Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, September 16, 1873, Image 3

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TIIE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER: THE SB AY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 16, 18? 8 r (Tclci\riiyh <t'Messenger BV TELEGR AP IT. ■ Bibb County to the Front. Bibb County at the State Fair. . •iCTTKMHFR M 1*7*. BIKDAY DISPJFrC'HKS. Yoiinff .Icwlr. *h® Flower the Hill. ittha »wnt bu Um; thing the dew— life that was new; Ml my mind ever fill. , the flow a r of the liOl i flaw r of the bill. pproarhing to youth. Tujdor end truth— aturo and furai; «ful, her heart true an jtf.ind 'twould giro me pain. >e»uty kbouU e'er make her r may fall on her ear. miter hare nothin* to fear; *r, moro bountiful atill ndc. the flow'r of the MU. .*i-*U~..uty and grace when combi »of heart, and heeutiea of mind - new. that ne’er bounce of iu pow*r. id frf»tretho*’tii» queen of tbeliow'r itb >xeiq Jmwv the pc* of the A Talk With Hr. Ja». i W'abusotov, Tmtnpilw, 14. — Tho r of In li-rn Affair*, South, | will leave V, a*hin;jUtn t/.wanU tho cn4 -j, t . ft.this month for Fort SHI, where ho wUl . join Serretaro IVlaro anU Got. Daria, of Teiaa, for the roir] -.so of holding a con- rmr ferenoo witli tho Kiowa*. in connection .owl *^th Dig Tree and Santanta, now at that I place. (Jot. Daria propoaca, aa a oondi- ■ t ioii pr- oc* lent for formally re t/.ring f h.j' j chi -fi to their pomdt, 'that Ee Kiowa- and Comanche., deliver up or soU their home, ao they may not hare the mean* to go bc-yond their reservation to oommit depr-iations, but homo other m-y L • adopted to satisfy Gor. fhtvb hould til- pr*.jH,siti(.n !*• rJj.-ct«-d. Shipwreck of the Eureka. Nlw York, fcrept*imb.-r U.~Further particulars concerning the l>-< of the American schoon. r Eureka, c.f New York, at Blackpointp C. B. ( have been received. On th• • ♦*» h inaLir.t a l»dycann* ashore at Cape Dolphin, and on the bth instant the bodies of a man and woman were washed ashore in the same vicinity. It is thought they belonged to the wreck. A number of vessels which were ashore in Sidney harbor during the gale have sinoe been floated off and are now undergoing re pairs. The ship Scotia is ashore at Port Rich, New Found land, dismasted and broadsid** on the Beach. She ho-> a cargo of pine and will probably go to pieces the first westerly wind. From Washington. A Washington dispatch says represen tation is made to the Treasury Depart ment that the coinage act of 1873 by which the value of the pound sterling was altered from 484 to 486 65-100, will in- e the duties upon import* from Great r of Up* r»; th*' TT-mi. i S A TURD. cordially rpjf EUB wjB fce * aJW . 4 ' ir.ty Agricultural Society at ti»** m lb* Court-*x«v. on 13th in-taj.t. at u o'clock x. *. TbeOrnnhw Fenners* Club is to meet with us on that day. Tt y of the meeting to to j^rf^rt amnre- !? r <r j r j.. * UibbCountj display at the approach hereby extended vr county. Fanner*, Horti >. Manufacturer*, Merchant • , ,a * " m«‘n, wh< f*T 1 a ji:n pride in sd tor cwinijr, in the eOBBpelndp for !<■**♦ |'r. xii:m, to mm with n% m General Con- ention at the hour and place named. „ 4T> _^ „ T. G. HOLT. .} ^ oon, y Agricultural Society. B. If. Wkiolst. Secretary.wp|#| TV sweetest young flow'r that Lipoma on the hiU. JtollUB. A C r It IO VS la A W.SUIT. Thr BI«ps*HlMofs V.nrgr R«vnte Or |m ml I n a «n Wltlrli of Two Pcr.tou liraoni d t age liter Died Fimt. f,n« letter to bedie Daily Newt] A d lisate point, involving a large in- h»T;taa«*% wna dvdded a few days ago by the rivi! tribunal of Rennes. It aroao out or the tragic occurrence which took place inOctoher, 1871. on tho rook of Pcnmarch, ,n Kinid-rrc. This rock, of gigantic di- uiUauios, overhang* the Atlantic, and, K*ing oneof the most pietureaouo features ,4 tl*e Brittany coast, is much visited by b-’iriat < and marine pain tors. It juts out s great height over the sea, and tho jiTA-t beneath is known to the aboriginal :.ihci* as Tull-an-lforn, or tho mouth of 11. Au Evil Spirit, t !»e*e primitive peo ple Iwlieve. is coDHtantly lying in wait at the f«*»t of the rock to entrap unwary •i < rtsl*. and cut them off from among the living in the midst of their sins. This idea, founded, like most local superati- on fact, is not always sufficiently { . • rnttothc niiudrt of excursionists to J*. nniarch. The victim* of tlio Tall-au- if* m «h mon in October, 1871, were Mine J.