The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, July 01, 1894, Image 1

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THE MACON [PULLMAN ITRIKE GROWS ‘iriion Pushes the War on In : -ny and Thousands jutt Work WITHOUT A PARALLEL Irii (i Moving on the Southern ■ nit Ollier Lines tenet! to Be Com* Ictuljr Blocked, , Juno 30.—A meeting ol the 1 utafiterf of labor organ: za- trtoago was held at the lnu’d- lof tlio American Railway Jiy for tiie ostensible purpose L resolutions denouncing tlie inncd forces by corpora-tinns | the contestants of the rights The question announced as ^vas barely touched upon by I ug, the resolution passed defly oil the attitude of the als and asking ibr the a]£*o- frauchises held by the ray* ' r tlie state lo w, which it is being ‘violated by the roads S to supply transportation mless they are permitted to an* oars. The most import- s of the resolution bearing action of the state officials ed by a woman, Mrs. Fannie li. igfrig Into lino of the many ms present was brought r speeches made by all of the ■it, labor leaders in the city. ft acting in concert, the unions I pledged at.or before the meet Jan in supporting the railroad ■dietr struggle, uiul at a later 1 of tlie trades and labor aa- | tiie central division of the laborers a oominLttee was ap- H wait upon the officials of Jan Railway Union and of- Ited sU’enjfh- ♦d'cyery trade PwgSmtoiton in the city. ] was made at the headquar ter noon and it was pledged fuMon man in the rfty would [mediately if the officers of I union dcoined it necessary, [dtion made and accepted li case the trouble between ":nd the railroads was not hilt the next day or two a man in Chicago from the E ‘ ToVvest would be called hy wllth the railroad men. estimate this will mead long the labor unions alone ),000 men. this will bo the many thou- will be thrown out of em- Mhe forced shut down of all Lffected by labor organlzn- |l mean for Chicago nlbne [I idleness of nt least 200,000 lounting the railroad men jv out of werk. It will mean p great financial logs to hun- |orles and corporations.. The If the lock-cut or strike can- fated corre^H^it the pres- bnd the vflEVte disaster wrnl to fl^llovT^ahufflcient in I to cause the wnost coura- ludder. When the prcposl- Ide to the union officials to las scarecly a man who did I' estimate the consequences, kthy discussion with the ex- d cf the American Railway ldent Debs accepted the of- nlons on condition that they t 'rlke until called upon to do ion. Whether this call is mdent upon tlje action of who are now fighting the union labor leaders and rs all over the city have strike fever, and in many 1 fU reatened that there will ' g cf orders from the Union, but that ed next week. The ‘ the trades unions first, but be/bre .he result among r noticeable, predict ether than clUxister in case tlie 11 upon the laboring cc. An almost com be business interests needless to say Uvat made to induce the consider their ac* which the union di stention of the men was md. Orders to tie up the sued yesterday and went any this morning. All of rtruck. 'The shopmen will |n^*y and the union has di- kreneral -tie-up of the line ■ o to Tcxqs. FI on the Nebraska division pi late this afternoon. On ■western the full-strength of |v«« shown when an order to In of the Galonu 1 division was ■ promptly obeyed. The flre- ften. the operators and clerks jotted out tonight on the j^toned and further orders up the Wisconsin dl- pc#si bio. ant tie-up today of a ftrlko ordered on the ^ Terminal. The men tonight, and the the closing of a dng oil us fuel, eadquarters that d result !n the ^Oil Company’s far Refinery. *d by the oil * "0 at the ) at head- ffeetthat jral rail- body, is Cen- where they organized a local union of their'own. On account of the action of the Mil waukee in handling Pullman cars and refusing to withdraw from the managers* association, a general 6trike on that road was ordered, but the men returned to work at r p. m, A committee, not