Newspaper Page Text
■ "fT-?---■■’-■
■ i •aras”', . :»r^ twsm ~ xtwwv
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The Fun
r un|jl of H*i
of Great Dft|
aident Carnot One
lay as Wall aa
of Of' t Sorrow.
Am Imm«ua( Ce
Wreath* an 1
.«r«e of People With
inibUmi of Mourtt>
jit Half Rft««t*a4
ng* nrape4«
P trte, July l>f-Amidst th* intense
heat of the sun pouring from a cloudless
sky, all Pa:j.\ t; d thousand* and thou
sands «/ pe<-f(,ie from tile provinces and
the various par a of the continent, wit*
nested one <>z the most imposing specta
cles the pageant-loving of France has
ever seen. The streets were thronged
from the datwn of day with specie* bf
s citizens fro,u tu* gutter snipe to the
spl. ndanOy 1 attired official, all eager to
extract enjoyment from n typical
French holiday. It was plainly evident
that under| the real sympathy and sor
row the Fj-oiich love of pageuptry was
int :.f?ely delig .fed and satisfied. Qen-
i syhiM^hy was shown In a hundred
different utey*. from the bit of crepe on
the arm <j>r in the butiton hole to the off huuaes and sending of ex
pensive vd rea ;.h b the Palace Elyses.
All duyf Sa^irday Paris was in fete.
Visitors i*- arriving and crowds
thronged boulevards until a late
hour tti t tight purchasing mourlng
decoratlci it f inspecting the wreathe,
which tli date had placed upon the
sidewalki. gged with cards bearing
the riemt * the donors waiting trane-
portaMon he palace.
The Ca ’hontes and the Punch and
Judy sho n the Elysee were jammed
and in ' palace gardens the bands
blared ai Saturday to la-rg-e crowd*.
A great jer 0 f persons secured ad-
vantagsc laces on the sidewalks in
the even and remained in them all
night in er hold them* All t>i
the anno .along the route t>T<he pro
cession i e t out at fabulouB'^rices.
Tan e x , total absence of sovpds
along ui«, though thousands >of
chairs a epladders were renting ol
t the city, and especially
te of march, thousands pf
j'ked all night decorating
th crepe and other
iring. The decoration* for
•t were testeful and expen*
•f the mrbltc buildings were
bd and the 'front of the
kU covered with black cloth
h white. The cathedral of
was also draped, though
isely as the Pantheon and
tricolor banner, with crepe
dranery. hung between the
e edifice.
'■2 Bourbonv wherein the sea*
; chamber of deputies she.
profusly decorated with
rlcolored flags at half mast
rom mrny of the windows,
tnds of windows find roof*.
; the poorer quarters of the
ped flog of the republic whs
id the shops, and even th*
b/s on the river, were siml-
jsd. Omnibus horses car-
drench flag* In groups of
fsAten-ed to their bridles
of their harness, and
,4er conceivable way the high
ccnceiviioie way me nigu
juit* in French art Was dia
ls m*tter of decoration.„
, of draped American dag*
int of the American shop*
ars a Ad stripes were also
ly displayed 1 In front of
.•sciences. The street lamps
of march from 'the Elysee
the . Cathedral of Notre
also be-craped and kept
Joughout dhe street. The
FC oan of Am in the Rue .Ri
ston, drooping tri-color draped
|stocl|k, and In front of the opera
line# of flags draped in
stock )t these decorations forcibly
Baltimore, ; -Russia*! fetes, though they
ft; stock 3, early so extensive.
Boston, Ju r iy tjour m the morning
* r0M began marching
Wilmington ce bearing wreaths ami oth-
Wlot m ? ,7 r? s of mourning, and those
I5?*n of invitation entered
«Uv*nrSh’ * J dora ot * onor opening In
jjavannan, . ard< ^ ftllg of wnioh . were
11 New* Orlear oover * <1 over wlth black
•14; net 1,038 bordered
with white, te-
MobUe, -SSoto" and cnodalllons bear-
5; stock ter ® “R* F -” , , . , .
