Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, September 14, 1873, Image 2

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(Trlriiriipli &£j$r;r,euQn - ~~C , than tUn**’ a.u^t itii j.i * k[0.»Vi f»f onwm <lr he )tf NOTTS ON Till: It) Prn(. Jim ltn\. a Mr ;|Tl ATION. I).. V. V V nilli •Mid ■* conj.ic • . ... >u" ice put ■» e«- t-.nelv Un.'t (fflt u^ert on (In- uooditaou of affair-. A lift when Mra. PiLuter recover- ■ ■ .inn wli.eji thi* female metuLer of the Khi-lcMur .y.. r ..|. which hath of the, • h i wh-n they there w». '1 the room »‘Hp AlACuN DAILY TKL%JRAI>I1 AND i SUNDAY MO^NIN^ WEJ MEMBER 14, 1^78. *- FR. f=R. EXTRACTS FROM 'W- .A.-- 331 DUGAN & STIIaSB, nutur.l fron ;<r*t . U-iL-r t«~l Hut 1 not •. •t» Mr. Pilaster scraping * lls »nd howling th*. .uj^ua^c doicrihitLIc. lie* L*_\. w*- umierstand—that i-Aiind «.n the btrwt a lilUe, V* n ‘*V v_ ^ Te of ro^k can* li tl;;; t for the blood of the " u - r,r * -t«l that pebblestone. • -ann^ a wu^ . .1 ...1 rotMi. l) br*»v at the hollow- m !.- the the la prof, with tl.ro. . ; .li. •SU- ruatand all other aili star relics cattle catch ; form of diaoaae that kio When farn: r.-i cultiv; cjitezn, and disturb : plough from which th. pathnring » hale to t!ic little more of rust. , But the foo<l necr.vdt very great. This plant I" • ’ °f fr i«< t i!i« ati. after it begins to bloon •;nt«, j«i-11 id i. rarish it fain- led hill-si. osti •uld b. I whcr it in fruiting. Of course *‘short. crop** is all the talk— but I think it ia more talk than fact. Tht-ro'U lx* cotton enough—never fear. Tho Macon and Augusta road is now doing a fine pan^ ngor buiuocii, and if it ©onnoctod at Augusta with anybody «.r anywhere, would do better. 1 am glad to nee that Judg.jf King i- not in serious danger. The loss of such a man would lie seriously felt in Georgia. On the train this morning, was Mr. Bonn, of the firm of Kogeni A Bonn of your city, bound for tin* gr.-nt metropolis of all the Georgias—M2uw 1 go vflle. Mr. Bonn says Millodgovillo is going ahead as fast as any town of its size in the State. 1 asked Bonn if he wan looking for any improvement in Macon buidnesa the approaching winter. In reply lie said he did not think there is any particular room for improvement on l:wt winter. Kvery Macon merchant was satisfied with his last year’s busine .and what m«.re could he ask ? limit's a fact. Enough is good as a feast. That estimable gentloman,T.C. Demji- H«y, Esq., was also on l*oard with his family, bound for Old Point Comfort. Method is the nun who can do likewise. Yea, Idomtod is tho man who can 1. the swelling tides Tlw; lVttilogger. -X«r w^: ,hcU * ,wu •Id th.‘ jjettifogger, the black! g of * • II • i.--, :o hia name impAti,;, a up of trifling aggrievaneee and >. 1I-- sometimes * merges from .onal obscurity, and U charged ,h busmen winch is «ii.«ireputable only r-Migli has ow n tortuoiu devices; for the rmin cannot forego his ui.stinets even »*ng lxU lMittero. Hois generally found, wever, and !.. always lagiiuin the low- . profeywion.il gra^le. Indeed, be is the *^lodyt*i «»f the Law. He has great cuq- ig. He in i-takes it for intelligence. • is a fellow <>f infinite pretense. He ••he . hipj-adf everywhere, and is self* wherever he goes. You will * - n find him in l**gblativc IxsTicn, inpo- i'-al as'emblles, in boards of supervi- r. . in common councils. He is foidc* | ini.. th-Te for kjm vifie villainy; some- iin:. - on general principles * of cor- 'li, waiting on ProvMeno* for any fnnidulcnt job. He U always th.-r. Tor evil. The temper of his nnn 1, the hibiU of his life, make him • t nthilly mi ehi.-vou.s. In all pL.r-es In al ways dishonest. When lie cannot «at for gain, he cheats for love. He haunt-» low pilaces, and herds with the ignorant. Itxs his kindly r.flice to set them by the ear-, and to feed hi.-: vanity and his pockets from the quarrel* or fo He rneddh igablc in n enough to lx ing example learning is hin ignorant in all things, and sly, with credit for wb is in everylxKly's into everybody's busine.*.-. n all thing-, and ia indefat- i.v-hi-f. If.*- ju-t lawyer mischievous. JETo is a liv- .f Pope’ii truth, that a little dangerous thing. Among companions he is infallible Sometimes he is reserved knowing look which gains loin and character for think* mioi.i:ri. dv*!:\ti;k v, <*hoi,Kit\ nonnrs ( IIIABKIIIKA, AND ALL BOW Kb COMPLAINTS, Rad way’s Ready Relief! | I ¥ CIIOLK k \ MTOtb u cn. wUaaic.tlM' } ' i^MMMtkMWlVMtoad 1h«* I.ivrr. II..