Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, September 21, 1873, Image 3

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THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH ANT) t CARPETS ! COLEMAN dOEfttaSCEtJ Oil Cloths. MATTING, RUGS, MATS, ETC. rOBBERS Trtltlntf- THE GREAT ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA, FOK THE PREVENTION AND CURE OF 1. I find from oLocrratioii ;md infonmi- Hon fli rough planters and < dber*, oll ctod b* r# III Ottdudan.-/' on th.* 8u- per <* Court, toil 4b.* j».-^nt «*up of coft awfll not Mob the Cl!njintion* *.f one month Bine**, cans, d by nut and worn.*-. Corn, peas, ]*otatOeB and sugar cane was never better. Stopping at the Vienna Hotel, was re ceived by that venerable old veteran, re markable caterer and botelist, L. C. Cop- jHilge, Not. Pub. and ex-officio J. P„ planter and mail contractor, with his usual sin He, full of life and activity. Dinner announced, we found the table, as usual. piled up with all the delicacies of the ••ountry, and in reach of all—no use for 8 -rvonf —*we had ror-.ul before \ I thing, front a potfe of brt.ul to GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, ini'! other 'intermittent anj Komitfont JVveis, Giaerai Cobility. Sight etc, au4 all .other {onus of Diseases which have a common origin in Malaria or Miasma. 1AVR1HCE B Wf ICHSELB \UM Sole rrnprletnra anil Wholesale DrnKKiaia, tavannab. Ca ■***^ I ■ 8 ^ ° ' ■ srptlJ-lm For sale hj'. ali Dnuyisu. SOLE PROPRIETOR*. OK THE ARABIAN BTTTPRfl. A XT ELL KNOWN TONIC. HAVE REMOVED TO H"I>Y HKI'.'SEr.S CAl.TETS. TAl'ESTKY fcltTlSSliJ.S CAKPET', TIUttiE-PI.T CARPETS, EXTRA 31'PEI: CAE PETS, MEDIUM and LOW GRADE CAR PETS. VENETIAN CARPETS, HEMPS CARPETS, VELVET RUGS. BRUSSELS RUGS, BEAVER RUGS, MATS OP ALL STYLES, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, LINOLri.UM FLOOR CLOTHS. PELTS AND DRUGGETS. TABLE OIL CLOTHS, COCoA WAITINGS, CANE MATTINGS, • CANTON MATTINGS, WINDOW SHADES, WALL PAPERS. Pnreh.-w-r, me inriu.i to examine my stark be. I' re layinr. a 1 ran ihnv a inealer variety ami FIRST NATIONAL BANK of MACON CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, TRANSACTS A GENERAL RANKING BIMM NO CHANGE OF CARS BETWEEN AUGUS TS AND COLUilBUS. Blake's Block, comer Third and Poplar Streets, DIRECTOR: GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE C robot a Central Railroad, Savannah. July 5,1S73. O N and after Sunday, the $th inst.. I'ussengei Trains on the (<t>onriii Central Railroad, its branches and connections, nail rue as follows: DAY TRAINS GOING SOUTII AND WK8T. Leave Savannah l** 1 *^?* ,i: ,.«! .• ;>,* .1 p ^ Leave AutrusU ■^****”****^“**‘---.. 2:15 p M Arrive at M il led Seville.. .*7, *.”....11:04 p m Arrive at T'atonton.*. 12:^2 a M Arrive at Macon p * Arrive at Savannah ***** 9:15 p M hwc Macon for Atlanta p X L<*ave Mao-on for Kufnu’.a ......”"”ll:15 P M Lt*av© MaconforOulmnbus ......10:55 P M Arriveat Atlanta 5 ; so x M Arrive at Euraula... 1. 12:10 r M Arrive at Columbus ^ 4 : no a m Making: close connection with trains leaving tllhntn *ml f D. F1ANDKRS. W. B..QJXSMORE I>. S. LITTLE. I. C. HUIKX • B. L. JEWETT, B. B. PLANT. VTe leave to call the attention of the merchant* of Georgia to our stock of Groceries and Provision*, which we offer to the trade G. II. HAZI.EHURST. ‘potato I. 0. PLANT. Prudent. W. WKiouiy, Caahier. _ imiiv-tiinovl* Bonn, Pn-udent. IL F. Lawton, Caaltiox. here now most, is the contemplated railroad from Hawkin-iville to America*. Dooly .-um.tytou- rainenbed $.'