-v .mville, the wife of a Brittany Pre- f«it, her cUughtcr, Mdllo Gabriello Le- voinvilk*. a l»crvutiful young girl of 18. r nephew and niece, M Georges and Mdk Eugenic Drosch, and MUo Bonne- nisin. tho fiancee of Georges. They had )>oeji staying on a visit at tie* romantic chateau of Kornux, tho seat of M. Manfnw du Chatellier, and ha<l ilrivm over on the 8th of October with their bout'* son, M. Paul Manfraa du ChatulUur. a marine painter of some re- jmt *. to vinit his studio overlooking Pen- march. After insjiocting some painting*, they went to compare thorn with tho sites they rcpnaNcnted. Mme. Levainville pro- jmf.il that Ik fore returning to tho chstenu of KermiK she and her young relations nh«*i1d pass half an hour on the pUttonn watching the effect*of an angry Mirnnet. The sky was menacing, the hori- soii in a hhuc, the atmosphere close and ijutrgd with electricity, and the sea. Kinooth a* glas*. The tide was full in, «wl nothing indicated the presence of the legendary demon of Tall-au-1 fern. M. Paul tin Chntellier, while lii* friend* witc* ndnUring the HUperb efforts of color, ivtaniod to hi* studio to fix them on can- A* the position* ( ik.it up by the two into vlucii the oxenrdonist* split *.ah the chief element in the caw tho hVnaiM tribunal had to decide, it is well to tt;ito that Mme. Levainville and M. and Millie. Drnaoh wore sitting together <»n tho most northern point of the rock, • i. lex a sort of nut and parapet, Mdllc. Gabriello Levainville mm Mdllc Bonne- m »:i were > tending at a distance of al*>ut t wo yards behind them. Snddenly a vsrst wave nro;e, gathuriug in height ns it ..dvan.-ed, (in.t, befon* the five persona oa die platform had time to perceive the danger, washed them into the yawning Telluiu-1 fern. The foromost group vai token first. «la*he<l against a parapet and preeipitated violently into the sea. The Jialf-spent wave then gently lifted the two young girto, and nent them to rejoin their relatives. Now Mme. Levainville was the owner of large estates, amiJMdlle. Gabriello her only child. The question the tribunal of Rennes luvl to decide was who should inherit this fortune, which was claimed l»y Mmo. Dresch, the sister of Mme. loivainville, as the heiress of this lady, and by M. levainville a* the heir of Gabriello. If it could bo proved that tho wife died last, the property would go to the *;Ltcr; and if not. to the husband, a* the daughter’s heir. M. Paul du Chatellier, who win sketching the rock at tho mo ment, of the accident, was the principal witness. ile stated that the foremost group, comprising Mine. Levainville and Geor- g s and Kngt nie Drcsch, must have been kxlKwl at once by the violent collision into which they were brought with the lateral parapet. When they wore tlung into the s« a he lost sight < f two of the bodies. That of Georges, which remain.-.! flontin^ nun’ mouu'nt., Kiviiuxl to him an inert. Iiuin^loil nukM. Wlu-u the tt»to oarrio.1 tho t wo girls into tho Tall-nu-Ifem. they unit have Ivon in tho fuU paueaaion of thoir fiioultitw. ami physioally unhurt. i. * *1-.. Jollior'a .warniAn There n>. in M. n or* tiuin a fair p elle s«rviT.<H her mini, to, or. at all. it Lakoa to .lie fro jhatollior'a opinion, .-sumption t’.iat tialiri- ni.t her for perhaps a rents, as long iitimo as n aubmereioo. Mme. I’r-s.-h herself mlmittod that she saw her sister dashed hoad-furomost against a r\vk ami dung into tho ac« ere the ware had rea.'hoil tho niece. The state of four out of five of tho bodies that wore found •• c.linuodt St. du ChatolUer'a ovidoneo. Taose of Atuie. Ia-TivinTiUo and X. Dreach «■, ro all mangled, whilst that of M.Ulo. fusion. It had tho sleeping appearance whu-h M. James Bertrand gave to tho damned Virginia in a beruitiful picture exhibited, four or tire summer* hark. The court hold that Gabrielis must have ■mrriri-d her mother for at least a few sec onds, aad a'l-.-nl'ingly decided that the f tun? she inherited fromhcrgoiwto her father, and not to Mme. Devainville’s Britain to the United States by little more than one-half of one per cunt. In accordance with an order of tho I’oiboAeo Department, the railway pos tal cars running from New York to Wash ington. were last night locked at each end w-th United States mail locks to prevent passengers traversing the ear. The Coming Jfnn of California San Francisco, September li.—The Deception to Gov. Booth last night, on his arrival from the capital, was a 1 .effect oration. Thousands of people assembled at the landing with music and transpa rencies, and tho houses on the line of the procession were illuminated Gov. Booth was escorted to the Grand Hotel, where he mnile a speech congratulating tho Jieople on their complete victory over the railroad monopoly. He referred briefly to Stanford's statement on Thursilay at Sacramento, that the lionda of the com- pany cannot lie sold in the Hast or in Kiirope since tho result of -til; 1 election was mode known. III. said the bonds are worth os much us ever, but if the credit of the company depended on pledging tho manhood and independence of the people of California, tho sooner its credit was ilestroyed tho better. From LodIstIIIc. I»UJ3VlM.r, September 14.—Uozarand Watson, tho kuklux prisoners who os- cujxsl from jail on Monday, were captured by the sheriff of Henry county, on Friday. Joseph Campbell jumped from the Ohio river bridge last night, eighty feet to the rock below, and was killed instantly— cause unknown. The Fever at Shreveport. Shrrvetobt, La., September I t.