« - .... .. . n-cular. lUdwIV1*. •. • r .V.i u ’ thw nypn-in-. tewime \ IL:.U- IV Ik-f . .hit- wnt<r, (one Lnu|K«inful to a tumbler erf wi.: PREMIUM JLIST r»- Vrfteii ■ :«11 arid »»r unl^althy •‘l.-inenk ibiuntioii of the-uuuAri:. <4 the ■ .• : - ■. . i . i:nirfui:i:ir II.. • :!.r i-h • it tk- »>*- i j.r :1m w-Kintr u *< the rrnt< r T pnwwtiw in thr Mood. *1 with CIIOLK It A. th- Ready R*l**cf • Khm as stnv.ir:«ii 1 often n.^ poadhia -•< ur> p «: re*,l hr.l«t tl>— i'p > rt»**?» t-i th- • tl.« r. y. u l i! ;/; .> • ..nti K-. f,r« - pr>.;«Titth-dimiri>hinror of the jiube. Tlxs body should U ubbedi t Lea,! atunil du td K'-n. !« uid id ak .. Hipi ynnd ritalitrlo t . nnd ixdi tl*’ Ktonucli ay’s Tills (no dam Sonkl lie riven. T iiliatoiioel«L*restor nonta <rf div rins tn-HiiiM iit htiff iT-vii tllJji -. EiOansMw Kurina, CIm>I.v-» > • t<\. ainl all painfnb<li*i .klitlf it~lu»y ! . Rod,MM ik» \re:ikiH*vs« rla he u*c of the R. R. Relief. tWe sitndc, will ftOow ing all he docs not utter. Generally h is loquacious, demonstrative of his small eloquence. Then his tongue is too bij_ for his mouth, and his mouth is too loose for truth. .Mi lay Gouhl’s Great Fight against Eric. The Tribune reports that Mr. Ja; Gould is short 120,000 shares of Eri< stock. That is to say, he has sold then ;utd wishes to bring the price down in order to take them in and deliver them to the purchasers at a profit. Wo are also credibly informed that Mr. Gould has made arrangements for com- m.-ncinga number of law n uits against the present Erie directors. None of these > am iKitts • in will probably lie in his name, but O . in m l I set on foot under his auspi* 1. 1 ■ . ov.-iri i .il.i •••. •Ui.-.lir,r.-t« )*• mihmI, ■n>« <-f tho ChMapcnko. Verily I»» !or having' uwle in the present your a , ? *, ilivadend to too common stock before the preferred stock liad received the full sev- unto you he sisal 11 within him shall delight it dunce. This place calletl Augr with a good deal more knows what to do with, insensible of two of the l ad hi. iclf i i:n- la is a fine city, noacy than it But .«1.- : it iri •at necessities. i «ome way to gut uptown— • tho riil- I rhilo poor Ono U a reapectablo pushing houiv. It* protent on- in a tcnmlal. Tho next i* a hotel Imilding. There i* not ono in the city wliieh it not a xhaino to it. Tho tliinl i> iliatanco. a qi I»jinn n whole dollar ft lx, my five cent, a rod. (did yon ever know hin town for a dinner w ith hi* family, lyin« over lietwoen tr.iin-. and (joti meal nt the ozpenao following, t-1-w . Kido up town with wife and Svht other* at $1 00 each ....$10 00 I>inner tl 00 each.,?....„ to <h> ltido down 10 00 Total $30 oo l or nil which ho received in value, at prime oo«t, *ay ... 2 00 Profit* on tho venture forAuiputa. $2S 00 A lOaxi operation, but not satisfactory all round—not a business for a town to thrive hy any more than knocking people on tho head. I shall present this ease to the court of Kin- Common S.-nse and aril for a ehan-e. Hound as lain <-n a con fidential mission of vast imi^rtancc, I iusvo ftreat hopes of (jettino nil onlor to invert tho house* of Augusta lxitt wartlx. on tho tops or their . him. they don't do letter. The i njt- Stono Cure. Fnntl^H I lli-re are pe.-pie who are credulous in the matter of new remedies, and hasten nt the first opportunity to justify their eonfidenee. Mr. Pilaster, a resident of •Nelson street, is such a man. Ho re- * only read a statement in his .rifult u- n»l paper that .. pehblo-stoae held in tho mouth would Tory much modify the CMving for thirst, and, a* ho was afraid to drink lar^-.- quantities of ico water, ho was K-lad be heard of th ■ plan, and dot, r- nt, to which it is entitled dur ing flic year. Again, they arcto be sued fur milking a dividend to the common •lock before the preferred stock had re ceived its seven per cent, a year for the four or five years during which the Gould and Fisk management paid nothing to either elan of stockholder*. A third suit will .attempt to enforce upon these directors a personal liability for having paid dividends to the common stockhold ers before the claims of tho preferred stock holders had been satisfied, it being maintained that in this act they rendered themselves personally responsible for the divid-mls of the preferred stock holders. And finally, a fourth suit will bo brought setting up that the accounts of the Erie company are false, and that tho company u bankrupt, and moving for the nppoint- xnent of a receiver accordingly. It would certainly acem possible that ■o many lawsuit ? of such a nature might have the effort of reducing the price of the stock considerably.