s • rl- hux to ai.v jKirt tf th.- cur.irs. t'rv^ ot . !.-:vc. e<. vwmpt <( price. Ad ir*«v* HUMPHRY SPKC1FIC , HHUKOI-ATHIC MHDH'INB c<>.. Om->* and IV-J*’* N* 1 Vtl . %,•«• Y> rk. For M»]|- b> ail l^rux-n't*. Arm i.v Im- _n i u.u.-i... . i .. *•' :tal will be. 4JDQQD Mpurm or tu*-. and then it ic •at-Miie tub u down with the i. having a«\\>mpli&hod the trip '*•**.* that aim -»t deafening, r tub follows at once, IniLg vtobyaHok that nearly tl.row* hi* feet, and then getting the he shoves the Ivncli into the MACOX C A. Xattinr. Pn>kl?nt City Bvn^ J. E. Jane*. President Central Bank. L C. PUr.:. Ihrddtfit Fu^t Nil e al Bank. W. J. n. i'n^kle:;: Plant- r*’ Bankinx 8-G. Bonn. Pre^k-imt Ex hance Bank, w S. j! pr -s.ii. !.: > I.:).*. n I: ..r - 4 R. W.runlhtLv.tf •. IL^LLurat j R. If. Plant, i t I. L\ Pla'.t -v lhouso-s Itardjuian, ut Hardcu^tu A Spork*. augi 1m. £. Danncnl HOWARD At CO., klaxacert, ItUnU, 0%x THE ALACOX DAILY TELEGRAPH AX'D MESSENGER: WEDNESDAY MORNING, S EPF EMBER 10. 1873. * T ; !■ <*k t» - :i ernry rin-vn n 1 n.;ir.n. r imvviVf;. SEPT. !^73s Otoculatcff-tff rjflcct thd gri-ab-.-jf amoAat C.^- E5IV XJ INE wr nvffMT sonxiNrc. *my Sour-The Winds. , Snath. <1-1 >l'ir- of h»p»F Hjjnns^ SSSSFSsmB? Th' tf"*, llatUK rivnl hvmtbm of niwrt btotha, ,<y jri’le «*f wi**U grown old; rind flat from Autumn *kk*. del* loxka I h*va the host »* •Th* toft wind •***!» f»vxn erritol lr*l A retie hall* of etalka** night; T^Nurthwind btowaoVr drifted mow*, 1 Vi M i mountain* ridwd in unrm while; P it imrvr far birr maiden** *«l the Knows that shrmid the We. rw ,>.| wind thrill* o'er <le*rrt hill* A. I Hrraa roM*. * Ijsnrajraral;. Tli.- K*»t wind w*»« nw-tearwa **« ‘ I ,hi|- that wnk in rtsht of lairt i K.ii ib- n*l. «*l K~t n*V raw *■“ j-., r |iri mil w»rm heart i« sB rag own. of discredit. Then ho puts on his cost mbs his arms, sod starts down the street, and gets out on tho walk, when he is called hack to bring up some wood. If that wood was in the shape of a burial ratsktrt it (a eitrenndr doubtful if he could have looked mom solemn in taking it up stairs. At noon be comes home to dinner, and finds only one leaf up, the table doth in the wash, and that his wife b»» n this ■{ lie is sent! line, cut the bread after cutting the map. What ooutuu r.ttjm oontcnij/lat ■sjji.ikm- t lie ut aT-iirs ,u'.j n.-v- r uia'l -. '..t .in t’-re v J an.noj w it.. iru.an'I an injur., tionto net drop The InxAthdc Mary Jane. I. these no eacape from the clutch of th'- Kn/»ging Female f Will not even ■hath release it t Or shall the suit for l.nudi of promise attend the funeral. with tlie mourners, follow the lodr to the grave, and thsa haunt the ^Iministratorand fasten upon the estate ? Ordinarily it has been supposed that a num’s wrongs died with him and that rausea of action in tort expirud with the <|,ath of the <W<-ndant. (Thero’s a Latin In, maxim to that effect, but everybody It m familiar with it that it exhibits a —«ter erudition to give a free traiula- tln than to quote the original and is lews , i.vp-niting to the unleanusl; for which P .ison we refrain from the old Homan of ,t.i Hutitseems it iayxA soacttloda, Ut the Krgaging' Female. ‘ The man-Mfce »horrid man.” so to speak—losea his ji.mn‘1 of action when the defendant whom he anus in an action of tort for (laDsur's puts off this corruptible; but the Hogging Feinab-. the <iqj<* and persist- mt Mary Jane, doth not, in the words of ram «f Fnaslom’s own poets. “ give it np te" VVbuD onoe the leadt in the hamlle of Msiy Jane’s umbrdla gets a twi-t in tA, rest collar of the tbouglit less lawhe- lor or the too-oonflding widower, it is a twirt for aye. Time cannot mitigate or ,-ien <h*stb rolenao it. She never lets | nopt for ilueats. Slowly but surely si mi. him. It's cither scalps or ducats .'th Mary Jan,-. Either alio shortens up h<T hohl and tightens the twist until she oitikrs him her own. or die get s large sums of money far the. iissaugvnieiit of her grief and thd daniann. to •Let urn i.