—B. T. M. Jackson, tho telegraph operator, died of yeUow fever yesterday. Kao, the telegrnph manager, is not expected to re cover. YcIIoir Fever in Memphis, Afon-iiis, September 14.—There have been thirty deaths from yellow fever among tho blacks in the northwestern |>urt of tho city, but only one death south of Poplar street. Hallway Accident. PiTrsBuaa, September 14.—Three en gines were smashed, and William Green, engineer, kiUetl and several hurt, by a tardy switch turner. Failed. Dktrojt, September 14. — Stiller A Weirder, bankers, of Ann Harbor, have failed. From Ilnppy Spain. Datonnk, September 14.—The Kepab- beans are reeonnoitoring tho Curlist posi tions at Vogara, evidently with tile in tention of making an attack, and au en gagement is hourly expected. The Ke- publiean force outimmbers that of the Carlisle, but the latter arc strongly en trenched. Tlui insurgent mon-of-war Fertiando d Oatolieo and Nuunincia. which saileil for Torrevoga, have returned to Carta gena without making iv landing. In the Cortes a del site on the suspen sion of its sittings is nppointed for Ttios- ilny. ({aarnntined at Uoustnntiuoplc. • I.onuon. September 14.—The steamers from Marseilles are subjected to a strict •piarantine at Constantinople on account of the cholera. The Strike. Tin- strikers were quiet yesterday, bnt were by no means idle. They visited the varioiu mills withont making any demonstration, and were apparently bent on seeing that no work was done. Tho a-iw mills were all idle, ami tho rice mills also. At tbe phosphate mills in the su burbs nothing was doing, nnd the hands were simply loafing about tho mid. The strike, it is thought,. wiU extend to the phosphate mills nnd mines on Ashley river, but as vet no information to that effect has reached the city. Among the strikers dissatisfaction is evidently in creasing, and the pressing want of brood wiU soon be felt. The mill owners have all determined to refuse to work at the advanced wages demanded, and wherever the laborers have joined the strike hare quietly closed the mills. Some of the dissatisfied strikers held a meeting yes terday ami agreed to reduce tho demand to two dollars per day. Tliis movement is said to haTe lieen acquiesced in by all tho laborers, and many of them have ap- pU*d for work at that price. The employers, however, declined to secede to tho terms named, and aU reit erated their resolve to keep the mills closed until the laborers are willing to work for their fonn r wages. It was ru mored yesterday that tho strikers wen- going to the South Carolina railroad workshops to compel a strike there, but having lieen convinced that the employes of that establishment were not to be intimidated, they desisted; whatever may have been their intention they certainly did not go there during the day. It seems probable that by Monday many of the laborers wiU have made up their mind* to return to work at the old prices. In the meantime, the effects of the strike are visible in every department of indus try in the city. The builder* find it im possible to earn' out their contracts in consequence of the scarcity of lumber, and the colored laborers, too,'Seem de moralized and afraid or onwUling to work. In the stream are several vessels waiting to take in cargoes of lumber, which have been engaged under contract. | Charleston Xetcs aad Courier, ISM. Bar and Restaurant. OPEN* ALL NIGHT. . J VALENTINO T-TING li*-. #*ntirr premise*. 1 I prepared to funu'h in* fn»-n«U an-: r.-* With oerrthinr nr-rtaimru: to n i;p.:-ch,« n>t*n- ^ ^ st - vk - FHESH FISH, OYSTERS, SAME, ETC. Stranerra’ visiting Macon should irirc him a cnlL IwUl open on the 1st of Ortober. at S0.C6 Cherry street, next door to my present restanrant.a Ladies’ Eating Saloon. Wp7 tf JOHN VALENTINO. Special Notice. rjIHE surriTusr |artnen of tbe firm of HOPSON A CO. wilt continue the buxines of tbe late firm at the old stand until further notice. Tbe stock will be kept up in a?J tbe de portments to tbe requirement* of tbe business. Afr.Yt. E. Jones is 'our duly authorised attorney « tort. J. L. WARREN. C. P. ROBERTS. 8-j.t«mhcr 8th. 1871. Sum ' in 51'artnera. Wesleyan Female College, MACON, GKOUGIA. Tho Thirty-sixth Annual Session " ILL BEGIN OCTOBER 8. IKS. Fur Catalogues, containing full informatiou, ad- drexs C. W. Sill Til* siv^'-Urk'.**" Bargains in Millinery »m idliTing from tlii» .lair, untif the i hit is disposed of. iuy stock of MILLINERY & FANCY GOODS I.AIIIK.V HATH AND BONNETS Flowers. Ribbons. Lore Goods. Hair Goods. Co! I*x». Cuffs Zephyr Worsted, and In fact. Everything Usually Kept In My Line. Call and eumiuo my Goods, and bur them »t your own price. *n*»tw MRS. L. P. HENDRIX. CITY BANK MACON, GEORGIA. Capital 200,000 Dollars. DIRECTORS: TO. B. JOHNSTON. V JOHN J. GIIKSHAM, J July?