Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, September 21, 1873, Image 2

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r i; Macon daily YELE(ikAM AND MiSsfcNGFRi slnDay mcMinp, skit'EMber si, is?3* PUBLIC SALE f[ele$r;ifth <$ f gj$esstitger Mr. "B illt” Wji :oahf*. the re * mark- A^le Con^r*i%i*in^K-at-l*r - '.'* > fr»!n Indiana who stuMped <*«tme tui.t with Governor JoWf\\ find Gr.ran! Hawley, font fall, luu onfertakun tli*5 exp. run Tit of chucking it ant. Him line of idere-c is original. to my th»* l cart. He *ay» h% ba»i to bri l>e error- idifor in hi 5 ? district in order to get into Congress ; being in. it ia only a sqosrw deal that he tihuuld be permitted to ran il* burae himself for that ontL\T. We make our compliments to tbeConne«'ticnt breth ren on "hilly ;" tIp v must U* proud at him.—Syrin-'firUi Republican. Mnikunotli Sale. of a vi*t v> the abi-a, intended for 1 die bitsfnen, wax > the Government >*altby Hi van )#ank- ial r*>sidenr.? ; Don oantiful suburb of it three miles from The South* ring \*eautifuf tribute to the m the pen <*f the editor of RAILROAD. »*m nationality is a droom of A gulf, beyond wliirh we could yawned l**twecn us and the rv- i*f our lioptw : an*i Uutuifli bright <«»med uj*on it- brink and waft- «t perfume, w.- could not cross them. itxoMnea of sentrit ray for no discern •ting the Grand C rr.oa us narrowly U drawn WHOLESALE DEALER, IN 'll 7 ILL b>- * 14, at mju1i$ «r,'« WxnxnmaX* m thr UtS <i$yof Xpv«nh$r otrt, the folraw- inx city P4». win Lot* 1 $ial it. >: UA» 1 and S, bkvk —! V<» 4, 7 and 4. hlork ®; k>ta 2. 4 and 4i. block 52; *uU 4. 2. A and S, block SO; lul 4. bkjrk 40; lot 4, bk*ck 80: k»U>.47 and a. block 71: loU 1.1 and «. MuMr 74: lof 5. block 73: tot* 1. 4, 6 and A block 72 ; lot I. block M; lot 2. block SO; lot 8. block 51; tart a# lot A «$a*ra IS; kca Lit iS.t.7 and t, block V; lot# I. 2. S. 4. 5. 6, 7 awl \ bbede S7: bit# 1.1 S. 4. A 4. 7 and 4. block te; lots 1. i. 3, 4. 7 awl M. Week 3$; lots Lttk * 7 and 4. block 40. lot* 1. LXlk 4,7 awl b, block 41; lot* 1.2. a. 4. S. 4 anti part of 7. block *2; lots U14 7,* and part of 4. block «S< lot «. hlork it*. TERMS OF SALE.—One-fourth cash, the bal ance to be paid within fifwn months, monthly instalment*. N<»tra to be civen on the mound*. ihiMi fur titl>« riveu by the cUj. H ■ It All lumljcr, brick ana atone on the lots known as the “ Annnry Property" will be re ■erred lor the use of the aty. Sale will commence at 10 o’clock x. oa Tml- -DE.VLERS 1N- t amid the wild light of l*attl. • •rd of th* vanquished is *h*-athc .• land i* gloomy with the harrale rhera of our martyred dqnd. Hut are and y uiTH shall hare plowed a ten the last of the percent gene •ep with their father*, and new rang the old familiar places—whi n shall hare Inn-n hushed and j Id th** a*ssl«w—then, as bright a d froo from blemish and t-tain md forth : n bright relief up ox THE CORN, OATS, HAT, BACON, LARD, FLOUR, 15th Day of October, 1873. Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Baggin: TTXDER and by virtue of a venlict and decree L oS the fill IMS SW Court of (dynnn count v. Georgia, rendcrwl in the Bill in KqxdtyTfllcd in sriiil court at th»» instance of Bates B. Bullock, Governor. John T. Brown & Co., M. I. Atkina a Col. Lyon. McT.endon a Co. ei a?.. eompfadnantM. vs. Jacob E. I*art, the Brun.swick :nul AQaqj Railmad Company, ft nl., respon«l»Tits. the under- signed Commissioners. ap{iointed in said Decree for that pirpoat; will, on THE 1STII DAY OF OCTOBER, 1S?3, offer, and expose to sale, before tho Court-house door, in tho city of Brunswick, county of Glynn. Stat**of Geonria, between 8 o’clock, a. ni.. and i f o’clock, p. m.. to the highest and best bidder, the sign.