Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, September 30, 1873, Image 3

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the Macon daILy telegraph and messenger* tt'esdaY moRmml sepiemher so, is?& Reason Wlijr. DECISIONS • • or T1IB Saprcmr Court of Georgia. •AT, RlCPTKSf- <1 OriTiM \ 4. .1 ohn T. Wingfield, . r# Motion, pont L*-. «'-•! - Yui- w ^ nr. b|i|.1k-4- n rrdooi and node a ju l^mcnt ob- 1 no a debt contracted prior to the if June, IHflS, under the proriauma . jj Motion of th<* Relief Act of On the trial of the i««tu* the court r t}i ,. pUintiff in the judgment to the '.‘f,-L-rai- GovdWMDt, or to it* ad. r-. a««haa payment of ♦ m shtntrof alftvaf to work on f< >rtifie»u i0s the spiking in faror of the gov. nwriiU or the war, the furnishing of nriflons to f Im* g»»v«*mtn« , nt and it* nol , r% and their familiea, although volnn nir done, m not eufRcieut to entitle ve the judgment reduced of Am* n« Uf*. and t<* incorporate the samf, anQ for <h«*r p irp.e«>. * in »o far a* the latter .u t prond.M for 1 erring a tax. and to Dint extent *ai«i third section fane* p».*al***l. 4. Ail of said aet. except tlmt part then*of* renting the local Board of Bda- .-alioii. and giving it authority to ratsb- Hk*i and nigulate and Hiij-rintend the public ivdiooL in aaid city, and to receive the ]>roportiouat«* part of the general Stab- fund omningtoRaid K. hor.1.,, j; v.*• !. 1 m- hu-e >aid other j«. t :• i.- of .<«i 1 refer to a sobjet-f m.ittcr (fifferant not only from wlat L, oonuioed in the title, J but from the other pul of the ruin-- act, I to-vit : it grant** power t/> the Mayor and j City Council to !<-vv a * »x and im-i;.. j bond , and exempts the city from county i I taxation for public schools, and ix obnox- iou* to that extent tof»x*tion 5, article 3, j of the Constitution, which says “nor shall ■ ir.y is: Mi •• j-• u hi. h r. f. r- to I n.o*-»- one ► ibp-et matter, or contains matter different fit.m Mat it contains in I th»i title thereof." 5. The Hoard of Education created by said act of the 13th of February, 1873, haa no authority of law to require the M ij-or.and City Council of Ainurirui. to l. ry and i oIU t a tn a* i- provM.-l l,_v ov.'i act. N'-c al. raid Mayor and Coun cil levy and collect a tar as a p-il.lic school fund, except by authority of arid 18th section of the act o: the !£!d of February, 1873, which tax. If collected, may by vir tue of mid section be used at the discre tion of the Mayor and City Council for for which it was levied. ■ rrthr vitktls To »hi •lief Act of'1888, aasnch act' leientiy connect the plaintiff rs au-t.ined by the moraot Karj;c the movant excepted Aavnlitof to the ruling, of this court y _t, fore made in similar caae < under .I,, provisions of the Belief Act of 1888, .i„rr was no error in ths eharfpr of the to she jury in view of the facts dis- rksel by ths record. (Gunn va. Hendry, Didi. U"p. JIM.) In view of the pre- ik. u mlinys of this court upon the ifues* nsdc in the rsoord, ten per rent runsces l» awarded for delay, as provided I t Ulist section of the ~ ' I/t the iudifincnt of the Court below I, silrtrrd with damam Fret II. West, Richard F. I.jon, for -fctntiff in error. li. W Wannock. Vssoo A Davis, for J, P. Graves vs. F. W. Roberta, et al. IMree warrant, from Dougherty. )|i Kst. J.—The County Court Act rf Jtnusiy 10, 1878, is a general law of tto Stitts except aa tlien-in specially ax• ,.ptel: and the net of August 24, 1873, .-.tublohing a County Court in the eoun- tiM of Dougherty and ley, only repeals tKr set of 10th January. 1872, so far a« it i< aronsisb-ut tlien-w it h. ■ Pnd-T the goneinl law of JaniLarv pi lays, the Jn-1-r*- of tti»* County Couri h».sut'iority to issue distress warrants, u 1 there is nothing in the act orgwn- s Countv Court for Dougherty roun- •r iaconrifitcnt with such an authority in tie* .-.einty judge of that county, so that hr also has authority to issue distress nrmati. Jmlgment rrv.iwed. T. K. I.yon, Warren A Ely. (i *r plaintiff in cm*• Hm<« A Ifoblw, for tlcfenoant*. Imnl IfobU v*. J. 8. Ilaina «*t al* 1 warrant, fn»m Donghorty. Mi’CaT. J.~Tlio lion of a landlord upon the property of hi* tenant for rft, m a t att*«'h aa ngainant a piurohn&r from tV* tenant until the iwixt, of a distiwa vanant, t«xci»pt upon tho crop made upon thf premia*w. A Nfchw, l*ona (Wo ma*lo, by a rrH- itor from Ida dwbtflr. who in in fniling cir- . Rmt*n«B4! in t fnuidid* nt, simply l»e- fnfiac lb** toaWosmadB of tho purchaser > the <)cht duo, nnd a protniasory note, Kina fide given, at tho tirno for an over* piu*. in the price agn*od to bo paid, above the d *H due. JuLnmnt iiffinn***!. Kinie A Hobbs, for plaintiff in error. Wn. E. Smith, H. F. Lyon, for defend ants. Southwestern Railroad Company va. S. .V »'ohen. rertiomri. from Sonar. J.