- Cm CYPRESS SHINGLES IV A Superior Article! For sale by B. H. WRIGLEY & CO. jnnciUf Taxes—Second Notice. 'PUB County Couimun-inershaYc notiflod me L that tl*»y aiv in n*il of money, and I nr theivffuv (Vidi|N’lltil to auk the people to cuiue up witlumt further delny and pay tlK*tr State and County Tiue*. Iwoiw, white aw! colored, who o\ro pdl and ncid taxes only, mini |*y up to rare cost, aa I am iM.iiirfil by tow to issue exemtions aw! irnmishee thrir orapU.yenu AV. T. NELSON*. pld tf Tax Collector Hihh ('ouuty. HENRY SCHMIDT, FASHIOVAHLK HARKEK. lIuCT* New Builtlin--. iKaro Stair*, lyorip be jiltwixi to have a rail fn>m bis old FOR RENT. FIVE room Dwellinr. with thm* amwyrouwl i nttari !°d. on Tat nail Squar.\ near residenrr Mr. E. him at $25 per mouth. Apply to J. SEVMOUR RODGERS, aue31 tf At Seymour Tinsley St Co.**. OR RENT. DWELLING HOUSES. elitriWy located. Apply to R. F. LAWTON, At Exchange Bank. «*r to Dx. A. P. COLLINS, jnlvirtf At Collins* A DraffTn TT, Rooms For Rent, ^yVER office of Southern Express Company. Terms moderate. Apply to T. H. HENDERSON. ypWtf • ' At Eiiww Office. A New Family Grocery. TAKE pbwnn' in informing my friends and tto* public generally that I have opened a Family Grocery at No. 5* Cherry stivet. I expert to keep a stork of good poods, awl I .licit your trade. Thankinpr my Mends for the tor IiU ml pntronace liestowed on me in my former business, and liopiiur for a continuance of the same, I am, Respectfully. • !lw •- ^. R. RICHARDS. FOR RENT. TWO CHOICE BED ROOMS f.. I T Coal! Coal! Coal! OCB "FAVOBITES” (DK FJ8STNATIONALBANKofMACON ^^OJ^IPSES TRASS ACTS A GLSERAL LASSISti MSISESS.! ALL OTHERS Silver Lake, Peerless. There Are None Superior, They Have Few Equals Silver LakLe Is more widely known than any other brand of Flour male in the United State3 OUK SECOND GBADES ABE ROT AL GEM A CHOICE EXTRA FAMILY. FALLS OH 1 OHIO A CHOICE EXTBA FAMILY. • . f ’Hit 11 1 r. «■ 'i* X J . ! • I _■ . .. ; One trial will convince dealers that it is to their interest to keep these goods, OUB THIRD GEADE, WHITE WING As an extra family Flour cannot be excelled. Send for circulars and samples and be convinced. MIliL R.ICE Fresh, Beautiful Flour, LEAN PACKAGES, ALL SIZES Free Drayage aeplZZtaw SEND IN YOUR OBDEES. GEO. T. ROGERS’ SONS. THE -D. PRATT GIN t ' plKKCTOCS: I. C. PLANT, * D. FLANDERS, II. h. JEWETT. W. B. DINS310EE. H. B. PLANT. D. S. LITTLE, G. H. HAELKIIFRST. I. C. PLANT. President. W. W. Wkyolkt. Caahirr. mnKVtilnovl* S. G. Bosx, President. R. F. LAwroy,- Cashier. EXCHANGE BANK OF MACON. Ofiiec in IltUPk New Building. Receives Doposits, BUYS AND SELLS EXCHANGE. Makw Advances cm Stocks. Bonds, Cotton in Store. Also on Shipments of Cotton. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. fehLSly 1C. PLANTS SON; Bankers and Brokers MACON, GA. Buy and Sell Excliange, Gold. Silver, Stocks snd Bonds. Deposits Received, On AYblcli Interest will lie Allowed, A3 AGSEED rrox. PAYABLE ON Cj^TmX^ Advances made on Cotton and Pro duce In Store. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO fehOly •* FOR SALE. Portable Steam Saw Mill TLlADB by Owen, Lano A Dyer, Hamilton.Ohio. T*i- U is a Now 1 Mill, and in pood onler; has poveroors to tho engine; also wood and lath raws. Terms—half cash; balance 12 months with good security. Also, one of Pay’s Planing Machines. Faces *2 inches, match 12 inches, with mon Id in ?r hits nttarhtsl fornH the latest styles of mouldings. WiU be sold with the mill, or sepsrete. A. K. FISHER, nn?16 lm* Montezuma. Mneoti eo., Ga. I TtNGLISH. French ami German Boardins: nnd J Day School, for Yocng Lulit's and Little ftirls^O* Cathcdml street. 1 llnltimore, Md. Miss Chaffee nud Miss llnmcssley, PrliioiiuUs, nssisteil by able Professors. Next Session opens Septem ber 18th. Course of studies extensire. comprisimr nil branches of a (tolito education. French is tie* language of the school. Class honors nwnnltsl at tho dose of the year. Circulars oil application. aug2o lm FRENCH’S NEW HOTEL, f iOK. CORTL ANDT nud NEW CHURCH STS. v’ NEW YORK. Ontlio Euro|>e:tn plan. RICH' ARD P. FRENCH, son of the tote Colonel Riehnr.l French, of French’s Hotel, has token this Hotel, newly tilted up and entirely renovated the same. Centrally located in the business i»rt of the city Lnmlios’ and Gentlemen s J lining Rooms attoelied. jiiwHUf 1 Tbe Great Eclipse” Screw Cotton Press [PATENTED FEBRUARY 21.1871.] MANUFACTURED SOLELY BY R FINDLAY’S SONS FINDLAY IRON WORKS, MACON, GEORGIA. FASTER, MORE DURABLE, LIGHTER DRAFT AND CHEAPER CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. THAN* OLD WOOD SCREW EVEX. PACKS THE BALE IN TWELVE ROUNDS. Two to three Hands, or one Light Mule, Packs a Bale in 2 Minutes B iles of Cotton packed by this Press range from 500 to 800 pounds. WE GUARANTEE TO MAKE GOOD. FREE OF COST (anil pay cram*— of traiispo-tatlonl ANY PORTIOX OF THE 1UOX WORK THAT MAY PROVE DEFECTIVE WITHIN FOUR YEARS crater povi nply tho