- himself, "A. H&mbujer, A d*-nt an<l Manager,” has the i to oak the editor of the World 1 lead mining company, and tl impudence to prop**** to send U or of the World a share of th< that corporation. We have no c his company i* a humbug, an*l t btjjer is a scamp. OURTH STRKRT, jan.so tt South, doanrr t/“.' th»* heart* of her childftn now in the hours of oocygw thiui whi n «*n the march of vic tory she w on the admiration of tho world. Pilgrim* from other lands shall tread with reverend step a lx»ve the spo* where MACON, SCHOFIELD'S lip WORKS, Adjoining Passenger Depot, Macon, Georgia. t^» follow The late Butler disturbance, beside *unnumberod gallons of bad blood, ha produced a solitary libel suit. Mr. I L. Barney, by the grace of Butler assi- tant district attorney, thinks the NV Bedford Standard has damaged his chai actor §10,000 worth in charging him wit pocketing Washburn votes at a wanl can COM in that city. tr, hav«* written th • Lever die. Tlui j'rir; LOGAN FERTILIZER BRUNSWICK AND ALBANY RAILROAD, the harbor of Brum^wick. at a Dennis* Folly, to the line of the 1, near the citv of Kufaula, in said . ...ulmuuuJ arul forty miles, finished, as All acknowledge its superiority to any made anywhere or by anybody. Steam Engines and Boilers, Saw Mills, Sugar Mills and Kettles, Iron Bailing, Mill Machinery, Castings, and Machinery of all Kinds. Faugiit’s Patent Gin Gearing. Statf—a distance of two hunored as well as that. |«rt of the wane 1 that jKirt unfinished, together with the right of way for the same, ami the lands, tracks, lines, rails, wharves, piers, walls, fences, bride's, bnild- imrs, erections, structures depot* stations, fix tures, real estate and appurtenan-es thereto. l>e- longing to mid corporation, tugother with all the. locomotives, tenders, cars, carriages, equipments, tools, impk»meuts. machinery and personal prop- «uty of ereiy description own*>d by said coriiora- tum. or in any way ncloatging to or apiwirtiiamg to the distance, anil all the •f friendahip, 1 didl**»endropped, like lb n. .., fr.„„ the .-ar of the world. But a ia hin great miafor- of a giant pipe forth of infancy. In years ortifica- ROGE&8 A LEXAX. General Agents for the just thi.** was a spun tion to the Emperor, the dafldmey in c» • mbarnusment. If- English, and hi* Folutation ran thus : "So I am UiM&joy the pleasure of welcoming two mr»rJ aunitbm to Bmvil. I love the Americans; they know how to odu- . ate their youth j I long tosoothe United States. \Vhat are your first impressions of our country V* The Emperor is a very rapid and fluent talker, and when intor- eited t*lka all over. lie ushered us into amrivate room, nnd invited us to take wine. Raising his glass, he proposed "the health of the United States, her free institutions, and of celebrated Fertilising Corn er to tua- FBANCHISES AND BIGHTS TI10 Granger* ami their r>an< Of seventeen men who gave their seats to ladies in a crowded car on tho Housu- tonic Railroaxl, on last Saturday^ only three were rewarded with a “thank you,” or a gracious recognition, the rest plump- from Brunswick to Albany, n distance of oim* hun dred ami seventy miles, or then*alh>uts. with en- vines, cars, and other necessary equipments, to- pcether with nix*it fifty miles, nearly completed and ready for the track, between Allmnv ami Eu- faula, with about threiY miles of iron Laid. The track from Brunswick