Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, September 16, 1873, Image 4

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THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER: TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 16,1873. THE CITY. ♦ mdmp irhftf nr. 1 mission seven to* indicate th; t h«* i ^ZT t *! Rnanciidand Commercial NK " A,,VK,msEMKN T s : NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TI KSDAT MORNING SEPT. M | aetpro. Not a thin^ of any kind h.%; l»een mUs* .T. W. Ttnrko mnmc-d J. W. A'<w- ! ■’V fr "' n ,h ’ bon-f. On »jn£ay morcir- i:i!a I<«veiu. Sun.Liv niglrf. i h “ *™du «■«■>-' distinctly seen coming t. ! and Wviftr th.* premise®. iUo an* ft. A. K. r#mic*ted to> state that the ty will u. m?1 this year in Loo «* 21th of September. M* nr-. ©;ii■i.rdge, Harichurrt A Co., during the tr..n*mi»grification of their build n hr re re more'1 into the fetors of Mr. J. L. Shea, where they will be found until their bank is ready for them. Attempted Kapr. We learn that a beastly outrage was attempted upon the person of a little nsgro girl aliout eleven years of age, by Amor. Bond, n n»*gro ruffian, ir the neigh* badiood of Marray*n-alley, Sunday even* ing. He enticed the child into an uno'- rtipied bftue, but va* frujitrated in his hellish design by the arrival of her mother. The villain escaped, but the police are on track of him. Belief f»r ftfcretepart. President Orton, of the Western Union Telegraph Corn puny, hu instructed his managers to ncnd free all messages re lating to the relief of Shreveport, and, at the re<ju#ot of the Governor or United States Senator of Louisiana, they may n> ceive and transfer contributions of money by telegraphic order without charge. This is very liberal on the part of this compnnv, and will In- the means of doing e*"* «p—MV- Tl»r Hliowrs«r ROXlIlf^*. IV.: doubt if there is a city in the State, Ix^ides Mu^on, where there Is a baiiiftft hoftso in which the it?m of showcasos is iua.it} a specialty in trade. Captain W. T. Morgan, whom* storo is at the low. end of Mulberry street, «lo<*s such a busi- inewi. baring one floor of his building de voted to it exclusively. Ifo has now hand the largest stock of cumoh ever brought South—including every variety, from a plain ono to the finest jeweler’s otac. Captain Morgan has his cases ahip- j*.d ont by sailing vessels, hence he m**1I t hem lower than the merchants lay them down from New York. See his odrorti semen t«. OFTICE TELEGS4S*H AM* 31 &*>£*'; ZB. > Cotton. The market to-dsy was not so active, and j r*ot quite rr* Ann. Tlicre is.atiS a *-"arri?y of bay rn iu the lunrk*:. arid the demand Js limited U r ,. , t .wJ. .. a j fine icradev Wc quote middlings at 17c. r.Ll. A J.OTT will Mrr« Mup | There been a demtal r in * it iur.cn Lour* to-day. Also venison i reiptstlie part two days. On Sauxivlay tbe receipt tvstk and young doves. Go early and j were by w*£or. S0;by rail T tal 11#. Tlx t a front beat. Performance to com- I shipment: Macon Building andEToan^Asao- Notice ill Bankruptcy. ciation. | r * ■’ll 15 is to cive notioo that on tbe 13th day of • J • ^yntary nd Trw For Kent. i Hum i V xaence at 11 o’clock, nharp. It. READING NOTICES. Dkai.ees in drugs, medicines, points, oils, window glass, kerosene oil, patent modi ines,jKr.'um«ry, etc., will find Hunt, Rankin A Lamar’s stock large and com plete in every department; “prices rea sonable and quality unsurpassed. Call or ■tad your orders to them. It liatunlay were 75 To-day the receipts were —17 and IS by van*.. ahlpments no Ml CON COTTON STATEMENT. Stork on hand Sept. 1. 1573 lC*-,riwi Satiinix\ . i Kmfifd t**-dsy pretioftb I ilea. 191 hy rail j Apply to arplfltt ihr. A. P. COLLINS. At Office vt Collins ± Heath. 9 Second StTT**t- M. The trade will nave mcm«*y by pur chasing tlieir flour of the Eagle Mills. All grades guaranteed to give satisfac tion ; only bust axnbur and white wheat used. angSltf Hague Choice Flour has never taken any premiums. Why ? Because it has never bo n exhibited. augGltf SUpjiad Saturday Nbi;»i*r*l t*,-ila' t,244 75 Shij>f»*d pre'V^isIy SIS— S88 Stock on luind this crwiinc ...... 2.656 LATEST XABEETS BT TELEGRAPH Financial. The Last Sunday Herald. TWILL have on wlc to-day all the editi— L last Sunday's Herald 1 on po**ijbfj sH. Td i-rrsms bare fawn *-nt for every ropy which can lie spared. 1L C. STEPHENSON acplSIt City Editor Atlanta Herald. WILL sell on accacnmadatinr terras five Mxtjr J hundred and sixty acres of Iauid. with a first rLw Cimilar Saw and Grist Mill, on Mossy Creek, with water power equal to one koaM bone power, situated in Houston county, within three mile* of No. 2 Station. Southwestern Kail- For further particulars »ddrr*s the subscriber at Fort Valley, Ga. U. H. UOLSER. acplS eodan Mothess, Xoimi Motuers.—Don't failB procure Mas. Winji/iV! Sot^niNC Sracr 8r- irr for all diseases incident to the period teething in children. Jt Micros the child from pain. rurea wind colic, mmlatei the bowels, and by riving relief and health to the child, give* rest to the mother. Be gin IrafiXor/'Kn. Wins low's Soothing It an*.* For sale by all druccists. juneSS eod6m. Bed) Reravcred. Tho body of Martha Hill, the colored child who fell into tho river and w;u drowned hud Friday, ras recovered yes terday morning. The river wai dragged all *layJSatur<lay and Sunday without re sult, but early in the forenoon yesterday, it was recovered near whore it fell in. Coroner Dewberry was notified of the fact, and summoning a jury, repaired , to the river bank where the OOtpRvn lying The jury consisted of C. C. Balkcomb, foreman, J. E. Hem hart, H. T. Irby, C. K. Kent, K. Johnson, Alex Monroe and A. M. Henderson. They returned a ver dict that tho said Martha Hill caino to bur death by diowning. Tho l>o<ly of tho child was found near the j»ork fence by Xahan Axom, a colored man who runs a wood l>oat on the river. Thf Mayor's Court. Henry Smith and Martlm Taylor wore mixed up in a complicated case of disorv dorly conduct and had to pay flvo dollars t. 1» or go to th# barracks ten days. Thtunaa Black went to ono of tho fash ionable fifth street resorts Sunday night, broko in tho door and fired off a pistol in the house. The female inmate jumped fit in tho window, and found tho police in t!i*.« .o have Tom jugged. Ho deniod having any pistol with him. The evi dence . vs m» strong against him that Al derman Burke put tho screws to him to the tun# of twonty-fivo dollars. A 1 ounx Thief Caught. Homo months ago the readers of tho Tiuaitirn and Mi.N.sRNtir.K may, per haps, remember, Frank Griggs, a hopeful scion of Lowia Griggs, a well known col ored man, departed from this city, carry ing with him all the hard-earned cash that his futher had in tho Freedman's Saving's Bank. There was nearly a hundred dol lars of Hie money and the boy got it nil. Tho manner in which ho got it was tliis : Lewis being unable to read, did his bank ing through Frank, who could read Frank, Liking advantage of tho old man's, illiteracy, deposited all the money in his i'wii msuio, and when he thought the sum was large enough, ho drew it from hank an l departed. Since then, no tidings of him have Invu received until last week, when the officers wore notified that he was under arn*st in Augusta. Office Grace wont over after him and returned with him Saturday night. The boy has done a good deal of travel ing, linving boon to Sav.uiunh, Charles ton and Augusta, Liking some of the more important intermediate points. The probability now i* that lie will travel out tow.ird Columbia, under the guidance of Mr. Cordell. R .KCKMifivo.