-lla, and goea away to enjoy it. It has Us'U siipposesl, as heretoforo re- nurlo-l. that untier the s' dreumatanue* if S man iliisl with Mary June’s umbrella handle in his <siat collar, ho had fairly <l,.lgetl her. There are Mary Janes in this vale of tears who do not so under stand it Hero is ono in llrooklyn; a Msiy Jane wlio eonftilol in an cx-Mayoi, who’ aas a widower and wealthy. She was willing to marry him. If he was ever willing to marry her, he ehangud bis mind (alee hearted man—and said bq would not under any cimunstanecu mnrry'her, nor pay a continental dime for tho privi- hge of not marrying her. Naturally enough Mary June tossed her bead, as all girls <1» whose hearts are utterly broken, nnd said she’d see atmut it.. Silo waited n little, and then, like Mariana in tho ■suited grange, “ ‘He oomuth not,’ she iwiil," and sent aininiun p{ thsF law to fetch him. Ami Mary Jane alleged that her affections hud been lacerated to the fiteiit of alsmt $ IMVXK) worth. Hail the , i..Major Iss-n a less obstinate or more timid man it might have been said that Is- cradl'd the prosecution by dying. But he was not that sort of man. Tbero is no disiht Hint the old gentleman would, hare lik.-l to stay lure a little while longer for no other pu-ymse tliantocon- rincc n jiuy of his ountrymen that f 1.VMXI0 was too high a price to pnt upon the afflictions of Mary Jane. But lie died. And now Mary lane cornea into court ami dcinanila thut the earn be re- ofs nisi against the estate. "De mortuit ad nui fcomi’* is Mary Jane’s amendment of the old maxim as she goes for the dead ■nan’s estate. It is to be decided next Sstunlay whether the case shall bo ro- vpcmid. A great many timid bachelors and warm-hearted widower, await tho do- lisieo with nervous anxiety. For look ye, if there’s to bo no escape from Mary Jane in this world and no dodging her by going out of it, sho is a peril and a snare against, whom the un happy single wan cannot lie too earnestly or too often warned. Think of the Mary Janes who, taking advantage of inch a situation, wuuld make a business of fre- silenting funerals and tqlwequently suing the estates. There’s no'safety anywhere then fig the single man. Alary Janes lie in wait for him with winning ways and hooked umbrellas; they harraas Urn in Me and pounce upon liis estate if they survive bun. There's no escape but by the altar and some other Mary Jane. It's hat a choice of Mary Janes, and the post mortem Maty Jane is the one to l>c most avoided. We haTt! no desire to interfere | with the just process of L.ic, or to stand Isdwivn any tearful Mary Jane and the flKMriU thut would dry her ch.'oks and hind her broken heart; but really here's a nutter of precedent that ought to be considered, and in the interest of the un- pmtected single man we pcotat. Arxunt. Mary Jane! Yon Are making it oncein- fortahlc to live ami dangerous to die. There should be a refuge from tho breach of prumise suit somewhere tliis side of the grare— if not this side, then i» it cer tainly. But yon make a man's testa mentary refltvtiona unhappy, hi.v inven tory uneertain. his estate embarrassed xnd lii« executor, profam ought not to do.—if. F. it in the dirt, and in the seclusion of tho space devoted to the hack yard he vents the spleen that has been gathering with! in him, and whips that clothes line aroand with sardonic joy. After that he cornea in with his teeth together, and lifts two tubs full of water to the floor, and then goes into the tied room and puts on a pair of dry pants, and grimly eats his dinner. It may oocur to him that there is no dif. ferencein this Monday from any that, has preceded it, but he can’t Jmh> 1ml womb r what kind of misery thafi ix wbiftr aftnex up every time so fresh and formidable ax to appear entirely new.—DanUury .Yore A BATTLr IX THE AIH. Tcrrinc (.'oinbnt BrlnernTwo Rarky Mountain Engles. From the Virginia City Montanian ] There waa a terrific 1sit tie between two large brown eagles in the vicinity of the lakes above Virginia on Wednesday even ing. When first seen the birds were soar ing, one above the other, at an altitude oif perhaps throe-fourths of a mile, " for plsasuru. Frc-nt! IRON & BRASS WORKS, Cana! Ntrret, from Gtli to 7tb, RICHMOND, - - - VA. WILE. TANNER & CO,, EKSIK-EHS, MAC-MSTS A’i" F3JWERS. EXGIXES OF ALL KINDS. Send Sor Circular. H. R. BROWN,. Jsnin.v Agent. OHIiY IiIAlsUFACTORY In this country where Loom Reeds, Harnesses —jun>— Patent Wire Heddles An. made under one manayrment. IMPERISHABLE FRAGRANCE for two or three hundred feet, and with a wild, piercing scream lit fairly upon the lack of the other bird. Turning with