Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, September 27, 1873, Image 2

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TJIi: MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH AM) NGER i SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 27. 1873. {TclciiruphHrJjhsstriflcr th !f|”?;^Lu 0 nV.T.a!;.i’X l *,'. ^-rJn - | *he<i* of the mountain region. ! v<*ix'> the Northern jH.rtion ITI’HDAY MORXIXt A Jaunt in I |»p«'r Georgia. ab>i i / M. «, l": irr: I nnd tli* ?*nrh >•■ !•*!» Th< on thi- o.i.l thif little Mleqhimy >! 1> of ti..- which tr f GtS*■ - hut fc ;u- i- h. Ti boi •..< >n-r*«t the tnOQ ,in*l i.-aitli-ifiva wild, r>uiontir r fr*#iu this eitv. i CTandlr ter- ’ th« .la U.l J well it*- of Li. FR_ FR_ FR. CHOLERA. in m:\tkkv, ( Htu.KRi Motrm h. durrihka. * AND ALL lum El COR PI UAT.H, Radway’s Ready Relief! > I ammo tit Sale. NINETY-SIX CITY LOTS. T E TI Af ! W. _A— HUFF OLQftTT. W ne«dat, R; lots 1 WHOLESALE DEALER IN •- party I H. r It had of on«*of the p» Clarks* thi j. ted hit oonvejn jfh, del. •aged ft r provided, t.-l back, w.-re rath-1 out by r the trip,.J P'l'*l** i of ".upelling >ur p ■ .Uni •■t see tortuoiia » birgeet of th-so; and •h(<d with diouq* ittained, tlio do wn* a more <lif- haianb.il., port nv. I. The hill p rut-, and an r tm The declivity at la ipitou. d, Aa i •I'l ' at of on •ached jsirt, till. efTor: v:n at/iyi.l, and the mule* relieved ky ft abort run to the ter- oiin.ition of the ,^t<vp .it •• turn in the way. and in the midst of on- of these short rnnvona of the hinder wheels of our wagon omshod. and the wagon fell to the gmund, pro. ipitating my wife hori- Sotitally, head int/.n pile of stones. This was the orrodonof boiaferoa* mirth •midst the thoughtless I had almost Kli.l seneeleM—-of tho jiarty. fortunately iny wife was unhurt, and \vns quickly on her feet. Current event., of the day had wom my patience to the quick, and this last so rubbed the raw, that my temper exploded : and if not with my lips, which were.m t mute, iii my hoar* I cursed the mountains, the wagon, and at host one I tin TI ml at < . turtle ns but a slight stack of the judgment i upon the excited Imagination, to jure from the scene in many places csTand hi* growl’ in the rc^rof the en coming up from his throat below, chaplet of blue ether mantling his d. as it towers away up in space, sa ng even into the heavens above, or two days our party were in the under the direction of an expe- I ri-uced guide, to sec from t£e most vomhlnpoints, all that was there to-be One. there was, a devout Catholic, oared herself, and worship]*.! from i so sacrilegiously called the devil's ring. | pulpit, with all the devotion of a pure Into and pious heart, the great architect of lore, thi- awful display of his power, n]--; ; Wien weary of u.in.l. r.ug anti wonrlcr- ieva- ing, and satisdol that all had been seen, . To we [mid a most reasonable bill and went illy i array to "Tuccoa.” This term means long the lioautifnl; and is as strictly applica nt, Mens that of Tallulah, in the description • JHl- I tho hU-'DO. uous Tuccoa creek is a small mountain creek L'c-t not over thirty feet in width. Unlike Tallulah it comes modestly up to, and | without a murmur, takes its l**p of act- »*nty feet into the l’ttlo ffulf below, and -teal-i away without a murmur. Nothing can bo more beautiful than this thin ah* of transparent water, as it pucefnlly bends over the rock IeJpe, and in on out- spread sheet comes modestly down into the arms of the pretty basin below. The mountains about Tucooa ore more hum* ble, and leas terrible in their aspect than those about Tallulah ; and their waters share their modesty. The country and the people around it are rude, but the people, if humble, are honest. There is no pretention, as they are, you see them. But enterprise has taken a step in this way, and villages are sprintin'* up along this nick-named air-line railroad, which is more tortuous than the serpent track. Very sbon all this world of wealth, hidden so long away from the uses of man will be developed, and wlmt is now a moun tainous waste, ..ill be utilized, and be made to yield tribute to man’s energy and enterprise. There is dawning for Georgia a grand futon*; those who do not look through jaundiced eyes see it nowin the not distant future. There is a spirit prompting to work ; work brings wealth, and hero is the soil, the mineral and the climate. God bless my native land. Y. M. C. ». b’ek 37; I t- 1. 2.1.4. 5. ft. 7 anil 6, block &•*“; Us 1. * 3.4. 