Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, September 12, 1873, Image 3

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th<- World of Ban- fol'T! benm while other machine*; WHEELER t WILSON LJ michices. yen should require proof that yean of use have tested their nlue. Sloney once thrown away cannot he mmmvL Send for oitr eirrulars. Machines sold on easy terms, or monthly payments taken. Old machines put in order or received in exchange. WHEELER * WILSON MF*G CO.’S OFFICES: Savannah. Angusta. Mato and Columbus. Ga. W. H. CLKVKe. <Vn. Agti Savannah. Ga. W. A. HICKS. A cent. Macon. Ga. Prueof. .• | That ticket haring on it the 4th. 5th. and 6th drawn numbers to That ticket haring on it the 7th. Bihand #lh drawn numbers, to That ticket having on it the 10th. 11th and 12th drawn numbers*, to That ticket haring on it the 2d. Sd and 4th drawn numbers, to That ticket having on it the Sd, 4th and 5th drawn number?, to. That ticket having on it the 5th, 6tb and 7tli drawn numbers, to That ticket baring on it the 6th. 7th and 8th drawn numbers, to That ticket baring on it the 8th. 0th and loth drawn numbers, to That ticket having on it the Uth, loth and 11th drawn numbers to..... That ticket hat ing oa it the tit. 2d and 4th drawn numbers, to That ticket having on it the bit, 2d mud 5th drawn numbers, to .. That ticket having on it the 1st, 2d and 6th drawn number*, to All other tickets (being 207. with three of the drawn numbers on), each These 66 tickets having on them the 1st and 2d drawn numbers, each .. Those 66 tickets having on them the 3d and 4th drawn numbers each. All other tickets (being 4,244) with two of the drawn numbers on. each 650 00 65000 65000 IMPERISHABLE EBA0BMCE I T RUNS TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. LIGHTER tlmn any It is made without a mortise, tenon, or a toy to work loose. 1 to iron. Over twenty in use. All have proven good. 650 00 MURRAY 650 00 217 60 LANHAM’S CELEBRATED Is the mode of construction of wheels suspended on Anti-Friction Bulls, Extended Arm to carry the Pulley and Pinion Shafts. All persons using or making any part of my patent will bo prosecuted to the ex tent of tbo law. FLORIDA WATER! And all those tickets (being 25.740) with one only of the drawu numbers, each... 100 CAPITAL PRIZE. On Mondays Capita] will be 87.000 00 S> n Tue*lay* ami Friday* Capital will lie. 4.500 00 On WedncMlay* Capital will be 6JXX) 00 On Tharsdays and Saturdays 5,000 00 For further particulars send for schemes. No ticket which shall have drawn a prize of a superior denomination inn be entitled to an infe rior prise. Prizes payable forty (40) days after tl»e drawinr. and subject to tbo usual deduction of 15 par ccut. All prizes of £20 and under will b* paid imme diately after the drawing. Prizes cashed at this office. HOWARD & CO., au«fll-tf I BUILD julrSfodCm AT MY WORKS. Managers. Atlanta, Ga. ONLY MANUFACTORY In this country where Lodm Reeds, Harnesses 25 Boxes Extra Cream Cheese. The G\uly “Cast Steel Pinioii Power” in the World. BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS MADE TO ORDER, 40 Half Barrels Mackerel, TtTE presen* to ibo Planters of the South the best and only suitable HORSE POWER for Ginning > > Cotton. * i rinding Corn, or Threshing Grain, ever before offered to the public. We. the proprie tors, having had a number of years’ experience in producing and preparing Cotton for market, assert, without the fear of contradiction, that in point of Simplicity. Durability, Speed and Lightness of Draft, the Patent Wire Heddles An* made under one management. Also. SUPPLIESv.f-d in COTTON ami WOOLEN STEAM, WATER AND GAS PIPES, 20 Barrels AND ALL THEIR FITTINGS FOR SALE. MILLS promptly furnished. 300 Boxes Tobacco, All Grades, D. C. BROWN’. Lowell, Mum, U. S. Call anil see at my worlra, Fourth street, near tho Brown House, Macon, Ga. (3T Send for Circulars. • DIAMOND SPECTACLES. Far Exceeds any other tha. v . has over been Used in the United States. THE D. PEATT GUST We claim for it that two good mules will gi>». three bales of cotton in a day on a forty saw gin, and that four good mules will gin on n fifty saw gi’n four ami a half to five bales of cotton; that the gin ning will bo continuous, not lwing liable to lnte.Tuption from sagging of the raashino house, as this Power is self-adjusting, adapting itself readily to the upwardo” downward tendency of the floor. The entire fixtures accomjiany tne machine, except an ordinary king-post and n lever, so that it can be placed in position for service in a few hours after reaching tno plantation. These Powers are lr\nuitti/;urecl of the Very Be3t Material, t of Horse Power most liable to wear is the lia\ vreraediedby having it (at a great qost) r PIIESE Spectacles are manufactured from "Jlin- I uto Crystal Pc bides ” melted together, and are culled Diamond on account of their hardness and brilliancy. It is well known that spectacles cut from Brazillian or Scotch pebbles are very inju rious to tho eye, because of their polarizing light. Having been tested with the polarw.