Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, October 03, 1873, Image 2

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THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER: FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 3, 187-3. Tchiir;iph<$'3lhsMiiQcr PLEAS. .11 hr I'ill iiim Mr. I*. *i Hi A ffltnlfflit ( oafll* i. •m tV Mr»rxli»r M nr IVmir.-^rho-.. r.] Marshall j-. full of Aim*. Every new wn h.m t li-'m. The* in*th«* aborigine* t - »untry. Thoy . ont-jad for their t!i;i4';I**y Th • une:ny, and humiliatingly slid down | 11«* tree, rvo -hin^ hi* feet in time to ‘ mto;<1 a kick the ir&t - own aimed at him. j He w*s help* 1 oat • f th* orchard with the fork hin lk\ and -mre diatriy start _*d > for tho hotel. w^ich ho reached -n a ooc- ; ditlon o; nerroai prostration that at first rrist- ! threat *u A to result seriously. An active ,»h a ftjarcjkat b • n made for the loy, hut -vit ckj boon dis- • fi■•»■* arc of n early ' neither he nor th in!.an. an l poi-iei covered. porpo*-,, M v. , >1 with tin II. »nd hjiv of trouble < carrying c which Prof from it made of with* dial put of the i.m tr»u of character, principal I .. h ia t..cir cn.-^isi. i.-. Flea id fancy for women, small 1 and .lop*. Fleni muc’i .iuJike ! "■ t-ilia 6 and w'.iuky. and ■ '•‘'in trouble a man. In their J pure much unlit.- the India.-, r-- and execute a flea confer.- •in v-i upon a representative of • aex than wear.ng a now bon- ! rr.wil for tiie .ciue leOgtit o! j Mainiuotir Hftle. NINETY-SIX CITY L0T8. TERMS£A9Y *iiy lot viz: 1/ We A Tragic Scene In Court. Sr. Lol'ij, September 20 — A «»>?n v o! great excitement oacnrrod late this after noon in the Criminal Coart room, wnich tareatened ot one time, to be tragical- Joieph H. Fore, who attempted to kill j *rvt x.blw-k— ; Ms his wife on the street with a hatchet, on and 44.bkyk .'i; lot* 4. 5,6 the 4th o? larfc June, was on trial. 3Ir*. _ ^ ^ Fore had be *n examined at great length, I «*5 and J block 72Ti*iVblock STiu ac i 03 eh© ret rod from the witness stand 11 pleaje pardon a i and took a seat between her father and •>nal experience with flea*. [Joseph Coleord, her husband seized a 1 firri. state that wife and baby j large cst glai j fntatand from the table ana hcrlod it at her with groat force. The Marshal o; the Co art «it Fore's movement in t'.ine'o cat?h hi* arm, which w r HXJF’P A.*. COLQUITT. JAS. BAOGS. II. H.COl^inT. COLQUITT & BAGGS, %? Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants, 64 Ray St., Savannah. Gn. ’PI ’ Juhn> A 1 I'hall rVk p21 In AYuOLESALju DEALER IN introdu tog calc : cool air. ation in lij pound. aifti Dr. Pa at hekn /he H.i mf) pounds; balloon, n»*t- ig.GOOO pounds; car, store, d men. :10U0 pounds; oil. IskUaat, 1000 pounds. He K«iO pounds of oil would hut , or enough for a trip two and ■ around the earth. Mr. Unr ig remarked that one trip earth would be enough for 1 Prof. Wise what ho thought i»r» plan. Prof. Wise atid air l#al- is; he believed th 1 to «mgaue in it. A Mr. Bamum, "i i diaagrueingK’ « the cheapest ex; ■kod Dr. Pariael. but he would not w Whit shall I dor hen I find the doc- u You Lad better eriment fir.>t,” re- “So,” said t!i great ittiowmaa. “I want the safest first 1 would rather pay $10,000^000 to coed than $10.1)00 to fail." Then turn ing to Prof. Wise, ho said: "I d» like to hhke you to London. If I cable for you, will you oomo ?” “ j will," Nworod the l*rof«*n^or, M but I’d rather lsillrton it." " Would you bo willing,* »v>ntuiu(id Mr. B.irnuiu. " to tiy it from leon-lon here in the spring I" “I would undertake/* said the Profeasor, ** to come t«» the American Continent, bat not to North America/* Mr. Wise. Jr., he maxke*!' that the nir-eurr.-nt being frou west tom t, a trip from England to t country could not bo made. In th '-our-*" of aomt* further conreraation, 31 liarnutn remnrked: ** I’ll attend to noth ing but ballooning for the next month or two. I am determined to spend my l dollar, ami to get the best men/* The conference then ended. Htisfticss Women in A > nris, The editor of the Baltimore American, in a late Pais letter to his paper, write us follows on the above mibj> There are a few establishments in Pans, wholesale or retail, in which do not occupy most of the important po sitions of trust and responsibility. In grent- many of the largest and most sue <v ful fvtahHslunent-i the wife is the principal business manager, and to h* all mutters of importance are referred. An American g*ntl**raun who him l»ecn exploring the whole.eUo establishment* assures mo that this ia more generally the ease than in those of a retail charac ter. When purchasing goods all impor tant questions were answered by the ft' male clerks or salesmen, and the male evidently held aulmrdinato poutions. In in any <*a • the wife was c^IIimI upon uuswtc questions or make agreements when t!ie hu.