In ly desire. Pressoe* HOWARD HOUSE. BROAD STREET, Nearly opposite Montgomery and Eufaula Rui- rood D.'jiot. EUFAULA. ALABAMA. J. W. HOWARD, - - PRoruiKTORn. Only a short walk to and from the Southwest ern Itoilroiid. Seventy-live cents raved iti omni bus fare.septS Cm F. FABEL, MANUFACTURER OP STAR AND TALLOW CANDLES, SOAPS, OIL. , No 14 West Main Street, bet ween First and Second. Factory, Noe. 73, 73, 77, 79 and 81 Maiden Lane, between Ohio and Adams Streets, LOUISVILLE, KY. Cash pnid for Tallow, Lard and Grease, nprisr.m ELDER HOUSE, Indian Spring, Ga. It is .situated nearer tlic Spring than any other public house, and w spacious and comfortable. Tho table is supplied with the best the market affords. Every attention is given to invalids who resort to tlio waters of the Spring for health. RAT US OF BOARD. iy $ 2 00 tx*k 1(1 DO 011th 85 00 Liberal deduction made for large families. W. A. ELDER A SON, an rtf Proprietors. LTJDDEN & BATES, SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE, SAVANNAH, GA. «MUKTiaXX We biro TESTIMONIALS from many of the Largest and Best Planters in Georgia (and all the other Cotton States) using this Press, whose names are as “familiar us household WOrdaC*' Planters visiting Macon are earnestly advised not to purchase a Cotton Prerauntil they EXAMINE CLOSELY AND THOROUGHLY the •‘ECLIPSE.” and JUDGE FOR THEMSELVES. Send for Descriptive Pamphlets containing testimonials and prices. R. FINDLAY’S SONS, FINDLAY IRON WORKS, MACON. GA. CRAIG PATENT HORSE POWER FOE DRIVING COTTON GINS. Recently Strengthened and Improved, now Perfect MANUFACTURED SOLELT BY II. Findlay’s Sons, Findlay Iron Works, MACON, GEORGIA. The superiority of this machine over all others intended for uni purpose (including both the old nud “ new fashion” Gin Gear) we GUARANTEE, OR ASK NO MONE>. This Power to shipped m one piece, aa it were; requires no mechanic to put it up; sqts on the ground; K attached m no way to any riortion of tho house; and to independent of lloor “sagging,” etc.; can lie used in AN Y KIND OF HOUSE (one or two story), or both the Power and Gin can be run on the ground 1TIIOLT ANY HOUSE; drives a Gin from 275 to 300 revolutions per minute. FULLY WARRANTED IN EVERY RESPECT. Send for Descriptive Circular, Testimonials, and Price List. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT S OFFICE Georgia Central Railroad, Savannah, July 3,1873. ' and after Sunday, the *ith inst.. Passenger Trains on the Georgia Central Rniln O branches and DAY TRAINS OOI Leave Savannah Leave Augusta Arrive at Milledgevillc Arrive at Eutonton.... •ill r s folio i SOUTH AND WEST. t Ma • Mae 31 neon for Columbus Arrive at Atlanta Arrive at Kufauto Arrive at Columbus 'Inking dose connectiot Atlanta a.id Columbus. 0:15 r M ..JlilOPM ..11:15 PM .12:10 P M . 4:1*0 A M is looting ' TRA I GOING NORTH. Leave Clayton . Leave Atlanta Arrive at Miux Arrive at Maeo Arrive at Maeo Leave 31 aeon . LeavcS Arrive 1 Arrive at Eatc nton Arrive at Augusta .. Arrive at Savannah . Making perfect tv from* Clayton.. 1 froiQ Coiumlma from Atlanta... 7:20 A M 2:.'W A M 1:50-P M. 5:25 P M nali.. Aumista Passengers going over the Milhsl ‘ »nton Branch will take night ith trains leaving nnd Ea- - ----- ««aa a* V »*a Cplum- bus, Atlanta nnd Macon, day trains from Augusta and Savannah, which connect daily nt Gordon (Sundayf excepted) with the Milledgevillo and Eatonton trai s. An elegnnt sleeping car on all night trains. TUROuGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS can bo had at tho Central Railroad Ticket Office at Pulaski House, comer of Bull and Bn.111 streets. Office open from 8 a m to l p m. and from ;? to p M. Tickets can also boh ad at ^Depot Office. july S tf SUMMER SCHEDULE. DAILY PASSENGER TRAIN TO AND FKOXt Macon, Brunswick, Savannah & Florida. Y. B.—Parties preferring tho "old fashion” Gin Gear ( u bo accommodated at very reasonable figures. “new fashion” ditto, with centre suppor B. FINDLAY’S SONS, FINDLAY IRON WORKS, MACON, GA MANUFACTURERS of STEAM ENGINES, BOILES, SAW & GRIST MILLS, WATER WHEELS, AND ALD KINDS OF MACHINERY AND CASTINGS, ETC., ETC. B. FINDLAY’S SONS, jiiUTwlly FINDLAY IRON WORKS, MACON, GA. Office Macon and Brunswick Railroad, Macon, Ga., July 22.1873. O X and after Wednesday. July sWd, l‘n->etiger Trains on this rvxul w ill be run ns follows: DAY PASSENGER, DAILY, SUNDAYS KXCKPTKD FOR TIIE PRESENT. Leave Macon 8:80 A At Arrive at Josup G:t5 r U Arrive at Brunawlck 10:15 p XI Arrivo nt Savannah 10:50 P AC Arrive atTallahaasee ^ 10:12 a M Arrive at Jacksnovillo 10:12 A M Leave Jacksonville ; 2:40 P U Leave Tallahassee i.. 2:40 P Nt Leave Savannah 5:20 A Nt Leave Brunswick t>:00 a m Leave Jefup 0:00 A Nt Arrivo at 31acuu &00 .v ni • Passengers from Savannah will take tho 4:30 p Nt train for Brunswick,and 5:20 A m train for Macon, uvxugnus accommodation train, daily, (SUNDAYS PXCBPTKD). Leavo Mnron 3:50 r it Arrivo nt Hawkinsville 7:S0 p Nt Leave Hnwkir.svillo C:S0 A NI Arrive at Macon 0:55 a nil W.»J. JARVIS, july30 tf Master Trnnapoiiittipn. , CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, . li * 8UPERINTKNDKNT'S OFFICE, Central Railroad, Atlanta Division, Atlanta, July 5, 1873. O N nnd after Sunday, July 6th. Passenger Trains on this Road M ill run as follows: DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Macon J v j..11:00f a nc Arrive at Atlanta li«‘nvo Atlanta Arrive at 31nr ...I..:.... 