Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, September 25, 1873, Image 1

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15V Ousby. Jones & Keese. MACON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 25, 1873. Number 0,729 ... -j >Y 'ElEGRAPH AMD MESSENGER rTV ^ mnminf—)londay’i*ifvpl«l— 1* rnir** •sflffisfl* earner Cherry mm) ^ SuWriptioii TEN DOUAILS y| V jt pnLLAKS for lix month*. TWO • #n< j rtFTY CENTSlur three month*. *"/ »VK DOLLAR per month lor a *hort«r ,,f * ^vrfiuv^nmt* one dollar per aqi *, ^ or to* lor flnt pnblkmlian. end fifty f| j| jut—jqnnrf ineertion*. Liberal rata r»e*m avp Mumoik represent i in l ■ famii I the ^n^ratAthet iMwempeof Gaoftfia. Ale* ( florid* trading et tbi* pomi. It ,u nf <° elmaet rrrry inteiJigrnt boa*r- fcl; I utr rf hmioM in that aertion. A* an r/ pdim to that range of country it fitqmL (T r Until I'll ((Jflfssenger 'UCixDiT murim sept, m, 10. Tlic Lost Tumble, n, (titan of Henry Clew* & Co. •. ooel nwtenUj, mu*t hove mode mat- . ... Wall street bluer than anythin, ^ U* happened ainee Jay Cooke A Co | tumble laet Friday. It waa a bis v lv ? uithbitr •onneetione, and generally --^nbd oae of theatrongeat in tbaeonn Jake Cooke, Clew., aa a anpieroely Ul naa. ha* been a pet of Grant'*, and . noe is for a fat .hare of the good , -j. that Kbutwell and Kichardaon ,, fma time to time paroeltol out to ,a,’ thoae banker* whose devotion to iriit'. hetonn. took the ihape of heavy ,, -pf a. to aeenre hi* ro-election %J1 el them having come down with fjSjflO fit that purpoae. 4 ;ier the failure of Jay Cooke A Co. the Suy wrount of the Government, which t_j hwn kept with Jay Cooke, McCulloch i Co., of I/'ndon—amounting to over one , a dollar*—waa tranaferrod to Clews* i . , n London, which thus became the . foreign and financial agent of thi ibo-rnment. Woiuppore, therefore, that gam i» out that much, at least, by CVm* failure. Sjironrtfujf. A ('mirier Journal special, from Mem pliu, .Ut.-l the 21st. aays that the yellow f i. r had broken out at Oacvola, Ark., .null town forty mile, abore Memphis, ., I that six or aeren person* died of it a Friday. The negroes were all leaving ton, and the cotton picker* on tho plan UU'« wore getting away aa foot na they .old. Unleiu the panic subside., it is (bought much cotton would lw last all (trough that section. The Eufaula Time*, of Tuesday, any. , ■ r rate dispatch received there on Sun day report, the yellow fever raging ter- r.ljj at 1’ullard. Ala. Tho report is that there are not well penmna enough to take ear of the nick, and thut tho town is a «■» hupital. TV HRnumah Advertiser, of tho name «btr, UrM that tho disease bail nppenr- ol *t nearly every * tat ion on tho lino of tkr n«d from Pensacola to Pollard, and tkt Mr. Ham Christian. tho telegraph p raUir. had died of it. Mcmih. htiddtMi A Hates, Sa vannah. IW gsBtlemen have an ample ail- TfVti*ruent in our column** which does b» mom than justice to the business they npiMont. Wo doubt if a larger and Mtcr selected stock of sheet music* or a »k*v excellent display of musical in*tru- nucnU, embracing* in part, elegant pisBo*. organs for church and parlor, vio lin* of the best make, flu too, flageolets; 1*1*1 instruments, etc., etc. is to be j found at tho South. When this mlver- tiM iaent first nppeartHl, its effect wa* much marred by an unfortunate typo- kTaphioal error which substituted tho •old *• broken** for ••violin,'* thus * longing the sense entirely. This will U* fouud duly corrected in to-day’s issue. We trust those gentlemen, themselves *i« ntwt* in the divine art, wilLtako part m the musical festival which will form *n interesting accompaniment of our State fair. They often get up charming omcerts in their own " M«*sart Hall.” «*>J doubtless are an fait in such matters. What was Saved toy a Purchas ing Agency. The iYntrulia (Ill.) Democrat, says t‘H' fanner’s Central A s socia t ion of Cen tralis* have a purchasing agency connect ed with their Association, allowing the •b.vut three of five per cent, commission f<* soles on manufacturers' prices for ag ricultural implements. The territory of the Association is thirty mile* square, sal within that limit there are twelve business points. The value of imple ments sold the past season amounted to T.U.&90. The average commission receiv ed t*y agents heretofore, has been thirty f cent, and so his commission on this s»ount of sales at thirty per cent., would here been $28,050. Hut ot five per cent., the prices agreed on between the Amo- «ution ami the purchasing agent, his lommissions only amount to $1,676.50. Thus the farmers, within the thirty buWs square. have saved through this purchasing agency $2J,2S2^k\ being the difference between $28,050 and $1,67.650; bed it may be proper to state that none of the above figures cover the sales of •agon* manufactured outside the terri tory embraced in this statement. The lYmoemt adds that the total expenses of every description of the Association since it* organisation, have ouly been $101 AX Macon Finances — The Skies Bright in the Cotton States. After a personal conference with all of the 1 jankers of our city, it affords ns real pleasure to state, by authority, that up to the present moment, not a dollar has been lost by any of them in conse quence of the New York failures. In deed, on the contrary, the bonks here have borrotced faxwnore in. New York than they o«e€, and the balance is in their fa vor instead of against them. Moreover, the assets and available re sources of each are Abundantly sufficient for any emergency, and they still afford the usual accommodation to their friends and patrons, though acting with com mendable prudence and nwtion, The disasters reported at the North, one of our most experienced and astute financiers declares, are almost entirely confined to those institutions which Jiave speculated heavily in railroad securities, and other stocks. The bonks of the Gulf States have confined their operations wholly to transactions based upon cotton, and the crop of ootton alone, estimated to be worth forty millions, affords the amplest security for every cent of her in debtedneas. There is nothing then in the monetary situation at off alarming, though the •price of the great staple, and trade gen erally, must bo more or leas affected for a few daya to oome, until ootton begins to move freely. It should also be remembered that our merchants for the most part, have already completed the purchase of their hill stocks, and upori the most favorable terms where risis was required. So, in no event, can they be touched by the present financial difficulties. And now, a single word to such planters as have contracted obligations, based upon tho delivery of cotton. If they value their own good name, or ever hope for future accommodation, let them come promptly to the relief of tho merchants who supplied the moans for the cultiva tion of their crops. 