to Albany is Laid with first- class, new ami heavy “T” rail, (mostly English.) tlie greater jmrtinn Fish-Bar. Tl»e iron anp)M>«ed to lxt worth $1,71X1,000. Under said deem? the Commissioners am re- nuired to make and exeoite rood mid sufficient ti- tk** to the imn Uasi*r, in FEE SIMPLE, five from all claims, debts, demands.liens, tionds,mortgages or incumbrances whatsoever. EOGEBS ft LEMAN, General Agent*. Hollingsworth Block. Macon. Ga. oure< augSfttf Of two English ladies, residing in Ad- fifty years of age and COMMISSION HOU8E oms, Mass.. I w has fifteen children, of whom six sons and five daughters are now living, while the other, thirty-seven years of ago, has four-* teen living children, and two healthier looking women are probably not to bo found in the county. R. M. WATERS & CO. l»o:u9t of. He then introduced me to his wife and the Imperial Princesses. Don Pedro detests ostentation, but to please the populace, who ar«* passionately fond of pomp, on such occasions, he presents himself to their admiring gaze, arrayed in the robes of state, yet, when left to his own fancy, he dons a simple civil ians’ suit, and strolls unattended about the streets, always responding politely *f political trick- ready to seise upon 3 theirs and shape personal uses and to aggrandisement. It mrty may have its Mima in these or- tain that neither of e espi'cial benefit of rne the lodies. If •rdid mortal in .the donal politician and . Hence the Gran- cI.u-ns of naonls and After sirceen years of poverty and toil, Mrs. Knight, of Milwaukee, ha.s dis covered in a secret drawer in an old sec retary a $10,000 life policy left by her hnabond H **“ t_ Cotton Commission Merchants. Buy and tell contracts for future delivery of cot ton. Deposit amanita of ban 1 — v —* M oCliiTH are i»«i|x*cially mJiritciL BULK MEATS julyOdSm Her children had been some what forgetful of the Fifth Command ment, but now they seem determined to kill her with kindness. LAND FOR SALE. that you buy more than to liuy a Uin Gear mat - tiling uf gin houa\ AN 'HE most detirable farm in Macon county, owned formerly by Hiram B. Troutman,.and now by oa,.lying on the weft bank of Flint river, just five miles brlow the Uwutiful and flourinking town of 10 ynolds (S. W. R. R.) a d contaluing OneImom (l,uoo) acres, is now ... FOK SALE. Tbo improvomeiiU are unequalled, consisting of a irood dwelling, with every nixvaxary out improve ment. There are seventeen cabins for laborers, all with mud brick chimneys. A irreut deal of the cleared land fn*sih. Any one desiring such a farm and on the most CP tiring terms, had best apply at TELEGRAPH LINE Parts, September 15.—A dispatch from Havre announces tho death, near that city, of the Duke de Kianzares, the hus band of Queen Christine, of Spain. upon the riirht of way of said Railroad, now com pleted from Brunswick to Albany, with all tlie poles, wire, and property of the said Telegraph Line. Terms—* (). A. LOCIIRANE, A. HOOD, tt. K. IIIXES. A. O. BACON. JOHN C. XICHOLL. J. J. HARRIS, Commmissioners. . igainst their machinations. In the next •Lieu that* Grungerx shoahl uv*t, wHildro usting ootifidenoS m their idnMiMfm rtnrawtll anil influence, demand too much Vom t he inonopoliea of whoae exactions and •xtortkras they have juat reason to com- dain. Let them move carefully and ju- liriously in working out the leforms they iM*k, and not emWnuu valuable roods or linnet >*«iary nnd untimely nf^re. liuwv art* not many branch roads, imle- M>mlent of tho main trunks, that ore able o j»y divideuilo. if they even succeed in