-isuid was present, indicating that sh«» was the principal head of the establishment. Them can bo uo doubt that the average Frenchwoman is supe rior in intellect to the average French man, os hhti is ^ul»crior to him in physi cal development and address. Pasunp the little atom* at night, the wife is seen at the desk, with pen in hand, keeping tin* lNM>ks, and thousands of the smaller of the Paris stores are kept by women. They have greater business capoeity, en ergy, ami enterprise, and take more than their full share in supplying the mean: for the maintenance of the household. A Frenchman remarked the other tiny that he believed there were as many wives it Paris who support their husbands an then an* husbands who support their wives. She almost invariably manages to li free of house rent by renting a tint of rooms and sub-renting enough of thei t»* pay the rent for the whole. Tt American hvlios who visit Euroj>o and squander so much money which they had no jurt in earning generally return lsdter satisfied with their positions in life, and convinced that their <le*tiny ha - Isvn metn* fortunate than that of most of the sisterhood of creation. A $2,000 Parrot* Ptem th* New York Sun.] "He was nineteen years old, could talk like a lawyer, and was the handsomest bird that over lived." That was John Enright's description of l»is parrot in the Special Session* yester- "How much is he worth V* asked Jus tice Ledwith, desiring to fix the grade of •■rime of whioli Thoum ,t«sUQR th,' hint, was "TwothouxauddoQa reply. Nothin'* oooM lad lea on hu raluntlon. a , Miller, oecuaedof jyuiltr. n.”™ the prompt toe Mr. Knri^ht to i,l bevms mllowed to tell hi - sttey «*:' tho theft. Miller ha.I. with a h ook and h-tr fish 'd up the o«Ufe fre m wh-iv it ibuiyUl from . fourth-at orv window. nd sktUTied away wit 4 it OTer the ■N. Mr. Knriu'l'.t hi«arint7 ho eric* of tl e s.i.'r.-'l I ir.l. lu,.l ehiW'i-1 t he thief and auyht him. Mil- ler wa* a mteinvd to t\ 0 jH'nitentiAry fot thre*** uooflu. •• If tl .« cus*-l pn rrot had kept hi mouth ah ut.” ho tol.l ll.' aSeer who. s- carte* 1 im to the 1 U.i V M.uria. "I'd have tev nallric t. He kept hollering out • Hi hiV and • I\ lilvte .1 Lully boy!’ aad whex I e wore at h m he only kept it up the ondcr. It*6 r.ri opinion that a parrot U 4 4-4 poor t li’n-j to riciil.” Flow o rCiirroncj into Cliionsro. The Oh inwo Trihunt .of Saturday.^ that up L receipt - \ trior.li.vof c irrenoy by •xpiM i>xi\M>i«d on Hhitd of which 1 atutf fron ltodton. In addition to thU. there w •re aovoral pt >ona r* a*-hcvi riortlay to p irchaao '-Train, rs- la^of t urloy, at the i4M persons rcviiniNl prices; l*vo i^ht his cur vnej wit* him. lLvw l's and distillers uuand tiu c loacy are making he boat o ;\w Mi.irkt I *.n oraih pcirvhaaes. bsent on a visit. Also that we can ■fiord any **luxuries’* while rannto; I 7j® country newspaper. Hence we ar no better off, so far os fleas ore concerned, than women and barking quadrupeds. Of I course we board. Thinking to save ex- pense, we concluded to furnish our own bed. Put up to a vacant house rented for I housekeeping purposes when our better- ' half returns. House was formerly oocu pied by railroad boarders. About fir< minutes after retiring we experienced feeling of a dozen or more needles prick ing different parte Of the body at the same time. Our hands were passed spasmodi cally about to ascertain the cans.?, but we onid feel nothing unu.-u.il. Just then the printer who bunked with as began series of quick, convulsive movements, reaching for his shoulder with one hand and bis left foot with the other at the ■amf? time, changing hand* about every second, and twisting his body like streaked snake to the gras. Thinking he had an attack of St. Anthony’s dance, we arose and lit the lamp. The printer said he felt better, but there was some thing in the had. Cautiously turning down the bed-dothe*. we discovered what seemed to he a quantity of onion seed nicely distributed over the sheet. Imme diately the seeds commenced dancing like kernels of pop-corn on a hot grid die. Simultaneously we shouted "fleas !’ and rushed to the attack. There they were, great hungry fellows that probably had hod nothing to eat since the railroad haqds left some throe weeks be fore, and they didn’t seem at all inclined to run. Not- until wo ha/1 killed ueventy- three of the varmints did they beat a retreat. After cleaning the bed and ighting through one or t.vo unmention able garments for tho twentieth time, we ugoin sought n horizontal position, hop ing soon to forget our troubles in re freshing sleep. Vain hope. Scarcely had the lamp been extinguished before the im placable foe ogam assembled in myriads .m l commenced an onslaught upon our persons compared with which the first was scarcely a foretaste. All at once we thought of a method of defense