Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, October 01, 1873, Image 4

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Till: MU'ON DAILY TfiLF/iKAPJI AND MESSENGER: WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 1,1873. BED CLOTHING LOST. M’.w ADvkktisk.me.nts. mt?!W STYLES ■ \l: i ii \ |i \ ■' >!• .\i> WANTED IKIPFIX X HYATT, THE LOGAN J. M ir W-. Tin- i. ,, k .,o,l t m i. un i Cor* ]>::t m< ■art- Li k- full at • k ..f til M- htmahl, ■ 'uiurie, in lii* liu 0mA ea fish, fruit, o y-ters, nnd forth. The )r.uik frulnr. - ,uv 1 mtepewdem have h ..■1 ■><• offe.-t on the . st<»r»* o f ILinkin, Maon-ntm! r- A Co. They l H- k ran tl.- nhrht ,t,,re ora ■ .i your a?o. and so far It ha. iratrdu .-ntit • rco or .mj. UK* la*. on t<» tho citizens, i Kiel no doulit it is h: .u’hlv approcnxtsd. Fish). Mom • r-. fall*. A I.»n< \ 1st hnn black li-lti Lit in-r-, Spanish rsackerol, cremk- on one 1 direr varlctiu* of fresh fish, and other( leliatte prorlucU of earth mi l wa. 'ter, vrl lieb they will Hell t :heupU. early custon I.T- Tl.eir h very flno this inornir Tho Tlic Trlcaraph Offlre. Wnal„m IT,....,. r P..1 .-U I- tobo i reoorod to tho hni Min^ on Mnl- lrerry h Are- t, jttat Taoatod 1 by the Central Kailrij; ul tuel Bunking Cc unpany. This will ph iw’o the tcle^mph offi co on the first floor, a ftV ’ n K l^.iplo the oxe; rrise of toiling up al<- ng llmhl of rtiuni. STORE TO RENT. ^ f.\fUUt&STtIR!!. r«l dry flrffer. b»is- REMOVAL. rrutml l.rorrln Jockey Club. Tim gentlemen who hare nicnod the agreement to orpmizo the Central Geor- pa Jockey Club, will meet this afternoon at 4 o'clock, in the President's cottage, at Central City Park, for the purpose of a permanent organization. President, Sec retary and other officurt will be elected. The 4 onnt y C'mirl. Tliomaa Baxter and Ella Bank*, alai* Ella Johnson, came before Judge Wee inn yesterday, an d plead guilty to the charge of mterliuire conduct. He was fined forty dollars, and ahe twenty. Both these parties are member* of the Georgia Star Minstrel*, who gave performance* in this city hurt week. Minstrel* Mr. Churles H. Keeshin, general agent for Dupres A Benedict's Minstrels, ar rived in town lust night from Savannah. Hie troupe will lie here and will play in Huleton Hall on the 13th and 14th. He ■aye they have a much stronger company tlian they had hut winter, but retain all the old favorite*. A mil licr Kxrurslon. The colored people of Macon are to have an excursion to a camp tnbeting at Atncricua Saturday. The train will leave Mooon at ten o'clock Saturday night ami will return Sunday night. The fare for the round trip will lie two dollar*. The pro- Oreds are to )*• used in the completion of the African M. K. Church of this city. A l.o*e»> Ricfr. 1 Clay had liis fine four-in- umd out y*w- t. ft. n».-.i. at. 1 . t -r -j'n t._ .. i .»r- i ty of (gentlemen a delightful turn in the ] park, drove up in front of HutTs, where he found Col. John Maund. The Colonel wanted to ride behind that team. lie was asaMed up totbe driver’, bo*, where he took a Mat beside Clay. After de- ~ ribing a fijruiw 8 in Third street. Clay I drove around the Mock, letting hie bone, j out ata pretty lively apresL It made the I Colonel’, head swim. He lap he was I anon run over by seventeen can and was not scared half so badly. He got along tolerably well until Clay drove through a span- only 18 inch** wide, then his hair began to rise on end. He wanted to get down. He wanted to be onee more on terra firnui—the firmer the better, as the terror had a good hold on him. lie told Clay that if a dime was no inducement, he would give twenty cents to be let down easy and quickly. But Clay dashed ahead, and nothing was left him but to shut his eyes, bold on as tightly as pos sible and say: “Now I lay me down to sleep,” Ac-H He felt better after that; but did not recover from his alarm until Clay drove up to the starting point, and cased him jlown safely and gracefully. He says his curiosity in regard to horses is satisfied. He will observe Clay’s team hereafter at long ran ;e; and if be is ever again asked to ride behind them, he will first try his neck before the driving wheel of a first- class locomotive. He says ho hasn’t been scared so badly since he fell off the bridge at Eufaula, or sinoe he witnessed a certain experiment at rquiriel shooting down at Lumber City. A I'of ton .Vf m-krl Opened. Ja(]Ut‘s A Johnson open up n cotton market thin morning. They will •ell any good* in their stock at cash price*, taking «x)tton receipts in exchange therefor, and will hold the cotton for thirty or sixty day*, charging only one and a half per «wit. interest. This i* n, good proposition for those vrlu» are in want of provisions and grvoer- ivs, and who do not want to force their cotton upon an un*ctt!ed market. See advertisement. r.M-fi|»rii C'oiitlrt C'niiKlif. Melissa Well*, a colored pavement prince**, wo* arrested some month* ago, on the charge of vagrancy, tried and con victed. When judgment wa* pronounced, Melissa elected to be bound out to Mr. Cherry, rather than go to jail or to the chain-gang. Four week ago, lost Satur day, she eeeaped from Mr. Cherry, and 1m* since been at large. On Monday, of* fioer Clark© apprehended her at Fort Valley* and brought her to tho city the MM—ce—lug» to servo out the remainder of her sentence. Matrimonial. During the month of September forty- two marriage licence* were iesued from the oftice of 4 the Ordinary iff Bibb county. Mr. IL A. Benson, who ha* been acting during the aheence of Judge Ward, issued twelve licenee* to white person*, and twenty-seven to colored. Judge Ward issued three on the first day of September, possibly more, but the record ilors not show whether they were to white or colored persons. The 4 Mitral Mnllroinl Oilier. The office of the Central Railroad and Ihuikiug Company w— removed jester- day from the old lot ntion on Mulbecxy •dreet to the handsome now