Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, September 21, 1873, Image 4

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XL ■ .A TS£ MaOON DAtiS tELS&BAtfl AND ^ a * - SCNJOAY MORNING. SKITEMBER 21, 18?8i THE CITY. SUNDAY MORMTNfl. KBIT M. I«W- Kellxtvu» Hfrtlw Tfc4»J Chriht Cii' ia'H.—Dirine ecrrice by the jewtor at 104 a- and 8 r. X. Friday f, r at thi» .•Toninjr’a aerrioe, ftrat of ■i aerie* of ■'Short Locturao on Scripture < 'hane tem." Sunday-uchool at 9 A Sr. IU kna uah’Chat, l. —Sunday -uchool at 9 r. H. Preaching at 4 r. ». and •■H,,ly Communion.” 1 “reaching entry Wi-lnewbiy cTening at 8 o’clock. Seat* free. Fiiuit Ciltraon.—Preaching at 104 o'clock, a. M., and 8 r. «., by Die r. Kev. W. H. Mclntoah. Sunday, achool at 9 A. x. M iilberbt St k«ct M«THODiirr Chlech Preaching at 104 a- by the paator, Kev. Jaa. O. Branch. Sumlay-Achool at & j\ m. I’ray.g mevting erery Wudneaday at 8 r. m. Claaa-moeting every Friday at 6 r. x. PatmiTTEKiAX Cuukch.—Rcfjaira being completed, service* will be held in the church, instead of the lecture room, at 101 o'clock a. X. * Fitter Strmt MrrHODiirr Chcbch.— Preaching at 104 o’clock, A. M . by Rev. J. P. le«. Sunday-achool at 4 o'clock p. x. No scrvic.** in this church at night Ea*t Micoif M. E. Cbiwh.-Morning aervioe u>4 o'clock. Preaching by poetor. Rev. R. M. Lockwood. Sunday-achool at 4o*clock. Evening service at 7:45 o'clock. Preaching by Rev. A. W. Cliiby. Quar- t. rly Conference Tn.-ieluy evening, at the jHintoaage. Jottre' CiiAPrn.—Morning aervioe at 11 o'clock. Preaching by Rev. H. J. Ilar- voy. Sunilav-whool at 1 o'clock. Evening aerriea at H cfdock. Preac hing and Holy Communion hy Her. ff. J. Toole. Quar- j torly Conferen'c; Tuesday evening. ACiflf ■ENT ON TEE IeMRAL E. ft: BaiftfM mm* Vmwr Cara Bn IM« a Wifti fliitWw KIM U«t evening Major Shell man, i^est oI the Central Railroad, received a die- patch from Superintendent Soger*, di recting him not to send oat a train to Savannah, last night, ae a wash had oc curred in the road and the train could not p*M. I^ter we learned that an accident had occurred on the road, and upon in quiry the following facta were obtained: The heavy rain of Wednesday caused a waeh in the road at Paddamore’s hill, near the 72 mile poet. The down freight train, net aware of this fact, wae moving at its usual speed, when the engine and four cam were precipitated into the wash, and the engineer, Mr. Wm. Story, the fireman and the wood passer were crushed to death. Mr. Story ha* been an en gineer on the road for twenty yearn, and ia well known and highly esteemed in Macon. We were unable to learn the name* of the fireman and wood passer. No train left for Savannah hut night, and none arrived thence. The train, however, from Augusta, over the Central mad, arrived in due time. Its running ia not interfered with, as the accident occur red below Millen. Parties arriving hut night from Augusta bring the report that a dispatch had been received in that city from Mr. J. M. Sal kirk. Superintendent of the South Caro lina railroad, stating that an engine had been precipitated into a wash on that rood, between George** and Reeves* turn out. and an engineer, fireman and wood^ passer killed. Attention is caviled to the advertise ment of Mrs. Morgan, dnwinaker, Oak street, near Spring. Monel is given elsewhere that Messrs. Lawton A Hates have sold their stock of goods to Col. W. J. Lawton, who will con tinue the business. Attention ia callod to the advertise ment of John Ingalls, Druggist, who ad vertises the pharmaceutical preparations of Caswell, Hazard A Co., the celebrated druggists and family chemists, under t Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York city. A full line of their goods may l>e found nt his store. Accident at the Dixie Works. Mr. P, E. Saunders, employed by Messrs. Guernsey, Bartruin & Hendrix* Dixie works, had his loft forefinger am putated by a circular saw yesterday. The finger was taken completely off. TIB FINANCIAL CHASM. The Statu* of the Maeoa Buka The great financial crash in New York which has shaken the business world to its veiy center, is not likely to Involve the loss of a single dollar to any of the Macon banks. True, the banks here have some $90,000 on deposit with their New York correspondents, but with single exception the banka here are bor rowers from New York over and above their deposits. Besides this none of the New York correspondents of tne