'When these prom ises are fulfilled, and not before, they are at Jil>erty to hold the remainder of their cotton for higher prices. Nor is it cer tain, if they act thus, that their produce will be forced off on a declining market, os tho presence in toarchoute of the article, may be all that is required for tho prerf- nt in the premises. THE GEORGIA PRESS. Some Interesting Facts About the Hultimorc and Ohio Railroad. Gath,” in a late letter to the Chicago Tribune, written from Oakland, Md., on the line of the aliove mad, relates some interesting facts in it' history. It was the first mud in the United States to moke the es «iy of crossing the moun tain* ; the first in America, to sell its se curities in Europe; and about the only road which wus built out and out by bus- ncad men, untrammeled in any way by politicians. It would have been com- plated in 1S40, and thus have got the start of its three Northern rivals by ten years, but for a fuss with a canal compa- s to the right of way, which little circumstance delayed it on the Lower Potomac several years. The stock was for solo at 35 and 40 cents on tho dollar in 18T>0; to-day it is scarce at 170. Its grades are the steepest, and its summits the highest, on* the AHeghanics; it has more tunnels than any other American Iway; its fraught* between the East and West are tho lowest; and it is oper ated with less expense than any other trunk line. Past Oakland there is one almost uninterrupted train going day and ght; the road is double-tracked nearly all the way. It has not been until with in two years that any effort has been made to make this road a first-class pas senger route; but under the direction of tho youngest Vice President, Keyaer— who, like the present acting President, John King, is a relative of Mr. Garrett— nearly $1,000,000 has l*oen set apart for hotels and costly depots, of tho most modem character, at Washington City, Relay, Cuml>erland, D ?er Park. Oakland, and Parkersburg. Day porlo** cars are to be put upon through trains next winter, and passenger locomotives are to bum only anthracite cooL The Lumpkin Independent says the caterpillar has done more damage this year in that county than was ever before known in one season. The same paper is rather dubious about the Grangers, as it can’t make out exact ly what specific relief farmers will gain by joining them. It says, however, that "the whole thing is not too much wrapped in mystery for us to say :*’ That if by the Patrons of Husbandry fanners of the South are to form a close corporation and partnership with the farmers and mechanics of the North and West the whole tiring is impracticable. The object being to get rid of middle men, this plan can never accomplish it. In deed the promoters of this enterprise are too active in the cause to suit us. We had as soon risk our mite with an intelligent commission merchant as to pay a "granger” for the same service. If we expect to keep our smoke-house and com. cribs in the northwest we must expect to pay somebody to keep those smoke-houses and com cribs—that is plain. The fact is, we cannot see what tae grangers can do for us. Our security lies in not having anything to do with the northwest. Let us raise our hog and hominy at home, spin our clothing at home and learn to live at home—then wo will have but lit tle need of tho grange or any other or ganisation. The Constitutionalist, of Tuesday, learns that the Governor has directed the Comptroller General to suspend the collection of the specific tax of $250, lev ied on wholsale dealers in malt liquors, until the meeting of the Legislature—on order to that effect having been received by the Tax Collector of Richmond county. More hay has been gathered and housed in Stewart county than was ever known before. Thb Americus Republican saya a farmer in Schley county killed thirty- nine rattlesnakes on his plantation one day last week, nine of which were each from four to six feet long. The Chronicle and Sentinel of Tues day, has this item: Rumored Duel.—It was rumored yes terday that a duel was on tho tapis be tween two citizens of Augusta, and that unless matters were amicably arranged, a meeting would take place to-day. It is certain that a letter demanding an apology for some alleged affronts was sent by ono party to the other yesterday morning, and twenty-four hours given for an answer to be made. That time will expiro this morning, when a settle ment will be effected one way or tho other. Tine Savannah News of Tuesday says that "within the past twenty-four hours one steamship and two sailing vessels have arrived at this port from Liverpool, bringing largo assorted cargoes of mer chandise.** Increase op Tonnage at Savannah.— Tho News says: As compared with last year, the num ber of vessels in port are os follows: Two British steamships and two coastwise steamers, with three others expected to arrive to-day; five ships, four barks, four brigs and seven schooners. Last year there were: Five coastwise steamships, two barks, no brigs and six schooners. Tho number of vessels up, cleared and sailed for this port, as far as heard from to tho present time, are thirteen ships, nine barks and four schooners, against one steamship, sixteen ships, four barks, two brigs and four schooners, for the cor responding date last year. Negro Duelists.—It seems to be spreading. The Columbus Sun has the following: poli. .-nu n ivjM.rt two iiogToes were haring words Saturday night, when one delivered a cartel to the other. They agreed to adjourn to Bull Creek—there to fisticuff it out. Arriving on the ground the matter was settled by one agreeing to treat the other and his seconds—in all forty cents. The same paper has tho following ac count of tho late storm* at Apalachicola and tho damage done: Four Warehouses, a Block op Stores and Three Saw Mills Demol ished—Oranges and Fences Gone— Injurt to Shipping—Good Fishing Ground — Loss $150,000.— From Mr. Henry Moore, clerk of tho steamer Far ley, we gain tho following particulars concerning tho late storm at Apalachi cola and the heavy lasses caused by it. A heavy southeast wind arose Friday Coolip ft Co.’s Contract with the Northern Pacific Hallway. TheCoarierJouitokT* T(.i-aini^on sjv- <1*1 of Monday says: The following i* *aid to have l»oon the wntract of Jay Cooke ft Co. with the Northern Pacific railroad: They took of the road fsi.Od.MAlO of bond*, and agreed to Iwj to the land, a* fo»t aa the bond* *>‘t* »»u. So per cent, thereof. They Vrred. further, to pay interest annually to tho rood, tho amount of the interest on k®d» remaining in their hands unsold, ***4 this interest waa to be coahdasd as France payment on the bond*. On the firat September lost* the interest due to the rood by Jay Cooke A Co. was over and there «m in their hands *1 West $ kXUiXi" * I or $50,000,000 unsold. A Man with a Broken Neck Stands The circumstance* of the death of a Touag man named Muir, in Indianapo- • *» Indiana, on Tuesday morning last, •W* somewhat singular. He vm assist- in raising a derrick in front of one of Palmer House, uanagement the I ad,*r the impros- - about total] to 'he central walls o *hrc through soon *»rick toppled ore ***1 that the derric i. M ...i ; open a p. .'•out ts, l feet, ***t he into the eellu -aud. a .!:>■ alighting ujk.i *"*nw4f i Ifni** o ip he ' * r ,'- *.d Institute that his neeh iding up: ri. striking upon a i forehead. Hairing >1 up and felt the fall, and then pitched I'oinpanion* came to amoved him to th.