—AT. Y. Sun. The Thoughtful Wife. You have profcaMj noticed what a thoughtful woman your wife is. She never forget < any thing, and when she goes down cellar after an article she is RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD I.V.-TAXT KASK. INFLAMMATION OF TIIK KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER, INFLAMMATION OF TIIK BOWELS, CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS. SORE THROAT. DIFFICULT BREATHING. PALPITATION OF THE HEART HYSTERICS. CROUP. DIPTIIERIA. CATARRH, INFLUENZA, HEADACHE. TOOTHACHE. NEURALGIA. RHEUMATISM. COLD CHILLS. AGUE CHILLS. Tlw true _ font misc mill comfort Twenty drops in lialf a tnmMcr of water will in a tow momenta cure Cramps, Seisin.-. Sour Stom- neli. Heartburn. Sick llcaoharlie. Colic*. Wind in the Bowels, niiil all internal jaina. Travelers should ahrn>*s forty a Imttle of Rad. way a R-rulv Relief with them. A few drape in or pains from cluinre h Brandy or Bit- FEVER AND AGUE. IVvcr iin.1 Avne nirM Isr flftjr rents. Then- is m.t it ranulisl *xcnt in the warid that will curs rewrana Asiu^ndsD nllior Mulnriou-, Bilious. Ixnrk-t. Tj-plxiiil. Yellow nilJ otix r Fi lers (dM ,1,1s, so i|ukk ns ltn.lw.-.v’s lLo.lv Renily Relief X) eentx n liox. S.,1,1 to- .lnivvi-t-. ozokciia STATE FAIR. COMMENTING OCTOBER 27TH, 1873, WHOLESALE DEALER IN PATENT DEALERS IS Corn, Oats, Wlieat and Hay, EXCLUSIVELY, Xo. 20 Second street, l>etween Main sod River. LOUISVILLE, KY. AMPLE STORAGE. Will fill orders for Com from points in Illinois, parties making purcliajio accepting tliroueh Bill of Lading from shipping points. npr25 Cm ANTI-FRICTION GIN GEAR. PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS, CORN, B ACON, nts per bottle, and Pills HEALTH! BEAUTY! STRONG AND PURE RICH BLOOD-IN CREASE OF FLESH AND WEIGHT- CLEAR SKIN AND 11EAUTIFUI. COMPLEXION SKCUR- ED TO ALL! DR. RADWAY’S Sarsaparillian Resolvent las made tho most astonishing cures. So quirk, o rapid rnv therhnnin u 11^ 1**lv undergoes,under the hifnienco of this tmly wonderful medicine. thnw’EVEKY PAT AS IXCREaSE IX TLESII AXI» WEIOHT IS SEEN AXP FELT. TIIK CHEAT It 1.001) PCKIFIK1C. Ep CENTRAL CITY PARK, MACOX, GKOUGIA. Por best acre U clover iiay^. $ w For Imt acre lucerne liay GO Fot ly*>t aero of native grass... ; 50 Ear best aero ]X» \ine liay For lx*>t arro of com forage...*., For largest v»‘*ld of Southern cane, one acre... 50 For lx>t and larsest display garden vegetables 25 For largest yield upland cotton, one acre 200 For best crop lot upland .diort staple cotton, not less tnan live liales...*. 500 For best one Ink* upland short stajile cotton, 190 (and 25 cents per ]»onml for the bale) For best Inle upland long stajile cotton.^ 100 (and 25 cents per jmjuihI for the laic) For the liest oil paint in?, by a Georgia Imly 100 For the best display of pointing***, drawings, etc. by tho pupils of ono school or college ‘ * 1 or tho l>cst mado silk dress, done by a ladv of Georgia not a dross-maker For the liest home-spun divs*. done bv a l:ul v of Georgia not a dress-maker. For best liiece of tajjcstiy in worsted and floss-, ^ by a lady of Georgia For best fpraMwl balnr basket and complete set of infant clothes, hy a lady of Georgia... For handsomest set of Mouchoir-cnse, glove box and pin-cushion, made bv a ladv of Georgia... -TT.,... For bi*st lialf dozen pain of cotton sodoi, knit by ahuly over fifty years of ngo (in gold)... For best Icdf dozen joirs of cotton socks, knit by a girl nmler ten years of age (in gold)... For the finest and largest display of female liandicraft. embracing needlework, embi-oid- ery, knitting, crocheting, raised work, etc- by one lady ; )oo For the l«»t combination horse 100 For tho best saddle horse. p*) For the l»est stylo hamesn horse. **** ioo For tlie fine&t and best matcheil double team 100 “ 4 "“ - HI I [sa. For the beat stallion, with ten of his colts by his side... V. V-.V ln, n <,f IheSARSAPARlI.LlAXUESOIr- ' h-NT cutnmumcntc* llmxich the hl«>ud.9U —nc ami other IlimN ami juices of the vjs H \ Vptor of life, for it n'jn rn the Pistes uf tho . ... ." . i With new ami hound material. Scaifnh > .•••up ! ! Uvi-lc that I S> phili*.. r. ••<.! !• j.t;■ -i\ o rs hi th,; Thrtat and M«mtli. Tumors. Me*fat the Gland* and <rfhcr jarts of the system. Son 1 Lye*. M minor his liisrliarge* from the Kj.w. ami the worst form of *kin l)iw*av >. Eruption lVv. i N.ivn. Scald Head. Ring Worm. Salt Wieum.Krv- Mp-las, .