Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, October 05, 1873, Image 2

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TJfti MAC02s DAILY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER: SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 5; iaSSSt . £elegraph<t>£j$esseuQer M'NplY .M'lKNIN'i. j • ].; DKCISIONS OF THE Supreme Court of Georgia. DELIVERED IX ATLANTA TCEHDAY, fiSPTSV- • HER 30, 1873. From tho Atlanta Ccr>*>tilutK«ri ^ F. W. flSlD£ A Co. vs. Jain.- and John Howull. Factor’* Lien, from Samtcr. M'^Cat, J.—The v«»n.h»rof af. r?ili/.;r i- piv»umi«l to warrmt that the article in niu* nablr fit for the purpose intcndod. NorD-iJ'-h fitm-itm* n- !u-iv»-ly by proof that the manufa.-tur.T-, whod-- hrnnd jj on the particular article ru,].], ,j< make an article containing fertilizing in- gre^ienDi. Whether the tiring sold be rea- *.»n.ihly fit f«>r pur]-m* the is .i-jn.-ti- fact, to be determined ox other facta, bv Competent evidence, the coin]»Oiiiticnof an article ln*inj* one faet 1-^arin^ upon th. question, but not the only one. If, when j>r»perly used, it ordinarily fail* to produce a good effect, it cannot be considered os rviwnaMy fit. even though it may b* shown tluit fertilizing ingredient* ar» used by the manufacturers. Hawkms, Guerry A Hollis for plaintiff in error. W. A. Hawkins for lefendant Tnirrr, J.—There was eiifficieat evi dence in thL-. case showing that the value *f the Lin 1 levied on w«u greater than the amount due on the execution, to au thorise the damages to b • irrt^r-d on said amount. Judgment affirmed. John It. iVomll, for plaintiff in error. Ly-»n \ Irvin. H.iwkh. H . • r- N. A. Smith, for dcfen lant in error. n, Administratrix vs. John Complaint from Haber- A. II. Lee, Sherin, vs. James W. Arm strong. Rule vh. Sheriff. From Macon. M‘*Cat, J.—1st- A rule nt. si. against a shfrirf is nut demurrable for uncertainty which birth at its head the name of the pUinttff and defendant of a fi fa. the amount'of the principal and interest at the dato of judgment, the court bo which the fi fa H returnable and which allr — S. A. Addis- Ghristy A Co. sham. 1 liii-pE, J.—An aoooont was contracted with a m* reliant on the 31st of January, 1 Suit was instituted on the account on the 19th March, 187a It did not ap pear in evidence on the trial that by con tract or custom dayjof payment was given when the goods were sold ; H. Id, That under the eighth section of the act of March 16, I860, entitled "Ad act in relation to the statute ©f^ limita tion* and for other purposes,” the right of action in this case is controlled and governed by the limitation laws as set forth in the Revised Code of Georgia, adopted by the new constitution of this State,” and said "limitation laws” re quiring suits to be brought within four years on accounts, the right of action was barred when this suit was instituted. Judgment reversed. C. H. Sutton, Hillycr A Bro., for plain error. J tiff in error. Gam tt M Milton it. I Sidney Dell, for ■ :• ■ r: William A. Black et aL vh. T. R. Sw&naon. Complaint from Sumter. Turn, J.—A note executed in Janua ry, 1865, and due in December of the same year was not on the 15th of June, 1871, barred by the statute of limitations, nor was the holder thereof prevented at »**• *» i » in ii umi.ii'K- lui't »»i in ii amv' I i.*u ”•*-» w*' r — that tlu- .ht-riff lia~ had the t fa long that time, bv the Act of March 16th, ugh to have made the money. I I860, from pickling the same a* a set- 2‘1. Two fi fas may be included in one I off loan action pending against him by to ni. si, against the sheriff, and if one | the maker. Judgiii* nt reversed. Allen Fort represeiited by N. A. Smith, for plaintiffs in error. Iiawkins, Gueny A Hollis, for defond- ont in error. The WANTED Low Middling Cotton, For which we will |«jr. cool price in anythin* tint we have in our uml Luee nrul well assorted stock oi DEUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, Etc. Hunt, Rankin & Lamar’s, ■w_ hxjf: wholesale dealer in **pS*tf Wholesale Dragcists, ^2 and 84 Cherry street Widow Clicquot’s Wine Cellars. A correspondent of the Herald, who writes from Rhcims, gives the following Armstrong and N. A. Smith for I description of a tote visit to these famous ^ J Here are provided with candles placed in iron candlesticks having hooks to hang upon the finger; and by their aid discover that the rumbling noiao is pro duced by a man rolling champagne bot tles with a dertcrious twist of the wrist I to make the wine deposit its crust on the | corkcs in order that it may be taken out of them not fully d‘-*icribed, a general demurror does not lie to the rule. This Court cannot oonsfcfer a question not made in the record In;fore it, anil th« fact that the Clerk of the Superior Court Iuu sent up with the transcript a portion of the record of another case doe* not mlike that case a part of the record of tliis case. W. A. Hawkins, for plaintiff in error. Jam _ defendant. | 'llari We enter first a low, gloomy cave, J. M. Rodger* v®. J. M. and F. Frank- ] with a strong smell of vinegar about it, lin. Complaint, from Sumter. J and pass on through cave after cave, dim- McCat, J.