*0,000, the re quisite amount to secure the road. They ore now in high hopes of hearing the whistle soon. I understand there are a uumh -r of hands employed near Hawk- insville, variously estimated at from five, to one hundred. This rood is intended too »nn.*ot the Moron and Brunswick with the Montgomery anlKafaula rood.amcwt important link, when finished, will bring the great Central and Southwestern rail- road* to their acmses, and it hoped, bring down their exorbitant. unrea.- -imLlc .md Tinjnst discriminations in freights throughout their long line. Montezuma and the planters, on or near Flint river are in extpeies over the pi •*•!•«*•-i of ^Oop^liaving a steamer plying L-twe^n Mojit4*7uinaand the Mhoals ju.<t above Allainy. Captain White und others are the ni«*n, with all the pr*‘n*<muites to put it in edrly •,[oration. Th j hay.- EXCHANGE BANK OF MACON, OBIee In HiHTx New Btiiltllng. ecoives Deposits; lit YS ASH SELLS KYCHAXGN. 100,000 pountU BACON C. R. SIDES. 23.000 pounds BACON SHOULDERS, 50 boxes LONG CLEAR SIDES, ' - 1 230 barrebt REFINED SUGARS-ALL GRADES, 23 baro.lt CRUSHED AND POWDERED SUGAR, ISO ndm RIO COFFEE, ' -E 23 sack* OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA, COFFEE. UJI 2’1 J COO roll. BAGGING ami 1.000 buntil*t ARROW TIES. E. FINDLAY’S SOUS SUnk>, lioi.il>. CoLioJI Shipnirntii t*f Colton: Make* A4^* Storv- Ah -GQ.LBOTlONS PRO.M1TLY A ITKNDKI) TO. ilncvd* Ihj B. F. ROSS. FINDLAY IRON WORKS Leave AtUnUk. I. C. PLANT & SON, Bankers and Brokers. Macon from C Be r< At* fettHtS Arrive at Macon from Uolumb Mmvm from Allunta. MACON, GEORGIA. .eSaxumiah Arrive al Entonti FASTER, MORE DURABLE, LIGHTER DRAFT AND CHEAPER 100 cases SARDINES, Arriveat Siivannah 6:00 a m M.ikmc |M*rfoct connt*ction with trains loavinit ‘ lSwnfcera gohwr over the MilUdgevillc and Ea- tonfon Branch will lake night train from Colum bus, Atlanta and .Maom, day trains from Augusta ami Sa\Tiini»h, which connect daily at Ciorxlon (Sundays envi ted) with the Milledgevillo and EaUmUm trains. An elepuit sleeping caron all night trains. THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS can Ik* had at the Centnd Kuilrxwid Ticket OBice at l’ulfeski House, corner of Bull ami Bryan streets. QlHce open from 8 A M to 1 P X, and from 8 to t* m. TieketN can also In* had at lk*m»t Otlicx*. WILLIAM ROGERS. Jiuysti General SufK*rintendcnt. 450 packages MACKEREL—NEW CROP, lOOfjoxea SELECTED CREAM CHEESE, 20 tuba GILT EDGE BCTTER, 20 car loads FLOUR—Fresh Ground from our Mills Deposit?; If ecoire<1 On Which Interest will he Allowed, PAYABLE ON CALL Advances made on Cotton and Pro duct* in Store. THAN.OLD WOOD SCREW EVEN. PACKS THE BALE IN TWELVE ROUNDS, JI1M consisting of • our own brands “ Uncle Joe’s Choice,” COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTEXPPf) TO Two to three Haiids, or one Light Male, Packs a Bale in 2 Minutes (WITH 1ATWT IHPHOVKMEXT8.) FOR 2D YEARS THE imdard of Excellence Mag Hampton, Bole* d Cotton ]Mcked by tins Press mnga from 500 to sw po SUMMEE SCHEDULE, Golden Flake, DAILY PASSENGER TRAIN TO AND FROM Macon, Brunswick, Savannah i Florida. we Guarantee We find Wh " Honor.*JHdgM TTarri*. of Bmuawirk. j»r*^i«lingov« r the court, «itU- ing the docket* in plo**** of Jinlg*' I*at«*.— \t aloiit, f|^>’clock, r*. Ar., Monday, tb«* fu tg Hniile, ann,*um , d Unit h** uid g<*<i Ihrhugh the uouumm-latv dock et ; finding no cane ready, miggeate*! the THRoUGnOUT T1IK WORLD. FREACH S NEU HOTEL; ( «)K..COfeYLAKl)Tai,dYEXV< fm(rilstS . \-* J PinKW-YORK. Onth- Kump»*nnplan. RH*H- AKD ITFRKNCTU^nortjic BSFCoftoelRM«anL Fr- t. ha t.