Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, September 26, 1873, Image 4

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THE MACON’ DAILY TtiLttGRA'I’tt AND MESSeN&M 4 . MlMY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 26,18?3. T1IE CITY FRIDAY MOUSING. *KFT l«H- Litti.* adverts-— The k»ir Pnt«Mi The JfrSoplv* ,,f «» • j»-v-r mrnv in al*»ut tiar thing than th«\ ..re in their preparation* for the forthcoming Fair. We luntr of preparations of all kind* on. Good.- are gettifig ready for exhibition, mumfa*-tort-rni are crettimr r*sidy exhibition* «»f th*.*ir |»n» minp fo on. • tiioiiKitU'i balc-i * f i ducts. u>d uJ. huli . xr*‘ making ;dl .-orL- Bern the r udvrti-wjoTit. u s ■■land pret tv things in order tb Mjltc k Huff . f..:, the ,m-Ml one to take a p rill riot 1 of next ep at tlr at home mi wo-k. lb- Cincinnati itnt i icut rand it h all thi Mr. NYj T; who hiu* Ik -..me month « n<iintr ti> hi molt, the furniture < i-u absent from the *, is attain lit home b.iMinero* a* n-’tal. ;am< Mt1 ■ hoime" reruly to . um they . .ai expectcd that the ■vry far Beyond tl: iationa. •>i.X eotlip iei» hare, : . bn enter Other ro still exp*?cted to hoped thnt there i most on hand. Mr. Ac A. Rorr, wh< mp« • months, has peeled to anil for hon tober. That time for the Fair. The travel to and tl the increase. There rivals at the Brown 11 been in Eu- thai ho »r homo on tho 2.1 of Oc- ill bring him to Mrco: «igh Macon i. sro sixty-one ar- lao on We*ln> cUy, and proportioimtely large at tho other hotels. Mkrpkji. S. G. Bo.fjr. of Rogers A Bonn; J. F. Greer* of Greer, Lake A Co., and T. I> Tinsley, of Seymour, Tur ley A all leave for New York this morning to purchase goods. Mr. Bonn goes for hi aeoond atock. M*ask on tke Jfar ; and llriinsnfrk Road. Tho ti mid cm unle tanoo below Hist u discovered in tim any accident. Th and the train pasi Macon and Brunswick si waslmp a short dis- on yesterday. It won *, however, to prevent j track was blocked up i*.i safely over. There are reports of a heavy rainstorm down the road. “Alimlnax." We have to thank Messrs. Brown A Co. for a copy of Josh Billings* Farmerf AU- ONiwur for 1874'—one of tho handsomest as well as one of tho funniest annuals ever made in this country. It is a bur lesque on almanac-making, and contains pomo capital jokes and a first-rate laugh for every day in tho year. Wo do not see how one can bo happy without one of these aUminar. It is an indispensable luxury. One would os soon go without his New Year day, or a fall overcoat, or his morning—ablution. We think this •‘allminax” is the best that Billings hr yet produced. It is published by Carlo- ton, of eounu*. Boat In*. The crew of tho •• Louise King ** lmvi their pretty croft out ©very favorable evening fora pull up and down the river, a© a training for the contest which is to come off at tho State Fair for Um premium of one hundred and fifty dol lors, offered by tho city of Macon. The boys pull well, and send their boat skim miiig over tho wnter with alipoat th« swiftness of a swallow. This contest 'till bo a very interesting part of tho fair. It is expocted that some Savannah crows will bo here, and probably one from Augusta—enough at least to mnke tho contest a rsrj lively one. We want to see the Macon •• ma rines ** win, and we think thoy will. At h«st it will tako a deal of inusclo to beat them. : The Major’s Court. Ilis Honor, Alderman Cornell, found but one case on tho docket yesterday, and that wna against Butler Brown, colored, charged with disorderly conduct, Butler was on tho street at a late hour Wednes day night, and loosened his voice andcinitr tint a halloo which officer Ruff regardod as nn infraction of tho peace and quietude of the city. Accordingly he hanlbri Butler up, and required a collateral guaranty for his appearance yesterday morning. But ler appeared os directed, and tho sub- Mayar, hating heard all tho point* in tho «MC, JilinnH-,*! the prisoner with the in- junction to behave himself better in fu ture. And the court adjourned without hav ing realised enough to lubricate the pin ions of justice for one poor minute. Clay** Norse Halite. It has already been announced tlmt, during the State Fair, Mr. J. J. Clay will dispose of his four fine horses—Gray Eagle, Flying Cloud, Tempest and Sun shine-- by raffia; five hundred chances nt ten dollars a chance. The followingg tlemen have Ihh*i» selected a* managers of the raffle, and will have entire control of it i Cols. 1L G. Iiockett* Lee Jordan, 1 >.iii Hughes, W. A. Huff and R. W. Rutherford. Tho horses are now in n* fine condition as they over wore, and Mr. Clay’s Brew ster pha'ton, which is included in the raffle, 1ms arrived and is very fine. Two hundred chanoos have already beqn taken in this raffle. There is no doubt that all the remaining chances will Ik* sold during the fair, and that the raffle will come off at tho time appointed. I nlfrd t'rlrnd* «»f Temperance. Tho Grand Council of this order will meet in Macon on the Sth of October, at 10 o’clock a. x., at the City Hall. Dele gates will be |«u»*ed over all the rail roads of the State at half faro. Any ten white dhnuu in the State eon meet and send a delegate to the meeting. Char ters. etc., will be issued to such at one This order has now over ono hundred councils in Georgia, and about a thou sand more m the other Southern States, which is a remarkable pregress for seven or eight months’ work. Leaving aside