Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, October 02, 1873, Image 1

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/I py clisby, Jones & Keene. MACON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 2, 1873. Number 6,735 tie DAILY TEIEB8APH ANO MESSQ8CR MIU«YI|4JU| !*»l i.tR# f r „1 H i n <’h.\ T«.V llJLLXUf The Foundation of elic Wiiolo Difficulty'* In v*av)ns of ruin and financial dta- J trisM tr.ii. il M«.«-p oror Luc Country like THE GEORGIA PRESS. k ry< Iona at «-iivv pro' il p- i al- ble I** of G.egvia. Ate 2’tlt$r*fh&JfltssenQer IrtLWDAT MORNING. OCT.t, 1*73. (j r; iinl Opening of MerccrjUnl- verslty. ^ Knwn Ifon. L)ati<! Uutluf, Prc^dcnt of t' Hoard of frirtWi,' and Dr. Hattie, we h«r«r tb» pinaiiif intoili^nce that never | io all bt# prurkitii bfxtorj has old Mercer cvrr bad auch a promising opening so*- fidH as yijAferdsy. %rwe than a hundred young gentlemen printed theiamjIvoB for matriculation, tod many more hare been heard from who *,11 be hers. The person cl of the atu- dents, too, ia tin usually fine and prepoj- •mucBir. and not a few are already men and maturity of years. Whun '-Khpiv-wnt tbemaclv.M in the halls of (.it University, they mean b train etui, and there will b* no child'a-play in their •tardy efforts to mount the height* of PAnaaaoo, and explore the hidden fields of knowledge. When we consider the present uncx- iapl 1 monetary condition of the coun try. tide uuy 1a** regarded a mod au spicious and encouraging commencement of the new collegiate year. Indeed, an urlou«L.-1 and glorious future opens up to this excellent institution, which is nl- ■MWt the idol of the largo and influential denomination who control it. Macon, t «», is beginning to Ltd a just pride in the unifemity which will proro so rich a blessing to her non*. The curriculum of rdurstion i» as varied and complete as any in the country, and more thorough, recondite and fLceomplished educators of youth cannot be found in any institution ia the South. We welcome the young g.-atlcmen Istrlc to Moon, and wish them a prosperous career and entire exemption from the sad experience of the past year. IlyiiU‘11 ihkI ..Hygiene. Dr. Drywiale, of London, has lately been making an aiutlysis of oortain ox* t.suite tables compiled by Monsieur Ber- tiikxi from data obtained in France, Bel- gum and Holland. And.it- is woeful mo ling for all " atugs” and spm*tors—• proving with figures—that never lie, you kuos—that, between the ago* of Itwenty- tivs and thirty the rate of mortality among bachelors ia ten to a thousand aud on]y si* among Benedicts. Widowers, however, show a rate of oeventevn and a hdf pt thousand, showing very conclu sively that in marriage, a4 in all other gsmt«i of chancy the prospect of gain is (ounterbalaneed by a proportionate risk of ruinous loss. Women, after the age of tw«mty-five, are proved to die loss rap idly when married than when single- Widows of forty-five are lew sickly than i»iH -ter* of that age, according to Mr. t ’ * / i'.'.it'J/ ,’x These statistics should strike terror to the hearts of those who nurse foolish sanitary theories concerning sin gle-width blankets and undivided bcl- *ter«. In union there seems, indeed, a degree of safety not found elsewhere. As a friend to the pardons, milliners, dry- good* nren.dtiww-makor* and tailors, we are only too glad to print such argument* against that state so absurdly denomi nated ** single blessedness.’* We con sider M, BcjtHim a public huticfartor in thus bringing the fear of greater liabili ty to death to bear upon the incorrigible* of both sex,**. Cotton Figaros Last Woclc. The New York Financial Chnmi L, of Friday last, givcj tho row exports, etc,, of cotton for the week ending Sep tember 2id'i. Uanpcars that the total receipt* for t ie seven day- h ivo reached *10,920 boles oga.tt^t 23.0,3 hale* l^ft week, jl 3,003 b vli-i. the previo.u* twk and VH56 Isvles t .-,*«• weeks bin ■«*, in tk ttg the teL.|l re- eripU aince tho first of September, 1873, 81 ’*87 bales against 158.215 bales for the same period of 1872, showing a decrease ■Ace September I, }&7h of W 8 ^ The export*,for the week ending Fri day evening reached a total of 4,610 bales, of which 4,110 were to Great Britain, !K*> to France, and none to the rest of the continent, while the stocks as made up that evening, are now 91,128 bales. From the foregoing statement it will be *ecq that, compaivd with the corres ponding week of fast season, there is a JUtmasein the Export* this week of 6,638 bales, while the stack* Friday night were 17,713 bales less than thgy were at the same time a year ago. A Yclorun Preabytcr and Godly Han. Rev. S, S. Gailliard, of Griffin, the Er»n*:cl.st in Mactei Presbytery,passed through out city ywterda; the mating of Freebytei f/ty^UiX con .sHitire Pw*hyt*ry he has attended without a single break, and during that whole period, too, he has . Bux-cil but one SynoL Of connc ho hAs | not always hval th- wuio ecclo»ia>tica2 judfoatorie*. but invariably identified himself with those to inqti remote and prorimatt- dire duMtrru. Th*-re u out of th'*m, which it w<* rm-l an-1 applj. The late catastrophe : gem Tally cpn comb'd, w, result of speculating in ten r.itlro»fls, which wei lew York it is the immediate e bonds of rot- set on foot for I ^ I BY TELEGRAPH. A R-*wk miller pnr*-ha*.—i l%*t Monday j juxperty. Under tlieal*ovedccid.>ntfcT-“ . - - —■ ■ from a farmer of Floyd county, hi* mdkt J :ire *** appasls ty t^e Supreme ,C*cirt. wheat crop at $2 per btwheL ' The “Dickens Party*’ at the Kimball House, Atlanta, netted |500 to the Mc- mori.il. Association. j Blodgett has written a letter a friend in Atlanta explaining why he did not ap- ] pear before the oonrts after receiving I Conley’s pardon, from which we extract I the following: Not being well versed in the law my- In.-ura.nce Company at Columbus, and j self, I appealed to lawyers in whom I had Mr. S. B. Murdoch ha* been elected in 1 wnfifienceg two of wiiich h.4*l l>een at the ^ ste$uL . very head of f e luch* -st &*&% in Geor- They. as well :ws uunv otlvr3»as- 1 me tlmt the par»lou legal and lire what are th** ' The Savannah Advertiser-Republican, j caoses of the***’ ! °* Toe.-day, from a reliable source i i a moral growing Lhat Bishop Beckwith has retdgned th<- re ma<lneH4 not to , rectorship of Christ Church,** to take , I October 1st. Mb. D. F. Wilcox has resigned hi ition a* Secretary of the Georgia Horn The Situation at Savannah.—Under the aggrandizement of private cliques And ring*, and engineered through Con gress by the agency of the most astound ing corruption. The peoples' money and j day, says: I securities; that there was no necessity pmp.rrty were giren by tho million, or The ‘ CnancU! condition of our city I l ? T m T P er - ioo » J .*PP<«raa«. , a cnarU « more projH-rly shared between le^ulator, I -bowed a little improTeni-nt ye.tenlwy, ud the Mtute iiiKiia^er. of tbeM enter- *«* abj f nco J ° P currency is gmd- uaily but surely depr^-ing bu.-mt*s-. HAY DISPATCHES. The Feeling at Washington. WiiHixaws, October 1.—The finan cial situation ckued yesterday without any new feature*. Tee liquidation of the Union National Bank of Chicago had rather a depres-ring effect, but caused no excitement. Much anxiety exists, and all are looking to New York for a solu tion of the difficulty. Grant has gone to the fair, course.] The suspension of Henry Clews A Co. Politics in New York, i was officially announede in the Stock Ex- | Utica, October 1.