Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, September 28, 1873, Image 4

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THE MACON DAILY TKLKtiKAPH AND MK88TNDE1T: si SD.\A MOUSING, SEPTEMBER 28,1873 THE (MTV hl'X l» \Y M«*HMXi. ^E1"I .2* 1873. hr pony rllclou* *cr*lrr* To-day. 4.r ;.t 1«*1 a. M. and K »*. «. /•bin/ at I i\ an«l ’?♦" «»> omne of nj- n-jw, the fofVjwiu'*- c * elomiro. Tt i« n, June* count} in 01 Point of vi'wr ; br <1u n-pl lul l t. 1. . thov r*-<. iv -i n mi miration* *ju, nfort ini; to Yiiow that ' i lo-t in A fiinuji iul , Financial and Commercial ,xi: ' v to ku intii fair. Th. \i»', kktisiim i:vrs. I NKWai>v !■:utisi:r.x rs. j Reopening of the Public Schools. STYLES I . Georgia Musical Festival. KEIfi IIOIIL- rill be Cotton. OWINitl ..S-l.l- . ( U.YTUX. , ,, Ine-.li an Jtxrmrr •dock. Srritr fro Clift ii.—Prmu-hing at by tiir jkurtor. Gey. W. II M Intorli. So inlay-* h.iol at U a. a. Mi tin i.uv Si iikki MsnO'iiirrCm n. h. l’r.-,. ’line at lo{ ». by th- liartor. Gev.Ja.-i. 0. Hraii. il. Sun.fay-«ch.".l at a i'. m. IVayer un- tin.' urcry Wdni'-l^y i.; 7 15 p m. <.Wi-<noetiiig ererj Friday i.t II P. K. ViNKTif.i.r.—I’n-m iiin^r at 7.17. p. st.. by V. \\\ C. Bans. 8un<laj-«ehool at rn. P.nu f hre rxiunaw—Jncii^av] ij,, : •"*!; .f-V an) int. tw»*n1y-five e»ntr\ i r ,,r ri-l..*inption. The Btak m.t y,,t Hu.spen.l«L Our cn^rs continue u» <lr»w upon* ns, notwith- ;lm;r t-ii.- ... Wall i. '■ myt'. iak-. all. i. -n. I .tat eery tfully, R. T. Boat, Ordinary. f th i finU forty -,t of the Jo Dratliof Hr. John K. Hoar. Mr. Jobs S. H-aro. di. <1 at hia rt-.-ida-nce aa. Gutbual ! >. »: r- t -ai ie criunty display at ti The committee coa-isti of 1 Stiil.ljs, Jamea Tinley an-i \ lion. A. M. Lockett trail: Sodetjih ■ - •!. >!ard -j. i: th cultural coUeou which had at bia dirj«-^i^-Thii giro! two acholarihipa to £11. The Society then adjourned to the second Saturday in October. w. 0 NEAXm.M0 THtsiKT.KTM LNTED. aJRObL n f lac • Swat DESIRABLE GOODS j Fimiislied Boom Wanted 1 ,r ^ ’ W. A, JOHAN & 80 I fr* nan* in cln*,. proximity to R?frTEBmi rin-n if re* tiruLarl.v, W. J. }»r»'rn m tl.u* • r iFitJi y» •tT of), jvfU-rdrtj aft4.*rtw-»n. ia t .i iij nge. »*rrr.KDAT"!n im another hot «lay. It purMOj ck u«ly daring tho forenoon, Um aftornr. n w.oh clear. TTK.TTfOK ii> called to the ndri rtUo- It <>f tlo- ule of Mrs. Dessau's furni- ibj B. -oro. fx. C. P. Koi curs,of ]|..|..,,n k Co., /.tun,o.l f. • r.i N.» .Yi'.-k. lui n.' chnj>«d a line da. stock of full and winter Mr. Iloga was born in Clinton, in Jones county, but for about forty years haa been a resident of this dty. He was en gaged in the cotton business from his | early manhood, almost up to the very i time of his death. He was one of the best known citizens of Macon, distin- j * at gui*h».*d for his probity and gentlemanly j drineanor. He wns one who kept his j own counsels, of strong mind, who never acted without mature deliberation, and who always acted on the sa e side. He had the xvFpcct of all who knew him, and many eyes will he dimmed this morning while reading the announcement of his death. His funeral will take place at four o'clock this afternoon, from his residence at the foot of High street. Anollirr lirafli. Mrs. L’i'imrd Jlrinn died al*out ten o'clock last night, aged about sixty years. She has been ill for a year, but her death was entirely unexpected. «. n. i. All the ,vry In* ox-cadcts of the Georgia Mil! Lute, in ju»d near the city, are nHjnertod to me«-t at. the oflioo of Milo S. Krctman, over Wing A Soloinan's, Second stifrt, at 10 o'clock, a. m., tomorrow, full attendance is desired. Xew An tsiirry. Afr. T. H. Illackrihear has taken Rid dle's old stand, on Cotton avenue, and is fitting it up in an excellent manner for a photograph gallery. He will bo ready to (Miiumenoe business by the 1st of October. Mr. Blaokahw is a brother of Dr. Hhu-A- shrar, of this city, and is repn-sentod to be a fine artist. He comes from Americas. Allotlirr IfanilMMiir Hr«lflrnrr. Mr. Jmnes L Saulsbnry is completing n vi rv han lsnine residence near the hea«l of Poplar street. It is a wooden building, thni' stories high, with French roof, and fittinl up with nil the modern appliances looking to comfort and convenience. The house contains sixteen rooms. Mr. McGrath i-* the architect of the building, and the work is done under his supervis Arrldrnt on I lie Huron and Writ cm Rond. The down freight trnin on the Macon and Wastern Ibulroad ran oil the truck HEADING NOTICES. No CAr.nl—BiJ>irn, t’r arti t d. i not need any retouching, as bis work gites the best references. I might touch out wrinkles and frocLies that don't leave good likenesses. Call on Brown, No. 13 Cotton avenue. It* FOR RENT. quire of hrtl four city. I»- . C. PLANT Jt SON. WANTED. Iloughrrty County Heard From. Albaxt, Ga., September 23, 1873. '£' 'frs. I*. 4* A. y. Txfl J4- Co. i 1 used this year the Homo Mai* Fertiluper pi Messrs, Hunt, Rankin A Lamar, of Ma con, which I purchased of you, and apt much pleased^ with it. It is fully as gefd as any, and far better than the nu*t of the fertilizers I have used, and, hiking the cost into consideration, is the mast valuable preparation within the reach of our planters. Tuos. J. J. Patti llo. Advances on Cotton. The following is a copy of a circular ad dressed to all the warehouse men in the city yesterday by the Plnesidentof the Mutual Loan Association of this city. Itopens up a moans for the protection of the planter, the factor and the banker, and, at the same time requires no sacrifice at the hands of the holder of the cotton. Some such course as this is necessary to tide the people of tho present embarrass ments caused by tho great scarcity of I >'■} •' Orric* Mutual Loan Association, } Macon, Ga., September 27,1873. ) Mr**r*. - • ■ ■ , Gentlemen: Appreciating the difficulty of effecting sales of cotton at present on account of tho scarcity of currency, we propose making advances to the extent of 12J cents p«*r pound—on middling cot ton in store, for tho period of thirty or sixty days for tho purpose of taking up any accepton«‘eu you may have maturin'; at this lays. office within the next thirty Very respectfully, Henry L. Jewett, President. jwterdnj nliont a mile thiaaideof Ilarnos- villa. Th , nil ne “Opelika," and four lx»x rum w ■ re tl rown off tlio track. The tracks of ho engino wero considerably damaged. Tlu down passenger train on that n* ul luul not arrived at a laU* last Nobody was hurt. Merchants* National Rank of Nav tin Ii. The minor was current upon tho streets yesterday mid tho dny before that th Merchants* National bank, of Savannah among others, luul suspended. This rumor is effectually silenced by the fol lowing dispatch: * Savannah, Sept. 27, 1873. J. K. Jones : Contradict the rumor in regard to this bunk. Wo ha ve not sus ponded and don’t expect to. H. Hiuoilam, President. The norm In Telfulr County. Mr. T. C. Lies lie, who has just returned from Telfair * oimty, anys he 6aw abun dant signs of tho sovero storm which deluged tliat county on tho 19th instant. Tho oldest citizens recollect no such a storm. The min literally poured down oooomponled by a high wind. All the mill dams within on area of forty miles were swept away, and |KH»plo who li\ in low localities were greatly alarmed 1 their houses should bo swept away. The hUtrm did a vast amount of damage to Telfair •-ounty. flrgnr Knom Ucnlrrt. The segivr roan at the Drown House was rented yesterday at public outcry to Messrs. Doorman A Kuhrt, of Atlanta, for ^ 1,7.'