—If you feel oppressed b the heat and dust, just step into Loh’ in the Lanier House building, and take <y*A refreshing bath for only twenty-five cants. Shaving, hair cutting, etc., by the most skillful tpnnorial artists, and at the coolest establiahment in the city. Strangers visiting Macon should reinem' ber this—the people here all know it. julylSeodtf Tea T-rats, Dish Pans, Wash Pons, for salo cheap at Walker A Dobbs*. aug7-suntf. Iw addition to their already large stock of Stoves, Messrs. Truman A Green have just received another car load imported direct (from St. Louis). sepl4 3t Having facilities unsurpassed in the State for the manufacture of Tinware, employing none but the most skillful work m unwind guaran teeing our goods to be alwr.yK fully up to the standard, we invite tho attention of wholcsalo buyers to this portion of our business. scpM fit Truxax A Greek. A new Herring safe, office desks, copy- vj press, etc,, etc., for sale low by scpld fit Truman & Greek. Wild Cilebkt Balsam.—The memory of Dr. Wistari* cmlwlm«*fl in the bestti of thousands whom his Balsam of Wild Cherry has cured of roiiriis. cold*, consnmijtion, or some other form of pulmonary disease. It is now over forty years ainro this juvjiamtion was brought before the public, and yet tho demand forit is constantly ia creasing. A Curd. Kaole Extra and Eagle Family ore well known to all housewives, and need recommendation. W. J. Lawton. Hunt. Rankin k Laxak.—Thia well known and reliable firm have received a hinre lot of pr. Hood's Eureka Liver Modirinc. it has the praise of all who have tried it. In bottles at 50 cents and $1.00. Eaolk Choice Flour is pronounced by all who hnvo tried it th* b*st. Manufac tured by W. J. Lawton & Co, aug31tf Window Glass.—Great attention is now de servedly paid to tho kinds of Window Glass used in dwdlimn, (tom and rhnrrhcs. All qualities of American and French Window. PhoUsrraph. Cut. Ground, Knamclcd and Picture. Colored Gloss, wholesale and retail, from Mr.P. P. Tonic. No. »» Hnyne : treet. Charleston. S. C. Send for pneccatd. aepttdlm Tnn CnEArssT and Best.—Hook's Eureka Liver Medicine gives universal satisfaction in the treat nirut of I.iverDiscase, l>> ii*opffLi,8ick Head- or’ie. Contiv.s:. s*. and a!I tliai class of diseases arising from a disordered state of tbo stomach and liver. novSOly Knlftlats of Fytlilfta. A new k*lge of the Knights of Pythian was ihtly organised lost night by Grand Diatrvt Deputy. David B» Woodruff, who offiriaUsl in the almence of the Grand Chancellor of tho Stat<*. who could not W present on account of rickness. Tho following officers were regularly elected and duly mataUed: Thomas J. Simmons, Past Chancellor. Thomas ll.irdetuan. Jr., Clianrellor foui in under. Albert A. S'larp, Vioo-C!uinoollor. Robert H. Flanders, Prvlut#. Jaspt*r F. Grew, M-.ister of Exchequer. Jerry Holme#, Master of Fiuanee. Nathan M. Hodgkins, Keeper of R. mud 8. Joseph E. Wells, Jr.. Master-at-Arms. E. D. Hagueuiu, Inner Guard. R. W. Kliis. Outer Guard. T new lo<ige was named Empire Lo.,gc, No. 11, and a vote of thanks was tendered L\ utral City Iaxlgt*. No. 3, for assisting in organising the new lodge. Tue following 6j: Knights were elected as trustee* for the new lodge: C. A. Nutting, Felix Corput and James n. Blount. Dl*rnar HrroiU from the system that has lwen invirerated and rcyulatod by a course of thrt most bmeflieent of all vegetable elixirs. Hos- .etter's Stomach Bitters. Such, at leaxt. is the iufcrcuce we are compelled to draw from the tes timony of thousands of'persons residing in un healthy dUtriets, who SI tribute their escape from the epidemic and other complaints which prevail there in the spring and autumn solely to tho uso this areal protective and prerentiro medicine. Manv Western am! Soulhem fanners and plant ers. as invariably as they *>xr bikI plant in the spring and reap and gather in the fall administer it at those seasons to their families and employes, and trke it themselves from twice to three times a ilay. Tho demand for it in tho fever and ague districts bordering on tbe Mississippi. Ohio and Arkansas rivers is immense; and wherever tbo l atural eoodi.kms are such as to gen rate inter mittent or remittent fevers, it is held in tbo high est esteem, both as an antidote to the atmospher ic virus which provokes them, and as a swift and certain remedy for those distressing form* of dis ease. l; is almost unnecessaiy to say that this renowned tonic and renovator is now genarally accepted as m standard specific for induction, bil iousness, nervous distemper, rheumatism, physi cal weakness and mental despondency, not only by the public at large, but by all unprejudiced medical meu. The vud popularity of the Bitter* has, of coarea, Uxl to many counterfeits and imi tations. against which tho community are re quested to be on their guard. Warranted not to contain a single particle of mercury, or any other injurious or mineral sub stance, but to consist entirely of medical matter purely vegetable, which is the reason Simmons* Liver Regulator is so effectual, yet so harmless. SAVANNAH GRITS. New Yoke —Noun— Stocks dull. G<4d 1IJ- Money 7. Eschanr*-. kmgfe); short 9f. Govern ments dull. Slap* )*>nd» «n;.< t. K-.erung—Monry #•*■»>-at 6*7. Steriina Gold Ill ' ll!. Government* dull and steady. State l>ond* quiet and nominiL. Midnight —nIb 17h<£a Ok 5b 15: #5s ISp. new 15|;#7b 1*|; «N» : news, lfi; 10-HW lfj. Ten- neaaeea 61; new N»j; Yinrinia* 4S; new It; eoc- M>lidat»i 5*1; deferred Ilf ; J»ui*Ana* 4*4; new 40; levee ffs 55; 6’* 55; Alabama S's 70; S's 45; Georgit C*s C3; T* 90; North Carolina* 27; new 15; mdaltax 10;Socih Caroliuas35*; new II; April and i>etober 25. PARIS—Nooft—Rente* 121c. Nkw Orleans—Exehange—rteriing fit- New York *ight S premium. Gold Ilf. Cotton. New York—Noon—Cotton weak; nnlandsSO]; Orleans 20,': new cotton on dock is offered con siderably lower, sale* *5D lules. Futures openedi Septemlier lSf; October 1< ». 1^ N'cnomlx-r 17 11-1*: December 17£*£I7 11-1#; January fflill 15-1#; February 181- K vemmr—Cot ton. net receipts 291; gross 3*7#; sales —uploads —* Orleans —. Future* dosed barely steady; sales 1&2M; SenfiMsber IS 5-32; October 17 27-*f«t 171: No vember 17 21-32; December I7l(*,\7 21-32. Baltimore—Cotton, net receipt* 112; gross31#; exports coiLHtwiM* S00| saK-s 450: stock 3i/); mid dlings 201; low middlings 1S»1; strict rood ordinary ' newOrlkans—Cotton, net receipts 16TJ-pro«i 161*; exjiorts coiutwi«e 572; sales 4OB; stock 6127; middlimrs 1 -*i: I;>" •’ .'idljnt'% 1-,. , l i. vi >; .!.,!> f-r .» iiw- ;h KOIiERTS or MILO S. FREEMAN. augftf Mule Taken Up. T the premises of the undersigned in Monte- . rum*. Go. on the 1st of August last. a #on« Mule, about fire years old. Tbe owner trd to come fonrank pay rh:.r^*> and i drrtn said mule, otberwi*' it will Be disposed as tbe bnr directs. JOHN G. SMITH. <w-pl#£t Mont^mma. Ga Tyfiil# and Xiand for Sale Cheap. FINE MULES. that I propose to sell at low figures. 