5.«. 7 and 8. block 39; lots J.2.3.3, 7 and H. block 40; lot* 1. 2.3,4.3,6, 7 and s dock 41; lots 1.2,3,4.3. € and j*art d 7. block 4i nti l.ttt «. 6 and isut of A block 43; lot 6, TERMS OF S.VLE.-~One-fourth o-h.thebol* wce to hsjatid within months, monthly mtelmenta. Notes to lx* pi yen on the grounds. All tausber. brtakand a m the “Armory Proper* he uae of the *uy. Sale will contmeore at 10 o’clock a. m- on Tat- tall «jtnfp, and continue from day to day until ill the lots are sold. L. W. RASDAL. F. A. S HON BRAN, C. BURKE. aurfdd* Committee. THE Hooded ro level de- ■ tho nc J another •cr. ami sly acuoui I. and dirty, whom fior of the wagon, ited with Mats, <u \l«ateinentof stumps and ■tones, or worn nits along our way; and upon two split bottomed cluiixs, rickety mid well worn, we jolted nnd slided, ns stone*. stumps, and hulling hills deter- ... I. ; tin..- mortal h*.urs, to r.-imh at hun-« t. the nm ient hamlet of Clarks ville. This irt the seat of justice for tho county of Habersham, tho county of mountains, gold and granite. 1 am not apprised of its ago, but had Mathusaleh built it. it could not bo more unique in its architecture, *r more aged and dilapi date! in its appearance! The first buihl- ing was plum Uni by u h*oning teas—the Others by it, nml now every house hostile same leaning, ami all tending to tho some • t. -Ml i I.- triuLoii l.ikethe-etiu*p. >■! \ are riekety, the town is rickety, and the vehicles arv rifketv: but the air. and the grandly beautiful. To the northwostof •' ' ! *l * I Up proudly t he Louch* mountain, ovvdookiiig the countnr y, blue mantled, and frown- Tlio Cyclone. Kt litora Telegraph and Messenger; Hav ing just passed over a portion of the re gion visited by the terrific storm of the 19th inst., I propose to give you the re sult of my inquiries and observations. Of course the roads were blockaded by the fallen timber, hundreds and thousands of tbs **towering, dark old pines” having been felled to tho earth by the "relentless blast.” From the railroads which were blockaded, tho trees were speedily cut away, and trains proceeded as usual on the dsp succeeding the storm. In at tempting, however, to reach Monticello Florida, from Thomosville, Georgia, twenty-two miles away, I found it im possible to pass over with a vehicle, more than two-thirds of tho distance, and was compelled to leave buggy and baggage at a house by, the road-Hide^ njnd^nish the >g in its aristae sser grandees, • ur.tain family »-u the pl'-hi rsti< olei chief of the Che nml fnua this who osjiin* to look emit, n vales be! ore than on grand father m-D' t!;«' t!w-I i d i p. i Che point Drngg with h , upon the with the mptuouaty w. Upon lmndre.l made his Powerful rhwton, wln-m f the chase he i Clarksville v ►raving the has wda in a hack »in build us at pomes. In o, with t! atilod for h <• went to Iixls «.f th ef prhnltiv civnt in v peitnr, .■ started i *“■*«• tr.*- Iui-ojv. “ Tall u- «* tnoun- 1 i\«.l nml tin- jvrila of the Tehiclo in tho I’ 1 ""”""’ -t|’**t i-*ln*t*» 1 from tho prsseuoe * ■ n—f Mi*l*U,>ii. •ov-iu’s lovely women. whom wo met at C3 .ti ksville, on route for fin* fall-, linn U-ntu t iful ia lovely woman’s U-wltohlng smilo : imidi t thsso moun- twine | how 1 aitifi »I. tbas. limpivl. lauv-hin- mountain i iTtvka and brunches. In j • tmb- is m n deep mall turn e of smut m his Mi, •r tlieir jubbly Kh!s •uh and fort* tv wild, only disturbed, here talley, by the pres- » surrounding the log happy 1.u in. r, w Pii.i-1] lass. "I'M warping-b in .Middle to every w ily, and fr pride of pi At - To! turn with 1 The house JO of those sight of a 1, rude and plum]*, spinning cotton an old fasiiiolietl spinning-wheel, was. u.- sho drew out and lengthened ACsting thiva.l. .M/fi*. j tf„ - a- her eye laaghetl and sparkled the bue\:in.*\ of youth ni.d 1 1 valth which manthsl her innoevnt res. InvoluUrily I dimed my ». and in a Jiout gave voice to mv "‘**s, for the **cene was « memory of \vL win.inigdih^les" and i, nnd their uses known but pirtiai; The fallen trees were very thick, and piled sometimes so as to resemble delib erately planned fortifications. In one locality near Monticello I counted oVer one hundred and fifty large pines strewn over an acre. North of Thomasville the majority of these trees seem to have fallen before a northeast wind, and com ing southward the direction in which they lio gradually change, and show that the stron gett gust of wind also veered and was blowing from all points between northeast and