-ik* n *km Uol<X m-wb aiHOl Up alul «Utind>’ leimvat idth* huwi-s. UUMnpdllTiotaiNl Tn trn* Imsinuss jmrt ofthe city 1 *Lfcn^i'-N and GeiitU*nn-n a Dining Ruumsattaa hed. inti pay exjK*rtserf of transiyirtation) ANY PORTION OF Y PROVE DEfFKCTIYE WITHIN FOUR YEARS . . NT> WARRANT AGAINST BREAKAGE UT LIMIT AS TO TIME. Delete, or simply the Irons, as parties may des :m or water |>ower when ’i^-tiuirod. ,t.; ; , n\»I i rlof.the lAmo-|t and B^st Planh-rs In Gcorgia >.se. names are ns »familiar ?is liousehoUl '\ordt.. -• opur. Inis** a Cbtton I’rcss until they hX A MIA L pLOSELY and J UDGE T’OK 1 HE MS ELVES. Send for Descriptive Offick Macoy and Brunswick Railuoa Macon, Ga.. .Inly 22. IN78. YN and after Wetlttasuay. July 25d. 'V * > Trains on this ruml \v ill b«* run us fuUuw PASSKNOKK, DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTi:i» TIIK PRKaBST. ... . »ber» 1 HI* 1. ;mt4iti«m from Slaugh- •for th*» tw<» not*** on ui. and tot.k Hlatigh- f Vh hr.m ubd l«6t,ght .thuamount of id gav«» hw note far glitrr owed Cul|H*pper U*k of $8,750 ««ch, one . th** »*th<*r Januiury 1, ti Si in »M«-rluid given I ig»* on The land Hold t<» in May, lhfia. Hfauighb*r die*!, a N*m'UitM*r. tlienone* y*nr,(%i**hmn tin* alaiVf* mortgag** nobw" jndg- . U ing iin)Ku«l. Neal, a ju lgin«.*nt 4*r nf Onehinn. fllwUffjlitnr* bill -t the ndminbtmdltf MbMi non, .f (\*rhmn, making tin* oduiiniatra- rf 61.*.ghtee a f«:fy and *-nj<»imriir tinq ■ dy i (’urt-un i«»rtioi? »m.- .<n vrhiT. A Wo mnlriug Gri**r y amt «*nj«tilling him from paying i. •. und ivnking Urn appourtanent «>f .1 t.. Grier. Pres*- |tn»pri«*tv of adjourning to give attorneys time to hunt up and commit their client*, and prepare tlu-ir ca«e*<. The main diffi- * -ulty in owing to th*.* fnrttbattheAmerinm l*4r fc^l icaFeof .il■*•!». .• for th** t**nn. kU«l on**oraxM>Ui«-rwmiengaged inall therm* *, <ion!HH|iientlv, jm.rti**a and witn»*.*?s**s, ju- roni and ail had to pocket their Iokack ami endure the hardship, or rather injus- lie**., J hold that hiuy. iv have no right to *'ngag*i 'fli ft oali^ ao*T deaert it f«>r^pleas ure and prtffit,evt*n if the Judge does grant him bare of abecnoe. Such tricks nro too often rCbort***l to by un**crupulou8 parti**]* to get a continuanre money, at- though «**»ll«M*ted, cannot lie re&lind by tho plaintiffii, in many inxtano**}*, by na- :*on of thia loos*? praet ice. I heard on** paily pLaintifT or*I**r his cim ? *imiui**Ht d. aft«r attending uvaml eourtH luid failing to got a trial, although he KM auer] on plain notea. No defi^n***? oth**r than the plonk of general ieaue to get time; no pos* «ible dc sfenoe. Ia it just that whole communities—tho lnnaaef—nitL< suff«T 1«and priva- tinn tb accominiKlate a few? ^t'ia t6^»e !io]h*«1 th# proper authonties will look to it and thereby protect the umuwpecting pad nuuiMrs of tlie people from such Hellenics and injustice. Ob^kuvkr. «lucomcnta. usHliiHt I*n4it by « ip ricinv. TIIK WHEELER A WIURON HTANPS ALDNK AS TIIK ONLY LIGHT RUNNING MACH INK. USING TIIK ROTARY IIOOK. MAKING A LOUK STITCH, alik^ «m Ijoih m«1> s <>f the fahrv- a witl. Ill ilmt- tl*- m.-wftiiH > \vn»t-‘ in «tnurinif ib«* »liu:ii«* I I nek after tho >tiu*h ri .formtsl liriuxinir tluubla wmr and Nlruin u|i*»i i«4h ucn hiiM* ami op**r»t*»r. Remember, We Break No Packages. P P ^ ^ pOLEMA.V A SEK’SOS, Mqcon, Georgia. Lent*? Macon, Arr2i«* at .Savannah. BROAD STREET, y opposite Montgymuxv and Euj ■vWm. KUFAULA. ALABAMA. HOWARD, - - Pzt •*n«rfn*r>h 1 . : iilivcid. >P\viit.v-liv*»<vnts tsi— Arrive atTnllnhitwra _ wpllco-U B. FINDLAY’S SONS, Arrne r.t Jvkauc EINIIl-VY IRON WORKS, J1AC0N. GA. incline*. y*m aiaaild n**|nir»* iirnof that y**au» i ii** hav** tlifir value. Money inte throw away mum>t In* ivnucrrj. S*vmI fur **ur rimiLuw. Ma.