*0* There were many who wanted the jdace. and bidding wits very active, but ('barley Doorman had bettor bottom than tuiyof them, and took the eono Messrs. Doorman A Kuhrt are old and successful tobacco dealers # of Atlanta. They have, prol*ably, the finest retail retail establishment in the State, and tui- der their management the Brown House store will Ik* fir>t-class in every particu lar. *alc wf Flue *eirar« We invite attention 1 reduced priflflfl of tile anil Tobacco. the ml 1 Hit op in divers forms and puLi^nt i.l of the choicest quality, at the Broun Hoofle so^ar store. Mr. IglMMT is al H)ut chanjrinij his base to 22 Chorry str.. *t, nnd would prefer to s«.»ll. nithar than move anv of his stock. Those tin ► have tested the aroma of his choice irs. will not l*e slew to Avail them- 03 of the preeent favor.iWo on>orni- to |UOCTue 11 ','.'.'■1 supply f.-r fnturo at v«7 low figure*. Tho lovers of weed will give he* 1 to this notice. d four The The Ra>or*» Couri. IIis lienor. Alderman Cornell ponit«'4*t-' 4 In'tore him yestenl; jvirties mentioned v* >t*‘nlay meriv.ng connection with a too rapid buggy ride through the stnvt.s, wort* tried, found guilty and fined ten dollars esch, or thirty days "on the streets. (»r«*en VV:*nklin and Wrn. SimuivkU- were up for having a small chunk of a tight. They art* colored la«ls of about fif teen yturs. who are just taking their first lessons m th aging brick i*ate«. They have to j*sy two dollars apio'O for the inLvtory step, in default of which they will go to the park for a few *lays to work it out. The Fair. An agricultural society at Murfresboro, Tran., ia iunking arrangements to visit the Georgia State Fair in a body. Be tween fifty and a hundred men are coming, and they will charter an entire train to bring down their stock'and goods for ex hibition. They will bring large amounts' of stock, farm products, agricultural im plements, and articles of domestic manu facture. They have had some difficulty in negotiating terms over some of tho roads; bnt it is hoped that satisfactory arrangements trill he effected. It will be a compliment to Georgia to have so large a delegation to come from another State to witness her industrial exposition. Work is rapidly advancing at the Park. Tlie hippodrome is nearly completed. Another day will finish the roof, and then it only remains to finish tho judges* stand. Messrs. Ellis A Cutter have about com pleted the warehouse, and quite a hand some buihling they are making of it. Workmen are engaged in completely renovating nil tho buildings, and they are loginning to look “as good as new." Mr. Pettit is pushing forward tho new exhibition boll as rapidly as material is furnished him. If the lumber were only on tho ground, he would be ready to raise the frame by the middle of Hie week. The work of clearing up the grounds has commenced. A Word In Favor of IlO£*. We have been an enemy to dogs, part ly because they aro an annoyance to the public, and partly because we have never been able to discover their utility. We have seen many a dog with capacity to stock a whole neighborhood with fleas, which never developed a pingle redeemin trait of character. But it seems tbatadogis capable of some good after all that has been said adversely to him as a general principle. The following communication, from a strictly reliable source, sets forth a fact which is bound to b s admitted as t« ^timony against the theory of tbe total depravity of dogs : Editors Telegraph and Messenger': I am not partial to dogs and have always looked upon them more as one of tho plagues of Egypt—of which seed was saved and im ported to this hind—than ono of the use ful animals designed for the good of man, But my eyes have been opened. I like dogs some and may be able hereafter to endure them. My experience is .brief anti pointed. My little son lias a specimen of the ca nine family of the female persuasion, which I have often resolved to -lispose of in a summary manner, but have refrained from doing so to avoid hurting his little feelings. The animal will bark at night and lay under the house in tho day. But to-tiny this .said female canine, called Spot," developed a trait entirely new %o me and of decided usefulness. J found her don't! in my note ground eating caterpil lars. Oh, for a thousand dogs for a few lays possessed of similar traits. They would soon grow fat and perhaps stop the pesky worms from destroying the half- grown bolls of cotton which they are now doing at a fearful rate. Respectfully,. etc., J. S. W. Picked up »n (he SMrccC. A friend hands us the following letter, which he picked up on the street yoiter- dar. It is evidently a youthful attempt *t*a “declaration," and no doubt the re cipient will l*e glad to know that it ha~- fallcnto in good hands. The owner of the letter can get it by calling for it. In the mean tithe, we advise the writer that a little soothing syrup, taken every two hours, would prol*ably do him good: East Ma« on, Sept. 25. 73. I tear Pir.naui : As I ain rather lonely tins morning, 1 take this opportunity of informing vou of my affections toward you—to tell you tlie truth. Virginia. I love you more than words ran express— ■ hut 1 do uot behove it is reciprocated. If it is, pleaa*- let me know, for I am ♦ly ing with suspense ; and if it is not, please* j gi vt- me borne reabou right soon. F. J. B. I Rlli(• County Agricultural Society. A regular monthly meeting of the Bibb County Agricultural Society was held yesterday in the society rooms at the urt-house. The President, Capt. T. G. Holt, was in the chair. The following communication was road: zoaoiA State Aoricul'&al Society, ^ M acon, Ga., September 25, 1S73. S It. H. HVijfcy, B*f., i<ecrst<iff Bibb County Agricultural Society, Macon, Ga. : Dear Sir—At the recent Agricutural Convention held in Athens the Trustees of tlie University of Georgia *empo«f«liid the Georgia State Agricultural Society to fill twenty scholarships in the State Col lege of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, free of tuition, in such manner as the so ciety might doom best.” The convention thereupon authorized the President ‘to distribute the scholar ship among twenty county societies, one to each: and should any scholarship not be filled by October 1st of each year, the society failing to make the appointment was to forfeit its right; such vacant scholarship to be awarded by the Presi dent os he may deem best," I am. therefore, instructed by the Preri- deu’ t*> iniorm yoq, and. through you tlu* Agricultural :y of BStib county, that on.