—1. Sectkm 1586 of Irwin** KsTiied Code, requiring perron* wboaball aril l»y weight* and menauren, to have their vaifhta an 1 nuvuiure* marked a* correct, Vj the t'Wk of the Inferior Court (now- tiri‘ Ordinary) and in default of auch’mark- atg. providing that aueh peroona ahall not - i ll»*t any niioont. n»»t4* or other writing, the tvnuidemtion of wbieb ia any rom- nodity fold, by their weight* and men*- wea, in an net fixing a penalty, and ia not to he extended beyond it* term*. i Where a lot of paper nnd paper bog* n* whippd to the plaintiff by railrood, Md up»n it* receipt* it waa w«ngh*>d upon *odea not marked.but which were proven to he ixurect, and the jmner found do* tv*vnt in quantity, a* d«n»eribed in the railmail nveipt. it wa* not error to admit theevidemv of the weighing* notwith- »tamling Uie failure toproeure the mark- Olffdr the Mealed. I. If Him d oviden.e be A dm ill -d by a Justice andno objection I* * made at the tnal l*oth pirt iea being lepreeentpd l^y wwwl, the admiMion of the evidenco ia M *ood ground for a certiorari. * Tin* evidence in thi* caae waa *u(G- - < nt to justify the judgment of the Jua- Judgment affirm «M. S. C. KUm, R. F. Lyon, for plaintiff in rmv. Hawkins, Ouerry and Holli hndant. Judgment affirmed with modification. C. T. Goode. K. A. Smith, for plaintiff* in err r. W. A. Hawkins, for defendant*. Aw illustration of Irish rim afforded by the reply of a candidate for the office of teacher. The examiner wa* endeavoring to elicit the candidate's idea of the market value of labor with refer- enoo to demand and supply; but, being haffb d, he pnt a question in thin simple form : “If theiy are in your village two shoemaker* with just sufficient employ ment to enable them to live tolerably, and no more, what would be the consequence if a third shoe maker set up in the same village?" “What would lie the conse quence, sir r” echoed the candidate; "why, a fight, to be sure." , for dc Simeon Heck v*. Joseph T. Spencer. ' "Uiplaint, from Mitchell. Twrr*. J.—Whan the maker of a note. <Ul*d in lSfiS, plead*, that the mom wa* ' ‘Table in Confederate currency, and the My evidence on the trial is the date of '•<’ note, and that the consideration ex- resMd therein was cotton in tho gin- of the payee, and hi* growing crop cotton, the defendant lieing a compe- ®t witn«**A. although the payee is dead. * evidence is the best evidence which .*t* of the fset Sought to be prov«nl and dd be produced. Juilgment iwereed. Vina A l'avis, W. A. Ilyrd, for plain tiff in error. James H. Spence, W. K. Smith, Lyon A Irrin* for defendant. tton States Life Insurance Company Hla W. Scurry, et nL CompUint, DiagberW. irrr, J.—Wbate an appUeant for life sace signs an application for a pol- hich contains a statement that **only tie heme »>ffiv*ers of the company in Ma- .. :..»\e u:fhorit\ t .• deU'rmine - Iwn, and the agent tlm I*oH!> Tuo/llf Darren, who m-nt a cargo of warming-pans to the West In dies, ha* an imitator in the Hritish admi ralty, which r»«contIy sent out a cargo of rioo from Portsmouth to it* colony on the coast of Africa, which i.« besieged by the Ashanti**, only to fiud when it was too late that rice Was the only article of food which abound* in that country. Ah editor in the country tuys: Not withstanding all that ha* been Maid about it, we wouldn't refui— our “Isick pay" if some of our rfuh->erihcr* would come for ward and proffer it, ju*t at this particular time. . Ah Ohio editor piilishes marriage* un der the head of “Attachment Notices." Wo presume he will publish divorces un der the heud of “Dissolution of Portner- Hhip ‘ A ckrtaih editor in speaking of the miseries of Ireland, say*. “Ireland's cup of misery has been, for o^w, overflowing, and seems to be not get /u/h" Thb hull of the British ship Confi dence, tho flagship in tlie battle of Lake Champlain, is being raised from the bot tom of PlattHburg l>ay. Grn. 8c>ioriBU> ha* issued an order for the execution of the condemned Modoc* at Fort Klamath, Oregon, on the 31 of October. F=?_ FR_ FR_ C8SLEU, BTIESTERT, CROLER-j RORIl'l, RltRRHffit, AXD ALL rowel coaruim CrtKO AST) nZTZSTZD BT Rad way’s Ready Relief! JF CHOLERA pn-vsiU aa an epidemic, the Pre- A native maMim *re the mo»t *n-* tosdopt. The Livxt. Bawds and 8t<*marh shook! be kept rc.-uUr. ItMlwnr s l*i!ls.in innidldLRRs^. will wr«*urv this or**ui'in . nadw2>' , h R ndy Rcli.'f diluUd in water, (one tomamlu to a tumbler ct water), ts'** ?: ss a drinV. ifm-e or four Harm durin* the day, will dmnfeet the wakria inhaled in the rt»- tsm,and neutralize all arnl oranbeslthv demerit# cammed hy the e&mbhuUion of the malaria of th.,* atmosphere with the ra*— of the stomach, (which are oOen in thew cnideaka acid), iraiwnimr Warmth,cntrxj s*id nealth thr*i*hout tin* »v*- tem. and prevent..ur the wparatH/n of the watery fr»m other prntwtka in the blood. If with CHOLERA, the R,wdy R-lief should be n\en a* «lrw« and <rften as prMihle. This will secure re»t sod bold tlie propert** of the blood Use-ther. K-.r.uizi.v. ;!