* her? an examination broken. -Makvi.ano wou.iuj ih fchortlr to l*e under tin* old English law os item- *•••1,1. Her eotm*?l is e«>nfident of '•putt*), however, us he ntn produce • 1*1*01,1 to t«>,tify that she’s a most UliUuQ *cold. “Been Bankrupt Since the First Shovel or Dirt was Taken Out.” A correspondent of the Chicago Tribune who has been up in Minnesota for the past year investigating tho management and future prospects of tho Northern Pacific milnxfll tells some ugly things about tho road and its projectors. He The Northern Pnoifie Company never hod any financial standing; it has been bankrupt from the day the first shovel full of dirt was taken out. And if the people had investigated the prosp»*ct« of the company, they would not to-day be holding hundreds of thousands of dollars of its worthless paper. For tho last two years tho only receipts the Northern Pacific Company has hod were from the sales of Iona and its unsecured watered bonds. There has not been a section of twenty miles of that road that has- paid its operating expenses. And, while the head men of the Northern Pacific have been keeping up a show of appearances from the money received from its lion,Is and its lands, the operators—the laboring men—have gone unpaid. I have met m?n on tho line of the Northern Pacific rail road so poor and so disheartened, that they wort' in a manner beggars; yet they were on the pay-roll a* creditors of the company for months of wages. Other crimes against humanity are justlv laid at the door of the Northern Pacific Company. That company has employed smart, shrewd, yet unscrupu lous men to visit the Scandinavian pro vinces, and deceive and inveigle those hardy sons of the North into emigrating to its inhospitable, barren lands. And it is openly o»"*«Tted in St. Fanl that Minis ter Cramer. Grant’s brother-in-law, has best one of these paid agents. Hundreds of Scandinavians ore scattered alonjj the line of the Northern Pacific railroad, liv ing in mud hovels, and barely raising enough provisions in the short season to subsist on during the long and gloomy and terrible winter, with no market for what little surplus they may stint them-. selves to acquire—whose curses ore lood and deep against the deception practiced upon them. The Chicago Pension Agency. The Chicago pension agency is an office under Government worth about $6,000 a year. It is now held by a Mr. Blakeley, the editor of an evening journal in Chi cago. There are three applicants for the office, which will become vacant soon by the retirement of Blakeley. All of the applicants are also editors of evening Chicago journals of Administration poli tics. The most noticeable applicant is Mrs. James A. Mulligan, the widow of <feo«al James A. Mulligan, who was killed early in the war at Lexington. This lady is said to be a person of ac complishments and’ for some time past has been one of the associate editors of tbs Chicago Evening Post- About a month > «o Mr^. Mulligan saw President Grant and applied for the office. The President :u*ked l.,T t«' colltvt her ere,I, Uti.lL* .Old iNune again to «i* him. She returned t,* Chicago, did as the President advised, *nd she h.i now gone to Washington armed with her credentials and with a fair chance of obtaining the appointment. The precedent, should she U- made Jh ii- «k*n agent at Chicago, would Ik- an in teresting one in the present problem ,»f woman’s rights, as the office in point of salary would be the most important one ,-ver \>eld by a female under Government. -V. Y. World, -Ut. CoMrLIMKNTAKY T«» A “ SENATOR.”— The Montgomery Advertiser says : The “ little fat sutler,” George E. Spencer, wa? in the city yesterday. He was at one time Senator fur Alabama* by appointment of Congress through th? operation of the violent and exeeptiunal reconstruction measura* ad«>pt«*d by tluit !»ody with respect to thi* Slat**. We thought the city k»d been qaarantined. disposed to extend their business. There is apparently no anxiety or disposition to buy exchange or discount paper. In con sequence of a religions holiday our Jewish citizens closed up their places of busi ness, and as they constitute & material portion of our business com unity, their entire withdrawal from business circles was necessarily felt. Besides, the recent money panic in New York has hod a de pressing effect upon financial operations everywhere. People seem disposed to wait. They have grown cautious. They are not all disposed to make an uncertain step. While we have within ourselves the means to get along, to raise the nec essary money, those means seem just now to be powerless. But we are satisfied this state of things cannot last, and we live in the hope that a few days will make a complete change in our financial affairs. Alabama Cotton Crop.—The Colum bus Sun of Tuesday says: A prominent ootton merchant who has just returned from a trip to Montgomery gives a very blue account of the condi tion of the cotton crop. From Chehaw to Montgomery ten to twenty acres will be required to make a bale, and the rich prairie country from Union Springs west is in a worse condition, and no better is the ce so in other directions. The general calculation is that Montgomery will re ceive this season forty to forty-five thou sand bales, against some sixty-five thou sand last year. The caterpillars have done the work. Trade is stagnant. Jas. D. Collins was nominated on Tuesday by the Democrats of Fulton coun ty aa their candidate for Clerk of the Su perior Court, and was doubtless elected yesterday. An Atlanta paper says Milton Malone's counsel "are endeavoring to carry his case to the Federal Supreme Court.** A man by the name of Abies was shot and killed last Sunday, near Griffin, by a man named Grant. Grant had a warrant for him, and was endeavoring to arrest him when he ran and Grant shot him. : BY TELEGRAPH. DAY DISPATCHES. The Greei-Eyed Monster. Allentown, |Pa., September 24.— Thomas B. Parker bhot his wife this morning and then blew his brains out, cause, jealousy, The parties are very „ , _ , * n ! wealthy. The wife is .supposed to be From .\ewlork-Tlie-Iffonv.\ol Over. 1IK . rtal iV mU n,le-J. The tSgrfr mues morning about two o’clock, and continued with tremendous force four hours. The boat, at the commencement, was in the Sluice,” about fifty miles above Apa lachicola. The wind was so violent as to drive the boat to the shore and impede her progress. The cabin bad to be lashed to tie lower deck to prevent its be ing blown off. Fortunately the steamer was behind time. Had she been at the bay she would certainly have been lost. Where she was the storm blew the bark from the cypress trees as cleanly os if shaved by a knife. Torrents of rain fell, damaging some dry goods for Apalachicola houses. The steamer left Apalachicola at 3 p. m. Friday—and hence liad time to learn the full extent of the disaster at that place. The tide, increased by the force of the hurricane, ran over the wharf and flooded all the stores on Water street, greatly injuring stocks on the first floor. There are no cellars in the place. The following merchants were mostly damaged: E. Labatiel; H. Brash, dry goods, (l°at most); F. J. Egbert A Co., R. G. Baker & Bro., A. M. Harris, A. Murat & Co., John Cook—all after Brash being grocers. No cotton was on the wharf to be damaged. All the oyster boats and fishing smacks are bottom upwards; four large lumber barges, one with a pile-driver on board, and the two steam tugs—Hudson Pet and Ella—were blown ashore. .The new pilot boat, Argo, was not heard of while the Farley was in port. A great many fish were blown ashore and not a ffew large moccasins were killed by the people on the wharf. Several negroes caught strings of fine trout. The steam saw mill of Davis, Richard Jc Co. was complete ly demolished; and that of Cottrel dam aged ; and that of the Pennsylvania Tie Company had a tin roof and smoke stack blown off. Tho Bucknam warehouse lost roof and side; the Pedee is partially, and the Mitchell and National wholly grounded. All were of brick. What is known as the Columbus Block —it having been owned by several citizens^ of Columbus—composed of seven or eight brick stores—is fairly demolished. The upper story of J. I. Griffin’s old store is gone. Osmon’s dwelling house had its top blown in. Twenty dwelling houses are reported blown down. The market house is half gone. “Saint’s Rest.*' the residence of Captain Dan Fry, is unin jured, but his fences and orange trees are among the things that were. Private grounds were ba«lly injured. All the orange trees and fences in the place are down. There were many splendid trees in the citv. The streets are full of oranges. The loes.M estimated at $150,000 to $200.