apartment* in Blake's new building on Poplar street. Mr. Blake has fixed up mo*t elegant quarters for the office of this company, fitted up with all the modern conven- iences. There are two spacious and airy rooms with a spacious vault, built of l.rick laid in cement from the ground to the ceiling, and furnished with doors and lock* that defy the ingenuity of all l.ur- glardom. The plastering on this build ing i* one of tho handsomest jobs we have seen in Macon. Mulberry Mrrri Sunday krluxil. Mr. J. W. Banks, who for a long time has L n Secretary of Mulberry Street Methodist Sun lay-school. Being about to make hi* permanent residence elsewhere, resigned hi* position in the school last Sunday. Th>- » hool then unanimously ‘ \v .V r ' ' 1 Vl- " i" "vv* 11 Hanks has I Bs “-l >srllss * huT5» a»I Ana cabbogw, " 1 ' 1 this' 8osUa7-nhool a. to go with them, at S. T. Walk*,’*. compelled by hi, ivrtUcm. i from tho city to The Mayor’s Court. There wa, a foil bench at the Mayor's Court yesterday morniupf, His Honor, Mayor Huff and their pro ttmpon Honor, Aldermen Burke arid Cornell, all three being present. Mayor Huff presiding. The first case was a simple drunk from Vineville. The plea of guilty was en tered and the prisoner asked to be ex cused on account of the stringency of the money market. His Honor could not " see it in those lamps,” especially as the same culprit had been excused several or more timee before, and a fine of five dol lars was entered up. in default of which the offender will be permitted to work an equitable namla-r of days at the fair ground. A man went into a saloon Monday evening and got a couple of drinks. IVhon the owner of the saloon told him he must pay for them he became greatly incensed and cursed and abused the loon man, and called him all sorts of ujjly names. The saloon keeper here it pa tiently enough for a time, and then gave the fellow a decent and well-deserved trouncino. The Mayor fined the offender ton dollars, or thirty 'lays’ work on the. park. Martha McLean, upon whose cheeks the miilniffht went to sleep and never awoke a^uin, got drunk and went to the house of another colored female, and be haved in a manner that no one ndiuired particularly. She wus booked as drunk and disorderly and Sued five dollars, or thirty days in tho barrack;. A pair of young bloods went out to the brewery Sumlay eveninif and came bock in a sort of ^aloriohilarious condition and amused themselves as they came by tear iin- pickets off fences. They had to pay ten dollars a head for their fun*. Jock Kanes, alias Miller, and his wife Jane were up for being drunk and disor derly. They had a carouaeinent Saturday night, during which Jack caressed his wife with a load of hucksbot firm! from the mouth of a musket. Three of the shot took effect in tho side of the wife, producing only slight wounds. When bronght into court yesterday morning, they were on the best of terms imagina ble, and were as conjugal as a pair of snapping turtles. Tho wi*J denied that she ha-l Wen shot, and ev n went so far as to say that the gun Trent off accident ally, and that sho was the cause of its going off. On Saturday night sbe told officer Fennell that Jack had shot her. and showed the wounds whore the three shot hail struck her. Finding that the case was likely to go against him. Jock set to work and established an alibi—that is, he proved that he lived ontside the incorporation, which fact placed him be yond tho jurisdiction of the Mayor, and he wont away happy, and chuckling “Yah! yah. What I shoot my wife! He, he. Yah! yah!” There is no doubt that Jack i, the “ missing link” that Mr. Darwin has been in quest of for some time and has not found. xngSltf A Card. Kt.iu Extba and Eagle K .unilv are well known to alt l.«*L>?wive , and n-*-d no recommenlat;- sn W. J. IiAWtox. I>k. Wist sa’a Wiu» Crust Balsa*-—Thi* Babmip comi*/tintI iw bnmnM • borne fixture. Lrt all who •oiler, awl hate in lain atb-miited to tmn tlrirweria «4K bronchial or pulmonary com plaint*, ina'.e me of thi* un-quallcd remedy. It nui b© relied upon, the uism of kdjwn> that hMhm pntdi»h<«l mimv it* introduction. being ample proof of it* efficacy. t . llrrr. Raxki* A Lamas.—Thw wsll known and raUshle firm ten: ramrod a hr.— M it Hr. Hood's Eureks Lira. Mrdirim. it luw Ihepnuw of all who hare tried it. In bottlra at SO rent* and »U». Th« tra/le will ntve money by pur- chasing their flour of the Eagle Mills. An grades gitaranUrsi to give satisfac tion ; only best amber and white wheat used. augSltf Table ahd Poceet Cutlebt, Booees AwnontEE MAXtJVACTUEias’.—Table and Pocket Cutlery, at wholesale and retail, at Walkeb k Dobn*' a ug“-suntf Tn« CwExrrsi axo Best.—Hook’s Eureks Urar Medicine giras unirenal ssCisfaetion in tbs InstaKntof UrarDismi-. Ityspei'-aPirk H«1 srhe. Costiranesa snd all that Has. id ducaws arnanx from » disordered stale id the atomacb and lirer. novSOly Mothku, MoTlir.ES, Motiiem.—Don't fail procure Mat. Wjx,low's Sooratso Srarr St- Err far all di-suea incident to the period teething in children. It ralfc-ves the chikl from pain, euros wind colic, rosulstcs the bowels, slid by riving relief snd health to the child, give; rent to the II...tier. BewuetoesU tor “Jlsa. WlSS- low’s SooTHixn STxrr." Fur sale by all druggists JumS, urdfan MIINTACI.KN TO M.iltltl.lGR. HAPPY RELIEF FOR YOUNG MEN (mm the effecta of Errors and Abnaes in early life Uanburri rcton-d. Impediment, to Marriage ns moved. New methodol treatment. New and re markable mnediew Books and circulars sent free, in aesled emek>|*a. Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Xa * South Ninth street. Phila delphia, Ft, an institution haring a bUh reputa tion lor honorable conduct snd prolesaiamd skill julyhilSm i ”1 by J. i full wft Fbh. . 'dM. neii •! Ktlffl If»lf. »lw 1 W Ov»l*!©. la*. Fruit, dr, dr, *u* heivuijr fpdlf.t KKIJX roRMT. LIVERPOOL ANO GREAT WESTERN STEAM CO., (Gl*IO.V L1XE.) 17IR.sT-C*L.