—Where a planter contracted | ly. lighted from above, and so into a long n debt with a factor for provisions to I room in total darkness, where there is a make a crop, and gave a lien on his crop | strange, rumbling noise going on. for the payment thereof and of any attor ney's fees for tho enforcement thereof, , and no action wo* taken to enforce the- lien, but only a suit for the debt, claim ing such fees as duo for such suit: Held* That the lien for attorney's fees j was not a good lien under tho act of 1866, author sing liens, to secure tho payment _ of money duo for provisions, etc., and j and the liquor cleared before it is sent to | that such fooa are not recoverable in a I market. Then we go into a long vault, suit at law for tho debt. I filled with empty casks, all ready to re- Judgiuent reversed. I ceive the prouuc© of this year’* vint- Hawkins and Guerry, PhiL Cook for J age. On groping our way through total plaintiff in error. I durkin-*-. auxsdst tuba (excellent strong B. P. Hollis and Allen Fort for do- I tub* they seem, as the candle-light flashes fondant*. ujion them) and the fell-pervading smell I of rinegar, grown mouldy, we go down a Hardeman A Sparks vs. R. D. Brown long flight of steps into another cave. It nnd D. E. Do Vaughan. Claim, from I is cold and damp. The walls are covered Macon. I with a glutinous slime, so acrid and pun- McCat, J.—Where a commission mer- I gent that the stain of it cannot l>e got chant and factor advanc^l money to a I out of cloth or linen any more than the planter to purchase supplies, tho planter I stain of drunkenness can be got out of agreeing, in writing, to deliver to the I character. It is a glittering slime, of n factor, nt his own house, in Macon, I beautiful brown color, not unlike a thin enough of the crop upon which the money I coating of treacle. Bottles in hundreds was thus advanced to pay for the said a<f- I and thousands shine upon either side of vnnOB, and tho planter, accordingly did I us, like living things, and men with can- deliver at the dejx>t of the Southwestern | die* fiit ;il"-i:t in tie- d.i: kn*---. M. \«:- itillroad at Montezuma, such cotton con* sigmnl t«» tho factor* at Macon, and after I such delivory tho cotton wa9 8i?izo»l to sat isfy a lien under the act of 1866, given to a third parson and prior to the factors’ L ... _ . advani'c, but not for«‘eloso<l until after I casks and bottles, and the same strong the delivery of the cotton at tho depot, I .^mell of vinegar everywhere. We slip so consigned to tho hictor: I and stumble through the thick grease of Held, That the delivory at tho depot J the wine fat which covers the ground of of tho cotton consigned to the factor, I the lower caves; und one, the email old was, for tho purposes of the lien, a deliv- I cave in which the widow Clicquot kept cry to the factor, and his special property I her wines, gives a good idea of a tyrant’s thereupon attached, even ngainst other dungeon in a melo-drama. On we go liens under tho act of 1866, given prior 1 again, through lanes and avenues of to the factors' ndvanco, if tho factor hail I casks and bottles, through roods and no notice of said liens prior to his ad- streets of them, with that thick slime, vnnee, ond there win no foreclosure of I smelling like glue and vinegar, clinging tho prior lien before tho delivery at the I to our feet. I wonder as I look, how dtpot* as doseribsd. [ much wit and thought, how much joy and If an issue bo made upon a lien fore-1 how much mischief may be held in one closed under tho steamboat lien law by I bottlo of champagne. There is no affidavit, or if there be a claim of the I meaning in magnums. The wine is not property, the papers are to be returned I better for being put into a larger bottle, and the issue tried in the county of the I and the qunltity of that contained in residence of tho defendant. pints is quite equal to that held in quarts. F. T. Snood* Poo A Hall, by brief, for | The sire of champagne bottles is uncer- pUintiffs in error. W. A. Hawkins, for defendant. __ coi&rnsMsispIvof wdl-Xmun ROOT8, HER BS FRUITS, ccmbisod with other I r< ;>• rv.-ie, wM.'h in tinlr nature ar- cathartic, Apsrisnt, Nutritious. I >i arc tic, Alterative and Antl-D-Lou*. The wholo i.3 Preserved in a auiB- c «r.t quautitv of p;ur.t from the SIG\R CAVE to keep them la say rlunate, which znakrs tho Mamwotli Male. NINETY-SIX CITY LOTS. TI3BM8 EA8Y. in? I r next, the fuJJow- MUTATION ITTEES one of tho most dsstrsfels Tonlo and Cs- thartii * ;a tho world. They arc lntendod strirtly as a net has several million !