The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, July 01, 1894, Image 3

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'CON TELEGRAPH: SUNDAY MORNING, JULY I, 1804. SUMMER _ Attention called to extrnorq selling out at cost, and don ! t you talk. It is. business to make a piv of merchants become over-stocketi line, and we propose to give you French organdies, beautiful in design, tinted grounds, colored figured, nil tho combinations, at 25 cents. Never before have you seen theft* goods offered for less ttian 40 rents. » 5,000 yards colored dotted swtss, v.erl 25 cents; for Monday 10 conts. ANOTHER BOOMERANG'. 2,000 yards China mulls, dimities, bat iste, lawn, which, considering quality, are offered at the astonishing price of 7 cents. '] 'i METHODISTS WILL MEET HERE The North Macon District Methodist Conference Will Conveno at the East Macon Church Thursday MANY DELEGATES ARE COMING Read the Church Directory and Decide . Where to Go to Worship—Place* for People of All Religious Denominations. J \ sto i 44 “WHEW!” AIN’T IT 44 That’s what our competitors say when they read our “ads.” white striped dimity for •ents a yard. TENTS. A STUNNER. m tor 40 cents tor 40 cents muslin for 40 cents s to a customer, tch your breath we will MINKS. ttle trunks, Roundtree's ay is the best thing out. Don't go on ybur summer trip without seeing them. 5 CENTS. THESE ARE HUMMERS. 10 yards satin striped black lawn for 50 cents. 10 yards figured and striped lawn for 60 cents. 10 yards best standard call.-o for 60 cents. 10 yards black ground colored figured chally for 50 cents. 10 yards towelling crash for 60 cents. 5 CENTS. 10 ynrda black ground figured organdy 50 cents. 10 yards lace stripe scrim fbr 50 cents. 10 yards yard-wide Sea Island for DO cents. 8 CENTS. 10 yards 33-lnch white India lawn for 80 cents. 10 yards navy blue, white dot, organ dy for SO cents. The services in the churches today will be as usual, all of the pastors filling their pulpits at the regular hour morning and ewnlng, The North Macon D|strlct Conference of • the Methodist Church will convene In tho Past Macon Methodist church on next . Thursday morning at 9 o’clock. The North Macon district Is composed of the Mul berry street church, the Vlnevllle, Man chester and East Macon churches in Ma con and of all the pastoral charges In .Wilkinson, Twiggs, Washington, Jeffer- < 'sortVand Glascock counties. Dr. O. A. Clarke, presiding cider of th'e. district will preside oVjer the con ference, and the first religious 'service will be held Wednesday night at 8 l o’clock, at which time Rev. E. F. Morgan of Irwln- ton will preach. Rev. W. W. Stewart of Sandersville will preach Thursday morning at U o'clock .and each, night at 8 o'clock, tphe conference will last all the week* r Tho good Methodists of East Macon, Rev. Mr. Weston's^lock, are preparing to give the visitors that same kind of welcome that is always extended by East Macon people, and they will spare no ef fort to make pleasant the stay of the . preachers and delegates. ■All Methodists at.- irUcreUed In the •procccaings ot rtu* ccnference.. and Ita sea. sions will bo largely uttended. * •> / CHURCH DIRECTORY. A full directory of services in all of the churches today will be found below: BAPTIST. First.—Rev. G. Braxton Taylor, pastor. Sermon at 11 a. xn. and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m., H. M. Willet, superin tend-nt. I’rayer meeting Wednesday 3:30 and 7:30 p. m. The public is cordially Invited. South Macon.—Rev. J. C. Solomon, pas tor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. by the bastor. Prayer meeting Wednes day at 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m., J. W. Nichols, superintendent. East Macon.—Rev. B. J. Coates, pas tor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and $ p. in. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Prayer meet- tog at this church on Thursday night. \ Tattnall Square.