- 000—that is the estimate of citizens. No lives were lost. Mr. C. E. Hochstrasser, of Columbus, lost a brick store. The British ship Cefferina which ar rived at Savannah on Sunday from Liver pool. brought thirteen cases of brick and tile machinery for the earthenware man ufactory of Mr. Henry Stevens, of Mill- cdgeville. Among the crew of the British steamer Chrysolite which amv»d at Savannah on Monday, were eight borsi whose names were not on tho muster roll when the steamer left Liverpool. They smuggled themselves aboard the «lay before the at earner left, and hid until she had been out three or four days and too far from land for the Captain to put them ashore. A Dull Day—Little or no Business , Transacted.—Under this head the 1 Savannah Advertiser and Republican Matters in New York. There is still much alarm and confu sion in the money centres of New York, and the situation is not as favorable os reported in our last issue. Several heavy additional failures have occurred, and money is held at ruinous rates of interest. The trouble seems to be extending also, to some of the interior cities, but at tho date of this writing has been confined to Patterson, Petersburg and St. Louis. Still, there is a feverish excitement and feeling of apprehension pervading all classes. Jay Cooke is still reticent and refuses to be interviewed by tho newspa per men. It is believed, however, that he will bo able to resume business again with tho assistance which will bo afford ed to him. In Europe a feeling of un easiness prevails, but no failures have been reported. Another huge defalcation, already re ported by telegraph, has been discovered in the Union Trust Company, ono of the suspended bank concerns. Carlton, the secretary, is non est and with him goes $350,000. "Confidence” seems to be al most an exploded word at this juncture, and men look and act as though the earth was mined beneath them. The New York World thus describes the panic on Saturday last. " The feel ing on the street was terrible—men wanted nothing—would have nothing— but money to live on, and threw confi dence to the winds.” Tho Sunday issue of tho same paper has tho following, also, in reference to tho government's assist- Niv Yore, September 24.—-The ten millions of loan certificates having been exhausted, the associated banks will issue ten millions more to-day. The Bank of the Commonwealth is sued for collaterals which they cannot pro duce upon a tender of the amount loaned. Carleton, the Secretary of the Union Trust Company, La*- friends who are in treaty with the bank for a settlement of his defalcation. Henry Clews claims that his securities are far more than ample in ordinary times He may resume when the money market improves. It is published that their cor respondents include twenty-four National and State bonks and 158 private bonkers. There are rumors of yellow fever on Harrison street, Brooklyn—ono fatal and two closely quarantined. It is stated that Western shippers of grain have been advised to hold off on ac count of a difficulty to meet sight drafts. The Stock Exchange remains closed till further orders. The Sub-Treasury is offering no bonds this morning, and the feeling is excited Western Union 62 bid, 64 asked. Howes & Macy have suspended. Later—The Sub-Treasury has bought half mfllion bonds. The baakpretidents are authorized to issue another ten mil lion loan certificates. Macy, of Howes & Macy, says all houses like theirs having a large number of deposits must suspend. The London House of H* Clews & Co. Suspends. London, September 24.—Clews; Ha- bitch & Co. have decided to suspend. ■ A Berlin dispatch announces the fail ure of a bank in that city. Clews, Habitch & Co. are liable on ac count of Henry Clews & Co. for .£240,000 Their own liabilities are .£64,000, which they can meet, but not those of Henry Clews. Look 0u< Washington, September 24.—The Freedman’s Savings Bank is enforcing the legal thirty day notice from deposi tor.-. Alas, the Poor Miners! Wilkesbarre, Pa., September 24.— Brown A Gray attribute their failure to Henry Clews. The miners were large de- podtors. One Thousand Men Out of Work. Patterson, N.J., September24.—Four hundred and fifteen locomotive men were discharged from Rogers' locomotive works—making one thousand, which was two-thirds of the force. The Yellow Fever at Vicksburg and Memphis. Vicksburg, September 24. — There 2pi three fatal yellow fever deaths yes- raay. Memphis. September 24.—Nine yellow fever deaths yesterday. The Spanish Bore. Madrid, September 24.—Itr Is stated the insurgent vessels have left Alicante for Cartagena. The Epoca applauds Yelverton for pre venting the bombardment of Alcante. Nouveins lias been appointed President of the Supreme Council of War, Gen. Pavaria, Captain General of Madrid, and Gen. Jouvelar, Captain General of Cuba, “lee General Pieltan, recalled. Dead. New Orleans, September 2 b—Tho Rev. Schneider, Pastor of St. Alphonsus* Church, is dead. once: At the Sub-Treasury early yesterday morning a crowd was waiting to learn in what shape would be carried out the or ders of Secretary Ricliardson to buy $10,- 000,000 of governments, and therefore supply that amount of legal tender to those having securities upon which they could not otherwise realize. The follow ing notice was found ported upon the bulletin of the Sub-Treasury: Notice is hereby given that proposals to sell to government $10,000,000 of five-twenty bonds will be received at this office to-day, Saturday, September 20, 1873. The proposals will be opened at twelve o’clock noon. The usual regula tions of the Treasury Department for purchase of bonds will be observed. As early as nine o’clock, unfortunately three hours before the appointed time, Mr. Wesley, of the Union Trust Company, came in to offer $982,000 of five-twenties, and to take his pay fer them' in green backs at par, proposing to settle after wards at the lowest prices of the noon sale. Assistant Treasurer Hillhouse could not find in his instructions any authority for this accommodation. General com ment had it that an unnecessary close construction of the Secretary’s order was made. The effect at least was disastrous to the Trust Company, whose suspension until Monday is elsewhere recorded. The bids were made in the usual form at noon, and the following is a correct list of the awards and prices: Van Schaick & Co..$762,000 at 110.50; Francis T. Walker, $18,000 at 111; Ed ward Sweet & C$11,500 at 111.12; Weston A De Billiu, $5,000 at 110.50; George F. Baker, cashier, $147,000 at 111.12}; Vermilve Sc Co., $500,000 at 110.99 to 111.12; W. F. Hitch A Co., $150,000 at 109 to 111; Reid A Content, $13,400 at 111.24; Chase A Higginson, $100,000 at 110.54; Wood A Davis, $400,- 000at 111.25. The highest offer accepted was thus 111.25, and the total solo $2,- 507,000. There was abundant complaint that purchases at higher rates were not made, and it was asserted that the actual purchases had no very perceptible effect in relieving the market, though individ ual houses have secured themselves or the firms for which they acted by the sales. The following dispatch was re ceived in the streets later in the after noon: Washington, September 20.