—The Apollo Hall J change to-day. | delegation adopted an indignant protest Bank officers report that the demand j against their exclusion from the Demo- for currency, to be sent to country l tanks, has fallen town have _ _ HP ship!.*: *nts and some others have returned greenbacks to New York. The total j amount paid out on account of Xoveml>er J interest is $2,994,574. Cae-rlons. Albert Gander and Maurice Daly play a match game of billiards, four ball, fifteen | [Of I hundred points Lip, for the championship j ! of America, at Tammany Hall,to-morrow [ evening. Aid for Shreveport. The Post acknowledges the receipt of thi. head the Sav-mnah New,, of Tm*. I TaUd, and fauVrdie7ed both mv«U M d | ««?<“• 5 ! 1 .^ I 182 ****** thereUof of the eufferers j.. I Loaumum. J10.000: hews of John Par-I at Shreveport and neu^hhorhoo-l An vis, Mi-swdppi, $27,000; John B. Harm, additional hundred dollars was also for* Mississippi, $15,000; administrator of | warded by a sugar house. Awards by the Mixed Commission. Thi* wards by the British an i Ameri can commisdon4, art- Crew A Wylie, ' [Florida, $21,000; James Cummings, i pri*4-s. 17i*nk of 20,000 acres of land per mile atrctching half across a conti nent, being donated to a single corpora tion. But now we are led to look at the causes which induced this reckless speculation and fraud, for which the innocent and guilty alike are made to suffer. Who will gainsay that increased habit* of expenditure, and extravagance, and the feverish desire to grow rich rapidly, are not at the bottom of all this misery and distress ? Young men, with moder ate salaries, clerks, Iwmk offirern, book keepers, etc., assume to dress and make the same display in society as their em ployers themselves. This, of course, ex haust* every dollar of their income, and there is no margin reserved for a rainy day, or provision made for the want* of a family, should they be inclined to marry. Hence, they anil usually liegin The commercial community have appa rently decided to make tho be-t of the situation and await the next development. There was a little demand for exchange, one bank having orders te buy a;10,000. The purchase of this amount of sterling is but "a *lrop in t >e bucket,” but it show* an improvement* Still, the want of currency is pressing with a heavy hand upon our people, aud the interest mani fested by the member 4 of the Chamber of Commerce last night, in the discussion of the problem how to provide a circulat ing medium, shows that on the prompt solution of this question depends tho sal vation **of our mcr • Hants and planters. The report of th » Co u ni!t * • of Five to night will be lo>k*‘ 1 v». w <.r i to witli in tense interest. Tu * re» Jfc of the delib erations o* the comm It ** will probably be a request to the ba*iic4 to issu*? .•ertifi- cate.i of d»?p»>«*. ah l to the C mt *1 rail- ro -.d to r»u*ie thxir.Hre ticket • Tie latter is Alrwady p ovM »1 w.th t ».* piper notes, an-1 one of the State banks have made a like profitiftB, menrion of which COQLtUtiy exposed to j was- made ip the Morning New? a few ustuilly liegin their j day* j since. flw Merchant* National temptation, ami usually l»egin their I aay»isince. ia« Ai-rcoauv* .«««« i , * , . .. . i Bank, and toe bank ng nouse of £• C. downward career l»y ab.-tracting under , Yj T ' .... , a Anderson, Jr., oontrn Lie to pay currency the guise of temporary b^uu—small sums for a u checks drawn on <leposiU, and with cash of their employers, which proper action on the part of the Chamber they undoubtedly intend, at first, to re- j Commerce, we may reasonably hope . „ . .. e . .... that in a few days all of our banks and place. But, With the mean, of gratiaca- j moDeved will be able to lend -mes the increased desire to in- a helping hand in furnishing marketable currency. dLilgo in all t!ie pursuit* and pleasures of the wealthy, and, once embarked in such a doubtful course, conncience soon loses it* fine edge, and becomes blunted and Willxax II. Lanier unintentionally poisoned himself last Sumlay at No. 9, on the Central railroad, by mistaking quinine hardened to such an extent, as at length | for morphine. He was considered to be to offer no impediment to further depths ' m a very dangerous condition at last ac- of depravity and crime. The result is ; counts. eventual exposure, and ruin for life. Or, j Wb find these items in the Columbus perhaps, an unholy ambition to spcsulate j Sun, of Tuesday: on private account, and cover their foot- ; The Situation in Columbus.—All our prints, afterwards, bv successful ventures, ! banking and manufacturing establish- inducua thv first lapse from t-V p»th of inontj S° in -’., on . 1 . 1 i>ensions; no excitement; no uneasiness, rectitude, and tho inevitable disgraceful j ^ no for an ^ f depositors are Plant- juol. It is thus that so many defalca tions* theft*, and abu*4cs of public and private confidence occur. Almost every issue of the press adds to their number. But, it may bo asked, what is the remedy for all this ? We answer, it is embraced in one simple word, economy. Let extravagance in living, drees and dioplay of every kind be abolished, and parents train up their children to habits of industry and frugality, and set them the example in the premises, and the axe will Lo laid to the root of tho evil com- not thinking of such a measure ers are rapidly sending in cotton so as to protect those from whom they have ob tained advances. Trade recujwrating, Eagle and Piienix money received univer sally in paying home debts, goods and railroad freights. No Quarantine.—None has been es tablished in Columbus and none will be. We will not be so ungenerous and un- cliristion to do so. No fear of any yellow fever is entertained here; and we have no idea of closing our city to the fugi tives from olllictc-d place*. We btnte this on the authority of Mayor Mcllhenny. Captured in Mississippi.—Sheriff Ben Williams of Harris county, received a plained of. As matters now stand, the. , , * , . , . ,, Liter Saturday which states that Swin- MU and dwightew of men in the most J forJ _ who kj „ CoL W. 1*. Hornsey, in 11 Hamilton, and forfeited hi* bond by lli^ht a I hand, ended fn Hi moderate circninstanceii, all vie with each other in tho stylo und oxpensivenosa of their ontfita anil jeneral npjwarmice. But it retjuires money to command these tilings, and hence the untimely fall of many in tlieir .‘(Torts to acquire it by other than strictly honest moans. And worst than all, it is this universal ex travagance which is tho parent of vice in its most repugnant forms, by actually erecting insuperable barriers to tho mar- ringo relation. Young men .hue nut marry on their slender incomes and face the exorbitant demands which will be mode npon their pockets, and the holiest and bust impulses and afTections of the heart are saerflfioed on tho altar of fashion and expediency. Never can there be a return to real virtue and prosperity in the country until these evils are abated. And now while in the Tale of adversity, is a meet time to' inaugurate tho rvfunuat-oil. Parents, guardians, husbands, wives, dAughters and sons, all should heed tho admonition, and henoeforth resolve to practice rrr.Memy. New Orleans Being Drained of Cur rency-Two Millions (lone In Ten Days. The New Orleans Herald, of Sunday, says ■ m« statement has been general upon the str.'ets, and believed by the public, that atmut ten .lays ago there were $1,(S10,U» in currency available to the kinks of this city. The fact was assuring enough at the tunc, but when it became known that onr financiers were permit ting their correspondents and bunks at the North and West to draw away a large portion of this fund, apprehensions were felt, which seemed to Uj realized when the bonks suspended payment of cur- re nev in sums over one hundred dollars per .lay to each depositor. Bat Thurs day a further decrease was made in the accommolating powers of tho banks, and it was announced that no sum above twenty-five dollars in currency would be paid upon eh. cks. After careful inquiry, we condods that upwards of two millions of dollars have been withdrawn from tho safes of this city in the past ten days. This is a f.wrful drain upon the resources of tie market, and the effects will be seen in the inability to move cotton and pro duce—the former, we learn, beingalresdy affected. The Southern Express Com- p.uiv has transi'ort.