politic.", sectarianism and Africanism, which have injured the temperance orders of the put it teachet pure temperance alone. Pnandst rituals, and all other ma chinery have been perfected, and the Grand Council will prepare at once for a vigorous effort. Professor K. M. Pendleton, of the Uni- ver>.ty of GeorshL is at the head of the peo- •ption, are getting nt**rtsin as mtuny i nly acrommodatc. nty will lie crowd- e capacity of the and d«»iring that com(l here who cannot h« night and food to cat, ice made up their minds i must be thrown open the fair may be enter- cll for the credit of the ity that they have done Some time since we looked anxiously .rward to see what interest the ladi rare going to manifest-in the fair, for w< new very well fhaU^itbput thcirUssistK nee, the fa ne. Bat that anxiety ha* all paasod way, aa the ladies are nobly seconding he men in their effort, to mak ,^ition one that will, in every particular, e worthy the great State of Georgia. * no localism in thia matter, out hot/d ar not one find •Iter for th- r ^o at ■ tl^t tiu ir hous< that vis itora tn Ltin***!. It w K* • any pteo Hevur llerr-E' th • beat: in toe I. : NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ! GO T O GENUINE mte laodby fioh>. cool refraahin* both for only twenty-five centa. Shaving, bur <-nttin—, etc., by the moat hkillful tonaoriai artists, and at I the eooleat catabliahment in the city, j Stranger* visiting Manon shoni-I r* nM ni- ber this—the people here all know it. Eaoi.a Choice Fnoca is prooonnred by all who have tried it tie beet. Hanufac- j tiirod by \Y. J. lAwton * Co. . aagSlQ. ,, »y p .) , I The trade rill cl.a-in- their floni K nights of Pythias ! |E. R. RICHARDS’ EMPIRE LODGE NO. 11, K. of P ■ _ , oil iwr bda To^l»v slat buj some vt his ’I it: ... 'm..it; . «a5Ra£3L *** hA^arefr - >1;KSH WATKK (.R« ifXI) MEV1- ■V&Hd. J .... 1. ... ... I - ■ BOLTED MEAL amt SAVANNAH GRITS. Bibb County Agricultural Society. j^i * i ; \t -tvs rrKDAV.mhiMxUi .t. TO RENT. a x Einnr-Boc*' A tk* rtBprti N*rr c>i: ,i» i.Hirur> ua t of the Ea ■by pur- i , ~ Ml'i'isnv. All grade* guaranteed to give satisfac tion ; only best amber and white wheat used. "OffSltf X Caret. Ekile Extra and liable Family ace well known to all house wives, and need no recommendation. W. J. Eawtoh. UKtkrasof Ihs Lirrrsrein t/y wsydt, )Qij tbc» billy the dbtnrhed orycan. Biliau rompUinU ire mom common than any other diwue; and to remove the bile as well iwrtsnilatotbnLivur.yw^ only hav« to Uke Siir.nKcu*’ Liver IUsrulaU.r. .which Till MOpart new life and visor to the whole system. If the I frrlm-d. the .wboleb^ly. and not would not he a suocrWul | ” ^ ^ ^ lh The. . .1.. tlie effort to from bo so hitbo tho Hcxt. Rj.vxi.v a LamiR—This well kiwwn ■nil r. lisl.le firm b.f rr-edrnl s UlW hA U Dr. II„.|-. Kan*let Liver Medicine. !t has th.:|.niise ,i all ah.. Ic.or Lri.sl il. In lKdtleA at .V vents and {1.00. Tnom-ixiis have been rharurod by the ue ot the Peruvian Syrup (a protoride of two) from wink, •kly. kufferilte 0-r. atun si to stromr. hullliy, and happy ino n arut .canon, and invalids eannot r »- sonalily hesiute U, aive it a trial. For Dy>pe|eda and Debility it is a sieedde. Tim CuasmsT am> Best.—IIooV. Enreka iv. r Mislirine aim. universal aatlatartiun in tho treatment of Liver Di*e**r, Dy*pr*j>*ia.Sick Head- arhr. Govtivenem^ and »11 that claii of.'diseases ansins from a diaonlered state of the nt-nnarh and liver. novSOly MoiuF.ns. MofHS&a. MoTUEit-i.—Ihm’t^fail pn>rurv Mrj. U'j>slow’4 Soot in so tirsrr -Sr- Bup fur all dimun incident to the i». rio.l toethinR in children. It relieves the child from f*t«in. cures wind ci»lie, reculntcs the bowH% atnl by civimr reli-f and health to the child, srivi-s n>t to the mother. Be in re to call for "Mia. Wiss- At any rate we are very hopeful, and are I county display, bat an honest do credit to the SLote. It is a i Merest—common to the pcopl. . mountains to tho sea, and will ewed by the people who come ,nd whatever Macon, Atlanta, Savannah, Anpuata, Columbus or any other city, or any one of the counties does for tho general display wiU be for th. credit, not of any one city or county, Init of tho people of the whole State. Tho indications now are that the crowd of visitors from outside tho State will bo greater than ever before attended Georgia fair. Itis desirable to send them all home with assurances that tho State making advances in material progress. This we lielieve we are going to do, aa present eridencea justify tho prediction that the fair will be the best we ever had. I The beet brand. U FLOUR always on hand. | G.w him a trial. No. iS Cherry Street. Reopening of the Public Schools. ! rpHR C1TT PUBLIC SCHOOLS will be opened L WEDNESDAY. OetoH-r I. aa follows: EAST MACON GRAMMAR SCHOOL-At the (’-nt nd milrimd lraildinp. and one room at the 1 j ('athnlir Church on Fourth street, waiter G. [ i ’n’orK'i">1ACON GRAMMAR SCHOOL—At ■ Mr. I.iid '» «dKw>l-hotueon Shrink rtrevt and two j I r <11,1. miner id Bond and Collage streets. E. H. 1 000 Buies Cotton Ji'^Vitha(acongrammar scnooL-At AAraiUO • I Si. Paul-, P^h school hoa*. Henry T. Conner. ^COMMERCIAL AND CLASSICAL HIGH SCHOOL.—Corner of Bond and Colltao.* streets: J. H. RoLrts. principal. There will he a rhsnre of one dollar.par month in th.