southwest, moving in tho direction of the hands of a watch. This indicated that, if tho storm was not a cy- eh>ne, the «•» ntre of low pressure was some- where in tho southeastern part of Ala bama. The fact, however, that at a sin gle point, Monticello the wind came from each of those points in rapid succession, induces the conclusion that it was one of the cyclones so freanent in this latitude *»d at this season, though of unsual force. The damage done* by tho storm is in calculable. Besides the gnnt loss of tim- !x*r nnd the immediate inconvenience caused to tho fanners by tho injury in flicted on their fences and on the public roads, we learn through reports from all quarters that the cotton left by the cater pillar was blown away, the gin-houses wore torn down, horses, mules, cows and sheep killed, private dwellings injured, and even human lives destroyed. The effects of the gale will bo visible for years to come, not only on the face of nature, but in tho financial condition of tho country. Middle Florida, especially already de pressed bythe political status, suffering from negro-radical misrule, borne down by heavy taxation, and eaten up by j worms, seems now to l>e doomed, and if j this is not her death blow, she will bo saved, "so as by tire.” I "Its an ill wind that blows no good,” and if this disaster will only have the • •ffect to teach the fanner that he must not place his confidence in cotton along, it will have done some service, and we j shall not be compelled to the opinion «• mm- I A was a judgment on us for our jovial sins. Oar little city of Monticello ■ver in the >ufferisl h at the hands of the storm- , J *®d is deiiewered of almost all her I bsittihl shade tress. The "colored high i. school" was lifted from its pillars, an*l I : tho wmrohoaoo w .lomoUsh- j J‘d. and several dwellings partly wrecked. I To-day, howe\ er, the sound of axes and j hammers. a« they dear away the debris, and repair the breaches in house and fence, relieves the scene of its painful- «md affirms that "there’s life in the j old land vet.” Yours, truly, Will B. Monticello, Fla., Sept. 23. 1873. Ra-ltvavN R?*!y Re! K of tbs R. R. Relief. BAD WAY'S BEADY BELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASB. CCVLARXATION OP TIJK KIDNEYS, CTFLARMATION OP TI1K BLADDER, INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS, roNUKs'I ION «►! TIIK I UXGS. SORE THROAT. DIFFICULT BREATHING, PALPITATION OF THE HEART HYSTERICS, CROUP, DI1TIIERIA CATARRH. INFLUENZA. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, NEURALGIA. RIIEU3IATISM, COLD CHILLS, AGUE CHILLS. Thoappli HP or porta \t hei« the pain or di/JicuJty exists lord ease and comfort. Twenty dn>r* in half s tumbler d water will in a f»-w momenta cun* Crump*, Sitaama, Sour Stom ach. Heartburn. Sick Htaehact;?. Colic, Wind in the Bowels, and all internal (Aina. Travelers ahotild always cany a bottle of Rad- way'a Ready Relief with them. A few droj*s in water will prevent sickness or pnim* from chance of water. It is brtter than French Brandy or Bit ten aa a stimulant. FEVER AND AGUE., Fever and A sue cured for fifty rents. There is not a remedial ner*nt imthe world tlwt will care Fever and Affm.ruul all otlicr Malarious, Bilious. Scarlet. Typnoi*!. Yellow and other Fevers (aided by Rad way's Pills) no quick aa Rad way’s Ready Ready Relief SO cents per l>ottJe, and Pills cents a box. Sold by drapnrb*ta. HSALTH! BEAUTY! STUOXO ASP FURS Ricn BLOOD-IX- CREASEOP FLESH AXP WTJIfJHT— CLEAR SKIX AXP BKACTTFUL COMPI.EXIOX SECER- EP TO ALL! DR. RADWAY’S Sarsaparillian Resolvent Has made the most asfonishin* cures. So quick, so rapid an* th<* rhanjrc* thels ly undergoes, under influenre of this truly **amlerful metlicine, TUB GREAT BLOOD PI-KIFIER. LOGAN FERTILIZER ROGERS A LEMAN. General Agents for the above now justly celebrated Fertilizing Com pound, would respectfully inform the public that they have a supply now ruody for immediate delivery. It Is just the article needed for Wheat and Turnips. It is no longer an experiment. In no one in stance has it failed to gb e satisfaction. Price $15 for quantity to compost a ton of 2,000 pounds. ROGERS & LEMAN, General Agents, Hollingsworth Block, Macon, Go. auxtftf PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS. 8TIUCTJLY COMMISSION HOUSE It. M. WATERS & CO., SB Broad 8t„ New York. BANKERS —AND— Cotton Commission Merchants. Buy and sell contracts for future dtiwycf cot ton. IXqawit accounts of bankers, merchants and. others are especially solicited.julyCdSm OOFRISJ^ BAOOKL, FLOUR,, BAGGING, TIES, SUGAR, COFFEE, LARD, MEAL, BULK MEATS, LAND FOR SALE. ik>w by us, lyinr on the wot hank of Flint MH just five miles below the beautiful and flourishing town of lb-.nyjlds. (S. W. R. R.) a d containing One Thousand (1,000) acres, is now FOR SALE. The improvements are unequalled, consisting of a puod dwellinr. with every necessary out improve ment. There art* seventeen cabins for laborers, nil with rood brick chimneys. A creat deal of tho rJi-nm] land fresh. Any one desinny such a farm .'iii'l "!. li.