>ottIcs of cham pagne in stock, each bottle representing a five franc piece. The ground sounds hollow beneath our feet. There are other caves deeper than this with bottles. P one of 1 (hart >trirtly Temperance Bitters only to bo used as a medicine, and always ao> cording to diroc Ilona. They aro tho aheot-anehor of tho feeble and ^billtat-d. They act upon a dlwcaned liver, and _ ftimtlsf to such s degroo thet a healthy action is at onco brought about. Aa cremedy to whieh Women arc especially nabject it is super, •eding every oth< r tLmulaut. As a Spring and Summer Tonic they havonoequal. They are a m&l and gentlo Purpativo aa well as Tcmc. They purity tho b’ood. They aro a splendid Appetizer. Thcymako tho weak strong. They purity and lnvigorato. They euro Dysr pepsia. Constipation and Ileadaehc. They act as a spodfio in all spocles of disorders which undermine tho bodily strength and break d^wn the animal spirits. Der-ot. 53 Park Pkce, F-iw Tori, and 3. block —; lots 6,7 and 8. block 4S; lots i, 4 nnd 4i, block Li; lots 4.5,6 and 8, block 50; lot 6, block -id; lot 6. block GO-, lots 3.4.7 and 8. block 71; lots 1,2 nnd 3. block 74: lot 5. block 75; lots 1, 4.5 and 8, block 72; lot 1. block 68; lot S. block 30; lot 6, block 31; imrt of lot 5, square 73; lots 1.2.3, 4,5.6,7 and 8, block 56; lots 1,2, S. 4, 3. fi. 7 and S hkick 37; lots 1,2,3. 4. 5. 6. 7 and S. block 3$; lota 1,2.3,4.5,6.7 an<l 8, block 30; lots 1,2.3,5, fi. 7 and & block 40; lots I. 2,3.4.5, fi, 7 and 8, block 41; lots 1,2,3,4.5,6 and part of 7, block 42; lots 1,2,3,4. 7, 8 and part of 6, block 43; lot 6, block 68. TERMS OF SALE.—One-fourth cash, tho bal ance to be paid withirt fifteen months, monthly instalments. Notes to bo given on the grounds. Bond for titles given by the city. All lumber, brick and stono on the lots known as the ** Armory Property*’ will be reserved for the use of the city. Sale will commence at 10 o'clock a. au on Tat- nail •square, and continue from day to day until PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS CORN, BACON, FLOUK, BAGGING, TIBS STJG-A..R, COFFEE, all the lots arc sold. * L. IV. RASDAL, F. A. SHOXBJLAN. & BURKE. Committee. JUST ARRIVED. K ATHAIRON Only 50 Cents per Bottle. It pran.tr. tke GROWTH, PRESERVES Iko COLOR, nail increase* the Vigor and BEAUTY of the HAIR, Orrn ThibtT Years a no I.tck*s KATnaiaow you Tint Hair vu nr?t placed in tfeo n.Arket by IV>fe*M>r K. Thoin.u I^on. a rnaloAtaof Princetoa Collaso. The daico >a derived from tho Greek. ... fvod.ana Ivnty it has obtained, is unprecedented and inrred- 20 TIERCES NEW RICE (Very choice). “ Katubo,” rigniffing to elm | — n—re. Tho favor 11 has received, and tho popa- nty it h!isnhtAinf'd,i*nnprece«ientcd «n i inrr^ f- lUo. It iccrosses the <inowTH and hKAimr of tho Hair. It is a dehgbtfnl dressing. It eradicates Dandruff. It prevents the Hair from turning gray. It keeps the bead cool, and gives tho hair a nch.*aft. glossy appearance. It is tho aamx in Qr*ymx and Quautt as it was over a i,*carter of a Cen tury AOO. and is sold by all Dnig^iiU and Coun try Stores at «»uly Fifty Cents per iSoUle* Woman’s Glory is Her Hair. LYON’S 100 bona CREAM CHEESE. SO boxes NEW COD FISH, 300 boxes NEW HERRINGS. 200 kits NEW MACKEREL. 130 boxes LUCY HINTON TOBACCO. 100 cases WHITE ROCK POTASH. SEYMOUR, TINSLEY 4 CO. THE DR. WOODBKIDGE’S LOGAN FERTILIZER ROGERS A LEMAN, General Agents for the I above now justly celebrated Fertilizing Com- PAIN LINIMENT pound, would respectfully inform the public that they have a supply now ready for immediate Itain;~it varies considerably. There is no I CHRONic*RHEUMATISM, curing very severe sjHvial manual ure^of them and no g-rf I tow or custom regulating tncir CQP- | mnammnim ftp lasts It also cures Murder, | tents. They usually contain about three- si'ILUNS OF T11E JOINTS in twelve hours fourths of a litre. Each bottlo should be | GUM-BOILS. NERVOUS HEADACHES, Lot' Smith va. Tho State, from Webstar. McCay, J.—Tho killing of l>cing, even in tho heat of murder, if tho slayer have no jum,»v . u« m*u u«K» — -— —i tose wa* cuml in Brunswick, relieving for his anger, or if after tho provocation. I dries and the gas escapes. The corks [ $ n 0 f ew mimiUa. the pain in the head and neck, and boforo the killing, there be sufficient used for Clicquot champagne aro es- and the rigidity of theumsck*iof the ncck.rZTT time for poodon to cool iin.l rcuaon to re- pecially good, however, and fully suffice ^^S^SSSSnlmSt sumo its sway. to retain the essence and perfume ot tne ^ HAhL. Maron.and B. F. ULM ER. Saian- Judgment affirmed. I w<do. The metallic covering or wax put | nah, who have it lojr wle.