—Rev. A. B. .Campbell, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m., L. T. Shil lings, superintendent. , Vlnevllle—Rev. E. B. Carroll, p.istijr. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by the pastor. METHODIST. Mulberry Street.—Rev. A. Monk, pas Pleaching at 11 a. m. by Dr. Hinton, ind at 8 p. m. Dr. Monk will preach on ‘An gelic Guardianship." Sun^' school at a, m.. Col. Isaac Hardeman, superintend ent;. Strangers cordially welcomed ^nd seats are free. i Firtt Street Methodist Church.—Preach ing at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. by/ the pastor. Rev. H. R. Felder. Class funt- ing at 9:33 a. m., J. R. Rice, class Idadcr. Sunday school at 4 p. m. t 8. E. Chambliss, superintendent. Fine orchestral niu(-Ic. A cordial Invitation to all. Centenary.—Rev. O. B. Chester, fastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and * o. in./by the astor. Love feast at e \ ml SUn- V school at 3 p. m., J: j. CobbJ suber- •ndenF. Seats free and everyujdyl In- i. Ini th Macon—Experience meeting at 9 d preaching at 11 a. m. by the pas- Aev. T. W. Ellis. Sunday school at 1 \., W. T. Collins. supt-rintenaeTit. * 4 ng at 8 p. m. by the pastor, rctlng each Wednesday night ,ock. Ladies’ Aid Society meets ednesday afternoon at I o’clock, me services the public Is in- vitedM strangers will be given a cor | dial‘ Vine’ Wray, pastor, ing at 7:* East Rev. J. V. Weston. . tor. ExpcxV-J meeting at 1C:15 a. Sermon at «. m. and 8 p. m. by the pastor. SumA school at 1:30 p. m. Geo. W. Gantt; i- >1^0tendont. Grace Ueth» Chuicb.-Rer. J. R. Owen, pastor. mrcaching at 11 und 7*) p. m. %iyer meeting Wtdftfa day eveniher at 7% Suntw' schuo; St 3 p. m. All persons^ordlaHy Invited, a. m. and S p. sn. Holy Sunday in tho month at e third Sunday at 7:30 f cat strangers. Seats free l Chapel—Rev. Martin Da- ° Sunday school at 9:45 a. ayer and rermon at 11 dnelsday pra< er at 8 p. m. Oh ipel-Hf,/. Martin Damer Sur fay school at 3:30 p. in. prayer land sermon at S p. m. « :atholic. p Chui cto.~Rev. J. B. Quinlan, ■>n Sun-lays first mass at . children’s mass at 9 a. m.; high /and serrr on at 10:30 a. m. Sunday rl at 8 p. m. Vespers and benediction le Most Sacrament aj 7:30 p. m. Lea for brat. communion every Satur- at 9 a. n . On week-da>f: Masses week-days: Masses at 6:30 find 7 a. m. sses for firs .t communion every Satur day at 9 a. m. f VR E3BYT:3RC\n! * First Presbyt erlan Church-JCorner Mul berry and Firs t streets. Red W. B. Jen* ilngs, pastor. »Service at In a. ra. and 8 ?. m. Sunday It school at 9io a. m., the pastor supjnn*lnident. I ; ■ Tattnall Squ uVe.—Rev. S. I* Morris, r». ID., pastor. 1 reaching at 11 a. m. a<nd 1 p. in. Sabbatic rchool a.' 9:30 a. im. Prayer service on Wednesday at 7:30 p./m. £ests free at All service* and all /are invited. Men' ('meeting Ivited, Y. Ai. O.i jl ’» meetfrliv at s.10 1 p. m. : ng ot 2:Zj). Younj 1BELLEV ■ There will 1 r»e divine Services 3ellevue church today ot/u a. m. AT I am in m or fifty ufferer find bilk Remedies B-ad HK CAWlTOU seventj-[third ye*- and i I Im|4 been STCot lndttr-lllm, conjtlr-'tkm tried all the jrtised fior the«e dtawises rrmuent relief, jtnout one dlHMse' tueiumc- 0,1 more nmup form. 1. Doearne ul lost flesh rapidly. I i-lng Dr. II Mozeley’s r I Rained twelve pounds Intlis. My e reneth nnd ■petit* n::»l tV reatlon wero ■rd, and n<itv t fool fts Ignreus as 1 ever did in . L. J. Mi ■r.DRED, ir GeorRln ^tate Senate. ■ Atlanta, Go., Aur. D, DAILY TRAINS. w York Via the Rich- Danville Railroad. of schedule In effect Macon has double fif’e^lSSiashlngton and ' id the I.. 4:25 p. m. 1 m., 8:05 p.m. and 12 m-I Irllle. R. and D„ 6:30 p. lute. R. and D„ 8:2} p. Hlie. R. and D„ 12:30 a. I m. Ilngton, R. and O., Till I m. | York. p. R. R„ i:2j m> or Macon in mornlnR ar- Jimond neat mornlnR 7:18 H. v11■ k Macon in the af- Ives at Richmond 4:50 Nortliem railroad will p tickets from Macon to |n-eount of National IM- .’