7:20 V Nt NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Mnconx..., 11:10 P Arrivo nt Atlanta 5:50 A Nt Leave Atlanta 1:00 a Nt Arrive at Macon 7:00 a ni Jinking close connection at Macon with Central Railroad for Kavntmah nud Augusta, nnd with Southwestern Railroad for Columbus nnd ppiuts in Southwestern Georgia. At Atlnutn, w ith West ern and Atlantic Railway for points West, julyfltf G. J. FORKACRK, Snp’t. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, SOUTUWKSTKUN RAILROAD COMPANY, Macon, Gn., July 4,1873. O N nnd after Sunday, the 6th inst.. Passenger Trains on this Road will mu as follows: DAY EUTAULA PASSENGER TRAIN. BUSINESS ESTABLISHED IN 1833. ^^E offer to planters these well known gins, which are sold wherever cotton is planted. OVER SEVENTEEN TIIorTS^V3VX> Have been sold since 1SLG. ^Vea-k parties wishing to bny to come and. examine them, especially the IMPROVED GIN, having a linter attached. It will pay them for so doinjj. They are warranted to give satisfaction, and time given to test them before payment is required. jullQgawtf JOHNSON & DUNLAP, No. T2 THIRD STREET. The 11ml Uoy anil tlio Good. Ta.ro ni once a young aad lovaly I • v. whoao mother part.il hi* hair down | What the Dnto of llrunswick muMle, and occasionally hit him on Unk with a flat-iron. There was A\ TE have just rorcirod, direct front tbe mines about 200 Tons of Lump Coal, And finding that we will hare to move our yard we will Mipply*mponMbtr partial with whatever amount they may want at the reduced rate of $0 50 per Ton, Delivered anywhere in the city. Give us an order. sepll lw ANDERSON A BALLABR Willed the City of Geneva. The London Times, alluding: to the death of the late Duke of Brunswick and ricked and depraved boy* 1 leaving all h» wealth to the city I, at the moment, do not I of (hatth «ay» * -iny furtho- particulars These xvMence to the wealth left to the In tho cases found in the apartments of the deceased word gold and jewels to the amount of thirty million francs. In two of these boxes, which it was impossible to open till to-day, no key to them having , how that bad. wicked depraved boy kicked up his heels. £ood boy uniled the while sernphi- r and slobbered, jhe bad boy wont ishtway and laid At his goodnoife^y 11 manner and kinds of nasty and in- -hard-bake j lien found, were dmeorered Pacific rail- ht h 'y-" A ? f b,al B way bond* to the amount of fifteen mU- nc, tamanod* a-d Australmn u< * {i ^ together with the in- fell to and n those thiBjp, and capital, coming to rus all mme, with 1 ' I’lV,- font 11 rood round sum. The German I Consul at Germ has received a telegram “=> P ,UIU ‘ j from Prince Bismarck stating that the late Duke’s j-rojvrty in Germany amounts fool' hlc 1 11 I to silty-five million francs, and that the . , i municipal coum-il of Geneva is at liberty as 1 liavts mine. . •^* v4 *** v ’1 ,, , *- . I f/s reake such disposal of i the jjood boy, “had you not i * a thin-I vhen it it thinks fit. . 1..• Si ii iv 1- r > Jnti.hl- with hlippara. Initsad of tanc f yoa mi^ht 1... k • -i;. fik l ;.uotltei into the donation box ot tho H * I'Andyxcd Shak :r. on i illltbad uijrht i mgthcothx b*ve, you uiij ^hot WAS • 1. k tumad away i-i^ h«. • : ... . 'i'li. n *oru.; »11, foeliu* • furh, 0W1 j id >' dr^ppi: gr.it :n- ■c.Ktnut-v five bob for of w^ot - ;:i^a ill the way \\-u «h n«, I don’t know , nciv’.ta .md noble.” 1 oiivl ci*ufoundedL at this and wept 1 ■ *1 l*oy went out •r • niUv.h ^t«txler ht* luaal, aiitl on hi.- -I liia own *vvcrci^n l‘\ rh. - 1 * •**.!• iu't Votherin^ the ii.-> ► jyniicri iu> toridj ira mixod drinks ,.ro Uitherin^ the ih*&tomans. Plating Cards.—Tho Christian Unh-n ] ins u robust tone in it.- niorulity that is I in sharp contract to the tmhcxuthy cant that is so prevalent in many quarto. To a Querist upon the morality of cord ! playing it nuke* the following reply: Caras are no more sinful in their nature j haujackstraw.-.Under.•v-mecir«*t:ui.-t.»r.ou> j we should reprobate car i-playin^ as lond- in^ to waste of time, t«- asbociotion with | IkuI men—and always when one play? f*«r I «takes. On the other hand, no one should j j Ut 4fe the oonsi-Acnoe of th<-se who never ! g°»nible. who play at home, who have been . brought up to regard the panic a Uw- I ful amusement, whobe reason deos not condemn it. Paul’s formula i* eminently applicable here : ** Ixrt not him that cat- eth dospise him that eateth not, and let not him which eateth not, judge him that eitcth.