\nS STEAMERS «il Ijciwtwn X**w I 1 York and L<i»*rpooirv^rr M'.vIfK'xIar.affonl- irur th© i<e4 pomiblr arroniDOdsSAufi for t!i© *• loon and irtmur Drafts Usu«l for pa—gc mnttejrtmm Eump? ai current nd-t For rots* vi pmmtp «n I othrr inf; rust mi, ap- plyto AVILI-IAM>i GUION. KnAimr. Sew York. Or to AV. McKAY. Aci-iit. No. (Sk Sfn-nd rtnvt. Maron, Ga. Financial and Oommercia' Cotton. We noted no dtH-itIrd dump: iu the cotton mar ket to-klar, further tlutn an increased hopeful Amounting almost to a confidence that the worht is po*t. The market remains fiat, and muvhonfiemen are oernnyinp their leisure hours in tiering cotton under shelter. Wo am glad to olsorvo no «Jatenj«it in re ceipt*. Then* wa* quite a large number of wagon* in during the day, ami tl»e receipts by rail were up to the average. The entire receipts of U»e day were SH5 liale*—S6rt by nul and 119 by wagon. The nhipmenU were 47 belea. * MACOX COTTOX STATEMENT. Stork on hand Sefd. I,' IW3 I4W Rerrived toHlay 385 Received pnna*udv ....4,418—4,808 CMC Sliippcil tonUy mm 47 Shipped previously 1,49-U Stork (mi hand this evening.. •W27 LaVTEST MARKETS BY TELEGILVPH Financial. New York—Noon—Ge41 opened at HI.— KtairkB thill aiisI very feverioh. No prirv for mo- Ixchange. Imig State* READING NOTICES. Not Suspkn'Dkd,—Still paying out'soup snd lunch at Havens*. It Frksk Fish, mullet, black fish whiting, croakers, etc., at S. T. Walker's. Lunch, soup, lunch, soup,*at Havens*. faithfully s • T*'t uy jdatsd r\ t!u> Ur+olu i;;- . th.’i. hiir. our prosperity Fit That i diligent tank* fo “Too thin” is not the exprewion over Hatvna* noap. 1 »PF«wctate | u.i teo-icr | s valuable , prime*, currant raimns, S. T. AVai.kek’s. anil itu.il Krmjnir nf Prlvllrgr. at ihe Pair ground. Pabb attention i* again called to the fact tl.it privileg,-. 'll t!.■ - Fail Otvuad will be rent■ --1 to tho highest bidden or. tho greur.-ls at 3 o’clock this i,ft,-ni...o. Thoco cunaict o.f l«r-:x..m. tol*aooo and .**«>rar .-tands, confectkmsiy | Hlltl other privilegi'K. .uni it U expeete.1 Ihe-M* - a .11 rt'alire hantlsume sum to the management of the fair. Thert are part if*.- hrro from Atlanta* wlj.> }:av- cvmo t«» >).« « !’.u* Macon poople what live j hi.Ming is. ;uitl it remains to be seen wiiether or not t;ie MatH-n men are p>inh: to allow thewe ma^mri -ent privilege^ t*» ]\t-s out of their hands. Parties must Kdibu-s and drinkables at Merchant's Exchange. It Nkw Prunes, currants, citron and cher ries at Pctksl's. sopt30*t 1,000 boxes plug snd twist tobacco. 1,000,000 cigars. , 100 jar* of snuff. 10,000 CliftontUle cheroots. 10,0iX) Slade cheroots, lupS0tf at Gro. W. Head's. ney. G«»ld 1IJ. quiet. Kvcning—Money is in molkm. Mid the events of the day. it is hoped, will unlock currency.' Gn*m- liark* wore S(28 tnvmium early in the day. hut cloned noininaf. Money dosed ii* { a:wl comiuis- moii. Sterling, big bwM» «|. No ujaTial feature in gold. GofsndSonM dull and nothing doing. Staten quiet. Midnight—si* 111; (K* 7: «*» 8; «5a 9; miw IS; *»7* 131; im« 18 ; new 5a i:|; 1U-KH 7. TWiihivscc* 7± new 7* conaols 42; North Caro lina* 28; new 15; jqiccial tax 10; Smith Carolina*, new 10. No bill* for the rr*t of the lint. Losnog—Noon—4a 91. Erie 421. Tin* Ikissn takes 8o,ooo to America. Pa»u—Bwrw 5fif-*»c. • Cotton. New York—Noon—Cotton quirt «sales 230; up- landa 181: Orlemi* 18. Foturea opened as follows: October 17l@17|; y»wrolrf 17|* 171. Evening—Cotton, net receipt* ISO; giw* 1158; •ales 10*4; uyUml* 18| Oritsm* 10; market quiet anti steady. Puttyv* elored steady; sale* 7800. Baltimore-Cotton, net receipt* 40; ctwsSIS; cxtiorts coa*twise X7S; sales —; stock 1572; mid dlings 18; low middlihgs 17; strict good ordinary market quiet and nominal. New Orleans—Cotton, net receipt* 3OT6; gross amt; exports coastwise —j sale* 1800; stock 22^5O, middlings 171; kiw middlings 17; strict good or dinary 1*1: ordinary 1L'15: market active. Later—C-oIUni active and still higher, sales of low middling* at Bh middling*, in-ode price 171; whw probably SOftC AYilIUXuTOn -4'<4 ton. net receipt* 1W»; exports Cis4~»i lniiitl to Grw: Britain —; salk-s IS; »tock 1155: middling* 171; market nominal. ArorsTA—Cotton, net reo-ipts B8| sale* 855; demand better; middlings 15. Savannah—Cotton, net receipts 2427; exports coastw ix* —; sales <CI; stock 11.765; middlings !6i; market active and firm. CHAmucsTON—Cotton, net receipts 828; gross 828; export* nsistwhe —; sates 600; stock 8529; middling* 16; low middlings 151; strict pood ordi nary 141; market steady. Mosiut—Cotton, net receipt*984; grossO*!;sale* 200; export* to continent 109; coast wise 401; stock 102901; middlings 18b low middlings 15|; strict good ordinary I4t; market qsiaft. Boston—Cotton, urt receipt* 65G; gross loir* sale* 280; stock 9000; middlings 1*1; market quirt. Norfolk—Cotton, net receipt* 1054; exports coastwise 1110; sales —; stock 2282; low middlings 17b market quiet. .Memrut*—Crtton. net receipt* S61; shipments 9*; stock 7482; low middlings 1; market nomi- il; nothing doing. Galveston—Cotum.net receipts 495; export* coa*twire (Rh stock fpov». l.tvr.KrooL —Noon—Cotton steady; uplands 81 (*9; Orleans9h$9ksaJra 12.000; speculation and export 8000; sales of upland*, hub low middlings, delivered Septemhar, S15-16. Produce. Nrw York—Noon—Fluor dull. Wheat steady. Com firm. Fork dull and nominal; new 17 25. Laid firm; oM 8 18-16. Turpentine steady at 8Si« Rosin quirt at 2 75 for strained.— Freight* quiet. Evening—Flour active; common to fair extra 6 45v t 6 75. Whi*ky steady at 98^ 99. Wlieat ac- tiver and a shade firmer; the better feelingin sterling causes export inquiry. Corn quiet and steady. Rio-, small sales; Carolina 8b* 9b Pork lower, new 1700^173. I*nl a sha*le easier.