-- Hi- ->t «nti« inir ti-rin-*. l»:al U->t npplv ut once to HENRY T. JORDAN, T. MARION BRYAN. auglOSm Reynolds. Ga. urine and other fluids and juices of the system, the viror of life, for it repair? *' i wastes of tho •ith new and sound m.uvrial. .Scmfub- t ----- the Thrust and Alonth. Tumor*. Node* in tlje Glands ami other part* of the system. Sore Fvo*. Strumonnis Disrlmna** from the Kara, nnd tl:.* worst form of Skin PUnscs. Enmtion, Fever Basra. ScsM Ifesd, Rinsr Worm. Salt Rhcmn. Erv- ripela-s Acne, Black Snots Worms in tire Flesh, Tuuhiv*. Cancer* in the Womb, and all Weakening nml 1 amful 1);m har-vs. Night Sweats Loss of Sperm, and all wastes ««f tho life principle, are wd,tin the curative rarer* of this wonder of Mod ern Chemistry, and a few days* osb will prove to any jh rson mum it for either of these forms of disease its potent power to cun* them. If the mti- nt. daily becoming reduced by the waste and deccmipoMtion that is centimullv pn*- rrewjny. sueceeds in arrewtin* these wastes, ami repair* the *ame with new mntcri.nl m.ndc from healthj’ Mood-sad this the SARSAPARILLIAN will and doe* sequre-w cure is certain: for when otiee this remedy nommenrrs its walk of purifica tion. and ntnveds in diminishire? th» loss of I wastes, it* repair* will l»e raphl.amleverv day tho Path'll t will feel himself yrowiiutb ttcrandstrons- er. the fooii better, apjietite improving, and flesh nnd weiirht inereaswg. Not only doe* the SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT cirel all known remedial agents in the cure of Chronic, scrofulous. Constitutional and Skin Diseases, but it U the only positive cure for Kidney and Bladder Complaints, Urinary and Womb Diseases, Gravel. Diabetes, Dropsy, Stoppage of Water, lncontinenccof Unite, Bright’s Disease, Alburainurin. and in nil eases where them are bnck <fu*t dejmtt. or th«? water is thick, cloudy, mixed with sobfUnon lixe tho white of an ecv. or threads like white silk, or threw is a morbid, dark, bilious npiw-amuo- nnd white bone dust deposit, ami whan there is n prickinc, it, nnd pain Tumor of 12 Years’ Growth Cured by Radway’s Resolvent! Bevetlt. Mass, July lfl. is<J7. Dr. RapwaT: I have had Ovarian Tumor in tho ovaries and bowels. All the Doctors said “there was no heln for it.” I tried everythin!? that was recommended, but nothing helped me. I saw your Resolvent, and thourht I would try it; but aid no faith In it. lx cause i hsd suffered for twelve year*. I took rii bottles of the Resol vent, and one box f*f Rad way * l*ilLs anti two bottks of your R<way Relief ; and there is not s *qai uf tumor to be e>-n or Mu and I feel U tter, smarter and hap- pier than 1 have for twelve years. The worst tu mor was in the left Bde of tl»e Imwels. over the crein. 1 write thin to you k>r the benefit of others. You can publish it if you ch< »>se. HANNAH P. KNAPP. .vvare. Drain Pipe. Floor Tiles. Wire |Gerard*. Terra (XUs Ware. Jlarblo’andl ‘Slate Mantel Pieces. ' i YYInHow f.lass a .Specialty, j Circulars and Price List Sent freo on I 'application by P. P. TOALE, 20 Haync and S3 Pinckney sLs. octleodly Charleston, S. C. I White, Pine Lumber FFr Sale. jl n. coLquiTT, JAanvoos. h. n.< COLQUITT A BAGGS, Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants. . 64 Ray St.. Savannah, fia. V GENTS for Georgia for “Ruth's ChaBence Superphosphate, ’ Planters’ Anunoniatod Su perphosphate,*’ Johns i BenrersExcelsi»»r Super phosphate^»ep211m PHELPS, DOBEMUS vt CORBETT, finite Phelps Jc lV>renms.) X.OfrFACTrKEia A>'P 1'KALEKS IX PARLOR, CHAMBER AND OFFICE FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, SPAIN6 BEDS, ETC., 2ft* and 26« Canal St.. Near Rmulway. New York. WM. TUELrs. OTIS CORBETT. WSL T. DOKKMUS. GEOKGTA A1ILLS D. L. ROBERTS. T. A. GARDEN. DWIGHT L. ROBERTS £ CO.. FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savannah, Ga. Liberal advances msde on Produce in hand. We have a rood stock of Baprin^ and Ties on hand, which we offer at low rates. sep!2 ftm WM- H. STARK. H. P. RIC1TMOSD. WM. H. STARK & CO., WHOLESALE 6RGCERS, COMMISSION MER CHANTS AND COTTON FACTORS, SAVANNAH, GA. Careful attention given to sales or shipment of Cotton and all kinds of Produce. liberal advances made on consignments, Asents for the sale of E. Frank Coe s Bone Superphosphate, Magnolia K. H. COHEN. JR. JOS. Ill'Ll. COHEN & HULL, Cotton Factors and General Com mission Merchants, 66 Ray Street, Savannah, Ga. Refer respectfully to J. W. Lathrop & Cku N JL Hardee’s Son J: Co.. Tisou & Gordon, H. Maytr & Co., Milo Hatch, V. P.