Macon banks have failed or suspended, but up to the close of business yesterday they were all right. The correspondents of the Macon banka arc the National City Bank, Mechanics* National Bank, Hanover National Bank, Park National Bank, Fourth National Bank and Henry Talmadge A Co. All these institutions, up to our latest news by telegraph, were firm and solvent. Accident, nt Daw Min. In the Dawson Car Works, on Thurs day, a negro man fell with his head against a circular saw, which was in motion at the time. Tho negro’s head was split open. He lived a few hour* afterward. The Flkt* Habeas Corpus. Tho counsel in the case of L. B. Pike withdrew the application for a writ of habeas corpus yesterday, and the case now line over until the first day of Oc- tot*er, when it will come up for |trial be fore Judge Hill, at a called term of tin Superior Court. The Georgia Hill*. Messrs. Burr A Flanders, though sell ing about all tho flour they can manufac ture, have something to say in our col umns this morning touching the merits of their renowed brands—Wiley’s XXXX, etc. The Georgia Mills flour ia always fully up to tho standard, and as it is | manufactured lit homo we take pleasure in recommending it to every housewife in tho State. The Iswnt Frlcc* Yet. Messrs. W. A. Banks A Sons announce thi* morning a still further reduction on ( their atock of goods, which they desire to close out within tho next five days. Their purpose is to remove os few as possible of I those goods to Forsyth, whither they go on the 1st of October. Their entire stock [ ia included in this reduction, and the public is invited to call and be assured j that those low prices are bona fide, and not merely a trick to induce patronage to their store. We call attention to their ] advertisement. Paw Many Can be Kntertalne*. After a thorough canvass of the city, Colonel T. G. Holt ia of the opinion that Macon, during the fair, outside of the ho tels, will bo able to accommodate twenty thousand visitors. The Colonel has can vassed many of the principal streets and has taken down a list of those who will entertain, together with the number that each will accommodate. We are glad to see the Macon people going into thia matter so heartily. The people con now come along os numerously as they please. Macon will take care of them. The Park. Work on the Hippodrome is advancing rapidly. The roof will be on in a few more days, and the seat* are being xccted as rapidly as possible. With the roof on and the seats up, the building will be ready for the white washers. The new horse atolls are about com pleted, and additional mule and cattle {►on* are in procoss of erection. Work was begun on the new Exhibi tion Hall yesterday. Masons were build ing the pillars, and Mr. Pettit wiil be on liand with the timbers without delay. One of the prettiest improvements lately made in the Park is a shelter for hicken coops. It ia deddodly the hand- soiiH*t thing down there. More of them ought to be built. A gray fox made its appearance inside the mile track the day before yesterday, and tried his speed across it. Ho was chased into the tall grass at the lower ind of tho track where he hid himself away. Three or four dogs got into the deer park a few days ago, and gave chase to tho j deer. Fortunately they were driven off before any damage was done, and, unfortunately they were suffered to get away without being killed. The work of leveling the mile track ia nearly completed. A heavy harrow and scraper were dragged over it yesterday to loosen up the hard places. The gates to the track were closed to the public and^will be closed again to-day. The two elliptical mounds in the rear of the Floral Hall have been completed and water is now being introduced into the handsome iron vases which surmount them. Tbs shock tbsf Iftv offer to tbs pubtte ia ptoh»Uy tbe largest sad most < plate in tbs Mato. It van rate to at tempt any minute description or < meretio* of the mnhxtude of beautiful and useful articles to be seen in this ele gant and commodiop* store. Bach line of goods sibrsoas the beet and fullest assortment of its kind. Their pocket end table eutlory as msnnfsctursd in Sheffield. England, and is imparted direct from tbenoe. So also the potterieff of thb old ooumtry furnish the crockery and glass, which, brought over in the original package, they are enabled to seD at meet astonishing bargains. Of lamps and chandaliers, especially, they have