—It may be announced on the highest possible au thority that should the order for the pur chase of $10,000,000 bonds fail to check the financial excitement, it has been de cided by the Secretary of the Treasury to issue any part of the $44,000,000 reserve necessary to restore confidence. At the latest moment last evening. As sistant Treasurer Hillhouse had received no intimation of such an intention from Washington, and no orders whatever con nected with government help for the market. It was declared by a prominent broker yesterday that nothing to be done by the Secretary of the Treasury would help the stress except the sale of say $5,000,000 gold, the proceeds of which sale should be left with the gold on de posit with the purchasers. intense excitement. Republican Nominations. Utica, September 24.—Francis A. Thayer was nominated for Secretary of State, Nelson K. Hopkins for Comptroller. Daniel G. Fort for Treasurer. Stewart L. Woodford was permanent President of th© Convention. Synopsis Weather Statement.' Office Chief Signal Officer,^ Washington, September 24. > Probabilities: On Thursday for Now England the pressure will diminish, with fresh easterly to southerly winds and in creasing cloudiness; for the Middle States fresh and brisk winds, veering to southeast and southwest; cloudy weather and rain for the South Atlantic and Gulf States east of the Mississippi, gentle and fresh winds, mostly from the southeast and southwest; generally cloudy weather and rain areas for Tennessee and the Ohio valley; cloudy weather, rain and fresh to brisk winds, veering to west and northwest for the lower lake region brisk and high winds, veering to south erly, cloudy weather and rain for the upper Like region ; cloudy weather, rain and brisk and high winds, the latter shifting to westerly and northerly, with clear and clearing weather ; for the Northwest northerly to westerly winds and dear and dealing weather; the storm centre in Wisconsin will move eastward into Canada. Cautionary sig nals continue at Escanaba, Milwaukee, Chicago and Grand Haven, and are or dered for Detroit, Toledo, Cleveland, Eric an i Buffalo. Alcalde Madrid, September 24.—The insur gent frigates left the harbor of Alcan te, because foreign consuls, except the repre sentatives of Great Britain, protested against a bomlxirdment of the city. The British Consul, for some unknown reason, refused to join in the protest. London, September 24.—A special dis patch to the Times from Alcante, of later date than the dispatch from Madrid, de nies that the insurgent vessels have left there. It says they are yet in the harbor, and will commence the bombardment of the city to-morrow. Boating. Halifax, September 24.—Brown won by several lengths. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. injurious mineral >ub>i Yesterday was certainly the dullest •lav, in a b.isintss.- s?nse. that our city frfll experienced during the present sea son, and perhaps, at least we hope, we shall not experience such another. Ev- ervthing appeared to be at a perfect stand still reference to our cotton statement, that over three thousand l«ol?s of cotton were received, not a l«ale wa* sold. Evidently buyers are scores. The banka seem in- A Human Skull in a Qunrtz- Lead. Agassiz and all the great physicists of the Old World and the New would have been thrown into & state of feverish ex citement had they heard the rumor that was current on our streets this morning. The report was that a human skull had been found imbedded in a body of rich silver-bearing quartz in one of the Corn- stock mines. Such a phenomenon would have upset all the accepted theories and overtuned all the well-established facts demonstrated by the researches of mod em science, and, hearing that the skull was in the fine cabinet wf Tinker A Shep ard. at the Palace Saloon, we repaired thither to ascertain the facts in the prem- is<«. There we found a large human skull, thickly coated on one side with rich sulphurets of silver, and, upon in quiry. ascertained that the curiosity was found in an old drift of the Ophir mine, some years ago, by the late Judge Bald win. The skull was found at a point where the drift had cut through a rich vein of sulphurets, and hence its coating. How it got there is still a mystery, and will perhaps remain so forever.—Virginia i Sev.j Bulletin. A Michigan widower lately espoused a fourth helpmeet to look after his forty- I eight half-orphaned infants. f. N. Hart, Americus, Go., keeps on hand the best stock of flour and general Although, as will he seen by | groceries ; confectioneries of all kinds ; . a , «. . the defalcation of Collector Widewer, of fruits, oranges, apples and lemons; toys he aUtHct of AWjaIlia . Tho of all kinds; cakes of all kinds, and Isikes j defalcation U aU p|»o»<.*d to be about to order. *ep2U dlaw.wAsw J $2U,O0u. NIGHT DISPATCHES. The Crisis in Richmond. Richmond, Va., September 24.—The Dollar Savings Bank closed this morning. Isaacs, Taylor A Williams, bankers, suspended on account of the scarcity of currency. Tlieir assets are double their liabilities. In both the above concerns the stone cutters employed at the gov ernment stone yard were depositors to a large amount. There is considerable ex citement in the neighborhood of the va rious lunk-s. There was a run of small depositors on the b inks, but all are hold ing out as yet and ’rill doubtless weather the storm through the day. The Freedman Savings Bank require the legal notice as also other private institu tion. A general meeting of the members of the Chamber of Commerce, Corn, Ex change and Tobacco Association and lead ing merchants will be had at 10 o’clock to consider the state of affairs and adopt some measure to strengthen public confi dence. Later from Richmond. The meeting of merchants and manu facturers, including members of the vari ous commercial associations of this city, held at one o’clock, wa- the largest gath ering of the kind ever held in Richmond. The greatest interest was manifested in the present financial crisis. A series of resolutions was adopted, with great unanimity, in effect os follows: That the present condition of affairs in Richmond lias arisen from causes and in fluences external to the banking and mercantile business thereof, and in no wise attributed to irregular operations, or under expansion on the part of banks or merchants. That the banks of the city are at present believed to be of undoubted solvency and that no loss can result to creditors if banks are allowed to proceed as hereto fore. That the meeting deprecates the un easy feeling prevailing in the city as tending to produce a panic and a run on the bank.’, thereby being likely to cause their suspension os well as to ar rest and overthrow all business. That in view of the undoubted solvency of the banks and to prove their confidence therein, the members of this meeting pledge themselves to abstain from run ning the bank.', and confine themselves to strictly regular and necessary checks and drafts in the course of business, ma king them as limited as practicable, and continue, a.- heretofore, to make deposits; and that they urge upon all persons hav ing business’with the banks to pursue a like course of confidence, thus avoiding the greatest contingencies of prostration and disaster. No further suspensions arc reported. The banks all held out till the closing hour, paying np promptly. The excite ment has greatly subsided. The Financial Situation in New York. New York, September 25.—Brown A Watson have suspended. Two o’clock—All quiet about the sav ings banks throughout the city. No sus pensions of payment have occurred to day. The directors appear to be more confident. Two and a half million loan certificates were issued by the Clearing-house. The Government bought over $2,500,- 000 of bonds. 3.50 p. m.—The street is very quiet at this hour. The day closes hopeful, but rather gloomy. The Situation in Charleston. Charleston, September 24.