Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, September 24, 1873, Image 4

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TilE M.WDV DAILY TELEGRAPH AXI) MESSENGER: WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 24,1873. I I IK CITY. :tn<l f \\ U»M M»\Y M'lRN'Mi .ski* M i - Hi *» .•x]~ !-*l i him 1*1 fr.llou. 1 up anythin- hi Offices Gbu Tub City \fumeUA • •f >pteU int • ct l* Col. E. Y. ititution, ir i night* hut di k, of the Atlanta Con- sty. He arrival Lu*t Beautiful ID.a- kkt*.—J. W. Burke A Co. are noipienU <»f a most beautiful nwuitment of hntckoto, from the smallest «i*e to the moat -Ubomtciy carved. CaU early and main your aalsetSoto before th prettiest ore uold. other man <a the liend with n wti- k. a the careaa with other Mow*, which were it love-like in their nature, k and Garfield went. down to 'l'‘* the riimpn- . h • M , >1 nr ■ • f***®d to admit them, and aaid she did n« »t rare a ntin.-nt.il u-ly word for all the Mayor* and policemen in Macon and Lilian*-*- <•! :w**rM • ••mi-in- d. > failed to put in her appearance yeoterday momingj and an officer waa a»*nt down to collect a fine of ten dollars. That continued case from Eaat Macon waa disposed of by dismissing two of the prisoners, and fining the other, Ben Car- nuckld, two dollars. The testimony ana that "JL-nny wa* drinky/* and consc- qnently wmc thecaoaeof the distnrhonc*’. READING NOTICES. Last or the Season.—Soup and lun* h to day at Havens*. Lada*. Mr. A. Murphy —iv«**4 notice thi ing tluit he has ad*l*«i a lath machine to his works at Eastman, and is prepared to furnish laths in any dasirod quantity. A Vo know Mr. Murphy well, and know that whabmr he promises to do he will da. See his advertisement. Well. 1*11 d nclare Sam, wats <lat now you got up ? Wy, you jert out to go to Mr. iUikcom'a and Mr. Wallace*., and „ wat fine cattagi', onions, chidti-ns, and eggi daae got; man, daae got every fing yon can wnah for in de way of groce ries ; and, oh lordy, dor good fine liquor daae got dare, too, til to good, lia! h i! ha! Hoy, you don’t know, jest gib detn a call and you’ll «ee. It The Urathrr. Am a miny <lay, yoatarday mu a com- j plvto auccmm. It commenced raining early in the forenoon, and if it ceaacd be-1 tween that time and aun down no one wa. aide to peroetre it. Wo hail min in all it* forme, from the misty drizzle to the pouring torrent, and umbrellas sir.' Ill .I,-n..in 1 I'll- | Then- were a few pcnoiu, even, who woro willing to borrow from their special I Fjxk Lunch aidSoupatllaTena’ to-day. Well, we'i got onr munny now, and we’d jest aa well go to Mr. Balkcom’a and Mr. Wallace’s and spend it, we know one that will treat tu I sitter, and that de- v-rve it more. Lovch and Soup at Havens’ to-day. Fnzzu Otbtzbs asd Fish.—Messrs. Ilalkeom A Wallace hare just roccived a fine lot of froth Oyster* and Fish, which they offer for aalo aa cheap aa the cheap est. A ffMn<t«f»iur l*r»ldrnrr. Mr. Thoum* Wood is erecting on Mul. hn -t |n-t. i- |m ■ • u Spring and New, by f:ir the bund.vimest wooden residence TaCJtaS A Green are large manufac- m M.i. oil It i- .. 1 wo story building 1 ture r* of tinware, and sill at wholsale for with onmmentnl slate French roof, and I TUI 7 lowest prices, in every jmrticuUr is planned according | C , LL on i IaTen8 to-day. to a strictly modern style of architecture. The building is not nearly completed I "Good wino needs no bush.” We have yet I but when it is wo think the people the Charter Oak Stove at the lowest price will agree that it i* tho han.lsom.-st I that a first-class stove can •eptSl-M wooden residence in Macon. I from $33, up. Tlir County Court. Judge Weem* <li*]XMed of no case yes terday. Tom Baxter add Ella Banks, both col ored, were arrested on tho charge of in- be sold at Truman & Green, Sign of tho Golden Stove, A First-class Grate with blower, ash pan, fire brick (complete) at Truman & Green, for nine dollars. sept21-3t Havens will serve a fine lunch to-day terlnsivo conduct. They gave collateral I at 11 o'clock, rity for their appearance to answer, and were allowed to go at large. John Owens was arrested on tho charge of having stolen a hog some four month* j ago. He gave bond in tha sum of two j hundred dollars for his appearance. The , probability is that this is a malicious pros- Eaole Choice Flour has never taken any premiums. Why ? Because it has Financial and Commercial Protection Fire Co. No. l.j uSf»wi%>iWt a wv i« err FU«lfcfAjg)feEWKSOO.| Cotton. / rwi»y. IV Amd rottou*. TIkiwt nr si ISr. Bmtt val beirw afarr. dins oft. Soma * iwripts to iIbjt The nhtfmwtfl* b the hairiest of ik :l fay mil aad Itf. h • Hoc saint *5. ITATEMESTT. '13 till —1.754 I HEREBY I antes am Will in me NOTICE. rani all persona (no Ira* ia* to Bryant O’Bar.non. of H. W. RA1 FORD. LOST. ' U X S.*tnn!av laat. a GOLD PEN. in nur, with * . staff. Tii• finder will be suit- t at Ward A NV r frirtid that is deed. G. P. NELSON, ChorTT «tnrt Charter Oak Stoves. latest markets bv telegraph Financial. Puif-Xo Cotton. New Yoee—Noon—Codon quirt uni nominal: uplands IV; Orlmn, 1M- Future- opMwd dull: Sentnuhrr 1 v-iwI-Ml October 171;: Drrcmher 171; nraur l"b Evtuinr—Cotton, net mrripUk Vki *n*> Future, dined wcuk: nle* IMHO: Sefiti-m ber 171V-IS; Oe*d« r 17 7-l«g.l7 14-St Vmnta 17 S-l* -171; Deo-mb-r 171. llmuKUl-UMte. no. rereiptstzn;export. n.uri.91; nl>. —. .tnrk MS; middlmx. l!