^ Addrasarfento W. A. Hawkins, G. H. Pickett and 1L I over them afterwards is merely used for J. McCloskoy, for nluintiff in error. ornament. A strong iron wire is tho only C. F. Criup, Solicitor Gener.il, C. T. I thing necessary to keep the cork in place. Goode, roprosontod by Phil. Cook, for do- M. Vernet only employs alx>ut 200 work- fend&nt. men in doing the immense trade of Mme. Clicquot. Bat he sells very little wine Charles W. Ban va. Samuel D. Irwin, 1 in France and none at aU to private per* administrator. Motion to enter judg-1 sons. The firm has no accredited agent ment mine pro tune, from Sumter. I even in Paris, none in London^ or St. Tkii'MC, J.—1. A judge of the Superior Petersburg, but there is one in New Court cannot open court and receive a York. It is curious to seo bow clumsily | delivery. It b just the article needed for 'Wheat and Turnips. It b no longer an experiment. In no one in stance has it tolled to give satisfaction. Price 815 General Agents, Hollingsworth Block, Maeon. G». LARD, MFiAT., BULK MEATS SALT, SYRUP, Etc. 'Comer Cherry and Third streets, Under Ralston Hall. MjACOZST, GEORGIA. COMMISSION HOUSE AT LEAHY, S. W. RAILROAD, CALHOUN, COUNTY, GA. T HE undersigned has erected a Store House at Loan’. Ga„ on the extension cf the South- >i( _ t JP iirrr ^ , tT ^ nv UWI1 western Railroad to Blakely,and takes thb raeth- nt buene, day or evening. Wanted l)d °? amounting to tlie public that lie is prepared by all. Suitable to either oly or counter, aiiil any tSf-KSSSELS WAGES to 85o a week, by all. Suitat senmn of the year. Thb b a rare opportunity for mvmmu*. *m *uf.. . ,««» «n«»uniiv .or i cvw J r deacrfptian, which will be sold n£ wholesale th. v; who arc out at worts, and out of monty to MT.ua — dircctirt. to tfc» bM»MtMnfawx 8trirt m«i.t an independent living. No capital be' 1 Btmtkm ^ ,r * ""fi ««♦•«- jury on tho Sabbath verdict so rendered is Tvrilietfl from thi day; and such a illegivl and a nullity. Z. Where a verdict has been so ren ders! and entered by the jury, through mistake, on the wrong writ, on the hear ing of a motion at a subsequent term of the court to transfer the verdict to the proper declaration and to enter judgment fiinu* pro tune, ami it appears from the verdict* ortby the admissi«m of the party. and with what an apparent amount of needless* labor champagne is corked. The thing is done in the old way by means of an iron vice and a wooden mallet.— The lost thing done to champagne is to take out tho dregs of it, which col lect at the neck of the bottle, in the shape and sixe of a large walnut. Then the flavoring syrup is added. It seems to be all done by the r vie of the thumb. A man took a ladle and a funnel and.he | ijuiml. Our pamphlet, “HOW TO ] ; LIVING," ghang full instructions, vriit on receipt I of 10 cents. Address A BURTON A CO-Morris- nnix We*tchc*ter county. N. Y. D. W. IVEY. that it was rendered on the SuhKtth day, J put ns much’ os he liked to every bottle, just before it was corked up for market. Champagne will keep for thirty years, unices you drink it; but it is none the bettor for keeping. It may be drunk in perfection at three years old. Its flavor depends upon the vintage, and not upon time. A new bottle of champagne looks a spiders’ web floating about in water. It it is proper for tho court to consider that question if mode in answer to the motion. Judgment reversed. C. T. Goods, for plaintiffs in error. W. A. Hawkins for defendants error. SEWING MACHINE, on SO days’trial; mauy advantages over all. Satisfaction guaranteed, or ‘i refunded. Sent complete, with full directions, rkwith Sewing Machine Co* 862 Broadway, invention. It retains the Rupture at a and under the hardest excvreive or severest strain, j It is worn with comfort, and if kept on night and day.effects a p-nnwient cure in a few wtt'ks. Sold cheap.and sent by mail when requested. Circulars l ! tree, when ordered by letter sent to the Elastic I Truss Co. No. 6S3 Bread way, N. Y. city. Nobody I uses Metal Spring Trasses: too painful; they slip 1 off too frequently. msy23oodAeowly 1 HOWARD fdoUlSK. BROAD STREET, Nearly opposite Montgomery and Eufaula Rail road Depot. EUFAULA, ALABAMA. J. W. HOWARD, - - PltOPRIETORE. Only a short walk to and from the South wed $300,000 ! GIN YOUK COTTON. “ t- n-ibl,. stuff tx> k.vp. and about fif- Mills ^ Xrfmd for Solo Cheap. of the wine kept tnM. >o- F Charles West alLu> uowis Johns vs. the Stato. Anon, from Sumter. TiurPE, J.—According to tho decision in Johnson vs. tlio State, rendered at the January tersr, 1873, where the indictment is for arson, in burning an occupied dwelling house, other than in a city, town, or village, and ’ verdict of guilty, with a recommendation to tho mercy of the Court, such a verdict »» uncertain and illegal, and should U- . ___ . *ot iwiilo. A Tcrdl. t in mioli cosca, when.' rc-port. louder than thow of pUtolo. wui t'I{ RXCll*S YEtV HOTEL almost as dangerous. WhflB a chant- I ? I ~" I Missouri State Lottery JERK HOLLIS, on Houston rcasl, throe nulo tram ton. wpU7tuwtf tsx-n per cent. net’, .took bre _ _ chainpa^nebottL'Sfirias'ifromwjmeflaw in I circular S.