— Turpentine firmer at 4a Rosin quietl Tallow *t«*idy. Freights aether amt firmer. Lori*nf.LK- Pkntr in fair demand; extra fam ily 6 00. Grain, nothing doing. Provisions nomi nal. Pork 1600. Baron, shoulders S|. Lard, Keg 91. Cincinnati—The grooral market i« vary quiet. Flour uuiet and »te*dy. Com irregular at 54 i 55. Prmisinn* quirt and steady; slightly improved }ohhing demand. P«*rk nominally 15 Oft Laid firmer, kettle 8. Racou steady; shoulders 84; e aide* 9). Whisky unsettled at M, St Loris-Klnur, small business; sales at SAr® 1 00 lower than a w«vk ago. Com. drooping; mixed 42 rash; Whisky steady at 93. Proriswu*. smsll onler treble. LanL nothing doing. Wilmington-Svirix-* TurpcStfcv nominally 35; no MW. K *on dull; MrainM ; 20; NS 1 + 5<>. Crude turpentine uuurt* «ed: hard 1 60; yellow dip and virgin 2 SS. Tar. no sales. LtVKRrooL—Nqsn Oorti gdd^a. Wheat, n-d wefitem >i rfqr liNifti *12jAL Marine Mows. New York—Arrived. Rusms, Gallic. Cham pion. Halsatia. Hambarc. Am»ed oaL Manhattnn. Savannah—Arrived. Montgomery. Cleared. 4 im\ Semi’:- le. Charleston—Arrived. Manhattan. Ashland. Sailed. Gconria. Mill* r. Weymoolh. Syhanand To Suffering Humanity! U r K taw jii.* rarairod a full xml Mitlirictil •upH.vo< TBl’SSES, ABDOMINAL BELTS AND SUPPORTERS. ELASTIC HOSE AND SHOULDER BRACES Of lha ui»** approved »ljrle *:k1 mnke. Abu. a lull line at RUBBER GOODS Too numerous to mention, ortl tf RANKIN. MASSKXBURT. A CO. Bring on Your Cotton T » imrtifs baring Cofton in Warohoura. and willing to hrpot borate their rerrijita for tbe .me. we Will adl anr guoda in our .lock at CASH PRICES! Agreeing to hold the Cotton Thirty or Sixty Days charging interest at the rate of 1j per cent, per month—CtAion Vthcmsuml at owners’ expense. OUR STOCK OP GROCERIES Is complete iu every particular. ortl tf JAQITES ft JOHNSON. PAY IN ADVANCE. SHERIFF’S OFFICE, > Knoxville. Ga- September 80,1878.> N OTICE U hereby given that, after this date, I shall in every instance require tbe payment of sdveftWng fesp before I make s levy. Node- viation from this rule. A. J. PRESTON, ortl w4t Sheriff Crawford Comity. Executors* Sale. VALUABLE RIVER PLANTATION FOR SALE B Y virtue of the hut will and testament of John Wooten. Ute of Monroe county, dentuted, we will sell, on tlie first Tuesday in November next, lirfore tlie Court-house door in the town of For syth. between the usual hours of safe, tbe follow ing described lands: Two hundred acres of lmd. un »re or leased parts of hg*208and 206, one hundred and twenty acres of port* of lot* Nos. 219 and 228. |fifty-seven acres of lami No. 219. one humlred anil twenty-six and a half acres of fraction No. 220. twelve aval one-fourth urns of fraction No. 222. six acres of fraction No. 222. containing five hun- dred and fifty acres*, more or W<*. lying in tlie 5tb district of Monroe county. Said land* sold as t he property of John Wooten, deceased, for the benefit of toe heirs and rreriitors of tahl estate. Tanmrr One-half cash and one-half in twelve months. Rond for title* given and titlea nuule upon la>t aumetit. A. MIDDLE BOOKS, W. C. BECKHAM. ortl td Kx-Nnitors. lie sold before tbe C*sirt-house door in the town of Qglrthnvpe, Macon omnty. Gsu. on the first Tnesinv in November next, within tlie U-ral hours of sue. tbe following property, to- wit: Lot* of land Nos. S6.102, 108, 25 and 60. in the 15th district (4 originally Houston, now Ma con county, a* the property of the estate of Mat t f>ew H. Leggett, deceased. On said lands are two sejarate plantations, or settlements, both well iproved, and will be Mild separately; one known tbe place when-on Dr. E. A. Leggett now re- sides, embracing tbe three first-mentioned lot*, and tbe other known as the Everett place, em bracing the taro last mentioned lots. Sold in pur suance of an onler of tbe Superior Court of said county, to carry out and perform tlie rei*»rt of the Master in Chancery of the S. W. Circuit ranking “ final settlement of saiilestate. Sold at tlie risk of tbe former purchasers. Terms flash. A. II. (JRKER. ortl w8t Receiver. f 1RAWFORDSHERI FF’S SALE.—Will be sold v i-’i r ! ' • « I..*-! .1 • . I . ti;.- 4..on . .1 Kmixrille. raid count\. on the first Tuesday in November next, one humlred acres of land, more or W*kv to satisfy a fi. fa. from Crawford County Inferior Ciairt. Ewell Wehb vs. Sander* Ifotid, ami transferred by said Ewell Wchb, to CicvroR. Hatclier; said land Ievi.nl on as tlie property of the defendant, Snntlefs Bond, the same beiuf the one-half «*f let No. 7S, in the second district of originally Houston, now Crawford county. Pointed out by said Cicero R. Hatcher. This Seji- mlvr X1873. JAMES N. MATHEWS. *11 t«ls Deputy Sheriff. v EOUGIA. CRAWFORD COUNTY.-Where- Jf as. John G. Oofbert. executor of A. AInrtin. decRascd. applies tome for letters dismissory from said estate. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the heirs and creditors of said de ceased. to he and appear at my oilire, on or by the first Monday in December next, to show cause why said letter*dismlssory should not be granted. Giien under my hand ami official signature, September 29. IS7X JAMES J. RAY, ortl w3m Ordinary. _ BORGIA. MARION COUNTY.-Tendersnn , Smith luts applied for exemption of person alty, and setting.*i;«rt and valuation of homstead. and I win pass u|ion the same at my office on Satmday, the llth day of Ortober next, at 10 o’clock A. M. JAS. M. LOWE, ortl ft Onlinery. Fertilizing Compound This fertilirer is again offered to the public in its original purity. Tho stand ard has be?n k«*pt up in every rejpect and its intrinsic value has again bee demonstrated during the past summer. It is recommended, because: “It is permanent in its effects in return ing to the soil the fertilizing ingredients taken from it by expensive cropping. “It gives to cotton the food necessary to sustain life while fruiting, therefore, what is called nut seldom occurs where this fertilizer is used. “It is the best restorer of worn out lands known to agricultural chemistry. “Its effects are immediate In the pro duction of large returns tho first season. “It is good for aU crops, on any soil, being pure unadulterated