■clnlion July 7, Rood tin- 1, for m»B. Route Is Ki.thnn.iiil, \V:e.liiiu’ti,ii lpbUi. Practically no i between Macon aril Securo your berth now. EE NOTICE. ^Methodist Church—R9V. J. Preaching at 11 a. m. *er meeting Wednesday evetfi- Re« EPIS1 Christ. Church.—Wl ' *n>\ Third sti . rector. Sixth i nrtay school sermon at li*aJ pra>•«•»■ ml aermog at p e -b«>oi anniversary at 5 ] rrHver at 5 p. m. Strangei vui! be welcomed. St. Paul.—Corner ForaytJ sireeu. Rev. H. Orrin Jud between *?<c- Rev. F. F. y sfter Trinity. Morning STOCK OF REDDING, STING OF HING AND AC, MUST OLD A T BIGGEST (IG BAR- i OFFERED J. COBB, ASSIGNEE* • ENTISTUY. ioore, who has for the rs beeu reasonable in bla total work, and who Is •ed to do bridge, crown of dental work, baring graduate course in pros- 7, owing to the atringon- es, is willing to be even ole in his charges. Come, hie your teeth and see ile you can have your one. Teeth t-xiructcd 121 Washington are- Baptist Church. Vine- line of street cars pass r. Macon. Ga. Sunil, druggists, recom- Ih« Liver Pellets for con- • k headache. Sunil, take. SO pills 23 cents A TOKEN OF LOVE AND ESTEEM Parly Memorial and Damascus Churches Present Dr. bass With e Handsome Chair. SPEECH OF MR. JOHN T. DOZIER and by Qr. W. C. Bau— Each of rhelr Love and Admira tion for .lie Other in Word, of Much utncerity. Aa an cvldenco of their love and esteem Park Memorial and Damascus churches, a few days ago, presented Dr. W. C. Bass with a magnificent chair. When the presentation speech was made by Mr. John T. Dozier, who spoke feel ingly of (he long association and kindly affectionate feeling existing between Dr. Bass and the congregations of the two churches, ■'and Dr. Bass responded In a feeling manner. For over thirty years Dr. Bass has been Intimately associated with tho peo ple composing those two congregations, An indissoluble bond of love that sprang up between them many years ago has 1 only been xnoro closely cemented with 1 the passing y«;ars. The following Is Dr. Dozier’s speech and Dr. Bass’ response: Our honored and much beloved Dr. Rass: We have come this afternoon ns representatives of the two churches Da mascus and Park Memorial, a people for whom and among wh&m you have labored so earnestly, so successfully and so lovingly for thirty years. We wish to express to you, my dear brother, our high - and heartfelt’ appreciation of your interest in us. By the noble and uplift ing Influence of your devoted Christian example you have taught us to love Christ, the risen Savior, whom you have often so faithfully held up before us. We have known and loved you ns a man as well as a preacher, and every one of us feels that In you we have a warm, true friclfil. For the good that you have done In our community, for the many kind, gentle words of sympathy, encouragement, cheer and hope that you have spoken, for the priceless example of your noble life, we honor, i^erpect and dearly love you. Without hesitation I say that every heart In this community, from the oldest hoary-haired man clown to the smallest child, Is open to you; that at every fireside you will he a most wel come guest. In this hour of your afflic tion, we wish to assure you of the sym pathy of every heart. Honored friend, we feel and know that you may exclaim with Paul, "I have fought a good fight; I have finished my course; I have kept the faith." Blessed bo the Lord! We rejoice this day that you, his honored servant, may look over and view the promised land. Oh, that the fervent prayers of this people may be heard and answered by our God. Yet, If It be tho will of our Father, In unerring wisdom to call his faithful servant to fairer, brighter fields, your life will be written Indelibly In the hearts of this loving peopls. Your memory will be kept as green as are the leaves today In our beautiful for ests, for there Is not one among us who has not been lifted to a higher life, strengthened when weak, comforted when cast down with trouble or