•. nmilation. pre venting conicestssi. anti prrvi nt the diminishin* or lawirnimc of tjae pube. and stopping vnraitinc and mmrinw. The brsty should l*e mWed with Ready Belief fmro bead to foot, arvt nlom the spine Thi** will impart ra w enrrry and ritalitv to tb narvous system, atop cramps, spssnis. am! induce fra* pervfsratsm. A« wain a* tb' »to:narh is qnielfld. an torisht of fl-'lvay'* l*iil» (nodanver <4 duurlani vteed ho ftawd) ihvld 1» mv«-n. The Liver. Stomrxb and Rnveh will at once I a* restored to their natural duties, ami the neutralized ele ments of diarwfR* he cxpriled hum the system. This treatment has maroorf thoumialsfrom death. LnuaeneM. Mairhrra. CbcSeni Morbus. Cramn*. SjAsms. etc., and all |s>ii;fiil diwhanm* from the liowrla are st<»j»ped in tifPv:i or twenty minutes by takinir RadwayV Ready It lief. No coawmtiou or inflamntatkm.no wraknmOir laasitodc. will follow the am of the R. R. Rehri. GOLEUAN «£ NEWSOM, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. HAVE REMOVED TO Blake’s Block, comer Third and Poplar Streets. WORLD B Hi A. K E ’ S RENOWNED FEBRIFUGE ! THE GREAT ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA, FOR THE PREVENTION AND CERE OF FEVER AND AGUE OR CHILL FEVER. X>ITMB AGUE. An.l ether intermittent and Remittent Fevers, General Debility, Jiijjhr Sweats, etc., and all (other forms of Diseases which have a common origin in Malaria or Miasn LAWRENCE Sc WEICHSFLB4.UM For aale by all DrujgnaU. Hole Pnipriclor* and Wholesale Druxxids, Kavannali, f-’n. SOLE PROPRIETORS OF THE ARABIAN BITTERS. A WELL KNOWN TONIC. sontlMin RABWAY’S BEADY BELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OP THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OP THE BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OP THE BOWELS. CONHESTfOir OP THE LUNGS. SORE THROAT. DIFFICULT BREATHING. PALPITATION OP THE HEART HYSTERICS. CROUP. DIPTHKRIA. CATARRH. INFLUENZA. HEADACHE. TOOTHACHE. NEURALGIA. RHEUMATISM. COLD CHILLS. AGUE CHILLS. The application of the Ready Relief to the port or part* whrre the pain or difficulty exists will a/- 'rird roan and comfort. Twenty drop# in half a tumbler of water will a few moment* cure Cramp*. Siiasms. Sour Stom ach. Heartburn. Sick Hcacbarhc.Colic, Wind' *w Bowel*, and all internal pains. Traveler* should always carry a bottle of Rod- wav’* Ready Relief with them. A few drop* ir water will nrerent siekne** or pain* from change of water. It i* b«‘ttcr than French Brandy or Bit ten aa a stimulant. FEVER ANTI AG-UE. Percr and A cue mml for fifty cents. There li- I :< vii! ’ll tlj.- V»..rll flint Will HI Fever and Acue. and all other Mnlarion*. Bfliom. Searlrt. Typhoid. Yellow and other Fevers (aided by Kvd way’s Pill*) so quick as Rad way's Ready Ready Relief 50 cents per bottle, and Pills 25 cents a box. Sold by dnixxbtii. LUDDEN & BATES, SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE, SAVANNAH. GA. , >Iit*lc, anil all kind* itraiucnt*. l.nrxrwt Murk In the Mouth. I.oncit Price* In the Month. Bc*t Inatriimcnt* In tlie South Don’t Huy a 3?iano Without find writing u* for pricey Wa are tl»e snout extensive I'wimi iKwlers South and can sell the riwaiiret. YonrclMtke from five of the beat maker* in tbo Uuit«*l Stabw—any stylo and price densmt. Fine p*u*«. 7 octave. ro*ew«**l row*, carved kw*. at 3265. hUA. «w. warranted for Uve K rs; superb pianos at $*«», $W5. 6»»» and W75 > very pbuio* at JMdO, Win, 5440, 5490.55.10 ami 5*00. Pmma aobl by small monthly |*»y- menta. PlaiH- fur n*ut. rinn«*s miw ship|* d to all parte <4 tlie tfamlh. K\crv one Ibnikin* «* huvinr is invited to writ* us for lowest cash C thospriive. lllustmtfil raUtlmniaa sent fros. Hmriqusrtrr* fbrtbc cch-brnt«*«l Jt.XHOS AND HAN LIN OKGANM! Beat anfl chmpmt. New rtykw and New Prices. Semi for raLnl«KUr, (Rruar full ilt*mgftU*i. Oburrhe*. MMh and T.-as her* libendly dealt with. Ovhmm delivered free of charre to each buyer in any part of the South. Piiro* ame a» at factory. Shoot Music and Music Books. A .i.loinlul .lock- The lie»t |«l«l»»UuiUi ol every imlili.her shraT, on hen-1. |JUW*t OseMSSt to IWm. Tesrhen. »ihI S.honU- Any !*",<< ]|mr nr Mu.;. IU.A insileil |iwl-|sud. on iwapt uf n-t.it |nm- CsUhstue. In-e. IF YUl' IT ATT A Violin. (Iattar. Flute. Aeronletin, Flutins. I l ifasota, Ctun*. Untnt.aettol prim.- String, or iiintlittiv utiili-r the .nit in tin- ittu.ie Iiik-. tie nut fnmtith it. Goo.1, w-nt a U. 1>. lor ,-uiutm* tks to any i«»rt of the Snith. Our order trade » imroenM*.* We advertise tamely, keep what we advert w\ perform w hat we advertise to do, and in this way have built up Tho Largost Trado in tho South! Send for price lint*, circulars, catakwuea, spert- inon cx»pi. s.of Suitlu-m Mu>iml Journal. 51 j*.'r year, and tr>- us with an onb*r. aepUtai CHAS. CODNSELMAN & CO., Goneral Commission Merchants, Room 14, Oriental Building* CHICAGO. Rs'fcr to W. A. Huff. Macon.ma.v2ha METROPOLITAN M follow, iitt thi*e oIIats, the huntin'-! and ■ma being in ntbf in-nnin m tbfft'otloia Stat«*> A****# l , *mpiny. Tin-* r*Ny*ij't bt'ing ling oil arid company until tho policy wiv«t” Such contract cr receipt is binding on the company to issue a ky. nor is the company bond by the Hpt after the application is rejected, ‘rtber it is binding on the ooiH]v.iny & &4'tka is had by the Company on the •ieatkm, is a question that docs not * -tndsr the facts of this oasa. “^nnent reversed. a th A Jons*. 11. H. Hill &. Son, G. J. for plaintiff • u .\rrvw. ^ lhivi*», A. L. H:iwes. R. F. IRON & BRASS WORKS, Canal *f rcct, from filh to Tth, RICHMOND, - - - VA. WM. E. TANNER & GO., ENGINEERS, MACHINISTS AND FOUNDERS. ENGINES OF AJAj KINDS. Send for Circular. H. R. BROWN, jaunty Agent. -SsB F. FABEL, J.M. \\\ W. Barlo t. al iBju&i-tioa. fxxun Sumter. f T:.- T*s‘^rilature. under tnti* nal requisition to provide system of gt'neral education. . • t .e jK>w*»r to county authrMi- , * mtxr.i ical ivrpoiation* to hr a a aid of eut-h system within their *^^3 territorial Hmit*. I board of education may ho »p. • by t' « L- ji>Ut'»re writiun such with power and authority to use appropriate the Mihotf funds Uiu» I'onn.