-d from this city to the North and West, and the country, ... durin f the eight dav» embraced between on h,s way to i the lftli and 20th inst-.the grand aggre- . , V. fata of SlASejktt 38! The largest smp- Ihis 4. the m % m . a,iy was on Monday. *Sd. whor* $230,786 6* vaii carried avraj* over it i lines alone- The Frank Paxgoud, we understand, carried up the river some thing above & quarter of a million of dol- .lars.and other steamboats and carriers ithin tho bosnd* of j have aid.vl the general diffusion of the "greenics.” ^ The Situation in Mew York at the Clpse of Last Week. The Herald’s financial article of Sun day morning, says: • Wut Stbxst. > Satvrpit, Sept. 27—6 r. Jf. > A much better feeling prevailed to ds v tiian has been noteworthy during the crisis. There have been no more failures. The bonks throughout the country main tain their strength. Money has come in to Wall street by tho.isands, loun.-d ,-, ir 7 per cent- interest, and at the close, shows a disposition to be ma.le useful, l’h.vsj who were hoanling are unlocking. The Stock Exchange has determ'ced to reopen on Tutelar. The majority jN'tttement* between brokers have been effected. »iad there appears to be nothin* either of .local or genend information cal culated to continue the old distrust or evoke a new one. We are *ettin* bravely | out of the difficulty. Conservatism is •howun* its hand everywhere. The bank.- have ritood brerely by each other and tae public, and to-day, doubtless, hold se curities and currency equal to all the re- qairumoats of the hour. FanaUcian aas tx^n held m check, fear arcumscnbed, •• runs” prevent^, and tlan-er averted. The country is safe. an old ai y sought l noble chare id honored -efuce from ntiiius the' :teristics of Marring and persecution m fervent piety ai his race. Few menforo more vlii a>* :..l in the church. l'rojjrfM of* tlit* Fever at Mont gomery. The Board of Health of Montgomery announoc' in the Advertiser, of Tuesday, £*■* new of. and one death from, yv-r.ow fever for the forty-ei-ht V.oure at noon Mg Ji'lay, and, further, that on amount of the difficulty of ob- in it.- opinion—reliable informa tion—m record to new crises, only such as prove fatal will hereafter l*e published. Gla&s bonnkts are atu.vim the novel- ti..- of th*‘ Vienna exposition. Thtw ar- i*s* cotne from Bohemia, and specimens Have te. n «.eat to Faris and Lomion, an i ' ui». altfo, t.» Anuritm, in the hope that they will become popular, and be •• all th« fashion” next fal.L The h&t U de- ^ ril»vd a* ma*le of looe*t* pieoos of glass t*ritenod closely together by a gutla p^r- cha Ivsnd, which allows it to conform to Wd Inside there i*s lining of *ilk. New York ha- set has been arrested and is in jail at Merid ian, Miss. Ho will be brought bock. The Situation at AuGUsrx. —The Chronicle and Sentinel of Tuesday says of the financial situation in tliat city :i* it appeared on Monday: A it on o the Banks.—During the day we took a tour ainon# the banks, and as certained that affaire had brightened con siderably with several of those which suspended last week. The National Bank of jAak^uauv, >v iitx.li from the firet ha* pre sented a firm front to tue pressure hmi withstood the shock without flinch ini', was paying all check presented as in t*ae most •• flush” times. There was a grati fying evidence of confidence in the lo v ing in of deposit*, and no appearance of tho crisis could h« within the portals of thi bvuk. At the Georgia Rail road R uk cve;ything was going on in th .« must way, so also at the Commercial insurance Bank. The Planters’ Loan and Savings Bank, we found, had re sumed payment to all depositors, in full, paying over tho counter currency for ev ery check presente*!. The Merchants and Planters' National Bank was paying small depositors in cash, and effecting set tlements, when desired, with large Ones in bonds and other securities. Several large deposits were mode in tho bank during the day. It will probably, we un derstand, resume payment in full in a day or two. At tho National Exchange Bank we were informed that payment was l*e- ing made on all checks presented as usual, and that deposits were made freely. Meeting of the Georgia Railroad Directors.—Pursuant to a call, a meet ing of the directors of the Georgia rail road, to consider the plan proposed by the meeting of business men for the issue of $400,000 in short date bonds, in sums of $100 an 1 $50, and $100,000 in $1, $2 and $5 notes, was held at the Georgia Rod- read Bonk at 11 o’clock. There was a full board present, and the session was, a long and animated one. Judge King the President of the road, was absent on account of his illness. Major Geo. T* Jackson, in lieu of the plan presented by the business men, offered a resolution that the board accept the act of the Gen eral Assembly of tho State of Georgia, approved October 19,1870, to continue, extend and renew, for the term of thirty years, the banking powers and privileges granted ty the Geor gia Railroad and Banking Compaany, by an act approved December lsth, 1^35, and proceed to act under it. By the original act which that of 1870 “continues, renews and extends” for thirty years, the company is authorized to use one-half of its capital, or one million dollars, for banking purposes, providing that “the total amount of debts which the said corporation shall at any time owe, whether by bill, bond, note, or other contract, shall not exceed three times the amount of capital stock actually paid in and set apart for banking purposes.” Under this the company might issue notes to the* amount of three times its banking capi tal. The resolution led to a lengthy dis cussion. Its opponents contended that under the Federal law there would be a tax of ten per cent, on the circulation of the bank. Judge Wat M. Boos© also held that an amendment to the charter which the act of 1835, continued by that of 1879, i>—re j uires ru tifica tion by th e stock holders of the road, in convention as sembled. Maj. Jackson and Mr. W. W. Clarke, who supported the resolution, contended, on the other hand, that the amendment had already been virtually accepted by acting under it and carrying on a banking business. The resolution offered by Mr. Jackson was finally, after a long debate, rejected bv & vote of 12 nays to 2 yeas, which were called for and the vote recorded. Subsequently, Mr. George Hilly or offered a resolution that the company invite de posits and pay upon the same interest at the raw of seven per cent, per annum, on thirtv and sixty days’ tim»*, and that the finance committee be authorized to dis count cotton bills with this deposit fund. This iwmlutiisi was adopted, and the Ikourd, after the transaction of some other unimportant business, adjourned. The Eagte and Fhcnix Factory is fur nishing Columbus