1 shall trade in this market during the season, and think my stock will always give satisfaction. [■ THUS. JENKINS. aepl# It at Heath A Fortars Stahls For Rent. ■ rpnE FLINT HOUSE, containing twenty-five J 1 room*, with earJen and outouildines. One r A/tk. K * lings 1** 1- supply light. Wilminutos—Cotton, net receipts 33; stock 23*. middlines 164*. sales 17; market steady. Charleston—<v>t ton. net receipt* t»»7; gross —- exports coastwise l«7 a ; wale* 100; stork IM7; middlings 18ft low middlings lS^18kt good ordi nary 17; market quiet. , , , . ... ArousTA—Cotton, net receipts 212; sales 2U: stock —; middlings 174&17J; market quiet and Savannah—Cotton, net receipt* 1096; export a coast wri*c 1622; sales 125; stock 3117; market dull and lower. • . Mobile—Cotton.net receipts S3,; exports coast- wise 223; sales ISO; stock 5331; middling* l?i; market quiet. „ . Boston—Cotton, net receipts 12d; gross #9; sales 250; stock 9000; middlinrs 20f; market quiet. Norfolk—Cotton, net receipt* 1S6*. expoi resist wise 365; rale* —; stock 273; low middlin ISh market nominal. Memphis—Cotton, receipt* 360; shipments ^7: miles ; stock 3016, low middlings IS; market dull. ' „ . Galveston—Cotton, net receipts 252; gross morts coai«twi.se —; sales 114; stock 632S; Tcxao ilinarv* 15|; good ordinary 1#J; market un changed. _ PhiladklfHIA—Cotton quiet; mwldlin* 284; low middlings 194: strict good ordinary 174; net receipts 76; gross 250. . , ^ I Li viRPOOir—Noon—Cotton quieter; uplands?; Orleans #h sales 12.000 hales; *j»eeulation ami export 3.000; sales of ordinary, bxsis good; cnli- iry delivered in Octolxir and November 9|. Evening—Sales include WO American; arrivals | 1-16 lower. Com 3#sCil&36 90. Produce. New York — Noon—Flour quit ehansrel. Wheat 'rook. Corn firmer; steam. Western mixed: 66M. l*ork firm; new mem 17 50^17 624. Lard lirm: old steam #»• Turpen- j ne quiet nt 43, Rosin dull at 3 10 for strained. | Mftta firm. , , Evening—Flour dull and heavy; common to fair I extra 7 10/ s 40. Whisky lc better. Fork firmer I and in fair demand at 17 75^*16. WhHft active j and lAf lower; holders free; winter red western I 16501 67. Corn active; homo demand 2 higher, white western 6a 7u. Hires steady. Lord stronger and active. Navals quiet. Tallow steady. Freights Ann. „ . * , Xkw Orleans—Flour in pood tool demand; double extra 5 72; treble extra 7 00?,7 75; family 25yj'9 50. Com quiet and firm; yellow 72; white S. Oats firm at 47«?4H. Bran quiet at 83. Hay dull; prime 23 00; choice 26 00-y 27 00. l*ork. no | driuuid. 1725. Bared, dry salted meats and shoul- f ders9h sides IffiMBlOk bams nominal at ISdll Lard dull; tieree ftW. kee 10V«,lu2. Sugar dull; fair lo- lob fully fair lol. ifol***^. no move ment. whuky dull; Louisiana w^mriPbati 106. Coffee finner nt tlgtHf Com meal 2 #5C^3 00. LoTiavnxE—Flour easier nt 6 To? 715. Coni steady at 12. Provisions quiet and steady. Fork quiet aad steady at 16 00; jobbing aalcs nt 16124. Lard tinner; steam held at 8; kettle in good de mand; sales 81. Bacon steady; shoulders th clear rib 10; clear loj. Whisky steady at #4. Wi lm I voton—Spirits turpentine steady at 39. Rosin quiet nt 2 55 for strained. 5 00 for extra 1 pale. Crude turpentine steady at 200 for haul; 45 for yellow dip and virgin. Tar quiet at 2 50. St. Lorifr—Flour unchanged. Coni Ann and higher, with U# offerings; err lot* No. 2 mixed. 44; at reut side on track 45^464; elevator, round Mind lots. 4t|. Whisky in advancing tendency; 0 sales Pork easy at 16 S0$16 75; latter pnre? i orders. Lord quiet; small lot* of refined. 8}. Locisyille.—Flour active and firm. Com in good demand, with light supply, at Cf. socket Pork nominally unchangwL Bacon in light de mand at 9|; shoulders 10j; clear rib 10}. Hams. Mumr mrrel canvasscvl 14; rlain 13, all jacked. L«rd sold «t 94; tierces 19; keg 8, steam. Whisky j st«wlyut 94. NOT SO. doned the sale of Fni]y Groceries and Planters’ Supplies, for it is not sol I am only the better prepared to give you bargains in Bacon. Cora. cJats, Flour. Meal, Coffee. Sugar, Syrups, liagiring. Ties, and. in fact. 1 am ready to fill order* for the be»t Family Groceries, or supply planters with cm? thing usually kept in a brat das* Produce and Grocery bouse. Orders filled carefully. Visits made profitable and pleasant. My stock is complete and my price* a* low a* any bouse in Macon. . aepl# It W. T. MORGAN. JUST ARRIVED. 20 TIERCES NEW RICE (Wry choice). 100 boxes CREAM CHEESE, a> bolM NEW COD FISH, 300 boxes NEW HERRINGS, SX> kits NEW MACKEREI- 130 boxes LUCY HINTON TOBACCO, ! WHITE ROCK rOTASH. SEYMOUB, TINSLEY & CO. 50 Barrels Kerosene Oil, 50 GROSS MATCHES, 60 CASES VINEGAR BITTERS, 20 TONS WHITE LEAD. 100 OUNCES MORPHINE, 200 BOXES WINDOW GLASS. 10 GROSS WINSLOW’S SOOTHING Marine Kcws. New York—Arrived. South Carolina, Rich- round. Humboldt. Rotterdam. Arrived out, City | SiRLP, of Antwerp, Adriatic. Italy. Savannah—Arrived, qarks Alamo and Bremen; MMftLtai Bniii'U i< k, to EtUopet i* aouth-. oa-st of Tybee. with both masts gone; mirk Sadowa I and a fine lot of CLO\ ER a^»l GRASs SEEDS f--r ll»kr . I.ni. r>ii !■. l'lnlri.l' lj.). i. Charleston—Arrived. Georgia. Ashland. Jo*. I Rudd. Cha*. Manford, 1L McCully, leaky, and at Syloam. Hunt, Itankin $z Lamar’s, DRUGGISTS, S2 and 84 Cherry street aepl# tf NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE I INSURANCE COMPANY ha* e AvrK*em»ift. Wl# Milwaukee Sentinel «ays: "Dr. Price’s Cream Baking l*owder and Special Flavorings are the best, without excvption. that are made. They are growing daily in popular fa vor. and in every case where they are used give Jecidad Aatiihrtinn. Wcare using them in our hoii-wbcld. r nd speak from a knowledge of the case. Those articles are not put into the market to compete in price with those of a low grade and inferior qtm .tr—they claim purity and healthful- ness. Let there who read give them but a single trial and be sat*'.fled." "YorrE«EErr A flogging! that’s what you The startling drawback on nearly all medicinal agents has ever been that in their process of purgation and purification they have r.l>o debili tated the system. To obviate this difficulty phy sicians have lonr sought for an agent that would Purge, Puriiy and* Strengthen At One and the Same Time. Their research lias at last been rewarded l»y a discovery which fully realires the fondest desires of the modicnl faculty, and which is justly regard- the most important triumph that nharaao’ er achieved. Tliis important desideratum is »e. Tatt'a Vegetable Liver PHI, Which purify the blood and remove all corrupt humors and unhealthy accumulations from tne body, and yet produce* no weakness or lassitude whatever, out on the contrary tones the stomach. and invigorate* the body during the progress of I tare and all other property at their operation. Tb*\v unite the heretofore irre concilable qualities of a St rent hening. Purgative and a Purifying Tonic. Dr. Tatt'a PHI* are the most active and searching medicine in existence. They at ones attack the very root of diM-oses, and their action is an prompt that in an hour or two after they rre taken tbe patient is aware of their good effect*. They may be taken at any time without restraint of diet or occupation; they produce neither nau sea, griping or debility, and os a family medicine they have no rival. ln-iee 25 rents a box. Sold by nil Dnurcists. to cire notice that prust. A. 1>- l^TS. a warrant in Bank- ruptry was issued s.nu«i tbe estate of Reuben Brow*. of tbe county of Clarion, and State of tlejnna. who baa been adjudeed a Bankrupt on bis own petition, and that the payment of anv debt*, amt delivery of any property belomrim? to said Bankrupt, to him. or for hi* use. and tne transfer of any property by him. are forbidden bv law: that a meeting of the creditors of tbe said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose* one or more wmigoiwa of his estate, will lie held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Amer ican Ga^ at the office of Allen Fort, BM, Ivfore Isaac Beckett. Esq- Register, on the 6tu day of October. A. D-. 