*l; low imddlinn 1,]; irtrirt road oniinuy 171: krt dull »nd lower. Barroz—Cotton.net rereipt«J71;rre« «tS; mlr. 300; »tc. k Sun Uliddlinee lie. murlwt quiet. Mo »i iji-t'atlqn. net rro-ipt. 1 l«Ss exi»»t.ei«ut- wG Its Ale. ISO: .lark •>:«; m.l Uinr. IV; low mehlliran. 1*1; drict rood onliiuuy —; m»r- kd quiet. Wliuiaoror—Colbei. net reee.pt. W: erpnrt. rOMtww: —s tule. X7: middlinre 17?; stork SFI; marked quiet. CHARLESTON—Cotton, net iwvijh lfiJt: tm* -s export* coastwise —; miss ISO; *tuck 565:*-, mridhrom 17; low niiddlitws 1«« strict oedinary —; market dull ami nominal. ArorsTA—Cotton, net rrcriptu 70S; «alea 51* ■tnrk —. mk&dlinxs 15t(«15t; market in moderate demand. SAVANNAH—€oU<«i. net rerripu S5SS; esporta emstwiw* —r tsdea 71; stork 5067; middluua* 17h market dolt New Orleans—Cotton, net receipts 917; mn 1009; ex|iort*» coastwise —t S"lea 150; ntuck ILSSO; middlinm \*h low middlinNalH;*ood oniinarr 1«|; market quiet. Norfolk—Cotton, not mvit>N *170; exports coastwise 3S5; wiles 25; stock 70S; low mkldlitur IS: nothiiur do*nr. Memphis—Cott«m, receipts lostcshiprocntR&fl; Miles ; stock 1552; low middlings 17; mar ket dull. Galveston—Cotton, net rccript* 50fc cross —; coastwise —: sales 15; stork CMS; Texas exports coastwise —; sales 15; stork Texas ordinary —; rood oniinarr l«p. nsirket nominal; no demand; bojera and sellers apart. Philadelphia—Cotton, nxvipt* —. cross ; middling It); new low middlings 1*J; strirt coodonliiuiiy 17b market doll. LirEErooL—Noon—Cotton steady; uplands 9: Orleans 9J; sales IMhk spemlatioti. and export 2000; uplands, lsisis coed ordinary, delivered Sej»- teml h - r and (Mober h 1S-1E. Liteepool—Eveuinc—Cotton, sale* uplands. *hin|Hsl October and November, on lauds of good ordinary ft lft-lft. Litfepool—Evcnine—Cotton, sales uplands basis low niiddlincs Xovcmbor delivery ft 15-Hk Miles include51 no. Later—Uplands lam ftocsl oidinary. Ortoln-r ond November ft 15-Ui. Produce. never been exhibited. aug31tf ut .■ «n. Truman & Green will sell you crock. iry and glassware at wholesale and re toil ns cheap as you can buy It in the State. sept21-3t at Cot Inn li po her. Attention la called to the odvertise- nent of Mr. Jonathan Collins, who IuL' I moo into a cotton brokerage and eommis- ion buiuuMt, with hia office on Poplar t, in tho llollingaworth block. Mr. | But only I lean’s XXXX Tobacco, good as the beet, and 25 per cent cheaper. sepl7tf Attention Mercitants.—Central City Choice, Yours to Count On, and Pride Collins lias been in the ootton business in I Georgia aro reliable brands of cigars Macon for twenty-seven years, and is well Hnov n as a reliable and prompt merchant and warehouse man. lie is well known in all Middle and Southwestern Georgia, and we have no doubt his old friends will now avail themselves of his services in getting rid of theircrops, and in the pur chase of supplies. j manufactured only by George W. Ilcnd’i «*pl7tf You can buy pny good and reliable cook stove in tho market from Trum; A Green. sept21-3t Don’t forget to send your waste grease to the soap factory to-day. septlOtf Kaole Choice Flour is pronounced by I all who have tried it Ute best* Manufnc New YfNK*/l»r\ Messrs. Brown A Co. are in receipt of the October numbers of ull (the popular | I^ vwton * ( American magazim's, and they have our thanks for the Galaxy and the Eclectic. I Refreshing.—If you feel oppressed by Both of them are favorites with the I the heat and dust, just step into Loh’s, readers North and South, as they deserve I in the Lanier House building, and take f,> be. I cool refreshing bath for only twenty-five They have also th it splendid fashion I cents. Shaving, liair cutting, etc., by semi-annual •* What to Wear and How to | the most skillful tonsorialartists, and at Make It,” a publication which has long I the coolest establishment in the city. ago (MM to l*o regarded as an indispi-n* sible nei'i'ssity to the Indies. They re ceived their second invoice of the fall number yesterday morning. Thr Plritlc. Wo omitted unintentionally yesterday Strangers visiting Macon should rsmexn •or this—the people here all know it. julyl2eodtf The tnulo will save money by pur chasing tlieir flour of the Eagle Mills. All grades guaranteed to give satisfoc- to slat** that the picnic for the I tion; only best amber and whito wheat benefit of SU Joseph’s Convent, under the management of tho St. Vincent de Haul Society came off at tho Park M day evening as announced. Dancing commenced in Dining Hall at an early hour in the afternoon anti was kept up until a late hour at night. During the afternoon tho crowd was small and com- posed mainly of youth of both sexes; but in the evening the crowd became much larger, and for hours happy folks •* chased the glowing- hours with flying feet,” unmindful of the great financial » orach in Now York, or the low price of cotton in Macon. If the entertainment was ns remunerative os it was pi the managers hftf I used. ang31tf Just Received.