one of the largest and moat magnificent display* ever seen in fed*. Rich dinner .ad la. aerrtees of china, the bert of qiwamK, sad the more com moo grade. of crockery. At mere mmlml prim, Are offered to pnirhiorn In'Ad dition, they here oo hA&d A splendid •tock of sOrer-pktsd goods, eqnsl in style And finish to Any in the country, ml t largo uaortment of fumy reticles nnd toilet' furattore of the mrart sad most nekmrke prtteiTft But we erentot dwell longer upon the oontents of the ilognut store of Messrs. Welker A Dobbs. Suftoe it to say they offer to lifh'ti.ts erery bill purchased in Kev York, aad country defers should buy of them, and thus sure the time end eipenre of s journey to mere distent markets. Messre. Mix ft Kirtk&d Are nov re* oeiring nt their stores on Cotton Avenue And on Third street, their fell and vinter stock of boots And shoes. They here bought unusually large stocks this Anticipating a huge jobbing business re veil ss their usual henry retail business. Both their store, nov me crowded with boxes end cues, containing everything that is new, cheep end elegant, in the wsy of boots usd shoes. The number of their styles is greeter than ever it wm before. Especially is this the cue with their stock of Indies’ shoes, of which , they have an endless number of styles, at a wide range of prioes. This firm is one of the most excellent in Macon, aad has the confidence of eve rybody who trade here. Long ago their business out grew the capacity of ooe store, and they established smother, in a different portion of the city. One of their stores is under the immediate di rection of Mr. Mix, and the other under Mr. Kirtland. Either is doing a good business—the two being so situated as to be accessible to the more populous por tions of the city. Both are elegantly fitted np, and easterners are waited upon by attentive and polite salesmen. We call attention to the Advertisement of this firm which Appear, elsewhere this morning. They advertise nothing which they have not iu store and make no prom ise which they are not prepared to ful fill. ■mm. carter*, VMUM ft Cn. Any Southern merchant or gentleman visiting Kew York, and needing clothing to sell again or an elegant outfit for him self, will regret not making the acquaint ance of this firm and examining their magnificent stock. The proprietors are courteous and reliable, and ia 1 Major Handley, their Southern rep reresenta- tive, will be found an accomplished gen tleman aad expert talesman, who, thor oughly ported m to the want, and style of the South, will give perfect satisfaction to customers in every instaooe. The Ma jor is thoroughly known and a great fa vorite in this section, aad will spare no pains to please his Georgia aad Alabama friends. Orders seat hy mail will ceive his careful personal attention. BEADING NOTICES. Financial and Commertia OmaTnaaiif >w> t—im Cotton. *B Mi ns raariplft to-day sen **— 111 by rail and kywagoa. Tks riiipraratfl ww MB hilss. rales Bf. ■*on* coTTtv Rimm. ■odiw haftgffi 1. MTS ..1JOT-SJM WMwptd to-dsy i band ttu> •raning - L1R8T SAIKBYB BY TEUDBftftPH Financial. Niw You — Jfooo— JCo Mocks to-day. Ivninr-Io ramJar moony market. Gold cinsftd 1 llMgll. Statsbonds.aothnmdaing. IlwOBlifi IBgrftngBH. New Tort « | Mrams. Gold llK. Lomov—Noon.—Tto am from Nvw Tart mim % bettor testing trie**. Larva—Brie 464- Cotton. Nvw You—Noon—OoMan qetoft aad nnarinal. qplndft 18f. OrirssB ltL new crop. Futuna opnad: flsvmmber IB Orto- * 17k November 17 7-1S. Bwectisv—Cotton. raSraoripta »7; cram SMB. Pntoras rimed ftnsc sales IMS; Brslwiber ISfaOrtober 17|£17 11-1* November 17I&17 7-1* “ — 17 7-Mt market " „ iwfiflil of Mt7 bales aft WglBiaewi Mk. the marks) Dnriu the week, the marl tea ruled irregular. Nvw oBvhr aft lower price* ahnoaft every dear, si guomifc— were jealerdsy confined to Erasing new crop far lutnard -delivery, and than was —‘nruftv beateem up to Thursday, whan Bast roubtas brought mattery to a dose. Tofts! miss of tbs weak mjm balsa of whteh 71JM were for future dob very, and MM for farmed iat* delivery, ee IoOowb; UB ter export. 