Memphis, J immense catafalque -yhlch
net 28; stoigne centra of the court >ard
Augusta,9id a black band with two
net 43. ctjttiie letter*, “C,” and a black
CharieefhnJCnmed wtth sliver and with
net 2; sfockflaummlt covered the cotlin.
que wm« surrounded with
:ns and flowers and th*
reaths which had been sent
a-nd member* of the fam-
aber of candeiabras were
nd 4he heod of the coffln,
of wMoh were the wreaths
esident Caskmir-Perier, th*
ssla, th* king of Portugal,
Spain. Che king of the Bel
ling of Roumanla, troe bey
d the grand duke of Lux-
the leftt of one coffln were
net 58; st<
St. Lout
71-16; net l]
net 119; atcej
Special wire
New ?ork,
Uftle change
though Llv
the lmprovem<
terday. tl lol gent by th* queen of Great
ports to the 4 queen of Che Netherlands,
L8.000 on ahtp^ Portugal, the king of
one leading ln en ,peror of Germany, the
against 131,000 u<itn and Nonway, the king
supply Is dinir |ie duke 0 ( Madrid (Don
country as tL president e< ti»* re-
July and AUsK„ u ,r..
a decline would f be'h.nd It. The Pa“AJ*
ally the opinion \ M to the «ran4 »t«lr
change for the Legatee paeeed silently
look, the selling, after aatutlng
nouncod. It is apeot to the rooms alwve
the amount to <|che right a«d left of the
now and Bepternbre respectively reserved
Iragely upon fl*4 r y of
crop la 4kninl^Jk at », fl
state and the
.. v\ the repres*e>ia-
l y the amount \^4rmy ami nsvy and the
which, according'J so *>r yvulwt tor in sepe-
week ending y**tfiT)ed in a manner similar
i^l* ,Mt y** r - kard. Otht-r prominent
»igh» date. accC. d j eil ocotni-od po*ltti>ns
iM 7.«v*> against «.fc» and *»»t Where. The
4 d*f|ers.'* I in all^the
lng at 10 o’clock, flllitfg the Cree-llned
gardens surrounding t|ie bird and pond
house. The scene in I the gardens was
a most brilliant oueS Men dn gaily
colored uniforms, ttufc breasts glitter
ing wkh decoration 0 # mingled with ci
vilians In sombre t/venlng dro^s and
becloaked attendant a-ml judges in
black and crimson /gowns. There was
scarcely a person pfesent who was not
in uniform or evensig dress. TBie pres
ence 1 of a nunvberlof cars laden with
wreaths awaiting Ihe*r turn to join the
iwocesflion here Jbntered Che festival
chair of the scenfl and it was easy to
imagine that the gathering was for the
purpose of holding brilliant state fes
tivity. The roar of the surging city
and ahe beating of drums were faintly
heard' In the peaceful gardens. On the
we»t side of the garden skirting the
avenue De Margny the procession was
seen forming. Spectators were crowd-,
lng the roofs, windows, walls and
pavements and hundreds climbed into
the trees in -tlhe streets unmolested by
the police, who were noticeably few in
number. The cnowds were remarkably
orderly. Wine and water venders did
a good business In consequence of the
Intense heat.
At 10:15 the band of *the Republican
Guards outside played Glazier’s Car
not funeral march, especially written
for 'the occasion, while in the court
yard flhe curate of the Med*Hne church
said the custamry prayers, sprinkling
the coffln wkh holy water.
As 4iio bearers lifted the coffln to
their shoulders, the first gun boomed
on the esplandes des Ivalides, and con
tinued a* intervals of two minutes until
101 shots were fired. Fibitt the Rue
Saint Hono-re exit down the avenue de
Mariginy and through the Champs
Elysee, the procession entered the Pal
ace la Record, headed by Gen. Sausser-
ler, the military governor of Paris, who
Wiis escorted by the Republic Guards.
Ten cars piled full t>f wreaths followed, j
The first contained the wreaths sent by I
the members of the senate, composed
of orchids and mauve back ground. 'In
the second car were the wreaths of the
chamber of deputies, consisting of su
perb roses, jorchlds and ’.ilacs. These
wire were followed by those containing
the contributions of the provincial au
thorities and the foreign nspresenta-
Then came a band with muffled drums
and then the wreaths <contributed by
the royalties, all of which were carried
up on trestle* by cadets from the St.
Cry military school and preceded by
the wreaths sent by President Casimir-
The next in. order were the coaches
conveying thd clergy, which were im
mediately in front cf the hearse. The
hearse was a guard of honor
composed of cadets .from the Ecole Pol
ytechnique and was'drawn by six splen
didly caparisoned horses. The coffln
was hidden beneath the folds of silk
tri-color flags, grouped front and back.
M. Carnot’* servants in livery came
his three sons, walking in the first line
next with the dead president’s family,
and his brother Adolphe Carnot and hsi
cousins and son-in-law behind. Mme.
Carnot was not present, being complete
ly prostrated by the excitement of the
past week.
