Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, October 08, 1873, Image 4

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THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER: WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 8,1873. TJtK CITY «i:n\i'in\ muksino, Opening Up) To-morrow i« the irrnwl • the roxl7-awd*d<'i»uliM'nt A.HopoonAOo. Th.-vluv. 1,..!.,-' I. :..ly il which *iil be open for in.-]" Wed nr III, W ■ li-j-nt-h wn) ro-,'iro •nn :r.o that WJIlian READING ill LrscH NOTICES. XEW A 1 * V I.liTISI.MKX rS. jck er rry f M r- W. a krwrt.xk S.- HiiV onU Colton llrokrr. Mr. Jonathan Collin., on.- uf tV .,11 cotton m< n m M:u>>n. haa natabli.i..- cotton IroVeiap- hiutinOM, an.! L-1 v > ■ ~ tii .• thin in. msnjr that hia r.tfi i, n permanently locnt«,l truiior- No. It HoUincaaorfh L).»k, on 1‘opUr -tr. J{„ «m. W. A. Collin-., can 1-: foi there at nil linuw r.v-olT to n.-tt!«■ up 1 old boMi. -» of Jonath.'ii C' -Mir.- A S , »• P-ted, itol l.y Tirana. A. •t. S L»v . venin^. tn.U. Winle.'feom the • 1 that ]he wu inda of •y- t... .-•• » topi that the (fortora i. and that a change l.i take plane. Bnt all and the young man. iffhect reepect from his mates on the road, is Kr id of M.i Aid for Wrmphl, At the regular rno-ting. Council fo-M last night, a cr. three was appointoil U. ...li- tiona for tl era. Thi» citirene to jNHtple wil mitteo in Iluxke, W. .ximtmtt.-. will caU upon oar day. and it i. to be hoped our rj-wml liberally. The com. oompoeed of ileaoa. J. W. Haelahrmt and W. W. Camea. >rw Hook.. Judging from Hr*inn A Co.’a adrertie-* I which upp-ara thU morning, the | book -■ ' u ha- fairly opene-L They j enam-mt., a long Rat ot new Looka which I tlioyliav.- j nut received from the pub-I linhir., many of which are by the moet distinguished noreliata and poets ot th.- pr.u- nt L.y, Some of th. *e books Hoarded a. ev.-nla in literature. whole lie t .-.ally ii S-e th. i as attractive aa is .. Macon at one time, ent. Win.I rrl,). By reference to oor oilvertiaing col umn. it will bo aeen that Skiff A Gay lord's minstrels, aa old and popular troupe, will be in this city, and tfire a porforutuioe Saturday night. The tr-. ape Hm U * u in M;uon s. v. -,-hJ times since the war, and each time it has been above the average of each oompanids* They advertise this tiui«i new and novel at tractions, hoiuoLhinjj out of the usual minstrel manner, but none the less pleas ing on that account. The County Court. Judge Weems hod only one case before him yesterday morning, and that was against Tom Ifodo. a well-known eon* ooctor of cheap chain-lightning at ten oents a glass. Tom runs a dead full in connection with a Hotel 1/Africa in.* and they do say he sells as moan a decoction as the devil would have poured down the gussies of those whom ho wants to get bold of as qnickly as possible. But that is not Tom's wont fault. He whips his wife and for that offence he was brought before Judge Weems and fined twenty* five dollars and costs. I.immI New* Fur the Hungry. By reference to our advertising columns it will be *-vn that Captain JL Johnston has opened his fine restaurant, and is now prepared to feed all who may call on him with tho best the market affords. His table is well supplied, and rates reasona ble. Visitors to the Fair will find it to their interest to give him a call. With the Captain at the head, assisted by Lieu tenant Hicks, with polite and attentive servants, those who coll on him need have no fears of departing hungry or dissatis fied. Remember the place—in the alley Wtwecu the llrown House and National Hotel. Hon Levy. No tidings of the whereabout* of Don Levy have yet l**en ascertained. It is be lieved by some that be hna fled from the State, while others think he is concealed somewhere about tho city, and will prob ably give himself up at an earl** day and take his chances Ik*fore tho courts. A warrant is out for his anvst, and the offi cers have boon in search of him. We think it very probable that he has left. One of the witn«v -*cs at the coroner’s inquest xtnted that after Don Levy had shot Dukes, his mother handed him a roll of money and tobl him to leave. Hence we think the probability is that ho has gone at least out of tho reach of present danger of arrest The Went her. If then* was any doubt lingering in the minds of tho people that" the melan- cholly day* have come,” It was entirely dispersed nl-out three o'clock yesterday morning when half tho city awoke and called for more cover on tho Kd. It was not only cool at that hour, but it was cold, and thero would have boon unmistakable frost had not old Boreas had flu* in-turn on the right ♦lank of the Ice Sing. But, while we arc shivering with dread of tho high price of winter cJotheH and wood and oogl, it in **omo consolation to know that the same cold weather which imposes these penalties, also drives out the yellow fever and brings in hot buck wheat oak os . Public McliiHtls. On this side of the river, within the corporate limits, prov-^ion was made by the Board of Education for three hun- ditod white children. Tho places are all token, and more than one hundred appli cants for tho South Macon school wore refused for want of room. The popu larity of tho teachers at that school, to gether with tho fact that there are few, if any, pri -he informa tion that we can obtain thi, Mem, to be one of the moat cruel homicide, that it waa ever our duty to chronicle. Hay. is raprwated to have been an exceedingly quiet and gen tlemanly young ana one who attended tricly to h 1 ties, a.l- r and indus- t.