mem bers nt the union, waited upon the union officials this aft^.ioon to try to nave the strike order postponed until a definite an swer could he secured fioin the company, but the request for a delay was refused and th« order is now in effect. The men, however, will not strike until morning. The action of General Manager Newell of the Lake Shore, In worklhg the switch tower for Rock island trains caused the uition oourd to declare a strike on tliat road this afternoon, strikes were also declared on the Nlckle Plate; the North ern Indiana; Big Four, and the Colorado Midland. On the Big Four, the complaint is that the company has Pullman cars at Cincinnati. The order for a general strike on the ticmld systems was also issued this afternoon. On account ot the Micm gan Central being, a memner of tne Man agers' Association, a strike was ordered on that, road, -and almost immediately a number’of yardmen and roadmen went out on a strike. It was reported at union headquar ters that the railroad people had asked the Western Union and Postal Teiegrapih Companies w supply men to take the places of the striking opera tors on the differentd irtslons, and acting'on the same the union officials ar threatening >to cause a strike among Western Union operators who have re cently Joined tihe union. A general tie up on the Union Pacific has been at- temped, and the men on the Chicago Grea/t Western have been ordered out. Union officials say 'that there Is noth ing ';n the reports ifhat the employes of the Chicago elevated roads and the street car lines have b.-on asked to strike. A complete tie up was reported on «0he oMnon as far south as La,- fuyette, Ind. .Late' -tomight it was an nounced that an understanding Jhnd been -arrived at by- the union otiidhls and the grand officials of the Fore men's Broftherthood, whereby all fire men would be permkted to act either in ,a body oi individually In support ing the union. Strikes among the fire men will be ordered on all roads fn consequence. The engineers of three divisions in Chicago hive agreed to take advantage of the .interpretation of Lhe rules by Chief Arthur and re fuse to work wl3h green crews. What Is looked upon as a. significant move on the part of the 'capitalists, as the union deai-gnates all employers, wan the visit -to headquarters today of p. H. Studebaker of Stwdetoaker Bros. Mr. Studebaker is a large tttockholder in the Pullman Company, and while the conference between he and the union officials was secret It was given out that it was for the purpose of ar ranging for a meeting tomorrow. It is not known whether the subject will be a compromise witih the Pullman Com pany or a protection to the Studebaker works. The strike assumed such prominence today tha*t over ten roads abandoned nH autempts to run any but in.ill and passenger train*. Freight bu.wiess 1a almost entirely suspended and many^goads have refused to accept business'or any nature. The suburban service on all of the railroads except the Milwaukee has practicably been abandoned. The general managers of the roads centering In the city met Ir* executive session at 12:20 o’clock -with the pros pect of a prolonged meeting. Half an (hour Later an official iitauan*nL_®aa. is sued in which the managers say it is useless to deny that the strike is wide spread and serious and that it haa. em barrassed the fffelght traffic of the West to the most serious extent of any strike since the Eastern labor troubles of the 70’s. At the same time the roads have no intention of entering into a compi’o-' mlse with the strikers on any- basis whatever and they regard the men on a strike as employes who have resigned their positions and who nre not anxious for work. The companies fall to see the justice of the position taken l»y the American Railway Union of fighting Pullman Over the heads of the railroads that have no control over his move ments or his manufacturing business. A later and supplementary statement says men aro being hired In the East and will be brought to Chicago at once to take the strikers’ places and gu.