-Savannah Bank and Trust Co.seplS 6m J. N. LIGHTFOOT, Cotton Factor and Commission Merchant, 106 Bay Street, Savannah. Ga. I~ M. WAEFfELD. ROBT. WAYNE. WARFIELD & WAYNE, Cotton Brokers and Commission Merchants, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. O FFER their services to planters and shippers of cotton etc., and solicit a share of their ous- ness. Cash advances anade on consignments at lowest rates of interest. All business oncrusted to our care, will receive prompt attention. “Fu tures” bought and sold in the Savannah and New York Cotton Exchange on the most reasonable terms.sep!2 6m W. DUNCAN. J. II. JOHNSTON. M. MACLEAN. DUNCAN, JOHNSTON CO., Cotton Factors and General Com mission Merchants, 92 ltay Street, Savannah, Ga. augl Gm B. C. FLANNAGAX. W. W. FLA NN A GAN. A. P. ABELL. R. S. MORGAN. FLANNAGAN ABELL & CO.. Cotton Factors and General Com- missioi. Merchants, 185 BAY STREET. SAVANNAH, GA. M ANAGING Agents for the English Stonewall Fertilizer, etc. Bagging and Ties furnished, and liberal cash advances made on consignments for sale in Savannah, or on shipments to our cor respondents in Northern, Eastern or Enrui>ean We are still offering to tho Trade Mltbrated brands of Flour WILEY’S XXX X, PEARL DU ST. AMBER AND CORAL, Wo challenge competition m the grades of Flour of goods are manufactured by us, ami we claim but mam We do not, and never have chanted DRAY AGE on ot The attention of the trade is respectfully ended to our BRAN, pos* centage of middlings, and very nutritious and palatable to stock. GRAHAM FLOUR, always on hand. »t • as it does, a large per* Remember, Flour is Our Specialty. BURR & FLANDERS, No. t BLAKE’S BLOTK. SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS, .Adjoining Passengor Depot, Macon, Georgia. Celebrated Wrought Iron Cotton Presses. All acknowledge its superiority to any mule anywhere or by anybody. Steam Engines and Boilers, Saw Mills, Sugar Mills and Kettles, Iron Bailing, Mill Machinery, Castings, and Machinery of all Kinds. Faught’s m Patent Gin Gearing. markets. augl Gm SAX«T, SYRUP, Etc. Corner Cherry and Third streets, Under Ralston Hall. jlACON, o xzloaax, a. A. M.SLOAN. ARTHUR X. -OLLEE. G.V.WVLLY.JR A. M. SLOAN CO., Cotton Factors and General Com mission Merchants, Clagliom & Cunningham’s Range. Bay Street, Savannah, Ga T>AGGING and Ties advanced on crops. Liberal JtJ cash advances made on consignments for sale in Savannah, or on shipments to reliable corres pondents in Liverpool, New York, Philadelphia, Boston or Baltimore. i:ugl J. A. DUGAN. J. D. STILZ. DUGAN & STILZ, GEORGIA ,,T«E LOTTEBt FOR SEPTEMBER. FOR THE BEXEF1T OF THE Jl DRAWINGS DAILY AT 5 P. 31. CAPITAL PRIZE, $7,000.00 30,310 PRIZES, AMOUNT ING TO $53,203 20. TICKETS $100, SHARES IN PROPORTION. WHOLESALE CLOTHING STORE. m order to meet the wants of our growing city, we have gone largely into the WHOLESALE CLOTHING BUSINESS. We are now opening a large Stock, Bought From the Manufacturers, Expressly for the Wholesale Trade. DEALERS IN Corn, Oats, Wheat and Hay. EXCLUSIVELY, No. 20 Second street, between Main and Rivet LOUISVILLE, KY. AMPLE STORAGE. Will fill orders for Com from points in Illinois, parties making purchase accepting through Bill of Lading from shipping points.» aprtS Gm JAMES n. BLOUNT. ISAAC HARDEMAN. JOHN L. HARDEMAN. BLOUNT, HARDEMAN & HARDEMAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW, JIACOX, fc'.V. OlTiec, Cherry street, over S. T. Walker’s. E. W. & S. H. JEMISON, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Office 52 Second st., 3Iacon, Georgia. \\l ILL practice in the courts of Macon and ad- v ▼ jacent circuits, and in tlie Supreme and Federal Courts of Georgia- Special attention given to matters in Bankruptcy. BOB’T. A. KISBET, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Comer MULBERRY ST. and COTTOX AVE. (Over Payne’s Drug Store), junel-ldUm MACOX'. GA. P LAXTEKS nre requested to call nround nnd see it. It is not norcssnry thnt you buy more tbsn one sower to run vour gin « Jifetime. Mnnv buy Horse Powers nnd have to buy n Gin Genr neit veer. This Gin Gear'lms nil I BOX CENTRAL SUPPORT to prevent settling of gin house, AX 1BOX KIXG POST AXD 1B0X BAXD WHEEL SHAFT. Mode only by J. S. SCHOFIELD & SON’ XOTICE.