the rapidity of lightning the victim clutched its adversary with tuloru and beak, and a fierce struggle ensuciL The savage yells, the striking of huge wings, and shower, of falling fi-athem gave im- i mutaksUr evidunce of thd f.woJkv with wiiieh tbsicenb-st was waged. * I* A As they fought they fell earthwanl and when within five hundred feet of the ground they became disentangled, and each swooped upward again. Now fol lowed an interesting trial as to which should first gain a suflicient altitude to make another plungp. Tho circling, of the smaller bird w^e rapid and while, that of inis npUroaf ' ' i.itl . gri-aior dinuiA I ami . was quickiwt aciviwpliahisl. The' largest eagle was soon fully one-half mile high, and >>-jnto himdreiia of feet a boro his vio- tim. Hovering in mid-air for a moment, as if making sure ot his aim. he again darted down up.n Lin enemy, striking him an before with a force that seemed sufficient to kill of it-telf. Again tiny gn-.mdod -UI.V fought like Winged dernorW whirling, failing, aud kL iking furiously for two or thn t minutec. They- were now near tho largo tof the lakes, and gradU' ally di-sccnding to the water. The rtrug- gliM of tho smaller boeamc less and lew fieri»; he was getting weak, and was evi dently nearly vanquished, while his mom powerful uuoray seemed to wage the hab ile with increased vigor. Another moment and tho conquering monarch loosed his hold, and with an ex ultant shout of victory soared upward. T1m> battle was ended ; hi4 prisqncr limp and lifeless," fell into the waters of the l ike with a splash, and floated on tho sur face without a struggle. & KUBSAY LANMAM’S CELEBRATED FLORIDA WATER! Tlie ri« liwt, moot laatin?, jet mo*t delicate of all fftTfim***, for uro on tbj I1AXDKERCHIEF. At tbo TOILET. And in tlie BATH. A* there are imitation* and counterfeit*, alm-av* uk for the Florida Water, which h»* on the bottle. «.n the taM. *imI on the iMinphlet. the name* of MCIUIAY A LAN MAX. without which none i* wctiuine. F»»r Mile by *11 perfumer*. dnurgi*t«. and dcnlcro in fanryin**!*. jul.^coilfim DIAMOND SPECTACLES. TO MERCHANTS Southwestern Georgia! Get our priceator BAGGING, FLOUH, FLOUR, before huj ing ; i | J . ■ FKTMOP1L TINS LEY A CO. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of MACON Which you A Married Man Trie. 10 Carry Two Xta.li.iiilra. n XYn-h.board and a tt a.h,land at nncr. There is an important difference in Munilsy among those fauult. s who do their own waalung. Tho way of olwerv- ing it is very simil ir. The first thing is" to get the man up an hour earing than usual to get down the boiler. We don't unihwstand why a boiler Ls kept OB the ahelf where noboily but liimself can rvach it. But nerhaps it is not iutonded wo should understand it: Having got •lown tho boiler anil taken his place at the table, and pronounced grace with a lieneTolent aspect, he is called into the kitchen again to lilt the toiler on the store. He finds it full of water and weighing about three-quarters of a ton, but he sinks his teeth into his lips, lays hia eyes out on hia cheeks and aecnm- i i down t ’ I i 1— one i ! 1 l - . knows it. but there is anunJying liopo in his beast that there ii a way to accom plish it, and he starts. Before “ *' the stain th, tuba slide around board aliiw out. Ho thinks f will put his heel on it aud i - but cnooffes his mind, r thmgs, and i he .torts r~ as f»r r- out p* T ’ 1 1 parti f~— I i 1 —. Should, r and leave •odotthi- juu.-tur r — ] •i 1 • • lit j.e-jianiy of the legs of the <• tUe fauuii. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. 1 Diai-roal I I . % C. P*kNT, . 2 ]i. VI.ANHBr.S, H. L. JKWETT. W. B. DIXS.MORE. H. H. PLANT, I>. 8. LITTLE. Q. H. HAZLEHl’ltST. I. C. PUNT. Preoilcnt.' NT. W. NVkioucy, r.v«biy. nuiHMilnovl' s. •; i NV Fr.