-. >u., -n-i ».ia never knosrn to have an mi>l>asant w„r-l with any of his associ ates. Ha waa assaulted by Gray without the *kaAw of % pfOVOOStlOU. Jndcd, it is asserted that Gray did not know whom he was assaulting, nor did Hays know who was his assailant. After being struck. Hays did what he oould to defend himself. He wrenched . Gray’s pistol from his hand and struck him several blows with it, and would have punished him more severely had not he been pre vented l>y tho interference of bystanders, but the fatal blow bad already been given, of which he died on yesterday. Grit aeems to have nothing to plead, in palliation of his crime, but liquor, was intoxicated at the time, and of course, and the I **** »ot in hia right mind; bnt that does not abate the horror of the occurrence. The Marshal of Fort Valley is in the city and expects orders this morning | take Grsy down to that city for trial. | The parents of Hays have arrived from Opelika, and will probably take hia mains home with them for interment. at 1 day, at the “Ora Horen,” oct7-eoltf Third street. Mr-. E—Wkicli-aum most h:»v» had that Brussels carpeting given to him—he sells it so cheap. Mrs. L,—No, he bought them during the panic, and paid cash for them. Be sides, at the New York Store they always sell goods for leas profit than anywhere else. Mrs. II.—Well, I heard so before, hut never believed it. Mrs. E. told mo at the aodrty hut Friday she only paid 85 cents for ber ksamft/wl pmac colored each- mem at the New York Store, and I paid Messrs. $1 for my ugly dirt colored one. - It makes mo so mad to think about it. Til buy everything I want at the New York Store hereafter. octS tf XK\V ADYKItTISKMENTS. -T— Ocmulgee Building and Loan Notice in Bankruptcy. Association. rvEC.n \Birnr-ib n - I xTIHISVCim lv si Ti - >:-k. iiur-aisiS-.Mdafilalt »««e«i. MILO S. KUKhllAX. odd II Smvtarr »~J Trv.ni. The largest variety of silks, ratines, emchmere, velours and camels’ hair doth in the city at the New York Store. octS tf Si MU UK and double-buttoned kid gloves, in an colors (beautiful light party shades), just received at the New York Store. oct5 tf* The Park. Every few days now makes a great dif ference in the appearance of things at the Park. The army of workmen are piuhing ahead with all possible speed, to> gtt the building in readiness. A floor of two-inch plank is Icing Laid in Machinery Hall, which is all this building needed to put it in perfect re- I*" - ’ The frame ol^the new exhibition hal ls up, and the workmen are planking it in. The Superintendent, Mr. Norton, says he will have it finished by the 20th. The tinners are at work on the hippo drome—the carpenters having nearly fin ished, with the exception of Che judges’ stand. The erection of the old stand had been commenced, but we observe that it haa been taken down, as it was eonsid need too large. Before the construction of a new one ia commenced we suggest that it would bo a good idea to omit this sbtnd altogether, and amnge for the judges on one of the three platforms al ready constructed. These platforms give the judgea every means of observation, and, besides, the old stand, or a new one In the middle of tho ring, is more or loss nh obstruction to the view from every part of the hippodrome. We merely sug gest this as a practicable idea, suggested while looking at the ground yesterday afternoon. The idea may he a good one, or may be worth nothing; nevertheless, we give it, believing that it is worth be ing acted upon. Grrnt Knitrrn MenuKcrir'niul Cirrus. Among the multitudinous attractions to bo offered at the State Fair upon the grounds of Central City Park, ore tho unique and gigantic performances of this gqeat show. Since but hero we arc as sured its proportions have been aug mented to twice its former strength, and tlm press of the country is loud and liqarty in ita liberal praise of the Great Eastern. On account of engagements already consummated elsewhere tho stay of this grand entertainment ia limited to three days only—Wednesday, Thursday ami Friday, October 29, 30 and 31—the most important, perhaps, of tho fair, reliable exchange says of this grand a^air: This grandest of all modern canvas ex hibitions which have created such u Jurore throughout the North and South last sob, will be here soon. It is justly con ceded by all who have seen it to be the greatest of all traveling shows. Its number of cages is four times os runny os are usually seen in the ordinary menag erie, and its arenie attractions* arc thrice as great as is usually displayed in circus entertainments. That it is the mastodon of.the period all who have seen it confess. As a giant towers above his fellows, so it overtops and placea in tho shade all other exhibitions of this ago of its popular class. To enumerate the manifold attractions of this Goliah of shows would require more qiaeo than we can allow, hence we refer the reader to the small bills and mam moth ma«y-cok>rod posters adorning the wall around tho city. Crnnd Council I’nltrd Friends of Temperance. This body will meet at 9 o’clock, A. m., in t ho City Hall. Many delegates reached the city last night; among many others wo note Dr. E. M. Pendleton, of Athens Co). Porter, of Dawson; Dr. Kenan. Cob Crawford. Rev. A. J. Jarrell and M. R. u.ill. Milledgevill*; Col. Parks, of Talbot; Rev. W. R. Branham, John Orme, M. J. Gofer, Isaac McCrary, W. R. Griffith, W. E. H. Searcy. Dr. J. M. Whitaker, W. J. Duncan and S. E. Whitaker. Patrnnnffc that Pny That noble institution, the Public Li brary of Kentucky, has permanently taaluhed it* prosperity by the three gift ils in that section of j concerts it has already ^iven un ler its the cit v aooonnta for tho large number of ehirtor. It now Uxist. of a budding that . .. oret 1210,000, with a Library of over 50,- appmx ... . 100f volnn: --. and a magnificent rebinet. 1 he iiu.uUt »1-plying for adnus- on to fourth rift , vnoort for ita fur . the High School K-ing to largely in ex-j ther endowment will take place Deoem- oms of wluit wus expeotad. th, iwperia- ha*2d, and at this ,-on.',-rt J 1^00.000 • -n.lent will nwmmeal to the bcvird it distributed to Uw ticket holders. Mmlent will recommend to t... ux.r.i .n ^ ^ bdn ^ $230,000, and t.-.eir meeting S..tur,my t.u- .