Behind the family of M. Carnot came
esldent Caslmlr-Perler in full evening
with a broad crape band around
t and dlambnd studied plaque
and tn* grand cordon of the Legion cf//
Honor across his breast. ,
Next came the presiden t's secret a-,
rtes. Then Vame the presidents of the
senate and house of deputies land min
ister* of foreign countries and personal
friends, cbsninlcuoufl members of
Legion* or^jponor, representatives
the law coutre and the department f.»f
public instruction and the natl ><al
financial institutions, clergymen oi ‘
creeds, prefect of the Seine, Parish
hicipal council, municipal ciu/icils
from the provinces, deputations
army and navy agd colleges of F/anoe,
representatives of the French atAl for
eign press, notaries, brokers and soon.
The plain black evening dress of
It Will Probably Bo Sant to ths House
Either- Tomorrow or
Hill Utjr Combine With the PopalUts
to Defeat the Hill—The Income Tax
Feature of the Measure Is
Obnoxious to Him*
cession. The ter a tors and depu H Ps
were In evenlifr Im.u and wore tri-
colored sashes; the judges v'ere ir
flowing robes avording to their grade,
errrilne or of'bick <wa»tered silk, etc.,
and the facuivs of the schools
law and lettreswore yelk-\v and pur
ple and the tudonilciana green
broldered coa»sjnd carried swords. X
detachment of ret*.* ns fnen the Ho
tel des Invalids, carrying a treotle
upon which wb an immense wreath,
werfe loudly apiauded as <they passed.
The procession pass?<1 a'ong the Rue
de Richelieu jothe Palace de Villa and
over the QifuGesvres bridge to the
Place de Nor Daime.
As the reF 611 ^ an
overweighted imb broke a tree, throw
ing a numIt ot slRluseera to the
ground. Sovtfal of them were hurt,
one or bw</lbuHy. The limb fell wRh
a loud eras tnd there was much com
motion in !hi crowd.
A numbe ef perso-ns were prostrated
by sunstroes. Including a number of
the preslfht'.’ military fioiS4o*in!d.
There werother minor accidents, but
on the vWvc the Jay was remaj-kably
free frdm (sualtles.
The pioceion arrived at Che Cathe
dral of No* Dame at 12:20. Only the
tolling of ti sonorous bell was heard
a the colunf dlappeared slo*wly within
the masslvodoors. The naves end
sides of theathedral had been draped
heavily vdtblack fringed with silver.
The walls \re sprinkled thickly with
shields beahg the letters "R. F.”
(RppUbllcofFrance), and “C." (Car
not.) Blockannera dotted with white
tears hung.etween t'rte windows. As
the process) moved up the aisle the
toiling of »o bell was gradually lost
to- hearing nidst the pealing of the
organ urrl Saint Aens* masterly
touch. Wh the strains of the fu
neral mardwere Ailing every corner
of Che greatiurch a line of the itfourn-
«rs walkedjlowly by the crape-cov
ered pulp?5The president, Casimlr-
Perier, as lef of the state, had an
Isolated sei On the left was the
clergy andfhind sat the delegate* ln 4
the profe*«ial order.
Mgr. Fert, the papal nuncio and
personal reps«n v .atlve of hi* holiness,
together the papal secretaries
who aatreci the most attention from
the gallerrjappeased in all the color
of ‘their venents of office. The coffin
bad been aced ort the catafalque,
■unboundedly a fortat of candles.
Near w^re 3 great men of the papal
hierarchy, ardlnaJ I/mgieux, the
bishop of lelms. Cardinal Richard,
miie archblffc of Paris and the arch-
blfCmps w r bishops from Lyons, SenB
and Be a. Beside Wem were the
Persian rece, canons, curates and
the Armera Patriarch. They ap
peared In of the pomp of their
church. Ta alvartced to the cata
falque, wOie tlv./ recited prayers.
Oppoa.te Mildaot Cuslmlr-Perler's
Mat >h"v lllpwef and he responded
fcltb a de*i x lln«Uon of tne Qea<l.
The prlesn.rth *rd low, gathered
around th* catafalque. The LI-
turglan pr.iy* followed, the president
JTI.W , ■ , I- —*-*«d imw^r
Wnsiiington, July 1.—Unless all Blgn*
of the limes fall, this wek will boo tho
tariff bill out of the senate and on its
way to the house, whore the struggle
Is to be r Hewed pending tile final con
test in conference. The fight is now for
hours, rt’her -than days. Democratic
managers are making every possible
effort tb get the bill out of the senate
bjf Tuesday night, and, failing to ac
complish that end they threaten to re
main in session on itho Fourth of July.