invting their running Cxpenaea; and r*v»vla nre ei*n^tn»rted with a view o often un uew territurii* and farming uula, and thus benefit tho agriculturist, t is ibttieult now toj r.iise money to i'oui- lete nods already in progrinfl, and the •ork on nnsns of them in the West bar* een entirely Husp.'trdod in cotiaeqasnoc r tho inability of the comj*aiiie«. to T«ell tieir bends. Inotliers. and we itesd go o further than New Jersey for exam- lea, fraight is rotting on tlie lines of mbs* road*. bMaOB trie mu of tlie impciniea are dead on the market, and rads cannot 1h> obtained to Softttrucft NOTICE.—Having made arrange tureof mv PATENT GIN GEAR. MAKE. tJSE, or SELL the same. M infringing on my patent. Hiibilelpliia. May 2-1. lg?3. nents with Messrs. SCHOFIELD A SON fo kith CENTRAL IRON SUPPO&T.allotliei 1 shall proncoute to the extent of the hw add alighted. Our national friend, Boe ing hia opportunity, puahod a couple of the l»o<ly guard aside, and rushing up to the Emperor, extended a brawny hand, exrIniming, "How are yer, Peter? I’ve always said I’d have a talk with you. I Fair Ground Privileges julldSm COTTON STATES jiil371awtil« lN \rEDNESDA Y.OCTOB E R1,1878, nt S p. x, ’ will lx? rented nt the Central City Park, tbo niiglftgm J. A. PUOAN. J. D. DUGAN & STILZ, tojd the women before I left Cape Cod tlrnt I meant to see you. Givo us your honoHt old fist!” The soldiers stood .unitnil, though they couldn’t understand a word; but the Emperor smiled pleas antly, and quietly shook hands with our i\>iuticujt (no pun intended). Then he in vited hi is to enter the palace, and in they marched, arm inarm. After amusing himself with tho honest mariner’s ‘eccentricities for awhile, ho plucked a loaf in the palace yard, and re quested the old salt to 4 'present it to tho woman with Peter’s compliments.” The Captain thought it very singular that, ever after that, whenever he passed tho Palace ho should receive a field officer’s salute from the sentries. Before tho reception was over, we re ceived from Don Pedro a cordial invita tion to visit him nt Son Chrlstovao and a hint that if at any time it lay in .his pow- < r to aid our interests, he should be plaascd to hoar from ns. Before we left wo hail lost* all thought that we were talking with a sovereign, but it seemed as if our entainer was a highly educated, uuussumming fellow-citizen. By his sim- LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. GEOBGIA STATE FAIB MACON, GEORGIA. BAR-BOOM, Corner Cherry and Third streets, Under Ralston Hall. Com, Oats, Wheat and Hay, EXCLUSIVELY, No. 20 Second street, between Alain and Rim. ORGANIZE mi Under Laws of L. W. RASDAL. F. A. SHONKMAX, a BURKE, Commit fi angffUd State of Georgia. AMPLE STORAGE. julyte 8m (loubt, 1* noth- . at tho t.althv Will fill orders for Com from points in Illinois, parties making purchase accepting through Bill of overdone—aomo ^dtnpdnies mav bt ing short of alw-olut** fraud*—but wane time thin i* no nxuxm why h and usi'ful nxubi—roads that do a mate hiiKiin>ss at rioosonabls rat frvight nnd pnssoager travel—sho oondemneil, anJ by unwise octi I'ompeileil to suspend opt*mtionri ■•tlwr. Whil** tin* grangers arc* latml to accomplish much good i way of railroad reform, WC thorn not over do the thing, and, by endeavoring to oh. lain t<*» inueh. make .1 failure and vivati 1 disaster all around.