—-Money is so stringent here that no obligations are contracted. All business is in limited amount. There is some demand for cot ton at low figures, but difficulty in ne gotiating exchange stops «ales, and the relief from tbit source is slow in coming. Factors wonM. at the moment, accept low rates for most articles of produce. Paper falling due is renewed in full or with a small payment on account, and creditors are disposed to be Indulgent. No failures have been reported. The bonks pay checks as usual, and there lias not been the first symptoms of a ran. The Crisis in Milwaukee. MiLWAUKEE,SepU*mber 24.—T ne Cham ber of Commerce adjourned to Monday, 29th. Hie resolutions don’t interfere with former contracts, but recommend that all outside trading cease. The Situation in Chicago. Chicago, September 24.—Bank, clear ances are good. A comfortable feeling prevails. Collision at Sea. Washington, September 24.—The American seboom r Addie Osborn, from Providencetosrn, Man'., was sunk near Cape Breton by collision with the BritL-h warehouse and commission merchants, and mate of the schooner. None were lost from the steamer. Another Defalcation* Commissioner Douglass is informed of Another Suspension. Baltimore, September 24.— Brown, Lancaster A Co., well known bankers of this city, and agents of the Chesapeake apd Ohio railroad, having branch houses in New York and Richmond, suspended this afternoon. The firm state that the suspension is caused by an unexpected and unprecedented run. Fire in New Orleans. New Orleans, September 24.—Messrs. Pago A Co.'s patent roofing and tar fac tory on Clara street and five adjoining buildings were burned to-day. Loss $15,000. Spanish News. Madrid, September 24.—The Minister of Colonies proposes to go to Havana in person, to study the questions with a view to making important reforms. It Is reported that the Spanish govern ment will soon address a formal com plaint to the French government, setting forth that the Carlist chieftain Leballs, was permitted to pass through the French territory and cross the frontier into Cat alonia, without hindrance, in violation of the obligations of neutrality. Cable Receipts—Library Burned. London, September 24.—Tho Financial say3 the business of the Atlantic cables has largely increased since the beginning of the panic in New York. Receipts are now estimated at $20,000 dally. A fire in the Atheneum library at Man chester destroyed 200,000 volumes. Death of an Ex-Dictator. Rome, September 24.—Francisco Guer- razzi, who was proclaimed Dictator at Romo in 1849, died yesterday; aged 68 years. THE PANIC. RiclinrilMiii Didn’t Say It—Reverdy John*<m*s Letter to Grant—Van derbilt Offers to Pool Ten Millions, If Grant Would Pool Thirty Mil lion.*. We find the following in Monday’s Western press dispatches from New York, in the Nashville Union and American, of Tuesday: This language, “This is none of my funeral,” which was attributed to Secre tary Richardson, last evening, seems this morning to have been made by a leather merchant, who was present at the con ference, and who was asked to state briefly the views of the Secretary of the Treasury in answer to his questions. The mer chant replied, the Secretary as much as said this is none .of his funerall and he did not feel inclined to assist. Reverdy Johnson met with several bankers yesterday, and at his dictation a letter to the President was prepared. It recited in brief the salient point of the emergency, the want of money and the opinion of the best financiers of the coun try that a draft upon the currency reserve would remedy the difficulty. The legality of such a step might be questioned, but the situation, he thought, was such that an exercise of the supreme law of public safety was amply warranted. The letter recited the two great instances of viola tion of the English Constitution in cases of similar emergency, namely, the sus pension of the habeas corpus and the Peel currency act. An instance of a more modern date was also given, that of the issue of five million dollars during the Black Friday panic on the order of Presi dent Grant. The people warranted you in this stretch of power by a re-election unparalleled in the history of the coun try,” said the letter in conclusion. The letter had great weight with the President, but the question of the issue of the reserve to the city banks was de cided in the negative. Notwithstanding, after the letter was read by the President and Secretary Richardson, Senator Mor ton met Mr. "Johnson and the latter said to the Senator: "I have reason to believe that the Sub-treasury act, which alone roc^ulatca the power to designate deposi tories, was repealed by the act of July 3,1869. It is a short section and had escaped my notice until to-day.” To this Senator Morton made answer: "The question with the President has been not so much the legality of the step, Secretary Richardson has affirmed that all along. How to get the money into tiie bonks has been the real difficulty that finally decided him in the negative. Commodore Vanderbilt made a propo sition that the President authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to place $30,- 000,000 of the legal reserve in the banks of this city, and on that condition he (Commodore Vanderbilt) would add $10,- 000,000. President Grant replied that he was anxious to do all in his power to relieve the present financial embarrassment, and to prevent the impending disaster. He must, however, conform with the Consti tution. PURELY VEGETABLE. For FORTY YEARS it has proved it* great val ue in all diseases of the Liver. Bowels and Kid neys. Thousands of the good ami irreat in all parts of the country vouch for its wonderful and peculiar power in purifying the Blood, >timulatins the iorpid Liver and Bowels, sod imparting new lif<‘and vim>r to tii-- whole "•%; ".n. SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR is acknowledged to have > equal as a LIVER MEDICINE. It contains four medical elements, never united in the same happy proportion in any other prepa ration, viz: a gentle Cathartic, a wonderful Tonic, an unexceptionable Alterative and a certain cor rective of all impurities of the body. Such signal success has attended its use, that it is now regard ed as tho GREAT HOT AILING SPECIFIC For Liver Complaint and the painful oOrarinr thereof, to-wit: DYSPEPSIA. CONSTIPATION. Jaundice, Bilious attacks, SICK HEAD ACHE. Colic, Depression of Spirits, SOUR STOMACH. CHILLS AND FEVER. Simmons’ Liver Regulator Is harmless. Is no drastic, violent medicinq, Is sure'to cure if taken regularly, Is no intoxicating beverage, Is a faultless family medigpa, > Is the cheapest medicine imtas world. Is given with safety and tMfchshpiot result*to the most delicate infant. . ; \ • Does not interfere with bu«lap5g£ Does not disarrange the systein. Take? the place of Quinine and Bitters of every kind. Contains the simplest and best remedies. Simmons’ Liver Regulator, the Great Family Medicine, Is manufactured only by J. H. ZEILIN & GO., MACON’. GA„ and PHILADELPHIA. EXTRACTS FROM PREMIUM LIST GEORGIA STATE FAIR. COMMENCING OCTOBER 27TB, IS73, Special Notice. in prime order, and only needs the addition of » few new goods to make it first-class. The fixtures are modem and as good as new Tho “good will’’ embraces the patronage of nearly every citizen of Macon, and great numbers of tho people of the surrounding counties. Any icntoel and des to enter a busine easily conducted, upon every small investment will viol of three thousand dollars, can make easy tenm with me. Satisfactory reasons w ill be given foi my willingness to relinquish the busindw, and try sendees will be given to my successor until be lia* mastered tho business, tj immediately to septUtf TIIOS.U. CONNER. hlch is winch inooino CENTEAL CITY PAEK, MACON* GEORGIA- SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Beware of all Counterfeits and Imitations. PERSONAL. It may he observed that no attempt is made to hunt up out-of-the-way, or unknown phew, to find names to indorse SIMMONS* LIVER REG ULATOR. Hon. Alexander H. Stephens. Jno. Vf. Beckwith, Bishop of Gn. General John B. Gordon. lion. Jno. Gill Shorter. ex-Govemor of Ala. Rev. David Wills, D. D.. President Oglethorpe College. Bishop Pierce (of Ga.) Yellow Fever! YellowFevebI Whereia, the Antidote? Reader, you will find it in ttm timely uso of Simmons’ Liver Regulator. This egetable cathartic and tonic has proven itself a lire PREVENTIVE and cure of all diseases o{ the Liver and Bowels. , Cholera.