-liiiH**i jnJ«I «m «m terms*»r motillily |«yineiita tak**n. Old nifu him o-nly-liro*vnt>* saved r3 mm' n. . ..rmuh will take th r Urun>wick, and 6:20 a m train L I.VSYILLE ACCOMMODATION THAI] (SUNDAYS LXCKPTKD). Macon ! at H: CRAIG PATENT HORSE POWEi. icndioW bu ®I’ •AILY, put lii order or riwinii in «-x. liamrv. WHEELER A WILSON .M K'G CO.’S OPFICK8: Savannah, .Xurihia, Mmvhi ami ('oIiiiiiIhia. Gh. Wj B. ri.RVKS. Gen. Aat..Savaiiimli. Ga. \V. A. HICKS. Aia-nt. Slarun. Ga. ddnsville. dnsville. GINS. FOR DRIVING O Recently Strengthened and Improved, now Perfect gaidlab ^c: ilANCl'ACTCRED SOLELY BY R. Fiiuday’s Sons, Findlay Iron Works, J>* W— l**™» “** *■’* v>n * 1 00 ‘"HI,- i.ij-' I .iH l, on: M ^ 0, TT! , : MACON, GEORGIA. . e' wdaM au nidflflW lii MHBan f atflMWmmu JlMJMl •- Arriy* jufitfwidl.r Notice in Bankruptcy. IN THE DISTUHT COURT OK THE UNITED STATES FOR TIIK NORTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. In the matter of Nathaniel S. Walker, Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy. rpO wlw.m it may conwrn.—Tin? umlerufcned CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, SUPERINTENDENT’S OFF1CE, Central Raii.huai*. Atlanta Division, * Atlnntu, July 5,1»73. lN and after Sunday, J ul.v 6th, Pn-saeiiKer Train* } on this Rtind wilfrUfl ft follows: DAY PASSKNOKK TRAIN. •N’DIiES, ■•&<»:) *\?FS. .WULHKKRY STREET, MACON, rivea imAmv of hi* ap|M4iitu»ciit i Mra. Hkuightcr on tho not**s ngninst At the Nofcinlicr term, 1HT»7, <>f Miieh- 1 Su|N*nor Conrt, by (anjumt of all ]nu*- jui int«*rkN'iit*»n a decree was taken Leave Macon. Arrive at Atlanta. Arrive at Mucon. ;; • of :h. : -machine ov<:r ?tll </tl>*r^ intchde*! for ximn n Li aion” Gn Gear) wo GUARANTEE, OR ASK NO MONEY. T nail wore; rgquiruano mccuauiajDpUt it up;lsets on the ground; v jibrtien of tlw h-'u-**?; and is ir.fLrpviKDnt of floor “ sjur<mir, etc.; can t OUSE otVQ or two hto*7).e“ b“th the* Tower und ' llOtiii; drives a Gin from 27o t<> lx-voluti*ml; ~ FULLY WARRANTED 13* MIGHT PASSKMGKR TRAIN. DIE IMUC IO M SPECIAL FLAVORINGS. I.eaVe Macon. IflJglC Arrive at Atlanta. Leave Atlanta. 14 West Main Stn*et,b**t \re*ni First and Arrive at 3Ii minute. Making clos* Railroad for l .Southwestern in Sdutliwestoi cm tmd Atlant jnlyOtf *c (ymiHN'tion at Macon w ith Centnd Mvannah and Aii|fu**tft, and with i Railroad for Columbus anti points •rn Goonria. At Atlanta,withWcst- itic Railway for points West. G. 1. FOREACRE. Sup’t. S.T-1860-X: 77. Lane. oami Adams Streets.-, CHANGE OF SCHEDULE L0UISVILLE, KY: i i MsTi ^miJ TorTnllm?, NELLY BLY. OVER TIIH SEA. APRICOT, PREMIUM. J. II. GRKANKR’S 11 IN, CABLE COIL, JOY OF THE SOUTH. OLD DOMINION. PINE APPLE. ' * NECTAR LEAF. COMMON 8KN8K. PKRl’KTUAl MAGNOLIA. PILLAR OF STATE. Send for Descriptive Circular, Testimonials, and Price List. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, SOUTirWKSTKRM RAILROAD COMI’ANV, Macon, Ga., July 4,1873. id after Sunday, the 6th inst., Passenger ains on this Road will run as follows: >AY KUFAULA PA88KNGKR TRAIN. 8:00 A M nt»'» ratal**. A dornn* won taken at the opwtim** in fuvor^tlni r*»cuiver a ga i n. t orvron his not«<# fihrNtlluit llu? «*f thin nmuiw'cmcnt vraa to obtain rwiny t<> *liM*hnxgo thu mortgngo on t!Uo pLnUtion I .ought by Cochran tY«mi sUu|*hUT, mi that it might In* accural tamcmubcnNl to tho estate of Ctichnib sal his cn«ditom. Grier lutvitig fail*si to pajr tho d«*cr*Nj acamst him. und proving insolvent, it m by ouhM iit «.f jtnrtias agreed that an- •<hr« n t« rl. v ut*trj .leer**** should In* tn- p: May T. rut whereby ilriur »•* t*. Mirremler tin* Andrew* land to the ivivivor, t«*gether witli certain r» nt »•■!