-M IL r. I wros, ' EXCHANGE BANK OF MACON.: Odirt* In HufPf* Xrw Building. Rocoives Deposits, —BUYS Make* Advanrr* an Stork*. Boml*. Cotton hi Store. Al*o on Shipinnit* of C«»tton. Uil.lsKCTlOXfl PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ^TMIKSE SiMy-tarli'turemamifartu red from “Jlin- 1 ut«» Crystal Pebble* ” mclltil towethrr. and are <'Mlk*t DkuuotuI on account of tlieir lurnlnc** ami brilliancy. It I* well known tluit spcrtncl. from BrnziUiau or Scotch pebble* an* very . rjoiia to tin* rye. Ivrauw of tln*ir |H>larixinir liirnt. IfrtVmc htvn tested with tlir |*»lari*n»jH\ tlie dumuMHl leiiMC* have l»cen foufMl to admit (ittren j*t cent. Ii*** heated rays than ary other jiebbic. They are rrouiHi with mat xripntiflc accuracy, are free from c!irrHiiatir aVmition*, *ihI nrotlmva brifflitnctw anti di*tinrtnc*»of vision not uefore at tained in njicrtaclc*. Manutarturoil by the Sprnccr Optical Manufac turing Company. New York. For *ale by resiKMutiUe Axrcnt* In rrery city in tlm Union. E. J. JOHNSTON. Jeweler aud Optician, i* *olo Air.-nt for Macuii.G*ra fnan whom they can only Iw obtained. No ped dler* employed. The frrem demand for th<**c Siwctarfon lia* in- diwwl utiMTUji.ibiUK dealer* to palm ofl an inferior Orel «punoUK nriick* for the Diumoud. Great care 4mhM bo taken brnw that the trade-mark <> which i* protirtel l\v American Letter* Patent) ipedoneve N Ntaiup ortlSdAwly* i ware. Drain Pipe, Floor Til-**. Wire '(JuanIs Term Cotta Ware, Marble andl Slate Mantel Paavo. AVIndmr Gltt^a a Sperlalty. Circulars and l*rice List Sent free on anpitcatMui by P. P. TOALE, 20 Hayne and S3 Pinckney *t*^ ortleodly Cliarloston, S. C. j CHOLERA, DYSENTERY*. CHOLERA MORBUS, DIARCHCEA. AND ALL BOWEL COMPLAINTS, CTUD AID ruvuriD IT Radway’s Ready Relie Tenth* meeunirca are the moa wise to at!opt. The Litkk, Bow«d* and Stomach afaould be kept regular. Rad wa v'* Pill*, m *maUdo*e*. will aeruro taken _ ‘lay. will diunto-t the malaria inhiM in the »y*- tem.and neutralize nil arid or unhealthy dement* caused by the combination of the malaria ot ths atmo>nhere with th* ra««e# of the stomach, (which are often in these epidemic* arid), imMUlinf warmth. cne«wy anti health thronyebout the «y»- t *m. nnd peerentine the aefMuatkm Ot the watery from other pn*ta*rtie* in th«* Hu»L It reiiied with CHOLERA, the Ready Relief sVooH he riren as ftiror and often a* pnaaihle. Thi* will secure rest and bold the properties of the blood together. EQtrUuzixa it* cirruHtioo. pre- ventinx consent ion. and prevent thedimintshmxor lenarninx of t)v* pulse, and stoppinx vomitinx and punanc. The Tody «hocld be rubbed with Ready Relief frem head to foot, and aVmx the spines ThL* will impart new en*.ivy ***1 vitality to tlie nervous system, stop cramps, sfosm*. and induce free perepiretiMi. A* soon a* the stomach is quieted. *:x to dsht ot R»<1 way’s Pills (no dancer of diarrfhm nnxl be feared) slionW be xiven. Tlie Liwr, Stomach and Bowels will at onoe he restored to their n^tunl duties, and the neutralised ele ment* of diaeiMe bo expelled from the system. Tliis treatment roarueilthoaMUidsfrom death. Lnrnencs*. Diarrhrea. Chrdera Morbus, Cramp*. Spasms. eU\ ami all painful distarm from tlie bowels are stoned in fifteen ortw.mty minuteeby takinx R.n I way's Ready Relief. No coticest ion or inflaramation.no weakne**or latitude, will follow the use of the R. IL Relief. ■ SADWAY'S HEADY BELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF TIIE BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OP THE BOWELS, CONGESTION OF TIIE LUNGS. SORE THROAT. DIFFICULT BREATHING, PALPITATION OF THE HEART HYSTERICS, CROUP. DIPTIIERIA. CATARRH. INFLUENZA. HEADACHE. TOOTHACHE. NEURALGIA. RHEUMATISM, COLD CHILLS. AGUE CHILLS. Tlie application of tho Ready Relief to thepirt or ?nrt* where the pain or difficulty aids will af ford eat* and comfort. Twenty drnj« in half a tumbler of water will in few moment* cun? Cramp*. Spasm*. Sour Stom acli, lb-art bum. Sick llearliaclie. Colic, Wind ' the Boards, and all internal pains. Traveler* »lio*.ild alvravs cany a battle of Rad- way’* Ready Relief with them. A few drop* in water will prevent sickness or pain* from chanre of water. It i* ln*ttcr than French Brandy or Bit ter* a* a stimulant. FEVER AND AGUE. Fever and A roe cured for fifty <vnt*. There is not a remedial axvnt in the world that will run. Fever ami Aroe. and all other Malarket*. Bilious. Scarlet. Typhoid. Yellow ami other Fever* (aided hr Rad way’s l»ill*) so quick a* Rid way’* Ready Relief. Reaily Relief so cent* per bottle, and Pi cent* a box. Sold by druggists. ^ ir: L C. PLANT & SON, Bankers and Brokers, MACON, GA. Huy ami Sell Kxriuuifr. Gold. Silver. Stork, an) K- -: 4 Bonda. D.eposifts Received, On Whirl, Intercut will hr Allowed, , AS U2KISD rrox. PAYABLE ON CALL. UTUm nindr on Cotton nntl l'ro. dure In Jttorr. iMmuu mmviPTLY attkvded ft) ANCHOR LINE STEAMERS, Sail from Pier 2o, North River, New York, EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. a* k » The poKaenper nceom- <3^ >4 r* modal :>*»»* on stt-em- er* of thi*lineaiv un- Minawd foreleeance ami comfort. Cabin *tate rooms are all on upi**r deck, thu* *e- curing Rood lisrlit and ventilation. RATES OF PASSAGE TO GLASGOW.LIVERPOOL ok LONDONDERRY Sat. St.