—.V. IlenbL Lading from shipping points. ROB’T. a. msiu:t, •ATTORNEY AT LAW, Corner MULBERRY ST. and COTTON A VS. (Over Payne’s Drug Store), junel4dSm The only Company having first-class securities worth $100,000 deposited with tlio Comptroller of the State of Georgia for security of Policy Holders. Borden’s Condensed Milk. of heart, he has won Die nation’s lasting regard, and by the extraordinary skill which he lias shown in conducting the af fairs of state, he commands the respect of all foreign nations. Morse oulogized tho Emperor when we returned to the hotel. His excomiuzns wore as sincere as they were peculiar, and savored strongly of the language of his native State. ”B.,” quoth he, 4 , 4 Don Pedro is a rattler. Til back him to open an oyster for himself against any mag nate in Christendom. By George! I’d like him for a partner—tlint calm face of his would never go back on two pair.” A few days later, a most ridiculous af fair happened in the harbor. An ice ship from Boston entered the bay, com- inuiid. d by a Captain Green, in the South American trade. Fort Santa Cruz, not recognizing his house flag, hailed him and ordered him to 44 heave to." But the worthv skipper didn't speak Portu- gui*o, and Die simple 3tnloinent of the name of his vessel, which I10 hurled at the fort, was not at all satisfactory, so a blank shot was fired ns a mild sugges tion for him to stop. But I10 called for his revolver, and, 1 ]minting it skyward, fin'd six successive shots. Then a solid 'hot from the fort skipped across Ids bow, and another, better aimed, posit'd through his foresail. The fort and two shore batteries opened fire upon him, md several of his light spars were cut iway. But he held on his course rejoic- ng. loading and firing his revolver. Fi- Wlndow Class a Specialty. . Circular* and Price List Sent free on application by PRICES LOWER THAN EVER! F. P. TOALE. 24 Hayne mud SS Pinckney xtfe. octleodly Charleston. 8. C. MACON. GA. ITS PRINCIPAL FEATURES ARE: Absolute Security, Economical Management, and Liber ality to the Insured. I U- C. WimiK. W. W. FLANNAGAN. A * p - ABELL. R. s. MORGAN. FLANNAGAN, ABELL ft 00., I COTTON FACTORS —AND — General Commission Merchants, 185 BAY STREET. SAVANNAH, GA. M ANAGING Agents for the English Stonewall Fertilizer, etc. Bagging and Ties furnished, and liberal cash advances made on consignments for sale in Savannah, or on shipments to our cor respondents in Northern, Eastern or Euro(>eun markets.* nugl fim Brandy Peachos—Q’ts and P*ts. UlitUi Fresh Canned Pineapples. vly roueii quost to G Policies Issued on all Approved Forms—No Fancy Schemes. ty uiunici|vility. Th nost rood incus gave 1: al, though tho cold Lt draw no other oanapla carv*i*r than fluit 44 nll POLICIES ISSUED ON T»IE MUTUAL P ] Return thanks to their numerous Merchant customers for the very liberal pat ronage and confidence extended to them in tho past. They also announce that their FaU and Winter stock of JAQUES A Jonysoy ■ ’and turn thing good, how- on*. long dead and 1' prt'sidi'nt of th»* *ricf addnwH.i'on- Ivofn Hontimontal inquityasto ’could have thought so w. llof \ ootndnaing that " it is tho i** to»rtl*.”* Th^Truth praba- 1 hut lu> lovtxl«it-uv' iu but had 1 hii*legal I10'is. ’ While tho in sUftto. tli*- oiturns hurried u singly glau« , e at them, be- •upitxl with diseiuisiooM as to At the lowest mutual rates, and Dividends di*elan*d when policies the end of the third yiiir as follows: To reduction of premium whin Loans whan loan i» given, or to increase of insurance when desired. >ld and applied at id; to reduetiou uf A. M. SLOAN. ARTIIUR N. BOLLEE. G. V. WYLLY, J R A. M. SLOAN & CO., COTTON FACTORS —AND— General Commission Merchants, Clnghom 4 Cunningham’s Ramre, Bay Strcrt, Navannah, Ga. 