with currency, all the merchants and the railroads uniting in taking it* change bill* at par for goods and freights. There are less than $3»',- 000 worth of them cut, though the char- the pardon would be plead by attorney, and that if 1 desired 1 could leave the State with impunity. The Hon. B. H. Hill, who is no mean aut hority as a law yer in Georgia, reiterated the same, and in a letter from him now in my possession, he says: “Gov. Smith is of my opinion, and believes your pardon good and valid.” And the Hon. Mr. Tweeoy, in a letter to mo just after an int^view wiflrthe Governor, says: “Governor Smith requests' mo to say to you that your pardon is legal and valid.” Now, after all these assurances from the Governor of the State, from two of the former Chief Justices of the Su preme Court, from such lawyers as B. H. Hill. Gartreli, Stephens and fully a hun dred others, can it be held in equity or justice that the obligation wn ? violated; did not I believe, as did nine-tenths of the legal minds of Georgia that tho par don was good, an l therefore the,necessity of my appearing no longer existed ? In conclusion. I will say, in the language of Cardinal Wolsey, “Had I Served in God with half t::e x»*al I served Gortnwr Bullock, my friends and the State of Geor gia, He would not in mine age have left me naked to mine enemies.” Foster Blodgeit, The merchant* and business men of Rome held a large meeting ou Monday, and passed, among others, the following resolutions: Resolved, That we advise our bankers to issue to their present depositors cer tificates of indebtedness, bearing interest at ten per cent., payable in ninety days, and receivable for the dues of the holders of the same to the banks, and to be issu .*d in such sums as will enable them to dis charge their own obligations, aud at the same time afford temporary relief to the community. Reoolved, That should such certificates be issued, we pledge ourselves to sustain them by receiving them for goods and merchandise, and give to them our moral support and influence; having every con fidence in the abundant solvency, integ rity and good faith of Messrs. Cothran A Jackson, and Messrs. Allgood A Hargrove, of this city. The Rome Courier says: Suspensions.—By reference to the published proceedings of the citizcm’ meeting, it will be seen that the banking James Syme, Louisiana. $6JXX); W. B. I American Bible Union. Booth, Louisiana, $11,000; Benjamin Vrw York October 1 —The American Whitworth, Georgia, $32,000; David u Lr T - - V J'- ^ T , 0 VraniTnn. r> Bible Luion fora revision of the bible, Jacoby booth earahna. VXMWlBanj*- ^ f . Tho foUotxin* officers were ■fa TWrntzra. Vugim*. EKLOO^ John | i wtont . Rev. Thoma., Arm,. Hx.tms Lotu^zxv SlO^*): Thoma. , Seoratarira. Kev. W. H. \\ jelcoff S *°- il0O; h ' McI ^ od ‘ VlT - ; r.n.l \V. C. Pendleton; Treasurer, Thoma, ixa, v- , . . [ Walter. The board of managers reported ‘Another Nautical Disaster. t satisfactory progress in revising the Bible Halifax, October 1.—Schooner “Thre** and expected it to be finished this year. Brothers” ha* been picked up at sea. Yellow Fever at Montgomery. Seven man wore found in the cabin. UonuoKUT. October l.-No deaths Tae rest of fourteen were probably wash- , and n£) n<;tr ^ of feTer durf the la , t edorerboard. Eig-ht of the crew-were , tw ,., Ity . rol „ hour3 . A11 apprehensions tnamed, and leave larce famihes at PieU- , an , OT J a The five k;t lu ^,‘ rLo , 1 „ lln . ' der treatment are doing well. People Alas! tho Poor Workmen. who left are returning to business, and New York, October 1.- Tho Grant i the yellow fever scare is at an end. era tic Convention, but resolved to accept -‘ral bunks out of the situation and appeal to their, con- legraphe^l to stop further stituents. ' Withdrawing. # Louisville. October 1.—It is reported that several of the banks belonging te i the Clearing-house Association establish- I ed a few days ago are withdrawing from • r that organization. A Railroad President. , 11 Toledo. October 1.—Ex-Governor J. ! D. Cox has been elected pre. idant of the j Toledo, Wabash, & Western railroad. j Spain. Madrid, October 1.—-Dissensions in f the ranks of the Carli-ts are increasing, m Cadies Derragerray, Roile .a ga have left their commands at Bavonne. To our Planting Friends. V 'HKRK is n.tw n mi y. chtvkinir al! . buy ;n crisis that is :urn nst you. most instan. meet them ti Mn present crop. id tit* th«ru .> the ifawn brinks hen*, in papers. T*> nn^tcdl hav * PURELY VEGETABLE. hold !U; irholly impossible, nml to cotton in a U.nio h? destructive to interest. H> can protect your credit and interest ami trill do so. if you will rente to tscuo. Forward ymir cotton. With this in we ciia and irill protect vour jkapors. at a nahle interest, icitnout stllino jtour cotton at n sarriJire. Cotton must sell at some time. w->rld must have it. and m ortler to to Uold ieuir c.dton. Vitfcout socrificing it resent panic prices, it is necessary to hn\i* it •w-al of maturing papers. River. Locomotive Works at Patterson have dis charged 175 employe*. The Delaware tunnel ha* discharged 400 on account of the scarcity of money. A Car Company Suspends. There i* no need to apprehend danger in visiting Montgomery. Bankruptcy Suit Against J. C. & Co. Philadelphia, October 1.—In tho United States Circuit Court before Judge For FORTY YE \US it han pro tie iu all di*o:»v > tit.* " tieys. TtwSBdii »’f thi ports of tho«mntr>- vmi lHviiliar jk.w, rin purii>i the torpnl Liwr ami itm I'.f.-atu! \u.«r t.. tb v !,i mings Car Company in Jersey City hoa susp*»nded. The trouble is, the large amount* due from railroad companies which cannot be collected. Raised the Blockade. New Orleans, October 1.—Galveston lias raised the quarantine against New Orleans. No Improvement. There is no improvement at Shreve port. The disease seems jess violent, but some relapses are reported. The Fever Elsewhere. Memphis, October 1.—Fourteen yellow fever interments. Sister Gabriel, Supe rior of the Franciscan order, is dead. Marshal, Tex., October 1. -Threeres idents were attacked with fever and two dead. No coses hare originated here. Little Rock, October 1.—A number of pereons have arrived here who report the fever raging alarmingly at Marshal, Texas. Tho Sitnation at Cincinnati. Cincinnati, October 1.—Matters are proceeding quietly—some jobbing orders, but little disposition to operate on the usual large scale. Tho Way John Bull Does It. Kingston, October 1.—A British steam- _ ^ er bombarded Omooa for two days, si- houses of Cothran «fc Jackson and AUgood ! lenced the forte and secured tho release New York. October 1. — The Cum- i Cadwaiader an order was granted last &. Hargrove have- suspended payments for three months. Their assets are af firmed to be ample to meet their liabili ties. The Griffin New* is told that Chas. White, agent at that place of tho Central rood, will soon resign tliat position and that it has been tendered te Major J. U. Horne. Tue Barnesville Pat.