-et.on with what mav be the general fund pro ridel *•. ..nd to .-.ipcrinU'Xui and oa'q- » " > »L- that may therely be os- " t-vim,- U‘ing under such su- * t).,- State Si*hool Commi*- ■ by Lvw may be provided; and . . , ’* " *'*• Mich )»Mr>l may be created i * *riy ix^v ini% . , n ^ appointing it. i • n \ rtfltvi iu right to eiMroiw the i ' • r;? . v given t,- it ao a Liard of cduca- - xxsmcTiREK or STAR AND TALLOW CANDLES, SOAPS, LARD OIL. outer-. No H Wert Msin Suret, between Fins mnd Second. fv-torj. N(V 73. A 77. 7» Mid St MiiJen Lsne. brtwren Ohio *nd Adams Streets. LOUISVILLE, KY. HEALTH! BEAUTY I STRONG AND PURR RICH BLOOD-IN- CRKASROP FLB8H AND WEIGHT- CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECUR ED TO ALL! DR. RAD WAY’S Sarsaparillian Resolvent Hue nuule the mo>d nirtonishimr eure*. Soquiek. m rapid are t he rh*niu!» I he br*Iy aoderaoe* mider the influ-nm of thl<* truly wcmdprfrn meilirine, that KVKKY DAT A5 15 CRB ASK IS FLKSII ASD WEIGHT IS SEES AVI* FELT. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Rvrrydropof IheSARflAPARILLlAN RESOL VENT communicatee through the bk**L sweat urine and other fluid* aisl juice* of tlie system, th«- visor of life, for it repair* tin* w»*te* of the body with new iind nouih! mmterisL Scrofula, Syphilis. Consumption. <il*ndu!*r Pbrnaa U1 cer* in the Thrmt ami Mouth. Tumor*. Nodes ir the Glands ami other parts of the *y>tem, Sore Kye*. Strmaoroas l)iwh*rn«* from tlie Khta. and the w orst form of Skin Diseases. Eruption. Fever Son *. Scald Head. Rin^ Worm. Salt Rheum. Ery- Kipela*. Acne, Black Simla Worm* in the Flesh. Tumor*. Canow* in the Womb, uml all Weskeuinjr and Painful Dwrhance*. Nivlit Sweats Loss of S|ierm. and all waste* of the life principle, are within the curative nmjre of thi* wonder of Mod em Chemistry, ami a few days’ u*e will prove to anv person wnr it for cither of these forms of di^wsc its p*»t4 a nt nowrer to cure th.*m. If the patient, daily twimin* nvhieed by the waste and decompmutioii tint is continually pro- grmdrvr. suecem* in nrrMina the*e wastes, and repair* the -ame with new material ma.Ce from l),4lth.v bl»*v|—end this the SARSAPAR1LL1 AN will and d.«a*erure—» cure is certain; for when or my tlu* remedy connnenee* its work of jiurifl ca tion. ami succeed* in diminishing tho loss of waste*, it* repair* will be rapid, and every day the patient will fool himself growing bet ter and strong er, tho food diverting letter, appetite improving, nnd flam nnd weieht inrrearine. Not only does the SARSAPARILLIAN.RESOLVENT excel all know n remedial ncent* in tlie cure of Chronic. Scrofulou*. Constitutional and Skin Disease*, but it is the only positive euro fer Kidney nnd Madder Vomplmlntn, Urinary and Womb Diseases, Gravel, Diabetes. Dwpqy.Stoppage Of Water. Incontinence of Urine. Bright'* Diiam, AAnrinmk, and in nil cases where there are brick dost dejioMt*. or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with ■nbrtsnres like tho white of an e-ri. orthrvmlslike white silk, or there i* a morliid, dark, hiliou* nppmrsnce and white iMine dust deposit, nml wh.-n tliero is a pricking. Tumor of 12 Years' Growth Cured by Sadway's Eesolvent! Bkverlt, Mass. Jnly IR 1^*7. Ds. Radwat: I have had Ovarian Tumor in the ovaries ami l»ow-els. aII tho Doetors said “there was no help for it." i tried cverathinc that recommended, but notUtt helped me. I Resolvent, and tboajrht I wrould try it; bal no faith in ikbMMI I h.vl suffered for twelro venrs. I took six bottlaoof the Resolvent, and box of Railway’s FIR* and two bottles of y Ready Relief; and there is not a ticn of tumor to be wn or b it. ami I feel better, smarter nnd hap pier than I have for twelve years. Tho worst tu mor wn* in the Mt side of the bowels, over tho rroin. I write thi* to you for the benefit of others. You ™ P-.t,ton it p _ KNAPP . WO RMS! The only safe and i PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE, An Important Letter i and resident of „/ rear* well known throughont the United From a prominent gsntli Cincinnati.O. for th* post •> to the book publishe States; Nrw Nork, October 11, IflTA. Db. RapwaT: iVwr Sir—I am Mawd by a nseof duty to the stiffen mf to male* a brief *t»te- ent of the working of your me.iicine on myself. For several year* 1 had been affected with nomu trouble in th-* hlmlder nnd urixuuy oryarn. which >«ome twelve suxitli* acu culminated m a most ter- nffiictine disease, which the physicians all *l*umi<dic it net urr in the ureta. os ii.ffammaUon <•! the kidneys ami bladder,and cave it a* their opinion that my are—73years— «uuld prevent my ever rettina radically cured. I had tried a number of unksai and nod token a loiye quantity of medicine, both ol-‘*^thic ami ribhr i said v »relief. *i read of Cadi p id for Tallow. Lard and Grew** 1 IMPERISHABLE FRAGRANCE CELEBRATED The ut l • -ghi*-. nth *<*’tion oi the act of I''?:!, entitled •‘on act to *■! *vimi the aeveral acts grant- r *te uuhonlV to the city of 4 n*l to Ntuhhbh and conaoli- . and for other piirnpuus ia incoaaictrnt with the o' the out of February 13th, ’? , ' it * f blu ^* I “KrSi, b, rtt