In some sanguine minds tiivere Is still
a lingering hope that the bill may be
defeated. Senator HIU, It is said, talks
this way privately, but does not so ex
press himself publicly. He is quoted
by those who have discussed tbe situa
tion with him as saying that the bill is
dead, and it i» believed that rather
than see the income tax put upon the
country (Mr. Hill will not be at all dis
turbed should till.' tariff measure, with
that forming a part of to, be defeated
on the final vote. There are certain
elements cause the majority some
feeling of uneasiness on the outcome,
among them the attitude of Senator
Blanchard And the assertions repeated
ly made during the past week by the
Populists, that because o*f tiheir votes
heretofore cast In the comahlttee of the
wihol^ in favor of the bill it must not
be assumed that they will necessarily
Vote ior it under all conditions on tho
final passage. Some of these rumors go
bo far as to say that Mr. Allen last
.week notified Mr. Jon*» f through Mr.
Berry, ‘that ho could not vote for tSve
bill. The defection oi^ one vote would
put the party in charge of the bill in a
predicament that would cause serious
trouble, and -anything tending to weak
ness in the ranks of any of the forces
pledged to the support of IBie bill at
once becomes a very serious phase.
Nevertheless, when, the whole situa
tion Is canvassed, -tlhere appeal’s to be
wry little ground for doubt that the
bill Is to pass the senate substantially
as amended. It does not neem certain
tftut the bill cannot be pusbejy^frough
the senate in the two dAvVaet apart
for tbn't task by *Mr. Tq.-irris, fo* Mr.
1H1I, wiho has relaxed nk>ne of his en
ergy in hi* flglut on thd income ta&wlll
insist upon discussing \ that subject
again, possibly, IhoiweveiJ 1 not at any
great lengDli. . r
The Repd-Mlcons also h*wo n .'lumber
of matter* to which they will again
call the attention of the country.. Be
tween all these things and tthe unex
pected which Is so likely to arise in d-
bate/fn tihe senate nt any moment. It
is very likely that four, or possibly five
days, -may be consumed In the further
consideration of the bill, Instead of the
two designated by Dho Democratic
In anticipation of the dlspoaltlon of
the tariff bill this week, tho committee
on appropriations has got its matters
well in -hand. The appropriations bill
will not detain th** senate long after
the tariff bill is out of the way, for If
it <hns In mind so to do the senate can
easily pans 't<wo of them in a day. The
only blU UkcVy to cause any extended
debate is th* pension bill, which will
form work for a number of speeches.
There/will be some criticism on tfhe
suspension of appropriations for build
ing the new navy. The committed, up
to tihds time, has reported to the senate
the fortifications, pensions, military,
postoffice, diplomatic and military ac
ademy bills.
The appropriation for tbe agricultur
al diopartment will be repotted tomor
row, and the committee jsjnterday
took lip the naval bill for corrddera-
tlon. Besides 'this there is still in the
committee the District of Columbia,
sundry clvW, river and harbor, legis
lative, Indian and deficiency bills. The
pension and army bills ’will probably
be the first called fop in the senate.
Although nothing, has been said on
the subject, irjU^nkdv that when :he
tariff bill parses the s.-nete will resume
Us flitting* at noon instead of at 10
o'clock «s at present. That matter will
be in the hands of Senator Corkr-dl,
and a* there will be iio partisan oppo
sition to upproprlii tfon bills, better
progress will be made, and the need of
prolonged *•’Aslans will not be mani
Washington, July l.—The hou»o of
representatives will be in a waiting hu
mor till the senate tariff bill te laid be
fore it. Little Internist win attach to
Us proceedings until Chairman Wilson
and his associate* on the ways and
'ijw committee are put in possession
of their changeling and asked to d?-
tne question, -what they are going
to do about It. Then the fun will be
fast and furious. A number of commit-
ti*‘w have a*ikCd-for four diys for con
sideration - of bill* on the calendar,
but the" commitiee on rules will not J
clde whether any special orders cfhn.Il
be made for the week until -tomorrow.
There, la a disposition on the part of
Che committee to keep the deck clear
for the tariff bill. One of the measures
which may come up Is the Cooper bill
to tax greenbacks. Tnte is a privileged
measure. It is -under the control of
Mr. Hall of Missouri.^.who will prob
ably a«k for it* consideration on Mon
day. / A number of gcrBt.’errien have
signified ihe'.r desire to speak upon the
bill, and it will be authorized generally
by 'flhe Republican*. Mr. Hall dbc*
not believe that it can be disposed of
in less 'iftan twb days.
Another measure to which the mem
bers no littte importance, and
which may come up before the hour
upon ’tho r*.u*“* .f er rhe 4th,
Joint rcsoltelon providing for th#
Tfia Royal Chamberlain Has Given to
the Public Some of the Court
His Intimacy a Ovnntan Drought
to Light—III* Accuier Said to
Insane—It H»i Caused a «tl
Throughout Germany*
is the
?cth>n of sen
th* people
Berlin, July 1.—The scandal caused
by the arrest die royal chamberlain,
L. Von Kotze. and the rumors of Ms
anonymous correspondence with high
perebtia at court, has grown to such di
mensions and has excited the public cu
riosity that ihe emperor may be forced
to convert tho secret ’ inquiry into un
open trial.