plant-food. “It is ad good as the best, and is the least expen iv- «»f any known good fertil- ixer. “It is manufactured at tbe South and almost entirely of Southern material. “It utilizes the ammonia found on every farm which is the most expensive part of all complete fertilizers.” We subjoin a few of the many certifi- .cates in our possession, as to its value, from well known parties who have used it, and to whom wo would refer. ROGERS A LEMAN, Gen. Agts. LaGbange, Trocp County. Ga„ • September 14,1878. Messrs. Rogers & Leman, Macon, Ga. : Gents: I have bought of vour agent. Captain V. L. Hopson, one car load of the Logan Fertili ser. ami used it this spring on my different farms. I am well pleased with it and shall use it another year in preference to nny other kind. 1 also used tlie pure Peruvian Guano and other standanf fertilizers, ami by actual comparison, I mn satis fied the Logan is the best, anil nt much less cost. Y ours respectfully, IL W. DA Lb IS, Sr. Coweta County, Ga„ September is, 1878. Messrs. Rogers <fr Leman, Macon, Ga.: Gents: The Logan Fertilizer bought of your agent, Y. L. Hopson. I maniiKilated with cotton seed at the rate of one of the fertilizing compound to two of cotton seed. This compost was applied to cotton at the rate of 200 to 300 pounds per acre. I used it beskle of Reese’s Sol. Pacific, and give your* the preference, and I .shall use it exclusive ly in future. My brother applied the Logan to both com and cotton, ami is well pleased with tbe result. Yours truly, L. C. DAVIS. Dooly County, Ga^ August 18,1873. Messrs. Rogers <£* Leman. Macon, Ga.: Gbntlemen : I am fully satisfied with the Lo gan Fertilizer. It beat* stable manure alone, and is by actual count of bolls, at least 200 per cent, alteail of my unraanured cotton. There is less rust where tlie Lotran was used than where fer tilized by stable manure. Yours respertfully, B. M. THOM AS. I Vienna, Dooly County. Ga., Sept. 1,1878. Messrs, logers <f* Lentak, Macon, Ga.: Gent* : I promised to write you aliout the Lo gan Fertilizer I liought of you. I now can safely sa.v, that up to this time, it is abend of any I have ever used. It is as good again as the Soluble Pa cific 1 used hurt year. I will use it altogetlier for tlie future. Respectfully. joRn collier. Warren County. September is. 1878. Messrs. Rogers <C* Leman. Macon, Ga.: Gents: I Composted tlie 4000 jiounds of Logan Fertilizer bought from you but winter, with 12jWKi pounds of cotton seed and stable manure ami I Hit the eight tons of com|K»st on forty acres in cotton on gray land. The cotton grew well and moot* to be well fruited. I am well pleased with it. AYlicn tlie crop is gathered I will write you fully. Yours respertfully. Joshua sic rolls. Usion Point. Greknk County, Ga„> Septemlier 15,1878. j Messrs. Rogers «C* Leman. Macon. Ga.: Gents: Every one of the planters in our sec tion, who has used the Logan Fertilizer, are well pleased with it, and will use it extensively for an other season. Yours respectfully. J. B. I1ART & SONS. Hogansvillb, Troup County. Ga.,7 Seafemsher 12,1873. S t>grrs d* Jarman, Maeuu, Ga.: Grnts: I liought of y««r agent 2000 pounds of the Logan Fertilizer, composted it as formula directs, and used it with other standard fertiliz ers. It has proved equally as goud as the other*, at about one-third of the cost, and I would ml- vise’planter* generally to give it a trial Yours truly. J. M. PONDER. AHERICU8, Sumter CounTy, Ga.,> Septembdr 22,1878. y Messrs. Rogers d* Leman. Mareu, Ga.: Gents: I composted the Logan Compound I liought from vou. and put it on cotton on gray land, and used it on my farm at a cast of $1 871 I>eracre. I also used tbs Pendleton Compound and the English Stonewall. The Logan has proved Haired nsji'itlwr uf th<-others. 1 am much pleased with it. Tho cotton has faiited well and ha* retained its fruit. Very little rust is observable where the Logan Is used ami tlie weight of lint in proportion to seed cotton is remarkable, being much in excess of what is used. 1 found it equal ly good on com and potatoes. Tlie Logan is ai: excelWTit fertilizer,and Iran honestly recommend its use generally. Yours respectfully. White Lead and Zinc! PAINT BRUSHES AND COLORS. FINE ASSORTMENT of the above articles at cost. SODA WATER! My partrons are respectulfy informed that my SODA FOUNTAIN is still in operation. You can always get your STREET CAR TICKETS 4 for 25 Cent* ! At the Drug Store of ROLAND B. HALL, Corner Cherry street and Cotton Avenue. sepSOtf DESIRABLE GOODS In all Fabric* are received daily by W. A. JOHAN & GO Ladies’ and Miases DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, BOWS, SCARFS, TIES, SASHES, HANDKERCHIEFS and COLLARS, Gent.’ KNITTED UXDERWEAR, Scoteli, English, French and American CASSIJIERES, DOMESTICS A PLANTATION GOODS, SHEETINGS, PILLOW CASINGS, COUNTERPANES, COMFORTS, TABLE DAMASKS, NAPKINS, DOILES and TOWELS, TOWELS in every grade. BLACK GOODS, BLACK GOODS We have now our largest stock of the above, which purchasers are respectfully invited to ex amine. Our stock is COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, and with *n earnest desire to give our customers the beuefit of our advantage in purrliasiftg, all are invited to call and aw what re can du. sep2S tf W. A. JULIAN A CO. Apply to TO RENT. one eight OLIVER. DOUGLAS A CO. New Goods. CARPETS, CARPETS! A\ , l,^Um.i n l liraV«"'t a' "" Staple and Fancy T> R Y R O'f » D8! W e invite all to call suul examine oorjStojVkof goods mnd be convinced wc s**ll THE BEST GKADES of GO< >1>S at lLOWEST l’U WES This week* we invite special attention to the following NEW GOODS which we offer at bargain prices : 10,11,and li-4 MARSEILLES QUILTS, 10, 11 and 12-4 SHEETING, 10, 11. 