-ivt gAv; th' il lustration of “quick perception : ’ It is surprising how acute be dmo the perceptive faculties of ni«-n a< awn as they become widowers. Wo heard one say last Sabbath that lie could tell a widow now by the cut of lier jib. That fellow will bear watching. The party of the name of Rockafellow is on the war-pat a at Atlanta, and Pot ash is the game lie is aft-*r. 1:1 the Con stitution of yesterday Tie fires tho fol lowing Columbian : v Farrow must bo taught te understand that he does not carry tue Republican jiarty in hi* britches pocket. They tell raio lit’ »— am »»—»• A LlfcC to know where he hn.'ies his dead. Heor- pianofiouht neeileil auch in.u .!iu-ing the late war. Wiiere w:i4 he t'i“nIn the rear, aa osaal. iVe find him in Au gusta mannhsctanSg jiofish Air Confed erate use. Now, if General Lee would have had all such men as H. P., wouldn’t we Yankees had a tine time playing cards on their coat tails. Hut General Lee commanded soldiers, and not pota-th man ufacturers. I faced General Lee’s army four years, and I am vouch for tho ma terial that composed his command. T >ey were soldiers if they were my enemies. Is’nt H. P. a brave man with a piie of greenbacks in his front. Mr. Fa: roe wants to know where I got my money from. I will answer the honest gentle man that l did not steal if, neither did I get it from the State Treasury. Sbjlock’.s Outlook. New Yook, September i’3. -rday Gpald asked for his view; concerning the financial situation gave them as follows: I think the panic i < over. I cave every faith now in an a Ivam-o in pr -es, md believe the market will b * more buoyant than for a long time. Wall street will have been eleored out o: a gr mt part of the worthless sto ks and so called securi ties by the purging process of the panic, and there are comparatively few stocks now quoted except tho-e of real value. In all cases, prices are now • too low and in that of good dividend paying stocks a very large advance is necessary to bring them up to their actual worth. The reasons for an advance are: That the money market will betoma easy as soon as the stock exchange is opened, owing to the very large quantities of green backs which hare been disbursed by the government in its late bank purchases; that an immense amount of capital has been put into circulation by the action of the banks in issuing Clearing House cer tificates which displace a corresponding quantity of currency; that England is sending- over mdlions of gold which will oome into active use immediately on ar rival, and that speculation has had such a long sleep that it will be all the . more lively when it wakes up again. dischasoi.vg nxciluacs. The disturbed state of the money mar ket has made it necessary for some large firms in this city to discharge many of their hands and give others only three or four days' work a week. A large manu facturing firm has closed up altogether. Much difficulty is experienced by em ployer* in getting cash fat their work men and on Saturday last many were paid either in whole or in part in cheeks. In neighboring cities a similar condition of affairs exists. ■Washington—Various Banking Policies. WasinxoTOS. Sept. 29.—The Farmers and Mechanics’ National Bank of George town. the National Bonk of the Bepublie, the Bank of Washiugton,and the banking house of Biggs A Co. and Middleton A Co, are paying all demands upon them as nsuaL The other banks and bunking houses in a combination formed last night to certify checks instead of paying car-' rency, will not pay the smallest check to day.* Since the commencement of the panic, four institutions have closed their noms. vix: The Firit National .Bank and lYashingum City Saving- Bir.k,uowin liquidation, and the twt 12 louse of Jay Cooke k Co, and Font, Washington It Co. There wens drawn from the Freedman’s and Washington City Savings Banks, within ten days. $575,000, ana from the other hanks in the city about fcOO.OCO. Friday, one person alone drew from the National Bank of the Metropolis f1(5,000, ami phi'-e i ia t:.o Safe Depoht Co. Most of the money drawn remains with the drawers. No Elictios' to be Held at Missis sippi.—Memfku. September 2S?.—Tne Av alanche's Jackson (Miss.) special says that in accordance with Attorney General Mor ris’ recent opinion, the Governor of Missis- of interest to all persons who bought land 1 «Pi has issued a proclamation giving his held till November 1571. da£4h mi entile absence of any excit- ”$**«£*Z3* ot the British prisoners, and exacted i^G.uoo damage*. The Wyoming has gone to Aspinwal, where American interest* are threatened by a revolution. The filibustering steam er Virginia*, with a new crow from New Y’ork. ia preparing for another trip to Cuba. There ha* been fine rains, and tho sugor prospect is improved. Haytien affairs are troubled. Heavy Horfality. 3! el bourne, October 1.—The steamer Punjaub has arrived at New Zealand with fever. Ninety-eight passengers had died. NIGHT 1>1S PATCHES. New York Demoeratic Convention. U ricA, N. Y., October i.—The Demo cratic State. Convention met at noon. Hon. Mr: Hoc be waj chosen temporary chairman. In his speech, he advocated welcoming the Liberal Republicans to tno c<m v^ution. 4 fiio icL.ponry secretary was then ap pointed. Tue c:d«c8 of the contested delegations Credentials, con listing of two from each judicial district. The committee wu* t’n n appointed. A committee wav appointed to select permanent officers. • A resolution recognizing the Liberals anil inviting their co-operation was of- ferred. Creamer, of the Apollo Hall delegation, attempt xl to speak, but being recognized as one of the contestants, was rapped to order. The convention re-assembled ut 4:30. Governor Seymour entered the hall and v:,w received with great applause, the member* rising. T ie committee on credential* reported ia,fa . or of the admis.?>on of the Tammany delegJites fioiii Nsw York. The report was adopted whdreajJon the Apollo Hall delegation withdrew. Permanent organization was effected by the of Horatio Seymour, presi- dcLt. ovUij ituiv. ntion, who, on taking tb- ehauv siii i: U o meet at a time when unusmit interest i» felt in the action of nominating conventions. The disturbed state o h-iunces, a heavy burden of toxo- t on, f /equ mt ex^-osure of official corrup tions, excite t ie attention of the public to the character of those who are placed before them as candidates for officer Party ties will not hold voters to the sup port or any who are not felt to be fitted for public stations, bj their integrity and capacity. Tno real object of this convention must be to place in nomina tion men of the highest character and of undoubted capacity, to conduct oar State affairs. If this is done we‘can elect them. The gains made by tho Democratic party at the election last spring, show that the popular voice lias already set in our favor, if we give them candi date* who deserve their support. In a large number of the towns and counties of the State there are two minorities— Liberal Republibans, who cannot go with the administration, and members of the Democratic party. They find when they go together that they become the major ity. Acting upon this fact, at the spring elections they united upon local candi dates, having regard only to fitness and strength, and the result was a gain of nearly one hundred towns, and the con trol of a number of counties heretofore opposed to ns. Let ns act in the same spirit of good sense and patriotism and we shall not only carry the counties of New York, and thus gain politi al ..trengtli in sill it* se > tion*; but wo s\all also put our great State into it rig itful position. That of the stronghold oa those who seek to bring back our Government to it* ancient sim plicity, accuracy and constitutional ac tion. As this is State and local election, we are relieved from the discussion of many object*, with regard to which there are honest diffcren>*es. We must direct all our thought* to gain this end. We must put in nomination a tick et made up of' men with records clean, and characters so‘ pmv, and of capacity so undoubted that we shall feel when our work is done that it will be elected, because we shall know those who ought to be elected. If we do thi3 those citizens who gave us a trial last tipring will continue to act with ns and will give us a victory in the State this autumn* Gentlemen bear in mind ,'.l y.. ;r .1 i. :i . ti-$t .» good ticket LXike/a certain triumph. After the appointment of a committee on resolutions, “a recess was taken till evening. In the evening session the Committee on Resolutions reported that they would t*e unable to present a platform until to morrow, and the Convention re.