ur>1 of oducatiOii for the city i.tri iuol>. FLORIDA WATER ! The ncbest, mrwt Wiae. ret moat drbcale of all perfumes, tor :.wt on the HANDKERCHIEF. At the TOILET, And ia the RATH A» th-re are mnutiana and eounterteit*. alwara Oak tortfre Ktovda Water, wtflrh km mttwbottle, on the tota l, and otf the pamphlet, the nunn of MURRAY A LAN MAN. without which nom* u perfumer*. druamsU. and dealer* homtonatliic. Imi had cot astocusninc cure* banug kMB made bv ycur ediev and some four m- -nth* mso reaa a notice in the Philadelphia Saturday Evening Dost of a cure havinr leer, effected on a person vh had km* bren »uffcmur I bad l*ern. I went run. toff and col some of each—your S..r*apanlhan uw^wnt, Iw-ady Relief and Rewulatinr **111*—oi:d com- memvd tokinc them, uttmdfr Iwoaprrally relieved, and now Lvl a* well a- ever. C. W. JAM ES. Cincinnati. 0. R. RADWAT’S PERFECT PURGATIVE AND REGULATING PILLS. • coat.-d with swret c*n»e and strenrth* re of *1] diw ?rier» of Kidneys, Bladder. ~ i?Iwtk PerfevAly tactele**. eb-ffaat!; ki;";. purv . ntni late, purify, c' rr Radwav’s l*ilN for the eu th.- sumwAi. Urer. Bo—K Nervous Ihj*so*e*. Headache, _ t tatroesa. IndirestKvi. Dprepcj, Bihuusneoa. Fe ver. Ln flam mat »oucf th.- Bowel*. Piir* and all IY- ra;.remenu of the Internal lurera. Worrardod to effect a cun*. Purely '*wvtahlr. con- toir.in- oo v.ieivury. minerals-.■r delet.-r..dnua Ob*- rvt ib'-1 'ik-muc symptoms resulanf from Disorder* of the I>. rest ire Orcan** t\ui*tipatmr.. Inward Pdra. Puluie** of the Blood the Head. Aridity of the Siomorh. Nou- waa Urtvrtburr.. Ihfcurt of Food. Fullnms or Weurht m the Stomach. Sx*ir EructaHon*. Pm kmc or Flutter.nr at tV Heart. Cb^kims or »uffennc S»»r.*ati- ns *dam m a Lyisfr fV^turo. lhniaew of Vimoii. Dots or Web* before the Sicht. Fever and Dull Pam the Hi L Deficiency^ Perapiratiotx, Yelk>wnem of the Skin and Kyra, Pain m the Side. Cheat. Lnuba. and sudden Flashes of Heat. Bum- in* in the FWj. A few doMa of Radway’* Pill* will free tbs *ya- Kin from all the above named ditordera. Pnrw 25 cwnto jer box. Sold hy Dru«pn»ta. REAR "FALSE AND TRUET ftmd one letter stamp to RAD WAT SCO- No. i Warren, corner Church street. New Turk. Information worth thousands will be sent yoa maylXeudSwly We beg leave to call th»* attention of the merchant* of Georgia to our large stock of Groceries and Provisions, wlu.h we offer to the tnvie AT WHOLESALE ONLY On u reuonablu terms x. any hou-io in the State. Our stoclc consists in part of 100,000 pound, BACON C. B. SIDES, 85,000 pound* BACON SHOULDERS, 50 boxes LONG CLEAR SIDES, 250 barrels REFINED SUGARS -ALL GRADES, 25 barrel, CRUSHED AND POWDERED SUGAR, 150 sack, RIO COFFEE, 25 sacks OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA COFFEE. . • 500 rolls BAGGING and 1,000 bundles ARROW TIES, 100 cases SARDINES, 450 packages MACKEREL—NEW CROP, 100 boxes SELECTED CREAM CHEESE, 20 tab, GILT EDGE BUTTER. 20 car loads FLOUR—Fresh Ground from our Mills - consisting of our own brands ** Uncle Joe’s Choice,” “Mag Hampton,” “Golden Flake,” “ Faultless,” “ Standard.” We defy competition in Flour. We have a large stock of case goods and other Groceries not mentioned above. Merchants and others would do well to call on ui when visiting the city before purchasing elsewhere, as we are prepared to offer in ducements. Remember, We Break No Packages. COLEMAN sepll codim & NEWSOM, Macon, Georgia. COLLINS & LITTLE. MACON. <lFORG»A . Dealers in all kinds o SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULARS. seplH-tf GENUIN C LOUISIANA CANE SHIP, 50 BARRELS OJST HAND. THIS IS NOW‘THE ONLY *ure New Orleans Syrup Now in Market! And none even to be bad in New Orleans. WE WXX.X. SELL AX LOW PRICES. ROGERS & BONN. STILL TRIUMPHANT! (WITH LATEST IMPROVEMENTS.) FOR 20 YEARS THE Standard of Excellence THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. OVER 750,000 IN USE. If you think of buying a Sewing Machine it will nay vou to examine the records of those now in tw* and profit by eifaridifa THE WHEELER A WILSON STANDS ALONE AS THE ONLY LIGHT RUNNING MACHINE. USING THE ROTARY HOOK. MAKING A LOCK STITCH, alike on both sides of the fabric sewed. A*ll shut tle marhira s wa*t«> power in drawing the shuttle hack after the stitch is formed bringing double weir and strain ujion both machine and operator, hrnre while other machines ranidiy wear out, tho WHEELER Jt WILSON LASTL A LIFETIME, sad prove* an economical investment; Do not believe all that is promised by so-called “Cheap” machines, you should require proof that years of use have tested their value. Money once thrown away cannot be recovered. Send for our circulars Machines sold on easy terms, or monthly payments taken. Old machines put in order or received in exchange. WHEELER A WILSON MF*G CO.’S OFFICES: Savannah. Augusta, Macon and Columbus. Ga. \Y. B. CL BYES. Gen. Art., Savannah, Ga. \V. A. HICKS. Agent, Slacon, Ga. jsnlflaodly THE SHORTEST ROUTE TO FORTUNE. gllM** FOR ONLY »Z SO! THE LARGEST RETURN FOR . THE SMALLEST INVESTMENT. AGRAND GIFT CONCERT! WILL BE HELD AT LEAVENWORTH, KAN., DECEMBER 31st, 1S73 FOR THE BENEFIT OF A JUVENILE REFORM SCHOOL, 40,000 Gifts, $450,000 in Prizes, Principal Prize $100,000 Consisting of tin* superb palatial residence of Si mon Abeles. Ejq* unsurpassed as a private dwelling in tho United States, being only a few blocks from the Court-hous*.