«« for the jduiition f.»r IMIS Tor about IMM, nsvivo hia own n^tea and bq 4ia- !ER, HOUSE. •now fashion” ditto, with centre suppor L—Parties preferring the ‘,'oliUf usLion” Gin Gsar i acoomuiodatjd -t voiy reasonable iigurea. n‘ «{Hum R. FINDLAY’S SONS, X'lXDLAY IKON WOKKS, MACON, GA J>ia\-e Maco? Arrive at Eufiitila. Arrive at Clayton. Arrive at Arlimrt* Arriveat Fort Gaines. I CREOLE. BIRD’S KYE. iuXURY, EXPRESS. COWSLIP. GOLDEN SCEPTRE. The table U Mipplietl with tlai U*>t th.: uiarkut ]x?avc Euiaula ... Leave Fort Gain* Jx?ave Albany .... Arrive at Macon. MANUFACTURERS OF STEAM ENGINES, BOILES, SAW & GRIST MILLS, WATER WHEELS, AND ALDjKINDS OP 3IACEINEKY AND CASTINGS, ETC.. BTC. « : B. FINDLAY’S SONS, FINDLAY IKON WORKS, MACON, GA. fAXILLA, LENOX, ETC., l'laiorin; Ire Crtam, falw aa* I‘a5trj'. r attention KitersOf tl tits lor h*dth. GOLD LEAF. YACHT CLUB. ORANGE P M Connects with the Albany Train nt Smithville, and tl:c Fort Gainea Train at Cuthbcrt daily, ex cept Sunday’. Albany Train connects daily with Atlantic and Gulf Railroad Traina at Albany, and will run to —* Blakely Extension Monday, Wednea- Willi great rare, by n new proeess, wo extract from the true, actect Fruitt and Aromatics, each chaj-u-'—Vtio tla- e^ri ami produc' yUuoring* c/ nnr cxerflsiuv!. Of gnat rtrengih and perftti purity. Ao jaironou* oil*. Knry jlaror a* rr/nroenM. Xodffeii—rath boWofuli :ns,i~ rs. hohling one-Judf more t’ian othera purfvrting to twhl Ml rue rjantit*}. U*e them once, trill u*e no other. The mart delipite, deiirym* JLtrvn errr mule. So sii|icrior to the clicap extracLs. Ask for Ur.| Price’s Special Klavorinss. Manu factured only by STEELE & PRICE, nilcAiiu r.ii-lsT. IXJD1S. Munufueiurer* of Dr. Priee't t'r”" 1 taking liur<!er. r * w w tx t r Fer inopfh,-/] - LiU ral deduction BKANDS OF CIGABS, ArUnKto daj - und Friday, ivturninar following days. COLUMBIA DAY PASSKNOKK TRAIN. Leave Macon Arrive at Columbus 4 W. A. KLDKI tnmi Jim ,v4l«T •bflM (i htU jul27«'odTy ESPANOLA. L.\ JUSTICIA. SMALL CUBARICOS, , ( : CENTURY. GOLDEN STAR. DOLLY YARDEN f . , , w YACHT CLUB. LA VISION. HENRY CLAY. s»*j.l7-tf LA MARINOLA. CLIFTONDALE, n tin* imtintiim* tho mortgago crr^lit- «*f Slaught**r hud fonvlaod t lu* mart- y and oohl tho On |p< |'j >vr-SLiU U*r r.tAti«*n in IhtN'iidKir, lShs, for aboST *«». having alnnit $l(kUk) of tho mort- th ht mi]uid,antl duo by Slaughter’* LUDDEN & BATES, sdjJTHEKJT IHUSIC- irb-U! SAVANNAH. G4. , I A-ii ve Columii Arrive at Macon CHEROOTS ECFAt'LA. NIQUT PRKIOIIT AND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Macon.i.......i...... ....11:15 r M Arrivi* at Eufauia .. ,,. 12:10 V ML isvivora »« Ul tlic Andiowe land •t ^HvDOO, and oulltvt* 1 tho rout >i<u'. ’I*li.'rc wa oUmt j>**r'>onnl i t*i th** AUNivf m*vur.vl thau- dai'N UdonJng to the Coclmm dch won in tho hands of tlio ro- Kufaula (POKUERL.V 8POTT8WOODJ i RLY OPPOSITE THE BABSEHGMB DEPOT.- This House in born THOROTOHLY RENOVATED tram taunamt to UUie. UOAItn #3 PeJh 1>AY. • Iicave Alban; Arriw at Mn Tr.iin.'i wil adiedulo Sm: Pianlalion BITTERS. turn. Orpcnns. Music, anil all kiinl.s of Miidcal InatriinieiitM. Liu'ifroi Black ill (lit* 8autil. Lovv^Nt ] PrircN In the South. Host w In*ttriiiiieiit.*> in the .South and (jonnect at fhnithvflle with Albany trains. | . , VIRGIL IHJ WEILS. julyCly ‘ Engineer and Superintendent. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON MACON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD. '3D on-t c H d? : 3Piario Without first writing u« for prices. We aa’- tlio DIAMOND SPECTACLES. T S PURELY A VW1ITAPLY PRRPARATION. ct»mp«*a«'it <f tt«11 kne»n ROOTS, HERBS and FRO ITS* combined with other prvperue*. which lathrtr nature are t'athartic. Aperient. NutriUoua. l'liin Uc, ADaraUro and Aateli.Uoui*. 1 bC Whole in prfTred in a auffl- ei«nt *iuauiity of eptHt from th* SUGAR CA.VR to A«rp theun in 2ny climeK which makvOVb* MV uiv Uh> oiullM sell lost. Yonr* hoice from five of the best n the United Stnt**str^iny st^leaml pritv iperb pianos at (90ft $825, $850 and $875 best pianos nt ^tie, $41)0,6-VUi J. Pin 1 am sold by *mnll .monthly phy- Piaivm ibr rent. PiaiMM now shipptsi to i of tl»e Sooth. Evmt one thinking of luarters for the celebrated LINUX A\ll HAMLIN ORGANS ! prices. 11 of Neal in tho naiu: • of a cm nying tho ri ;hte «*f tho crotlitt» fun«U in tho rarada of tho mwiv ing up th** • In.in SlaugJitA*r »*ata •same— so-fiu’ a« it cooMf from il most ext« Forty-one Miles Saved in Distance RUNS TWENTV-FIVK i’EK CENT. LIGHTER than any other Gear made. ' made without a, mortise, tenon, or a key to work loose. Every part lxdted Over twenty in use. All have proven good. desiretl. OFFICE MACON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD Af acct *“ l~\S nml aft**r Sunday, May JUf, duthc wMm *• - to r iron. ilANTATION BITTERS this Road will -DAILY (8UNPAYB AND CIGAB MANUFACTURES Ko. 4 Blake’s Block, ..... Poplar sU, M» 1x*h\ «* Mao ArrixA: at Ai I>*a\(} Aumi* jind chenpc^ New* t^jrlcN nn.r^Tcw Prb-* * [ I for cataiiarue. <ivuur full diseriptioi! rdi**s Schools and Tctwliera I ite-rall v deal . i Onjnnv ueti^re l ft- e of charre d» eael n in Bqr port of the South. Prices same a iplfiinant.s with .*»ch “duinngt*rt. svlvew • « amount v! on* of the moot dcairaW* ToalnandCi Chart lea In tho world. TLay oro intend* otrictly — » p mode of construction of wheeln suspended on Anti-Friction Balls, Extended to carry the Pulley and Pinion Shafts. persons using or making any part of my patent will be prosecuted to the **x- jit (,'amak with day I . Railroad for Atbui for Antrnsta. with tr for Charleston .1 all .stations or North, and with trams I Athens. Washington, and via Railroad. Tickets Mild and bagga North, noth by rail ar Uhurb-stoii. '! tiuLu ti tumar (kmi FoV mte J lb** Unkin. Sheet Music and Music Books. A.spl'Jidid stock. Th»* U*st puhlicatioiM of every miblisli.-r ahtsya on hantboi Lnnn ^t Di-nt rs, IWfcLfv.. u Any p* ve/uf Mii*ac<>r Maria B<ekvn iil *d ;--^-pnidrmnifbiiit of retail pric*-s. Caraluiru. s five. A j IF YOG W.fJTT*A broken Guitar, Flris Acpirdt-aip Fite», Flaacalft.rnnat. DipUi. suit of pripHififriiurs di- amtlibi^.rtnfkjf tlty/fuii jfi Ac naiaie Jiie.yvAJ only to l*o used u s medidsn, and always so- cording to directions. i X*., v !!.•■ r’-.i-. t-aa.-hor ofthc rr««bl<* and dcbibtst.They Sxt ujvm a discwasl liT«r, sod rauukt* to such a dr^r*o ih*.t a i.-odhy aquon t« at i'*co brought ;u As a rexr.«*dj lo which U’ornis are csjcwially subject it i* super- s«sVng every other stimulant. As a Spring • n*l Sammrr TohIc* they have no equal. Th**y are a nuld and gentle rurgativo aa well as Tome. They parity the b’ooi. They are a splendid Appeaser. UnTU'Ako the week strong. Tb^y part^ and invigorate. They cure Dye- pepela. Constipation and Headache. They act M m epeotfle la eil of dtonrdrn whiefc uaderti in- tb«bodily strengtft aod break d^a the animal splrtta. J. JOHNSTON. Jewel r n»wl Oj.tici ai.ia MjLs.lsunt t* r Mjwaau Ga, ' (• v . »*• •■*.! * rd No I- ' IkraNMkraLX «L H J kUs V V I Th# rn*l deman* 1 f»»r tb**w» Sinte r* hw in- tlu<\*d iuiwtu|*uI*>us doaWa tojolm uff on iufrroir and ewriuiN nn h*U* (< r th«* Diamond.' Gnat rer«* 'l.. iiki he taken to <ep tlut the trul.