12 and 14-1 BLANKETS, 4, 5, and 6-1 BLEACHED COTTONS. Largo assorment^ NAPKINS, DOILIES. TABLE DAMASKS and TOWELS, PIANO and TABLE COVEES. Largest assortment BLACK GOODS IN THE CITY. BLACK SILKS, of best makes, at New York prices. COLORED SILKS in all the new and fashionable colors, end everything new and stylih in DRESS GOODS. WATER-PROOF LADIES’ CLOTHS— in all colors. Ruching, Sash Ribbons, Kid Gloves and all novelties at tlie lowest prices. S. Wnxelbaum At Bro. Proprietors -NEW YOBK STORE.” *ep21tf-45. and 47 Second street. COME AND LOOK AT THEM THE LARGEST AND HANDSOMEST STOCK IK AT THK LOWEST PRICKS. MORE. PATTERN’S AND PRETTIER ONES THAN ANYONE! it in transit Botly Itru.-K. Tapestry BniivU. Livht ami H..»vv IS Dutch, Hen id Vc i Choi eorgia TJuvc-plv, ndeo, \Yotyi Go to Griffin & Co.’s JJALOON if you want Cincinnati Boer ami W. A, HOPSON & CO Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS! They invite particular attention to their apartment* of HOSIERY, DAMASKS, LINENS, SHEETINGS, BLANKETS. TOWELS. FLANNELS, JEANS, CASSIMERES, SILKS, DRESS GOODS, etc., etc.. Due notice will be given of their OPENING DAY, NORTH BRITISH ANO MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY OK LONDON AND EDINBURGH. RUGS. Moqortte, Aimiuter. Velvet, Bro.sols amt Beam—Must elegant pattenw ever brou.-ht hero’ MATS. Atnoinstor, Velvet. BroneR Bcam.’WooL Adelaide, AV,»il Border, Bm>)i and Cane. OIL CLOTHS. Floor anil Table. SHADES. Cloth, all colors ami ilesums; HolhtiuR Buff, Bine and White; Yen-tintl BlimKnnd Paper Pnitems. WALL 1‘APJO US. Kiithty-tive pattern, from 1ft rents jx-r roll to ftflOi SATIE OLD STAND AND NEW STORE. THOMAS WOOD, oetl-tf• Nett to I-anier Hi e-.. )|]mn g. Three Hundred Stoves! GUARANTEED! AVE have just roeeive.1 two car loads “ HVHI.KA SHEAF” STOVES, and herein with them the “Great Benefactor,” “Sunny South,” "Cotton Plant,” “Stewart,” *nt of HEATING STOVES. The Ubw night to this market. Also, from tbe Bar- And other first rh» Cooking Stoves: also, a fine and l»est assortment of ENAMELED GRATES low Knife to the finest POCKET CUTLERY! And from the che.npe.st to the best IVORY HANDLE TABLE CUTLERY A large lot of Wood ami Willow Ware.Crockery and Glassware, and a full liueuf H«*use Fun Ui. inc Goinls,and inauufarturers of and wholesale and retail dealers in Tin I'h-.t-. Sheet !m*. .^i Plain ami Pressed Tin Ware of all deartiptious. Call or send your onlors as new U th,. t ln ^, buy your fall stock of Hardware am! House Fnrnlsliiiisr Goods, on as gi^d terms a> •• house of the kind in the Suite. Prompt attention gives to all order*. Oliver, Douglass & Co., No. 42 Third street. Mruxm. 0* CAPITAL—BOLD $10,000,000 Insures Stores. Merchandise, Dwellings, Furni ture and all other property at LOWEST BATES! aeplfi Cm PLANTERS’ HOTEL, Opposite Huff’s New Building, Cherry ?4t.,betweenTliinland Fourth, MACON, GA. commodate Boarders—Permanent, Trnmimt and Day. Guests will receive the best attention, ami tbe Table supplied with the finest tlie market af fords. julySOtf J. H. .BREMER. WANTED AT ONCE. (Brcaster) to whom the highest wages will be IiaiJ, by the clay or piece, julylltf P. C. SAWRER. DISSOLUTION. h dissolved by mu- S. PEYSER, M. GLASS. GIN YOUR COTTON. A3I prepared to gin Cotton for my neighbors - on very liberal t«nns. JERE HOLLIS, % on Houston road, three miles from town. septlT 2tawtf J. L. ADDERTON. NfrWTOK Corsty. Ga. September SS, 1S7S. Rev. Robert Logan; DxabSir: f 7 com posted 460 pounds each ». the Locan Comnouna. cotton seed and stable ma nure. ami put the compost on four acres of cotton. Though tlie worm lias stripped the cotton bare of leaves, I will get three bale* of cotton from the I \ Tjl r O T r T^ four acres. The season has not l>rn a favorable J—/ JQj _UN JL JL C7 JL • Mills and Land for Sale Cheap. WILL sell on accommodating terms live hundred and sixty acres of Land, with a first class Cimilar Saw and Grist Mill, on Mossy Creek, with rater jx»wcr equal to one hundred horse power, situated in Houston county, within three mile* of No. 2 Station, Southwestern Rail road. For further particulars address the subscriber Fort Valley. Ga. D. H. HOUSER. *e|>16 eod2m DE. WEIGHT, W. W. CARNES, General Insurance Agent, OFFICE NO. 86 CHEllUY ST. Represents the following first-class Companies: HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Organized 1810 --- Asset* £2,250,000 GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Columbus. Ga. - - Assets J30U.UM. UNDERWRITERS' AGENCY, NEW YORK, (Coniiwscd of the Germania, Niagara. Han anil Republic Insurance Companies). Assets ..... over S4;000 PLANTERS' INSURANCE COMPANY. Of Memphis, Tenri. - - Assets $258,2-46. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, Organized 1794 - Assets $3J9)0,000 at fair rates. My sleeping room adjoins my office, and T will cover Cotton or other property at any hour of the day or night. sepUMf AV. \\. <’Alt NILS. ATTENTION! MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS MERCER UNIVERSITY MACON, GEORGIA. The Fall Term of this Institution will open on WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER l. 1 JOHNSON & SMITd UNPRECEDENTED ADVANTAGES TO MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS IN 500 rolls Domestic Bagging, 21-3 lbs to yd. 100 do “Elephant” Bagging, 2 1-4 lbs to yd. 50. bales Gunny Bagging, 2 1-8 lb to yd. 200 rolls Southern Bagging, 2 lb to yd. 10,000 lbs Arrow Ties. 25 bales Bagging Twine. 8ep27tf BXJJRKE & COBB, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS, 68 Second Street. Macon, Georgia. Home Insurance Company, of New York. CASH CAPITAL, §2,500,000 00 CASH ASSETS 4.408,573 75 BUKKE & COBB, Agents. Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance Co., Gift ENTERPRISE The only R liable Gift Distribution in the country 975.000 IN VALUABLE GIFTS to be dtstrilxxted in L. D. SINE’S 1041 It Krarular Monthly GIFT ENTERPRISE! To be drawn Monday, Xovtmbsr 24th, 1*73. Plain and Fancy JOB PRINTING! Xeatly executed at the TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER steam PRINTING HOUSE We make a specialty in Bill Head*, Letter Head*, Note Head*, Monthly *tateinents Card*, Tag*, etc. All orders from Town nnd Country will be promptly attended to at the very lowest prices. sepSOtf A rvLL line septJ0 2t i-naan groceries at Putzxl’s. jkinsi to c ul at one >ii a* the ircd and > Not* ranting itinfftct. n tracts , iu*t W Geo. W. Uead authorizes us to an- iounce that he will duplicate any bill of ho same quantity, either in tobacco, i-Pirs, snuff or cheroots, bought of relia- *1«- ni.mut.wct urcr*. of his own br.unl. FOE EENT OE LEASE ! M Y |.r0|«-rtv in Hk-horjr Grove. CravrfonI eornty, condrting of a Store-hou>o, Black- smith shop ami Dwelling, with all nrirr—1> ©ut- buikltnss. One of the bent country stands * OH fitAHD CASH PEII8,43,000 IS GOLD. | ONE BRArO CASH PRIZE, $5,000 (N SILVER. TavoPrize# of $1009 ^ ix Prizes of each in v Greenbacks! <4 300 acres can l>e rentol on coo»I term*. For iera* apply to M RS. M. K. DxyiELLY, ^ . **'11'-xi ill.*, Ga. O T F. BL-k^L GAME. Ga. S>: KKi; •nr. 3UT, German salt pickles, Iloi lo, at PrratL’s. Un> M lionriurnl. Ttv.hiy. : ti the H.-hr.-w *mlen*Lir. i> ki..-wn u.sthi> Day of Atonement. It <•»»*• **f th* ui.Mt solemn I.i-'ts of the whole }M. uud wherever there are Jew* the day i* olmcrv'sl with the iiKtft religious t-jir.-. u vl«y of fa>tm^ and pray, r a • my of expiation and forgiveness. FVom himsot yesterday until *uriN. t to-day,they she no nourishment of any Lmd. N .th- is permitted to pa** their lip*—not even water. Plesaurtw of no kind are to Iv indulged in. blit it is to be observed iut , a period of utter humiliation and prayer —a period ill which their *irfff are to l»> f»»rjfiv»m und they moke ut-uiBpient with (he Almighty. Qjo. W. Head deals in Dotidog but tol»*4*u*o, ci^^irs, snoff* and smokers’ arti- cles, conse.iii. ntly has more time to de vote to it. .He take- advantage of the market, rw'eivo* only unlioute. oon-"i^n- mentc. and mnk**s it to the int» r.*st of the merchants to look him up. e* p26tf Fair Ground Privileges! GEORGIA STATE FAIE : BAK-HOOM, SEG AH STAND, FRUIT, ETC. TERMS— Note* of t-qiud ai. HinLs (klliiur due each «Uy dunne ih»* Fair, a’lth wtntnty, a«x-epu»- blc to the committee. Hunting Watches ! A COMPORTA n Ul mnd D-jubU- A non. Hou- I quin*</ Ticket* limited Swiss and Li rdellen. at septa*»-t uhur-- fht-.-M‘. K;i Don’t forjjet to send your worte to the soap factory tc-day. sc-ptl'.'tf Eaolc Choice Flouk h;u- never tak.-n any premium*. Why Y Becww it has u.-v.-r In-ell exhibited. alig3ltf W. R.VSDAL, K. A. SHONLMAX. I*. BI BKK. Nur^td CoromitW. FOR RENT. i POUR-Ri * *M DWELLING HOUSE, with .V .-7.iM.-n -J..J H'HV in rood o-iHlinon. v- idtcl „i: o,n.. < •.f uherry tma Fifth streets. 1* - nvrn Oct«.lN*r Bt V C> t.. s. R. JAQUES, *» I-m>xaHw Al Jaqu^. a J.-itnimAii'x. For R^nt. Ten 1'kiz ljODSGald an.! Silver Lei (in all) worth from f30 to 82 Cain Silver, Vert Ch-iiu- FbScd Sil«*rw*m Jewdiy. Number at Gifts HMXU. 75,-.. Agent* Wanted to »rll TICKETS to whomllbrral Premium^ will br paid. Srnrle Tickets $1; Six Ticket* f5; Twelve* Tick et* 8li': Twenty-ti\.» Tickets $2i». Cimiiarv .-ontainini: :» full ii«t of priz«>«. * de scription of tbe SMBcrd dniwimr. iukI other in- ] for.n:»tK ii ir. rvf-p» n<-.-i > lh--lh-iriiiuti ■ uiii sent to any one ardeiiag them. All letter* must lx* addiosstd to Miin *H8ee. L. D. SIN’E, Box **6. PU W. Fifth S:nvt. < -:.fi.'t..O ortl dAw6w ) WANTED. JQ CIGAR MAKERS. Apply: GEO. W. H sejdOtf N- . * L FO BENT. finished four . the bmp : tlie citr. In- l - c n x r a sox. b kXTK I . A Ironer, to r to Vt raferenea rvqui- sepgSSt DOOLY HOUtsE. Br j. w. boxv, Nontezums. ... Ccor^l*. Twenty » in fp,nt of .i!ror,. e, per day. ^ 8m WOOD. NOTICE. TO THE CUSTOMERS —OF — COCHRAN, McLEAN & CO., New York City. WE are authorized to notify the customers of ?T Cochran. McLean & Cc., New York, that they ron remit to that firm in currency, perex- preas, at the expense of Cochran, McLean A Co., either directly or through us. sAULSBURY. RESPF.SS 4 CO. *epS7 lw 31 .iron, Georgia. 1,000 Bales Cotton! WANTED BY COLLINS & LITTLE. we shall have filled “our orders”—payable in Car- ria res, Baggies and Wagons, at the lowest cash value. Bring along your warehouse cotton re ceipts. COLLIXS & LITTLE. sep26 lw Booms For Bent, QTSB office of Southern Express Company. Terms moderate. Apply to * T. H. HEXDERSOX, aepl2 tf At Express Office. Taxes—Second Notice. rpHE County Commissioners have notified me A that Jhey *re in need of money, and I am therefore compelled to ask the people to come up without further delay and pay their State and County Taxes. Persons white and colored, who owe poll and road taxes only, must pay up to save cost, as I am required by law to issue executions ami garnishee their employers. W. T. XELSOX, scplotf Tax Collector Bihb County. fifth year of successful operation] moved in 1871 to the city of 3Ia<-on. where spa cious nnd elegant buildings, erecting for its use, will soun be completed. With a full corjw of professors, an adequate and iluable equipment of libraries and uiotlcm appa ratus, it offers facilities for acquiring a liberal or a business education equal to those of nny col ege in the country- The plan of study combines tlie dose or collegiate course, ami tlie elective. The city of Macon is entitled to twelve scliolnr- ships, to lie filled by appointment of the City Council. Free tuition is also offered to tbe sons of minister* of all denominations, residents of Georgia. Board, at 812 per month, can be had at the 3Iess Hall—a new anil rtttnmodious building. Students boarding at the Hall are axpcctcd to furnish the rooms they occupy. Board can also ho luul in the city at about $25 per month. The-price of tuition is $60, payable $20 on 1st of October and $40 on 1st January. Former students intending to return, ami aj>- plicants for admission, are earnestly requested to report themselves on the day of opening, or us soon thereafter as possible. For catalogues, or further information \.r letter, address JXO. J. BB VNTLY. wepio-atspdf Secretary Facu.lty CASH CAPITAL cash Assets OF RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. ....