\cne. Black Stmts. Worms in rho Flesh 1 uiuom. ‘.'amvrs in the W(»ml». and all W.-ak, nin-- amt lamful DLsrliarges, Night Sweats. Ixws erf sp'rm.nnd nil wastes trf the lifo principle.nre within the curattrc range of this womlerof Mod- 22 ChcmUtiT.and n few days* mm* will prove to any pawn rarfng i: for cither of _ forms of discus,* its potent power to cure them. If the iititieut, daily Imiuwing redo ceil iiv tho waste ami derampmltioti tliat i> omtinually pro- rtotirrg these wastes, and now mnterinl made from the SAILS.U’A KILLIAN «"i imhj OCX’S W'rmv-n cure is certain; for when otuu this remedy conin>eii(t‘s its work of purilim- * •* n,Mi «wjw»te diminishing tho loss of k’''.’ **- s :r?l 1! l'. r ? r.'.jiid,andc\ery day tho rniniM to afternoon, aolivlin^ ami rubbing it eU brotH-hoa. l'n-tty • in his inouth. ami i gratitude in hi* e made the diseover PhiLiater Church, ti cons, and a protnine tin* Khi I-.diiuv Nii: caU. Mr*. POaiU r lurlor, where Pila.t trial. He did i that T- .nritnpre-sive weather, in vrh.eh eacJi Wtc thing. and heartily ■' L-.*•!'.. I .ihva.lv 1,,-en -o jwt of thoKhid ^h.luv .M \, up, and the t onveraatic animated on tho part of and two deao*ns and t ;rhlny, while Mr. and Mr lively listened. Mr. Pilaster was sitt cushioned chair, sitting < tnild and fajgrfae man in a pirjjlia^ no: hia eyes prv>trv:<le eliair, t!m*w his dropped down o diatelj went roll the centre table, up^-ttiu t!.s>r wit 1 vi*itinij eani- and xrax flov his' heels, and turned Ma< and worked his h.'utds a arr.1*. Th people were t mri. Mrs. l*iL»xter an 11 the Khidghluj wnmjf their han .m l tr : < file the ,1, e.l then, itli the l. a. Alt-: xhe num need. *8ht> oalb tli.it -making her head kito her heels.” Once in a irliilu she may ne ;leet somethin-, Lilt that is hocauso she has k> much on her miml xhecun't think of everythin^ at once, and if 'some people hint ns much to do anil keep track of in she has. there would he nothin)- dons at nil. After she says this, it is time you either left or Imxi.il your- If with i-methin- oho. Wo never knew a man who continued tho conversn- tioiii to apjwar . .tisfiod afterwords. She oriiil it this thoughtfulness in many ways, hnt more particnlaiy some night when you l*ro just --t to hedand neg- leetetl to leave a match near the lamp. 'IM;cn & tarts up with the exclamation, “I declare I forjfot to sot eintinps to- night, :ind there Ln’t only breail enough Lt hroakCut.” So you get up and skim ;iroun 1 for a match, and after securing n li^ht, acexunpany her to the kitchen, wnnv you hold tho lij'ht while she jjoes through with tlie o]H-i-Htions requiretl in retting emtiag. And after you have >t.H»d around in your bare lejjs for ten minutes, holding the Limp in one hand l frequently slapping yourself with the Noil go bock to bed oppressed by •OrK-iouaness that in some way you ‘jqKm.siblo for tho whole trouble.— . .Yn >. IBiticnl sill f.-cl l.im. If en.winclx-tto •. jhc loci «ljpr»ti«K lictnsr.sppe ir.dstronc- i'.-fi.' oth- iponth. •init- I Khid- j dal . i^ two hundred years since Mar ti . accompanied V.y fiveof his fcllow- ntrv nu n and two Indian guides, caine 1 IliinciB l.y an Indian tniil from the t of the MixstssippL It is proposed id Ln.tc this arrival of the first white . in that stat.. fiya pufilicm—tin-on It'.th inst.. at Starred Point, near ■a. An address will 1 o d*,'livcred I*y ■t Justice Ecese, who has made a spe- s-.nJ.y of the curly history of Illinois. I nr Humane tkxdcty is requested to I look after the turtle torturers, who, for day, lx-fore utilising their enormous but atoly-flnvored victims, eiposo them tl-.- bdv. " VK ‘" in Tueacls. sul.joet to the teasiu- .. : i, kling n more of lwtfilaeks. The fate of the Dd v, rink- AiJuitor ” fiutebered to make a Homan firekoout indnixy.” was hardly worse tlmn that of upsn during the week that pre- L appenrahee in tho shape of ups this day.” xt ins •odori his Lui •turtle st-iakd ;u:«l s l.v»or an l kiekin {.!:■; th.. unde THE LOG AS l-ERTILIZER hind the lia<l no do an ins pro lie 1‘iL-T: ovo, : • ii will pr»»to LEMAN*. Gera ;>i!y «> l rv*.]^ fully i a Miptfj now n ml .Vgi i for tU Fcrtilixint Com- iform the jHihlic aJy lor immsdial/* iKVtitxl f »r Wheat Xfiil lU--.Ii mxl Wssrfit innoulnr. Not m'llv does the NARSAFAK11.1.I AN RESOLVENT net I »11 known n*nu<ilial ngents in the cura of Chronic. .