„ them. Now behind every diffieulty lark. I Crcek. with water lower equal to an invention. The man who first makes {gwe P»w. »«?**« in Houston, c he jury reader a I a champagne bottle that will not burst I n J[j^ will also make a large fortune. As we J For further particulars address the subscriber walked through M. Tenet's cellars bot-1 **■ Fort Valjky. Ga. IX H. HOUSER, ties were bursting on all sides of us with hundred and sixty acres of Land, with a first ~ and Grint MiU, on Mossy j one hundred . —county, within three miles of No. S Station, Southwestern Hail- rep!6 eodfm ...ch case onvsotad* should be | ie tx»n i all c* the defendant a general verdict of guilty* or guilty with pagne bottle bursts in a workman’s hand CHURCH STSg recommendation that ho In? confined in j —as it very often doea—it froijuently de- I .\RD H.FRENCH.soruf the bt^ofitS’lUclumi prices him of his eyesight. It is a hax- I French, of French'* UoteL has taken this Hotel, ardous thing to shake a champagne I newly fitted up and entirely renovated the same. Urttlo. or evon to tooch it. .nd r-dont £^Ja5Z^i&ES£SZlZ people have their corks drawn by the | junemf waiter. Clicquot sells no magnums of champagne, only pint and quart bottles; x but there is a rose-eolorod champagne of C. F. Crisp, Solicitor General* repre- this brand, quite as good as the white, seated by Phil Cx»k, for defendant in much prettier and very little known in * life. The jury may, t capital oases cxoepfc for murder, re- tvmuicnd the commutation, whether the conviction is or is Uk»t founded wholly on cireumstont iol tostiuionv. Juilgment reversed. VV. A. Hawkins, for plaintiff in error. the market. It is merely stained with old Bouxy wine in the proportion of one part to twenty. There is no still cham pagne of the Clicquot brand. When the wine of a particular vintage proves un usually good it is kept to mix with the wine grown the following year, to keep up an average quality. The best cham pagne remains about six months in the wood before bottling. It takes two fuH hours by the clock to visit Widow Clic quot’s wine cellars, and one comes out of them half stifled. It is a templeof Bacchus where he is worshipped in darkness .and the salutes perpetually firing in his honor from those bursting bottles are more distribute the money I costly than the broadsides of line-of-battle Rufus King vs. Robert Parker, J. W. Walker and K. C. Greer, Executors. Mo tion to distribute* money, from Webstar. T*i»*pe. J.—On the hearing of a bill filed in a claim case, a consent decree was taken that tin* land levied on should be soid by the sheriff, and that the attorney for plaintiff in execution should pay out of the piVHVOil* of the sale the cost and a certain amount to tho attorneys of claimant*. Other property of the defendant in ex ecution wa» subsoquentlyyold under other judgments against hi On a mot COUGHS, so it n T1I1IOAT.INFLU- ENZA. WHOOP ING COUGH, Cuer, BtoNcxirr- i\ Astrxa, sul every Meeting vl tho TXMIT. LCSC3 and CttTST. its spsrffly sad per- maarattr esred t r the Caer f I>r. ITiA tax’s Baliav or Wixn CnixxT, wbirii does not dry oj» s rough sad tears the c&cm behind, bot loosens it. ekessn the lesp aad Csti tmuLoa. iLus re&oriag thecaoxae of the CONSUMPTION’ CAN’ BE CURED by a Mkiewt to this staadsnl remedy, aa U Lcxnllzfd by State Authority and Drawn in Public at Hi. Louis. Grand Single Number Scheme I 80,000 NUMHEH8. CLASS K TO BE DRAWN OCT”R 31. 1STS. 5,880 PRIZES, AM0UNTIN8 TO $300,000. 1 prirc Cf- S-'AOOO seco priiesof. $1 1 prize of 13.430 3 prize, oi 101 I prize cf. 1WW 3 prize, of. aw 1 prize ot 7,300 9 prizes of. 3 4 prizes of 3.000 » prize, of. s la’ ' 4AW 36 prize.of S L®00 3fi pria'sot.^^. 1 500 ISO prizes or...... 1 250 5,000 prices of. $10. Half Tickets S5. Quarters JO. Our lotteries are chartered bv tne State, are «-•- wavs drawn at the lime named, ami all drawings are umler the supervision of sworn commissioner*. The otfioal drawim: will l»e published in the St. kooi* papers, and a copy of drawing sent to pur chasers of tickets. We will draw a similar scheme the last day of every month during tbo year 1S7S. , Remit at our risk by Fostctlice, Money Orders. Registered L*.-tter, Draft or Express. Send foe a ■circular. Address. „ „ MURRAY, MILLER k 00.. Dnrtoffice Box 244fi. St. Louia. Mo ISO prizes of... SO prizes of.., i40Jinxes of..I Tuk.lHf Try* Qfrutn* is sicned **/. Butla" on the w rap;* r, SETlt W. FOWLS A SONS, Fsonurrata, lios- wx. Mass. SoU by dcakrs generally. arising from the last sale, the first men tioned judgment being the oldest unvl net bi*ing fully paid by the side of the bind, it was competent for the defendant in ex ecution and plaintiffs in the previous judgments U> prove by parol that the consent decree and sole under it were to be a satisfa«'tu>n of the older judgment. Judgment offinni*d. Hawkins, Guerry A Hollis, for plaintiff in error. W. A. Hawkins, T. H. Pickett, for de fendant* in error. Joseph Mice v*. State. Gaming, from Sumtar. j Tail’FK, J.