§200,000 00 .... 342,099 04 BURKE & COBB, Agents. North Missouri Insurance Company, OP ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. CASn CAPITAL $ 500,000 00 CASH ASSET’S 1,030,413 81 BURKE & COBB, Agents. Equitable Eire Insurance Company, OP NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. CASH CAPITAL $200,000 00 CASH ASSETS 244,441 25 BURKE & COBB, Agents. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of MACON TBA.YSACTS A tiKAEKAL BAIKHG BUSHES, DIRECTORS: L C. PLAXT. D. PLAXDERS. H. L. JEWETT, W. B. D1XSMORE. H. B. PLAXT. D. S. LITTLE, G. H. HAZLEHURST. L C. PLAXT. President. W. W. Wbiolxt, Cashier. maio-tilnovl* to arrive. »ep2 tf ill hare :t ;-4 ..f B!aek j :u ' K Wood at LT ya: 1 . 1. »0 or;nb» arriviru' and Bt TT8 a ROSS. rpHEanm^: the v JL ComjK. rwdlbeheld -i t .rtih (XTOBER luit. in tl:> <■ J. A. S. xri.^ t MILLIGAX. fo M T ofth- l Appl 'Hfc FLINT HOUSE. onnliHmiu- iwrtilv-fiw mjig r.^ . .. with Arden an.l outbniklintn. One I 1 *lrwf f-oi) Ull,l ‘ for m ‘^nlmg-b• u th«- city. i H iw. .-h«bl» PkwMian mni BANTED. . l MOULDER at once,»t SCHOFIELD’S IROX WORKS For Rent. FOR RENT. WO DtrElXI-YG H lI SKS, clinl.ly Iorat«L Apply to R- Y- LAWTON. At Kiriuiure Bant, or to COLLINS. vlitl AlOHl'.n,- A Hrath*. NOTICE. liberal patronai's of t Srpiemj**r lsE 1873. I. 0. PLANT & SOX, Bankers and Brokers, MACON, GA. Buy and Sell Eichanr.. Gold. Silver. Stocks and Bonds. Deposits Received, On Which Interest will be Allowed, AS AGREED rPOX. PAYABLE ON COLZ.Z^ Advance, made on Cotton snd Fro. dure in Htore. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO ebO U WANTED Low Middling Cotton, For which we will pay a good price in anything that we have in our usual large and well assorted stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, Etc. Hunt, Ivankin A Lamar’s, Wholesale Dnnrgistn, jflttf 82 and 84 Cherry ntns-t Cotton States Life Insurance Company, OP MACON, GEORGIA. ASSETS, NEARLY ‘ $500,000 00 scp27 2avv4m* BURKE & COBB, Agents, .'N? ERNEST PESCHKE’S Macon Standard Mean Time. JOTfeHPBHHHH. met the slightest ei Regulator, by th« erection of an observatory and one of tlw* n MENTS, for the purpose of ohw‘ning the m>-ridinn pavsag*- of the the exact Macon mean time to within a fraction of a second. ^Special attention paid to the Repairing nnd Rating nf fine IT.jri-4. new work made to order. in the time-kcepim? of —?A L6 upnrovnd TSANSlT INsIkL- and star*. 1 will be *We to kerp coughs, so i:i: theoatjnixu- r.NZA, VIIOOP- IXO COUGll, Ccocr, Beoxcnn- is, Asttiva, atA I crcrr affection of the throat, lvscs and chest, are •jieedUy and ikt- manenily cumf by tho use of Db. Wis- tac’s Balsa* or Wild Ohizkt, which does not dry up a cough and leave the cause behind, but W** as it. cleanses tho lungs and albys irritation, thus removing the cause of the fwnphllt CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED by s timely re«ort to this standard remedy, a* Is nrovol bv hundreds of ti-ftthnonials It has received. The genuine is signed Butte" ou tho wrroper, fcirril W. FOWLS & eoxs, Pn^rairroas, Ik»s- iox. Mass, fcoldby dealers geacndly. D. F.FLEMIXG. JAMES M. WILSON. 3000 CASES BOOTS & SHOES, FOB THE FALL TRADE. TXTB ar« now reccivinir from tlie ILmulhct' v t SHOES, AXD TRUNKS of every desrriptii 31enhants visiting Charlc “ very ?ar-*»- and w Inch will lie sold a c our stock. invited D. F. FLEMING ft CO., Bar and Restaurant. OPEN ALL NIGHT: JT. VALENTINO, Housekeepers' Situation Wanted WIDOW Jj&DY.tiged about th ,11 child, d. a family, a hotel or public ii .. ilfirur to make ner>elf useful, and v doubte«i teetimoniab of goo«l ch»ract< tlk- Senior Editor of the Tel -graph. K RiiKERTS ,.r MIU> S. FREEMAN*. A of » Xtcr. auirtStf DWELLING to h.int. DENTISTRY. incville TNR EMERSON m. well U will Vpply i \SDAI t his Dental Room- unied to Macon, and tic*- of Dentistry at <Mulberry street. with cveiythin- t rent, which will lie s*.-r He will always have •» FRESH FISH, OYSTERS, SAME, ETC. Strangers viaitiiur 31 a I will open on th Cherry street, next dc- on should give him a call. 1st of October, at No. r to m.v present restaurant, a JOHN INGALLS SPECIAL AGENT FOR CASWELL, HAZARD & CO.’S PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, ■\TTOULD invite tho attention of phrrieians ▼ V and other* to the preparation* of tJns old and celebrated boaee. .They ary enteraed by al the leadisg physician-* in New York dtp HazanLfc Caswell’s Pu COD LIVER OIL. ! i c. a. XoTxom. President CITY BANK Ladies’ Eating Saloon. JOHN VALENTINO, ae P 7 tl Mioon. Ga. Mwavs on hand. Freah lot roo-ivod this day 1 Tlrafart supplied at proprietors.’ prices. Sugar -IHE trodaraioned Sugar! uppoin HARRISON, BRADFORD ft CO'JJ _ . STEEL PEN'S. CHES^PEtKESTEAM'*1'GAR‘REF!NERY. I Sporialattontioncall«ltotbewellknownnumber,' MEKCHAXTS’STEAM SUGAR-REFINERY 505-75-28—20 find 22. of Baltimore. We .-rlrrar order, from tire trade vr w r u aiu . k „ and will guarantee price* to be us low a* if or- i Factory, 3lt. \ crnott; Office 1*. d*-rvd iiimt 1 fft., lkcw York. .pISIm WARFIELD ff WAYNE. I »ug24Sin MACON, GEORGIA. Capital 200,000 Dollars. DIKKCTOIC* : WM. B. JOHNSTON. WM. S. HOLT. JOHN J. GRESHAM, • JXO. B. KO-S8- july22 6m S. G. Bo.vv, President. R. F. Lawto.v, Cashier. EXCHANGE BANK OF MACON. Office In Huff"* hew ffiulldlnp?. Receives Deposits. BUYS AXD SELLS EXCHANGE. Makes Advances on Stocks, Bonds, Cotton i-> Store. Alt. on Shipments of Cotton. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. fehi5 ly MIHH HINWDALE'H {Formerly Mrs. Mucreulay’s) SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, ^75 and 277 Madison Ave.. N- Y. City. P rof. GEORGE S. BLACK1E. b.'’M !».• oine n>m.d'iaUxl in the lUHiuigrui* nt ‘ estehlislicd andimc^re^dinstitutwiL^^JJ^' m-ni it to the attention of his Southern iru nu ,„ v jn„Ur. “td