-.. "tion ox ^ ..fi.ngdown toprixre oF ^'s», which is nn assistant in that department. i I he smallest sum given. As there is a The la'wis school, for colons! children, prire to every fifth ticket, it is easy to tenl-iv but the intend .nee 1 —° that the patronage of this concert is ■was op,-: was not so larg. buil.lmg nceomi ctod. This (date, 450 pnpi Ills II. The Major’. r. tho Ms; his registei , had but t« jvitrocage that pays, thero being great chance* of great gains, and only small chan - of small losses. Hon. Thos. E. Hrsmlctte. late Governor of Kentucky, is toe man.-ig.ir. un i tickets and informa tion may be ol.tain.si by addressing him, at Public Library BuiKling, Louisville, name ing. The first was a case of disorderly oon- Falrbnnl,.* sralr du.-t. A g.-nt w.-nt down upon Rotten I Xcrt to their merit, the i-.. -t snbstan- Bow and. without regard forth* pewooaad tial endorsement of Fairbanks’ scales is order of that highly moral commu nii-e-i a smart rumpus bv nv of er OHSTtCl.KM TO JIAllRIAtiK. HAPPY BELIEF FOB YOU.VG MEX Insa the rfleeta of Ernes and Abuses in early life Manhood radond. Impediments to Marriace re- morwL Xew method of treatuent Xewsndre- lamrkahle remediea Books and rireulsrs sent fiea ia sealed envehifiea Addme HOWARD .tBSOCIATlOX. Xo. * South Xinth street. Flula- Financial and Commercial Cotton. The martlet today haa been Arm at th . "follow, inaquotations: Low middlinss 1S|c.i midiHinev ISr. There is an active inquiry lor the»-' vrailes; but very little demand lor anything below low middlimts. The receipts on Monday were S27 bole.: 2S1 by rail aud 71 by wagon; shipment* M7 bsles; ssle. an. To-day the receipts were the laravst of thews- an. beitir S!4 Imbw-SWI by rail and lXSIry wajmn. The shipmenta were SB bales: sales «S. MACOX COTTOX STATXMRXT. Stock on hand Sept. I. IW* 12* liecciveilon Monday....+ Received toslny •'-* Received prcruiuly A1U-A3R5 SAM Shipped on Monday - * Shipped today— * _ Shipped previously 2AB-S2I7 Stock on hand Ihueveninq Public Temperance Meeting To-night AT THK CITY II ALL. S W. PARKER. Dr. J. M.WhiUkcr.TV. . J. C«4rirsad athrrs will a<Ums the moeting. Thr ritianu art) cordially invited to attend. Heads Arill be prtatnntlr «ti-*ntled to sod delin-rod tree of .Imjsjr. I.cJv .i is all Unds of Funiijr Gnurrio. 1 trant toor trade. Give »• a call. • ort* 6t E. R. RICHARD**. A Card. TAR. W. W. FORD, Hutirt. tendm bit riincpn* thsuVs to t!t« ir ■ J fwopk of Macon and surrounding counClj. for tbo very ldsrral pstronw end many fsTurs which they neve from time to time best jwed npon him. He bees knee to inform the public that he hm» msorad hsoflln from Mulberry stroet to No. It* Cherry street, over tho ronf«ctkway of Major M. R. Rureru Haring taken the cnliro suite of rooms he Irt* not spaml expense in fittiryr and fnmLdiin* than in the moot rlnlsmte sod hand some manner. Ho moot roopectfuUy asks all his old friend* to cali and see him WASTED. A COMPETENT YOUNG MAN as EntS A Clerk, me who has experience in the dry suni* line preferrd. Apply in own handwriting, st'itirar when and where bat employed. [ J Addrm TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER OFFICE. ortH-tf Macnii.Ga.m| Fine Hules and Horses Al’E have just roreived direct from the Blue t f Grau of Kentneky, twelre of the finest Mule* ever ottered in thl* market. Parties want imr dray mules, or planters wamime pchr* a :nu!f u* fill out th*.*ir teams to exhibit at the fair. far the fiSn-firmaium. am be supplied at reanooa- ble pncps. We have also fire nice Saddle and Harncsii Horses, which we will sell low for cash. octM-r.t W. P. ANDERSON A CO. ‘Special Notice. oflks store . lar street, where my fri and will be pleased to i sailer of Cotton. My son. W. A. Collins, will always be on hand looking after the interest* of the late firm of Jonathan Collins & Son. and earnestly inrite those who owe them to come forward promptly and settle. JONATHAN COLLINS. ortH it* Cotton Broker. Macon. Ga. BOARD AND LODGING, WITH ROOM FURNISHED, LATEST MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH Financial. Xxw Yoxx—Xooa—Stork* dull. Odd 10|. Monry loaned on 1 -1* »nd interest, slid le int. r.-»t Kirhsner. lone 71: short X|. Coveraments dull and stendy. State bonds quirt. Ex-nine—Money rlo«d st l-lft?l rommiswon. Strrlinequirt st 71. Odd WiiSltR. fioveroments strndv. Stair bonds qnirt and issnitiul. Mnlnieht—sis 15b res 3; fits 10-. «5» 11; new UJ: <I7s 151: re* Id: new 5a 7b KMOs H. Trnneaaees ,4b nrw 74: Vireimss 55; ranaola 47; drfd »b Louisans. 40; new 40; levees <!s 52|; Ns 55; A tabs ms S. 70; 5s 70; Oeoms «a snd 7s no bids; Xorth Cudinss. new 18; snrctal tax 10; South Cudinss 28: new 10; Apnl snd October SA , New Oauujra—Gold 17^19 for<vrtifi«*lch«'ck*. Currency 4 per cent premium for certified checks. New York surht nothin* doiny. Sterling 17t5l» for bills of lulinr. Idoxpojf—Noon—Consol* 92|&9il. American sccnrities nominal. Krie411. I*atcr—Erie 481. Pakis—Noon—Rente* buoyant at HSI SSc. I*ater— Rentes 5ff HJic. pAUia— Evening—Rente* S6f 00c. Cotton. • NEwYoKK—Noon—Cotton firm; sales 142; up lands l»|s Orleans 19|. Futnn*opened as f«»lk»ws: Octoberl75; Novem- tier 17k. December 17 7-l«®174; Januaiy 17 9-14; March 181-lrt. Evcnlnif—<'-otton, net receipts 857: frroas 857; sales of "04 lailes at lKi<S l9|; dock lots offeivd i heaficr. market easier. Future* closed firm; sales flJVMV. October 1728- 171; Nayember 171; December 171; January 17 9-lft. BAi-TiwoaE—Cotton, net recei^its th m«** 288; exports coastwisa 115; Gnwt Britain —; sales 38; l*7rt; middlinff* IS; low middlihv* 17fc strict 40**1 onlinary PM: market quiet and firm. New f is lea sh—Cotton, n-t receipts .AS27: cross 8|MGk exports coastwise—; to Gnwt Britain —; sales 12Wh stock fiUMfc middlinas isj low iniddlimrs 17L« 17t; strict food ordinary 16l®17; market firm lwit lew active. • Wii,nni0T05—Cotton, net receipts i«; cx7*ort* const wise 7; st*>ck 103K; middling's Ml; market firm. ArorSTA Cotton, net