1S73. at 3 o’clock p. x. W. U.GanortL Earn, Savannah. Ga.; J. A. Am- ley, Esq, Americu-s Ga^ Attomevs. si-t.16 2t Notice in Bankruptcy. ruptey was ioaaed Offidnst the estate of Mesbark Httcbcock. of Anicricus. comity of Sumter, anil State cf Georgia, who lias boon adjudgetl a Bankrupt on bis own netition, and that tlie pay ment of any debts, and delivery of any property bcloturinc to said Bankrupt, to him, or for liis use. aral the transfer of any property by him. are for bidden bv law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said Bankrupt. to # prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees cf his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Ainericu-s Georgia, at the office of Allen Fort E*q., before Isaac Beckett. Esq., Register, on the 6th day of October, a. d„ 1573, at 3 o’clock p. m. C. T. Goode^sq^ | >epl6 2t Notice in Bankruptcy. T HIS is to give notice that on the 3d day of September. A. D„ 1873, a warrant in Bank ruptcy was issued against the estate of Jacob Davis, of Cuthbcrt, county of Randolph and State of Georria, who ha* been adjudeed a Bank rupt on his own petition, nrul that tba pay ment of any debts, and delivery of any propertv belonging to said Bankrupt, to him, or for hi* use, and the transfer of any property by him, are for bidden by law; that a meeting of the creditor* of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignee* of his estate, will be he! I at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Cuthbert, Georgia, at the office of A. Hood. Esq- before Isaac Beckett Esq., Register, on * Sd day of October, 1873, at 10 o’clock a. m. Herbert Fielder, Esq- Attorney. W. H. SMYTH, scp!6 2t U. S. Marshal, as Mem-racer. WORL BLAKE’S RENOWNED FEBRIFUGE! THE GREAT ANTIDOTE TO 5IALAKIA, 1'OK THE PREVENTION AND CURE OF FEVER ^JSTD ^VGrTTE OR OHILL FEVER, DUMB AGUE. And other intermittent and Remittent Fevers, General Debility, Nipbt Sweats, etc., and all other foruu of Diseases which hnvo a common origin in Malaria or Mias LAWRENCE & WFICHSELB AUM Sole Proprietors and Wholesale Draswlsts, Mivxunah fa For sale hjr all Dniseats. SOLE PROPRIETORS OF THE ABUUK RITTERS, A WELL KNOWN TONIC. Special Notice. tQ\ Ho i I DESIRE to sell the stock, fixtures, and pgd will of my store. The stock i* the very best, it is in prime onler, and only needs the addition* of a few new goods to make it find-das*. The fixtures are modem and a* good as new. Tho “good will” embraces the patronage of nearly every citixen of Macon, and great number* of tho people of the surrounding counties. Any one desiring to cuter a business which is genteel and can bo easily conducted, and which upon a very small investment will yield an income of three thousand dollar*, can make easy terms with me. Satisfactory reasons will be given for my willingness to relinquish the business, and my services will be given to my successor until he has mastered the business. Apply immediately to septlitf THOS. U. CONNER. Notice in Bankruptcy. ruptey was issu-.-d agaiii.st the estate of James Smith, of Cuthbert. county of Randolph and State of Georgia, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition, and that tho payment cf a debts, and delivery of any property belonging said Bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him, are forbidden by law: that a meeting of tho creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of his estate, will bo held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to bo holden at Cuthbert, Ga- at the office of A- Hood Esq- before Isaac Beckett, Esq- Register, on tbo 3d day of October, A. D- 1873, at 10 o’clock a. m. Herbert Fielder Esq., Attorney. VT. U. SMYTH, seplGgt 'U. S. Marshal, as Mettenftg.l Notice in Bankruptcy. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNI TED STATES FOR THE SOUHJBRN DIS TRICT OF GEORGIA. In the matter of Frederick Bell—Bankrupt. T HE said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all hi* debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d. 1S67. notice is hereby given to all persons inter ested to appear on the 6th day of October. 1873, at 9 o’clock a. M- at Cbamlvrs of said District Court, before Isaac Beckett, Esq., one of tlio Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, nt the office of L. C. Hoyl. at Dawson. Terrell county, and show causo why tho prayer of the said petition the Bankrupt should not lw granted. Dated nt Savannah. Georgia, this 13th day September, 1873. james McPherson, 8CP16 It Clerk. Notice in Bankruptcy IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNI TED STATES FOR THE SOUTHERN DIS TRICT OF GEORG L\. In the matter of Charles B. Adams—Bankrupt. rpHE said Bankrupt haring petitioned the JL Court for a discharge from all hi* debts provable under tho Bankrupt Act of March 2d. 1S67. notice is hereby given to all persons inter ested to appear on the 4th day of October. 1873, at 10 o’clock a. M- at Chambers of said District Court, before Isaac Beckett, Esq- one of the Reg isters of said Court in Bankruptcy, at the office of IL T. Watts, nt Lumpkin. Stewart county, and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is given that the second and third meeting}, of creditor* will bo held at the same time and place. Dated at Savannah, Georgia, this 13th day of September, 1S73. james McPherson. sep!6 It Clerk. Notice in Bankruptcy. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNI TED STATES FOR THE SOUTHERN DIS TRICT OF GEORGIA. In the metter of Josiah 3IcLendon—Bankrupt. HE said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts provnble under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all |>ersons interest ed to appear on the 6th day of October, 1873, at 9 o’clock a. M- at Chambers of said District Court, before Isaac Beckett Esq- ono of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at the office of L. C. Hoyl, at Dawson. Terrell county, and show causo why the prayer of the said petition of tho Bank rupt should not be granted. Dated at Savannah. Georgia, this 13th day of September, 1873. JAMES MCPHERSON, acplfl It Clerk. Notice in Bankruptcy. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNI TED STATES FOR THE SOUTHERN DIS TRICT OF GEORGIA. In tho matter of Haley Johnston—Bankmpt. rpflE said Bankrupt having petitioned the court for a discharge from all liis debts prov able under tho Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867. notice is hereby given to all iwrsons interested to :i|>I» :ir <>u th- sixth day of OctoU-r, 1H73, nt 9 - k m.. :it (.'huiiit>—rs of Nii'l Di-.tri.-t Court before Isaac Beckett, Esq- ono of tlio Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at the office of L. C. Hoyl, at Dawson./Terrell county, and show why the prayer of the said petition of tho Bankrupt should not be granted. Dated at Savannah, Georgia, this 13th day of September, 1873. aep!6 It JAMES 3fcPHERSON. Clerk. OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. CAPITAL-BOLD - - - - $10,000,000 Insures Stores, Merchandise, Dwellings, Fumi- LOW KATES l cpl6 6m | Notice in Bankruptcy DIAMOND SPECTACLES. *■* Cortla " Ji -'">'* York. rpniSU to civ, notice that on tbe lrt d..v of Jggga I -L September. A. IX. 1S7S. t -rarnmt in Bank- ruptey was issued against the eiute of Hiram T5- son. of Ellaxille. county of Schley, ami State of Georgia, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on hi-* own petition, and that the payment of anv debts, and delivery of any property belonging to said Bankrupt, to him. or for his use, and the tran-der of any property by him. are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of said Bank mpt to prove their debt*, and choose one or more as*ignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to he holden at Americas. Ga-at the ^T'HEj'K >poctaclc* are manufoctunxl from "Min- . . ... _ — JL ute Crystal Pebbles’ melted together, and are Jjfcrtf Alien Fort, E*q- before Isaac Beckett, calksi IHamond on account of their hardness and | Eso- Register, on tb«* 6th day of October, ftolft Attempt at ■urftfnry. One of the boldest and most curious burtfUrkms exploit* that has come to our knowli-xhre lately, was transacted Satur day night under the following cirvum- ptancos: Mr. Ed. .ui'.irie live* on Second street, next »o Collins A Heath. Bcin^f a co:n- ptis-itor iu th.j, office, he seldom £ots home untd the Ur^e hour, of tbe morning th»'.* l -ttv.ng his » .o almost alone. On *i: ':■} i" • .! >V.e had n negpro girl in i ter. About midnight she ..u . the w.ndows to her room \im ■ ixxl. #4u.u*L She waked o^uin about luree i*’clock, anti found the win dows ojvn. She thought this a little cu rious. and hesjon to moke some inquiries about *t. She awoke the tfirl. but the girl knew nothing about it. Presently they heard some one ■coring not far off, and they began to inquire who it ua*. It roomed to !** toon#*-’ forit to be person* in the other room* of the house. Finally the negro girl chanced to look un- ■d .T the bed# and aaw a man there asleep and inorin^. He had evidently gone in at tbe window and crept under the bed un til he could be sun; that everything wa* quiet, ne that he oould go with hi* •tooling. But fortunately, while under the bed he fell aaloep, and ^y hs snoring raised the alarm. There was no in the house ai th# time, and the girl set up tAseh a yell that th# thief was awakened and made good hi* escape before help could be colled. It was not ascertained pocitively wheth er wne a whit# or Wftck man, but his kio 1” vua inn. ::t to unrufr *on. T know u. J H ^'rtacl^are maruj u ■UXbc. nitty JO pj Mon* trijWT -pM ytn;ng h .ul. But there is no ^gettfag along” j brilliancy. It is aril known that spectacle* cut A. D. 1873, at 3 o’clock, r. M. ■a family aith ut the cclebrat<ri **Bark*v Sheaf” I * rom wmHbi or Scotch pebble* are very iniu- j Messrs. Cook k Crisp, Attorney*. tq«* market, that is constructed u|»on di&monu lem I ‘ anui-lc* thrvHichout. A iiualer l^Tceni.U's* . They are around with mai vi- aectiracr, i TnBi.«.. «i« Mtolta cn .b, ? ad,y of taiiwd to m-rt^-EsT ; -V Jvptrmlvr, JL I.-, ws, a warrant in Bank- Manutactured by the Spencer Optical Msnnfac- * ™ Ma . s airain«t ( J of v ry w!obW«- improvement* hare recently hcen ;o it-arivnp them a pjteutanti-du-t ahak- ifig Mfte.' in the hearth. Also, a |*atent shaking and dumping grate, anti-dust, which moves un der the fire brick lininc. on movable drilled ball.*, permitting the grate to be aritaUd w.th*">ut any « tw:ru»':;on frotadinker* or coal orttin«obetween tr.a moving grate and tlie stationajy frame. Tiie rent re pHna wh ch lv*lJ the plate* are mad-* un usually heavy. anJ are perfect ga* burners. Man- Bacturers, Mean. Stuart, IVteraoa A Co- Phila- Jclihia. HrlmboldS Burhu is the oijy reliable pemed) for m-a-a*^ uf tlie urinary ore-tiv Ts»kr it in seA.«o::. ar. l do not be imposed ujton Iit j I'V* an< * bbtmt cf the heights south of 3Iacon. 1 Hacks and irmmten. V. c *®P ow b« cm easy tonus to early appli- ... , . , I cant*. Extending as the* lots do from oriv»site We are cla.i t . am that the abrenre ot tlu* th> Menrr Uniiersity totbeold Hare Track, and at«-\l Dr. H liaboldha* not prerented the hi*her than any other* in 3facon’s V linuLsl ~J} ufacture of tbe BuehtL sr> aril : them present sploftiid view* cf . , j j the afr and surrounding comrtiy tor man.'* miles, ;n. wn a- the only ci!.e*cnt remedy for lUscase* of and being high snore the common region of mias- lk* kiJncy* and uri;ajy onrans. Tbore are must eomp*r»U'eiy h*adlhy. »S riwllrnt . ta P?i«3»- l , e£<'»*nl. k-M boated ray* liuui b:»k-. ! Notice in Bankruptcy, it sci- .t;fie accuracy, r * Childt-ra, of County of Schley, and State of Geor gia. who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition, and that the payment ot any debts. tunng Company, New York. For .ode by responsible Agent* in everv cite in as ; n » v r * n * •* - v ° pod - w%l^ri£^"ssaa'g^ The great demarwl for these Spec tacks has in- creditors of the^said Bank- dured urv- ni pultHi* dealers to palm off an inferior j f !'? (l ?iiS oe . or and spunon* article for the Thaiaoud. Great care i ^ ^ ^ * sh Mild be taken to sre that tl>e trade-mark J?h t0 is stamp i ei cry pair. ortUdlwly* Over 1,200 Building Lots, this * ha* pr CS0XJ3LA, tTKi CffOLgLi. preventesl and hrsdiu accarvi if you take 8tmtnons* Liver Regu lator. It is a {Mir. ly vivetahU medicine, acts cm the 14* er. steftiach a:vl K a Is. and kreps ih* m healthy. 1 tion of «rvend hundred familic*. ar-l r.-w’ •stamp. Jehr. F. j inrs are nmstantly being en*ned. Choice lota can nuv le secured cheap for «x*»h or on long timc,an<l HB j. » * ’ ish the means l*e improved a* I . MB 1 by easy i natal- mem*. Sow is tbe time for Basaaiv*. Who would a ant to par rent when houv-% can lie .-o Ci.