* of raid scholarships given to them. 11 is especially requested that the appointment be made at as early a day a* practicable, and that immediately thereafter the name of the appointee be forwarded to this office, when his creden tials will K* returned, and he can at once prwi*cd to Athens. Your obedient servant, M. Johnston, Secretary. The following communication wa» also G. Volokr A Co. have just received a fine lot of Spanish zegora, direct frum Havana. They are fresh and good; coll and try them. sep28-lt 1,000 boxes plug and twist tobacco. 1,000,000 cigars. 100 jars of snuff. 10,000 Cliftondalo cherocts. 10,000 Slade cheroots, s.p2titf at Geo. W. Head’s. G. VolokbA Co., being direct import ers of Spanish segars, can offer them to you very low; a good segar two for twenty-five cents. sep28-lt Geo. MV. Head authorizes us to an nounce that he will duplicate any bill jof the same quantity, cither in tobacco, cigars, snuff or cheroots, bought of relia ble manufacturers, of his own brand. sep2Gtf Try G. Yolger A Co.*s splendid Fideli- dad sugars, three for twenty-five cents, the best in town. scp28-lt Geo. W. Head deals in nothing biit tobacco, cigars, snuffs and smokers* arti cles, consequently has more time to de vote to it. He takes advantage of the market, receives only unlimited consign ments, and makes'it to the interest of the merchants to look him up. sep2Gtf r If yon want a good segnrto drive away care, call on Volger, who can raise one for you. • h«jp28ilt: »i:\m:u\s hi:a it Win Flglit Ilurlng tlie .Slate Fair Any two Georgia raised dogs.for $1000. Benner's Brilliant Saloon amVRes taurant, at No. 15 Third street, is supplied with tho .finest wines, liquors and cigars. All the delicacies of the season, such as fresh fiish, oysters, game, etc., served In any stylo at tho shortest notice. Open all night. Bed rooms furnished free ?f charur to all visitors to the State Fair. sep2(» tf G. VoLoer & Co. always keep on lmml the best smoking tobacco and ail smokers' articles. * sep28-lt* f. N. Hart, Americus, Ga., keeps on lumd the liest stock of flour and general groceries; confectioneries of all kinds; fruits, oranges, apples and lemons; toys of all kinds; cokes of all kinds, and bakes to order. sep20 dlaw.wAsw LATEST MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH j Financial. New Yoee—Nuuq—Guli excited. Otherwise 4 p<r . r , v Wall : is qnv:. N i:.iiw Udiur u: 4ock>. A l L Western Union Si • .’A. I * } J. L» trr-Oold oi«n.*d at 12|- l ^ K\.-ninv—Go!«i 15h • I " um ‘ Bibb County Agricultural Society, London—Noon—CutuukSfil- ie-Rik90b Brit* I Awdy^. J. H. ZHILIN i Co. rhn»4-lK»Ks** on Soriiu? street an*l two r of Bond and CoUcgi* streets. E. H. Ladiex* and Misses DRESS GOODS, SHVVv'LS. 1 BOWS, SCARFS, TIES, SASHES. HAXDKEECHIEPS and COLLAES, Gents’ KNITTED UNDEEWEAE, Scotch, English, French and American Don’t forget to send your waste grease to tho soap factory to-day. septlOtf Eagle Choice Flour has never taken any premiums. Why ? Because it has never been exhibited. . aug31tf Eagle Choice Flour is pronounced by all who have tried it tho best. Manufac tured by W. J. Lawton & Co. aug31tf A Card. Eagle Extra and Eagle Family are well known to all housewives, and need no recommendation. ^ W. J. Lawton. If the functionsof the Liver are In any waydb- ordenxl, the whole budv, and not only the. liody but iIkj mind, with ihu disturiieil • »n<an. B.lii u* complaints are more cmnmon than any oih«*r d&nft and t*> remove tho bii.* a** M oll a* rafruhite the IJver, you only have to take Simmons* Liver Regulator, which will impart new life anil vigor to the whole system. Hunt, Rankin A Laxar.—This well known and reliable firm have received a large lot of Dr. Hood’s Eureka Liver Medicine, it has the praise of all who have tried it. In bottles at 50 cents and $1.00. _ Thousands bare been changed by the use of tlie Peruvian Syrup (a protoxide of Iron) from weak, sickly, suffering: creatures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women, and invalids cannot rea sonably hesitate to give it a triaL For Dyspepsia id Debility'it is a »ptx*iile. Window Glass.—Great attention is now de servedly paid to the kinds of Window Glass used dwellings, stores and churrhes. All qualities of American and French Window, Photograph, Cut. Grant Enameled and Picture, Colored Glass, wholesale and retail, from Mr.l*. P. Toale. No. SO II ay no start, Charleston, 8. C. Si*nd lor pricccard. _ septidlm inquiry dlingM is\. Future closed eat&en sales 1*3W»;September 172; October 171; November 17 5-16; Jhcuulier 17:*. January 174#179-1*. Midnight—Dunng the week the market for spot cot urn has deeiimvl. and a p*n *nil stagnation has pn-vuiltrl. The export trade was cut off al most completely, and sj»inn.*n> coining in with eruli wen* emtd.-d to obtain material concessions. In dealings forfonvani dejivery prices wera piutty well maintained until the latter part of tlie week, wh n the rates lost their hold and the decline was very rapid. The advance in the gold premi um tended to check tho downward tendency, aud at the dose there was a much better feeling man ifested. Sales at the week 107.929 bale*, of which 10&500 were for future delivery, and 4,429 for immediate delivery, as follows; C05 for export, 3,785 for spinning, and 41 for speculation, . II alt 1 more—Cotton, not receipts —; gross 205; oqiorta cou-Ntwise 50; sales 90; stock 114ft; >'*w Orleans—Cotton, net receipts 1036; gross 1095; exports coastwise 1172; sales lUOO; stock 17077; middlings 17i; low middlings 161; strict good or dinary 15b demand fair. Wilmington—Colton, net rueopU16Q; exports coast wise —; sales 71; stock 857. Augusta—Cotton, net receipts 677; sales 37; no Savannah—Cotton, net receipts 1826; exports coastwise —; sales 519; stock 10,191; mkldliugs 16J; market quiet. Charleston—Cotton, net receipt* 1355; gross —; exports coostwhe —; sales 500; stock 6727; market firm: mkldliugs 154; low middlings 15; strict good oniinary 14. Boston—Cottoxuiet receipts 281; gro*sI521; sales 100; stock 9000; mkldliugs 18b market dull. . Norfolk—t\4ton. net receipts lGx; exports coastwise 487; sales 130; stock 1583. Galvestox—Cotton, net receipts 50; stock 8305; market nominal; no price. 