receipts 500; «a)e£ 550; stock -; muldliiur* 1«1; market sPmly. Savasxaii—Cotton, net receipts 59S; sales 550; exTMirts coastwise —; stock 14£59; mid- dlina* Mb rummy 171; market firm. 31 obtut—Cotton, net rrcei|>ta48l; exports coast* wise 280; *alea 200; stock lAJW; middlimrs 17^17h low middlings l«l; strict good ordinary 13; market very firm. Bostos—Cotton, net receipt* —; xross 475; sales 275; stock 8000. mi ldlimrs 19; market quiet and firm. Chaklwiox—Cotton, net receipts 15K5; exports coastwise —; *al«*s 000; stock 9142; middnnvs 14M17; low middlings PU; strict pood ordinary Irt4; market firm. M Kuril is —Cotton, net receipts 485; shipments 155; stock 9S04; low mitldlinfcs lAf; market quiet and firm. Gal vest ox—Cotton, net receipts 407; exports coast wise 98; sales 5fh stock 10.790; rood ordinary 141; Texas ordinary 121; demand lirht. Norfolk—Cotton, net receipt* 982; « . sales 100; stock 4110; low midi 7h market firm. PniLAPKLFillA-Cotton.net receipts 154; icross rro**middlinr* 1*1; market firm. Liverpool—Noon—Cotton, sale* include 7220 American. Good onlinary deliverable in Janruary. S|; do. Nm\nub«r, same. Produco. New York—Noon—Fkmr rtnaly. Wheat quiet amt firm. Corn firm. Fork quiet and unehanpred. Lanl quiet; oM steam 8 9-pl^slt. Turiientine dull at 40. Riwin quiet at 2 85* 2 90 for strained. Fmrhts firm. • Eveninr—Flour quiet and unchanred. Whisky 1011. Wheat 1i*3e better for lower frmles; winter i><d Western 1 «1. Corn unchanaed; mixed and yellow Western 67. Rice quiet and firm. l*ork fttiudy; new 1712!. Laid weak; now Sl^k 181. Tallow ami Naval* quiet. LorisviLLK—Flour quiet and —IK hirher prices; 25*50 on arrivaL Corn firm; * helled and sacked «Sk?65 Provisions quiet. l’..rk stiwdy. Bacon, shoulders SJ; clear rib 9J; clear 9k. packed. Lard tiem) 9ftj kef Whisky quiet at 90. St Lori*—Flour quiet and unchanred. Corn in fair demand and firm; No. 2 mixtsl 481. Ports dull and unchammd at 15 (-X Bacofi quiet and steady; shoulder* 8l(?8j; clear rib ft*9}; dear side* i»l *,9i for jobltinar and order lot*. Lard un chained and quid at b\ tor winter kettle. Whisky firm at 96 currency. Wilmikotok—Spirits turpentine steady at 87. Ro*in quiet; with nc sales reported; Crude pentine. no ■Uea. Tar quiet at 2 50. Cixcisxati—Floor quiet at < 9007 «l. Com * roi wtons quiet and unrt prs 81; clear Bacon in fair iobhinf rib 81; dear sides 9i. Whisky in good demand at 9ft*‘91 currmcy. NkwOukass—Flour, stock small: pond local mumd; ckuble extra 6 25*6 90; tn-bb extra 7 00 S 25 choicr 9 50(29 75 Corn quiet at 71; mixed L White Oats dull at 55 . Bran, no sales. Ha; [uiet at 2S* 24. prime. Pork ddll; mess 17 « by salted meat* dull. Bacon dull: shoulpers 91; C R sides in-.CS shl«w 10|. Hams 14* 15 Lard dull; tierce k*v lol. Su«ar and Mo- lasses, no neraaml. Whisky dull; Louisiana ftt; Cincinnati 1 05 Coffee quiet and firm at ff<?221; txrd 2?I *221; prime 22V.* 22f. Corn meal 18 20. x Liverpool—Noon—BrvadstuflsdaU. Red win* ter wheat 18gl2|. Eveninr—Yam* and fabrics firm, with an up* ward tendency. Marino 3Tows. New Tore—Arrived. M«>n» Castle. Havana; Charleston. Java. Arrived out. Republic. Abys* •fids. City Montreal. Europa*. Savs.vjiah—Arrived. Hindoo. Lena Bird. rivwd out. Pathfinder. The British ship Marl- 'Mirourfa. blown on Tv bee Island, will probably take the lion*.” • of th, izi^r hiici.df. He buixdi Monday sight, where In* l.’ri ten dollar bill »-*• collateral aemritr f« lii-i ap}H8aranv'«‘ when wanted. PaiHng t apptMtr ,»t th/ h.mr namixl in hi* •ubjvA'n.i tbf forft'it was turned into the city tree* ury. So much towmnl l»uihiin^ a j-nbli •choolhouac. N,-l Davis wjis Nv'kcl as ‘HtAulcr. It st'cms that Ned t*t«] from nnothcr negro, near Smarr on th.* Maoon and Western rail *tart<”l toward The ew horse also »tuxtod t.-*vi4i'd M:uvn, and. oomini; by rail rcaobvl here in advance Of Ned. and told tho public that Ned wa.- ooimnff with li Ftolen horse. 1 eaterdav Luornin^ Ned and the horse were boDi picked up .aid taken to tho tnuracks. where the thief sr.v to l»o held until hi i\>uld K> return.sl t<» the county in which, the theft was eoiumitte.1. Ti e horse in volved in this «*»A»e resemMed a , irefully prepared anatomical specimen, and if we had been the own*-r of such an animal, and Ned Davis hart oome ulon^ »nrt stolen him. and a poboc offiocr hu.1 Neil Davis for the theft, we should immedi ately have brought suit for danw^ffi against that officer, and prosecuted it to the bitter end. I their BH aa the st m Ian! w«.i^ht in cases tri^i he fors court'. Besides their aocn- I mey, their Adaptation to the standards of j all nations makes them the universal scale, and they are as staple an article of export as flour or sewing machines. The F.sirl U. rk S: .1 ’..urt-ury. Y:.. arqamon^ the most interesting’ of all the ■■■adhctoiiot ia .the country, fioty thousand ae.dea, fr\%m the most sensitive l a lunce for druggist* to the gigantic rail- way scale, are sent out annually to do ffiar part ia the oo«mri.<| a|Ml em city and town on the globe.—F. M, 5cpf. 16,1873. Tiik most l r-happy perm in the world ia the W. A. HOPSON & CO. Will have their P dfcl INC D A Y * FOE — Ladies’ Dresses and Suits And all articles in that line, oo THURSDAY! The Dili Instant. SPECIAL NOTICE! reference. THOSE oca «r AT LAST OSTRICHES CAUGHT THE FEATHER, dusters TRI’JIAX ,V «KHEX’S. $60 Reward. Howard’* District, the follow me six persona, to wit; ANDERSON JOHNSON-beiyht 5 feet 9 or 10 inches, and weighing about 150 pounds; with a tiunch of hair and mole on left cheek, and very black in color. TOM JOHNSON—height 5 feet 9 or 10 inches, and also weighing 150 jgxuMls, and of ginger-cake color. BILL HARDISON—height6 feet; weight 165 pounds, and about 22 year* old—very erect in BpIxCER HANCOCK—Ivivht 5 feet 9 or 10 inches; weight 155 or 10U pounds, and left eye-lid very much swollen. SOL SMITH— height 5feet 8 or9 inches, weigh’ ing 140 pound*, and 21 or 22 years