- *ily bad } Titles indisputable. Aj i.lv to am26eod2w m. s. Thomson. * here jiartie* ueaire it. i to purehai- materials, lo ^ agreed on. and the balance paid by eal»y Beckett. Esq- Register, on tbe Oh'dayof October, A. D-1873, s; 3 o’clock r. x. Chales T. Gocxlc, Esq- Attorney. W. H. S3IYTH. scnlfi 2t t. S. Mtrdul ss Metvnrer. PRATT’S ASTRAL OIL. LOOK OUT CAPITALIST. I AX offering for sale a valuable house and lot. a corw neation. in tbe huidiiesa ptrt.or of 4 BSOLUTELY safe. l -*rtc<tly odorW Ai- ^ dwelling* or bu-inc-s Lcusr*. A a a \» uniform. I"mchnting qual.tira rope- ' l * rm * *■ lo P 00 ^ tone ran be made on rinr to liu. F.:m. in Urip wi.oou. d«sr?u/ to 1.;, cibbI^^ehthst k ca Iu —fair a*i.T fan pamitk- Uft. Ad iu per- fact burning quailfte*. are proved by ft 1 continued uac iu o\cf SutuMO lam:lira. MiIIaju of golkgia ta— been ^>W and no random-dnrr-t'x or indl- -rtlv—(rwn burn»*..lonn«or ■ DUTR1CT COIB.T OF THE INI- handlinx Hk-igtoet-law »o 111. .nd tIFc? T OF G*EORT U property, resulting from the u cheap and dan- xmirr Ur GEORGIA terou* oils in the United State*, u appalLng. The I In ^ ^ w Wratt-In Bank-untcr iranee compame* and tire commissioner ^ in bankruptcy ‘ ut fbr ruftritry avommond the AhTRAL 'TffUS w &#oiaM when lamm Ore #>ed. fieod | X weeks. . for sir as retail V tbs trads mm- tba estate of John ft*. Wyatt. <4 iasper countv. at wholesale by the imnelors. CHAS. . upon his own petition, by the l>i*tn« t Court for PRATT A CO. 169 Mtfft mcf%7}tpw JToft. ) mid District. HENRY T. SMITH. augrideodAwtf I Mg271iw3w Notice in Bankruptcy. T HUS is to giro notice that on tho 14th day of August. A- D- 1S73i a warrant in Bank- mptey was i»>uc l against tbe estate of William H. Turner, of Chi; k»*awhatchie. evumv of Ter rell. and State of Georgia, a bo has been aradgod a Bankrupt on his own petition, and that the jiay- me it of any debts, and delivery of any propertv belonging to said Bankrupt, to him. or tor his use. and tbe transfer cf any property by him, are for bidden bv liw; that a meeting of tbe creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their Mb, and to I choose one or more assignees of hi? e>iate. will be held at a Gain of Bankruutcv, to l*e holden at Dawson. Ga- ai tbo office of Leri O. Hoyl. Esq, before Isaac Borkett. Esq- Register, on the 6tix ' day Of October. A. D, l>73, at v o’clock a. x. Messrs, liarjer k Hoyl, Attorney*. W. H. SMYTH. sepli 2t l. S. Marshal, u M«*tenrrr. Notice in Bankruptcy. THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNI TED STATES FOR THE SOUTHERN DIS TRICT OF GEORGU. In the matter of Brabaxon Talbot—Bankrupt. T HE said Bankrupt having petioned the court for a discharge frerj nil hi* debt* provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, no tice is hereby given to all person* interested to appear on the 6tli dry of October. 1873. at a o’clock A. X— at Chambers ol said District Court, lx-fore I-tui • IWk.-u. Evp. ..U.- of tlv «.{ s;r, i Court in Bankruptcy, at the office of L. C. Hoyl, at Dawson, Terrell county, and show cause why the prayer ot the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. Bated at Savannah, Georgia, this 13th day of September, 1873. scp!6 It JAMES MCPHERSON. Clerk. Medical College of Georgia Being tho Medical Department of tho University of Georgia. FACULTY. L P. GARVIN. 31. D- Emeritus Processor ol Materia Medina and Tlio- _ ra pea tic*. LEWIS D. FORD. M. D- LL. D- Professor ot the ;*titute>s and Practice of 3Ied- irinc. JOSEPH A. BVB. M. D- Profesaorof Obstetri-. and Disease* of Women ai^t Infante. L. A. DUGAS. M'IX, LL. D- Professor of the Principle* and Practice of Sure gery. and Dean of the Faculty. , * tiEO. W. RAINS. 31. D- Professor of 3Iedi *al Chemistry and Practical - Pharmacy. HENRY 1. CA3IPBELL. M. D.. Professor of Operative Surgery and Surgical An- atomy, EDWARD GEDDINGS. 31. D- Professor of Plpsiology and Pathology. W. T. MORGAN, Fully appreciating the wants of the. people in their efforts to make a grand exhibition of goods at the approaching Georgia State Fair, lias ordered and received in store tho largest stock of SHOW CASES Ever brought South. 31 any of them arc Jewelers* Cases of tho Most Magnificent Kinds Made in America. | I invite all who are in want of Show Cases to give me a call and be convinced that I can sell them I cheaper than you can lay them down in 3Iacon. Orders from a distance promptly filled. Price list furnished on application to sep!6 It W. T. MORGAN. CDVSMAN <£ NEWSOM, DeSAUSSURE FORD. 31. I>- Trofessor of Anatomy, and Secretary of tlio Faculty. WILLIAM II. DOUGHTY, M. D- Profcssor of Materia 3Iedica and Therapeutics. ROBERT C. EVE. M. D- Demonstrator of Anatomy, and Prosector to tho Professor or Anatomy. A. SIBLEY CAMPLELL, 3i. D- Proscctor to tho Professor of Operative Surgery and Surgical Anatomy. S. C. EVE. 31. D- Clinicnl Assistant at the Dispensary. EUGENE FOSTER. 31. D- Clinical Assistant. CHAS. tTeICH. Janitor. The Forty-second Session of this Institution will commence on the First Monday of November next and continue four month*. For particulars Cheap Goods ! Cheap Goods 1 REMOVAL. ber, we will, for fifteen day* offer all classes of good* at extremely low figure*. Extra inducement* offered in DRESS GOODS, TABLE LINENS, _ towels. BED TICKINGS, COTTON FLANNELS, WOOL FLANNELS, Etc. Best grades KENTUCKY ^K.VNS, much less than market value. To l>c convinced tliat wc ar - tiering Great Bargains in Dry Goods. W. A. BANKS A SONS, Second street. Triangular block, 3Iacon. Go. Fancy Ponlti*y. HAVE for salo 2 Fine Houdan*. 2 Fine Golden Polards. 1 Fine Silver Spangled Itimbvm?. 5 Fine W. F. Black Spanish. 10 Fine Light Brahma*; 5 Fine Dork Brahma*. 10 Fine Buff Cochin#. 1 Fine l’axt. Cochin. 2 Pair* Spanish Bantams. 2 Pair Black Cayuga Ducks. 5 Pair* White Ales bury Ducks. Ill of the above fowles are warranted strictly Rsx Class, and will be sold at reasonabk-pri'-e*. Call on or addres* s. g. wor. p!4 lw Nasbvill *. Ton-n Jr. Wright's Drug S^ore, >. 3, Brown House bl «-k, (>• > »ite Passenger Dept Prescriptions a Specialty. • 3IR. OLIVER DANFORTII, an exptirienccd Apotiiecakv, lva* entire charge of the Dispens ing department, and i* ever ready to serve nil who may roll. se*»l4 3t. JOBBERS OF- CARPETS; Oil Cloths. MATTING, HUGS MATS, ETC. ’ rriHE .lock ot tho above „ v ... , • *“ thw inarkrt noar in tuIrewidTjl iiwUailjr dmv i tn.m manuheton T?’ qu^jly vrf««Uamirduocvl nr,;, s BODT BRUSSELS CARPETS TAPESTRY BRUSSELS CAUPpr- THREE-PLY CARPETS, ET> ' EXTRA SUPER CARPETS AIEDIU3I and LU\V GRADE ft® PETS. tiE - YEXETIAN CARPETS HE.MTS CARPETS, VELVET RUGS. BRUSSELS RUGS, BEAVER RUGS. MATS OF ALL STYLES FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, LINOLILUM FLOOR CLOTHS FELTS AND DRUGGETS TABLE OIL CLOTHS. ’ COCOA MATTINGS. CANE MATTrNGS, CANTON BLITTINGS, WINDOW SHADES, WALL PAPERS. Pmvhasenv are invit.nl to «xamin« mr t, fore Mki> I can .how a arretre at «• knr pnaw as anv market in the South! 4 Nn.»s l h-rtTTrtrcet. nextdmw to R.~ ic . man's wholesale drygoods house. 4 W ' s sepli-*.lam It p ro ^ GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. HAVE r.EHOVED TO Blake's Block, corner Third and Poplar Streets. We beg- leave to call tho attention of tho mcrcliants of Georgia to our largo stock of Groceries and Provisions, which we offer to the trade AT WHOLESALE On ad reasonable temi3 aa any house in tlio State. ONLY Our stock consist j in part of 100,000 pounds BACON C. R. SIDES, 23,000 pounds BACON SHOULDERS, 60 boxes LONG CLEAR SIDES, 250borrels REFINED SUGARS-ALL GRADES, 23 barrels CRUSHED AND TOWDERED SUGAR, 150 sacks RIO COFFEE, . 