which promised success. We would try kero sene. Quietly the burner was removed from the lamp, fingers were dipped in the unusually repulsive fluid, and we be gan our kerosene bath. The neck and one shoulder were nicely saturated when there come to our mind the horrid re- memhranae of a kerosene incident which filled us with dismay. Our big brother once poured kerosene npon the back of a calf to kill certain insects le&s active and 1<*S respected than tho flea, and tho re sult was dead insect*—also dead calf. Lucky we thought of it to time. With a feeling of relief at having cheated some liter out of a kerosene item, we again lie down, thinking the disagreeable smell of the oil would certainJydrive away any thing that had life and a little sense. Not so, however. On tho neck and that greased shoulder was where thoy bit the worst. It seemed to give them an ap petite. In dt-spair, the two of ns made a forlorn-hopo attack with thumb and fin ger. But tho enemy came in countless number* and closed in upon u.* in front, Hank and rear. Just as the printer was coming <lown handsomely on a bojs flea, he received a b ; to on the great-to-* which caused him to turn a dou ble somersault and light squaro upon the lamp which had been placed on the 1».m1. Fortunately the lamp was extin- guiidiM; but the bed "slate" gave way, and the next instant two printer*, about .000 flea*, and a quart of kero-one oil were rolling proiniseuotuly on tho floor. When brimstone was again brought to boar npon that lamp wick, there wa* re vealed n scene for an artist. On tjie floor sat the printer, his form doubled up in tho sluipe of a letter "Z," the corner* of his »<* .th drawn opposite directions, making resemble the sound-bole of a violin, while his hands and arms were wildly describing circles in the air like the Holf-mke gear of a Woods* improved opor. We can’t remember just exactly dw we spent the remainder of that event ful night. There comes at times a vis ion of a man. with no superfluous cloth ing about him, driving n regiment of fleas from a pair of white linen pants, here they were patiently ■waiting for leir bacakfast, and ensconcing himself an hour or more upon a table in an ning room, with naught but a quilt block 5*: lot* 1 S, b«ock 4H: 1- 't* S, 4 ad*.block50; kttG. > block *0; lot fi. u!iy*k i*. lots -tiT »n*i *. block , 71; lots I, t and X. W ck 7t; lot 5. Work 75; kn« I. • ;W0Ck»51 . d, 7 and *. block 36; lcts'l. 2.8,4. . . >lock 37; let* 1. 2. X. 4. 5. 6. 7 and «. block 3*; f lou 1. 7 and 9. block 99. lota 1.2. J *k 7 and V bk-ck 40; let* 1, 2.4.4L&, 6.7 and 3. ; bi xk 41: lot* 1.2.3. 4.5.6 and ran of 7. IhA -ifc | 1,2.3. 4. 7. fe aa 1 part of C, block 4*. iw 6. TEEMS OF SALE.—Or^faurth null. tbehJ- ;» ; -voa o; tv .n'k.t«J • and in-.tiad of striking Un. lore, it ! struck Mr. Coleord on tho forehead, cut- t All (aaber. brick anti stone on the lots known ting* gash about two inches long and j / fjr nearly kno:k:ng. that gentleman sen^e- ; 'will crmTOmr - * st I0t*’»dork A.wL on Tst- less. Fore wa* imm*?«itatelr seized by j wO Rnire. and y tinns from da.' to day until the Marshal and other* and aft?r a . i all the lot* arc sold. vers struggle, in which nearly all his clothei wcr3 tom off, he was taken from the Court room anU order restored. L.VT.R VFDST. F. A. 8HONE3L1N, C. BURKE, Ccmrcttf-*. WANTED yo balks or Low Middling Cotton, For which wc will pay * good price in anythin? that we have in our naual lar?e and well assorted* stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES. CHEMICALS. PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, Etc. Hunt, Rankin & Lamar’s, Wholesale Druggist** p2S|f R2 ami 84 Cherry street SAVANNAH MR! TIIE THIRD JONATHAN COLLINS, COTTON BROKE Ft MAC OX, 6 A., T> ESI’ECTFCLLY KilidU or\ler« f-TthcpW- IV rhimo of cotton and cuniiignmentc ot fn»in his i>lnntimr and mercantile fnendA At salesman, with an experience of Vwenty-savea i-ars, he has no haritancy in saying he ran ruar- iitoe perfect satisfaction to both buyer and sellar id plodeea careful attention to all bcslr.eaa hi- trusted t<> hi* cure, * ’/ *| g r* 'Mj Office, in HollinwwortH blrr?k, near J. *A. Foster’s. sen34 lw Aiiiia! Exposition or TUB AGRICULTURAL and MECHANICAL ASSOCIATION of GEORGIA, COUMKKCI50 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11TH, —AST)— CONTINUING DURING THE WEEK. splendid order, and the BUILDINGS I he nirmt -ul»Nih!!ti:il and in tic i-uiiutry. T il- Exhibition will be divided into Deivirtments of LIVE 8TOCK ; rnOMTCTU OF 1IIK SOIL; DOMESTIC MASTFACTt'KEH ; MANrEACTTHrs IS* COT TON. WOOL, SILE, USES*. IRON. I.RASH, &EFEL. GOLD, BILVEIw LK IT.TRS, PAPKE. FIBBI;, BTC, ETC. In fact, everything pemnimt to AGklCUL J the FIXE ARTS. PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS, OOFRIM, BACON, FLOUR, BAGGING, TIES, i fact, everything t»ei TUBE. VSOBAintS $8,000in Medals, Plato and Money TO HE AWARDED. Exhibitor* nre nqucatol to make their entries, and have ihrir ulnar on the ground at an tarty a day a* practir-nlil-*. tliat they innj bo properly ar- ranrtsl in tin* Rrjwtiw llepurtmenta. For Premia in List*, and okher information, ad- drcea the Secretary. ■ ‘ GEO. & OWENS, President. J. H. KSTILL. Secretary. aep26dao<iAwlm TOT ARRIVED. about him. Next morning wo Raw tho •un rise. So did tho printer. Tliat day lion Mend* oaked tho calico of our con tent gaping we expressed a fear of an liate attack of fever and ague; but up to the present time wo havo been un able to find any thing that will neutralize > scent of kerosene oil. We don’t fur- h our own boil any more, just to wive Mzue. CARPETS! Oil Cloths. MATTING, RUGS, . MATS, ETC. •red in this market now in More i in? daily dirat from manufactory, of thj bjs quality of iroo'l)i am! at reduced prm BODY BRUSSELS CARPETS. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS CARPETS, THREE-PLY CARPETS. EXTRA SUPER CARPETS. MEDIUM an! LOW GRADE CAR PETS, VENETIAN CARPETS, HEMPS CARPETS, VELVET RUGS, BRUSSELS RUGS, BEAVER RUGS, MATS OF ALL STYLES, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, LINOLILUM FLOOR CLOTHS, FELTS AND DRUGGETS, TABLE OIL CLOTHS, COCOA MATTINGS. CANE MATTINGS. CANTON MATTINGS, WINDOW SHADES. WALL PAPERS. ronhun* nr* iuritol to oxnmino my ^tnok be- frr: l.nyjnr, r.» I ,-njj ,liow a cr,-nt *r variety anti tt «. I.tu- Mia. 3* city nr.rVl in tlio South. Xo. W Cit rrv itMt, ivtt door to Ross X Col> man’s wool., it tlrv itcoils house. .eollts.ltm It. V. SS. 20 TIERCES NEW RICE (Very choice). 100 boira CREAM CHEESE. SO boxes NEW 00D FISH. 300 boxes NEW HERRINGS, SCO kiUNBW MACKEREL. STJaA.R, COFFEE, LARD, MEAL, BULK MEATS, IS- boxot LUCY HINTON TOBACCO. 100 rases WHITE BOCK POTASH. SEYMOUR, TINSLEY & CO. LOGAN FERTILIZER SALT, SYRUP, Etc. Comer Cherry and Third streets, Under Ralston Hall. M-A-COaST, GEORGIA. PHELPS, D0RKMU8 t. CORBETT, (Late Phelpn A Doretnus.) vAxrrACTrKKKS jesn dkales* irr PARLOR, CHAMBER AND OFFICE FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, SPRINS BEDS, ETC,, 2t'4 and fte Canal M.. Near Broodwa>. New York. wm. mm.rs. otis cokbett. w.m. t. ihmujaics. D. L. ROBERTS. F. A. GARDES. DAYIGHT L. ROBERTS & CO.. FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savannah, Ua. Liberal advances made on Produce in hand. We have a guud stock of Bagxiug and Ties on hand, which we offer at low rates. sep!2 fim WM. U. STARK. U. P. RICHMOND. WM. H. STARK & CO., WHOLESALE 6R0CERS, COMMISSION MER CHANTS AND COTTON FACTORS, SAVANNAH. OA. Careful attention given to sales or shipment of Cotton and all kinds of Produce. Liberal advances made on consignments. Agents for the sale of E. Frank Coes Bono Superphosphate. Macnolia GrEOEG-IA mills E. U. COHEN, JR. JOS. HCIA COHEN & HULL. Cotton Factors and General Com . mission Merchants, (16 Bay Street, Savannah, Un. Refer respectfully to J. W. Lathrop & Co„ N A. Hlldee’a Son A Ckx. Tison Jt Gordon, H. Mayt r & Co.. Milo Hatch; V. P. Savannah Bank and Tru>t Co. sepl2 6m J. N. LIGHTFOOT, Cotton Factor and Commission Merchant, 106 Hay Street, Savannah, CSa. Agents for the sale of Merry man’s Am mounted Bones. nepl26m L. M. WARFIELD. KOBT. WAVNK. WARFIELD & WAYNE, Cotton Brokers and Commission Merchants, SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. O FFER their services to planters and shippers of cotton, etc., and solicit a shareof their hus- ness. Cash advances made on consignments at lowest rates of interest. AD business entrusted to our care, will receive prompt attention. “Fu tures” bought and sold in the Savannah ami New York Cotton Exchange on the most reasonable terras.seplS 6m W. DUNCAN. J. H. JOHNSTON. M. MACLEAN. DUNCAN, JOHNSTON CO., Cotton Factors and Gonoral Com mission Morchonts, 112 nay Street, Savannah, Un. &us?I r.m B. C. FLANNAGAN. W. W. FL.4NNAGAN. A. P. ABELL. R. S. MORGAX. FLANNAGAN, ABELL & CO., Cotton Factors and General Com mission Merchants, 185 BAY STREET. SAVANNAH. GA. IT ANAoLNG Agents for the English Stonewall ifl Fert! Inter, etc. Bagging and Ties furnished, and liberal cash advances made on consignments for sale in Savannah, or on shipments to our cor respondents in Northern, Eastern or European We are still offering to the Tr.ule our celebrated brands of Flour WILEY’S XXXX, PEARL DUST, AMBER AND CORAL. Wc challenge competition m the grades of Flour offerered. Our XXXX has no superior. These goods are manufactured by us, and we claim but manufacturers’ prices, as they are handled but once We do not, and never have charged DR AY AGE on our Flour. The attention of the trado is respectfully called to our BRAN, possessing, us it does, a large per centage of middlings, and is very nutritious and palatable to stock. GRAHAM FLOUR, always on hand. Remember, Flour is Our Specialty. BURll & FLANDERS, sepiltf No- * til.AKK’S lil.l >t:K. SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS, Adjoining Passenger Depot, Macon, Goorgia. Celebrated Wrought ’ Iron Cotton Presses. All acknowledge its superiority to any made anywhere or by anylk*,ly. Steam Engines and Boilers, Saw Mills, Sugar Mills and Kettlea Iron Railing, Mill Machinery, Castings, and Machinery of all Kinds. Faug’ht’s Patent Gin Gearing*. markets. auffl6m A. if. SLOAN. ARTHUR X. SOLLEE. 