old. having a dull ana sleepy countenance. GEORGE WASHINGTON—betaht s fret in inches, and weighs about 150 pounds; about 21 or 22 year* old. and with fore linger missing from left hand. The above reward will be paid for the delivery <* three six renp.il reuvirts or TEX DOLLARS for either one of them to W. C. CORDELL. ort8 2t Contractor. Xew Books! Xew Books! T HE following New Books have just been re ceived by Me**™. Brown A Co- 46 Second street: SON OF THE ORGAN GRINDER.by Scwurtz. PAIR OF BLUE EYES, by Hardy. HESTER MORLEY’S PROMISE, by Hesba Strvtton. GI1*SEA”S WARNING, by Eliaa A. Dupuy. EDMUND DAWN, by Rxvcnswood. A SIMPLETON, by Cha*. Reaile. MISS OR MRS.. by*Wilkie Coffins, ARTICLE 47. by Belot. STRANGERS AND PILGRIMS, by Braddon. MIRIAM MONFORT, by Author of House hold of Bouverie. PHILIP EARNSCLIFF.by Mrs. Edwards. CACHET, by Mr*. Hamilton. GUY KARLCOURTS WIFE, by May Ague* Flemming. . CHECKMATE, by J« L. Le Fariu. HER MAJESTY, THE QUE£N, by J. Estin Cooke. WORK, hr Mis* Alrott THE MARRIED BELLE, by/ulieSmith. THE OLD COUNTESS, by Stephens. AFTERMATH, by Lonefellow. LOYAL UNTO DEATH, etc., etc. Orders by mail promptly attended to. BROWN A CO- Booksellers, nets tf Macon. Ga. RALSTON HALL! ONE NIGHT ONLY! SATURDAY, OCT. I1TH- RIUAHEAD! The HouiehuU Ward, the AVor’d Famous. IRIS AND BRASS BAND, The most stupendous organ in tion traveling, on their return from Havana. Culia. We travel in lands where similar bonds dare not follow us. Engagement Extraordinary of the eiirhth won der of the world. JAPANESE TOMMY, the smallest comedian on the stage; height thirty 1 —V*; age thirty-six. new era in Minstrel company only; Six End 1_ era. Three TambourinUis; all playing upon ends of the first part at tl»e same tune. Don’t fail to witneas features that you have Anxjf-iox—Parquette, $100; Gallery.50 cents, ftut of the proceeds to be den ted to the Shreveport sufferers. JOE GAYLORD, oct8-4t Bum ties* Manager. sTh'Kl n i Nsy. introduced by this Men. Three Bone-Play- oo the HIS i notice that on the 4th day of - D. 1878. a warrant in Ilank- J issued acaiust the estate tf William C.'Wat on. of Knoxville, county of Crawford, rod State of Gcunria. who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition, and that the pay ment of any debts, and delivery of any property belonging to mid Bankrupt, to him. or for his use. I and the tranaf-r of any property by him. are for- hidden by law; that a m*tinx of tjie creditor* of the said Bankrupt, to prove th«*ir debt*, and to ehoow* o will of his estate w be held aka Court of Bankruptcy, to he holden Macon. Ga- at the rwfiee ot Robert A. Nisbet. Rsqre before Aknn lRfi. Murray. Esq^ Lw- ter. on the 23d day ^October. A. D, 1873, at 10 o’clock, x. M. W. H. SMYTH. ort8 It U. S. Marshal, as MiNenrrr. In sirs of sale, in the town of Monticello. on tho first Tuesday in November next, the following de scribed property, to-wit; The undivided interest in (600) six hundred acres <d faro), more or Itm. sf the heirs of B. JL Holland, situated in the county of Jasper, known as the Jons* H< (land lands, a-ljoinin^r land of Hiram Brooks. E. H. Jordan and others, to satisfy a fi fa issued from Jasper Sujrrior Court. October terra, 1867. in favor of J. W. Holland vs M^W.and E. A. Holland, administrator and administratrix of James H. Holland, deceased. Property pointed out l»y J. W. Holland. , Also, at the same time and i<ls<v*. IPu acresof land, more or less. Lm ied on as the property of Jonas IL Holland, deceased, adjoining the lands of Hiram Brooks. E. II. Jordan and others, to sat isfy a fi fa issued from Jasper Superior Court. Oc tober term 1870. in favor of Hiram Brooks vs E. A- Holland, administratrix, and Wm.W. Holland, administrator. Wm. S. Minter, transferee. Prop erty pointed out by Wm. S. M inter. oct8 tds M. B. KEY. I). Sh’ff. Musical Instruction. M R. G. A. GNOSSPKLIUS will resume his .lessons MONDAY. October 6. Thorough instruction given on the Piano and Organ, also in Singing. Harmony, etc. Re*iil«*nce on High street, second door above Spring, opposite Sirs. Cha*. Coffins*. ortS sun. thuraJtsan* For Rent. good kihdien, garden, orchard and well of water, in suburbs the city, ronvenient to Mer cer University. Possession given immediately. a l.. ... r* uniiriv W. A. JOHAN & GO w: W. CARXES, MRS. A. S. WOODRUFF turned from New York wi st novelties in FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY Which will be reudy for inspection Wednesday and Thursday OLIVER F. EVANS Builder mid Contractor 31 .ICON, GA. Orders for BRICKLAYING & PLASTERING SPECIAL NOTICE Farmers and Grangers WARD’S FERTILIZER . Manufactured expressly for CORN. COTTON. WHEAT, OATS, RYE, BARLEY. POTATOES, GRASSES and CLOVER. t quality. Its reputation is without limit at the North, where it is universally known and largely used by the farmers in that section for GRASSES AND GRAIN Of all kinds, and wlticli accounts for tbeir supe rior success in heavy productions. This fertilizer is thoroughly analyzed, and its properties known to lie pure and genuine. All enters carefully filled, which should state what production is desired, this being “SPECIAL MANUFACTURES.” Outside of cash, will ex change for COTTON of any grade at its highest market value. With my arrangements. 1 can be amnly supplied with any amount. All orders will bo addressed to J. F. CRUTCHFIELD, KEEP IN MIND rpiIAT wo still have in store an abundant sup ply of SEED RYE and BARLEY, fresh ami warranted sound. Orders will have prompt at tention. E. PRICE A SONS. octSeod 1m Taxes—Second Xotice. 1HE County Commissioners have notified me _L that they are in need of money, and I am therefore compelled to ask the people to come up without further delay and pay.their State and County Taxes. Persons, white and colored, who owe poll and rood taxes only, must pny up to save cost, as I am required by law to issue executions and garnishee their employers. W. T. NELSON, pin tf Tax Collector Bibb County. STONEWALL r ne its '"out ' - r:- and -v -rvV.lv «’Jw. 1 ix n 1 urn n to him br tokina Peruvian This can an he clr • • *ta,-% •; \standing Ken cured hyiL Ta prattic^t o:!i«v.