—£Three hundred boxes tobacco, on consignment, with instruc tions to sell for what it will bring, in th* next four days. Terms cash or bank pa per at sixty days with interest. seplTtf Gko. W. Head. A Card, Eagle Extra and Eagle Family are well known to all housewives, and need no recommendation. W. J. Lawton. Tnortuxps have been rlianced by the tue of the IVrovian Syrup (a protoxide of Iron) from weak, rirkly, suffering creatures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women, and invalids cannot rra- •nably hesitate to give it a trial. For Pysjiepsia reason to bo gratified. I and Debility it is a specific. Tlir firm* la A-romlng. Mr. A. Haight* tho Bosscc'of the Great Eastern Circus, warn in t he city yeiterday, sticking his peg! for the State Fair. Noi boing able to see Mayor Huff, lie left hist night, but will return in a day or two to oAuplete his arrangement* for exhibiting his circus hen* four days during the Fair. Mr. Haight is no w t he head of oneofth largist menagerie and orenic combina tions that has ever traveled through the Sooth. He 1ms two ring perfonoikvs going on at the same time, and is ao TnR Cheapest and Best.—Hook’s Eureka Liver Medicine gives universal satisfaction in the I treatment of Liver Disc*.***. Dyspepsia, Sick Head* I ache. Costi\ene*s iuul all that class of diseases arising from a disordered shite of the stomarb and liver. . novSOly HrNT, Rankin A Lamar.—This well known and reliable firm have received a laree lot of Dr. Hood's Eureka Liver McdiritiOL it has theprni>e of all who have tried it. In bottles at 50 cents and $1.00. Mothers. Motrsrs. Mothers.—Don’t (ail to I procure Mrs. WiksloWs Soothing Strup St* RtT for all diseases incident to the period of J t.*. thing in childrm. It relieves the child fro;n bv tux> bras.* bonds and a ttoiun I pain, euros wind colie. nwulatcs the bowels, and i— »'•- *'•"•••'•- lnr K %. ;is .my now travolin^, while U* | wFibnino trur.’ cor]w of rmc ]vrformer«., male aoJ female, i. very lupi, tueludiac some of tho l .sjuestri;ui> an.! t.imhler, in thecoimtiy. He will strike this city at agTan.l time, ,;s the Fair will attraet hit!;. For sale by all d nicest*. juneSS cod Cm. Window Glass—Great attention is now ,1« serreiUy pnid to th.* kinds »»( Window Glss> u*. dwellings, storrs and churrhea. All qualitie |of American and French Window, rhotoerraph. an immense I CuL Ground. hmM and Picture. Coloml vhich will enable him to reap such st ;ts does not often faU in the way | primrdT wholenale and retail, from Mr.P. P. Tnale. Ilayne strorL Clurie»ton. S. C. Send for scpuUlm faiurnlrnl mid Krllnblr. Merchant**, cotton buyers or others who ■wish to prot*vt them>elve« aga : nst loot by tire can obtain reliable insurance at anv hour of the day or night at the oftuvof C;i]*t. W. W. Games. Thft Captain’s duties as a city officer do not prevent him giving hi* jhtjh.iuiI attention to hisinsuramx'bnsi* ness, and he has always a OOBiprient rep resentative to attend to his business dur ing his alknemv from the office. He does a Urge business with our lH.*i*t citizens and hia ootnpanias aro till first class, will }*,* seen by refereno# to the adverts*- uieut in another column. Challenge.—The maker* of Dr. Price’s Crram Baking l\>wder and Special Flavorings have art* ntag*a for rutrhasing materials in large quan- nt amtuovne*its f*>r mmiufaeturir g n*. n* ! complete and extendr* than any other manufac- turers. which enables them to challenge any per* ■**Mi u» prodnoc a perfectly pure Inking powder or flxrorinc extract at a k**** prkv tliau they offer Dr, NmV. They care not how groat the competition | or inducements to an imreaae of profits by adnl* . they an* determined to protect the con sumer by furnishing strictly pure and reliable hr* a thing protiu Nsstdci Deeilitt.—A depiVKxxl. irritable state of mind; a weak, nervous exhausted! feel* rgy mth debilitating, inrolunta* The Maynrnlty. Alvlervnan J. lbirke wore the mngia- terial roU*> of the mayoralty yesterday morning, and disposed of tite of seven ^»r eight offenders. Dave Walton, John Washington and Allan Tucker, wen* hauled tip by Bishop, the overseer of Collinsville uiorality, fora threc-prongtv! ease <li»*nierly eonduet. Thev g>»t drunk Monday evening and role ti»rough the streets in a buggy, whooping and hallooing like so^ many wild Comanche*. They plead guilty whh admirable meekness, and w»*r* fin. *] tw«. dollars a head, or five days as an alternative. 1*. Mciatrthy wa.- in the Kamuks, too ! drunk to come up in the court-room. His j Honor said he cx>uld send up a five <lolLir ( bill, which would answer every purpose/ I Minnie Hytol lives in the procints of Kotton Row, and her establishment is of j a w hotness with the others in that neigh* \ lxirhood. The dtffen nee is she does not ! keep an orderly house at all times. Mop- I day night then* was a c.inridemble tan- t element down there A man w:i> lying j twk nv'mon-. often .In !.»r.i’v T!i*- .■* •: v*r?i,«»r*- >*• nh*n* n»ark or indiscrotions. This .nervous nr- HUTTtMU s sEfwigH cure in Humphreys HOMBOrATHIC SrECIFXC, No. 2S. It tO’K's up the •« m. srrots discharges, dispels the the mental gloom and despondency, and rejuvenates the en* >tea. It is perfectly barsile*^. and mum*> t Pritv $i i ra [wo.' iesai.d Inga$2 vial of pDwdi-r, which is imperial.! in i* «*r Si i»*r gj. U i. .v i i >tv. or '••m by mail on receipt of price. HUMPHREYS' SPEU1F10 MKDIC1NK No. .-Wi Hr -siway, *«tla b\ John It.gaU aiwi Hunt. Ran- ir. Mstsu, tla. sprlVouAwif and sternly. Corn dull. Pork quiet: m w mess 17 75. lard steady: ol«l stiwm H 7-lft(?>J. Tur- Ientitle dull at 40^.11. Rosin heavy ml S20 for strained. Freights firm. N’kw Yoee—Ereninc— Flour in limitek ivquest and buyers favor. Whisky steady at 9ft. Wheat unsettled; winter red Western Com heavy ami high for mixed ami yellow Western. No business in Eforcvfea. lk»rk lower at 17 25. Iginl weak nt ftl^ftft-Kk Navals dull. Tallow quiet. Freight* null. Louisville—Flour steady; extra family 6 00; Nd. 1 7 00; fancy ft oo. Coni firm ami «sm at at «V.