7M7 tor STte ■ pec *'** ian - 17k i meetwlefi Mi sales low middbiwa life ksft dull eadlower. Bovrov- Cotton, net raoatpfta M; graea—; to stock M* middlingi SOf; market quiet. Wiuuvotov—Cotton, net raeeipls 110| stock Bto'esles to suddMnga to. market steady. CXAiMROi-Cottoo. net raeripfte S7: — —: exports meat wise VIS: ralas Mis ntoek dtftb middnngB 171; low wiiddlinga 17; atriet good ordinary IA market dull and nominal, Arecsrft—Cotton, net reeoipts tto, asles tto Bat Ajnrxu—Cotton, net reoeipta 117V; exportft ooaet wise —; rales 107; atock CU7; mkidlinge 17k market quiet. Lnruroox—Noon—Cotton dull and nnehsupsd SEW ADVEBTI8EMKKTS. lerteft And rhespesl stock of Staple and Fancy GOODS! Vl linn an to eall and examine oar Btook of goods sndlbe oonrinoed we mil THB BK8T GKADBSof GOODS at tbcfLOWBST PRICKS. This week we Invite special attention to the following rxw GOODS which we offer si hATSAin price. ! lft 11, And 1M MARSEILLES QUILTS, 1ft 11 nnd IB-4 SHEETING, 1ft 11. IS retd 14-4 BLANKETS, 4, 6, And 6-4 BLEACHED COTTONS. Large ireonnenU NAPKINS, DOILIE8, TABLE DAMASKS retd TOWELS, PIANO sad TABLE COVERS. Largest Assortment BLACK GOODS IN THE CITY. BLACK SILKS, of best makes, at New York prioes. COLORED SILKS in all the new and fashionable colors, aad everything new and stylish in DRE88 GOODS. The Plwlf. Tho picnic to lx* given for tho bonefit of St. Jon»*ph*a convent underth©auspices of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, will Like place at Central City Park at two o'clock and from that time forward there n*M*d Ik* no lack of pleasure. Thin •kvial entortaiNiuent ia ijiven for the purpose of aidixig the benevolent Catholic p*xipl«T of Macon in the erei'tion of a convent for tho use of tho Sisters. The purpose in a most excellent one, and wo should Ik* happy to see a lar^e crowd of people down at the picnic. The prom ise now is that the day will l>e a pleasant one. The Macon Ladles aad the State Fair. The following information is published at the request of some of die ladies who are preparing articles for exhibition at the State Fain Goods entered aa part of the Bibb county display, can also be entered for the various premiums offered by the State Agricultural Society. The fact that they are a portion of the oounty dis play, does not prohibit them from com peting for the State premiums. Articles for the county display may be •ntcred at the office of Mr. B. H. Wrig- ley. Secretary of the County Agricultural Society, on Second street. We are happy to hear that the Maoon ladies have gone to work in earnest to prepare articles for exhibition. Hun iroda of them are at work, and will coo tribute their part for the credit of the oounty. A partial canvass of Yineville, made a day or two ago, by a lady mem her of one of the committees, revealed the fiict that ten ladles in that beautiful suburb are preparing articles for exhibi tion. We are happy to know that this work is going on. ‘Without the help of the ladies the fair would be a failure, and Bibb would not presume to enter the con test of the counties for the one thousand lollar premium. Our neighbors and wholesale drug gists, Hunt, Rankin k Lamar, most be doing a heavy business; go in their es tablishment when you will, and yon will find all hands, from the porters to the proprietors, busy ae bees—every sign seems to say they mean business it makes an industrious man feel happy to go into their store, and a laxv man is. rehrened to stop in their neighborhood. I PATENT MEDICINES » It. Tntnux ft Guxv in Urge nmnnUc- rere of tinware, and the very lowest prices. WATER-PROOF LADIES’ CLOTHS— in ell colors. Baching, Sseh Ribbons, Kid Gloves and sS novelties at the lowest prices. 8. Wnxelbanm £ Bro. Proprietor! -NSW YOU BTOU." sretitf oreviitreiM. NSW’A 1 ** B."P. Italeer, ' Late of S. T. A B. P. Walker. FOB RHNT. tbs upper end of Oak street, baud. Apply to a rood neighbor- A-1>- CLOUTMP.j Lffg. NIST. A PART cf a Bate on W.hmt rtrwt. next boose above McBumey** tenement. Apply on the premiifR. wpil It* Dress Making. MBS. S. g. MORGAN’. Charter Oak Stoves. Country Merchants ’laid down* Irotn tits Xorth. This wc nuruitee.' TRUMAN A GREBX. (Sign of Golden Store.) NOTICE. liberal patronage of our customers. LAWTON A BATES. Hsrt—tui lAUt, TO . aap»t if Tha Code of Georgia. 