*.ran-| tees to all unemployed permanent posi tions and the protection of yht com pany, police, sheriffs and state/ autho. MACON. GA„ SUNDAY SENATOR WALSH COMES AGAIN This Time He Indorse! *hs Cotton States and Internationa! Expo sition of 18^5. JUDGE TURNER IN ATLANTA He Was Greeted by a Large Audience in DeGive’s Opera House Last Night. ITS BENEFIT TO ‘‘HE COUNTRY II. Urg.« - L.II....I »|*proprl*llon bp CungrfM to turr* Out Ih# (ircst Project or «!»«.* “pH*’* Cl«r of Washington. Jur e 30.—Senator Pat rick Walsh was interviewed tf>day by the Southern As.^a-ted Pre/,s • about the national and interna’tionafl import ance of Iht Atlanta Exposition. Sena tor Walsh’says: / "The Cotton States and International Exposition at A^nta for thi display of arts, dnduskr Ies « manufactures nad products of th* soil ®nd , forest will open Soptembu' 1 and close December 31, 1895. The* promoters bt this great enterprise ha\^ planned it bn broad lines and will conduct it pn such a lib eral scale as to command the confi dence and oif lifijb people ot the United States- The exposition will not be confined tp Soujlh. It -will em brace the oi'Ure Unhln and will be open to exhibit 8 from/Mexico, Central and South America. "There is i Jo reason /why -this country should not •omipand/the trade of the Spa'nlslh-Am erl can republics. From kite geographical positkyn of these coun tries and proximity to the United S.ates oui manufacturers and mer chants sht^bl be able to command a large part ot <thelrl trade. The United States shrU'ld do ia| profitable business witui 50,(KP* 000 people to the south ot us. England, France, Germany and Spain control ttye commerce which should fo»* the mofst part belong to this country. A.mertcajh enterprise should ax least con? rnan ‘5 *y h*3r share of it. The Cotton States arid Iwlernatlonal Expo sition ha 8 this objtect in view, and with proper encouragement from ‘the gov ernment and thfe people of this coun try Uh< f t>& Is no /reason why the effort should «ot be successful. The .purpose of’this national and d-nternativnal ex position to /make ft bear 'the same relation to tht{ people of the American continent that the Chicago exposition bore ^ thena-tlons of the world. Tlrls Is the Object/which the publfc-splrltcd. cltizt-ns of Georgia aind the South have In view. All/of the Southern states wl-'.l conli'aUy- oo-operate 4n making it a grat'd exposition of Ure industrtes and of t 4 he progr«w* of their gepUon. “The colored people will ’take an lac-, tivi-* part. I.t is ih contemplation to have a building devoted to -them. This will cofitain their handiwork and show the advancement which the race has made This exhibit Will pr.oVe a hovel and interesting feature. It! will show the advancement Which t»e negroes have made since their 0,mancipation.'They would have made oj most creditable showing at the World'q Fair, ibut Chicago .was ties. ARRESTED THE LEADfERS. Indianapolis, June 30.-^fVlexander Shields, president of the (American ItaiLway Union at HammondJlnd., and several other u trike lead/ers were brought here Uhfs morning /by United States officials. They were a/ll released on their own recognizance, I but Presi dent Shields held a conference with Governor Matthews, at wrtlch It was agreed that troops would not called out if -the stopping of trai/is at Ham mond ceases. Immediately after -the conference President Shle/Uis sent a dispatch to the strikers uf Hammond, telling them to eiop all (interference with trains until -his arrllvkl. Tie left for the scene of'the disturbance shortly before noon. The governor says that if the agreement readned! at the con ference Is carried out troops will be unnecessary. He will wa[tch tHie situa tion closely, however. J READY TO GO /OUT. Chicago, June 30.—It J* reported, but not yet verified, that I the American Federation of Labor I has informed Debs liftu it wltl go oufi whenever ho desires. 