“-iuar* (wht#h b iwotrrfod by Amrhnui L*KiV»iliteiU g*tomp*«! on every pair. ulltdAaly* S. K. JOHNSTON. OHANGrEOF SCHEDULE, T BUILD AND KEPAUB WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD CO, OPFICK GKVKUAL At. SI. Atlanta, liu., July 10,1»7- /\N;an'l after th ? -» date— nmmB ALL KIM'S M.\< 'll INKJI.Y r attyflktf se, perform \vfZ(we iSlvftS r touo. and in this wny hare built up ■—■■ The Largest Trade in the South! Send f»r price Mx. cin-ularx. nUluinM s, Mjut i- ineii copi**?*. of Southern .Mu»i<nl Journal. $1 tier year, ami try ns with m order. Ll*7>DEN A BATES. sepg 3m navmueriy Oa. K ATALYSIVK WATBR-THKGRKtr Mfdi fiM: or NiTruK. IiHbirvd by tn HMb*^i M .I . Authorities. »M»-•«;!:.r 1 r*r to l*arahtic. YouthfulVifur t*itheAcv«l,aiui lvirloiM the YulilVM a Critical P. rk-4: fb*- «4\ra Calculi and * t hatky~ IVpttats: Ikon 1Rhcum»ti«n. Dnirian. Nruralria. 1J ravel. DiabetU. Di'.‘uM-> of tin* KUn* vs. Lav ■ r ajrtd Ski*v Ahd**minal JMj|cy,ChnjnHY Ibar- rL i«.. l\*!>ttpuXUML V'tiiinaJ N*-n« 0-n.v.> hMaaMteuaml Drtulity.and nearly «*t- nr rbustuf Chnmir Di-nw*. PampklrU con- uuidxar Histofyof the Sprint and TewtlnKiniafc frock MedtnU Journals Eminent Mivwmr* tndT «ii«tinrui<died citiucna. arnt fm* bv tuul 13 WHITNEY KKO.'i.GniTAiwnta.227Sooth r’n*{it *lm Philadelphia. Fbr'xale by nil drur- n-t* »udw»ltei AT MY WORKS. 1 .f e*i«ng der Avspaper for Sale, HAHDli BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS MADE TO ORDER A GREAT BARGAIN! ri.s Exeoctxix— nj UUnti, Neb. of a irivut Uttl. tin- lioatilc triU*! The camp of (tin mU iva. was at- * bv a super km Only 50 Cents per Bottle. It 91 am T ikeG ROWTII, PHt>EKVr.s Ite COLOR* wad iswsw* ibr Vifop ; mm 4 uai TV sfiiK> 11 ah:, p On, Twi.tt Yn»i»M Wfgag*! m yn H.i* ~ lot «*-■.»».«*-1-*":* IN if r — -r* r Tboweelp'pa.errwkeeiaof rrwat. a I'ofiac* Tb# wme w fr\*m tr.a Unty it bee 06tewed.iswreerCensed and tactvJ- KfiU It idomm the Goowth and BraCTT". i Hasa. list d*H*t*± tiTT'JIL. nirlsimulaat oH . at Ciiattan*,. AND ALL THEIR FITTINGS FOR SALE. ila<v. Cars on all night trains, narticulr.’* addra* B. W. AVK.BNX. General Paawnger Agent. ' o(d or younc. of cither a $5>i a wft k. at hooa day alL Suitable to either ci ix« ci the year. Hue b 1 i*.* u)k> are out of >» «ck. tk« as nd^nKmitii! lirimr ,ir**d. Our Isunphlet, “1 IVING." jnvinc full tnafeni 10 cents. Aildnws. A. BIT Southern Times & Planter, Ca5 and Bee at my workn, Fourth street, near the Brown House, Macon, Ga. Send for Circiilaoi...,® g. POET BOYAL RAILEOAD, cotton - am, it uuauy d Supkkixtexdkxt, Ga.. June -r. 1878. me 80, traiiiN 011 this OFPICK OP K.VOI5KEII AS Auoumta. ) N and after Monday. Ji RaiJ Hill run a* follow! d Mv.n.l now is 1 a ht.s.ii : l':»vrn< jKUsmt jmnmil Published at Sparta, Georgia. I TinuFumMffA PATENTED JULY, 1S71 PORT.VBLE FAMILY Lon 30 d^ys' trial; many i'faction ruanuibvd. or Irte, with (ulldinttMU. 11c Cft SU2 Bn^du-ay. iT PASSKSOKR TR.' Amnutta at clrrul-it’ • \ rind ,r- 1 piv,vp:*rfms condition, is ofleral for sale. at Cbarl*t*ton at. at Savaunah WcQ arm* ir prvii'.t. LD take thia method of informing the pnblir. that hundreds are now in u*e from Virginia to is Wbeiwer it has been intn*iucvd it ha» uneven a auccsasa ^ hc^.nnnr in general use. f Minaii.