1873. JUST PUBLISHED ST J. W. BURKE & CO., JNO. H. DOBBS, Late of Wise, Dobbs Co. 2 SO Crates of Crockery WALKER & DOBBS Crockery and China EMPORIUM coir. PRICE. GA. Interleaved U Subscribers will be supplied at once in the Bar in which names were entered. Orders tor now subscription* will be reoeiv by • J. W. BURKE A CO- Macon or Atlanta. Ga Tbs Constitution and Herald, Atlanta; Chrou ids and Sentinel. Augusta; News. Savannah Enquirer, Columbus; Watchman. Athens, cop; C. H. BAIRDj MERCHANT TAILOR, UNDER RIDDLE’S OLD GALLERY, . NsICattai Avenue, XT AS jest received the 11 ,hft‘r o f, A Latest Styles - IX— ' ^ Suitiiisft - Coatings, Fancy Otaaimerea, Etc. Bpecial attention given to the tailoring art and the elm i« not to be excelled by any one in Style and Workmanship, reptlrendt C. H. BAIRD. Agent Still Further Reduction. .HTIMB losing Out Prices! O iWING to our removal to Porayth on tho 1st _ ’ proximo, we will sell all classes of goods at closing out prices until the 27th instant. and will be, if bargains We specify no particular goods, but include our hole stock in these bargain prices. Come and see that we will prove our assertions. V we have but five days more. W. A. BANKS k SONS. acpfltf' North Georgia Property FOB hale. !«EW DKPARTI KK. A Whalriftlf ClatlilBK ■•use. From an advertisouu»nt in another col umn it will be seen that Mosers. Win- ship A Callaway, one of the oldest and most substantial clothing houses in th« State, have opened a wholesale depart ment in their business. They are receiv ing a tremendous stock of rv'ady matle goods, and offer thorn to the trade at New York jobbing rates. This firm have ample capital, and propose to make things lively in the wholesale clothing business. M.'iv'i&nts should not fail to give them a call before seeking a more remote market. The Mayer** Cm art. His Honor, Mayor Huff, and his pro tempore Honor, Alderman J. W. Burke, loth being absent from the city, it de volved upon Alderman Cornell to exer cise judicial functions yesterday morning. There was but one cose on docket and t hut was against a Justice of the Peace in and for the county of , but we will not mention the name of the county, as the functionary in question has expressed a dtviire to have his name and location »oppressed. The young fellow was up on two count*—one for being drunk and < 1 inonlerly and the other for shooting in the city. It aeexns that when he left his home in on adjoining oounty and come to the city ha laid aside certain social re straints whic h govern young men at home, and made up his mind to have a fair and square wrestle with Maoon whioky. The «>»n*«*quence was as usuaL He got drunk and noisy, whooping and hallooing upon the streets, and finally went to a fash ionable boarding house on Rotten Row, and while in the parlor thereof, endeav ored to put a ball in the head of the dog star, through the ceiling and roof of the building. Officer Hurley was in coll and rioon had the Justioeof the Peace arrested and lodged in tho barrack*. Five dollars settled his indebtedness with the dty, and he went awny a soberer if nUm hap pier man. The Jewish New Year. This afternoon at sunset the Jewish New Year begins, and it ends at sunset to-morrow. In some countries, and i*ome sections of this country, the observ* •vneo extends through two days; but Macon, the Israelites, os a doss, observe only one day—and during that day their places of business ore closed more scru pulously than if it were the Sabbath. There are two Jewish New Years, one, the beginning of the civil year, occurring about the first of April and the Eocleai astioal New Year beginning to-day. It is the first day of the year 5634 of the Jew ish calendar. It will be observed here by exercise* in the place of worship fitted up for the occasion, Huff's Hall, at 6 o’clock this evening, and at 8 o’clock to-morrow, The services will be conducted by Mr. L. C. Stem homier, of Atlanta. The civil New Year is not observed and celebrated by the Hebrews in this country, but the Ecclesiastical year always is. The day is kept as an holy one, and the ten following days are more or less reH giouoly observed, as it brings them to the day of atonement, which is one ct the most solemn parts in the. Jewish calen dar. It is a season of prayer for forgfre- neas for the post, and for grace for the future—a season of repentance and atone ment for sin. There is a belief the Jews that cm their New Year day, their "destiny for the ensuing year is marked out, which destiny is sealed ^ delivered on the day of atonement. Messrs. Walker to Bmhhm. These gentlemen are the successors of the lamented Basil A. Wise, and his man tle could hare fallen upon no worthier shoulders. Mr. Walker is well known to the public as one of the old firm of 8. T. A B. P. Walker, than whom no house in Maoon was mors popular and deserving. His former business proving too arduous to one of delicate constitution, he was in (iivvyl to fbe change os