- in M.won are at th.: N, » York Storv. o:to if The Cmncr e'en Kt> .-H- ta * Eun k* U>cr M • vlUta t . rvn treattit uf Li-rlW. Dy S- rem * i. Uem.i- tcLiv. ,.f di^wacs arising ftom a d.M.nlcrvd cut oi the stomach and trier. _ iKirSuiy Opening at Fall anil Winter Style- FRENCH BONNETS, And all the new novelties ot the ■wnrnn. on Wednesday and Thursday October Sth and ttth. • v. \ •...%■ \ GrarfGrt icatia^ £‘yer Known! FOUETH GRAXD GIFT CONCERT FOB Tire MXEFIT OF TBS PUBLIC LIBRARY of KENTUCKY 2,000 Cash Gifts *1,500,000 250,000^FOR $50 inPuhlir Library Hall, at Louisvill *. Ky. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 8. 1878. Only sixty thousand tickets win be sold. Tho rket* are divided into ten coupons or parts. At this concert, which will fo?th>» grandest mu- nl dwoUy ever witnessed in this country, the preiedcnted snra of ©1,500,000 LIST OF GIFTS: . ONE GRAND CASH GIFT - - S7'. Orton ONE GRAND CASH GIFT - - - lOO.IHtO ONE GRAND CASH GIFT - - 5«) OU(l ONE GRAND CASH GlIY - - - SS.ouo ONE GRAND CASH GIFT • - 10CASH GIFTS$1M00each - loo.nott »CASH GIFTS 5000 each - a»CA>iiGU'T> !.'«•»each - 50.000 8* CASH GIFTS 809 each • 41,000 199 CASH GIFTS 400 each - 46,000 150 CASH GIFTS SNcvh - 45.HOH 2BOCASH GIFTS :.**wrh - 50.000 8C5 CASH GIFTS 190 each - 32568 1L00O CASH GIFTS 9omth - 550.000 TOTAL, litt* GIFTS. ALL CASH, aokmntinrto - - - si.500 000 The distribution will he positive, whether all the ticket* are sold or not. and the* linoo gifts all paid in proportion to the tickets sold. PRICES OF TICKETS: -r» 1 mmrmtT _ . Whole tickets 889; Halves IBS; Tenths, or each PATTEBN HATS, J 227 WTbo4e Ticket* for ^19.900. No discount ’on less than $&*) worth of Tickets at a time. Ticket* now ready for sale, and all orders ac companied by the aaer promptly Ailed. Ubeml tenxs given to throe who may toy fegUaST Hi-*' j:. bramlktte. Act. Puh. I.ibr. Ky- • r-« '1 -.r ...* rGift Con.\ rt. Public Library B . I •. >v ' . X . Cape. T.L. MASSES BURG. ArahMacoaTGa. ortSdlaw4t For Rent. FERTILIZE R For sale by TURPIN & OGDEN, SOLE AGENTS, MACOX, GA. A FULL LINE DEESS SILKS, SILK POPLINS, SILK PONGEE, CAMEL’S HAIR CLOTH, DIAGONALS, LUSTRES, POLL DE CHEVRES, , REPPo, SATTEENS, BOMBAZINES, HENRIETTA, TA3IISE, BIARRITZ. And CBEPE CLOTHS, BRILLIANTINE and JET ALPACCAS, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods IN THIS MAKKET. Our friends will perceive from the above, as partial exhibit of our dress goods st«a‘k, that we are prepared, panic or no panic, to supply their wants in every particular with the newest and mbst stylish goods to be had. ami a call only, will satisfy them we are using our advantages in pur- cha>ing for their benefit. • Panels delivered in the dty FREE. Samples mailed to any address on application. Call on octo tf W. A. JUHAN & CO. MACON—3 DAYS l •Central city park Fair Grounds! General Insurance Agent, j Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Oct. 29, 30, 31.1. office no. sschebbt «t. 1 Three Grand Performances Daily, at 10 o’clock A. M,, and 2 and 7 o’clock P. M. A Towering Giant Among Its Follows! The Great 12 Centre-Pole Tent ami §100,0001 *■“«"»“ ““™ I Of Ctdumbus, G.u - - Assets $50e, Ci2^.LaL«E3?r»uJa’!E SHOI/yr l UNDERWRITERS' AGENCY, NEW YORK, Represents the following first-class Companies HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Organized Hlh ... Ams t* A-* —,, : s mm timSL WKm' yreRPligRyBt. MRS. A. BULKLEY ~p|~AS returned from the North, and is DAILY OPENING An unusually large and splendid assortment of MILLINERY, FANCY GOODS, FURS, WILLOWWARE, TOYS, NOTIONS, ETC. And respectfully solicits a continuance at tlw veiy lilK-nil jMitronaw bestowed upon her foi many years post, and which ulus most gratefully appreciates, octS 8t GROCERIES! general assortment op Well Selected Groceries! AT PANIC PRICES ! And will be sokl below the usual market prices. Give me a call before buying. J. F. BARFIELD, 0ct5tf TO REXT. one eight OLIVER. DOUGLAS A CO. r WO TENEMENT HOUSES, room House for rent. Apply to jnly25 tf Booms For Kent, QVER office of Southern Express Company. Terms moderate. Apply to T. H. HENDERSON. aep12 tf At Express Office. DENTISTRY. D R. EMERSON has returned to 3Iaron,and will resume the practice of Dentistry at once, at his Dental Rooms, 81‘JIulberry street, appl tf DWFJLIlING TO RENT. WANTED. CIGAR MAKERS. Apply to sepSOtf GREAT EASTERN Musuem, Aviary, Circus, Roman Hippodrome And Egyptian Caravan. Its augmentation the past winter makes it four times larger than last year, and then it wa* con fessed the Monarch Mastodon of the roacl. Over a milli«m dollars liave been expended to make this the most stupendous and greatest World Exposi- tk»u ever attempted; and air immense Twelve Ccntre-l*ole Pavilion, covering over four acres of ground, and meaMxring 1»>sWK) yards of canvas i^ required to exhibit its thirty-cne dens of living Wild Be:i>ts, brcntliing Sea .Monsters, Pluma^cd itinis. Flesh-eating Reptiles, aud the colossal DUAL CIECUS EXHIBITION To transport this Goliah of Shows 100 «vrs, rt passeng quisition, aud the services of over 2,000 men uui horses dented enterprise. Making it a Grand Combination More Than Equal to 12 Shows in One! e br.iusrht into of this uupre Prrtj PLANTERS' INSURANCE COMPANY. Of Memphis. Term. - - Assets insurance Company of north America, Organized 1794 ... Av^tx PbHcfos written on Da •Hines. Stores st«<rk«, f Morrhandise, COitou.Or other imun^bL- ju at fair ratefc. My sleeping room adjoins my office, and I •, cover Cotton or otiier property ut any hour of tl day or night. vr.vr. v\u\>;.v NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON AND EDiXl CAPITAL—BOLD SIC,GOO,030 LOWEST RATES! I. C. PHOT A SOX. As- W. A. HOPSON & CO A RK Xow rmi.ly to uiivt ifomui.ta U tfo tnlo. Tl.oir ST:><’!