-.mu-rs. Wed.Steamer*. Gold. Cabin* •....S7»and$». Cabin return ticket* wvuriuc heat ac- comiuodation* $130 $130 Sterner*, eurrenrv’. $30. # OrtiSrete* for pa**axefrem any seaport or nvil- way station in Great Britain. Ireland or the Con tinent. at JUTia AS LOW AS BY AST OTHER FUST-CLASS H3C*. For P’ W0 *{l[&XUEB8n\ BROTHERS. Or to 7 Bowlin? Green. N. 1. T. H. Ukxdeksox. Agent. Macon. Ga. raavll Sm Currency. $73 *udt«5. HEALTH! BEAUTY! STRONG AND PURE RICH BLOOD-IN CREASE OF FLESH AND WEIGHT— CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECUR ED TO ALL! DR. RAD"WA"5TS Sarsaparillian Resolvent Ha* made the mn*t a*toni*hinc cure*. So quirk, so rapid are tlie chamne* tlie body under^oe*. umler the influence of thi* truly wonderful medicine, that XVEKY 1UX* AJ€ IXfKEASE I.V FLBS11 AND VVEIOIIT 1* SEES AND FELT. THE CHEAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop of the SARSAPARILLIAN RESOL VENT communicate* thruuxh the blood. *weat, urine and other fluids and juice* of tlie if>tem, the vizor of life, for it n*|*ur* tho waste* of thi body with iu*w ami sound material. Scrofula. Syjinili*. Consumption. (Glandular Diwe*. Ul cer* in tlie Threat nnd Mouth. Tumor*. Node* in tho Gland* and other part* of tiie system. Sore Eye*. Stnimoron* Dixnmyi from the Kars, atul the w«»r>t form of Skin PkaaM. Krai4ion, Fever Sore*, Scald Head. Rim: Worm, Salt Rbeum. sipcla*. Arne. Black Sr**U. Worm* In tho F I Tumor*. Canrera in the Womb, and all Weakening ami Painfnl Diwhirp*, Kixht Sweat*. Lqm of Siierm, and all wa>tc* of the life principle, within the curative ramv of thi* wonder of 31 cm Chemfetry. and a few days' uae will itotc to any person ushur it for either of (hero form* of jTATE lottery FOR SEPTEMBER. FOR THE BENEFIT OF TIIE n \ 1 DRAWINGS DAILY AT 5 P. M. CAPITAI* PRIZE, $7,000.00 i PRIZES, -A3IOUNT- .*ea»e ita potent newer to cure them. If the natient. daily beenrainx reduced by the witate and decompneition that i* continually pn>- pre**inx. sumtds in arreetiux there waxtes. and repair* the nunc with new material made fmn« henlthy Uood—and this the SARSAPARILLIAN will am! due* wvure—a cure i* certain; for wlien once thi* remedy commence* its work of purifica tion. ami to creed* in diminuhinx the lo*.* of wade*, it* repair* will lie rapid, and every day tlie patient will feel hinself xmwinx better and stronx- er. the fooil dipotinx better, appetite improvinx, and Il«»*h ami weirlit inernudnx. Not only doc* the SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT excel all known remedial agent* in the cure of Chronic. Scrofulous. Constitutional and Skin Diseases, but it is the only positive cure for Kltlnry and Hladdrr Complaints, Urinary and Womb Diseases. Gravel. Diabetes. Dn»p*y, Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine. Bright’* Disease. Albuminuria, and in all care* where tbero are brick dust deposit*, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with sulstances like the white of an eper. orthrend* like white silk, or there is a roorlntl. dark, bilious appearance and white bone dust deposit, and when there i* a prirkinr,- Tumor of 12 Years' Growth Cured by Badway’s Resolvent! Bkvkrlt. MASSra July Iff. 1967. Dc. Rahway : 1 hare had Orsrinn Tumor in the ovaries and bowels. All the Dortors sari "there was no Ivulp for it." i tried eveiythiiur that waa rerommendi*!. but nothing helped roe. I saw your Resolvent, and thought I would try it; hut had no faith in it. because I had suffered for twelve years. I took six lwttlss of the Resolvent, and one box of R-vtway’ff l»ill*. and two bottle* of your Ready Relief; and there is not a sign of tumor to h* rern or felt, nnd 1 feel better, smarter and hap pier than I have for twelve years. The worst tu mor was in the left ride if the bowel*, over the rroin. I write thi* to you for the benefit of othem. You can ]Mibli»h it it you