* Hieh Schod (paralde in atl'vuioe,) to fray the rent of the lmildinx. Ail applications fonwlmivdon must be made to j the Superintendent at his office over Johnston’s Jeweby Storv. corner of Second and Mulberry atreetii. - -v- ~ . THE LEWIS SCHOOL, (colored). will, be we ahall h^v CUM “nor order*”—payable hi Or- 0J .. n ^| xiuruiav. Ck toL r . Applirants for that riser*. Burr.*sand agon*, at the lowest cash j x-hool must apply to the principal on the day ol o;<uinir. Tli»* teachers are requested to meet at at the of fice of the Superintendent at 4o’clock P. X.. Mon day the 2l»th liiNt. B. M. ZETTLER, Superintendent. LOUISIANA CM SYRUP. 50- BARRELS OR HAND. THIS IS NOW THE ONLY WANTED BY COLLINS & LITTLE. Pure New Orleans Syrup Now in Market! And none even to be had in New Orleans. WC WILL SELL AT LOW PRICES. ^.ROGERS & BONN. inCfcr- riscr*. ftiunrie* and Wagons, value. Brin? tlonr jour wanefcouae cotton re- COLL1NS A LITTLE. SAVANNAH- FAIR! sepS5-«t THE THIRD looking forward to tho fair w.tji tho nt- roost confidence that it will be a feather | in tho cup of Georgia. The Mercer University. crcisca of thia fine institution will be resumed on the first day of Octo ber, (next Wednesday) when it will enter upon tho thirty-fifth year of its active existence. Tho college is one of the old est in the State, and it enjoys a reputa tion that is commensurate with its Its Alumni is foimd all over the South* They dignify all tho professions and are found in masses in the moro quiet walks junc25 eodfira. Window Glass.—Great attention la now de- •rvodJy paid to the kind* of Window Glass used 1 dwellings, stores and churches. All qualiti* of American and French Window, Photocrapli, Cut, Ground, Enameled and Picture, Colored GIars* wholesale and retail, from Mr.P. P. Tnalc. Xo. 20 llnyne street. Charleston. 8. C. Send f« pricccard. septfdlm II elm hold’s Bccnc.—The only reliable medi cine for d*«(«ca .of the kidneys and urinary or- pans. A perfect diuretic, the kmx-continued hlch by tliqpcpple of this,country for the last twelve years has fully established its reputation 1 the l»o*t remedy for tlicsc diseases.knoxvn. It is one of the few medicines that hare stood the test of time. It has true and genuine merit. Her are of counterfeits. The penuino lias Helm- of life, and arc distinguished, wherever J bold's private proprietary -damp. found, for their in telligence and learning. Tin; institution has reason to bo, proncl of ber sons, for they do her honor. During the whole thirty-five years of | its existence the prospects of this school : were never po .flourishing as they now are. Its lost year was a most successful one, and its lost commencement one of | **** the most brilliant in its history. Its Seeing is Beuevino.—If ladies who do not setho fmfrant Sozopo.vt will compare ti-eth with those who do. they will soe in an instanfi rea«ons for adopt ins than ran bo com posed into a newspaper paragraph* Nervous Debility.—A depressed. !rritable state of mind; a weak, nervous exhausted feel- no energy or -animation; confused bead, memory,’often with debilitating, inrolunta- 17 discharges. The consequence of excesses, mcn- friends aro now moro ardent in their | overwork or indiscretions. Tliis NERvors de- support of it than tliey over were before, and tlio people arc beginning to look for- j rd to it as ono of those great institn- ti..ns »»f learning whi. h ar«* t«» wi.-l-l ;i [ niLiTY finds a sovercifm cure in IlrMFnRers nouEnpATmc Specific; No. sa. * It tones up tho system, arrests dischnrj^es, dispels the the mental jrloom and despondency, and rejuvenates the tire system. It is perfectly harmless and alwnys powerful influence upon- tho future of tho j efficient. Price $5 for. a parkaim of .live boxes xuid lanre 52 vial of powder, which* )s Irojnriaiit in old, serious cases; or $1 per sinfde box. Sold by St it--. The Faculty of Mercer University is as I 1M0 ns any in tho State. It is composed all dniRpists^ or sent by mail on receipt of price. Address HUMPHREYS* SPECIFIC IIOMEO- of gentlemen who ore distinguished for j PATHIC MEDICINE CO, No. M2 Broadway^ nrofouml intolligsnco on<l high Christian N. Y. Forralclyr John Inpil. »n«l Hunt. lUn r , . •• km A Lamar, Macon. Ga. aprlModiwtf liaraetcr, nu n who are, in every particu lar, adapted to the training of the young. They were educated for instructors, and it lias been their profession for y<yirs, and the best gnaranty of their fitnftsS is the ing men who havo passed under their tra OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE IIAP1*Y RELIEF FOR YOUNG MEN frern U)B efforts of Errors and Abuses in early lifo' Manhood restored. Impediments to Marriare ed. New method of treatment. New ami re- 1 markablo remedies. Books and circulars sent They nectl no other testraio- j (ms „ OTVelopCT . , wd r«. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth street, Phila* ity of Macon Is entitled to twelve 1 dolphin. Pa*an institution liavimra liivh reputa- nisli. rh( freo scholarships in this institution, and tho sons of ministers, of all denominations, o mliuittod free of charge. The prospect is that the college yvill l»egin its next year with a larger attend ance of students than it has ever yet had. The now university building is well ad- vnncvd, and though it will not bo ready for use at tho opening of the term, a largo portion of it will bo gotten ready for use during tho winter. It is the most magnificent bnildin; Georgia. Financial and Cominercia Cotton. The cotton market was lint to-day with no call ivthing. Sellers worked off a few bales at nominal prices. Tho financial troubles at the North have produced a stagnation in tho market which will probably continue until confidence is in tho State of I somewhat restored. There isnowno available n-nev to move the cotton crop, and planters will Imre to be patient and await tbo Issue of events. Thai JonfN t ouniy Rattlesnake. A gentleman appeared in the city yes terday with the h>tutli-d skin of tliat Jones •vhirli a [By* I noon * »think is"not fnrln the fnture. unfortunate ovi-reicht yesterday after- are deprives! of < ‘ 1 daily and e-will make both to-morrow.] 