<K for shell*si ami sacked. Provisions xDrdy. I*ork 1600^1625. Iticnn. shoulders 8’<£ 9ft clear rib tl^99|| clear sides 101. narked. Lanl tirrre keg IR. Whisky in fair demand at 92. Cincinnati—Flour dull at 7 oo?7 15. Com in fair demaud at 55. l*rovtsions dull and nominal: transactions interfered with hy general financial troubles thmSshout the country. Pork nomi nally 1000; light demand; buyers demand a re duction. Lard easier ami quiet; steam ftp. kettle ft|; summer 72. parked. Bacon nominal and quiet; lHisim*ss small: sIiouUKts fth rkar rib 9i: cfcar ’sides 9|. Whisky stead.vnt 92. Wilmington—Spirits turpentine qniet at SR). Rosin nuu*t at 2.10 for straineil. 2 75 for extra No 1,5 25 for pale. Crude tumetitinr lower; closing quiet at 2 00 for luinl. .100 for yellow dip ami vir. gin. Tar stisuly at 2 55. New Orleans—Com easier; white mixed 71; whito 72> 73. Hay. prime 23 (ft choice »*27. Whisky dull ami lower at 96 for Louisiana; Cin* ; Imt have, Iwvcivr, a 1*4 of other first i, whirh v» • will »cll at enwtlr reduced TRUMAN J* GKEKN. At Mr. B. A. Wisi-’s Old Stand. Boots and Shoes! FOR THE FALL TRADE, 1873. \a. 3 Cotton Avenue null G6 Third Street. ONE OF THE BEST SELECTED STOCKS OF Dress Making. Country Merchants "laid down" from the North. This we ini* ran to*. TRUMAN A GREEN, mpSJ M (gjQiqf fldfgi j^n) WANTED IMMEDIATELY. A T Findlay Iron Works. THREE GOOD HA- CIIINI STS. None liut first-rate workmen mvd apply. R. FINDLAY’S SONS. FOR BENT. \ COTTAGE HOUSE run raining fire rooms. PoMMtwtion given innmslmiely. Apply to D. W. HAM MON acp17-tf FOR KENT. A FI YE room Dwelling, with three acres ground attached, on Tatnall Square, near residence of Mr. K. Price, at 525j>cr month. Ap^>lv to angll tf j: hummmEu At Seyroona Tindey A Ca*A FOR BENT. Apply to ju1y17 tf U. F. LAM At Exchange Bank, or to Dk. A. P. COLLINS. At Collin*’ A Heath’s DWELLING TO KENT. Housekeepers’ Situation Wanted A I WIDOW LADY, aged about thirty, with one riiiM. «i. 'ir* N n >itu:*ti<*ti :»*. Ik.iw- keeper in a family, a hotel or nublic institulion willing to make herself useful, ami will brine .... doubted testimonials of good character. Apply to ithe Senior Editor of tlie Teleernpli. aue26tf TO KENT. Apply on the promises. pfRPilTS.'’ The startling drawliack on nearly all medicinal agents has ever Iron that in their process of purgation and purification’they have also debili tated the system. To obviate this difficulty phy sicians have long sought for an agent that would Purge, Purify and Strengthen At One and the Same Time. i No. rinnati 1 nt Otliera unchanged. Liverpool—Noon — Brndstuffs dull. Rd winter Western wlieat 12s fid. Flour 2ftft29. C <2^33. Marino News. New York—Arrived. Columbia. Arrived out. City of l*aris. (Hjrrp 1 NEW AI>V EKTISE3I ENTS. Knights of Pythias! - -'it v” Lodge. No. 3. K. 1\. will he held TO- NIGHt. September 21. 1S73. for work in tlie[ "EnquireV* and Kniffht’s lb tik. Mmhtn "Empire” Lodge. No. 11. an* fraternally invited he present. By order M. It ROGERS, C. a D. R WooPRrFF. K. of R. and S. w»pgt It | DOG LOST. .... Cemetery, a spotted roach bitch. The tauly who returns ber to me will ‘ thanked ami nrwarrted. aep24 It*JOHN B. GILES. FOB BENT. * apply i Til Beat HINES. Walnut *t, or J. W. BURKE A CO. AUCTION. ILL be «old :.i MONDAY. 8EPTSMBKB 9, M7*. Sale lagins at lOo’clork, A. m. ' I '■ iAMm For Rent. THB STORK adjoining the Macon Stm t Rail JL road fttahlos. on north ride of Mullierry root, between Thinl ami Fourth streets, rocentl 1 v«* vn pie 1 as B. Spring's saloon. Also, throe rooms in same building. TURPIN A OGDEN. *cp24 St Real Estate and Ins. Ag*t*.| LATHS! LATHS!! I "" ! r ; ' ,V : : ATTORNEY AT ■aradtDhmrishiathaat raa—Ma pricea. Ad s***v«u.wj* druM me at Atlanta, or W. N. Leitch. at mill. sep24tawlm*1 MURPHY. JONATHAN COLLINS, COTTON BROKER 31 AC ox, GA. D KSFKCTrVLLY aoliciu otdnre (or tire pur- IV charolratldnVH] rotulrrirarnt, of auue from hi. planiina and rm-rramilr friend*. Aa •airman, with an ripeikw, of Jwentv-^v™ yr-re. he h i- no hreitanrr in nrinir ho ran (tuar- 0.1 toe prrfort retiafartion to both turn-rand «H>r and j.l -!-• • careful attmtion to all bu-inevi tni-lrd to hi. ran*. OUW, in IXollinnreroTth hlork, near J. —*■ reptt 1' Forter’s. Notice in B.Tnkruptcy. rpiIIS i. to aim notice that an the lsth day at A Srptrmner. a. n, lS7I,a warrant in Bank ruptcy waamoed against the rotate «'f Robert C. Klark. of Amerinu, rounty of Sumter. n.M State of Grontia. who haa born adjudacd a Bank- nipt on hia own petition, and flat tho mv- ment of any dchta. and delivery of any properly bofenainv to aid Banknipt. to him. or (or his uaa and thr tranter of any profirrty hv him. are (or- balden hv taw; that a modi nr of thrrreditonof tin- aat Banknipt. to prow their dchta. and to chore* one or mure areiiragc ■ of hia catato. will I* held at a'Couit of Bankruptcy, to ho holder at Amcrwua, fia, at the ol’ice cd Allan Fart. K«q. before Laac Bockctt K-q.. Bcciatcr. tm the h day of Ortohrr. 1*73. at a o'clock r. at. w. A. BawUna. C. T. Goode, Allen Fort. At torney., Amcnrua, Ga. W. II. SMYTII. acpf«a l . S. Mar-Jail, ti Mraaencor. Notice in Bjuikruptcy. |tn i- todpancSrothatai the Mh day of 1 Septeml'or A. 1). l-7t. a warrant in Bant- irtry vraa irennl acaimt the c-tatc of Chare irk ThartMk td Dra> Ion. ecu nty af IkoolyAlal State of who haa hem a>ljud«d a ltankru] hat- I la- payment of i petitnn. and that* I law; that a mootirar of'the rreditore of tla- ream . * *»»•• • *' * • * ■— MW CmiJUMA U MIC S3 HI Bankrupt, to prove their dchta and to choree one or nwrr aaeienera of hia rotate, will hr held at a Court of Bankruphw. to hr bolder at Amer ica*. (.a. at the Other of Allen Fort. La, I. f, r Beckett. Kaq. Reci-ter. on the 61 h day of Alice Fret. E —1-, K-m-ter, on the Ortcher. A. !