-ope. the diamond lenses have been found to admit fifteen par cent, lew heated rays than any other pebble. They are ground with jurat scientific accuracy, aro free from chromatic aberrations. and prod urea brightness and distinctness of virion not before nt- tnin.il in spectacles. Manufactured by the Spencer Optical Manufac turing Company, New York. For salj by responsible Agents in every city in the Union. £. J. JOHNSTON. Jeweler and Optician, is sole Agent for Macon, Ga* from whom they can only be obtained. No ped dler* employed. The great demand for these Siioctaoles ha* in duced unscrupulous dealers to palm off an inferior loM,!* 1 - " made of tho very best Cast Steel. STAR AND TALLOW MALONE, UMLLIN'OHAM & CO., MACON’. OEOROIA. CANDLES, SOAPS. oct 15 d Airly * ANCHOR LINE STEAMERS, Sail from Pier 20, North River, New York. EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Office, No 14 West Main Street, bet woen First and Second. era of this line are un- ',~i IfTflh surpassed for elegance tA'L and comfort. Cabin state rooms are all on upper deck, thuj se curing good light and Factory, Nos. 73. 75, 77, 79 and 81 Maiden Lane, between Ohio and Adams Street-*. 'E offer to planters those well known gins, which aro sold wherever cotton is planted. CHARLESTON, S. C LOUISVILLE, KY. ventilation. RATES OF PASSAGE TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL, oa LONDONDERRY Sat. Steamers. Wed. Steamers. Gold. Currency. Cabins 873 and 865. 875 and 565. Cabin return tickets securing lx*t ac commodations $130 81S0 Steerage, currency, 830. Certificates for passage from any seaport or rail way station in Great Britain, Ireland or the Con tinent, at KATES AS LOW AS BT AS Y OTHER FIE8T-CLASS LINE. For passage apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS, Or to 7 Bowling Green. N. Y. Cash jj&hl for Tallow. Lard and Grease. aur256m -TO AND FROM- Hnve been sold since 1856. We ask parties wishing to bny to come and examine them, especially tho IMPROVED GIN, having a 1 in ter attached. It will pay them for bo doing. -They are warranted to give satisfaction, and timo given to test them PROVISIONS before payment is required. JOHNSON & DUNLAP, No. 72 THIRD STREET. AND ALL THE NEW ENGLAND MANUFACTURING CITIES. IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT jnll02awtf Farmers ancl Merchants, METROPOLITAN THOMAS WOOD’S TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS, Next to Lanier House, Macon, Georgia, IRON & BRASS WORKS. Canal Street, from Oth to 7th, RICHMOND, - - - VA ELEGANT STATE-ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS—SEA. VOYAGE 10 TO 12 HOURS SHORTER VIA CHARLESTON. WM. E. TANNER & GO., ENGINEERS, MACHINISTS ANO FOUNDERS. ENGINES OF ALL KINDS. Send for Circular. H.R. BROWN, janltly Agent. THE MTTT.D POWER THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD CO, And connecting Roads West, in alliance with the Fleet ‘of Thirteen First-Class Ste unships to the above Ports, invite attention to tbo Quick Timo and Regular Dispatch afforded to the l usineas public in the Cotton States at the $300,0001 CTD RES ! ' HUMPHREY’S HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS Missouri State Lottery! Offering facilities of Rail anil Sea Transport/-/ion fer Freight and Passengers not exceeded in excel lence and capacity at any other Port. The fallowing splendid Ocean Steamers aro regularly on the Line: . TO NEW YORE. MANHATTAN— M. S. Woodhull, Commander. CHAMPION .. R. W. Lockwood. Commander. CHARLESTON James Berry. Commander. JAMES ADGER T. J. Lockwood. Commander. JAMES ADGER & CO., Agent*. Charleston, S. C. —. s. Crowell, Commander. T. J. Beckett; Commander. J. Kennedy, Commander. Ingraham. Commander. ’ ^ Agents, Charleston, S. C. LfgaUrrd by Slate Authority aid Drawn In Public at Jit. Louis. TX AYE proved, from the most ample experience, JJL an entire success. Simple, Prompt. Effi cient and Reliable. They are the only medicine* perfertly adapted to popular use—so simple that mistake* cannot be made in using them; so harm- levs as to be free from daar *r ; and so efficient as to to be always reliable. They have the highest commendation from all. and will always render satistotion. Price, in large three-drachm vials, with directions: • _ Cures. Cent* 1. revers, Inflammations, . . 50 2. Worms, Worm Ferry, Worm Colic. . . 60 3. Cryinr-Cclic. or Teet!.inr of Twfantn . . CO 4. Diarrhoea, of Children or Adults, ... 50 5. Dr-entery, Gripam Ribcuj Oohc, ... 50 Grand Single Humber Scheme! 50,000 NUMBERS. CLASS I TO BE DRAWN SEPT’R. 50, 1S7 GEORGIA. SOUTH CACOLINA. CLYDE 5,880 PRi-ES, AMOUNTING TO $300,000. M OULDINGS. Bracket*. Stair Fix tures, Builders’ Furnishing Hanl- |ware. Drain Pipe. Floor Tiles. Wire • Guards. Terra Cotta Ware, Marble and Slate Mantel Pieces. Window Glass a Specialty. Circulars and Price List Sent free on applkatirnby P. P. TO ALE. SO H ayr.e and S3 Pinckney stA- octlcodly Charleston. S. C. Specially Reinsured with the FACTORS & TRADERS’ INSURANCE COMPANY. IRON STEAMSHIPS. . , _ ; r Alex, Hunter. Commander. C. IIINCKLBB, Commander. SAILING DAYS—TIIUILS DAYS. WM. A. COURTENAY, Agent, Charleston, S. C. GULP STRE VIRGINIA.. tbo time of his Ticket* fit, Half Ticket-85. quarters $£50. Our hdarm are chartered by the Stale, are vl- ways drawn at the time named, and all drawings are under the vi;emsion of sworn oomizdssiooefs The official drawing will be published in the St Louis papers, and a e-ipy of drawing joat to pur- *’ 'UckeU. draw a similar scheme the I^t day ol tt* u;nr'.