—The plea of autrefois eon- inet to on indictment for a inisdemenor, in the Superior Court, may be sustained by ©roof of such former oonriction Ix-fure an Inferior Court having jurisdiction of the offense, unless it appear that such ;ui indictment was found prior to the pro*c- cution in the Inferior Court, and that the defendant had been arrested under it. Judgment reversed. C. T. Goode, for plaintiff in error. C. F. Crisp, Sobcitor General, repre sented by Phil. Cook, for defendant in error. Hons Kitchens et ai \ Claim from Suuiter. . K. H. Uut-hius. ship>. There is also another sort of champagne wine cellar, which is con structed out of some ancient chalk-pit- which were accidentally discovered near Rheim not long ago. The best of them belong to Widow Pom mcry, a vigorous- mindc*d old lady, who has built herself a queer looking castle on a hill, withont a tree near it. A llight of one hundred and twenty broad stone lciuis down to these chsik pits* where l,500,u00 bottles of champagne ire stacked away. They yem like the caverns of mighty genii, who dwell midst darkness and weird rev els. Here the bottles, like tipsy peoph moke most row at night, and a regular feu iUjvie is heard from them during the miihI] hours. Large a* is the quantity of champagne kept in stock, not m< 25,000,0u0 bottles are exported yearly, and certainly not enough true Clicquot is M ild to provide for the consumption of Russia alone. HARRISON, BRADFORD & CO’S STEEL PENS. Special sttcnlk n called to the well known numbers 4 505—75—28—20 and 22. Factory, Jit. Vernon: Office 75, John »t.. New York. xziiSsa ELDER HOUSE Indian Spring, Ga. T HIS ell kn own boiw is now ojen to those te Sj*ri; < for Jt.-r.iih or pkasure. ■ I.. - ti.rin :i ... r public hocu, aryl i> spasionif and romlMtil-1-'. 11. A;:.r in*: the laarket trho resort W ARK EX JL. USSOJL AJLROy P. RJLXSOM. nasirs w. geer. robebt n. boyd. W. A. RAMSOM & CO., Manufacturers and Jobbers of BOOTS AND SHOES 1SS AND 140 GRAND ST. NEW YORK. Represented by R* W. Hocan, of Gtorsia. ortSOdly ATTENTION SPORTSMEN! N. Y. STATE SPORTSMEN’S ASSOCIATION. EXXKXCTS FKOM ** KEPOKT OP C04USITTEE OX STayDJLED FOE SHOT.” A LL rnanuLw-rurers will have eventual! v to con form, when sportann require that their shot >:iall canton uixh tlie standaJd U ex«dleiice upon which your cprnmittoo lia» Hit-d. Upon the critical examinatkm.your mitbe have dete—*—* — —*— - - CAN SlANDAKIi ’ _ Mcasra. Th*j». Otis Le R. >; tthui noi to adupi a* the*" AVEKJ- POMtldjo Gnls, Every attention : W. a. ELDER a Tux First National Bank and the Washington City S.ivings Bonk, now in liiiuidatiuu ; Jay Cooke A Co., Kant, \\ ashington A Co., are the Washington bonks which have susjKndod since the beginning of the financial panic. Mus. Chaki.es Sums eh lias taken her maiden name. Skipping two husltand*, she now herself Alice MaooU. Taxes—Seeoud Notice. r pilK County Conm.UMon.Ti li«o notiliul I A ti.ul ti»y an 111 lu.il ut in an.i I u.ni)«IIeJ toa*i. ihc i.opk' to ...me up urtlnr delay and j*> their Male and . t Co- New York. It- NEtl ELL. Chairman. N. M. SMITH. F. G. SKINNER. Si- rt-n.«-r: a!id deal* r> de«irou> of harinir th.- alxjve sCaLa, or any iiiltwinstien relative thneto, j roamtly ohtsn tbs same by applying to THUS. OT is LE ROY a CO, New York. WHOLESALE CLOTHING STOKE in order to meet the wanta of our growing city, wc have gone largely into the WHOLESALE CLOTHING BUSINESS. Fo aro now opening a Largo Stoct, Bought From the Manufacturers, Expressly for the Wholesale Trade. A. H. COLQUITT. JAS. BAGGS. U.'ff.cdtqV COLQUITT & BAGGS, Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants. 64 Bay St., Savannah, Ga. A GENTS for Georgia for “Ruth’s Chall. Superphosphate,” Planter^’ Ammoniated Su perphosphate,” Johns k Berwr’s Excehior Supe phosphate. sep21 lm PHELPS, DOEEMUS & CORBETT, (Late Phelps A Doreraus.) MAyCPACTrKKRS AXD HKALEKS IX PARLOR, CHAMBER AND OFFICE FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, SPRING BEDS, ETC., !o4 and 2ixi Canal SL, Near Broadway, New York. VOL T. PC*REMITS. D. L. ROBERTS. F. A. GARDEN. DWIGHT L. ROBERTS & CO.. FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savannah, Ga. Liberal advances made on Produce in hand. We have a irood stock of Barring and Ties on hand, which we offer at low rates. sep!2 fim WJL U. STARE. U. P. RICHMOND. WM. H. STARK & CO., WHOLESALE BROCERS, COMMISSION MER CHANTS AND COTTON FACTORS, SAVANNAH, GA. Careful attention given to sales or shipment of Cotton and all kinds of Produce. Liberal advances