>.. 1 -Tt. at 3o'clock p. a. I 0. T. Goode. K*q. Attorney. Amcncua. Ga. W. 11. SMYTH, I—*ptktt l. 8. Marehal.aa Slremrer. Notice iii Bankruptcy. PATH1 X. Y. ! k;:i k Lani OBSTACLES TO XAKRIAGE. HAPPY RELIEF FOR YOUNG MEN from U»oflbrf« of Errors and Abu«e» in earli* life Msnhoioi ImpedinMtiu to Msrrianro ro- mOfed. New isrttHdJiOf trmtmmA New s;k1 re- markabk* rrmcdks. Book* aiu! cimilars wnt fro»*. in »-a]fxl cnitlojvm. AddrvM. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth riroeu Pbil.i* drlphts. J\.. an insUtntiisi having a high rvput.v- tion for honorable conduct ami pnJfaaioiutl skill julyftdSm T*HIS ;-u> .-II.-I. tire that on the lvhda> of J. Scptenitice. A. D- 1*71, a warrant in Brnk- ruptry was imwal acatiiat the relate of Sophia A K. Freeman, of county of Sumter, mid 8hd« of Gcoma. who haa been adjndard a Baukrupf on her own petition. m;ai that tbopay. meal of any d* :.d dditerv at anr pn petty i. :o «dBankrupt teller.orewher um; a:el tie tru.-f«ruf any prop-rty hy her. are for- Jaddoafav law; that a matting of the creditors of thr said Bankrupt, to prove tb*ir debt*, and to choose am or more araigness af her estate, will he held at a Court of Bank laptcy. to be boidrnat Amerirus Gtrorsix at the office of Alien Fort E**i. D’forv Inum* BudiU. Rcci>U'r,on tlie a. B^jmX at 3 o’clock T. M- C.T. Go «qg4ft , Em]- Attorney. Americn-c Ga. \V. H.-SMITH, r. s. Msrritata m Their research has at last been rewarded bv a discoioiy which fully nil,/' the fumb*»i doirrs of the medical faculty, and which is iustly reganl- «1 as the most important triumph that iilmnaaor has ever achieved. This important desideratum is Dr.Tutt'M Vegetable Liver Pills Which purify tie blood and remove nil corrupt humors ami unhealthy accummulations from tho humors ami unhealthy accummulations body, and yet produce no weakness or lassitude whatever, but on the conarary tone the stomach, and invigorate the body during the progress of their operation. Thev unite the heretofore irre concilable qualities of n Strengthening, Purgativo 'liable qualities ol j a Purifying Tonic. Hr. Tints Pilla aro the most active and smrrhing medicine in existence. They at once attack the very root of diseases, and their action is so prompt that in an hour or two after they are taken the patient is aware of their good effects. Tl»ey may he taken at any time without restraint of diet or occupation ; they produce neither nau- »«, griping or debility, and as a family medicine they have no rival. Price 23 cents a l>ox. Sold by all Druggists. Prinrtnal Office, 4S Oortlapdt street. New York. sepl3eodAwl.v W. W. CARNES, General Insurance Agent, OFFICE NO. 86 CHERRY ST. Represents the following first-class Companies HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Orpuiiiol 1810 ... Aslets 8L250.000 6E0R6IA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, 01 Columbus Ga. A acts $300,000. UNDERWRITERS* AGENCY, NEW YORK, BOOTS AND SHOES! Boys’, anc, HO! FOR THE FAIR! W. 1. JOHAN & GO Respectfully call House Furnishing Goods Ever offered by us in this market. Ladies’, Misses’, Children’s, Gents’, Youths’ Wear. Comprising all varieties ami styles, from the heavy brogan to the most delicate slipper, made to or der and of the best material. • Country merchants will find it to their advantage to examine our stock, from which equally good selections can be made at prices that will compare favorably with those of the Northern cities. In the retail department, we have, at No. 3 Cotton avfenue and 66 Thinl street all tho latest styles of Ladies’. Gentlemen’s and Children’s Boots. Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers, finished in the most elegant manner, and warranted durable, to all of which we would invite our friends and tho public generally to call and examine. sep21eod3m . MIX k KTKTLAND. THE BEST Cathartic Mineral Spring | AT SARATOGA. WITHOUT exception, is the Hathom analysis I tv of the Hathom Spring. Saratoga Springs. Wesleyan Female College, 3IACOX, GEORGIA. bjPrpf. C..F. CHANDLER, Columbia College School of Mines: graixs. Tho Thirty-sixth Annual Session nuas ‘ 9.597 . 1MI WILL BEGIN OCTOBER 6, 1S78. Chloride of Sodium Chloride of Potassium Bromide of Sodium Iodide of Sodium Fluoride of Calcium I Bicarbonate of Lit hia Bicarbonate of Soda Bicarliounte of Magnesia Bicarbonate of Lime Bicarbonate of Strontia Bicarbonate of Baryta Bicarbonate of Iron Sulphate of Potassa - Phosphate of Soda Biborate of So-.la Alumina ... Silica - Organic matter 198 a trace - 11.447 I For Catalogues, containing full information, art* >*S8 dress - 176.463 - HUMS - a truce - 1.787 1.128 | C. A. Nutting, none .006 • a trece - .181 - atn : President. CITY BANK MACON. GEORGIA. Total sol.d (tint**nts ... sv'i.ju.