oboe# indi cated. J. H. Dobbs was the junior part ner of Mr. Wise, aad long experience has merle him eu fmk ia the ddtto ct the A«ry business. turer* of tinware, xnd aeU at wholrele for I PniUSM Oinrs. the reiy lowert prices. reptSl-ftt « * U ‘ ™ • I. N. Hast, Ataerieos, G*., keeps tm I GfftYelj’ff flonninA flhAwinar To- hxod the beet itock ef floor aad general I groceries) confectioneries of all Undajl baoeOf fruits, orsngee, applea and lemon*; toy, of all kind*; cakea of aO kinds, and bakaa I H&TWbII’i fD)owing Ba.1aa.wi. to order. eepSO dlaw,wftsw "Good wine needs no bush." We hare the Charter Oak Store at the lowest price theta first-lass store can be sold at from $33, up. TitnusftOunt, Sign of the Golden Store, A Finrr-cnas Grate with blower, ash pan, fire brick (complete) at Truman ft Green, for nine dollars. sspt21-ft Tauitu, ft Gexxx will sell you crock, cry arid glassware at wholesale and-re tail as cheap as yea can buy it ia the State. eeptSl-ftt Too can buy any good aad reliable cook store in the market from Truman ft Green. septSl-3t Don’t forget to send your waste graese to the soap factory bxlay. septl9tf Eaolx Choicx Flou> baa nerer taken any premiums. Why t Because it has nerer been exhibited. augtjtf Fine Toilet Soaps, Finfi Engliffh and American Hair Bnuhoa, Hue do. do. Tooth Bnuhoa, Im« do. do. Extraota, Extra Fine Golonge Water, And A rasmoth fitock sf fine sod eoaise SPONGER I Hunt, Rankin A Laomr-g, ■Wistt uniuw THB Buy only Heao’s XXXX Tobacco, as good aa the best, and SS per cant. cheaper. sepITtf Attxntion MxncKajrrs Central City I Choice, Yours to Count On, aad Pride of Geoegia are reliable breads of cigars manufactured only by George W. Hsalt's I sep!7tf 1 Ths trade will rare money by pur- ] charing their flour of the'Eagle Mala. All grades guaranteed to gire tion; only beat amber and white wheat | need. ' aagflttf Joer Stcmna—Three hundred bm tobacco, on ccnsignmnat. with tion* to sell for what it win bring, in the ( next four days. Tanas cash or bank pn> I per at sixty days with interest. sspl7tf Gao. W. Hsad. ft Card. Kao Lx Kxtsla and Eagle Family are J well known to aU honeneiiin aad need j W. J. Lawton. Old Wooden Drug store .—or— J. H. ZEILIN & CO hast •stria sf a vim, asm kew, an, PUSS BUSHES, TOSSES, PQ ' nsu, MAPS, ETC. itesrediri “* jayjren'Jifterimtdirteu irtr/red terti Z&tSSS&USSZZJiOi i. h. non a oo. Hrwr. Rankin ft Lanas.-This wall kaowaJ sml febsbls aTM teas israand s luw 1st ri Or. [ Head's Rawfta User Hsdiries ittesths] el *0 who teas tried It. In Mdse at » JOHN INGALLS BFSCIAL IGRTT TOR CABWm,MIUKT)ft CO.’S PHAEMACEDTICAL Kaslx Cnoaea Flock is prenomead by | an who bare tried it Ms tart. Mam taped by W. 3. Lawton ft Co. SRgSltf V|ronjj mrts. the Stnmis ft I>,i ill I J7 .endsatestDttepw,inliiM rt&is aid sad srttestsd hsaaa Tte ass audenad hr aB datetow,tewore.mxiw Tort^r rt the itnmlift Wild Canar liius-lW Winry rt Sr. tmlatesd ia tbshmsts rt items Si | • rt WSd Ohanytecan JOHN P. FORT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, tieargia. Horaraa Horaaaa Hntaaaa—Deal u m i N»" Raa fisasst ftnotauaa ftrarr ftr- rer fcr sO dlasasm tautest m tte ttert rti tsstbint in rhildsm. ~ ten. rams wind ertar. b, sjriasrabrf to the smite, tow’s Soot si so Srsrr' fur ah to ab diitnid . x. oeaueirr. ms asses a. s. mgnn. COLQUITT ft BftGGft , _ .. I y*■ghslP.- lbtoi 4 touVs tsrslM r fispy- PpHAT most beautiful summer residence In Cherokee Georgia, situated in the picturesque Faun's Talley, sixteen miles from the city of Roma sod U miles from the village of Cave Spring, immediately oo the Selma, Some and Dalton Railroad. The property is well known as “Woodstock,’ the residence of the late Mrs. Francis L. Bartow. The house Is commodious and comfortable and beautiful, healthy and attractive. a. and the place can bo subdivided and eerily sold, leaving a small farm tor the owner of the residence, tole to take place in front of the Corn (-bouse, l Roma Oft, on the first Tuesday in October (7th). IMS. TERMS—One-half cash, balance in one and twoyeaia, with interest at seven per cent, secur ed by mortgage oo laud. We have in store and to arrive two hundred and fifty crates C. C. and W. G. Crockery for our wholesale trade, which we intend selling as cheap as the cheapest.. New York, Philadelphia or Baltimore not excepted. In short, and as proof, bring, ns your New York invoices and we will duplicate, say nothing of the ruinous freights and