made on conshmment-S Agents for the sale of E. Frank Coes Bone Superphosphate, Magnolia Light Draft Cotton Gins, Princeton Factory Yams and Arrow Ties.sep!2 3m S. H. CO HEX, JR. JOS. HULL COHEN & HULL, Cotton Factors and General Com* mission Merchants, 66 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. Refer respectfully to J. W. Lathrop & Co, N A. Hardee’s Son k Co. Tison A Gordon, H. Mnyei k Co.. Milo Hatch, V. P. Savannah Bank and Trust Co.seplg 6m J. N. LIGHTFOOT, Cotton Factor and Commission Merchant, 106 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. L. M. WARFIELD. ROUT. WAYNE. WARFIELD & WAYNE, Cotton Brokers and Commission Merchants, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. TER their sendees to planters andsliip'jxTs _ of <011011, etc., and solicit a share of their bus- ness. Cash advances made on consignments at lowest rates of interest. All business entrusted to our care, will receive prompt attention. “Fu tures” bought and sold in the Savannah and New Y’ork Cotton Exchange on tho most reasonable* terms.sepl2 fim W. DUNCAN. J. H. JOJTXSTOX. 31. MACLEAN. DUNCAN, JOHNSTON CO., Cotton Factors and General Com mission Merchants, 02 Hay Street, Savannah, Ga. anel fim B. C. FLANNAGAN. W. W. FLANNAGAN. A. P. ABELL. B. S. MORGAN. FLANNAGAN, ABELL & CO., Cotton Factors and General Com mission Merchants, 185 BAY STREET. SAVANNAH. GA. M ANAGING Agents for the Emrlish Stonewall Fertilizer, etc. Bagging and Ties furnished, and liberal cash advances made on consignments for sale in Savannah, or on shipments to our cor- resjiondents in Northern, Eastern or Enrojiean markets. aud fira A. M.SLOAN. ARTHUR N.SOLLEE. G.V.WYLLY.JR A. M. SLOAN CO., Cotton Factors and General Com mission Merchants, Clagliom & Cunningham’s Range, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. T>AGGING and Ties advanced on crops. Liberal D cash advances made on consignments for sale in Savannah, or on shipments to reliable corres- xjndcnts in Liverpool, New York, Philadelphia, Boston or Baltimore. aud » J. A. DUGAN. J. D. STILZ. DUGAN & STILZ, DEALERS IN Com, Oats, Wheat and Hay, EXCLUSIVELY. No. 20 Second street, between Main nnd Rive*. LOUISVILLE, KY. AMPLE STORAGE. Will fill orders for Com from points in Illinois, parties making purchase accepting through Bill of Lading from shipping points.apr25 fim ECLIPSES ALL OTHERS The Great 1 Eclipse” Screw Cotton Press [PATENTED FEBRUARY SI. 1571.] MANUFACTURED SOLELY BY R. FINDLAY’S SONS FINDLAY IRON WORKS, MACON, GEORGIA. PASTER, MORE DURABLE, LIGHTER DRAPT AND CHEAPEB THAN OLD WOOD SCREW EVEN. PACKS THE BALE IN TWELVE ROUNDS. Two .to three Hands, or.one Light Mule, Packs a Bale in 2 Minutes Bales u Cotton packed by this Press range from 500 to 300 pounds. WE GUARANTEE TO MAKE GOOD, FREE OF COST <»n.l imy M1W»» J!9aH5*S\ i S! , L**V J’OUTION OF THE IRON WORK THAT MAV PRO\ K 1>KFKCT1\ K \t ITIIIN FOl It YEARS AFTER PURCHASE. AND WARRANT AGAINST BKKAKAUE • WITHOUT LIMIT AS TO TIME. Wc liavo TESTIMONIALS from many of tho largest and Best Planters in Georgia (and aU a, other Cotton Stab s) using this ITe.vi. wlmsc names arc as “familiar as mmsehohl wonls." Itim.-r, visiting yiacon arc earnestly atlvisod not to purchase a Cotton Ihi*ss until tis‘\ hXAAilAE CLOSELY AND THOROUGHLY the “ECLIPSE,” and JUDGE FOR THEMSELVES. Send (orlWi|.tiv,- Pamphlets containing testimonials ami prices. R. FINDLAY’S SONS, FINDLAY IRON WORKS. MACON. GA CRAIG PATENT HORSE POWER FOR DRIVING COTTON GINS. Recently Strengthened and Improved, now Perfect MANUFACTURED SOLELY;* R. Findlay’s Sons, Findlay Iron Works, (i MACON, GEORGIA. The superiority of this machine over all otliers intended for some puniose (including both theol.1 nnd “new fashion” Gin Gear) we GUARANTEE. OR ASK NO -MONEY. Tliis Power is stiipissl in piece, as it were; requires no mechanic to put it up; aids on the ground; is nttnchisl in no wsv IiV ,«irtkni of the Ikmisc: and is iude|s.|iilent of lloor "saindii'j," etc.; can lie us,si in ANY KlXli HOUSE (one or two store), or Is.tli th>- Po«.r and Gin can lie run on the ground WITIlol T ANY HOUSE; drives a Gin from 375 to SOU involutions per minute. FULLY WARRANTED IN EVERY RESPECT. Send for Descriptive Circular, Testimonials, and Price List. X. B.—Parties preferring tho “old fashion” Gin Gear or “new fashion” ditto, with centre su|*i*or , can bo accommodated at very reasonable figures. R. FINDLAY’S SONS, FINDLAY IRON WORKS. MACON. Ga WE WILL DUPLICATE ANY BILL BOUGHT IN NEW YORK, UN LESS BY A JOBBER WHSHIP & CALLAWAY. C. J. GAMBLE. A. W. GIBSON. JAM EH 11. DLOl'ST. ISAAC HARI'EMAX. JOITC I_ ITAlIPKMAA. BLOUNT, HARDEMAN & ILVRUEM.VN ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MAC OX, GA. Ofllec, Cheny street, over S. T. Walker’s. auglOtf E. W. & S. H. JEMISON, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Otlice 52 Second st.