-olved to postpone the nomination of a State ticket until 10 a- ar. to-morrow. A resolution, excl iding from the D emo- crafcic Committee uny m*n who voted for, or received back pay ia Congress, gave nw to a warm dissension, bat was finally adopted unanimously. A State Committee was then appointed, with Sami. J. Tildcn at its head as mem ber at large and the Convention adjourned till morning. Wall Street. New York, October 1.—There was example that hae eTerrwhoiv been 00 followed, and in that example there ha. ter allows an issue of $a«TO,000. been found all the element, of poaee- i nrctsioy of Ju i^e Johnson, holding Eren the weak have no* permanent!. ade-wio. * . gone 1 down, for we «1t hear of pniden- the Superior court of Talbot county. » - ,tial suspension. ; while, on th. other „f intent to all per>ons -hobought Und ^ ^ rai the trimmings raw various. Birds j hand, those who were strong have given tijAt been set apart as homostawls. ^ tW liCOOn i ia , a i a.-were uft- • hieflv um>.I for ornamen- 1 a oolor, a magnetism, a strength to me ^ were sold, before the Su- .h^tion can be hen Utn.ii. colored -> natunsUy that in ap- situation that oommands all pnu»- ^ the States pro- | when Oongriwsini n. State officers ami [ ing event- —V* ■ • j C. ^ u w un legislators will be -l.-t.-d. He appeal. 1 The firm of Northrup Brsmaw hravy ordnanoe is said to be nooneed the Georgia Homc-tead la un J ^ Q , the Su ,.. an l j led tbu {oreDoon> but more powerful than the LngUan. taking ] ^.natjtutional. The Talbottoa SUndaM B pon all officers of the State. «f the se»- ‘ ' ’ ’ wmght for weight- For exsonple, the ^ d(VU51on „ follows: , ^ral counties, to aid him in tvirrving into ssr.tswssva^si 1 ■ - obeli with 9Upouad* of powder, where- son decided that where a home»tead had , cUtut. week upon the petition of Edward Wil son against Jay Cooke & Co. to show why they should not be adjudicated •hankrupt*, which was to have been re turned to-day, was continued until next week at the request of tho debtor* and by the consent of petitioners. California Politics. San Francisco, October L—The State Central Committee of the Independent party met last night and perfected or ganization. A pamphlet will be issued to the people of the State, setting forth the objects, principles, and policy of the party. Peru Has It Too, Panama, October 8.—Business is ex ceedingly dull throughout Peru. Several firms have suspended payment. The banks refuse to discount and scarcely any coin is in circulation. The steamer General Sherman, which carried the Poloccoa revolutionary party to Honduras, is reported lying off Puerto Cabello with her machinery disabled. A vessel has reported to tho Governor at San Jnan del Norte that a great many Americans from New Orleans arrived with rifles, and were depredating in Yu catan. A great many of these were blacks. More Money Crossing the Water. London, October 1.—jE149,000 was withdrawn from the Bank of England on balances to-day to be shipped to Canada. Synopsis Weather Statement. Office Chief Signal Officer, } Washington, October 1. ) Probabilities: For Thursday, in the Gulf and South Atlantic States falling ba rometer, north and east winds, increasing cioudiness, und in the latter section rainy weather; for the Middle States easterly winds partly cioody, ami warm weather; for New England, southeasterly winds veering to the southwest partly cloudy and clear weather; for the lake region, variable southeast and southwest winds and generally clear weathes ; forlhe Ohio valley, northeasterly winds veering to southerly, with cloudy or partly cloudy weather. M1DXIGHT ^DISPATCHES. New York Affairs. New York, October 1.—A fire occurred in the Twelfth Regiment Armory to-day, and Mrs. Soligwan, who cleans the armo ry, was suffocate.1 and burned to death. A arfilJnmY*oi. 'M vr-hfil. is under examination for blackmailing. Patou & Co., one of tho oldest dry goods houses in the city, temporarily suspended to-day. Savings Bonks Safe. A visit te different savings banks in tins city to-day shows that all fears on the part of depositors have vanished, and a large number who drew out money last week have returned it. There are about $13,000,000 in greenbacks in their vaults, which, when all signs of any run are passed, will be distributed through other channels. The Court of Appeals have reversed tho decisions of the court below in the Westfield cases, in which the plaintiffs were awarded damages for wounds re ceived by tho explosion of that steamer two years ago. Committed to Jail. Lucett** Myers 1ms been committed to jail in Brooklyn,_to be held as a witness in the trial of Kate Stoddard. Slio was before the Grand Jury to-day. Times in Chicago. A special from Chicago says the settle ments at the Clearing-house were all made to-day. A. better feeling exists on 'Change. Knklux Trial in North Carolina. Raleigh, N. C., October L—The first Kuklux trial before the State courts came off before Jud Watts, at Johnson Coun ty Superior Court this week, and resulted in the conviction of the guilty parties of murder. Two men, one white and the other colored, went disguised to a colored man’s house and whipped him to death, on the 6th of September. They were convicted to-day, and sentenced to be hanged on the 13th of Novembr. North Carolina State Fair. Over three thousand articles have been entered for exhibition at the coming State fair, which commences on the 13th inst. Hon. D. W. Voorhees, the orator of the society, will reach here on the 15th. The citizens are making preparations for the accommodation of the unusually large crowd of visitors that is expected. Alfhirg on the Rio Grande. Brownsville Texas, October 1.—The continued heavy rains have damaged the cotton crop throughout the entire lower Rio Grande valley. Worms appeared in a niimberof plantations in this vicinity, doing much damage. The low lands are covered with several inches of water, stopping the work of gathering the crop. The charge of the Vose Publiea, that armed United States soldiers had again invaded Mexico, is untrue. ‘When the steamboat Little Fleta stranded on the Mexican bank of the Rio Grande, army paymaster Nichols was among the pas sengers, with a guard of United States soldiers, who assisted in saving the cargo and guarded it and the paymaster's safe after landing it from wreck. New Signal St&tiou. Denver, October 1.—The United States signal station at Pike's Peak is to be dedicated on the eleventh inst. The telegraph line to the summit is already built, and when the station is fully es tablished, important scientific discoveries may be expected. The signal station is 14,216 feet above the sea level. An ob server and three assistants will remain on the summit all the winter. Nashville Races. Nashville, October 1.—On the second day of the Blood Horse Association races, the first race, two-mile heats, was won by Arizona, beating Lampie, Carrington and Duster. Time 3.46 I, 3.44 j. The sec ond race, mile heats, was won by Quarter master; beating Savoy, llorine, Emir, Florence, and Lady Greenfield / Probable Defalcation. St. Louis, October 1.