Tho details^ 6f the charges against
Kotze were ktjown at first only to the
inner membera Lf the court circle*.
They have gradually leaked out, how
ever, as the suandal became the absorb
ing topic In sbeiety and tho clubs, and
now ore the oply theme in every public
resort. The ibqu.‘ry proceeds so slowly
as to glvc.Kotze’s supporters a good
chance to assert with a good show of
truth, that tjie government will hush
up the whole affair, EVen If the gov
eminent were Inclined to . let the sotn-
dal drop for the timo euch scandal has
passed. Kotze must be tried and bo
acquitted as mentally unsound or inno
cent of the charges, or he must be pun
ished as the foulest of slanderer*,
process is called a court martial, but In
fact there is no duly cbnstituted court
of this kind The emperor instructed
Gen. Bronrort von Schellendorff. Prus
sian war minister, to supervise the case
with the assistance of Privy CouncIUur
Brueggomann. Three officers, however,
have been chosen to examine witnesses.
The documents produced by the wit
nesses so fur contain a great mass of
disgusting and libellous letters, which
certainly suggest the Insanity of the
writer. *Scme of those communications
insinuate that the emperor was too in
timate with the Countess von Honenau
The countess is said to liavo .’cmon-
etrated with his wife and warned her
that she must check tho empero-r’s open
partiality to her. The countes* was in
duced to treat the emperor coldly, and
when asked as to the reason, she In-
focmed the emperor of iher .husband 1
interference. The Kotze story continues
The emjfcror, engaged by the count’i
presumtibn. vowed that he would Iilivi
revenge apd soon afterward, at a mili
tary review of the Templehorer field,
told the count that he would be forth
with transferred to Hanover, and that
he and his wife would be exiled from
court. Tho ebunt 1s -the son of Prince
Albroohft of Prussia by a morganatic
marriage with Miss Rauch, and there
fore is a cousin of -the emperor. His
testimony was taken on Thursday by
Privy Councillor Brueggomann. Just
how far it went is yet to be ascertained.
The anbnymous court censor assailed
tthe reputation of Princes* Charlotte of
Prussia, the emperor’s sister, and now
hereditary ‘ princess of Bnx-Melningen,
representing her ns being utterly be
yond her husband’s control And guilty
of numerous indiscretions.
He Lajmpo’oned 'Uhe Princess Victoria
of 8cba<mburg-Llpp a9 fond of low so
ciety. lie* 'did not oven eparo the Em
press Frederick, whose plain, uninter
esting and blameless life in her wife
hood, motherhood and widowhood was
supposed to exempt her from all gos
sip. Finally, Prince Alexander <>f Prus
sia, now in hte 74th year, is accused
of the most disgraceful pradioes. Which
are said to be the result of a\wealc
and perverted mind.
All the charges relate to offenses
against sexual morality. They are
curiously -minute In details, so much
so, in fact, that, whether -written by a
scoundrel or a madman, they must
have come from some man with
precise knowledge of persctis ait court
and their doings. The theory ofKotze’s
mental irrewponaltollUy' will be consid
ered after he shall be proved to be
the author of fhe lowers. Meantime,
a small, but strong, group nt court
continues • to believe that he 1h the
scapegoat of a certa/ln prince, dho
Countess of Hohena’s bitterest enemy,
who has been using Kotze and Frie-
herr von Sohraeder, another chamber-
lain, a» the channels of bis revenge
for disappointed hopes. Some »of the
offensive letters contain/ incident
sketches very clearly executed. Kotze’*
friends say tftat he could not possibly
have done such work, as he is quite
Ignorant of drawing. The mystery at
taching to 'tthe whole affair is clearing,
but gradually.
The Nonddcutsche Allgeorlne Zelt-
ung denies that One re-arrangements
of the Anglo-Belgian agreement allows
t/hat England can construct telegraph
line* tn German East Africa. The
semi-official editor maintains Xhal Pre
mier Cecil Rhodes*-of Gape Colony ap
plied for such a. concession, but re
ceived a fiat refusal .VTnis atatemefit
of the case is partly an agreement.
It will be seen, h’oweveV, that Great
Britain has obtained the right for free
communication between ttouth Africa
and Ugula.
Privy Counsel Dr. PlndJtr, f.j*; nearly
ahlny year* editor of the Norddeutsch
Afgomlne, retired from his places yes
terday. He guided the policy of*the
empire during Bismarck’s term, and
hen Bismarck fell retained hte semi
official relations by trimming his sails
to suit the new regime. The United
Press, correspondent called upon Dr.