4 Philadelphia—CotUm, iua receipts 10; gross ")1. Hoxtgoxert—Cotton, weekly net m-eipts ISO; sbifNuents 923; stock 249X; low middling ltij. S tLMA—Weekly receipts 2500; shipments 16LX); stock 2285. Liverpool—Noon — Cotton quiet and steady; sales lam Hi; speculation and export luuO; uplamls 8Ifc ih Orleans l*U«9b solus of uplands, basis low miildlinirs. deliveresl October, 8 13-16; wood onli- Produco. New York—Noon—Flour dull and heavy. Wheat dull mid drooping. Com quiet aiul heavy. Pork dull ami heavy; new 17 25®17 50. Lard dull: old steam 8J. Turpentine dull at 50. Rosin dull at 2 80*^2 ou for strained. Freights aulL .Evening—Flour dull and heavy; common t fair extra 6 6<ia6 75; rood to choree 7 55al0 7i Wheat heavy and 2a3 lower; holders disfioscd to realm*; ••xport demand quite limited; Iowa spring 1 37al 40; Chicago, inside price for car lots 1 46; very choice No. 2 Milwaukee 1 GU; winter red Ohio 1 40; northwest spring 1 42. Coni scarce and 1 better; steamer western mixed 64o6ii. INirk dull and heavy; new 17 50. Beef quiet. Lard steadier S 15-l«k»8l. Groceries dull and nominal. Turpentine dull. Rosin* dulL Freights more ac tive. Naval stores during the week have declined and aro entirely nominal. Cincinnati—There was little doing in tlie gen eral market* to-day. There was a shade better better feeling on ’Change, which was more mani fest at dose. Flour is unchanged, with limited local dcmaml. Coni easier and iiusettl>*d at 52:i53. liye quiet and easier at 80aS3. Oats 36o4ft. lTo- viskms.aery little doing; prices largely nominal. Pork dull at 15 00. Lard quiet; steam 7ja8; ket tle nominally 8. Bacon, only limitisl jobbing de mand; shoulders fllatH; c. r. skies Ua9h c. sides 9l» 9J. Whisky nominal; sales at 90; hekl lusher. St. Lons—Flour dull and nominal; only small onlertnuU*. Com offend at 39; cash; no sales; October sold at -lolatl. Whisky lower at 93. Pork, no sales. Bacon ddll and lower; orders 111k*! at. shoulders 81a8J, r. r. sides 9i»9l; c. side s94a9b Lanl. no sales. New Orleans—The entire produce market _ from the Secretary of the Stat<; Agricultural , , —^ietv, that a scholarship in the Agricultural IX*- I putment of the State Uravendty, at Athens, is at CAS&IMEEES, Colton. nmke 1 * , i'1. ! V^ti'.n. ' A 'UCCIEST1C3 & PLAXTATIOX GOODS, Nxwr York—Noon—Cotton im%aiiar, sales 1971; I added by a roeniH-rof tl eefub. ' " is lsi; Orleans is; uskuL j Notice ia hereby given that am tl**se apjxiint- qxtl’U’TTVi^'? PTT.T.nW TVSIXGS 5eprcrnber!7b Or- | ments mutt lw wk-More the first of October, SHLLliMxh, 1ILLOW vAoi^uoj ,. COUNTBBpANES cojlFOGTS, t'adle damasks, napkins, DOILES ami TOWELS, TC^VELS in eve15' grmie. BLACK GOODS, BLACK GOODS Wo have now our largest stock of the above, which purchasers are resjieotfully invited to ex amine. Our stock is C03IPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, and with an earnest desire to give our customers the benefit of our advantage all are invited to call and see what sel'Actions. Tiie benefits offered in these scholarships, an a free education in tho State Coll te of Agrirul- lure and the Helper 1 mta. * ThfffffWTflFnthJifl are* m-Kk rate a^uafitanceflrith. the ebsr nt*o aii EglislLCtluratiMR/ \Jy ^ W. McKAY. Cnairmu2i. 1L V. PATTERSON, A. I). J. W. STUBBS. sep28 2t Committee. To our Planting Friends. rpHERE is now a monetary crisis »n the coun- A try, checking all commercial operations and suspending entirely transactions in cotton. The causes of these liuaiu iul trouble are.in no. way attributable to our hanks hero or onr Southern planters. Still wo aro all seriously nffectwl by tho crisis that is upon us. Many of you- have drawn against your present croji, and the bmks here, in most instances, are' hold ing these papers. To meet them now is trW/jr imp<*ssiLle, and to mlf •four cotton in a jwnie would br destructive to •four interest. We can protect if our end it and your interest aud will do so. if you will come to the rescue. Forward your cotton. With this in store, we cau aud will protect your papers, at a reosociable inU-resl.tr/ttioirf selling your cotton now at a saci«ic£ Cutlob must sell at some time. The world rnnst have it. and in order to enable yon to hold your cotton, without sacrifteisHj it at present panic prices, it i» necessary to have it in store, a* a Uisisfor renewal of maturingimpcrs. Looking therefore to your interest, we say to you, tliat \f the cotton is Jure at maturity of your drafts, we will protect the same and uotmll yuA cotton at a sacrifice. Cmllideuce is alL^thaf' net-essary t<* carry us safely tliret, and insure a good j»ric*e for tho ii This moiH*tary stnugency is not bunks. True they have advanced H to aid in making tins crop, yet we do not hesitati to express our be fief that thej-1 ipssess undoubted solvency, and with cotton in store, which ran liO umnI by them as collateral soeuritr, cunlin a short nine, arrange tomow* vonr crop and JbbF you to realize a fair priev for the same. Sustain ing our iiistitutkms now, when by so doing it will inure to your benefit, is the duty of us all. Come forward, then, with your cotton. Your int demands it. ami as your factors, with au eye single to that iuterest, wi pledge ourselves to pro- it, by holding your cotton until there is a mar ket sufficient to justify its sale. All depend! upon the basis of credit you give us, viz: havi toe cotton in store; without it we aro helplq with it we can protect your interest and tegrity. Very respectfully, HARDEMAN A SPARKS. CAMPBELL A JONES. SAULS BURY, RKSPESS A CO. 1 pur sep2S tf MV. A. JUHAN & CO. i KOIM i 1 V..WALKiNSON COUNTY.—AVlK*re- v T :»*. W.C. Branau. ofScriveircounty, applies forguanlianshiffMffBtheldntlee Brinnn. minor of Alfred liranan. late of said county deceased. These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be ami appear at my office, Ion or !h*fore the first Momlav in November next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters ^guardianship should not Ik* granted. tiv hand and official signature, this [7th, 1873. AV. F. CANNON, Oniinary. our **-'" nhiiteinlier 27 ^*.»P28 :»od sei»2??tf c*.v 1 i.si> c iv 1 < iwrguTiN ADAMS k BAZEUORi; LAWTON A WILLINGHAM. FLANDERS & IIUOUEXIX. National Hotel Bar FREE LUNCH. MONDAY, 8EPT. 29th, from 11 a. m; to 1 p. SOUP—mo6k TURTLG. BOILED HAM. TOMATOES. ONION SALAD, X. Y. BOAST HULK, .COLI> SUW. CHOW CHOW. ' ’ '* 1 LOUSTEB SALAD. POTATO SAL.U). UEET SAUSAGE. «op2S It Marino Nows. New York—Arrived. Main, Orleans, Adger. CiiALLEXGE.