—Cashier Ste vens, of the St. Louis Mutual Life In surance Company, is missing, with $6,- 500 from the safe. His accounts appear correct, and his friends do not believe he stole the fumls. Outrage in Ohio. Columbus, October 1.—Carry Culver, a handsome servant girl, was seized last Joy to tile World I Woman is Tree !—Auitm* the many niMem discoveries looking to tho h:ij>- piness anti amelioration of the human race, none is entitled to higher consideration than the re nowned remedy—Dr. J. Bradfield’s Female Rom* la tor, Woman’s Best Friend. By it woman emnnciiiart.Ml from numberless ills peculiar to her sex. Before its miuric power all imsmlsri the womb vanish. It curvs whites. It cures sup pnsta of the menses. It removes uterine ob ttructions. It cures consti|*&tiou and strentflicn: she system. It brace* the nerves n:ul purifies th< blood. It never fails as tlu*usaivls of women \ul testify. This valuable medicine is prepared mu sold by Ik H. Brad field. Dnnreist. Atlanta. Ga Price $1 30 ]*er bottle All respectibl’* druc bm keep it. TrSKEEC.BE, Auu 1^. Mr. L. H.Bradfikld—Sir: Pleaso forward us mmediatel.v, another supply of Bradfield’s Fe male Regulator. We find it to be nil tluiti > claimed for it, aud we have witnessed the most de cided and happy effects produced by it. Very respectfully, Hunter & Alexander. We, tho undersigned Drugrists, take pleasure in commending to the trade Dr. J. Bradfield’s Female Regulator—believing it to be a good and reliable remedy lor tho diseases for which he recommends it. W. A. Lansdbll, Atlanta. Ga. Pemberton. Wilson, Taylor & Co.. Atlanta, Ga. Red wine Jt Fox. Atlanta Ga. W. C. Lawshk, Atlanta. Ga. W. Root A Son, Marietta, gr. STATE OP GEORGIA—Troup County: This is to certify that 1 have examined the recipe of Dr. J. Brad field, of this county, and ns a medical man pronounce it to bo a combination of medicines of great merit in the treatment of all the diseases of females for which he recommends it. This December 21, lNtW. Wm. P. Beasley, M. D. HrNT, Rankin A Lamar, 1 vhulesak* Agents, Macon. Ga. mnylOdSawAwW No Other Medicine ever attained such an un precedented sale as Helmbold’s Bucliu. Its name and fame are known everywhere; and it deserves its great reputation, for it has undoubted merit. It is warranted to cure all disease of the kidneys and the urinary organs. Beware of counterfeits. Genuine has private proprietary stamp of U. T. Helnibold on each bottle. GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC DYS’PEl’SIA. iful off .spring ■iTIPATlON. attacks. Slt*K HI \DACHK. * i Spirits, SOUR STOMACH, Refreshing.—If you feel oppressed by the heat and dust, just step into Loh's, in the Lanier House building, and take a cool refreshing hath for only twenty-five cents. Shaving, hair cutting, etc., by the most skillful tonsorial artists, und at tho coolest establishment in the city. Strangers visiting Macon should remem ber this—the people hero all know it. julyl2eodtf CHILLS AND FEVER. Simmons’ Liver Regulator Is harmless. Is no drastic, violent medicine. Is sure to cure if taken regularly. Is no intoxicating bawprMa Is a faultless family medicine. Is the chenjiest medicine in the world, Is given with safety and the happiest results to the most delicate infant. Does not interfere with business, Does not d isnrrango I he system. Takos the place of Quinine and Bitters of every nd best remedies. Simmons’ Liver Regulator, the Great Family Medicine, Is manufactured only by J. H. ZEILIN & C0„ MACON. GA„ and PHILADELPHIA. Price $1 00 per package; also,prepared ready for use in bottles, $i oo. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Beware of all Counterfeits mul Imitations. PERSONAL. HARDEMAN \ SPARKS. CAMPBELL A JONKS S UT.SHl'RY. ItlSPV.SS A CO. ADAMS Jt HAZRMORK. LAWTON a WILLINGHAM. FLANDERS A HUGUKMN. Z. Saloon B. WHEELER, and Restaurant, Fourth Street, opposite Express Office. MACON. GEORGIA. Meals Served at all Hours, DAY OR NIGHT. A First Class Establishment* STOCKED WITH FINEST WINES AND LIQUORS. Coal. Coal. cd that no attempt is made to 5-way. or unknown places, to raUUUOKS’ UVKK I’.EG- W. W. CARNES, General Insurance Agent, OFFICE NO. HO CHERRY ST. Represents tho following first-class Companies: HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Organized 1810 - - . - Assets $2,250,000 SEORBIA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Columbus, Ga. - - Assets $500,000. UNDERWRITERS' A6ENCY, NEW YORK, PLANTERS' INSURANCE COMPANY. Of Memphis, Tens. - - Assets $:5W,24G. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, Organized 17W - - - Asset* $3,500,000 Policies written on Dwellings. Stores, stocks of Merchandise, Cotton, or other insurable property at fair rates. My sleeping room adjoins my office, sad I will rover Cotton or other projicrty at any hour of tho day or night It may bo obsen hunt up out-of-tin find names to indoi ULATOR. Hon. Alexander II. Stephens. Jno. W. Beckwith, Bi>hot» of Ga. General John R. Gordon. Hon. Jno. Gill Shorter, ex-Govcmor of Ala. Rev. David Wills, 1). D.. President Oglethorpe College. Bishop Pierce (of Ga.) Hon. James Jackson, (firm Howell Colib A James Jackson) Attorney at Law. Macon, Ga. Yellow Fever! Yellow Fever ! Witerk is the Antidote! Rentier, you will find it in the timely use of Simmons’ Liver Regulator. This vegetable cathartic and tonic hus proven itself a sure PUF.YKNTIVE and rureof all diseases of the Liver and Bowels. Cholera.—No danger from Cholera if tho liver is iu propur order, atuL ordinary prudence in diet observed. The tsvasionnl tnkingof Simmons’ Liv er Repnlator. to keep the system healthy, will surely prevent attacks of Cholera, jufygtoodAwly »’pls-tf W. W. CARMEN. Bar and Restaurant. OPEN ALL NIGHT. J. VALENTINO, _ thing »t, which ^ Ho will alwa, g pert 1 DO s style. rtainingto a iirst-< nedin •n hand FRESH FISH, OYSTERS, SAME, ETC. Strangers visiting Macon should rive him a call. Ladies* Eating Saloon. JOHN VALENTINO. sep7tf Mac™, (in. WAGES F )R all who are willing to work. Any person, old or young, of either sex, can make from $10 to $50 a week, at home, day or evening. Wanted by all. Suitable to either city or country,and any season of the year. This is h rare opportunity for those who are out of wjork. and^ out of money to make an independent living. No capital Iving re quired. Our pamnhlct, “HOW TO MAKE A LIVING,” giving fujl instructions,sent on receipt rpHE BECKWITH $20 PORTABLE FAMILY A SEWING MACHINE,on80days’trial; many advantages over all. Satisfaction guaranteed, or $20 refunded. Sent complete, with full directions. Beckwith Sewing Machine Co., 802 Broadway, N. Y. A invention. It retains the Rupture at all times, ami under the hardest exrercrseor severest strain. It is worn with comfort, and if kept on night and day,effects a permanent cure in a few weeks. Sold cheap,and sent by mail when requested. Circulars free, when ordered by letter sent to the Elastic Truss Co., No. 683 Broadway, N. Y. city. Nobody uses Jletal Spring Trusses: too painful; they slip off too frequently.may22eodAcowly Gift Enterprise Tho only Reliable Gift Distribution in the country $75,000 INVALUABLE GIFTS to be distributed in L. D. SiriE’S 1114th Regular lthiy GIFT ENTERPRISE! To be drawn Monday, November 94th, 1873. ONE GRAND GASH PRIZE. $5,000 IN GOLD. ONE BRAND CASH PRIZE, $$,000 IN SILVER. i Two Prizes op $1000 *) , , six prizes of $5<>o each in Greenbacks Ten Prizes of $lo<> ) 1,000 Gold nnd Silver Lever Banting Watches (in