1Al _ weekly Statement* mis mornhip.* HVwill maki ooiinty rattlesnake, the destrnctaon of j amcn , Is . ll0WCTCT .i,yp uU i. which was noticed in this paper a few days ago. Tho skin confirms all that had been aid of tbo serpent, in size and length. . It had fourteen rattles and a button, which fact proves that the snake was a patriarch of its tribe. READING NOTICES. Fink crate of Northern cabbage just re vived nt S. T. Walker’s. - It. Wines, liquors and lunch to-day at Havens*. The t «uni> Court. John Owi-n>. colored, whose arre>t was uiriitioned a ilay or two ikgo. was brought lvDre Jinlgs Wi-'m-i yesteniay to answer tin* charge of heg-stealing. John stole the ln»g .-iotct* four months ago, but the gentleman from who he stole it has been in feeble health, and oonsei|uently could not piw-HVUte the cast. PoKsuiblv he never would have done so had not the negro become an annoyance on the plan tation hv liis inaolenoe and his thieving propensities. When Ouvno wa.j arrested two or three day* he endeavoreti to create the im- pn->':i t nut he was a* innocent as a suck ing dove, and that the prosecution was a inulin.'Us one, instituted against him by - me other negro**, simply because h* was .1 D«mo**rat. But the ease is quite otli«:wi;,. He stole the hog from a ele\«*r gentleman, and there wsuj no diffi culty in proving that he did steal it In j addition to this, he is distinguished in Ins neighborhood as one who is not | worthy of trust, as one whose insolence j js *-xtr* in«*ly annoying. Hones, so iar. j from U*ing a mhliCi0US.pro«oeutiaXL At u] eminently a just one, and one that should bar*- l**en instituted some months ago, and would have been had the gentleman fr*>m whom the stealing was dons bam abU t*. uttend to it- After a hearing of tin- -•«>♦* Judge Weems scitenccd Owens U> ptty a fine ot fifty duUnrs, in default of which he will go to the chain-gang for six mouths. 1,000 boxes plug and twist tobacco. 1,000,000 cigars. 100 jars of snuff. 10,000 Cliftondale cheroots. 10,000 Slade cheroots, s^p2(3tf at Geo. W. Head's. "Time sides th from the JnStiee Court in ami for the S07th dis trict. G. M.. in.favor of J. W. Winrins, adminis trator on lfie estate of Wicrins A* Peebles, vs. Stevenson Pearson. Property jioiiiUxl out by the defendant. Levy made liy S. S. Andrews. L. and returned to me. % A. AY. DAVIS, scpjfitds Deputy Sheriff. FOR RENT. » wasted in going elsewhere be- Merchnnts* Exchange to-day. Two barrels fresh fish, at $«p£6 It S. T. AYAlkek's. Geo. W. Held authorizes us to an nounce that he will duplicate any bill of the same quantity, either in tobacco, cigars, snuff or cheroots, bought cf relia ble manufacturers, of his own brand. FOR RENT- 28th Septeml>er. at 12 o’di-ck. the Ciirar Room, in Brown’* Hotel in Macon, for oneyear from the 1st of October next. Terms, pood security with one ’in advance. E. E. BROWN. Herald and Constitution please copy 01 ucsOTor nc: quarter paid * Miaiita Her V fink lot of Tennessee hams, at »ep26 B S. T. AValkkk’s liungrv and athirat All ye that are call at ILivens*. Geo. AY. Head deals in nothing bnt tobacco, cigars, snuffs and smokers’ arti cles, consequently has more time to de vote to it. He takes advantage of the market, reeeivof only unlimited consign ment**, and makes it to the interest of the merchants to look him up. seprJtftf Picklks by the gallon (firm, high fla vored and splendid) ,at - r : ** It S. T. AValkir’s. and Lunch to-dav at Havens’. Just rvcoi l>age. new m id, fresh cream cheese, cab- iktrd, hum.-, breakfast ba- pii-kles by the galioc. -dried-l*osf tongues, pearl ; It rrist, and everything moc S. T. AYalksr*s. ICAACrS BEAR ft*III rich! Burin* the State Fair Any two Georgia raised dogs for $1000. Benner’s Bri taarant, at No. 45 Thinl street, is supplieti with th' ^ All the ileliiuicies of the season, such as fresh fiish* oysters, game, etc., served in an v style at the shortest notice. Open all night. Bod rooms furnished pumm os chaboi to all visitors to the Stat* Fair. sepSfitf French candy, taffy, cream candy at It S. T. Walker’s. LATEST MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH Financial. New York—Noon—Gold 111. Western Union .V* ?5I». Till* internment sale of cold is postjion.**!. Midniqht—The poM earrjinp n»t«*s an- Sg7. cm $s«5 a 000. Forehm exchance is unset 'rime Ivinkers’, days. 5«5b Commcx- rial bills 2 t e 4. Itis estimated that $2.000aH10 in ci'Id has lxvn shipped to New York from Enclraid since the jianie liecan. Londok—Noon—Consols i*2l rf‘.*2L New 5s i»l. Erie 44|. Diseouut rate of tlie Bank of Etu’bmd is 4 per Tc*ter~-Erie Mi. Later—Erie Hi. 5 r. m.—Erie 4li. Bnllion dccreasek £216,000 Cotton. , New York—Norm—Cotton vn*ak and iramdar, >ale* 507; uplands 171; Orleans 15*1. Futures ojH'msl follows; September J OrtoN-r 16| v .?l**;: Noveml»er 16 15-ia? lfi 15^1R ; IWmli'r 16-<17 1-32; January 17 3-16^171; I March 172. Evening—Cotton, net reoeints PI; cro«s 2iS6 ; sales P77; upland 17.