1 *The federation [is composed »*; men in various trades. I none of which have any connodilon with railroads. SUSPENDED. WORK. Owing to No ApproLrtatTms for the Navy Yards Worse Is Stopped. Washington, June 3(f.— Secretary Her bert issued an order [today suspending all work in navy yards that is paid for out of appropriations / for the Increases of the navy. This Is caused by the fail ure of congress to pass a naval ap propriation bill, Attorney General Ol- ney agreeing wfrth /Secretary Herbert that the Joint replution extending currency appropriations does not cover the matter. Ships qow building under contract, 'including the ba jtlesnlps antt* the armored cruiser Brooklyn, are not uffivt^d, nor wfll die repairs Dot pvo> grassing In the governni- ok yanln be terminated, but the Maine. Texas, Cin cinnati and Raleiglh must remain un touched until furilrer congressional action is secured. The naval bureaus haw kept barely within their appropriations, not over $30,000 remaining to theflr credit today, but they may continue ttie services of clerks and workmen for another monrh, using a portion!of the 3150,000 made available b>J the Jplnt resolution, was feared at} first /that all naval pairs would bef shutf d*nvn ami tht barely sufficient ;mondy remained to keep lhe yards closed ami maintain an ffleb-ru force of watchmen. In that nergency U would have been tieces- ry to call on the army to guard na il property. As u is, offly W.*or 500 bjrkmen will suffer from the order filch the secretary was compelled to S3B«. iJL.. ii r ; c 3 d Ai d In 1- 1 R ant atf to make it impossible, by rea- the gret expense that would have tobe incurred in collecting '9he /evidences of their commendable progress In the mechanic and other useful arts. The location of Atlanta is certain for them to do that which was lmpojjdble at Chicago. The colored peoi^A|e living In peace and friend- B'nli^Vh their white fellow citizens ajnd^piy are working out their des- bln^^n such a mauner as to elevate thetnselves In -the scale of humanity. The white people are deeply concerned In/improving the moral and material otmditlon of the negroes and they are doing everything possible to .educate them and to advance Ohedr religious oind social well .being. The race prob-* eiu, if it ever existed, has been solved 'and the whites and blacks in their re spective spheres are working amicably to build up the South. "The donhant wealth of the South cannot be exaggerated. The industrial possibilities pf the Southern states are limitless in every field .of human en deavor—in agriculture, fn mining and In manufactures—no other part of the Union affordd like opportunities for In vestment and profitable development In coal. Iron, marble, granite, cotton and timber and in climvte and water power the South is the richest country in the world. These facts are forcing themselves to the attention of invest ors and there is no more certain way to impress them upon the public mind of the country than through the Instru mentality of the proposed national and International exposition at Atlanta. "Il-nry W. Grartv. th* brilliant and accomplished young Georgian, whose genius and patriotism were appreciated throughout the Union, died while liter ally 'loving the sections Into peace,' but h(s spirit still lives among the people of Georgia and animates to deeds of noble enterprise. "The Atlanta exposition 4s national and international In its purposes and aims, embracing all the states of the Union and the republic of Mexico, Cen tral and South America, Cuoa nnd the \\Vst Itultv. I r, nM-b-r it the duty «>f congress to make the appropriation were the sum twice ns great: It could not be appropriated to a national enterprise | more, worthy of the support cf the fed* • eral government nnd the patronage of all intelligent and patriotic American citizens." HIS SPEECH WAS.WELL RECEIVED He Diclarnd lltmaelf » RtinMatllat at * Ilatlo or SO to l->.tn Inlvieitlng Colloquy Ulih m Mnu iu the Audieneo* Atlanta, June 30.