|r the \-rnr ls73. t our nsk by fVwtotfcor. Morey f *rders i letter, Dra/t or Express. Send l:ri Addreaa, MURRAY. MILLER A CO, White Pine Lumber For bale. TOTAL CAPACITY40,000BAXES MONTHLY Change of Sailing Days. 15. Rheumati-m, Rheumatic Pains, 7. ! . » 16. Fever and Ague. Chill Fever, Agues, . . so 17. Piles, blind or blading, ^ IS- Ophthalmy. and Sore or Weak Eves, . . 50 18. Catarrh, Acute or Chrouic influenza. . . 5,1 at Wboofimr-Cough. Violent Comchl, ... so 21. Asthma, Oppressed Breathing 50 22. Ear D.^'harres. Imr'ired U^anv.z. ... 50 23. Scrofula. Enhrred Gland*. Swellings, . . 50 24. General Debility. Physical Weakness. . . 50 25. Dropsy and Scanty Secretions. .... 50 36. Sea->.uknea-'r, Sickness from Riding . . 50 27. Kidney D:s?a«5. Gravel. . .< . .. . . . ja 2S. Nervous Debility. Seminal Weakness, or Involuntary Discharges, 100 29l Sore Moutu. Canker. SO. Unnarr Wt-akncss, Wetting the Bed, . . 5o 31. Painful Peri »i'. with Spasms. '50 82- Suflerines &t Change of Life. .... f 100 53. Epilere-. , Spams. St-1 ltus* Dance, . . .100 54. Diphth nx 1 loeraie.1 Sure Mmait. . . . 60 35. Chrocjc Ccruresiions and Eruptions, ... 50 FAMILY CASES. Case (Morocco) with above 35 large vials and Manual of Directions, .... 810*0 Case 1 Morocco! of aola.-se vial*, and Book 6 uO I ht-v- are snt by the case or single bex to any part of the country, free of chanre on receipt of price. Address HUMPHREYS SPECIFIC _ . HOM EOPATHIC MEDICINE CO, Office ami Depot No. 562 Broad wav. \cw y nr t a..d I1l.... Rarltn A Lamar, Macon, Ga. Pacific Mail Steamship Co.’s THKOUGH LUTE TO CAUIPOKNU. CHINA AND JAPAN. Touching at Mexican Ports, AND CARRYING THE U. S. MITT.' every mo lU-ruit Recti' rr ■IUisie. Commrad* FALCON. .Johnson, Commandei MARYLAND.' ■Dctton. Commander. SEA GULL. SAILING DAYS--E VERY FI FT H DAY. PAUL C. TEEN HOLM. Agent. Charleston, S. C. TO BOSTOX. 1 ..Sails Every Other Saturday. JAMES ADGEU A CO., Agents Charleston. S. C. Rates guaranteed »low as tbc*e of Competing Line*. Marino Insurance cne-ludf of one per cent. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING AND THROUGH TICKETS Can be had at all the principal Railroad Offices in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee and Mississippi. ^ State Room.’, mav be secured in advance, without extra cliaive, by addressing Agentt* • f ’ »'* ' ships in Charleston, at who*** offices, in all caees, the RAilruad Ticket should t*c exenaiieMi aim nms vSumed. Thu Through Tiekcts by this Route include Transfers. Meals and State Room, while on ship board. THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD, GEORGIA RAILROAD And tjwir competing Lin^ have 1wk.1t incmuerl their fwlliue, for i: ’ ! ’ rri ', K L : _ r Y('|.' v'!, : i!r «d IS-w^r. bMwen, the Nonh.rn Citiee and th. Reuth and »na SrSd ' FiiS the Holme** Chair, without extra chance, have been introdiotxl on the South ' A .. Class Eating Saloon at Br&ncbvilie. On the Georgia Railroad .Firet-l am bleep . V irolina Rail- Freight promptly transferred from steamer to day and mgbt train* of tbeSouthi (^roUna^ul TO * d ' rl 0 rtr J ° n " Ct ‘ U!1 vnthother^a-d^hvenna f^htaaldmum tF rX RI ^ BT ^ N - Deaa. The Manager* will use every exertion tosatisfj ^x^^VMilR^L^nieadent,Charleston. S. C.; B. D. HAS- SEL P U wtet 8. B. PI'JKENd,Genera! Paa^r and Ticket Agent. South Carolma Railroad. ALFRED Jj» TYLER [ }uJr> l 9Cldm Vic* Praaidaat South Caroliaa Railroad, Cbarleetou. 1. C. lTALYSINK WATER—The Great Med:- k of Nature. Indorsed by the* Hlehcst dical Antbckritie*. Rreu«vs M iLv-ubir Pow- U> 1‘aral.ytir. Youthful Vlcw to :h»-.\gvei. and relnp* the Young at a Criural iVrfcd: Dis- rrs Calctff: and “fhaity** Dcposita. Cure* .L. Rlieomatuai, Dyaueps:*. Neuralgia, »*el Diabeti'*. Di*ra**s m the' Ksd r.w L:v* md Skin. AlKl,»aifcialI*nfe.%, Chr *uc Duyt- n. C^*n»::patior., Asthma. N'»rtou\ncaa, t GetK-ral iVbthty. an«i rwsirjy «n> cla.v« of Chrome Ihsra***. l k amp)jnu» coa- -.: v H !-*:» r i the Sprmf and lesfcmonuilj Fares Grcasly Reduced. a ^^NE cl tb- larre 2- :h of every nier.th (exrept wbefa tho-‘ dat**< fall :n Sunday. aCdth«-n or the preo-d.:'.- Mturu' : -r .\<i l NwALL. euonemng. via Pur.ama Rai h jt. with coe of ti>* Companv* Sv-a—'h-.p fretn Panam-* lor SAN FRANCisai.toucuuic MANZANILLO. AH departure* cocaert a- !*anama with Yac- cr> for Sjuth Pacific and Central Acrncsa ivirta. For Japan and China, rtoamera leave SanFran- riaco fir»t of ciery menth, exo'i t when it fall*, on Sunday, thrr. on the* day pre-c*xiing. Ono hundred pounds cf Bagvag - aiK'w,*d to ftd 1 adult. Bagjngre ivo’ii <<i on de,-k t h»- day hdife vailing, frern steamboats, iwilr and paasengrrs wbo prefer to send down - wriv. Au experienred Surgeon on l*ooru. Medicine •odlttenikrxv free. For Freight or Pasaengur Tickets, or f-:rther in- ionuatioti. apply at the Companv’s Ticket Offi.'v. o« the Wharf, fcot of Canai street. North Rivu, New York. GEO. H. BR.