**. n*iul.Hiw. EoiiutitutKHuil hikI 8khi Diseases but it l* tho only positive cure for Kidney and Bladder L'tiuiplaluls, Urinary and Wumli Dba—, Gr.in l. Ttkhlj, JJh’P'.r. Sxipiwweof ATsirr. lno ntinemesf Urine. Bnclit s Dbuue, Alhimiinurin. mid in nil when; liicnjan* brick ilu>t dci-o*iU, or tin* water w thick. clon«I.v. mixed Milli sahstanrea liko tlus white trf an opr. orthn-nsUliko white >ilk, «>rthere ! M »H*ri»i«J, dark, bilious appoaranro and wliito uc|n»it, and-when there i*. a jiricking, ptocitinn when iwuiring water, and pain I along the loins. Tumor of 12 Years’ Growth Cured by Eadway's Resolvent! . Ur.VEKLV. Mrss. July Jfi. Iid7. UmwAY; 1 ten had Ovarian Tumor in nesamlhoweK ill the Doctors aid nhara help for it.” i tried everything that was wnwod, lmt notliiag hel;>eil roe. 1 saw L'NoIvcnt. and tbenght 1 would try it; hut faith in it.bemux* x had suffered for twelvo I took mx lkittWsof tho Resolvent, a ml ono - Pill*.and :tlo* of yoor For the bed gelding zm For tho best Nix-nmlo team 250 For tho host ringlomulo 100 For tho best roilch euw ***** joq For the best hull —. . L ** jqo For tlw lft*kt ox team. ”31 100 For tlw liest sow with pig* 50 For the largest and finest collection of domes tic fowl* — 100 For tho best lmshel of corn ** 25 For the h^st bushel of pea* ’ .’*** Sr For the U *t lmshel of wheat. 25 For tlw 1>c*st bu>hcl of sweet potatoes^ ***** 25 For the best bushel of Irish potatoes. **5 l ur the l**t fifty stalks «f suemr cane. .Z.l SO For tho best result on one acre in any foraco For the largest yieM*bf^com'ononeTcre!*L* • the larpvfi yield of oata on c r tlw largest jield of r>-o on aera... r tlw best result on one acre, in luiy cereai Fc F«.r die liest display nuidtion' tho ’gminds.'by * W wit<*r> MaonteBt .... jaa ^ chant display made by any grocery uicr- For tlio hra st r.niibiS dixpbruEitTOn-h^l« 100 plain X, l.y aue p;nui, or linn joo i or the beat lira*, band, not leas than ten per- Inmw * '— 1 r Jay lor BMtrfSgj *"><^*1 yj FLOUR, BAGG3CNG, TIES, SUGAR, Od.PI'EB, . r LARD, MEAL, BUI LK MEATS, SALT, SYRTJ: P, Etc. Corner Cherry and Third streets, U nder Ralston Hall JulyMSm MACON, GGEOJR* 3-IA. 1873. FALL TEA! DE. 1S73 -ATew Groodsy New r Styles R0B ? T. A. NISBET, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Comer MULBERRY ST. and COTTON* AYE. (Over Payne's Dm? Store). joncltdSm MACON, GA. [T r.UNS TWENTY-FIVE PEE CENT. LIGHTER thn L It is made without a mortise, tenon, or a key work U ) iri'n. Over twenty in use. AU have proven good. any other Gear made. ». Every part lult,,) FLANNAGAK, ABELL & CO., COTTON FACTORS -A3D- General Commission Merchants, 1S5 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. \N \ i!.\G h.rtllv Entr!:-*h S:,>n--\K.l! Fertiliser, etc. Bagging aiul Ties furnished. and liberal cash advances made on consignments for sale in Savannah, or on shipments to our cor- resjjomlents in Northern, Eastern or European markets. augl t5m A. M. SLOAN. AETIIUU N. SOLLEE. O. V.WYLLT, JB A. M. SLOAN & CO., COTTON FACTORS —AND— General Commission Merchants, Claghom A Cunningham’s Range. Bay street, Savanuali, («a. ninnc ol, New York, Philadelphia, augl 6m W. DUNCAN. J. H. JOIINSTOX. M. MACLEAN. DUNCAN, JOHNSTON & CO., COTTON FACTORS —isn— General Commission Merchants, 1)2 Bay Street, Savannali, <>n. augl fim M!Y PATENT Is the mode of construction of wheels suspended on Anti-l’riction Balls, Extended Arm to carry tho Pulley and Pinion Shafts. AU persons usiti- or making any part of my patent will lie prosecuted to the ex- tent of the law. I BUILD AND REPAIR ALL KINDS MACHINERY AT MY WORKS. BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS MA DE TO 0RDEK. STEAM, WATER AND GAS PIPES, AND ALL THEIR FITTINGS FOR SALE. Call and see at my works, Fourth street, near tho Brown House, Macon, Go. IK-:" Send for Circulars. E. CROCKETT. ju!30tf A.VJiON F. HANSOM. nonruT u. bovd. W. A. EAMSOM & 00., Mamdactuivrsmid Jobbers of BOOTS AND SHOES, 138 AND 110 GRAND ST- NEW YORK. Represented by R. W. Ilogr.n, of Georgia. oetSOdly ONLY MANUPACTOEY In this country where Loom Heeds, Harnesses —AND— Patent Wire Heddles Arc made under one management. BLOUNT, HARDEMAN & HARDEMAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON, GA. Office, Cherry street, over S. T. Walker’s. auglO tf r the IkM Geotsi par\t £3 oSS ste::''* » i'iir* ! " !llon .uorvoM onii-re"* ; 50 1 or Ik>» prawncihono urer io years old « rajtttAHennMI r ForiK'st Devon ladl...; * 2 1 North ,,f t * bl * r °,vgHertionqt'wjgwale.