—Hon. Henry G. Turner practically opened his cam paign for the tinned States senate i>u a speech litre tonight. His candidacy has been announced for some iplme, but this i« the first speech Jnlge Turner has delivered in Georgia »liice he entered the contest. Thu pthvru Jn the race are Senator Patrick .Walsh, who w.ia appointed to succeed tlie late Senator Alfred if. Colquitt; A. O. Ba con and Loots F. Garrard. Speaker Crisp may also enter the race. Judge Turner ha-I a large audience at Do Give's Op ra House. He was intro duced by fiqa. N. J. Harpmond. Judge Turner was received with flattering applause. / : . « In his spt*ech he declared himself a bl-metallJsi at aie ratio of 20 to 1. He declared I<^r the Tepeal of the-10. per cent, tux on state banks and for tariff reform. Itjs theme was the capad'ty of the Dcncra.dc parity to do business. On the financial question he spok? as follows: * ."What about silver? In 1893 the rep resentative men of the country, voicing the desires’ of both sections, met to gether for the Liurpose of reconciliation, and the result was the Democratic platform on which we marched to vic tory. A. number of my colleagues' in the house Hook the position 'that tJho parity and Interchangeuble value of gold and silver oould be secured by the free coinage of sliver in the ratio of 16 to 1 and so voted in tthe special Ijos- slon. I did not believe that suoh «. par- Ky could be restored on the basis of that ratio*, and I furthermore be lieved i'Jhnt instead of checking the coinage of*sllver the people desired to have more silver put Into the coin. I voted for u- ratio of 1?Q to 1, not that. I was satisfied with such ratio as a permanent thing, tou't only as a be ginning. 1 have seen it qharged in the nowspapefb and have heard It pro claimed from ttoe platform that by re pealing 'thfe purohaslng clause of the Shermanwt we had struck down haiff of (the money metal of the world. Tho charge is Ridiculous and absurd. We repealed 'purchasing clause because of flhtt panic which -It brought upon this country—*the greatest, • perhaps, ever known Iff its hlwtory. We divided as to the colmage of silver, but where is the man who can furnish the true basis of agreement on which the whole oountry, with Us diversified dfltereets. can be united?"’ A * "The free coinage of silver, shouted a man In the audience. • . "On what ratio?" inquired Judge Tur ner. * , "Sixteen to one," replied the unknown speaker. . , - „ "That would never do, my friend, resumed the judge. "It would be tolly to adopt such a ratio. You may as well cut the yardsticks of the country in two as ttuadoptt such a ratio in the hope of securing a parity. Would it be fair to all concerned for a mtn who owns a mine to go to the government nnil convert his sliver into double its intrinsic value nnd put the proceeds in his pocket? And yet such would be the result if an insufficient ratio of this kind waB adopted. "Tlie Democratic party of *thls coun try is a blmetailJjrt party. Mr. Bland, who started the silver question, has just reported a 'plunk in his own state fer readjustment. The platform of tho state of Georgia also contemplates a re adjustment in the hope of a restoration of parity. It is difficult to agree on a ratio because it Is not 'a locat but a universal question, in which the entire civilized world is interested. Gold is not a sufficient basis: the 'demand for sliver is ateidlly improving." BACON AND STATE BANKS. A Montezuma Correspondent Makes a Good Point for the Major. and Democrats fiyru. those sections feli unprepared to voo fer state bank« and a dual currency without further In structions from heir constituents. The measure was ahV presented and sus tained by the Soithern mamber*, and the moat able argiment on the subject was from Judge j.