■: IN ALL TIIK liL- FARTMKNT8 is tnH.liut* i:i Staple and Fancy 3GOODS! Vito attentii Itxof A Grand Triple Menagerie. In 4 separate Tents, combi noil with the Ck.llossal Museum. Avmry of Tropical Bird:-, and caravan of ’ Elephants, Camels, Dromedaries, Elks, Buffaloes, etc., etc. GRAND DOODLE CIECUS PERFORMANCE In the Largest Hippodrome Tent in the World Every Act Double, in Two Rings at tlic Same Hour Under One Grand Pavilion ! .A. DOUBLE G-Dt-A-ZtSTID ENTREE! 2 STUDS OF RING HORSES. DUAL CORPS OF EQUESTRIENNES, MALE RIDERS, ACROBATS, ' GYMNASTS, CLOWNS, ETC,, ETC, Greatest Achievement in Arenie Annals Ever Witnessed! EVERT DAY AT 9 O’CLOCK. A. JL. AX UNPARALLELED PAGEANT AND PEOCESSION OYER TWO MILES LONG! With emerald, crimson and wild dens, three bmss and reed Bands, <nuid Stcnm Piano, the music of which can be heard four miles, and a full Martial Band, ns in the days of ’76; twenty bcuut ful women, and one hundred horsemen pud pages, mounted, and followed by the Cavalcade with their flags. 1 sinner* and paraphernalia, mounted Gods anil Goddesses, in original costumes, with LIVING TIGERS, LIONS. PANTHERS AND JAGUARS LOOSE IN THE STREETS. Before each Exhibition a GRAND BALLOON ASCENSION will lie given by a distinguished aeronaut, who will make n journey beyond the clouds. All the nrilrouds running into the iity have been arranged with to bring people at greutlv resluceil fare. AdinisHlitn, 75 t ents, children I’nder IO Years. 50 C’cnts. Doors open at 10 x. m. and 7 r. w. Performance coinmenceaan hour :tfterwurri. , Tuesday, October 28. W. W. DURAND. General Agent. GREA FOR RENT. A FOUR-ROOM DWELLING HOUSE, with garden spot. House in good condition. Situated on corner of Cherry and Fifth streets. Possession given October 1st. Apply to _ 8. R. JA^UES. sepgUeoillv At Jagues A . For Rent. T HE residence of the late J. R. Butts, or street, occupied at present by J. L. Saui bury, eligibly located ana convenient to busii Possession given Ottober lst^ Ap^dy to seplOtf Or CAPT. A. G. BI7TTS. MRS. S. AUDOUIX ELEGANT MILLINERY —AND- FANCTT GOODS Which will be ready for inspection WEDNES DAY, October 8th. Her friends and customers are invited to call..* oct4-lw COAL send in their orders before the 10th instant, a* after that time we will charse winter rates. octstf BUTTS A ROSS. XOTICE. T HE partnership existing between Ward A Nelson is this day dissolved by mutual con sent G. P. Nelson will settle all claims, and re ceive all money due the firm. P. H. WARD. G. P. NELSON. In retiring. I ask for Mr. Nelson from all my old customers and tbeir friends, a liberal patron age. such as they have extended to me. STORE TO RENT. A LARGE STORE, rood dry cellar, good bus iness stand. Apply to « OLIVER. DOUGLASS A Co. WANTED. QXE A Xo. I MOULDER u once, at SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS. FOR REXT. A FIVE nan, Dvellinr. with threeacresrrnand , “tactfd. on TmfcrUl Squire, near re-iOenc Mr. K. Price, a: 025 per month. Apply to _ , J. SEYMOUR RODGERS, tf At Seymouw Tinsley A Co.’a MXCOK ASD ArGCsTA R iileoad Co,> Augusta, Ga.. September 27.1878.’ j THE annual meeting of tbe stockholders of this . J. A. S. MILLIGAN. Secretary. SOAP FOE EVERYBODY O UR fall and winter stock of SOAPS is now complete in the following varieties : FINE SOAP. LUBIX’S, ROGER A GALLETT’S, COC- DRAY’S, GOSXELL’S, YARDLEY’S, LOWS CASHMERE BOUQUET. CHEAP SOAP. ENGLISH HOXEY AX'D GLYCERINE. PARK COMPANY’S TOILET, CONTINENTAL. COLGATE’S BARS. COLGATE’S FRUITS. ortA tf RANKIN. MASSEXBURG A CO. DENNISON’S PATENT SHIPPING TAGS Over Two Hundred Millions have been used within tbe past ten years, without complaint of loss by Tag be- ’coming detached. They are more re liable for marking Cotton Bales than any Tag in use. AH Express Companies use them. Sold by Printers and Stationer* everywhere. oct4 8m HENRY SCHMIDT, FASHIONABLE BARBER. Huff’s New Building, Down Stain, WOULD be pleased to hare a call from his old i T customers and the public generally. FOR RENT OR LEASE ! "\TY property in Hichoiy Grove, Crawford 111 county, consisting of a Store-house. Black smith shop and Dw elling, with all necessary out buildings. One of the best country stands in Middle Georgia. • All of which is in excellent re pair. If desired, a good farm adjoining; consisting of SCO acres can be rented on good terms. For terms apply to MRS.M. E.DANIELLY, . Knoxville, Ga. Or J. P. BLASENGAME. sep£9d2wAw8t Macon, Ga. NEW TOBK ETOS.E 1 by th^ rush of customers to procure the goods bought LAST WEEK DURING THE PANIC. OUR BUYER BEING IN NEW YORK During the great excitement, ho secured many bargains, which were offered to Casli Purchasers. Having surplus capital always on hand, we nn* able to bike advantage of all good barguius n,, d now offer them to the people of Middle aud Southwestern Georgia. Our stock of Slaols. 011R.S Is the largest and cheapest in Georgia. Black Alpaccas, Mohairs and Brilliantines! We have the best qualities in all grades 20 per cent, less than any retail house in the State. M 0 U R N I NG~G~0 DBS! BLACK MERINOES, BOMBAZINES. BEARITZ, TAMISE, HENRIETTA CLOTHS And New Styles Mourning Goods, at Panic Prices I D JES B S U ’^0 OBS COLORED SILKS, in all the new Shade.*. IRISH POULINS, in all Fasliionable Colors. CACHMERES at 85 centi, worth $1. SATINES at 85 cent*, worth $1. CAMEL’S HAIR GOODS, in Beantiful Colors. JAPANESE SILKS at 45 cents, worth 75 cents and $1. POPLINS, SERGES AND LOWER PRICED GOODS, IN ALL COLORS, AT PANIC PRICES! LADIES* CLOTHS in all colors. WATERPROOF, in different colors and qualities. FLANNELS—RED, WHITE and OPERA, at REDUCED PRICES. HOSIERY, DAMASKS. LINENS. SHEETINGS, BLANKET*. TOWi’I A FLANNELS. JEANS. CASS1M KHKS. SILKS, DRESS GOODS, etc., otc„ Due notice will lx? given of their G EIV I1VG DAY, White Lead and 2inc! PAINT BRUSHES AND COLORS. A FINE ASSORTMENT of the above article* at cost. SODA WATER! My partrons are respertully informtxl that my .HO DA FOUNTAIN is still in operation. Yo alwa get your STREET CAR TICKETS! 