*; Orleans 181; market irrecu- lar and nominsd. Futun*s ekxsl barely st«vuly: sales 25.000; S. p- I tember 1C.: ?16 15-16. (V-toN-r id*/16 1S-16; No- I veml*»*r 17 1-16; lKsvinlx-r 77 1-16, * 17;; January ' 1712171. New Orlevxs—Cotton, net receipts 215; pros* | 2252; exports coastwise 0>7; sak*s 500; st.vk 142J45; 1 middlines 16^ -17: low middlings 1A*16} ; strict em«i ordinary 15j« lop market unsettled. R vI.timore—Cotton, net receipts 1^1; cross 493; exjtorts coastwise 261; sales —; st«*ek 102;». mid- dhnrs IS; low middlings 17; market dull and 1 knrrr. Wilmington—Cotton, net receipt«1SS; exports coastwts«> — ; sales 3; stock 500; middlinrs 17i; market quiet. ArorsTA—Cotton, net retvipts 1*61; sales 53; no market. Savavvah—Cotton, net receipts 1«H; exports coastwise—; sales Hi stock 7W. middlings 16*. market quire. Ch akleston—Cotton, net no ijits P«'is • —; exp.fl. ostMw.se 5t»; ; *u*ck 6711*; market at a *t*nd«till. ’ • T ■ * . MoBiLE-Cotton.net rereipts -^25; exports coast- wi-'*>»5; sales—; stock 7'»74; luarhet entirely nom- inaL . B*xsrox—C.-tum. net rereu ts 7—. rrra-* —; sales lC^*; «t»vk ?•**•*■. mkldlliics 2PJ; market quiet. Norfolk-rCotton. net nxvipts 3kv exerts coastwise Ns5: sales SO; Mork S2S. Memphis—C«4ton, mvipts 1012. shipment« 657; wiles —; stock 4S61; low muldlmcs 17; market nominal. Galveston—Cotton, net receipts 79S; Mock 7414: market unsettle!. ' ' ** 7 . *' - ** Philadelphia—Cotton, cross n*e»'ints W. 115; stork 476; middlings 19; low mitMlirtra l<h strict cood ordinary 17; market entirely nominal. LiverpooL— Xcon—Cotfon easier at:d declined a fraction; nplonds <1 c 9; Orleans 9’. 7<*h sal**s 12.- avv sj.-ei.I.stion and export 2*^"': sales upland*, basis roctf oirt'.nsrr. «h*.ppe<l Ortoher anti Nerern- b* r *> ’.5-16. uplands, luisis low middlings, dcliv- ere.I October and November 8 1 Vic. , —n— ^ I V / ppoduoe. 4 I ^ w New York—Noon—Floor dull am! heavy, priras nominal. M'lvnt dull and lKMiy prices oniirely nomuial. Com dull and low, r. Pork qiiiet snd unehanre-I. Lard sfnll: old steam s^ **1. Turp*mti!»edull a;^! he«\-y. Ro«' at s su 5*r ainu; .n1. BxcuQEoFkur fi' kqjvrs. w'uibrra eor* m.-n to fair extra 6 7'**7 ■«*; r -*1 toekuev alO 70. Whiskv qui**t at 97 cash. Wbeot H etvmjpd: th«* .luVnky i4 nc^Mlatir? exrhav.re ex. Iu«les shipk*rs; winter red a*. } ar.ik'r we-tern 065. Coni uncliar.oed and in buy r>' favor. i oflec very quiet; K;o 21a23. Eire quiet. Perk dull at hi lower; new mess. 17 25a 17 5ft. L*rd Ae»-|**nti quiet and a shade easier. NsvaKand tal’h-w^ni^. j w .:f inf V) make feersrtf OF THE AGRICULTURAL and MECHANICAL ASSOCIATION of GEORGIA, COMMENCING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11TH, —AND— CONTINUING DURING THE WEEK. I splendhl onler, and the BUILDINGS the most substantial and commodious in Um; country. The Exhibition will be divided into Dejiartments of LIVE STOCK ; FRODCCTS OF THE SOIL ; DOMESTIC I MANUFACTURES; MANUFACTURES IN COT- . TON. WOOL. SILK. LINEN, IRON, BRASS, REFEL. GOLD. SILVER, LEATHER. PAPER. FIBRE. ETC, BTC. In fact. tirentUtt pertaining to AGRICUL- | TURK. MECHANICS, and the FINE ARTS. $8,000in Medals, Plate and Money | TO BE AWARDED. Exhibitors are 1 and have their art _ _ . day as nqctirable. that they maybe property or-1 ranged in the resp-Nffiye IX-pnrtmcnti. 1 For Premium Lists, and other fnformstlon, ad dress the Secretary. JONATHAN COLLINS, COTTON BROKER MAC OX, GA., KSl'ECTFULLY" solicit, order, for the pur- | Of Columbus Gn. »ESI’ECTFULLY solicit* ord. chase of cotton and conshrnments of «*me his plantiu? ami mercantile friends. \ salesman, with an experience of twenty-seven years he h»* no hesitancy in saving he can guar- ..o hesitancy i - , satisftM'tion to both buyerand seller j and pledges careful attention to all business in- trusted to his care. Office, in Hollingsworth block, near J. A. j Foster’s, ' • • ■ • sep34 lw Household Furniture FOR SALE. W. W. CARNES, General Insurance Agent, OFFICE NO. S6 CHERRY ST. Represents the following first-class Companies: HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Organized 1$10 * - - < * Assets $2,250, GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, . Asset. $500,000. UNDERWRITERS' A6ENCY, NEW YORK, be informed where thev < riunires, banruius. by applying at ■rplS-St FOB KENT. Assets ----- over $4;000,000. PLANTERS'. INSURANCE COMPANY. Qf Memphis, Tenn* . - - , Assets 9BBJH&. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, - - Assets $3,500,000 Policies written on Dwellings, Stores, stocks I Jlerchandise, Cotton, or other insurable property at fair rales. My sleeping room adjoins my office, and I will I cover Cotton or other property at any hour of the 1 day or nisrht. 1 soplS-tf W. W. CARNES CAUTION. BUT ONLY xnr GENUINE FAIRBANKS SCALE, MANUFACTURED BY E. & T. FAIRBANKS & CO 1.1 I.SP I m m co et- P Pu fL CO o P ►— CD 03 Stock Scales. Coal Scales. Hat Scales, Dai ry Scales, Counter Scales, etc* etc. SCALES REPAIRED PROMPTLY AND REASONABLY. For sale also, Troemner’s Coffee and Drug Mills, Composition Bells, all sizes Letter Presses, etc. TUP MOST PERFECT Alarm Cash Drawer! | MILL'S ALARM TILL CO.’S EVERY MERCHANT SHOULD Use Them. SOLD AT Fairbanks’ Scale Warehouses, Fairbanks & Co., 311 Broadway, Mew York, 1G6 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, 53 Camp Street. New Orleans. FAIRBANKS & EWING, Masonic Hall. Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS. BROWN & CO, 2 Milk Street, Boston. For sale by CARHART <3c CURD, rep26 3Iaeon. Ga. | DENTISTRY. E3IERSON lias retunie<l to 3Iacon. ill resume the practice of lX-ntistry at once, at his Dental Rooms, 84^31 ulberry street, sepl tf FOB SALE CHEAP. A N half-acre lot with a six-room dwelling, kitchen, outhouses, etc., situated on Second street between Oak and Arch. Is within a minute* walk of the hu^im-ss |.art of the city, ... pot and workshojw, a;ul lias proven to be a healthy place. Apply to D. D. CRAIG. auglQ eodlf R. A. MORRIS. JOHN P. FORT, [ATTORNEY AT LAW,[ Macon, Georgia. sept2I 5w* NOTICE. 1 this day sold our stock of GOODS | . „ ’• J.lMwi liberal patronage of c September 13th, 1873. sep3l tf For Rent. rpHE FLINT HOUSE, containing twenty-five I X rooms, with garden and outbuildings. One of the best stands for a boarding-house in the city. Apply to G. 6. ROBERTS or MILO S. FREEMAN, nugi tf For Rent. 3E residence of the late J. R. Butts, on Firs! _ stnvt. occupied at present by J. L. Sauls- . bury, eligibly located ami cunvcnicnt to bu.*ines>. Possession given October 1st. Apply to A. B. ROSS, seplOtf Or CA1*T. A. G. BUTTS. Rooms For Rent, o v ER office of Southern Express Company. Terms moderate. Apply to T. IL HENDERSON, sepia tf At Express Office. Still Farther Redaction. Closing; Out Prices O WING to our removal to Forsyth on the 1st proximo, we will sell all classes of goods at closing out prices until the 27th instant, We specify no particular goodsTbut include 1 vholo stock in these bargain prices. Come and see tlmt we will prove our assertions. Remember, we have but five days more. \ \ W. A. BANKS & SONS. sop21tf■ TO RENT. one eight- following New Goods Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS Ever offered,,—— We invite all to call and examine our Stook of goods and lie convinced we sell TIIE BEST GRADES of GOODS at the LOWEST PRICES. This week we invite special attention to the Stores for Rent. O NE on Cotton Avenue, near the corner of Cherry street, ami the other on Cherry street, near comer of Cotton Avenue. Possession iven immediately. Apply to sep9 tf A. FARMER. WOOD. STEW GOODS which wtr^femt bargain prices: 10.11,and 12-4 MARSEILLES QUILTS, 10,11 and 12-4 SHEETING, 10,11,12 and 14-4 BLANKETS, ■*, 5, and 6-4 BLEACHED COTTONS. 1 •*— BUTTS A ROSS. I Large assorments Coal. Coal. NAPKINS, DOILIES, W I £.‘wS“!! TABLE DAMASKSakl TOWELS, A Callaway’s store. Post Office, or office of A. G. | _ T . vn _ m JAMES F. LEONARD,^ THE. POTT SEVILLE (. KNFG COMPANY J A Callawsj% J Butt’s Esq., will receive prompt attention. Yard opposite Rock Mill. sep2 tf BUTTS A ROSS. LAND FOR SALE. To the Stockholders of the PottercHle Mnn facturrag Company t has instituted lux action of complaint on account PIANO and TABLE COVERS. Largest assortment BLACK GOODS IN THE CITY. E IGHT HUNDRED <S00> acres of land in one I BLACK SILKS of best mated at New body, lyingabout throe and a half miles north- or DCat maKt.3, at JNew west of Fort Valley, Ga., one-third cleared and in | v . « “ * " 1 York prices. principally oak. hickory and pine, and locaUxi ... n liealthy neighborhood. These lands are red and [ COLORED SILKS in all the new and u- level, well adapted to the production of corn, rot- I fashionable colors^ and everything new OCIObt ' r “S.ted.tatTnSTta'd'bidSliJta «“da^is£ to DRESS GOODS. ' ’ * WOODWkRDA TOOLE, | * wo desirable fannsof 400 acres, or four of 200 I f->r o ttoii Company, of T.'vjL tenn. n of runijilii l’otterville Manufacturing | r county, amoimting i Plaintiff's Attorneys. WATER-PROOF LADIES’ CLOTHS— Lie ueos ianuing minis now ior saie m mis sec- | • • jh _iii» / • of the State. These lauds will be sofd to the |alltj^iors. / •/ : » . ^.Ruching, Sash Ribbons, Kid Gloves — — —— • r r- — - —-—r — ,. - . . , ; t -1 and all novelties at the lowest-prices."( \ \ NovemlxTiiext, tin* following property, to wit; j improved lots in this place, containing four acres*!.*. , > ■ .... ■ * West half of lot of land No. 10!. in the 31st d;s- [ of land. For further information, apply to_ M'm. | c trict of oriirinally Lea, now Marion county, under [ J. Anderson,or to the undersimied at Fort Valley, I and bv xirtue of two Justice Court li fas issued j Ga. WM. I. GREENE. Fort Valley, G a„ Sept. 8, 1873. Hep9»d2w VYaxelbaum & Bro. Proprietors “NEW YORK STORE,” sepgltf 45. and 47 Second street. Fair Ground Privileges ! Wesleyan Female College, FOR RENT. office in "Washington ruble rooms over it. FOB SALK. AN IRON SAFE, as good as new. J. 31. BOARDMAX. E. C. GRANN1SS. onetime. FOR RENT.. •HE dw.dlin* honsc on Walnut street, next door to R*v. J. W. Burke. Terms favorable. For particulars apply lb Til REAT HINES. Walnut sU sepil St or J. W. BURKE A CO. For Rent. HE STORE adjoining Um Macon Street Rad- _ road stables, on north >ide of MulK*rn street, bet wren Third and Fourth streets, recent ly ocrupied as E-Sprinx’s saloon. .Also, three rooms ■epiilt LATHS! LATHS!! X HAVE nxvnlly connected a supdrior. Lath X Machine to my mill at Eastman, and am pre pared to famish laths at reasonable prices. Ad- dri^s me at Atlanta, or W. X. LMch.rU milL -mmmmUrn* \ MIKI'IIV. FOR RENT. rpWO DWELUNG-HOUSES. elirihlv located.