\DI>URY, Preridert. [ H- J. Rutlx\, Supt. auys ly Losses Adjusted with Liberality, and Paid Promptly. STEAMSHr? MKREDITA. JAMES H. LOW, (Tcrmfrij ot Wood A Low. sndlat* Prmid-r.t La. Suitable Lifa Icsurance Co. of N. O.) Manager Southern Department. Of8f« No.M Whitehall JtTOt. Jan«’ Bark Block. P. O. Box 106, ATLANTA. GA. S. M. FARRAR and H. L. BACKUS, Resident Agents. Office, Planters’ Banking Company. *.n MtNbeal*Jdnirads. Em:a*-r.t TbvsK'iikn* i di'tuur.ii>o«*i c:uzrnv sent fr.'c by ma: ' r HITNEY BROS.. Gm’lAg*mtA.227Std:d "Lt >!-. Philadelphia. For sai- by^al!jln;r- I BATCHELOB’S HAFR MACON BOABD OF REFERENCE—(By Tenniaaion) C. A. Nutting, President City Bank. R. 31. Bajemore. of Adam* A Bax* J. E. Jooet, Preaideal Central Lank. J ,h* C. Curd, of Carhart A Card. I- C. Plant. President First National Bank. B. L. Willingham, of Lawton A W W. J. Lawton. President Planter*’ Banking Co. S. Waxelbaam. of Waxalbaum A £ 8- G. Bonn. President Exchange Bank. J. AY. Burke, of J. W. Burke A Co. W. 8. Holt. President Southwestern Railroad Co. J. B. Roas, oi Rosa A Coleman. R» W. Cabbed**, of Cubtedge. Hazlehuret A Co. Joseph Dannenborg. of Nu**banzx R. H. Plant, of I. C. Plant A Son. Asber lyre*. Thomaa Hardeman, ol Bardmuan k Sparks. Thonuas C. Dompay. srleiMiii Hair Dy* Is tin* b«rt in the id. fhv only true and Perfect Dhw. Harm- lolc arid instantaneous, no cii—ppfinl , . ndje-a:^ 1 -. tuns or unpl^rent o4ur. -> tli«* ill efforts of had dv,-» mA waahaa. S mi mod lately a suporb 6 lark or Natural a!.d leavoa the hair f'kwn. SoA Md Itti be genuine signal W. A. 5-^-lSr ».U -orjirt*. CBAR. BATCFKLOJL ***** Propncior, |tf Vuck. I’aus MoCabtht, whi- k:IlA«<i John B. Mord*«i‘4u in a duel near Richcjond Va., in May taat, now in a critical condition from ILe effect** of the wound roc*.-i\«.*d at ihv time. Tli# l«aU ha* net immixi found, and any tnowinect of ins lo-ij givu* hi*b gtwt pain. Specal attmuon railed to the well known number* 4 TH MACON DAILY TLLEORAJPH AND MESSENGER: FRIDAY MORNEsG, SEPTEMBER 12, 1878. (Tfhnmplf (C-Wwiifter 1 Tho Trans-AUanUe U SXIXG. SEFT. It K7*. j-OUriGN NOTES. In F-n; " rorkinff * dr ^ 1 I day. fl* -'' L-ling to previous announce ment, a large crowd — nmTiInT at the Capitol;n** Orocn k in Brooklyn to wit- i new the preparations thus for completed t - f> £ the die pa ten of the Graphic balloon contemplated voyage to Europe. n Monarchists are bi triumph of tXeir cn aay« that the HoyaUati j-rowinff more xealoua everyday t the dificultiea which mi cat r t. ^.^•mhlhtj? of the Cliamberond pro rent the reiteratiem of the monarchy. It i* pos- fible that they will wait until tho expira tion ct th# vacatiou iL I rin? from c b.-a C; I f (lA t . 1'. -/I MS A* fwalrAi Al . ~ r [ | UrtA r .1 l irpc tent erected in the ecckw- were grouped within a ropodspa^e ■ a* Lie I th® utciuiLi and npporatui eonetitat- . re rent “W 1* 1 ® Fora-e. These were ■crutinized carefnlly by the visitor.!, and eiubled them to form a di«Gr.t 0 r leit if the l 5nmut ® aftenU® 1 which has been paid -.ire ancceJluI ^ ] to aH the emergrencies likely to arv>e*dn- edy Us At all lori'.ilr.vl in Franco idnifes In Atrttria matter to a events, immediately after the n Min? of the Assembly, a draft will be pre sented, conceived about as faOosrst Arti- ‘ ti. ]. The legitimate and hereditary monarchy is restored in France. Article * The Asvcmbly appoints, in pub!: non. a committee of thirty member* barfed with preparing a draft of the 0iinstitution, and a^jonrns for two months. ArtftJc S. Marshal MaeMahor. will eontin- to erereise as Identensnt General of the Kingdom, the power* he has been en trusted with before.” “The Mnrslial,” Le goir e.iutinuer, “w^nld content ’’■-yetf with informing the Prefoets of the resolu tion, pasaed by the National Assembly, siding that there would be no change in the government and administration of the country”; and,.in conclusion.he would sppeal to tho devotion of the men of “or der.” and all thoee "wtio respect the laws,” to maintain the public pence. The con- ,titutional committee entering ot once upon their task, the Count of Chumbord, whom the mere fact of thd* ro?tomtion of the' monarchy callod unconditionally to the throne, would voluntarily make oon- re nions which ho has hitherto opposed J he would tell the army that it should re tain tho tri-colored flag, and that, what he proposed to establish was the constitu tions! monarchy, with oil its guarantees.” ,-io fi.r “Is* Soir. ” Thanks to the measures taken by the Government, the anniversary of the natab- h-hment nf the Republic hwyiasse<i away withisit, any., demonstration. Not jev»-n the American residents of Fans wero peri milted to honor the day by displaying the I’n'it.d Stnte.i fag. Tlie list of the papers prohibited has tsvm inereneed by the mip- jmwsion of Ixi Feuple Sonvcrain.” a Radi cal Republican sin * t. bocansc it incited to ilisturlwneos and contempt for the government. TV’ domineering iaHtiemie tho Ultra- *nr..trtue party has BM fills the ivivertonary rlwffes with diuiling visions. How far-ri>aching their (dans are, may be judged from tho following passage, occurring in an article published hv the Volksfreund, the organ of Curdimil Bauacber. on tlie ove of a high religious festival: “It seems as if Catbo- lio A'Mna