—No danger from Cholera if the liy< in proper order, and ordinary prudence in diet observed. The occasional taking of Simmons’ Liv er Regulator, to keep the ’system healthy, will irely prevent attacks Cholera. julygrteod&wly ' South W/ion Drug Store. Prescription Department. I have secured tho services of MR. R. TJ. HOPKINS, From Louisville, Ky„ r pot w _ uled as an experienced and careful pliarmaceu- tut, and by promptness and attention to busi ness, he will commend himself to tho patronage of the citizens of South Mn<-on. My prescription department has been entirely reorganized and supplied with a fresh stock of drugifand med icines. S. D. EVERETT, Druggist, julylReodSm Fourth street, near Arch. Wesleyan Female College, MACON. GEORGIA. The Thirty-sixth Annual Session WILL BEGIN OCTOBER 6. 197S. For Catalogues, containing full information, ad dress . . • - \* COTTON CROP OF 1S73! CAMPBELL & JONES, THE NEW FEATURE Photography! —AT— PUGH’S GALLERY. the freckles, skin, blotches, wrinkles and all imiicrfections incident to the sharpness of the camera obseura are removed. I have secured the services of a comnetent retoucher, and feel assured that his work will recommend itself. sepgQ-til janl J. A. PUGH. THE BEST Cathartic Mineral AT SARATOGA, Spring Chloride of Sodium Chloride of Potassium Bromide of Sodium Iodide of Sodium Fluoride of Calcium Bicarbonate of Litliia Bicarbonate of Soda Bicarbonate of Magnesia - Bicarbonate of Lime Bicarbonate of Strontia Bicarbonate of Baryta Bicarbonate of Iron Sulphate of Potassa ----- non Phosphate of Soda ----- .00 Biborate of Soda ----- a tree Alumina ------- .13 Silica ------- 1.2*3 Organic matter ----- a tree Total solid contents - - - . 888.40 Carbonic Arid Gas in 1 gallon, 375,747 inches. Density. 1.000. For sale by aepsnf RANKIN. MASSENBURG A CO. GRAINS. 509.968 - 9,307 1.534 198 a trace - 11.447 4.28S - 176.463 170.646 - a trace - 1.737 1.128 JOHN INGALLS SPECIAL AGENT FOR CASWEIiT., HAZARD & CO.’S PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, rprq and celebrated house. They are endorsed by all the leading physician* in New York city. HazardA Caswell’s Pure and Sweet COD LIVER OIL ! Always on hand. Fresh lot received this day. Dealers supplied at proprietors’ prices, sepgltf For best acre of clover hay $ 60 For best acre lucerne hay 60 For best acre of native grass 50 Kiirbrst acre /h-:i \ine hay 50 For best acre of corn forage 60 For largest yield of Southern cane, one acre... 50 For best and largest display garden vegetables 25 For largest yield upland cotton, one aero 200 For best crop lot upland short staple cotton, not less than five bales 500 For best one bale upland short staple ootton, 200 (and 25 cents per pound for tho bale) For best bale upland long staple cotton 100 (and 25 cents per pound for tho bale) For the best oilpairAinfr, byaGeorgialady 100 For the best display of paintings, drawings, etc. by the pupils re ta* A ~ ,, . school or College... _ tho best utf*6c silk dress, done by a lady of Georgia pot a dress-maker 50 FprJ.be best home-spun dress, done by a lady .of Georgia not a dress-maker For best n*ce of tapestry in worsted and floss, by a Lady of Geonria — For lkvt furnished, baby basket and complete set of ipfant clothes, l»y a lady of Georgia... For handsomest set of Mouclioir-case. glove r-case. glove box and pin-cushion, made by a lauy of Georgia... SAVANNAH GRITS. T HAVE accepted the acency for the sale of 1 Savannah Grit«. I hope to serve all of my <4d customer*; will *-11 you something good and make prices riicht. Come and see m»\ E. R. RICHARDS, wpl6 lw No. 6S Cherry street. Sbsosa Cor sd and Poplar ■ of thei: JJBNEW the Storage and Sale of Cotton. scpSO-lXulAwSlL IMPEBISHABLE FRAGRANCE MURRAY & LANMAM’S CELEBRATED FLORIDA WATER! The richest, mo*t lasting, yet most delu-ateof all psfUra for use on the HANDKERCHIEF. At the TOILET. And in the BATH. Am tin-re are imitations and counterfeit*, always a»k for the Florida Water, which has on the bottle, on the label, and on the pamphlet, tin* name* of MURRAY A LAN MAN. without which none is 50 For best half dozen pairs of cotton socks, knit by a lady over fifty years of ago (in gold)... 25 For best half dozen pairs of ootton socks, knit by a girl under ten years of ace (in gold) .. 25 For tho finest and largest display of female handicraft, embracing noedlework, embroid ery, knitting, crocheting, raised work, etc., by one lady. 100 For tho best combination horse 100 For the best saddle horse 100 For the best style harness horse 100 For the finest and best matched double team 100 For the best stallion, with ten of his colts by hi* side 250 For the best gelding 250 For the best six-mule team 250 For the best single mule 100 For tho best milch cow .•. — 100 For the beet bull 100 For the best ox team 100 For the best sow with pigs : 50 For the largest and finest collection of domes tic fowls 100 For the best bushel of corn 25 For the best bushel of peas 25 For tho best bushel of wheat 25 For the best bushel of sweet potatoes 25 For the best bushel of Irish potatoes 25 For the best fifty stalks of sugar enne 60 For the best result on one acre in any forage crop 150 For tne largest yield of com on one acre 100 For the largest yield of wheat on one acre 50 For the largest yield of oats on one acre 50 For the largest yield of rye on acre 60 For tho best result on one acre, in any cereal crop 200 For the best display made on the grounds, by any dry goals merchant.. 100 For the best display made by any grocery mer chant 100 For the largest and best display of green -house plants, by one person or firm 100 For the best brass band, not less than ten per formers 250 (and $50 extra per day for their music) For the best Georgia plow stock 25 For the best Georgia made wagon (twQ horse) 50 For the best Georgia made cart 25 For best stallion four years old or more 50 For best preserved horse over 20 years old.:.25 For best Alderney bull 50 For best Devon bull 50 For best collection of table apples grown in North Georgia 60 For best collection of tnble apples grown in Middle Georgia 50 REGATTA. Race one mile down stream on Ocmuleee River under the rules of the Regatta Association of Macon. For the fastest four-oared shell-boat, race open to the world - $150 For tho fastest double-scull shell boat, race open to the world ; 50 For the fastest single-scull shell boat, race ojien to the world so For the fastest four-oared canoe boat, race open to the world 50 (By canoe is meant a boot hewn from a log, without wash-boards or other additions.) The usual entry fee of ten per cent, will bo charged for the Regatta premiums. MILITARY COMPANY. For the best drilled voluntary military’ compa ny of not less than forty member*, rank and file, open to the world. (No entrance fee)...$750 At least five entries required. RACES. PURSE ONE—$300. For Trotting Horses—Georgia raised; mile heats, best two in three. 