—ITnving miulo ammgenieiits with Messrs. SCHOFIELD A SOX’ for tlio sole Hi.muf.vc- tureof my PATKXT G1X GEAR, with CENTRAL 1BOX SUPPORT, all others erewimod net to MAKE. USE, or SELL the same, as I shall prosecute to the extent of the Inwall peraonii using or infringing on my fiatent. L. R FAUGHT. Philadelphia. Flay C l. 1873.juildSm NATION A L ’HOTEL (FORMERLY 8POTTSWOOD,) NEAELY OPPOSITE THE PASSENGER DEPOT. This House has been THOROUGHLY RENOVATED from basement to attic. BOARD $3 X*ER DAY. P. WHELAN, Prop. nngltf ■ LAW CARD. M essrs, woodward 4 toole. of Dooly county, Ga^ having formed a legal copart nership, resjiectfully offer their aemoes to the public, and will practice in the counties of Wilcox, Dodge. Irwin, Worth, Macon, Sumter, and Hous ton. Special attention given also to cases in the Supreme and Federal Courts. Address, Vienna, Ga. julvlS dSm* UURDEHT FIELDER. WORMS! had b LhU purpose, y rampleted, t sixty people rtnlity. autiful rnatun is of >1 iliithu . in the laugh. LUDDEN & BATES, id spirit of so >.fulinLoH SOUTHBBX MtSic HOUSE, SAVANNAH. G A. u auch within a couple of I the learful cliffs. of ftvt iih-Tt* the Pianos, Orgunv Mudc, and all kin mil in tho midst o: «»* Hialctl li:«fruHirnu. I.arsrrw th no improvements Mock In thr Kout't. l.u*c«t fiitv ft* itu-Io-v it: Prices In thr *<ntth. He+t fort, nndulmndazi « Iiistnuurnt* In thr Kuuth had mountain i :u.d bp ded ham. Kwrvth.n- wmi* 1 mountain air had i dt -ire for food, an left, what all of 1a—th* With Kff id and hi appetirtin D on't JBuy a, ^iano ■>- We are the th and ran aril lire uf the best . Deafen st *275. « PRICE SI.00 PER BOTTLE. An Important Letter Prore s prominent gentleman and resident of Oncmnati. 0, for the past funy years well known to the book publishers throughout the United States: _ „ New Non. October 11. l«7S. Rad way: Bar Sir—I »m induced hy a ■ense ot duty to suffering to make a brief >iate- raent« the working of your medicine on myself, ror eeretal year* 1 hail been affected wish iome trouble in the bladder and urinary orauw^ which •515?* months aro culminvW in a rao»t ter- nbiv amirting disease, which the physician* all said was a spasmodic rtrictnre in the ureta,as al*o inflanmrauou of the kidney* and Madder, and gcre it a* their opinion that my are—73 year*— would prerent my erer «cinr radically cured. I had tried a man her of physicians an«l h^i taken a Urge quantity of medicine, both akmathk* an.1 homeonathic, but had gut no relief. 1 had read of a*toui*.hinc cures ha ring been made by your rem- fe ? r nxtith* ago read a notice in the Philadelphia >3tunlay Evening Post of a care haring been effected on a perwn whv had long been Miff- ring as I hsd been. I went rig*, toff and rot aocar < t each your Sarsaparillian Rixdrem. liciMly IWid and Reftulating t*il!s—and com- momvd taking them. In tlrreeda> I wts greatlv relieved, and now feel a* well a* ever. C. W. JAMKS. Cincinnati. O. R. RAD'WAYB PERFECT PURGATIVE AND REGULATING PILLS. th>- Th. u-h ruin . hiok.'n • i uv-n>'. the i it. an.I to l««'k iqH.n tlieir -rate- j I, nan, et*. when thi:.. l'.,rlilii-l for j an-1 hil-orioii'- wait., a..senfi.ii !,I lir "I tii.it *lii, : h l- present-*-! in nl j—noramn natuiv. -lie falls, ui-.aabi'.it- lUid th- blue ether tusov A>1» H IKI.IV Oie.tXX ! 15. »i .O-l- h-v-.o* N..» . .. . :.t,l X-w I'l*.,- Shoot Music and Music Books. the > hemLee is a.luii- itboute. ,*,-J,i. t hiiur u ’ lOt . Flntc. «k Dr.it.. H A\T A .cronlmn, Flutira. Fi X a ii pr.iuc Mput 1 The term "Tallulah.’’ i rainy ,les.*rq»tive of th.-mviun llel whicii. grxmiHsi into one whole, is -tlb- hln, it wwful. At tlus point the litlie H-sr rut. its way through the Alirg-hanv Mountains, ami for the apace of tlu-.a* iuii«*» la one continual >«u<-oe»tu<<n «»f falU JUiti rupida. caamdiag over rock* for a njau'c, und for » apaoe aoemm^r U> take a I n-.d, lUr (OiuUu'r, and more foarful l«-up, | Tho Largest Trticlo in tho South! ou to find the plain Lelow. The | Serai f„ r pn.v ,-,reulara. caJal.-rucfi. >i»ci- li..it l.i am pa.-t - I U». .v.ulii. l»ur onl ’ Iimuriiv.' W .wl\.-rtiw l*nxl\. k.vp .tahrrti.M-. fn-rf.