- 200 Boxes Tin Plate. £jOODassortment o! Stcdyxnls. Large lot of Ivory Table and Dr>scrt Knives, replft lw OLIVER, DOUGLASS A CO. Housekeepers’ Situation Wanted 4 WIDOW LADY, agod about thirty, with one -'i. small child,drjjres a tatcaitou a> hom«- kwppr in a toailr, a hotel or public institution. Is willing to nuke bcvsHf u>cfnl. end will brine un doubted totimoniaK of *r«ud character. Apply to the farior Editor of the Telegraph. mcaUf EARRISOJf, BRADFORD & CO’S STEEL PENS. Special a; t ention called to the wtU known numbers* 505--75—28—20 and 22. Factory, Xt. Ternen: Ofilre 73, John aaN »t-, New York. DWELLING TO RENT. A ''OMIYIRTABLU DWELLING in YmeriUe XV unua* i ichl room... Tilh cnlcn.wvll Of water, etc. Terms tm modem: x .' Apply to —SH L. w. raSBal. E. B. POTTER, M. D. HOMCEOPATHIST o OFFICE Wool** [r.W r H Biock. Svtx-nd street, ihinl If establishment, jams tf WANTED AT ONCE. O NE OU TWO Hr-t-cK- ; O.n Timken . BreMMV) towbrntbeUfftea u P. C. S.IWRKR. Coal. Coal. A Callan aj *i Butt’c Kmi- .irmt-r rate until firat of left ax Messrs. Wuuhip BUTTS A ROSS. BARLOW HOUSE, AMERICPS, GA., WHEY JOSES & CO., Propr’s. J». P. WALKER. (Late of S. T. A B. P. Walker.) WALKER & DOBBS Successors to Wise, Dobbs & Co., IMPORTERS OF AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CHINA, CROCKERY ami GLASSWARE, SILTIR-PUTED WARE, POCKET AND TABLE COTLEBY, COAL OIL, LAMPS, BURNERS, WICKS, CHIMNEYS, ETC. CHAHDELIEBS, GAS AND KEROSENE FIXTUBES. ■ ■ w -»H«'tjnn of Mrrritvnt. to oor immows and varied Mock of thn idxnt- rood TjmYni * nt,re in ro.-ird to quality and pric-- Onr n-lail tlcpartment is WALKER ifc DOBBS. aug±Scodtf MACON. GEOKGJA. CALL At Pianos, OrgatiK, XoMr, and all Kinds of Jfnstcal Instrmuciits. Largest .Stork in t!iu Smitli. Lowest Prices in tlio South. Best Instruments I11 the South Don’t Buy a JPiano Without first writing us for prices. Wo are tho moat extensive Piano Dealers South nnd can sell the cheapest. Your choice from five of tlie best makers in the United States—any style nnd price desired. Fine pianos, 7 octave, rosewood cases, curved lc.ga. nt f2tf3,£27S, S2to>, warranted for tire rmW; *uperl» pianos at $.*>«», .-?325,- 9350 nnd $375 Tha very licst pianos at $400, ♦*10. fMO, $490, S530 and $000. Pianos solrt bv small monthly pay ments. Pianos for rent. Pianos now shipped to -.ill parts of the South. Every one thinking of Inlying is invited to write us for lowest cash or time prices. Illustrated catalogues sent free. Headfiuarters for tlie eelebiuted. JIASON AM) HAMLIN ORGANS! Best and cheapest. New styles and New Prices. Send f<*r catalogue, (giving full dLscripticn. Churches, Schools ami Teachersilliberally dealt witlu Orudis-delireml fn« of charge to ea<*h buyer* m aiiy part of tli6 Souln. Prices same at factory. • Sheet Music and Music Boohs. A splendid stock. The l>ost public;!t ions of every publisher always on iutud. Largest discount to Dealers, Teaclicw, and Schools. Any piece of Music <c Muxic Book mailed post-paid, mi receipt of retail prices. Catahigucs free. IF VO 17 WANT A broken Guitar, FIntcjifccrdwn, FJntlna, Fife, Flagcalet, Corned. Drum, sett of prime Strings or anything nmler the sun in tlic rmisic line, wo can furnish it. Goods C. O. J>. for examina tion to any part of the South. Our .order trade is immense. Wo advert toe largely, keep wliat wc advertise, perform what wo advertise todo, and in this way have built tip The Largest Trado in the South! Send for price lists, circulars, catalogues, speci men copies, of Southern Musical Journal, $1 per year, and try us with an order. LUDDEN & BATES. srp!2 Sm Savannah. <>’a. THOMAS WOOD’S Next to Lanier House, Macon, Georgia, FflTK, CARPETS, Ell. LOWEST PRICES IN THE SOUTH. STOCK: COIIBT A1ITLY AHRIVIMO. Newspaper for Sale. A GREAT BARGAIN! Southern Times & Planter. Published at Sparta, Georgia. Hivfog a pood orrulatiorii an<l in * piwperot condition, is offered for sale. TEH.H8 REASONABLE. For particulars, address auzfllm LITTLE. JORDAN A CO. PATENT ANTI-FRICTION GIN GEAR. I T HUNS TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. LIGHTER than any other Gear made. It i* made without a mortise, tenon, or a key to work loose. Every part bolted to iron. Over twenty in use. AU have proven good. MY PATENT Is tlio mo le or construction of wheels suspended on Anti-Friction Balls, Extended Arm to carry tlie Pulley and Pinion Shafts. All persona using or making any part of my patent will be prosecuted to the ex tent of the law. I BUILD AND REPAIR AT/T, KINDS MACHINERY AT SIY WORKS. BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS MADE TO ORDER. STEAM, WATER AND GAS PIPES, AND ALL TiiEIK FITTINGS FOR SALE. Call and sec at my woik?, Fourth street, near the Brown House, Macon, Ga. esr Send for Circulars. 