1st horse to receive $200 2d horse to receive 75 3d horse to receive 25 PURSE TWO—$450. For Trotting Horses that have never beaten 2:10 mile heats, best two in three. lxt borne to receive $300 2d .horse to receive 100 3d horse to receive 50 PURSE THREE—$650. For Trotting Horses-open to the world; mile heats, bent three in five. 1st horse to receive $500 3d horse to receive W 3d home to receive BO pruse pouk—$350. For Runnimr Homes—open to the world; two- mile heats, best two in three. 1st horse to receive - $250 2d buns to receive loo PURSE FIVE—$300. P«»r Banning Horse* open to the world; two-mile li-ats best two in three. l»t horse to receive $300 PURSE SIX—$500. Por Running Hones open to the world; three- mile lea t*. beat two in three. 1st horse to receive - 4W PURSE SEVEN—$150. For Running or Trotting Horses—three years old. First hone to receive ... - $10o Second horse to receive - 50 Three to enter and two Jo start. THE SHORTEST-BOUTE TO FOBToXS. $100,000 Mill OMLT $2 SO! T11E LARGEST RKTl llX FOR thb smallest investment. A GRAND GIFT CONCERT! WILL BE HELD AT LEAVENWORTH, KAN., DECEMBER 31st, 1S73, FOR TI1E BENEFIT OF A JUVENILE REF03M SCHOOL. 40,000 Gifts, $450,000 in Frizes, Principal Prize $100,000 Consisting of the superb palatial resilience of Si mon A brim. Esq., unsurpassed as a private dwelling in tho United States, being only a fow blocks from tho Court-house, surrounded by mag nificent grounds, orchards, garden* and vine yards. The building has been only recently com pleted with all modern improvements. PRIZE LIST. - - $159,125 10,000 20,000 25,000 20,«HH> 15,000 1*900 30,150 “ 2 50 - - - 91,125 40,000 Prizes ----- $460,000 The title to tho above real estate is guaranteed perfect. Tho liberal terms of this scheme brings it with in the reach of all—the greatest opportunity ever offered for tho poor man to rise to wealth. PRICE OF TICKETS. Single Tickets, $2 50 ; Eleven Tickets, $25 00; Fifty-six Tickets, $125 00; Ono Hundred and Fif teen Tickets, $250 00. Tho drawing will l*c made under the superin tendence of a committee appointed by tho high est officials in tho State, duly sworn to the faith ful performance of tho duties assigned them. Tne highest officials both of £itv, <-ounty and State have not only endorsed Mr. Abeles, but also his scheme. Tlic demand for tickets Is unparalleled, and all desiring to participate in tho drawings should at co form tlieir clubs and send in their orders. AGENTS WANTED in all Stales, Cities and Towns in the TJ. S. and Canadas. Money should lw scut by Registered JiOttcr, P. O. Order or Express, with tho full address of tho purchaser in plain writing. . For fut ther information a ml particular* send for circulars to tho Manager and Proprietor, and address SIMON AllELEft, WANTED AT ONCE. rvN'E OR TWO nrst-rlnsspnirliral Gin Makers. fllii-tir) tn rvhnmlho highest TOgo, will bo ^id.b.vthe^orpu’ce. p c . wyMnL Iron in the Blood THE PERUVIAN 8YRUP Vitalizes And Enriches tho Blood, Tones up tho System,BnOdsup tho Broken-down, Cures Feinalo Complaints, Drops v, Dt-bility,Hu- inors, DyapepStt. Ac- Thousands havo boon changed by tho uso of this remedy from weak, sickly, su.Ti'ringcn-atures, to P, ^ mta and 4$amen; and invalids cannot reasonably hesitate to give it a trial. nphlets „ . . iON8, Proprietors, Boston, Mass. Foe bqIo by druggists generally, aepiaenwl V For Running or Tr First horse to reoei Second horse to rec* Three to enter an -two years old Jfnle mile PURSE XINE—$100. -Mile Heats. iK-it two ii brand mule to receive Four to enter and three to i 'ho above Premiums wOIbe h.-rules of the Turf. The u- ent. on the amount of the pi se will be charged THE MILD POWER CDRES! HUMPHREY’S HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS TTAVE proved, from the most ample experience, I L an entire success. (Simple. Prompt. Effi cient and Reliable. They are the only medicine* perfectly adapted to popular use—so simple that mistakes cannot be made in using them; so harm less as to be free from danger; nnd so efficient as to to be always reliable. They luive the highest commendation from all, and will always render satisfaction. Price, in large three-drachm vials, with directions: Nos. Cures. Ceuta. 1. Fevers, Congestion, Inflammations, . . 50 *> Worms, TTorm Fever, Worm Colic, . . 50 ~ ~ - •** co 50 i up i co 6. Cliolera tforbus.Vomit ii 7. Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, ...... 50 8. Neuralgia, Toothache, Fareoche, . ... 50 9. ncndachc, Jirk Headache. Vertigo, . . . SO 10. Dyspepsia, Bilious Stomach 50 11. Suppressed, or Painful Periods, .... 50 12. Wtutra, too Profuse Periods 50 13. Croup, Cough. Difficult Breathing, . . . 60 14. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions, ... 50 15. Rhemnatiam, Rheumatic Pams, . . . . 50 16. Fever and Ague, CWB Fever, Agues, . . 50 17. Piles, blind or bleeding, ...... 50 IS. Ophthalroy, and Bone or Weak Eyes. . . 50 19. Catarrh, Acute or Chronic Influenza, . . 60 20. Whooping-Cough, Violent Coughs, . . . 60 21. Asthma, Oppressed Breathing, . ... 50 22. Ear Discharges, Impaired Hearing, . . . CO 23. Scrofula, Enlarged Glands. Sw. lhmre s . . 60 2k General Debility, Physical Weakly**, . . 60 25. Dropsy and Scanty Secretions. . . . . 5* 1 20. Sea-Sickness*. Sickness from Riding, . . 50 27. Kidney Disease. Gravel, . 50 28. Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness,CT Involuntary Discharges, 100 29. Sore Mouth. Canker, 60 30. Urinary Weakness, Wetting the Bed, . . 50 31. Painful Perkrfls, with Sauna, SO 32. Sufferings at Change of Life. 100 SSS&teaKS? :: » 55. Chronic Coiwctioiuiiind Emptluitt, . . . &l FAMILY CASES. Case (Moroceo) with aluro 55 luwe rial, ard Manual of Directions. Case (Moroceo) of 20 large viola and ow These remedies are sent by the cooeor single box to any part of the country , free of charge,« • ' 're. Addra Y’S SPEC1« HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINEICO. Ofliro anil IVl- t No. 5Si Hruailwav. New For wle by all Dna^ta And by Job" ln * Balls and Hunt. Rankin A Lnmar. Manou. (,a. aepO-eodJtwwtf L. J. Gl’ILM AJITIS. JOHV FLOTNERY. L. J. GUILMARTIN & CO., . COTTON FACTORS General Commission Merchants, Huy .Street, .savannah, Ea. 4 <.KV1< : r lb • '-(-T-rS-Vl-bi-l- ■* A I-im.-. J-W.ll - Mill- karti- and Ia.tneatira, $300,000? pype-MmrasWiRVMigffBSaaffffBaB—— Missouri Stats Lottery! Legalized by State Authority and Drawn In Public at St. Loui*. Grand Single Number Scheme! 30,000 NUM14UItiri. CLASS L TO BE DRAWN SEPT K. SO, 1*73, 5,880 PRIZES, AM0UMTJN8 TO $300,000. COUNTY EXHIBITIONS. 1. To tho countv which (through itsSoi or Onto) shall furnish the lanrest finest display, in merit and yariet; stock, product* and results of horn, dustries, all raivl. produced or mi factored in the county— i. S»*-ond best do 3. Third best do - ’ 4. Fourth best do Entries to be made ^Artici* 1 . contributed to.the County Exhibition' t the August Convention I i nl*< i Lis to the Eihi Corn, he c* rnium 1*4. specific premium.- ior ui*u*nce, a farmer mav wnu iuum km of his county a busnri of Bread ii theu cuter it, individually, for pre- junalffeodtd 250 !*> pr M««o pr Quarters *2.50. • the SUite, lire : Ticket* $H*. Half Ti« Our lotteries are chartered by ways drawn at the time named, and all drawings an- under the supervision of sworn conimissitmer*. The official drawing will lie published in tho St. Louis papers, and a copy of drawing sent to pur chasers of tickets. We will draw a similar scheme the last day of every month during the year 1873. Remit at our risk by Postoffioe, Money Orders, Registered Letter, Draft or Express. Send for a circular. Address, MURRAY, MILLER A OO.. Pcatoffice Bax 24*6. SL Louis, Rq