6. V. WILLY, JR A. M. SLOAN CO., Cotton Factors and General Com mission Merchants, Claghom & Cunningham’s Range, Bay Street, Savannah, CJa. T3AGGIXG and Ties advanced on crops. Liberal JL> wish advances made on consignments for sale in Savannah, or on shipments to reliable corres pondents in Liverf tool, New York, Philadelphia, Boston or Baltimore. augl rtm J. A. DUGAN. J. D. STILZ. DUGAN & STILZ, LUDDEN & BATES, SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE, SAVANNAH, GA. How Mr .Reynolds was Reward ed for ait Act of Iiindncss. >m the Danbury New*.] # A New York party naincxl Royuolils. ho ha<l been the oummer here, at the upper oral of Doer Hill avenue, rolling £or hia health, yeuterday morn- lt. wh«»a Ire observed n boy trying to vul a kite from an apple-tree, where it had lodged. As Mr. Reynolds came up tiie fixing broke, leaving the kite up there. With the natural promptings of a human heart, the gentleman gave his coat in charge of the boy, and, crawling over the fence, was soon up the tree. The boy felt pretty bad about the acci dent to his kite, but on taking a second took at the coat, which was almost new, dried his tears, and scampered off ^£55**%? Plano*, Organ*, 3fu*lr, and all kind* of Jfiifclrnl ln*trumeni*. Largest Stock In the Mouth, toned Prlre* In the Mouth. lle*t InHtrnment* In the South Don’t JBny a IPiano Without first writing us for price*. We are the most extensive 1'iano Dealers South and can sell the cheapest. Tour choice from live of the best makers in the United States—any style and price desired. Fine pianos. 7 octave, rosewood cases, carved lc«s. nt h$j $273, 32 , .*»» > warranted for five years; suiterb jdan,at $&*■». gfl. $S30 and $375 The very be»t pianos at ?-S<XJ. ^tlo. $+k), MB $530 and f6oO. Pinniks sold by Mii.ill monthly pay* ments. Pianos for rent, l’ianos now hhipficd to nil juirts of the South. Everv one thinkinir of buying is invited to \v rite us for lowest rash or time prices. Illustrated catalogues sent free. HeadQUnrters for the celebrated MAHON A Nil H AMI.IN ORCA3S! Best and djaMa, New styles and New Prices. V —~ | Sand for ratal, vuri riving full dis.ription. with it, un perceived by 3lr. Reynolds, : Churehes, School^ arid Teachers literally dealt who waa trying to take an obstinate I with. Organs delivered free uf char.o to oach ROGERS A LEMAN, General Agents for the above now jurtly celebrated Fertilizing Com pound, would respectfully inform the public that they have a supply now ready for immediate •Iclirciy. It is ju>t the article needed for Wheal and Turnips. It is no longer an experiment. In no one in stance has it failed to rive satisfaction. Price $15 for quantity to compost a ton of 2,<K0 pounds. EOC-EBS & LEMAN, General Agents, ITollinrsworth Block, 3frcon. Ga. GEORGIA ,iTATE LOTTERY FOR SEPTEMBER. FOR THE BENEFIT OP THE •buye m i ' atfacfifty. Sheet Husic and Music Books. A splendid stock. The best publi.-ations of every ruolish.T always on luuul. Larsest dis«\>unt to i DeaJara T.-a.Iiers, ami Jwtes.Is. Any piece of Music or Music Book mailed j^wl-paul. on receipt from the back of his neck. After UtaMo difficulty he reached the kite ran stretch ing forth his hand to take it, when the limb he was on suddenly -napjvd in two, and he fell some six feet* splitting one of his pantaloon-legs half way up, and running a twig into his nose ' of retail prices. Catalogues free, with such violence as to make that organ IF YOU WANT bleed. Fortunately he was saved from ! Violin. Guitar, Flntc. Ammlean. Flutma, Fi/c. further mishaps by catching on a strong j *. Co f not * l >rura » J* prime Stnnncr H-b. He »toppeJ then to feelrffi , an,t methtato on the lltinint. when ii,«i to iui,r rort IJ thr (iunth. Our <>ni. r, nt.if >• .. . touv from below ,k-man.I„I • «r advuriM Urr. l.r. k.vj, ho wa., tloin.