* REGATTA. aCT.yo adle do»u stivam ouOnuuliov Uivcr of **• ***"«■ A*SS(ion ol (By PRICES LOWER THi EVER! HIT Si Ed. Ketum thanks to their numerous Mel Thant customers i or tho very liberal pat- rona ^0 and confidence extended to them in tho P»st. They also announce that tliei r an ^ ^Yintc r stock of lind 1 fiffffffi K-ady Kelk'li nad there i» not a ,izu of temor to 2 wWt, mid 1 fod bettor, smarter and hap pier Hum I lin\ e for twelve years. Tho worst tu- uior wns 111 th*- left auto of tho bonte over the grum. I wm* tins to you for the bcnellt cf others., 1011 can publish it if yon c-li«- so. HANNAH 1*. KNAPP. f.h.V ckiSaS? lvnt - wm ■* military company. BOOTS! SHOES HAH THOMS, in, mus, EtC. 1 For the best drilled vi hmfi ny c f iit,t bu xhwn hm « ry military com pa - ■i'-m)iers,rniik pad WORMS! The only rate lor TAPE, TIN and WORMS tf alikinds. PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE. An Important Lrtter nt o-.ttV-.an and tf r»-t f 'rtywnni wen known un‘ugiK>nt tho United * tsftlirine c Cinrinnnti,0.,f«- „ the bevk j.ubIUhera States: r~v „ New Nokk, Ortooer 11,1573. Dk. Rah WAT: lV*nr w - ’ — * • ■ • ’.\+'i4 duty to tlh'Mif! ent of tlie working of ■ “ r»l tad Sen aH^rtcd with* Mhiorand urinary . rgam, which nuu *Mh-.iuc diw. tho jdi.v,;rteiw all ^ * *|Ktoinodi«* 'tnctura ia tho uivta.a< ahoigflammiUMn erf tl*.e kjdiLn. nod htaddo^nd hat »iy ggt*—73 years— •timg radically cured. I ouble in tlie l*i S iriVlireeS 1 n^'ufrefi M,ra ’ n " f ^'- S7;;0 RACES. rrcsr ror—jsoq. lor Trot:mell«rra,^ Cnwmraised) mileheatx, l*t horxetorpopire..., 1 lni ‘ al boras to rer-ire. -d hcrae to receive... ' rrosr two—S*m. orTrcttin* Htese, that tare never beaten S:M k 'j -'”- ^ two in three. ?ino Irt herxe to rwrive : -«x hono to receive...... M liorse to receive 1 i*li to I Jr. PiLu>t< • Then tl at. he held ack at his ■ .*»!!««.! tiie •md shakin- hi.- I - Mr., n’o.:., "•I’-red It on h;- I ad lia.1 taken ,bu€li ikpithic and relkrf. I had read of KOGERS & LEMAN, ’end Accntv ]Ii>iiuwr*vworth Bhn k >t k*i tuosoextr-j after . of. N fcm.*; Ulldet and o tliiln'! offc irdinarv >P* *aa rolled ' r% lVIVciv^i. weak t<* toll him Vvi. and UK%k vm.ti; started the names , ater. and the ntsLird plas- j nlights; and *h«-«l patient nd smarting I the mustanl j 1 OM th 1^R< )JH M fh«^ e-.'ht-n wW Mn. Re FOR RENT. 1st «rf Octo Id prevent u-.- ha«! tried i.imilvr»f j*hv » iarcu qtnmity ».f ni«dit : : honu'onmhic. but lunl ia t i -■»>!.iiiiwlij.Mir urn*, h.ti ing U »*dH*^. an»l *>».an- f.air month. a - . r.-,1 » • tin* Philadelphia Sstitnl.-e. Ev.-ring Po*t Z* L, tattnir tae« « -rt.,1 n!l ■ l 1»»n I- I went ngj. (off - Snr>.«j.:in!li.»M Re> .:\, ♦Tril-it ’j **:!!»-a*>l c rrcsE TntxE—?650. Y'. atats Hor>'.,-o)jen to tho world; i . t best three m five. l*t Irnrae to receive , - l Iiorso to nxvive •- *"' r - 1 5d hone to receive prsss FOUR—>55,1. Fur ^unmne Horses—open to the world; two- i.t 1, -s.. 52 firate.lrattwo m thriv. For 1873, complete in every respect, htu been roc is invited. Increased facUiUcs, with more extended store \ow York Ct* *” 0rUl ' J ‘ 0 tllem 10 gnnmnteo price ORDERS SOLICITED AND PB( Address eivetl, to wh: 'ch' especial attention „ c room, or d a determination not t as low, at £ Jl times, as obtain in WPTLY '.FILLED. SUN - GLETON, H XJISVT & CO WHOLESALE D1 EALERS, 49 SECOND STREET AND 28 MACON, aug28 lm COTTON AVENUE, 9-JL. rURSE five—83uu. -■ lfi.r—*> °!«t to.the.world; two-mile i time. Ready Rt-lh-1 AIK mcn«xd taking :1>, rvlrired, and no* W. JAMES.CL M l. O. DR. RADWAY'S iPERFECT PURGATIVE AMD! REGULATING PILLS. i For Ri I-: h rv. ^ rctas ax-jsoa. UthoneUframdw. w irr-r.-r-.-LN-fioo. -. Uum.ueor TrotUtixHer-.,-three yean.old. CM liter and i > to »ian. JOHNSON <Sc I WHOLESALE GR Produce Dealers and Comini, XAMOMIC TESHE, irtlERl SMITH, OCERS, I i r ‘ ” ssion Mercliants FRESH RR I 'V ALS! upkNi ln 1 »r. T. W, M»x m ..pitrait. 1 - hSi-r. dwt-llng )HmM*t Kn.di-n , In n M orkv i«.u- t»vu:iit ,i In Yl m' i ‘-’letburjx. : i‘ on Ogkti. < Vit-t !•> -. Work; t-n Third »1 t Arch anvil :iVM*>€s. Itrrf i=rt-rat» «*f t!i. Howk'K 1*S tin Tho first [ with a na y soon th rwui, and what thoy 1-u.c iu.ul.1 Ii.ivc of the liuntiu: ««?gf* .11 \r v Notice PETER UAUUl.v enter and two to start. ri'KJE xiNr—«ioo. ’ *Jhic Ifwfa, best two m three. Gnder 1 t L-.r.-v of Jo o p : of the i-fiirv? wi!i V charred in Bankruptcy. up. IN THE DISTRICT fOUBT OF THJ: UNITED STATES FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT y- ” —™ —ini tiun- I OF OEOXGO. • i..int- T'.-n the’ i 1,1 thc n»«v -f N.ttanW s. Toiler, ButlrapL a! n.witl, „ . cu t “P' In Haalrupto. IK,. ' . ■ , , 1U aaol I r |>> w'.u.m it m*y o.oom.