«wson cf Georgia. He gave to Maj. Bacon's remedy form nnd existence, breath'd Into (t the. breath of life nnd applied to the North nnd West to grant tlis tllof to the South. He pleaded for t*K» dual currency sug gested by Maj. Bacon and bogged that the notional barks and state banks be allowed to compete as rivals, giving to’ the people a istlonal currency and a local currency Upon this kubject I heard MaJ. Ba con remark i» few da vs since that touch ing this question "the fight was on" and would be pressed until the North yielded to the demands of the South. Ho regret*etl that our congressmen had nut begin this battle years ago, as it takes tl/>e and labor to gain clvio vic tories. Whet, the oool of evening came on the loquaaoua party dispersed, but nil agreed that It was beet to fight our battles within the party nnd that to fol low Hines and Watson was political sui cide for us. ns it would divide our poo- p’e. Tlllmanlze the state, destroy its credit nnd reduce Georgia to tho level of Kansas and South Carolina. GEORGE A. JONES DROWNED’ He and Several Companions Were Bathing in the Chattahoochee ■ Above Coiumbus. CAUGHT IN A NARROW SLUICE v llatolu KtTorta of Chat. II, Hall, Jr., and Lloyd llowuri to Mhv« tk« Life of Their Drowning Coiupuulou —lie Woe Well Known* COTTON SEED OIL MILLS. A Wonderful Income From Southern Enterprises, -Chattanooga, June 30.—Tb* Trades man, in reviewing tho cotton seed oil mill industry of the South, gives a list showing the present number of nctlvo cotton seed mills to be 253, Texas lad ing with 89. Investigations prove that the best mills produce 40 gallons of oil, 675 pounds of cotton seed meal. 950 pounds hulls and 30 pounds of Uni cot ton, to the ton of seed. The mills exported In tlie year ending May 12. 1894. cotton seed to the value o-f #1.033; oil cake and meal to the vMc of $6.r,84. and oil to tlie value ot $5,203,675, mid In quantity over 6.000.000 pounds o-f seed, nearly 600,000,000 pounds of oil cake, and n-'arly 13,000,000 gnIlona of cotton seed oil, Tihe Tradesman’s -report shows that abmt 1,500,000 tons of ootton seed, that a few yeirs ago was a waste product, were reduced to oil, jncul. lint and hulls during the yea<r,t yielding over $18,000,000 to the farmers, and added about $40,000,000 to -the wealth of the country. The reports show the num ber of mills to be steadily inoreaMpr in the South. *- MORE ABOUT SANTO. Further Particulars o*f His Selection as the Slayer of Carnot. Paris, June 30.—A dispatch from Mar-* sellles this morning announces that a soldier detained in the military prison at that place, upon henring of the as sassination of the president, gave the authorities full details concerning tho plot, which was hatched nt Cette, and also furnished tho names cf seven An archists, who. after the execution of Vaillant and Henri, drew.ldts in order to decide which of these was to kill Carn’ot. The lot fell to Sanito Cesnrlo, which now seems to be the real name f the awmssin. the mistake in the In version of his name having resulted from the Italian custom of writing the family name first. Cesarlo is described as having been "wild with doy" when ha found’-that he bad been selected to commit the murder. THE SOUTHERN LEAGUE. HAWTHORNE RACE TRACK. Chicago, June 30.—The grand Jury to day returned Indictment/* against-'the Hawthcrnc race track people fbr keep- j ing a common gaming placv, *and the: Washington Park Club for maintaining I a nuisance. There is no statute on j which the Washington Park Club In- I dictment can be based, but the Jury In looking up the law found that boiling tripe or skinning fish may be indictable offenses if attended by unpleasant odors and reasoned that the smell from the stables must be unpleasant, and the in dictment was issued, THE SILVER QUESTION. • London. June 30.