-nn what acauVertee ID’ tickets and the drawing of 12 ballots, there w be 220 priacs each having three of the drawn numbers on it; 4£50» each haring two of them on; 25,740. each having one only of them on; and also 45,700 tickets with neither of the drawn numbers on them, being blanks. To determine the fate of these prizes and blank.* 7$ numbers, from 1 to 78 inclusive, will be secer^ ally placed in a wheel on the day of the drawing, and 12 of them drawn out at random; ami that ticket having for ita combination the 1st, 2d and Sd drawn numbers, will be entitled to the Capital Prised .... $7,ouo 00 That ticket having on it the 4th. 5tb, and 6th drawn numbers, to 650 00 That tu U-t having on it ilk: 7th*Mhand t»th drawn numbers, to 650 00 That ticket having on it the 10th, llthand 12thdrawnnumliers,to * 65000 That ticket having on it the 2d, r « and 4th drawn numbers, to..— 650 00 That ticket haring on it the Sd, 4th ami 5th di? n numbers, to. 650 00 That lirke having on it ihtr 5th. 6th and 7th drawn number*, to. 650 00 That ticket-having on it the Gth. 7th and 8th drawn numbers to 650 00 That ticket uavinc on it the sth, 9th and 10th drawn numbers to ... 650 00 That ticket having on it the 9th, and 11th drawn numiiersto 650 00 That ticket having cm it the 1st, 2d and 4th drawn numbers to 650 00 That ticket having on it the l>t, 2d and 5th drawn numbers, to I :— 217 60 That ticket haring on it the 1st, 2d and 6th drawn ntimbers to ay 60 AH other ticket* (being 207, with three of the drawn numbers* on), each 20 00 Those66 ticket* having on them the l*t and 2d drawn numbers each. io 00 Thoae 66 ticket* having on them the Sd and 4th drawn numbers each... 500 All oilier tickets (being 4^44) with two of the drawn numbers on. «wh • 00 And all those tickets (being 25,746) with one only of the drawn numbers each... 100 CAPITAL PRIZE. On Mondays Capital will be.. $7,000 00 On Tue*day* and Fridays Capital will be. 4J00 00 On \\ edneaday* Cai-nal will be. 6JW0 00 On Thrtrslaya and Saturday's sy>jo 00 Fcr further tortkular* send for schemes. No tk ket which shall have drawn a prize of a raperi r denomination can be entitled to an infe rior prize- Pme* payable forty f 4s>> ila.vs after the urawing, and sublet to the usual deduction Of 15 ]-*r cent. All j r./csof ?2i»ar. i under <'---i* •: <ir..* n..*. Irir- s cashed at thi* ofifee. WE WILL DUPLICATE ANY BILL BOUGHT IN NEW YORK. UN LESS BY A JOBBER WINSHIP & CALLAWAY. sept21tf I DU8 L. FIELDER. H. & I. L7FIELDER, Attorneys at Law, CfTHBERT, GEORGIA, ' XL give prompt attention to all business confided to them, in tho counties of Ran dolph. Stewart, Quitman, Clay, Eariv, Calhoun and Terrell, the Supremo Court of Georgia, and tho District and Circuit Courts of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia. sept!7-tf GrIL E A. T Freiiii aifl Passenger Line —VIA— CHARLESTON, S. C., —TO AND FROM— Via, Nsw M aid Boston! AND ALL THE NEW ENGLAND MANUFACTURING CITIES. C. J. GAMBLE. A. BECK. A. W. GIBSON. GRIER HOUSE FORSYTH, GEORGIA. T G. GRIER, the proprietor, has reduced the 21 • rates of liuanl to §2 per day for the benefit of travelers and parties going to the Indian Spring. After the first of September the usual rates will bp resumed.augSeodtf BARLOW HOUSE, AMERICUS, GA., WILEY JONES & GO., Propr's- THREE TIMES A WEEK FROM NEW YORK, TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS, GAMBLE, BECK & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, gBT^^sBLrg 1 1 KATALY8INB WATER—The Great Medi- cine op Nature. In Arsed by the Highest Medical Authorities. Restores Muscular Pow to Paralytic, Youthful Vigor to the Aral, nnii Develops the Young at a Critical Period; Dis solves Calculi and “Chalky” Deposits; Cura- Gout, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia. Neuralgia. Gravel, Diabetis, Dmeasi-s of the Kulnevs, Liv •r ard Skin, A1 rei<.:n:rI In- -y, Ciip!*•'■ r- rhcea, Constipation, Asthma, Nervousness 'Iwples’.ii*-*.-. I <■ i:- ; ::! Il* iGiil.v. ami . .*> - iy class of Chronic Disease. I’uinphiets con- aining History..f •■.-* >, : .. , i.