were ever destined to protect tlie Vvitismte righta. ,Italy must rolnro dssr jimporty to the; ln£ti mate prinoes; a eonfinl.’njtion of States must take the pise- of nnitet] Italy. Tlie same holds gts.l for fiermany. Prussia must restore to the legitimate prineim tho unjust an- Relations of the year 1806, and with. Iraw the ecclesiastical laws. Franco belongs to Henry the Fifth. Spain to Don Carlos. Liberalism is in its agony. Everything premes forward towards Legitimacy. We hope, therefore, that no obstructions to thi, movement will lie raised there where it is the least permissible.” . There oon^o rumors again of traveling projects from the Vatican. Encouraged by ninny assurancos from France. Mon- aignmv Morale is said to insist with great energy on tho Fopo leaving Rome to take np hi* residence in Avignon. It Ims !i**en definitely settled tlmt Fournier, the French Amliassiwlor at the Papal Court, will not bo recalled. As Fournier’s views lie not exactly agree with the- rul ing party in * France, his removal was considered to lie inevitable; but tho French Government, as a proof that it is not clerical or reactionary, as so many be lieve, lias decided to leave Monsieur Fournier in Rome, Tho Pope has granted an additional credit for roofing the cupola of -8V Peter anew. The expendit urea for this pnrpose amount so far to 400,000 francs. In n letter written to tho Count of Chambord. rongratulating him on the fusion of th« BourLons, His Holiness says that God has listened to the prayers of tho Catholic world, and that the hydra of revolution is on the ove of destruction. The war materia! tho Gorman Govern ment ltad stored away in tho French fortresses until recently occupied by the German troops, was enormous. To re move the ammunition and provisions from Belfort alone required 1.279 rail way ears. The military authorities, in fart, had made aruphi provisions for any emergency, tho stores of oatnblcs !>cing sufficient to support 10.000 men for ten months. St, Lawrence Church, in Rotterdam. Holland, witnessed the consecration of the first Old Catholic Bishop,~Dr. Rein- kens, by tho Jansenist Bishop Hevkamp, from Deventer, on the llth of Auguste Prefiwrer Krooit opened tho ei’remony by reading a document, stating that Rein- kens. had been elected Old Catholic llishop of the German Empire in iogal form by 77 voter* cm the tth of June. There were 00 delegate* from Rhenish- Prussla present at this important histori- csl occasion. The now Bishop has since iasned a pastoral letter, which has been favorably rei ivod by public opiniou in Gormsnv. After having reviewed the origin of Pspaey. Reinkens denounces the •logms ot infallibility. and declares that he had neithnr wfiioitDil tho confirmation of the Roman Pope, nor taken the oath of allegiance to the Holy See. this custom being contrary to the teachings and prac tice of the Old Christian Church for a thousand years. Though the Old Catho lics have not formally seoeded bom Rome, they are, in fact, an independent sect. They propose to re-establish the Frimi- tlvo'Christian Church, and refu e to ac knowledge tlie sovereignly of -tho Pope. Speaking of the task before him. Bishop Keiukons says: “It is not my office to es tablish a gorgi-oos « -nrt «i.d to be waited on with pomp and idtuiloa All thisluis erept from tho old Imperial Ooart into the House of the Bishops, the same as color* and precious garments, silk, pur ple and ermin. It is not my office to re ceive homage by titlee cr religious cere monies due ou.y to God.” The Pit.-si.,a Govermneqt, which had already acknowledged the old Catholics, has not heautated to recognise Bishop Reinkens. Baden and Bavaria will prob ably, soon follow .this example. Prussia h:,*from fhe :.rst Kvikqd! favorably up a theOld Cafbjhc m.n,:.u.it. A • n ; most opportune to weaken the power of Rom -; and the government, without taking an active port, hat greatly omyiuragod it by furnishing bouses of worship and ac knowledging the official a.-t ja rformed by Old Oatholic prii sts as binding and legal If we do not greatly err. a division hie* also been lately rendered, establishing the right of Old Ca? u olie eommnnitiee to a part of the 'prop.; ty and real estate < : the churchre f in which they have seceded. Tliough th morexnent. apparentTj, .Iocs not brim? forth :i sveepinhr oanrersion, tbo lenders uro vorkin^ \»it-i det p and reli^otu enrnost, an»I new cotnrrtmities are almost dailj forming in oil ports of Gx'rmany.