choose. HANNAH P. KNAPP. WO RIMES! The only safe nnd sure remedy for TAPE, PIN and WORMS of all kinds. PRICE tl 00 TT.T: BOTTLE. -lit luijMrtaui Letter LOUISIANA GAME SYRUP 50 BAEBELS ON HAND. THIS IS NOW THE ONLY Pure New Orleans Syrup Now in Market! And none even to bo had in New Orleans. We "Will Sell at Low Prices SOGERS & BONN. W- HUFF WHOLESALE DEALER IN PATENT ANTI-FRICTION GIN GEAR. I T RUNS TWEXTT-FTVE PEE CENT. LIGHTER tluia any other Gear made. It is made without a mortise, tenon, or a key to work loose. Every part !x>lted to iron. Over twenty in use. All have proven good. MY P^lTEJSTT Is the mode of construction of wheels suspended on Anti-Friction Balk, Extended Arm to cany the Pulley and Pinion Shafts. AU persons using or making any part of my patent will be prosecuted to the ex tent of the law. I BUILD AND REPAIR ALL KINDS MACHINERY AT 1IY WOEKS. PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS, CORN. BACON. FLOUR, BAGGING, TIES, SUGAR, COFFEE, LAED, MEAL, BULK MEATS BRASS AXD DtOX CASTINGS MADE TO ORDER. STEAM, WATER AND GAS PIPES, AND ALL THEIR FITTINGS FOR SALE. CaU and aCo at my works. Fourth street, near tho Brown House, Macon, Ga. CST Send for Circulars. E. CROCKETT. ju!30tf THE D. PRATT GUST BUSINESS ESTABLISHED IN 1833. W E offer to planters, these well known gins, which are sold wherever cotton is planted. • ' OVER SEVENTEEN THOUSAND Have be^n Bold since 1856. Wo«-l' partiej wishing to bnv to come and examine them, especially the IMPROVED GIN, having a linter attached. It will pay them for so doing. They are warranted to give satisfaction, and time given to test them before payment is required. JOHNSON & DUNLAP, No. 72 THIRD STREET. CALL AT Cincinnati. O.. for the post forty year* well known to the book publishers throughout the United DR. RADVATS PERFECT PURGATIVE AND THOMAS WOOD’S, Next to Lanier House, Alacon, Georgia, FII FDMT0BE, EMETS, Etc., LOWEST PRICES IN THE SOUTH. STOCK CONSTANTLY ARRIVING. AGENCY • —OF THE— Orleans final Insurance Co. ESTABLISHED A. D. 1805. Specially Reinsured with the FACTORS & TRADERS’ INSURANCE COMPANY, —AXD THE— MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, ALL OF XEtV ORLEANS, LOUISIANA. SALT, SYRTTP, Etc. Corner Cherry and Third streets, Under Ralston Hall. MACON, GEORGIA. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, Georgia Ckmiui. Railroad. Savannah. July 5, is73. O N and after Stmdav. the fit It insU Passenger Trains. :i the Central Ilnilrond. its branches and ccmnectiona. will run asiollows: DAYyups GOING aOl'TH AXD WEST. Leave Savannah 1:00 r Nt Leave Augusta . ’ 2:15 r M Arrive at Milledgeviilo..‘..V.’.’.’..'....! 11:M r x Arrive at Batonton... 12:52 a 31 Arrive at Mncon I0:4f» r it Anfre at Sxvcnindi * ffclffpac Leave Macon for Atlanta „. w ll:10 Pit Leave Macon for Eufaula 11:15 p il Leave Macon LrColumbus ..............‘ KhSS P >1 Arrive at Atbiita a m Arrive at Eufaula n , ...lXilQ p Ni Arrive at Columbus 4:<H) a X Making close connection vvitlx trains lowiflff Atlanta and Columbus. XIGIIT TRAIN'S GOIXG XORTII. Leave Clayton... 7:20 A sc have Columbus : 2:30 A M Dave Atlanta 1:50 P M Amro at Macon from Clayton 5:25 P M Arrive at Macm from Ootembas 7A) p X Arrive at Macon from Atlanta 720 p M Leave Macon. 7:10 PM Lam? Savannah ..'..7'*: 8:40 p m Arrive at M Ulal^v ille. 7! .77........7.7.. .7.... 11 P M Amro at Eatonton 12:52 AM Arrive at Vurosta 7.7.7 7: 4:00 a m Arrive at Savatmah .777777777. .. 6:00 A M Making perfect Connection with trains leaving moist*. . - .. l’aswnpsrs guina over thf KDadrarill* ami Ka- tiaiton Branch 'nil take nicht train (rum Col urn- •5 Atlanta and niacin, day train, i m AWgnrta an.l HaTomrah, lu L h connect Uoiir at Gotta (Sundays caraptcl) with the Milhllgevillo and tr.tontcn trains. *S.*gg»»*M*«akcaron all niyht trauis. ’JHKOUOn TKJKET8 TO ALL POINTScOn tohaiiat the U-ntna luilnaj Ticket Oltice at lhifimlu House, corner ct Hull ana Kn. streets. Mn open (tom S a m t.. l p st. anJ bum S to • P M. Tickets can also Iw had at Ik-pot uaieo. . , WILLIAM BOGKES. July 8 tf Cienernl Sn;K'rinten,tent. SUMMlfa SCHEDULE. DAILY PASSENGER TRAIN TO AXD FEOif Macon, Bninsvijt, Savannah k Florida. Of pice Macon* and RhuXswick R.vri.ncuD, Macon, Ga., J uly 22. Ib73. O X and after Wednesday, July 28d, nunngcr Trains Oii thts road wifi be Tin ns follows: DAY rASSEN'GES, DAILY, SUNDAYS VXCEPTED FOR TUB PEESBNT. Loavc Macon.;. , # „ 8:.S0A M Arrive at Jeaup &4B p m Arrive at Brunswick. 