* 3Iacon, Georgia. TT71LL practice in the courts of Maron and art- v T jacent circuits, ond in the Supreme nnd •ral Courts of Georgia. Special attention given otters in Bankruptcy. ROB’T. A. NISBET, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Comer MULBERRY ST. and COTTON AVE. (Over Payne’s Drag Store), junel-fcBm 3f ACON, GA. IzAW CARD. ESSRS. WOODWARD k TOOLE, of Dooly county, Ga., having formed a legal copart nership, respectfully otter their services to the public, and •* 11 oractice in the counties of Wilcox, Dodge, Irw'n, Worth. Macon. Sumter, and Hous ton. Special at.ention given also to cases in the "upremeaiu. . ederal Courts. Address, Vienna, Ga.JulylS d3m* HERBERT FIELDER. IDUS L. FIELDER. MANUFACTURERS OF STEAM ENGINES, BOILES, SAW St GRIST MILLS, WATER WHEELS, AND ALD KINDS OF MACHINERY' AND CASTINGS, ETC, ETC. R. FINDLAY’S SOJT», jul27oodly FINDLAY IRON WORK*. MACON. GA. GEORGIA MILLS M 1 ; H. & L L. FIELDER, Attorneys at Law, CUTHHERT, GEORGIA, TT^ILL give prompt attention to all business * » confided to them, in the counties of Ran- GAMBLE, BECK & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, GRIER. HOUSE FORSYTH. GEORGIA. J G. GRIER, the proprietor, has reduced the • rates of board to §2 per day for the benefit of travelers and parties going to the Indian Spring. After the first of September the usual rates will lie resumed. aug3eodtf BARLOW HOUSE, AMERICUS, GA., WILEY JONES & CO., Propr's. cine of >attre. Indorsed by the Hurt Medical Authorities. Restores Muscular P< er to Paralytic, Youthful Vigor to the Aged, and Develops .he Young at a Critical Peried; Dis solves Calculi and “Chalky” Deposits; Cures Gout, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia Gravel, Diabetis, Diseases of the Kidneys, Liv- .•r and Skin, Abdominal Dropsy, Chronic Diar rhoea, Constipation, Asthma, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, General Debility, and nearly ev- •ry class of Chronic Disease. Pamphlets con- taming Histoiyof the Spring and Testimonial* from Medical Journals, Eminent Physician* ind distimruished citizens sent free by mail by WHITNEY BROS.. Gen’l Agents,227 South Front sU Philadelphia. For sale by all drug- rists. aug3eod3m Wc are still offering to tho Trade our celebrated brands of Flour WI LIE Y r S XXX X, PEARL DUST, AMBER AND CORAL. Wc challenge competition in the grades of Flour offerered. Our XXXX has no superior. These goods are manufairtun^l by us, and we claim but manufacturers’ prices* as. they are Iwndled l>«t WMr We do not, and never have charged DRAYAGK on our Flour. The attention of tho trade is respectfully called to our BRAN, possessing, as it docs, a larre l** r * oentage of middlings, and is very nutritious and palatable to stock. GRAHAM FLOUR, *always on hand. Remember, Flour is Our Specialty. BURR & FLANDERS, rcp-llf X.., t UI.AKF/S l!DH'K._ ATTENTION! MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS JBAiLKY’S -CELEBRATED- FETEBASDjGi PILLS A CERTAIN CURE FOR CHILLS AND FEVER. ami colored, who B ishop pierce to proof. Tlivuiiuiils ’ hy Hunt. Rankin X Lamar, of Macon i a K. —'i-iioi. Aujnuta. r.rui druggist* aud lv hi tiziiivia. Florida. Ala^ Louisiana and Swulh Carolina, chills prevail. E. B. LOYLKSS. V p* 5tav»2s*Au im iit-rtcrai AgtuL touw. Mi-m^pp,. Agent* waiiUal v*iu PROVISION AND LIOUOR DEALERS. ONLY MANUFACTORY In this country where Loom Reeds, Harnesses Patent Wire Heddles Are made under one management. JPPL 31 jn!y24 fim JOHNSON & SMITH LOWEST MARKET PRICES GUARANTEED. 61 THIRD STREET. ANCHOR LINE STEAMERS, Sail from Pier 20, North River, New York, EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. The passenger accom modations on steam ers of this line a surpassed forelbrance and comfort. Cabin state rooms are all on upper deck, thus se curing good light and ventilation. RATES OF PASSAGE TO GLASGOW. LIVE RPOOL, OB LONDON DERRY Sat. Steamers. Wed. Ste Gold. Cum _ Cabins $75 and §fi5. $75and $65. Cabin return tickets aecuriiur l>e»t ac- com modal ions $130 5*30 Steerage, currency, $30. Certificates for pahsaArn from any .>eaport or rail way station in Great Britain, Ireland or the Con tinent, at MATES AS LOW A3 UY ANYOTIIEK FJBST-CLSS3LINE. For imssage apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS, Or to 7 Bow ling G reeo. N. Y. T. H. If KXDKJttiUf, Agent, Macon, Ga. uayll Sui 1 XJKrPRECEDENTED ADVANTAGES TO MEECHANTS AND PLANTERS IN 500 rolls Domestic Bagging, 2 1-3 lbs to yd. 100 do “Elephant” Bagging, 2 1-4 lbs to yd. 50 hales Gunny Bagging, 2 1-8 lb to yd. 500 rolls Southern Bagging, 2 lb to yd. 10.000 lbs Arrow Ties. 25 bales Bagging Twine. -p-’-tf - — HOTEL ISTjATIOIST A.E (KOUMKK..Y gpoTTSWOOD.) KBJLRLY OPPOSITE THE PASSENGER DE This House luu, beeu THOROUGHLY RENOVATED from Wmeut to attic. ItOAltl) PER i> AY * P. WHELAN, Prop. aug Uf