7)AGGING and Ties advanced oncrops. Liberal 1 a * rash advance* made on consignment* for wile in Savannah, or on shipment* to reliable ronvs- [tomlenU in Livurjiool, New Yoric, Philmkiphia, Boston or Raltimon*. nuifl Cm FOR THE BENEPIT OF TIJB I*OLICIES ISSUED I PON THE STOCK OR NON-PARTICIPATING PLAN At as low rates and upon a* favorable terms be uwsl with safety. DEAWINGS DAILY AT 6 P. M. CAPITAL PRIZE, $7,000.00 Making all its investments in tin* South and therefore It is managed with economy, and great ear Good, Reliable Solicitors will Find this an Easy Company to Work. To such a liberal inducement ent of its industries, irf risks. ,310 PRIZES, AMOUNT ING TO $03,203 20. For 1873, complete in crery respect, luu been received, to which especial attention is invited. Increased facilities, with more extended storage room, and a determination not to be undersold, enable them to guarantee prices os low, at all times, as obtain in w. iirscer. j. ir. johnston*. m. sacuax. DUNCAN, JOHNSTON* CO., COTTON FACTORS —AND— General Commission Merchants, US Bay Street, Savaunah, tta. nugl 6m .rill be offered upon application to the flecretoiy at tho Home Office, tbo General A vent, or to the Su]*erintendent of Agencies. »RDERS SOLICITED AND PROMPTLY RILLED. WE B. .TOnNSTON. WM. S. HOLT F 'ROM the D'WilU d tlm u*j Of olir Cotton and Own FVrtilirer the jnutt three nnd the exiieriemv with it bit st*Mon for Whmt. we nre iMtliioxl to put up f«*r sak* our mixixi chemi- cal* far the Fill nnd Winter Crops. The Com pound i» maria up of tbo •cum* rluuninilii aa our I'l-Uon mid Com FcTtiliz**r, but in different i»rr>- ns winter cn»f»a will bear more atimn- lating tluui Ukmo grown in miramer. The Compound Contains all tho Elements of Peruvian Guano, And will we think, prove no rapid * fortvr as the beat gn*ue«. Tin* \l h«*t Crop i* such an iinjiur- , um one to our country that we are anxious to hare onr planters u«-* this C\*ui|«oiuaL It will be seen that it is even chesncr than Cotton fktxl, and is of great i»rnant-ni nuravotal to tho soil.' TIk-m* cfaenurals not only frut one miawun, but we know of instances in which they have Uvn verv pW&qr penoribft on the THIRD CROP. The chemical* are all finely pulwriiod and well mixed, having Uvn run !hn>u*h a fine seive, and wiU TTeSflyjperaicate Untmgh the maw. If it i* not convenient to m-t dry Ktahle or let manure, you can ear ash * which hare been leached, or dry caiok t>r nch loam. Sand ahould mixed with the chemfeBla vnu&toveri* nasi should be moderately drv. Tla* chemkwl* are pot up in ROCB tight barrel*, well cxopuivd, i ! .1 'I I ... rn. I. i... bl .... - _ .. .a : l. . J1)1I\ w. kurkk" SIN*GLETON, HUNT & CO WHOLESALE DEALERS, 46 SECOND STREET AND 28 COTTON AVENUE, JAMRS MERCER GREEN. ® Cbocp, Bkoni imt- tuoocothr can/!v tho uioof Tbs. Wis- w!. : ''?i «!-k*s iiotdry up a couch :r ! i -iv <• t • <• j, ••• behind, but loosens it, cleanse* tl*y lungs and allays Irritation, thus removing the cause of the oouipLilaL CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED by a timely resort to tLU standard remedy, as la prosed by hundreds of bstltr,'-n ials It Los rvcdvnL tjtnnine is algneil *1. Butt*'" on the wra; per; SETJl W.iWLE SONS, I’n^reunoiai,];^- ton, Mass. Sold by dealers geDf rally. ,u iy DIRECTORS-MACON W1LLTAMS. HOLT. HENRY L. JEWETT, A. L. MAXWELL. JOHN J. GRESH.4M. C. A. NUTTING, GKO. S. OBEAR. WM. B. JOHNSTON. PETER SOLOMON. virgil rawm DAVID FLANDERS, JOHN W. BURKE, R. W. CI HBElHi E. J. JOHNSTON, L. N. WHITTLE. WM. H. ROSS. AUGUSTA .JOSIAII SIBLEY. JOHN P. KING. Park, covering (»0 acrv*. and vahwil &D.000. Auotbor in^tenst in a oitixen •rqiuu who luvs ju*t given hi* Dative t lnrijv and vnlttaLIt* library, $12l\0t)0 >v luol of ch^mi.