10:15 P M Arrive at Sarannali ».,..,’.....1W0 r M Arrtvo atTallahassee ;..... 10:12 a m Arrive at Jacksonville : 10:12 a M Leave Jack.renville 2:40 r M Leave Tallahassee 2.-40 p m Leave Savannah 5:20 A M Leave Brunsuick 0:iH) a m Leave Jcsup a m Arm® «t Macon j...... 8:00 a m Piissencers fromSavanimli will tnlco tho fiJO r M train for U runs wick, and 5:20 a m train for Miwon. llAWKIN'SVILLE ACCOMMODATION* TRAIN, DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). Leave Macon 3:50 P M Arrive at Hawkinsville 7:30 r m Leave llawkimvtlle Off) a m Arrive at Mncon «i ; 55 a m julySOtf KOO A W. J. JARVIS. Master Transportation- CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE. Central Railroad, Atlanta Division, Atlanta, July 5.1S73. O X and altar Sunday, July Cth. PassengerTrains ■ on thi* Ron.I will run as follows: DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Macon ....... 11.-00 a m Arrive at Atlanta C:S0am Leave Atlanta 1:50 P M Arrive at Macon . 7:20 P M NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Macon 7. 11:10 P M Arrive at Atlanta 5:50 A M Lento Atlanta 1^0 a m Arrive at Macon...... 7:00 A M Making close connection at'Macon with Central .ail road for Savannah and Augusta, and with uuthwestem Railroad for Columbus and prints i Southwestern Georgia. At Atlanta. withWest- *n and Atlantic Railway for points West- julyfltf G. T. FORKACRB, Sup*t. Tlie Only “Cast Steel Pinion Power” in tlie World. ■■ • : TTTE present to the Planters of the South thobesft and only suitable HORSE POWER-for Ginninx \ \ Cotton, Grinding Corn, or Threshing Grain, ever before offeml to th© public. IV e, the propm- tors, having’ hod a number of years* experiencoin producing andjpreponn* Cotton for market, assert, without U “* * Draft, tho COMBINED CASH ASSETS $2,773,672 63 INSURES AGAINST FIRE. ; Adjusted with Liberality, and Paid Promptly. JA5TES H. DOW, (Franeriy 4# Food 4 Low. and late Presdent La. Equitable Life Inatrance Cut of X. 0.) Manager Southern IXturtmcnt. OSes Xfc » WhitehaU »tnx-t, Jaraej- rank Blodt. P. O. Box 1(«. ATLANTA. GA. S. M. FAEHAH and H. h. BACKUS, Kesidect Agnolo. OSes. lTonten’ Baokine Comfsoy. WIGHT’S IMPROVED POWER Far Exceeds any other that has over been Used in tho United States. We claim tor it that two kood male* will gin three boles of cotton ura day on a forty «w arfn, and that four good mule* will gin on a fifty saw gin four nnd a half to five bales of cotton; thut tlie gin ning will be continuous, not being liable to interruption from wtarging-of tho.machine hou.se, as this Power is self-adjustinx, adapting itself readily to tho upward or downward tendency of the. door. Tlie entire fixture* accompanyThe machine, except an ordinary king-post and a lever, so that it can be placed in positionXor sen ice iaa few hours aftor reaching the plantation. » These Powers are Manufactured of the Very Best Material, And will be warranted for twelve months. Tho only part ri llorso Power most liable to wear i* the small puii< 41 which give* spcod to the “Power.” Thi* we baveremedi' I by liarin-f ft (at a great coat) made of the very bo&t Cast Sio l. Price 3145, or $150 delivered at purchav ria WE ASK ONLY A TRIAL. For further particulars, address CHANGE OF SCHEDULE SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, Southwestern Railroad Company, Macon, (in., July 4,15»7«H. O N and after Sanday, tho fill; insL. Passenger Trains on this Rood will run as follows: DAY EUFAULA PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Mncon 8:00 A M Arrive at Eufnula 4:40 p M Arrive at Clayton fi:20 r m Arrive at AllKiny 2:45 P M Arrivo at Arlington C.-00 P M Arrive at Fort Gaines 4:40 P M Jveavo Clayton....... 7:20 A M Amro Kuniula...:. 8^0 a m Leave Fort Gaines 8:35 A m Leave Albauy 10:33 a m Arrivo at 3Iacon 5:25 V M Connects with tlio Albany Train at Smithvillc, and the Fort Gaines Train at Cuthbcrt doily, cx- oepfc Sunday. Albauy Train connects daily with Atlantic and Gulf Railroad Trains at Alhuny, and will run to Arlington on Blakely Extension Monday, Weducs- day and Friday, returning following days. COLUMBUS DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Macon 7. 