7 * * E. CROCKETT. ju!30tf GENUINE LOUISIANA CANE SYRUP 50 BARRELS ON HAND. THIS IS NOW THE ONLY Pure New Orleans Syrup Now in Market! And none even to be had in Xew Orleans. We NVill Sell at Low Prices DENTISTRY. TNR. EMERSON h - returned to 3farrn,and JlJ will resume the prartice of Denrtotry at oner, at his Dental Rooms. SOIulberry street, sepl tf Z. B. WSEELEE. Saloon and Restaurant, Fourth Street, ©prositj Express Otficq, MACON. GEORGIA. Meals Served at all,Hours, day or kicht. A First Class Establislmicut. j - • ttf ROGERS & B0SBT. Leave Macon..............;.*.: l .....r Arrivo at Eufaula 8:00 A it 4: to p m Arrivo at Clayton Arrive at Albany 0:20 P M 2:45 F M Arrivo at Arlington Arrivo at Fort Gaines Leave Clayton... 0:00 P at 4:40 r at 7:20 A at Lcavo Kuluulu 8:50 A at Leave Fort Gaines 808 a at Loovc Albany ......10:33 a m Arrive ut Macon : 5:25 P it Connects with the Albany Train at Smithville, and tlio Fort Gaines Traiu ut Cuthbcrt daily, ex cept Sundn; Arlington on Blakely Extension Monday, Wednes day and Friday, returning following days. COLUMilCS DAY PASSK5GLR TRAIN. Lcavo 3Iacon.^ 10:55 P M Arrive nt Columbus ; 4:00 a M Leave Columbus 2:50 P M Arrivo at Umod 7:30 r it EUFAULA SIGHT FREIGHT AXD ACCOMMODATIOX 12:10 P M 7:57 A at IOSCO v at BOOT AXD ACCOM TRAIN. Leave 3Iacon Arrive nt Eufaula Arrivo at Albany Leave Eufaula Leave Albany * . H:30 p at Arrive at Macon a at Trains will leave Macon and Eufaula on tho schedule Sunday, Tuesday and Thtirdny nights, and connect at Smithville witli Albany trains. VIRGIL POWERS, julyGly Engineer and Superintendent. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON 3IACON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD. Forty-one Miles Saved in Distance OFFICE Si ACON AND AUGUSTA RA1LROAD 31 acox, May IS, is78. O N and after Sunday, 3fny 10,1S72, and until further notice, the train* 011 this Road will runs a follow*: PXT TRAIX—DAILY (8CXDAY8 EXCEPTED). Leave Macon Mfti M Arrive ut Augsuta 1:15 P at LeaveAugnsto 1:50 rac Arrivo at Alucon H:15 P at Passengers leaving Alncou at OdlO a m make dose connections nt Camnk with day i»ns‘-. < ngpr trains on Georgia Railroad for Atlanta ami all points West; ni-o, for Augusta, with trains going North, and with trains for Charleston; also, for Athens, Washington, and all stations on the Geor gia Railroad. Tickets sold and baggage rln'ckeil to all fiointo North, both by rail and by steamships from Charleston. nur7tf S. K. JOHNSTON. Siip’t. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILIU)AD CO, Office General Passemibr AnEaT, Atlanta. Gu., July lu, 1.873. O N and after this date— Lioimruro EXPREaa For New York, Eastern and Virginia Cities, Leaves 3Iacou. by 31aeon A Western Rail road Arrives at Atlanta . . Leaves Atlanta Arrives at Dalton.... Arrives at Chattanooga Pullman Palace Drawing-Room at Cars by this train from Atlanta to I a all Intennediate isants without cm Passengers leaving by this train ai York the second afternoon, at 4: it r teen hours earlier than passene r* b route can with safety reach New lori same evening. DAY WF.3TERX EXPRESS. Leaves 3Iacon Leaves Atlanta nt Arrives at Chattanooga Close connection at Chattanoo^i J< West. Pullman Palace Cur For further particnli ..11:00 A M Go I night trains. B. W. WEE NX, al Push, nsrer A-rei july 11 tf POET EOYAL EATLEOAD, Office of Biotm > Sri Augc*ta,Gju Jan** O N and aftor Jlondav, June 3l>, trai Rood wiU run us follows: DOWX DAY PASSENOER TK.VIX Will leave Augusta at Arrive at Port Royal at....,vA; Arrive pt Charleston at * Arrive at flaitttuah VT i*' i:r i ::ai.n at Augusta at DOWX STfOHT I’ASSE.N Will leave Augusta at at Port Royal at at Chaifektoti at Arrive at Savannah at ;p SIGHT PASSEXG WiD leave Port Royal at Charlef-ton at Savannah at Arrive at Augusta at leaving Macon 1 1&30 P M ; TRAIX. 1 3fats AiismstaR. U in time to mage • I01 JAMES <>. 31KIRK, NATIONAL HOTEL (FOHMERLV 8POTT9WOOD.I KEAKL7 OPPOSITE THI PASSENGER DEPOT. T!i>, IIjuv lia, bee* THOBOUGHLI KKSOfATKD from buement Us aUic. BO X» «3 PEB DAY. P. WHELAN, Prop. AND LIQCOES. GEORGE XV. HEAD, BICLISIVE CHAS. COimSELMAN & CO., Genorai Commission Morchants, Room 11, Oriental Building,'CHICAGO. E.fvr to V* *L Iluff M «•; ,n. way- Cm ! WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALER, AND CIGAR MANUFACTURER, No. 4 Hi ftice’* Slock, ..... Poplw At., Mftcon, Gt. illy I ll Ill’ll! ! '■ elTIUCTLY COMMISSION HOUSE R. 31. WATERS & CO., Sfi Broad St., New York. bankers —AXD— Cotton Commission Merchants. Buy and velicontract* for future deliver >>i 16t- t<*n. D.-js-s.t accounts of tomk.-ra, mer« lia*!tt - and others are especially aidieited. jnlviVHm PUNTERS’ BANE,' FOttT VALLEY, 4JA. Tk£CRiVL'SDe]>o.-dtK.diMs>«iit.s] > ap<‘r. buys nnd -JLV sells Exchange, also. Gold andPilrer. Golleetkms made at all awvarible joints. Interest paid on Deposits when made for a specified time. Vi. J. Axdkbsox, Pres*t. V. E. Bbcwx, Ca.-Ji’r DISSCTOIW: Wni. J. Anderson, Col. Hugh L. iKmutml Col. L. M. Felton. Dr. W. A. Matliews. Dr. Wm. H. Hollmshaa deist!