all) worth from 90) to $300 each! Coin Silver, Vest Chains, Solid and Double- Plated Silverware, Jewelry, :tc., etc. Number of Gifts 10,000. Tickets limited t» 75.000. Agent* Wanted to sell TICKETS to whom liberal Premiums will hr pald. Single Tirkets $1; Six Ticket* $5; Twelve Tick ets $10; Twenty-five Tickets fcO. Circulars containing a full li*t of prizes, a de scription of thrf owner of <1 rawing, and otter in formation in reference to the Distribution, will be sent to any one ordering them. All letters muff be addressed to 3fnin Office, L. D. SINE, Boi 101 W. Fifth Street. Cincinnati, O •x*tl diwGw » BUTTS A ROSS. E. B. POTTEE, M. D. HOMCEOPATHIST olmston jo’ HEKHY SCHMIDT, FASHIONABLE BARBER. Hull’s New Building, Down Stairs, JOHN P. FORT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Macon, Georgia. Taxes—Second Notice. rpUB County Commissioners liave notified ino J that they are in need of money, and I am therefore compelled to ask the people to come up without further delay and pay tlieir State and County Taxes. Pereons, white and colored, who owe poll and iad taxes only, must pay up to save cost, as I am requirad by law to issue executions and garnishee their cniplovers. W. T. NELSON, seplO tf Tax Collector Bibb County. Housekeepers’ Situation Wanted A WIDOW LADY, aged about thirty, with oils small child, desires a situation ns houm- ceper in a family,'a hotel or public institution. Is willing to make hereelf useful, mul will bring un doubted testimonials of good character. Apply to Senior Editor of the Telegraph. amrWtf Wesleyan Female College, MAQON. GEORGIA. The Thirty-sixth Annual Session WILL BEGIN OCTOBER C. 1873. REV. E. H. MYERS. D. D.. Pres. C. W. Smith. Secretary. au7 2m THE NEW FEATURE Photography! —AT— PUGH’S GALLERY. obsmra are removed, prices of a comi*etont retaocher. und that his work will recommend itself. 1 all I tho secured tho lfeel assured Special Notice. rpHE surviving partners of the firm of W. A. HOPSON & CO. will continue the business of the late firm at the old stand until further a The stock will bo kept up in ell the de crements to tho requirements of the busiitess. Mr. R. E. Jones is our duly authorized attorney fact. September «th, 1873'. J. L. WARREN. C. P. ROBERTS. Surviving Partners. sep9 tf WANTED. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of MACON TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. DIRECTORS: L C. PLANT, D. FLANDERS. H. L. JEWETT. W. B. DINS MORE. H. B. PLANT, D. S. LITTLE, G. H. HAZLEHTTRST. L C. PLANS’. President. W. W. WRror.gr. Cashier. mai*-tilnovl* I. C. PLANT & SON, Bankers and Brokers, MACON, GA. Buy and Sell Exchange, Gold, Silver, Stocks and ' Bonds. Deposits Received,! On Which Interest«ill be Allowed, AS AGREED UPON. PAYABLE ON CALL. | Advance* made on Cotton and Pro duce In Starr. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO ebOly 500 DALES OF CITY BANK MACON. GEORGIA. Capital 200,000 Dollars. DIRECTORS: WM. B. JOHNSTON. JOHN J. GRESHAM, jnlv22 6m Low Middling Cotton, For which wc will iav a good price in anythin* tint we hare in our umwI btnte and well assorted btcrkof DEUGS. JIEDICIXKS, CHEMICALS. PAIXTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, Etc. Hunt, Rankin & Lamar’s, JONATHAN COLLINS, COTTON BROKER MACON, CA., 1ESPECTFULLY from his plaj salesman. v»i1 years, be has i ante.- perfert i and ai * olicits orders for the jmr- nd consignments of same J mercantile friend*. As ;TM.Ti«*nce >>f twenty-seven .isfnction’tn teth buyer and > •fill attention to all bu*in«-! _ ted to hi* cure. , Office, in Hollingsworth block, near J Special Notice. I DESIRE to* will of my store. I The * »pp2*tf FANCY POULTRY J HAVE POR SALE L. J. GUIL^AKTIX. JOHN FLAX5ERT. L. J. GUIIffMABTIH A CO., COTTON FACTORS —A5D— General Commission Merchants, Bay street, Savunali, tia. etc. Barring. Ropo and lr-.n Tic sal way* on hand, facilit r— extended t*> cu<tomcn». ai'.dl dwAawSm COUGHS, SOKE TIir.OATJNFLU- EXZA, W H o<) P- ixo coroil, Ceoct, Bao>xurr- JA ASTHMA, AL/I •11 the htock, fixtures, and good it store. The stock is the very best, it is order, and only nce<Ls i ho. addition of a goc *” to make it first-class, dares are modem and a* rc»»l as new ri will” embraces the patronarc of nearly every citizen of Macon, and great numbers of tho people of (he surrounding counties. Any one desiring to enter ft business which is genteel and can be easily conducted, and which upon a very small investment will yield *r. income of three thou*, nd dollar*, can make easy term* with me. Satisfactory reasons will be given for 1 my willingness to relinquish the business, and mj services will be riven to my successor until he has { metered the business- Apply immediately to • septHtf THQ8. U, CONNER. HAREISON, BRADFORD & CO’S STEEL PENS- I Sjjecial attention called to the well known numbers : 505-75-28-20 and 22. Factory, Bt- %’ernen; Office Jehn Ut., New York. an*rt4Sm - —. 1 M1»W HIKBDAl.E’S (Formerly Mrs. JUrrautay’*) SCHOOL FOR rOUNC LADIES, 275 and 277 Mvi.v.n Av., J> • J- C'V- -r-vD/i v f; FORGE S- BLACK IE, having be- V^!L* Ji£5eA in the m.nwrement ol thi, eauhlished mul menditlotheatt/ntion^ his southirn tnend*. For drrulur, rad ,*rtirulra». *ddrw» MAD1SOX AVKXUP. J^'arxno* they are far superior to the Art*ticml A Ujaac t of gins* buz u few ounces, only a v^ry •mall quantity bcin^f used for it* oon- Jtrui'Uoa. Ot I'oiuwc tnej arc very dur- Aliia. txia will spot them, and the u naud fo W amoli Glow dre**** oneu wiu rxf pouaum « po w<w, ^— ”1Vf,_. mnld. nr-or t be for tW who | asthe Ea-liah gunol similarweight a^ 8u- pro,-Ian at:un dare* to'live in hooMw Inilrirw'f I enllbre throws a 630-pound ahot or 40®- | to tne deciareo of xne unroea r 1.T0. in gUm J ^ wiu> w r.-.rt on th, hoax-trad 1»«- ^«***J- ; preme Court on the homestead la a & Chick sus- the failure had no influence on the Stock Exchange, as the firm had no stocks, the suspension being caused by a with«irawal of deposits. There was a sharp advance in foreign ex-han#re, and leading bankers advanced incesidiary and revolu- j their rates to 1 7f for 60 days’ sterling, I and 1 09 for sight. The Pilot, Ames* organ, denounces the and she can’t remember, and horribly out- j raged. She is in a «langerou» condition, i Charleston Municipal Election. | Chielkstos, S. C., October 1-—Re- j turns from the municipal election re- ! ceired up to ten o’clock, indicate the de- j feat of Wagner, the present incumbent, j for Mavor, and the election ol Cunning- ** the *** warn ham. The whole Kepobiira* “ To. elected. 2 Trio Hoa dans, 2 Trio Golden Poland*. 1 Trio Silver Spangled Hamburg*. 5 Tno W. y. Black Spanuh. 10 Trio Light Brahmas, 5 Trio Dark Brahmas, to Trio Buff Cochin*. 1 Trio Part. Cochin*. 2 Pair* Spanish Bantam*. 2 Pairs iiWi Cayuga LUickx, 8 Paire White AVwbory Docks. AU ei the abova fowls *re warranted strictly reasonable prices. A G. WOOD, sffec Xs*h' ille. Twin. the TBXOAT, LCffiC.* and chxst. are ipoedi!/ rad pe~ maaeDtly cured by the use D». Wi»- tA>*s Baiaam or wWch dorarat drrap , Mn < :b “ J hIT™ rad ^ vfr,A »,,, fr the nines #no bij». * COJiSCXFTION CAN BE CUBED Vy » tori, mart to tW, ttradiml irmedj, M1, byhuodrelsort. ttlmonUJs 11 bra rwcivt.L ris r 1b signed **/. Butts " on the wruprer, irriTV. jowle a boxs. p^PBiBTOBti, W Mate, bold by grtarally. CYPRESS SHINGLES r ;ST received, » consignment H CYPRESS SHINGLES, rived and drawn. A Superior Article! Por sak» by B. H. WBIGLEY A CO. CHAS. OOUNSELMAN & CO., General Oommianon Merchant*. Hoorn 14 Oriental Building. CHICAGO Befer to W. A. Huff. Uraw.