*, surrounded by inag- niliivut eroumls, ore linn Is, ganlens and vine yards. The building ha* l »eon only recently com pleted with all modern improvements. PRIZE LIST. $10,000 each, 5,000 “ 2^00 “ 1,000 “ l^XX) 1.158 Sfl.150 $159,125 20.000 20.000 20,000 10,000 20,000 25.000 20,000 20.000 15,000 hmd 10,000 5.790 91,125 1.000 Prizes $150,000 The title to the above real estate is guaranteed perfect. ..... The liberal terms of this sclierao brings it with- _i the reach of all—the greatest opportunity ever offered for the poor man to rise to wealth. PRICE OF TICKETS. Single Tickets, $2 50; Eleven Tickets, $25 00; Fifty-six Tickets, $125 00; One Hundred and Fif teen Ticket*, $250 oo. The drawing will be made under the superin tendence «»f a committee apjiointed by the high est officials in the State, dnJy sworn to the faith il performance of the duties assigned them. Th«* highest officials both of city, county an*. State have not only endorsed Mr. Abeles, but also his scheme. Tho demand for tickets is unparalleled, and all ilcsiring to participate in the drawings should at ice form their clubs and send in their orders. AGENTS WANTED in all States, Cities >ul Tore ns in the U. S. and Canadas. Money should be sent by Registered Letter, P. O. Order or Express, with the full address of the purchaser in plain writing. Forfruthar information and particulars, send for circulars to tho JInnairer and Proprietor, and address .SIMON ABELES, sep23eod3m Leavenworth. Kansas. Dli MUCK'S SPECIAL FLAVORINGS.. f AXILLA, LEMOX, ETC., for Flavoring Ire Cream, Cain and Pastry. With great care, by a new process, we extract from the true, select Fruitt and Aromatics, each charHO“~istic fla- -tor, and produr- Flavoring* of rare excellence. Of great strength and perfect purity. Ab poisonous oils. Etcry flavor as represented. No deceit—each bottle full measure, holding one-half more than others purporting to hold same quantity. Use them once, viU use no other. The most delicate, delicious flavors ever made. So superior to the cheap, extracts. Ask' for Dr. Price's Special Flavorings. Manu factured only by STEEX.E & OPZRICCEJ, Depots, CHICAGO nnd ST. LOUIS. Manufacturers of Et. Prieds 0r-~~ Baling Powder. ECLIPSES ALL OTHERS Tie Great ‘ Eclipse” Screw Cotton Press ^PATENTED FEBRUARY 21,1*71.J MANUFACTURED SOLELY BY E. FINDLAY’S SOYS FINDLAY IRON WORKS, MACON, GEORGIA. FASTER, MORE DURABLE, LIGHTER DRAFT AND CHEAPER THAN OLD WOOD SCREW EVEN. PACKS THE BALE IN TWELVE ROUNDS. Two to three Hands, or one Light Mule, Packs a Bale in 2 Minutes Bales u Cotton packed by this Press range from 500 to S00 pounds. WE GUARANTEE THE IRON WORK THAT MAY PROVE DEFECTIVE WlTtllN Kll tt YEARS AFTER PURCHASE. AND WARRANT AGAINST BREAKAGE WITHOUT LIMIT AS TO TIME. Tlie “ ECLIPSE” can be furnished all complete, or simply the Irons, as parties may desire. Presses amuifted fer steam or water ]waver when required. We have TESTIMONIALS from many of the Lanrcst anil Best Planters in Georcin fetdall the other Cotton States) usiiiy this Press, whose names otv as "familiar ns luaiM-hnld wonts. 'Planters visiting Macon are earnestly advised not to purchase a Cotton l’res* until theyLX AM IN h CLOSM^i AXD THOROUGHLY' the “ECLIPSE,** and JUDGE FOR THBHSBLYB&. Soml for Descriptive Pamphlets containing testimonials and prices. B. FINDLAY’S SONS, FINDLAY IRON WORKS. MACON, GA CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. General superintendent s office Georgia Central Railroad, Savannah. July 5.1S7A O X an.l after Sund Trains on the <»> t* nth mst.. Passenger Central Railroad, its ill run a.* follows : Arrive at Km- Arrive at Mat Arrive at Sava i for Atlanta .. i for Enfoula.. iforColmnbuN Atlanta aiul Colli NIGHT 1 Loire Clayton Leave Columbus.. Leave Atlanta ... Leave Macon l.ea\t‘Sn\:uir.ah Arrivo nt Millcdc Arrive at Eatonto: re at August Arrive at Savanm Making p«rfect Augusta. IViaaengers goin teuton Branch will taki *, Atlanta and M . . 1 Savannah, which connect daily at (Sundays excepted) with the MQledgeville nnd Eatontou trains. An duont sleeping caron nil nidit trains. THROUGH TICKETS IT) ALL POINTS i,n be had at the Central Rnilroatl Ticket Oil with train r the MilledgevUlo and En- i Colum- Augusta p xc. Tickets can als of Bull and Hrv- M to 1 PII. an.l froii > be had at Depot Office WlLLlA^l ROGERS ■ets. 3 to SUMMER SCHEDULE. DAILY PASSENGER TRAIN TO AND FROM Macon, lirunsirick, Savannah k Florida. Office Macon and Brunswick Railroad Macon, Ga.. Julv 22. 