sorrow, by some helpful, sympathetic word of yours. We come today to present to you a slight testimonial of our tender love for you-to present ihls comfortable easy- chalr. We have tried to select something that will be useful In giving comfort and pleasure. Let us, dear brother, assure you that our hearts, our prayers are ever yours, and God grant that "some sweet day” we may all meet "Where* congregations ne’er break up, And Sabbaths have no end." RESPONSE OF DR. W. C. BASS. Beloved Friends: With ti grateful heart I accept the elegant and costly chair which your generous kindness has prompted you to bestow In this hour of my affliction. It will doubtless give re lief to a suffering and weary body, and It shall ever be cherished by me, and by my family after me, as a testimonial of sincere esteem from those whom I have known and loved through two genera tions. It has been my privilege to preach the gospel to the people of your neighbor, hood for more than thirty years. 1 have been the welcome guest of your homes In the days of your prosperity and ad- v rally. I have visited your sick, nuried your dead, officiated at the marriage of your children, and In many other sacred relations, as pastor and friend, I have been closely and Intimately Identified with your churches and homes. The gift you bring me touches my heart, because I know It Is the spontaneous expression of sincere esteem. But the loving and beaut), ful words with which you have conveyed It quite overwhelm me. Such sentiments of esteem from those I have known and loved through so many long years, and whom I have so unworthily served, hum bles me In my own eyes as the most un profitable and undeserving of God’s serv ants. Tears ot affection fill my eyes, and iny lips refuse utterance to the words which can never express the gratitude of a livingJi-art. A loving Father has seen fit to grievously afflict me. Yet I rejoice In the reason of my affliction that I can bear the same cheerful testimony to the sufficiency of divine grace to sustain and comfort, that I have so often an nounced ns a theory from your pulpits and in your homes of suffering. I can now say from my heart, "1 know whom 1 have believed, and am persuaded that he can keep that which I have committed unto him against that day." If It please him to Increase my suffering* that he may purify me, "as gold tried In the fire," my prayer Is that In cheerful resignation I may say, "Thy will* O God, be done % ” Humbled by a sense of my great urf- worthiness and saddened by the conscious ness of a ministry so little fruitful or good, I can only hope for salvation through the Infinite merit of an all suf ficient Savior. I would ever feel In this crisis of my life "Jesus thy blood and righteousness My beauty are, my glorious dress.” May God bless you, my precious friends, for your tender and beautiful assurance of sympathy In my present distress. May tho old and young whom you represent ever remember me at the mercy seat, and In the blessed home 6f the good, where no Inhabitant shall s.ay, "I am sick," may wo all meet to bo separated no more forever. My heart Is too full to say mors now. May God bless you oil! a Mil LION FRIENDS. A friend In need is a friend Indeed, and not less than one million peoplo have found Just such a friend In Dr King’s New Dlscovcrey for Consump tion, coughs and colds. If you have never used this great medicine >ne trial ’will convinco ypu that It has wonder ful curative powers In all diseases of .nroat, chest find lunga. i*icl bottle Is guaranteed to da nil that Is claimed .»T money will be refunu-d. Trial bot tles free at H. J. Lamar & Son s d*Mg ■tore. Virgo size r *0o ait I 81. The Macon nnd Northern railroad will sell round trlpt tickets Mncon to Toronto account of American Baptist Young People’s Union July .16 nnd 17 1 for $27.10, good returning until Sep tember 15. Route Is via Athens. Rich mond, Washington, Baltimore, Harris burg, Rochester nnd