-Tta m»lrr.hrm-d ill* u.i- Ifllow*tl \ a «»•'t»*r v.Ju» I A. iam-h.k e:\oi ti»> <f la> ap|«>HiiInM*m a» |81t down JirullouiK‘1* hi*. At this Mr? I A* 5i i-* ,| tN >*f Nnlhan ! S. Wnlkrr. ii thr rrwmv of |Pilast«-r faint d .iewi awnv, and wln n she wtl'T" 1 r 1 *' 1 within «iU diarici, were .AlLt). | i*-r iviuie*of twelvosylLliieji. and .. RUBk'UT A. X1SBKT. r Luiy wont ofl u^ain. j _JL By tin* time Mr. PListor lnul «o far ro- * o^uin hi* cansoioiiauoihs and ' t -H Head. Anditx ,: lb-arthiim. l*t^nt't ’ ■ .♦ u A*ifbi in the Stoninrh. s>h:- «t Huttenng at the li u-: GASCLQAD3 BA BON, 55* BA* BRELS COM3ION 3IOLA. 21 TIERCES COMMON XOLASSJ . gf 50 BA B ARBELS SUGAR, ALL GB.' 20 TIERCES Pl'PPlKLft HAM* j 1 CAE LOAD.SEED RYE, 1 CAR LOAD SEED B.UtLE* 5 CAMS MIXED CORN. 2 CAB LOADS FI 10 CABS WHITE CORN laid Item the H*wd, lv r»r*t M l cll^u.-K-w* ol tile Skill sntl Kr, Ch«*»t, r»«i K’u. thePT^h. A ft*’ of hi* bed with ; tr. TO RENT. ( O l: 1 "TTAOE HOESE Ml R.ud , ' ' tm-i> new . AIm\ ora* DW1 •lothiuK' Umittak of, other | "'*'*• MI lit Uatlnt trnt» p*r lm. BEAD — FALSE ART) Pill- will lire I- rd 'll - rtl. r. l'rt aorn:.-. COUNTY ijamuiloxs. couiuv " :o<-h Ithrotieb lUrSori.1' •.1*1 .taQ larrii-h lit-- l .r.- -t ; ■ .Uaja-tr. in iii-nt aad mrieV, u pn«!urt- amt of h» rn«* in ^ Ml ri.wd. frufinn-d w uu%rtu- Mi ROLLS KENTUCKY 20 BALES POTTER'S: <7 | 20 CASES SARDCJ3C9 | 25 QUARTER. j -*iouu j ts BARMuis- mar true r -aduaitht ct.c Srn.l t.ne ttcr s|ft„,j, t , lt.\D\r.lY b'O. x u r t l-nrrh Mm-t. .NV%» Yi-rk lnfttmaUx^i worth iIiou-aikIs will U- wut ;,\s* (itrilMltetl t Ai«m»tCwmT:iUnu in ’ |MI4lli’l Exlnhitiom ■ 10,1; InrilWi.M,. Tr-.reTr '■**’''* ! "*im* E\btba»u ,4 he, o-untr a i.'Or-l Rv*2i ' j ‘k*" 1 - ater n, uiJ,>,!,uUty. hr .Wtfiwlta i-U lfcS WfB1 »V* — . juiwiiwulw i magtutt 1 CAR VIRGINIA SALT, BAGGING. .20 COILS HEMP GREEN LEAF 3XABURG8, M 10 BALES MACON SHEETIN' -Llalirl " rfr IV-.-? a-'lt -JlirJBI# 1 ii HALF BOMB CANDLES -S CANDLES, 100 too BOSES SOAP, ALL GRAX -GAR. loo BARRELS WHITE CORN \V1 -"I .trek of FIXE ffBMY toheloord in EE SO HALF BC iDEX WARE. SUOT. and lull ,ai)ij,lif» ol erci WE ARE AGENTS- FOR'tHE MIAMI ) 10(7 TIERCES LARD msi RRELS SYRUPS, ALL GRADED IKES, 10 TIERCES MARTIN'S HAMS IEBII WATER GROUND MEAL -a CARS,LIVERPOOL SALT .’il TONS ARROW TIES SOPH. > SALES PORTER'S SHIgHNO G, • ioo BOXES CANDLES W'XES EI.l'E RIVER STARCH ES, 120 BOXES CANDY ftSKY, the'State. Call and examine. SBS "NELLIE BLA7I TOBACCO jThiiut kept incur line. aOWDEK CO Fresh Turnip Seed! Fresh Turnip Seed T BEAUTIFUL lot ol FRESH RUTABAGA TURNIP, FRESH RED TOP TURNIP, FRESH FLAT DUTCH TURNIP, FKESH GLOBE TURNIP, FRESH HANOVER TURNIP, FRESH SEVEN TOP TURNIP. FRESH NORFOLK TURNIP. Hunt, IJankiit & Lamar. Fair Ground Privileges! GEOKGIA STATE FAIE : BAIt-ROOM, SEGAR STAND, FRUIT, ETC. TER3IS—Note* of equal amounts, falling duo each day during tho Fair, with security, accepta ble to the committee. No paper taken but such as can be used in any bank m the city. Notes to be given on the day of renting. L. W. RASDAL. P. A. SHONEMAN, C. BURKE, amrSStd Committee. LAND FOR SALE. rpHE most desirable farm in Macon coimty, JL owned formerly by Hiram B. Troutman, and now by us, lying on the west bank of Flint river, just five miles below tho beautiful and flourishing town of Reynold*, (S. W. It. lt.) a <1 containing One Thousand (1,000) acres, is now FOR SAKE. The improvements are unequalled, consisting of a good ^.r.-elling, with every necessary out improve ment- There are seventeen cabins for laborers, aH with good brick chimneys. A great deal of tho cleared land fresh. Any one desiring such a farm and on the most enticing terms, had liest apply at once to HENRY T. JORDAN, T. MARION BRYAN, nuglOim Reynolds, Ga. 31. KETCnUM. A. L. HABTKIDGE. XETCHTJAI & HAETKIDGE, BANKERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Exchange Building, Mavanuali, Ga. Repehe5CE3 : 3Ioses Taylor, President City Bank. New York; P. C. Calhoun, President Fourth National Bank, New York ; John J. Cis co & Son, Bankers, New York ; Morris Ketclmm. Banker, New York ; J. N. Norris, Cashier First National Bank, Baltimore; M. 3IcMichacl, Cash ier First National Bank, Philadelphia, marl 5 Cm The startling drawback on nearly all medicinal agents has ever lieen that in their process‘J purgation and purification they have aiso delimi tated the R\-stcm. To obviate this difficulty phy sicians hate long sought for an agent that would Purge, Purify and Strengthen At One and the Same Time. Their research has at last been rewarded by a discovery which fully realizes the fondewt desires of the medical faculty, and which xs justly regard ed as the most important triumph that pharmacy has ever achieved. This important desideratum is Dr. TuWh Vegetable Liver Fill, M*bich purify the blood and remove all corrupt humors and unhealthy accumulations from the body, and yet produces no wc*ikTw***s or hnwttnde whatever, out on the contrary tones the stomach, and invigorates the body during the progress of their operation. They unite the heretofore irre concilable qualities o* a Streutheuing, Purgative and a Purifying Tonic. Dr. Tlltt’* Pills are the most active and searching medicine in existence. They at once attack tlie \ cry root of (lis.