Pindler yesterday to find out his rea-
Ji<,n t'tr rearing. He ga\« Nome inter
esting views of recent German his
tory. Referring to Blsmuncft’* struggle
with the Vatican he m.M: "The Kul-
turkampf waa for Bismarck pimply a
means to f’O end. He wishexl to over-
cbe spirit ot s#q>aratc states
right* and to weld the many states
against his enemie*. Bls-
mar> k aerer hesluat**'! to use violent
« to reach even trial end*/'
f'indler expressed rather strongly
London. July i.—Jt is officially
lounccl that Hir Cnarles'RusselL wll
• <-n»iv
Pindler of the necessity of finding a
new political platform on -the
masses could be held together. They
agreed that the best platform would
be a social-economic one. Between
1876 and 1*88. even in .tho day* of the
provincial cotn’ewpondcaect Bisini
frequently sent articles to the Nrtfvl-
deutscho-Algemlno Zeitung. Dr. Pln-
d’.er showed an autograph letter dated
18S6, tn which the prince thanked him
for ttlie -assistance given by the joint
support of Germany’s foreign policy.
"1My reasons for resigning,” said Dr.
Pindler, "are -to <bo found In the chaos
of the government circle. There is*now
no central authority for which I am
able to work with «vny good effect.
The emperor, .who controls everything,
stands above 'tthe parties. The history
of these are merely exeeu-tllves of Ihe
Imperial will. Every assistant to
chief of a department has his own ex
press staff and thus we have tho mor
tifying spectacle of various government
factors pulling one anotHu-r's noses in
public, while dining at the same table.
This confusion will exist until bho em
peror shall awv>ap # ' down on all and
give them a piece of his mind. Then
there will be Apparent harmony for a
Dr. Pindler -will leavo Berlin for a
holiday. Upon his ieturn he will start
a new dally on Independent lines.
The Prussian council, on Friday, was
attended by Chancellor von Caprivi and
Count von Pasody>wski, secretary of the
Imperial treasury. Dr. Mlquel present
ed hi* revised financial projects, which
now consist of a tobncoo tax. After ii
long discussion tho project wvas np-
Dr. Hails, imperial deputy for tho
Alsatian constituency, has ©out Ida aon
to the -St. Cyr military school to be
trained for a commission in tho French
army. Ho has betri warned that the
Gorman government will not allow any
deputy to persist in sunh an act of open
hostility to the German nation
In an article commenting upon the
pope’s litet encyclical letter, tho Kreuz
Zeituug makes ithla statement: “Tho
pope has entered n trap laid by th.
Russian agent Iswolskl. The dtlplo
inatlst* at tile Vatican err if-they sup
pose that Russia will ever acknowledge
the supremacy of the pup*' over Polish
or Russian Catholics."
The third International scientific
CathcWc congress will convene
in Brussels September 4. Numerous
Catholic servants from Germany and
Aiis-tro-'Hungnry have promised to be
present and read paper*. Tho sessions
of the congress will last five days and
will *>e devoted largely to dlscuHsionH
on qui’stlons of history and moral sci
The firm of Roseow, Jung & Co. ot
Bremen have Joined the firm of Mnenn
& Co. in resisting the effort® to bring
them Into the Ruaso-Amcrlcan petro
leum ring. Thf'y are preparing to open
immense #, petroleuiin reservoirs In Ham
burg, and will conduct thence a wur
upon the ‘Standard Oil Company
Ilorr von Caprivi will leave Berlin on
Wednesday to make a tour of tin 1
North soa and tihe Baltic canal works.
. Roibert Dedek, an Austrian Anarch
ist, and who was expelled from Switz
erland. last May, was arrested in Metz
on Thursday, ‘He (boasted, of hts belief
in Anarchism when ihe was arrested.
He is now in the hand# at the Austrian
A Few Games Played By the Southern
and National Leagues.
New Orleans, July 1.—Tho temperature
recorded 00 today, breaking all records
her*. 'Fhe umbiilftnceM were k<*pt busy all
day, and nine sunstroke* were reported,
two resulting fatally. At the base-hall
game Pitchers Knorr and Fanning were
compelled to quiet. Catcher Haller wu*
sun struck and tho gatno was called after
seven Innings.
Score by Innings— R.BH.15.
e\v Orleans 1 .*10211 0— 8 14 1
Atlanta 100000 (h-l 7 4
IJutttrios—mnun, Fanning, Schnbe! and
Haller; Flynn, Knorr and Zalmer.