Nia-gara Falls. Through sleepers from Athens to Nl- ngar Falls. Reservo your berth now, THE GEN TRIAL GEORGIA RANK. Tli© coudensed statement of tho con dition of this bank la published this morning for tfhe Information of tho public, and in accordance with tho state law. Tho stntccnoot shows the usual safe nnd sound exhibit of thl» reliable bank. Out of the earnings for the last six month#* the regular sum mer dividend of 3 per cent, has been declared, subject to payment on de mand. Holders of securities of the state of Georgia and the efty of Macon can have their coupons cashed nt this bank, ns formerly. Wnu Am Booth Indiana, Ta. Saved My Life 85 Worth of Hood's Sarsaparilla Caae of Nlcotlno Poisoning. " G I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass, i "I write these lines to certify that Hood’s Sarsaparilla has cured mo of » painful dlseoso from which 1 have suffered four years. It appear*! In the form of eruptions on my neck and fAce, spreading over my body, so painful that I could not afepp at night, nnd could not Blood Would Start from the eruptions on my legs and body. 1 had to wear bandages all the time. My eyes were swollen, my back In terrible condition. One physician said It was weed poison, another eczema, and mother Nicotine Poisoning, and that I would have to go to a special ist. (I omitted to say that I am a cigar maker by trade.) But Hood’s Sarsaparilla had been recommended, and thought I would try It, nnd am heartily thankful that 1 did. 1 can truly say that Hood’s Sarsa parilla lias effected A Perfect Cure. I am freo from sores, have a good appe tite, no dull feelings, and that continual sick headache Is gone. This wonderful cure lias only cost mo 85. This small amount of money has rid mo of all my Hood’s; Cures sufferings. I am still taking Hood’s Karsv portl'.v. my faithful friend which has saved my li/sWh. A. Hoorn, Indiana, Fa. Hood’s Pills co band made,andpes* tect la proportion and appearance. S5o. 8 CENTS. 10 yards 13 1-3 cents outing for SO cents. 10 yards figured birtlste for 80 cents. 10 yards striped crepon for SO conts. WRAPPERS. Beautifully m.tde, largo sleeves, chal- llo and lswn. Bargains from fl.WiaW. 53.03. CAN’T COME, WRITE US. JNO.R. ELLIS 3(51, 3(53 Second St. 100, 1(52 Cotton Avo. MACON, GA. WE ARE READY TO FURNISH THE SHOES , If some other follow will do the rest. Then, forget ting the past look to the future. Come to us for footwear with which to tread tho uncertain way and nil will bo well. We have the stock—quality, quan tity and style. You may help us make the prices. * As ever— MIX & EVERETT CO. LEADERS OF THE SHOE TRADE, 107 COTTON AVE., MACON 1 , G A. AGENTS FOR EVERARDS CANADA MALT BEER, BRANDENBURG AND FRERES CLARETS, WHITE WINES AND COGNACS, R. BRUNINGHAUS BURGUNDY WINES. C. L AUTEREN SOHN RHINE WINES, WISDOM & WARTER SHERRIES. Old Forrester and Relic of Macon Whiskies, Horace R. Kelly’s Fine Key Wcst'Cigars, Manitou Mineral Water, Gin ger Alo and Sarsaparilla, Zim Faudel California Clarets, Piper Heidsieck Champaigncs. ALTMAIER & FLATAU, 457 and 459 Cherry Street, MACON, GA. FOR SEE THE HANDSOME 2-STORY EAST TENNES3BE, VIRGINIA ANQ ; GEORGIA RAILWAY.. Time In Effect, May », SOUTHBOUND. WITH BASEMENT, No.636 ORANGE ST. -! V ! : Contains nine rooms, with three bath rooms; hot and cold water. AH modern conveniences. The house has been re cently papered and overhauled from top to bottom, and Is In strictly first-class condition. It has a large frontage t>n A Orange street and Rose I’urk, nnd half block from Indian Springs caj It Is located on the Hill, In as k< borhood aa Macon afford*. Jt edly the prettiest nnd place now on the marl and on *asy terms, tton call on Leave Macon Arrlvo Cochran Arrlvo HawkinsvUlc. Arrive Eastman..,.,. Arrive Jcsup Arrive Brunswick.... Arrive Jacksonville.. Arrive Savannah CEO. 1 DU Genera! Rea! Estal TAX NOT Only it f<>w d»yx l*fl t .inti- and county to* rciurn. oocc and iav» ir«U'c. 11. J. A.VDEI