• - rom Medical Journals, Eminent Physician* inti distinguished citizens, sent free by mail jy WHITNEY BROS,Genl A gent n 227’ South front st., Philadelphia. For sale bv all drug- fists. augfleodafci ELEGANT STATE-K003I ACCOMMODATIONS—SEA VOYAGE 10 TO 12 HOURS SHORTER VIA CHARLESTON. THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD CO., And connecting Roads West, in alliance with the Fleet of Thirteen First-Class Spiunriiijis to tbc alx>ve Rata, invite attention to the Quick Time and Regular Dispatch afforded to the business public ii the Cot urn States at the PORT OF* CHARLESTOPi, Offering facilities of Rail and Sea Transportation for Freight and Psa^ngers not exceededjs lence and capacity at any other Port. The following splendid Ocean Steamers are regularly on cue Line: MANHATTAN-...:. ...... CHAMPION CHARLESTON JAMES ADGKR GEORGIA....... SOUTH CACOLINA CLYDE ? ASHLAND ill be laid izs HOWARD & CO., Atlai WALkEN L10.S03L JuOBDN P. RANSOM. I'.VRI"- W. GLEE. kOSEET H. BOYD. W. A. EAMSOM & CO., Msshetom and Jobbers of BOOTS AXD SHOES, 15S AND 14-* GR.Cn> ST.. NEW YORK. Rcr by R. W. Hogan, of Gtvinda. PROVISION AND : LIQUOR DEALERS. uiounLsin. riven asunder, open* the awful j chuAin through which tho torn waters, j fueuimitf and ntg'mg. p». j ’ll O.pto'*. Ell * r. am I try i •M2 3m it AiuMtol Jmtriial, J "u DDEN.t BATE: 1 j. nt» j*;r l*oi. b; D lurgi READ FALSE AND TRUE ^ n.I < ’Nr stamp to RU)W\Y i\ :\rr, tt. corner Chnrrb *tn^-T \.-v \ lnf-»nn*i»'>n wurth Uiouhamis %*iil u* ony i.'i «mUu KETCH CM A HARTKIDGE, BANKERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Exchange Building. Xavaunah, Ga. i J lti-I LilUrt » > : >Io* - Tavl. r. I’n »id. nt City Bank. N. W YoH : I*. C. «’n!houi.. l‘ns,i nt - F*’i.rti. .Nut, r:.tl N. \, V- rk ; J«*hn J. Cb- 1 • ” A V lkw:x-r>. Now York ; M -m- hcU-hum. . — - -* ..... Han.\. r. .NV» \ rk . J N. X*.rr.?. « l.-Ut Firat LOWEST MARKET PRICES GUARANTEED. ONLY MANUFACTORY In this country where Loom Reeds, Harnesses —AND— Patent Wire Heddles Are made under one management. july24 6m TO NEW YORK. F M. S. Woodbuix. Commander. ’**. It. W. Lockwood, Commander. ....................T...., JaMFS RxbBT. Commander. .T. J. Lockwood. Commander. 'JAMBS ADGKR * CO., Agent*. Charleston. S.C. S. Crowell, Commander. T. J. Beckktt. Commander. 7“;;;;;;;;;;;;. j. kex.vedy. commander. r ' ' - Isgraham, Commander. To? A^&URTXA 1 Y? CO ’} A « cnta ’ Ch»rl«rton,S. C. PHILADELPHIA. IROX STKAMSHIFS. ALEXAXDr.R Hc.ktkr, (v.iiim.nia* r. . . C. Hlscti.nK, Comirmnd-r. SAII.IXU DAYS-FRIDAYS. - „ , , „ WM. A. COURTENAY, Agent.Chulerton,S. C. TOTAL CAPACITY40,000BALES MONTHLY TO BALTIMORE. ANCHOR LINE STEAMERS, Sail from Pier 20, North River, New York, EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. The passenger accom- falcon : — VIRGINIA SEA GULL ...Haixie, Commandoi ..Dutton, Commando 1 entflation. RATES OF PASSAGE TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL, ok LONDONDERRY ms airing 3130 61 THIRD STREET.] corn mutin', ions Steerage, currency, ■>>>>. Certificate^ for puMW-vInmi wiv yiipin or r way station in Great Britain, Irelanc or the C tinent, at RATKa AS LOW AS BT ANY OTHEK FIIiaT-CLASS U ForpM»wo»g^.tg E R S o ? . BB/vrHEE _ < Or to 7 Bowling Green. N. V T. H. HKN1>KK*on, Agent, Muron, G:u may 11 5in TO BOSTOX. gmiMsmw MEROKDITA AXI) FLAG Sail Kvkrv SlTCXWT* JAMES ADGElt a CO., Agent*, Charleston,8. t. Rates gumuteed ns low aa those of Competing Lines. Marine Insurance one-half of one per rent. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING AND THROUGH TICKETS Ca-i } M - bail at all the principal Railroad Office* in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee and Mississippi. State Rooms mav be secunsd in advance, without extra chanre. by -Lrents uf thebaam shins m Clmrlestoii, "at whow* offices, in all (-ases, the Railroad Tickets should be exchanged and asNizne«l. I lie Through Tickets by this Route include Transfers, Meals and btate Room, ship board. THE SOUTH CAROLINA KAILKOAD,GEORGIA RAILROAD And th' and P:« Caroii connecting Lino Hirers between Railrutul* First-Class Sleeping Cara. inc* have largely increased their facilities for the rap“l ^ 1( J South i UiH XortlK.ni Oitio. and the South and Went. On tte Georpa ana so ht-Ciaaii Sleupimr Cars. * . . t e„ Carolina Baii* Fr-ifiht promptly tranaierred from steamer to day and niaht In \ m °, ' ....it lijfh ,..,.11 nniTT.pl* road. Close connection ma.ie a-ith other mad,, delivering fmnd.ts at disto nt jam a* nens.. The Managers trill uae every eaertiun Co saiisfy their,.Irons that the line VIA oHAtu-a lan.iut U->urj«assed in Disnateh and the Safe Ihsliverv of G-sws. . t /',n BD-HAS- Kor further informatibn. ^iply to J. J. GMiFFIX. *«>"*-. ^Syj^r-uw-.-Mcet SELL. General .Cgont, P. O. B.nilfu. Oflifc 517 Broadway. X. Y.; b. B. IICKP.Ah Generali*aa— a- und Ticket Agent, South Carolina Rsitroc-it, or j g^I^lRKy july22 vodCm SuporiateUtleDt Great Southern Freight and Passenger Lam. CbarR*u>».