-i-Thc makers of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder orsl Special Flavorings lave ad vantages for purchasing materials in large quan tities and arrangements for manufacturing more complete and extensive than any other manufac turers, which enables them to challenge any |«r- to produce a jierfccdj pure baking powder or flavoring extract at a less price than they offer Dr. Prior’s. Tliey care not how great tlie competition or inducements to an increase of profits by adul teration, they are determined to protect tho con sumer by famishing strictly pare and reliable ar- Icles at a living profit. FUNERAL NOTICE. The friends and acquaintances of Mr. Jno. S. Hoge and family, and of Mr. Felix Corput and family, are invited to attend the funeral of the former from his late residence on High street THIS (Sunday) EVENING at 4 o'clock. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR RENT OR LEASE VTY prokerty in Hirliory Grove. Crawford lrJL county, consisting of a Store-house, Black smith shop and Dwelling, with a!) necessary out buikltngs. One of tho best country stands ii Middk* (svorgia. All of which is iu excellent re pair. If desired, a goud farm adjoiniug. isairial mg of suosnw can he rmted on guhd b-nus. For terms apply to 31 RS. 3i. E. 1>AXI ELLY. Knoxvil! ,*, Gjl Or J. 1». BLISBNGAMK. *ep28dgw&w3t - ’ 3l;axm, Qa. OOWL.Y IIOUWK By J. *VY. BOND, Montezuma^ ... Geo: Twenty steps in front of ■Rxihoo.l. >2 sep28 3m Three Hundred Stoves GUAGABTESS ! ..i ^TE have just rax-ivtsl two c Barley Sheaf Stoves Go to Griffin & Co.’s S ALOON if you want Cincinnati Beer nnd Lunch all day. He has not suitpended. Bramly. 40 cents; Whisky, 25; Beer. 10. The finest Billiard Salooo in the city. sop28 3t Helm bold’s Brcnc.—The only reliable medi cine for diseases of the kidneys and urinary or gans. A perfect diuretic, the long-continued use of which by the people of this country for the 1-tst twelve years has fully established its reputation »the best remedy for these diseases known. It is one of the few medicines that have stood the test of time. It has true and genuine merit. Beware of counterfeits. The genuine has Helm- bold’s private proprietary stamp. Seeing is Believing.—If ladles who do not use the fragrant Soxodont will compare teeth ith those who do, they will sec in an instant, ora reasons for adopting it, than can be com posed into a newspaper paragraph. OlimCLEN TO 3AUK1AGE. JLUTY RELIEF FOR YOUNG 31EN from hccfivts of Errors mid iUiviin emrly life Manhood restored. Impediments to Marriage re moved. New method of treatment. New and re- inark.d'ta remedi^- Bcvks and cireulars >--nft fn«e. in s.4led cn^opea Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth street. Phila delphia, l*a- an institution having a high repute- Georgia Land and Water Power For Sale. YV ITH a view to a partial clianse a»f invest- > V meat and a change of business. 1 offer for sale a fine body of oak and hickory land, which embraces a first-class water power, and eligible site for liuikling up a large cotton manufacturing interest. It is on the Ocniulgee river, six miles above 3I"con. I can sell tracts of from 100 acres to two thousand. Address WM. LUNDY. aepSS 2awAwtf 3facon, Ga. Land For Sale. T OFFER for rale or lease 1.131 acres on Ga- 1 nauna creek, in l*ula«ki county, tenjniles from Ilawltinsville and near the Hawkmsville and Eu- fanla railroad, (now being constructed).—300 acres cleared. Land divided to suit purchasers. T-nns lineral. Parties wishing to bny or sell Georgia br 1 r tnll tied it to their interest to address W3L LU.YLi. sep2>l2awAwtL Macor.G *. And have, in stora.witli them the GREAT BENEFACTOR, SUNNY SOUTH, — COTTON PLANT, STEWART, And other first olas* Cooking Stoves s olso, Ji fine assortment of HEATING STOVES. Thebnrest and best assortment of ENAMELED OHATES ever brought to this market. Also, from the Bar- low Knife to the finest POCKET CUTLERY! And from Che cheapest to tho best Ivory Handle Table Cutlery A large lot of Wood and Willov. Ware, Crockery and Glassware, and a full line of Hou.-i* Furnish- iug Goods, and manufacturers of and wbolesnl^- and retail dealers in Tin Plate, Sheet Iron and Plain and Pressed Tin Ware of nil d 'seriptions. Call or send your orders, as now is the timet buy your full stock of HARDWARE AND HOUSE FUR NISHING GOODS, on as good terms ns any house of the kind in the State. Prompt attention given to all qrders. Oliver, Douglass & Co., sepfg If No. 42 Third street. Macon, G 1. julySdSm s conduct and profcosional skill Halt Alive.—It is a sad thing to through life only half alive. Yet there aro thousands whose habitual condition is oneOTiangnorand debility. They complain of no specific diseases; they sailer no positive pain, bat they have no relish for anythinc which affords mental or sensnoas pleas ure to their more robust and enerautk* fellow be- in nine term out of tm this’ state of hwtujrie and torpor mrtsea from'a mohid stomach. Indi- cestion destroys tho energy of both mind and body. When tho waste of nature ia not supplied by a duo and rcrubr aw notation of the food every orjai >tanvJ. dr4y fucctr n inter rupted. Now.Nahat d'« V/, A, HOPSON &C-J PASTS KXTS ia lull both in Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS! They inrito particular attention to their apartment, ul HOSIERY, DAMASKS. LINENS. SHEETINGS. BLANKETS. TOWELS. FLANNELS. JEANS. C.ASSIMERES. SILKS. DRESS GOODS, etc. etc. Due notice will he gn*u <d their O PENING DAY. COLLEGE OP ! American Medicine and Surgery, I . . • " . AT 3fACON, GEORGIA. THIRTIETH ANNUAL SESSION, commencing first Monday in November. 1S73, and oon- timtunr four months thereafter. a EORGIA .W1LKI XS« )N COUNT Y.—Where as, (*. W. I’jiyno, Administrator of the estate of P. F. I’aynt*, late of sr.i l county, deceased, lius lilt il lii«*application for dismission from said ad- therefore,tto cite :ind admonish all persons concerned, (o lie and appear at my office, on or before tlae 1st Monday in January next, and show eauye, if any tliev have, why said letters of diemission should not no granted. Witness iny lian l and official signature this 25th 'day of S*ptend>er, lS75. iit scp28 "m MIK CITY 1'UBIJi WEDNESDAY; Och'^T 1. as f EAST MACON (iR VMMAR SCHOOL—At the Central raih<«\.l build ins. and one room at the Catholic Church on Fourth street- Walter G. Smith. urhachoL NORTH 31 ACON GRAMMAR SCHOOL—At 31 r. Unk’ * rooms corner Link, princij SOUTH 31 At 'ON GRA3IMAR SCHOOL—At St. Paul's l*arish sHhool boose. Henry T. Conner, principal. OOMMERCI.IL AND CLASSICAL HIGH SCHOOIj.