- Thr xiniform of Fodorick the Great. was the so-qpUed car or bosket, the cage in which the company is to live. The large balloon boat ‘ Chicago” was ad mired by all. but generally pronounced rather heavy. The paper boat, life-sav ing mattresses, water keg*, the scientific outfit* of barometer*, thermometer*, elec troscopes, and chart* presented by the United State* Signal-service Bureau, the one hundred and sixty-five ballast sacks and all the thousand and one article* go ing to make up the outfit wereTfllDpen to pnblic inspection. Many who had oome expecting to see the huge balloon- bog inflated were disappointed, the object pointed out a* being the balloon appear ing in the moonlight more like a heap of ■end. Daring the afternoon the sack had been partially filled with common air, forced in to test the permeability of tho cloth covering. The test was declared to bo very satisfactory. During tho eve ning a couple of fire-balloons with fire work* attached were sent up apdfassed with great enthusiasm by the crord, .ho had followed Josh Billing’sadvice to those attending balloon asceniriomuind remained outside the fence. The management will place themselves in hourly communica tion with the Signal-service Bureau in Washington, and if the probabilities aro in favor of a clear, calm day on Wednes day. the street gas will bo let into tho immense sock through an eight-inch main at threo a. x. of that day. and if no accident befall thorn the voyagers expect to step into their conveyance between five and six p. x., and start on their ex pedition. Hotv Fear of Cholera Makes Brutes of Men. . At the time of the first cholera panic at Sand Riffle, Ky., a Miss Eddington, a young lady of 17, took the cholera at 10 r. x. and died in four boor*. Her brother- in-law, Mr. Shelton, who waited on her during her sickness and afterwards sat up with the corpse, was taken the same day and died within a few hours. Mr. Ed dington’s rou, a young man of 19 years, with some difficulty, obtained a team with which to convey the dead body of his sis ter to the place of burial at Union church, six miles distant, having previously sent forward a request to some friends to have tho grave dug. He was followed by his father and mother and the two children in another vehicle. On their arrival they not only, found that the request to have, the grave prejared bad been neg lected, but the people residing there re fused to permit them to enter their houses. The young man took the coffin containing his sister’s body to tho church, and after depositing it therein, repaired to the residence of an uncle n few miles off, but by tho time he arrived there he was so far gone with the cholera that ho died in a few hours. Mr. Eddington, with his wife and two children, went a short dis tance from tho church to an unoccupied house recently vacated by its owner for a new one. By this time all four were sick with the fearful disease, but it is believed that soon after entering this unoccupied house its owner came about 9 or JO o'clock at night with a loaded shot gun and with threats of instant death drove them out. They, too, wero then compelled, sick nigh unto death as they wore, to seek shelter with tho dead body of the daughter jn the church, and there, before daylight tho next morning.'the two children died. Later some Good Eamaritins from the neighborhood came forward, and after performing tho offices of burial for their children, took Mr. and Mrs. Eddington to their homes, where they finally triumphed over the fell disease and were restored to health.—Franlfort (Ky.) 1’eomaa. GEORGIA FOB SEPTEMBER. I HE BENEFIT OF THE DRAWINGS DAILY' AT 5 P. M. GEN UINE LAWTON & BATES, (WITH LATEST IXTXOVXXESTS.) FOR 3* TEARS THE Standard of Excellence THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. OVER 750,000 IS USE. If you think of lnmnf abevinir Machine it will poy you to examine th.- record* of those now In ore and profit hr experieocr. THE WHEELER k WILSON STANDS ALONE AS THE ONLY LIGHT RUNNING MACHINE. USING TUE ROTARY HOOK. MAKING A LOCK alike on both ndec of the fabric aeved. tie machine* waste rarer in drawing the shuttle back after the attten ia fi - A Duel Between Humming- Birds. gentleman of Kingston, N. Y'., re cently witnessed a novel battle in a gar den of tQat place. Two green-bamxed humming-birds were the combatants, and tho fray lasted seventeen minutes. The tiny antagonists would dart on each other most viciously ; would soar twenty feet or more in th# air, and then return to the Sowers in the bods for a moment or jwo, where the wvrfaro raged most bitterly. Occasionally tho larger would pin the smaller to tho ground, when the baiter would strike vigorously at the throat of its foe. Finally the larger bird appa rently became very much enraged, and made an energetic spurt. The other fell to tho ground, its wings fluttered, the body quivcrcil, one quick gasp, and the ruby-throated little one was dead. The victor flew to a dead twig on a neighbor ing shrub, and smoothed its ruffled plum age as a dovo would, and twisted its nock from side to side; than for a mo ment hovering over the lifeless body of its efiemy as if to be certain life was’ ex tinct, it flew swiftly away. A Mormon Husband’s Miseries. Brother George Q. Cannon says the sisters have borne a great deal. So they have, but if they could only stand in the shoos of their husbands, who arc good, true aUd faithful, they would' know that they are by no means free from perplex ities. Just fancy a man with two, three or half a dozen of his beloved wives catching him on one side, and before he can take three steps more catching him on the other, and “ I want this,” “ I want that," and “ This is not right,’, and “That is not right,” and so on,.their minds just pulled to pieces. I say if the hair is spared qu their heads they may consider that they have got blessed good wives. I have as many wives as any other man, and I keep my hair yet. But as to trials, why. bless your heart*, the manor woman who cn^o;.