—The silver -question was brought up in the house of lords by the Earl of Uvlen'l attack upon the policy of closing the Indian mints. Lord Lansdawn, viceroy cf India from 1888 to 1893 defended this policy. The Times comments thus: "Whether | the nuMi-ure origiiully were right or Wrong, it would certainly be a mistake to reOp^n the mints until the present policy snail have been fully tried." * day has been Inexpressibly hot, and tlie boys 'fathered under the shade or tho trees and discussed the political situation. A prominent lawyer gnvethe Democratic pirty.a clever rasping, de claring tletn sewer better under the Re publicans, forgetting that so far at'the condition of Mings is the result of ex isting laws, tht Republicans dnd not the Democrats arc to blame. The Demo* cyds aro to bLme for not giving tho country remedial legislation. But the delay is caused ty the unfortunate fact that what is remedial to t^o South is objectionable to the North. When in terests /dash results come stnwly. The query came up, whit remedial legislation clo we want? There being such a dearth of money the crowd agreed that more money was the South’s ne*dC Ir» what shape can we get it? The unsw«*r was thit if Mr. Cleveland’* view that .silver should not be added to the currency without inter national agreement, then our only hope was in the repeal of the 10 rent, tax on state banks, f.n thit thjf Scu’h cbuld supplement the national bank currency with a local currency. The acceptance of this view led to comment* on Maj. Bicon, who was tho first Hcutherner to urge the local cur rency as a remedy./ When silver was demonetized Maj. ,B.icon, with wonder ful foresight, wrot: u letter fifteen j";irs ago showing how the demonetization of silver would put the country In the power of the national binks; How con traction of the currency would foli’ow, bringing disaster to bus!n«->gi nnd para lyzing the entorpri*jes of <»ur people; how all value* would be depress* d, de stroying InduHtrU-f cau*!:ig prices to fall and prostrating ieulture, and (n view of these thlnfj ** urged upon our members of congress not to await lhe inevitable culUpze, but move at once (1878) for rtp4*J of the tax on state banks so as to prevent the d^ntterx which would Otherwise overtake the South. Fifteen years after he urged this remedy of a dual currency for ids people the ret* il clause was put In a Pwil ratio pLtforrn. But the reme dial measure failed in thl* congress be- cstiA* It wa* not fllscussed as in Issue before the people In the Wes’ and East Atlanta Hub Wen the Second Game in the New Seriec. New Orleans. June 30.—The Atlantis took the second game today through the local* oobr base running and coatly errors. It was a snappy and Interesting game throughout and abounded In pret ty plays. York. Baker, Oampau nnd Whistler fielded superbly. Braun was not efrepUve. a* the visitors hit nim at opportune moments. New Orleans. , . , .0 2110022 0—8 Atlanta 2 4 0 0 2 0 0 0 1-9 Base hits; New Orleans 14; Atlanta 10. Errors: New Orleans 4; Atlanta 3. Batteries: Braun and Peeples; Undcth wbod and Zahncr. Columbus, Juno 30.—(Spec3al.)—Geo. W. A. Jones, a prominent young tu:ui of lifts otty, was drowned iu tho river throo mill's above tho city at 0UI0 thla iii'terjKxjp. Ho uiul a party of youns: utcu were, in bathing, among tho num ber being Charles H. lloll, Jr., of Mtw eon. • J Tho point wliero they went iu was» at tho foot of tho famous and terrlblo Coweta Falls. Tho water is crowded In a narrow sluice ou tho Alabama’ side by big boulders ou tho Georgia side. A rock Juts into tho river at Huf foot of the sluice, in which tlie water runs at a terrific m/to uud, striking tho rock, eddies aud causes a powerful under current. Tho young men swam down tho sluice, Hall and a young man mimed Lloyd Bowers climbing out-'oiv *tho rock. Jones* never reached tlie rock, but was carried back iu the eddy cur rent. Hall aiul Bowers nuswored Jones’ call for help aud for several nilmutcs struggled heroically to rescue tho drowning man, but the current wan too swift. Tliclr lives wore Jeop ardized. Jones clutched nt Hull uiul left tho impriUt of Ills finer j on bis body. Jonos whs a prominent Knight of Pythias, Odd Follow aud Mason aud is well kqpwn over tho state ns an am ateur bicyclist. Ho was 27 years old, DEATH OF MU. O. F. HITCH. Homerville, Juno fiO.