‘aiv«., ami their action Ja so prompt that in an hour or two ufter they are tak-:ithe patient is aware of their good effects. TIk-v may be taken at any time without restraint of diet or occupation; they produce neither nau- sca. griping or debility, and a-s a family medicine thev have no rival. Price 25 cents a box. Sold by all Druggists. Principal Office, 4s Cortlandt street, New lorw. sepi2 PRATT’S ASTRAL OIL 4 BSOLUTELY JA. ways uniform Perfectly cMr.rless Al- lmnlnating qualities supe- my lamp without danger o' e. * 31anufactured cxpnasl, lolatile and ilangt-re have !».«»•:! rectly- la handling property. ithout d: r taking lire." Manufa<*turwi w,..- - - • . v.ikii.^ lire , . ,, Apterous. 1 uiucr t tcij k* . and its per^ "soolwo"' fainilir*. Millions of gallons . i . . v i no 1U t ident—directly or ind»- •ver occurred fr in burning, storingor . c *rj*j ie inunens*; yearly loss to life ami selling from the useoif cheap and tbn- « Ql; tsl States, ib aqipalling. a he ...iniani'-s and fire commissioner r ’ th«- eniintrv ms>minetKl the ASTRAL ..w th • irfM.t K-iViruaPl when lamps ar** used. Send for circular. F« r ^le at retail by the trade gen- .rail v. a nd »t \ilu»levtk by the proprietors, <11 A-. PRATT a ro. i«s Pulton Mreyt, avw lorfc. auc.' I dvvd A Wtf STILL TRIUMPHANT! O. W. MASSEY COTTON G-IN. PATENTED JULY, 1S71. W OULD taki* thia method of informing the public that hundreds are now in use from Virginia to Texas. AV nerever it has been introduced it has proven a success, and bccoimiig in &nenUue. For tlia inlornut.tion tf thowi wlio have not neon tho (tin ta uso, wonldstato that it ran- liffit. pm laat, clonns aoctl perfectly, and niako^ a Iwuttiliil sarapht ol retton. Dn mil Imx ia so construrtre that it Is impc.taiblo to break tho mil or choko tho Gin by any lair tmstns. and a child ton xnn « ran yaal it a* trtll as any one. AU ol which I guarantee, and warrant every Gilt to giveontiresatis- ^Ino'impro'.'OTieiit in my cotton or roll box is, that it ia longer at tho top than where the cotton it P I>artiMiWireha t Jin"cotton Gins would do well to look to this before purdiasinir other MAKES, as l n determined to protect my patent fro ra nny and all infnngements. „ UInD fY , TTn v Parties wishing to purchase Cotton G. ns would do well to examine the LACELSIOK UOTIUA GIN befo; e purchasing. Samples can lie s sen at CAE..HAIW jul20eocl2m & CURD’S, Agents, MACON. GEORGIA. SCHOFIELD'S IROiN WORKS, Adjoining Passenger Depot, Macon, Goorgia. Celebrated Wrought Iron Cotton Presses. AH acknowledge its superiority to a iy made anywhere or hy anybody. Steam Engines and Boilers, Saw Mills, Sugar Mills and Kettles. Iron Bailing, Mill Machinery, Castings, and Machinery of all Kinds. Faught’s Patent Gin Gearing’. P LANTERS are requested to call nround an»l nee it. It is r. one poweg to run your gin a lifetime. Ma ay buy Horse P<'"-'‘ '♦ ,'i .-.Vmn 1 vear. Thw Gin Gear ha* an IRON CENT7:\L SUPPORT to f> T CTei “ OI pn ** IRON KING FOST AND IRON BAND V.HBHL SHAFT. Mat "oa.yl.y J. S. SCHOFIELD & SON ;LD SON for tiia sole ture of my PATENT GIN GEAR, wit* ."CENTRAL IRON SUPI^iRT.. MAKE. USE, or SELL the same,as 1 shall prosecute to the extent of th.. law ar ^^YuGllT. infringing on my patent. - Jay 2 NOTICE.—Having made arninremen 7 v g Alessrs. SC HOF I El. nre of my PATENT GIN GEAR, witl . CENTRAL IRON SUPS* Philadelphia, All julldSm LAWTON & BATES, WHOLESALE —dealers in- COM, 0A f TS, HAY, BACON, LABI), ELOUR, . Sugar, ( ioffee, Molasses, Bagging, Ties, Etc. _ . - MACON, GA- FOURTH jan30 tf SI 'REET, Maco: MENTS. fur the pi the exact Mni-oti m, 0 **Sp*-ruil ittten* *<¥! Kvr* tfimU to 'H ERNEST PESCHKE’S a Standard Mean Tim • „.„f uw.ua and stare. I »"* ^ JVfili of fi”> IEuI./kj, til util til “"jjiull Ud rnv arranttment, t" mrrret tha tlto erection tf »u otacrvMory »>» irpo»* of olmeniug tb'HP‘1