-* the spirit of oar religion has no |triais, but the man or woman who tries to live accord ing to the Gospel of the Son of God, and at the same time clings to the spirit of the world, has trials and sorrows acute and keen, and that, too, continually.— Fretn o Rreent Sermon of Brlyham Tot/iiy. which thi death on the terrooe of Sains Souci. is offered for sale in Berlin. According: to an old established custom in Pru.-sia the ▼alet dc. .chanbre is entitled to the iMt uniform of his late monarch; that of Frederick the Great thus descends from 4i his valet de chaiobre. and, after chancing | Lou: b^nds several times, '-as purchasea for $&£00 by an Englishman, who now usks $16,000 for it. A prince of the royal house wished to secure this curious relic, hut wm deuTiv i bv its exorbitant price. The owner proposes to offer it for sale in America, where he expects to realize even a still higher price. Spain has had another Cabinet crisis, and Costclar h.^s beta elected Premier bv tLv Cortot. H this patriot!' and high*, sealed man fails to put down tho insur- CAPITAli PRIZE, $7,000.00 30,310 PRIZES, AMOUNT ING TO $53,253 20. TICKETS SlGOj SHARES IN PROPORTION. F the above scheme, formed by the ternary combination of 7S numbers, makinr 76*076 tickets and the drafting of 12 ballots, there will be 220 prizes, each bavin* three of tho drawn numbers on it; 4£5£, each having two of them on; 25.740, each bavins om only of them on; and afro 45.760 tickets, with neither of the drawn numbers on them, being blanks. To determine the late of these prizes and blanks. “ from 1 to 78 inclusive, will be sever- LOUISIANA CANE SYRUP BARRELS ON HAND. THIS IS NOW THE ONLY Pure New Orleans Syrup Now in Market! And none even to be had in New Orleans. We’Will Sell at Low Prices B0GEK8 & BONN. WHOLESALE COM, OATS, HAY, BACON, LARD, FLOUR, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Bagging, Ties, Etc. FOURTH janSO tf STREET, MACON, GA, WRIGHT’S ImjroYBfl Anti-Friction Horse Power. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICfi* Georgia Central IUilboad. Savannah, July 5,1873. O N and after Sunday, the 6th inst.. Pasaen^ar Trains on tlie Gcoi’ria Central Railroad, its branches and connections, will run as follows: PAT TRAINS oorxo SOFTS ±2TD WWT. Savannah 1.-00 ? x Augusta ?:15PX Arrive at Milledseville 11:04 f M ; Arrive at Eatomon 12:52 a m 1 Arrive at Macon 10:45 P M avannah fcl3 p J* on for Ulan t a 11:10 PM on for Eufaula 11:15 P M on for Columbus 10:55 F M Arrive at Atlanta 5:50 ▲ m Arrive at Kufaula 12:10 P at Armo at Columbus 4:00 a x Making close connection vith trains leaving Atlanta and Columbus. SIGHT TRAIN'S GOIXO SOBTII. Leave Clayton .................. 7:20 a X Leave Columbus 2:30 x X but Atlanta 1:50 p x Arrive at Macon from Clayton 6:25 p X Arrive at Macon from Columbus 7:3o P X Arrive at Macon from Atlanta. 7:20 p X L’nloMacou 7:40 r X ve Savannah „ 8:40 * x Arrive at SUll.al*ovilk>..'J.„™ 11:04 V X Arrive at Lsitonton 12:52 x X Arrive at Augusta Zl"....... 4:00 x X Arrive at Savannah ?~i 6:00 x X Making ]>erfect connection with trains leaving Augusta. Passers rs fioir.s over the MilleJsovillo and B.- tontou branch will take night train from Colum- bus. Atlanta and Macon, day trains from Auguita s ‘ which tvmi.vt dtutv at cfcwdou (Sun laysi exrepted) with the Milled Seville and hatonton trains. An dwganl sleeping car on all niuhl trains. THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS «n nanaq at the Central Railroad Ticket Offlco at Pulaski House, corner < f Bull and Prva- streets. Office open from 8 x X to l r m, a \ 'in m 3 toJ P M. Tickets can aho bo hsd at lh-iwt Officiv , , ^ , WILLIAM KOGRRS, July S tf Genoral Superintendent. SUMMER SCHEDULE, DAILY PASSENGER TRAIN TO AND FROM Hacon, Brnnswick. SaraiDSA Jt h»rt«a. Office Macon asi> UnuNstncK Railboad. M—on. Gu.. July 22.1873. / iX and after Wednesday. July 23d, Pmaa&ager Trains on this road Wtll be run as follows: r»AY r.VSSEXGEK, DAILY, SUXDAYa EXCEPTED POE TITS FEKSKNT. I.eoveSIacon S:S0aX Arrive at Jcsup 6:45 p X Arrive at Brunswick....... 10:16 P X Arrive at Savannah 10:60 P m Arrive ntTallaliass «e 10:12 x x Arrive at Jacksno ille 16J2 a M Leave Jac'iMonviUe. 2: vO P X Lea ve Tnlluhi.s.seo 2:40 P M LmvoSavannah..... 5.26am Leave Brunswick 6:00 A M Leave Jcsup y : oo x X Arrive at Macon 8.-00 a M Paaaengere from Savannah will tako tho 4:30 ? X train for Brunswick, and 5^0 a m truiu for Macon. . HAWKINSVILLE ACCOMMODATION TEA IN* DAILY. (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). Lca\*o Macon 8:50 p X Arrive ot ll .wKiusville 7:u»0 P X Leave Uawkinsrillo 0.30 a M Armo at Macon. 9:55 A M . W. J. JARVIS. July30tf Muster Transportation. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE. Cekteal Railroad, Atlanta Drvisiox, Atlanta. July 5.1S73. O N andaftef Sunday, July 6th, Passenger Train* on this Road will run ns follows: DAY PASSEXOSR TRAIN. Leave 3rncon 11:00 a X Arrive at Atlanta 5:30 a X Leave Atlanta i:£0 p M Arrive at Macon 7:20 P X XIOUT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Macon 11:10 P X Arrive at Atlanta 5:50 AX Leavo Atlanta 1:00 a x Arrive at Macon 7:00 a x Making close connection at Macon with Contra] Railroad for Savannah and Augusta, and with Southwestern Railron.1 for Colu inbus and point* in Southwestern Georgia. At Atlanta, with West ern and Atlantic Railway for points West. julyfltf G. I. FORKACI: ft, Sup’t. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE. Southwestern Railroad Company, Macon, Ha., July 4,1873. fXS and after Sunday, tho 6th inst.. Passenger V_/ Trains on this Road will run as follows: DAY EUFAULA PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Macon 8:00 a X Arrive at Kufaula...... 4:40 p X Arrive at Clayton 6:20 P X Arrive at Albany/ •. 2:45 p x Arrive at Arlington ; 0:00 r x Arrive at Fort Gaine* .t 4:40 P X Leave Clayton 7:20 a x Leave Eufaula 8:50 a X Leave Fort Gaines.. 8:85 ax Leave Albany *. 10^3 a x Arrive at Macon 5:25 P X Connects with the Albany Train at Smithville, and tlie Fort Gaines Train ut Luthbert daily, ex cept Sunday. . Albany Train connects daily with Atlantic and Gulf Railroad Tr.uus at Albany, and will run to Arlington on Blakely Extension Monday, Wednus- day and Friday. returning following days. COLUMBUS DAY PASAENOJ K TRAIN. Leave Macon 10:55 p x Arrive at Columbus 4:00 a X Leave Columbus 2:30 p x Arrive at Jlncon 7:30 P X EUFAUZA NIGHT FREIOIIT AND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leavo Macon ................11:15 p X Arrive at Eufaula 12:10 P X Arrive »t Albany 7:57 a X Leave Kufaula 10:20 P X Leave Albany 8:30 P X Arrive at Macon 10:30 a X Trains will leave Macon and Kufaula on the schedule Sunday, Tuestlay and Thurday nights, and connect at Smithville with Albany trains. VIRGIL POWERS. julvfily Engineer and Superintendent. Change of schedule 0>- MACON AND AUGUSTA RAIL. UO AD. Forty- 'One Miles Saved in Distance OFFICE MAOOX and AUGUSTA K AILMAD. Macon, 31 ay 18. A&73. O N nml anor .''uiiday. May 19.1.7S. a.iil a^jl (urtii-r notice. .' ho t™ ni > on lh » wU1 rvxns a follows: DAY TRAIN—DAILY ^*4t72fDArs BXCSPTED). Leave Macon C ; S0 a V Arrive at Augsuta J * Leave Augusta p * Arrive at Macon ; - 8: Jo P m Passengers leaving Macon at u‘30 a X tuako close oonnections at Camak with a\v passenger trains on Georgia Railroad fur Atlanta and all 1 dints West; al*o, for Augusta, with travis going N’ortb, and with trains for Cliarlofton; a.Isu, for Athens. Washington, and all stations on the^*«Gr- gia Railroad. . Tiv iets sold and baggt.50 checked to all point'' North, both by rail and by steamships from Charleston. wug7tf 8. K. JOHNSTON, Sup’t. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD CO* Office General Passk.nokr Aoknt. Atlanta, Gil, July 10,1873. O N and after this dat >— LIOHTNINO EXPRESS For New Yori . Eastern find Virginia Cities, Leaves Macou, by Macon A Western Rail- rood 1 ....11:00 A X Arrives at Atlanta. 5:30 r 21 Leaves Atlanta...! 6:00 r x Arrives at Dalton 10:30 P X Arrives at Chat tanooga 1:10 a X Pullman Palace Drawing-Room an Sleeping- Cars by this train from Atlanta to Lynchburg and all intermediate points witiioct CBAJTOX Passengers leaving by tins train arrive in New York the second afternoon, at 4:44 r over thir teen heurs earlier than p - ieiigeri by any other route can with safety reach New York,leaving ’• -O same evening. DAY WESTERN EXPRESS. Leaves Macon at IblO P X Wives Atlanta at 8:30 A X Arrives at Chattanooga 4 ; S0 a x Close connection at Chattanot^a for aa points Pullman Palace Cara on all night trains. Pe r further particulrs fddna^ WRENN". July 11 if General liumcnger Agent. PORT ROYAL RAILROAD. Office op Engineer and Supbrixtendent, Augusta, Ga., June 28,1873. O N and after Mondav, June 3“ trains on this Read will run as follows: DOWN DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Will leave August* at ....... ... 6:4*> a X Arrive at Port Iioytlat... 2:16 ? X Arrive at Charleston at — 4:45 P X Arrive at Savannah • 3:30 px rp DAT PASifENOER TRAIN.* Will leave Port Royal at — 9:45 a X Leave Charleston at 8:10 a x Leave Savannah at 0:30 a X Arrive at Augusta at....-, r 5A8 p X DOWN NIOIIT PASSENGER TRAIN. Will leave Augusta at...; 2:10 p X Arrive at Fort Royal at 11:35 P X vrrive at Charleston at 5:00 a X Arrive at Savannah at ^,...12:30 P X UP NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Will leave Port Royal at ljWjjJ J Leave Charleston at J JJ Leave Savannah at ^ J * Passenvers leaving Macon by the 6:80 a m train on Macon and Augusta Railroad, arrive rtAugus- ta in time to make close connection with th© down ritrhr TMwnm tram on this road for Port Royal &b£SSP . JAME8Q.MCK3BU. julyltf • Engineer and Supsnntcnaent. stbictXiV COMMISSION HOUSE R. 31. WATERS & CO., BS Broad St., New York. BANKERS —AND— Cotton Commission Merchants. Buy and sell contracts for future delivery of cot ton. ’Deposit ac^-ouiits of hankers, merchants and otiiers ore especially solicited. july6d3m PUNTERS’ BANK, FORT VALLEY, OA. "D F.CEIVKS Deposits,discounts Pap^r- buys and XV sells Exchange; also. Gold and Silver. • Collections made at all accessible points. Interest j-iid on Deposits when made for a specified time. Wx. J. Anderson. Pres'A W. K. Brown. Cash’r DIRECTORS: DrfwSI a. Hciiiaaroa. <t.t m