At fit. Louis— R.BH.E.
fit. Lo-.jlx 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1- 2 5 i
Washington 4 0 00000Ox—4 : i 2
IJatterles-Breitcnstcin and Feltz; Ifsper
and McGuire.
At Cincinnati— R.BH.E.-
Cincinnati 3 02 00 8 1 Ox—9 12 1
Brooklyn 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0— 7 9 2
Batteries — Chamberlain and Vaughn;
Daub and Dailey.
At Chicago— Il.BH.K.
Chicago 0 30200040—0 11 3
Cleveland 1 0011430x—10 14 3
Batteries— Griffith and Klttredge; Suppy,
Carkecn and Zimmer.
At Louisville- R.BII.E.
Louisville 2 1102000 9-6 8 1
Isltlmore 0 00000000—0 fl 1
Batteries—Hemming und Grim; Hawke
and Clarke.
President Debs Has Succeeded in Get*
ting More Roads Tied Up
and Men to Join Him,
Th* Labor of Railways ssd Othar In*
dustrlos I)lior|»nlz«<t-Th« Hum*
bar of Strikers Increasing—
Gam* of Life and Osatlt*
Chicago, July 1.—Seven l<wUe» ot
til'.* etrlku were arreuiei tudny. Tomor
row' tllfy will be anwlpncd h.*toi\> Vnt-
l.'rl States Cotrmlwtoncr Philip F.
Hoyt on the cJiurgt* of criminally vlo-
latlilft Heotlon 5440, chapter 5 of tho
Unlteil Htntos statu lea relating to
crltpc, which provides that If two or
more penuua cgiihv to elUier to com.
mlt any offeneo agalnet the Untied
States or to defraud tllo United Staten
111 ally manner or for any purpoae, end
If ono or more of tiucli ixirtlc.s ahmild
do any net to ctfeet the object of hu.-Ii
culleplrr.ey, ell of tiho parttea to anch,
cbnaplrany t.nnll he liable to a penalty
of not Jens titan 41,000 or morn than
$10,000 or not more than two yettra lm-
prlmmmeut. Tile prisoner, nre Edward
O'Neill, Chat*, bttylor, allog W. ,lt Tay
lor. John Duffy and Wit .McMullen
(wllo were arreeted at Hyde Park on
tho charge of Knowingly mid willfully
obstructing train No. 23 of the Illlnola
Central and which earn™ the UpUed
Slut™ mull) and Flunk JloSorvey, u
fireman; O. Guoaeuo, nlHo a fireman,
and James .Mutiln, u avvltdhman, nnd
who are charged with knowingly end
willfully olwtructlng n westbound
train on the Hock Island nt Blue
Island, nnd which train carried malla
of tthe United States, The arrest «t tint
nu n ut Blue Island was effected Into
last night by a porrao of United States
deputies in charge of Chief Deputy
John A. Bogan. The fifteen mnrxlinls
were confronted Oiy a mob of over 600
men, 410(1(1*01 by Burltn, w*ho had been
recognized by numerous apaetatora as
'the striker who threw the awl toil that
ditched th<* engine of tho outgoing
train on Satilnlty night. The mob was
in on ugly mood, and for a while R
looked os lf ilfoo doputle. were at Its
Deputy, Bogun ordered his men to
display -Jhetr Inalgnln of oce, and told
'tthe crowd that h° and hta men wero
there for uunmeas and proposed to
serve the warrant* which had been
entrust vt eo them. Thereupon tho
crowd fell hick, and the tltrue men,
wtho »re known by the doputlsi, were
captured without apposition by their
friends. The mob crowded around tho
officer, and shouted,
• Write 11 tho prWaonera were book’d ai
the county >«* diey made atrinuotta
oftUdhdl rtf a hearing and nail, but u o
,their request,.
Aitemttiu w,a ns 1 .
was too onArnic.
Schoolmaster, Shotting How Carnot
Was Murdered, Kills a l-upll.
Now York, June !(0.—T'lto Herald's
Paris dispatch says: Schoolmaster
GtiHlemlu of BaulorekLe*-Clermont)
on the Maine, tvas allowing hla tmpIlK
today how President Carnot had been
stabbed. Tho children hud gathered
around him as lie drew the Itnlf,
Itoy named Gerard fell forward in Ills
ixcMmnant. lie struck with Ida breast
on the knife nnd It pierced his heart.
He died'y. The children run
screaming from tho aehnolrnmn. No
sooner whs tiullletnln alone than he
tried to kill hlni'ielf with the rtune
knife, hut ho was aaved by two men,
who lKtd been aumtnoucil to the school-
house by the cries of the lleelug ciiild
ren. Ills wound,t are not dangerous
Gutllemln Is loved by nil his pupils,
nnd Gemrd'a parents have bcaoufht
the aucborttles not to prosecute I'm.