breakage. CHINA. CHINA. CASKS REAL FRENCH CHINA. We have now in store twenty-five casks of real French and English China, which we will sell for thirty days at the following low prices: CHINA TEA PLATES - - CHINA BREAKFAST PLATES CHINA DINNER PLATES CHINA TEA SETS. 44 pieces CHINA DINNER SETS. 1S7 pi CHINA CHAMBER SETS, El China - -- -- -- - CHINA TEA PLATES - - CHINA BREAKFAST PLATES CHINA DINNER PLATES 1 75| 2 00 2 S' 10 50 45 OOiCO 00 IMITATION CHINA TEA PLATES BREAKFAST PLATES - - DINNER PLATES - - - . TEA SETS, +1 pieces DINNER SETS, 137 pieces - - - CHAMBER SETS. 11 pieces - - DEC. GRANITE SETS. 11 pii-ces - , 100 sets CUT GLASS GOBLETS - 1 25 1 75 '500 sets GOBLETS 1 50l 2 00 1 ! 1 00 1 25 1 50 7 50 35 00 7 50 9 00 2 50 100 TRIPLE-PLATED CASTORS; 6 CUT GLASS BOTTLES, §6 00 EACH. 150 dozen BRITTANIA DIPPERS, to the trade at New York prices. Cutlery and Silver-Plated Ware, GLASS WAKE, LAMPS, KEROSENE AND GAS CHANDELIERS, DRESSED TIN WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, KEROSENE OIL, By tho Gallon, Barrel or Car Load. Come and see or send us your orders. . WALKER <9c DOBBS, 82 MULBERRY STREET, MACON, GA. SOLE A6ENTS FOR THE PORTER COMBINATION AND PLANTATION HOE. sep21eod3m WHOLESALE CLOTHING STOKE In order to moot the wonts of our growing city, we have gone largely into t WHOLESALE CLOTHE ^ BUSINESS. We are now opening a large Stock, Bought From the Manufacturers, Expressly for the Wholesale Trade. WE WILL DUPLICATE ANY BILL BOUGHT IN NEW YORK. \JS. LESS BY A JOBBER WINSHIP k CALLAWAY. Boots and Shoes! FOR THE FALL TRADE, 1873. No. 3 Cotton Avenue and 66 Third Street. ONE OF THE BEST SELECTED STOCKS OF BOOTS AND SHOES? Ever offered by us in this market. ladies’, Misses’, Children’s, Gents’, Boys’, and Youths’ Wear. Comprising all varieties and styles, from the heavy brogan to the most delicate slipper, made to or der and of the best matt-rial. Country merchants will find it to their advantage to examine our stock, from which equally good selections can be made at prices that will compare favorably with those of the Northern cities. In the retail department, we have, at No. 3 Cotton avenue ami 66 Thin! street, all the latest styles of ladles*, Gentlemen’s and Children’s Roots. Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers, finished in the most elegant manner, and warranted durable, to all of which we would invite our friends and the public generally to call and examine. sep21eod3m ■ MIX & KIRTLAND. COLLINS & LITTLE, MACOIV, GEORGIA, GEORGIA MILLS V JL nUNK ii. EIGHT. Eiecutor. tepfileodtd* Notice in Bankruptcy. IN THB DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNI- TBD STATES FOR THE SOUTHERN DIS TRICT or GBORGIA. In the ms tto r of Jonah J. Clark—Bankrupt HpHI mid Baakrapt having petitioned the X Court tor a discharge from all his debts 4 o’clock F. a* at Chambers of raid District Court, before Isaac Beckett Bsq„ one of the Re*i»ters of raid Court in Bankruptcy, at the office of Avant k Branham, at Fort Valley, Go, and show cause why the prayer of the raid petition of the Bankrupt ’mmM not be granted. And farther notice is given that the second and third martins* of creditor* vtt Vs hold at the ■m tims prt place. Dated at Savannah, Georgia, this 18th day of “ A —'*■ - 1872. JAMBS MCPHERSON, Clerk. HO IFOR THB FAIR! W. L JOHAN & CO Raspactfiinjr mil attention to their attractive stock of House FumishingGoods Which they are enlarging daily, consisting of XGV, PILLOW CASINGS, COUNTERPANES. SPREADS, NAPKINS, . ? JV ? .7 : DOILIES. TABLE DAMASKS. TOWELS. Etc.. Which they offer at prices romtotent with the re- deciinein aU cliff of poods. RIBBONS! RIBBONS! A. JFHAIf A CO. a beautiful display of Dealers in all kinds of > * * We are .still offering to the Trade our celebrated brands of Flour WILEY'S XXXX, PEARL DUST, AMBER AND CORAL. Wc challenge competition in tho grades of Flour offerered. Our XXXX has no superior. These poods are mmulacttmd by us, awl wt* claim but m mufacturers: prioes, as^theyare bandied but once. Wo cun not, and nevt-r hagra c banrml DItAYAGK on our Flour. The attention of the trade is respectfully called to our BRAN, possessing, as it does, a large per centage of middlings, and Ls very nutritious and palatable to stock. GRAHAM FLOUR, always on hand. Remember, Flour is Our Specialty. BURR & FLANDERS, Nad BLAKE’S BLOCK. THE COMMONWEALTH LIFE The all first class companies. (. INSURANCE COMPAPTY OF NEW YORK CITY, comprehend, and at the minimum rates of Commonwealth ” is Safe, Popular and Prompt, WITH A PRACTICAL AND ECONOMICAL MANAGEMENT. Examine- th.