-firT anil ^B.i>00for a rg.irt«*n >< ln»ol. TImmh* p**i'pL . >t afraid t«- part with their gv*i*d* tht*r yet may Rood tijom, and who iftiv-wntly inU‘t\MUsl in tiioir own action* to take care* that they do ili■"•Corey, show a g.vni deal Lctt**r :y id charity than the d.t«tardly s who cling* *t«> thoir g\>M til! they the la.n ditch and th. * leave it to j rriovl off :uul wa^Unl by Uve boUlost >f:«•ng,*.«« ehuuvuds. — u.yiri i i Tliat ticket harimron tt the TOth. 11th and 12th drawn numlarra.to That tick. ‘ A. W. GIBSON. C. J. GAMBLE. ATLANTA .V. R. TOMMEY. RICHARD TETERS. ha ring on drawn numher*, to. Tliat ticket haviiur or ow definiudy sottlMth.it thotol- twi in Germany are no longer to t to pule* in the open air, but are ■ied in underground tubes. The vhieh the principle is to be first an* those requiring a large wire's; and those first on the line from Berlin to the Rhine, che* to Mainz and Frankfort- a; «nhe line from Berlin to osch ana Thorn; Berlin to and Berlin to Hanover and •rawn numbera, to 7th drawn numhera. to.. That ticket hav my on it t 8th drawn nunibcru, to.. That ticket havincoc.it t 10th drawn mimtirn, to That ticket having on it th 11th drawn numbere. to. That ticket haring . .. It Uh drawn numbera, to introduced numbts of roU are* tlu which bnu r.-the-Jdai Hre.d.in, 1 Hamburg; In this country where it thie 1st 9d arid That ticket having on *t the l*ui*i andlith drawn numbers, to.... That ticket having on it the 1st, Sd and 0tb drawn numbera, to„ s All ether tickets ibeinx 907, with three of the drawn number* on), each. , Tho«? ticket* having on them the 1st *r>i *d drawn number*, each Tin*** 46 tiriu U hanng on theta the 8d and 4th drawn number*, each..— All other ticket* (being 4*244) with two (4 the drawn numbera an. earh . And all those UckeU (bar* U.740) with Loom Reeds, Harnesses ox Miwtcx, of Maryland, is all Mr. Ordwny heard from him i 22, and now furnishes the letter to caa. It closed a* follows: “Having fined in advaztoo of the passage of 11 that I would not accept the extra nsatioa, I now formally re linquish lease the s.une to theUniUxl Stare* quest you to restore the amount i you fiold to my credit to the' treats- Are made under one management. UPPLIES used in COTTON and WOOLEN MILLS promptly furnished. D. C. BROWJL 4 6m Lowell. Mans. U. 8. Curious Guns. OFFICE 64 one only of the drawn numbera, each... 106 CAPITAL PRIZE. On Mondays Capital will be - $7£00 00 On Tuesdays and Fridav* Capital wifi be. 4J00 Oy On Wndprad^fli Ctehai wiA b*4-^. 4jm aft On ThurMlay* and Saturdays jumo go For further pratirulan* *rnd for whetDra. No ticket which shall have drawn a priaa of a suprrior denominaUun can be entitled to an mb- nor nn«. Priara pa*wh^ forty (40) day* after twolv* ywavw tr.ireding in n rape, Aoia and Afruti. l’he; length and of tho most * :t, Xkcon, Ga. WHOLESALE GROCERS, DIRECTORS: Special attention called to the wellki Taxes—Second Notice. SAMUEL F. DICKINSON. JOHN C. CURD. SAMUEL T. COLEMAN. SOLOMON WAXKLBAUM. ALBERT MIX. >f Insurance upon Dwelling*. Stores, Stock Cotton. of^Merchan* GEORGE JL TURPIN. J RANDOLPH WHITEHEAD, basil A. WISE. ADDISON R TINSLEY, in««e Lu*t Wcdnt*!