Chicago, July 1.—At the lnsidnunr.
tors of tho "American Railway Union
overylhtng Is quiet. Blttlo buslncHU
was done, most of the director, and
organizers taking ndvunlngo 'of tho
many looil meotlogs to take a rest.
Committee* rep tried, that the renm'u-
d.*r of the brothcj'iool ilrcmcu on the
Illinois.Central, numbering eighty, had
been won over, and us a result no’sitb-
urban tmins *tould be run as first In
tended today.
The engineers, however, are divided,’
anti unless more pressure it brought
to pOGt It will he imitoss'blc for tho
union to Influence the men ns a horty.'
The members of Ihe Order of Railway
Condtiolora’ division of the Illinois
Central Ikw nlso spllf, nnd h nuunur
rcflolwd to support mo Ainorlonu Rail-
w/i> I/Oion nt ull liazar<N.
Tin* flrpmon on tin* Northvj-tstofn
porfwtwl tin-ill* order today nnd
all of thorn 1ms oe«*n ordnred out. No
froltriite woro ffotfoq out nnd it x\n*
with difficulty that tho jiAiwqiiSor
trains wore* run on account of th«* pas*
uongot men on t| !0 Galena and
Wisconsin dlWithns bavin* bwa won
Alraicmt tlm Entire Business Portiob of
the Town Destroyed.
jvxl *
policy in Ui* Kulturk^mi» f . “I up
on* nlifht ki 187.V h* **i<i. ‘’until 4
deck, with W'Hjpvck up/n the
Bnyou Sara, I>a., July 1.—Almost
tho entire buslnes* portfon of Iteyou
Snm was destroyed by fire today. The
list of houses burned: Meyer Central
hotel and senerai store, Frey ha us’
opera house and vacant store. Joseph
Stern's livory stable, store $ud ri*nl*
dence, Gnhte PlIttliiKer’s saloon and
residence, John Labofflf bakery and
confectionery, A. Harris' store nnd »-x*
prt*ss olliee, II. Farrell's variety slcrc,
Ben MsWs M,tbjon, store and iofI*
dence, M:um & l^vy'H large ften-^ml
store. RhMinnl VfQl's eatiu.< bunse,
Fbillip Pottdg'* barber nnd now* mere,
A. ft. Wdl* variety st«*re.
SfsirkM carried by the wind s.*t fir**
to and caused the definicilon of Col.
Tbonm* Irfine* rddincfl and
the old milniArl dep'>» on tiie Uver
front. No jwtiiiinte of tb«- loss or In^
Chicago, July 1 -At a four boerr’
in eel lng «f the Truilc* and Lttlmr >h-
ecnihly, the larg»)3t labor body in Uhl-’
eogo, nwoluflim. Were padnotl offering
nil ala itOKulble 1(1 she Amertet.n Rad-
w>iy Union and empowering the exee-
ulive Itoard of tti.-lr hoari! to act'd*
It «era lit. 'i'lie .cntlmeet of the meet
ing wn» strongly In aympatliy w|;U
the Ktrtk'-rs. ,v red hot acaslou was
held, during which the lie mi* freely
Passed, and any man wlu dared op
pose Ihe extending of aid to the sir k-
wan rontidlg and openly denounced
ill no choice hiuguige.
At a. delegate meeting of the flrelmen
on the Chicago and Nbethweetern to-
nlgjtt resolutl.m* were paMcd expree.-
Ing the determlrtaltl.m of the firemen
to refuse to work with non-union men
under any circumstances nr to wurk
under police protection. This metns a
.trike tomorrow. The emp oyt. nt tin)
dante Fe, Atchl.oo nnd Kansas leave
be«n ordered to tftrlko tbanorrow.
Col. Crofton, convmandlng the federal
troojts tet Fort Sheridan. III., ,.vas no-
tlfled today to hold the Fifteenth Itegi-
ment of infntry Jn fcadlneas to m.rve
to the scette of any strike trouble on
the railroads aa a momena’n notice.
Denver, July 1.—Fifty United State,
deputies were .unrounded and dis
armed today by strikers at Trinidad.
The deputies were held aa prisoners.
United Htaltes Martfial Israel m» ac
quainted Attorney General O ney and
lUSSted "he- aid of the federal troops
Is thought the militia .will be sent
Trinidad tonight unless .the strikers
release the men.
Atchison trains with
ed In Denvgy during th.
(' I n ado road*- are eon-
cot t and strik* will mi
by is/rii'
July l.' -Tfcc railroad
rse t.Klay than m any
gl irnng of the mule
tch l.B Oa:
'lot war n<