- Saviii.^ Brink Finn. THOMAS U. CONNER, Maoon, Georgia, Manager of the Georgia Deportment. uturftl lawly For Rent. rpHE FLINT HOUSE, containing twenty-five A rooms, with aaidt-n and outbuildings. One of the best stands for a boarding-house in t^e city. ■<^ V ROBERTS or MILO S. FREEMAN, aogt tf HKNBY SCHMIDT, •FASHIONABLE BABBEB. Huff’s New Building, Down Stairs, XYTOULD be pleased to have a call from his old ? » customer* and the public generally. aepft lm FOR RENT CHEAP. Newsom. Possession given 1st at October. Ap ply to . . , J. VALENTINO. SUK2tf DENTISTRY. eaoflGifti* A» ■OMAN WRITE BftftH RLBBOK& Writ* m terete i msrumB! af the above in every grade. oob Dane goods Bare tete to inim vftkft will —Me mine .11 Iti te.l—tot iwj'iil in thu im tte girtiwi Crtlc W. A. JVMAN ft CM. Mule Taken Up. Hone Mule, about five years old. The ow requested to come forward, pay chanr»*s and re deem said mnl*\ otherwise it will te disposed of a* the law direct*. JOHN G. SMITH. sep!6 6t Montezuma, Ga. E. B. POTTEB, M. D. HOHCEOPATHIST GREAT BARGAINS -w- LADIES’ Dresses and Suits! T HE balan Dresses at Greatly Seduced Prices! During the remainder of this month. will open in a few days the Latest Novelties Orles m LADIES' DRESSES, SUITS AND DRESS 800DS With our usual avuortment suited to the sea>on, and invite the attention of buyers. W. A. HOPSON & CO., «epl Ml 41 imd 4.1 SECOND STREET. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULARS. topis-tf BOOKS J. AND STATIONERY! W. BURKE t£ CO., NO. OO SECOND STREET, MACON, GA. A NNOUNCE to tlicir manv friend, and tmtomtn, aft well aft the public, that they are now BET TER PREPARED TltiN EVER to nipply them with all they need in the BOOK AND STATIONERY LINE. We will keep a food atock of RELIGIOUS, MISCELLANEOUS AND STANDARD BOOKS, and all orders will meet with prompt and careful attention. Our Sunday School Stock will be fuu and complete, and we particularly* solicit this cIaam of orders. TO c O 17 NTRY MERCHANTS We would sav that we hare a new and well aborted atock of BLANK BOOKS, *nrh as PULL BOUND RECORDS, LEDGERS, JOURNALS, DAY BOOKS, MEMORANDUM AND PASS BOOKS. Etc. INK, WRAPPING PAPER. NOTE PAPER, MUCILAGE, FOOLSCAP PAPER. INITIAL PAPER, TWINES. LETTER PAPKB. TISSUE PAPER, and all kinds of STATIONERS’ NOTIONS and SMALL WARES. We will also keep on hand a to.,,1 assortment of Printera* Buppliea, such aa Book and News Ink, Colored Inks, Flat Fapers, Cards, Letter and Bill Head Blanks* All kinds of Book and Job Printing Neatly and Promptly Executed- BINDING—OLD BOOKS AND NEW—IN BEST STYLE. Address J. W. BURKE & CO., autr31 lawtm MACON. GA- ELLIS & CUTTEK, PROPRIETORS OF BSkmIomv Lanier Hot imp. . For Rent. T HE reaidenos of the late J. 1L ButK on First street. ocrtxp>d at present bv J. L. Sauls- bury, eligibly located and convenient to badness. Possession given October l»t. Apply to A. B. ROSS, plOtf Or CAFT. A. G. BUTTS. Booms For Bent, ^^YKJL office of Southern Express Company. Terns moderate. Apply to T. 11. HKXDBRSOy, aepl2 tf At Express Office. Special Notice. rjpHE surviving partners of the firm of W. A. HOPSON k CO. will continue the business of the late firm at the old stand until further notice. The stock will be kept up in all the de portments to the requirements of the business. Mr. R. E. Jones is our duly authorixed attorney n fact. September 8th. 1873. J. L. WARREN. C. P. ROBERTS, Surviving Partner*. »epO tf Household Furniture FOR SALE. Household and Kitchen Furniture at low figure**, ran be informed where they can obtain bargain*, by applying at THIS OFFICE. -*cplS-6t WHARF STREET FACTORY- MACON, GEORGIA. ng to our friend* that we axe still running the above maihin**. ; the public than ever. Our stock of White and Yellow Fine Goods, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Brackets, Mouldings, Etc., are complete, and wo can fill orders at short notice and at k>w prices. Our stock of lumber esnnot he excelled. We have SOfMMO foot of dry tawing, 800,500 feet dry ceiling, 100JW teet weather boards, and common Building Lumber, in any Quantity. Our rorp.of merteiiiu i*complete- We cea btulArepoir, mrt ftt with dispatcli. We solicit a good share of patronage from our country friends. fact its;. All «ve want is a fair trad. Try ui and b® convinced. J. E. ELLIS A M. H. CUTTER. reptl4***xl2m