- thoro. an,I looking; CAPITAL PRIZE, $7,000.00 30,310 PRIZES, AMOUNT ING TO $53,253 20. TICKETS $100, SHAKES III PROPORTION, 1X the nix,vp uchemu, furmfd by the t _L com’ WHOLESALE CLOTHING STORE. in order to nictt the wants of our growing city, wo havo gone largely into tho WHOLESALE CLOTHING BUSINESS. We are now opening a larga Stock, Bought From the Manufacturers, Expressly for the Wholesale Trade. I WE WILL DUPLICATE ANY BILL BOUGHT IN NEW YORK, UN- DKALLRS IN Corn, Oats, Wheat and Hay, EXCLUSIVELY, No. 20 Second street, between Main and River LOUISVILLE, EY. AMPLE STORAGE. Will fill orders for Com from points in Illinois, parties making purchase accepting through Bill of Lading from shipping points.apr25 6m JAMES H. BLOUNT. ISAAC HARDEMAN JOHN L. HARDEMAN. BLOUNT, HARDEMAN & HARDEMAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON, GA. Office, Cherry street, over S. T. Walker’s. auelO tf E. W. & S. H. JEMISOU, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Office 52 Second st., Macon, Georgia. .WILL practice in the courts of Macon and ad- » v jacent cirduius and in the Supreme and Federal Courts of Georgia. Si>eeial attention given to matters in Bankruptcy. udl e advertlv? to do, a i probable that th< ion of dollar- or night than it did i vd he saw a shirt-sleeved, bare-headad in. with .. pitchfork in his hand and fine in his eye. 3Ir. Reynolds explained atev.it the kite. ••That won’t do," said th-- man. "I've had too many apples hcv kv i from tliat ere’tree, and now that ~*ve gv»t the thief, I intend to make him :»iuv.’’ And the man looked feroeioualy t Reynolds’ facilities for dancing. The nhappy Reynolds referred him to the u-r. j te>y for an indorsement of his story. j “What boy ?" asked the owner of the or- > Co., 'i J chard. *'I don't see no boy. There k j ain’t no boy hen?." Rc*ynohls looked out in the road, but there was uo boy in sight. He shouted “Bub'’ two or three times, bat there was no respon so The color deserted his face, an d a look of astonishment and horror spread over his f:uv. “ This is very extraordinary,** he said. “ Very," coincided the fi rmer, with great dryness. ** Tliat boy has j stolen my coat, and I must pursue him ] and reo'vt r it/’ said Reynol te, suddenly • becoming frantic over his loss, and pre- 1 | poring to descend. •* O. come down and ndvertte*. perf'-r u what this way bro built up Tho Largest Trado in the South! Send for mice list*, circulars, catalogues, spcci- nrn wpatl Bonforn Mu»kwl Journal, J! per year, and try us with an order. LUDDEN k BATES. pcptf 3m Smmuth. On. K numbe Only 50 Czr.ls per Bcillc, stl»e GROWTH, PREFECT1^3 ibr COLO 17, cn«l the Tliw and BEAUTY cf tiac IIAIK. f Orm Thtutt Yr_ no a thx Him ws» i . TSptom r Kx-r. mi HiOL it rrtifiivhtt No. 326 of John V. L. Goldsmith, comptroller General. }. *i N. W alege Ootir t. th s th istiu- University o* i-.. l-.as lx*cn honored with ti.« of L. L !>.. •-onferred hr the Uni- of Gi*orgia, fto a mark of ite ap- ;ion of hi> varie<l and pree:-e u. -Fire instaiution over winch ndc»* i- one <-f th«“ powers of the T *-- Dtx*tor ih getting to te» re- i a -o.t u: N.-.-tor among so*xth- ►1j**?t*', lmving made a life-long oollegh Rev. Dr. 31 o i the unilv re«iOod i him.” said tiie farmer with bit ng m, chewing his tongue to show ilm he was, and placing the fork in way as to take in the mo t vul- jK'XUon-s of 3Ir. Reynolds’ body, gentleman saw the preparations in > stop. •* Why, you wouldn’t run i rk into me, you old idiot ?” ‘ Who ■ i calling an old idiot, you miser- ..iiipper-siiipjvr r” shouted the old | i J chap, as he insanely danced around the I tree and glares! fiercely at hi- ( Come here and rob me, you 1 you, and then stand in*my { n* blaspheme me? Run the I I fork into you. will 1 ? Yes. I’d run it ‘ into two hundred of ye.’’ Mr. Reynolds j j Wj4ib shocked. *’ What do you vr.mt me ! to do?” he said, despairing of roasontog 1 . .. , ; i .. t I HTHE irest drsirab) with the owner ot the ore tiara. I want I rwried Lrrufriy b\ von to pay me five dollars, and get out of " « by - Nine *i tb‘ this , :\ hard .-as fast as your rascally leg- can t.»kyou.’ Mr. Reynolds hest’tat** i. or.e Taowasod i: It w.us Lad enough to lose a coat, ruin his pants and spl t nis nose to help an evil •rko: hr of I*»ircC. a i tbs ixrwk, Tf h** tbc pi-fs- th*» Growth , ■—. - fr-ra nira-.nc cr - “ ‘ ar?ch.*o‘» Vri>7r . —— -- a deiiririd It pr»«eivith« n It ka»p« the b«-<l root, kj.1 w" ftaeaprMnuK aadQCiUTTu TTRT Aoo, ud iiwld (.* x-U Dirrmu and Oca- Wy Harm t* ca.y r.f.y tiau per Ueule. the he r»rch.**-> ■ - - UMS in 9)VASm . w** over a Vlciim or ■ Cn*- I aide own tr K \7oHaii J s GIiiit is Her Hair. LYON’S on it; 4J3B*•. eftch haviiue two of the h liavuur one only of them on; and rImj 46.7SO ticket*, with neither of the drawn numbers tai tin-:-!, U-it.jr bli>;.k To determine tL f>te of theae j>rixe« and blanks, 74 numbers, from 1 to 76 i icluMve. will be ae' _ ally placed iu a wheel on the day of the drawing;, and 12of item drawn out at random; and tha: ticket having for its combination the 1st, 2d and Xl drawn numbers, will be entitled to the Capital -Priteof* J7.000 00 Tliat ticket having on it t : .e 4th, 5th. and Mb drawn number* to That ticket havuuc on it the 7th. 6th and 9tli drawn numbers, to That ticket liavingou it the loth, 11th and 15th drawn numbers.to J That ticket havinc on it the ad. Sd and 4th drawn numbers, to ...r That ticket having on it the Sd, 4th and 5th drawn number*, to.