10:55 P M Arrive at Columbus... 4.-00 a m Leave CV.lumbu* 2:30 p M Arrivo at Macon , ■. 1 7:30 P M EUFAULA NIGHT FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Macon .11:15 P m Leave Eufaula .' 10:20 P M Leave Albany 8:30 r m Arrive at Macon 10:30 a m Trains will leave Mncon and Eufnula on tlie schedule Sunday, Tuesday and Thurdny nights, and connect at Smithville with Albany trains. VIBGIL POWERS. july fl ly . Engineer and Superintendent. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE OX MACON AXD AUGUSTA RAILROAD. Forty-one Miles Saved in Distance OFFICE MACON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD. Macon, May is, 1S73. O N and after Sunday, May 19,1872, and until further notice, tho trains on this Rood will nms a follows: DAY TRAIN—DAILY (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). Leave Macao 6:30 a m •Arrive af Amrouta J 1:15 P x Leave Augusta. - 12J0PM Arrive nt Macon.......V. 8:15 P M passengers leaving Macon nt C:S0 a m mnko close connection* at Camak with day pa*renger trains on Georgia Railroad for Atlanta and all {joints West; alwvfor Augusta, with trains going North, and with trains for Charleston; aLso, for Athens. Washington, and all stations on the Geor gia Railroad. Tickets sold and hnggage checked to all Joints North, Ixith by rail and by steamships from <J |Wg7D* 1 ' 8. K. JOHNSTON, Sop’L CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WESTERN’ AXD ATLANTIC RAILROAD CO. Ofpice General Passenger Agent, Atlanta, Ga, July 10,1S7S. (~\S and after this date— Vy Li out vi.va express For New York. Eastern and Virginia Cities, Leave* Macon, by Macon A Western Rail road 11:00 A M Arrives at Atlanta 5:30 P M X>avc* Atlanta.. 6:00 p M Arrives at Dalton. 10:30 r M Arrives at Chattanooga 1:10 am Pullman Palace Drawng-Itoom and Sleeping- Cars, by this train-from Atlanta to Lynchburg and all intermediate point* without CHAMOS. Passengers leaving by this train arrive in New York tlie second afternoon, at 4: tl p m. over thir teen hours earner than passertsers by any other route can with safety reach Hew York, lea vijig the same evening. DAY WESTERN EXPRESS. Leaves Macon at..... ; ..........^..11:10 P X Leaves Atlanta at., WOAX Arrives at Chattanooga .v u0 . A r £ Close connection at Chattanooga for all points Pullman Palace Curs on all night trains. For further jiarticulrs addracss^ ; julylltf WHOLESALE POET EOYAL EAILROAD. Office of Enoineer and Superintendent, Augusta, GAra June as, ib73. O N and after Monday, Juno 30, trains on this Road will run as follows r DOWN DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. 'Will leave Auzusta at C:45 a 3C Arrive at Port Royal at .’ 2:16 P 3C Arrive at Charleston at........ 4:k> p 3t Arrive at Savannah P Jt UP DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Will leave Port Itayalwt .........-;.. to45 A K Leave Charleston at... 8:10 a K Leave Saiannahot 0:30 a M Arrive at Augusta at 5A8 P sc DOWN NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. WnVkave Augusta at 2:10 P Jl Arrive at Port Ro.ralat 11:35 P X Arrive at Cta)i1fto*l »t 5K)0 a ac Arrive at Savannah at... .1.12:30 P iC UP Nrr.IIT PASSENGER TRAIN. Will leave Port Royal at. 1&30P J Leave Claries ton at.'. 6^® p * X/Ave Sarannah at W# F ac Arrive at Augusta at 8,-OO x ac Passengers leaving Macon by the 6:30 A M train on Mncon and Augusta Railroad.amre at- Al } ,r ^ ta in time to make <io:>c connection with tne uowti iMt passenger train ^VVV?pTo MOORE and Sktsmu. JA31 r-\ u - Yr' , !. july 1 tf Engineer»n<l». COM, OATS, HAT, BACON, LARD, FLOUR, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Bagging, Ties, Etc. STREET, -- -i MACOX, GA. STKICTIiV COMMISSION HOUSE K. M. WATERS & CO., so Broad »t., New York. BANKERS —AND— Cotton Commission Merchants. Huff and vll contracts for future delivery of cot ton. ‘l>*posit accounts of bankers, merchants and otliers are especially solicited. july6d3m PLANTERS’ BANE, FORT VALLEY, CA. R EC EIVES it s. discounts ?aj er. buys and sell* Exchange; also. Gold and Silver. Collection* nuuie at all acoos.sil>lo point*. Interest paid on De]>osits when made for a specified time. Wm. J. Anderson. Pres’t W. E. Brown, Cash’r DIRECTORS: Wm. J. Andersen, Col. Hugh L. Pennaid Col. L. M. Felton. Dr. W. A. Mathew*. X>r, Wm. H. Hvllmshead. deWU