4 for 25 Ceuta ! At the Drug Store of ROLAND Ji. HALL. Corner Chi r •i.l Co Bar mul Restaurant. OPEN ALL NIGHT. J. VALENTINO, H AVING refitted lii&entitv premises, is now jin-fared to furnish his f«'i.*nds and p:.tn i.-» with everything pcrUunirigto n lirst-clnss rvst:.u- rant, win. h will Iks M-rved in the very best style, lie will always liuve on h:ind FRESH FISH, OYSTERS, GAME, ETC. Strangere visiting Mwon should give him a rail. 1 will open on the 1st of October, at No. 66 Cheery st re A. next d< or to my present res tau rani, a Ladies’ Eating Saloon. JOH.Y VAJUEXTIXO. THE NEW FEATURE Photog’raphy! — AT — PUGH’S GALLEHY. the freckles, skin, blotcho:. imiierfections incident to the lihnrpnoss of the camera ohsrora i*re, remove*I. I have s.-riind the services of a competent retoucher, mid feel ussured that his work will recommend itself, sep-jo-til jar I 4. \. PTOH IN OUR HOUSE-FURNISHING DEPARTMENT ! W E HAVE MAESAILLES QUILTS. BLANKETS. TABLE DAMASK. TOWELS, NAPKINS, SHEETING, AND PILLOW CASES, AT PAXIC PRICES! Special. Notice. I DESIRE to sell the stork, fixtures and rood ill of my store. Tim stock is the very in-st, it is in prime order, and only needs the addition of a few new goods to make it first-class. The fixtures are modern and ns good as n»-w Tho "good will” embraces the patronage of nrariy every citizen of HAcOn. and great numliers of the people of the surrounding counties. Any one desiring to enter a btuhiesn wliich is genteel and can l« easily lonfvoted, and which upon a very small Investment will yield an income ot three thousand dollars, can make easy terms with me. Satisfactory reasons will be given for my willingness to relinquish the business, and :ny senioes will !m given tomy snrressor until he lins mastered the business. Apply inunodiatcly to sert!4tf TFTOS. U. CONNER. 1ST otions. COSSETS, HANDKERCHIEFS, SASH AND NECK RIBBONS, EUCHING, EXTEA SIZED,BUITONS, AND ALL NOVELTIES NEW YORE PRICES! SPECIALTY.” AT Jl, WORTH $1 50; AT $1 25, WOBTH $2. AT ALD GLOVES —“OUR FOR RENT. rpWO DWELLING HOUSES, ehziblv located. X Apply to R. p. LAWTON, At Kxt*ha:.irc Bank, or to Dr. A. P. COLLINS. At Coffins’A ILwih’ For Sale or Rent. M T HOUSE AND LOT n Mn-ul • .6Frrtif.,r^orM.t.,n!i. ->V. For Rent. to tV Court i ••: Iran: < t CnWeitn, tor j H-'HE FLINT HOUSE, containinr twenty-Hro «*s' v t<> •**.» O’lonnaf tc n. of A rooms. w:th garden and outlxxildinsa. One Jsmes IfeNeioe, late of fonret to i»«-nd yom a j* Lutory to-day. ; Gf ® raV \ J.vsi'BR OOUNTY.—Tra -n wh Hi: Whereas. Bcny T. Di; - prru. V •:! ' It f !4 .1 : ' • f s: ; i. •• C. i .. i: .... , I I °f the be*t stnads for a boardiug-buuse in tbe city. 1 Ai'.Ivto G. B. ROBERTS or MILO S. FREE3IAN. aaaftf S50 GOLD MEDAL! X- J. fJCILVARTIX. JOH3T FLAXXEBT. L. J. rHTTT.MARTIN & CO., COTTON FACTORS —SJTD— General Commission Merchants, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. A GENTS for Bradley’s Super-Phosphate of Lime. Jewell’s 3Iills Yarns and Domestics, etc. Bagging. Rope and Iron Ties always on hand. Usual facilities extended to customers, augl dwAswfim 50 Pieces Warranted ENGLISH BRUSSELS CARPETING! To bo closed out immediately at PANIC PEICES. Remember We Sell as We Advertise ! S. WAXELBAUM A BBO., tstf 45, 47 Mid 49 Second st., and 22, 24 and 26 Cotton avenue. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of MACON TBAXSACIS.4 fflUAl BANKING BUMVESS. HIBECTORS: I. C. PLANT. D. FLANDERS, H. L. JEWETT, W. B. DINS MORE H. B. PLANT. D. S. LITTLE. G. H. HAZLEHURST. I. C. PLANT, President. W. W. Vbioiev, Ca*h1?r. malO-tilnovl- E. B. POTTEB, M. D. HOMCEOPATHIST Hr 5 . U i Li .-Tin ill k!t and n-iialnc Iirxn ha it’ n»-i vrd m Urrt h*f. at I*. ll(od'» Kuroks Li»«*r .M«-4i..^nc. »t h*i th**pn»i*> <4 all a ho hate truxl it. In Udlt.s si 5i» cent snd 5UV. XOTICE ITTEhnT. this day v .d cur * > u> W J. l^wt«.n. and f--s ScpicUiivr 18ih. Is73. snd e-s^ak f„| lawfoN a i r : V;V . _ lober. 1> ilt.Nui r. SMI. H. Ordiiury. r\)R in.* tto.t o r pulI :.-h -.1 in t: i'Mrtob-’ tak'n a- of J. 11. iia ,!ry Weekly Ne spaper ■ i Georgia. T>r«^ ud rwitiing inattcr j be (Otisidcred by th-- sure omaittM to be ui. W. A Hemphill arwi .W previous Reside! i Lanier House. Miiyis tf DOOLY HOUfciE. Bt j. w. bond, Montezuma, - Ceorjrfa. Twenty steps in front of ’Railroad. 52 per day. acpiS SlU Three Hundred I GUARANTEED! WE luiwjurt received two«rk*H ,« , « , a F ” S-<> VES, ,n : bin- r, "Great Benefactor,” "Sunny South,” “Cc::cn Plant,” "Stewart,” If.tWfire Cookinr Stoves; also, a fine assortment of HEATING STOVES. The largest aiid lSS^ aSStm^ntu?*ENAMELED GRATES ever brought to this market. Also, fh>ra the Bar- low Knife to the finest POCKET CUTLERY! And from the cheapest to the bed IVORY HANDLE TABLE CUTLERY I. 0. PLANT & SON, Bankers and Brokers, MACON, GA. Buy and Sell Exchange. Gold. Silver, Stocks and Bonds. Deposits Received, On VI liicli Interest will he .Vllimcih ** AS AGREED CTOX. payable or; r:yvx.T. Advance* made on Cotton and Pro duce in Store. COLLECTIONS PROM1TLY ATTENDED TO ebSly C. A. Ncrrixo. i p. Goodaia, President. j Cashier. CITY BANK MACOX. GEORGIA. Cupital 1200,000 Dollars. DIRECTORS: WM. B. JOHNSTON. V JOHN J. GRESHAM, J: july226m \ large lot or him* •• •'* " ini «nd manufacturers of and wholesale ami retail Plain and Pressed Tin War- of all d. «.cript:< iis. Gall w buvyour fall -t < k < f Hardware and II " house of the Xind in the State. Prompt a.t< line of 11,,aw- Fui I’fctt.-. >? iror your or'ers. as now u tlw- ti •filing: Guott*, .n ;ia 4t.-r1 teruis .4! given to all orders. Oliver, Douglass & Co., No. i- Third street, Macon, < > ■, Bonn -■ ' >. » EXCHANGE BANK OF MACON. Office in Hutu-. Nnv Building. Receives Deposits, BUYS AND SELLS 4XCHANGE. J!h\ Advi U, Bi Alv 1 Ship;: ;OL LECTIO NS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. febRity