-j Carbonic Acid Gas in 1 gallon, 375,747 inches. ** * 1.009. For sale by * V rankin.ganuremmaco. Capital 200,000 Dollars. Still Further Reduction. DIRECTORS: WK. B. JOHNSTON. I JOHN J. GRESHAM, july22 6m Closing Out Prices! Fair Ground Privileges! O N WEDNESDAY.OCTOBERl, 1878,at 8 P. m., will be rented at the Central City Park, the following privileges during the coming O WING to our yemoval to Forsyth on the 1st proximo, we will sell all classes of goods at closing out prices until the 27th instant, GEORGIA STATE PAIR Tliis opportunity will be offered for only five days longer. « BAR-ROOM, SEGAR STAJND, FRUIT, ETC. _ . . TERMS—Notes of equal amounts, falling duo We specify no particular goods, but include our I each day during tho Fair, with security, accepta- wliolo stock in these bargain prices. ' | ble to the committee. paper taken but such as can bp used in any in f’ Come ami see that wo will prove our assertions. | Remember, we liave but five days more. W. A. BANKS & SONS. sepSltf bank in the rity. Notes to be given on the day of renting. L. W. ItASDAL, F. A. SHOXEMAN, C. BURKE. augSSid Committee. Blew Goods. HENRY SCHMIDT, fashionable' barber. Huff’s New Building, Down Stairs, Staple and Fancy DRY GOODSXl sepD lm Household Furniture FOR SALE. figures, can be informed where they can obtain bargains, by applying at THIS OFFICE. acpl8-fit Sugar I Sugar! (Composed erf the Germania, Niagara. Hanover and Republic Insurance Companies), Assets - - - over £4;000,000. PLANTERS' INSURANCE COMPANY. Of Memphis Tenn. - - Assets $258,246. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, Organized 1794 ... Assets $3,500,000 IkBaei written on Dwellings Stores stocks of Merrhandi>c, Cotton, or other insurable property at fair rates My sleeping room adjoins my office, and I will >ver Cotton or other property at any hour of the day or night. *‘ P ift-tf W. W. CARNES. JOHN P. FORT, LAW, Macon, Georgia. weptfl 5w* NOTICE. liberal patronage of our customers LAWTON A BATES. Sk-ptemlKT lsth. 1873.scp31 tf For Rent. fl^HE FLINT HOUSE, containing twenty-five A rooms with canlen anil outbuildin2s One omdenand outliuildinga. One of the best stands for a boarding-house in the city. $rsr . HUBERTS or MILO S. FREEMAN. For Rent. T HE residence of the late J. R. Butts, on First >tm*t. ocrupird at nresert by J. L. Sauls- ■;iM<in*m« bury, eligibly locaUd and convenient to business '*o*.-e.v*k»n given October 1st. Apply to A. B. ROSS, ftgplOtf OrCAPT. A. G. BUTTS. Rooms For Rent, ^~^YER office of Southern Express Company. Terms moderate. Apply to aeplitf T. H. HENDERSON, At Express Office. TO RENT. 'WO TENEMENT HOUSES, or one eirfi room House for rent. Apply to jult-Mf OLIVER. DOUGLAS 4 CO. o y Stores for Rent. NB on Cotton Avenue, near the corner*of Cherry street and tlie other on Cherry •* near corner of Cotton Avenue. Possession given immediately. Apply to A. FARMER. WOOD. YTTE will have a fine lot of Black Jack Wood at » i our yard to-day. 1 JlOO cords arriving and to arrive. BUTTS Jt ROSS. C!oal. Coal. W E will wO Coal at Mimmer ntc until Ant at Ortober. Onkn k-ft at Mt—r-. WirL-aii, CaHawajr’. oot', Fou Office, or oaim U A. G. Butt> E»j. will noire P*n*a,I attention. Yard oppoate Rurk MUL Bi l ls A ROSS. FOE SALE CHEAP. dwelling rtreet hetwten Oak and An*, la within a ( t w minntOi walk at the btt-itR-- ,nrt id the ntv, ,1*. — and wirk>hopa,andfaaa proven to be aholthj place. Apply to aurlO oodtf DENTISTRY. once, mt hia Dcnul Rooms, bt^Shdbeaj, aireet. * PLANTERS’ HOTEL, A the f.r>t Tu—b the legal hour*' of > in the town of Buena hundred aad aixty-ni dower.) of fat of land !.*•: v Opiate Huir> Sew Bonding. •iuHLw rherrj Si-betweenTlilrtf and Fourth, : One MACON, GA. Wb invite all to call and examine our Stook of goods and l>e convinced we sell THE BEST G Th?wLk I COLVERT STEAM SUGAR REFINERY, following k C * 10 ^ attention to the | CHKSAPEAKK STKAM SUGAR REPIN* NEW GOODS CHESAPEAKE STEAM .SUGAR REPINERY. MERCHANTS* STEA3I SUGAR REFINERY, of Baltimore. We solicit orders from the trade and will guarantee prices to be ns low as if or- WARFIELD & WAYNE. Which they are enlarging daily, consisting of SHEETINGS. PILLOW CASINGS, COUNTERPANES. SPREADS, NAPKINS, DOILIES, TABLE DAMASKS, TOWELS. Etc., Which they offer at priees consistent with the re cent decline in all classes of goods. RIBBONS! RIBBONS 1 W. A. JUHAN & CO. beautiful display of Have just opened GROS GRAIN AND ROMAN STRIPE SASH RIBBONS, Which are regarded m miracles of cheapness. IRISH LINENS I IRISH LINENS ! A splendid assortment of the above in every grade. OUR DRESS GOODS Have begun to arrive, which will enable us in few days to make the handsomest display in this line ever seen in this section. Call on WHOLESALE CLOTHING STORE In onler to meet the rats of out growing city, w have gono largely j WHOLESALE CLOTEIK BUSINESS. Wo are now opening a large St*x:k, Bought From the Manufacturers, Expressly for the Wholesale Tra WE WILL DUPLICATE ANY BILL BOUGHT IN NEW YORK LESS BY A JOBBER IV. A. JVHAN A- CO. West’s Extra No. 1 KEROSENE OIL. KEROSENE LAMPS. CHIMNEYS. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefnllv and accurately compounded by those thoroughly competent, at the Drug and Prescription Store ROLAND B. HALL, Corner Cherry street and Cotton avenue. sep23 tf NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. CAPITAL—COLD - - - - $10,000,000 Insure* Stores, NIcrcliandise, Dwellings, Furni ture and all other property at LOWEST RATES! WINSHIP & CALLAWAY B. P. WALKER, Lato of S. T. A B. P. Walker. r . - Late of Wise, Dobl« ,] 25 O Crates of Croekeri WALKER & DOBBi Crockery and. China Special Notice. rpHU surviving jmrtmTS of the firm of ff. A, which we oiler at bargain prices: 10, ll.and 12-1 MARSEILLES QUILTS, 10, 11 and 12-4 SHEETING, 10,11.12 and 14-4 BLANKETS, 4, 5^ aad 6-1 BLEACHED COTTONS. Large nssorments NAPKINS, DOILIES, ' TABLE DAMASKS and TOWELS, PIANO and TABLE COYEES. Largest assortment BLACK GOODS IN THE CITY. BLACK SILKS, of best makes, at New York prices. North Georgia Property FOIL SALE. HOPSON & CO. trill continue the bus of the late finff at the old stand until further notice. The stock will be kept up in all tlie de partments to the reguireraents of the busine Sir. R. E. Jones is our duly authorized attorney n fact. J. L.WARRBN, C. P. ROBERTS, Surviving Partners. sepotf September 8th. 1873. GREAT BARGAINS LADIES’ rjMIAT most beautiful summer residence in Cherokee Georgia, situated in the picturesque Vann’s Valley, sixteen miles from the rity of Rome, and II miles from tho village of Cave Spring, immediately on the Selma, Rome and Dalton Railroad. The property is well known as “Woodstock,” COLORED SILKS in all the new and j tho residence of the late Mrs. Francis L. Bartow, fashionable colors, and everything new and stylish in DRESS GOODS. WATER-PROOF LADIES’ CLOTHS— in all colors. Ruching, Sash Ribbons, Kid Gloves and all novelties at the lowest prices. S. Waxelbamn & Bro. Proprietors “NEW YORK STORE,” sepgltf 45, and 47 Second street. SALE OF* UNCLAIMED FREIGHT. Macox axd Brunswick Railroad, Macon, Auirust 2»»th, 1*78. „-..-i.-*. i• v p i i t u r The house is commodious and comfortable and the situation beautiful, healthy and attractive. The farm contains 240 acres, and the place can be subdivided and easily sold, leaving a small farm for the owner of tlie residence. Sale to take place in front of the Court-house, in Rome, Ga^ on the first Tuesday in October (7th), 1873. TER3IS—One-half cash, balance in one and two years, with interest at seven per cent, secur ed by mortgage on land. Dresses and Suits! Dresses and Suita will be offerrcd at Greatly Reduced Prices! During the remainder of this month. We will open in a few days the Latest Novelties and Styles in LADIES’ DRESSES, SUITS AND DRESS 800DS emporitj: We have in store and to arrive two hundred and fifty crates C. C. aol 1 Crockery for our wholesale trade, which we intend selling as cheap as the cW New York, Philadelphia or Baltimore not executed. In short, and a* proof, I us your Now York invoices and we will duplicate, say nothing of the ruiuoui Sj and breakage. CHINA. CHIN CASKS REAL FRENCH CHIN Wli We have now in store twenty-five casks of real French and En^lhbl which we will sell for thirty days at the following low prices: W. A. HOPSON & CO., sopl8-tf 41 and 43 SECOND STREET. FREIGHT, if not railed for before date of sale, will be sold to the huffiest bidder at the depot of the Macon and Brunswick Railroad, on 24TH DAY SEPTEMBER, 1878, sale to begin at 10 FRANK M. HIGHT, Executor. o’clock, a. x. |S Waxelhuum A Bro, 1 box fans. P A G, 1 box glassware. S Moreland. 2 bales bedding. J no Fale A Co 1 pckg, 2 boxe s mdse. H Carruthers, 1 sack pot ware. W J Hodges. 1 sack empty bags. CYPRESS SHINGLES D W Lewis, 1 sack cotton seed. T J Davis, 1 box hardware. Ordinary Tel/air County, 2 boxes books. W P Kastman, 1 box, (2) cans oiL Jim Salt marsh. 1 box mdse. F F Reed. 1 box mdse. L M Gardner, 1 trunk. A S Good bread. 1 trunk. H Powell, l box. Ordinary l*ulaski County, 1 box. 1 box pickles. B. 4boxes brandy peaches. SHINGLES, rived and drawn. A Superior Article! | For sale by B. H. WRIGLEY & CO. junefftf M Keaton, 1 box* books. B J Egerton, *38 water buckets. “ “ 4 bdls barrel covers. Geo F Stevens 1 box fireworks. No mark, 7 sacks cuano. 11 empty sacks. FOR RENT. F ROM th** M of Octols-r next th.* following property, belonging to the estate of Mrs. Jane 1 grain cradle. 1 sack cotton. 1 old pot. 1 sack harness. 1 box sundries. 1 box circular saws. 1 roll bagging. 1 spinning wheel 1 tin boiler. 1 pckg, (2) glazed sash. 1 axle, yoke and bows. 15 pieces bedatoid. 1 mill hopper. 1 table. 2 sacks seed cotton. 1 waron wheel. 1 carriage j«o!e. bundle scythe-*. 4 pieces oar iron. J. F. KIBBE. aurfOdtawtd General Freight Agent. Rogers, deceased: J The eight-room house on Oglethorpe street where Sirs. Rogers formerly lived. | One five-room dwelling house on Oglethorpe; I now occupied by Dr. T. W. One store-house on corner of Oglethcrpe and Third streets, opposite Findlay’s Iron Works. Two five-room dwelling houses on Third street, site Findlay’s Iron Works, e storehouse on the corner of Arch and Third streets, now occupied by H. M. H**l*r. aug24 dlw sutu3w mature of PETER HARRIS, Executor. CARPETS! Oil Cloths. Bankrupt Sale of Real Estate IX TH K DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED i r . rrmTXT^ O STATES FOR THE NORTHERN PIS- iVT A TTTNIt TlTj VtS. TRICT OF GEORGIA. -YiXX -L -L \ -LI/ UUU, In the matter of Isaac T. Wyatt—Bankrupt. pY OP AN ORDER from A. G. | MATS, ETC. MURRAY. Register m Bankruptcy, I will sell, aj pone outcry, before the Coait-house door, in Jlonticello, Jasper county, Ga„ on Tue>- ilay, the fth day of October, A.* D, 1875, at 11 o’riork A. X- the real estate of Isaac T. W; Banknipt, consist;:;? of one-sixth interest fet of land situated jjartly in Morgan and jsirt- in Jasper county, it being the life estate cf aney Wyatt, widow of Thomas Wyatt, Hw—H, 11<* lie enjoyed after the death uf said Nat >utt. The same hm ing heen surrendered Bankruptcy by the said Bankrupt, ltjcree in Bank- >. I>. CHAPMAN. Adrn’r. ^Tabfaaurr -hnwM itc the 1. h the tin Hit vimLii's BfCHf —The only reliable m*di- cine for disswacsk of the kidneys and ummry or- iran*. A l*»rfert diuretic, the iong^tmturned us.