-n th»ee a ho have not ae»*n the Got in u», wmnW state that it runs light; giriM r^vd j»-rfi<*tly. and makes a U-autiful sample of cotmn. Ttw roll box i* ao cunateucted fampomaake to break the n»li or rhoko the Gin by any fair means, and a child ten yean* old t as irrll <is an9 our. All of which I guarantee, and warrant every Gin to wirr entire satis- no sale ’ * • [»rivement in my c> .;u*n or roll bar is. that it is longer at the top than where the cotton is tu.»-n the rd*. purcha-intr ('otton Gins would do well to luok to this brivt paicbaafitg *4hdr ftAgla.aa I r.:n.>! to pruuvt n..y patkxt from any and all infntocwzaetate. - ui»hmc b. parrltase CatU<i Gins would do well to examine the KXCKLBIOR COTTON re puivh&»i:*c. Soiuples can he asm at ^ ;KK TRAIX. tkhW* m:\sny\tit.r.. 'Ill: NKW ELASTIC try invcntvm. It r ui’i* ■' ~ 1 uralcr th.* hard. 01 is worn u ith cumfort. ,.. -fl.vt* a j.-nnar nt •.*‘|v*': • ««-nt by mails Wil! leave Port Royal Leave Gharlestoii ul .. r Woman’s Glory Is Her Hair. LYON’S ATHAIRON LOUISIANA CANE SYRUP *trh’.’ TUAI8. ftiuMU-l ufarvlan r wnt to the Hafir ;N.Y. c;tv. Nobody LITTLE. JORDAN A CO. UP XIOHT PAMKJUiBU c Port R".val at... siox—Crab Raa rh.—A. inaugurHt«*d at Chtend, [.• enough in itA**lf. ha«i unon to UK«it Kport of rvuiation of l«jf»su* caoh. ib nwN«. Fire or sit -V.-.*.! in n lino at a dis- ty y.ir*D fr»*m the . *n by a finger laid on signal being given to wrti m Uu-hr u.-ual wo- ♦bf>lV wvftri nmn»*. And i>-> it wine tite prise. A Chari. meh'i aodJwIv CARHART fle CURD’S, A^ants, MACON. GEORGIA. LAND FOR SALE, THIS IS NOW THE ONLY : leaving Mncim hy the rt:8n \ m train .I Aumi-ta Railroad, arrive ut Atucu-— Ve rWoimivticn with the down Lmm on Ibis nc.J for Yt>rt Koval JAMES O. MIXJRK, * Enm'neer and Hnperintentient. paSM’n? 1 Ms. vii '1GHT nUNT>RF.P D. P.FLKMING. JAMBS V. WILSON. rtiirht and SevaiiiAali. July 1 tf mora THiAsis Pure New Orleans Syrup Now in Market 3000 CASES BOOTS & SHOES, .- . • .•> ,(">>■ > r WM. F. TANNER 6 CO., t»k?^ wo muwps. PLANTERS’ BANK, toll*.* andurt, n ul •■uriA.cwt- 1*«. o?K*t.unis io»4 all farm pwibicf* *f Mt.Mi.- tw*» d.Turahb* fw.ii, ,4 a>> /. »:ir >4 ** acre* Mach. licMdcnd by nnui, umi; imim U* be th.- h*-%t fantmur laral* rx>w l,,r *j,|. m tbi» turn 14 the Slate Tiv.-^e laiwU »ili l«- m.Ul t. the horhust tedder. u< Um Umu uf Furt Vaikw the flrvt Moralav in Ortnlvr.lM*^n II and 2 ,,V|.«-k. Al»^al tbr mnic tjm»e pkvr,ouoof’:!». t--»; ia|m«ri Main tbfc plant* «v*Maimr>r f ur a. n-» <if tend. P«»r further mK>rnmlk4i. a|.i,n u> Wm. J. Airirfu<*..«v U. the underMtfned *t V**n Valiev. Go. W»(. I GftKKNK.’ FoOT VAlAKY. Ga.. Kt|4 S. I*d ar|*-d?w m'.*W BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE. FOKT VALLEY, fi t. E ) BCFIVES DppoaitR, diamante Paper, buys and %i fella Kxchonga; also. Gold and Silver. Collections made at all aorex&ihk) points. Imprest paid on Deposits when mad© for a RaS C AjtSm«>!», Pres't. W. *. BsnWA.CMh'r DiUCTORa: t _ _ * , I'm. J. Anderson. Col. Hu«h L. Deimard W. t. M. Felton. Dr. W. A. Maitenr^ Dr. Wm. H. HoUinriw* aLroody aehu*w- I ^ ^ iwsvly method of Uu-ruJ *krucU«in^valiMwU- • than fiv** humlred franca «»iv* ***it of ihi -***Uaou (i udiaU *r h r rrc»*irmr from the Manufacturer* a vm larre an VND TBl N Ks of every drocnption. which Will be m s.lmx Cbaricaten are invited lu exammr our stock. d. r. FZ.EKHT& a 00. 2 HATSB STREET. CORNER 09 CHVRC] 7 We W ill Sell at Low FVrice^f- f ris ing in that it d»a^% not Wflil * “*»▼ NnphufrM* about •‘jjaprov- ra» Pi*.*’ Kn up. mini lea liful. The <e.H by all Dncswist* noviseudly KAB CEL A. NELSU.N. J AJOW GILFILLIN LOST ENERG' Lvua > A Ir A il HUT] ispuU* u> th, 4 P&w tjUltj. f ram MitchotL ib,- x-l -f A * |1„M ,t, \< • • . t!!i