—*. Tliat tu*ket having on it the 5th, 6th and mterm, to | That ticket having on it the Cth, 7th ami 1 8th drawn numbers, to That ticket havinr on it the 8th. 9th and l"th drawn numbers, to rut ticket hating on it the 9th. 10th axid kltU drawn numbers,to That ticket having on it the 1st. 2d and 4th drawn numbers.to 65600 ftet ticket ha»vu^onit the 1st, fid and 5th drawn numbers to That ticket iia\in*o:tit the Ut,fid and 6tb draw u numbers, to II? oth t twKeta (Oeinv 207. with three of th v- urxtru numbers on), each ftame*; tickets haMTHr on them tlie 1st and 2«1 drawn numbers, each - ... Flu v* 66ticket>hau:i|ron them the 3d and 4th drawn numbers, each Vll other ti< keta tbeinr 4g44) with two of the draw u numbers on. each And all tb«*e tickets tbein^ 25,79») with one only of the drawn nwir.ters, each... CAPITAL PRIZE. )n >fc*nda\s Capital will be. JN.*. ..:.^7,(ri0 00 )n Tu -sda\ , and Fn la »-* Capital will be. 4^500 00 Jn Wedne«la.\s Capttaf Will* W ‘ ; 6JVsnX< )n i h-»rviays and Satunhiya 5wl>0C'UO further jairticulars send for schemes. 650 00 65000 650 00 656 00 660 00 650 00 650 00 650 00 650 00 217 60 217 60 SO 00 16 00 500 100 LESS BY A JOBBER WHSHIP' & CALLAWAY. C. J. GAMBLE. A. TV. GIBSON. ROB’T. A. NISBET, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Corner MULBERRY ST. and COTTON AYE. (Over Payne’s Drug Store), junel4d3m MACON. GA. LAW OAKJD. “JI/TESSRS. WOODWARD & TOOLE, of Do.dy -LfJL county, Ga., having funded a legal rop;irl- nerahip, reapeetfully offer their services to the public, and will practice in the counties of Wilcox, Dodge, Irwin, Worth, Macon, Sumter, and Hous ton. Special attention given also to cases in the Supreme and Federal Courts. At* ’ ~ Address. Vienna, Ga. jnlylS rl3m* HERBERT PIELDKR. I L. FIELDER. H. & I. L. FIELDER, Attorneys at Law, CI’TII ISE ItT, GEORGIA, W ILL give prompt attention to all business * * confided to them, in the counties of Ran dolph, Stewart, Quitman, Clay, Early, Calitouu and Terrell, the Supreme Court of Georgia, and the District and Circuit Courts of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia. septl7»tf one now*., w,.... .*.*»• *. .....*. —y ^ -.— —- — — --.. — — •■■■ — - — -- —, -- ,— — ... This Gin O.^ir hu an I BOX CENTRAL SrPPORT t,, pmvnnt s-ltlmK of jnn house. AX IRON' KING TOST AND IRON BAND WHEEL 8RAFT. Made only by J. S. SCHOFIELD & SON. NOTICE.—Having made arrangements with Messrs. SCHOFIELD & SON for the sole manufac ture of my PATENT GIN GEAR, with CENTRAL JRON SUPPORT, all others are warned not to MAKE. USE, or SELL the same, as I shall prosecute to the extent of the law all pcnmiN using or infringing on my patent. L. R FA UGHT. Philadelphia, May 24,1873.julld"m N A.,T X O 1ST A. L HOTEL (FORMERLY 8POTT8WOOD,) NEARLY OPPOSITE THE PASSENGER DEPOT. This House ha* been THOROUGHLY RENOVATED from basement to attic. BOAHD F3 Plill DAY. P. WHELAN, Prop. augltf GE E JL T Freight anfl -via- CHARLESTON, S. —fo ANI) FROM— Baltliore, Piittlia, if M ani. Bostoa! AND ALL THE NEW ENGLAND MANUFACTURING CITIES. 0.. GRIER HOUSE FORSYTU. GEORGIA. T G. GRIER, the proprietor, has rrxluotjd the *J • rates of board to $2 per day for the benefit of travelers and parties going to the Indian Spring. After the first of September the usual rates will be resumed. aus-Vodtf BARLOW HOUSE, AMEBICUS, GA., WILEY JONES & 00., Propr's. l business center. GAMBLE, BECK & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, lor iiirtr.cr r*rticulars send for schemes. No ticket which shall have drawn a pme of a aperior denomu-juion ran he entitled to ai. info- t ■i. r }»rtAe. True* payable forty ,40, days after i h< draw ing, and subject to the usual deduction ’ •f 15 per rent. * | AUp ria* of #2P and under will b: paid mme* I a--tcJy after the drawing. j GETTY SB URG KATA LYSINE WATER—Tiie Geeat Medi-] cine op Nature. Indorsed by the Highest .Medical Authorities. Restores 31uscularPow-j --•r to Paralytic, Youthful Vigor to the Aged, and Develops the Young at a Critical Period; Di solves Calculi and “Chalky" Deposits; Cun- Gout, Rheumatism, Dyspepaia, Xeurniiriaj Gravel, Diabeti>. Diseases of the Kidneys, Liv-\ ?r and Skin. Abdominal Dropsy, Chroni rha». Constipation. Asthma, Nerve Sleeplessness, General Debility, and nearly _. ;ry class of Chronic. Disease. Pamphlclscon- uminir History of the Sprint? and Testiaaonia2s| rom Medical Journals, Eminent Phvidriamj inc^dwtiruruisherl^ citizens, sent free InrHOOi HH HUfll fl “ * pento.227^ le by ail i . . ^ nueSeodXm THREE TIMES A WEEK FROM NEW YORK, TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS A HD SATUBDaYS. ELEGANT STATE-BOOM ACCOMMODATIONS—SEA VOYAGE 10 TO 12 HOURS SHORTER VLA CHARLESTON. THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD CO., And connecting Roads West, in