—Corner of Bond and College streets. J.' II. Roberts, principal. Tliero w ill Ik* a charge of one dollar por month in the High School (payable in advance.) to de fray the rent of the building. All applications for admission must lie made to tho Superintendent at his office over Johnston’s jewelry store, comer of Second and 3Iulberry streets. THE LEWIS SCHOOL, (colored) will be opened Monday. OctoVr & Applicants for tliat school must apply to the principal on the day of opening. The teachers are requested to meet at at tie* of fice of the Superintendent at 4 o’clock P. M.. 3Ien- day the 29th inst. B. 31. ZETTLER, Superintendent. sepg3-4t AUCTION. MONDAY’, SEPTEMBER 29.1873. Sale begins at 10 o’clock, A. M. sep24w.slAsnn Protection Fire Co. No. 1. H. Baird, tailor. Cotton avenue, and leave your measure for new uniforms. By order THOS. HARDEMAN. Jiu aepSStuesthsat , . President. THE COMMONWEALTH LIFE INSURANCE COMpAjfyl OF NEW YORK CITY, D OES Wnn upon popular plans that tho pooplo cun comprehend, nnd at the niininm. ad first class coiu]huucs. nuin The *' Commonwealth ” is Safe, Popular and Promt* WITH A PRACTICAL AND ECONOMICAL MANAGEMENT. * Examine the Savii INT. rHOAJLVS U. COXNKlf eorgia. Manager of the Georgia Dejftrur*** tiwij'- ATTENTION! MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS Mrs. Bailey’s School, Corner Walnut anil Third Sts., ILL be reopened on October 6th. sepl 4oml it/ order of the Court of Oniinary of Wilkinson i-ounty. will be sold before the Court-house door inAh© tuwu Irwinton, Wilkinson county, on' the first Tuesday in November next, within the leg;il hours of sale, the following jiroperty, to-wit ; j Throe hundred aiul fifty-five acres of land, more or iss, B iug riarts of lots No. 122,120, l Haiul 145, in tiki 27th district of said county, being the place whereoTi Tlu>s. Valentine resided nt the time of Iris iUrath. Sold as tlio property of said Thomas Valentine,de<***asoAl, forth*; imrnoee of distrilm- tion .unong tho heirs at law. Terms on the day of aide. JOHN 31. SH E FFIELD, sep2Stds Administrator. / 3 BORGIA. WILKINSON COUNTY.:— VI Whereas, Airs. S. A. U. Sanders, wife of S. J. Sanders, having applied to me for exemption of |iers*Hi:dty, and setting u|>art aiid valuation of homestead, 1 will jiass upon ilie sjim»; at my office in Irwintoti, at II o’clock a. m„ on the <tth clay of Oc tols r next. W. F. CANNON. sep2* (Unit * Ordinary. lotion of personalty and setting apart aud valuation of homestead, 1 n .11 pass urn same at my olUe*yin irwinton. a: 11 o'clock on the 6th day of Oetobe virtue of HPHHHPINRMPHHHii Ordinal?! of 31acon county, will lie sold, before the Court- ■door in the town of*Oglethorpe, ill s;iid , on tlu* first Tuesday 111 Novcmlier next, projK'rty of the ostut.* of Daniel Hanga- liuok. late* of Vcdd county. di-* ris<■*l: L-:’s of land yrat. gift and 22:. in th;; 15th district of otginnlly jon couiiiy. and fractional lots Nos. 20 and the I t district of originally MuM-ogc®, How r county. This body of laud Iks on Flint riv«|r,;n'Xir Uietounof MoJ'ictnina.a.’d embraces [that valu d»h; plantation owned by tciicl deceased nt tlie time of lfis death (except that jiortion thmvof asvigiKal to tho widow as dower). Sold the purpose of distribution. Terms cash. sep^tds CRAWFORD SHERIFF SALES.—Will 1» ■xt. the following lots and parts of lots of I land, all lying in the 7th district of originally Heart mi. now Crawford county, vi*/.: as the lands cf William F. Clark, deceased, in the hands of B. A. Harwodd, Administrator de bonus non of said estate, iinadniinistered in his hands, to-wit: Lots Nos. 219,220, i;*7, 198,187, 188. bk.*, each contain ing 2n?4 acres, more* or less; also, north or west 7 Timf of lot No. 165. lying north or west of the creek known as Haney’s 3Iill Creek, supposed to - contain 110 acres, more or less; also, the south ofnwr or western jjortion of lot No. 161, as divided ld»y a line separating it from Anibros Sanders’land, I containing I’tO acres, more or 1 ess; also, the south portion of/lot No. 98, cut oil by aline; east nnd \vest, amyby the line ferns* I*:tween John F. iT -outmr.il nncl N. H. 3Iol»U*y, containing 914 %crcs, mare ;»r less. Pidperty pohited out by wrinriff, John G. CoPvet. Executor of Jonathan C« 11 »u4rdeqeav^d, nml 11 •Hcegivento B. A. Har- [MTrmrMaa—MM— Ncw Goods. MY Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS! We invite all to call and examine our Stock of goods and be convinced we sell THE BEST GRADES of GOODS at the LOWEST PRICES. This week we invito special attention to the following • NEW GOODS which we offer at Imrpaitt !>ri(vs : 10,11,and 12-1 MARSEILLES QUILTS, 10, 11 and 12-1 SHEETING, 10, 11.12 and U-l BLANKETS, 4, 5, and 6-4 BLEACHED COTTONS. — Large asaonnenta NAPKINS, DOILIES, TABLE DAMASKS aud TOWELS, PIANO and TABLE COVERS. Largest assortment BLACK GOODS IN THE CITY. BLACK SILKS, of best makes, at New ■* York priees. COLORED SILKS in all the new and fashionable colors, and evervtliing new and stylish in DRESS GOODS. WATER-PROOPLADIES’ CLOTHS— in all colors. Rnching, Sash Ribbons, Kid Gloves t and all novelties at the lowest prices. S. Waxelbaum & Bro. Proprietors “NEW YORK STORE,” sep21tf 4S. ntul 47 Second street. JOHNSON Sc SMIT1 UNPRECEDENTED ADVANTAGE; TO MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS IN 500 rolls Domestic Bagging, 21-3 lbs to yd. 100 do “Elephant” Bagging, 2 1-4 lbs to yd] 50 bales Gunny Bagging, 2 1-8 lb to yd. 200 rolls Southern Bagging, 2 lb to yd. 10,000 lbs Arrow' Ties. 25 bales Bagging Twine. . scp27tf BTJKJKJEi; & COBB. FEE AND LIFE INS0RAU3E AGENTS] 68 Second Street. Macon, Georgia. Home Insurance Company, of New York j CASH CAPITAL CASH ASSETS... $2,600,(Hid 4.40»,5;3 3| BURKE & COBB, Agents. NOTICE. TO THE Cl NTOllEICS , — OF — COCHEAN, McLEAJN & CO., New York City. tliev can remit to tliat firm in currency, per ex press, at tho expense of Cochran. McLean & Co., either directly or through us. SAULSBURY, RESPESS A CO- ***!>-7 Iw Maoon, Georgia. Notice to Consignees. Macon and Brunswick; Railroad,> , . .. 31 acon, September 26, 1873. S of Knoxville.on tins first Tuesday in Nomn- /^lOXSIGNEES wante»l forthe following articles VJ of freight, now at this «ic*i»t,, nnd which will be stored for account of owner, if not called for withiiv48 hours: Diamond C, 27 boxes Bacon. C, 1 box Bacon, By steamer “Woreester." Diamond J, 82 boxes Canned G» »ods, By Steamer •‘America.” J. W. Patton, 11 Boxes Slates, etc- By steamer C. W. Lord. C. 31., 1 Box Olive Oil. By steamer Huntsville. J. T. KIBBE. , sep27 2t General Trai laportotion .Agent. Yirginia Fire and Marine. Insurance CoJ OP RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. CASH CAPITAL «200u000t CASH ASSETS 342,tr* ,, BUKkE & COBB, Agenti. North Missouri Insurance Company, OP ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. CASH CAPITAL $ 500,«#l| CASH ASSETS 1,03(1413 S BURKE & COBB, Agents. Equitable Eire Insurance Company, OP NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. CASH CAPITAL CASH ASSETS $200,0* j 244,44t*| BURKE & COBB, Agents. Cotton States Life Insurance Company OF MACON, GEORGIA. ASSETS, NEARLY £000*4 »ep27 2aw4m* BURKE & COBB, Agenta, BOOKS AND J. W. BURKE STATIONEKY] £ GO, wbW.lenhrt in possessi >n. as Administrator de bouis nouof W. F. Cft;irk. ■l«*ceasod. JA31ES X. MATHEWS, sep28 tda D^‘fiiit.v Sheriff. 