* ± w Apply to R- P. L.VWTON, julv17 tf At Rxchanse Bank, or to Dr. A. P. COLLINS. At Cfiilin*’ A: Heath’s ' following privileges during the coming GEORGIA STATE FAIR | BAR-ROOM, SEGAR STAJTD, ERUIT, ET C. | ble to tne cummittee. No pnpi*r taken but such 1 ^ i bank in the city. Notes to be inveh oh the day of renting. — Li W. BASDALt - - F. A. SHONEMAN. a BURKE. nurfS td Committee. HENRY SCHMIDT, FASHIONABLE BARBER. Huff’s New Building, Down Stairs, "YVTOULD be pleased to have a call from his old j n customers and the public generally. ep9_lm Bar and Restaurant. OPEN ALL NIGHT. JT- VALENTINO, H AVING refitted his entire promitea, is. now prepared to furnish his friends and patron* with tverythinc pertainimr to a frst-class restau rant, which will be served in-the very best style. He will always have on hand FRESH FISK, OYSTERS, SAME, ETC. Strangers visiting Macon should give -bin* a call. I will open on the 1st of October, at No. 66 Cherry street, next door to my present restaurant, a Ladies’ Rating Saloon. :f JOHN VALENTINO. 3IACOX, GEORGIA. | The Thirty-sixth Annual Session WILL BEGDf OCTOBER A 1873. Por Catalogues, containing full information, ad dress ' r . , , REV.-E. H. MYERS, D. Di, Pres. C. W. Smith. Secretary. au7 2m HO IFOR THE FAIR! W. A. JQHAN & GO Respectfully call attention to their attractive . . stock of. House Furnishing Goods Which they arp enlarging daily, consisting of SHEETINGS, PILLOW CASINGS. T A COUNTERPANES, SPREADS^ NAPKINS. DOILIES, TABLE DAMASKS, TOWELS. Etc., Which they offer at prices consistent with the re cent decline in all classes of goods. RIBBONS! RIBBONS! W. A. JUHAN & CO. Havefust opened a beautiful display of GKOS GRAIN AND ROMAN STRIPE SASII RIBBONS, Which are regarded as miracles of cheapness. IRISH LINENS ! IRISH LINENS 1 A splendid assortment of the above in every grade. OUR DRESS GOODS Haye begun to arrive, which will enable us in a few days to make tho handsomest display in this line ever seen in this section. Call on .19-tf W. A. JUHAJf 4t CO. WHOLESALE clothing stone. I» order to meet the want} of our growing city, we have gone largely into the WHOLESALE CLOTHING BUSINESS. We are now opening a large Stock, Bought From the Manufacturers, Expressly for the Wholesale Trade, * WE TOLL DUPLICATE ANT BILL BOUGHT IN NEW YORK, UN- LESS BY A JOBBER WINSHIP & CALLAWAY. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. CAPITAL—BOLD - - - - $10,000,000 LOWEST BATES I Boots and Shoes! FOR THE FALL TRADE, 1873. No. 3 Cotton Avenue and C6 Third Street. ONE OF THE BEST SELECTED STOCKS OF BOOTS AND SHOES! Ever offered by us in this market. Ladies’, Misses’, Children’s, Gents’, Boys’, and . Youths’ Wear. Comprising all varieties and styles, from tho heavy brogan to the most delicate slipper, made to or der and of the best material. . ... Country merchants will find it to their advantage to examine our stock, from which equally good selections can be made at prices that will compare favorably with those of the Northern cities. In the retail department, we have, at No. 8 Cotton avenue and 66 Third street, all the latest st vies of Ladies', Gentlemen’s and Children’s Boots, Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers, finished in the most elegant anner, and warranted durable, to all of which we would invite our friends and the public generally to call and examine. MIX & KIRTLAND. B. P. WALKER, Late of S. T. & B. P. Walker. JNO. H. DOBBS, Late of Wise, Dobbs & Co. GREAT BARGAINS LADIES’ Presses and Suits! Greatly Reduced Prices! During the remainder of this month. LADIES' DRESSES, SOFTS AND DRESS 600DS With our usual assortment suited to the seasons and invite the attention of buyers. W. A. HOPSON & CO., sepY8-tf ' 41 and 43 SECOND STREET. 25 O THE BEST Cathartic Mineral Spring AT. SARATOGA, TT7ITH0UT exception,- is the Hathom analysis IT of the Hathom . Spring, Saratoga Springs, lift' — College THE HEW FEATUBE P h-atog-r apdiy! —AT— PUGH’S GALLERY. imperfections incident to the sharpness of the camera obscura are removed. I have .secured the services of a coin 1 ••■tent retoucher, and feel assured that his work win recommend itself. sepao-til jam J. A. PUGH. CYPRESS SHINGLES ajvi “H , XTOe. Uz urf 1 DWELLING TO RENT. Lori lk-FIct family «<*v dull and d der CIXXSTI- 1700; fancy 60Ql Pm- J ing. Pork held at ISOS. > ;»<srrtb>*-*bVlwrite* | «r WfcESy I 6>.< ! Housekeepers’ Situation Wanted A h widow lady. :**-i thirty, **b I ! small child, desires s si tost ion a» house- j ihiic institution. Is J bring un-1 Apply io j loo bin the Sen Special Notice. *JpH£ surviving partners of the firm of W. A. HOPSON & OO. will continue the business of the late firm at the old stand until further notice. The stock will be kept up in all the de partments to the requirements of the business. Mr. R. E. Jones is our duly authorised attornev A Superior Article! For sale by . t .. r? ,. - ,.. M b! h. iyrigLey A CO. r quiet and. i Appl TO RENT. PART of a Ib-u*<e on Walnut >tr S 3f "Bundy’s lenemen l fact. September Sth. 1S73. J. L. WARREN. C P. ROBERTS, Surviving Partners. sepP tf Dov't forget to send your waste gxvase .» the* miap fa4*tury to-day. septlDtf ■thing doirar. Sr Loris -Fkiiir. no market; l*r.»im's> eonfirwl filling small onler*. C**rn Hull and dnoping: ■*Tnal! sales; \o. • miiea 3;>t. VPi ; <V.v «7uH at 95. ‘ Pork dull snd rvmiinal. Racon dull; only a «mall j order trade. Lwri. ts» aK. Ngwf>att»v? -Or,N declined at 56. Whisky dull snd lower. Louisiana :•**; Cincinnati 100. t>tb« r snieha. dull and unrhnuc«i. Wi!.Ki50v«v?i—Sp»n»«>«n**nfinednH: nenalea. Ro»iri dull, no tranM»<-tior.v ('rude turpr-ntine deli at 2 aft for hand. 2 so for yeilnw dip and \ir- frin — Marine Neva New Yokk -Arruvsi. Cahlornia. 