- irf which by the p»"Of»le of this country for the last twelve years has fully eaUlrfiahed its reputation m the heat remedy for throe diwwaes known. It IS one of the few medicines that ha»e stood the teat of Uai<* It haa true and renuinc nient. B- ware irf csHiiiterf. its. The genuine haa Helm- G BORGIA. John T. S itiou of the • k>l’NTY.—Where 3118^ JUTS’a (Formerly Mrs. J.Ji. BREMER. *I>A 1. L7'-i \u> raulae'si Administrator’s Sale. I will sell at public outcry, beforetheCourt-hous door, in »aid county, within the legal hours of sal**, on the first Tuesday in October, 1*73, half am* lots in said countr, on the new Houston road, near Windsor Hill, about half a mile from ts, known as the property labdy J \< 'i I.llW . krs, SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, .i:id 277 Mad:'- :» Ale., N. Y. i .tv. /^.BORGIA, MARION COUNT 1 < D* pROF. GEORGE >. IKUU'KiE. luring V.T moaf Malmiuuumtorol At*:., r m:. di- I * -n. . .U*J m t!>. puitugej'ient of t '•Id ' I»I • propr MADISON AVENUE. owixjd by C. \Y. Gruber. On one lot there two hou.'cs, each with two rooms ; on the other one bote* with three roams, good double kitch-n. - tc.. and n«d well A water. The im- provement* in fair onler, in a good neighborhood, near churches and school*. Terms—One-third rash, one-third at six and one-third at twelve mouths. Tlie credit pay- menla to licar ten per cent, interest. ELBERT AI. CALHOUN. Administrator of Talbott Comlis. -cpft law4w 'HE lnivr -t rtock ol the above (roods ever cd fired in this market now in store and arrir dsilv direct from manufactoiy, of the bes qaalitv *.f eonds and at reduced pres. BODY BEUSSELS CAEPETS, TAPESTEY BEUSSELS CAEFETS, THEEE-PLY CAEPETS, EXTRA SUPER CAEPETS, MEDIUM and LOW GRADE CAR PETS,. . VENETIAN CARPETS, HEMPS CARPETS, YELMET BUGS, BEUSSELS RUGS, BEAVER BUGS, MATS OF ALL STYLES, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, LINOLELUM FLOOR CLOTHS, FELTS AND DRUGGETS, TABLE OIL CLOTHS, COCOA MATTINGS, CANE MATTINGS, CANTON MATTINGS, WINDOW SHADES, WALL PAPERS. Purchjwrr, aiv invited to examine my ..tock i>e fore buyout, », I < No. r— dlienf .1 an\»hol.~eifcii PATENT MEDICINES Principe Cigars, Gravely’s Genuine Chewing To bacco, Harwell’s Chewing Balsam, Fine Toilet Soaps, Fine English and American Hair Brushes, Fine do. do, Tooth Brushes Fine do. do. Extracts, Extra Fine Colonge Water, And A m&moth Stook of fine and coarse SPONGES, Hunt, Bankin & Lamar’s, sep16 tf Taxes—Second Notice. rilpR County Commissioners have notified me JL that they are in need of money, and I am therefore compelled^ to ask the people to^ come up without furth( ** m County Taxes. Persons, white and colored, who owe poll and rood taxes only, must pay up to save cost, as I am required by law to issue executions and garnish ee their employers. W. T. NELSON, seplO tf Tax Collector Bibb County. Mills and Land for Sale Cheap. WILL sell on accommodating terms five hundred and Sixty acres of Land, with a first class Circular Saw and Grist Mill, on Moaqr Creek, with water power equal to one hundred hone power, situated in Houston^ county, * ” norse power, wnrod in Houston couniy, three miles of No. 2 Station, Southwestern Rail road. For further particulars address the subscriber Fort Valley, Ga. D. H. HOLstR- seplfi eod2m E. B. POTTEB, M. D. HOMtEOPATHIBT FFICE Wood’s Block, Second street, third , door below JobBft Residence Lanier H« CHINA TEA PLATES - - - CHINA BREAKFAST PLATES CHINA DINNER PLATES - CHINA TEA SETS. 44 nieces - CHINA DINNER SETS, 137 piec CHINA CHAMBER SETS. Engl China - - - - CHINA TEA PLATES - - - CHINA BREAKFAST PLATES CHINA DINNER PLATES - 1 25 1 1 75! {IMITATION CHINA TEA PLATES 1 1 50 2 00 1 BREAK PART PLATES I 75 2 i ) 10 5<: DINNER PLATES {TEA SETS. 41 piocos - DINNER SETS, rt: , • - - • | CHAMBER SETS. 11 pirres • 7 50,10 60] DEC. GRANITE SETS. 11 per* 1 oo, 1 50 1100 sets CUT GLASS GOBLST8 1 25 1 73 1500 sets GOBLETS 1 50' 2 00! I 100 TRIPLE-PLATED CASTORS; 6 CUT GLASS BOTTLES, Jo ft 1 '-’ J 150 dozen BEITTANIA DIPPERS, to the trade at New York prices. Cutlery and Silver-Plated Ware, GLASS WARE, LAMPS, KEROSENE AND GAS CHANDELIERS, M j TIN WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, KEROSENE OIL | By the Gallon, Barrel or Car Load. Come and see or send us your orders. WALKER <5c DOBBS, 82 MULBERRY STREET, MACON. SOLE ABENTS FOR THE PORTER COMBINATION AND PLANTATION i sep21eod3m GEORGIA MIL- e still offering to the Trade our celebrated brand* uf n»** r dissolution. [''HE firm of Peyser A Glass is dissolved.far nn tnal consent. *'• PLISER, „ tual Septemb»*r 17» ls<3. sepl^-la^’U Z. B. WHEELEB. Saloon and Restaurant, show a greau-r variety and iark**t in the South. -xt (lu>r to Ri^m ± Cole- .• .(Cu** g p ROSS. Fourth Street, opposite Express Office, MACON, GEORGIA. Meals Served at all Hours, DAY OR NIGHT, A First Class Establishment. STOCKED WITH FINEST WINES AND LIQUORS. augSl 2m • WILEY’S XXX X, PEARL DUST, AMBER COB heavy u *hae] Wr challenge competition in the grade* of FI** gnrrfU are manufactured by uh, and we claim but i We do not. and never have charged DRAYAGE < I’he attention oi the trade ix reapectfully <’all» , d centage of middlings, and is ve »theyare c offerered. Our XXXXjhos.JJ 0 ^ .nufacturers' ]»ric»* our Flour. > our BRAN, pos nutritious and palatable to stock. GRAHAM FLOUR, always on hand. Remember, Flour is Our Specialty- BURR & 1’L o. 1 BU KE ' j