4 DM IXISTR.VT(>R’S SALE—By virtue of an J3 v . / 'orvkr from tlu* Court of Oniinary of Macon county. Ga- will bo sold, on tlio first Tuesday in Xovvmbbr next, bciore the Court-house door in the Urnu of Otrlethorpe. within the legal hours of sHTeTlhe rolTowii'nr' 'tariffs and other property be- Umuiiig to tlie estate of Henry E. A. Candler, to- it: l,s00 acres, more or less, of land situate in fid county, cast of the Southwestern Railroad, and abouLthreo nfiles from Winchester station; adjoining lands of CoL Douglass, M. Felton, W. R. Brown, estate of S. Ware and others. Tho public tood running through the place divides it into two nearly equal parcels; that portion north and west of tlie rood will be. sold first, and then the re mainder, lying south and east of said road. Alsfvrt the same time and place, 10 shares of tlie capital stfK*k of the Planter’s Wandiou.se Company, of 3bu*on. Ga- and two prom' notes signed by A. B. Adams. D. B. Jones, a Reynolds one for$L547 10, dated September 9th, 1871, and due January 1st, 1872, and the other for 8 \7:56 *7. dated September 0th, 1871, and due Jamfai? 1st. IW: also, oho note on Win. Adams fur 8116 08. tinted April 27tli, 1872, and due Octo- ber 1st, 1872. Tenns—'Warehouse, stock ami notes, cash; one- third of the tourehnse money of the lands, cash; on«>tliird to be paid by the 1st day of January, 1874, and tho remaining third payable twelve onths fro mi lay of sale, with ten per cent, intor- . t. Bond for titles will lie given, and titles made when purchase money is all paid. sep38 trts B. H. ZELLXER. Administrator; Mills and Xiand for Sale Cheap. T WILL sell on accommotlating terms five X hun<lred and sixty acres of Ijitnd, with a first class Circular Saw and Grist Mill, on 3Io*sy Creek, with water power eqcial to one hundred horse power, situated in Hou ston county, within three miles of No. 2 Station, Southwestern Rail- rond. For further particulars address the sahscrih.r at Fort Valley, Ga. D. II. HOUSER. scpld eod2m DWELLING TO BENT. A COMFORTABLE DWELLING in Vinenlle tnininit eitfht rooms, with ttood tnirtien, well of water, etc. Terms very motlentte. Aiinlv to nuesitf L. W. EASDAL. 1,000 Bales Cotton ! D3IIXLSTRATOR’S SALE.—By virtue of L ffitthority gruutod by tlie Court of Oniinaiy Martin county, will l»e sold, before the Court house door in the town of Oglethorpe in said county, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesilay in November next, 100 acres of land, jre or less, being tlie south half of lot No. 390, the 28tfc district.©! originally Lee. now 3Iacon county, as the property of the estate of Jumes Mathis, late of said connty, deceased, for the i*ur- pose of distribution. Terms cash. sep28 tds J. B. M ATH IS. Administrator. FACULTY. C. B. Gfifi;SiiK ii. D.Cleveland. Ohio, l*nv fessor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Woman and C Jo« , ^5il(iiiaJ M. Ajit ! St? Isti*. Jo/rii- fes-or of Surgery and Diseases of the Eye and Ear. H.C. French, M. D-Professor of Theory and Practice. J. T. Cose. M. D, of Macon, l>f>U Physkdoey and Patholocy. . W. C. Jones, 31. D- t*f Macon, Ga- Professor of finur* Chemistry, Pharmaty and B«»tuny. J. A. Brown. 31. D- of Indianafioliii, Ind- Pro- |BMlM|flflp#Kxllnand TwqMfticg IT WashL-.rt 'i IX w&iu 3f. B. L..of 31 at. <Ja^ Attoimr it lew. Profoteor of Medli'tl; J«fe>; n- dence. A. L. C! : «kfcalos, 3U*D- of f A* nt. my. DMINISTR.VTOR’S SALE.—^Will be so»d. irtue of an order of the Court Oniinary of Mncon county, before the Court-jiouse duor, in the .town of Ogle- A 1 kho^jejiifsiid rtiuuly, wilfiin Hie Jftgal hours of sAIefon tn»%rsf Titosifey in* November next, lots ot land No. 86 and 167, in the 1st district of origi nally Dofily, "now Marion county, as the property of the estate of Solomon Forehand, Sr- late of € of Vk:iiil,p«)4tnty^de0eas«rt, for the purpose of distrib- ,| ul ion. These two lots lie in one body, and cm- of the lM*st small farms in this port of vise well improved. G. W. FOREHAND, J. A. PERRY, Adioirostrators. I Georgia, aiul are other 39 and 41 5icrr»n«I Street. DZPAJtTXKNT or Aoricultcre, ) Washington, Sept. 9, lb73. j B. H. IVrigUy, Secretory : Sir—I have sent, by mail, to your a4- dress eight quarts Towxell winter wheat, imjxirte*! from France. Respectfully yours. • ▼ * Fkkd'k Waits, _ % Commissioner. Jane, ('•umy nnum All Klirttt. | Od motion of Mr. W m. McKay, a com- A firm in this city diHoover«xl among i m it toe of throe w%& appointed to provide their uosets some tunc since a Jonos eoun- an applicant for tho scholars hip. The tv shinplastor of the denomination of ^ committed consists of Messrs. Wm. Mc- twenty-five cent-*<. Wishing to r«otlize 1 Kuy. J. W. Stubbs and Dr. Patterson, upon it. the bill was sent over to Clinton ' Mr. John P. Fort made a report of his e fcogrest under ipression? The system daening; not merely Ijc Stbrmrds into a mare sr (m it assuredly woqld do if an ordinary alcoholic stimulant were re^rted to), bat radically and permanently. How i-, thi'dA*>irab!eobject to be accompli The answer to this question, founded on the un varying experience of a quarter of a century, is easily riven. Infuse new vigor into the digestive organs tqr a cours* of Hortetterts .Stomach Bit ters. IX) sat waste time in aamiii^tering temp - nuy rt mcti.e-. tm » v ;he system up by r\ .*- crating ihe fountain-head of physical s:r-nri: andonerxy, the gr.»t organ u;«cm wi:..!: a!! the , other orga:^ depend for their nurture mod Mip- ntrxls routing and stren an h-*ur or two, u> >;nk pitiable coodition than e U. 'or Anatomy. R. M.D-oLK iJ^ille, Go- Da:05* strator of Anatomy. The Dean will ha elected on the assembling ot the Faculty. All communication* should be addressed to A. L. CLINKSCALES, 31. D- Macon, <7.-u. who will take pleasure in answering letters erf inquiry. 3I.v*ov. Ga- Sterffmber 27,1873. •epfift d2a|rkwtfin9'A/ r, BUYERS 03F" ; DRUGS, CHEMICALS, I Patent medicines, (lk Llto'tt th Ban). isawir Iministratrix on thees^ Is to of said county, de- ^ WP - ».of tlismi'*sion from siid admimsi ration. This is therefore to rite all persons concerned to be and apnear at the Court of Ordinary of said county, on the first Monday in January next, to show cause, if any they cun, why said letters should not be granted, T Oivqn mxler mj liaml and offi rial signature this the 25* dayof Saptemb..