—(Special.)—Mr. C. F. Hitch, a citizen and prominent business man of this place, died tills morning nt Indian Spring, where ho had gone nearly three weeks ago for his hfadth. Ho had been Fullering for some tUnio from a Complication of diseases. Ills remains wen* expected tonight and will bo interred iu tho cemetery at thin place tomorrow. ROCKDALE WAS SOLID. Conyers, June' 30.—(Special.)—Dele-J gates instructed unanimously for Atf klnson aud present stato house cuts. Resolved, That wo reaffirm our i glance to tho Democratic principles expressed in tho natdonul and platforms, and call on our represcii tlves itn congress to enact them laws. IIENltY FOR ATKINSON., McDonough, Juno 30.—(i NASHVILLE 7. MEMPHIS 8. Nashville, June 30.—The Mud Cats won by a close shave, Nashville. .... .12 1 0 1 0 0 2 0—7 Memphis 20000101 4-8 Base hlta; Nashville 6; Memphis 7. Errors: Nashville 2: Memphis 8. Bat teries: Shaw and Swett; Wadsworth and Bolnn. NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES. At Cleveland— Cleveland 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1—3 Baltimore 1 0010130 0—5 Busd hits: Cleveland 9; Baltimore 8. Errors: Cleveland 5: Baltimore 3. Bat teries: Young and Zimmer; Inks and CUfke. At Cincinnati— / Cincinnati .0 0 1 0 0 1 4 6 * Washington 0 00000000—0 Base hits: Cincinnati 10: Washington 0. Errors: Cincinnati 1: Washington 2. Batteries: Parrott and Murphy; Mercer nnd Dugdnle. At Louisville— Louisville 3 03000000—6 Philadelphia. . . •. .13 3 3 2 1 0 0 *—13 Base hits: Louisville 11; Philadelphia . Errors: Louisville 2; Philadelphia Butteries: Menofee. Pepper und Grim: Weyhing nnd Buckley. M St. Louis— fit. Louis 1 0 4 0 0 0 5 0 0—10 Boston. . . . . . . .1 0 3 0 2 0 0 3 0-4 Base hits; St. Lotiis 15: Boston 18. Errors: St. Louis 3: Boston 6. Bat teries: Clarkson and Peltz; LoVett and Ginzcl). « At Pittsburgh Pittsburg 1 5100002 *—10 Brooklyn 3 03000000—G i*e hits: Pittsburg 14; Brooklyn 12. Errors: Pittsburg-0; Brooklyn 4. Bat teries: Colcolungh. Humbert and Mer ritt: Kennedy nnd Klnslow. At Chicago— # Chicago-New York game postponed in account of rain. ANTI-ANARCHIST CAMPAIGN. Romo. June 30.—A moat animated an- tl-Annrchlst campaign hos been Inaugu rated bv the police In Italy and r* n re sult many letters of n menacing charac ter hnve bo#n addressed to King Hum bert, Premier Crispl and other promi nent persons. The state t>f siege in Si cily has been prolonged Indefinitely. * VEGETABLES GOING UP. Chicago. June 30.—There Is a general rise In all perishable goods as the re sult ot the strike. Thousands of boxes of tomatoes are fotUng between New Orleans and Chicago arid sell now at $10 a box instead of $2.50. Ice, which rdlnartly Is $2 a ton. has risen to $10 a ton and Is scarce at that. Strawber ries, melons and all kinds of garden prduce WiVe advanced In Kke fashion, ^he hotels find themselves In a peou- iirly unfortunate predicament. Travel * very generally cut off and the pricel f all articles of food materially in-j reamed • Henry county went solid for In the primary election today, n« it would have gone had Gen. continued in the race. No tepraaMUlvo. BERRIEN’S PRIMABJ Tlfton. Juno 30.—(fipotflal.) ot the pi Unary in Borrien < nre as follows: * County sofj( klnson. MuM Ulan's m Alexander for tho sennt The rare between Falwotu] for representative Is very j doulff. AH preclnets- not J RAN INTO A FRJ An Accident That Causa to Two . Washington, June 30. nnd Ohio train -which * noon at 2:25 over tho ni| vliu* road for fit. I<oul tho rear end of a was on a siding nnd track at Rnpldnn, V this city. Mr. Horry erul passenger agent and Ohio, hod both l> ankles nnd his left i Mr. Fuller, when 1: was Inevitable, Jurn, train, and It le only person on Jared. A tramp also hurt. The damage If th«r railroad tri four hours trn; Fuller was on a special HURRAH Th>* Chnttnn $60,000 Ohnttnn noujpft N i gold 'to ChsttJimvjj buKdlrfjf Lyrly, •was do« ter froil receive the g< current shlpmrj DE. ftann /loll 111«- M Jj.