23 sacks OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA COFFEE, 600 rolls BAGGING and 1,000 bundles ARROW TIES, 100 cases SARDINES, 450packagO3 MACKEREL—NEW CROP, 100 boxes SELECTED CREAM CHEESE, 20 tnbs GILT EDGE BUTTER, 20 car loads FLOUR—Fresh Ground from our Mills - consisting oF our own brands " Uncle Joe’s Choice,” “ Mag Hampton,” “ Golden Flake,” “ Faultless,” “ Standard.” Wo defy competition in Flour, We have a largo stock of case goods and other Groceries not mentioned above. Merchants and others would do well to cc3 on us when visiting the city before purchasing elsewhere, as we are prepared t > offer in ducements. Remember, We Break No Packages. COLEMAN PHELPS, DOREMUS & CORBETr (Late Phelps 1 Dnremn*,) MAxrTAcrrnEKs ash pfutps iv PARLOR, CHAMBER AND OFFICE FURNITIRF MATTRESSES, SPRING BEOS, ETC Crtlan l Ml Canal St.. Near Bread**. Sn \ ws.i.nouVS D. L. ItOBEKTS. DWIGHT L. ROBERTS & CO.. FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savaimnli. IdlK-rel advances made on Produce in luin.1 %Vc haw a good stock of Bnnriog a,„l Ties TO hand, which wo offer at loa rales, scntjllm WX.n.STXKK. WM. H. STARK £ CO.! WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION MER CHANTS AND COTTON FACTORS, SAVANNAH. GA. Careful attention given to rale, or shimnent ef Cotton and a’l kinds olPrednre. UbonuXSSre. made on consignments. Agents for t ho s-,V of V Prank Coo a Bone Snpornh.cnhntr, Magnolia Livid Draft Cotton Gins, Pnnocton Parton- Yan» and Arrow Ties. v,,']. ;; ni seplleodlm KEWSOH, Macon, Georgia. Strayed or Stolen. •R03I my lot .* East Maron, one bay mare, blare face, nit© rose, both hind feet white, and left f ront ankle r. tlwrutiff. I will pay ten For Bent. T UB residence of tho late J. R. Butt-, on First street, occupied at present hy J. h. Sauls- roty. eligibly located ana convenient to business. Possession given, October 1st. Apple to , A. B. ItOSS. ■eplhtf Or CAl-T. A. G. BUTTS. Sugar! Sugar I fTWE umlersiimed have been appointed sole i arents for the State of Georjria for the COLf ERT STEA3I .SUGAR REFINERY, CHESAPEAKE STEA3I SUGAR REFINERY. MERCHANTS’ STEAM SUGAR REFINERY, of Baltimore. We solicit orders from the trade and will guarantee prices to be a* low a* if or- d direct. t»12 lm WARFIELD A WAYNE. LOOK HERE! W. A. JOHAN & G9 ABB EttmVlNG to an order of the Court of Oniinary, wiil be sold before tho Court-house door in the town of Jefferson, Jackson county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday ir> November next, within the legal hours of gale, the following property, to-wit: Two hundred acres of bum, more or leas, in said county, on Beech Creek, adjoining land* of Wm. 12«py. whitehead, Simeon 3iartm and other*, knoirn a* a portion of the tract of land whereon Stephen Arnold, late^ of said county, deeea.«ed, ■d) : gbmfartable dwelling and other improvements. Also, at the same time and place, the following wild land; I<ot Na 191 in the 11th District, in the county of Dooly, in said State, and containing two hundred two and one-half acres. All sold as the property of Stephen Arnold, deceased, for the arpose of distribution. Terms cash. GREEN W. S3IITH. Surviving Administrator of S. Arnold. aept!6 td FOR RENT. r\NE HOUSE with six rorms, with all neccs.sa- U/ ry outbuiidin **. Location high and healthy. Price $30 per Month. *epl4tf J. E. ELLIS. ANOTHER CAR LOAD STOVES Just received and for sale by *cp13 It TRUMAN k GREEN. 3 1 O ni O —AT TUB — CENTRAL CITY PARK, September 18th, 1873. trXDEK THE MA5AGEMB3T OF St. Vincent de Paul Society. FOR TIDE BB.VTPIT OF THR ORPHANS AT SAINT JOSEPH'S CONVENT. Committee of Arrangement*. x McKenna, p. Fitzgerald, H. McKIBVEY. V. D.U-Y. TICKETS^fxdmitting Lady and Gent) - $1 no Notice in Bankruptcy. D the district cotrt of the uni- TEU STATES FOR THE NORTHERN DIS TRICT OP GEORGIA. In tbe matter of Charles G. Campbell—In Bank- ruptey. rpHIS is to give notice, once a week for throe weeks, that I have been appointed A>shn«>; tbe estate of Charles G. Campbell, of Jasper county, upon bis own petition, oy the District Court for said Disirict. HENRY T. SMITH. sux27 2aw3w Awznee. Only a Quarter! TBe Great stationery Paekmae, - TRIUMPH! Contain* 10 sheets Writina Paper, 10 Envelopes. * Penholder. 1 Lead Pencil. 2 Pens, l Blank Book. Blotter, 1 Chinese Puxzle, 1 Tooth Pick,»Photo- New Safe For Sale. ^ HANDSOME Herring Safe, Medium Size, TOILET REQUISITES' / CONSISTING of tho most .logant standard \J English and French TOOTH, NAIL AND HAIR BRUSHES. Combs of Every Description! A "plcnlid aarertmoct of LUBIN-S. ATKINSON'S And BAILEY’S Handkerchief Extracts! POMADES, POWDER. SOAPS, ETC.. Necessary for an Elegant Toilet. , JOHN INGALLS. Fourth and Poplar sts., Hollingsworth block, teplttf Mrs. Bailey’s: School, Corner Walnut and Third Sts., Yy ILL be reopened on October 6th. sepl4eod4t For Sale. i»h fynift, For terms and 1 articular*, apply oti the premises to sepl4 5t J. R. BOON. Notice to Contractors. 3IDS will be received by tho urdersirned un- J til the ISth instant, for tho workOflia two story wooden building to be erectr-{ at Central Qty Phrk. the work to be finished and pomession riven to the city by tho 20th of October, 1873, un der a forfeit of one thousand dollars. The city will furnish all material. Plan and specifiiation* can be seen at tlic office of V. JA Woodruff. Archi tect. The diy reserves the rirht to reject any c „lll.i.l, mnv't /vxnvL'r i NEW GOODS! LUBIN'S EXTRACTS, COUDRAY'S POMADES, FINE ENGLISH SO.VPS, EREECH PL-kTE HAND 3IIRBORS. A full line of Imported Toilet Goods! Just received at the Drag Store of Rankin, Massenbcrg Ss Co. aepUU WOOD. TT7E N» ni have a fine lot of Black Jack Wood at i f our yard to-day. 1,000 cord* arriving and to arrive. > BUTTS L ROSS. TO RENT. T WO TENEMENT HOUSES, or one eight- room JIou-} for rent. Apply to jidylStf OUTER. DOUGLAS & CO. Stores for Rent. O NE on Cotton A venae, near the comer of Cherry street, and tbe other on Cherry street, iiear corner of Cotton Avenue. Poasessic given immcdiatelv. Apply to petf A. FARMER. JUST RECEIVED! Borden’s Condensed Milk. Now Crop Rice. Brandy Peaches—-Q’ts and P*ts. Fresh Canned Pineapples. 1 NEW FALL CALICOES. BL'CHD AND BRO. DOMESTICS. 10-4 BL’CHD AND BRO. SHEETIN6S. BLACK ALPACAS, ALL 6RADES, GEORGIA JEANS AND CASSIMERES. HOSIERY, ALL BRAOES, RIVAL C0R.SETS. COLORED ALPACAS AT ISC WHITE, RED AND OPERA FLANNELS. And a new supply of those 10-4SPEEADS at SI 50 Our stock will bo complete by tho 10th of September, When all are invited to call and secure a share of our BARGAINS! B. U. COHEN. JR. jo*. Ul U COHEX & HULL, Cotton Factors and General Com mission Merchants, flfl Ray Street, Savannah, fin. Refer respectfully to J. W. Lathmp Jt Co, X A. Hanlcc's Son & Co, Tima k Gordon, II. Mavcr k Ca, Milo natch, V. P. Savannah Bauk lirni Trust Gu. seMSflm J. N. LIGHTPOOT, Cotton Factor and Commission Merchant, 106 Ray Street, Savannah, Ga. Airents for the salo of Uenyman’s Ammaniated Bonep,. acpl26m te. SL WARFIELD. ROOT. WATXE. WARFIELD & WAYNE, Cotton Brokers and Commission Merchants, SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. O FFKII t heir' MlilM to planters and shipprn of cotton, etc^ and solicit a sban*of their bus* nw. Cash i\vanccs m&dc on crmsi<nmcnte nt lowest rates of interest. A0 business cutnistol to our care, will receive prompt attention. “Fu ture*” lKiUjriu and sold in.tin* Savannah and Nw York Cotton Exchange on tbo meat wwouMe term*. *»'!»126tn Mammoth Sale. NINETY-SIX CITY LOTS. T 33 It 31 S UASY . WEDXteTUT, . . the 12th day oi Novcniln r next, the folluw- ing city lots, vie; Lot* 3 ami 6. bhwk 58; lots 1 aiul 3, f-’oek —; Iota 6,7 and 8, block 48; lot* 2,4 and 44, block 62; lot* 4. 