*rt 1§73. ‘s~)2<l.tni ■ -J.VO. W. ORKKR, Ordinary, tify all persons concerned, that application will be made to the Conrt of Ordinary of said «*ounty, on the firat 3Ionday in Noyember next, dor Jenve to teH all th** lands belonging to the es tate of Daniel Kfeckly, late of said >-oantr. de ceased. sep28 3ut J. L. KLECKLEY, D. E. KLECKLEY, Administrators. WANTED BY COLLINS & LITTLE. WE will commence to-day and buy 1,000 bales > » Cotton at market rati is, and continue until we shall have filled “our orders”—payable in* Car- rinsres, Buggies and Wagons, at the lowest cash value. Bring along your ays rehouse cotton re ceipts. COLLINS A LITTLE. sep2C Iw Still Further Reduction. Closing Out Prices ! NO. 60 SECOND STREET, MACON, GA. NXOUXCK to their urnnv friends nncl customers, ns well ns the I-Uhlir, tiiat theymnov B Xi_ TER PREPARED THAN EVER to supply them with nil they less! in the, BOOK AND STATIONERY LINK. IVe will keep a (rood Mock of RELIGIOUS. MISCELLANEOUS AND STANDARD *nei| and nil orders will meet with prompt and ran-ful attention. Our Sunday School Stock will I' | and complete, and we particularly solicit this class of onlors. TO COUNTRY" MERCHANTS We would sav that we ltavo n new and well assorted steeck of BLANK ROOKS, surh as FULL ROUND RECORDS. LEDGERS. JOURNALS, DAY BOOKS. MEMORANDUM AND PASS BOOKS. Etc. INK, VntimKO PAPER. NOTE PAPER. MUCILAGE. FOOLSCAP PAPER. „ INITIAL PAPER. TWINES, LETT** PI™ TISSX'E PAPER, and all kinds of STATIONERS’ NOTIONS and SMALL WARES- We will also keep on hand a Kood assortment of Printers’ Supplies, such as Book and News Jnk, Colored Inks, . Flat Papers, Cards, Letter and Bill Hcatl Blank’l All kind, of mil Promptly Exccutd Address Book and Job Printing: Neatly BINDING—OLD BOOKS AND NE1V—IN BEST STYLE. J. W. BURKE nug31 lawSm & CO.. muox. «* whole atoo’ Como *nnd see that we will prove our assertions. Reins’ mber, we have but five days more. W. A. BANKS & SONS, aepg.tf NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. Boots and Shoes FOR THE FALL TRADE, 1873. No. 3 Cotton Avenue and 66 Third Street j ONE OF THE BEST SELECTED STOCKS OF BOOTS AND SHOES! Ever offened by ns in this market. Ladies’, Misses', Children's, Gents', Boys', Youths’ Wear. Comprising all varieties and styles, from the heavy bropL’i der and of the best material. Country merchants will find it to their advantage to exi selections can be made at prices that will compare In thf> rptnil lUnMtaiyiiit. vd hftve.lt No. Sl.ott'. most delicate slipper, ^ ur stock, from which cqt*' 1 ? h- with those of the Northern s ru..i .>• I i.ir 1 : ' I idttflaa ia the vute our friends and the public feD^ v ’fl In the retail department, we have,at No. 3 Cotton ay A^adies’, Gentlemen’s and ChiWren’s Boot*. Shoes, Gaiti manner, and warranted durable, to all of which we won to call and examine. MIX & KIRTLAKU ■sf-pt 21-eo«l Hm - ————' x P*f AM TIMM T ll TO BENT. Low Midolmg Cotton, A amts ’ uus ’ " lllte ■ Lea(i * fas'™ or 0De eish ‘ Apply to WINDOW GLAEE, AG., 'r __ OLIVER. DOUGLAS A CO. CAPITAL—BOLD - $10,00 0,000 JOHN INGALLS Iron in the Blood j?yggy SPECIAL AGENT FOR CASWELL, HAZARD & CO.’S For which are will pay a good price in anything that we have in oar u**uJ Urge and well a-oorted stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, MVm find indacemeuts offered by . A . ... \y *^Sh. 2eiAn h-<fo* For Kent. . ri^HE FLINT HOUSE, containing twenty-fivr j J ‘“O O ’J i^mxy. with --<rden and outbuildings. Oi> j Uv CmJ boarding-bouae in the dtg % By the tim* 1 tliat »d -u table totric and invi^onu a.-hie franvt* :-i the dy>;► faeuim mduenre. .\ with ap|B-tito th» o»5*arii until ti* i ful bluud. tit u ia; the mat bone and iwrv** and lv r-J* ot r sitfi M lli of tile great V.V*. \ CHEMICALS. TAINT: Hunt, Rankin A Lamar’s, V» ii !• ole Dru. - . *t . Ordt rs bvmailvolictitedarul p , i LG jO Ci ROBERTS or MILO S. FREEMAN . rawh J. H. ZEILIN t XO, ■Drurri-;.. IIvot. c... WOOD. "IT"' E will hava a fine lot of Black Jack Woe <1 at Lf » .sir yard to-*Iay. l,i>X» ronlv arriritur and to arrive. BUTTS t BdaS. sep2tf FjOR REIvT. rpWO DWELLING HOUSES, efirifchr lc cated. JL Apply to R. P. LAWTON, At Exchange Bank, or to julylTtf NOTICE. ira *‘or <rf Glass Carton, ■s applied for leaTe to yell th; -. ‘joa estate c£ rad ** t '* vjvxTJXr *t-f/Elmre^thisday sold oar stock at GOODf All pitscns ir.ierestel are hereby notified of » * to W. J*Lawton.a»: 1 lvspeak for hii •- ‘ u • i. r. *n.«.u> n i ffbaralr ‘ _ Insures Stores, Hnthndte Dwellings Fwrni- ture and all other property at LOWEST RATES! sep!6 6m de. weight, dentis T. H VS removed to Boirdman’s Block, .over Voi der a Ca’s. corner Mulberry r a l Second street*, 3Ia*on. Ga. oetl.3 ly Sugar! Sugar ! IHE undesigned hav PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS. They : iNe HazardA Caswell’s Pure and Sweet COD LIVER from - u < strong, healthy, and happy m-n and I invalids cannot reasonanlyiieaitatatoigea I Caution.—Be sure you get the **AT c bJ»- that u Peruvian Syrup” ia Pamphlets free. Send fer one. v'ac I Ac SONS, Proprietors, Boston, * * unjgsista generally. ne|il.Vowly Mlriri HINSDALE' (Formerly Mr>. MaOW*Crt I SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LAD I 275 and 277 Madi»on Ats.^ a - . . —i.iMitio*.* i* . - Alwavs on hand. Fresh lot received this day. Dealers supplied at proprietors’ prices. sep21 tf slithers addres • The t:ry. . -I iv hand this September 26.1*78* JA.t. M| LOWE, Ordinary. * of our cq* _ L VfYOK s. B AXES. September 18th, IS73. '-bepSl tf rpHE und I tetems for the Stab* of Gee COLVKRT STF.A3I SUGAR REF1> CHESAPEAKE STEA31 SUGAR I JiFlNl R\ Rt.HANTS' STEA3I SUGAR R illNEI i. ofBsltimore. We elicitorJers froi x the t.«-te and will guarantee prices to baas I *w as m r- dered direct. sep!2 lm Mld WANTED AT ONCE- Taxes—Second Notice. ’ OR TW0 aret ^esrsJSSS 5 i \ / (Breastcr) to whom the niffb* ' bv the day or piece- p juiyjitf ‘ people to come y their State i 3VARFIELD A ^ WAYNE. . *ity Commissioners h?ia*e notified t • ey are in need of money, and I am . • .npelled to ask the people to come up » ' .I’ther delaY and pay their State and J t Taxes. w , 1 i notis. white and colored, who owe poll ana taxes only, must pay up to save cost, as 1 r -.l br law to uo>ue executions and garnianee mplovers. W. T. NELSON, ,pj if * Tax Collector Bibb county. the day < iillv'lltf DISSOLUTION. T he firm of Peyser 4 Ghu* > s di g 0 }!jTSt ft tual consent. M. GL vSS September 17, 1*73. sepl8-law4t