alliance with the Fleet of Thirteen First-CLoss Steamships to the above Ports, inrite attention to th& Quick Time and Regular Dis]Mitch afforded to the business public in the Cotton States at the PORT OJB CHARLESTON, Offering facilities of Rail and Sea Transportation for Freight and Passengers not exceeded in excel lence and capacity at any other Port. The following splendid Ocean Steamers are regularly on 1,1 Line: ONLY MANUFACTORY In this country where Loom Reeds, Harnesses’ —AJTD— Patent Wire Heddles Are made under one rnanacerasnt. july24 6m Prizes casLtri at this office. HOWARD £ CO., wurV-tf Mtmam, 'Uama.Gr. PROVISION AND LIQUOR DEALERS. LAND FOR SALE. in Macon reunt; B. Troutman, ar Ur.:- I WadJel. , . , wl,4 abilitv, over la"’ out o: trouble, without l -eing lotu- v ■>: G,t»nria. He, son, the I latrA,-,! with e)>itheta told elutnfed fiT » I rer«T“fh \V*'i.b-i, for many year, | dollars for the performance. Ho thought j .... ; , , 1,1 t u-.o t proie«M>r,I,ip oi Aucimt ; lie woul,l jump down on the old man and j rirond iutd«r.~c. _. JaOjfuaf.',e,, a emir whi-'h. on ret rin,' i email him. but he looked *t the fork and I 1 ’ !1 u.,» if.ven to his «on. William Henry repented of the de«ipn. Then he drew j ' Wad,tel." I out a fiv« dollar bill and dropped it to au«l*fm t o it n\t.K. ■ lot Lb ram -vn. a dcialff tl • O' oiw doinn; MK'h • fur y..r t.*rras inul te-t apj-Lv . HENRY T. JORPtV. T. MARION BRYAN. Rjj-aoMa. Go. fAKUES A. Ia>»OX. All> V E. KA>90». *>AEIt S w. r,xxr. XOBTUT a. 2*0i7>. W. A. EAMSOM A GO., Manufactorerrand Jobbers of . BOOTS AND SHOES, 13« AND 140 GRAND6f- NEW YORK. K,_‘pr.-a.*ntcd by R. W. H^van, of Georria. FRENCH’S NEW HOTEL' «UR- onKTLANDTaad NEW CHURCH STS^ j U NEW YORK. Outh.* European plan. RICH- | ,:D P.FRENCH,ei ImcU-Kinel Ri.-hi.nl > t nduut lr-ncu* Hotel, ha* tak'-o this Hot-., . raly ntital up tni cutircO’ r j.ovaied the ram . | ltroiLv in the Irorin^m pert of tte .ijuli.VamiG ritlenu-n sDiuu* Rm>maa jua^tt If LOWEST MARKET PRICES GUARANTEED. ©1 THIRD STREET. Tiie pab-senger accom modations bn steam ers of this line are un surpassed for elegance and comfort. Cabin state rooms are all on upper deck, thus se curing good light and ANCHOR LINE STEAMERS, Sail from Pier 20, North River, New York, EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Ar 'Y&mm vc iuiLn KATES OF PASSAGE TO GLASGOW.LIVERPOOL.oeLOXDONDERRY Sat Stanwrm. Veil.Steamer*. Gold. Currem-y. Cabins S»«nd$es. t,aand{Ou. Cabin return tickets securing test ac- commoaations . v*30 Steerar . currency,^'. Certificates for pwnee from «ur MpartornU- way station in Great Britain, Ireland or the Con tinent, at X5TXS AS LOW AS BY A XT OTHER PItST-CI-ASSLIXE. For P*— *f E ^ £RSOX beotHERS. . Or to J Bowling Grecri. N. \. T. H. Hkxdersox, Agent, Macon, C»:». mayll Srn MANHATTAN- CHAMPION..— CHARLESTON JAMES ADGER GEORG LV SOUTH CACOLINA... CLYDE ASHLAND TO NEW YORK, M. S. Wooimuu, Commander. tt. W. Lockwood, CommainUr. T .... James Beery, Commander. .T. J. Lockwood. Commander. !’* JAMES ADGER A W, Agents, Charleston. 8. S. Crowkll, Commander. T. J. Beckett, Cummander. J- Kexxedy, Commander. 1x6 RAH A M. Commander. c °-} Apent*. Ctarb'ston.S. c. PHILADELPHIA, IRON STEAMSHIPS. Alsxaxdeb Huxtee, Commander. C. Hinckler, Commander. SAILING ^ P CO L'K.TENA Y. Agent. Charleston, S. C. TOTAL CAPACITY40,000BALES MONTHLY TO BALTIHOBR falcon VIRGINIA... SEA GULL.. ’,‘7* . ••“•••••• Dutton, Commander. SAILING^ DAYS—EVERY FIFTH DAY. PAUL C. TERN HOLM, Agent, Charleston, S. C. TO BOSTON. .Sail Every Saturday. JAMES ADGER * CO, Agents, Charleston, 8.C. ranee one-Ialf of one per cent. STEAMSHIPS MERCKDITA AND FLAG.. Bates ifuarantred as low a* those of Comp, lim? Lines. Mar THROUGH BILLS OF LADING AND THROUGH TICKETS *11 the principal Railroad Offices in Georsin. Alabama. Tennessee and mnv te secured in advance, without extra chanre,bya<.dressing Agents ui inc -i SOIwhose Sees, in all cns.*s the Railrc^dTicketsshould teex. uan« * l asM-med. The Throufrh Tickets by this Route include Transfer* Meal, and State Roo ghip board. THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD, GEORGIA RAILROAD Can be had State Rooms ships in Chariest And th< and Pai Carolim r connecting Lines have largely it enters tetween tte Northern Oitiv ^ Ranroada First-Cla-ss Sleeping Cai Freight promptly transfvmsl from steamer L) day and On the id South the ht tra v — >n made with other roo^ls, delivering freights »t j is.* The .Managers will use every exertion to satisfy thorj«truns tl mot te surwissed in Disi>atch and the Side Delivery cf Goode. r. " further information, apply to J. J;/^lPFlN. Wesrern Are-m.Attod.L^ V i.t , GRlPFIN. 'Vest I SELL. General Awnt, P. O. HoiOffice 317 Broadway, >. 1 and Ticket Agent, South Carolina Railroad, cr julj22 eoddm Superintendent Great Southern Ircight or. at. SELKIRK, :cr Line. Cuarlcston