5, 6 ami 8, block 60; lot«. block 49; lot 6, block flP; lot* 3,4, 7 and 8, block 71; lot* ]« 2 and 3. block 74: lot 6, block 75; lot* 1. 4, 6 and 6. block 72; lot I, block 68; lot 2, block 5I>, lot 6, block SI; port «>f lot 5. square 73; lota 1.1S 4,5,6, 7 ami H, block 36; lots 1. 2.3.4. 5.6,7 and R. block 57; lots 1, 2, 3. 4, 6, 6, 7 ami 8. block »; lot* 1,2,3, 4. 5,6, 7 and 8, block 39; lots 1.2,3,5. 6. 7 and R, block 40; lots 1, 2,3. 4.5. 6,7 and S block 41; lot* 1,2,3,4, 6.6 and part of 7, block •*£ lots 1,2, 3,4, 7, 8 and part of 6, block 43; lot «, bk**k 68. TERMS OF SALE.—One-fourth ca>h,tl. l»I* anc.; to lmiriiUl within fifteen month*, monthly instalment*. Note* to be given on tlie ground*. Bond for title* given by the city. All lumber, brick and stone on the lot* known a* tlw “Armory Property” will be reserved tor the use of the city. Sale will commence nt 10 o’clock a. m., on Tat- nail sqnnre, ami continue from day to day until all tlie lots arc sold. L. W. RASDAL. F. A. 8HOXEMAN. r C. BURKE, auoSStd* rmrmntrre. PLANTERS’ HOTEL, Opi^osite Huff’s New Building. Cherry St., between Third aFicl Fourth. MACON. GA. rratg well-known hou*.? b ine now spitsMy A fitted op. the undersigned is preparwto*^ commodate Boarder*— Permanent, Tnuuornt nwi Day. Guests will receive the best attention, nna tbe Table supplied with the finest the market af- jniy SO tf J. If. BRR31ER_ LAND FOR SALE. T7HGHT HUNDRED (800) acre* cf laml in roc Jli body, lying about three and « half inil<* north west of Port Valiev, (hu one-third clearoa and in cultivation, the balance well timliered, principally oak. hickory and pine, and kunwa in a healthy neighborbootf. These lan»b are rwlawl level, well adapted to tlio production oi ronwf°£ ton, wheat, oats nnd all farm products of Georgia, &o situated that it may be drrtdiM into two desirable farm* of 4<>0 acres, or four acres twh. Considered by competent J 1 , .* re lT 0 be the lx*t fanning land* now tion of the State. These Lands will be sold to the hijrhest bidder, in the town of Fort Tiltatf first Hominy in Octolier,between 11 andf odora. Also,at the same time and place, one ot tne dct improved lots in this place, containing to« r tete* of land. For further rafonnmtioii. mpplytowm- J. Arelereon.or to tta Fort VaPLKT. Ga.. Sent. 8. 1873. S, T, Coleman’s Old Stand. sepTif South Macon Drug Store. House to Rent. Notice in Bankruptcy. ^THE DUTRICT COURT OF THE i:.,- , th ^ sortulbn di>- Notice in Bankruptcy. I I by mad, postpaid, to any addreaa on receipt of teplS 3*t A 1 1 \HJS is to fire rot hv that r^i the 9th day of nnoe, 25 renu, 3 package* for 60 oenta, or 6 far $1. 1 Septeiuuor. a. ii.. 1873. a awrrant in Bank- Don’t thi*. try one package and yau>will , TORHBlT. 7* was issued arai:;.-t tii* e»t.»tc cf Thoniaa ne'er buy stationery any other way. Admu , v J. C. BURRftW COTTAGE HOlSE on Bond street,en- L>*k Box 151. Baltimore, 3(d V/ tirelvnew. Also, one DWELLING cppo&ite Arem* wan’ed everywhere to sell Package.*, . Colonel Pulaski Holt’*. Apply to Picture*. Books, etc. Catalogue* sent free. • . " aus2»tf frLO. S. OBKAR. —*cpl2dltw4t » JANE* H. BLOUNT. ISAAC 2Lt£0£3LiN. FOB SAT.K CHEAP. john L. HARLEMA.V. f debts, anc i ianl Bank transfer <4 ruptey l).UA.. of county of Macon and Mat- •alio has been adjudged » Bankrupt l«-?!tK>n. and t^ai the payment ui a<n ck hceryof ary property brIoiin:ir'l nipt, tu him, «*r for u--, an 1 tb«- any pr jvrty by him. are forbidden by law ; ihat u i::«* t; i.i tlie t re iitoracj th* saiJ Bankrupt, I to proa# their debt* and choose one or more ; _ of ins csut •. will be holden at Amen- XA. kitchen, outhouses etc, situated on Second weuk lor ihrc*5 ir>, Criorju. at tm.* ou.. • of Allen Ffo. • street between Oak and Arch- I* within a few •fore Isaac ikvkctt Es.,.. ICsr;»tcr, on tbe ©th j minutes walk of the business psrt of thecity.de- [ *y a. D.. 1M3, -t 3 o'riuok p. u. j pet and workshops andhaa proven to be ahealtby ■ Messrs. CvA A Crisp. Attorneys. i place. Apply to. t W. Ii. hMITH, D. D. CRAIG. .1 Amifnee. sc*plt» it l. S. Marshai, as Messenger. auglO codtf R. A. MORRIfl.' - 1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW, .WACO, GA. Office, Cherry atrcet, over S. T. Walker’s. -•«« io a 'r,nif j.voues -t johysoh'.s. LAW CAKI>. rE'iE>. WOODWAKD a TOOLE, of Dooly county, Ga., tonn, tormed a local topart- nerahip. respectfully offer their wrvicea to the rniblic, and wiil practice in thecountiea of A llcox. lkxhre. Irwin. Vtortb. Ma«'jn. Sumter, and Hous ton. ~ Special attsnuon raven also to cmajs in tho Supreme* and Federal Court*. Addr-^s. Vienna, Ga. July 15 d3m* NEW BOARDING HOUSE. O N THE FIRST OF AUGUST I will open the* HiAaso on Mulberry street, operate the La nier House, (Granite Hall) formerly kept by 31 Binswanger. Board $25 per month, and the tahJo sujipii.jd with tbe best the market afford*. RoODKt * can be had cither with or without furniture. < ; aug# lm k M. BROWN, Afffut, Presciiption Department. I have secured the services of MS. ^ V. HOPKIKS, ’ From Zcxiisvflkfc Ky., XITIIO will have charge of my prescription de* Vt partner nt. .Mr. H. ccn.rs highly rcoom- menfjea aa an experienced and careful pharmaceu tist, and hy promptnes* and attention to busi- ne**, h** wrili commend himself to the* patronage of tlie citizens of South Macon. My prescription dep irtiatr.t has lieen entirely reorganized and supplied wrifi a fresh stock of drugs andmeff- 1C " :j:S ' s. D. EVERETT, Draggiit, jalylfic#i3ni Fo«irth street, near Arch. FOR RENT GHEAP, rpHE store «u Cherry street, next to Greer, Lake .1 iCa's, nX present occupied by Coleman A Newborn. Pwsaesaion riven lrt of October. Ap- iil>’ to J. VALENTINO. auk-2tf Mechanics’ Building and Loan Association. T HE annari o leetina of the stockholders of the Mechanics’ Budding and Loon Association for the election of officer* fur the ensuing jear. will be heM at ti to office of said association, on FRIDAY EVEN ING, tbe lVth in»tant, at 8 o’clock. MILO 8. FREEMAN, septlltd Secretary and Traotui eti Fine Chewing Tobacco! CJEVERAL populw and choice brands ot Cbe»- ij ing Tobacco. BOB WHITE And other brands of Smoking _ FINE CUT. Michigan Fine Cat in bulk, and other hraada in tin toil. SEGAKS Cheaper than tbo chcpcat. STREET CAR TICKETS, Station No. 1. JIacon Street Bailroad. TICKETS. 1 K)K S3 CENTS. Over MOO sold bat month. EOLAND B. HALL, Comer Cherry |*.,:t and Cotton Aienoe- ■epStt — Onion Setts! Onion Setts!! a fine lot of extract and yellow Oiuontatta.. U “s i ‘Sjsr naorirt. ary rccu ns early S&&S k LAjfA pt7tf Notice to Contractors. B ids wm b, rec i/ed hy the to the 15th of Segtenffigv^l^, in i had on *1 Public School Buildin the city of Macon. Plans anti spooncatic— oujco — tion to D. B. VMdratl. Ar*^t«.i.*«J - ^ ga tho City Bang Bulging. Thinl •' ,,,, sui ill furttahall the stood Mr,.k. h upright TheComnrfttojmwm Vo accept, or n-i'Xt *>■! ■ or a.i. ■ , , . '• 11 'IS rwniittca isgSl if Actt PB. ofccts. in WKIGHT, DENTIST. H AS removed to Scivc-d gor 4 Co. *, coraer Mulberry ^ street*. Macon, Ga.