1*73. and after Wednesday, July 23d, l’assens Trains on this rood will be run as follows DAY TASSENGKE, O' CRAIG PATENT HORSE POWER FOR DRIVING COTTON GINS Recently Strengthened and Improved, now Perfect MANUFACTURED SOLELY BY R. Findlay’s Sons, Findlay Iron Works MACOlf, GEORGIA. The superiority of this machine over all others intended for same purpoee (juctndipg both flu id new fashion” Gin Gear) we GUARANTEE, OR ASK NO MON E\. This Power is shippec and ** new fashioii” Gin Gear) we GUARANTEE. OR ,VSK NO MONEY. This Power is aliippetl one piece, as it were; requires no mechanic to put it up; sets on the ground; is attached in no way to anv portion of the house; and is Independent of floor * sagging,” etc.; can be used m ANY RIND OF HOUSE (one or two story), or lx,th the Power and Gin can li *- 1 Tmr,r ‘ TW ANY HOUSE; drives a Gin from 275 to 800 revolutions per minute. i tho jmmnd WITHOUT PUIlLY warranted in every respect. Send for Descriptive Circular, Testimonials, and Price List. • “ new fashion” ditto, with centre suppor R. FINDLAY’S SONS, FINDLAY IKON WORKS. MACON, GA MANUFACTURERS OF STEAM ENGINES, BOJLES, SAW & GRIST MILLS, WATER WHEELS AND ALD KINDS OF MACHINERY AND CASTINGS. ETC., ETC. It. FINDLAY’S SONS, jul27codly FINDLAY IRON WORKS. MACON. GA. O. W. MASSEY COTTON GIN. PATENTED JULY, 1871. *IT r OULD take this method cd inhuming the public that hundred* are now *- -^SunSSSTt'* h **F rov -n • *VCCXM. .nd 1, ns seed perfectly, and oa napn—iVie to brook the —r>". ^ *5F **** mean*, juxi achiJiJ ten ^ All * which I guarantee, and warrant every Gin eu >«*r* ojrt to pieeronsnta* ( C ° ttoB ” ^ ^ M the top thMi where the cutun i. PyUrepureW. Certee GjmwouM *0 tnlnoh to Un. Wore pnretowne other ll.Ih. U I aro MraiM to protect r fatut froex any and all mfirnaeiuetitiL Partite viday to parrkaae Oottoa Gina would do well to ex*aui* the EXCELS I OR COTTON GIN I Bam pies can he teen aft CARHART ft CURD’S, Agents, MACON. GEORGIA. [Trade mark recite red,J At a Cut tf $i 50 per Acre, Brathit, TT’ROM the result* of the use of our Cotton and Jj Coni Fertilizer the pad three seoMOU*. and the experience with it la*t season for Wheat, we an: itidu<-ed to put up for sale our mixed chemi cal* for the Fall and Winter Crops. The Com pound is made up of the same chemical* as our Cotton and Coni Fertilizer, but in different pro- rx>rtiotu», a« winter crops will U-ar more stimu lating than tboae crown in summer. The Compound Contains all the Elements of Peruvian Guano, And will we think, prove as rapid a forcer as the best graaea. The Wheat Crop is such an impor tant one to our country that we are anxious to have our planters use thi* Compound. It will be seen that it is even cheaper than Cotton Seed, and is of rreat permanent improvement to the soil. Tiit-se chemicals not only last one season, but yrc know of instance* in which they have been very plainly perceptible on the THIRD CROP. The ci-mirals ore mixed, Luviug been will p-adilv permeate through the If it is not convenient to get dry stable or let manure, you can use as be* which hare been learhtd, or dry muck or rich Ictm. Sand should not be mixed with the chemical Whale*-? i* uv?d sboukl be moderately drv. The chemicals are put up in good tight barrels, well coopered, general use. and three *3) barrels hol-l uf*) pounds net weight The ante is *25 50. delivered in the depot oft Mo- cou. I*- the •-*) pounds of chemical*, cash. Sixty day <>dts will be taken a» msh. Order* may be ■erf to us direct, or through any ol our agents. In our Fertiliser buaiuro* we have associated with u* DR. P. R. HOLT, of Fort Taller. Ga.. and parties cun be supplied with his Fertiliser or ourv a* they may desire. We can npplr a good article of soluble Phos phate of Lime which, when comported with cotton seed and stable manure, aakro a good manure at a cost of from $10 to *l& per ton of 2,000 Jh«. HUNT. RANKIN A LAMAS. Wholesale Drug and Chemw-ml Warehouse. 82 and $4 Cherry street, Macon, Ga. sepfttf PATENT ANTI-FRICTION GIN GEAR I T BUNS TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. LIGHTER than any other Gear made It ia made without a mortise, tenon, or a key to work loose. Every part bolted to iron. Over twenty in use. All have proven good. MY FJLTEJSTT Is the mode of construction of wheels suspended on .Anti-Friction Balls, Extended Arm to cany the Pulley and Pinion Shafts. f All persons using or making any part of my patent will be prosecuted to the ex tent of the law. I BUILD AND REPAIR ALL KINDS MACHINERY AT MT WORKS. BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS MADE TO ORDER. STEAM, WATER AND GAS PIPES, AND ALL THEIR FITTINGS FOE SALE. Call and see at my works, Fourth street, near the Brown House, Macon, Ga. 033* Send for Circulars. E. CROCKETT. jul30tf ELLIS & CUTTER, PROPRIETORS OF WHARF STREET FACTORY. MACON, GEORGIA. White and Yellow Pine Goods, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Brackets, Mouldings, Etc., are mmpfete. and m can HU order, at abort notice and at low price. Our .tor* ot lumber cannot be excelled- W« have MO-MO feet of dry flooring, tOOJMX) feet dry ceiling, 100,000 foet weather boards, and common Building Lumber, in any Quantity. Our rorpa of merhamm ia complete. We ran boikL repair, and fit up storehouses and dwellings with dispatch. We solicit a good share of patronage from our country friends. Wc guarantee satis- fartiun. All we want is a fair trial Try ua and be oouvuuwd. J. E. ELLIS A M. H. CUTTER. Leave Macon 8:30 A M Arrivo ut Jcsttp 6:45 P M Arrivo nt Brunsvrkk 10:15 p At Arrive ut Savunnah :,„UfO p At Arrive atTUUleinw lt»:i2 a m Arrive nt Jncksi.oville 10:12 a M Leave Jacksonville 2:40 p m Leave Tallahassee 2:h» p m Leave Savannah . r »;ro a >: Leave Brunswick 6:00 a m Lcavo Jcsun 0:00 A x Arrive at Macon 8:00 a m Passengers from Savannah will take tin* 4:SO p x train for Brunswick, and 5:20 a m train for Macon. HAW'KIXSVILLK ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). Leave Macon 8:50 p x Arrivo at Hawkinsvillc 7:30 P A Leave Haw kinsv ille 6:30 a X Arrivo at Mueon 0:55 a X W. J. JARVIS, julySOtf Master Trans|H>rtiition. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, Central Railroad, Atlanta Division, Atlanta, July 5, lt>73. O N and after Sunday, July 6th, Passenger Trains on this Road will run asfollow's: DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. * Leave Macon...L ...11:00 a m Arrive at Atlanta 5:30 a m Leave Atlanta 1:50 P X Arrive at Mnwn 7:20 P x NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Macon . ........11:10 p x Arrive at Atlanta... B£0 a m Leave Atlanta U00 a m Arrive at Macon 7:00 a m Making close connection nt Macon with Central RnilriKul for Savannah nnd Au^ustn, and with Southwestern Iviiilroad for Columbus and noiiil* i Southwestern Georgia. AtAtlunui.witli vVe»t- urn and Atlantic Railway for noints We julyOtf G.I. FORKACRE, Sup’t. CHANGE OP SCHEDULE SUPERINTENDENT’S OIFICE, Southwestern Railroad Oospany, Macon. Ga., July 4,1873. O N and after Sunday, the 6tli inst., Passenger Trains on this Road will run as follows: DAY BUFAULA PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Macon 8:00 A S£ Arrive ct Eufaula 4: to r x Arrive at Clay ton 6:20 pm Arrive at Albany 2:45 r x Arrive nt Arlington... .*. ..’ 6*00 p X Arrivo at Fort Goin<» 4:4« P X Leave Clayton 7:20 a M Leave Eufaula 8:50 A M Leave Fort Gaines v 8^J5 a m Leave Albany llbS a m Arrive at Macon 5:25 p x Connocts with the Albany Train at Sniithville, i*l tho Fort Gaines Train at Cuthbert daily, ex cept Sunday. Albany Train connects daily with Atlantic and Gulf Railroad Trains at Albany, and will run to Arlington on Blakaty Extension .Monday, Wednes day ami Friday, returning following days. COLUMBUS DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Macon 10:55 P M Arrive at Columbus 4:00 A M Columbus 2:30 v X Arrivo at Macon 7A0 p x EUFAULA NIGHT FKKIOIIT AND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Macon 11:15 p X Arrive at Eufaula 12:10 r x Arrive at Albany 7:57 a m Lcavo Eufaula 10:20 I* X rave Albany &80 P M Arrive at Macon 10:30 a x ill lcavo. Macon and Eufaula on tlie schedule Sunday, Tuesday and Thu Way nighti lithviile with Alban. VIRGIL POWERS, Engimer and .Superintendent and connect u julv 61V CHANGE OP SCHEDULE ON MACON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD. Forty-one Miles Saved in Distance OFFICE MACON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD Macon, .May i«, 1*73. O N and after Sunday, May 19,1872, and 1 further notice, the train; is a follows: DAY TRAIN—DAILY (SUNDAYS Leave Macon* Arrive aft Augsuta Leave Augusta 1:50 P x Arrive at Macon 8:15 P M •th leaving Maeon at 6:8*) a m make actions at Camak with day passenger Georgia Railroad for Atlanta and all . c/inte West: al-o, for Augusta, with trains going North, and with tniiiiN f*>r < hnrl«-ton; al*u». !m At)i*:iis, Washington, and all stations on theGeor- - RitilroatL rickets sold and Iraggture checked to all points Till, both by rail and by steonuliijis from 1 thb R*j»*1 ■ EXCEPTED). —“ l Ulmriesto 7 tf S. K. JOHNSTON. : CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD CO, Office General Passenger Agent, Atlanta, Ga., July 10,1878. U N anil after this date— LIGHTNING EXPRESS New York, Eastern and Virginia Cities, res' ac ».i, by Macon A Western Rail road. 11:00 A M k tt .tlanta 5:30 P M **» 1 Dolton ^..10:30 p Arrives at Oiattanooga M0 a Pullman Palace Drawing’Room and Sk*epini Cars by thb train from Atlanta to Lynchburg an ’1 intermediate points without CHANGE. Pas-sengers leaving by this train arrive in >*• le second afternoon, at 4:44 P M, over thi: urs t-vrlicr than passenflin by any oth« an wiih safety reach New York,leaving t) DAY WESTERN EXPREbS. Lesitft Macon at — 1M0 r Leaves Atlanta at ^30 a Arrive sat Chattanooga - - 4:30 a connection at Chattanooga for all jjoin: West. ... Pullman Palace Cars on all night trams, further rwirticulrs addroes' * B. W. WRJiNN, July 11 tf Gen< ral Passciwr Agftit. POET EOYAL RAILROAD. Office op issobt** — *d Supebintesdkn ’ill 1 DOWN DAT PASSENGER TEA • e Aiuru.sla at t Royal ut Arrive Arrive at Charleston a Arrive at Savannah ■ UP DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. ill leave Port Royal at * Leave Charleston at - ■ Leave i?av-Hnn:ihat * Arrive at Augusta at * DOWN NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. ill leave Augusta at * Arrive at Port Royal at Arrive at Charleston at Arrive at Savannah at OUT PASSENGER TRAIN. Royal at. Leave Charlesf* >n at Leave Savannah a ) P M Arrivt Augu Passengers l.avina 31 aeon oral Augut time to make cl night passenger train Mac* and .* july it/ by the 6:30 a li train RailnsMl.arn ve at Augut - iconnwtioii w ith the down i this rood for Port Roval JAMES O. MCKiRE, * Engineer an,I Superintendent. PLANTERS’ SANE, POST TALLEY, GA. 61 S Dejioaiu, diacxmte Papon tay* and veils Exchange ; also. Gold andSdrefT^ Collection* made at all accessible points. Interest paid on DepoaiU when made for a specified tune. Wm. J. Anderson, Pres’t W. E. Brown. Caah’r _ w DIRECTORS Wm. J. Anderson, Col. Hugh L. IVnuanl CoL Wm. Felton. Dr. W. A. Mathews. Dr.M L. H. Holiinahea .<tel6U