*- >u organs of other ust-fvos and their j eJit’s attitude to- j is* tta unpU'iwini- J i-t one of purfdci ! nght. There [ oreiing to knowl- I .:iv*H>n*‘rs have notified me rvtil w( in \. »:>d I a*k tin* people to come up -iiu |w> Um-ii' State and Factory** Wt. Vernon; Office John St., New York. autf4 ilm ANCHOR LINE STEAMERS, Sail from Pier 30, North River, New York, EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. curing good light and ventilation. RATES OF PASSAGE TO GLASGOW.LIVERPOOL,OR LONDONDERRY Sat. Steamers. Grid. $75 and $45. wa*\I OUT Slfwft h.u- ncutxalit; pared fo ksuo p uaoheld Fumiti < finely inlaid with ulotixu. The , ui«l *U* k *Jh‘ boun»l together by j lid. «*lal>oraU*iy wrought silver | xn 1 ! all the mounting* are of silver | To the *t***k is ufiiitsl a butr- f ivory, v* nr handsomely inl»*»<l. I ide \4 an cdognntly w rittru Aral ic I i -ii. that ni*U-ly h;i> yet teen | decipher. The gun wa* made ill | •. where there .ire twenty-five gun- i wh.., mth the cn:J*wt | [urn out u'uu» that have great I *>n in all Northern Afrii-a. Snch j « the* one brought Lone by Mr. > a curiosity could not be had in ntry for les* Uuui t>. The J i the xmo gun* that he Iwonght |: made ui Algicra, fora a oisnlar ( ( •ly long Irarrvl. a tiiut l«K*k inlaid , tins, and ivory ;»nd st****I butt- 1 *f4M*k inlaid ** iih It or and coral. 11 i i?* not !*> tineas th.- other, but ’ 1 PROVISION AND LIQUOR DEALERS. V4iuiA.tino*. amir.* DjULIC* V.GIEX. KttXET ■. W. A. RAM80M ft 00., Manufacturer*and Jobber* of | M1HH IIIN'NDAL.F’H (Fonn*.*rly Mr*. Mateauby’s) SCHOOL FOR YOUNO LADIES, 375 and 277 M.viixon Are., K. Y. City. TMtOP. GEORGE S. BLACK IE. having he- I anMH-intM tn the Tnam^raj ,, nt thlt -•tahla-lhd aid «Kra»<4u]it 'tiiuOcrul'a*>tooo:::- m»-nd it to ifotattaaihm of hi* fteurte m frwtwi*. Fnr rimiflnsad j*irti«n.litr>, j».'drv><* ^■v~ lm 277 M 4 DtS4)N' AMsNUE COMMISSION HOUSE AT LEAS?. S. W. RAILROAD, LJLlAb >UN ( COl'NYY. GA. Thk Aiu hor lino of skeunur.* i$ export ing eon-viderablc quantities «f live cat tie lo England, and arrangement# are making to in or. vw*' tlieir huilitad for tnm*)Hwtjt- tion. Mr. B**ll, of Glasgow, an extensive ilealcr ui -uttle, ia engaged in thi* otief- I»ri$«'. and, tiiough celling butter an.l meat cheaper than th.’ £iigii*h. he chums to mole $75 from each creature, after reiving all iti* <w*t. BOOTS AND SHOES 138 AND 140 GRAND sr.mnr yohk. Rcpirrawted by R. W. Horan, d Geonria octSOitly' furrenry. $75 and (03* Cabins Cabin return tick* securuu; l>r»t a commodations . ERNEST PESCHKE’S l Standard Mean Time. KETCimt t HABTKIDGE. Mans MD COHMISSIM HSCMBTS, LOWEST MARKET PRICES GUARANTEED. CouuuboK says there are four kinds of rwwler>—the hottrgksw, whose reading runs in and ont and l*auvea no trace of gain: the second, like the sponge. takes everything; the tiurd retains renly re* fuoe tliat some would tiirow away; but the fourth, like tti<» miner among k.•*•]*> the pnre and irata tiu- elip- Ortifiiwtos f*»r jjaraure fnim anr $rap° r J , *r rail way HUtiun in (irou Britain. Iroianu ur the Lon- unen l, at KATES Afl LOW AS W AHY OTHER FlfcST-CLAM LIBX- Forp —H EOT li H Its, (Vto 7 Bowline Given. N Y. T. H. HlviiKKs 0 ^- A»r**nt. Maixm. fia. RKrkkCjfCZM Hurt Taylor, hi* nl < Roik. New York: P. C. Oalhuuru Prraidrnt Fourth Matkinsl Hank. New Y<wk ; John J. Gre er* k Son. Banker*. NY <r York : Monte K$tehu«. tUuk**r. Xrw York , J. N. .Nifn^Briiw Wiv* NYOo.vJBanl. Mrior.: «. McMwhaef. Ca»h w*r Firat National Bank. Ptuteftri|lHa nrariACm uransementii to correct the ilfrhWwt error tion of an observatory and one of the moat a PPT°7*z B , obMrvuw owhdisn ' th. «n «u»s. I will i to within a fnu tion of a medal. ns ‘~ JI id to tho Movairio, aod Mating of fao Watcku. at mU may 11 Sui