1 ►na. Cits ui Merulia. Algeria. NOTICK I HEREBY warn ali jeer^' notea gi ren hr WHkin—r. ivufsty. stepiH M * » from trading for : Bnrant O’Bannon. < H. W. RAIFOKD. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. DB. WEIGHT, £ DENTIST. f wreeta, Macon. Gm. FOB BENT. A COTTAGE HOI'XE .-.■ntjni.T.r .• r m etx.-u lumw-luit. u. A..,.l» lo srjilJ-U It. W. ELLllilOND. E. B. POTTER, M. D. HOMCEOPATHIST Notice in Bankruptcy. ri\HIS is to give notice that on the 16th day of -A* 1 September, A. D^*1S73, a warrant in Bank ruptcy was issued against the estate of George A. Thompson, of county of Dooly, an«l .Slate of Georgia, who has been adjudged a Baukru|>t on his own petition, and that the payment of any debts, and delivery of any property belonging to said Bankrupt, to him, or for nis use, and the transfer of any property by him; are forbidden by law ; that a meeting of the creditors of the said Bank rupt, to prove their debts, and to choc**: r»neoi more assignees of his estate, will be beW at t Court of Bankruptcy, to be boidan at th< liotel si Cochran’s station, county of Pulaski. Ga., before Isaac Beckett, Esq., Register, or, the 8th day of October. A- D„ 1873, at 12 o’clock x. Charles C. Kibbee, Esq., Attorney, Hawkins- ville, Ga. W. H. SMYTH,. . sep24 2t U. S. Marshal, as Messenger. Notice in, Bankruptcy. T HIS is to give notice that on the 25th day of August, a. D-, 1*73. a warrant in Bank ruptcy was <s*ued against ths estate <4 Thomas C. Mitehell.ol t ‘ .Bi-’-inity af Wild >x usd State of Geor gia. who has Wn a.ljudge»l a Ha: lkrupt on his own petiUon, and that the j«yme:it <>I any deht>, and delivery of any property belonging to wiid Bank rupt, to him, or for his u*e, anil the transfer of any property by hrm, are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said' Bankrupt, to prove their debt** and to eboom one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to >* toolden at the Hotel at Coch ran’s Station, before Isa;w P vkett. Esq., Register. oo the **'“■* Chao. aep25 Chloride of Sodium Chloride of Potassium Bromide of Sodium Iodide of Sodium Fluoride of Calcium.. ,■ - Bicarbonate of Lithia Bicarbonate of Soda Bicarbonate of Magnesia - Bicarbonate of Lime Bicarbonate of Strontia Bicarbonate of Baryta - * , Bicarbonate of Iron - * - Sulphate of Potassa .- v V Phosphate of Soda . - Biborate of Soda - v - Alumina - ~£-r Silica - - • - • Organic matter ‘ T - • Total solid contents - Cariiouic Arid Gas in 1 gallon, 375,747 inches. DPrwttyn.009. For sale by sep23tf RANKIN. MASSENBURG A CO. 6RAIXS. 509.968 - 9.597 1.534 198 - a trace - 11.447 4.288 - 176.463 - 170.646 f s .a-trace • + j L7S7 1.128 - none - .006 - a tree*; .181 -. 1.260 - a trace. WALKER & DOBBS’ Crockery and. China EMPORIUM Z, B. WHEELER. Saloon and' -Restaurant, Fourth Street, opposite Express Office, MACON, GEORGIA, . Meals Served at all Hours, DAY OR NIGHT. V. First Class Establishment. STOCKED WITH FINEST WINES AND LIQUORS. auz31 2m . . TVe have in store mnd to arrive two hundred and fifty cratea C. C. and V. G. Crockery for our wholesale trade, which we intend selling as cheap as the cheapest, 'Hew York, Philadelphia or Baltimore not excepted. In short, and as proof, hnng i^a jr our New York invoi ee» and we will duplicate, say nothing of the ruinous freights and’ breakage. CHINA CHINA. West’s Extra No. 1 KEROSENE OIL KEROSENE LAMPS,. CHIMNEYS, Alai WICK PHYSICIANS* PRESCRIPTMS —.v. -^V and accurattiV romixihndtil hy tba thxjrougjuly competent, at the Drug and Prescription Store BOL.IKB m, BALL, l Cotton avenue. CASKS REAL FRENCH CHINA. We haye now in store twenty-five casks of real French and English China which we will mU for thirty days at tine following low prices: Taxes—Second Notice. rpHE Countv Couimisskners have notified me tJyeQdow rompeJIed to a»k the ] without further delay- and pay'tSeir Stale and ■Oooatw-Taxr-*. Persona, white aud rolered, who owe poll and road taxe» oul>, must pay up to save^wt, mIsp rwjuired by law to uouu executions and wro*h» their employers. ” s<*pio u W. T. NELSON, Tax Cofleeter Bibb Cmiaty. JUiteUsj HIWHDALE’S (Formerly Mr». Mwvaulmy',) SCHOOL.FOR,YOUNG LADIES,. £*5 and 277 Madison Ave., N. Y. City. XWtOF. GJ508O® BLAOtll, having lie- I ,<ome maaoriated in the management of this 3 .: ! fm m .IMITATION' CHINA TKA PL ATKit S3 1 25 1 7S| IMITAIlU.v tm.vi• 1 S’ 2 OOl !BREAKFAST PLATES 1 75 2 50 ‘DINNER PLATES - - 7 ©o io SO ITBA SETS. 44pieces - - - - 45 00.60 00 ;,DINNBR 8Kmi*7 Pieces 7 50 10 50 1 00' 1 50 1 25! 1 75 1 501 2 00 idi: . ^CHAMBER RETS. 11 piece* fc)BC. GRANITE SETS, 11 piw* - tt)0 sets CUT GLASS (H)BLKTS - 75 1 00 1 00 1 25 1 25 1 50 J 5 60j 7 50 CHIVi TEA PLATES - - - - CHINA BREAKFAST PLATES - CHINA DINNER PLATES - - CHINA TEA SETS. JMtpfteeea . - - CHINA DINNER SETS, 137 piece* CHINA CHAMBER SETS. EngU.1 CHINA TEA PLATES - - - - CHINA BREAKFAST PLATES - CHINA DINNER PLATES - - 100 TRIPLE-PLATED CASTORS; fi CUT GLASS BOTTLES, $0 00 EAC H. 130 do Ken BRITTANIA DIPPERS; to the trade at New York prices. Cutlery and Silver-Plated Ware, ,!eu> rerceup 6LAgg WAEE LAMPS> KEROSENE AND GAS CHANDELIER8, DRESSED TIN WASB, WOOD AND WELLOW WARE, KEROSENE OIL, By the Gallon. Barrel or Car Load. 'Come and nee or send ns your orders. WALKER DOBBS, 8* JfULBKRRY STREET. MACON. GA. s«£ mots m m rum f**w«wwi um ri«T»TiMi **■ aspSleodSm